« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/16/20


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, this program and many others got it wrong when questions were raised about President Trump having total authority to re-open the economy and it was never about the supremacy clause, the 10th Amendment, or federalism — it was about the interstate Commerce Clause. As President Trump has this authority to prevent state monopolies and no states police powers can nullify the Commerce Clause. It’s absurd to think that Governors can have all the power and none of the responsibility. Then, tyrannical politicians know exactly how to extract liberties via progressivism which seeks to control humanity, not progress it. Later, allowing the government to take food off of your table, and money out of your retirement, is not acceptable. Small business are currently set back in ways they might not recover from, but they're holding on. Afterward, the attack on the president is hypocritical and unreasonable. Their expectation for federalism has been hampered by their very own big--government "new deal" laws that eliminated certain state rights. While some were deemed unconstitutional others prevailed, so the left has themselves to thank for big-government running amok.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here There is a truly independent institution where learning prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening, and my sincere appreciation to Hills, Dale further sponsorship, now broadcasting them only underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America, Mark Levant. Here I come back eight seven. Seven three eight once create want one take seven, seven, three, eight one, three one one: I've been wrong: I've been wrong.
And so has everybody else been baccarat I've been giving this a ton of thought today. Stick with me on this, its importance, not asshole terek. It's not just. Intellectualize and dancing on the head of a pin. When the president said he had power, total power to open the economy immediately. People said that violates federalism, that the governor has plenary, police powers and the president can't force a governor to open a state economy and
There are all kinds of editorials out there from the left from the right and they got it all wrong and I got it all wrong while half wrong until now. This has absolutely nothing to do with federalist listen carefully, because this will be regurgitate it elsewhere. This has absolutely nothing to do with federalism. It has absolutely nothing to do with the tenth amount Cuomo in the other governor should only believe in federalism, they asserted it, and the media in others, took the bait
When the president asserted that he is a hearty total authority over the economy, should the governors not not open their economies, he was onto something. This was never about federalism. This is always about another provision in the constitution. The interstate commerce clause, I'm not playing games here, I'm not trying to drive and ideological result. I'm a constitution was the President: has the power to enforce as the head of the executive branch, the Interstate commerce clause in the federal constitution, no state governor has the power to violate the federal
institutions, interstate commerce clause, not the state police powers do not extend to nullifying the federal constitution. There is even a supremacy clause in the constitution that makes it abundantly clear. Interstate commerce is not about the tenth amendment is not about federalism. It's a power explicitly granted and belonging to the federal government, its in the constitution, and they put it in the constitution to promote interstate commerce. As under the articles, a confederation, the states where very parochial, they were tax certain goods from other states higher than states produce then note goods produced in their own states. They might stop goods from coming into their state in order to create state monopolies and so forth. It was
killing the economy of the New republic, and so they specifically put this clause in the constitution to promote commerce not to regulate it, to promote it between in among the states, it is a federal constitutional authority when a gun, by unilateral action even put the virus aside for a moment when a governor by lateral action interferes with interstate commerce. The argument
The president has no authority to enforce the federal constitution against a governor who is violating the federal constitution is absurd. For example, if a governor violates the fifth amendment of the fourteenth amendments or our civil rights statutes and puts an end, a guardsmen in front of a door to an elementary school to prevent little black kids from going to school with little white kids federalism issue it
constitutional issue unrelated to the tenth amendment, actually because the states adopted the fifth amendment at this stage that doctor the Fourteenth amendment in the states are obliged to comply with them and we have federal civil rights statutes so that president, nobody would argue that the present it doesn't have executive power to enforce a constitution in federal statutes against the governor, just as Joint Eisenhower.
Federalized the National Guard and opened up that school, despite governor fathers, if the governor of Kansas today decided that all to close or wheat farms, just within the state to close all, we farms within the state or prevent all week grown within the state from being exported to other states for any reason, including a virus. That's unconstitutional, according to the Supreme Court, that's unconstitutional because even entrust state commerce within
State can be considered affecting interstate commerce. Specially for governor were the worst withhold, all the wheat. If a governor in New York or governor in California or a governor, can I get our New Jersey, governor of Illinois, closes down industries that have an inter state presence. And then came. The present United States doesn't have any authority to open them because of federalism in the tenth amendment There are really wrong. We may not agree with this, but that's what the constitution provides and that's what the Supreme Court provided a number of decisions. Even extended, as I've said for the last two days that the com
Doesn't even have to be explicitly interstate if its within the state entrusted with holding it from going interstate affects interstate comment to the new deal that safety are that's the Roosevelt court, but even before we get to that Interstate commerce whose interests they commerce, that's an exclusive power that was granted to the federal government by the states that ratified the constitution. To promote interstate commerce, it has nothing to do with federalism. It has nothing to do with state police powers. It has to do with the supremacy of the federal government when it comes to the promotion of Interstate commerce. Now federalism
Which, as I said really like you, do this to Democrats, avenues to the media in some, so called conservatives to mean a one way street that is, governors have absolute power to shut down their economies. Regardless of the impact on interstate commerce and the rest of the country, and the federal government must bail them out we're trillions, centurions adults. I must spell out the state budgets to know that Federalism, ladies and gentlemen, true federalism, if they really believe in federalism would require states that make these decisions to live with the consequences of those decisions, in other words, no expectation, no demands,
prevent leaders forbids certainly no money for the businesses that they close, that the federal gum and it has no role in it. The federal government's not required to bail out a governance decision or, sadly, the people who are unemployed, is real, that's, not the federal government's responsibility. If they really believe and federalism, you know a practice: federalism in nineteen eighteen doin that massive epidemic Woodrow Wilson, you didn't give a crap what was going on in the states. He was busy were war war one in its conclusion, he provided almost no federal help that the states in your head, tens of millions of people who died. Tommy do the New York Times and the Washington Post to the crackpots who passes journalists on MSNBC an embassy on seed,
ass, an ABC and CNN, do they believe in that. That's true federalism, but It's going on here is the governors, one all the power in none of the responsibility, all the power in none of the responsibility. That's not federalism either. So for several days, this debate that's been raging about federalism has been on the wrong subject. The subject under the constitution is interstate commerce, not federalism. The tenth amendment has nothing to do with this. Nothing.
I needed is federalism and of course, the president that has the United States and you can do it through the Department of Justice and so far it has the power to enforce this part of the constitution, as he has the same power to enforce and uphold other parts of the constitution. A governor is not free. To close industries and businesses that have an effect on interstate commerce and then say the president can buy them when it's the president, who is trying to uphold the federal constitution against the actions of a governor So the president of the United States does have this cudgel that he can over these states that seemed quite enjoy governors that are all powerful. Therefore,.
In people to do things they wouldn't normally do. Even though its common gauge and in many cases it's not mitigation. They enjoy this power and then they want the rest of the country to subsidize them. Even though we don't get both amount of office. That's not federalism. And what we're talking about here is commerce, Interstate commerce and of course the federal government has a big role and, of course, the executive branch, which executes has a very big role, I'll be right back then. If you family or finding yourself at home with ex Time on your hands these days, I know, and
in what way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Hills now offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge, hills. Students, learn the inspiring history of America. Now you two with hills, Knowest free online course that Great America, story, a land of hope, learning it reaching our children about America's past, is essential for preserving liberty and the future Register right now. To take this free online course, the great american story: it's a production masterpiece and it paints a pay. Sure of America as a land of hope, founded on high principles. This court and dozens of others on. A variety of topics are available. You and your family for free right now. Then for a wholesale back. Come Ellie, the iron foothills del dot com,
Now no rational argument can be made that what the various governors have been doing or have done does not affect interstate commerce. I mean there's twenty two million people in the last four weeks of applied for climate insurance and by the way that doesn't mean this twenty two million unemployed, that's the minimum level, there's some people unemployed, who don't apply for unemployment insurance, for some people who have been unemployed and now won't be able to find jobs and are stuck so it's not just the people in the last four weeks lost jobs, its people before that who we're looking for jobs flying and were able to find something. Now so twenty Two million is the minimum I
rocketing, the number of businesses that are filing for bankruptcy or the number of businesses that are just closing shuddered, it has to be catastrophic, particularly in the retail area, has to be catastrophic in the retail area. The way retail shopping is going on before this virus. It wasn't wasn't that strong save twenty two million people now have applied for unemployment, insurance.
