« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/17/20


On Friday's Mark Levin Show, experts like Dr. David Katz and Dr. John Ioannidis have cited the importance of quarantining the most vulnerable, not the entire populace. Meanwhile, Governors like Andrew Cuomo, who has done a poor job planning and as of last year was in the hole for $6 billion, now hopes that the federal government will bail his state out and is using coronavirus as his excuse. Then, it is now believed that the coronavirus has spread throughout New York by its subway and bus system. Leading some to question why Cuomo didn't shut down the public transportation system the way he shut down every other business. Later, the federal right to protest is being exercised by patriots in various cities across America. Ones Constitutional right to assemble at state capital and demand that one's governor open up their state economy is just that — it’s their right. Afterward, the media continues to provide malicious coverage of the coronavirus. This biased media is bad for America's mental health.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following of the podcast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College now, in its hundreds, Seventy fifth year hills, is a truly independent institution where learning
prized in intellectual enthusiasm, is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale brother sponsorship now run them wrongly underground command, both bows or even bunker, somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America Mark living here. Our number seven, seven, three, eight point: three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one by the way, I'm very excited to tell you something this Sunday at eight p m Eastern and not just hawking this. I really want you to watch this five Pm Pacific on Fox liberty and then I have to brilliant
men John. I need navies of Stanford and Doktor David cats. You two men who knew the fatalities You were wrong to me Who argued early on four focused and strategic mitigation, Two men who warned about the devastation that might occur to the economy and they did a month and a half ago, a month and a half ago. Why were they write? What did they No. No, you know I've read their articles till you doctor. Media's has been around some time, but for them to have national prominence as a result of reading his pace, because it makes much sense to me. I gone there
obscure site called stat NEWS that com. Because, as you know, I do hell of a lot of reading and starting in research, our the day and night and Mary. What, He is now the most cited exe on these issues in the world and of course, Doktor cats wrote a brilliant peace. Shockingly published in the New York Times, and so both one and then the other will be on life, Liberty and Levin on Fox, not just for wickets with fifteen guests? They're gonna have time to speak and I think you're gonna find what they have to say extremely compelling. And it's really aimed at the governors in this country, want to talk about one governor particular others under these blue state governors and a couple. The red steak
but mostly the blue state governors who are utterly incompletely and competent, but they get me. Never sent press because their left us. Most in company governors in the country's Andrew Cuomo. I'm not sure why the president has praised him over the months, but the rest of the country and many new Yorkers. I know they write me governor. I'm all ears. The we need governor Plans ahead, he doesn't prioritized properly left wing political hack who is who's the state budget to advance a left wing agenda to redistribute wealth. He'S- chased out people out of the state out of the city of New York, as The com you in New York City. And so when you hit with a crisis. New actual, is how was and is. And when you government already spent out.
It doesn't have any money left because it Guess I can't say pisses away, so I won't that just blows the money, a God, knows what And its focus on algae, BT, Q, infanticide, illegal aliens and provide then, what drivers licences and on and on and on site with the city of New York, then the people of nor can the people of the city of New York or are not served you're prioritize solar panels over ventilators there's something wrong with you. This governor that mayor, they just hope. But when the crap hits the fan that they're not in an office there little fallen. Somebody else to deal with it, whether its mass Pensions, massive debt fourth, and so on.
Andrew Como is a lousy governor. I don't care if he is a hundred percent approval. Saddam Hussein had about a hundred percent a proven Iraq. We know how that went. And why his press conferences aired on all networks. All the time I don't know cause, he sits there like barely literate, leftists pontificating. And basically begging for money. State that spends the second or third most amount of money in the country. I think it's even ahead a Texas begging for money, the people New York who been paying taxes year after year after year, look at your paychecks new Yorkers what're, you gettin, for it. Apparently not ventilators in bed. This for Cuomo keeps talking about federalism?
Demanding that the federal government pays costs. The chief executive in New York, is Cuomo. Another doesn't mean you have one. Federalism where he can to do whatever he wants, and then everybody else has to pay, for it is not the federal government's responsibility. To subsidize Kronos bad pass decisions. But we care about our fellow citizens, whether there in New York, whether there in New Orleans they're in LOS Angeles, whether in pole, dunk we're Americans, but these There's, don't think that way. So I'm gonna address Cuomo today. Mr Buzek, give it a shot, invite him on the radio show next week, William, I won't hold my breath. And not afraid or nobody cares about that head job here- is today cut
go here to stabilize. Finally, it is a mistake. The federal government has passed should worry bills to address this crisis. Those three bills. This state governments haven't gotten precisely zero zilch, not unrestricted. It now stop. I don't want to hear the word- Federalism again for me, These Democrats, or any these governors, It is not our responsibility to cover the budgets of a government folks. Can you imagine the consequences of this? Can you age and the consequences of this present in the set he said We not only want federal dollars, we want without strings attached. He called it
Restricted aid unrestricted eight. And then he claims federalism hildy. Side when the business has opened Hilda side when people have to wear masks, he'll decide what can live their lives And by the way has just shut down New York City, he shut down all state parts of the state, with the corona viruses, barely even known to big State New York. Go ahead, the state should this state? Should this state should this? Yes? Well, what support have you, given the states see that the state should they The state should that state should this. Reporters in that room. Our so analogy, are so left wing. They won't challenge this governor. Even though he's a hypocrite,
Contradicts himself every ten seconds. Governor Cuomo, yes, journalists, Macgyver question: yes, yes, Sixty years day was the first state the pass, the deserted location of needs law. They gave New York the power to decide how many hospital beds at once in the last two decades, than by twenty thousand, including while you been governance, how many ventilators you want? You didn't buying no ventilators worthy Expand hospitals and so forth, and so on. You haven't done any of these things. Why did you our ties other things over the health and welfare of your citizens, that's a fair question. He's never been as that question ever. Governor Cuomo, yes, yes, you again mark journalist market when it gave a question. Stay with federalism is: do you understand Tenth amendment is: it means that you,
To make these decisions and you live with the consequences and that people like it, they get the throw you out on your ass. You are to make all the decisions and then all the other states in the people, all the other states pay for them? That's not federalism that's Cuomo ISM. But be careful what you say that that's Cuomo ISM, one of the authority to decide what happens with your hospitals, in your hospitals to your hospitals and an exercise of properly that's what we mean the support. You given the states now by the way, so is mine. Tromp before Trump tweeted anything while Tromp has spent hours and hours, as has the vice president of the task force, trying to address the problems York, City and New York, Our ties in New York has the hotspot with
federal material, federal resources, federal personnel, the United States military. The army core of engineers. H H, and I the CDC. Is pouring resources and personnel. Federal resources and personnel into the city and ITALY, partner! In this. The thanks. The illustration and the people who do this get from this governor mocking them. Well, what Supportive you, given the stage words suppose stage this day, should do this. The state should do that. And then he says, he's a Federalist. He's a moron: he was a man before the virus, And he's a moron during the virus. Eddies very very bad decisions as governor that have led the state city. To this point he has. And so the only out he has is too big for money from other states that
the federal government. You know it's interesting. I hear this from the governor of Florida I don't hear this from the governor of Texas. I don't hear this from the governor of Georgia. Gay in and day out day in and day out that the fair. Taxpayers and the citizens of the other states owe this state o this city skies it in great. He's an angry, he should be thanking the citizens of Amerika For rolling around New Yorkers and we should rally around New Yorkers, despite the That they have they reprobate as a governor diet Can we get married me how's, it even plausible as a strategy, it doesnt work. We need financial resources to stabilize the states. Think, let me ask you something: you Schmahl: how about the federal DEC. Which is massive, the federal debt,
how does that make sense, printing printing, money and printing money every year of inflation, hyperinflation when the valley of Everything when the value of everything sinks through the floor and people can't work Can't make a living, their savings are shot, their pensions are gone that makes look like a joke with all due respect. He doesn't have any concern about any of that More than he did any concerns about hospitals and hospital beds and ventilators before the pandemic,. This guy's a political hack he's a moron? That's it pure and simple. I'll be right if you and your family are finding yourself at home with their Good time on your hands these days, I know.
