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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/12/20


On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, the early testing failures could have been prevented by Dr. Anthony Fauci but he didn't — he and the CDC got it wrong. Yet the media insists that we follow Fauci despite his horrific record. The media ignores other experts with a superior pedigree that have deduced that any recurrence of this virus in the fall is almost certainly the result of Fauci's stay-at-home quarantine approach to mitigation (as opposed to herd immunity). This will kill the economy and the liberty the United States was founded on faster than it kills anything else. Later, the economic divide between those that earn their living in the private sector and those that earn their living from taxpayer-funded government jobs is more evident than ever. The fastest way to open schools and local governments would be to furlough teachers and government employees. Once they feel what the rest of America is feeling things would change very quickly. Then, Judge Emmett Sullivan is conducting his courtroom way outside of normal judicial bounds. Early on, this judge basically accused General Mike Flynn of treason and that was out of line.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here, There is a truly independent institution where learning is prized in Actual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening my sincere appreciation to Hills, Dale, further sponsorship, now broadcasting on roaming underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America, Marvel of an era number eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one: first, The message for you in
I want to get into the tearing today over the corona virus, the democratic, the media that we will swing back into the Ba Ku Data that took place in this country really is still taking place. I received a very brief called More of a social call and everything else nothing substitute discussed by General Michael Flynn, and he wanted me to tell this audience in particular. You live in heights. Thank you. Thank you. You said you folks, in this audience, When I asked you to support his effort, so he could defend himself. General Flynn said made a huge difference in the life of his family. Of course, his own life
Indeed, an elaborate, but you said, was absolutely absolutely important and crucial, and I want to thank you too. I have the most patriotic intelligent audience of any audience, really people who are concerned, people who are engaged. Is why I am blessed every day to be here with you. Then you decide whether I'm here and not by the roots, some radio satellite radio, podcast radio live in TV fox. You decide.
And we know that people in the Obama administration pushed for, and at least one did in fact, unmask the legally fact a felony, the name of an american citizen, specifically Michael Flynn, to David Ignatius, a left wing columnist at the Washington Post, who was picked up doing a wired, tap of thee. Then russian ambassador to the United States Kisyak, and this sort of thing happens all the time and you're not supposed to leave persons name, that's why it's a felony, so flim was targeted, He was targeted by Obama I'll get in the more this later, not going to tolerate any more. This idea that Obama's above the fray and poorer Obama didn't know anything. Bologna Obama has a very sickening habit of destroying people. Whether was
Senate opponent in Illinois, but they went after his. These sealed divorce records of the candidate and that candidate was leading and then Obama would eventually, when, with seventy percent of the vote and other sleaze activity by Obama and his supporters, that's the nature of the hard left. That's the nature of Obama and more on that later,. We're all going to discuss a three trillion dollar bill that Nancy. Policy wrote in her office. That is one thousand eight hundred and fifty pages long. That has not yet made available? I can't find it she's not ordered members to come back on Friday, so they can vote and she calls this. The Heroes act. The heroes will be the individuals who vote against this. She wrote it now.
Committee: no hearings, no input from you, the american people, through your representatives, no involvement, she's, a fascist, and so she calls back the house for the purpose of voting I'm not a single media outlets. Single newsroom has focused on her unconstitutional activity now, one by one. We spend two point: two, half a trillion over for trying and loads. I mean I'm losing counter this stuff and it's made virtually no difference at all. Wants to pay. She says the rent, the utilities, the more is the salaries? once a trillion dollars for the states and cities which of course, though, used to pay down that they created long before this virus
and it goes on and on and on, but again we'll talk about that little bit later, but I want to focus on doktor faulty and his testimony today. And I want to focus on say today and this word testing testing. The media keeps focusing on testing, we gotta have tests. I want to remind you, ladies and gentlemen, the doktor anything he felt she has been the director of the National Institute of allergies and infectious diseases for thirty six years. Thirty, six years. The early testing failures were said to be that of the centre for disease.
Control, CDC doktor found she could have easily bearing the pots and pans sorrowfully alarms about the ineffective, defective testing that we had in place. Should there be a pandemic, he did no such thing fact on three separate occasions at the end of January, where we played all them, but our news MAC, her CNBC or the castle. It is pod, cast faulty downplayed. This virus. And compared it in more ways than one to a bad, flew and told american people. They don't have anything to fear, don't worry and of course Media regurgitating what found she said
the New York Times the Washington, Post or cps Re Bc or embassy, follow them and multiple times and news busters has that montage. If you wish to look at their at their website, testing were told us critical and yet those authorities that have been in place for decades. In decades, the scientists, the public health professionals, the doctors, got it wrong. Very badly wrong. At the same time, doktor found she was getting it wrong and the CDC was getting it wrong and the others were getting it badly wrong. Mitt Romney was demanding witnesses in the Senate, impeach retrial.
As it, every single Democrat in the Senate, celebrated and supported by Every single Democrat bought one in the house. I was every single Democrat, dressed up as a journalist on virtually every newsroom in the country. While the virus was made, its way into the United States The CDC did not have an effective test. Doktor found she was the american people don't sweat it. It's like the flu. The Democrats in there
in the Senate, led by Schuman and Pelosi, among others, were telling us to focus on John Bolton among others. If we wanted to defend our constitution of course, and today we have a hearing, a hearing for individuals who serve on the top public health positions in the country for them testified not in person but from various locations around Washington D C. But I want to focus on doktor fetching. I dont know how Doktor felt she does
the man's about eighty years old is only twenty four hours in the day seven days a week and the man is in the media more more than anybody ever Saint Maur than Lindsey, Graham more than Michael, have a ninety. Considering all the data that comes in from all over the world, let alone within the United States, while the models that had been so wrong all these months and all the information that a scientist a doctor and a public health professional needs to take into consideration. How is it that The found has so much time. I wish I had doctor we now I interviewed him early on. As I look back at this, I really do found insists he just following the signs are giving his advice and the media.
Since they will fall about profoundly. Despite his her record over the last three or four months there other experts out there with Russia may deeper than doktor foul cheese. Whoever worked in one place for thirty six years, but have worked. Any places with many expertise and many backgrounds, whether it's the groupings, And for whether the doctors and Oxford there's a yell, the doctors at the Rockefeller College. I reset college and on and on and on- and I presented many of them to you. They don't think fancies right at all? They don't think he's the science, but the
The question of media do not care now. What is that the doctor felt she wants doktor found? She says his concern is quote that we have a quick opening quote any recurrence of the virus in a way that kills many people, and yet there Scientists, medical experts throughout the country with significant experience and background in this field. Who say if we do have a recurrent its thanks to fancy. Its thanks to fancy and is in his early decisions and advice to the president, sending children in college students, hunger, their parents and grandparents exactly the wrong thing to know having chosen
college students around each other, because the person that likely the likelihood that they would die from this virus. It's almost almost not exactly as likely getting hit with lightning, and so the virus doesnt have a chance to work through the bodies of those who can at least based on that day. And the signs here, though it certainly handle it much better and kill it. That has happened. So the old and the sick will still be vulnerable, and so, when you begin Open up the economy, those people, younger people, healthy people, put we get the virus. Many are likely to get the virus and they
they go home to their parents and their grandparents and then, when they interact with the elderly and so forth, then Gonna see an increase in deaths, specifically cause of the mitigation and quarantine procedures urged even this day by Doktor Anthony value Tippit What you do is you quarantine, the elderly new quarantine, the sick to protect them. You don't quarantine. Everybody. Now our economy is being destroyed, it is being destroyed. The Democrats are gleeful. The three trillion dollar bill. This time in a two point, two trillion dollar bill before and a half a trillion dollar bill before that and at three in eighty billion dollar bill before that they got all kinds of trials that they're going to print and pushed into the economy they're gonna kill.