Last month, Lord knows how many businesses of shuddered the health consequences across the nation as a result of economic decisions, part from the virus that we ve gone over at some length somewhere repeated all. The idea that this is an interstate issue would be absurd. Would be absolutely absurd, so I would challenge National Review the Washington Examiner other conservatives, some of these professors that we're on tv, former federal prosecutors, defence lawyers.
Next time you write something. Next time you appear on tv radio straighten out what you said cause it's incredibly misleading. We don't want to present it to be a monarch, but if a president is defending the federal constitution, he's not a monarch. These governors are the monarchs. That's number one number two opening an economy. Opening an economy is to create the status quo. What was the status it's the give people their lives back, tens of millions of to give them their liberty back to give them their property back, and we spend a lot of time and what property mean jested. It means more than material property. Even that's, crucially important! You can see the little
The radical acts and their growing there's one town that is decided If you want to go to the grocery store, what their considering is? You can only go on certain days based on the first letter of your last night. I mean tyrants, our ingenious with their various ways of controlling you and, of course, they're doing it for the people at all times there doing it for the people. Now I've been calling for the loosening the economy for a very long time. I am glad we have, of course now that supports this. The president has been calling for for a very long time.
And today he's making tremendous strides in that direction. It is he who is pushing it in the administration and they ve come up with a brilliant plan and its a plan that provides guidance. He wants to work with the governors. He says the governors have the final say, but I really what the president to know that he is more power than his critics have set, whether they have law degrees, whether they are tenured professors, whether listen sit on thereby fat, butts and type away on their computers and so forth, and so on its a power that was granted to him by the framers of the constitution. Other right back. If you family are finding yourself at home, with ex time on your hands. These days I know and
in what way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Hills now offers dozens of online courses on topics including the? U S: constitution, economics, history and literature right in your own home demand an absolutely free of charge, Hills students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you can do with Dost, thou, knowest, free online course that Great America, story, a land of hope, learning and teach our children about America's past. Is he in general, for preserving liberty and the future Register right now to take, free online course? The great America story. It's a production, masterpiece and it it's a picture of America as a land of hope. On high principles, this court and dozens of others on a variety of topics are available you and your family for free right now go to
then for inhales drawback come alleviation, foothills Del Dotcom, going tough get more. Golly now heading seven Four year, one three eight one one has, as you know, you love, and I said, been pushing on this economic issue for a very, very long time, questioning much of the modelling and the data, and we ve been right here, because I've invented all these ideas, but because you see what's out there, you digest it. You push it through your cranium and you draw certain conclusions: the presently
states in the vice president. I've states have done a fabulous job, they ve been following. The science has been provided to them, but the president's been itching to open up this economy. The president has been driving this. We have some governors, her gonna, be problem, I'm convinced of this, but I just wanted to point out Some of this, you might remember I'll, be on Hannity tonight, come to think about a I'll. I need a night, nine, thirty pm eastern time six, thirty pm, Pacific time and money. The things I'm going to make it clear to the nation to the president and to its detractors that demand barking up the wrong tree are put it politely and doing other things up the wrong tree with their arguments about federalism and federalism is the issue and in fact the president has significant power, whether we like it or not, the president has significant power to force
Open industries and this economy and put people back to work where we get tyrants in some kind This is governors and mayors who just enjoy their power It was a couple weeks ago on Hannity, when very few of us return about opening up the economy president had, but you may recall that he was attack. Then wait another thirty, two extension of mitigation, and I just wanted to point out and keep the pressure on across the nation I'm getting this economy open cut for go. You can deficit, spend your way into prosperity. If you could Venezuela would be the richest nation on the face of the earth and the meat. And the Democrats and some of his advisers, I fear or boxing the president in the present enough. Weeks ago. I thought it a very good idea. Let's look at those areas of the economy, we can open up
tell him. I think there is you need to ask these businesses if they just at this virus. I'll, give you a perfect example. We have food, we Here we have clean water. Who do you think's, giving that to us other citizens electric? he gasoline for our cars with true. As we have a mail service, we view PS, Fedex grows stores fast food drive through all open all functioning. We get soap and diapers and toilet paper, description, drugs, seven lessons are open. We have doctors the cops firefighters more going Are these these hats owns, despite the fact that there are exposed I'm not sharing drop. All that conditions. I'm saying Let's get a little smarter about this. We don't ask these businesses and industries about where the president hasn't shut, a single one of them. It's the donors in the mayor's. We almost these businesses can, you were just to this virus other things you can do I'll. Give you a perfect example. I was up my life Supermarket the other day that people are filling
grocery shells their working harder than ever before their hiring people. They had the protective glow They have the masks on. They are so smart. They the companies they built these plastic shields at that here, the register I go to the post office same thing. Things that people and businesses can do in some of these areas where they here the requirements where people are safe, but they still work they stalwart, so parts of the economy that are working there. More than ten people, when I go to the supermarket, and maybe fifty sixty seventy people, their part of the ECB, me that are working in part, the ECB. That have been shut down, because somebody is dated two central or not essential. I'm alive now, ladies and gentlemen, that's very very important. I think. I also think we have the right to ask the Democratic Party.
In their area logs. What is it exactly that you're contributing to this? What are your plans have been? One of your ideas been. Shutting down economies at state level, any trillions of dollars at the federal level. That's not how this works, that doesn't get US vaccines, therapies and it creates a hell of a big problem February. Twenty seventh. Which one seventh caught one go, but last people I want playing doktor with me or the american people would be truck Schuman and anti blowsy tax approach. The United States, not one negative word for the dictator of China and the way they mishandled this entire thing. In fact, you got blueberry there are praising China? You got Thomas Friedman with twelve hundred Pulitzer prizes in the New York Times phrasing. China? Are they pray? China now there's been. No
CDC D C cuts. There been increases time to get the facts out certain videos had been quarantine by this President first time in over half a century. The? U S, government has done that the White House, corona virus task force, was appointed over a month ago that present temporarily suspended entry into the Eu S. I put this list together by the way of foreign nationals who pose a risk of transmitting the corona virus that one of the Democrats done during this period of time. The Democrats, from January, sixteenth, two February Fit United States Senate was paralyzed by that house. Democrats and rageous impeachment trial or the senators rages, impeachment trial or the senators had to sit on their hands and shut their mouths, couldn't conducted business they couldn't pass a bit. To increase funding. They say they want more funding, they couldn't do it. They couldn't hold hearings on the corona virus. They couldn't do anything because alongside ensure shut down the United States Congress. They don't want to
about that. Do they gather Democrats, they go to the microphone and they attack not the president, the professionals, the CDC Vienna Age, the h age ass, they don't know anything. What is there What is this tumor policy Sanders Biden. Buddhism has worn claw barker, whatever what are their plans? Will they have great planned for it contained open borders eliminated ice. No. Foreigners, sanctuary cities, nationalize and destroy the great it's healthcare system on the faintly are destroyed, Our farmers suitable companies that will come up with solutions that solutions won't be in any of Bernie Sanders? Favorite communist regimes? They won't come from the scandinavian countries both come from us both come from capitalism. What are they support massive taxes? What is their containment plan? They containment plan. What is your vaccination development plan? They had no vaccination development plan. Meanwhile, they attacked the president of the United States, the.