Excellent way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Pills now offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge. Hills Del students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you and two with hills: thou, newest, free online course that greater Can story a land of hope, learning and teaching our children about America's past is essential for preserving liberty and the future Register right now. To take this free online course, the Great America story? It's a prayer. Ugh should masterpiece and it paints a picture of America as a land of hope, founded on high principles course, and dozens of others on a variety of topics are avail.
To you and your family for free right now, good olive Infra hills, Delbert COM, alleviate pray, hills Del Dotcom more from Cuomo today and wire stations gave him all the time they good model. There are other governors in his country, great big states like Florida, or it is a state that sexually bigger than the Ark in terms of population had of their happy Texas. The bigger popular held that happen. What people have left New York They are sick and tired of people like hormone the plaza. Some people can't leave but want to leave they love there sitting. They love their state, but they hate with done to them. Here is a Cuomo cut nine go. We need to support the states who is weak. The other day you moron you went on and on about federalism, in nineteen eighteen, everybody likes to talk about nineteen eighteen years,
Nineteen thousand nineteen? Eighteen when Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat? Was President Mr Progressive, the first Such Democrat President of the United States. You nobody did for the states what we did in the middle, the worst flew in modern, american history, nothing zero, nothing. Tromp is conducting himself in a way that progressives should be here With not that he's a progressive but they won the last hundred years. If trot Doing what Mr Progressive was doing and nineteen eighteen? They will get a damp penny are the ones who are doing. This reopening is up to the states right. That's the federal decree, it's our now! That's what you demanded he made a whole issue about federalism. Do not remember one day to the next are all of you sort of Joe Biden Nick
Go ahead and others will decide the states have to decide. Everyone is in a different position and it's up to the states which are growing closer to submit the constitution, but now it doesn't happen to be the constitution every with this guy. And they even hear some idiotic conservators go on and on and on. Now can repeat the Interstate commerce clause. I will, if I come under attack, it does, and I will of I will demonstrate how wrong the cheap shot artists are, but let's continue guy had. I also use the right approach. Ok, it's up to the states, but then don't ask the states, don't give them this massive undertaking. That has never been done before whether massive undertaking to open your economy is that a massive undertaking, ladies and gentlemen, Ok, let's get together! This business can open this. Business can open
yeah- maybe we'll wait on sport stadiums a little better, this one up, maybe what whatever that's a massive undertaking That cost any money. Why does a plug nickel? It's the businesses, That are losing money. It's the visual, so we're losing money they're losing their livelihoods, but look look quite radical. When progression by the neighbour Andrew Cuomo conduct sums up here, more about his stay? budget and his state needs. Money, then, about. The businesses and people in New York who are suffering as a result of the economic shut down. And what he really wants? Let's big layer and I've talked about this before is for you and me to bail out his debt. That's what the clown, California once they climb. New Jersey once they clown in Illinois. Wants that What they really want.
For all of us the bail them out for it, did she says here earlier: he wants unrestricted from the federal governed. What does that mean? What what go for a walk out for abortions, look for aid for illegal aliens. What will it go for? skies tyrannical. He's got a mind of a sponge. Go ahead and do not give them any resources to do it. Hey pal! It's not up to us to give you resources to do it. You ve tax. They! How are your paper waited all that money? Go you ve tack that tax, then? How are your businesses waited all that money? Go you ve tax there how anyone who drives a vehicle in and out of New York City? Where did all that money go? What do they call you moron
solar panels, I'll be right back if you and your family are finding yourself at home with extra time on your hands these days. I know excellent way to fill it take a free online course from hills. Dale college hills, though, offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge. Hills Del students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you and two with hills: thou, knowest, free online course that Great America story, a land of hope, learning and teaching. Our children about America's past is essential for preserving liberty and the future Register right now. To take this free online course, the great amount Story: it's ok. Option masterpiece and it paints a picture of America as a land of hope, founded on high principles
course, and dozens of others on a variety of topics are avail to you and your family for free right now, girl of Infra hills, Dub outcome alleviate Foothills Del dotcom foregrip speaking too, about four or five american, too, are deliberate. Eighty, seven, seven, three, eight one: three, eight one: one I've had enough of this guy Cuomo, I'm not going to waste any more time on them. Unless I need the circle back depending events in circumstances I have a question for the crown that supported the general shelter. Hungering down of the population, even after. We were getting enough data and enough scholars from top School saying that really the approach should be more targeted.
And that is towards vulnerable populations in Annabelle areas of the country. My question is this:. You have no way out. You have no way out of this except make the argument now this is a seasonal virus. Cyrus will hit us in phases in waves, because thee Really draconian approach that everybody virtually most people. Need to stay at home, not go to work, not socializing. Soforth eliminates spin called and what I furred first read about this in MID March, heard immunity. So if
significant percentage, no perfect number, but A significant percentage of the population doesn't get the virus. And there you and systems tackle the virus defeat the virus kill the virus. Significant per cent of the population is still going to be susceptible to getting the virus How did they get out of this will ultimately, they have to with me and people like me and scholars who made the point that you need to fight It's on the vulnerable communities, otherwise you can have open economy ever so argument doesn't make any sense in if they dont adopt an approach that the doctor, I need the president, I others doktor Bennet set leaps and many of us have embraced Then there's no way I've ever.
Because the virus in a significant way, not an allowance to give away way, will always be around. Next question to these people: what's the best way to protect, Now that we know the most vulnerable populations in our country, the way to protect. The most vulnerable populations in our country is to protect the most vulnerable populations in our country. And for others, Who are less vulnerable or not?. Former, that is to death once they get a virus. And therefore become immune, the least in the first round. They're not a threat anymore.
To the most vulnerable populations. Now, how do I know this? Because doctor? I need you told me because Doktor Catch Tommy, because an expert from Rockefeller university told me. I read another one from Oxford, who told me I didn't make this stuff up. It's not conservatives getting together. To make absurd arguments site my sources and these very impressive people, and it turns out that their approach and their analysis of data that was available to them. Has been far more accurate, former accurate, The everybody hunkered down than the Everybody hugger down crap. So, unless the everybody hunky hunger down crowd eventually adopts,
No everybody shouldn't hunger down crowd approach. There's no out of it, you can't A functioning economy. It will be a long time till you leave your home towards its nonsensical. The nobody saying let it rip quote unquote. What people are saying, if you want to save lives than their certain steps, you have to take. Especially now that we now have more data and more information. So now that we have more data right and other we models that are better, what are we doing? We're adopting the everyday? you shouldn't hunkered down crowd position. Even doktor fouche in Doktor Burke's are adopting that position now. Well, that's cause we flattened the curve while they keep pointing out
but the curve can come back. Why? Because men If you have Gotten a virus. Even though you not vulnerable likely to death the statistics that we have now that's why they too about this could be seasonal. Now we're may it seasonal remaining- could be seasonal. There might be another hit. Yes, well, that's inevitable. If you have more people, millions people who ve never had this virus and so. The original position actually doesn't make any sense, plus its destruction the economy and all the economic cultural. Societal and health consequences there is from that which are significant, which is significant We now have a and a peace by.
Somebody who's at MIT, trying to pull it up here was sent to me by good friend has added yes, that is. Two working paper series Subway seated the massive corona virus epidemic in New York City. And this piece was written this month. National beer of economic research. Jeffrey Harris was a working paper and he sought the input scores of other experts Economists and others and. Well, it's not peer reviewed; it was provided me and Mr Harrison Department of Economics at MIT. Hardly a backbone operation. Here's the abstract.
