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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/3/20


On Friday's Mark Levin Show, many are saying "follow the science." Critics keep attacking President Trump even though he is following the science presented by Doctor’s Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx. Despite the attacks on this program from the left-wing media the fact remains that some of the modeling used to recommend a national quarantine is misleading and has been called into question by other experts. Then, the economy must be opened before the cure becomes worse than the disease. Later, the Democrats continue pushing for a national stay-at-home order which would override the rights of the states and unnecessarily quarantine areas of the country that are not hot-spots like New York City. Rep. James Clyburn and Gov. Gavin Newsom suggest that the United States consider restructuring how the country does business and governs in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Afterward, new information regarding the abuse of FISA applications has surfaced. These errors and omissions are violations of the Woods procedure which is a standard FBI practice. Of 29 applications audited by the Inspector General since 2014 — 17 of them were found to be erroneous.

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