« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/27/23


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, a dangerous precedent is being set for a U.S attorney or Attorney General to impanel a grand jury and subpoena documents and witnesses to the satisfaction of the counsel, and the way the media is framing it is nothing but propaganda. Jack Smith had Mike Pence testify against Donald Trump in front of a federal grand jury because a case is trying to be made that Trump spearheaded an effort to overturn the 2020 election and obstruct the transition from one administration to another. This is a horrendous criminalization of the political process and would never have been done to Obama, Clinton, Carter, or other Democrat presidents. There is no place for the criminalization of this matter, and only became one because of one man – AG Merrick Garland. Meanwhile, Sen Dick Durbin is demanding that Chief Justice John Roberts testify about the ethics of the Supreme Court, raising issues with Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch. Congress is not free to intimidate Supreme Court justices, but Democrats are desperate to do it by trashing the Constitution. We are witnessing a police state, people who wrap themselves in the Constitution but are unleashing this assault on our Constitutional system. Also, once you have the ability to claim control over the climate, you have begun to create a police state that can dictate what appliances and how much energy people can use, and that is exactly what Democrats are doing. Automobile manufacturers are losing billions shifting to electric vehicles that nobody wants because of regulations from the EPA. We are living through a quiet insurrection through government regulations controlling every aspect of our lives.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now, broadcasting only underground demand, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. the
the The mark levine. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one display efforts to intimidate me by some of these, make crap party media platforms out there.
I will continue to make my points about the constitution, including the following. the decision. On january six, that was before the house representatives of the u s senate, that is congress with vice president, Serving as In the senate, we're seeing the counting of electoral votes is purely one hundred percent, a political matter. There is no place whatsoever. None four prosecutors fbi, investigators or anybody associated with the federal law enforcement. None. The decision about koran, called vague electors, the disease
about going back to states any tension decisions about how to handle the electors are the election, but to the united states congress, there is simply no role built into the constitution, none for branches of the executive branch, To make determinations about the conduct The campaign so that candidates there's a difference between flat our graft bribery, understandable crimes. pay, offs and so forth, and so the influence and election. But there is no cost, The judicial authority no stand
whatsoever Attorney general for you, The attorney for a special council to be conducted. Grand jury proceedings, grand jury proceedings to second guess to make determinations about political matters taking place in the state legislatures and taking place. In the halls of congress. None. This has never happened before ever and there have been many Contentious elections, many including two thousand. Including eighteen hundred for that matter, any I said and is being created here that is gravely dangerous or an attorney general.
we're u s, attorney, can make a determination on their own on their own turn panel, I grand jury to call witnesses to subpoena documents. determined to the satisfaction of the. U s attorney, or in this case the special council we received by an attorney general They believe a law was violated and the laws that are referring to. we're never pass by congress in contemplation of anything like this. That is, that they would be used under any sir I'm stances connected toured associated with an alike. and the way the media continue to frame which, if there was an africa
overturned. Twenty twenty election is nothing but a propaganda. When democrats in two thousand went to the floor And at recounts demanded that the votes are flawed and not be counted. What was that one Democrats went to the floor, went to the floor and demanded in two thousand, or that the votes from ohio not be counted. What was that one democrats want to the floor.
in twenty sixteen and insisted that the election of donald trump should be avoided because of so called russian influence. What was when there was an effort in this country. and this battle went all the way to the supreme court, I am persuade republican delegates to flip to the democrat presidential candidate. What was that. When there was an effort in two thousand to endlessly litigate endeavours, partisan counties in florida. To bring these cases to the supreme court of Florida, which was all democrats to over
currently election laws that have been passed by the state legislature and signed by the governor. What was that congress eggs. The ultimate determination congress could have either overruled the: u s supreme court in bush, vs gore, because Congress has the final say, uniquely so importantly, so Crucially, so when it comes to that permitting in the end who the president and the vice as if the united states will be. What do you think the left, the posters electoral college there's ape Us that set up are you fraternity and attorney general special counsel, call them whatever you want,
Intercede in that process to make the terminations of their uncomfortable with efforts outward taken. With other electors potentially, if there are issues that are to be raised about whether our electors baker, not whether their legitimate or not, those issues go to the floor of the house of representatives where there's a joint meeting of come. And those issues are decided by congress. That's the constitution. So now we have a situation where the form of President of the united states is compelled to testify from
they federal grand jury in Washington dc at the behest of a so called special council would connections to the obama family and he wants to testify against trump against trot. We have lawyers that represented trump forced to testify in front of them. andrew because a case is trying to be made and ultimately. Potentially will be made that Donald trump spearheaded an effort. to overturn the twenty twenty election to obstruct the peaceful movement from Administration to the next and they will die.
stop laws that have never been used. In these circumstances, they won't dust off laws better, a hundred years old or more criminal statutes. Miss supply them to this situation and then forevermore people involved in power. takes in the states at the federal level, congressmen and senators presidential car In its will wonder when they pick up the phone and call. a sector state or their party in one party and say: can you find more votes or
can't. We send another list of elector four thousand other questions. They will now be committing potentially criminal acts. That's some: u s attorney some turning general. Some special counsel. Potentially for another administration, the administration at issue will send in the prison and I'm the only one talking about, and yet this is dire. This is a horrendous criminalization of the political process.
The people doing. This would never have done this against Biden, obama, Clinton, carter, l, b, J, J, F k. Never ever I hear people there called constitutional lawyers, constitutional professors, constitutional experts and they won't even discuss this cause. They're sellouts. There is no place no place here for the criminalization of this matter. None and how did it become a criminal matter
How did this become a criminal money, because the same man who decided that parents had school board meetings, the pro life resort, abortion clinics. That thousands of americans on the grounds of the capital dollar are to be investigated and prosecuted Decided to criminalize this matter this People who promote the thee- can marxism agenda, same people doing this to our constitutional order. There not upholding anything there perverting I speak as somebody that used to work at the united
dates, department of justice at the highest levels. as somebody who was chief of staff to an attorney general. As somebody who, with that attorney general, would sit around a very big table in the attorney general conference with Tourney general, the deputy attorney general, the associate attorney general, the assistant attorney general for the criminal division, with the: u s: attorney's office, the director, the fbi and more. this would never have got not a hand the way it has here. I can tell you now in the other matter the documents matter. There is no way no way. None.
