« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/12/21


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the fatal shooting in Minnesota was a horrific tragedy. The incident was caught on tape and is nothing like the George Floyd case. It clearly had nothing to do with systemic racism and the looters should be jailed accordingly. The mayor has fired the City Manager, Curt Boganey, for asking for due process. The media have already drawn their conclusions and done away with any form of due process.  When the Mayor fired Boganey he became part of the mob. Then, Tucker Carlson has been attacked by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for making 'White supremacist' comments. Yet, the truth is that Carlson's comments were based on the facts of what's happening at the border to change the voting demography of southern states. The ADL is led by a secular Jew and former Obama White House staffer that seemingly agreed with President Obama's anti-Semitic views. The ADL should fire their CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt! Later, Joe Biden is ramming through trillions of dollars that ultimately benefit his base, not the people. Everything is being done in the name of infrastructure even if it isn't. Congressional Republicans should reject any deals with the Democrats and play offense. Meanwhile, Democrats are seizing on the fecklessness of the GOP and working with large corporations to implement their leftist vision for voting laws.  

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented podcast, as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here, there is a truly independent institution where learning Prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening my sincere appreciation to hills. Their brother sponsorship now run only underground commend both in the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with a leader.
America Mark Levin our number eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three hundred and eighty one one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven three thousand eight hundred and thirteen eight hundred and eleven. You know I'm gonna addresses fairly concisely The shooting in Minnesota of the black young man. By the police officer, the female police officer, it's hot caught on video, it's nothing like the George Floyd case. It's nothing like the George flowing case. She screwed up
Big time and ass soon ass, she screwed up. She knew what she did. He killed somebody thought you is reaching for her taser. Instead, she pulled out a pistol and in a horrific tragedy, are horrific tragedy. What am I supposed to do? Sit here and and the rights and depend and defend the violence and start trash officers all over the country are not going to do it. I'm not going to do that at all. People who are now riding looting burning he to be rounded up, sent to prison for a long long time for a long time that very
we'll probably result in the fiery, the officer, also result. I was likely, if she's charged with anything in her being proven, not guilty of anything. I doubt shall be charged because the video demonstrates exactly what it was a horrific tragedy and the body can you ve all seen it. He saw the George Floyd and I have seen this. Let's just listen to that fifteen seconds had Tipp daily collar cut, one go
oh, yes, I shot him o s now. This was just a normal traffic stop either he had a who was, weren't. Wasn't it MR produced. for having an unlicensed a pistol or something to that effect. So they knew that. But there you have it something horrific happened is clearly an accident. the video shows. I don't want to hear about systemic racism or all the rest of it. I don't want to hear about it because it has nothing to do with that whatsoever.
Another something else: it's been brewing out there and I have to speak to this Well being jewish, as I am Tucker Karlsson Billy was on Friday. Was highly critical of the illegal alien fiasco, Ass from the southern border, as have I had been. And I one of the things he indicated was that the Democrats, the left, are trying to in effect, change the demographics in this country. Change the demographics in this country talking about replacing citizens with illegal aliens and so forth,. And so the head of the tide, defamation lig, who is a leftist. who were served on
Obama, White House staff, who was a disastrous pointing to that position. Accuse Tucker So essentially, a centrally of either being a white supremacist are repeating far right: white Supremacist language. I called for his answer. Removal by Fox news media remove so I feel compelled and he's not the only one. There's another group that came out to the piling honest started. I don't know Tucker well. but I know a sleazy c o at the anti defamation leg. When I see one Tucker Karlsson, said about the Democrats trying to influence the demographics. this country, so that they can create more than Cried voters, as a fact is a fact.
And if Mr Aunt, I defamation leg is worried about Anti Semitism, he should have looked at his former boss, Barack Obama,. And the man he surrounded him with carlini, among others, the most anti Israel press and in the history, the state of israel- and I agree, Used Obama at the time of being an anti semite more than once, and I still believe it is the fact that secular Jews, herself, hating Jews. In my humble opinion, back people who are Stay out of the state of Israel and hostile to the jewish community is is a is a prop like them, layer of New York targeting Orthodox choose in Brooklyn, like they governor of New York, targeting Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn, While black lives matter and Antigua and other Marxist,
organizations are marching around without mass attacking cops, attacking innocent civilians burning looting, while the The rocks Jews are trying to have funerals and weddings and and celebrate. Is holidays that should tell you all you need to know mediately this! This buffoon, this law lie. Brian stouter brings this clown green blood on his programme way. Further smears, Tucker curls. and so they try to bring all these parallels then our parallels at all. They are Parallels at all that Carlson's comments, ECHO were the great replacement of the largely why populations in the countries with non white immigrants, units amazing thing, the Democrats, or we used to say this and others bind to that by twenty forty.
Or thereabouts, white people We, the minority, whereas minorities, will be in a majority collectively further once we keep talking about. There is no rational, exe, what's going on the southern border, except for the fact that the Democrats want more and more people to commit to this country, surely give them amnesty legalization. Citizenship I can assure you of people coming into this country, were voting to thirty three fourths republican. They would be too
First to have. I wore the widest tallest wall on the face of the earth. Tucker Carlson's not talking about a replacement theory, a white supremacist tenant were told that the white races endanger by rising tide of night watch rate rights, green black or we're talking about green black. You left wing cook is what you are doing is what you are doing, and if people actually pointed out it people actually mention it. Then they must be part of the clan. They must be part of the NEO Nazi movement Or their just part of the systemically white racist movement, the vast majority, the american people oppose what's on the southern border today, including the vast mature,
minorities, including the vast, my charge majority. Eighteen o Americans living these communities, including one of their congressmen, represents one of these communities. green black, doesn't live down there. His answers in New York and that's a fact. Our immigration laws are being violated. Let's go on the southern border, is inhumane at the hands of Joe Biden and his party little girls are being raped. Drug king Pincher, making a fortune. We ve got more fetnah crossing the border than any time in our history Green black doesn't talk about any of that because it is by and the Democratic Party or Miss trading brown people. It is they who are doing it and it's fine. With his early racist passed in the nineteen seventies.
So they they try to where you see they tried to do. There are linsky tactics on a guy like cars,. Because they truly are of that mind, set this NEO marxist mindset. I've been talking about. target somebody personalize it and that's exactly what they're trying to do, how are you speak up about? What's going on the southern border? How dare you speak up about what the Democrats are doing. the media during Brian stouter, and removed his fat ass to the south border. So. Border to see what's going on? He would never never get out of a cafe in Manhattan to see. What's going on, everybody knows Karlsson is no clansmen, are white, supremacist are NEO Nazi,
So you see the viciousness of the hard left and I am calling on the amount, the tide, defamation, leg, tat, fire, Jonathan, Green Black he's brought his left wing Cook Obama, politics, to the air tight defamation leg, he's undermining their job, which is to call out True anti Semitism, not as some free will commentator foreseen in and MSNBC absolutely outrageous. Meanwhile, Joe Biden
Actually doesn't even care what the hell's going on on the southern border, but this is what they do on the left. You see praising the United States, the most pro Israel president, since Israel's been in existence, jewish daughter, son in law and grandchildren, and they pay him to be an anti semite. Who do you think this voted for by and by. He has actually surrounded himself with anti semite binds policies whether ran and the Palestinians are tie. Israel he's got one cook after another, advising him. But TAT jerk green black, doesn't say a word about that, because there is friends, there's jerk, green black, sits on a map, while the uranium to run and wild getting support from the United States through the back door. Jerk says nothing.
while the Palestinians you're gonna, get money without any obligation and not use it for terrorism, that's great lad, who needs the resign Green Black, and what's inside a group on here. Let me there's somebody left wing groups, I'd say: what's inside a group here, let's say Gimme a second: oh that we get a ride upon the intelligencer. The National out New York magazine and other crap left wing magazine, Jonathan Cheer, our chair yet another a whole, quite frankly, one she's marched in Charlottesville, twenty seventeen they traded. You will not replace us, and some are more clarifying Jews will not replace it.