This economy, they're gonna, destroy this country, but for them it's ok. Because the more you kill this economy, the more you destroy this country. As you see. The less adherence to the to our constitution. It's not even in the conversation, the bill of rights. What bill of rights. We're trying to save your lives. Follow the science follow the science. I can't think of a better phrase for any dictator in the world.
You, MR producer, follow the science I'm telling you what the sciences following do. What I tell you the sign says you don't get to prey on Sundays. Together the science says we're going to shut our guns stores. The sign says I can decide who and what is essential and who and what is not- and I want to discuss that a few more steps down the road here The essential and non essential, I'm following the science, ladies and gentlemen, does the virus say it will not kill or makes it essential people only non essential people totally non essential people should stay home solely non essential people should nor what about the essential people, they stop working too don't we need to protect them. Aren't many. These central people over sixty over sixty five, some over seventy. What about, though,
The central people, what about thirty and their well being central people like and the military emergency personnel essential people. Doctors and nurses and technicians, essential people like the truck drivers and people. But our groceries on our child and the farm. So, the ranchers or the people who are developing And vaccines, we hope for the people running assembly lines for masked, then ventilators central people there, we working because their essential, but what about their lives? Doktor, fatty, that's, ok, Just the sides now he says I'm not talking about the economy. Ok, I'm just talking about his science I'll be right, then, if you, Your family are finding yourself at home with you Time on your hands these days! I know and.
In that way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Hills now offers dozens of online courses on topics Quoting the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge, Hills Delson, This learn the inspiring history of America. Now you can do with dost. Thou, knowest, free online course that great merit story, a land of hope, learning and teaching Children about America's past is essential preserving liberty and the future Register right now to take this free online course. Great american story. It's a production masterpiece and it paints a pay. Sure of America as a land of hope founded on high principles. This course dozens of others on a variety of topics are available to you. And your family for free right now, gonna live inference. I doubt that come alleviation for hills, del dot com,
No, it's follow doktor factories, logic in the logic of the wreck Bates and the media, and they kill America Democrat Party one. If I were to tell you. Let there be a these census said there were thirty one million Americans, in this country. Little over that thirty one point: five, there were seven hundred thousand casualties in the civil war. Seven hundred thousand. Now the science would tell us don't fight the civil war right, because if you take that number two Three hundred ten million at actually morbid. Let's take it. That would be seven million casualties to equate
the population in eighteen, sixty two, the population today, seven million casualties debts. Was it worth fighting the civil war? I would ask the public health officials and the scientists and the medical profession she was worth fighting the civil war to end slavery and keep the union having been I would say yes what about what the science tell us you see doctor just a science, just the medical profession, just the public health officials were what they tell us, I don't know I want to pursue this when I come back, as I know the level twisted Quite stupid I'll be right back. If you family are finding yourself at home with Ex Time on your hands. These days, I know,
Excellent way to fill it take a free online course from Helstone College Hills. Thou offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge. Dell students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you can do with dost, thou Knowest, free online course that great merit story, a land of hope, learning and teach our children, about America's past, is he natural for preserving liberty and the future Register right now to take this free online course great american story: it's a production masterpiece and it paints a pay. Sure of America as a land of hope, founded on high principles. This call send dozens of others on a variety of topics are available to you and your family for free right now, gonna live Franco's drawback com alleviation, Foothills del back,
conservative mine of any show call Now? Eight, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one! Let's get back to this. If we view everything Through the eyes of science and medicine and public health, which still of slavery, because, obviously, if you're gonna have seven hundred thousand casualties and a population of thirty one point four million people, the science and medicine and public health, it till you dont? Do it and I think. Ninety nine point: nine percent of us believed the civil war was a righteous war. It free the slaves
and to retain the union about the rebel. Nay war. What were these scientists? The doctors in the public health officials. Tell us about that. Walmart! in anticipation of leftists, I was different that was it cause here were just talking about staying at home, no we're not Talking about staying in her work, bad, destroying our way of life. Destroying our economy? Does Businesses destroying jobs destroyed families God, Oh that casualties. They can Nowadays, as a result of the faulty plan. And he doesn't even address it. He talks about the economic, Apps as inconvenient batch, damn cold hearted.
What I see is the ingenuity of the american people, which has had the heart of this country A culture, the ingenuity, the american people, because of their freedom, is smothered as tens of millions of. As tens of millions of our fellow citizens are under house arrest effectively,. Through quasi martial law by various governors are bill of rights. Has been severely damaged, the constant Who should generally has been severely damaged, state conscience, oceans, these governors act they don't even exist. You know what here that LOS Angeles is going to have a lock down another three months that I hear about Californian so forth, I say to myself: isn't there enough time for these legislatures to vote. Now, MR producer, it it's one thing at the opening of the beginning
of an emergency and people are sure. What's going on and there's panic and a pandemic and sober, but. Isn't it amazing these governors? Nobody, absolutely. Nobody does Legislatures, except for a few brave stately. Later suing their governor they're not even consider the governor makes decisions. The governor doesn't seek legislation and are getting. Marching orders for major policy who refused To convene the House of representatives except after you're right say: one thousand, eight hundred and fifty page three trees dollar bill calls and her Frankie's devout constitutional process has complied with? No, brings no committees no input from we, the people, no representation for we, the people and yet they claim to do this,
We, the people, how many more examples of totalitarianism and tyranny do we need throughout human history. They see that maritime policy is a fascist, that's right. I share Mr Frailty choose me doctor vanity. You sound like one to quite frankly, then here's the thing about his science- it's not settled there. Are experts, wrap this country prominent experts who vehemently disagree? What doktor found she better value doesn't consult them back to found she doesn't listen to them He doesn't even taken into consideration what they have to say so Does he and a handful of bureaucrats but all this genius. All this experience, rejected out of hand. It's not even entertained by doktor value than action Institute of allergies and infectious diseases when you ve been directive,
Thing for thirty six years, you're, pretty damn good bureau You know how to hold on. Don't you she's a personal with me. I am disgusted, disgusted and doktor faulty talks about a second wave. You see doktor found she can't lose he can't lose heads he wins tales. We lose. Because he knows it's impossible for people to buy terribly starved to death. He knows it's impossible. People voluntarily go bankrupt. He knows it's impossible for people to voluntarily become unemployed. It's your our brain
don't function that way we're not sub destructive, at least the vast majority of us, we're not gonna, throw our families and our children and our grandchildren into poverty, because back the falcon says, stay at all,. And yet he says, if you don't do what I say be a second round of this virus. There may well be a second round of theirs virus. I don't know it's because of what you did say according to brilliant Birds and scientists are medical professionals who strongly disagree with your doktor factory. And who never get an opportunity to testify before Congress, because Congress either isn't meeting or they don't collar and its if
exist on CNN and MSNBC, it's as if they don't exist in the New York Times at the Washington post. Unless these other voices are trashed and attacked for daring to have a different opinion, then doktor fabric. I want to get back to this essential, non essential question. If the science is doctor felt she says what does it matter if you're essential are not essential, much can produce it shouldn't matter. A human being as a human being right. Are we all equal don't, we all have a right to life just because the government. Prince on our forehead, essential or non essential. Does it me? We cease to be human beings,
this virus doesn't make a distinction between a central amount. Central. These categories that this supplies to each and every one of us will you do for a living o k, while United essential your government bureaucrat years censure. Yours, I owe you drive a truck and bring us food. Ok, you're essential, interesting, isn't it the virus we'll kill essential core, unquote people as quickly it'll kill a man of central people caught on. People working at Pasco are essential that people working at a small department store are not essential but words I come from. I don't know, but We just follow the science and we followed to its. Logical ex extreme.
