« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/12/19

On Friday's Mark Levin Show, illegal aliens and all Democrat experiments should happen in blue states and be paid for by people in those states. This idea of nullifying immigration law is a throwback to the Confederacy. The left supports secession as long as it's issue-based; arguing that the President (Obama) alone should have plenary power when it comes to immigration. When President Trump enforces federal immigration law then the left no longer wants him to have plenary power. Liberals like to pick and choose which laws to enforce as long as they trash Trump. The media claims to fact-check Trump, but they've never been interested in fact-checking Obama. Moreover, where are the Latino's on CNN? They demand diversity as long as it doesn't impact them. We are a nation of citizens, not a nation of immigrants! Then, Federal District Judge Carlton Reeves went on an anti-Trump rant charging the president with being a racist. It's grossly irresponsible for an arbiter of justice to make such incendiary statements. Later, we're up against radical progressive forces more than ever, we who love our country need to do what we need to do fight this fight through our work. Freedom of the press belongs to the people, not to the media. We need to learn from the great patriots who've gone before us and rekindle the American Spirit and press our case when we go into the public square, when our children set foot in their classrooms it will be them that are educated and make their case for liberty. Lastly, Dr. Thomas Sowell calls in to discuss his new book "Discrimination and Disparities."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the pod cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year, hills. There is a truly independent institution. Where learning surprised and intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening. And my sincere appreciation to hills down by their sponsorship now run only underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel of a non descriptive thing. We once again made contact with our leader, Everybody mark living here, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one I'll tell you what
behind the scenes stuff here folks, my producer of forever really Rich cement and I. Remember what I said that we should be sending the illegal aliens to the sanctuary, cities and state. We do currently trying to act more packets society, but we can't find because we don't have the in of perfect finding their stuff, but this is something I have said, and I believed in a long time we have gone well beyond this. I ve talked about the fact that the blue states. The experiments for blue state idea. You want a aliens than illegal aliens should be going into blue states. You want socialism, Then socialism for blue state.
You on medical care for all, which means no private health care and effectively Medicaid and the visa for all? Will then that's what should happen and blue state? No private health insurance. You want seventy two. Ninety percent tax rates for rich people than good. Maybe seventy nine percent tax rates for rich people in blue state. You are free, college, good, let the people and blue states pay. For free college, for the people and blue state. And honour on down the line. And let's see how these blue states fair, as opposed to the red states? In other words, let's see out Ernie fares compared to liberty compared to Liberty,. This idea that illegal aliens should be increased Urged their otherwise forced to go in the blue stage or sanctuary cities. If you will is a good idea, it's a great idea.
And you know how I know it's a great idea, because the media are going nuts and the democratic going nuts, as you would expect. What ninety Pelosi says: ships it Smith says where Ships Smith says Jeffrey Cuban says wretch. Every tubing says down the line, so they're all freaked out I don't know why their freaked. I have heard it all day, long. What's the problem? What's the problem. Illegal aliens should go in two should be populating. Trade city sanctuary stage, blue states generally high taxes should be post on people in blue states by blue state government and they do free all it should be paid for from people in Stage by people and blue states- in other words, let them expect
and upon themselves. Why dragged the rest of the country that wants to be free and competitive, that embraces capitalism, citizenship, national security, national sovereignty? Why We'd be dragged into their hell now. We are also the ones who talked about nullifies asian being a throwback to the confederacy. You won't hear that on the news. When these cities in states or nullifying immigration law there taking up the precedent of the confederacy for different purpose. Of course, but that's not my point: is it that's what they're doing and the courts are supporting it? So they support secession. If it is issue based, if it is issue based. Meanwhile, the great state of Arizona few years back,
You know what Obama's not enforcing federal immigration law so on forest federal immigration law and they basically pair They'd statutes that mirror federal immigration law pretty much and the Supreme Court. By I for decision written by Anthony Kennedy, the majority should know you do that the President has plenary power when it comes to immigration and yet, when it comes to the Obama, judges, the Obama Federal District judges, Mr Chief Justice, Apparently, the president doesn't plenary power when it comes to immigration. Only the left us whether there dressed up as oh geez or politicians or whatever they are media types, this is a very, very good exercise. We're going through thanks to the president, these petitions from these sanctuary, cities and sanctuary state these policies, from these blue states? These me it types who are politicians they do not want that.