Answers, won't come from liberals and Democrats, which is why they attack February twenty seven February Ninth at Sea pact cut to go even other plants for the corona virus tracks, the president of the United States and everything it does. What is the Devil crack plan to deal with the corona virus. There is no plan. What they were doing, Her own of Irish broke out. Engagement trial against our president, and you know what happens when you have been impeachment trial? those senators who never shut the hell up at this shit in their chairs and shut the hell up. They can by hearing that care proposed budget. They can't do anything week after and you know what thanks having a trial with their witnesses o we at that John Bolton and we have to again: we still be having trial they effectively. Shut down the United States Congress, while this,
arrest, was spreading, and then they dare to talk point to the President of the United States and say: what is he doing? One more from sleep February twenty nine cut three go around Virus vaccine will not be. Scotland in Venezuela. It will not be discovered in this. Can the Navy countries it will not be scabbard in some backwards. Third, world country we discovered in one of our farmers all in a capitalist country. Rightward wearing this virus, plum rob China that Dennis
Choose the praise. China, Tom Friedman and its four hundred Pulitzer Prize is over there at the New York line. What's an autocracy, but they know how to get things done They sure how do they got the best school system on the face of the earth they put down our country I have a challenge to Bernie Sanders and all the other Democrats running how about a one hour speech we praise. America, will you praise Americans praise free enterprise? Will you praise the things that we do in this country? that one hour speech whatever happen, there will never be a one hour speech like that.
The present. The United States is on top of this. Presently United States really has been incredible, and so the vice president. They haven't shut down a single business in this country. The governors have, they haven't, put a single employed person on the unemployment line the governors have and the governors have to be held accountable for That's real federalism. We now have the mayor of New York pose an absolute, not job, build the calm. You he's been all over the map. Using a cabinet buffoon he's an idiot log
on Fox today any says he wants over seven billion dollars in the short term, from the federal taxpayer over seven billion dollars. You have Newsome out there in California, he's no damn good either. Despite all the positive pressing gets there unless you like a saw fascist. In my humble opinion, here, having a hundreds of millions of dollars to illegal aliens because their people to you know why did they go home their people to and Come to the federal government with hat in hand and he'll want to bail out to these governors, particularly these D. Blue state left wing governors where they centrally have one party states, make these decisions and it
not just in crisis. Well, when you have a virus, it's their pensions, it's their immigration decisions, it's their spending decisions and I were suppose Belle them out we're supposed to build them out. You look. A California Illinois, New Jersey, New York for states, start blue stakes, the tax rates or through the The amount of money they raise is enormous, and yet, when it comes to a crisis with a purpose of government, the purpose of government is put to the test, not redistribution of wealth and all the rest of it. They failed
What exactly did Andrew Cuomo? Do? I really want understand this. He kept having his daily press conferences, demanding more ventilators, demanding more hospital beds, demanding more doctors and nurses. He had all the power to deal with this before the pandemic and during the pandemic. What happened to us budget what happen all the tax, that the good people in New York Panda this state. What about California in Illinois New Jersey, same thing? What all the money go. They say they want to new health care plan. Progressive ISM is on the March It is in gentleman this isn't about a new health care plan. It is about progressive ISM on the March Progressive ISM, isn't about humanity, progressive Isms, about centralized power to control humanity.
Those are two different things I'll be right back then, if you family or finding yourself at home, with ex time on your hands these days? I know Excellent way to fill it take a free online course from Helstone College Hills now offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature. Right in your own home. Demand an absolutely free of charge: hills, students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you can do with thou, knowest, free online course that Great America story, a land of hope, learning and teach our children about America's past, is he and for preserving liberty and the future Register right now to take free online course the great merit. Story. It's a production, masterpiece ended it's a picture of America as a land of hope
on high principles this court, and dozens of others on a variety of topics are available to you. In your family, for free right now, then for dot com back, come Hillsdale Foothills del dot com is really not a news. He is I don't know how to put this. He is he's like the turn in the swimming pool. Can I put it that way? Mr producer.
So here, Jim accosted, deterred in the swimming pool unseen and yesterday, talking to Wolf Blitzer now at the pump up with hydrogen, not even oxygen, just to get him the sit up because Wolf Blitzer Norm opposition is face on the table. Cut thirteen. Go president making clear if the states certain Gonna do exactly what he wants. He says if we're not happy with what those states doing. We will take strict safety or do exactly what they want, but he did say that he could take action if she did yeah. He did what I had done. Those states are then he added is lorries have mentioned. We have the right. To do whatever we want. What was your analysis What we're saying this week with the presence response in the pandemic is that it is really highlighting some is Jerry an impulse now. This is amazing.
This more on would never say that about Obama who was one of our most authoritarian presidents. He would never say that the conservative attorney General and Texas and other states had her challenging back back because it clearly unconstitutional violate separation of powers, among other things, was Obama, his authoritarian and impulses. He would never say that about Biden or Sanders or any the other reprobates in the leadership of the democratic path you're always about authoritarianism. He would never say that about Cuomo, He would never say that about the Republican left distant in Maryland. Hoagie there are several mask waiting outside. I shall find you. Five thousand dollars is a progressive
You will never hear them say that about the totalitarian left that is about themselves. This president has conducted himself lawfully and constitutionally every step of the way, every step of the way. Which is why he's never been effectively successfully challenged? Ultimately going he went back to this, idea that he has total authority that essentially retreat from yesterday it was saying, as you have mentioned, will repay did back off from that. But the fact is The cost is a low iq, moron, maybe a higher More and more on, that's all, I know of blood, isn't a permanent state of sleep. They know nothing about the constitution, they know nothing about the interstate commerce clause, nothing
and notice? None of them say that the president's concern when he's talking this way is about. Those men and women, hard working men and women look Or white collar all collar no collar said their lives destroyed by this economic catastrophe? That's what, these concern about? That's not what Wolf, Blitzer Endemic costs are concerned about these clouds just trying to make points all the time other right back from the westward one podcast network,
he's here now, broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Tell everybody markland, ending era, number, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one: the doctors, scientists who are today endorsing and help develop this guidance that the task force under the vice president and ultimately under the president are putting out
They didn't come up with the idea of putting our guidelines today on their own, but for the poor in the United States in the vice president, United States. We wouldn't be getting guidelines today. I have a long memory and pretty good memory for things that matter to me pretty bad memory for things that don't matter to me. It's little things like. Why won't It was only a few days ago, ladies and gentlemen, it was yesterday that we were being told that we really can't open economy till we have this virus defeated whatever. That means. Some governors like that, yes or no high was saying until we have a via a vaccine. We can't open up Ohio now. That is absurd.
But we had our national doctors and scientists putting this off for some time Maybe just maybe July. I've seen this change today, its thanks to the president and the vice president. They clearly repressing the openness Finally, the present the United States was before everybody any Oh, I'm writer, any economist, any broadcaster. He was the first to say. We have to open up this economy. And you can see on his face. The stress. From carrying this on his shoulders. I can see over the last month, I'm just being honest, lady developing bags under his eyes. Look I've my bags bags under my eyes, but you can see the stress could seize, not sleeping. He can seize workin.
His heart is possible. I see the same thing with my pants. Might pence looks tired to me. That doesn't mean he's not sharp and wise. He just looks tired to me. These men are working very, very hard in trying to do the right thing other than to shut down the country. For several more months till we ring this out completely they're not gonna, allow it and so the coming up with something which remarkably, was written about five weeks ago by Doktor David cats of you who talked about yes mitigation, focus on the populations at risk, but slowly but surely open up the rest of the economy. He wrote that a March twentieth a March seventeen doctor. I need a piece of Stanford. He wrote that this day
is not correct. It can't be correct. We're not going to have this. Many deaths is our forecasts. He wrote that almost six weeks ago and that we must focus on those who are vulnerable and not have this blanket approach. Economy wide it's going to have adverse consequences, both men different backgrounds Same area of expertise different close to the country, catch and I need it.
In saying this for a long time now, even though the task force was not included these two gentlemen, I think I've had an influence so what's being proposed. Tonight, mostly, is excellent by the President, the vice president and their taskforce and they're talking about essentially the Ladys and cats approach? Now that the beginnings of this thing are over now that we have more data, use it smartly enough with platitudes from the governors of New York and new jobs. Is in California in Illinois. If one person dies, it's one person to me
then you better shut down your roads, because people are dying everyday on your oats and you better get tough on law enforcement. Cuz people are being killed every day in your in your states and you better cut out all fried foods fat, because the number one killer in this country is heart. Disease. But we don't live thy way. President knows now for most people not us, but for so many the media, they don't talk about the the human effect of these shutdowns. Have you noticed how few network and cable television cameras have gone the community's and show you what some of these streets look like, I'm not talking about in Manhattan or in Washington D C, talking about these neighborhoods stores, where I grew up right outside of it. Of your born in Philadelphia. We were going to northeast.
