« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/24/21


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, retired Science Editor at The New York Times Nicholas Wade questioned how much Dr. Anthony Fauci knew about the Coronavirus in an interview with Mark Levin on the Fox News Channel. Wade outlined the case that it was not likely that the coronavirus was transferred from animals to humans. The bats at the wet market was a cover-up promoted by the Chinese Communist Party and the media was too happy to blame President Trump to even look into it. Conversely, currently available scientific information supports the hypothesis that the virus leaked from a lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. What will the Biden Administration do anything about China’s role in the virus? Jen Psaki says there is no underlying data available to take any action. The White House will rely on the World Health Organization. Serious economic pressure must be out on the Chinese government and Fauci and the US must also get to the bottom of who signed off on third-party funding. Later, not a single mosque was attacked in the United States amidst the Hamas attacks on Israel but several synagogues and Jews across America have been terrorized for publicly gathering to support Israel. Similarly, leftists that embrace Critical Race Theory continue attacking the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's concept of a color-blind society. Finally, Governor Ron DeSantis discusses his legislation against Big Tech censorship. If Big Tech censors enforce rules inconsistently and discriminate in favor of the dominant Silicon Valley ideology, they will be held accountable in Florida.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills: they'll college for over one hundred and seven. five years for purposes have defined hills, Douze Mission, learning, character, faith and freedom. Thank you for sitting in my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters? Had hills Dale for their great sponsorship, now run them really underground command, both bows or even bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader,
America Mark Levin welcome. I hope you had a great weekend or numbers. Eighty, seven thousand seven hundred and thirty, eight one thousand three hundred and eighty one one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one create one one, and I also Are you able to watch my show last night on Fox Life Liberty in LE then we are very important guess, Nicholas weighed down there? Nicholas Wade is a retired near time, science editor and his written for nature and. Eyes, magazines. Seventy nine years, all these retired about a year ago. He was very troubled by the reporting that was taking place. and the corona virus and the source of the corona virus he's not a political
Listen, he didn't have any ideological issues, but he did to look at it and four year. That's exactly what he did. And this interview last night, which concern did mostly me asking some questions and to Mr Wynn Responding a long for in our view, the only one on cable. A tremendous amount of information was in fact elicited from mister. Wade has been around awhile. Much of that, information is being regurgitating today, including cable and including on talk radio without Anti any. Indication of where that information came from came from Mister Wade. and the interview Sunday night came Mister Waite article that he wrote. I guess two and a half weeks ago, that's being
one through and being used to being regurgitating without any respect for his scholarship or for our Sunday show and I ve, been talking about the left wing medium term. But all the media is a disgrace. I found one one. Linked to a publication that my daughter sent me. The daily mail. The daily mail rode up the interview. The daily male explained what Nicholas Wade had to say they re near time, science editor editor, not just journalists. And some of the information that he provided the information he provided, which is being regurgitating today, was critical, critical. raises very, very serious questions about what Anthony Fouche he knew. If anything.
And if he didn't know what was going on in his own agency, why didn't he he denied he denied around Paul senator Paul that his agency funded this this kind of research that actually takes a virus and makes the violence lethal to human beings. In order to see if they can come up with a solution to it, there's been a mortal I am on this kind of science investigation Also learn last night is that, despite the moratorium, there was a funding projects from MR fancies aging. Toy Third Party group in New York, and that Third party group in New York gave a good
And to the war on lab that was conducting these investigations, this this scientific inquiry. That's a big deal, that's a very big deal, Because the man who runs that Third Party organization what is the one who organised a letter in February during other scientists to nurse signatures saying there is no way that this virus It could have been created or leaked from the lad, not in fact it was due to natural circumstances meaning animals to humans, he didn't Any evidence whatsoever to prove that. Moreover, today there is no evidence whatsoever to prove that none. and there was a second and individual another, so called scientists, but
Anderson did exactly the same thing a few weeks later, and it is those two letters that, CNN, the Washington Post, the New York Times, MSNBC Nbc, ABC Cbs and all the rest and all the rest used as their scientific basis for advancing the idea. That claim, as a fact that this case. From bats two human beings or some animal to human beings, this was the communist chinese propaganda machine. This is what they were. Pushing. A very few. Individuals raise concerns that it might have been leaked from the lab Tom cotton being one of them couple us
it is so we might want to look into that. They were immediately silence or attack. This is the greatest health disaster in modern human history And the media in America had no interest. No curiosity, what's where to find out what really took place. Why? Because they wanted to blame Trump for their debts and they wanted to protect communist China and they did both and so did the Democratic Party and so did Joe by. We also learn from Mister Wade on Sunday that the level of
Safety and security at this lab in China was at a great too great for being the highest great one, being the last great too, which is equivalent to the kind protection. A dentist has, when he's drilling a cavity out of your tooth, in other words, virtually non existent. No, I take this interview on Wednesday, given Mr Way its availability, which was limited at my own conflict. I don't normally take the on a Wednesday that weaken this weekend. We also learn from the Wall Street Journal that staffers in the war on logger lad, got very ill Nobody seems to know what from while, I think we do know what, from.
There are many many questions here. Many the State Department Inspector General's office had great concerns last year, Actually, the year before last about the safety standards I were in place at the wool. Harmless communist chinese regime under G when I release, any data or not make any scientists available for any interviews to mass massive cover up. president tromp early on said that he believed that the virus was leaked out of that lab, for which he was viciously attack. And yet I believe he was a hundred percent correct. Mister Wade makes clear No, we don't have definitive evidence to prove that, but
The information we do have strongly suggests that it wasn't a natural happenstance but more of a lab leak in full. there's, no information to support the former and there's a lot of information to support the latter. Why did they Anthony fouche you lie? during his Senate. Testimony about the funding the funding of this project. Well, here's where Mister Wade went a little squishy, he said Well, maybe it was semantics, maybe they virologists they have occurred. eighty that reviewed it had a different idea and so forth and so on. But let's get to the bottom of this. As somebody who worked as a chief of staff to an attorney general, I can tell you there a sign off requirements when you're putting out grants and so for who signed off on the ground,
here's. What is also very, very crucial understand. There was a moratorium on this kind of scientific research? As I already told you, as Mr Wei told us, it is the first person to reveal this. It was a big pit of information on Sunday, The only way tat you can actually continue With research on this, with the support of fancies infectious disease office,. Where the national Institutes of of health is it. Mr Cobb, Opera Collins, the head of the Anna Atra, Mr Falconer, that the head of the National Institute of our genome. Diseases had actually sign off personally sign off.
It all the interviews that Anthony Factory has been involved, and there has been no interesting questioning him about any of this. And now now he says it's not at all clear that this was a natural at current, so we need to investigate this infernal. What took place now the these Secretary of State said. Yes, we need to find out what actually took place here. The third party fact trackers for big tech, we're propagandists. They were liars, big tat. is filled with liars and propagandists when anybody dared to raise the possibility that this this virus was leaked from the lab, they were shut down. They get the scarlet letter imprinted on their foreheads.
