« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/24/20


On Friday's Mark Levin Show, the media promotes group-think and will do anything they can do to hurt President Trump. This time they're twisting his words to claim he suggested Americans drink detergent, which of course he did not. Then, in the long run, we will see that the coronavirus response from individual governors like Andrew Cuomo has cost lives. Hospitals have paid a high price, as have other practitioners and small businesses. It is now known from the data, that the number of ventilators requested by Cuomo was never needed, not even during the peak or apex of the outbreak. In fact, Cuomo's poor decision to commingle COVID-19 patients with senior citizens in long-term care facilities has proven to be deadly. Later, following his appearance on this program Dr. John Ioannidis has come under attack by the media for not following their 'shelter-in-place" narrative. Afterward, Rep, Tom McClintock calls in to discuss the lock-down in California which has plunged tens of millions of Americans into unemployment and there will likely be poverty-related deaths that will result from this lock-down.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented of the as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now, in its hundred and seventy fifth year here There is a truly independent institution where learning prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening
And my sincere appreciation to Hills, Dale Brother sponsorship now run casting a mermaid underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of a non describing we once again made contact with our leader, my love. How am I reckon mark within our number? Eight seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eighty seven, seven rear one, eight one, one link. One of the grave problems we have in this country is the provision of news to the american people, and I want to focus on this for good part of this. Our and there's a lot to get to a whole time, either
It's Friday, we keep the four on the gas pedal and we must, particularly at this time of our life in our countries, life some basic questions for you. What do we mean by a free press? What do we mean by freedom of the press? What is the purpose of a free press this in the report? formation and what kind of information is it it to interpreter analyze information? What is the news Howard decisions made about what is newsworthy and what is not.
What is a news organization, one person, a blogger group of people weekly newspaper corporate conglomerate, like a television network, lets a journalist what qualifies someone as a journalist experience education position, self identification. What's the job of a journalist is journalism, a profession? Are their standards? Are journalists able to be fair or objective? What is the purpose of reporting to reinforce the founding and fundamental principles of the Republic
on public officials and authority to give voice to certain individuals groups and causes to influence politics and policy to alter the status quo for society to promote the so called common good of the community. What is the common good and who decides? What is the difference between freedom of the press and free speech? It is the current media revolution spared by technological advances such as the internet. So, the media change. Any of this, though these questions, even matter anymore news outlets. The questions really asked today, let alone rationally discuss their infrequently the subject of opener public media circumspection. Focused and sustain national debate. It seems the so.
Called media are low to investigator, explore the so called media, but when the conduct of the media is question, this biased, politically partisan or otherwise, are responsible. They insist There have one mission fidelity to the news and all that stems from it Protecting society from autocratic government, defending freedom of the press and contributing to out of civility injustice, and they typically claimed to pursue and report the news free from any personal or political agenda is a true. Yes, this is on freedom of the press, but we need a refresher given what's going on around us more than, many years ago there was a serious self examination of the media, the commission on freedom of the press
was organised in nineteen forty two by time and Life Magazine publisher Henry Loose to explore whether freedom of the press was in danger in the proper function of the media in a modern democracy. Its report was the nineteen forty, seven, Seventy three years ago and concluded in part Freedom of the press was indeed in danger and for three basic reasons- and I quote first, the importance of the press to the people has greatly increase with the development of the press, as an instrument of mass communication At the same time, the development of the press as an instrument of mass mechanic application is greatly decrease. The proportion of the people who can express their opinions and ideas through the press, back in the few who are able to use the machinery, the press as an instrument of mass communication, have not provide. A service adequate to the needs of the society. Third,.
Direct the machinery? The press have engaged from time to time and practices which the society condemns and which, if continued, it will inevitably undertake to regulate or control. And so the commission put out this morning, the modern press itself as a new phenomenon. Its typical unit is the great agency, a mass communication. These agencies can facilitate thought and discussion and they can stifle it. They can advance the progress of civilization or they can thwarted. They can be base and vulgarized mankind. They can endanger the peace of the world. They can do so accidentally in a fit of absence of mine. They can play up or down the news and it's significant foster and feed emotions, crate, complacent fictions and blind spots misused a great words and a pole empty slogans, their scope and power are increasing. Every day is
Schmidt's become available to them. These instruments can spread, lies faster and farther than our forefathers dream when they can try in the freedom of the press in the first amendment to our constitution. So the commission cautioned that, with the means of self destruction that are now at their disposal, men must live if they are to live. By self restraint, moderation and mutual understanding, they get their picture one another through the press. The press can be inflammatory sensational and irresponsible and if it is and its freedom go down and universal catastrophe to. On the other hand, the press can do duty by the new world that is struggling to be born. Can help create a World committee By giving men everywhere knowledge of the world and of one another by promoting comprehension and appreciation of the goals of a free society that celebration all men, and so I ask you,
Is this how the modern media conduct themselves self restraint, measured in temperature of the media providing knowledge and incite useful to the public in a free society, or they apply asked whether personal political, progressive, predilections and peaks. The media earn the respect and esteem other readers, viewers and listeners is fair and reliable purveyors of information or our large. Members of the citizen re suspicious and distrustful of their reporting. Are the media on a trajectory of self destruction, unofficially identifying with one political party, the Democrat Party over the other, the republican Party? In point of fact, most newsrooms and journalists have done a very poor job of upholding the tenets of their profession and ultimately have done the damage to press freedom. Many millions of Americans do not respect them or trust them is credible. Fair minded,
advised, and that has nothing to do with the presidency of Donald Trump? It predates the presidency of Donald Trump, but it certainly has come. A high point with his presidency and the way the media have treated him, the people around him and the people who support him. Now I talk a great, Length about propaganda and pseudo events in this book. We're getting a heavy dose, if not a constant dose of both is a perfect example. President of the United States, never encouraged Americans to drink disinfectants. He never encouraged Americans to shoot disinfectants into their system.
And the media have pushed this all day long and to stop pushing and there still pushing. Meanwhile, You have a soon to be nominee of the largest political party in the country. The democratic party, in the name of Joe Biden. From the whole world knows is suffering from some form of dementia, who needs to be taken care of by his wife and his family, but instead they push him out there. He can't complete words. He can't complete, set Says he can't remember what happened the day before? It's not just him. Sing. It's humiliating to him. And so the very same media that puts words in the president's
and spend them in a way that seeks to destructive excuse me, destroy him and its destructive. About the media, and our society is obviously covering up for Joe Biden. The way they covered up for Barack Obama's policies. And when it comes to the corona virus, the media has been up to the job. They politicize every decision. The president makes you cannot. Stinguished between real news people and people who give their opinions anymore, it's impossible. And the more leftwing they are, the more impossible it becomes. We have group think.
Like we ve never seen before, there is no intellectual earth, substandard diversity in our newsrooms today period period and the worst of them is the New York Times. The worst of them is the New York Times, so I want But a little bit more time on the New York Times for those who need a refresher, we're not gonna do that all night? We ve got a lot going on here In nineteen, eighty four David S, women in his book, the abandonment of the Jews Plain that one reason ordinary Americans were not more responsive to the plight of european joys. Giusto, the holocaust was at very many
Probably majority were unaware of Hitler's extermination programme until well in the nineteen forty four or later. How can that be. He wrote the information was not readily available to the public, because the mass media treated the systematic murder of millions of Jews, as though it were minor news. And yet, on November, twenty four nineteen forty two unambiguous evidence of the Nazis ongoing extermination was made publicly available, but was largely ignored by the media. Lack of solid press coverage in the weeks immediately following the number twenty four one thousand nine hundred and forty two muffled the historic news at the outset. He writes.
In the United States. Wyman asserted two or three clear statements from Franklin rose about. Would move this news in the public view and kept that there for some time, but the president was not so inclined, nor did Washington reporters press him in Trust, I'm quoting teams almost unbelievable, that an Roosevelt's press conferences normally held twice a week. Not one word was spoken about the mass killing of European Jews. To almost a year later, the president, thing to say to report on the matter, and no correspondent asked him about. Surely the New York Times with its wide reach resources, access to foreign sources of information reputation is the foremost newspaper in America, its large Joe, leadership and a jewish ownership would do everything possible to end the gate and disclosed the hearts of jewish genocide right, but the opposite is true. Why many
Plain that the times jewish arm but anxious not to be seen as jewish oriented was the premier american This paper, the era it print, stanch amount of information, Holocaust related events, but almost always buried it. On the inner pages in the Washington Post, joy shown Washington Post printed a few editor advocating rescue, but only infrequently carried news reports on the pandora situation, the other newspapers and washing provided. Similarly limited information on them. Murder of Jews and most of the other press outside New York and Washington. Press coverage was even thinner. Why am I talking about such a thing? Because these newspapers are reprehensible if they Going to report on the Holocaust, the expect them that purports ruefully on the corona virus.
