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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/20/22


On Friday's Mark Levin Show, a Federal judge in Louisiana has blocked the Biden administration’s effort to take out Title 42, which would have resulted in 18,000 illegal immigrants entering the U.S. each day. No country can handle that much immigration at once, and at the same time we're told the great replacement theory is just a white supremacist myth. This is a racist policy pushed by a racist president helped by a racist media. The United States of the Democrat party has resulted in shortages, inflation, and impoverishment. Also, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich joins the show to discuss his election victory and pushing back against the policies of Biden administration. Then, Robby Mook testified that Hillary Clinton personally signed off on sharing false information to sabotage Trump as an October Surprise. It wasn't just Hillary that knew about this all along, but Barack Obama and Joe Biden knew as well. They used the instrumentalities of law enforcement to play the dirtiest of dirty tricks. Hillary Clinton was behind Russia Collusion, and she should be punished. She triggered investigations and 3 years of sleaze by her media pals, all to sabotage the election and presidency of Donald Trump. Later, the Senate unanimously passed a bill to protect Supreme Court Justices, and Nancy Pelosi won’t bring the bill to vote on the House floor. She doesn't mind that Justices are being threatened and is using rhetoric that can result in violence. This is the same attitude Pelosi took to not protect the Capitol building ahead of January 6th despite warnings. Finally, Stephen Miller calls in to explain that Biden is trying to bypass the Senate treaty process in order to bow our nation in submission to the WHO and surrender sovereignty and healthcare freedom.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the part justice presented exclusively by hills, downward per one hundred and seventy five years for purposes, have defined hills, Douze Mission, learning, character, faith and freedom. Thank you for
if we're listening and my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters at Hillsdale for their great sponsorship, the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the Britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the hair, our number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one break.
This happened approximately. What would you say, thirty minutes. pretty minutes ago, or so. Jeanne Louisiana has ruled that that this effort by the by the by the administration to take out title forty forty two. Violated the administrative procedures, act, invite I laid what he called the clause I sovereignty of the state. Now this. this is very very important, ladies and gentlemen, very very important decision. The attorney. He Genera of Arizona, you know, market a true I've endorsed for the Senate. He was one But the attorney general to bring this case as a matter of fact the attorney job John Missouri was another and there were others and they called they an invasion and they said look. We have some sovereignty rights here and the federal government catches blossom off any time. The president or the CDC has a decision they're going to make and.
And the federal judge agreed that there is a state interest, not just a federal trust, but a state interest, obviously, and that it would over Whelm launch. Law enforcement, the hospital officer: is a medical facilities would overwhelm the school areas, districts and so And so we should a temporary restraining order. The bag administrations going to appeal? Now, according to the d, a trash thrown numbers? Yes, the repeal one of total forty two, Oh eighteen thousand aliens. entering the United States each day, a. massive increase. Now you do that. Numbers. Eighteen, tat power. Each day times thirty day. Three days a month, you're talking to.
Four five hundred thousand aliens coming into the country each month. We ve never seen anything like that history, this country, not even under the pride price IRA are under the Biden administration. No country can hear lad, including art, none, and they don't want you to talk about the great replacement theory- and I just. basing the same question. Well then, what is the purpose of this last night on. Kennedy I said that they're trying to import Democrats might backfire on that, but that's what you're trying to do so media matters being a racist criminal front, Org position, in my view, backed by all kinds of dark money and sorrows course immediately. Jumped in its I support, say the white supremacist say their great replacement theory. So now you Sailor importing Democrats, you support the replacement theory like it's, not a theory. It's the ideology. The demo,
the Democrat Party, it's the ideology of lacked grit, it's the ideology of media matters and the rest of that's. Why they try and turn that The tables and trash you, but it is what. It is, and I'm not going to be silenced by it. There is no other explanation for what they're doing this is a race. Policy being pushed by racist administration in a racist party in a racist media, if I'm wrong. Bong I to explain themselves. We don't need open borders, to fill jobs. We don't need open boy. Borders to pay taxes. We don't need You don't need open borders for any reason to accept the Democratic Party it's open borders and soda their sorry, it united States or the demo That's what I've been calling at you're, looking at it you're looking at it shortages in full, inflation impoverishment babies going hungry.
Three people going without fuel on and on and on the United States or the democratic path Party turns America into a third I guess I'll have to say that either. Daylight either. I think I will anyone so close to this job judge who did exactly the right we don't have government by. I presidential fear or bureaucratic Thea, whether its dressed up as a medical health decision or something else, and I want to congratulate the Republicans who voted against in the house. These so called domestic terrorism bill. The language is ambiguous, It throws a wide blanket over this get over. This is really the country and I simply do not true the Democratic Party and the bureaucracy. proceed with this kind of power, no more. We ve seen that they abuse it We see what they ve done with the EP.
We see what they ve done at the Treasury Department with the IRA We see what they've done with the border patrol trial and what they ve done with ice. We see what they're doing with: U s chinese prosecutors out of the justice to buy The tracing January six it is in trespassers they're trying ruin their lives. I was with criminal prosecutions and please, And we see how few. judges, are willing to step up and reject this almost none as a matter of fact made. Most none as a so now fact, maybe one so now More power to the central government period, Period period we've now. But from nine eleven to a whole bunch of domestic terrorists use ie set black lives matter will get back them seems to me that people who pay
motor black lives matter and encourage black lives matter, o millions and millions of. Oh to those suckers who donated to it, these corporations and these corporations. The black lives matter seems to me that those boards of directors, those seals and other executive should resign this is an that has never lifted a finger for black people and that enriched itself, its leaders, its Emily members to the tune of millions and millions of dollars and of course the corrupt media could give. God, damn the corrupt media could give a damn Corrupt corporatist could give a damn the corrupt mayors could give a day damn, none of them and, of course, the corrupt athletes at the NBA
and the NFL and their owners, and there and their commissioners, what a pathetic joke! As well as some broadcasters, I. all all hoped hoped and then had You many of you, don't know your hard earned bucks to this organism. psoric innovation. I've never seen such a. Leezie fraud, like organization of my Life If the amount of money that these people ripped off out of this organization, out of this organisation, is unbelievable. where's merit less garland we're all where all the? U S, attorneys. appointed by buying and others. Their pressing hunting down: parents, And trespassers and parameters, on capital grounds wow or who are waved in by the cap.