I would encourage all the hosts, including on Fox and elsewhere, on talk radio. If you're going to talk about this subject at least, give Mister Wade a little salute does it takes a brave man who used to write at the New York Times to write what he wrote you know the mention me, you don't dimension my show, but the fact is. Nicholas Wade, whether he meant to or not, wittingly or unwittingly, put the final nail. Often of a lie that this was an animal to human transmission. The communist Chinese. Had the wool Hon lab and what it mostly does there are these, and these are scientific efforts to make via Says more humanly lethal,
war humanly lethal, there's a whole world out there that doesn't say you and I are unfamiliar with that's. Why spend all our on and on Sunday. and now you see what can happen. This is the third time there's been leak from a chinese lack the third time Joe Biden knows always our Joe Biden spoke to. President for life, genocidal dictators, he so we're friends. We talk for an hour or so he never mentioned is never brought it up at once. this man, Joe Biden, is truly the low life. That's right, I said it. He would blame president tromp for the death of hundreds of thousands kid. He doesn't have the guts to purchase
Front is she in the communist regime, which did this did that's even if it's an accident. Imagine if we had known about this early on imagine if we had known what it was early on. Imagine if they had been true form presented all the data in the scientists thoroughly on many people, dead today will be alive. Perhaps Donald Trump. Had to fight with the same bureaucracy. To get these vaccines done faster than theirs bureaucracies used to This same bureaucracy that help
The communist Chinese cover up what they did. That's what you would have learned Sunday if you'd watch the shop and for all the parakeets out their repeat this, I'm glad you are it's important to get this information. There, but it's all so important to acknowledge this individual and how you learned about most of it I'll be right back Ben Are you worried about America's future? Times of trouble are full of reasons to despair, but those who build and have preserved our country didn't despair, and if we are going to do our part, we need to draw on the boy, the history and the ideas that gave our forefathers and mother strength and inspiration hills. Del college was founded in eighteen, forty, four to teach these things in it Teaches them still today, the Great news is that we can all
these things, along with Helstone College professors right in our homes, through a hills, douse free online courses. We can study history of our civilization, the wisdom of. today, our christian philosophers and the writings of Shakespeare and Mark TWAIN. We can re acquaint ourselves with our constant. who shall we can learn how the constitution has been undermined and, more importantly, how it can be recovered. My friends as we find in defence of family faith and freedom, let us draw on the best of the past, with hills, Dell's guidance to save the greatest nation on earth begin learning. Today, eleven for hills, Del Back COM, L, easy. I am for wholesale dot com, Lavigne for a helstone dot com so now over the buying the ministries and due to get to the bottom of this, nothing
all this talk about blaming the President of the United States for the deaths as a result of this virus. This current president doesn't give a damn. How much time do I have rich. Let's go to cut seventeen go. Why is pushing for more access more information to get to the bottom of exactly where we are repeatedly called for the W H, show too to support an export driven evaluation of the pandemics origins that is free from interference or polarization. Now there were phase one. Results that came through. We were not during that first, Is of the investigation? There was not access to data. There was not information provided in our hopeful, that W echo can move into a more transparent, independent face too
investigation, but five hundred thousand nine TWAIN Americans at what point is frightened violence. We don't want we, NATO, we don't know what they're doing this is to be an American ever gets the vital. First of all, we need access to the underline data and information in order to have that investigation. He tossed all present. She prolong the. Why can't you just and we need, I think, you're misunderstanding how this process actually works in India? national investigation, led by the World Health Organization, is something that we have actually been pressing for for several months in coordination with a range of partners around the world. We need that data. We need that information from the chinese government not gonna, get the information with all the Flint philammon phony diplomacy. That's
how that works. You have to put pressure on communist China. You have to put pressure on gene and you won't do it. That's why we can't get the information your quisling quisling. Is your quisling I'll be right back, Are you worried about America's future times of trouble are full of reasons to despair, but those who build and have preserved our country didn't despair, and if we are going to do our part, we need to draw on the books they history in the ideas that gave our forefathers and mother strength and inspiration pills del com. Was founded in eighteen, forty, four to teach these things and teaches them still today. The great news is that we can offer these things, along with Helstone College professors right in our homes, through hills, dales, free online courses. We can study the history of our civilization, the wizard,
of ancient Judeo, christian philosophers and the writings of Shakespeare and Mark TWAIN. We can react our selves with our constitution. We can learn how the constitution has been undermined and, more importantly, how it can be recovered. My friends as we find in defence of family faith and freedom, let us draw on the best of the past, with hills, Dell's, guidance to save the greatest nation on earth, begin learning today and Levin Pray, hills, Doub outcome, L e g, I am from Helstone Back COM, Levine for a helstone dot. Car parks often add on a toddler, Jeddak traitor it out of Fatah. Jeddak constitutional asked. You can reach him at eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! So this virus breaks out because of the communist Chinese and the war on lab. In my opinion, a mean how many more breadcrumbs do we need.
The media immediately comes the defence of Communist China. The media immediately comes to the defence of the federal scientific and medical bureaucracy. You recall early on, they were trying to take out Donald Trump of the first impeachment show by the Democrats and the media immediately You this as an opportunity to exploit and defeat Donald Trump. Nothing. He does is good enough, nothing. He said goes without being marked. Does matter that the governors are destroying their own cities and their own states that they were not prepared for a pandemic. And they're supposed to have some preparation, but New York was the worst of it: California, the second New Jersey, the third.
The media immediately put up its charge and its graphs and for every death there was an attack on Donald Trump trumps Trump's to nationalize industries, Donald Trump failure to unite the people, Donald Trump, this and Donald Trump, that Donald trumps, not following the science they kept, sir, and get Donald Trump calling the science, the scientist who weren't following the science. It's a disgusting disgrace, and even today we look at Breitbart hat tip to my buddy Moore Klein, Anthony Fauci. This is today, reverse is course yet again quote highly likely unquote. Chinese corona virus develop naturally now agent said the other day that he's not clear on
There needs to be investigated because it could have leaked from the lab, so the knowest position, from five years. They write comes after the infectious disease. Expert, reverse course on May eleventh, claiming he's not convinced the virus develop naturally and that its hard and merit investigation no actually norm, not convince them calling him about that. I think that we should continue, investigate what went on it, and until we find out the best of our ability, exactly what happened. I wanted to ask: are you still confident that it develop? Naturally, we continue to reverses opinion. Certainly the people investigated Sates likely was the emergence from him animal reservoir? This is today I mean no yeah that then affected individuals, but it could have something else, and we need to find out blah blah blah.
ladies and gentlemen, it was found cheese, bureaucracy that funded this grand through a third party, the question too She is, what did you know when did you know if he says I did know, buddy Now he knows now, I'm trying to figure it out now. The answer is no. although signed off on this grant, when there was a moratorium, you haven't heard that question Have you got for me who's? on the ground. Because, apparently only Voucher, Collins, the head of the National Institutes of Health for whom factually works presently. Thirdly, We want. I can sign off on their going a moratorium, I'm not interested in factories opinion. The man is more than skits a frantic when it comes to his expert commentary
He's got twenty three personalities. but he is the guy in charge He doesn't know he needs to find out if what about the grant? How did it I mean? That's the first thing: I've you saying where the healthiest grant come from. When was it on my desk? When did I often it with a thousand other thing he's too busy doing friendly interviews. He won't Back on their show, by the way we best he's not coming back. So he changed his mind again from last week, because he's Political Washington creature, ladies and gentlemen, that's what he is he's been
that same chair for thirty over thirty seven years and he's got a whole bunch of critics who the media will not well not interview a whole bunch of critics about how he handled AIDS way back when and why it took so long to try and find answers to that and others by the way, but they talk to them. They don't question him he's getting awards with a lot of He attached to it it's incredible the way they built up Andrew Cuomo. They build up Andrew Cuomo, while he issued the order that resulted in the death of thousands and thousands of Americans. Somebody's mothers, somebody's father, somebody's grandfather, somebody's grandmother.
an arrogant. You know what, by the way has so be, but so is found. She give this weapon Michigan she walks around Let cheese quickener heals all the time, pointing in all Ring and ordering and pointing she's another favorite, the media, they love her and she's, constantly treating Lying about her own standards when it comes to our own life. Wearing a mass. She doesn't where mass restaurant, where its crowded she's at a restaurant, where its crap that matter does it matter.