Nobody should be working pretty much are very few people should be working and yet back to found she likes to eat said why a lot doktor found she likes to drink, ok, clean water, so do I doktor factually likes have electricity when he hits the switch. We need air conditioner, hedonism soda. Why doktor, factual, they have clothing shudder. Why so do you? A factory has a family wants to make sure they can eat and that they can take care. Theirs Absolutely. Also does everybody else, and then I'll have the benefit. Having thirty six years in the government, who does Doktor felt, you think, is making these tests systems it's not the cdc, and it's not the national,
the two devalues and infectious diseases, if it was we'd all be dead, they fail this early on. They felt the president early on. Meanwhile, the answer for the left is more government, more competence, more know, nothings see it's impossible for doktor, Falchi or any doktor fill the blank to know everything about this complex disease enormously complex, and its effects on every category human being on every part of the country and so forth and so on. And so you take your best information. You make your best decisions, but then don't hold yourself out. As the number one expert in the country and any very squarely when he's challenged by ran Paul and others about this, I never did I never did, and yet, when he talks theirs,
level of sanctimonious and intolerance. She's a look, I'm not the expert on the economy. Ok should should sports be opened up, absolutely not schools, we open up absolute, should this be opened up. And this can't that can what about the economy its inconvenient? I understand. I'm sorry, of course, decisions about everything every wants to influence everything. What do you think the Democrats of hang their hat on Falcon choose their power hungry? The democratic party has always been power hungry in many respects, its been evil very very evil weathered slavery or segregation. Their per parties never stood for slavery. Segregation weather Jim Crow or literacy tests for Paul taxes, Democrat Party Publican Parties for these things.
My Craddock Socialist Publican parties never stood for democratic socialism. It's the Democratic Party that is a party of hate, a party poverty, a party corruption, and I got a lot of problems with the Republican Party, but as a matter of fundamental principles, the Democratic Party has been won. Outside the normal, this country, while market today Did I didn't say, didn't do some good things under some good people? I said. Its very existence was to promote slavery. That's it's early origin. I think it's important that we have a comprehensive look at this, follow the site Ok I'll, follow the science of Doktor Catherine on that that science have the group at stake for there is a small banana that science about
retired expert from Rockefeller called not not Oxford, not not bad love it not now. Doktor falconry follow his science. I'll be right back then, if you, Your family are finding yourself at home with Ex the time on your hands these days. I know excellent way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Pills, though, offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge, Hills deals, and learn the inspiring history of America. Now you can too. Hills: thou Knowest, free online course that great a merry story, a land of hope, learning and teach our children about America's past is essential
for preserving liberty and the future Register right now to take this free online course. The great american story. It's a production masterpiece and it paints a pay Sure of America as a land of hope, founded on high principles. This court. And dozens of others on a variety of topics are available to you. And your family for free right now, then for hills Del back, come for hills Del doc. I'll, tell you what a fee government sector was more affected by all this through heavy fur lows each very different reaction from our governments. Scientists, For example, I am not proposing this by the way, I'm just going to give you an example: the fast
wait open our schools. You start following teachers, furlough teachers. Now most contracts don't permitted. Maybe some do. But we want to see calls for opening our schools. That's how that'll happen. So you have certain parts of our society. There are literally immune from this. Sick house arrest mentality. They have a problem with it. People are going to get paid, not all, but too many people are gonna, get paid, could have their pensions gonna have their medical care. Unfortunately, when you're in the private sector, in your run, in a restaurant in IRAN and a hair salon or now salon or on and on and on you have a franchise like a subways Magda done, work that way: you're out you're out you're out you're out And so you can see at least to divide within our economy
those who receive government stipends or government salaries and those who talk. And those who doubt seeing their voices in protest because our lives destroyed, follow the science doktor factual, follow the side on back to fancy. He does where a mask I haven't seen a guy we're a mask. Yet they keep talking about the President he's Nimrod in the media and how come. Where I met he's the president, you idiot now I dont see In fact she went swearing gloves. Does anybody else. The only thing it he's hungering is in front of tv cameras, but no we're not going to criticise doctor no follow the science. I am mind. If I was not that science, the other science you idiot.
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Because of the CDC C. I a I D. Doktor fancies organization failed us. Can you think of a president who has done more to backup failed state Governments, Democrats for the most part in New York, New Jersey, Caliph. Illinois Michigan providing them with basics like masks and gloves, ventilators even beds if they need them these. Responsibility the states that the president can you think it more. Headed moves than that of Andrew Cuomo, putting people with corona pause. Of tests, nursing homes say with the yet In New Jersey, the area in California,
they're right back from the West would one podcast network now broadcasting on roaming underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We have once again made contact with our leader, our number eight seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one, while the judge in the Flint case and Sullivan, has postponed the aid decision. I guess.
Although I don't know what the hell, the problem is on the on the decision, a department of justice to drop the charges against the drop, the case against Michael Flynn If the judges of mine, too, takes kind of aid. President action to reject or question the position of the Department of Justice Department of Justice is not required a prosecutor period and he can't order to do so either if he does than he should be impeached. The executive branch doesn't have to tolerate a rogue federal judge, either Its unequal branch- another was a lot of real demagoguery, display at this hearing today was really disgusting, whether its Elizabeth WAR.
Bernie Sanders or Patty Mary and on and on and on, but I wanna I want you. Listen, Mitt Romney on Capital Hill today, and what the people of your time particular listen to this man, Mitt Romney, has contributed nothing during the course of the last several months. In fact, Mitt Romney join the Democrats into directing the american people and Washington from what was taking place in China and what eventually Came to be they wore on China virus here in the United States. Compare him to say Tom cotton. Put the very same time we're Mitt Romney was demanding more witnesses and John Bonham among others, and voted for and voted for. One can Impeachment against the present the United States to remove them from Office only senator Devout to remove a president of his own,
party from office in the history of the country? which he was celebrated by the washing imposed by sea. In any did he did interviews he tape, their views prior to his his vote, Mitt Romney. Want John boldly wanted witnesses at the time when this virus is breaking out and at the time, The present the United States. Put out an order preventing immigrants, visitors, travel to and from Communist China. Because he didn't know- and they didn't know the extent of this so immediately put the brakes on a very, very wisely, eventually, the European Union, the same thing that Romney would have had the guts to do any of this stuff. Maybe
This point politics all the time it round playing to the press all the time. So, let's listen to this cut forego You're gonna. Take upward Senator Hassen spoken you say politicians are framed data in a way this house positive politically, because there from admirals yesterday. You celebrated the way and that more tests and more tests were happening even that South Korea, but you ignored the fact. They accomplish. There's at the beginning of the outbreak. While we should water during February and March However, we treading water, we tread water. That's not my point Tommy, ladies and gentlemen, did the private sector are labs? Our pharmaceutical companies.