the attorney general niece would have agreed to a a warrant followed by a swat team, followed by a special council. To go after ronald reagan's, former opponent, Jimmy carter over documents, Classified or otherwise it never would have happened period. Never. I'll be right back, then. Let me ask you: what hector is going on with the banks. These bank failures are Absolutely nuts, are we supposed to fine sanity in this mess? Knives talking with a gust of precious metals, and they said tons of people are buying gall to protect their retirement savings right now. I think it's more more than ever to own gold. I guess what view
Hundred thousand dollars, plus save for retirement augusta will act we pay you and pure gold to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to august precious metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the bank, yes, this is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids, haven't seven for gold. I re to learn how to bridge. Retirement I get your free gold coin, that's all gust of precious metals. seven seven for gold. I re again eight seven, seven for gold. I re consult your finance from professionals before investment and serious disclosures are a gust of precious metals dot com Of course, when the constitution is ratified and there was no department of justice, the attorney general
No! U s attorneys! None of it. the framers of the constitution would never have two bladed, a situation like this to be. by on elected. Individuals who effectively certainly up ostensibly. Work for the candidate of the opposing parties, but are not saying today is the story broke about my pants. His appearance before this grand jury is my pants as a potential candidate for president, the united states as well. so. You have somebody appointed whose democratic approach it by a Democrat thee. Yours attorney general Who was appointed by the president Biden who's the democratic candidate, and I we ve had to put
actual opponents of this democratic candidate Biden, one the target of the bad administration, the they're called in front of the grand jury of the bad administration. people like to say this has never happened in history because they want. you think something's wrong, we're trumpet pence sever happen history, because we are witnessing a police state people who wrapped themselves in the constitution? people who wrapped themselves and freedom of the press, but our mouthpieces democrats for the people who are Unleashing this assault on our constitutional system number one tromp should not be under investigation congress make the determination and congress did make the determination,
presidency, was given to bide a number to the vice president. Former vice president shouldn't be involving them. Let me ask you what heck does going on with the banks. These bank failures are Absolutely nuts, are we supposed. Fine sanity in this mess. I was talking with augusta Precious metals and they said tons of people are buying gall to protect the retirement savings right now. I think it's more important Ever their own gold, I guess what view Hundred thousand dollars, plus save for retirement augusta will act We pay you and pure god to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to augusta I should metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the failures? This is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids. Seven: seven for gold. I re to learn how to protect retirement. I get your free gold coin. That's all gust of precious metals.
Seven seven for gold. I re again eights seven for gold. I re consult your financial professionals before investment and see serious disclosures that august up precious metals, dot com, Margaret thunder on the right, color, now, eight seven, seven, three eight one create one one: the inspector general. Of the department of justice, The growing by republicans said today that three point four million me in investigations of one degree or another, were launched under face without once much diminish without warrants. That is without pfizer works
From process different probable cause, but still that doesn't matter- that's the way without warrants and one million of the three and four million were a mistake. One million thirty percent were in error in our now. Those occurred while Merrick garland his attorney general, the united states. he's the attorney general united states he's in charge the directorate
Fbi, he has a role. This is a secret court. This is a secret codes. That was created this whole process after nine eleven now, here, is its being used against the american people. Three point: four million cases. One million mistakes- who's gonna- be fired over this. Nobody, no nobody who's in charge of this, nobody takes responsibility. Nobody think about that. now we have another issue involving separation of powers in the constitution and the law,
Little did durban alone. I is demanding. the chief justice of the united states, John Roberts, testify about ethics and the supreme court. And their pointing to clarence, thomas and now. In addition, justice near corset. Neither of whom has done anything illegal. no gore such solid property. Pretty that he owned twenty percent in. and he inherited a forty acres tracker proper. He come round in rural plan beak colorado, nine days There is confirmation process He was sold to the chief inside.
Of a very large national law, firm, green berrigan, torch. yonder with two other people, and that law firm has had. I see ago here says his head. I believe it's twelve cases, people being in front of the supreme courts and scorches course, which has been on the court. Courses has voted in favour of the clients or the position and taken an amicus brief bottle firm and eight cases and against them and ford cases? We had says they ve had twenty two cases. But in any event, travelling Cases are recorded, so the point is this: does that sound like somebody, who's been bought off,
a perfectly reasonable eight before outcome, so they don't actually have any evidence that anything was wrong. There's. Even in appearance of a conflict. Really you sell your property. You sell your broccoli Same applies to clarence Thomas various vacation schemes, where the various vacations, as well as properties there is simply no causal connection. Between and unethical act, The case of the thomas's, their friendship with a gentleman and in the case of course, which this lover.
We ve got dna evidence the equivalent of dna evidence linking Joe Biden, his family, to thirty one million dollars in communist chinese money billions of dollars and money from other foreign entities in front operation. Millions. A little dick of illinois has no interest in that now does he of the our to subpoena the chief justice or any the justices to appear before congress. Of course, he has the power to subpoena them. are those subpoenas enforceable rights. The question and the answer is no. A wise, the answer, no because their coequal branches of government and, while
Congress has brought oversight authority to make legislation authorities not absolute think, a three circles between your. it. Britannia come our harris. I forget what she calls these chart, but think of three circles then diagrams think event diagrams, don't think I'm hours. This little areas there overlap letter shaded between the three branches. That's where the conflict lies, A at times you can, you can make out fairly. Clear, black and white areas, where one has authority over the other and so forth, and so on. Just as the supreme Court says: hey: we could rule on virtually anything, but we want europe to have standing
but even more than that they have the political doctrine that they say that we're not going to get involved and things that involve the political activities of the congress and the president's over So they they pull back, they don't cross outline its the same congress Congress is not free to intimidate supreme court justice there free to do that, and yet democrats in congress are desperate to do it. I can assure that the leftists on the court jacks so am I or follow after they will not be called before congress. And if they are by republicans than you see, entire nature of the-
Supreme court has been destroyed a lot more than what clarence. Missus Dunn and neil gore such has done to destroy two hundred fifty years. Of tradition, unita? How a lot more than this. And this is what I mean when I talk about what this Democrat party is doing, as applies to the elect college in the last election they jumped the shark and they want to jump the shark here with this strictly justices, their trashing, the constitution. They can talk. ethics. All they want and property sales Vacations and on and on and on they- literally are destroying. might destroy separation of powers, that's
Their mindset is that's why they attack the electoral college, That's why they try to populate disappearing. What would like minded eighty alex? That's, why Want to destroy the filibuster role- let's not constitutional per se, but it's a rule has been in place for a very long time. That's why secure the border and ignore the immigration laws. That's why they do what they do power. So now I would argue they can. At enforce a subpoena against these justices. Not on this basis are these bases now. and, ultimately, who would decide that anyway, you see this is something the framers just figured that we'd.