Policies that they promote for all the rest of us to apply to them or their communities. Or their communities. They live in bubbles. They don't live among the public break. Burma live among the public that he claims to represent. None of them do are very few. Then why do they run from their own propaganda? Why did they run from their own policies? Our children? For the president to do what he suggested based one, what a law they talking about what's illegal now, you I think that the mayors of these sanctuary cities will be off. Over the media today, not condemning the president, but encouraging him. Embracing the idea? Why do
to wait for illegal immigrants to decide to go to sanctuary cities to escape federal law going into these these now vacation cities. Why not just encouraging Do we want to help them to do it show them how to do it, give them buses and take it so they can go into these cities. Why not notices squawking the most MR producer white, liberal politicians. Why are they squawking the most? Why are white liberal politicians squawking the most I'll, tell you why? Because they would lose their positions, they would be replaced based on ethnic moaning for the most part, because people do that Alot Nancy Pelosi would be replaced. Stumpy whore
would be replaced, many them, but I do think this is an important debate. My course they trash the present. You know that their like parrots, these fools in the media there, like parents, They all sound the same the same. Vexation. The same woe is me: the sky is following tromp. Larry goes again. I like it when trunk goes again, he's poking them in the eye and if he can do this he'll do it. The Democrats want spend one penny. They said for war, but present fact check poor told us they there's no Democrats who say they support an open border. Now, how stupid is that, if you support policies that have the effect of creating Poorest border, where one point two million people.
This year may well come into this country illegally. What do you call it, but they fact check the present. A juicy till were factory Left about Obamacare: do they ever fact check the left about their problem? as our tax raise raising taxes, do they ever fact check the left? Farm policy do they ever fact check the left on anything now. Very rarely do very well The present in the United States is saying what we're thinking. The media are more upset with what the President said that what Alien Omar said about nine eleven or her anti Semitism or tell leaps, Anti Semitism or a asks Anti Semitism. They promote those three. The three stages are still jets.
They promote the three stew jets. The president's has our luck. We got the sanctuary cities, they want to pay take the illegal aliens and violation of federal law? We get these sanctuary stating what they're all Democrats. Ok, I have an idea. I'm an idea will send our illegal aliens who come across the border there we're trying to stop to those citizens. States What are you, nuts and illegal? You can't do when all of a sudden there kryptonite. All of a sudden. These blue liberal sanctuary citizens it's all of a sudden. These nullification politicians dont want them. It's ok. If they go to Arizona Tokay, it's ok. If they go into these red states and purple states make them purple or blue That's, ok, that's the plan. We do. We really want any more in the blue states. None we want!