Were they treading water going February and March with Gm Ford. When they were retooling to build ventilated where they treading water Doin February and March. They see this see the benefit of being a senator. You have no executive responsibilities whatsoever, none and you can punch four Kate and spin and lie to your hearts desire pretty, when you're targeting the very people for whom this spots ability rests. This is a pandemic and by its very nature it is overwhelming. Our societies. You can be better prepared rather than not prepared, but you can never be fully prepared,
and so it is crass politics for Romney who's been AWOL too then point to this admiral talk about, while South Korea had tests earlier, you want to know why South Korea had tests on MR producer cause after the Sars flew South Korea had prepared better, not perfectly better for the next pandemic, while what Romney doesn't mention Is that the Obama administration didn't prepare at all Mr Falconer. The CDC and its tests they weren't in place. They learned nothing from the Sars contagion. Sovereignly really wants to be serious and he doesn't go back even further. They had
fast and yet in sixty days time. Instead, today's time under this president, his working with the private sector, his working with GM and Ford and pharmaceutical companies and labs court Nation, like we ve, never seen before seriously, we now have. Just one test, multiple tests where we had none just sixty days ago. The tests are so good, There's no threat of the contagion being caught by the people who give the tests and in some way
it is now soon to be millions at cases you give the test to yourself. This is a phenomenal achievement, phenomenal achievement and yet listen around me. Sitting in his basement sitting on his ass in his basement in front of a computer, doing a Joe Biden, imitation go ahead was resolved by. Six, the: U S, incomplete or just two thousand tests whereas South Korea had conducted more than two hundred and forty thousand tests. Or as a result of that, they have to fifty six deaths than we have almost eighty thousand deaths
fine, our testing record, nothing to celebrate whatsoever. Well, let me limit. Let me tell you something which you saying is again outrageous. Some of the things that were done had nothing to do with tests shoving corona virus positive patients who just get out a hospitals in a nursing homes is a big problem met, and I noticed you don't point that up New York New Jersey did it California, did it go annoyed, did it Texas did not do it floated did not do it? Kentucky did not do it makes me George, it did not do it tests there we had tests. We knew they were positive and so tests alone are not the reason we had all these deaths habit. The subway too many aren't. We ve talked about that and the public transit system in New York and the decisions made by people in New York City by the communists and slow common working time less trains, unless
says, and what happened more, more people creating an even This is all out there for me round to study and, after all, is not doing anything else Therefore, Mitt Romney to study and then after all, is not doing anything else. So wasn't just about tests. But we ought to celebrate the ingenuity of the american people, the engineer american business. Look how quickly we ve done this, I mean during world war. Two can you imagine senator saying to fifty are You're celebrating american business Emily lines, industry the ability to build tanks, craft carriers and and planes and bombs, all and rifles and get an army together? You know at the beginning of this when rules about I'm ready at all. We got attractive. Or look what I ve been a Pearl harbor,
Imagine a senator talking like that, while this is the equivalent of that in some respects. So what is the purpose of this hearing? There was no purpose other than bash. The president, never trappers of the Democrats and the media to bash the president. And the same people are the other side of their mouth arena going to. Why can't we unify, I can't we unite here's their problem. The nation, has to unite around the president, who is and who is, who is the leader of the country? What Elsie unite behind a senator, a broadcaster. Unite around the president, where we're till you are not unite around the present civil war. The north unite around a president.
They don't want to unite around this present. They want to destroy him, and I ve been working on that for months and years, an Romney's one of them he's very, very angry that eating become sectaries state and he's very, very angry that he's not presently United States. He can't believe he's not president in trumpets, You can't believe trumpet and choose him the superior brain. You know much around as sectors day, Romney's a very little man and he contributes nothing to the well being of this nation. Nothing. He threw it in the coup and now is throwing in when the attacks in the middle of this virus. It's really unbelievable, unbelievable. I'll be right. Back then,
this judgment Solomon is demonstrating himself to be enormously political. However, this this case winds up with the Department of Justice and in general Flynn. This is now a case, quite frankly, be between the Department of Justice and a federal judge asking for amicus brief, said his friend of the court briefs for people to advise him and give him their input. Reminds me of really Supreme Court that has really no standing rules and makes political decisions left and right judge, Emmett Sullivan is conducting his court. Way outside the normal bounds of the judiciary, way outside.
And it is quite appalling to me, and these judges need to be policed too. Solomon early on basically accused general Flynn of treason. He should refuse to himself immediately open after he opened his big mouth and spewed out that word. What kind of judge does that in these federal strict judges in the District of Columbia, not all in some good ones, but unfortunately,. A lot of really lousy ones like this Berman. Should never been involved in any case involving a Trump surrogate cause. She's, never tramper. And so when the judiciary go south, when the judiciary go sour, there is very little room for appeal: Solomon is way way way out of line. Way out of line just
these media hacks. Now there is a reporter trying to find this right here. Two reporter and I'm not familiar weather, but she's CBS news reporter. Why, Jeanne. If I miss pronounce it I'm sorry, I don't know how to pronounce, originally born in China and her family came to the United States, She's, a reporter and she's very hostile to live through this president very hostile, and you ve heard her at these various press conference I really trying to elicit information just trying to create trauma. A lot of these younger reporters are doing exactly the same thing. There's another one and I'll get to her Caitlin Collins Cheese has seen.
Reporter she's twenty eight years old. She used to work the daily collar about two There's two and I have three years ago and she too apparently views her role as trash the president, but she's not a serious reporter and neither of them know anything especial Collins, she doesn't know a damn thing: twenty eight years old, mother, years old to know a lot she's, not one of them. And so let's listen to this. The president at the press, briefing yesterday cut thirteen go. Said many times that the? U S is doing far better than any other country. When it comes to testing does that matter. Why is this and global competition to you with every day, a mare election? Let's stop a second we're gonna started to begin, but it's not a game for the
The United States is providing what we call context, how the United States it is responding, as opposed to other countries and the advances we ve made, because the report has been reported that start over the top. Please go many times that the? U S is doing far better than any other country when it comes to testing. Is why does that matter? Why is this a global competition to you if every day, Americans are still losing their lives and we are still seeing more case, Americans are still losing their lives and we're still Seymour since every day as if it's the president's far go. Well they're losing their lives everywhere in the world. Then maybe that's it Sir, you should ask China right We have shown that question. Ok, when you ask them that question, you may get a very unusual
yes behind. Let's stop right there! So he's right about that. Isn't he Americans losing their lives and people all over the world. Why you asking me that question? Why aren't you asking China that question now listen to how she twists this, because she's playing to a particular audience, including her own colleagues, watch how they twist this go ahead?. Why are you saying that to me physically George, you have now at about that time. As I recall, she pulls her mass down to show the cheese the asian, American or Chinese America. So you'll see this. Why are you asking me that question Because you asked him a ridiculous question, this president is responsible for this virus in the death of the consequence of this fires in the mayhem
square this virus. China is Frederick and ask him a question of the nature that ass many says wanted to ask trainer what does that have to do with your ethnicity? Absolutely nothing. Why did you pull your mass down to show the television cameras set your asian American. That has nothing to do with it. Go ahead. Daddy Buddy, I'm saying it any better! Ask a nasty question. I sat and ass you please God. Why is it ok
As we know what happens here is Caitlin Collins has seen in the twenty eight year old. I told you about comes to defence, one of her colleagues jumped up and says you know. I have a question and then says to her colleague: do want to follow up, meaning to her colleague. The president had called on her colleague. Go ahead clouds! Ok, I have two questions. This inaction next place. Didn't you called on me. I did and you didn't response And I'm calling on side is a young lady in the back. Please I guess it's what my colleague cast, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. So you'll have to young reporters here in the case of cars with no background and anything disrupting. The press conference playing games trying to infer the president is a racist when said nothing of the sort and did nothing of the sort That too even apply that this is not.
Reporting, this is not journalism. This is not how the american people learn what's going on day by day with a major pandemic. This is a disgrace. These two clowns, are a joke. I'll be right back American revolution starts tomorrow, conventional call at eight Seven: seventy three eight one, three, eight one one you know if you haven't tried Super beats soft cheek. These soft choose your really missing out. They are number one delicious and number two very healthy super beat shot choose combined non GMO beats with a powerful new ingredient, grape seed extract. Now the grape seed extract used and super Beach choose has been
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be any aid to yes dot com, Levine's beats dot com and when you buy two bags, though throw in the third for free, that's Levine's beats that come. Oh, yes, Nancy Policy has a multi trillion dollar bill that she wrote: While she was in the Ladys were MR producer, but in any event we don't have ladys rooms anymore. Doing do we know in the unisex, Lgbtq, toilet and toilet and that's exactly where it should be flush, the promise it's one thousand eight hundred and fifty pages and would even clog toilet, let alone and economy. She's got hundreds of billions for everything and everyone and so forth, but follow the science what's interesting to me is these are known, things. They tell you follow the science about economic science.