The watchman, composed in your ex limes, at all the rest of the phoney media. They expect the American Marxist to live differently than the rest of us. That's what they expect. So there needs to be pressure placed on the chinese government, serious pressure, not diplomatic pressure, serious pressure, Economic pressure, we want the answer and then each be pressure on our own government. Mr Falconer choose me doctor fallacy, it's time for the tell us what he knows and if he doesn't know anything. Why doesn't know anything? It says damned apartment for God's sakes, sign signed off on those grants or not grant who wear that. during a moratorium when only he and his boss are supposed to have the power to sign off. Why where's their more
In the first place, if you watch the show you know, I asked Mister Wade that because it concerns about the nature of the science and the safety at the lapse. That's why So how did this one get out? I mean: did wind up in the death of hundreds of thousands of people. Nobody cares Now this is the bureaucracy that Donald Trump was killing, but the virus broke out. I'm we're not a single person, Falco anybody else, told him. Not a single one, that there was a grand given third Party in New York, which in turn gave money to that lab.
to enhance the lethality to humans of a corona virus and corona is generally Donald. Trump has good instincts and a lot of common sense. He understood what took place here, but they attacked him. And Facebook and Twitter were busy marginalizing or worse individuals who dared to raise issues very knowledgeable, individuals didn't matter. So they are blood on their hands to. You do not allow a fulsome debate and discussion about. What's going on in the country, challenging the bureaucracy challenging the so called science. when you don't allow that when you crush it and then you influenced politicians, you influence outcomes, pig tech as part of day.
Totalitarian mindset again, American Marxism, they don't believe in free speech data, free debate. They don't believe in intellectual challenging, none of it and that's what you saw here you look at If you look at the phoney Russia collusion how this went on. How does anybody have any confidence of he kind in the american media? It's not possible if you are thinking human being any confidence whatsoever and big tech, which does the dirty work for the big thugs. It's not what I have any confidence in big tech. They steal your data, they make billions and, though the mouthpiece for the american mark, that's, what's going on, we'll be right back
are you worried about America's future times of trouble are full of reasons to despair, but those who build and have preserved our country didn't despair, and if we are going to do our part, we need to draw on the books they history. ideas. They gave our forefathers and mother strength and inspiration hills. Del college was founded in eighteen, forty four to teach these things in it teaches them still today. The great news then we can all study these things, along with Helstone College professors right in our homes, through a hills, douse free online courses. We can study the story of our civilization, the wisdom of Jeanne today or christian philosophers and the writings of Shakespeare and Mark TWAIN, we can react
our selves with our constitution. We can learn how the constitution has been undermined, the more partly how it can be recovered. My friends as we find in defence of family faith and freedom. Let us draw on the best of the past, with hills, Dell's guidance to save the greatest nation on earth begin learning. Today, eleven for hills, delta, com, l e g: I am for wholesale dot com, Lavigne for a helstone dot com, this shootings at Bay, one percent in New York hundred thirteen percent in Minneapolis, fifty percent in Atlanta thirty, three percent Chicago. hey house at undermining the cops go and you liberal, not jobs Our media lie about the twenty, Sixteen presidential election they have lie
About the twenty twenty presidential election and insignificant ways anyway, like some of the most important federal constitutional based lawsuits that took place, they like to throw everything to get a lump sum up they five sixty six search and they need when a single one, I'm talking about, drew lawsuits, hey they fired sixties. They like parent, They just keep going on and on about hey shut up, they lie, they lie that President Trump sought out to Ukraine. It was disgusting. that he incited an insurrection. There was no insurrection, not
Those people even had a weapon for God's sakes, unlike black lives matter and Antigua, any other Marxists operations right under our noses. Look what's going on in these cities. I want to thank the Democratic Party. I want to thank the media. I want to thank the sports icons in their broadcast friends on he s began I want to thank them all. We now have an official crime wave going on in our major cities. Wow, that's cool, echoing I'm wave, but more blacks are killing more blacks. At a record number than any time in modern history. So I want to thank them further for the wonderful actions. Isn't this sick? Should they be denounced by professional basketball? Should they be
Now spaceport castors shouldn't, I been announced by Hollywood, should they financed by denounced by marriage in these cities. Thanks You're, giving them money you're giving black lives matter money they pretended achievers mostly pays for but don't worry, why we were spent in a fortune to protect that capital from another insurrection. Don't worry, we got discovered what a disgrace human beings, killing human beings wooded disgusting discreet. Yes, this is called what criminal justice reform his cot. What concerns me is even if we take back the house in the sun and the presidency.
cities are run by Democrats, a Republican Washington can't fix that they can't fix the lack of school opportunity. They can't fix the tax rates. They can't fix the Democratic Party option in these cities. They can't fix it. They can't fix the NBA in the corporate, its and all the rest who contribute who have contributed to this. They can't fix it
thinking about this critical race, theory, stuff and we'll get to more. This later, I dare to say these things before the book comes out, but the Tokay, the munchkins out there can repeat it. You see the beginnings of opposition rising in a few school districts uncritical race theory, but only a few. But think about this for a minute, critical race theory will never be challenged in our major cities, its fully embraced by these mass and the school board for the San Francisco or Portland. Weathered Seattle, Washington, Dc Atlanta Chicago you name, these Democrat strongholds mean.
a more republic in areas. Critical race theory is under attack as it should be in these fears school this. Here and there a sporadic, we're gonna help unite these forces. That's the whole point of the book or one of our points of the book. so we're going to have parts of the country that reject critical race theory and should and parts of the country that embrace it, because now there, are the propaganda machine of the Democratic Party in American Marxist, certainly not going the country learning to different histories, the truth and want to lie. By the way, nobody saying segregation and slavery shouldn't be taught what we are saying is we should not be adopting, American Marxism, which uses race to destroy the country. There is a difference. There's a big difference.
So now we're going to have any illogically segregated school system. That's not a very pretty picture is, ladies and gentlemen. That's where we're ahead, I will go off the covered by the way Damn bond Juno. You did a great job today, my brother, my luck, station W. I may our wonderful line. I was all with Larry, Oconnor toys and honour to beyond. Larry's terrific, and, I want to say, all of our wonderful affiliates up and down the line. You are absolutely the best I shall return
he's here now: broadcasting them only underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader a mark. Levant era, number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one page, seven, seven, three, eight one, three one one: the Democrats, Now come up with a line after these vicious organised attacks all over the country against choose by Palestinians and others that are opposed to Anti Semitism and Islamophobia.
So this is how it's done war. Now, where is this? The slammer phobia exactly how many mosques had been burned in the last eighteen months? We have the FBI statistics. We know that sixty percent of the religious hate crimes were done against the Jews, not again Muslims. They do this, ladies and gentlemen, to give an excuse. they create immoral equivalency if you will, between the perpetrator. These Muslims groups in a debate, who attacking the Jews and their victims the Jews. This is your democratic party. five jewish organizations, apparently organizations that Joe Biden prefers.