New York cities, Multi tentacled subway system, a major disseminate her. If not the principle, transmission vehicle. Of corona virus infection during the initial take off of the massive epidemic that became evident threat, the city during March, twenty twenty listen to this. This is What I mean about consequences for decisions. The near shut off of Subway Rider ship in Manhattan. By over ninety percent at the end of March com I strongly with the Serbs annual increase in the doubling time of new cases in this Barrow maps. Subway station turnstile entries they went through all. The elements here gathered all data and push Through their economic, a mathematical genius.
Coralie strongly with the substantial increase in doubling time of new cases. In this Barrow maps, subway station turnstile entries superimpose. Upon zip code level, maps of reporting, corona virus incidents- strongly consistent with sub facilitated disease propagation, local train lines appear to have a higher propensity to transmit, faction that express wives risk Prickles seeding of infection appears to be the best explanation for the agents have a single hot spot in midtown western Manhattan Bus Hobbs may, Served as a secondary transmission out to the periphery of the city, but what are they talking about and you can. I will pose this. Why don't think I'm allowed to? But I shall look into that. But they have their charts and they show you their models, nothing Hidden here. When the governor ordered.
A massive reduction. A massive reduction of sub not usage, but the sub Scheduled slashed it, what happened? Mr producer. More and more people were packed into fewer and fewer cars, because peace, Continue to use the subway system. He didn't ban. The use of the subway system. Dramatically cut the schedule on the subway system. And so the car that were used were packed even more than normally same. The buses, they slash, the use of public transportation, the buses, so more, more people who were travelling is already on early on
more people got into smaller and smaller spent more more people got into these spaces on the buses so more, our people into smaller and smaller spaces demonstrate here that it was the second biggest reason for the spread of the virus, the epicenter of the epicenter was in Manhattan and they trace it back to these decisions early in March. Before they had good data in New York and in New York City, but it continued. Of course. Even when they had good data, but they weren't really looking at this, say, with the increase in the incidence of new infections and covered nineteen hospitalizations levelling off there will be incurred
sing interest, a relaxing social distancing measures during the Ray normal times. The public transportation transportation system will surely Require enhance scrutiny. It means even more attention to staggered work hours limits on the number of passengers per transport unit, refurbish view goes with enhanced ventilation, subsidies for drivers and so forth, and so on. This study has touched upon the differential impact of the covert nineteen pandemic of those with this who resources as who put this working paper S and what they mean by that is those who take public transportation. So this one decision they believe and the looking at the subway stops along multiple routes. In the four principle barrels of New York City. And they tried it out. This help feed.
And accelerate and spread the corona virus,. Especially in Manhattan, and especially in four barrows- and they take it by zip code, Zip code zip code, they can even take it down to the subway, stop. The passenger density. Was abnormal, because the decision that was made to cut way back on the number of trains so trains and the number of buses. So that a form of public transportation mitigation- I guess I didn't work, it didn't scourge, people from use public transportation, I guess the question is for those who believe that everybody should have been shuddering in hunkered down. What did they closed? The subway system
did they stop the buses for a? Would that be a bridge too far, so to speak?. And if they did, what would have happened. I'll, be right back then, if you and your family are finding yourself at home with extra time on your hands these days, I know excellent way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College. Hills, though, offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge. Hills Del students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you Two with hills, thou, knowest, free online course that Great America
Story, a land of hope, learning and teaching our children about America's past is essential for preserving liberty and the future Register right now. To take this free online course, the great amount Story it's operate. Should masterpiece and it paints a picture of America as a land of hope. Founded on high principles course, and dozens of others on a variety of topics are very to you and your family for free right now, gonna live Infra hills Del back, come alleviate for a hills del dot com. This also explains this April. Eight, twenty twenty piece in the New York Daily NEWS. And the headline is empty workers dying
Corona virus at triple the rate of agencies that employ and Y see New York City first responders. To run a virus spreading like wildfire through the empties workforce, killing the agency's employs had three times the combined rate of the city. Please some fire departments which employ first responders like cops and even as crews. Forty one members of the empty seventy one thousand strong workforce have died from cocoa with nineteen of the law two weeks and they go on about the other groups,. Were now at least we can make a rational conclusion. The definitive scientific conclusions, but a rat conclusion as to why? Because According to MIT certain. Economists are a group of them there. When the decision was made To slash the schedule: a subway trains, the number of subway trains and buses. You had more more
people in a small small area in effect, so the density is an enormous and that's exactly This virus needs to spread, so it was the wrong decision. Wasn't it. And I think this is what we're gonna find from time to time. So hottest areas of the hot zone. Can be pinpointed on the subway line and on the bus lines. And the reason the empty workers are dying at a higher Than than some of the others, he has problem because they're the ones I were exposed to these high density. Situation on their trains and on their buses, those you who don't live in New York should, thank God, you don't have a governor like Cuomo, although some of you live in Illinois, New Jersey, there.
We also have three stooges right. There. In these states, are gonna have the most difficult time coming out of. Their shut down, so to speak, not because of the spread of the virus, but because they ve made it more difficult to find a way out, they ve the more difficult to find a way out: t workers dying from Corona virus a triple the rate. This is New York City of agencies that employ and Y see first responders. This is, about a week and a half ago, this piece in the New York Daily NEWS and comports with the mit. Study by the economists that said that the decision will, I won't put it this way, but put it this way. The decision by slow Cuomo to limit
number of trains or cars in the subway system, early on in March, and the limited number buses resulted in people typically poor people, but not purely pure people, getting fewer and fewer trains in creating an extremely dense situation, dense writer the situation on the subways in New York on the buses and it's their conclusions. They purely on the map. Purely on the map. Looking pew we at the numbers that this What really set off the virus in New York City, particularly Manhattan, but in four barrows
total I'll, be right back from the west. Would one part gas network now run casting a Mummy underground, the members than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader, my fellow everybody Mark Levine. Here, our number seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one I do they showed, despite God, knows how many distress, but here I you know what I know
I'm in a circle back, a set of events require me to So with this Cuomo, you noticed a bill that they republic trend, Pass in the Senate FF a quarter of a trillion dollars to in fifty one billion dollars to help small businesses. Many of you gonna be mad at me this this stuff's not gonna work. Opening the economy will work Has anybody heard governor Qualmless support that bill he's never supported that? He's never said a word about why not Arthur Small businesses in New York, New York City. Of course, there are. While wooden people in New York in New York City be able to access some of these funds, of course they would so why and getting behind because he's a hack. Because Schumer not behind it. Because policies not behind it, because they want more money for other stuff plus.