How about the trillions of dollars were: printing man, we gonna pay Price for this one day in our kids and grandkids, it's gonna blow out your pensions, its blow out social security. It's gonna drive up Chris rates. People are going to be able to purchase, homes are cars or appliances, mass of inflation, and you could have deflation which causes. In addition, a mass of inflation. The price of products dropped through the floor? You might say: well that's a great time the by no, because people are going to produce them and it is incredibly difficult. Times impossible for societies to Bell themselves out of these situations. Anti Pelosi will be gone. The architects of the. Of America will be gone while America is in the middle of a device. I want to go back to where I was. I want you to listen.
Brian stouter, pose a real pig, I'm just being honest, Joe Biden would say for letters php any. So these are real pig, some he's in any and here's what he had to say about the president's perfectly legitimate response to a hostile reporter whose attempting to turn this into a race issue were clearly do not go more. Clearly, the president was rattled rolling. To walk off because Here the question has actually wasn't rattled. He was disgusted with the disrespect and the dishonesty of low. I q buffoons, like you. Tell these people have a thin skin, as you could tell by these two female reporters. This this report
in it because again were not allowed to identify by actual biological genitalia go ahead on and we are, and what we saw in extreme resurging is something that has racial overtones. It is raises to look at an asian American Whitehouse, corresponded and say ass, China excuse me, you puke. You are sick. You are demented the way you twist what this precedent set. I just played it for you. I sought in real time when it happened just appalling. Are these demagogues get away with this? There's no self policing, let alone policing at all in this industry. Just outrageous go ahead. In a vacuum, this is part of the pattern of aid from the president that goes back many. So he's you'll have the benefit of the doubt that someone might have.
For the first time ever in their life. They made a gotcha reporter, but the president Rattle by waging expressions in the past he has at her another female reporters differently in the past and he's also have this. I don't have reacted minority journalists in a very specific, indifferent way: Wolf, for example, four years ago president from seven April, Ryanair Black corresponded to follow up with the congressional black HAWK S, because he kind of us assume they were friends, and here today, You say to a Chinese born journalist asked China Of course he says he was door shut up, you Eddie you're spending and whining and going on and on trying to turn them. Man into something he is not just incredible what goes on it
mothers, suckers network- and you know I want to remind eighteen t own CNN back. What can we do about this wall? They use. Eighty Anti Comcast owns NBC Msnbc. There's things you can do these are: these are Goliath of corporations, but they buy these. These. These costs losers to pay for immunity and protection bind stouter, one hostile store and eight ten t. Than Adrian andred Measurable, do a hostile story Comcast as their ripping us off Comcast. I tell you, I love the workers who who comcast every one of them's friendly, but what a poorly run company. It is a disaster in eighteen. Eighty saints,
No wonder there news outlets suck, and this again is the problem: Reporters who have no knowledge about science, knowledge about medicine- these are political reporters, they call them Whitehouse correspondence. Who are spewing their politics, have no interest in religion and indeed the scotch again much president. How come all of you keep getting tests, but the average American can't get a test. Mr President, how come you're not wearing a mask, not Timmy, do any of these questions. I'll even intended to elicit information that useful to you? Do you want? why the president and his people keep getting tested report. Israel he's the president. He is the executive branch. He's, the commander in chief he's more important
his role than I am that you are and so forth, and so on. I don't mean that he's he said is not equal to us, a human being something about his role. As present the United States, Barack Obama would never be it s. The square wanted to wear mask and he should. But why does anywhere mask the people around them that wear masks So the same media. The same media that not only supported but participated, aided and abetted what took place did, but General Flynn the other surrogate, sir, in the trunk campaign and trump officials, they have absolutely no promoted, any and totalitarianism in the cause of their their Democrat party. None whatsoever. Nancy Pelosi just announced today that she's, a fascist. Now been calling a lead for a long time,
in EVA Braun? I didn't do any of that. You know the way they called Tromp Hitler, but her instincts are fascistic Weaver House of Representatives, not the house of a representative, and somehow these people are able to travel from all corners of the country and come and meet in order to vote for a bill that Nancy Pelosi wrote on the toilet. That's what I hear I dont know on the toilet. Eighteen hundred and fifty pages affect your life, the life for your children and grandchildren The kind of economy we're gonna have prijedor patients to come. The only thing we know about these, these these general plan to watch the Heroes Bill, MR, but the Heroes act. Then I got a vote for that which they euros act by all means if she called on the carpet by congressional reporters for.
Fascism, not in the least it. She called on the carpet. Hiding a bill herself or maybe with it. Lieutenant not in the least, obvious effort to ram, there's stuff through to bypass the rapid when it is part of the house, have you keep the american people blind and deaf and dumb to what's taking place? Is she called on the carpet ferny that? No, of course not it's? They Heroes act. So if you support heroes, your vote for it. If you don't support here, I shall vote against it. Three trillion dollars in my while some agonized, I never thought she'd come up with this one at three hundred trillion, while you're at it three trillion downs- and I think the science says that she's a nun MR, but if I don't know we ve been able to get some public health officials to tell what's Romney think about this everybody's way. Forearm me to find it. I don't know he hasn't settle
is attacking truck to go ahead and set a thing about the about what Pelosi's and you won't find a single criticism, not one from any of the Brian Stelter's, Wolf Blitzer's, Kaitlan Collins. I believe I turn at any of these people of Nancy, but never Maybe I'll be right back then Here we live in a tv right. You know what we do at Levant
tv on the blaze, tv network, man. Oh manischewitz, you don't know what your message to Vienna Watchmen. We give you intelligent car, can't. You won't see anywhere else I dont. Have anybody tell me what to do or what I can't do. I let my hair done MR producer. Did you know that and then I lost it, we don't we don t. Lives on the genius of federalism. We ve done deep dives and what happened to the nursing her. In and around New York's thanks to slow Cuomo, we talk at length. Not a control spending. We talk at length about the violations of our bill of rights. We specify what governors we're talking about. We'll go over seas, will take a look what's going on in Israel, Europe. We spend a lot of time over the years on China and if you don't get living
Tv of Mr Daul, history and current actions have shown us that these so called progressive statists we use any crisis of further big government agenda, and that includes the fact that especially underscores the media small mrs continue to be heard, while the leftist holds them hostage in order to gain More power region, every American there's nothing more in these times than the facts, and that's exactly what I do on tv and smart people like you to listen to this programme, you deserve smart programming, but remember we can We continue to produce this type of programming if you continue to participate. So I want to talk to those of you who can those if you can't, I totally understand these are tough times, but those
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Yes, so these reporters. Many of them are very young and their influenced by the likes of a casper and others, but there in there for the purpose of disrupting the press conference- and I know they're gonna- get support. The colleagues rather than a season journalists pulling them aside and say, hey look! This is really the way you're supposed to do things here. You could be aggressive, you can be tough, but you need to respect the office. Even if you don't respect the man, even if you are left wing cook, you need to show the american people that you are respected, For any respect them so trying to create and trigger an issue of a race where none exists and then running to defend a very porter and disrupting the press conference or the president has to walk away that
not appropriate. That's not how we journalists conduct ourselves. Now we know Caitlin twenty eight years already get away to go, but you have a big job. You White Corresponded see need to show a little bit more majority. You know like maybe your thirty or thirty one. And they have this this other lady. What is your name out? Cinder can remember. First name out of national The radio and pr she's busy thrown mud balls and polluted hand, grenades left and right and I'm convey Now, what happens is it's a ball? They, they coordinated advance one promises to advance the. We are in the cause of the other. The president is the enemy. The american people are irrelevant. Gathering the news irrelevant loaded with gotcha questions in their own happen, Bessie and contradictions are of no relevance and are doing enough test.