So lotta jewish organizations. He doesn't like because they're not Patsy's like he is in any event, begged him on Friday to speak out against the Anti Semitism. No, I spent a lot of time on this last week. Well, he issued a statement, the very excited about a statement issued by turbine, I said to MR producer: I can't find the audio of this statement. Can we look for the already missed? Did you find the audio he didn't and I didn't cause there isn't any. he didn't get up and make a statement and take questions from reporters about it. It didn't move him enough to do such a thing Meanwhile, he went to Atlanta for a different matter altogether.
where some guy shot, eight people, six of whom were Asians Asian Americans. The FBI said it was not re space and your job. I made it re Spain As they come out here and now here we have. This anti Semitism taking place united to pretend it's taking place. Its widespread and Joe Biden issue Say statement. A written statement. Compare that to President tromp, who was throw it in his condemnation of anti Semitism and notice how the media are passive. Notice how passive the media are. shouldn't. Surprise any of you. I've said again and again to the last person in this country will hear the near
Times covered up the Holocaust, from its readers until one thousand nine hundred and forty four, so one thousand nine hundred and forty four, the Washington most covered up the holocaust to its readers. So why would they spent much time or attention on a little thing like Anti Semitism here and there. they wouldn't, and I want to remind you black lives matter which has the full support of a broad James and staff carry and most house, Tony S, P M, which has the full support of the Democratic Party
air, super black lives matter in their streets. Then item about black lives matter lower case their turn about the group. Black lives matter upper case, which is a vile full throated marxist anarchist, anti american anti semitic organization, so amazing Mason on immigration system. Is deplorable people into this country. You hate the country now, all of course, talking about all too in the House of Representatives. With immigration supposed to be about immigration supposed to be about what's in the best interests of the american citizen, today, not the country
which these people Hale or their culture or them that's a fact. And when you are attacking the american founding when you're calling this country a white guy society when you call. the country systemically racists and now you're learning it in elementary school and you're, watching it on tv, in your hearing, aid of sports and movies and commercials day in and day out,. A newly under this country why they are what they want to assimilate into a culture like that. It's a lie, its propaganda, and this is how the american Marches operates and the damned fools who followed and in many cases to their own detriment.
Tiffany cross. Mr producers are hosted on MSNBC. Is that correct never heard of her or him, or it can be careful these days. And here's Timmins Tiffany crop- and this is these- are major networks, whatever you think of MSNBC or seen? These are major made. cable networks that higher people like this test, The things that they're saying cut three. Theme, I know, is a muslim American that you have experienced on discrimination and equal deem, I know, is a muslim American that you have experienced on discrimination, and you know your own encounters with white supremacy. When I hear what it would choose me, what are his example? of the in countering discrimination from white people.
how the white people we know this guy's Muslim. I dont have a picture of me. How do you even now that he's muzzle but he's getting these facing discrimination? Nonetheless, from white supremacy I a asinine, idiotic, half, witted slow awaited full of a woman Marjorie they were green make. This professor Lucifer how she talks about her? But you won't say a damn thing, like against the Marxist, she won't say that about tallied are all Omar or Presley. Her Bush Rio see Bernie Sanders, of course not go ahead
seen anything navigate. What really pisses me off is that there are people across this country who believe what she's saying this stems from. How do you know Tiffany? How do you know that Tiffany through you talking, the truth, is the ninety nine point, nine percent of the people- and I don't even know who Marjorie tell a green- is a hundred per cent of the But other than the people, MSNBC dont, know who Tiffany crisis and for good reason, she's in Eddie head, but never be like me, starting their shown saying: hey, look Fred. the Van Christian we know, and a white evangelical creation that that you ve been exe. Sing racism when you go into a minority communities and so forth, and so on, and then move on.
And yet because it is a certain kind of racism is accepted, its even celebrated and promoted. It's ok for Tiffany Cross to say what he sang and she's a godless wonder in a more on top of that go ahead, country, I'm just curious your thoughts on this situation as we just try to survive this four hundred ear nightmare being under attack of violent rival,
How does anybody like this caddy serious job on a television network, violent white rule? Is that the problem in this country, violent white rule, if that's the problem than why do people get on tv, constantly attack white people, white, supremacy, white privilege? If there's violent white rule, you wouldn't be able to do those things now? Would you How does a complete ass, a buffoon and propaganda like this, I'm serious want up as a host no Tiffany Cross. I don't, even though I have no idea who this person is eight years applied for a kind of a Female don lemon- I guess who says outrageous:
but I have decided on women and is very he doesn't even say stuff like this. Louise the ran- is a critical race theory advocate. and she's having a discussion with the teacher from Atlanta and you're from allay and another person and theirs wonderful site out. There called the post millennia, and I encourage you to book market among others. Are many wonderful sight, but is a very good sign And I want you to listen to how some of these Cr T critical race theory buffoons thank and what they promote and what they teach cut. One go there now it in my men are the philosophical movement dominated in guaranteeing the eighteenth century was centred around the idea. Not reason is the primary source of
already legitimacy and advocated such ideas, library, progress, tolerance for targeting constitutional government and separation of church and state. Now, inherently the problem with that is that when our constitution was built, our constitution was built on those founding principles but was not built on. Guiding principles, including dehumanization of marginalized livestock, actually was. Actually was built on the humanist, asian and marginalized folks NGO back as far back as the Magna Carta. But you don't know, Do you know anything about the enlightenment and she doesn't? She was reading something if you look at the declaration of independence. Now the man who did most in this country than any other, being too and slavery, and to promote what she talks about? Was Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln, constantly talk about the alignment and in the declaration of independence. So why would you throw those out? Why would you reject those? Why would you destroy them, doesn't make any sense. I mean why: why would you embrace Marxism Marxism? Why would you embrace them which enslaved people today. These marxists terrorist organizations in the Middle EAST in Africa, South EAST Asia, but marxist governments and the desk called that they promote incredible thing. Go ahead, tell you cannot fight our constitution. Our constitution should be burned because our constitution, so it only written for
who I know its not totally written for who own land is that some of the constitution, look at the bill of rights, ladies and gentlemen, which has been used by every major civil rights organization since, before the civil war, the first and written for those who own land free exercise of religion. Freedom of speech. Freedom of Association, the second, the right to bear arms. Do they say anything about race, haven't due process and probable cause people assert that white black everything all the time right to a speedy trial and so forth, and so on? One thousand three hundred and fourteen fifteenth amendments called the civil war.
Equal protection or where a throw all that, because you see there, is all written by people who, on land of people, own property, people who people? We should throw all out. Is this what societies due to themselves. You think they go through countries in the Middle EAST and they said. That. We should destroy our history, you think they go through countries in Africa and say we should destroy our history. They go through countries and. Eastern Europe and say we should destroy our history, how about central and south- and we should destroy our history, because this part is in our history that we should also destroy the good thing
In our history, the positive things in our history and replace it with what exactly go ahead, the time it still written accordingly, who, with black both those those amendments, have not been ratified. You should read it what amendments have not been ratified when he taught me where? What in the world are you talking? But the point is bearing the constitution. replace it with what more, when I return Two thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless, carries to pure talk over the past few months. We want the right Have you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're, with eighteen.
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here a little bit more Louisa Doran race theory Advocate. You can see in this is Marxism Marks believes that you need to wipe the slate clean of all history, even if needed by despotic means He had this is: why wrote American Marxism taken of a better understand,
in a better future for which taking place and a better answer than we have in most cases to go, hopefully, fair, the reason I say white folks and people who happened to be. Why is because a new one that is borne in the world, because Whitenesses Global can absolutely abide by tenants of whiteness. This is why we have handed you have given your camera. This is why we have Black Box was a critical raised very is trash because there is trouble Would it not be marginalized folks? That means they try to increase their proximity to those ideals and those policies and those institutions. This woman is not bright, she's, basically regurgitating what she's been taught in the last generation or to buy critical race theoreticians out of food and Harvard LAW, school and various
Schools now is what they teach and what they teach is. If you're, not white And you don't buy our mark society ology and you don't agree with our white supremacist argument. Then you're, simply tormented by and traumatized by this white dominant society, or you are called what the lad quit people. They lack, Tino, critical race theory, people call your colonized hispanic. You see there is no competition of ideas. There's none of it. You dismissed black brown, whatever you are. This is why some people are afraid to confront this This is why they have to pretend they're down for the revolution particular if their minorities on tv in the Corporate Board
Rome and sports whatever, because this is what they face go ahead at the end of the day, people who are politically, why haven't seen a typical? Why? So? If your black, I do not agree with Marxism you're fini. Typically, why go ahead worker oligarchy when they can choose to continue to uphold the system that was built or end by them on our backs? Nor the right people and other people who happened to be white like a doctor, who was a person, was FEMA, typically white, now listen to that. He trashing backtracking born. I, when I return.