Every university professor debit lips TAT in her book beyond belief, so the media self censorship during the Holocaust as a broadly institutional problem, and she wrote that the press bears a great measure of responsibility for the pub scepticism in ignorance of the scope of the wartime tragedy, that is, the mass murder of the Jews. The public's doubts were strengthened and believing created by the manner in which the media told the story, if the precedent how plant the seeds of and readers minds. It did little to eradicate them during the or journalist frequently said that the news of deportations and executions did not come from my witnesses. Hooker personally confirm what had happened and they is journalists were obliged to treated skeptically. This explanation is faulty, because much of the information came from german statements. Broadcast newspapers, in other words, the Nazis, were bright. About it, they weren't, hiding it
If anything, resources would have been inclined to deny not verify the news lips, that's researchers, found that for much of the war, the rows of administration, whitewashed or de emphasise the nazi eradication of Jews and the mass me we're compliant regurgitate the government's propaganda or suppressing the evidence. She explained that the office, more information working in tandem with the rose about information I severely limit any public attention paid to the mass murder, the Jews, the fight, despite the fact That the final solution was the prime illustration of the enemy strategy and principles the office a warrant. Nation, wanted to be avoided avoided by now, say agencies. She had not mentioned in war propaganda. I'm not reading this because I'm jewish and not reading this. Because it's a strange anniversary of the Holocaust I'm reading
because the same newspapers. That are leading the way on this virus covered up the greatest mass murder in modern times. While they knew what was taking place, the New York Times, the Washington most television, newsrooms radio, newsrooms Roosevelt, didn't want it out, they complied with rose about and they covered it up. They censored. And weak turned these news outlets to get information about the virus, and they tell us today that presently United States promoting the drinking of disinfectant when he never said any such thing more. When I read
Then, if you your family, are finding yourself at home with Ex. Time on your hands these days I know and in that way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Pills, though, offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature. Right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge, hills students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you, and two with her Styles newest, free online course that great merit story a land of hope learning it. Reaching our children about America's past is essential. For preserving liberty and the future register Now to take this free online course. The great America story. It's a production. Masterpiece ended it's a picture of America as a land of hope founded on high principles. This court
and dozens of others on a variety of topics are available, you and your family for free right now, gonna live for Ngos, drawback com alleviation for health. Dot com. Would you respect any business, let alone media vision that spent time covering up the holocaust. It gets worse The same newspaper than ten years earlier in its news pages, was writing column. In defence of Joseph Stalin, starve the death through genocide. Millions of Ukrainians I'll be right back. If you are
Family are finding yourself at home with you time on your hands these days, I know excellent way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Hills now offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home demand an absolutely free of charge. Hills deals students, learn the inspiring history of America. Now you can do with Thou Knowest, free online course that great merit story, a land of hope learning. It. Each our children about America's past is he and for preserving liberty and the future register Now, to take this free online course, the great America story. It's a production. Masterpiece ended It's a picture of America as a land of hope. On high principles, this court and dozens of others on a variety of topics are available to you, and your family for free right now go to live From Helstone back come alleviation for hills,
that can talk about the tree body, we that three party going now seven seven, three eight one twenty eight one, one the cover they neared post year, nine. Percent inhospitable covert, had preexisting conditions. Ninety percent, sixty four percent of state debts were age over seventy years. All we have a lot of information now in which to open this economy And direct our resources, we had this information quite frankly for a long time long, meaning weeks. Yet the nursing homes for the least protected in New York by the governor. Cuomo order, strange nursing homes, the first corona virus, patient scimitar
the Queens Nursing home under a controversial state mandate, I, along with some grim accessories, a supply of body bags. The posters learned, an executive at the facility previously free the deadly disease said the bags were in a shipment of personal protective equipment receive the same day. The home was forced to begin treating to people with Cove it who been discharged from hospital. My colleague notice that one of the boxes was extremely heavy curious as to what could possibly be making that particular box so much better than the rest, he opened it. The first two: the virus. Patients were accompanied by five body bags. Within days, three, the bags held the first of thirty residents, From this one nursing her who would die thereafter governor com Department of Health and mental hygiene handed down its March twenty fifth directive
bars nursing homes from refusing to admit medically stable corona virus patients, the executive said like clockwork nursing home had received five body bags a week every week from city officials com has blood on his hands. He really does. There's no way to sugar quotas, Executive of add another was March twenty. Fifth, we got a call into this programme on March, twenty sixth. By Alain Healy. I didn't know was at the time, but you vice president, a medical affairs in a medical director, and provides medical leadership for United Hebrews skilled nursing facility, oversees the overall quality care to ensure That we maintain the highest level healthcare- this is from their site and so forth. She called this programme are marked. Sixth excuse me on March, twenty six
When you look at how Cuomo has handled this disease China Subways cost lives. The decisions about the public buses cost lives. The dish about not having ventilators the decision, reducing hospital beds, the decision or run mass of debt and that support is healthcare system. And the decision to set common nineteen positive patients from the hospital and other nursing home, Whether senior citizens are the most vulnerable human beings in this country on the planet to this virus. He sends them into their nursing homes. And I want to remind you what this callers said, because I was shocked. This is over a month ago. Her name is Alain, it turns out. Her name is Alain Healy, a doctor cut seventeen go Elaine,
New Rochelle, New York, the great debut ABC, go thou, that's the epoch of epoch. Matters go ahead. He has allowed thank you very much. For taking my call, I wanted to bring to your attention in the Detention awarded about to happen in New York with respect to nursing homes and governor has ordered that all nursing homes must accept covert positive patients that are actually potentially still infectious into into their facilities, and this will put out residents are long term care population is this: are you pull my leg seriously now Why would you send so he who has this fires into a population tat can kill people. Thank you, Are you serious?
What will why would he want to? I on? It doesn't make any sense memo well, because, because the hospital well, first of all in you know, I will point out that nursing homes are in the habit of accepting. Patients from hospitals to continue their care after their, they may be in the habit, but they must realize now that the most vulnerable people among us or senior citizens and nurse Holmes. These are people that have issues and so on I understand the point of this. What is the point of this? I'm looking at it around? from Andrew Cuomo and Howard Sucker dated March twenty. That is ordering nursing home. It says. Nursing homes must comply with the expedited receipt of residents from hospitals and they are deemed appropriate to go into the nursing homes by the hospitals, and we cannot discriminate based on the presence of
over it and that it and that's how he's in managing this crisis is been dictating. He's been sending out memorandum and orders and executive orders There has been no coordination on the ground level here, I'm speaking from Westchester and New Rochelle, just that we had the first covert pottering case in New York and we were for a time the epicenter now courses it will not stop here this. This was. This is a call from March twenty six and TAT. It was a lane Healy Code Nineteen has code at least three thousand five hundred and forty rest
sense of New York's nursing homes and adult care facilities as a Wednesday, because this guy ordered ordered that those nursing homes are going to accept. Corona virus patients from the hospitals into the nursing home. Sixty four percent of the state debts were of individuals. Eight seventy and older. This is so appalling and shocking to me. But, of course, the media that covered up the Holocaust, the media that was a mouthpiece for style and what expect from this media? They want.