But our police wow, while I restricting anyway, don't you know, that's me Now, when we come back. People are saying there was a bombshell. Delivered in the prosecution of of attorney Michael such men today the criminal prosecution, and why they're, calling it a bombshell, Well, have you been listening to this. When, for the last several years, all it does is confirm what we knew to be the case: And I'll explain when I return I'll be right back,
It was love in the thugs, it's no secret that Americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country. No, it's over whether America is great at all whether America deserves our love. That's, why am Primus Hillsdale Digest of Liberty is so important. In Primus, looks at the issues of the day from a constitution. which perspective reminding citizens always of our great heritage of liberty for fifty years and Primus featured speeches, Barnett Hills, Dale events by the smartest conservatives, thinkers and writers. These day, Helstone publishers, people, like Victor Davis, His hands and Molly Hemingway Chris Roof over a six point: two million american households them businesses receive from Primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for today at absolutely no charge. I always look forward to
my copy of Em Primus, my friends at Helstone. I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your free subscription girdle of infra hills. Del back can write l, a v, I n re Hillsdale dot com the world in another court matter. Today the people are saying: oh, my the lawyers were shot. was shocked doing testimony today by the campaign chairman for the Hillary Clinton, decide this campaign Robbie Mook M, o o k, as reported by the wash and examine. Hillary Clinton personally sign off on sharing, since the bunked Trump Russia allegations related the alpha bank with the media during the twenty sixteen election, according to work, hey manager, Robbie moved testified to day. He was briefed about the
but the alpha issue: first, by Clinton Campaign General Council Mark Elias, there's another reprobate in this Sunday. Twenty sixteen you said they came. Quickly had a meeting by whether the share the information, the media, which they do They had to know the information was false. Do you know how they concocted it also present in the meeting where campaign trimmings. Paint German, John Podesta Long Timescales, communications direct, ever upon airy skies policy adviser, Jake Sullivan. Who is now press By national security adviser according to milk, so they all get together and trying to figure out how to put- to figure out how to put this false and for me. In October as an October surprise to ruin the trunk campaign Over as an actor but surprise to ruin the trunk campaign and hills, He said that we discussed it in and made that decision, and we
we decide to share the claims that decision reporter. We did by a prosecutor on special were dorms team about the highest level of approval, for, can the alpha bank claims to the press lucrative? lie that John and I were involved. Disgusted with Hilary is well after the campaign team. A team of disgust, it looks said that he framed it. They Hilary as hey we have this and we want to share with the report of added she greater more impressed by dorm prosecutor Andrew to Phillips House Clinton said milk reply that all I remember said she agreed. however, the decision to share the alpha bank claims with their media Luke said that she thought we made the right decision, now, ladies and gentlemen, since the Hilary camp. Pain put this information up since a Hilary campaign senior law is being prosecuted and was a partner with being Elias. The campaign man
May the General Council, I believe they Hilary campaign, how they- how wouldn't Hillary Clinton, know about this now. This is what I. What I told you years ago- and why is it just news at the court room Now they ve had a grand jury. don't you think you? got Elias there, you got such men there you get that campaign manager. Then why didn't they s? Hillary Clinton under oath and why of they federal grand jury? What her role was of what she knew, Now we have a special guess. You just called in, and we want to take there are. Some always will allow circle back to this. The attorney general of Arizona mark who led the charge on this litigation. gazed on total forty two and his lawyers argued in court. That is the lorries for it Attorney General Bernard Weil: what do you say about your victory today, Sir well great one. Thank you for having me on your my actual. First
made after we want this because, as you know, is that you just listen to the rule of law and a major setback for the binding administration. As you know, they ve been systematically try to dismantle our southern border, and so we ve been doing everything we can we try to dismantle or southern border, and so we ve been doing everything we can to stop it. So this is a great great result. We ve got a nationwide pull injunction now issued, so they cannot withdraw title forty to describe now. doesn't it absolutely is you know, Mark one time we thought people I thought you wanted to abolish ice what're, you doing, earth is systematically abolished or southern border but the cartels whether at stopping to build a wall, whether at the remaining Mexico policy, whether its failure to pour criminals. The key- It was the case. I argued at the Supreme Court two months the public charges they want to get welfare benefits, non citizens and now this. So what does not?
happen, Joe Biden, wherever speaking, is your pc is systematically trying to dismember southern border and bring under me. Your mark suspicion the stop you talked about that you ve written about. We are seeing right now and hope for our very eyes and that's why I'm doing everything I can to stop it. You know To stop it, many general and we're having to rely on the I only attorney general throughout the country to take on this administration and so forth. You have really been at the one of the spear in so many of these cases? As you say, you even went to the Supreme Court from Amazon and argue the case. That's not so easy and you're you're at the forefront it's so many and these cases I just wonder: are you getting the kind of media attention in the state of or support from the Republican Party in Arizona that you obviously deserve taking on buying in its policies. As were well marked. It's nice of you to ask- and I know that.
The dutch many of you ass, you know- I mean I know when you put your finger on the kings. I are you see, the emperor has no clothes they can Gary at least Emerson the week you have the papers wearing a welcome. At least every single week you have the papers here in the local media, systematically trying to accuse me of being some rogue each year and not a control and all the staff, and I like when I ran, I never once Ross Ramp rage, you I'm a big believers. You to watch I never once Ross remain free gee I but big believers you to watch him with what communism but big believers. Shuttle was an unlimited federal government, and so I thought I was gonna pushed back at that time against the Obama administration and that's live in doing they wanted. What is that and do everything you have all the car The two should not shouldn't be at one time that wasn't a light was whitefish. We could do
we could disagree. They would just read this. I want to be what it meant. We all understood that any governments big enough to give you everything is big enough to take it away. We are seeing the systematic attempt gets Ali Power and you see in the local media in Arizona he's gonna go along with that, and I think that, because they are afraid that someone Someone that understandably, this is fundamentally pushes back. They don't want me to, for example, get elected to the Senate. That's why they're doing everything they can to attack me and neither does the abolition, apparently and. The republican party in that state and have done day little to demonstrate it. You have actively demonstrated it. This is why I endorsed you mark Burnham. The Senate and the republican primary, because people call me they tell me what they believe. Comprising? Because people call me they tell me what they believe they turned and
Day and I endorse you because you're an activists like me, your mission, oriented like me, you don't want grass grow under your feet hey. That's your brother! It's all about the white man, I'm a fire. You can say what you want, but I'm fine you want, but I'm fine if people want to learn more, where do they go Mark Purnell, re dot, com b, R N, O F, o For that reason, I can't they think everybody. I thanks Roy. You ve done, we pray, We appreciate it very well Important what he and some of the other agencies have done gap very, very important what he and some of the other agencies have done. God bless him, probably right that far a seas, will improve our great country. No, it's over, whether America's great at all whether America deserves our love. That's why I'm Primus Helstone Digestive Liberty is so important in Primus, looks at the issues of the day from it is it the day from a constitutional perspective, remind
finding citizens always of our great heritage of liberty for fifty years and premises featured speeches given at hills. Dale events by smartest conservative thinkers and writers these day, Hillsdale publishers, people like Victor Davis and Mollie, Hemingway households and businesses receive him Primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign. absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for it today at absolutely no charge. I always look forward to receiving my copy of him Primus my My friends hills tat: I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your free subscription girdle of Infra hills Del Dotcom right now alleviation
Post Dell, dot com, Mark Levin, radio's principles of Patriot call and now, at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one. By the way. I salute the archbishop of San Francisco for telling Nancy Pelosi and lesson until she repudiates abortion she's not to appear for holy communion or meet either of faith I mean either a faith stands for something or it doesn't. So I want to salute the archbishop. It is after. Catholic church ripe and this seems to be a major core tenant. No, I thinks I think so and so were good for the archbishop. As far as I am, As I am concerned, I let swing back here by the way make for the republican nomination in Alabama, who I endorsed a long time.