After they had shop stores The row houses still do barbershops ice cream stores. Delhi's, you It now stores, salons they're all shut down for the most part. These are the little guys in the little Ladys who make this place work. One neighborhoods For another one community after another, all these dinars and these restaurants closed. It gets almost no attention from Jimmy cost. It gets almost no attention from dawn. Lemon gets us no attention from andred Children so the reporting from their basements ninety percent of as a tramp tramp attack tramp tramp tramp and they act like they really dont want the economy opened. And, as I have said repeatedly for weeks When they kind me starts to open you're going,
see, perhaps arise, Some of the hospitalization in death rates. And they will seize that to attack the president. We ve talked about this at some length. Causes my body Larry Oconnor points. These are not reporters who report about health or medicine or economics. These are political report, By the way, how many hosts give credit to other host? Because I do it all the time because they deserve it? The good man, good friend. He's a host in Washington in an ally anyway,. You don't see any any concern about that. Blitzer doesn't cover any of this, sir and doesn't cover any of this. They have taken their cameras.
On a Saturday or Sunday done some kind of a documentary for an hour gone into a community. Tell me tell me what is Governor Cuomo shut down done for Rochester New York. Tell me what is Governor Newsome Shutdown done for Fresno, California, they're, all myopic, big city, myopic course. The big cities manner, but there's a big country out there The big cities look: I live outside a big city, forty miles, but live outside a big city. We don't grow food in the big cities. The feed the country that happened somewhere else we don't rave livestock raise livestock to feed the country that happened somewhere else. And I could go on and on and on. So you don't see these news organisations again. I know I am repeating
I said I know I ve been talking about this for weeks, but it needs to be underscored, especially now Pressure now has to be on the governors. So what happened This Sunday on life, Liberty and Levin, I'm going to bring in two of the the top geniuses who have talked about repeatedly, Dr David Katz and Dr John. I need has really gotten this right from the beginning and talk to them. How did you get it right? Why did you get it right and discuss. What they think economically should take place, and then I think what we find is its very close to what the President wants to do, but, unfortunately, not to what some of these governors want to do. So we need to put the pressure on And I'm I've been using my radio program. I've been using Levin tv I've been using my Sunday show. I mean
ten weeks ago was it that I had no Gingrich and still more on. Do you remember? Mr producer was three weeks ago a month ago, whatever was to press the case, the press, the case. But what's going on here is very dangerous, not just in the here and now, but in the future. We have lost liberties that we must seize back, we ve lost them. The mayors and city so we ve lost a mechanic commissioners, we ve lost them tomb, governors and state legislatures and we need to get our. Buddy back. We can let them use this as an opportunity to fundamentally transform this country. They must not be able to continue continue to exercise. In some cases tyrannical power where they can. Just
literally take your livelihood away. They'll give a damn it they just take it away. Take the food off your table. Take the money out your pension could have to spend it. You ve heard this all day. Long, I'm sure I've seen it online Governor Film, Murphy of New Jersey was interviewed. I don't see it cause, I'm on the air by by Karlsson, Tucker, Karlsson,. And he's a real left us, the sky at the gates, another Goldman Sachs Guy, that's kind of what they are two New Jersey it now and then like they rhino, but Harry Last night cut five: go by what authority? Did you know I find the bill of rights in issuing this order? How do you The power we were there
About my pay, great Tucker's, I wasn't, I wasn't thinking of the bill of rights. We do this. We went to all. First of all, we looked at the day. I can t I answered it says: be people had to stay away from each other. That's the best thing we could do to break the back of the curve of this virus that leads to lower hospitalizations and ultimately, they are not so much what these governors have done, have nothing to do with that. So much of what they ve done have nothing to do with that, but now that there they have new information. What are they going to do about it?. And, as I said in the first hour and I got a believer. The only one to have ever said this, the press and has more power than people think, because this is not a federalism? Misha has nothing to do with the tenth amendment.
This is an interstate commerce fisher. When you have twenty two million people who have applied for unemployment in just four weeks, which means there is far more who are unemployed. The farmer who are going to be long term unemployed, people who might have been unemployed but now they're not going to find jobs at all cuz. There aren't many jobs to be had when you have small business people large and medium to, but my focus is on small, my neighborhoods, and so are my friends. They are set back and ways, though never recover and they're trying to hold on. I told you about two of our closest friends. You have a restaurant, but they ve had to shut down.
For weeks, but these two are real Americans and they are real patriots and they don't give up. Then I got a text from one of them They said will mark we're, gonna be doing the liveries, we're going to be doing point of sales. You know the curbside and I said you're amazing in the army, These millions of men and women in this country, just like you know we call them. We call them. Americans. I'll be right back then,
There is such a backlash coming anyway, lady you're, starting to see throughout the country seated in Michigan. Seen it in Ohio, highly, have seen it in Oregon and you're going to see it elsewhere. Because, after while people don't put up with this, not Americans. Does anyone believe Joe Biden could actually have done anything effective, whether with a virus like this tat, he could make any independent decisions. Cassettes important! That's what a president has to do taken all
information and make a decision here is on the morning schmo, so Joe Scarborough, and make abrasion ski with a combined. I could have negative a hundred and twelve broadcasting from their many mansion and Jupiter Florida, so they can avoid taxes. I guess men of the people. One of the people, I guess, They have Joe Biden on their sharp cut seven go. We should not send you back to work so safe to send you back to work. This is a false short hoo. Hoo hoo has said some people back to work. If it's not safe to work, is there one person who has said that. Is there one business or company that would even do that to themselves it's a fast choice. So why do you bring it up? You idiot. And I say that, with all due respect go ahead.
Way you revive the economy is deleted. Disease defeated is now look. I am all in favour dividing the disease. I think we all want to dvd disease, but we haven't divided a lot of diseases and people need work needed to eat. They need money to go to the doktor. Doctors need that money to be doctors. So to say, you want to delete the disease. That means nothing. Everybody wants to divide the disease. I had and we have to get where we have to get a number of new cases down where they are significantly down from they are now social justice is gonna, have to get a bit. So as he's anything unique here with the number of new cases down with her significantly down from where they are now, ok, Social did dancing we'll have to continue- or you don't say,.