At least some men and women a virtue. We have an entire party, the democratic party, that's virtue lists and then the next question. Why does little dick durban of illinois have no interest in the corrupt? involving Joe Biden and his family,. Why isn't he holding hearings on the failure of garland to appoint a special council? He is the. The putative headed the judiciary committee in the senate, because Diane Feinstein doesn't know the ladys were met, so they gave it to the munchkin here
and this guy durban, I've told you before member senator Thompson was producer. Tenancy fred was a good friend phantom, stick man, he told me he got along pretty much with all the senators but government because durban word was knocked turbans word. He was dishonourable. And this is the guy now who's trying to torpedo the court. I would tell the justices in I'll get your paper work in order. Everybody
hasta, but that doesn't mean anything they did- is unethical or a moral or criminal were subject to congressional oversight. But if they feel they can bring the chief justice in or associate justices in, then they should feel just. Just as strong in their arguments in bringing in Joe Biden testify, but but it would even try that what they are Back then, let me ask you what hector is going on with the banks. These bank failures are absolutely nuts. Are we supposed to find sanity in this mess. Nice Talking with augusta precious metals- and they said tons of people are buying gall to protect their retirement savings right now. I think it's more imports.
than ever to own gold. I guess what view hundred thousand dollars plus save for retirement august will act We pay you and pure gold to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to a press, metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the bank fail This is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids, haven't seven for gold. I re to learn how to bridge retirement. I get your free gold coin. That's all gust of precious metals Seven seven for gold, I re again eight seven seven for gold. I re consult your finance from professionals before investment and serious disclosures are augusta: precious metals, dot, com, this is basically been constitution, our got one more that I want to fit in For next hour, this is
just the news giant, solomons excellent site. Strawberry, move tromp floors s congress to intervene and classified documents, controversy, the legal gmos I timothy parlor tour. Sent a letter to house entire committee chairman MIKE turner and the gang of Congressional leadership, declaring the end resonated fbi rate amara largo last august was on so sorry and shielded congress from being a. the toy lacks national archives and records administration security system. That box that classified. Comments with met those and ship than to Florida compound without regard to protecting national secrets. Follow this The solution to these issues is not a misguided, politically infected and severely criminal investigation but rather a legislative solution. Parliament as colleagues road to turner, the oj should be ordered to stand down and they tell
in community, should instead conduct an appropriate investigation and provide a full report. this committee, as well as to your counterparts in the senate. So what Saying here is a look: the national archives box, this stuff up. And they threw classified documents and therewith other document in the same boxes with moment, those him and so forth and they sent on the morrow larga. Why did you Albany the Biden administration of a criminal investigation they're the ones boxed it up, This is new information there, ones who put the documents and there they are the ones who signed it tomorrow. Largo, why criminal investigation being launched against me. now bill bar would say well they wanted back and you wouldn't give him back.
And so they had every right to get a warrant and a swat team. Edmunds would say: no they didn't not how we can house, that's not how any administration is conducted so, prior to this one, any attorney general and a u S, attorney So now we would not do that. the latter level, some of the trunk camps, harsh criticism, epps federal prize. It is now led by jack, smithy, phony special counsel, national archive suggesting they ve tried to orchestrate a scandal and prosecute and they would hide the failures of federal bureaucracy. an office even Jimmy Carter's facilities. They mentioned cardiff, these Biden Tom, but they did this to trump. They deficient document handling and storage proceed you're not limited any individual administration or political power
a legislative solution by congress is required to prevent the department of justice from continuing to conduct. ham handed criminal investigations, whose side are inherently not criminal, whether on the present right about that. That's why you keep here. This is a first in american history. Exactly! Oh, yes, our brag, that's a first! Written history president's taking documents, including classified documents, is not a first in american history, The way this was handled was a first in american history by the binding administration I it means would have done. He would have picked up the phone and four were carter's. An example said Jimmy, MR president: we need the documents back, got the careers over here who hate you who want to go to court
in the wind, want to send a swat team in and do all these other things we're not going to do that. Let's just get this done, blah blah blah blah, apparently bill Barr, wouldn't do that apparently bill Barr would do exactly what merrick garland would do. He be the first attorney john american history to abuses authority like this. I suppose it's what I believe it is a lot of hours attorney general, the united states? U s attorneys have a lot of power. That doesn't mean you exercise in every instance, gotta use your head and just You don't like your former boss in it have reasons not the like. Your former boss doesn't mean you act like a schmuck And I'll ended on that note, I was constitution. Our I actually hadn't planned it, but I decided to do As I got started here, got lot more or less
I hope you stick with us other. I got this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you, thank you again. We're listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk, the broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american market. Will then here a number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one
three, eight one one. You know the other day we talked about regulations by the west, spilled my bottled water online. Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like I'm, but does it look like MR producer it looks like it's time for the baby to be fed, despite do that, as I was taking that these these plastic bottle very very thin. So I don't blame them. I mean I get to you by the end of the vine administration? Listen to this they're gonna ban bottled water. They don't want us using plastic. So the ban, bottled water just manner tat they do anything in, although gesture Climate change contributed to climb, contributes to I'm a change and so
in a band bottle. You know once you have the foundation built for police state based on air and water and climate. There are no limits. That is the evil genius. Behind this. you wrap everything in health and safety and wealth. once you claim that you have the power to regulate ere, the water and the climate. For the sake of the people. Of course, then you have your police state. Then you have your police, they then you have your ability to reply. Capitalism with economic socialism, you have your ability to de grow d grow. If you will the economy.