I believe that the present the United States wants you to drink clorox and they spend all day on this or all day on trash. Fox Rhonda trashing me are doktor. Now they're gonna the doktor I need is because he's not you, no part of the mob continue with the car. Please go, but David We, as you know, the hospitals are overwhelmed. They want a discharge patients somewhere else, so they can take in new patient and that. What the governor has ordered now, by the way the hospitals were not as overpopulated as they had predicted. Didn't it go ahead. National Association of Nursing, home medical directors, when I sent this memorandum to them, has issued a statement saying that this is an extremely dangerous, unsafe,
That it will increase the risk of transmission mission in nursing homes, and we all learned from Washington how catastrophic that is, it will destabilize. Facilities, potentially increase the flow back and built overwhelm capacity, endanger healthcare personnel and escalate the death rate. So, but you can't get through to anybody down here You can't you can't talk to anybody, we did. We don't have what there's nobody coordinating the respond at this level at certainly at the county level, and I know from my try. How have you have you, given this information to local media? That's why I'm calling you I'm not look at me. I have you, given, I said from persona. Cremation. These reports show that these press events, where cod What does these kind of dance song and dance moves?
always demanding that somebody else do something else. This needs to be hands of a reporter. Who is at that conference in Albany? Read it to him and asked him how he can explain this girl, that's a good idea. I mean I'm not my line of work, but I got it blew up. We got this information to the Wall Street Journal who published something today so that, first thing. First time we ve got it out to the media, and now it's not we generally centres so in other words its available for all these cable stars and all these reporters New York, Daily NEWS and the New York Times the rest. They know it's out there. Well, I read that article. I dont know who else picked up on the story. We we gotta it was published today in the Wall Street one article so now now
Decorative Organization executive director in this afternoon issued a statement. You know stating that our organization was against. That is, if we wanted to find that. Do you know. Where would we go to find the link? I can send it to you, but it's It's the American Medical Directors Association. It had they a longer name that I'll give you in a moment and I'm sure it on its website. If you might have to be a member to get it, but we would we can get it to you through. Our executive director did it's. This is I propose the cute and long term care magic, just got my facebook site and posted post. The link, ok nor I mark Living Facebook, or Markel eventual Twitter either one and then the whole country could look at and draw conclusions from it at, and I just want to say: if I could, you know nursing home than they and people there
get nursing homes are such a dedicated of preventive measures, and we really want to help blood so you're, a doctor, I'm a medical direct drama facilitating the radical directed my both new Administrative medical, direct, your blood. You know, clinician bans are our home. The wonderful facility, but it's going to affect all area nursing homes. Any minute now, while this is if this is right, this is exactly the wrong thing that you're issues that he's doing yeah, I mean Understan and he's back themselves. HU, a corner here and in all of this, should have been planned out, as I believe you you I've talked about it over and over and over again that look. You can never be fully prepared for these things, but you could be better prepared and since These things are really the states want to control hospitals, their beds, their ventilators there I'm our eyes there see, tease their medical
institutions and so forth, and they do and The question is: he's been there some time now. Why do you need these prioritize health, services in cases of pay? dammit, he was aware of it. There's been reports put out there, Work is sorely unprepared. He sat opportune is to add to order significantly more beds and ventilators over the years, but he hasn't done it. He had not only that if closed, I mean it neighbourhood and you're telling me you can't even get to take to anybody. You think it to anybody there supposed to be somebody the county level, but whenever he keeps putting our phone numbers and websites during his press conferences, you are the medical direct of a nursing home. This order goes out and you can't reach anybody. You can't reach anybody And not only that they're supposed to be someone at the county level. That coordinating let's say
I mean I. It is not a good only have thirty seconds. Alright, there's no coordination of the response here and Westchester. It's just a series of directive is behaving like a dick. Executive directors orders, but all he wanted trumped the businesses on live. Now that is harling absolutely harling. You know we have these stories about how this virus his racist and sexist course. The virus is not racists and sexes. You ve communities in this country where the individual don't eat properly or access to proper food. Or what have you. Here, we have something that took place because of a horrific decision resulting in death.
Of God knows how many senior citizens and the art she's talking about in the Wall Street Journal was printed Same days, her called me New York, told me home operators. They will be required to accept patients infected with a new corona virus who are discharged from hospitals knows that may still be convalescing. Amid more cases, the state that are straining the healthcare system. We ve got an extraordinarily vulnerable population on our hands. Had crisp, relaxing and executive director. The group nursing homes, older often fail residents are particularly susceptible to the virus. If I had a parent or grandparents died in one of these nursing homes as a result of this current of ours, I would sue the crap out of the state of New York and which soon Cuomo directly He may have some form of immunity and make them prove it. I'd punish.
In depositions and interrogatories the new post today, administrators at these nursing homes told the posts they too have received. Body bags and weekly supply shipments. Which City Hall confirm the state deal H was distributing the nursing homes, one of the men. The ministrator said the states admission mandate, came wooden Warning or even time to prepare facilities for an influx of corona virus patients who the state Sais says must pointing inside nursing homes and treated by separate staffers by the time aiming to the work to work. The next day I had phone calls emails from just about every hospital in the area the administrator said previously. The person at it the facility id required to negative test Out before we even consider taking someone into the building.
These nursing homes and assisted living facilities, the virus went viral and killed an enormous number of these senior citizens because and De Yo, because they follow the science you see in New York, I'm not done with this. I'll, be right back then, if you Your family are finding yourself at home with Ex time on your hands these days. I know Excellent way to fill it take a free online course from Helstone College Hills. Thou offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature right in your own home, demand an absolutely free of charge. Hills deals Newton learn the inspiring history of America. Now you can do with
thou newest free online course that great merit story a land of hope, learning it. Teaching our children about America's past. Is he actual for preserving liberty and the future register. Now to take this free online course? The great America Story: it's a production. Masterpiece ended It's a picture of America as a land of hope on high principles. This court, and dozens of others on a variety of topics are available to and your family for free right now, gonna live for a back come Ellie, the Del doc a day or two ago? Coma was asked about this and he fled ignorance and he's a liar is an absolute.
Because these nursing homes and their association were screaming at the top similar proverbial lungs about this in the near posts, as Chrome, also double down on his remit. Good day earlier that it's not our job to provide. Nursing homes with personal protective equipment we ve, given them thousands and thousands of people, He ate one ppm, you got you got paper one next to the MAX other next, the other with this with this virus. And you movement of the inner nursing. This is I mainly insanity of some of these governors and the anti fraud. Of some of these, so called scientists and doctors, Cuomo. While the people going to run this clowns press conference everyday. Ask him a few damn questions that were preventable was my show five weeks ago. A word
millions of millions of people, including the Turks and the media. Like the twin, my word unbelievable. How many senior citizens in nursing homes and assisted living facilities have died as a result of decisions by govern like Cuomo and Newsome, imprint scare and on and on. That would be a very very good study. Don't you think, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to know I'll be right back from the westward one podcast network
He's here now, broadcasting them only underground command, but then the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader a mark of anywhere. I number seven seven create one. We ate one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one c, not qualmless cronies here. Thank you didn't know that You're not out there saying we need to invest this nursing these nursing homes to see why they didn't handle this properly you know the New York Times are saying about all this. Nothing, nothing.
I'd run decided on life Liberty and live in a couple of weeks ago, on the factual and specifically said we know from the data he said the store three weeks ago, among other. Groups, the senior citizens are the most vulnerable, so we ve put out directive store, nursing homes are assisted living areas and so forth, and so they targeted those areas. You see, ladies and gentlemen, what's happened here. Is this broad based sheltering directive, the faulty Burke's com or the rest of them? I believe in the end, there will be shown to have cost lives. In multiple ways, let me repeat myself, I believe in the end, it will be shown to have cost lives.
Number one. When you're not focusing your resources and Europe governmental person, now, let alone private sector hospital care and so forth on the most vulnerable populations and your spreading a thin. Almost by definition than the people who are most vulnerable are not going to get the protection they need and more than we're going to die. I believe that's that's happened. Number two. The death of all those who don't have the corona virus, but have some other morbidity which we ve talked about four weeks and weeks at length, heart disease can strokes and on and on and on they may well of, could have been addressed and so forth and so on, and it got worse. In some cases, people died you going to see a spike in those, that's number two,
Number three there's been severe damage to our hospital system and to our medical system severe damage. Did you hear about the Mayo Clinic America? The male clinics, one of the top hospitals in the world in Minnesota? The male clinic, is now going to furlough or reduce pay of thirty thousand employees. Forty two per cent of its employees across all its campuses in an attempt to mitigate the financial losses from the covert nineteen pandemic. And what does that mean?.
Because of all the work they have done on the pandemic. Now because of the work that they were unable to do in patients with other morbidity, their operating at thirty five to forty percent capacity. Surgical volume is twenty five to thirty percent of the lever. There was expected. Sixty percent of the male clinics business comes from elective procedures of the kind of their on hold and they need to make reductions and savings are one Four billion dollars, of course, is a hiring freeze and its tapping into it. Rainy Day fund of nine hundred million dollars in its running out.