We go and Ivan for past elections. Is the candidate ice, support for the Senate nomination in the report Republican Party of Alabama, state of Alabama, my daughter for time went to the University of Alabama. It's a fantastic state, in fact, and when you look at the way we are heard and in Birmingham and Montgomery and Huntsville and Mobile Auburn, all throughout the state, and I I believe the people of Alabama will not be fooled by the millions and I I believe the people of Alabama will not be fooled by the millions and millions of dollars being spent, particularly by She pretend she's a conservative she's, no conservative, she's arena in Alabama. We need a conservative Mo Brooks, has demonstrated. Mo Brooks, has demonstrated himself to be.
in our battle, we need a conservative Mo Brooks has demonstrated himself to be conserved. Despite it but he too represent you in the Senate. Somebody's gonna be closest to your values in your book. Senor beliefs and I believe that more Brooks now the media will try and make this me verses. tromp or something like that, it certainly is not Donald Trump as an enormous poor within the republican Party. On my running for anyone. Download trumpets and enormous poor within the Republican Party on my running for anything, I'm not trying to be a kingmaker I've known some of these people for a long time. And that's how I do it. Get my all mine and that's how I do it, that's where we are I agree with. I really do an ugly. We supported anyone so far in Alabama, but so.
their regardless of all that, regardless you don't need the New York Times and the wash. Darling, you don't need the New York Times in the Washington Post. Are these other radical left wing newspapers to tell you what to do in the. Alabama or how to do it. I've seen o Brooks up close and personal, how it conducts himself, but a gut. Guy, is in they hated and they how it conducts in the northeastern media, They hate his guts stature. They hate his guts. That should tell you something Alabama he's a good, And for the country will be a good man for Alabama and he won't. I'll take Mitch MC nonsense sitting down. for sure and TED Michael D, in some of the other conservatives in the Senate, they need help. And TED Crews and Michael D in some of the other conservatives in the Senate, they need help. They need support.
knew about this, its Barack Obama, Barack Obama and Joe Biden all were aware of said the biggest smear in American. Look they use thee. They use the instrumentality of federal law enforcement, unbelievable instrumentality is a of federal law enforcement. To play the dirtiest of dirty tricks and, of course, Hilary Rotten Clinton would be behind it, but so of dirty tricks, Benito Obama, just as when he ran Iraq, Milhouse Benito Obama. two. In due course, document against his Republican upon. Republican opponent that had been undersea or but they got in front of them, but they got in front of a liberal democrat state.
Poland to smear is a who wound up. To wound up dropping out of their race, there's you're good. To smear house. Opponents Obama. I will get elected to the. U S Senate a house Benita Obama. she's a funny. Their real domestic. Domestic terrorists who supported Brok, Burma, who raise money, who were his political mentor. go Burma immigrants didn't pass any bill back then to deal with domestic didn't pass any bill back then deal with domestic terrorists. Did they know. Now House Benito Obama we're conservatives republics and how dare you do it? Just How dare you do it just like? How dare you criticise anything to Denmark? They must be a racist. You must believe in the great replaced. Yes, I can't bear you criticise anything they Democrats want to do.
He's dumbass stage or destroying our country destroyed Russia collusion for which she should be punished, and she. and she should have been brought in front of a federal grand jury to testify under oath They go after Donald Trump for absolutely nothing. She triggered these congressional investigations, trot for absolutely nothing. She triggered this The appointment of a special council she triggered tuna happen. criminal investigations were the appointment of a special council? She triggered tuna thousand so forth the. the election of twenty. Sixteen, then she tried to sabotage the presidency of Donald Trump.
President Chirac, Donald Trump, whether friends at the FBI, whether free and then the Obama administration, where their bodies assessment and allow the FBI, whether friends, and that's a lie and was involved in and was involved in the twenty twenty fiasco. The call him to account if they take the house, put his ass under oath it's against him knows certainly not incur but certainly not encouraging it? I don't know Hillary Clinton signed off on sharing the gate, bunk lay not encouraging it. I don't know. How little attention this gets from the New York Times, there's so busy smearing journey time, again in the Washington Post we ve now had more front.
I had more front page stories. Jenny, Thomas then, the Washington Post had on my ass. Nor do I want to and pose tat on the door, I should impose whose also the chairman of the Reagan lie They re library how this jerk pulls out off all my run out the wash That covered up the Holocaust, they've done more stories. Oh Clarence and Ginni Thomas on The Holocaust: they ve done more stories an early pages of that rag So we it they ve, always hated. his wife and they go after.