You have the ability to reach into the bedroom member of a bad ram, except you otherwise they reach into the bedroom me reach into the kitchen a region at a laundry room, they decide what kind of aid access to new can have dishwashers, dryers, washing machines and they're. Doing that. Their driving the costs up through the roof there, maybe extremely difficult for working class people to acquire these things. To upgrade these things. and they really turning the screws on you. While the same time, We need to look at the rent, where am gonna get the richer over there and yet, All these things are affecting you, how they get to decide. What kind of car you're gonna have you're, not.
going to have a car where the combustion engine and uses gasoline they're gonna put them out of business. And so these massive manufactures? What of unchecked our two by the way automobile manufacturers, their shifting Can you don't wanna show losing billions and billions of dollars: sick, percent of the cars on the road or electric you dont want them, even though they giving seventy five hundred dollars or something like that: Subsidy, that's gonna, run out and say the decided we ve of this the wrong way. What do you say to a regulation? No legislation, no input from congress, no input from you to your members of congress, nothing to sign I will order the epa to issue a regulation, It's so onerous in terms of the
Bastion engine and gas using cars, but the man, factors won't even be able to produce them in the ec. Then so be so high that you won't be able to buy them out of the day Crash there in the wrecking bob business they could. Nothing but havoc and expenses and impoverishment therein, the wrecking ball business. And where they have in the constitution, do they have this power? Nowhere they talk. insurrections you're living through one. You are living through a non violent quiet, insurrection. People affecting your lives. Your lifestyles, your income, your budget and they don't have any blueprint
That demonstrates that there is an end to this. It's gonna be never ending and it's gonna be a huge failure. so everything to feed off this electrical grid. That is not strong enough, doesn't produce enough electricity for everything to feed off it. You see Happening california, once the wealthiest state, the most prosperous stay. in its now state. That's regressing! Moving back to the feudal system in the dark ages, we the king, by the name, a nuisance, and about of clowns around him by the name of the state legislature, Heaven a grand. time themselves in closing their power in their will on the people to stay, as the demographic To this day, keep changing as productive people keep leaving and people on the doll keep coming in. That's what's up,
killing their tax base, so they keep raising taxes heading power to these environmental cooks, college degrees, advance college degrees, run these committees these little politburo that make all these decisions much like the pierre. so the epa is now in the business of determining what kind of how she can live in. What kind of automobile you can have can a washing machine. You can have what kind of dry or you can have what kind of dishwasher you can have. What kind of all Bill you couldn't have and they're going to keep at it scares stoves. Oh that's my good friend, oh really,. Guess stoves? Yes, yes, climate, we gotta, we gotta worry about the climate, and you are very on tv, like the today show our roker. More home runs or is it because of climate change?. The stadiums are smaller, the balls more jacked up
That's why they're, hitting more home runs, has nothing to do A climate change you idiot, but that's the genius of this- that's the genius don't approve anything. You just say it. My gathers a hurry, and when you are in the middle of a hurricane, it's the words hurricane. You ve ever seen why those you're in a memo. That's why. what happened to the dinosaurs MR producer? They disappeared. Where the automobiles bank, that gas does in the idea. That the incandescent light bulb, which is true right compared to an alley day more attractive. Compare don't I'll! Do that! incandescent light bauble, save the earth is so in.
Saying it's not even funny: it's insane the gas stove for you, good I'll worry about my own good Can you name the name, administrator of the epa. Ladies and gentlemen of the top, your head, can you I can't? Can you rich. Can you name the name of the deputy administrator, the PA Can you name the name of the associate administrator, the pier. Can you name five people and see Your positions of the epa. Most of us can in fact now nine point: nine percent of us can't Yet they run our lives. Who are these people? Where did they get all these expertise from.
They didn t driven by ideology. Pets are, in fact a new name. The top five people, the department of agriculture. Can you name the top five people, the department of justice, Could you name the top five people, the department of energy? Can you about the department of commerce know who are they that's your twenty people, I've asked now look at the power they have over us was its intended. Now we do not live in it. Country that was established by the constitution? I'm holding my hand, we just don't. We do not get a hundred and twenty years ago
The nature that country was fundamentally altered, the beginning of the fund mental alteration of the country. You know who had started with theatre about. That's why John Mccain loved theodore, roosevelt. Theodore. Roosevelt today would be your quintessential rhino. Big hawk on foreign policy left us on domestic policy. He was an ivory about this and rediscovering american it, which will Wilson franklin, rose of course in the history, goes on a modern american history. Just point this out to your shocks. We were told that,
we could never be energy independence and we achieved through our technology advances in fraction. They were told. wrapping was polluting. The waters and water wealth, which it was not now we're told you must abandon all fossil fuels, period and rely on the sun and so forth, does not produce enough energy for this country and its action mary complicated, if not impossible, to get energy from solar panels. move them into the economy and so forth. In any law, scale away and your keeps putting deadlines out there. Twenty thirty twenty forty twenty forty five twenty fifty they just keep doing this
their destroying the industrial heartland of america. All of you, folks, who are blue collar workers who make this country work The coal miners and the oil fields, the refineries truckers. and so many the rest of you that we can't even name the pipe fitters and sober. dirt in their hands are cut? Their palms are at stake from home for weeks, if not months at these, People who make our country work you're, the ones there targeting because. Industries Urim and what you do it both the rest of us to function
and do what we want to do- the steel mills, the iron mills, producers of aluminum? Have you ever met these paper? You know any people who do probably not the farmers. The ranchers to make possible the food we obviously many are listening, but I'm talking about those who don't do that and heavy never visited and see what they do. They, commercial fishermen, Sir horrendous, horrendously difficulties there, putting them out of business. Just to make a living today. It's hard enough, but when you have the government need capping you, because
because pseudo intellectuals most of whom are lawyers in? Why she didn t see where there is no industry. There are no industries and wash these. He there's a reason for it, because those people don't matter create anything other than red tape. Their manipulating you they're, manipulating your work there, deleting your careers, their manipulating your lives, they don't given us. value and I'm tired. The democratic party. I'll, be right back then, don't fall for their free phone dea's from variety and eighteen to your t, mobile folks,
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why you can see this site for details, gave a green field over it front page binding, The double the cost of electricity. How many men she can afford to pay twice as much for the utilities americans can afford to buy. So by decided they also shouldn't be able to heat their homes during the winter. After so environmental measure that would prevent a majority of the country from being able to afford new cars It is now going after their power bills. It is deeply a proposal of mandate mandate, carbon capture on these power plants, member- we talked about this,
Started by mit show that carbon capture raises the cost of electricity from thirty to fifty percent. Thirty to fifty percent, depending on the type of plant further study Austria's institute for energy, economics and financial analysis show that price this could actually climate. Ninety five percent, two hundred seventy five percent- now imagine your Our bills double that'll, be the fao. a blow for millions of americans, Is corrupt inflationary spending broke the economy and send prices soared Date, environmental regulations in California, in new york, left. This areas increase the costs trust last year, one six homes had fallen by another utility bills, a survey found, a third of households, were cutting back on food and medicine to be able to heat their homes.