And institutions all over America doing the same thing all over America and that's not to say what's going on. In doctors, offices that are not like the male clinic and so forth. Big facilities had her famous, you have pediatricians internists general practitioners call them what you will With small practices may be one or two or three, a group of five that are going broke that are not making it so the effects on our healthcare. System have been enormous and it's never discussed. Instead, we get these these ridiculous discussions about whether the president told people.
To drink disinfectant I mean it's just so repulsive so outrageous. What's going on And, of course, is a peace by very brilliant man. I don't know I'm John Daniel Davidson. Any rights in the federalists. Instead of flattening the curve, we flattened hospitals, doctors and the. U S healthcare system, with a locked out Began last month, we were told that if we didn't stay home, our hospitals will be overwhelmed with corona virus. Patients is what Fouche he said. This is what Burke set in so care words would be overrun. This is what Cuomo said there would be enough ventilators and some people would probably die in their homes. For lack of care. To maintain capacity in the healthcare system, we all had to go on lockdown, not just the big cities but everywhere in the country.
So we state all business is closed. Tens, millions of Americans lost their jobs, but, with the exception of me, city, the overwhelming surge corona virus patients never really appeared, at least not in the predicted numbers, which had been off by hundreds of thousands during a press conference, Tuesday. Florida govern around dissent is noted that health experts initially projected four hundred and sixty five thousand Floridians would be hospitalized because of the corona virus by April. Twenty fourth but as of April twenty. Second, the numbers slightly more than two thousand. Having to decide to mention that my programme, even in New York or Governor Andrew Commerce, said last month need thirty thousand ventilators hospitals. Never came close to meeting that many. The projected peak need was about five thousand and actual usage may have been even lower
Overflow measures have also proven unnecessary Tuesday. President Trump said the: U S and has come for the Navy hospital ship they ve been deployed in, Like to provide emergency care for the corona virus, patients will be Leaving the city the ship had been prepared to treat five hundred patients Friday, only seventy one beds were occupied. An army field. Hospital set up in Seattle. Pro Football stadium shut down early this month without having a single patient. The same story, much of it a Texas with this week, Governor Gregg, Abbot,. And gradually loosening lockdown measures, including a prohibition on most medical procedures. Hospitals are overwhelmed and doubtless in Houston, where the corona virus cases are concentrated in the state, makeshift overflow centres
that had been under. Construction may not be used at all, and I remember specifically Doktor Burke's picking out these much upon areas as the next hotspots. Detroit Michigan Chicago Dallas, New Orleans, Philadelphia. In a little IRA, hospitals across the state scramble to stock up on ventilators last month, fewer than half of them have been put to use. As of Sunday, only seven hundred fifty seven of thirteen hundred forty five ventilators were being used by covered nineteen patients in Virginia only about only two percent of the ventilator supplies being used. Meanwhile, hospital and healthcare systems nationwide. Our first. Going and laying off thousands and thousands of employees. Why? Because the vast majority most hospitals revenues come from elective, so called non essential procedures, we're not talking about a guy surgery, but things like coroner Angelo plastic and stance. Prince
major set are necessary, but maybe not emergencies. Yet if hospitals can perform these procedures because governors have actually banned them, then they can't pay their bills or their employees to take just one example, a friend so in a cardiac intensive unit, I see you and Rural Virginia called recently in We're about how they had reorganise their entire system around caring for the corona virus patients, they can't those so called man, essential procedures imposed for a loathsome pay cuts. This special icy reward word for patients would cover nineteen. So far, they ve had one patient one. The nurses, aside to the ward, have very little to do in the Higher area covered by this hospital only about thirty people have tested pass positive for the covert nineteen. Sure the governors and health officials who ordered these lockdown meant well. He says they base their decisions on deeply. In lovely inaccurate models and they should have
less panicky more sceptical, but they were facing a completely new zis about which, thanks to China, they had almost no reliable information, but site. It seems clear that reading the entire countries over. If New York City was a the mistake that is cost millions of Americans jobs and destroyed untold amounts of wealth and that's factory and Burke's, amongst others, Now, though, we know our hospitals are going to be overrun by covered cases governed. And may I should immediately reverse coarse and begin opening their stay, in communities for business. Course some are already and of course, they're coming under brutal attack right here behind this microphone. I defended the governor of Georgia, the first one to do it three days ago. And I will defend any governor who responsibly opens their state. Any is responsibly. Opening estate is put out statement. If
statements. I am listening to my health officials, I'm looking at me. Data are making. This is based on what I see my own state has her other governors, the more responsible ones. Yes public officials responsible for the lack downs will no doubt claim that without these draconian measures, our hospital, surely would have been overwhelmed anew knows Maybe they would have its an unfold viable assertion, but at this point we I'll, be able to agree that the predictions were way off and not just because I didn't taken account stay at home. Orders are business closures because they did the expert in this case were wrong. The best thing Vanessa. Marriage can do now admit as much start lifting lockdown orders, so people, including doctors and nurses, can get back to work noticed national pubic, radio and properly
in all these other sites. That attack me or my concern about the. The bad data. As I saw on the mortality on the year on the U fatality rates, the mortality rates they're not hacking me on that anymore. I wonder why, MR producer, I wonder why bread humans asked a question. Linked to it on the market of inshore Facebook Mark Levine Show Twitter, even though it has looked linked any my stuff. That's his problem, not mine, and I don't really care. I don't want him to know what I know
He said that the year it may turn out that the reaction to this was catastrophically wrong. Really, you think, may turn out to be exactly right, which is exactly why I brought your attention: experts, doctors, scholars who are taking issue with the Andrew Como approach. You look at California. What's going on in California, that's been a tick up in people with the coronavirus, some people to send Keith what happened here I mean Governor Newsom was one of the first out of the box, he's a lock that stayed down like a bank vault. Locked down his popularity ratings will up there with the sea.
Hussein's. Well, that's the point: isn't it isn't it? What are you talking about mark. It depends how you do a locked, doesn't it it depends who shouldering its depend. It depends on what the focus of the resources are. California, a perfect example: everybody. Luckily, California didn't turn into New York. Well, nearing city has the subway system where they made the decision to have fewer cars, so more people were in fewer cars and incredibly volatile such ocean making it even more dense population on these cars. They did the same, whether public buses, you saw the empty eight people. These poor people are dying record numbers more than anybody else, because our path like sardines, then you The governors decision when it comes to the nursing homes, exactly the wrong thing cynical
or a virus infected individuals in the nursing homes. Bad decisions at the local at state level, in New York and bad consequences. No, no some hasn't done that, but he shut down the whole state pretty much and other I understand that the curve is is not as flat as we like it, the best kind of unflattening a little bit why anybody know why? Because, although far more people in California have had this virus and gone through it, and don't even
fifty five to eighty times as many as have been tested. It's a huge state and millions of people have not had this virus yet so now, they're going to get it. That's why? Because Governor Newsom shut the state down like a bank vault. There's consequences for that I'll be right, back
Let me show you how this works. No sooner that I talked about this nursing home fiasco. No sooner, that's the New York Post of a front page article by Michael Goodwin has written an excellent piece banner to the New York Post today as well. I played for you are caller eight or nine minutes of it from March 26th there's this group called Propublica. I call a pro Kubica. This is a group that is attacked me. That is a front group. A left wing group Newsbusters has been job and exposing who funds, and so they put out a report now that the nations nursing homes are responsible for having the proper equipment and so far for these corona virus situations I killed anywhere from twenty to twenty five percent of the. Of died in this country of died in nursing homes.
Which makes you wonder so wise everybody else huddled in their homes and so they're going to do- is that decisions by mayors and commissioners and governors in some states not all ten corona virus. Positive patients in an nursing homes will not be the fault of the nursing, even though they strongly objected to taking them because they wanted to fly. Tension from the likes of Cuomo and others who made these decisions. That's our media propaganda operation, that's our media! The state concedes rights, goodwill, thirty. Four hundred forty eight residents are nursing homes for adult care. Facilities are known to have died from the virus or nearly twenty five percent
All those who died in New York for the two thousand of the total or in the five barrows and efficiency Knowledge that the real numbers are almost certainly higher and there certainly right so you could have upwards of one Third of all, the deaths in New York as a result of the corona virus wherein our sing homes and adult care facilities and who sent. The corona virus patients into these nursing homes was Andy. Cuomo, and so pro pubic can do its best propaganda job at once, but you ve got me right here behind his microphone and unless I'm hit by a bus,
nobody's gonna, silent. Liberals pubic ends, don't like him, but America does. You can call my gloves. Seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! I want to make it abundantly clear. That we hit this issue the nursing homes, thanks to that Cholera March, twenty six and from that time, until now give or take a day From that time, until now,. Not a single major news organization covered it. A single major journalists covered it.