The terrace should come down and it goes on so now the words Tucker Carlson, it's like the Nazis and the clansman send Charlotte. Now that's crate. Jonathan shy at knows. That's not true, there's not any evidence whatsoever and Carlson's backrub, nothing, nothing! But this guy's a punk He never speaks up against the anti grass roots policies of his own party Tommy. Did he demand the resignation attali? Did he demand the resignation of all Lamar? Did he the resignation of Asia and the other at pie. Semites writers in the Democratic Party, not once not once. I'll be right back then I know you love How do I know that
good. You listen to my show, and my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom in the form of government that secures it for US the same with Hills Del College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time because hills there, is committed to pursuing truth and defending Liberty Helstone peaches, stellar students to defend freedom? No matter what they major and whether it science or music or economics are business whatever hailstones teaches them? How to do then liberty, and they do that for you to, through their free monthly, Digest of constitutional thought, its cotton Primus five points six million Americans receive him Primus for free. Every month. An you, my friend and fellow freedom. Lover should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Levine for hills down back com. There are no strings attached: general
Donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for wholesale, descended Primus to you for no cost. Every month, I'll start receiving in reading and Primus. So you can know how to defend the freedom you love visit, Levine from Helstone Dotcom. That's Levine Alleviate Fray hills del dot com. This guy Graham Glad headed the at thy defamation leg. The condemned a single member, the black hawk us who is close to Farrakhan pity condemn James Kleiber. In his positive comments about Frederick, I didn't know he did. back in twenty seventeen. As our body droll pop pollack, wrote back then green black talks about hey crimes on MSNBC without sharper, without sharp because you see our problems are being important. Democratic, influential democrat, green blood had no.
I'm sitting down without sharp than none whatsoever. As the media research noted and twenty fifteen on the twentyth anniversary of the attack in Crown heights against yank all Rosenbaum, shocked and was one of the main causes of the hatred which The fire bombing of Friday's fashion Marty didn't tossed the firebomb, of course, but the entire american racial bias, which came out of his mouth and out of his mouth of others, while in his presence produce the man. occur assembly. So this is you need to understand green black has no problem. Allow sharpen green sat down without sharply was interviewed by our starved and Emily b C and NBC have no problem with em Brian sharply as stop no problem with them either those that create jobs, or whether they Hellas name? Is New York magazine perfectly fine? Perfectly fine, so dont.
A thing, those guys so seriously not a word not a word when they target house on Fox when they target Fox. This estate left wing Democrat marxist mentality, that it is, and he can go to hell I'll, be right back. I know you love freedom. How do I know that Good. You listen to my show, and my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom in the form of government that secures it for us the same with Hills Del College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation? That's why I talk about them all the time because hills, is committed to pursuing truth and defending Liberty Helstone
peaches stellar students to defend freedom, no matter what they major and whether it science or music or economics are business whatever hailstones teaches them, the defend liberty and they do that, for you too, through their free monthly, Digest of constitutional thought, its caught him Primus five points Six million Americans receive him Primus for free every month an you, my friend and fellow freedom lover should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Levine from Helstone Back COM. There are no strings attached general. donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for a house dealt ascended Primus to you for no cost every month
Start receiving in reading and Primus so you can know how to defend the freedom you love visit, Levine from Helstone Dotcom. That's Levine Alleviate Fray hills, Del Dotcom of Africa's most powerful conservative voice. The mark love em, show dial now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! Is there a single pro Israel conservative voice that they died? Defamation lake endorses. Now we have the American Jewish Committee and other left wing group. And they tried out the anti immigrant anti semitic and white supremacist theory that Tucker Karlsson touted is abhorrent and on American Fox NEWS should be embarrassed by their being a spouse and its network. We must call out and fight this extremist rhetoric,
course they linked to the idiot from the New York magazine, Jonathan Chip, all leftists all leftists all leftists. Does the New York magazine denounce the fair, can wing of the Democratic Party in the congressional black carcass Do they object to the fact that shocked and has a tv show MSNBC. and he's not alone. He's not alone in the late, though they attack Barack Obama, his past association. With palestinian radical course, not mark. Of course, not. she, these characters fastened on the left. Whatever religion whatever their group, they don't give a damn thing.
since they went after Trop, left, and right hammer and sickle. You would think they ate. I formation, like any american jewish Committee, would be supporting trump, no way back pocket of the Democratic Party, and then they quote each other hey did you hear what Jonathan Tray at had to say no and who cares wow? So you have left this magazine cited by a left wing. Jewish, And then you have a left wing, former Obama official of the tide defamation. I would be more on brine stouter, who has his whole life skull. Attacks on Fox is book solved. Nothing. Nobody watches the little maid head. but they can do this to anybody now they can use marxist claptrap left and right and they do they can use marxist claptrap left and right. Many centres is herself hating, Jus, Bernie,
Anders hates. The state of Israel report repeatedly talks about it. Being an apartheid state always comes to the defence of the of the violent radicals, as he does all over the world by the way have any these groups said, you know what he's a marxist. He uses the language of marks and Marks Co. Two hundred million people each this theory did. He needs to go course not of course, the Mama put up with it period.
Not now not ever, and I never have our we're gonna move on. We ve got other things to talk about here to a lot of other things to talk about here too, and I want to start with this. We do talk briefly about the police office, the questioners of the police chief in Brooklyn Centre Minnesota. It was unbelievable to listen to this. Unbelievable cut to MR producer. Go because I watch the video and listen to the authors commands. It is my belief that the officer had the intention to deploy their taser, but instead shot MR right with a single bullet This appears to me from what I view and the officers Action in Distress Emilia after that. This was an accidental discharge that resulted in the tragic death of Mr Right
I have asked to be easier to conducting an independent investigation into the shooting and death once their completed. I expect we will submit their findings independent of me to the appropriate authorities- probably authorities that will there were looking review. This I am also stressing that I do hope for the community to be patient and allow this investigation criminal investigation to be completed as thoroughly as possible. Three decision. First, while easily protests in front of the television dispersal of attending to disperse sealed, Gash Russell Genesis, one happens any police chiefs that protects his community or hers. We ve in it. In Seattle we ve seen it in Portland. We ve seen it in New York with Senator comes
immediate attack under immediate attack, any police chief who d and their buildings Ernie comes under immediate attack. Hey all these. For gathering and all are aware- was it's just like in front White House and Latvia Park, mostly peaceful notes, not mostly peaceful. It's mostly violent, go ahead, arrays clear, I was thrown from centre at the protests That is the right. We did not keep at it wasn't arrive. There were no right, there was no right What's amazing is MR producer? Is twenty small businesses were looted? Did you see that knows? There was video. Twenty small businesses were looted and there were fires, but that's not a right, because the media says it's not awry, go ahead. what I saw
I was we were being the officers. They were putting themselves in arms way, we're being pelted with four. Cans pop there being dealt with concrete blocks, And yes, we had our how what's on game the facts not arrive, that's mostly peaceful guide officer was injured, hid in the head with a black brick deputy. He was transported to hospital, so we had to make decisions we had to disperse across because we have got to treat it like the Portland Courthouse, which was also under attack. Wasn't it Mr Blair's attack after attack after attack on the Portland Courthouse, the federal Court House, insurrections left and right, insurrections left and right?