with more than twenty million households struggling binding. Added to live to deliver the killing blow his illustration illegal carbon capture mandates. Cause congress has great any this. What high Electricity trinity costs thirty percent to one hundred and seventy five percent is, I just explained and utilities we'll be fine. To pass the cause of this expensive, so called green tec to their customers just as they are already being crushed under the burden of expensive and unreal. About solar and wind systems, how many americans can afford to pay twice as much for the utilities? Nobody would americans pay more for the privilege of carbon capture power, but the power plants would produce less power,
Louisiana click go utility warn that its carbon capture experiment would cut power production by thirty percent, pay more get less. That's carbon capture, brown out blackouts, that's green energy, Like most green technology, so called carbon capture is a scam. that's not just a conservative position, even the most fervent environmentalist, including greenpeace, which caused the great carbon capture scam. This year, a club set, it doesn't work. I stand for study found that carbon Abstractly increases air pollution. Are you see berkeley but he found a carbon capture with double water use, which will be environmental, a catastrophic in southern california. and other water limited areas, carbon capture on pop, about conservatives and environmentalist wise, the buying administration,
determined to impoverish americans using a plan. The boat I agree as bad. You know why they take down the country more carbon capture, a hypothetical technology that, like most green tech, doesn't work, it does fulfil its primary purpose of making it too expensive for consumers to use power. Carbon capture technology doesn't actually change anything about the environment, but it makes conventional gas and call points too expensive operate. These are, can I since these are really pernicious efforts, the same, would destroying the automobile. You read let them out of existence. Killing convention gas and coal plants you regulate them out of existence. Right back, don't fall for their free phone dea's from variety and eighteen to your mobile folks,
Just another trick to lock you into a long term contract that is going to cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract cancel or leave any time, get a new iphone ultra fast five g service and cut Cell phone bill in half: that's why I'm a pure talk customer! That's why you should be too. You can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose, a variety of unlimited talk and text plants, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high speed, are all backed by a one hundred percent money back guarantee go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, Levin, podcast, l, a v. I n podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code levin.
podcast restrictions apply. You can see this site for details. Nobody says it better than mark Levin. Mark Levin said cause, nobody could say it better call. No eight, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one. can get pregnant. I must be lactating. I have always wetness how my chest here: Actually, it's water, I spilled it. Then the world nuts. you get it arguments for people over whether guys can get pregnant because they chop off Genitalia tell had that sick he can't call men and boys, men and boys. women, women and girls its it's insane.
And who are all these clowns, who think they can dictate the language to us? Who are all these buffoons? Who think we should ignore real science, biology An embrace their idiocy, their insanity wanna, take what story, last night, my wife Julie was apart, has been she's a member of an organization and they met with the superintendent of the fairfax how many schools system, which is right next to loud and county. In any event, the subject was, part. The horrendous attacks semitism that is taking place in fairfax county schools, particularly their high schools, and it's gotten very, very ugly.
And so she was there with a number of other people audience. Forty. Fifty parents showed They didn't all know, each other In some of them are apparent at all taxpayers. The examples are provided in their explaining. What's taking place in that jewish kids are afraid to where their yom occurs or their star, David or mozilla's is or identifies Joe sure anything else which is pretty bad. Two percent of the population in the united states over fifty percent of the hate crimes in these you're gone on in the fairfax county school system. It's the biggest school system The state one of the biggest in the country fact it's one of the biggest man city colonies in the country in any Is it the tallow wags, the dog politically around here
The superintendence listening and says virtually nothing. There is almost no reaction out of the superintendent fairfax counties closest, except when my wife speaks her. Not about anti semitism, He speaks out and she says we should. be in we're supposed to be a color blind society. Color blind. and the superintendent get very motivated them. The superintendent said that we don't
talk that way about colorblind society that degrades minority. and my wife was booed by some of the highlights for climatic a blind society because, as we know here, we ve talked about and I've written about it. If you believe in, grace theory. You cannot believe in a colorblind society. everything flows through race, oppressed and oppressor. So the argument today is a color blind society in those who advance in her white supremacists. Because they will not accept black identity or brown identity or yellow red identity and its part now of effort of the white dominant society to oppress everybody else? Then, of course
my wife mention martin luther king and, as I have a dream speech, He said. I have a dream August one Nineteen sixty three- I have a dream that my four, children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. You see the original. Individuals who came up with this whole critical theory critical race theory. They rejected martin luther king, we're very careful about how they did it, but they rejected.
And they reject the idea today of a color blind society are children and public schools, government run, schools are being taught to view, thing: everybody via the lens of race and matches race, racism and noxious racism, critical race theory that by birth, Your I signed a motivation. they eliminate individualism and I'm going to create a new word here. They promote group ism. So this superintendent This is one she finally woke up and get animated. We don't we don't say that here, fairfax carnage, closest power plants. and so, rather than whitewash
if you will the I had a dream speech where there are a million people million people are so they came to, listen lincoln memorial to martin luther king and what he had to say now the marxist twist his words. Well, he didn't mean color blind in that sense. Now he met me mean today in critical rice. Theory. Theory. whole movement d. I yes tree sierra, tea. These are all marxist racist movements and they argue, did now enlarge corporations in virtually We school district in america. in many of your homes, you hearing this problem, you're hanging there tab
so they're, fairfax kind of school system, the biggest school system in the state of Virginia, despite the alive and of young and the others we don't use. She's will use the phrase color blind. We don't do that here and because that's That is racist connotations. Here we have a national holiday martin Luther king birthday. We can listen to his speech. We can all read his speech and he had many, but that was the big one. I had a dream and he practice for that speech for long time gave speed
like it all around the country and he practiced city, a practice that speak before I came, the washing didn't give it and if he said that sentence that once sense content cared judge not by the color of their skin. Today you will be trashed, that's the truth and fairfax county. that's forbidden. We don't talk like that and I suspect, if you ask any superintendent. any school system. You get the same crap I back the love in the don't fall for the free phone dea's from verizon, a t and t or t mobile folks,
just another trick. The lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna, cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone. Twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract cancel or leave any time get a new iphone. Ultra fast five g, sir and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure talk customer! That's why you should be too. you can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose a variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high speed are all backed by a one hundred percent money back guarantee go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, Levin, podcast, l, a v. I n podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code levin,
pod gassed restrictions apply. You can see this site for details more specifically the superintendent of the fairfax in school system that she couldn't agree. Congruity superman and it said she couldn't agree about striving for a colorblind society, but she told my wife and the group there too, Ten runs the masters courses couldn't agree. striving for a colorblind thy. Why cause you're pushing critical rage theory network? That's exactly why. And, as I have said over and over, you cannot support critical race theory and support. colorblind society, because there is no exception.