A single white house, correspondent, confronted Burke's or felt with it, not one. And now you ll see because pro pubic, which, as a left wing front group. Put out a story attacking the nursing homes. That will be the focus to take the heat off the governors, particularly democratic governance, Particular Cuomo, who set in place policies that kill people, whereas the liberals like to say a blood on their hands, and so this evening Five hundred and fourteen p dot m, I take credit for none of it, but they're a little slow. The New York Times her like with the Holocaust Davis On the nursing homes, because pro pubic are put out information, so they figure they better. Take a look at this Wait till I tell you what they have to say that this is important. So twenty five percent to one third of the people who ve perish in this country as a result of this virus.
Had been a nursing homes are assisted care facilities. That means that even a More mass, a percentage of the population that died is over seventy years old and in New York over ninety percent of the people, who died from this virus had two to three co: morbidity. So the shutting down of the economy, where the for welcoming the vast majority of the people would not face Ass, we certainly know that today is indefensible. Indefensible I suspect, that's what the governor joy to seize the governor Florida. Texas, the governor of Oklahoma, the Governors South Carolina. Yes, the left when governor of Colorado, the governor I believe I said of South Carolina and others. Yet you look at the governor.
Should get. You look at the governor of New York, the Governor California, all these hard core blue states. The foot remains on the throat their horribly mismanaged this virus For over thirty years, they m our distinguish itself is one of the most effective conservative organizations. They provide reliable fact, driven information about the media, because the american people deserve the truth and one of the most important part yeah Marcy. Is it see it s, news website to an absolute must, aid for conservatives. I read it every day. It's Bookmarks and you can learn more about seeing S news and the rest of the year Marcy M Arcy, Levine, DOT, Org, that's our sea! L easy! I end org seen it covers the stories the rest of the media ignores or distort they're doing an exception job covering the corona virus.
Like seen in an msnbc the folks at seeing us news actually cover the news coming out of the president's daily briefings, instead of attacking the president all day every day few red seen s news like I do you'll be up the speed on all the news, not just the corona virus. They're, all over Nancy policies conduct and the craziness going on a Virginia. What governor wrapped black face north them? signing a series of radical laws on abortions, on guns, analogy, BT rights more on guns today and all kinds of other thinks he's totally out of control and this the kind of coverage or only fine over the our Ccs news website, so M Arcy, Levine DOT, Org to learn more, that's a mercy alleviate dot org to learn more this. The nursing homes, was an issue over a month ago. You didn't see it on the drudge report. You didn't say on media. I.
You didn't see it in the New York Times or the washed imposed these If we try to monitor this show, barely they didn't they didn't choose to monitor the phone call that I received on March Twenty sixth, you heard the desperate voice of woman who's, the medical director, nursing home Heard what she said, but because Cuomo they covered it up their stock, covering it up. Here's the New York Times he's that came out two and a half hours ago by Kim Barker in me Julia Harris, don't Or has lived in a nursing home for about a year ever since he had a bad about an ammonia. Now the aid oh man has not only his own house to worry about, but that of his neighbours at the Poughkeepsie New York, residence. For new patients recently arrived at the hospital were covered. Nineteen, that is, they arrived at the nursing home.
They were admitted for one reason: according to staff members, a state guidelines, is nursing. Homes cannot refuse to take patients from hospital solid because they have one of our, so the New York times- is five weeks light. Why? Because, now, there's no avoiding the fact. As these numbers come out that we have come chinese nursing homes and assisted living facilities. I don't like them playing russian roulette with my life said Mister neighbor, who is on oxygen its putting us at risk and, eighty years, all with underlying problems. Everybody here has an underlying problem. Disease caused by the virus has killed more than ten thousand five hundred residents, and staff members at nursing, homes and long term care for these nationwide, according to one year I'm analysis, that's twenty pairs
that's over twenty percent and let me tell you: that's love, love Nearly a quarter of the deaths in the United States from the pandemic on Saturday Governed, Form of New York described nursing homes as a feeding frenzy for this virus. Wow and yet he is the one to put out the order and that's where they leave it. On Cuomo Santa been drinking disinfected for most of his life, but states. Recently turning a nursing homes to relieve the burden on hospitals and taken covert nineteen patient. What burden on hospitals we have hospital beds all over the country, all over the country that are empty. Now, let's go on to amazing, you got
talking about my mother she's out only my mother she's only when he orders Administration orders these covered. Nineteen, She should come out of the hospital go into the nursing homes. Although there is no evidence so far, that the practice has allowed infections to spread in nursing of listen to these idiots, they're called body bags, there's plenty of evidence, and advocates fear that it's only a matter of time, one law student- Jersey alleges that workers, likely to have been sickened by a covert nineteen patient readmitted from hospital at the epicenter of there, this is a new Newark issued. A strict New rule last month, nursing homes must readmit residents centre.
But I was with the corona virus and accept new patients as long as they are deemed medically stable. I can't tell you how furious sire we reported this with a collar reported this five weeks ago. The New York Times is based in New York rather than doing hit pieces on me, appropriate Bucca and national pubic radio and all the other losers and all arrest. You should listen, what's going on in this programme, you'll have the Gregor my opinion but ideal and real facts, and so did that caller. California and New Jersey have also said that nursing home should taken. Such patients Turkey is the second worst case of the virus.
Homes are allowed to that see here, the term patients away if they can claim they can't care for them safely. But administrators say they worry, that refusing patients would provoke regulatory scrutiny and advocate say, could result they lost revenue. Now, here's the Why these are nursing homes? They are now I see use if one other residents has to get special healthcare, don't do it in the nursing home. They send them to the icy you so their expense. These nursing homes, on a dime to turn into icy use. They can't they're not built for that. They know of the past now, for that they don't have the doctors for that day, the resources that are nursing homes, in contrast to the states can Okhinnah Massachusetts designated.
Certain facilities for covered nineteen patients alone, considered the safest way to free up hospital beds, the Watchman Healthcare Association which represents long term care facilities. Washington state has asked officials to adopt the same. Policy so far they have not, in other words, he's nursing homes and assisted living places are begging the government's. Please don't send virus positive people into our populations. We do not have it melody to protect our residents. It's not a matter of not me meeting the standards they can meet. The standards. International survey released yesterday of almost ninth, And nursing homes fewer than ten per and said they were able to take a new covered nineteen patients from hospitals. The serving Done by care port health, a company that works well
What does the manager, the release of patients to long term facilities now J Lawrence spokesmen for the good? And healthcare system, which has seventeen homes in New York, including one Poughkeepsie, said the company was doing everything possible to meet state needs and keep resident safe, said the virus had not spread from those initial for patients have Poughkeepsie too Went out in the building still, he said with a covert being, where it's a very fluid situation. People are trying to be as regional as they can. No one where and how things are going to be their ugly heads and it goes on and that's the end of the mention of bono here we go over made this decision. Whoever did this. I consider this a death sentence for all older patients who
Raising a nursing home Mina, Abraham thirty want to visit a physical therapists, New York City works for agencies, That have served the several nursing homes over the past month. All were admitting covert nineteen patients from hospitals, providing on a limited protective equipment. He said at one homey help check in new patients about five day. He said eighty percent of them have been treated for corona virus symptoms had a hospital again. He said over made this decision. Whoever did this. I consider this a sentence of death for the older patients who have risen in nursing. Why are people in nursing homes? Why do their families put them in nursing homes? Why do they send them the nursing homes. They pay enormous amounts of. Why? Because they can care for themselves anymore, because their typically ill.
The postal assisted living there very ill in many cases. That's why they're nursing homes of really people who have morbidity, these elderly people and morbidity richer Molly executive director, they long term care community coalition in New York in Avatar group for residence, said he heard of several nursing homes that had declined, but the vast majority said at a tremendous financial incentive to take a new patients. So now nursing homes are gonna, be attacked a financial incentive to take the men they were ordered to take them in order to take them in and with all the exposure to all their patience and so forth. And residence there's no financial incentive to take them in none. None.
