« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/24/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Mark’s role in interviews isn’t to attack the guest - that’s what journalism has become and that’s why you hate it. Sen Chuck Grassley puts out a tweet and the media get excited over it. Grassley asks, why didn’t Levin ask Donald Trump about what he’ll do in the future? Trump puts out a video almost every day where he speaks on subject after subject and what he plans to do if elected president. Grassley should do his research before tweeting. Later, the Biden administration always seems a day late and a dollar short, this time on Sudan. A civil war breaks out in Sudan and the U.S. sends special forces in at night to get people out of the embassy. But there’s still 16,000 Americans who are still in Sudan. Afterward, Democrats are proposing legislation to codify murder, not to codify Roe V Wade. These Democrats are radicals and if you don’t embrace their views, they say you’re against women. Also, the Biden administration is at war with you. They want to sabotage and cripple the energy industry. Fossil fuel is the liquid that makes the engine of this society function. If someone was trying to destroy the middle class – they would drive up the cost of oil and natural gas. Finally, Biden and his administration have no comprehension of how a pencil is made or anything else, for that matter. I Pencil will remind you how truly complex it is to make.

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