of individualism, unless, of course your tranche gendering, then then that's an individualism thing, but you still part of group is- I don't want to get into this right now, but I think I have explained it fairly clearly fairly clearly. Where am I missed producer? you, mr, but it is how much time do you have left here? Minute and a half, what's the writer Mr president, what does that mean? I mean that is in the declaration, cut one go, but american the only country that was built on an idea no matter how young you are. I hope you remember the idea. and that is where based not on where we live. Not the geography were based on this idea, and this is true: It says we hold the truth to be self evident. All men and women all men and women are created, equal,
say all men are under great as all men, hot honor, says all men and by all men they meant men and women. So why changing what it says beside you, And define a woman so why? Why anyway, go ahead Certainly you eddie and put an end to that. You have a powerful out. next. That's why I called the power and my friends twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be I'm a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills dot com, You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fantastic courses. You can discuss But the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer,
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the broadcasting from the underground command, both the teeth and the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The gentleman we have a killer sunday show on life, liberty and Levin at eight pm. Eastern five pm pacific seven pm central Whatever time is in your community and I hope you watch it did he is a killer, showed the second half of my interview, president trump. I have banned, mediate media matter. All the other reprobates and pre besants
washington, compost, the new york slimes and all the other offshoots and banned them from watching it. However, you are welcome to watch. Now the first part of the programme, I'm going to do my opening statement. We have nothing to do with president tromp, but I think you're gonna find it remarkable. tat were going to do something we ve never done on the programme, and I don't think it's ever been done on fox. Actually. Cloning, a video! I want you to see. So is always a very substantive show very interesting show you know the first time the show came out. You may remember this, mr produce media matters said it was the most boring show on tv, member, Number one show sunday night
there is a column this out there called ross? Do tat? Is an his name is tradition to talk to thought whatever Used to write a national view, I beg you used. The word. You really doesn't matter, but he said the big times now, isn the your times the holocaust, denying stolen supporting astro, promoting new york times. For some reason, people think that's cool and he rights this piece about our friend tucker, Carson, buddy resist taking a shot of yours truly. You know it maize and people who write about me. They ve never talk to me. They ve, never met me Really they don't listen to the show on a regular basis and so the
promote their own viewpoint. They they project so what he says is, in my case, the reason I support. Tromp is because the audience did. How many times have I talk to you, issues. Were you disagreed with me many of you, Most of you disagree with me on ukraine. which my position on ukraine now we greater disagree, and I give you my reasons and not the only issue we talk about and we have a general. Understanding and share these crucially, Orton principles about saving the nation, tokay everybody in the family of a friends they not all
with me either it's many of them do some dough. So what I our people. Why? I think what I think we're I'm coming from. What are you even know what my audience thinks on the whole, how would I know we don't know Poles, we don't take surveys. Our ratings throughout that period, nineteen said it should make twenty fifteen twenty sixty. We're very high, exactly the same as they are now from month to month are consistent, Whether I supported take crews and the primary aims after he lost I supported the nominee donald trump. I was very hard on donald trump donald trump spoke:
May I spoke to him several times at his request. He gave a speech in gettysburg that I thought was a hell of a speech that no bush we gave no romney could ever giver. No Chris Christie could ever give it was about me following the audience, and yet he writes that cause he's an idiot. ross through tat. If you ever want to talk to me, contact me. if you're going to mention me at least know me, or at least those something about me. My audience and I share a belief system- doesn't: may we on every single thing: justice, ilia and justice thompson, shared belief, cyst, justice, thomas shared belief system, but they did agree on it.
Thing, because their belief system might take them to a different position on a case here and there, but they were come. added from the same place. That's what we do. But I guess, if you right at the new york times, you have two: will you have the trade in both I must say Mr Medina The trade in bs in. Yet the trade in and in ideas that that don't even exist in prejudices and so forth. Close illiteracy. I'm a constitutional conservative. I've spent twenty years on the air explaining it I've written nine books, aid of which explain it.
So how does that make you a right winger, a right, winger, You see they steal the language you're right winger, if you actually believe in them in the family. governing document you're right? winger, if you actually believe and individualism over group, is yours Winger, if you actually take on the new york times in the washed and pose you're right, winger rather use? Raise and that term right winger, because a remind you what fascism so must be fascist, you're right winger, could you I agree with us: that's how it works. You must be altered. Manka ultra Ratan, extremist right wing mega much about I've figured area? We,
What the hell they're talking about, they don't know what they are talking about: anyway, don't miss sunday show if you were everything my message you can dvr set it up- right now tonight to recorded on sunday and watch it if you wish I think you're going to enjoy it a large, very substantive, very important in the thing I do would Donald trump tromp is about a half hour. The programme is I let him speak, and this is what angers them. twenty speech and more and more about him. You learn about how it thanks how he puts ideas together, I'm not directing my views on the donald trump the case, the left, their hatred on donald trump, where they try. trip, a mob column, names or so forth and so on. That's not what I do.
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He's in the middle of fighting the culture wars he's fighting the workforce, he's fighting the. algae bt, q, community and I don't mean because he's prejudiced, I mean because they're making demands that are unacceptable, particularly when it comes to classrooms. And he's taken on disney and I really get there gusted by the cowards and the republican party, who see this as an opportunity. To get the media to go after him and says overreaching and it's not about Guy remand, these are fools frauds and phone, and so any politician any who takes decided disney right now in the middle of battle. You can be sure a hundred percent certain that they are
capable of fighting these cultural wars and taking on these radical cooks, and you want to take em on because we can't win if we don't take them on fly the schools or a safe haven for sanity, for science for reality, they're not the fairfax county school system in virginia or the lab how many school system in virginia thousand other school systems across the country. It is safe for little kids and their parents, And that's which drive in the left nuts bag eiger thee they gather runs a company under the ground he employees be a business. You get near a pink slips. You happy about.