liberals, my we may lose our positions, you don't you understand, that's how I came to power in the first place. She beat a guy who was who, who is, who is translucent an two policy and policy herself has translucent she was emphasising her ethnicity. Was irish or irish german district that was changing ethnically and he lost an immediate, keeps reminding us I even have another idea: have another idea Where are all the lackey nexus on C span,. Their promoting this idea of alien, open border. That's what it effectively
promoting this idea? What they show us how to do it? That is why Jake Tapir resigning and replace what latina checks are wolf. Blitzer. All right! What else is on Chris Cuomo or down lemon the whole line of the whole Congo line of freaks and frauds. How come there not replaced now that's the way the left works. Ladies and gentlemen, there, the elites they're the ones who think for us and tell us what to do and so forth, are not can replace themselves. What will we do without them? So close to the present close to those of the White House, we're thinking about this- keep thinking about these things. This way, if the blue states a government run health care, have it if the blue state
attacks the rich people that seventy two ninety percent marginal right do it. If the blue states one attacks their people to pay for free college, do it if the blow state attacks their people per family? Leave subsidies do it, but we, red states were not interested. Go ahead Straw yourselves. I'll, be right back folks, many of our nations oldest colleges, profound to teach students to see truth, recognize what beautiful and hold up what is good. But Sir Thirdly, many have lost their way locked in the grip of political, correctness they no longer allow free and open discourse and instead pedal their moral and cultural relativism. Thankful
there's hills, Dale College, since its family in eighteen, forty, four hills. Dell has remained true to its original mission, to provide sound learning of the kind of central to preserving civil and religious liberty and intelligent piety and his still enters its one hundred and seventy fifth year. Their goal is simple and profound: to help stew understand. What is no bless him best in yourself and the World Hills, colleges, liberal arts, education and vibrant campus community help students form a foundation for the rest of their lives, a truly life defining experience. So, if you're looking for a college, their prizes, learning and values intellectual enthusiasm, Everyone shares a strong sense of meaning and purpose. Welcome to hear. They'll college: please vote the hills they don T? Do you slash admissions to plan a visit and learn more? That's hills. They'll don T, you slash admissions.
I also think it is the truth. Green new deal. I think they should converge. Every single one of energy to something else, I think they should go hindered in their states to their people leave the rest of us alone, and you will see the difference. We will be either Doubly south korea- and they will be effectively North Korea. And you'll see what happens when a society begins to crumble, becomes more more of a police state. The government gets more more powerful to try and keep The society under control, so everything some break apart and it gets worse. One feeds on the other, the media that exists. Mostly, these blue states are ya. That exists mostly in these blue states, particularly to them New York in California.
They'll see what happens but you know it's interesting folks. My foot paused on them very pretty sight. You know it's interesting folks. My first book was on judicial tyranny. It's called men in black how the supreme What is destroying America Is broader than the Supreme Court was the federal judiciary we federal judges who are not complying with the law with federal judges. Now who are undermining their role and our constitution. We have federal judges who are eviscerate in the constitution and then, a few of us. Nobody is talking about it. That we follow the youth, the media, into their unreality and their insanity. Each and every day. We have a Mississippi. U S. District court Judge Carlton Reefs.
Carlton, Reeves appointed by a believe, was it? The university Virginia today He lichens the president's attack on the judiciary to the clan, the citizens, council. Under this guy got one. Go politicians The court is dangerous political mg of a greek overreach. You can hear the clans lawyers assailing offices at the board across the south. The hell: are you talking about and you're a federal judge, you're, an embarrassment. May not be aware. This judge Jefferson strongly attacked a supreme court. Jefferson led the charge for the impeachment a Supreme Court justice and was
Successful Franklin, Roosevelt attack. The court tried to pack the court and I had five justices as it turned out course of as many many years as President he did packed the court. We Democrats running for president, whom announced that they want to pack the court This Mississippi federal district Carbon Reeves, it is not Clever ways attacking the present, the United States and Cuba, during his criticism to that of the clan. Now this man should not be on the federal bench, but what these federal district judges now and all the rest of them know now when it comes to impeachment, unless there. Combating criminal acts of the worst kind. They're not going to be removed, go ahead.