Love is the champion of liberty. Rule conservatism, call mark now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, that's too for her right very, very important, very important to understand. We discuss that a week or two ago that the critical race theory editions reject Dr Martin Luther king. They reject all the civil rights icons of the 50s 60s and 70s. They reject Brown versus board of Education in subsequent civil rights decisions by the Supreme Court. They reject the nineteen sixty four and one thousand nine hundred and sixty
if civil right tat they rejected, because they know- and I know they now- Karl Marx hated so called socialists- he hated them. He said it was they. Preventing the communist revolution because they were making adjustments to an peace with the individuals who benefit from the existing society, while cortical rice theory black lives matter. They all understand and believe the same thing that this
Rights. Movement was a farce that all the civil rights Movement did and all Martin Luther King did was extend white dominance over the society, made peace with an adjusted it, but that's not good enough marks task You must destroy the existing society, even if you have to do it by force. You will learn all this. Those of you who are unfamiliar with it, which is most in american Marxist. Now, let's listen again to Louise Doran and when she talks about Doktor king she's, talking about doktor kings, niece. Who believes in a colorblind society because her uncle spoke so eloquently about equal? Eddie and a colorblind society, as you can tell by now critical
I very much like Louis Farrakhan does not believe in the color blind society. leaves a colorblind society. Yet again is a vile attempt to. Try and work with me why dominant society, that color is crucial. That separatism is crucial. This is a a new black nationalist movement that is expanded to brown nationalist movements or whatever other elements of the nationalist movements. Join and what is ultimately a marxist movement. That's what it is, and you have damn falls-
corporate american sports and elsewhere, who don't even know what they're supporting their so stupid, but listen now with that piece of information, again explain fully in American Marxism cut to go to be totally fair, the reason I say white folks and people who happened to be. Why is because any one that is born in the world, because Whitenesses Global can absolutely abide by tenants of whiteness? This is why we have handed in overcoming. This is why we have lacked both was a critical raised very is trash, because there is trauma route in not remarkable. I spoke. That means they try to increase their proximity to those ideals and those policies and those institutions are saved us. But at the end of the day, people who are illiterate
we will have a choice. She stopped so kind assurances and black sea and Robber, Woodson, isn't black and who else anybody who doesn't buying This raises theory which, by the way, is most black, the really not black their black by skin color, but the really marginalized folks are traumatized folks, who are she says, fino. Typically, white, that is, they have all the characteristics and personality of a white person, despite the fact that their skins and white, if that's not a stereo type, if that's not a racist comment about black people and brown people and others who do not support this racist marxist movement, I dont know what it is and it is supported throughout school districts base.
were intended to school board. It is supported throughout the federal government, including in the United States, military it supported by the dinner. A party- and this is what their supporting this is, what their supporting go ahead and worker on documented and when they can choose to continue to uphold the system that was built or end by them on our backs over why people start so they contain
you to support the system there, trying to telling them to destroy the system, hence the riots, hence the indoctrination of your children. Hence the fools on television that propagate this racism, hence clowns like Lebron James, hence fools with tenured jobs and our colleges and universities go ahead, happens like Doktor king who they won't hurt and was technically white. Who is now committed to dismantling the system you they hide so now, doktor king, I read a king.
As identity privilege. They invent all these terms and notions. She is identity. Privilege is because she's a king but she's, really white, she's, really white she's a king, because she embraces the country and believes that a colorblind society. This is why This is so important to play for in so many ways it so. Educational for people to undressed what's taking place here- are your people, so we shouldn't teach slavery. I think I heard one Williams. We shouldn t slavery, who said that we absolutely should teach slavery what took place. We should teach the history, but we should teach alive This isn't about teaching slavery. Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't even about.
Race, even though the races that make these racist comments? This is about overthrowing the country pure and simple,. and imposing a will, what Marxism and what you're fine in the book America, Marxism is it's not just critical rice. They re not just the immigration activities that are taking place. It's not just a a significant and growing part of the of the transsexual movement, but its entire climate change movement. That's not about I'm a change slight about a one degree: change in the temperature is about killing. Capitalist system and replacing it with a access oriented economic system. That's what it's about and people say Mark. What are you I will give you the names of the people and the scholars so called, and the professors and the activists who are pushing this. It comes out of their mouths
comes out of their writing. You just heard this woman. Some of you get so that's unbelievable, etc. This is what it is. This is what it is there burnt down the country. This is no damn drop. What's happening to our kids, the abuse our kids, when you're indoctrinated, I'm who the hell does that marxist, though attachment I'll do it when you're trying to do try, the greatest economic system on the face of a Europe that created more. An opportunity for more people, regardless of race than any other Usually are look at the border, weeping Schwab. What do you think. so I would want to destroy the capitalist system. Who do you think I'll be right? Back?
Ben Two thousand of you. My listeners made the switch from overpriced wireless carest, a pure talk over the past few months. We want the rest, you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're with eighteen. see and varieties and r T mobile. Your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, UK great coverage, you can keep your and your number and your save a fortune pure talk is that top raided wireless company by consumer affairs with the absolute best consumer service team, based here in Amerika. Does that sound good? Will? It gets better right now, get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data just thirty dollars a month and if you go up on data. They don't charge you for it. I don't care, go to pure talk USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levant podcast again pure
talk: USA, Dotcom, promo code, love, and alleviate podcast, and when you do, you will say fifty percent of your first month. That's pure Talk, USA, dotcom promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, you they simply smarter wireless By the way, folks would take Look at Amazon and you remarkable this audiences, fantastic. We're number two on Amazon American Marxism. Behind all the places you'll go doktor since we're happened to be number to bind practices. But we are now leading upper when frame. Bunch while leftists and that, thanks to you and I'm hoping I'll, have a big announcement on Thursday.
God, I'm hoping of a big announcement about the book by this coming Thursday. So those of you who have been giving this some thought for putting it off pre orders, please jump in. Enjoying a tremendous group, a patriot, Jenny growing group patriots, Mugabe desirous of an anxious to begin the push back against which taking place in this country. And that's where we're launching, with already can already see it, launching from places in different ways as result of what we continue to talk about here, impress on all the formats. With you in the audience, you are the only ones that make this possible if you weren't, watching In tv or watching, my show on fox or listening this radio show no one meaning I live in broadcasting and so forth. The wouldn't be any books that Right, like America, Marxism, this is the most,
important work. I've ever written. I say that unequivocally this is the most important time for a book like this to be released, and when it is released on July thirteenth. I just want you to the tens of thousands of fellow of and patriots are gonna, have that book in hand to we're gonna be and on the starting line on day. One I guess Little tastes here and there that's all, I'm allowed to do quite frankly, probably more than I sure, but I have a little bit of leeway given as of this audience its forty percent off it's a great fathers day, gift, even though you won't have it in hand. You can explain that it's coming, I think at seventeen dollars, and change whatever it is. You can hear how I dissect these different movements, how I'd higher interconnect them because they believed their interconnected.