Folks, go to the year to the different parts and so forth. You like getting ripped off their other parts out there. You know. It's too bad he's ruined, wanted need more disney's, dream bob? I grew in the other left us on the board. Brought this funny lawsuit, which is again intended to get blessing against the governor, based glee saying he can't do what he did and the legislature can't do it. They did, of course they can. Gave them these preposterous subsidies half a century ago and they take taken back and they don't need a reason to do it now. if the corporation in florida, no other cooperation on the face of the earth gets the breaks the disney got. Then they exploited them. They enrich themselves the executive. The wrong dissenters.
Was in Jerusalem. Today's taking it national trip. and here in part, is what he said- cut seven go so the task before, As americans is standing strongly and forthrightly with Israel and with the jewish, We must support israel's right to defend itself, and that includes strong military and core intelligence cooperation, and also It also includes supporting Israel, maintaining its qualitative military superiority with system such as iron. Don't we must also ensure that, however, the future political in may blow the? U s embassy will always be right here in Jerusalem. That's never going to change the! U s must defend israel against disfavour treatment by the united nations and other in.
National bodies and agenda, driven international advocacy organizations, and we must reject those who reject israel it was right to exist as a jewish state, that is anti semitism. We must also, in america, respect Israel's right to make its own decisions about its own governance. smart country you figure it out. It shouldn't be for us to body into these important issues. You should also recommend to the framework of the Abraham cords and build a strong alliance between the? U S, sunni arab states and Israel, against the threat posed by the iranian regime, you would never hear. Biden speak like that ever blinkin, none of them austin own happen, cut. It.
and if you look at this, the challenges that we see as a matter of of strategic strategic in this region, and pursuit of nuclear weapons creates a risk. Unlike you ve, not seen in this region, and their ideology an apocalyptic ideology combined. But the ability to use humanity's worse weapons represents a threat, an existential threat to the state of Israel, and it represents a threat to united states of america and I'm just proud that as congressmen, like many of you, you know we saw through ass many. You. Ago, when they tried to do this iranian nuclear deal, we said that all would do was empower, ran and guess what happened. They got billion billions of dollars flooded into their coffers what'd, they use that money to today
the citizen. Rees lives better in IRAN. Of course, not. They use that to fund terrorism, all around the Middle east, and so we oppose did the deal failed, and I think it's important going forward that we learn from that and learn that you cannot approach them in a way that is going to empower the regime. You must hold the regime accountable and that But u s policy should do excellent I'm am sure my secular jewish friends find this very compelling go vote for Biden, cut nine, go you look at the movement to boycott divest insane, in the state of Israel, so called beady ass. We in Florida have stood
against that from day one of our administration, the it's fine to criticize policy of any government. You can criticize Israel so, you can criticise the state of Israel, but when your folks it is only on one jewish state and you hold them up to a different standard than you hold up every other country in the world and indeed, when you work to excuse bad conduct from so many road regimes throughout the rest of the world when have that frame of reference. That is anti semitism you are, Are getting the one to a state where disfavour treatment, so in florida we made it very clear even before I took office, this is they are being be, was going to penalize folks
here in Israel, and we made it very clear that that's not going to stand with the state of florida. We make clear that in florida, beady s is deah way proceeded to make sure that our pension funds would not be investing in any of these companies. So we put air being be on our disfavour companies less and guess what reverse the policy. What we did work and then there was a press conference have towards and we'll just play a little piece of this cut term go Here, the question is: will go back to the tub governor during your time in guantanamo? Did you witness any incidents? What does that have to do with anything. God, the media, are just so sleazy go ahead.
the all that bs the present dlc the. How would they know me think about that? Do you honestly believe that's credible, so this is twenty two thousand and six, I'm a junior officer. Do you honestly think that they would have remembered me from Adam, of course, not they're just trying to get into the news, because they know people you will consume it because it fits your preordained narrative that you're trying to spend focus on that. He is a smart dude. He really is sport. There was, there was perfect. It is exactly right to why you bring. This crap and the other thing I would say you were lying on terrorist detainees involved? A nine eleven will make. An accusation and you're a girl,
taking it to me media or did I suck I'll, be right ever since we got it. infinity mobile. The whole family now has the fastest mobile service. Back in my day, we didn't have it nearly as good. Oh yeah, back in my day, you couldn't even stream outside the house. I don't want to think about it. I switched to xfinity mobile the fastest mobile service, with five g in millions of wifi hotspots get the best place for tourism and lines of five year compared to the lowest price plans of the top three carriers. Just thirty dollars align per month. Does it extended our complex, bastards mobile to learn more restrictions? Expenditure on limited interest service in extending internet require taxes, and these extra we set for twenty gigabytes of be such data thresholds mayberry event and making conservatives great again dial in eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one: okay, mister precursor where's, my phone. I can't find it
Alright, alright, have you emailed or texted me these numbers Both hell you're a man of great their competence. they area. California, mark that great care, so foe, whereas we cod kiss well go right ahead, please good evening, the gray one? How are you farewell? How are you saying all about? I'm good great! I'm called about my electric and gas bill already being too high in october of last year? It was eighty five dollars and it's been over two hundred and forty ever fancies. I live I myself in it hundred square foot home and I'm wondering what's going on. I can't afford to pay any more both because California is the is the petri dish. It's the experiment.
And if they can do it in California, they figure they can do it anyway. California, quite frankly, used to be the most vibrant of all the states people wanted to go to california. I wanted to go to california. I did for a period of time. It was the state, opportunity was the state of ragged into major in and people send it was. It was real and entrepreneurial Land and that's why you had silicon valley there, and so many things there, then, eventually you had schwarzenegger who blow at big time and move left cause. They lost some of the votes there on the air fares. Bout measures and the Crash to run that state ever since, and they have run it into the ground, they have super duper majorities in the from the legislature. I've got a really stupid, liberal, there's your governor. He can see come out here, was the attorney general dumb as they come,
have a whole line of these reprobates, and all I have to do is get on the ballot. So they took me the most vibrant state in the union and destroyed it psych san Francisco. Certainly one of the prettiest have bought the prettiest city in the country and they ve turned it into a how hall los angeles people loved living in and around los angeles or number two city they utterly destroyed it and I could go on and on and on the borders wide open. The economic situation, there is dire that taxes are the highest in the country that state and in new york. It was never like this before meanwhile the tax taxer in the late seventy started in California. Oh for so it's really a shame, and so california
Brown out some blackouts more and more stance will in any state in the union waters. Regions more substantial any state in the union more government control than any state in the union. You you tell, bills, her through the roof. because they will not build anymore electoral power plants. There. In fact, their shutting down hydro, electric plants They don't allow any more nuclear power there real drilling taking place other than the areas that have been grandfathered in and all this After their not ready for solar and wind and all not ready for this stuff, all of this is why you're utility bills, through the roof I'm a tale dad I'm trying to pay per two kids college tuitions and I'm not asking for
free money from anybody. It's so sad, I Maybe it's time to get the hell out of their stuck in mark a couple more years. Isn't that sad Isn't that sad, I'm really sorry for your body. I apologise, but my college, using firm apologizing that you have to live around these these damn force. Are you take care of yourself too bad? Isn't it let's go to let us go to anthony queens mayor they re, w ABC Anthony. Please go right ahead I have listened to you very long time, you're you're, fantastic, I would like here to. Question and, if possible, make two quick points: is this: do you think the republicans are prepared efficiently?