Go ahead, threats to be harmed. I've already answered the question I believe about your lighting. I know that's that's a big deal with you and I understand, but I thought it explain myself. So that is totally my decision and that's why I need that decision. You made a good to see cut for Well, you see the people, I am committed to prepare these rooms borders and they can be The activists or something but who are they exist anywhere, go ahead of every day. Peaceful protesters, accounting data, they weren't peaceful probed, they were peaceful testers, so you have a media outlets fighting with the police chief, one more cut, five go,
I've loved I believe that in the name of the game, Let's go this obviously head of public health and security in the said in the town. Go ahead: well, but I will tell you this: we have ever had least information as quickly as possible, and then I will leave it at that. There's no reason: no desire to withhold information any longer than is absolutely necessary. I won't do it moment, why offer was why are they trying to release the name? Did they want to kill.
do they want or home burned down what? What is the point, the name or come out in due course? What water who are these reporters? Who are these people, go ahead? It would be to catch the city manager who, by always african American, go ahead. Right, I'm see what I mean it was inappropriate in, a horrible accident and its on the video, and they immediately release the video. It doesn't sound like their covering up anything. But now you have a gala reporters, her pile on on here, and you know what it's the reporters and in many ways it's the media that our partners painting and creating enormous violence in this country, and I'm not kidding and I'm not kidding. they are participating in creating enormous violence in this country. These are not
Borders, these are antagonists, that's exactly what they are. They ve already chronic inclusion. So what do you want to do? You want to charge this cop? What murder. Is that what you want to do? What do you want to do and why charge them just fine, I'm guilty Enthralment present preposterous Masters I'll be right back then. I know you love How do I know that you, listen to my show, and my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom and the form of government that secures it for us The same with Hills Del College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time, because
Else, Dale is committed to pursuing truth and defending Liberty Helstone teachers stellar students to defend freedom, no matter what they major and whether it science or music or economics are business. Whatever hailstones teaches them. The defence liberty and they do that, for you too, through their free monthly digest of constitutional thought. Its cotton Primus. Five points six million Americans receive him Primus for free every month, an you, my friend and fellow freedom lover should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Levine from Helstone. Com! There are no strings attached general donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for a wholesale descended Primus to you for now, every month, so start with leaving in reading and Primus. So
can now how to defend the freedom. You love visit, love, infra, hills, they'll, Dotcom, that's Levine, alleviate Fray Hills, Dale Dotcom! You know I'm listening to this discussion. This debate on tv about infrastructure and the drip Democrats drag us into the world of stupid. So not infrastructure is their entire marxist left wing agenda. That's infrastructure, that's infrastructure! Now! That's not in forestry, So they always want to conceal what there actually doing they use phony titles on their bills and they lie about words.
Like Clinton is. It depends on what the meaning of visitors while depends on what the meaning of infrastructures and We actually Republicans who at the White House presently. Our and forty minutes today are trying to find a middle ground. This republican party doesn't have the foggiest idea. What's going on. You ve got these all bulls at the head of it, and then you have the next year, which is dumber than the topped. Here we are in a fight Our survival, if you believe in liberty and faith and family and republicanism we're in a fight for our survival. And you have Republican sitting in the oval office looking if they can find compromise, what Biden they should be. Looking to feed by they should be looking to defeat sugar. They should be looking to defeat policy on their agenda. They should have a plan.
That of affirmative agenda, that they can take to the american people, what principles and ideas and policies they have none of it. There are always pine defence. It doesn't matter how hard left the Democrats Gov. They always want to compromise. They always want to find something to agree on fight them beat them. This is a great difference between the Republican Party as an institution We as constitutional conservative, Joe Biden just created a commission to destroy the court system, and there What the White House, trying to figure out, if they can agree on infrastructure show by, I ran through trillions of dollars, now trillions of dollars now in profligate spending, which, among other things, provides money to his political base. And there are in the White House trying to see if they can come up with a compromise for struck
after their so called infrastructural bill. They have another infrastructure bell behind that and probably and other infrastructure, thereby not one, because it has nothing to do with infrastructure. The Republicans don't how to use the language they don't have to create the narrative. They dont position themselves, and this is. you and I are getting killed because they're supposed to represent us forever White House having a meeting where, by whose destroyed the southern border, whose great massive anarchy and chaos on the southern border for both sides of the border, but they want to deal It's the Republicans, you should say we're not deal.
Come hell or high water come what may we're not dealing. We don't deal with tyranny. We don't deal with a marxist agenda. It's incredible and even if they, at their deal bags come back for more spending. It doesn't make any sense. What's this strategy here, our I was a trillion dollars. I think our cutlass. maybe a trillion dollars, I get doesn't mean anything a trillion dollars. We're trillion dollars will just a great you'd think: that's gonna, stop them now they're going to come right back everyone, Republican should be out there denouncing what's taking place, explaining what's happening to our country, every single one of them. They have almost
If the house they have half the Senate and that's exactly what they should be doing, there's no deals to cope with this guy. Even if they get a quorum quote, deal he's not done, but I just sign Scores of executive orders to destroy this country, whether its critical re scenario, critical gender theory, a critical there's theory or that theory he wants mass of tax increases mass of regulations. Look at the people is appointing every single commission.
He picks up about left wing nazi, possibly can they guy wants in charge regards Treasury, it's like picking the biggest net job you possibly can the person I had to civil rights, the vision of the Department of Justice. They don't come on racist than her and and they want to talk about what that guy wants. The issue executive orders that violate the second amendment and the Republicans want to sit with him and talk to. It's not that the democratic so smart set the Republicans are so stupid. They should be able to take this radical agenda that the damage tat part of it already instituted more that they want to institute. Who cares what labels they pour on it?
I call it what it really is start pounding away, but you got marble Mouth republican leader in the Senate. Marble shut up, it's a shocking them You and I we can discuss this, you and I we know what the left is doing you and I know what they call it and how to address it. Why don't play? Why? Don't they you know at the front of the Republican Party one it was founded When it was founded in eighteen, fifty six, it was founded on principles, real deep strike principles. Terminate slavery, what is it doing now? I dont know I hear people say just get more Republicans in there and not against that. If they're going to block the damn it, I got it
They have a message for the people, so twenty twenty two we can win and twenty twenty four we can win and we can advance the cause of liberty, capitalism in a secure border and national security septic, give us something, but they don't. I think the Democratic Party in the left our way out of line they are embracing marxist ideology, of the brain, to every little love to cross tea and dotted I, but that's basically what They're doing it so it's Bernie Sanders agenda. They should be able to pick this apart, unravel the damn thing and ran down their throats can't for some reason there are worth the White House trying to figure out how to make a deal on infrastructure,
I'll, be right! Back now, broadcasting on roaming underground demand, both than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America Mark Levant. Here our number seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven we ate one three eight one one Wall Street Journal see egos. A new push on voting legislation. Companies from
a powder AMC have signalled they will support joining efforts for voter access. People say now. This is the language of propagandists voter axis What's happening hears these large companies have decided to throw on with it my crap party in the NEO Marxists, because they believe that's the trajectory, and that's where this is gonna wind up. They see the republic. as I have just described, see what's going on throughout the culture. They want to be on the side, the winning side, so to speak. They also unaware virtue signal that there are further down for the resistance. And also many, these corporate boards are loaded with millennial types, not millennials whipping,
of graduated from Ivy League schools and have been relatively brainwashed. This is at peace by Emily Glaser Chip, cutter, anti pink trim, Chen. They needed three people to write this dozens of chief executive, We now think it was by two hundred and seventy five. And other senior leaders gathered on zoom this weekend to plot what several said. Big business should do next, about new voting laws under way in Texas and other states. We should keep in mind. These are the corporatist that I've talked about for years now, they're out of the clause. Can. I should not the former chief executive American Express Kind of Frazier, CEO of Merk and company, urge the leaders to collectively coffee greater voting access. According to several people who attend greater voting access is not great voter access now.