They hate his wife, and they go after them all. But. and they go after them all the time day in and day out,. they hate his wife and they. We have a text. This committee is leaking the process. Anybody know. she said that they should fight in our. Due process. Anybody now and she, Ah in our resolution, respecting the electors. So what the Supreme Court, she didn't say, unleash violence against justice. citizens who disagree with her husband. She threatened to unleash violence the way and who did she didn't, drive
should I go off a list of the great and famous democrat leftists. Right she. She didn't bed a communist spy, communist China. The way swallow Dead all swore well is he still around Oh yeah, Family didn't show up the commonest Chinese, like Diane Feinstein, firm. Science, family! Oh yes, I did say that Family, oh yes, I did say that. Tuesday, molesting staffer he's in the oval office now funny thing about Democrats Kennedy but he Lyndon Johnson those Democrats in their interns on and turns unbelievable.
the Democratic Party and we go on, but you know the stories so they trash they try. she's a woman married to a woman. Justice. There also attacked it so grotesque. married to a Supreme Court justice reducing it sick now, of course, judge tracks. beyond the court, soon she's, where marital White PAN that bother media matters, I don't know Justice, Thurgood Marshal was married to an asian woman and we go down that less too. But it's funny isn't it Democrats
about the Arizona about. So, what I'm glad she did. I'm glad she did, I'm glad she did even the attorney general who we just had on getting investigation, wrote in it Memo his staff did on questions. questions about the areas, Can you imagine that. the Imagine that.
in premises. Featured speeches given at hills, they'll Fifty years and promises featured speeches given at Hills, Dale events by the smartest conservative, thinkers and writers these day hills, save him, I must absolutely free, and I urge you to sign a board today at absolutely no charge. I always look Jobs and businesses receive him Primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for it an absolutely no charge. I always look forward to receiving my copy of Em Primus, my friends at Helstone. I want you to have a free subscription as well for hills, dot, com right now: L e hills, dot, com, the she's gonna live Infra hills Del back, come right now: Ellie, Vienne, Hills, del dot com, so notice the Washington compost headed by Fred Rhyme.
And his wife It's funny how they don't go after John Roberts. Isn't that funny. It's funny how they don't go after so the saw my your. or a lane Hagen Dinadan Uninteresting, No, I can't. they target the only black justice on the Supreme Court, historic appointee. The number two in the hills. Three, the Supreme Court in the first by republic, because the papers, I obviously racist That must sign off on these things. Obviously, racist bigots. What else explains there.
its journey, Thomas, all, Jenny, Thomas. We. from that fantastic January six committee, who a communication to the chief has to all. Past January six committee, who. Why? Not because we shall show. Only Democrats can challenge the legitimacy of a candidacy, that party mob top the bottom threatening, We have the entire Democrat Party MOB, This is threatening the court. threatening justice And they barely blink an eye suggesting they might want to challenge which corners, oh my god,.
Wow but you're allowed to do it constitutionally. Here's, the entire Democrat Party Marxist MOB abortion on demand baby. Here's the entire Democrat Party Marxist MOB. Then squashed scald turn the body around fate. First, pull it out and that's a choice. A baby's head then squash this but Jenny Thomas now she wasn't sure about the election result. Now now, that's diabolical. Russia collusion pushed by Hillary Rotten Clinton and I guarantee you Barack Milhous Benito Obama, otherwise Otherwise, he sitting there in the oval office like how on count, doesn't know what, How swirling around him. I don't believe it for two seconds:
the genie turn we're gonna teach her lesson. We get the January six committee with former Federal prosecutes Prosecutors and two former: U S: attorneys and they're gonna, give their tranche we get the January six committee with former aid is big mouth comments and goes after the parents, the most politically Ridiculous attorney general in our modern history, o gotta, get that clear. Thomas great replacement theory. You say they want to replace Clarence Thomas with to get their Clarence Thomas Greater I surely know this this I surely know this.
Times: ownership, its ancestry, own slaves, surely know this. Slaves, they were slave wow. Did you know that, ladies and gentlemen, it's true. It's true. The washed and. They went after Nixon over Watergate, but they participate. they participated in John peaks of internal revenue, information, Lyndon Johnson and his illegalities and the oval office at your washed. four Lyndon Johnson and his ill, a galaxies in the oval office at your washing compost, This segment of the pod care
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I was broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the Britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark. The Levant. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, a one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one so Nancy! I call you Nancy, so Nancy Bologna. I mean Pelosi on the Fox Business Channel, will you vote for For a bill to protect the justices, Nancy enough This is necessary and I'll tell you why this is so relevant and so vote for a bill to protect the justices, Nancy.
at our house, speaker, Nancy Pelosi, urging her to bring the Senate bill to the floor for a vote and then, when she was pressed by fox business on this, whether she was going to do that hello, seed, dodged the question. I think that any need for protection should relate to whatever threat. That is there and that's a judgment that is made. I think that any need for protection should relate to whatever threat. That is there. That's a judgment that is made by our law enforcement people asked bill. Madam speaker, it passed unanimously deal a plan to bring up for a vote in the house, so this hello, see won't bring the folk won't, bring the bill to the floor of the house to vote on.
bring the bill to the floor of the house, the Mona she won't do it. She disagrees with the draft opinion, so she doesn't mind that the gene things into the constitution. Are not the ones being threatened. that can, and I think will result in significant violence. I pray to God I'm wrong, though we know that now. We know that she's, not being condemned by the Democrats. Surrogate submitted No they're cooks out their specially in the Democratic Party mob she media she's not being condemned the? Why else, as this relevant Do you know why else Mister producer Because she didn't pretty. The. Why else, as this relevant
she didn't protect the capital building. On January, six, I ask MR calls for it. You know I also miracle because she didn't. Practice. She didn't muscle up the capitol building. As far as we know,. Ro police, as far as we know, she didn't As far as we know, she didn't ask the metropolitan police to significantly increase their presence. We know that she didn't accept an offer by the exact. Didn't trump and his people for ten to twenty thousand national guardsmen so much for so much for Trump leading an insurrection. It's the whole thing is a scam. We want to know what the F B, I told her in advance completing very limited details about how thing Norfolk office. Became aware potential threats, how the Nypd became were potential threats and apparently some memo or something was written to the director. The F B sat on his desk
and think it was a priority. Do we want to get to the bottom of that. currently some memo or something was written to the director. The FBI net sat on his desk past January Sixth Parleyed. In think it was a priority. Don't we want hatred for law enforcement and her donning her And her dawning her per head and her dawning her per head. By it again, and you will notice The Benny Hill Thompson. The phoney term, another phony committee and Dizzy Lizzie The mental patient. let's play it again, cut three go so yesterday,
let's played again cut three go so yesterday, nearly fifty members of Congress sent over a letter to how Speaker Nancy Policy urging her to bring in the Senate bill to the floor for a vote and then, when she was pressed by fox business on this, whether she was going to do that hello, see dodged the question. Why are law enforcement people, Madam speaker, and it passed unanimously? Do you have a plan to bring it up for a vote in the house and the protection there you go so she will not bring the vote to the floor of the house. Even though every Republican in every Democrat in the Senate voted for it. The Senate voted for it. catch up the law enforcement they're trying to provide. When the craziest bastards in the Senate voted for catch
protect these justices in To provide, floor and that's why And that's, why would she failed to do now we just heard that Now in the house here, Thea protecting her. That's not gonna happen. Now we just heard that alien, Omar gunning The producer did you see that. That's not gonna happen murder. Brother write, something like that. Ah, so I wouldn't be proper to be married to somebody else that's right, not alien, Omar, she's, murder, brother write, something like that. Alien, Omar So they wouldn't be proper to be married to somebody else. In addition to your brother, I dont think
Jack, all those values and power. Alien Omar. and she wants to project. Foundation. They bring the most insane, among means. insane among the insane order there. Why would anybody most. the America and you notice how they were they. They put their left wing cook programmes on in the middle of, and now we're going to make peace. at parent cakes ever shows MR producer Chose must reduce these marxists hateful this and then again, hey have you ever had she moors move from these ET I semi racists and then again, hey.