what we're gonna do about it. It's especially important if you have college age, children and grandchildren, our high school age. Children and grandchildren is especially important in your workplace. If you see people who are. we're gonna, leaning in the wrong direction, but aren't shore and its especially important. If you want to engage and fight this, not physically, but in other ways. And you do, I know you care about this country. You are the poor reveres and I hope this book takes off like a Thomas pain, pamphlet, the american crisis Liberty and tyranny did twelve years ago with the tea party. Right now, we don't have a movement that our goal is to build this movement to build this anti marxist movement, this pro american movement, whatever walk of life here in it, doesn't matter, I don't care if you have a ph dot d,
I don't if you dropped at a high school, doesn't matter to me if you're patriot tall- they were american citizens. Ok, if you black or white, fear mixed through hispanic, your muslim or jewish or Christian doesn't matter to me if you love this country. It's time to unite it's time to galvanise. There are more Ass then there are the markets. We need to take our schools back. We need to make a lesson for these corporations. We need to take our freedom of speech back our platforms back, there's a lot we need to do and we need to start now, it's gonna take some time. Obviously,. didn't get here yesterday, but at Times ident
why what's going on very specifically identify their areas of weakness in their areas of strength and then draw our conclusions on the strategies and tactics to address, but first we have to know what it When you turn by critical rice theory, we're not talking about not teaching about slavery, we're talking against Marx's and races and bigotry there. The marks are so the racist, though the bigots and its time that waste like we know, we're talking about, have the courage to do it. When you see buying and the Democratic Party in the media and the rest sitting back. while people running around a palestinian flags are beating up Jews setback for that speak up, speak up,
When you see our police being undermined, being brutalized speak up, have courage have courage, we don't need school boards taking over our schools and turning it. I would activists there's so much. We can do in so much. We will do together. The first again we have to know about whom were speaking about what we're dealing with this is my best shot. The longest book ever written two, so do it together will take our time will go through. It we'll talk about it and then we will act. American Marxism, Swan Amazon, it's on all these other sites, if you prefer them- and I hope you jump in- and you know here's the thing- I think we are ripe to push back.
I think it first, we were stunned by all this. We were hampered by this virus. Fishes attacks on our president allows LE lies. Excuse me that the media tell relentlessly that's fine. That's fine work you can organise and unite and galvanise I'm going to claw way back together I'll, be right back. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the podcast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support
a man and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S! Slash joint now run just remember me underground for members from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of a nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, L, America, Mark Levine AIR, our number eight seven, seven, three eight was three eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one week, a lot, but we have a lot more ground occur. With the serene deal present, From killed a deal, then he choked offers, horses, Turann Marinas terrorist nation what's going on but
really told what's going on. If you ever see anything like this, all this negotiation is top secret. These deals Treated like treaties the way the framers of the constitution. tender than this. Is why? Because you ve got a half witted president, Sir, by a bunch of radicals who do not love this country, where How to deal with a or nazi regime in Tehran, which hates us and you and me we sit here. We wondering what the Hell's going on nothing's, We presented a congress for a vote The country has this turned into what does a piece written by Jacob Nagel. And he's looking at this around situation at the Rousillon Post places
United States is preparing to repeat its past mistakes as that bind administration in Tehran, and it's actually, the Obama abide administration did at first round now. It's Biden to return to the Twenty fifteen around nuclear deal, formerly known the J C p away, learn something here. You do you know about our own country. Talk in Vienna are ongoing. but the end result looks clear. Another victory for the clerical regime in IRAN and other bad deal for the United States Israel and other american allies in the region. Arabs, a tougher, lies ahead for: U S israeli relations, but the two allies can and must work together to manage their differences. He says that that's not the point. The first stand understanding among Washington's mindset in order to check the array in off it to do list. The by demonstration administration.
Continue to offer concessions to get Tehran to resume compliance with the old deal. The deal's fatal flaw IRAN's ongoing nuclear extortion, notwithstanding does not seem to understand how this empowers: Tehran, sensing, have the upper hand. This is what's going on in the shadows. Negotiators that is arranged negotiations are playing hard to get tacking demand after demand, terror insists that Washington pay a premium for the privilege lifting sanctions, and we re entering an agreement that grants that regime in IRAN a patient half way to atomic weapons. By returning to the other regime can legally install advanced centrifuges built up, France enrichment capabilities and wait for Kee Rist. Actions to sunset over there
To the nine years after twenty thirty, there will be no prohibitions on the islamic republics, ability to produce weapons grade. Uranium and IRAN's advanced, such Few just will enable it to do so faster and more covertly, nor does that check Tehran's weapon. Zation activities. So, as a result, I ran sneak out time. Interval necessary to produce a nuclear weapon, will soon be almost zero, all all America's middle eastern allies. All of them are rightly concerned about: U S, policy beyond the excess. Actual threat of a nuclear. Iran drew Slim does not relish the thought of the world's leading state sponsored terrorism, fuelling lebanese Hezbollah, Gaza, Hamas, Yemen, who tease and other terrorist products. With billions and billions of dollars, and you and sanctions really.
So you look a Lebanon. You look at Yemen, you look at the Gaza Strip. You watch these commercials, don't you. With these men missing arms and legs, Americans. while the weapons are used to do that to our men were produced in IRAN in IRAN. The article goes on. This will make things very difficult: For Israel, how can it act decisively against the Iranian Nuclear programme when that programme has been legitimized by an agreement with the United States? How a Washington
The act of Israel must take military action, covert or not against. Iran's nuclear programme gives in Israel. Does not accept the? U S request for prior consultation. Yeah consent will be linked to the New York Times and it goes on The reason why Benjamin Netanyahu was hated by the marxist left in this country by commies, like Bernie Sanders, because he strongly defends his country- that's why they hate Donald Trump: that's why they hated Ronald Reagan. These are strong people, strong leaders. He tried to defend the system, the country against the marxist or burn he's a marxist, and knowing that Yahoo or races and other things, because he's a very stupid old man, that's pretty much all! He knows that's what he knows. How to do and his face is stupid. Jump up and down to that kind of talk.
and not Yahoo said today. I thought rather diplomatically that Israel and it Sir friendship in alliance with the United States, is essential. However, There may be a point of which Israel has to go along. It believes ran, is in a position to potentially destroy his country. In other words, Israel is a sovereign country. Netanyahu is currently the Prime minister and he has been a tremendous leader really world. Why not? Just in Israel. Hey saying: look, I'm I'm not the prime minister of Joe Biden staff they're, not my staff are not present in the United States and the Prime Minister of Israel There's not a single arab country.
There's not a single when we put it. This way There's not a single arab country. That's has a a diplomatic relationship with the United States that supports the steel, let alone Israel. None of them and all these countries are in that area and all these people live in that area. They know best. They know best. And this is why we have a treaty provision in our constitution so pale. Brain like this or a radical, like Obama,. can't, tie the nation to a policy, a foreign policy that doesn't have the broad support of the body politic. That's why we have a treaty clause,
If this is subject to a tree like the first version of it, then nothing is subject to a treaty period. Look what they ve done to our cities and the cops look, what they ve done. Look what they're doing DORA schools were critical re, sorry, look what they ve done to our borders, liquid Doing to our country the left here so Israel looks at this and says: well, if you don't care about your own country, sure as hell aren't gonna give a damn about us and when they hear the Democratic Party supporting Hamas. And when Joe Biden has all but silent. Well, then. They may well have to go their own way in time and Taiwan to by the way it
the shocking I'll, be right back aim at the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest, Organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believe in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocate. joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits and discounts included. Special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts so, Phone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine for, insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives
as I said, on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m, a sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organism- and has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U S, America's governor governor on dissenters of Florida, will be on the programme at the bottom of the hour to talk about this tech legislation that they were instituted. I think you'll find I quite fascinating, so Governor Randall it is in the lower ten minutes will be on the programme you take chaos Nathan, Hilton, Head South Carolina. How are you, sir? now. I come to you and well there. It is of time. I will at the restoring honour rally,
in two thousand can set gland Baghdad, and there really bad sound. There is over seven thousand others. If there were a million, I was way in the back. When Ok I'll be the king came on and spoke which I never knew who she was. Everybody got silent. Everybody listen urge. She was the best part speaker, I've ever had the pleasure of listen to. I felt like I was at the great enlightenment. I I transformative Anum. When you were speaking about when you earlier shed talk to me, I knew who exactly you're talkin about because after she spoke that day at the hotel in D C, all they did was treasure Al Sharp in all of them all they did they they trashed L B, the king, they did
about restoring we're on a rally: error, trashing, Ovida King cassettes, with their daily cause. That's what just then they must crushed the opposition. She's US after them she's dangerous, and you could hear she's an iron white as far as their consent is Jose a racist. the team, but more than that it is a marxist sanity and must destroy all notions of civility. No better. than the turn race against race to indoctrinate, as young as possible to destroy fabric of the country, the notion of a civil society to go after the founding document to do all these things as I say, this is founded by and a full throated marxist, critical race theory and those people. who are the activists in this movement know exactly what they're doing? Thank you for your patriotism. Your call Nathan state what Bridge New Jersey, the great
You a b c Steve go right ahead, place framework venture taken my call, you gotta go back with you to go backwards, two year earliest days on the BBC and Sundays Sundays, really much in February. Yeah. Imagine in much in February, two thousand and five So my copy men, blacker than a five minute conversation urine, you're in a decent guy. Like you, I'm a chance to call out what I want to. Thank you for doing something that people like myself I'll speak for myself, worthing others have suspected fraud. That is, you brought guess intact, connect the dots tracing that virus back to the wall and lab number one. to critically
creating the issue that our government may have funded are their research that lead to development of that virus. I thank you very much and this this back bencher. Thank you. Ok now, now the audiences impact ventures, the back mentors, never they r L guy I am, I know, other people call you and they draw on the problem. They have no solution and ask you for guys here the solution. As borrower occasion, Democrat Playbook, every elected Republicans right a parallel facie get to a microphone. Why right away and call for a special council? No, we don't trust Merrick garlands, just as the binding just at the moment. We want a special council. The horizons of the virus. what were they did, are what would you did american tax dollars go to fund it? Are we aware that their continuing to to do well to build a virus? You guessed alluded to this last night and what are we doing? squeeze them from within, and I believe Donald Trump was I squeeze from within. To make sure this doesn't happen.