Mr Barroso, you invite Kenneth Frazier on the programme. Ceo american company, let star one at a time. Ok,. It should not in Frazier, worn businesses against dropping the issue and ass. He used to sign a statement opposing what they view as discriminatory. Legislation on voting the new stuff. They could come early this week. The people said and will build on it on that seven two black executive signed last month in the wake of changes to Georgia's voting laws. This house things get started? This is how things myths and lies are perpetuated. The oval office, the Democratic Party may, the league baseball a handful of corporations. Thereafter, the races in one reinforced the other doesn't matter how big the lie, is it just goes on and on and on Mr Schulz,
What executives on the call that several leaders had signal? They would sign including executives at Pepsi COLA while skip them, pay pal t row price. Has cooperation among others. According to the people. paper confirmed it has signed the statement. Pepsi company, tiered pricing tested immediately respond to requests for comments. Also, the leaking helps build momentum for their cause. As more companies and their leaders have spoken of the issue in recent weeks. There stands have drawn the Irish Republic state and federal legislators who say companies are met, casting the matter and should the shadow lawmakers meanwhile, the vis and others have said that the actions leaders are taking aren't strong enough. Let me make a guess for you that the Democratic Party surrogates her working behind the scenes. The pressure these corporate executives to sign on.
plenty companies remain worry of waiting into politically charged areas, one executive from afar, from one hundred consumer products. Company said board members, employees and vendors. Oppressing leaders to speak out, but doing so could put a all on the company see that board members employs inventors. Billina Falcons owner Arthur Black, who also see Atlanta United Soccer team in Pga towards superstore, said he believes, a large share fans. The national football, like Major League Soccer Professional Conference Association, want the groups to make their pay patients known on voting rights, people in the call said Esther Blank, a co founder of home Depot, also Add some fancy expecting Vienna fell to say more now compare with five years ago, sounds like a moron metal.
perhaps in the chair, one of Starbucks Corporation, set on a call. The political unrest is bad for business and executive. To work together. In voting issues has states consider legislation and, as the trial of George Floyd's killing continue. What does the trial over George Floyd's killing have to do with republican legislators tasting taking the process back from the democratic This is all about the narrative and positioning he could see what's going on here. Then the media participate in this. So the question of follow up to hops and would have been what does one of the do the other? What are you talking about actually do think. Sixteen and seventeen year old should be able to register to vote, do think voter idea is a problem? I want all of you folks who go to the Atlanta Falcons Games. The latter, United Soccer team or Pga tore superstore? I want you and every one of those sexual
since to refuse to shall I d really Used to show I d, then I have a question for Mr Blank. Well named. Mr Blank, is it hard to get an idea? Is I racist attacks, To get a credit card, isn't it MR producer, yet to have created to get a credit card and a lot of people known have good credit, but they have ideas. So when you folks go to the Pga tore superstore, Are you an outline of falcons game are aligned a United Soccer team game and you want something to eat. You tell them that presenting a credit card is racist. Why should I presented credit card. They don't have good credit. Maybe I can't afford it. Maybe I don't want it up at more white people have credit cards and black people. That's just a guess. I'd better! I'm right.
What does that mean? As I mean the Ilona Falcons around by racist? Of course? Not this whole thing is stupid. some Ladys spoke out in favour of signing on the new statement, including AMC, entertainment holdings, ink Yo Adam around. Well now you know what theatres to go to what there is not to go to inclusive capital partners and asked a lot of companies. Director Lynn far stirred the Ross child O nutritious down for the revolution, and cyber cord technology she Yo Tina Con according to people familiar with the call others did. Mister Aaron and AMC spokesmen in response to requests for comment while respond having gained a family. set foot. I wanna hear theatres, see this. as I wore a political
it's not a race war. That's what the Democrats wanted to be because they cannot went on the substance. They cannot went on the merits. Most people opposed to what these legislatures or do. I have no idea what you're doing. and they don't care, because this is a not even a region. It's not our revolt and you should respond accordingly. The issue is unlikely to dissipate soon, of course, not because it works for the Democrats, more than three hundred fifty different vote those are under consideration and dozens of states according to a talent the Breton Centre for justice. Brennan Centre for justice named after just. Brennan who was a left wing cook. But therefore, just How do I know it's in their title, its chiseled on their building and there are public policy. Think tank. According to the Wall Street Journal, not a left wing. Think tank, a public policy think tank.
Some executives on the card described somebody else has either racist or restrictive in several participants, describe their efforts as critical tomorrow to democracy rather than partisan. No, Nowhere in this article does it show us these racist bills that Explained to us that the racist they just call them races and what is strict of anything short of anybody can vote on election day who wants to wherever they want about. However, they about so anything short of that restrictive. So any time we have laws, you're restricted.
The broken centre mayor fire, these city manager, who called for due process MR produce? Did you know that just happen there, both african American, so the Brooklyn Centre Mayor, fired the city manager who called for due process humble? Jeffrey Sun, and felt a yell school of management. Professor, can feel convene the ceo gathering of some day. You go there, you go it. This didn't happen spontaneously. a left wing professor from Yale, was behind. It said many corpse It is a concern that voting legislation could affect. Employees are stakeholders, they don't want why'd, you You're so so they go on Brad CARP, criminal law for Paul Weiss, Rifkin, Wharton and Garrison by that's a big business.
Has organised dozens of large law, firm leaders to put out a separate statements. I hear you go putting out statements, wow Ford Foundation, President Ford Foundation is now a left wing up. therein Walker plants to sign the new statement said that in his conversations with sea Yos, including republican chief executives, most us they don't see the need for laws to tighten voter access. Ladies and gentlemen, you're not tightening voter access, your tightening the laws to ensure that people who are supposed to vote vote why that is a race issue, of course, is only because the Democrats.
Make it a realization fact thinking a lot about this. You know the Democrats make everything erase issue back knowing the Confederacy race issue, segregation, race issue, Marxism, today, race issue, infrastructure We have the Idiot sector transportation out there, saying that bridges arises: bridges, bridges, bridges or racist everything's infrastructure and everything's raises its head simple. So the Democrats, Can't lose spend, spend Spain everything's infrastructure, and anyone who disagrees with us is raises its head. Simple, now notice, not one of these egos ever not one of our priorities, where's the election said the existing laws and any of these states were restrictive. Erases united, at America. Not one of these phony Theo's at any time
said: any these laws were racist or restrictive. Prior to the last election. But now they are why? Because it swept biting off such. Why said simple, it said simple, no criticism of what took place. None. Corporate Amerika, you have now picture poison, you pick your medicine and it is poison. You- will never be seen the same way by tens of millions of Americans. those of us who believe in free market capitalism, though We also believe in market competition,
those of us who believe in lower taxes and regulate, I don't care if your tax, they Helen, regulated out of existence, hiking careless, I could care less. If you care less about my liberty, if you care less about franchise. That is those who vote Jim it lay, but have there have their votes neutral, eyes are eliminated, because if somebody voting, who should unite worth supporting you're not worth defending not in the least. They also think a lot of these guys and gas are upset because Trump got entity. Trade wars, particularly China, to protect our country to protect our country. And a lot of these guys or sell out they come This regimes to fascistic regimes, to monarchies in the Middle EAST and, of course, the Communist China.
This Pepsi do business in communist train. Of course it does have a most of these other companies if they don't they want. There is no question about it. Don't the many more she can avoid supporting them with your money to avoid it. Avoid supporting them period avoided there's a whole lot of them. so one of the things we're gonna need to do down the road, and there is a group that does it. I think it's called second vote: we're going to need to get who these companies are and what they believe in. It's time that we stop playing defects. It's time that we stop playing Washington Republican. Because, in the end, if we're going to save this republic, we're gonna do it, we, the people of Iraq, back then over.