Why, on good morning, America, good morning, America, At three there's three of them It's a spin off of a stone all spent all keep at it aims. I could cut for go your response or your reaction to seeing what Oklahoma did yesterday keep at it ABC Early Kuchen cut forego in controlling every aspect of a woman's life. Did she used the word woman if she were in kindergarten, Fairfax, county schools and Virginia or other schools. Could she used the word woman. No more woman hear me roar stuff. It's jet genitalia hear me roar. If, in fact, I want.
gonna tell you, and so you see how common. did sketch a frantic, idiotic. The left really are so it's a woman. We represent a hundred million. Women were brother. What do you mean by women? Now, I'm really perplexed. Sugars. Sugar says we represent a hundred million. Women were well brother. What do you mean by women? between your ears at all. Now you think you're a woman The. The eight don't fifty four varieties of sex or sex acts and that's Facebook. That's Mark Zuckerberg.
fifty four varieties of sex or sex acts and that's facebook- that's Mark Zuckerberg yeah. That's what Republicans really wanted you republican women. Is that what you think. Oh, what the democratic you want to control every aspect of a woman's life. You know what's funny The Democrats, What can women, as I wish to thank if They don't want a babies line now think about this. If a baby's brought before. And there's birth: is it a baby? Yes, if a babies. If a baby's brought to full term but then is aborted,
shove, Republicans point out the homeless, Seidel Mindset and the science Hey Sal, otherwise it's not a woman and then they're gonna. It's so sick! There going on about how men. Going on about how men can give birth. Otherwise it's not a woman, and then they go about how men can give birth. No man can keep birth. then is health care. A fortune is not health care in the case where it actually is mother's life. And let it stand, abortion is health care of origin is not health care. In the case,
and we don't need lectures from alien Omar about health care. A boy air abortion, life, and so what she's she's, a marxist, not job abortion life and so forth. She's a marxist, not job, who will be through you're, not tongue, about reproduce That's right to be protected. Reproductive rights do need to be protected. That's not what you're talking about you not tongue about reproduce model, The language take the language back America tonight, reproductive rights, a horrendously painful death for your baby is not Painful death for your baby is not a reproduction of anything reproductive rights.
When a control, every aspect of a woman's life. What's a woman, I can't find it soon to be on the Supreme Court, who can't define it wow the women of this country and everyone who stand you Eddie. Everyone who stands up you Eddie. Now we have a o go ahead, believe that the women of this country and everyone who stand up you Eddie. but you see this. Guy must Vanessa. Just some big slug out of errors, I wish him well. Big sluggish of ours- and you see this kind must release. celebrating? Why do us any body give it? There is someone
I wish him well he's gonna need it Aids and for pay for her celebrating. Why do us any body give it? There is somebody else engaged on capital who cares. and furthermore,. men by their genitalia. Do we know he. Is he a war max because you know. Or, as Michelle Obama say, is he a war max. Because you know the word, woman includes the word manner. We can have cut six go the Supreme Court. here. She never said a word about it. All: a sun, cheese. Because you know the word woman includes the word manner. We can have that she just came up with that. Then she was first lady for eight years. She never said a word about it. All: a sun, she's hip, oh she's, happy.
lied. I don't know where it'll editor, though, is the I mean it certainly feels like she'll be over there. What is she doing? Yeah I dunno yeah yeah, I dunno there. We go a constitutional expert as a Goya. She knows man I'll, tell you what she's humbled. She's unbelievable. got engaged. Did you know that two way. What the big slug? That's what. Com in it in it. Yeah that's exactly right, yeah and you know what else the Supreme Court's been radicalized, why If you believe in the constitution, it was white,
I on the show I really do cuts, I don't blame you for not come in on the show. I really don't cut, she said man. No person, no man, no person plant amending wait a minute. people this way go ahead or body. Why are you believed in mandating vaccines mandating mass? Don't you that's your body and as for the man. That's your body and as for the man, you had no problem with men like Harry Black men. Writing the row, verses Wade, opinion. He was a man and may I say. he was a white man, wow no problem with The.
When writing the row verses Wade, opinion he was a man and may I say he would Britain Rovers wait I'll, be right back Stop paying for variety you never use pure talk, doesn't charge you for any of that garbage. Instead, they give you excellent five g coverage on the same five g From the same five g network as one of those big eyes for half the cost, the average family saving over eight hundred dollars a year? Now I made the switch and it's the best decision you'll ever make. You can keep your number, keep your phone or a great deal I guess Samsung Galaxy five g for less than two dollars a month,
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what about that? You see the folks. The argue. Does she have absolute control over her body to what about that A good judgment and wisdom they fly in the face of logic, our nonsensical. They fly in the face of science. Because you have to use you. You have to put aside everything. You know. They fly in the face of logic: they Babies and abortion, whether its spending, whether its baby formula, I mean you basically Would it be these people spending weather it to mobile social initiatives, step
simply have to be a moron, to support these people or to be these? People have a right back, stop paying for Verizon eighteen t t mobile social initiatives stop paying for their thousands of retail stores across the country that you never go to start for a half, because the average family saving over eight hundred dollars a year. Now I made the switch and it's the best decision you'll ever make. You can keep your not keep your phone or a great deal on a new phone like I said guess Samsung Galaxy five g for less than two dollars a month unlimited talk text and six gigs of data just thirty dollars a month,
If your phone or a great deal on a new phone like Samsung, Galaxy five g for less than two dollars a month, unlimited talk text and six gigs a data just thirty dollars a month or choose unlimited data and you'll still save a fortune go to pure talk, tat, calm in an hour promo code, Levine Podcast alleviate pie, gas and you're safe. Fifty percent off your first month. That's pure talk dot com. am at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one well and one more as he was on a real tear today and she want you to know something cut. Nine MR producer go if you're like me and you come up Up. once you do know something cut
you know it and you come up Palestinians are human beings that deserve. Nobody saying Palestinians are human beings. People are the same. And so your moral relativism is this Nobody saying Palestinians are human beings.