How can you get all these tests? What kind of a question is? What are they think? What do they think. What do you want the present about the function they want is administration is immediate White House and executive office building, not the function. How absurd is that. Did you know that media organisations are requesting subsidies from the federal, Did you know this, MR producer? Did you see that. Because, more more than one and the same folks, it's amazing how they call Fox State TV. Though, with democratic activists pretending to be professional journalists, these? The media that embraces a big, powerful, centralized government. Any media, that's filled with democratic activists, pretending to be professional journalists that state tv
That's what I wrote about it on freedom of the press, if you listen to the media. You can't tell the difference between the media and the Democrats. You simply can't you can difference between Nancy Polo, same brain, stop it. And it was even worse what was said about the present, the United States even worse,. They always attack him. You no longer mental abyla. His mental ability is very, very poor. You know his mental ability, the press Just can't seem to handle the job. You know and handle the job locally locally. Storm that he storm. He blew them off. And walked away just three. This is pointless and, of course, the ones pointless.
Let's see, let's take a look. Let's get a little taste of this, MR producer at sea. I think it's cutwaters at seventeen. We have so many Kutcher now cut fifteen. No actually Let's do let's go with actually lead to Rachel Matter. You can buy the what Natalie can't you tell the difference between The Democrats in the media, you can't tell the difference between the newspaper on the opinion. People, let's go cut, seventeen We weird uncomfortable truth about how we produce the show. Now it is a weird time to be in the news business where you really relief I really cannot play any tape from the sitting, president of the United States, without also book ending it with your caviar and corrections and clarification, impersonal, she's, not a newspaper she's, a left wing hack
Chase this Russia conspiracy right off the edge of the earth she's, not a news person and corrections. They must be confusing President Chuck Todd of Scott Power in the New York Times at the Washington, Post and CNN and all the rest of them you're, lying and spinning in and omitting each and every day I'll be right back from the westward one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, the podcast. Sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom? Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S! Slash joy!
now, broadcasting only underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with the leader of our air. Our final, our stick. Let us I number eight seven. Seventy three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. So how long ago, the truck Todd gone the air and apologize kind of apologise, MR producer.
Or so ago? Let's hear what you think of this policy. This putative apology cut twenty one go during the programme. We have found my from a city s news interview with the attorney General Bill BAR in the bite that we aired and commented on. Mr bar was asked how he thinks the history of his decision to end the prosecution of the former national security. Visor Michael Flynn will be read. Mr bar answer quote: history is written by the winter, so largely depends on whose writing the history and the full version of the interview and transcript he went on to say, but I think ate their history would say that it was a good decision, That how upheld the rule of law that we did not at that? That was not our at it. We didn't included, because we only saw the shorter of two clips of woe. When you mean you only saw the short of two clips, the full clip was out there.
That's how everybody knew, what a screw up you are and were so that's a duck. Go ahead. We should have looked at both. Check for a full transcript yeah, that's what she supposed to do: pets which is supposed to do and you should know by now. You reprobates can't trust. Each other Could you not really news organisations, but that Catherine Heritage Clip was out there? The full interview was out there. I know I watched it. And to say. Well, you know, CBS cut it off, that's what they gave us and so forth. Ok, then,. CBS lied and cheated too, but that doesn't give you an excuse. You took a short cut and you liked, but the short cut showed you and that's all you did
But this shows you the kind of so called reporting in research. These people do go ahead and mistake that I wish we had made and one that I wish I had made. The second part of the attorney general's answer would have put it in the proper context and Allies that part of the interview. I would not a friend the conversation I had to do truck is look. It was out there for the whole world to see, but she didn't look is added MR busy go ahead and I obviously in Versailles. For that mistake. We strive to do better going forward. Now you don't track to better in the least he got caught and that's the problem we gotta catch. These
Since I catch him, you know o bomb and what he's done now? Our think its tone, a move to this Joe Biden on good morning american today, honestly folks what kind of commander in chief main ones through present United States keeps hiding out in his basement. He shows no interest in getting out of the basement. None here, I always choke about the guy in the basement, the liberal slob sitting in the basement, overweight and this tank tapir and his boxer shorts. Bring in his mother's home. Well I mean.
I'm just saying that Japan is hiding in the basement, not because of anything to do with the krona virus, because his advisers, no he's incapable of actually running for President he's incapable of speaking in complete sentences. I don't blame it on him. I read it: peace by Quinn, Hillyer, it was very negative. People would dare to say the Joe Biden might have dimension more Quintus dead, wrong dead wrong, and fortunately, I've seen this. Something's not right and not just old age old age, as it should here and there, and so it Joe bind it is. It is a significant memory failure, particularly short term memory. Failure and they psychiatrist and psychologists, and you know the scar barbarism people lives like
I'm going to talk about the President's mental capacity or stout. There are matter they would never say anything about Joe Biden never, but this is something that we, the people, should be concerned about. We, the people. It's our country in the democratic parties nominated somebody who is not qualified by mental, Firstly, in my humble opinion to be present the United States and to another, about Kamali heresies of potential running? May Mr Brittan, who, who called out what? If in fact he does choose her but. Fills all the identity boxes. You see, it's not the cheese, the best Canada the sharpest candidate it fills? The identity takes in that's what the democratic parties about identity politics she's. Just definitely not the best person to be running may doesn't matter.
But it will matters in any terms of governance, because the twenty fifth amendment may have the be triggered to move him out. I'm very concerned about this And the way the family and his wife cover this up course later on success, And the way the media covers has up toys. An attack on track tramp, tramp tramp tramp, rarely We have shown me a new stay filled with binding of terror read. It was like pulling eyeteeth to get to meet it even notice, this poor lady, and they ve kind of her off now cause Suppose he said she's not answering any more questions in this, isn't the Joe Biden she knows and they take their marching order. Juno from Nancy Policy and vice versa. Joe
I was in the January fifth twenty seventeen meeting with Obama, Brennan Clapper Yeats, and call me the conspiracy, meaning. Whereas I call it the equivalent of the blue dress, the document that reveals this. Here's how this went at least initially Cutty teen, with George Stefano policy Clint noise on good morning, America had a teen go. So what did you know about those moves to investigate Michael Flannel? Was there anything improper died? I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael flowing number one number, two This is all about the version. This is a game. This guy plays all the time the country Why was this guy? Is the president you jack S? Number one number two is he's not playing the game. He didn't released the documents
reading them, for ourselves were drawing our own conclusions and they are shocking, absolutely shocking. Diversion from what. The president has a responsibility to uphold the rule of law. If the private ministration use oval office in the instrumentality of the federal government, whether the FBI, the CIA and other agencies. To railroad individuals in trying to send in the present that's not a diversion Biden, that's the job of a president and administration go ahead. Economic crisis, a health crisis or a real we have an economic crisis and a health crisis that the press. The United States spending twenty four hours a day focused on, but for the media trying to undermine him and me. Have him and but for you hiding in your damn basement, hiding
basement. That's how you hope, the run for President United States, trashing Trump nation might unite around those present, but you don't want the nation to unite around those present. The media do not want it. Romney doesn't want for all the talk they do not want the nation in writing around this president, because then he his potential for victory is is insurmountable and they don't want that. Go ahead up, trying to always divert attention from the real concerns of the american people, The american people are worried with good reason. Now Joe Biden knows the real concerns of the american people because eaten his basement he's in his basement and so he knows the real concerns of the american people and what is it Joe? The virus, while the President's doing something about it? You're in the basin, the economy, the President's trying to get your governors.