Cuomo wants you to bail amount, nominate, I'm about Cuomo, I just during the brake look. This up. All I did is, is being New York City, a budget. Twenty nineteen and you know popped up this article from November 22nd, twenty second, twenty nineteen in the near twenty! Here, this here's the headline by Bernie Dead, Haagen A car, Campanella New York Eight faces six, one billion dollar budget whole next year, official set November. Twenty two was for this virus in any noticeable way hit New York. So before any of this governor we're faces, I'm quoting a growing budget mess as officials erected a shocking six point: one billion dollar hole in the states It is next year that this year the figure was provided by the state division of budget. In its MID year budget report, which was released. We
say after its legally mandated due date that tallies up to only six percent of the state, one hundred and two billion dollar budget for its agency. Operation sort has a one hundred and two billion dollar budget and its off by six percent in one year ago, On more than half the gap, four billion dollars is like A dramatic rise in the states medicate costs these states. That have given the most liberal financing towards Medicaid, or Klute illegal aliens in Medicaid their bleeding, and they want you want me to fix this. This is what this is really about. This is what this is really about in an effort to patch All almost considering slashing payments to hospitals and nursing homes in the current budget perhaps next year
Savings may include across the board reductions in rates paid to providers and health plans reductions discretionary payments and other actions that can be actually, did administratively and the current fiscal year. The report reads its quotas. This budget shortfall since he came into office in twenty eleven experts set spastic, governor furred for over nine years. This is too tough. Budget that Cuomo has faced partly because he had bigger gaps when he took office, he took First, nine years earlier but he also made more political capital. He kind of owns this crisis because it's not driven by the economy. Listen to this issue. And by the shortcomings of his own management of the medical programme, in particular, one Kara, so here we have a governor short ventilators whose cut hospital beds, who saw
six percent on its budget as result of his budget priorities. Now he once everybody else to take care of him. He's worried about his own backside. America he's not worried about New York these we're here's decision to place New York in a vulnerable position. One Experts said the growing medicate costs are the result of New York's, costly and unwilling healthcare system. What why health care. Experts said the growing medicate costs are the result of New York's costly and unwieldy healthcare system quote failed to present a real plan. Criticized Dave Fried fish. Of these citizens budget. Commissioner, fiscal watchdog group they ve known about this for a long time, but the plan they they did principle at present is really one part gimmick. Now his analysis shows the state was already in trouble after pushing awful
point seven billion dollar Medicaid build on March. Twenty nineteen in the town me twenty, which grew and about or billion dollars. So this guy Then a fraud from day one. And I'm really healthcare system in the state. Allow people enter their healthcare systems. Had a lot of states, don't they're up there near the top. Firms have benefits under medicate and they can more that a New York but there's a gender, that's politics, such as base and choices, point seven billion dollar Medicaid shortfall in twenty nineteen and is pushing it into this year back in November, and now its growth four billion dollars and then he's got Two point: one billion dollars in the hall Spokesmen for the division of Budget refused to give details of how to govern a foremost general budget address on how the state play the cut medicating
senators incurred and rolled over from last year. So he would have the federal government Bell him out. And he's using this virus he's using the hot, of what taken place to the people in New York City, in particular in the metro. An area he wants his costs his budget. That was deep in the hall. What do they call it here in the article shocking. A shocking six point, one billion dollar whole six percent, and this its finances this year because In part of an unwilling hospital and healthcare system this is why Cuomo said: let's go to cut eight now listen carefully. This is what I do. I put these things together, listen carefully to what he said and cut down the state governments. I still each
Unfortunately, this is not cut a major producer gonna cut aid Eliza. Finally, images estate, the shuddering government is past. Should bills to address this crisis those three bills. This state governments haven't gotten precisely zero zilch, not unrestricted and unrestricted aid. He once unrestricted, eight, not virus specific aid. Not even to be reimbursed for the costs directly associated with this Although let's had made all this money fungible, he wants, unrestricted aid now? What does he want unrestricted aid because I just read to you back in Remember they predicted that this
year, New York will be six point: one billion dollars or six percent of its budget short in the hall. Which the new posts said was shocking. That's why? he's attacking President Trump. That's why he's banning federal eight that it part is why the Democrats are holding up this their spending binge if you well there's two hundred and fifty billion dollars because they more for quota quote the states and I quote: the hospitals in the states mean among others, New York's, unwieldy hospital system quote on quote and their deep debt They had long before the corona virus. This man is a huckster he's. A friend
and not a single of so called journalist in that room when he sitting there pontificating lay coherent. Has even asked them about this and they about it, I'm not reporter in New York, there reporters in New York, a man the budget deficit law before Corona virus that's. Why he's fighting? He wants you and me the other states. He wants the federal government. He watched the president of the United States. To save his poor ass, that's what you want! It's not about the people of New York. This guy's been in charge for almost a decade. He doesn't know how to run a stately doesn't know how to run a budget. He's a spend a hologram. When it came to ventilators, he picked solar panels, he's been slashing hospital beds here?
threatening to slash the hospital system. Now we the virus. You don't know. Ventilators you should, he said, turns out. He did. But he's had in hand wisely had an had. Causer is running a massive debt. That's why now he doesn't if he passes out on to you and me in the press of the United States and Republicans set at the Congress, he doesn't care. Same with this Schmo in California,. Same with a small one, Illinois and smaller New Jersey, its port up with them and its having horrendous effect on there, And statutes on the people of New York in New York City, in addition to his damnable priorities that did not put the people of New York first, that did not put the health of the people in New York first He's destroyed their budget. And I don't know how many more taxes you can raise in New York. What else you can
Hacks, how high contacts people are leaving in droves. People are deep popular, the state they're going to republic and states. Andrew Cuomo and gave a new some want to do to the United States budget what they ve done. It on budgets and the republic I have taken them now. Percent of the way there. But it's not enough. Well, we'll keep talking about, we stay We can't be expected. Harry this crisis on our shoulders without federal money. He didn't have any money before this. If this man we're running a bank he'd be under arrest If this man we're running a mortgage company, he be under arrest.
Here is with over eighty percent popularity in New York. You want to know why. Because I let him go on and on and these press conferences, you know he doesn't have the press challenging a him in attacking him. The presence of the United States does not enough they kisses, but, and they don't do Search either because their giddy, logically driven or there too stupid, It took me literally twenty seconds to find this article during the break. Andrew Cuomo, once you and me to bail out his states debt that he created long before this virus a shot Concurrent quite shocking, six point. One billion dollar hall in the state finances unquote that's from November article. And among other things he wanted to slash the hospitals, because
hospital system is quote unworldly in New York? Unquote. So progressive ISM massive, Has it spending has country? fitted to the mayhem and the death How does that the hot spots in the country, New York, bad decisions, solar panels over ventilators Slashing hospital bed bad decisions when it came Public transportation, bad decisions. Contributed mightily, not exclusively, obviously,. By contributed mightily to the worsening the situation in New York I'll be right, Back then
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You know some days I think Donald Trump, the governor of New York. Don't you, MR produce? Some days, I think Donald Trump, the Governor New York, he's gonna have a better job than than Andrew Cuomo. I mean you, can you can have a robot in that job of all you gotta do? Is we need money Monday. I need I need and then, when you start to really dig into this guy's record, it's a disaster. And the media, no one and they cover it up its aid faster. His his help how Christine contradictions. Spews federalism, federalism, you wouldn't get a penny. The federalism, the new deal would be half dead he's.
Federalism is an autocrat he believes he should have all the power. But none of the negative consequences from this decision. Sesar federalism that Cuomo ISM and now he wants you made a bell. Em out the virus. Who's, this guy was run, and I a massive debt For anybody heard of the war on China virus because I hit Bizarre priorities: is what happens when you have left- is running these state. This is why the media keep is trying to do Dracula attacked the present United States relentlessly what the man does and yet no matter a Cuomo, does it's perfectly fine get that more on Newsome in California same thing,.
Now's the time you know too, to transform the country to a real, progressive type country. Ladies and gentlemen, which me, Regressive: means rejecting the constitution rejecting, limits on central government. It goes on and on and on. Presently the United States has no obligation to turn. The United States into the mess that almost turned New York into our California. Or Illinois or New Jersey gone some distance in doing that with this mass of spending and noticed there never happy billions in trillion spent like good liberals, not enough. Ok, the two hundred fifty billion for small business, now one five hundred billion another half a billion a trillion prison things, maybe one trillion- o infrastructures, one Try going to try, it maybe it'll, be told. I have three three problem, therefore fortress
For four, how by five five arrived, so I get auction block. And the consequences have been felt yet President says our let's hope they economy, you have no authority to tell us what to do. Just give me money but has explained yesterday on this programme on Hannity last night, the president's lawyers and the Justice Department, listening he's got more power than they think under the interstellar stay commerce clause. If these closing of these businesses and their effect on interstate commerce. Doesn't these issues of federal authority in the supremacy clause respecting Interstate commerce than nothing does the decision of nineteen. Forty two about a farmer growing we'd on his own land. That's a joke of a decision. Magic what they would have done that court in the new deal with what's going on today, the eye what I've used it. In so many ways to control these states in the control these governors.