Hate and kill little arab kids, but long Palestine. May I call you as as I try and get the gutter sound out of the may I call you I, as I try and get the gutter sound, now and who and how about your buddy Talley, they wants to wipe Israel. and how about your buddy tally there. In any way, now may I say that I think I will the deserve human rights too. She says. Is that why Hamas
They deserve human rights too. She says And doesn't have any elections Is I Abbas. As I why Hamas kills its own people, if they step out of line oh to show any kindness? toward the Jews in Israel or dare to sell them any property. What do you say. Now there are parties floating Palestinians, Parties, including Palestinian. in territories. the Gaza Strip
Now, Christians, who want to go to Bethlehem, Bethlehem, importantly, Christians, isn't it MR producer, put up MR producer, Mr Cars, green, who was, so now. Sixty five percent palestinian christian For instance, I am The palestinian top musketry Muck Doorn WAR work was an active ally. For instance, I am, you and your party you and MSNBC you and see. You're, insulting our treating Palestinians like him,
how come you never talk about that You're in. You in Amazon BC you in. Most marked Ceasar, most people who hate him. breaker, hate, Israel, vice versa, it's just the way it is its. anti semite Asthma Do they know it, but they pretend they? Don't they pretend they? Don't you see that. left hate the constitution every bit as much as the American pretend they so their overlap and they hate many of the same people the NEO Nazis and klansmen hate. The Jews The NEO Nazis. And others as well.
as well, you know in Cuba, since hate, the Jews, the Castro's Jacob error they discriminated against: the black human, Black cubans- oh yes, like you after the revolution, the Castro's, Particular. CHE whose t shirt so many of our millennials and the colleges and universities like to sport But he hated the black Cuban Might have called him a racist hated them. I'll call, you know mass murder, but he hated the black humans.
Parenthood, radical leftist, embraced by the Democratic Party, spoke a clan meetings and hated black people Just like Margaret Sanger, the founder in the form of present a plan. Parenthood rat and the handicapped, get clan meetings and hated black people. watch the party slavery was the parties segregation. We can't talk about that because out of court Point the finger at the New York Times ownership and washed imposed ownership. We can have that was the parties, slavery was the party a segregated. We can't talk about that we're gonna, be honest about racism, we're gonna, really teach it finger at the New York Times, ownership and washed imposed ownership.
We can be honest about our history and they took my critical racer. We're gonna be honest about racism. We got a really teach. It then teach it Teach us about literacy tests and Paul taxes caters about who promoted, Kate s about who promoted Ghana. These issues was promoted by Democrats. Teach it. teach us about literacy tests and Paul taxes, Cato Why. founded teach it. I'm all four teach it. Page it, but they won't, they just teach marxist As raise her dressed up as climate change or dressed up, ass, transgender ism or whatever else. they just teach Marxism dressed up.
real history. Society and you see what that brings impoverishment. A Democrat Party dominant society, the United States, the Democratic Party, that's what we have right: right now. That's what we have right now, really quite unbelievable. Even when they don't win elections, they control then when they don't win elections, they control. that's what we have right now. In our universities, whether unions, the teacher unions,. even public education and doing it quickly with their bureau.
in our universities. Service, we really believe in liberty and limited power and checks and balances, and all these things so, while we're trying to. To promote them and defend them in advance them. The totalitarians on the left, Why capitalism than to give at birth, Then they give promote birth. the it's much easier to destroy a country, cheese, your to destroy capitalism than to give birth. the tuition to destroy the constitution and.
This is what I mean when I say. Not their promise light revolution. It never ends. revolution or what I call their permanent counter revolution. It never ends. They believe in power and control promised conformity to the words they. by the way Dan, is the greatest sky. nine pm eastern time. As is his wife, so don't miss me. Armband GINO, genome.
They night nine pm right, MR tradition: as is his wife a pm eastern time. He can't watch a lie. Folks. Van Ryan, bozo onto rail, nine pm eastern. even even rhyme, bozo enter a pm eastern time. He can't Davy hours for centre right now, two great guests hmm LEO to rail Sea: they even stop paying for Apparent for Verizon a eighteen and T T mobile social initiatives I'll be right back then stop paying
and it's the best decision you'll ever make. You can keep your average family saving over eight hundred dollars a year. Now
my code, Lavigne Podcast pure talk, is simply smarter. Wireless against makes our Stephen Noah you're, not gonna. Believe in I hate to be a wet blanket all the time, but if I dont alert, you then can, I believe, with binds doing now how he the W h o power over our healthcare decisions. You won't believe this. The framers of the constitution assumed that members of Congress And so, if you had an individual in the oval office who has gone. They draw in the oval office who is going to exercise on constant. Where's the constitution assumed that member enter into these sites.
Jealously guard their power. That would have to go to the United States Senate at that time. They envisioned it being represented by the state ledge. Vision, it being represented by the state legislature, Should there be a tree? Yes, but the Republicans. How pave the way for. A treaty. Cotton deals with a ran. Should that be a treaty? Yes, but the Republicans. And you need a super duper majority of those present not of the members of those present to get. Obama did what they knew he would did. Then they jump up and down vote against any complaint. the treaty, yes, but the Republicans for a non treaty deal with IRAN and then, when
on the mark, Levant Patrick in Massachusetts. How are you, sir? On a mark, Levant, Patrick in Massachusetts, how are you, sir,. To whom shall I speak. but the to are reproductive rights. Thank you, Sir The Navy has no choice, but anyway go right ahead, but how about we forgot their responsibility How about it? That's what we should be pushing as reproductive responsibility between Turkey. Between two people who engage in that kind of activity they produce or something responsible, don't break and drive or about don't engaging.