Open the economy. What are you doing? Nothing go ahead and irresponsibly from the very beginning. It continues to act irresponsibly. He done his job. This is all about that. I have no idea what he's talking about and neither does he he hasn't done. His job looks to me, like you, do in a hell of a job, go ahead, burning attention from the horrible way when she has acted Why either he's not there? We don't have a couple of hours trying hard to finish your sins. Would you go ahead? We have the devastating impact of it if his lack of a policy ps, you fool, absolute for lack of a policy looked around lightly. You know that What's going on get out of your damn When I walk down the street, why did you go to.
Three star and see who's carrying the way. You only become thank the truck Is the grocery store workers, the cops, the doctors, the nurses hearing, your basement? Doing? God knows what I'm serious, what the hell what's his day, look like go ahead. Braxton! I do at all about the version. I do want to press that. Did you say you know anything about it, then you are reported to be it a general. Fifty thousand seventeen meeting where you in the present we're briefed on the FBI's planned a question like Michael Flint. Over those conversations he had with the russian ambassador kiss I thought you asked me whether or not I had anything to do with him being prosecuted can sort out. I was aware that there was that there, the DAS, for an investigation, but that's all I know about it, now think anything else to think of
this kind of my web over. Let's say I'm sorry. I was aware that there was they that they had asked for an investigation, but that's I know about it and I don't think anything else will do you know anything else or not. So that's the game. Rope at the port dope than Roper, but he's doing rope it up, wittingly or unwittingly, go ahead Any other President United States focusing on this at the moment when his handlers told him just say it's diverging just say: don't focus on this. You see Joe can't walk and chew gum. At the same time, President United States can you can walk and chew gum. At the same time, present United States has to do with multiple issues at one time it is not a version. It's not a diversion when the Prime Minister Asian tried to sabotage the Elect
and after the election try to sabotage the incoming administration. That's not a diversion know maybe and Joe Biden World it's a diversion, but not in our world. There's nothing diversionary! About this, the present nine states has been full speed ahead. Dealing with the current I receive full speed ahead. He's the one that's been trying to open up. The economy has been talking about it for six weeks he's been undermined by and Cuomo and Newsome he's been undermined by the media. Caitlin Collins genius not He's the one has been pressing and then they attack understand what, if one person Stay corona virus does not prove shut up, you idiots, but they go on cut. Nineteen go wasn't just Superman right to drop those charges against Michael.
When or based on a couple thousand, and I guess I saw a headline the other day yesterday. Yes, a couple thousand former was a couple hundred Niger. Sure whole lot of former justice people said the remember when Jim Combing said between it out that you, just as people need to stand up to this. Resist this. That was call calling to all his comrades to do exactly what they did. So what there are tens of thousands of former Justice Department employs, may even be a hundred thousand. So what. Took the notice Biden embraces that immediate cause it? Why cause it's a scam, This is what they do. It's a non issue who cares many people signed a letter. What does it have to do with justice? Go ahead of the general first step down.
I have been absolutely stunned by the way in which he has not conducted the office properly. But look, I don't know the detail of what we are right now. My point is the sun? Oh my god. Oh no, the detail where we are right now the point where we are right. Now I don't remember what was in the meeting here. This is all diversion he's. In doing well in the basement is MR missed. They have em in the basement. He's still screwing up. Maybe it's time to move into the kitchen. I'll, be right back The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook.
In and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC push back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, self plants and a hell of a lot more it's not enough. You'll get a max by money. Magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matter to most of us? We conservatives as I said, on a MAC member, and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m, a sea dot! U S!
supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S text at one alligator from terror. I know you deny them. I believe also that women should be believed. So what do you say to Americans who believe tat red and one vote for you because of it So right. Look here, look I think women should be. They should have an opportunity to have their case and stated frightened. I just forthrightly what their cases that its results, stability of responsible journalist like you and everyone else to go out and investigate those the end of the day. The truth is a truth. That's what you should prevail on the truth. Is this never happened this
never happen. I assure you, that's the truth. Tat ok case closed. Just like a son was investigated on Ukraine over and over were told. I know I heard Anderson Cooper sent case closed, bidding close any cases on Donald Trump. Today I mean folks Joe binds accused of rape of molesting his staffer in her twenties any corner of the capital building. I dont know if it's true or not, but I know, media are very tepid Alaska CUP, a question so say it didn't have K. Policies are not answer not anymore. I know you didn't have K or in the case of cabin. They actually concocted allegations against the man. They went to his high school year book, which showed nothing they listen to this. This Blasi Ford.
Full of it. Ass was her lawyer. They did problem with any of that for coming up with it. The hill at the last second, and by the way, who was behind that Joe Biden having Joe Biden should betray. Like Clarence Thomas, except one difference. He should fail getting the office at once, This and many other reasons I'll be right back. The association and mature american citizens, is one of the fastest Organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook. In and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond
to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more. And if. It's not enough. You'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a Magda. U S! That's a m! I see that you s, stop supporting liberal agenda, that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U s sure by land of afraid, I'm home of our brave stays that way: Dial Mark Glove and now seven
Seventy three eight one and thirteen one breaking in a way of breaking news, left and move. You know you got to be flexible, you gotta be flexible and that's may cat like movements, producer anyway, I'm so this judge emit Solomon What's something that's truly outrageous he's inviting friend of the court briefs, but basically anybody who wants to come and what the Department of Justice has proposed. That is, the dropping all together the case against Flynn, so General Flynn, responded. May eleven twenty twenty group referring to itself, has Watergate prosecutors, submitted to the court by emailing notice, notice of intent to motion motion for leave to a meekest cure. I friend of the core brief, but this court is clear silently on twenty four previous occasions, summarily refuse to permit any third party to inject themselves or their views into this case. Take criminal case, ladies and gentlemen, who cares what anybody else thinks about this.
So basically, these forests are going to write up ads from leftists and make them look like briefs the proposed to make us It has no place in this court. No rule allows the filing in the self proclaimed collection of so called Watergate. Prosecutors has no cognizant of special interest. Separation of powers for closes their appearance here, only the Department of Justice offence can be heard accordingly. The Watergate prosecutors attempted filing itself should not be registered on the dark it in any attempt by the group or any individual to make a. Finally, in this case, must be denied, as all others have been. I hope. The appellate courts listening in Washington, the third party proponents to violets I did notice of intent in file pursuant to whatever which allows interested parties. Who are not? Parties are subpoenaed witnesses to apply for relief relating to criminal proceedings, but the rule
Nowhere suggests that relief may include filing an amicus. Read by anyone who disagrees with the parties to the contrary in this court, such briefs are contemplated. Only on the civil side of the dock. It which governs motions for leave the file make us proved again. This is a criminal case, as I just pointed out, you don't have a meekest breeze. Under the Canon of statutory construction, the Express mention Make us briefs on the social side must be understood to exclude them on the criminal sign. Now, separation of powers. It is no accident that it meekest, Braves friend, of the core briefs are excluded in criminal cases. A criminal cases, a dispute between the United States on criminal, defend it there's no place for third point: these to meddle in the dispute and certainly not to serve the role of the government's counsel for the court to allow another
stand in the place of the government will be a violation of the separation of powers. Absolutely right as strong break, but the judge is apparently quite dense. Let's see here, this is a case of extraordinary national and international interests. There are countless people, including former prosecutors, on both sides of the parties who would like to express. Their views? But there are many reasons there is. No provision for outsiders to join a criminal case in this court. Of course, the former prosecutors are all free to submit a plan. Peace is to a certain media outlets, and it goes on this judge. Is a disgrace. I don't even think he's a bright. Apparently this is a crimson. Case, ladies and gentlemen, and the prosecutor? The federal government has decided drop the case. We don't need other people's opinions. What is that
the deal with anything. Nothing so there's judge is playing politics that judgment Always at the script I said, you're a disgrace judge. I don't give a damn. If you're wearing robes are not now. Do you think you're doing appalling You wanna be a political, her take the diameter of orphan step down, I'm sick and. Are these judicial tyrants. What does exactly what those judges, like the other one Berman. Families, people think they are. They walk into a court room you're on all your honour, your honor for decades, God Honor, like that jerk in Texas however, through that salon operator in prison, unbelievable he see
King friend of the court braves are allowing them in a criminal case. Can you Ladies and gentlemen, can you imagine what this does this completely changes? the american Jurisdiction judicial system. It's so out about war. Europe was done in nineteen o. I don't care, I don't care. Now we have this courageous man Grenelle Ambassador Grenelle, who is the acting director of national intelligence, cause we're waiting for Ratcliff country nation? Then he sees the on a general Flint General Fund, a victim.