Mr producer many ways I was practicing social distancing long before this virus and I was a spy sleep practising, as I said before, socialists distance anyway go ahead. Implementing this to fight this defence production. I can supply supply community, get them out there gathering. Although how, as a talk about the defence production, I pass a nineteen. Fifty the Stafford ACT was passed in order to be able to deal with the crew. And were to marshal IRA our factories and so forth to rebuild again our military, which, after world war, two was was cut substantially. What industries are we supposed to nationalized? Now you idiot, I say that nationalizing our industries and exactly what is he talking about? What industries are we supposed to nationalized? Now you idiot, I say that, with all due respect, go ahead We have to have widespread the festival Willie. Why that was? Did you just think
noted for the last four months. Why did he Money body he didn t, he was vice president who was in charge of corruption in Ukraine, corruption in China, corruption with his family. Go ahead for months, we at issue the hospitals are ready for a flare. Why we have been short. Hospitals are ready for a flare up. You would think this I was never a senator. This guy was never vice praising the United States, with the make sure hospitals are ready for a flare up at one side of his big mouth. He talks about the federal. All of the other side of his big mouth. He talked about federalism, well in charge of the hospitals in the states? I believe it's the state I'll be right. Back Lord, doesn't just breathe. Videos makes you go about
Levin show now seven seven, forty one forty eight one one doing such turbulent period choose me its critical to pay attention to your financial health. What can you do today to guarantee health the financial future, if you're homeowner the solution, may simple as a mortgage refinance- and I know just the people- the hell. American financing, their more good consultants for customers. Along too meagre needs, maybe it's ashore, term a lower rate or access in cash, and they can do all that and a lot more. It's no pressure. The experiences is actually quite pleasant, no obligation, no up front or hidden fees, either These are good people, family owned, a plus rating with a better business pure. They want to do the right thing and they want to help you and they ve been helping people just like you for twenty years, so give em a call. Today, for a free market review. Get me try see if you can save up to it I in dollars a month we without resetting your long term call eighty
nine hundred eighteen, twenty eight, eight, eight, eight, nine hundred eighteen, twenty eight or apply online at american financing that net American it's animal s, one two, three, four: W W W, not animal less consumer access not or what we what I consider some predictable arguments. I think these things out before them but let's hear them rich North Louisiana exam satellite go I have been listening to you for years. Everyday. I appreciate getting chemical. Thank you go right ahead. Thank the differ, a question. But I want to make a comment about the bottle. Had we been talking about our call for the things like it at the Congress to regulate the cameras between states, Oh yes, it says it talks about Congress, regulate the Congress regulating Interstate commerce. Now, what's the job of the executive branch to make love
none of the executive is to enforce the constitution and enforce laws the interstate commerce laws. If the states interfere with interstate commerce, the executive branch with it, so the Department of Justice and so forth, that's the enforcement wing of the gun, Present is not making any thing he's not regulating anything. The present the United States is the head of the executive branch governors cal I'll, give an example. The Supreme Court has said so. The Supreme Court says that the federal government has the power
to regulate to regulate these stimulation, quoting from a nineteen. Forty two opinion: the stimulation of commerce is a use for the regulatory function. Quite is definitely prohibitions or restrictions there. On the interstate commerce clause is the status quo, the constitution once Interstate Commerce, they want. The founders wanted commerce, because there was a problem during their archives of confederation. It can be regulated, but not by states. It can be regulated by Congress. If states seek to regulate interstate commerce, then a president has the power to authorizes. Department of justice are, however, wishes to do it to take them on and the child and to fight it. Ok, dad it makes perfect sense. I mean Congress can enforce congressional law, they never do or regulations, but we're not even What about a regulation? It we're not talking about
regulating interstate commerce. They specifically say Congress, meaning only exe. Possibly Congress can regulate interstate commerce, not the states, certainly not just a governor potentate of a state. So if a potent, Or a governor of the state seeks to regulate intricate stay commerce by the activities their undertaking within their state. The president. Every right and every power to fight it right, I say so: if only Congress has that power any state. Does it, of course, are presently confine it anyway ok, yeah, Soda Ben. Are you ve got them about the model then and Mama trouble with it being cold and in order to go up models is if a mile simple, like two plus two answers forward, one number but a complicated matter. That's when we have a lot of
Apples maybe garden two hundred and twenty the Bible, has doesn't hundreds of above possibilities when it The model of the aid they get alike in the balance, Warner tone as one number that they're my window looking to get this many cases of this many death. The fact that you have given us one number is All you need to know that we can all day the these. These doctors, in my opinion with good intentions, should never have thrown out these big numbers. Because they had no idea whether they were accurate or not turns out? They were terribly inaccurate and there are other professionals and though, in their fields, who said that's not right: they all have the right data, they looked at the underlying studies and they were right and found and Burke's were wrong, and so If you're going to follow the science than these scientists need to be very careful about what they're telling everybody I think we can admit that, are I my friend excellent call: let's go to Dick
I might be a Washington state, serious satellite, go a Olympia, I meant naked says they care. How are you, Sir, Walter? I still think your interpretation of commerce clauses incorrect. It's not mine, reputation decent thing gone on for eighty years. Well, my good. If they ve been used since day, one but that's a whole other top. For a state, does not have the power to interfere with interesting, commerce only Congress does all listen to me. Only Hours can regulate interstate commerce, so if a governor steps then and says you know when I dont any business the governor, abstain. As I said, a radical examples, but to make it clear an extreme example, shipping and we're not allowing any weight to be shipped out of the year out of the state is not a matter of reg.
Lading Interstate commerce. At that point, it's a matter of the governor regulating by fear the effects on interstate Percent, of course, the presently nice they look president of the United States, has the right to enforce the federal constitution and federal statutes. Go ahead. What your argument against it- and I want to hear my argument- is that we were dealing with an unprecedented situation. I don't care, if it's unprecedented or not. What does that have to do that A lot of situations are unprecedented, but anyway go ahead. We need Congress to pass a law with them guidance on how to deal with it. No, we don't constitution and only Congress to pass any that we're not regulating anything. Congresses regulating interstate commerce. In this regard, you have governors who are effecting interest commerce with their decisions and if it reaches a point where
really is a hindrance to the nation. The president. The power to enforce the commerce clause to enforce it, it's not regulating anything he's putting it back to status quo like he has the power to enforce and defend the rest of the parts of the constitution. Well, the cobbler merely mean that the federal but has the authority to make regular deregulated can learn? I'd I'd, stop Plainward Games. I know the history of this. You have read Madison's notes. They didn't sit there. They have the right to make regular. That's not what took place that a horrible expense sooner the articles confederation, where states were really practising federalism and I'm not against federalism, but they really did and because of the way this of the central government and they're not talk about socialism and marxism. They needed they, the finance structure that country was collapsing. Trade was
lapsing. Meanwhile, there are being threatened by France and Great Britain economically and otherwise, and they said we to have a viable economic system where a country, that's why the commerce clause was passed. We know the entire history behind the commerce clause. It wasn't to make regular irregular to make regular what they they said. Is that the states can not cannot regulate interstate commerce. Now the Supreme Court's even gone further- and I don't agree with this- that the states cannot simply regulate commerce within their own bound. Nonetheless, the loves it. This is how you got the new deal. This is how the EPA tells you, what kind of paint it can put on your house and so forth, and so on. It. The mass of regulatory stay one of the decisions, ninety zero in their work at verses, Philbrick case I talk to you about last night in the night before, where they
add wheat, grown solely on a farm and consume solely on a farm, affects interstate commerce and therefore the federal government Risk unregulated, what we're talking about here. Is a string. A supreme court decisions be plain language of the constitution. Clearly a governor does not have the power on their own. Should the President challenge them to effect interstate commerce? When I talk. About passing a regulation, we're talking about upholding the status quo that its interests day, commerce, so state. When the constitution states that only Congress can regulate interstate commerce, the key versa? That is, states cannot regulate interstate commerce, they try to buy their actions or by their laws, and whenever we talk about State Rotunda governors she's me, then of course the president can orders. Justice department, whatever to challenge it, president,
not without power. Here well bark respectfully, there is no current interruption in ITALY. They commerce, I mean, what's the two point, two trillion dollars for say that again, I couldn't hear if you're talking over what Two point: two trillion dollars for a bunch of nonsense. I opponent power past stay focused no platitudes. What's the two point, two trillion dollars for the help I mean supposedly to help workers who have been they often and businesses that were shut down by governors. This is an inner stay commerce, if this doesn't effect, interstate commerce what's been taken place here. There is no interstate commerce because clearly effects, interstate commerce in ways we ve never seen before, like use at the opening. We ve never seen anything like this. I never saw anything like what this is different. You say it's a virus.