get our Ronald Reagan, please call them out evil empire continuation, cold war- and you say so. Right on absolutely right on. I really appreciate that Steve well done. Are you take care spot a dog wrong, Georgia, the mark, Levant APP, Doug Harry you, Sir I'm doing very well. Thank you were taken. My ball you better. Now I have a question for you and the margins like to appear in America or slavery and racism and but the history of mankind above stronger, trod people's nations conquering subjugating weaker, weaker, weaker nations, weaker people, but they impugn America for slavery and racism, but yet that that happened two hundred years ago or in the twentieth century that was mild compared to what the communist did and the twentieth century, were they butcher upward
hundred million people and I'll come back, never gets addressed comparatively. So what american I have here, a marxist you're, not gonna, bring up of Marxism, as has spawned. you say these are evil people. These aren't good people they are you, your right, promoting a genocidal abstraction has, as polish We had asked as a basis for government marks. The marks was there was any luck. He was a theorist and marxism, We call it the day. Wasn't even popular was forty years later people picked up his stuff and started to read it and started to try and apply it, mostly right before the industrial revolution, you'll find a marxist hate, the industrial revolution, they thought industrial revolution would create all this proletariat rising up against the system it did created a man should middle class and
and all of this is discussed in the book to their been enough tree. this marks. I don't want to do that, but I did touch on some of it now you're, exactly right, bracing an ideology that has resulted in the death of a hundred million people I'll be right back amen. the association of mature american citizens, is one of the fastest growing organ. Patients in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believes and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless Spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government, yeah and advocacy. Joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts cellphone,
Plants and a hell of a lot more it's not enough. You'll get a max by monthly man, seen full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot? U S! That's a m! I see that you are stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S artwork Thunder Rambo Ripe, Conway. Now, eighty seven three thousand eight hundred and nineteen, three thousand eight hundred and eleven. You know there's a reason why people are flooding into Florida as opposed to leaving like in New York and
californian solar Florida is the cutting edge in this country and technology on science, on economics and on Liberty issues, reason, is because of the governor of flood around Santas, who was a fantastic. Congressmen and ease of fantastic governor governor. Scientists hurry you, sir. I'm doing Mark. How are you doing do in very, very well even Ireland at dinner, yet you know I gotta get through the show before I get better misunderstood Governor YU, where this. Now I don't know that I could make it so you're, better MA am and make our eye. You have signed? What is the first of its kind law? Two whole big tech companies accountable for four heather interfering with the freedom of speech. Would you like to explain it absolutely
Mark and people want to see all the steps we took. They can go to Randy Santa's dotcom. We have all ever laid out there, but basically, what we do is we follow, along with Clarence Comets, his recent concurrence saying that these big tech platforms are effectively a common carriers and were empowering Floridians if their censored. platform to be able to two big tech for damages and the idea is or making big tech be transparent about their algorithms in terms of service and all these things, and if they are applying that in a discriminatory fashion, you ever right to hold accountable? We also give the attorney General Florida the ability to pay actions against Big Dick tech. We beef up some of our Anti trust provision and we do have stiff fines for de platform of candidates, and so, if they d platform, a republican senatorial candidate, that's gonna be two hundred fifty. thousand dollar daily fine. We want to get big tech
for elections? We don't want them to control over the public square. You no more! You know more than eighty one, the founding fathers they feared concentrations of power and in their time generally, that was something feared from the government and I will it still is in certain respects, but I think the difference between that time when they built the constitutional system of checks and the separation of powers to prevent against a concentration of power, and now our time is, we have this concentration of power in Silicon Valley. That, apart from the government, does do that governments bidding Wayward Biden in there, but I think they're wielding monopoly power, which is way more significant than a monopoly to the ending of the twentieth century and in some respects in our daily lives and big tech wields more influence over the american people than even the government itself, and so we are trying to push back against his map Concentration of power in Silicon Valley, we do not believe
should be able to use their monopolistic power to censor Floridians, we dont believe they should be able to impose an orthodoxy on this country And so I think what we did is the strongest anyone's done anywhere in the country is one step. I think that you will eventually need action to be taken at the federal level. I think our view was we want to do whatever we can at the state level to protect already and fight back against censorship. Why thing it's brilliant? These think big Tec is going to bring litigation. Absolutely you can set your clock a bad. They very much fear that some part of- They fear is the transparency, because I think they have to be honest about the way they manipulate their platforms. It would be a clear to people doing this any type of an even handed way. I also think that they want to be able
to enforce and orthodoxy. I think that's what they ve grown accustomed to doing, I mean just think, marked its recent news now where people are now starting to acknowledge. It may have been a leak from the lab and will hand a year. If you would have said dad, Media would have said it's a conspiracy theory in big tech actually what'd the platforms, your censored you as a result of that now we information even fail to acknowledge. That may be the case, and there is more and more evidence is supported. Member. Last year when people are criticising corona virus, locked downs being tackled, ensuring that, but now Look a year later, look at all the damage at these locked down to dine and all the while They ruin in places like California, New York in Michigan, so they don't want to come clean they want to enforce and orthodoxy said: they're gonna, sue obviously will vigorously defended but mark this man
well may end up Sunday in front of the United States Supreme Court and our view if we follow Justice, Thomas's led then than this law. Gonna hold up very well, indeed was standing. I think we talked about this before Massachusetts riches EPA the year the Federal Supreme Court created stay, from Massachusetts suggested stated didn't have enough. a strong and your lawyer, another strong standing argument. Now you can make out of Supreme Court precedent because that's enough what what the left does is. Take this precedent when works, and then they asked the court to reject it when it doesn't work- and I think Also, asserting a tenth amendment, federalism power here and you think other Republican Govern we'll pick up where Europe, where you're taking off they tend to do that I think so I think you start to see it in other states now. The point with me did our bill signing today by some of our legislators that this is actually was advancing as ours. Was it
Dancing to and big tech lobbyists, that is how many other states those lobbyists came to Florida we said we are not. Spending on men were stand. Our ground, we're gonna hold the line and the result was we got it across the person we actually did get some democratic votes do wasn't purely party line, but I think the Democrats that's their general view, as you know, if we're doing something, they wanted to be the opposite side. They actually have Democrat their shilling for Big CAC. I mean. Are you kidding me? So I think that were in in solid ground in terms of dealing, if issues that really concern a lot of people in Mark, we signed the bill down in Miami. I had cuban exiles talk about the seriousness of sense, ship. I had a venezuelan exile talk about the seriousness of censorship, so that community, where we rat, there's probably more refugees from communism per capita than anywhere else,
country. They see danger when you have massive concentrations of power that it could take curtail people's free expression, You know you touched on something that is very important Had these antitrust laws, some eggs dead, more were put in place to break up standard oil companies like that and yet those companies did not infringe on our unalienable right. They did not infringe on our right to free speech. What what these these are doing their acts. Undermining our founding document document are governing document, and particularly the first I'm at nine stand are not part of the gun, but I would argue given their in kind contributions. There free media to the Democrats, given Zuckerberg, start money, active there is a certainly a tenth of. Government action here from my perspective