People for merely use. Of course you can hear the Citizen Council hammer enough. Those names of those black petition is saying yes and sitting with a awful accuse courts of opening up our country to potential terrorists. You can hear the southern manifestoes. Listen! Listen to this on hinged rant by this federal judge. I'm gonna tell you something if I ever had a case. And it somehow wound up in front of this judge. I would move my case moved to another judge if the district court, refused to do that. I would take the case up with the Mississippi bar association go ahead, the judiciary for simply upholding the rights of black slope, law makers say we should get rid of our judges. You
segregation. Astonishes me was saying we should get rid of our judges. And what do you mean Cedric this? This is incredibly irresponsible, unconscionable for a federal judge to conduct himself this way dance? I gave an unhinged insane cable house on CNN or MSNBC, I'm not done I'll, be right back. Have you ever wish to know more about how politics and our constitution work? Could you explain the key differences between capitalism and socialism wish? You know more about american history. While I have good news for you not to To learn, no matter how busy you are or how long it's been since you ve been in college ryzhkov, and you can do it for free, because
I frankly hills the college as a service to our country have free online courses that provide a taste of the core curriculum that every Helstone College student takes the core that teaches us how to think critically and act virtuously and it can help you to getting started is very simple gesture for one or more of hills does most popular online courses for free and you can learn whenever you like visit online bad hills, Dale that beady you right now, that's online Dad Hills Dale that Eu Joint, right now and you'll, be on your way to a rich, meaningful education. Again, that's online dad here still Don T his voice Mars Love then talk. What voice now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. I have even heard about this federal judge today and let me take
speaks free, a significant portion of the federal traditional, so politicized as it become, but you shouldn't be surprised has been going on for for long time, a long time down with this judge. He needs to be further exposes it's it's it's just outrageous! That's pick up where I've got off on this federal judge, who is giving a speech at the University of Virginia today go ahead and when the executive grant calls our courts in their work, stupid, horrible, ridiculous, incompetent, a laughing stock and a complete and total disgrace, you can hear the slurs and Of executives, like George, was ECHO, George Waters have up Morocco bomber and his state of the union speech. Member that MR producer. When he was talking,
down to the Supreme Court justices were sitting right in front of him. And let me ask you something: judge or not courts sometimes stupid, court sometimes they get it. Are not the court? Sometimes I why racist, maybe eared forgot about the dread. Scott decision. Maybe I forgot about policy versus Ferguson, maybe if Got about core much, maybe you forget about Rove here Maybe you forgot about a lot of decisions that the court has issued some great sum of know how Sequential some horrific. With this judge, doesn't understand and most of them don't. Ease of flesh and blood, just like the rest of us.
But he is a lifetime appointment, unlike the rest of us, he secure forever as long as he's alive on this planet in the eye, The idea that one branch can criticise another, but if you do and you tromp an you criticise, Obama. Judges Four nationalizing you're immigration decisions and reversing them well Then you must be like the clan. Then you must be George Wallace, then you speed like the authors of the southern manifesto. I will read mine. This judge judge carbon Reeves, that's his party. The democratic party His judges, that is the Democratic Party judges, the.
First pick that Franklin Roosevelt made for the Supreme Court and Associate justice was Hugo Black. A lawyer and Alabama for the clan he was confirmed in a few days. And one that issue is eventually raised with President Roosevelt. He said, oh, I didn't know. Well, of course you know. Why did he take black because Hugo Black was doing his bidding and one of a committee in the United States Senate that one after stern union. Because they wanted to read the telegraphs. The information there was going back for between journalists and publishers and serve, or did you ever hear the story? One you when you read my book. You know about it, that's how
Go black got on the Supreme Court. He was one of f. The arts favorite packs. First one. Then he picked So, ladies and gentlemen, don't criticized the court only the near I'm asking criticize. The original is on the cards programme. The cracks in the Senate. Judiciary committee can smear cabinet that first decisions, but as a human being Are the Democrats, can smear Clarence Thomas they do it all the time, but if you dare question, but the courts are doing, Judicial tyranny judge, if you dare do that. The Mississippi Yours District judge, cotton, Reeves, he's gonna, kill you.
Very vile things, and then I ll go back to his cloistered courtroom, put on his robe and sit. There is an objective, church and objective judge. Don't you know. Let's go to Khartoum is to reduce or more of judge, Cardan Reeves go this administration in their majority of this walking arm in arm and not stumbling unaware. Was a homogenous judiciary, while there you go now I love it more specific, so the Republicans in the Senate and Trump are trying to institute a white judiciary, homogenous judiciary. Where was this guy?