Two thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless carries to pure talk over the past few months. We want the of you to join us and to see what we're talking about, if you're, with eighteen see and variety and or t mobile your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, you got great coverage. You can keep phone, and your number and your save a fortune pure talk is that top rated wireless company by consumer affairs, with the absolute best consumer service, team, right here in Amerika. Does that sound good? Well, it gets better right, I'll get unlimited talk, text and six gigs of data. Just thirty was a month, and if you go over on data, they charge you for it. They don't care, go to pure Usa, dot com and then a promo code, Levant Podcast again pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo code,
the Van Alleviate podcast, and when you do, you will say fifty percent of your first month That's pure talk, USA, DOT, com, promo code, Levine, podcast purity. Usa simply smarter wireless, you know I served in a rag administration for eight years campaign for Reagan. My theme seventies as a very young man of the republican establishment opposed them. I can't pain form eighteen eighty, when the republican establishment, a poem including Bush, family, especially Carl Rove and the rest, and the media in the dynamic that's used to call Reagan races all the time. men did ever racist bone in his body have come to know Donald Trump, very, very
Well to man doesn't have a racist bone in his body. These republican legislatures for talked about This way by the ceo, let me say this about these sea- goes in these companies. it is they who are racist, it is who turn the other cheek when it the genocide is they. You don't believe in human rights given their globalist agenda, it is Who don't care about workers? It is they who are helping to tear this country part by throwing in with a radical left. It may make them, you'd, better most of them. It turns out most of their boards happen to be Democrats, I suppose, but in the end, but in the end they are destroying themselves. They are fools.
they are full of his Khrushchev, who said that in America, the capitalists we'll sell the rope with which they hang themselves. Something to that effect. And you can see how self destructive these forces are. If I read the report, in Congress. You know they never listen to me, but if I were the republic in Congress, any aspect of the vine bill that punishes these corporations. Let it go, let it go, let it go. They made their bed fight against the other taxes fight like hell when they environmental aid with protection agency. Put some of these companies out of business, Where the Agriculture Department put some of these companies had a business, these other mass of bureaucracies,
Some of these companies out of business good screw them make room for real entrepreneurs and small business people make room for people actually love this country. Not people who want to destroy our voting system. I've got no problem with it. I'm down for that revolution. These are corporatist, that's what they are there, not patriots they're, not capitalists, their corporatist and at the beginning and the end of copyright,
no money says it does mark Levant, Watermark Levant said nobody could say a better call. Now I read seven seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. I want to talk about zero by speaking of Facebook, just the news as a great By giant Solomon, they have a lot of really breaking in. format of information on that site Zuckerberg. His group gave Detroit seven point for me the entire dramatically expand voting and city Keith Abiden win I'm gonna get into this little with you, but to me Zuckerberg should be investigated. criminally and civilly for providing in kind tribulations laundering them through these organisations to influence the election. We can't
Billionaires particularly Leaning on the left, who are really and it s like Soros and Zuckerberg in the rest influencing our elections. This way, these are the corporatist who are undermining our country they are undermining our country. They ve thrown him with the radical elements of the Democratic party corporations have thrown in fascist before they ve thrown in wood neo marxist regimes. Their throwing him with a democrat part, this centre for tech, and so life's donations to blue strongholds are attracting increased attention and controversy. This is just the news these centre for attack and civil life, a voter advocacy groove funded by Facebook, founder Mark Zuckerberg, so he founded this group donated symbol, four million last year to Detroit to among other things, quote dramatically, expand strategic voter education and outreach
In a blue city, key to Joe binds twenty twenty election when, according to memos obtained by the news hundred open records, request, Solomons Great Detroit three grants and twenty twenty from Zuckerberg group for two hundred thousand three million five hundred and twelve thousand and three million seven hundred and twenty four thousand. According to the records released and emissions freedom of Information ACT. Now that amount Bennett by more than half the city's thirteen million election budget. So here you have a billionaire washing his money through a group. Over half the money going into promoting the election in these sites is from him in strictly democrat areas of Detroit got it. The amount, augmented by more than half the city's thirteen million election budget and dwarfed it six point. Three and grants that the organs.
She gave five Wisconsin cities a silly of donation set, is generated, accusations that private money, wrongly used to influence the local election judges and administrators hey, I wonder if those over- one hundred and seventy five c users from those companies are gonna check towards Zuckerberg day. What do you think, ladies and gentlemen, here right. The reach of Zuckerberg money has created a backlash and some GNP states like George in Arizona. Now you know the ceos in part or also joining together. They want to be able to you. Dark money, go through the back door, wash their money through organizations to influence the outcome of these elections and they want the Democrats
to when you want to know why cause, I don't believe in market competition and free enterprise anymore. They want to buy favour, they want to buy influence, they don't mind. Big government of big government makes them rich, feel Klein head of the non profit, Start project, which is terrific, which is contested. Private financing of election administration in several states said the destroyed the Detroit memos shown instance in which Sucker Burg money was allowed to influence a key battleground during the twenty twenty election. why some of you are stolen? Facebook is honestly beyond me. The records of in Wisconsin Pennsylvanian Michigan, show this Cupboard, monies were used to buy off government officials, Taking the manner in which the election was conducted, an you,
in government to target democratic stalk strongholds, they turn out to vote. For Mr Barton Blind said Such action is wrong. Unlawful and dramatically undermine the integrity that twenty twenty election. We must now Let a shadow government run our elections to the benefit of favorite candidates and political parties, but apparently in seventy five ceos do want to be part of a shadow gum their runs our elections now, there's Zuckerberg front grew. state recipients of money have defended the grand saying the money help carry out an election made more difficult by the pandemic. that's why it's only in the inner cities in democratic areas, election officials across the country, not only reinvented their procedures so that voters remained safe, they said, but they also want, above and beyond, to ensure accessibility by voters with disability
in whose starkly disenfranchised communities said the Zuckerberg front group Zuckerberg front groups, grant money the Detroit was shrouded in. Secrecy was city official, Declining initial request to identify how and where the money was spent, prompting Joe. the news to file the fire request. The records obtained late last make sure the city received three tranches of money. The two hundred Thousand dollar grant, according to the sucker break front group, was quote used exclusively for the public this planning and operational, lies in safe and secure election administration in the city of the toy. What about the rest of Michigan? Now I've set grant: three million five and twelve thousand. They said the objective with the grandest to ensure. For election day voting and dramatically expand strategic voter education and outreach efforts. I am quoting the funding allotted
department will be utilised to provide assistance to voters and it goes off now. What about that? Massive third grand three point: seven million. Detroit set aside two point: seven million quote to increase pay for eight thousand pole workers, not only six one thousand hours for increasing pay for election staff working or at the receiving verification boards, and three hundred fifty thousand, because an additional ten high speed bout counting machines for the absentee ballot operation. two point: seven million set aside for eight thousand poor workers on election day, assuming Thirteen our work day corner to Detroit City clerk comes out to about twenty six thousand. Our in November, just The news reported Detroit had also approved a one million dollar contract with William a fillip stand.
Think for Pierre, you Management LLC to higher up the two thousand workers to work: the Poles and staff, the ballot counting machines that paid workers at least fifty dollars an hour. In other words, there is a massive influx of money to get out the vote in the dark Crack communities in these cities and to tell the public officials that if you want them money, and you want to help you have to do what I mark Zuckerberg tell you to do I'll. Think about that. Now, this spared some controversies in Green Bay was constant. We're newly really stock. Shall I tell him one point: six, nine and grant funding from this outbreak. Frankly, in other words, what Zuckerberg in his Frank group did it is in general, they went into these battleground states, and then they went into the most democrat areas of the battleground states they,
Four hundred million dollars into these areas overall telling the local of she was working, they give you money, we're gonna help you get out the vote. but we can, you know, wash it through the front group we're going to give it a grant, make so like a year, a public service Then these democratic areas you see and that's what Zuckerberg he should be under investigation. This whole scheme should be under investigation. We cannot have a egg, a fascist, a company like face And now you know why their wiping out conservatives in silence and conservatives in silencing opposition, we cannot have a fascistic company at sensors. Free speech like Facebook not only making billions and billions and billions of dollars off your backs cause you don't know what they're doing with your private information, have no say in it, but now they just influence.