And what's amazing to me these governors to all this money, and all this help from and the administration, the federal government. And they keep poking many, I that serve the people in New York. How does it serve? people are California, Illinois, New Jersey and all the rest of it it doesn't. It doesn't. The reason why Cuomo can't raise the money in his state is because they ve blown it. Chasing citizens out of that state out of that city with these can Fiscal toy taxes- all they have to do is to while a few states, maybe a thousand twelve hundred miles away and they go. State like Florida with is no income tax. It's like Nirvana young people,
California paints thirteen point three percent. They got a flutter, they play zero I'll, be right back a land of free home of our brain stays that way, dial Magua there now seven, seven three one, forty eight one, one. By the way I apologize in advance. I've got a number friends that there. When I come on the radio, I want to draw attention to efforts. There are taking in various states and nationally, and I mean many to build grass roots court for opening the economy? The problem is, I be doing this all day and I just can't my bosses like that, you wouldn't like that. The fee hear about them you should join them in get environment, and
but in California, Texas, Kentucky Illinois talking about couple of national organizations and I'm all fort offered, but I just can't. This can't be rally centre, we're going to lose. Our audience sets number one, but I'm glad we ve helped spur this, but the people who really helps bring this or the democratic governors who are you, the abusing the people in their states. We I'm good callers waiting and I want to get in them in a minute. We Make a call- or I don't go to them- that's why I get disappointed sometimes when the guy gets Anna, the gal gets in and they're like. Oh good, Lord, you know what I mean strike call is a pretty good for all our sakes. For all our sakes, people who obviously have the virus need to stay home. People are vulnerable to the virus needed take themselves, you know you don't go to the postage you need to get.
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encouraging violence by using the word liberate. How about resistance? Does that word encourage violence? How about calling Trump Hitler or stolen does have encouraged violence, the devil Its role is encouraging violence, their violent, their bases, violent. The republican bases and violent in part because Republican base is much smaller than the democratic base, but it's not violent only lectures from the party of violence, so that It says, liberate the word liberate: oh must mean by this is how sick the media and they are sick and spend some time on this next hour. To spend some time or what the media have done to this country. What the media have done to this country, how they ve it upside down. The media have supported unlawful effort
by the Obama administration to destroy it, front candidacy and destroyed from presidency using FBI, the CIA other intelligence operations in court, nation, apparently with the Russians willingly wittingly or unwittingly. I should say more, evidence is coming out now these what should be a prison. They should be present. And by the way, while I'm at it, this idiot judge and See I forget her name they rolled yesterday, while you were busy with this virus, so you wouldn't know, but I'll tell you there Roger I'm not going to get a new trial, despite the fact that the foreman on the jury was antitrust. Try Roderick Stow, openly Ty pack. Because she's a hack, a portable Obama. She's, a hack, so they're letting real criminal
Out of prison right there, This clown, Michael Cohen, out of prison right because of the virus of course gonna matter for out of prison. Why not, of course not That would be controversial. Try by Roger Stone in prison while at the act or they're moving real criminals out makes sense the course it doesn't. Course it does it. This is this idiot judge. I can remember her name I'll figure. It out later doesn't matter she's a nobody shall go any Angels of history, as a whatever. Now, let's see here, let's take some called Jimmy Manhattan New York, the Great W Abc he's a bus driver. How are you, Sir Girl, Mark Europe that you
First guy bird, that's actually talked about how this is transparent in the subway and on the passes. I've been a twenty year. Bus driver and I've never seen anything like this. We had sixty dead as of today. Sixty dry and so by people about it dead cleaners- and you know like two weeks ago Friend of mine, a war mask and a right. This is the government of its state. They threatened to suspend the awareness that we are given one pair of disposable, gloves week, one last week weight of a whole week. One week we have the euro That means every time you put that mass gonna take. Those gloves are forgetting that stuff on your hands needs, while allowing people don't know what you know about we're, never weak and you can actually go. That's correct, fills the anvil it's unbelievable, I write about what they ve done with the buses in the subway. You know what they did mark based
the real. I could never happen like flies show they couldn't go up a quarter of the bus and you make the people got with back to watch stopping them even more regular bus is not recorded. My god and they're not clean in it. They sing the queen, but every seventy two hours, Bush, sorry, you're gonna, get you not to think more. I knowed mentally. What you're saying I hear your desperation. You like stock, seven, we think about this. It submits enormous. Sixty dead, how many abbot. Its enormous. Let me tell you something they wanted to do. I really believe they want to know what the driver, because, if you see the drivers Dian that's worth spreading, I dont think well understand the ground, zero of ground zero. Others viruses the subway system in the bus system in New York
Why are you the want to walk about this? Was I do my research? Why, when I turn on APC watch your governor guy. I know more about Milly than I do about breaking. Oh, no, oh good! Lord about The people die in the one of doing. This is will we acquire, but no one even know that strive as well. I know now I say They they number of debts. In your membership is through the roof, its through the roof, the men and women who work on the subway system in the bus system. And Jimmy I want to wish you all the best I could say: hang in there went on what they hell. Good that'll do, but God bless you Jimmy. You don't hear about this, except here, Now, where were the media where's, the New York slides,
The daily yes news there in New York. Where are the liberals where, whereas fat boy. What does it where's madly and where all the Yankees. And their course Cuomo one was a joke, he's a joke and not a funny joke either. Let's continue. Hector, Springfield Virginia Exam Satellite go. Sector. How may I help you. Mark our you. Ok, thank you for taking my call you back I was having a conversation with. The guy he answered the foreign aid than the other I question anyway, but the last week. I call you a bow receiving the money, on their government right. Yes, I really well. I don't really think they basically checked by the party they departed.
Into my account zagreb- thirty four hundred dollars my question is I dont want money and loved. I got no you last time. I want people to know who weren't listening. You called here last week and said: why am I getting money? Yes, I'm working, I don't want downy And they directly to part and in its so ridiculous again whether the health care, the financial resources, wouldn't that money, if you're going to spend us into oblivion, wouldn't that money better spent helping a business that goes out of business or how a person who actually loses their job yeah, Me that's the point on they re supposed to help. They need and even talking to my wife and my time he started seventy years, all travel he thought he got hit by its job Unfortunately, he got lay off because it what's goin on thing in my letter to claim
employment and then I thought I feel so proud of him. Does he said that I know you talk about it I don't want my name be and anything that on collecting money from the Y Y, you from originally told me- and I don't remember Colombia regenerate, but I won't tell you something I could. Be more proud of you. And now you mentioned- and I remember you're from colombia- you tremendous american citizen, and you really understand what America is all about. I really Thank you, your wife, your son. You know what they're doing you know they did at the university Regina. Not they did Hector Road, they rode among their medical students and everybody else. Not they said to them. You should I'll your tax returns in part? What they said is, if you haven't found him yet as an individual, in other words independent from your parents. So you get the twelve hundred dollars.