what George W Bush nominated Clarence Thomas. Where was he he was nowhere, maybe was in the opposition what he means by homogenous what the left always means by homogenous. Is we want more leftists on the court's Congress? wherever it is, we want more leftists because when you have minorities who are conserved, sure constitutional lists they despise them. They despise them go ahead. Thank other force against George curious, think of the nomination to the bench, slurs against justice, Clarence Thomas just
Samuel a leader and other justices. Think of those slurs judge go ahead, who call diversity. Oh before relax standard who called trains, diversity could be code for relaxed standards depending on what kind of diversity we're talking about. If its diversity based on quotas, quotas have nothing to do with merit of its diversity of a different sort. It could have something to do with merit. Use must be a judge supposed to know the difference. Go ahead, part of Sweden's client who defended, K, K, K in online message board whose is used near the K K k on online. This guy's a judge.
I cannot emphasise enough: go ahead for certification is like jazz Think of a pattern of Jesse Helms led voters, suppression efforts for segregationist like Jesse Helms? What's he talking about, I have no idea what he's talking about, but he's hitting every You know check, he can get Jesse Helms and they got George Wallace and their got the clan in their lead. They southern manifesto authors got the them in there, and so we should not allow to criticise you see Even in harsh terms, you are allowed to criticise the could maybe not familiar with separation of powers, maybe not familiar. The first amendment go ahead. Is refusing to admit, like every year duration nominee Before the vote,
versions. Board was correct when it decides No actually wasn't correctly decided, I would go further than they did it. Brown versus board of education. Remember, ladies and gentlemen, the purpose of the Brown versus Board of Education was to reversing other Supreme Court decision Club see versus ferguson- and I don't believe this judges very well right on this subject, because he would know that a lot of critics of the Brown Verses Board decision like me, criticise it, because what the court should have done is embraced the fourteenth amendment to the constitution. They should have embraced the fourteenth amendment to the constitution equal. Section, but they didn't. They went in all these psychological studies and all these other behavioral studies in so Fourth, and so on, it wasn't, in my view, a correct The decided it should have been more strongly decided on behalf.
Which breathes justice into my segregated street in years sitting. As if equality was in Alexander versions, homes, which breeds justice into my segregated. Three years sitting of equality was a mere political position. But he said, equality is a mere political position Nor did anybody say liberty is a mere political opposition. Go ahead, France friend students, let it be said that equal protection of the law is not a political position. It is enshrined in our constitution
while we know that already, but thanks for the reminder and you're a disgrace absolute disgrace. This was a hyper balikh, demagogic speech that the worst left wing kook politician could have given and you're supposed to be a judge. What about that? Chief Justice Roberts, the proud of this guy. Proud of his speech. What about it now the judiciary is gonna, go the way of MSNBC and CNN. There are times in the Washington Post. What's going on? Why not? Why not every other instance, she's been devour by the left I'm a litigator- and I draw this.
Jeanne Mississippi. I use this speech. I use this speech to get another judge because he's political and he's leftist and he shouldn't be a judge, in my opinion, not even because of the substance of what he said which is bad enough, accusing people who disagree strongly with what the court has become and what these judges are doing, a being clansmen effectively. Authors of the southern manifesto, we're like George Weiler. So what have you, but because of the fact of a speech like this, he should not be on the bench. He cannot be an objective arbiter of facts and law.