for the presidential election in terms of melon, ballots, drop of boxes, harvesting, etc. Do you think sufficiently repairing, and then I would like to point this out that on abortion, not in favour abortion, but republicans me to show some empathy to the woman. They are silent, And I know most of my friends are republicans and they are empathetic because of the fact that when you get down to it, it is unfair. That the woman bears most of the burden of bearing the child that mother nature but have come on. You just lost me. It's unfair that the woman by most of the.
Whatever for bearing the child. Is that what you said on it is what I said. What do you mean it's unfair, the poor well uh. Oh, oh, oh retract, toward unfair. The emphasis on mare men get prostate cancer. what maybe I used the wrong word, but my point is that they- Need to show our lesson about amis bless. Let listen to me. We need to show more empathy toward women, you say other words. We need to support abortion, that's what you're saying Many of us are married. We love our wives, we have empathy. and we have wonderful marriages. Or we have mothers and we have empathy and we'll wonderful, relationship with our mothers or we have daughters
The stories we were up and wonderful relationships with them. You sound like a little to me. In other words, what you're saying is reviewed agree with me on abortion or you're, not empathetic toward women, while you're not apathetic tour babies. Yet, but you didn't, let me completely They fought empathy and I, but their empathy cannot extend to the poor where you distant member state, if it is an amputee, cannot extend that far and in an suction out the baby's brain. The empathy cannot extend that far But the if it is no small fact that sea The female theirs much more of the burdens of pregnancy
female bears the entire burden of pregnancy cause guys can't get pregnant. But if you like, my wife and you're, not you know what I mean. What I'm saying is she considered birth and babies to be not but a wonderful, wonderful thing, a beautiful thing, the vast majority women in this country do not get abortions, I'm not. Passing judgment on anyone who does I'm saying the vast majority, women in this country do not. The vast majority of human beings in this country, whomever they are whatever they are, do not support partial birth abortion. If the baby is viable Most american stone most democrats in congress do
and when I remember was proposed. I think it was by ted cruiser somebody democrat bill that allowed abortion at any point and outlawed every single state, regular including parental notification for minors, Emma was proposed to save babies when there's a botched abortion, and every single democratic cept mansion voted. No, that does I like empathy to me for human life. Rather than time by women and men. We talk about human life, because at human life back then want flexibility. Take yoga one flexibility with your health insurance check out united healthcare
neurons plans underwritten by golden rule insurance company. They offer flexible budget friendly medical dental, envision coverage. That may be right for you more you, each one dot com, a lot of women would be pregnant. My wife Julie did start a burden. It's a blessing, for an awful lot of women and you have men who who pretend he pregnant. I don't know what's going on there, why do we have set every mental issue out there and then the sort of embracing at its like wait a minute it's like a freak show. I'm sorry, I'm saying what everybody's thinking, Can't get print- oh yes, you can, your mind on all. Not can you do
a woman. I need a biologist but she's. The first black woman wait a minute She can define who she is. The whole thing is nuts, and refused to participate. I refuse the participate. What do you think of that? You, your item in florida,. and I drive down Main drag their there's a billboard as a billboard near stewart clark and others one near palm beach. Florida anyway it's this slip and far lawyer. don't know his name Although I am sure that he runs commercials, I mostly you know they run these commercials and far too these lawyers to kill in virginia. Thank god
the one lawyer look sleaze here, then the next anyway, this guy's up there he's got to large. Next to him. I guess, he brags about rick bring a billion dollars? He's mostly a personal injury, a billion dollars I think I said a billion dollars. If you drive honour ocean driver to say one, a palm each west palm beach north palm beach along the ocean, and you to the left in cities see mansions turnabout north of mara, more larga. who the hell must only places wish to produce. A lot of them were class action, lawyers and the cigarette litigation cases area true slip in for personal injury attorneys make a lot of money.
I don't mean all of them, but a lot of make a lot of money and then there's the ambulance. Chaser. gosh till then elected the congress and they're not around the country I'd. Who else do we have is to produce for let's see here we have a and allowed to georgia. Exam satellite danny. How are you, sir,. I'm gonna tell you there wow. Sorry go right ahead. Please tell your wife, I will say I will say that the appreciate what you do, I think, you're sincere. I think you do a good job now, my Who knows why? Don't you and heavily and all the other people album the year to the fire in your show and all the other shows- and I talk about We're gonna do that, employ you elected couplings. First of all, we have these powers you now where we all get together We're gonna hold this guy accountable,
our own programmes we work for different companies. We I, our own substance and an audience that doesn't mean you, don't listen other audiences and so forth, but that's not what we do on that. the p t a or the p t, o or some republican club, or something like that? That's number one number two. I have howard, to call people out at the power to check people either or to give my opinion about people, I don't have the power to hold them to account. There's nothing I can do when you folks or other folks, elect these people in sending the washington. Then the tell you and the rest of the country what they're doing and who they are, there's nothing else can do. I don't have any legal authority I can't equally go to capital Helen dragnet map by the there's nothing else. I can do and what I typically say to some. Who calls me like this is: what are you doing.
atlanta. What are you doing? yeah, I guess what I'm doing as the convention of states. What are you doing part of a tea party group? What do you know? You get my point, I'm involved in love. No, I get it but I guess what I know you're here is that low republicans? Don't do that's not my job, I'm not republicans! Don't do so mark most. Do fortunately amount of time I want to salute all of you heroes out there. folks, are my audience. I want to thank you very, very much and I'll see you tomorrow, what the.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-29.