The financial incentive is to run a healthy facility Patients are dying. Two three four five does another time. And the vulnerability these nursing homes was known very very early in same with this assisted living areas in the really generally two thirds of the people. So far, two thirds who died from this virus are over. Seventy and a bigger percentage are over sixty. The percentage of people who die, who are under twenty five is statistically almost statistically non existent. Of course, there are cases and talking about statistically almost existent. So when you looking at a country and are trying to set policies, we are looking at a state you're trying to set policies. You move your resources where they need to go, and you do
whether to military operation, a business operation, you're running a school system, you're running our household whatever it is, you don't have a blanket close down there while forever blame faulty and Burke's for their decisions. In this regard, residents following the science. The science is getting us from them from them. I'll be right back more eight five hours six hours today to do everything I need to do, but it's not gonna happen and give all that's happening in the world. We ve decided to make some exciting changes. Eleven tv will now be doing.
National programming once per week, exclusive for Levin TV and Blaze tv subscribers. Episodes are going to take a lot more work and a lot more production resources. I'm doing these special episodes, but we think you're really going to end we are also going to be doing a stepping up episode per week that will air on Thursday night right to my radio show so it'll be scheduled, show at nine pm eastern time on PLUTO Tv Pluto tv on the blaze tv channel. Two. Fifty second See we're trying to expand and expand our reach, particularly this crucial time so this is going to allow us to expand our region influence which is critical especially this year with what's going on in this historic. Crucial election now This episode will also be available to our living tv subscribers live and on demand. So rich
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Levin TV alleviate tv dot com and in the energy and you under the promo code alleviation and you'll get the thirty two, of the annual subscription and where ubiquitous and virtually every device you have? You can watch Us Willard Smart TV, further to your pc, your laptop your mackintosh, your Android Europe phone, your Ipad, I can't think of everything, but were everywhere prowl, even bearing on your feelings, come to think of it and so we have scientists out there who are brought to your attention: Doktor David cats and his march twentieth, peace and doktor. I needs crumbs men who, I believe should have been part of the task force, and I posted on Mark Levin, Show Facebook and Mark Levin show Twitter about a month or five weeks ago, whatever it was suggesting that they expanded test for us to include these men, but it wasn't
And so of course, doctor I neediest who's been right from day one more right than Doktor Fouch in Doktor Burke's is now under attack. The corner. The Wall Street you're pay, Stamford Scientists, John. I needs finds himself under attack for questioning the prevailing wisdom about locked out. Almost not under attack. Newsome start under attack them on a new Jersey is not under attack clad in Illinois in Michigan they're, not under attack their celebrated. They believe in real health, so the destroying our hospital systems, the destroying the job destroying the businesses you don't the do that anymore, boys and girls. You don't have to do it anymore. We know the vulnerable populations, the rest of us can mitigate, and yet we can stop walk through gum at the same time, But I want you to hear what they're going to this brilliant Stanford scientists
John, I need is because he doesn't go with the mob I'll, be right back from the West one podcast network, lady, gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S, slash joy,
now run faster number may underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader, o everybody, mine, Levant air. This Friday evening, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one page, seven, seven, three, eight one read one one John I needs is a hard working man he's a gene works at Stanford, he's got more degrees this had more positions in any one I could think of, and here is the Wall Street Journal peace pointing out that is under attack.
Defenders of colonel virus. Lockdown mandates keep talking about science, we're going to do the right thing, not judge by politics, not judge by protest, but by science, California, Governor Little dabbled. Do yes said this week: Michigan govern Gretel Whittemore defended in order that, among other things, ban the sale of pain and vegetable seeds, but not liquor or lottery tickets. Each action has been in form by the best science and Epidemiology Council there is, she wrote in his bed, but scientists I must never unanimous and many appeals to science are transparently or area considered. The story of John I need. Is he Professor Stanford School, a medicine, his experience as wide ranging each other's appointments in statistics, biomedical Data prevention, research and health, research and policy. Google scholar, ranks among the world's one hundred most cited, scientists he's publish more than one thousand.
Papers, many the meadow analyses reviews of other studies. It is now found himself pillar. Because he d sense from the theories behind the lock down, because he's looked at the data and found good news in a more chart. I tell ya look what we unleashed her MR producer. In March article four stat news, which the Wall Street Journal would never heard of. If I hadn't pointed it out, I need is argued that covered nineteen is far less deadly than models were assuming he considered the experience of the diamond princess cruise ship, which we ve talked about a length which was quarantine February. Foreigners pan aid of seven hundred in fact to passengers and crew died based on the demographics of the ships population
the doctor estimated that the US fatality rate and be its lowest point. Oh to five percent, two point: six to five percent and put the upper bound at zero point: zero five percent to one percent comprable to that of the seasonal flu. If that's the true he wrote way back on March. Seventeen locking down the world would potentially tremendous social financial consequences may be totally irrational, slacken alpha being attacked by a house cat, frustrated in trying to avoid the cat. The elephant, accidently jumps off a cliff and dies. I need is fifty four likes metaphors in New York native who grew up in Athens. Your but teaches comparative lit. A turn is published. Seven literary works, I'm tone. It is one of the greatest geniuses, I've ever met, poetry and fiction, the latest being an epoch test, our epoch top E p. I ask tee o l a are why novel in Greek Participatory in his spare time he likes defence, swim hike and play
ask about filling his career realised that the common denominator, the dot com, denominator for everything that I was doing was that I was very interested in the methods not certainly the results, but how exactly you do that? How actually try to avoid, buys how you avoid error when am examining. Studies had discovered the few headline grabbing. Findings could be replicated in many were later contradicted by new evidence. Scientific studies are often infected by biases. He said several years ago along one of my colleagues, we map two hundred thirty five biases across science and maybe the biggest cluster by Sea set, are trying to generate significant, spectacular, fascinating, extraordinary results. He says early results tend to be inflated. Claims for significance tend to be exaggerated, Let's see doctor, I neediest cause the corona virus pandemic. The perfect storm of that quest for very urgent, spectacular, exciting, apocalyptic results.
