« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/24/22


On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, today is a day that America dreads. Eighteen children and a teacher in an elementary school were murdered by Salvador Ramos after he killed his own grandmother in a rural town in Texas. The shooter was killed by police in a subsequent gunfight. People are desperate for solutions, so they attack others in search of a fix. Then, the left is already on the attack with headlines like "White nationalists thank Tucker Carlson." The media will not relent when it comes to spreading endless, heavily funded propaganda campaigns. Meanwhile, some parents still don't know if it was their kid that got slaughtered at school today. Later, most mentally ill people are not mass murderers. All Americans are not White supremacists and to think as such is foolish. The radical agenda that they push in our classrooms whether its 'the sky is falling because of climate change’ or race the left's rhetoric is always extreme and runs counter to our culture. Afterward, President Biden addresses the nation and politicizes the shooting in Uvalde, TX.

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