Election cycle and a massive way in their being joined by these other companies, so Zuckerberg and Facebook need to come under investigation They need to be sued whatever it takes, needs to be thrown at this company, because this company, influence the last election, or can you imagine if Exxon or back years ago, standard oil had done exactly the same thing when the baby man's for all kinds of investigations. All kinds of new laws, not not by the Democrats goes. A Democrats have gone autocratic. There perfectly happy was aka Burg doing what he's doing, but anybody with actual integrity now soccer bag and Facebook to your enemy. Now now you're adversary, Dave attacked free speech tongue about
first amendment I said free speech. They attacked the the sharing of actual knowledge with your fellow citizens. They ve. Why'd you under their sight, some people build businesses on the site. They're scared to death to step out, align soon affect their threatened. They'd make billions I was off your back without you even knowing and now secretly. You didn't know any of this before the elections secretly for A million dollars give or take used election to get out the Democratic Party vote in the most democratic areas in these battleground states. Imagine what these other corporations are doing I'll be right back then over two thousand of you. My listeners made the switch from overpriced wireless carriers to pure talk over the past few months. We want the
of you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're with eighteen see and varieties and r T mobile. Your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, you got great coverage. You can keep phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure talk is that top raided wireless company by consumer affairs, with the absolute best consumer service team, right here in Amerika. Does that sound good? Will it gets better right I'll, get unlimited talk, text and six gigs of data. Just thirty. Was a month and if you go Over on data, they. Charge you for it? They don't care, go to pure ugh, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levant Podcast again pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo code, Oh then alleviate podcast, and when you do, you will say fifty percent of your first month. that's pure talk: USA, DOT, com, promo code, Lavigne, podcast, pure
You, I say, simply smarter wireless after the top of their tails story. Some of you know what some of you don't about: John Adams and the Boston massacre, and what does that have to do with anything today, but does have to do anything today. I will tell Because when the african American Mayor Brooklyn Centre, Minnesota fires, the african american city manager,. Because these city managers says we must have due process see how politics, how politics, snaps justice.
Enough justice, so the media or inflaming the situation in Brooklyn Centre. You heard summit, funny reporters there in this situation, now black list matters on the scene; no doubt others as well. Here's to be from the video Accidental, shooting by police or sir of a young black men, good, also hear yelling areas. A warrant headed for having it in got a gun in the past and So, while one officer was putting cuffs autumn, he fought in weapons eager message they get back into his car right, They had aware about what was happening and the police Officer who wound up shouting him, it was pretty clear from the video she intended to take him. Can we play cut one again, MR bloom?
Sir Police. Here we go. And there she knew her life would change for errors. The individual was killed and his life is over a horrific tragedy, and I want to do what I consider public service announcement when you are stopped by a police officer. I don't care who you are you do what they are. Do they don't know you don't know what you're capable of they're gonna see if you have any outstanding warrants with this gentleman did for an illegal composition.
because otherwise you can wind up dead. Or severely injured. This is clear that this female police officer knew that the body cameras on Because she held out several times, taser, I'm gonna, take your taser taser taser taser taser, but they ve lost control of the gentle. who went into the car and I guess they had idea what he was going into the car for and she was intending to take him, but she shot and the video with George. Lloyd tells us one thing. This video tells us another thing. And I am saying that if people riot tonight, they should be rounded up and thrown into jail and the book should be thrown at them, and the book should be thrown out the demagogues, ladies and gentlemen, the demagogues and our country
whether their television, whether their politicians, whether there in sports for sports castors The demagogues and controlled demagogue this as they demagogue, everything, but every case not the same. Every fact situation is the same every videos, not the saying that set simple and yet some cases it's its tragic and so the mayor abroad. Center firing, the city manager for saying that we must have due process, is really shocking It reminds me of John Adams,
reminds me of something I want to tell you, after the top of the hour about China will be right back. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the podcast, is sponsored. sclusively, by aim at the association and mature american citizens, now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S, Slash jaw!
easy now, broadcasting them only underground commandos than the bowels of the hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script filling we once again made contact with our leader of Arkell, then hear our number seven, seven, three, eight one, three one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one: if an individual of murdering scores of being in our country, they still have to process under our constitutions, federal and state with the cherries.
How many times have we heard people say people say, don't be so quick to draw a conclusion of a jury system. We heavy a justice, Now the problem is, we have some mouthpieces in this country who play the game They, I tells you, lose the jury system. The judicial system justice is ok. If we win, it is racist. If we lose or is bigoted if we lose or it is whatever. If we lose and that's what's happening today, we have literal mobs for me outside court houses and police stations, literal mobs.
were egged on who are gone by the media, who were gone by athletes or Aidan by corporations who are ignored by black lives matter by Antigua by others, which is why I want to talk about John Adams. John Adams of Massachusetts, never owned a sleigh by the way, our friends from fought company John Adams believed that the rule of law should be paramount and that the British, Soldiers involved in the Boston massacre deserved a fair trial. The city manager, Brooklyn Centre, Minnesota a black man, said exactly the same thing.
And he was fired by the mayor and other black man, because the mayor is a politician. I political hack, the city manager, believes in the justice system. So what happened here. Marge five: seventeen: seventy, a small gathering of colonists from Boston, we're tormenting british soldiers, unlike normal They taunting on this day lead to an escalation of hostilities. There was a century standing in front of the custom House who talk back to the colonists, colonists than arrived on the scene. Fact the church bells: And ringing, which lead to even more colonists arriving on the same church bells were typically wrong in cases of fire.
then Preston any detachment of seven or eight soldiers were surrounded by Boston. since were angry and taunting them Dempster com They gathered. Citizens were useless at this point. Something happened that caused a soldier to fire. There must get into the crowd soldiers, including Captain Prescott, claim the crowd had heavy club sticks and fired. Prescott said that the soldier who shot first was hit by a stick just like when it with any confusing public event. A number of disparate accounts were given about the actual chain of events. What is known is that, after the first shot more followed in the air,
the math several people were wounded and five were dead, including an african american name. Christmas attics John Adams led the defence team. He received a knock on the door. The British said we can fine anybody to defend us and Adam said he would. does he believed in the rule of law and he believed and due process come what may. and he was assisted by Josiah Quincy. They faced off against the prosecutor, Samuel Quincy, Josiah brother. They waited seven months to start the trial in order to let the fewer died down in the meantime, the sons of liberty, anybody know Led the sons of liberty and other items, Samuel items, a tremendous patriot and a cousin of John Adams.
The sons of Liberty had started a major propaganda effort against the British. Now this sixty trial, quite long for its time, was held in late October. Preston pleaded not guilty. And its defence team called witnesses to show who actually yelled the word fire. This was said: not approving whether Preston was guilty. The witnesses contradicted themselves in each other. the jury was sequestered in after deliberating they acquitted Prescott issues, we pressed him, they use the basis of reasonable doubt, as there was no proof he actually did ordered his men to fire. Now, the verdicts effect was huge as the leaders of the rebellion used. It is further proof of Great Britain's tyranny. Paul
we created his famous engraving in the event that he titled the bloody massacres perpetrated in King Street the boss. The massacre is often pointed towards an event there presage, the illusionary war events soon became a rallying cry for the patriots. While John Adams actions made em unpopular with the Patriots in Boston for several months, it was able to over the stigma due to a stance that he defended the British through principle, rather than sympathy for their cause principle. The city manager, Brooklyn Centre, stood for the principle of due process. Every single point in Brooklyn City who was arrested last night for writing
everyone who will be arrested tonight. Should they right will be given due process due process Every one of you whose every confronted criminally will be given due process and all kinds of due process. You have a right to a lawyer. You were right to remain silent. Give her right to an appeal, have a right to another appeal: you have a right to the evidence that the prosecution has You have a right to conduct discovery of a right cross examined witness call witnesses. You have a right to have him but on who de jure should be it's the greatest?
the system, the world is every created, so why should it apply to police officers? And this particular officer with a video shows something very, very different, very, very different. It shows an accident, a terrible accident, their results. death of this young man. It shows the young man being covered actually going along with the directives of the police. And then she else out that there's a warrant through possess an illegal gun. Then he paused, from that particular officer and gets into the car, obviously
They don't know. What's going on in the car no officer runs up and says taser taser taser multiple times. She knows the videos are running the body camps, she's warning him and she pulls out a weapon and shoot him and said o s. I shot him because he thought she was reaching for her taser. That's what we see on the video. There will be no astrogation and all the rest, but already the people question Police chief in the city management were demanding her head. We wanted
We want our name. Why you covering up what we just released the video we can give the name. Yet why can't we have the name? The reason is obvious because they don't want the mob killing her. They don't want her house. Fire bombed, They need to protect her and most of the resources and assets are trying to protect the police station, which is why last night about twenty businesses were looted and the community twenty business, and there were fires as well in process its in our constitution for reason: it's to protect individuals from the mob, among other things, and when the mayor,
Brooklyn Centre Minnesota, fired the city manager for saying that we need to ensure the police officer receives due process. He became part of the mob. And if you watch ESPN one two three or seventeen tomorrow and you hear broadcasters former athletes present athletes speaking like mayor of Brooklyn sooner than you know their part of the mob that they don't believe in due process, particularly in this specific instance with videos quite different than other videos. What is it that that mob once did? They want justice now? What do they want?