I agree I mean, obviously we saw interfered in the election and twenty twenty and gimme a break. They had the heaviest firm on this scale against trumpet you can have, but I also think if you look at the orthodoxy they are trying to Force their basically an extension of the ruling elite, the prevailing administration in Washington, the corporate media and then big cacus enforcing their. Orthodoxy. So when the corporate meat I was saying the lab. We can we hand was a conspiracy theory. Big tech was taking that and then they were the platform people as a result of it, some of the other things that corporate yeah they're narratives, big cats tends to elevate those narrative and in trade Squelch descent, so they're very part of our ruling class and in some respects and extension, The current administration and walking together can you think of examples where there suppressing ideas,
beach that is favourable to divide administration. I can't think of any now I can't think of any, and if there is one and certainly not a pattern, it is one but I really can't think of any. Let me ask another subject on another issue: see what binds doing on the border. He has no interest in securing that border. He never talks about the border, sir, words are banned, lie, crisis and so forth. He isn't obligation, is pressing United States from force our immigration laws and he's choosing not to enforce them. Ever seen anything like this before. I think this is worse than what Obama did when he was present, which we were all critical of it so The border is a total disaster, but it's even worse than just that when Donald Trump was paid in Florida. If we had a criminal, alien, someone that was illegally here, they commit a crime. They go to state prison, and serve their sentence. We would note
ice and Donald Trump size would take that criminal alien out and they would send them back. It was clockwork Maidens ice will release them back into the community's, so these are People that not only are things wrong, they ve been convicted in actually serve sentences and they're. Here, legally America saying that they be able to run wild and our communities. It is war have the most disgraceful things. I've seen afford a worse suing Biden over that policy, but the fact that worry talking about this really absolute disgrace and, I think part of it markets. This is an absentee president The guy clearly is in playing with the full backing cards. He's got a lot of edia, logical, staffers and members the administration that I think are pushing melodic he's crazy policies. I think it's completely backfiring autumn. I think there's a hiding there's a lot people who voted forum that were on the fans who completely regret their vote
point and obviously all of us were saying told you so with what's going on, but yes release criminal aliens. I mean give me a break. a few minutes. I want to ask you about this. Spreading anti Semitism, that's going on in this country. The democratic party. Mostly silent. The present Eu States puts out a written statement today. Many he three days, nothing verbal, the party, is increasingly anti Israel. What have you been a strong supporter of state of Israel? You pushed for the embassy? U S embassy, to move to address what to make of this on. If we are not surprised I said what they're doing, I think the Democratic Party and its woke left they are anti Israel and I think they are by and large anti semitic, and I think that they think they. They are rooting for Hamas, a minute the terrorist group. Ok, when a Trying to do is their choice.
To take over the West Bank, in addition, in Gaza, and the Palestinian Authority is a disaster to, but Hamas is even more militant and that's what they're making the play for Israel has every right. Be defending itself but notice mark when tromp was president you didn't see any other stuff happening Hamas, as in bold in because of Biden week. This and because they know that bite into political, is not gonna want to see the administration doing anything to help Israel that their basically going to stand by and show sympathies the palestinian Arab. So I think that what we ve seen in a democratic party worded continue to say, I think that's a direction are gonna go you know bite in it, and of a transitional figure, but I can tell you: I don't think that credit party will ever nominate anyone for president again, who is pro Israel just shocking,
The shock and will governor we appreciate everything, you're doing the leadership you're taking down there in Florida, wish you all the best, Sir here mark and people want more based on this bill, Randy Santa's dot com- they are not in Florida contact legislators and your governor. Now follow floored is we'd were proud of what we did, amen, cab, less take care. God bless, take care, Let us put his his Rhonda scientist. I come on our parlor side, MR producer, and we'll be right back, aim act. The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest. Organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes
and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expand reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC, gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more It's not enough. You'll get a max by month, magazine full events. full articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives as I said, on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! I see that you are, stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U s
let's go to mark having Connecticut Ex Am Satellite market right ahead. Please I mark thanks for taking my call it. I'm detective appear in Connecticut and couple years ago we had a pretty serious sexual assault in our jurisdiction. we identified who did it and it was a guy that was here illegally from Ecuador. Are we put the entire case together arrested him? He went to the core process without on bond and arm. He then fled the country and went back to Ecuador years. Go by the reason we found out. The reason fled was he found out that after you serve, was going to serve his prison sentence here in a nod
Connecticut. He would then be deported back to Ecuador, so he fled and are about a month ago, thought a month and a half we found out. He was back in the Jerry any was bothering not a woman that he had a child with. So we set him up and are we, Caught him and arrested in not to the previous case- and we had found out from others through Europe sticks and that they had also had sexual saki to detain him as well from years ago, when we took him into custody, hidden, ankle, bracelet on and without that was strange. We asked them about it, and he said it was an echo bracelet, those put on him by immigration when he walked back into the country across the board.
There were a month ago in Texas, he buys, does they put the ankle monitor bracelet autumn and they are released into the country? No warrant check, no nothing! So it's it's very disturbing that this is a sexual predator that was convicted and he is allowed to still walked back into the country this is so disgusting. This is so unbelievably funding. You guys work. These cases, and then you have to work again so it takes Attention away from other crimes that are taking place were becoming a laughing stock You know comic used to say who else is gonna pick our? Let us this isn't a light issue here and we have tens of thought. of people being released into this country. Now of whom we know nothing about. We don't have. They have diseases you're right there, not checking for once we don't know who they are, what they are, but there are,
pensions are and then we're told This is America where a nation of immigrants who says what we do know. This is not what we do. We have never done this. We have never ever done, this, where a pressing I've states refuses to enforce immigration laws? Why Democrat Party won. for this to happen, because they think train Demographics in this country will make further a permanent majority, which is exactly what took place in the state of California and other states. This is a Democrat Party that puts party first in country, not even second, third or fourth, and so this is what I mean the party first stuff: that's that's like a car Venus Party, they put the party first and they tolerate the bigotry and they push anything the word And we're sing it on our streets and detective weave a crime. I have gone on in this country. must be aware that our major cities are utterly completely out of control. and at some point, the p.
At the rise up and put the lid on this, and that's that's, hopefully, worry be able to do here and you'll be safe, that their detective, and I appreciate very much what you're trying to do in communicating with us here. God bless you, Sir, thirty seconds left but happen. Our music die polarities. I need to know one the tap Ladies and gentlemen, we salute armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel on all of you. God bless you tonight. I found a job in get your priority: copies of America, Marxism and well I'll- be safe, see tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-04.