« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/8/19

On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the world is going nuts and the left wants us to go crazy right along with them. Our courts just ruled that President Trump cannot even ask the Mexican Government to hold immigrants in Mexico before they even get into the U.S. When Arizona decided to enforce federal immigration law and the Supreme Court ruled that they could not, that it was up to President Obama. Now President Trump tries to enforce federal immigration law and they say he cannot. The media just doesn't let up against Trump and Conservatives. Then, Trump has been friendlier to Israel than any other American president but he's called an anti-Semite. Israel holds elections for Prime Minister Tuesday and the strong alliance between our nations' leaders should not be ignored. Later, Congressman Devin Nunes calls in to discuss his criminal referrals stating that these referrals are only the beginning of what they discovered through, interviews investigations, and whistleblowers. Finally, Shelby Steele calls in to discuss reparations for slavery and it’s the opinion of this program that reparations should be paid by the party of racism—the Democrat Party.

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