What they told the students who are working in the first place. A man like me, for example, I'm working, I don't need it. Why did I need the money that is more people a day, anything to either going through our right moment under lies right now that I wanted to together, help alarm here, working driving my truck everywhere and policy. She's a home, doing I think that an ice cream and that ice cream and cheap you know she is. As I said, and I'm not the only one to say the let them eat ice cream crowd. You know I want more before about mark? If you allow me, I was talking to my way of about this because Are people calling to shows and how we going to pay for this day to write this day, it is going to affect generations to come on children, a children's fund and generations. What about instead of putting it
two three or four trillion dollars descended to everybody, what they don't send them. The people there who really need it and keep the money go that way we more people Coming out employee or something or late, they lose their job. Helping with a mighty just doesn't work that way. It doesn't work that way these people don't think ahead. That's why you have a governor, like you, do in New York and the government doing California in this clown Pritzker in in Illinois and what the people Illinois to know that when they passed the two point trillion dollars, they exempted, among others, the present the United States. From getting any aid for his businesses. They didn't exempt the governor. Of Illinois whose family has a huge stake. You extra he was the man in the high. Hotel chains. Isn't that something Hooker Frank you're, a terrific. I want to thank you for your call.
And we'll be right back ban here. That's why you're by my hack, I say that, with all due respect, his Amy, Burma Jackson saw Wall Emptying prisons and jails all over the country she wants to put Roger Stone in jail and I notice they haven't released Manfred. I'm starting to think these are political prisoners, I think manner for its political prisoner. I think they'd like to make MIKE Flannel a prisoner. They want to make Roger stunt who I can't stand personally, but that's beside the point things here Hadn't done about me, but that's that's not really to the law. They want to. Came a political prisoner, chow rages.
And the judge and charges some of this is this Obama, Hack, Amy, Berman Jackson and she does the cover of the virus. I want to say something to you therein. Jewels and politics and broadcasting tv radio who want to take credit for helping openness economy. I think Spend a lot of time pressing this, but it's not then it's not me. It's you. You, you had enough. And that's why the media and the Democrats and the others are trying to keep you down. That's why the attack you an attack me an attack on the conservatives. We want our liberty back. People are willing to sacrifice, but they're not willing to destroy themselves and destroy their country. We are patriots, it is you.
Not any politician, not any tv personality, not any radio personnel. It is you who doing this Making your feelings known all over the country and when protest. When you protest, They call you all kinds of snakes when they pay test, and they beat the hell out of people that up Please, ok, peaceful protest. This is American is apple. Pie, see you, continue your peaceful, peaceful civil protest. If this is what you want to do, you won the. State governments to know that you a trade country back. You want your state back in theirs Really nothing wrong with that. Nothing. Nothing said American as it gets peaceful, peaceful, non, violent protests.
You don't need approval by media stars, media, hacks or anybody else or anybody else. You have a constitutional right, a federal constitutional rights, a federal constitutional right. You know it's a different world right now, but we don't need to be overwhelmed. We have to work to keep I love one safe and to protect our communities. We have to work. Stay strong to stay connected to stay focused, we have to work to move. For to overcome unprecedented challenges and to support each other. We also. To aspire to innovate and to build new solutions but fall, work. We have to work together we could agree on a mission to connect employees of people every day. Today's all different or partner, with responders government officials, the medical community, the innovators in the manufacturing transportation of Distribution industries to make sure
are. We are finding the right people for the right jobs right now, so, if you're, one of these companies are one look into higher down the road, zip recruiters here for you And are ready to help you so, let's work together. Quota, dot com, slash work together, Zip recruited, calm, slash, work together, Zip recorded doc. Slash work together, I would ass police Commissioners streets and police supervisors protest, peaceful legal protest Is part of the heart and soul of America please don't rush these people. Please don't round up these people. You know I'm right, you know I'm right it's better not to shop at all.
The ground up and arrest these people. I know I'm going to upset the New York Times and the Washington Post and all the Retta festival. We give a crack. The right to protest is as much a right as they have.
To publish newspapers and I'm not saying we should take their rights away. They shouldn't take our rights away, then I'll be right back from the westward one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now, run them firmly underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader how everybody mark living here, callers hang in there, I'm gonna get each and every one of you are numbers. Eight: seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one: seventy seven, three, eight one, three eight one one cupful New York Times reported at their real sleaze. Balls
boy journey. I can't members last night. You know we're servitors partition, Talk rate, would it take this virus seriously at the beginning? Now what Interesting is if you follow the science, the beginning, doktor, faulty. On January, twenty first century, twenty six than journey twenty nine said this would be like a flu abed flew, there's nothing to worry about They were bring that up because doesn't, at their narrative journey, what's his face over there at the New York Times. And so these so called media critics recovery conservative they use that crisis as an opportunity to try and I can destroy conservative. She's there might they don't know anything else they wake up in the morning they go to bed at night. They go
on the weakens us. There are obsessed with me and people like me. They can control themselves. And it has an impact on them. Just the news is a great website. I believe us trying a John Solomon and I've now book market, just the news, Fewer than half of Americans Billy media provided clear view of the corona virus sixty seven percent of democratic, if the national media good marks further only the corona coverage, while fifty five percent republicans think the media overhead, the danger and cream panic according to the just news Daily Paul- was Scott Recipes. These results reflect fairly. Typical partisan divide on the media. Rasmussen said for many Republicans. Probably most national meteor mainstream media are viewed it. Liberal media. They decide. Sit in the same way, the most democratic dismiss conservative media outlets Artists and unbiased
ass Musin tall noted that voters under thirty five hour, evenly divided as to whether the media overhead, the danger older vote, give the media somewhat better marks. Now, data from sources like the pure search centre, showed Trump supporters and Republicans have a deep distrust. The national me. Let me just stop here, you want to really understand the media and on hawk in it? It came Almost a year ago, but if you really want understand the media, you need to get a copy of on freedom of the press. People say why is the paper bag more expensive than the harbor, because there is no paper back yet so. Prices are high because Amazon doesn't have anything to give. You me why? Because the pay We're back we'll be coming up the heart, that covers forty. Some percent off. And so many of them of Saudi. Can we get a tom? May eight there's something like. But seriously. If you really want to know about the media.