And now you tell me what does that have to do anything that figure you're myth, during what I was trying to get a whole country heard United misstated a damn thing. Mark you gotta. Let me finish a thought. Sir I've been whether you six or seven minutes I'm trying to educate you. I'm gonna give you a minute to explaining the american people. Your point go ahead. There is no disruption. Interstate commerce right now with it's to transact across Dateline, they are still the only limit should the out. There are the ones that we are putting on ourselves cell with people, because workers wine we going along with whatever the state God I saw you are an idiot boy. Did I time with you we'll be right back
then, I don't know why this is so complicated. I think for most people at smack you'll get some cooks plug it or you can still transact business across state lines you can still do. That will tell people who were here. Needed non essential or tell people of businesses that are designated non essential, but that's the case- and yet under this very a broad definition of interstate commerce that was concocted by the Supreme Court and imposed on the nation Quickly, involving their ability to regulate things had take place in
date, I can see almost no defence to a presidential challenge. I'm not even encouraging this stuff, I'm just explaining the state of play, but that's not true people who are deemed on essential a running Sore Corner code non essential businesses. While they can't do business, unless they do on the internet, and everybody just can't do. Business on the internet is really getting whacked here. Are the retail businesses, obviously not the internet business. If your shut down under penalty of God knows what than you can't do business and under the theories that the Supreme Court is upheld for over eighty years. That affects interstate commerce. It's not a matter of the President regulating Interstate commerce. The problem here is states are effecting and thereby
undermining congresses exclusive authority to regulate in her stay commerce. That's the point. Who will be lady, and I think the president would win. He'd, have a very strong argument, very strong argument. You and your family, or finding yourself at home with extra time on your hands these days. I know an excellent way to fill it. Take it online course from Hills Deal college heels, dough offers dozens of online courses on topics including the Euro constitution, economics, history, in literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge, hills students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you can do with it. Still. No us free online course. The great merit story, outline of hope. Imagine rather than these sixteen nineteen Marxists New York Times project in our schools. If they had hills, they'll colleges, online courses as required
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thanks for doing what you do know I said. Thank you. Ok, I've! but in those from the start possibly take another non essential. There's a lot of work have force, but then work for the fifteen days. The rope rotate after those it days, bring the other set in and do that. Until you, basically, I think more secured here. I have a different attitude about this. Why do we hear from the business is all over the country, That have ideas on how they can secure their workplace and that is walk, untrue gum. At the same time as I keep saying I think they have a lot of ideas on how they can do it, just go into your local grocery store or go into Carrasco or go through the drive through the fast food talk to the people who deliver packages Fedex, you P, ass, the post office on and on and on. There are many many examples.
Businesses, small and large, that can do this, asked the local Bengal shop, the rope? And I have I go it's the safest place in the world. There is a lot things that can be done in a lot of things he small businesses can do. I dont they have all the ideas, the present a dozen either there just giving very, very broad guide, and saying to the governors. You really need to apply these, so people can get their incomes backing put food on the table. Take care of their children and pay their bills. So the federal government doesn't go absolutely broke more broke than it already is, and we have some resistors out their resistance and, in my view, The president is not without power. If reaches a point, if a reaches a point, we have governors at her just out of control with their power. Thank you for your call Gregg. I appreciate it Jerry Farming to New Mexico. The great k e an end go yes,
call screener, greener respect and just there to talk about you called here You told me you wanna talk about. If we don't do, I have a call. Screener will talk about twelve definitions every minute, so stay focused and go ahead. A lot but you don't you really, notably motivate, may decide to do when you talking that President charm, And how you want to open up the economy and help He looks you got a point. It's gotta, be just one out. Another thing Can you imagine Joe Biden in? I feel sorry for poor Uncle John. I feel sorry for him, but I feel sorry for us really becomes president
I got a separate you from the president will not follow I'm still in the base on growth and jobs are right. Sir. Thank you for your call. I think I understand most of it right back from the westward one podcast network maybe Gentlemen. This final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S, slash job
now broadcasting only underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Everybody mark living here, aren't number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, seven seven create one. Three. Eight one one see this is what the soil Marking sobered they caught my attention, earlier today that cause me really think about this Bloomberg. President Trump said Monday, he had the ultimate authority today, take two states how to reopen their economies and that he'd craft is plans with advice from a council of top businesses, medical and political leaders.
Wednesday. Both claims fell apart. He retreated from ordering governors to reopen after concept. National scholars and even some conservative Republican said it was beyond his power. He backed away from economic council. Sing he'd hold a marathon series of cause with business leaders. Instead, then they go for the president, its becoming a patent no see this is which troubling the me this clown Justin Sink at Bloomberg. He doesn't have to make any decisions. What happens as this. I get a lot of information here, a lot of information. And sometimes I rely on the source and sometimes I rock, and sometimes I rely on a source. It happens to be wrong, so I try to be as careful as I can. The present United States has been told, on his scientists.
Well, who are scientists, and I really scientists rely on his public healthcare advise while he inherited them most of them. She found she. Yet barracks? You have this guy. That runs the CDC and a couple of others in their part of the task force there more than part of it, X, force the relied on by the taskforce, that's who we has, and they have been wildly wrong. In their various modeling with various data, when the president has one of these press conferences, he's relying on what they're telling him. It's not the president, whose analyzing the models and the data it's the experts or providing it too
and so, if they say there could have been one point, five to two point: two million dead he said that they say now we're talking about a hundred to two hundred. Forty thousand. He relies on its following the science. Cora estates When he says he wants to open up businesses a month ago and open up, the EC I mean I they say we need another thirty days he embraces at any says it. On the constitutional level? If you had asked me a few days ago whether the president has any power, To order governors to open up their economy, able to set said absolutely not federalism, but then I got to thinking Cynthia with federalism. Tested do commerce,
Interstate commerce- and how do I know it well- the evidences is overwhelming. We just Two point two trillion dollars and they want to spend a hell of a lot more. They governance, don't get to exercise Plenary power and then send us the bill and they don't get exercise Mary powerful interferes or affects interstate commerce, which this clearly die we're businesses shuddering all over the country, millions people losing their jobs. It clearly effects that commerce or the country, not just the state commerce and it clearly affects them. RO budget. If this is an interstate commerce, I dont know what is and what is it
it's just. If you look at the constitution, if you look at Supreme Court precedent, whether it's the Nlrb case, one thousand nine hundred and thirty seven, whether it's the wicker case in nineteen, forty, two and subsequent cases, with a few rare exceptions that, unfortunately don't go far. The stimulation of commerce- and this has been followed for eighty years Almost the stimulation of commerce is considered a a federal function and is a use of the regulatory function. I'm according the court quite is definitely is prohibition, so. As absurd as that is the court ruling Regulatory function is a non regulatory function that commerce, Interstate commerce can be interesting comments.
You can. Thank hefty are in the new deal in the left for this, and this is how the left gets half or ninety percent really what it wants by steam roaring esteem rolling over the states. But this is different. We actually governors by fear it's not even state law by fear, forcing people to where things forcing people to live certain ways forcing businesses out of business and the tall is severe and its national and across the state lines and the governors, no it, which is why they go hand in hand and begged the federal taxpayer. That is not just people from their own states, but states. All of that all over the country to bail out.
They say they need ventilators, they say it's a national issue, they say they need beds, they say it's a national issue just take their own comments. So when we get meet heads like just in sync taking shots at the present the Bloomberg, it's really quite outrageous, quite outrageous It's all use the podium on Hannity deny to explain some of this and you'll see just as I explained that the fatality numbers are way off their way to high attacked just I explained that there are other. Illnesses that kill more Americans. These are facts. I'm attacked just as I said over a month ago. We need to begin considering open the ECB, the economy while still mitigating protecting people.
Six weeks ago. I said it and it wasn't just because I'm a genius it's because I was reading but doktor. I need you had to say what doktor cats had to say. And it was obvious- the consequences it only model and data to see what's in front of your face, I'm attacked and I'm through and with other people I don't know. What the hell they're saying I know some of them are repeating what I'm. So I just don't know it's irrelevant. I say what I say now Saying actually, whether you favoured or not, and yes, the Democrats will take the White House one day. They know about the Interstate commerce clause. They know about the Supreme Court. And what do you think Obama's out there now talking about single pair healthcare? How is it that the federal government can run licensed insurance companies? I don't know now they can. How is it that the federal,
they can determine wages and prices, that is labour issues Yo see issues better solely within a state within a state business, because the the Supreme Court is bastardize the constitution. That's why. It may be a lot of you even support those laws. Well, if you add here that the actual intending text, the constitution. Those laws are unconstitutional and that's what happened? The Supreme Court was. Knocking down these. These big- who deal laws that were assent.