Is usually on masking the targeting of this guy in the lake sets a felony to the Washington Post. Any takes these documents over to their apartment of justice, which apparently involves the unmasked, and I would. Really encourage the attorney general, whose under attack for anything he does and always will be to please release the names. The american people need to know what took place here. And you're such an honourable man, I think you will it could be that it's part of U S, attorney dirhams investigation, what I hear and therefore they want to withhold it for a period of time. I don't see why, though I really don't Unless it has a it mature direct material, roll them in in a prosecution, but if it doesn't, then
others will release it. So the public knows exactly what's going on here and you know for the longest time. Folks I told you that Obama was behind. All this doesn't mean he was the one directing every single move, but he was the one behind it. You're gonna have a special life liberty and live in the Sunday. We're gonna go through this in detail and you'll. Remember that fateful day what are the broadcast on March. Second, two thousand and seventeen on March Fifth, two thousand and seventeen on Sundays, Fox friends when PETE Hegseth, Others asked me to please come on and discuss what I discussed on the radio you'll. Remember that day I came a vicious attack after the radio show and then that Sunday all hell broke loose when
laid out the exhibits that I had the exhibits, the leaks to the media, the media aiding and abetting the Obama administration and the sabotage of a campaign in the sabotage of a president, which is exactly what they're doing now by the way. We're going to expand on this and I hope your watch us obviously I haven't done the show yet, but I've got a lot in mind and I'm ready to roll baby, oh yeah, since we first figure this out, I mean by because we actually pulled together the public articles, a lot of stuff Pirates and hesitant- and MR producer, we haven't, had a call today and I let you pick the collar, who would be the best. Do we have a hostile by the way liberals, socialist marxist reprobates of all kind you're, always welcome the call the programme ingested
you like to, but in the front of the line at the grocery store at a restaurant we bring you to their front of the line. Tell excited. We are to talk to you who do you recommend rich exams I close the may set California Matthew Go Mark were well. Can I express my appreciation for your boy? I appreciate your conservative values and that you have a fine website, name define nowhere else in the media. For in the conservative, talk radio answer. Yes, thank you. Right go right ahead. Getting you know you to watch but new than he had given up on it. It seems that Chris Wallis's gets as big as well as anyone else. He never asked a question and tat
idiot aimed at get basically appealing the media in their pro buyer? And if you have any thought- on that and now. Obviously I can't talk about Fox and Chris Mass toward Chris swallows right very get the fighting. The other thing that I was thinking about it mean I'd like to, but I can't find any we're going. Ok is there, it seemed like the reporters that are out in the field of fighting anybody that has any amount of intent the extreme, like those Caitlin Collins, she's got no background. No substance doesn't bring any particularly interesting
thoughtful or any experience to the table. She's a White House correspondent, she's twenty eight years old. She acts like she's fourteen years on she's in there too, to really undermine the president she's part of a team effort, there's a whole group in them and not just women than men to and and so forth, and then there's really know. Senior or veteran journalist, whose good enough whose whose has enough integrity to pulleys people aside at newsrooms at say, hey. This is it the way you do notes. In fact, this is Are you shut down, and this is what we are you gonna do opinion do opinion, but were trying to do. News here? Let me tell you how that works. It doesn't happen anymore. I agree now this is my question to you. We have good citizens are informed and educated. What do you think about tat it actually to the media itself when they come out. I live in the like. If it got to meet the area, an additive beach, we have those people
he had been running out of time. What your question governing them! What about yet approaching the new media ourselves with good integrity, questions in thing? Why aren't you reporting the truth? I have no problem with that go for I think we need to be doing my not a bad idea. I'll be right. Back The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest. Organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full. Time, presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond
but to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more it's not enough. You'll get em by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to Joe today at a MAC dot? U S! That's a m, a sea dot! U s! So supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U S, all right. Let's see here, let us take it weep. I call its weight over two hours. I apologise to you mean I'm, I'm so focused on what I'm doing. I don't see that
You know so anyway, it see must reduce it There comes finally sorry go to J like Forest, California, eight. Seventy answer the great care away where we live and national GO mark. National treasure. Thanks for taking my call long hissing listener, you. Are you originally from Illinois or Minnesota? No, sir, I'm from New York City, I was close now really I was trying to pick up your acts and I go ahead. I'm sorry! That's ok, My family left New York when I was fifteen okay so years. This is my comment.
Yes situation. That is that is that were in eerily reminds me, especially with this notion of essential and non essential personnel. There is a old twilight Zone episode called the obsolete man. The second season of the show starring, Burgess, Meredith and Fritz Weaver that eerily depicts a totalitarian, statist states, and Burgess merited a librarian is put on trial and it is a tremendous episode and I hope we do not end up eventually, but it seems that if we continue on this path lessened This was a great point you raise and, let's be honest, some of these governors are being too radical at least a soft tyranny and they're getting used to it in their liking. It some of these measures. Like an hour, lay sang in the September. I don't know where they
this power from it is frightening to me absolutely frightening me and have a man here. In fact, she has been wrong so much about So many things whether its models, whether its early on whether it's me Whatever it is, he's been wrong often, then, then we make excuses. Could the guy can never be wrong even when he is wrong, and then they tell us to follow? Him is what they mean, not the science, this this kind of soft house arrest of Warsaw. Martial law, it's getting old, it's getting very old more data we have, and we really follow. The science is that the elderly need to be extremely careful. People with, With other underlying illnesses need to be extremely careful everybody else's in pretty good shape. That's the truth! That's the science! That's the data! and I don't need a model to tell me that I might friend. I appreciate your car excellent and it is its frightening how many people have just born into this Kevin.
Santa Monica California also aid. Seventy they enter the great care allay. Go oh yeah. I mark Nell yelling thanks very much do what you do is opium poppies up there like you that when port- but I was just. What about the guy Chuck COD, and we have a guy out here, California, that on your than the other guys on the network Who had this guy just thought on a show were once a week? He never number one play. I would mention him by name, but I don't know how to respect for you. I won't do that, but I don't know who that is, but I have a new bumper. You want to hear what it is your truck Tybee for trucks, you I thank him
friend! We salute all you heroes out there. You know we are for military police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel, doctors and nurses and techniques, truck drivers, people work again Restart and everyone in between God bless you thank you, follow them Science see tomorrow from the westward one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-14.