Or how about don't engaging I don't have your pro life you're, obviously in you Great point Sir get used to it, I'm trying to explain how the line with cursing responsibility Thank you for your car, my friend, and I mean that no Ladies and gentlemen, I shall return you're. Obviously in NEO Nazi.
now run casting a monopoly underground command both than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain's deal of among the script building. We have once again made contact with our leader, while America, Joe Biden, has uniting America against him. That's not such a bad thing. S pose Henry awesome. Writing in the Washington compost. beware. The primaries foretell a spike and GEO Pete turn up. Turn out, among Republicans in the ten states that have helped primary so far as up substantially from the last comparable election year
a bigger store that pundits or missing strong turn out and republican primaries portends an excellent year for the GEO pay. Now I'm going to read this in part, but we cannot is unmistakable turn out, among Republicans in the ten states that have helped primary so far as up substantially. to account for their fraud, their prey, five of those states in up only marginally that most of the others in total, according to data Eighteen or earlier, depending on the state, meanwhile total. According to data compiled by political consult and John Cavell him yell up,
But don't worry, the Democrats will say its voters, suppression and even Contest for governor, wasn't it Texas, for example. The republic contest for governor wasn't anymore. by four hundred and four thousand. Neither party had a contested state why primary in India, yet democratic turnout was down while GEO P turnout was up by about fifteen percent, so, for example, the Republic contest for governor wasn't anymore gripping than that. Denmark their party had a contested state why primary Indiana, yet democratic turnout was down while GEO P, my credit turnout, was up by only thirty three thousand from twenty eight ten, while Republican turn out sword by four hundred Democrats, outnumbered Republicans my more than five hundred and seventy thousand on the eve of twenty eighteen primaries. Today, they led by less. by less than three hundred thousand Kentucky Democrats had a ten percent lead and register vote.
today they led by less than three hundred thousand Democrats of lost nearly ninety thousand the primary turn out numbers merely, In point that's of lost nearly ninety thousand. gate on partisan identification from many. Poles also show a trend favouring the g o p. Let's stop a second It's in the GEO P fall. They will never give this man credit. blue collar Democrats, working class, part of it is also due to Donald Trump. That's a fact
regardless of what the Cape may orca Chris Christie has to say. To say, regardless of laughter Of the bushes, that's a fact, True they dont party. Their Paul made headlines when it found a big shift towards. polls also show a trend favoring. The G P Gallup's end of year Paul made headlines when it found a big shift toward Republicans during. Gallops end of year Paul made headlines when it found a big shift towards republican storing twenty twenty one. he was the most recent Paul had only a thirty seven. Thirty five dammit
Mary binds inauguration two or three by republican lead in a most recent survey. One can quibble with the mammoth pricing that more people vote a republican primaries when an increasing number of people identifying registers, Republicans Most recent survey- one can call heads want to believe the average voter right now seize the GEO P as a legitimate suppression of their ideals. How by where many talking heads want to believe the average voter right now. Seize the GEO p Republican shouldn't get cocky. I agree one hundred percent with that now we're happy to back Democrats or
Republican shouldn't get cocky. I agree a hundred percent with them many there intends to make the GEO pay the focus of this year's campaign cycle to win back these wavering voters, this type of effort, now Ronald Reagan he's not even a pay Mcdonald time down. ouch- can have an impact our problem is the likes of Mitch Mcconnell. Hispanics than any other demographic, including age, engender the profound. This is excellent The party is on the rise of this trend continues as the rest of the country votes in primary expect about a year for the GEO P.
Now the hispanic american voter To be perfectly honest with you which engender the poll found? This is excellent, already population in the United States are the same quantity of Paul conducted last year. Put Hispanics up. I think, a lotta hispanics I've had it with a black I think they ve the largest minority population in the United States, had it with all of them, and these are hard working, ready people who come into this country any cases fairly recently.
and think having to pay these and these are hard working, ready people who come into this country. Many cases fairly recently. Then twenty nine percent respectively. white men also low approvals for buying a twenty seven and twenty nine percent respectively. miracles and white man. presidents highest approval ratings are among Americans, older than sixty five and black American said forty five and sixty three percent respectively and blue.
but we have a excellent guess coming up. Who is going to warn us about something very terrible that is happening. Hmm Well, there's other things, but we have a excellent guess coming up. Who is going to warn us about something very terrible that is happening. Stephen Miller is they had mockery, Stephen Miller's. They had mockery much of a group called America, first legal, which is doing fantastic work. even Miller. It's a pleasure to have you. We only have a limited time what the hell is by going with the World Health Organization to our sovereignty, sir, your truly an honour to pay back on year, oh gosh, I am proud to say my wife works with the organization as well Stephen Miller, it's a pleasure to have you. We only have a limited time. Why
sending amendments to the W H, o the World Health Organization. and the rules that govern to administration Two w H show governed The health emergency, so, in other words the bad administration, is big, take away from covert from coal that over the last two years, is that there was in. With the United States too, future, the bottom initiation big, take away from coal that over the last two years, is that there was insufficient. change ass would contact CDC? h, H, ass would contact CDC, would conduct FDA and and say there is a public health emergency and here's all the member states,
Any time you declare a state of pandemic, The w h, oh, would contact age ass. Would contact seedy sea will conduct the civil liberties, that's what this is look: health emergency and here's. What all the member states a member nations are going to do, and so we Isn't this a direct conflict with our constitutional system? Yes, it and we would have no recourse is citizens with anything or any one. Is it this time Conferring by granting a foreign entity, conflict with our constitutional system boy did you know it one of our nation's foremost constant. there is the treaty clause not I'd buy what they say and If wanted, to make it exceptionally difficult to enter into binding agree, a direct conflict, for a treaty, although I would suggest to you that, because of it
it renders the treaty clause. Knowledge avoided, you know, is one of our nations foremost constitutional scholars, the founder This procedure, seizure in all the different kinds of ways that are going to be innovative, to into as a result of this agreement in a future real or imagined public health emergency. But it was basic level. It does violate is that something that would be constitutional for forty have. Other reason is that we could go through in a dude, said about administration. If you try to do one thing under this agreement, the global Meanwhile, Congress
There were taking you straight to court and were also any federal worker that those that would then be a federal law you spell they need to have a line of error that says not of a funding. This act can. Here. They want to grant them decisions about our house in the worst of conditions, made them. Decisions about our health Yeah they want to grant them decisions about our to foreign energy, but a hostile foreign and in a quite frankly conducted by the Communist Chinese. Here they want to grow I've states have no say where's something here:
Purposely this administration destroying american sovereignty every way they can aren't they the voters, the people, the country, s taken they loathe the idea that the people that Governance they low with the idea that the people there European elections we are going to lead. by the time you find out? What's happened to you is probably too late, to govern themselves. So the and eliminate in foreign countries. The We find out, what's happened to. You is probably too late to American first legalism,
Health agency, we can tell you about it, we'll just pick up the phone, we'll call them we'll take our marching orders and by the time you find out what's happened. Tell us what we're gonna do in our health agencies. We, we will tell you about it. What does pick mark and first legal, is doing everything legally administratively possible to try In the house of the Senate, who are willing to take the lead on this, I suspect Press release, do we put out today? I think that The fires are, and what was the mechanism in which he learned very, very What was the mechanism in what she learned?