What do they want I'll? Be right back, The association of mature american citizens is one of the first describing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a macbook in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and Beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, self plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get
max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at aims. Dont? U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U S stopped boarding. The liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U s! so what's happening in our country is by racial, rising everything were being torn to pieces, constitutions being trampled rationale, is being rejected and the mob is in charge. The mom doesn't have any particular reason. identity of always better mobs and chalk, and this is a huge problem.
We have an autocrat and the oval office who plays the mob, who uses the mob. The democratic party during last summer's riots there was overlap between the demo. My party, the mob and the right the violence, which is why they couldn't in clear plain English condemn, certainly not more than one passing have sentence. That's what's taking place the Chagos way too fast, I can easily do five hours a day, not that all of you would listen. So I want to move on. I wouldn't be. Joe Biden in this whole court packing issue the fact that there is a discussion about court packing Is intended as a minimum to threaten the Supreme Court so On Roberts, they know, is a coward and he's gone. Hollywood so he doesn't want to do anything to upset
de the Democratic Party and their circuit. He actually voted with the three leftists Who stand shoulder to shoulder that California was preventing? people of faith from actually meeting in their own private homes and certain numbers that why Willie violating anything it wasn't any different than what the other people were doing on the secular perspective and so forth in the majority said, that's not true. Clearly is the majority was five so We'll say: there's six conservatives on the court. First of all, they dont know what they're talking about. Secondly, there not conservatives their constitution lists it's not a political interpretation, take constitutional interpretation, but Roberts voted with the other three and it's not the first time. This has to be the third floor. Fifth time. The Supreme Court has told California to cut it out to let people have faith alone and that they have.
to associate particularly around the religious views. Five, the for you know what that is. Is religious liberty hanging by a thread by a thread by a thread, but that's right too much for the Democrats. They want to pack the court and so they're threatening the court effectively aren't they here was Joe Biden, two thousand and five Joe Biden. In two thousand five cut six go the Senate as an institution stood against the executive overreaching in his own party, the son of a gun. Stood firm in thirty seven, the court packing attend. This particular The sentence resolves instructive. Today's debate, so let me describe In some detail in the summer of thirty seven Roosevelt, come off a landslide victory over our land and yet a congress.
of a solid new dealers The nine all men of the court were is agenda. This environment, Roosevelt. And remember the sole adage about power corrupts in absolute power, corrupts absolutely clear. that by power. In my view, unveiled is court packing plan, you want an increase, The number of justice is the fifteen align help denominate those additional judges took the neck. Courage on the part of his own party institution. To stand up against this power grab one, whether what a chameleon this guy is unwanted disgrace. The skies. That's what is wanted Oprah want free begin, these long formative years. We knew me too, and I want you're, but partly she's doing them now.
I've started a little LE little cottage industry. I think. Hey Joe Biden, CNN, twenty nineteen go the idea. Somehow we have decided that our system doesnt work or which have heard someone saying that we're gonna packed the court's we're going to fundamentally change like I'm going to do it from did you know We take control, I'm going to go in there and I miss going to buy executive order. What are we talkin about it's just a year and a half ago? How much time do I have. And then here's Harry read on CNN Saturday, Jimmy CASTOR gotta go Where do you stand on that? Do you think it's a good idea to add seats to the Supreme Court? I think it is be very, very careful in doing so. From the commission, but I think that the commission. who is going to come back and his point a lot of people. I think. come back and say, This can leave it alone. I bring with me.
But this time after that, long Then we have time limits for judges, very, very, very careful and saying that we need a spanish I'm very varied and Acosta is like stunned. He thought he brought red I'm here to be a hand, puppet go ahead for us, you really leader, Harry read. I think some people might be surprised to hear you say that, because you were Definitely a fire when you're in the Senate and like to take it to the other side, but it sounds like you're urging caution moving forward I regard the Duma really. What did you say? One, let me say one thing: the celebration Is on its way out is not a question. Question where, Cannot have a democracy that sixty percent of the vote, and so it's only a question of time. Do you feel measure gives one hand takes where the other we don't have the money see you idiot, that's why there's two senator
from every state- that's not a democracy! It's a representative republic, MAGIC Democracy was sixty percent of all the air, while you can ever republic if you'd take it away and that's what they want to do take our republic well I'll, be right back aim at the association and mature american citizens is one of the first describing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook lives in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full. Time, presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond But to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts cellphone
It's a hell of a lot more and It's not enough you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at aims dont? U S, that's a m, a sea that, U S stop boarding the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U S, magua, then the Voice of America dial every seven seven. Forty eight one, three, eight one, one unit to shoot that today, MR producer. Now we linked to this started linked to it over the weekend when it first broke, and I wanted to discuss more broadly with you.
So funny thing about Marxists, They don't really want to live the life they wish to impose on the rest of us. You see that throughout marxist countries and so forth,. Here from the near post, and it's not the first place. I read this. I read this. I believe it was a post millennial first, but it doesn't matter. inside the alarm cofounder Patrice Con colors. in dollar real estate buying binge this is the woman who announced achieves cheese a marxist. His protest broke out across the country A black lives matter rights, the new posts, the groups found her went on a real estate buying binge snagging for high in homes. For three point, two million sounds like buying. in the? U s alone, according to property records, Patrice Con collars, thirty seven so I'd property in the Bahamas at an ultra exclusive resort, we're just in timber like a tiger woods both have homes, the posters learned,
I am sure this will be all over tv to MAR all over sports luxury apartments and town houses at the beach front, Albany Resort outside Nassau, our price between five and twenty million according to local agent. Now this. Describe marxist last month, purchase day, one point: four million dollar home on a secluded road, a short time. four malibu and allay according to a report. I mention this Friday actually on the ear, twenty three hundred and seventy square foot property features soaring ceiling, skylights and plenty of windows with canyon views, the Topanga, Canyon, Homestead It includes two houses on a quarter acres, just one of three homes that beyond the ally area public records, show now that I didn't know some fellow activists were taken Backed by the real estate revelations HAWK Newsome, they had a black lives a great many are exceeded. This guy's, a real loser, called for an independent investing
Asian, to find out how the global network spends its money and where this is the guy, so we're gonna, burn machete down huge ironical, suffer social issue. If they ask how much of our own personal money is going to charitable causes, he said. No, the first question you s, Nimrod: where did you get the money from shrilly sad, does it makes people doubt the validity of the movement and overlook the fact that it's the people they carry this movement last year she and spouse cornea con ventured to Georgia to acquire forethought. My custom ranch a three point to rural areas, in Conyers featuring a private airplane hangar with a studio apartment above it and they use. they twenty five hundred foot paved grass community runway. They can accommodate small airplanes while the three bedroom to bath house about thirty minutes from Atlanta.
