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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/21/23


On Friday's Mark Levin Show, WJNO's Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. Three stories dropped this week that speak to pervasiveness and corruption in the swamp. The Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower is evidence of a corrupt two-tiered system of justice. Will the whistleblower be allowed to be heard like Alexander Vindman was? Then, U.S. officials like Anthony Fauci were doing the bidding of the Chinese communist party and covering up the Wuhan lab leak. Also, there was Elon Musk's revelation that the FBI was granted full access to everyone's Twitter DM's. What kind of country spies on their citizens this way? Is this happening at Meta or Google? Is there any difference between what China is doing with TikTok and what our government is doing with social media in the U.S.? Our government today more closely resembles the Chinese government. All this is happening while China’s Xi is getting ready for war. How many countries around the world recognize Taiwan sovereignty? Only 13. China has had incredible success at intimidating the hell out of countries around the world. Later, RFK Jr polling in the double digits against an incumbent president, tells you that Democrats are looking for anyone else but President Biden. They don’t want another 4 years of him.  

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