And, as you see apparently are early estimates seemed have been tremendously exaggerated on many fronts: chief there was study by models at Impure College London, which predicted that more than two to make a run of irish death in America absent any control measures are spontaneous changes at individual, but David. That study was published March. Sixteen the same day, the President released its fifteen days to slow the spread initiative, which and included strict social distancing guidelines. Crying eighty says the imperial projection appears to be a gross overestimate. They used inputs that were completely off and some other calculation. He says if day. Limited are flawed, their errors are being brought propagated through the model. If you have a small error and your expert and your ex, Then she ate that error. The magnitude of the final Erin Diction or whatever can be astronomical. He said I love models and to allow
mathematical modeling myself. But I think we need to recognise that there are very, very low in terms of how much weight we can place on them and how much we can trust them. Give you a very first kind of mathematical justification to it. You feeling, but beyond that, depending on models for evidence. I think, is a very bad recipe Ma well are sometimes refused to disclose their assumptions are data, so their areas go undetected. L a county predicted last week that ninety five point six percent of its population will be infected by August is Shall distancing orders were relaxed but the basis for this? Its action is unclear, Needy says at a minimum. We need openness and transparency in order to be able to say anything and they won't release the information. Why most important? What we need is He says we need real data. We need data on how many people are infected so far, how many people are actively infective? What is really the that's right how many beds do we have despair? How has this changed? That will require more
Testing doctor, I need using colleagues at Stanford last week, published a study on the problem the corona virus antibodies Incirlik Santa Clara County based on blood tests are thirty three hundred volunteers and candy, which include San Jose, California's third largest city during the first week will they estimated at between two and a half and four point? Sixteen percent of the county population have been infected. That's fifty two. Eighty five times the number of confirmed cases and implies a fatality right of between point one, two percent in point: two percent, consistent with that of the diamond princess, crucial. You may recall doctor I needed was on life liberty and live in the other way. The study immediately came under attack. Some statisticians questions its methods, critics noted this study sample, was not randomly selected and white women under sixty forward disproportionately represented the Stamford team. Adjusted for this,
Blame buys by waiting their results by sex, race and zip code, but the study, ouch that other biases, such as buys favouring individuals in good health capable of attending other testing sites, are buys favouring those with prior covered like illness the seeking anybody. Confirmation are also possible, but the overall effect of such vices ass ascertain. I need submits his study, isn't bulletproof and says he welcomes scrutiny, but he's confident the findings were hauled up. He says aunt body. Studies from around the world will yield more data. He study published week by the University of Southern California and the LOS Angeles Kelly Department of Public Health estimated that the virus is twenty eight to fifty five times as prevalent in that county, as confirmed cases are In New York study released yesterday estimated at thirteen point, nine percent of the state and over twenty one percent of the city had been infected. That's ten times the confirmed cases yet more
Criticism of the Stanford studies been aimed at defending the lockdown mandates, against implication that their an overreaction, you see, ladies and gentlemen, you are politicians, and so called experts both who are invested in the lockdown mandates and so they're not gonna, follow any more science they're going to follow idea, three there's some sort of mob mentality here, operating that they just insist that this has to be the end of the world, and it has to be that the skies falling says I need is its attacking study with data based on speculation and science fiction, but dismissal real data in favour, mathematical speculations, mind boggling already blames the media, he said We have some evidence that bad news, negative news are more attractive than positive news. They lead to more clicks, check out the drudge report or actually don't they lead to peace
for being more engaged and, of course, we know that fake news travels faster than true news, so in the current virus. Unfortunately, we have generated a very heavily panic. Driven are driven debt driven, show type of situation. The news fill with stories of healthy young people who die of corona virus, but I need a recently published a paper with his wife and infectious specialists at Stanford as well. That shows that be classic man bites dog story. The cup of found the people sixty five without underline conditions accounted for only two point: seven percent. Well. Under one percent of Corona fires DES in ITALY and one point, eight percent in New York, he said compared almost any other cause of disease. I can of its really sparing young people, I'm not saying that the lives of eighty year olds do not have value, they do, but there's far far far more young people who commit suicide. So if the panic attended disruption continue he says:
going to see many young people committing suicide just because we're spreading our stores with covert nineteen there's far far more young but who get cancer and will not be treated because again, that will not go to the hospital they get treated because of covert nineteen there's far far more people whose mental health will collapse. He says he argues that public officials need to weigh these factors when making public health decisions and more hard data from anti body, and other studies will help. He said, I think that we should just take everything that we know put it on table and try to see. Ok, what's the next step, see what happens when we take the next step, this sort of data driven feedback will be the best. So you start up then you start opening your schools. You can see what happens. We need to be open minded. We need to address be calm. Allow for some areas, unavoidable. We started, we started from knowing nothing. We know a lot now, but we still don't know everything. And ending the pc says cautions against drawing broad conclusions about the efficacy,
lockdown based on national infection, and fatality rates says it's not. We have randomize ten countries to go into lockdown another ten countries from a rain relatively open and see what happens and do that randomly different Prime Minister's different president's different taskforce makes decisions they implement them. Indifferent sequences at different times and different phases of the Epp and then people start looking at this date and they say. Oh look at that. This place. Very well while because of this measure, this is completely completely opinion based people are making big state about lockdown save the world. He said. I think that their immature their tremendously mature, they may have worked in some cases. They have had no effect. In others. They may have been damaging still and others, and most agreements among scientists. He notes reflect differences and perspectives, not facts. Some final every study worrisome, because it suggests the viruses more easily transmitted, while others are hopeful, because it suggests the viruses less lethal
He says it's basically initial, whether you're an optimist or a pessimist, even scientists can be optimism. Pessimists ugly, usually I'm a pessimist, but in this case, and probably an optimist, what he's saying is, I think more people have had this virus than we know, and because of I am an optimist when it comes to the fatality rate, which will be much much lower as a risk I'll be right back more than ever The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a fall, time presence in Washington a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond
but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts cell phone and a hell of a lot more it's not enough. You'll get em by monthly magazine full of incite. Full articles on the issues that matter to most of us, we conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! I see that you s stop support! liberal agenda, that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U S, representative time point from California how are Barnhardt Backroom Atomic when talk you ve been very out. Can, against these iron fisted locked downs,
very concerned about what's happening to the people. In your stated in the country, the economy busy Susan Jobs, I'm want to give you an opportunity to explain why a simple we have now plunge tens of millions of Americans into unemployment and poverty and in the process set in motion events that are going to create many poverty related deaths in the future. There was a study a few years ago by when we unanimously the noted that about four and a half per cent of all deaths in this country are poverty related. We have just plunge tens of millions of Americans into that condition and nobody seems to be counting those debts that we are setting in motion right now in the calculus of this. This radical idea of locking up an entire population in a free nation for fear that they might catch a disease
tell the rest of the country. Your governor in California, he's really locked that state down hesitate, or very much so and and the day toll on people's lives. Is absolutely extraordinary. Three point: two million Californians have lost their jobs as twenty percent of the state workforce less than half of LOS Angeles County Reverend now have jobs and whose nitwit Newsome put in charge of the reopening. This socialist whack job Tom style, whose vowed remake Callin wings society is quote a fair, green and prosperous future. You know it, it doesn't appear the lockdown doing all that great today and yesterday is, as the curve is not so flat right now. Is it exactly
How a point you ordered a complete locked down its population back on March nine came now the established timeline from infection to death about twenty five days. I would have been April thirteenth, so question of California is radical. Internment measures were effective shouldn't. We have expected to see a dramatic decline in death soon after that date. The fact is we haven't. On the contrary, the worst daily death toll is thus far, and this epidemic occurred in nine of the last eleven days after April thirteen. So every person who succumbed in these the worst days per fatalities in this state so far every one of them would have contracted the disease after the shut down took effect. And if you look at some of the studies now, as a professor out of Bum TEL Aviv University Isaac been Israel, he just published a paper comparing the case and more tell the curves in those country.
That ordered. Strict lockdown like ours and countries that kept their economies open like Sweden and he's got no significant difference in the in the mortality curse, and yet I notice our politicians keep attacking Sweden. I've looked at Sweden to why they keep attacking Sweden. Sweden's numbers I relatively comparable Eyes and they're gonna have this heard immunity, while before we do that, I think are attacking the because Sweden is demonstrating what a free nation should do in response to an epidemic. Like this. Why is the governor of Georgia coming under such a vicious attack? For the same reason? The same region, Christie, Norman factor- Is coming under attack and by the way, been, Israel is not the only statistician who is noted that there is really no difference. Testing, out of the Kentucky State University, Wilfred Riley just published a paper looking at the differences between the states, like California, the completely destroyed their economy,
and states like South Dakota, kept their economies open and once again, no significant statistical difference in the course of the viruses. It runs its course and don't even of data. Now Tom, Glenn talk to tell us the populations that are really threatened in the populations that aren't, and they say, follow the science but they're not following the sites these these governors are they for exactly right California, we ve had to Sir Ology studies. I think I mentioned earlier today, Stanford for Santa Clara County as safer l, a county both of looked at the actual prevalence lily. In fact, May calculated a case fatality rate that the percentage you actually die from the disease and what they found is it's a fraction of what the so called experts were telling us, and what all of these dire models were based upon. The experts told us it was at least a one percent: they town a rate. It turns out somewhere between twelve one hundred and twenty seven one hundreds of one percent, that's the equivalent.
Bad collusion, and yet, when Doktor Starchy says this is seasonal, there and to be another way, that's really a consequence of his his promoted decisions, isn't that is everybody humble in place pretty much as much of the bid people as possible, while when you have so many people who don't have the virus they're going to get the virus at some point, idly boy exactly and an ultimately could not be just as easily regulated by individuals. If you don't feel safe don't leave your house if you feel safe, leaving your house with a mask. Well then, where ask if you don't feel comfortable getting too close to other people. Well, don't get too close to other people. The choices made buy an eighty year old, with emphysema living in New York City are going to be very different than those made by a healthy college student in South Dakota. Only a fool would claim the omniscience to make an informed judgment for every person and every sir
in every community are I congressmen, your terrifically appreciated atomic when we'll be right back aim at the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook. Gives in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights old time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. But to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone it's a hell of a lot more It's not enough! You'll get a max by
Monthly Magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! I see that you s, stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot! U s! only others methods show me one that you can call him at eight hundred and seventy seven hundred and thirty, eight one thousand three hundred and eighty one luck tonight show is focused on Liberty, the economy, humanity. We're relying on some governors
were lying on really to medical scientists, public health officials and that's enough for this. Now, when I go out sometimes aware mass, sometimes I want dry rarely wear gloves, but I always have my hand sanitize with women. That's not gonna change, that's not going to change. Small businesses now had a run their businesses they want to be They want to make sure there there's staff as well cared for they want to make sure their customers and patients are well cared for, but we ve seen very, very bad decisions by Cuomo by some of these other governors have cost lives and will continue to cause lives. So we should be praising the governor of Georgia for his efforts. As I've said three days ago, we should be proud and governor dissenters for his efforts and they ve kept their states and pretty decent conditions compared to some of the other states. You dont destroy your country to save your country.