It is the most comprehensive study of the media from before our founding up to today, certainly the last many years. This last several years, you get a pretty good history lesson to, but was an excellent piece in the federal listeners, often excellent pieces and the Federalist by eighty p efforts Man, I've never seen three initials analysed name of you, MR producer, but it is what it is. How media coverage has made american sad scared and crazy during covered nineteen outbreak, even before the virus outbreak had our nation american. For exhausted by the ceaseless stream of round the clock news so called an apology least affair. By the Pew Research Centre found. Sixty six percent of Americans were worn out by the Your volume of the news, surprised then that the Americans are having difficulty
coping with the news now profoundly negative tone: public something of large amounts of adverse news comes at a price. We know it, Eddie died. A bad news is bad for us but we rarely seen the deleterious effect on such a grand scale with the media's handling of the war on virus from far back as late January, when the president declared the Corona viruses public health emergency. Now I want you to think about that. Well, one of the top medical advisers was on radio and tv, saying it's probably a bad flu Sort of result or outcome, the press, declared the corona virus, a public health emergency lay Jen, the same time and began to action many corporate media seem compelled to take them up so you just about anything. He says Even wanted so obviously wrong. That is what they say. A sin person might think many in the media would rather politically injure the president
massive amounts of negative press then provide viewers Urgently needed information about a deadly pandemic. Why never watched the Sunday new shows anymore ever ever. And she gives numerous examples of Heaven. Its are treated. The president. The information to Americans has frequently diverted from public health to trumpet tax. At the point corpse media decided. It was more important to take our trump the report news. They do bear response ability for harming our public health. Everyone is effect By this pandemic need frequently updated information, but the tall Continuously bad media coverage is damaging. Our mental health certainly do emerging policies. Look at her, certainly Biden so affected him for a long time anyway. People are being ordered to stay in their homes and air major news network for the past month has been broadcasting doom into their living rooms. Here's some
Google news results for corona virus in March and April Corona, update by the way. One of the worst sites is the draft report, and I say this as a guy who loves mattered. One of the worst sites. If you're on the edge you'd better, now that site it's like. Let me look for every conceivable hit job on the president. Every conceivable Crazy s story on this virus. And a few little things ere. You know about the women another thanks. Corona virus update one of the headlines, one point: nine six million cases worldwide, two hundred twenty five thousand deaths and Trump go and a battle with state governors. Next. The mystery of why the corona virus kill some young people necks
you're going to virus des surpass ten thousand Hs watchdog says american hospitals face severe shortages of equipment staff and tests next, Some two hundred thousand Americans could die from corona virus because you done it. Good job next corrective This may kill a hundred thousand two hundred forty thousand in? U S despite actions. Visual, say next. Corona virus updates fear Battersea economy is U S. Death toll rises to twenty six next work. Versus corona virus? No one has a play, but for this now? U gun sales and ammunition sore and make corona. Panic by next: how Casting fellers allowed Corrado buyers to sweep the? U S additionally, there have been alarming increases. And suicides domestic violence and substance abuse relapses,
made worse by massive unemployment, and while the media's questionable approach to news coverage is not entirely to blame, follies incredible tragedies. There is research to suggest they do have some culpability mental health prefer. Those are very concerned about how the steady died. A bad news is affecting people specially people reporting it have you seen on knotty. They are. Like their cross, I'd or their eyes. Iser certain like that actor wilder their eyes kind of go in different directions. That's what they look like psychology recently published a paper that determine consuming large amounts of negative media is detriment. Not just to our mental health, but a physical health too, authors found a correlation between prolonged media exposure to tragic events and increased post trauma stress And news onset physical health ass much two to three years later,
The media no they're doing this to the american paper plants report covering give people needed hope she writes. There is hope that local governments may be getting the message. State life ports that, in the absence of a federal strategy to return to normal state authorities, are beginning to implement plans for Recovery Wilson. States are and sums aids or not. His efforts in has an M s, speech, language, pathology and an M s and counselling psychology. She writes a mental on mental health issues and as a therapist in EAST Tennessee. So what do I get out of this wealth? It is bad for America's mental health, that's what I get out of it and I think that's about right.
Because so many in the media, I believe, have mental health issues. I do attention deficit, obsessive behavior. I mean there The quintessential cases aren't they. And some of them in the aggregate. The whole network is that way, though, and press corps for the most part is that way. Media. Look at the morning, Schmo Amiss Ishmael broadcasts acting out of their many estate and Jupiter Florida. I'd say that the media has gotten to them mentally and of course, given where they are their part of the problem. We'll be right back in
The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more.
Talk: a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending, disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U S cannot. I want to state this carefully because I don't wanna causing problems. I do wary. What's going to happen
do our banks, because the federal Gump, Civic, the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve pressuring banks at all levels. Banks with The operations and almost every state and community back to Quickly approve loans for intervene, those that may have or how not have no way of paying them back these specific that they're giving these institutions about how they will be reimbursed. Should there be a default of some sort These specific, Sir Non existence is very ambiguous. Now I know a lot of you liked relegates banks. I don't have any reason to rail against back. I don't understand what the problem is really. But your money and are you don't put your money.
Do they get alone. You don't get along, but whatever we rail against everything these days. The point is. You gotta have a healthy banking system, so just worry that this not to. In two. Sort of the Essen our crisis, remember the economic crisis and MR producer, you are very young at the time to call screening, remember you're in six great while it was a disaster And they had to be bailed out, mortgage more This had to be bailed out. Just do it was an enormous expense, although nothing compared to what goes on today, the p remember, tarp and so forth. We have to have a healthy banking system that the banking from collapses, oars and critical condition if The currency in it affects the entirety of the economy and what
Governments do when they're really in trouble I, which they think. Cuomo and Sanders and bind and people this mindset, what do they do? They do one of two things are both. They start. Nationalizing banks. So that everybody is bad? Debt becomes all of our bad debt or they take some deposits from you. However, that happened a few years ago must reduce you're, not in our banks, but in other countries they woke up they and fifty percent of their savings were missing. This is why I've, The effort to rail against me, of centralized government and overreach, even during this virus. This is why I challenge These blue stay one party governors. This is why, been the first to talk about civil liberties,.
And thanks to you. And word of mouth more more people are talking about this. Thanks to you call and other programmes. More more of you are talking about this, but when I too about constitutional rights, and I talk about individual liberty and pray property rights of the historic perspective. I do it not to hear, my own voice, not to pontificate baby. Its relevant when Brok Obama such don't look backwards, only look forward. You're, not gonna, wait a minute. I want to look back Such why our liberties come from. I want to look at that, duration of the constitution, I want to look at the indict of the enlightenment. Maybe one look, Bible, I won't look backwards all the time. They give me some knowledge. Some moral direction. To figure out what works and what fails you know when you're in a lab and saint Pharmaceutical company there trying to figure out a vaccine or a therapy for this virus
you'll, never hear them say. Don't look back, though, say do look back these various therapies, maybe we can borrow one, maybe it'll work in this case. Maybe we can adjust, it may weaken, mix it with another one. Of course she looked back. Any body whose an entrepreneur anybody, whose creative anybody's Invented anything always looks back you're all Standing on somebody shoulders as Nick, as you may think, your product is you're. Thinking is, or whatever it may be, but it's not unique in a vacuum. You build a better mousetrap. It's the same with life wire pair and grandparents important They ve lived, they expire these things and they were Their children, especially as they can to avoid some of the things that experienced some of the bad, Think some of the pitfalls I'll say. Teenage returned to his parents say I never look back. I only look forward
so you have no guidance. You'll know suppose you have no tradition. Juvenile fate, you're, not gonna. Look I'm only look forward. You know what that means. I just do what I want to do. I do what I think: that's it. But I really guidance from experience. Without any moral principle guides whatsoever. That's the left! That's the left, so It's important when we look at what's going on here that we not fall, This right. When you listen to this governor of New York, you know what he's saying doesn't make sense. Now you get figure out why it doesn't make sense, because he's a liar because he's just spend a hall, and now he wants you and me to bear him out. So he attacks Trump buzz bailed, his ass out she's, my french
Don't look back whatever you do, Ladys intermodal look at his bad decisions of Tibet and the left Why does this? Why cause they fail. Bernie Sanders used to point to Venezuela nope Bernie Sanders used to point to Cuba still kind of does, but not totally. Two point or Russia The collapse of the Soviet Union, Africa now scandinavian countries,. I say, look a California look at New York Look at Illinois Look at New Jersey. These are bad, rub states where tat through the roof property tax, the income, tax or cells taxes use tax as consumer taxes, inheritance taxes. These are Bates that are losing Population- California, not so much because of the immigration issue, but nothing of taxpayers are leaving the state. People were
they actually whim mobility in this country. That's what federalism actually means not bailing out a and a copy left wing governor. That's that federalism, so very very important? We keep this perspective civil rights matter, individual rights, property rights. The declaration in the constitution that and face the enlightenment. This is our guide. We must look back in order to deal what's coming with. What's coming. That's why I bring these things up, because do face them day in and day out,
get protests where they can speak so forth and so on. I'll, be right. Back aim at the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them
believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M, a sea dot! U S! Voice of Saturday remaining same world from Mark roving show call him now every seven seven four year, one for you want one! The governor Michigan said: abortion saves lives too, dear that Mr Vanessa.