Weis in decision making reaching into the states reaching into businesses and so forth, and what are the Supreme Court do ultimately knocked it down some famous case, the Schechter Poultry Corporation vs United States case, and it does the court ruled that the national industrial rediscovery active. Nineteen. Thirty three was unconstitutional. I mean you had the agriculture department under this This new law, and also there was an agricultural statute as well that that they pushed At the the slaughterhouse markets for the slaughter and local sale, local cell was also to retail dealers and butchers, who, in turn, sold directly to customers
the slaughtering Neuro the sales by defendants were transactions in interstate commerce, its common sense, but they had overturn it. They had the Carter versus the card. Call company decision in nineteen, thirty, six, thereby terminal, Conservation ACT passed a nineteen thirty five unconstitutional. Why? Because this was called minded specific state or states. And so the decision was that the federal government didn't have the authority. To fix wages and hours and working conditions of the miners in this company, that was one thousand nine hundred and thirty six decision. Then in nineteen thirty seven, the court completely reversed itself.
In a Steelcase they are versus Jones and Laughlin still corporation course. They light on the decision? The year before the Supreme Court ruled listen, entrust state activities that have such a close and substantial relation to interstate commerce that their control as a central or appropriate to protect that commerce from from burdens and obstructions are within congresses, power to regulate other. Only Congress can regulate. Commerce can regulate, but only Congress. Play the states can regulate at two, but if it affects interstate Commerce, Congress has the Supreme Authority. The legal stage was now set for the massive expansion of the commerce clause and federal control over the marketplace.
So Congress can regulate intrastate activity and if that interested activity effects interstate commerce- I don't even if they go to these. Decision sets clear that what the governors are doing affects industry commerce, They're just shutting down pizza partners, but they're, not its clear, its cause. From Supreme Court president, otherwise they Congress can regulate interstate commerce, but States camp. Anyway, this is something I want to do. You know, I'm not the final say about nine members of the supreme. HU. I am that the present the United States.
This is just an argument that I think is worth making now after I make it here and on Fox it'll come under attack I'll come under attack. I dont care. This is the way it works. States do not have plenary power if their interfering with her stay commerce, if their interfering, within her stay. Come I'll, be right back when Amy The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights
full time presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits in discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travel discounts cell phone, It's a hell of a lot more It's not enough. You'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M, a sea dot! U s!
Let's see, let us go to Tom falling waters. West Virginia listening on the great w I may I'll go they mark the calm. Yes, I know oh okay! I just wanted to watch drivers on you. I want to talk to you about I'm a I'm, a delegate here in West Virginia and our governor. Shut down the shut. Me and my certain is were treating this Kobe. Nineteen almost like we're we're going to war- and Reading up doctor and had an article in in and primates got it today, but he talk about Churchill's essay. They wrote back in nineteen. Thirty. Six called the what's goods constitution and he was Talkin back then about Is this government exist for that
video individuals against for the government, and he was getting about at that time. With the economic crisis going on, is he he warned against Europe used about economic crises, early another form of wars, they're trying to try to do concern. There is when we use that we we do that Pearl that we, whenever weak enter into war and special, whom we try to treat everything as a war. We lose our liberty- and I just call in your ear thoughts on at the more corner on Churchill's views, because he. He he understood our constitution, Morton Debt that any Eddie individually. I understand why the president calls in a war, because for him it is in other words and for us to in that sense,. I mean everything's, come to a star pretty much and the entire federal government and all these governors are focused on fighting there. So I understand that.
Obviously it's not a real war in the sense that we're taking up arms- and I do have concerns the kind that Larry aren't raises that the suspension of what we thought where our constitutional rights in some respects is troubling and went up take a look at this, as I opened a show of open many shows with this and get our liberty back, because I I fear, when you hear, some Newsome out there in California and slow com. In New York, they view this as a real moment in a transition and trend of the nation that is fundamental in in the relationship between the individual governments and these people. Really do have this. This progressive ism really is a cancer. So they have intentions, Nancy Pelosi, Schuman, the rest of what they wanted to change we vote and they a change, how we vote, not because they believe more people's, more citizen should vote. They believe more people should vote.
He doesn't have a right to vote if they're, not citizens have can identify themselves and they have. Use this as an opportunity to try and attack our voting system. You have governors like Northern, were they a one vote majority in the state Senate. The five up majority in these in the state Assembly, for the first time and in decades, who use this opportunity to to emasculate restrictions that make make but proved they are who they are? If they're going to vote in a basically like getting on an airplane, you gotta show who you are and that, of course we now I was racist when it comes to voting, but not in every other respect. So they aren't you this is an opportunity to many these governors in too many mayors as well Exercise powers: I would I not even in the case of war, just to exercise hours over the individual, where they either Don, authority, and they certainly have the moral authority to do it not, and I agree
In our case here with our governor art are our legislature down the session we ended in March, and so were were not were were no longer in session in the governor had taken, uses his executive power to basically shut down the economy, with no, no, no, no indication from the from the legislature at all, and I see it the problem with. I think the prejudice done a fabulous job in in putting it back on the governor, but through the governors are now using this authority. And the concern I have. Is these governors not letting up on that authority and you can see it with New Jersey, New York. You know always are already them they don't want to come out of this, this emergency they want. They want to extend it in them in number. Turn that we're we're giving up our liberties in in this calling card
economic crisis, now a war in the end, it is very troubling in when I went to talk with my friends and in in Western Europe all right, sir? I appreciate your call. You sound like you'd, be a terrific, delicate by the way quickly. Tar we may was caught in the great w e g country. Accuse me dummy D, a key country. Do yes, interstate calmer help, Alembic wait said: oh how club you can't get your hands on anything everything in California, everything shut down, they can't send it cross gate. I mean what's goin out, we can't go to the health club. And that's what that's what you were getting at at that collar- there's no bye bye by the way. I don't even want to go to the health club, but I do feel your pain, sir. I do feel your pain, you guys and gals
like exercise out there. You amaze me my wife's one of em. All right, sir I'll be right back like you aim at the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook, In and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about, more than talk a MAC, fights a fault time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts cellphone, and a hell of a lot more, and if It's not enough. You'll get em
by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m, a sea dot? U S, but he only show without warning label. Liberals love angel common. Now, at eighty seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one one Brownsville tax as Ex M satellite go go ahead. One! Oh, that's want them.
Yes, aerial! Second, hey Mark ha ha. I might get up little topic, I'm calling just because I saw this common this announcement. I I knew him it's like a scary cat approach to to reopening the economy and its base. I I knew this was coming, and I can tell it's going to destroy any possibility I'll ever reopened. My restaurant now you're talking about the federal guidelines, yeah the federal guy like this came out. Our Tommy talk too may be specific. We want to know ok to begin with this debt relief packaging that they that they had been. They gave us it's not going to be enough money, especially at thirty two wanted. While we already know that, because it's out there's no no money left the Republicans one. I think I think I heard another three hundred fifty two and fifty billion, which has blocked my calculations accord.