Now early decisions I understand, but now the way of data. Real information, there's no excuse, there's no excuse, and so the real heard mentality is the attack on these people. Nothing for themselves. Governors and scientists are really looking at data they're, not idiot logically base they're, not driven by past decisions. They're saying like I'm looking at the date of this, isn't really the way we should be doing this, but Cuomo needs to be held to account. What he did. It he's nursing homes The way he's managed that stay mismanaged. It is a damn, shame the wonderful people in New York. I love the people in New York and what he's done that state and what that the communist under that city is a sin. By the way, we're about the heavy.
That is what it is and news busters is broken. This were about to have a audio played for you. That is I do not your socks off famous terror, red she's, a former Stafford to Senator Joe Biden. And she's accused him of molesting him of criminal sexual assault. And she told some family members at the time. You didn't know who to go to her what to do so. She left her job and she was enter twenties a video, that's been on earth by news busters late this afternoon. A phone call and Larry King Show on CNN
on August 11th, one thousand nine hundred and ninety three and is believed, with the with significant backing that the caller was Tara. Reid's mother, who has since passed away Haswell twenty sixteen and she mentioned in an interview with the intercept, deter red She had mentioned to her mother would Joe Biden, Dunder and her mother was a feminist and activist and was quite appalled by at all, as you can imagine, So you can get the video at news, busters him mister producer. We will link to it a news busters, so news busters gets all the credit in the World They're are the ones that on earth and again this isn't first hand news that I found the suggest something that that, though we found on the on the news buster,
So I want you to listen to this. This should be the bay. Story in the Sunday shows in addition to but Joe Binds, incapacity meddling capacity is not capable of being prisoners. But this is the greatest cover. Ups came in american history here. Nineteen. Ninety three August, eleven, the Larry King, show the collar is to be terror, reads: Mother GO download of these for California, hello, I'm wondering what staffer would do decide to go to the press in Washington. My daughter had just left there to argue for a prominent senator and could not get through with no problems at all, and the only thing she could have done would go to the press and she chose not to do without respect for him. She had a story to tell, but out of respect for the person she won't for she didn't tell me
people do come to the lowest Romanones right. Doesn't anyone who says I won't let you know about. What's going on down the hall and a sense of obligation, they feel that their public officials should be accountable if something lowers the prosecutor fighters outlined Red did the allegations made against us. Written up here by the daily wire last month in a pod, cast in a view saying that the alleged incident happened when they supervisor called her into the office and instructed her to take a gym bag to Joe Biden. She said he was down towards the cap and I'll meet you. I went down and I was heading down towards there. He was at first talking to someone and then they went away. We were. Unlike the side like the side area and he just said: hey come here: terror. I handed him.
Then he greeted me remember my name, and then we were alone. It was the strangest thing. There was no like exchange really He just had me up against the wall. It was wearing a skirt, a business skirt. It happened, at once. His hands were on me and underneath my clothes, I'm not gonna, get into the details. He was and, in addition to have put it this way, fondling. Her he was kissing me. At the same time, any was saying something to me. He said several things. I just can remember everything. He said red clay, that by nastier she wanted to Cuoco somewhere else and that she responded by rejecting is advances to which he is buying responded by Saint come on man. I heard you liked me now read: has filed a police,
What she found it earlier this month with the sexual assault unit Washington DC now she's not appoint. She's not represented by a slip and fall now. Disbarred lawyer and she's very upset over the fact that Joe Biden Here's the prohibitive likely nominee of the Democratic Party for present the United States, and I will tell you this. This is a concrete allegation. You dont know exactly something's happened or not, because you need an entire process legal process to figure these things out. But then, when you look at the cabinet case, which was so preposterous,
multiple allegations and how they came forward and who the lawyers were involved and all the rest of the sleaze there and you look at the situation now. You look at this. Croatian and so will see how thoroughly the media pursue. This, though, see how thoroughly they asked Joe Biden about it. So far, he's he's gotten a pass he's getting a lot of past Stowbody because everybody knows he's not mentally fit Be President eyes: he simply not. You cannot have a president who is not mentally fit. I mean we have the twenty fifth amendment for President who becomes somewhat incapacitated, whether in office, we don't really
have anything where a party tries to put somebody in office when, in fact, the mentally incapacitated before their elected before their elected. So wanted you to be aware that there is a piece opinion sexual, the Wall Street Journal by Tom Coglan Chimera. The insight tool for international monetary Research, University of Buckingham England, big headlines top of the opinion page get ready for the return of inflation. I've been warning about this. I've been telling other hosts. They need to start talking about this. I started talking about this as soon as they pass that two point two trillion and it's only got worse and by the way, this Sunday have two great guests: Arthur Laffer and Christian youth. Arthur, laugh regime knows, but an economist
the presidents and Christine Youth used to head a ye. I wrote the peace one, how Donald Trump? approach, this pandemic, as few other presidents have or would so we're going to get deep into the constitution and deep into economics. So I hope you'll join us at eight p, DOT M Sunday, eastern or five p, DOT M Eastern I'm not gonna. Just have a you know three. Four five gascoyne around the Honor regurgitating everything that's going on. This is deep stuff and I think you're gonna like a lot but here's the peace, the economists Milton Friedman and Anna Jacobson short demonstrated in a monetary history, the United States, that a collapse in the quantity of money was the main cause of the great depression and what he says here. This is the opposite:
feds actions have increased the quantity of money in the. U S economy at a list during rate, we ve never seen anything like this in american history ever. The highest rate of monetary expansion: in U S history and we will pay a price for this. I've said it You'll hear other, say ass. I sat bilateral years. Why, as I said last, they say nothing. They sit on their thumbs. I had the blaze, a trail. Look I get it. I understand it putting myself from the back, but I do get annoyed. Well, they write back then aims The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a macbook
lives in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights old time, presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone it's a hell of a lot more, and if it's not enough you'll get a max by
monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at aim. Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m, a sea dot. U S would have been nice approach, Cuba and national cubic radio and media eyed and all the other frauds. Hosts on radio and tv jumped into this nursing home issue five weeks ago, when we did maybe we could, Save some lives, but no no now they'll get into it now. What position themselves and position other people? It's really disgusting. The whole damn thing is discussing
want to quickly go to Vivian on Long Island, New York, the Great W B c. I dont have a lot of time with him, but I wanted to get to you cigarette ahead. I marked aren't thank you for coming call I just want to let you know my mother passed away at a nursing home here in Long island and conveniently Governor Cuomo past the New York and the near state legislature. They passed the emergency disaster treatment protection I which gives all the: U facilities, immunity. As you know, recourse based on what decision this man made that correct and I want to say how terribly sorry I am because I know when you put your parents, parents, a nursing home, it's hard enough. But when you know you ve got a governor, that's protecting his own Tucker and then issuing a directive to expose them to a virus. I mean it's just so rageous. It was outrageous five weeks ago in its moral rageous. Now I'm sorry, Vivian cooking on got, God bless you and your family.
How much time do I have their MR producer? Twenty seconds isn't enough, but we do have a person here. Food service erected on subway cleaning who says they have now been cleaning the subways and they have not been cleaning them properly. In New York City, I mean what is the federal government's posted, the higher the janitors. Are the cleaning services can't this jackass, the calm, you do a job creators, Jackass Cuomo do its job. The answer is no I can't do their jobs and they get cover from their media. They get cover from the New York Times of the day, Pratt I worse supposed to broke even further. The subsidized.
Gang in honour of you.
the weak sufficiently over the weekend begins. Now, please, don't forget life liberty, Levant Sunday, a pm eastern, very, very important. We salute our armed forces, police officers, fire fighters, she personal doctors, nurses, technicians, all. Are you folks They are bringing us food and taking care of us. God bless. You unites Friday Griffin. See smoky zelda Gigi. We monsieur, we love you again. I dad can I
mom, and I LEO folks- God bless you and I'll see you Sunday night and here on Monday from the west, would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-02.