has it indoors swimming pool and a separate Harvey shop that can accommodate the repair they mobile home or small aircraft. According to the real state listing the peach state retreat was purchased in January twenty twenty four four hundred fifteen thousand two years after the publication of her best selling memoir. When they call you a terrorist, though now we call you a capitalist pig. In October, the activists signed a multi platform deal with Warner brothers. Television group to help reduce content for black voices, have been his. Likely marginalized Koran quote. She said in a statement how it's not known, how much conquers receiving compensation and either deal conquers began Buying spray, an ally and twenty sixteen few years have the civil rights women she started from a hashtag black lives matter. Would follow activists
Alisha Garza and Alpine Committee began to gain traction around the world that year she bought a three bedroom. One point: five bathroom home until Inglewood, four five hundred ten thousand now worth eight Count tires added her wife, the co founder of black lives matter in Canada to the deed and a family trust. Last year they couple married in twenty sixteen years later, two thousand and eighteen she purchased the four Home and south I'll lay a multi ethnic neighbourhood. She paid five and ninety thousand for the seventeen hundred twenty five while she's got so many hopes, I can't keep track MR produce she's worth millions. Ladies and gentlemen, millions like most marks a solar who are the so called leaders of these movements. She owns everything and China can take what everyone's Madeira has our.
done at invent as well, they Castro's they plundered their own country, the marxist Slash Fascists Abbas and his family plan. The palestinian people, the Hamas leadership of plunder, their people, plunder impoverishment,. What is it about this ideology of Marxism that draws people one day, I'll, explain it in a lot more detailed. Not today has no that she's a fraud, donations and pledges from corporations and individuals poured into the movement of that. That point or the riots February they'd be alive, nonprofit co, funded by her till the AP that they took it Ninety million dollars and twenty twenty one twenty one point seven knowing committed to grant funding in helping thirty black led groups across the country, but you remember
time we said well, what's gonna happen to the other. Seventy million black lives matter later, We're not specify how much money they took it from prominent donors according to the AP, but a bunch of Suckers now they gave all this money to blacklist modern. Obviously, this woman it has suffered enormous salary in Firstly, Hollywood paid or a lot of money tell so not clear much she makes in salary is one of the leaders of the movement since its final as a split among both non profit and for profit entities and difficult the trick. What's all the secrecy, why all the secrecy, the Nonprofit Oakland California, Base Veolan Global Network Foundation. Fanned by collars and somebody by the name of costly scales. It was incorporated in twenty seventeen she's, getting good legal and tax advice and claims to have trappers
at the? U dot S to Uk Canada and a mission to eradicate white supremacy and build power. Now, there's a community in California where she just bought this house. I believe it's four point: seven percent black MR producer kind of like Lebrons community down for the revolution. Neither can collars nor be alarmed global network foundation. Return request for comments were what can they say guilty. Now. The question is whether there will be an investigation of her. Maybe the Manhattan district attorney is a complete slime ball. Maybe Vance Junior will look into this and by the way on matters of footnote and an important one. Let me tell you what this piece of crap stewing in Manhattan, this democratic elected D.
He's taking the year the CEO who overseas most of trumps properties, who also work for trumps Father and his threat. Name is trying to put the pinch on this guy to get money than you can on Trump member, but Trump's taxes are. I assume, tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of pages in length. And there are also putting the arm on one of the former. I think the form I've done junior or somebody like that. I read it so fast in passing I apologize So this is really low life stuff really low life stuff to go after an ex president to go after his businesses. The IRS. His Fredo ordered him and has been auditing em and hasn't taken any actions against him, certainly not of a criminal nature. Ma
had access dollars, taxes if he wanted them, and now we have a local district attorney. Thanks to that Supreme Court, again, rummaging through trumps tax looking to destroy him and when you on all the businesses he does, and you have all the credit and debt nor the investment activities all the rest of it. Going on. Somebody wants they guard enough. I assume they can find something in it for that kind of a dossier? I assume you will take that something which may not rise to the level of a prosecutable issue and try and turn it into one That's what's going on is also working with Michael Cohen. This is why your furious, the Democratic Party, is a tyrannical entity. It always has been. It always has. And yet it has so many people fall. It's unbelievable, they're gonna lies
good. It demagoguery, the good of propaganda, that's what they do. Copyright Back then, The association of mature american citizens is one of the fair describing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a macbook in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full. Time presence in Washington a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond, but to see joining a MAC gives you access, toy welfare benefits and discounts, including special member only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone it's a hell of a lot more in it. it's not enough you'll get a max by
Monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at aim. Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M, a seed dot! U s! wow apples going to move which Film out of Georgia has rights good points out, guess why you know what this jerk Smith and Apple should have their asses kicked? It Georgia because they subsidize the genocidal killing machine and Communist China does not another.
And in Georgia, let alone a republican state representative or the governor who ever gave aid and comfort. to a genocidal regime in Red China Apple should be called on. Coal. Persona non grata same with this jack I'll, see you in every Republicans state through other answers out, she's my french kind of fight fire with fire for crying out loud and by the way I want to thank the Bonn GINO report. One would think I write scope wanna thank legal insurrection, all of which have inside. A link to my monologue. The opening of life, and Levin last night, and I hope you enjoy did as well and we will put there must reduce. We should put it up on the home based too
all right, it's on rumble on parlour, and it is our mark. Levine showed outcome. I hope you'll take a listen. If you didn't hear live San Francisco, ladies and gentlemen, used to be the most beautiful city, it really was, but then they he radical Marxist left. Look it over. Ninety plus he's been running their place for almost forty years. Almost forty years and its they point out blaze, media. Great many San Francisco residents moved out of the city of the last two years, with a significant number of em heading I consider localities and flawed in Texas. New data shows, God forbid. If they vote Democrat, they should be banned. of all. The major issue of cities are home to democratic how speaker Nancy Pelosi top the charts for losing the most. Residents in twenty nineteen, twenty twenty, according to a study conducted by
Maybe our eastern neighbour group, a Dallas Base Commercial Realty firm. The study, that in twenty twenty, a whopping eighteen residents per one thousand left the city, doubling twenty nineteen rate of nine residents per one thousand, the mass exodus from San Francisco was clearly part of a trend over the last couple years, as several other liberal metropolitan areas such as New York, idiom. Boston in Seattle, followed right behind. Business insider noted that, while the bulk of residents exiting San Francisco ended up an error in other areas, the caliph
you like Sacramento, a sizeable portion of them, ended up across the country and writer states like Florida in Texas. Now the Seeber group which made its analysis off of: U S, P S records obtained through freedom of Information ACT, request claim they cover nineteen pandemic, greatly accelerated migration trends and coastal and some about markets. Now. Why would that matter? It mattered because these were the most totalitarian of the cities in the areas in the country, member that Song California. Here we come
so, Mr Blair's one out, nobody thinks it anymore. Never everybody said go to California want to make your fortune go to. California want to be a writer and actress and artists go to college. Now they say get the hell out of here as fast as you can. That's what one Party Democrat Party rule does that's what mark Zuckerberg wants to do to the country? That's what this clown at Apple wants to do the country and all these other corporatist. There, private jets they're worth fortunes though fly here and there they can avoid anything you can. They are now the enemy no longer to be defended. They dont defend capitalism. They don't fuck, defend voter integrity, theyve lined up with the most radical Democrat Party in America. history. The most left Wing Democratic Party in american history. Then that's so they signed up with while so be it we're going to defend. Our liberty are family. Our faith are private property rights.
Our sovereignty, our children and our grandchildren, and they ll. Up with the wrong team, that's correct these multinational corporations, happy doing business with anyone anywhere they dont have a moral. In their bodies are all lined up the do business and Communist China sickening sickening people ass. How did this happen in the nineteen thirty you're, watching it you're watching it. The New York Times silent, the Washington Post, silent corporations are dead matter. They just wanted to make their bread. That's it. The only true morality is among us, quite frankly, TAT told I go for five hours. Five make it six six make a tent Ladies and gentlemen, we saw at our armed forces police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel. Thank you all for being there
trust me, I know a blessed. I really have you out there and I will See you tomorrow, goblet
Transcript generated on 2021-05-05.