It it get any crazier than These people are saying that whole party is insane spin insane. Since, before the civil war, Joe Biden, where she gets very little credit from the media because they know the poor guy. Has several loose grooves and he just does peers cut for From last night on CNN Go, you know, there's a jury war to lie in our Roosevelt came up with a thing that you know was totally different. Then then the these call he called the water, yet the world, their war production bored. I don't know, I don't set out some like a pandemic production board. Well, Mr Reticent, why don't we set up a print pandemics Pandemic production board? You know why we don't want
produce pandemics. He wants it, not an air tight Pandemic production board. He wants a pandemic production board. Why would you a pandemic production border. We producing pandemics, Now, listen to the idiot cut five go
I think we should do a situation like we did in the recovery act, and that is that, instead of employers at their aim to stay open, instead of being able to show to having to lay off employees, bring on everybody worthy keep on working, they may have one person do and fifty percent of the job and further person doing another. Fifty percent, I think the federal government of yes come in and make up the difference in salaries just make up the difference to keep people employed. The most devastating thing a man or woman ass do is make what I call that long. This walk up a short sighted stairs indicates a daddy, don't have a job, we don't have any income, we don't know, what's going to happen, things are in trouble and so keep people on the payrolls and just have straight flat payment. I don't get it. So the federal government pays why exactly half their salary. He doesn't get it either. So don't don't be confused continue, showing more job
by not seen and last night cut six go
I think we have to look at a totally different way than we have before and I think the way to get through this is we have to deal with stimulating the economy, but then we have to deal with recovery recovery and the way you do with recovery is you think much bigger than we have before us. Like the new deal. Think of every great act, every great change has taken place is come out of a crisis is come out of a crash. Nobody, we worried about the elderly. We ended up with social security. Worried about labour ended up a more labour. We worried about a whole range of things and what we did. We expand an opportunity and I think we have an opportunity now to significantly change the mindset of the american people things they weren't ready to do you know, even to three years ago there now gone. Oh, my Lord look at all those people out there make an minimum wage or saving lives. Look at all the people out. There are stuck in the shells and all the people who are making sure that their sanitizing, the the areas you go into these are people who deserve to be treated better. I think you're gonna see minimum wages grown up. I think you're going to see the ability to us to provide for significant health care for every single American. I think you're gonna see changes education because the public realises wholly macro. I didn't know this is like the band days been ripped off the systemic.
We know the systemic gracious exists, a systemic way in which we treat people who have not had the opportunity to get the education that they are entitled to. I think that's gonna change. I think he's gonna build economy. What what countries you talking about the hell. Is he talking about. It is a magnificent country. They can never talk The greatness of this country. All they can do, is talk about the greatness of themselves. The greatness of government. I don't know what he's talking about. When you look at these crises, the government, to take credit. Those men and women. We're going? Do these hot zones and taking care of sick people s, not the government? That's not. The government
The police and fire fighter they work for the governor, but that's not the governments that these are brave men and women who designed, I too join a police force to become a See, personnel or firefighters and so forth, and get paid by the but that's not why they joined their non paper. Pushes. So that the same thing is trying to read, Tribute well thank control, people there and there to say people and help people, take the civil society they, It may be abused and misused by government. That's for sure. What are you talking about here? Now? We have jack up the minimum wage. Does the idiot understand twenty million people? Twenty two million people have applied for unemployment insurance in the last four weeks. We can increase the minimum wage from what.
You don't get jobs from the minimum wage. You don't get jobs from the government, their government drive, you don't create opportunity and wealth and so forth. In a country except for the private sector people making all these decisions without advice from mumbling stumbling Joe Biden. Here we have a guy Katy would tie shoelaces. He anywheres loafers. He it will put senses together. It's sad what's happened here. And yet he thinks he can run the country and run the economy barely run his mouth. Tat seven go Anderson, you and I've talked about this. We have opportunity now to take in recovery act a real recovery. We can fundamentally change the size relating to global warming. How do you change the science related, the global warming? What the hell does that mean
It isn't something you change, it is, or it isn't working. Change, the science relating to global warming, and hasn't gotten the less talking about it's clean, the change, going Craig seriously create ten million good paying job. I've heard this room every leftwing cook running for president waiting crate ten billion good you're, twenty million great jobs, I sure, everyone S healthcare from Obamacare, even Obama, rejection, Obamacare? No, it doesn't say it, but he says that was then this is now we can do more. Don't look back! I trying to look at his presidency? That's for sure go ahead and do it its within our power shut up. You idiot! We could do it. Do it do what. Skies but a government its whole life never produced a single private sector. Job is family,
Is filled with leeches suck off his name, becoming extremely wealthy and what's the lesson of this jerk. Gets all excited and could barely put a sentence together, their recovery the rig which one They talk about the end, I array the national industrial recovery. I don't know what he's talking about. He doesn't know what he's got fdi. New deal. New deal left the. Are they I just keep mumbling unbundling. The truth is. The spending we're doing now makes Sdr look like Berrigan water, how much more spending how much work. This is my point. While these days, I gotta take time and elaborate on this amount of time now,. You see, ladies and gentlemen, they say every person should have the right to vote, every person should not have the right to vote.
If you're, not an american citizen. You should not have the right to vote if sixteen years old? You should not have the right to vote. Voted in Maryland, you'd have the right to vote and Virginia. You have the right to vote for dead people and so purpose of voting laws and restrictions and identification is to make sure people who, have the right to vote vote, not that everybody votes. Because otherwise, you disenfranchise the american people, just crooks who steel things their people try to steal elections and they do exist. Pretend otherwise. Now why? Are the Democrats so excited about more more people voting when, in fact their autocrat? They don't really What the people think that's why they favour these Out of control federal judges like Burma, that's
They favour a massive bureaucracy that they created an army of bureaucrats, many of whom are very nice. Many of whom were faceless, of course, and they try to impose their will on us and there. Regardless of who was elected in election cycles, regardless of the president, is in their their advance, not a republican agenda, not a cap. Said gender, not a property rights agenda, but a big, centralized government Democrat Party agenda: that's why the damage it created the bureaucracy, that's why they can, I to fund the bureaucracy, expand the bureaucracy and power, the bureaucracy and protect. That's. Why. The leakers, are linking against republican presidents. So you might say you're so well, then, why do they Pharoah these people voting when in fact they rule by autocracy? The reason simple when get in office, they can chew. Claimed to have a mandate from the voters say: heads I went The federal bureaucracy in the federal courts? That's what they do and
If the voters vote in a way that they don't like them, Rule by unelected government, and if that the vote away, that the voters that the democratic do like they claim to have a mandate from the voters say. Heads I went tells you loose. They can never lose that What's going on in this country, Back then, Amy the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believe Anne and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights
Full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a m a seed dot? U S! Just the news, by the way, Headline federal agencies paid a hundred and seventy five billion dollars and error joint fiscal, twenty
nineteen according to the jail. This happened Every year between us, in twenty five and two hundred and twenty five billion every year, one Hundred and seventy five billion dollars in error as waste, fraud, Nebraska abuses, Ronald Reagan used to call it last year can only imagine what's gonna be going on this year this year,. And of course they don't want to cut any areas of spending, they don't want to cut any departments. They don't want to cut any agencies it. Yes, speed ahead spend spend and spend some more. Why over? The Democrats because the bureaucracy in the Democrats are attached the hip for the report- since its cowardice and cutlasses and self destruction. Every Friday, Get it continued to do it as long as I'm behind the microphone we play Eric in honour of you. What do I do that? just like now yearly
the battle to open up this economy. You are. And you're upholding this country, and so many of you. So many of you are such great heroes. All right. This is in your honor American Cinema.
from the west. Would one gas network.
Ladies and gentlemen a week, is officially over the weekend, begins now. Please watch Sunday, API Measter life. Liberty live in peace. Probably the most important one I've ever done seriously. We salute the I'm forces police officers, firefighters, emergency press. Now all you folks who, in this country, God bless, you went thank you gonna, it's pretty good. I greatly then I'd Pepsi get I'd. Smokey get ideas. I ain't gonna Gigi, all our little babies get. I dad
Can I mom and dad I Leo America, God bless you.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-18.