through community who on earth alive. Mechanism in which you learn to is a very, very, very quietly, and I give a lot of the documents, a lot of the amendments alot of the materials they sent started getting illegal plan of action together and that's we started reaching Greedy patriots. Eureka to organisation is that this is going on and we looked at it. We said Dear Lord, this is worse plan sovereignty overseas. Yes, I mean they want to have the international criminal court
Lawful, edicts in our court of law By now, there would only be fully implemented compliance regime with the with the pair of climate accord. I was personally had their way. Everyone everywhere to Guantanamo Bay could be shipped off to the Hague, put behind bars present Trop having come and office by now dream of the deep state and american left. Pact on migration that
Then what we're talking about now, but for immigration, so this is always We thank you, keep up the fight, Sir people want to help quickly. American America Rally Galina. You got a largely a legal dot, o r J, F legal dogma, largely Stephen Miller. We thank you, keep up the fights. Thank you, But he's just as sick as I am of seeing big tech, censoring right, media and pr well, they write back here. About Jeff Vermont,
he's just as sick as I'm of saying, big text, censoring right, media and promoted Our money, it now a first browser, dot com yet it now a tough browser that In truth, social tusk, is built by conservatives. For conservatives. Get tusk for your phone U S k, browser, dotcom and see what difference for love, the browsing, experience and anti censorship, news, feed, you're going to love tusk. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to ask you a question. Eight hundred six three zero fourteen to you. Yeah, hey censorship like I do. I know you're going to love TUSK, abandoned gold and silver over fifty years ago. Meanwhile, golden
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Fourteen ninety two erika, most powerful conservative voice mark slovenly, show now eight seven, seven, three aid, one three, eight one, one there's so much to discuss and another in a rush cause. I think things need to be discussed any rational way where I can add some insight, history, economics, whatever I want to do it, so we I don't think so we told them. specially in New York. I tell you. We talked about this trial. Unwashed, indeed see. the invisible hand. Then, of course,
Like a Joanne gaudy, may I say. as well. As well as its entire administration was behind, and how would he not now and how a dummy not know his vice president, new story said her people planted at her direction. Denied a request by Special Council John Dirhams team prosecutors. Son tired ministration was behind it. How would he not now and how Then at Biden, Junior of Scranton Pennsylvania for about three minutes. Joy reveals tied a defendant: U S day,
his that she recently discovered that adore competes with cyber security. PETE on the same high school sports team assessments. Why. the jar said: she'd never met such or his wife and thought she could said she was unaware that connection when she was filling out a jury questionnaire last week and that the two John said: she'd never met such men or his wife and thought she dimension. A robot pointy agree voicing
that the jurors willingness to come forward after finding out herself spoke to seriousness what she approach. they known of the connection suspect's defense team argued she should stay wow. Imagine finish: judge, wasn't Obama pointy cocoa overruled, to move to have the Jura, dismissed, arguing they would not have agreed to see her had they known of the connection sauce. it takes one journey to help them. And the judge in that cases, and so were dismissive the durable events- and the judge, a nine cases, and so were when a former Clinton's impeachment said Coopers decision is that.
Baker, a senior her daughters, probably meeting George Washington University LAW, Professor Jonathan Good, the judge in that cases, and so were dismissive. George Washington, university law. Professor Jonathan Turley, served as an expert witness going forward. President Since impeachment said, Coopers decision is the latest in a hotel, the have will be allowed to vote on whether to send the father of right. You teammate to prison. Turning, I joining know. the guy is smart, is a straight shooter.
Should the defendants daughter Turley tweeted? So Judge Cooper has ties to the tromp Russia collusion figure went Russia, collusion figures and leading Democrats going back decades. His promise, ninety nine marriage to his wife was officiated by and the old Soviet Union and in Washington Dc Judge Ninety ninety nine marriage to his wife was officiated by sitting Attorney General Merrick Garland for repression. its approval by the Senate.
this department in the nineteen nineties. Ready for this. Ice crossfire hurricane campaign in the of Whose daughter competes with the daughter flooding, three of whom are donors, do they collected campaign in? Now dorms chain they write did not ask for company, recurs them some. No, we should have done it on. His only should even have to be asked. Russia collusion to then FBI, General Council, James Baker and or let
How does this appear to you, ladies and gentlemen,. So called law firm, Perkins, Coy P charged the Clinton Case closed, sparred there's always a chance, a damn thing, my work out and if it that's great. Has an appearance of a conflict he's to refuse it as an aid to be. have a real conflict like having supported
I just learned my daughter and near the defendants daughter are on the same protein. But the way this is supposed to work as a judge has an appearance of a conflict he's to refuse. It has an aid to be asked if jars have a real conflict sky was one of the senior lawyers to the campaign. They should be off. Judges were ones a senior it's over already and she came forward that doesn't matter. the, Washington D C, where nine
In my humble opinion two percent: now Kind of a cases this the of a conflict, multiple appearances of conflict didn't do it we got through it should have accused on his arm should have said. I can't take this case. There's Three jurors who And another ones I just I just remembered I just found out I got or nosey defended star
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You know re energised, your engines are spent lie by hope. You set your dvr right now and take a watch taken. because I'm a guest on their because it's a great show. Watch live. I hope you'll set your dvr right now. Take a watch. Take a look billion dollars of the group's money. For, In that way, that's how you cap off your weaken I'm waiting to hear from our buddy Lebron James, tragic, shelled, like James, I'm waiting to hear from the blossom
and waiting to hear from our body Lebron James, zero! The commune wants to go to Congress, ladies and gentlemen, did such a great job for New York City. He wants to crap all over the country. I here we go
I don't get. I Griffin gonna pebbly denied smoky and I will see you on live in tv- so Ukraine, we haven't forgotten you in the least goodnight, can I deserve a? Can. I d get. I didn t get my little Barney
Transcript generated on 2022-05-25.