Trillion that'll last about another. Two months tops the Democrats, now we want half a bill, have had trillion. Maybe a trillion and have all these cuts mystery ornaments. We want to put on an and so forth, so the Republicans have moved left and the Democrats have fallen off the edge of the earth. It is badly that won't stop waiting. Now, that's right! It is not enough money, it's about it up what data, but Think these guidelines are too tough is, I would be concerned about my attitude about these guidelines is. Certainly better than nothing, but when the best approach to be to ask one how he can handle this in his own restaurant, correct an m me there's a couple things I will set about one if they gave us all be false numbers on how many people have died because guess what they were at certain about uppers, but yet, when their solution either there. There might be solutions out there that they don't have all the research for the data
one or try, because both the all researchers and aunt will you know what obviously other research or other research with an empty your numbers either, because people are dying of the way you you said they work. Do you downwards Roth Behrendt? Didn't stop you from close. It thou be their economy You don't know, that's right now it now it now, because they don't have enough information, they can't just reopened May I thank all your restaurant owners who clawing for survival. As for any other state ought to get together. Tell them what you can do, and tell them. You want open immoral and here's the the mitigation of steps you have put in place. You only guidelines from anybody else. These are the guidelines that you guys would like to put in place the governor amateur, whoever your governors but he'd, be more receptive. The most scientists would be more receptive, the most the. Why not so much the sky Hogan is receptive to nothing and, of course, the Democrats
early receptive, but in your state you have a gun, it might be receptive and I think the restaurant orders are to get together and get together money fast and you don't have to have every one of them. Just a bunch and say this is what we prepare do governor. Let us do it, I agree, have you anything to as it were, dealing with imperfect numbers anyway, the numbers ain't perfect, but their showing that its report? I would underline that I agree with you. One hundred percent, though based they should be the one held him play for the rest of us get to work, I agree with you one hundred percent, because everything is imperfect. So while you probably feed people, giver feed people, frightful, they love for. I love fraud. You feed a term We do why guesswork contributing to heart disease, so I guess they could say you think of many more fried food. Would they? Let me maybe people
who come in need to have a certain kind of a government passer colored sticker on there. They're on their drivers licence? Maybe it's pink, who knows blue red, whatever it is and they come in and if they have I bet you dessert- in those there's a whole lot of Maltese out there. If we want to be serious about it, and this seems to be the only one that gets his kind of attention. I do understand its aggressiveness and so forth, but I just think the reaction, particularly the state level, president hasn't shut a single come. Near SOAP, a single business, but I think the reaction at the state level in many respects has been a big overreaction want I wish you all the best, sir. I really do day Virginia Virginia serious satellite go you're on Dave.
I do in March. I appear. Thank you, sir. I am I'm a car brighter and within a beach and been studying the issue then say one in the number does have never added up. I've been saying it since the early on and one to two things I want to say, is number one: we're not taken anybody off the wall of heel and recovered. The rested: a cut rested a world average in about twenty five. Thirty percent varied Germany, fifty seven percent recovery rate We are always shown about seven percent recoveries, you're, not taken anybody. I don't! I don't believe I don't. I don't believe that's correct. I've talked a few experts about this Lucy fairly significant recovery rate,
if you're general argument is the data collection, not just the data analysis been very poor. I agree completely, particularly on the fatality rates they ve been very, very poor and now of the writing. People in the may have two or three co. Morbid he's as they call them and if they have the corona virus. Just spoke to one of the experts today whose challenging this and save the krona virus. That's the default position to say the corona virus when really, but they should repay
it is this individual to three one underlying condition and they also had the corona virus. But that's not the way the reporting going right now, but you're, not lifting a significant number of people being required gave a great all and they're not so they put it on the new six hundred thousand six hundred fifty thousand cases, but they're not saying active cases. The cases only according to the CDC this disease would run about ten days. The two we account for ninety percent of people right and as after two way they should be moved to withal.
And taken the off the number. We should be reporting the active cases, not the total identified cases. The other thing is you thought about reopen the country. I look at the junior and we have dozens and dozens of counties that have won two cases. Three cases, one. Why don't we put a plan in place that opens up these county by county And they had we open them off about. When you say we put a plan in place, the president and the vice President said that they think states should look at county by county. Floored is going county by county so I do disagree with that either I appreciate your call, some very good ideas and some very important points to smart people. In this audience I met Richmond Virginia on the mark. Levant go on that.
Hey Mark, yes, ma- am go right ahead, so glad to talk to you. We ve been listener forever you, so I'm as the aid person. Were the lender and we had, then I thought I'd say you were here and you're the like at the SBA desk for a bank. I guess you say: yes, you are and we have been boss was for the past two allergies. Yes working working every weekend to put the PPP Paycheck Protection programme loans right, the system and, of course, now the bucket his empty. I, but my my total concern through the entire time, had been. How is it that
These companies are tapping into the pay check protection programme, but yet some of those employees might even be tapping into unemployment hatred. Why I thought, or on the farm on my cheerful here, which I don't like putting back in place, are I don't pretend to be an expert on this stuff never have been, but that was okay now seems like a double that. So what you're saying is a small business. Might get alone, the purpose of which is to keep people employed, and yet some of those people are and unemployment. If that's good That's gotta be illegal, isn't it bright and might my my entire thinking through,
my king in these loans Dorothy. I am also thinking these people are tapping into unemployment. At the same time, while I don't, I don't think, that's legal. Thirdly, while if there, employed there, not support and on the house police. That means that, as I say, I'm not a green. I shall guy it's how's anything policed when, federal german shining out money, but obviously the person is employed in their taking unemployment compensation. In addition to the very generous addition, unemployment under the PPP or whatever the hell we called now. That is illegal. Thank you for your call, a network right back then aims The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a macbook.
In and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights old time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond? but to see joining a MAC gives you access, toy welfare benefits and discounts, including. Special member only rates on car insurance travel discounts cell phone it's a hell of a lot more, It's not enough. You'll get em.
By monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a m a seed dot! U S beyond Hannity on the Fox NEWS channel about forty minutes: nine! Thirty pm eastern time, six, thirty pm, pacific time! There's no reason comments store, my parents should be considered controversial from a constitutional perspective, but I suspect, though, come under attack because people won't like the result. I just call him, as I see it,. Larry LOS, got those California the great care so far, and I have to say I,
of that area, the country actually thought about our family did to buying place there many many years ago, Larry. How are you my car? Ok sure My biggest concern right now, the other powers that be Trump and always all the Democrats and start talking about being went up his day. That would be a huge mistake. I would be a massive mistake. It would say horrific precedent it wouldn't while these spend a holler governors in these dark blue states to try and get us, they federal tax pair from states who didn't vote for these people in the first place to pay further their pension systems that are in hock to pay for their others. Stems air that are in hock to pay for their bad decisions in their bad priorities, the people the states need devote these bastards out and if we're going to
Sir them, then there is a disincentive, a terrible disincentive for these people, meaning these governors to me. The right decisions, you don't you had the mayor in our talks about close all the baseball failure, football stadium until next year and they need to have an incentive to get these places back up and get tax revenue come in. Why don't they ask these eggs. Is there any way to do this and if there's not, there's not but ask them how does a mayor know about these things and I I expect these will be the last sort of places to open up concert halls convention centres in stadiums and that sort of thing those are the toughest. But why start with the toughest one star? With alone, grocery store, the local dahlia. They they local, le whatever those are much easier to do. With and there's a lot of ways that they can mitigate in these stores can be opened.
Our I my brother, Larry and last got those caliph Thank you very much. Scott LAS Vegas Nevada, the great cave on K, D W and go greetings from was vague, is Mr Le. How are you doing great? Thank you, I wanted her opinion on something they have done. What is two point three trillion into this and you just get started reward this getting started now than they did. The CDC puts it they're on tv all the cards they talk about. The quota quote at risk. People right wicked could, like ninety five percent of us get it. We dont lot of Estonia now. We have it. Did we shake it off? So why didn't they just focus on the people at risk from you know, but without it,
Fifty billion diocese- this is what doktor cats and doktor I need, and some others have said. Now that we know- and we learned relatively quickly the year, the populations within our overall population that are most at risk of serious health failures and death? That's where the focus should have been an that's pretty clear and that's where it needs to be right, So I agree with your LAS Vegas. Taken were covered great now, God bless you, Cathy Pratt Kansas on the market of in a power you. How are you Cathy high Mark, I love you. I love America. Thank you. I will. I got one minutely, ok, I'm retired and city government. I want you to ask the governor the mayor and the Devil.
Brad, who want federal being allowed to shore up their forget what about their reserves, if they don't have appropriate reserves, then shame on them, if not the responsibility of the rest of the first. These blue step in terms of reserves, I'm sure they shot through that a long time ago. Look at the federal government, social security, Thus they don't even exist anymore. They shot through that these governments are complete. We had a control when it comes to spending Sorry Catholic gotta run. Thank you. We salute all you heroes out there. Thank you and God bless. You were behind. And I'll see on Hannity in about thirty minutes. America on the farm those channel and eat. And every one of you take care of yourself I'll, see you tomorrow from the west, would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-17.