Impossible I'll be right back then sit family in eighteen, forty, four hills, they'll call it is provided students with sound learning of the kind of central to preserving our civil and religious liberty. I want to tell you about an Primus the free monthly spy digestive hailstone college in private is dedicated to educating citizens and promoting table and religious liberty by covering important cultural, economic, political and educational issues first published in eighteen. Seventy two in primacy is one of America's most widely read: publications in support of liberty with more subscribers three point: nine million than the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times and recent Primus publications have a job issues like free speech, the regular, a big tech. Mental ill. And the American Medical insurance system, and because a man
Its founding principles are so important. Hills, though off Primus absolutely free of charge to anyone who requested that's right, you can subscribe to Primus for Free here's. What I want you to do, I want you to visit in Primus Dad Hills, they'll, dad eighty you for your free subscription, that's an prime! I M p r. I am I yes dad. Still that eighty, you welcome to Hell There is an interesting thing. Is that don't quit ties, the court's him, by that they mean criticise. The original is criticized. Their decisions, criticise, citizen, United Clarence Attack attack at that criticise, Obama, Judge Clinton, Judge I judged that gone Obama, our Clinton it was appointed by republic and the media
the media says we stand for a free press, we stand for a free press, but don't criticise us because in you're, acting like a dick, said, she criticise the active and on you're. Acting like the clan greatest. As the media in this country, while you're acting like Hitler, My first book, men and black criticized judiciary, ol boy did it and it was best seller, thanks to you and it opened out of eyes. It was written in plain English about what the court had done in a number of areas. These people are judges, their human beings, their american citizens, their imperfect But they have an enormous amount of power and more and more their abusing it. And so my latest book of you want to circle back on freedom of the press. Exactly the same thing to the media. We can Survive in this country, without freedom of speech
A truly free press. And the greatest enemy today of a free press is the press itself. Individuals. Who happened to get a to this job, that job in the media is reporters has broadcasters. So called journalists take Upon themselves, to tell you What freedom is all about? What This is all about not report the news not to seek the objective truth, but to attack to advance an agenda and you see it every day and they pray. Each other and they give each other awards. They were very, very troubling passed when it comes huge newsworthy issues of self censorship,. And self aggrandize meant. They are very selective and what they want
Report upon and expose premier illogical and social activism point of view. And they have done more than even the Democratic Party. Try and reverse the results. Are they institutionally legitimate election. And they want to see Donald Trump removed and defeated. Whatever the cost You have a media that is declared a verbal and political war against half the country and yet They represent ninety two, ninety five percent of journalism. It is important that we, the american people, we the citizenry, understand what's taking place, why it's taking place, get our arms around it and begin the jury, of addressing it.
That's why I've written on freedom of the press and freedom of the press, It is very, very important that we, together all of us, live in, millions of us spread the word to me: of others. The weekends here very shortly, and I want to strongly encourage you, be The books release go ahead in order on Amazon dot com on freedom of the press. It's there. It's forty percent off Amazon, dotcom I'll, be right,
now run only underground commander in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader, everybody mark living here. Our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one by the way, with a very, very cool Sunday, program on life, Liberty and LE then at ten p m Easter. Seven p M Pacific MIKE Linda Mr Pillar, my pillar, but we're not gonna talk pillows or any kind of bedding. He's a fascinating entrepreneur he's a man of deep faith
And I learned an enormous amount about him. You know is ubiquitous. He seem all over the place and he's he's enormously successful, but it wasn't always our way it was. Much down and out, and so it's Like the Horatio Algeria story, so I hope you ll be able to check it out ten Let Eastern Sevenpm Pacific Sunday night, like so many of you do we. Stated very, very much now limit lemon. Let me get a little deeper on this. Here's what I'm hoping we are up against forces today that we have never been up against these. These are domestic forces that have as their purpose as Obama so low. Put it: the fundamentally transform America, they dont embrace capitalism. They ve told us that. They don't embrace the constitution, they just don't.
They don't embrace the founding principle Of course, they ta be repulsed, pretend to be repulsed By what I'm saying, we ve had multiple efforts: in my lifetime to my adulthood- try to address this with the Reagan. Railway, the Goldwater Revolution with the Reagan Revolution with the tea party movement and they trump movement. We come up against the same forces. Every time be radical progressive forces. Because they control the key instead oceans of our society, just like aliens. They ve managed to control them, whether its public, education, universe he's in colleges.
Entertainment, Hollywood in tv men, of course, even the trajectory of our country. Even when it comes to Republicans, you don't want to give Obama care now. And never moved the country towards a direction of limited government. Limited spending and constitutional is Ending today is higher than in terror. Been the Republicans could control this secure the border they didn't and we go on and on. Now I could get behind this microphone for the next ten years and keep doing this and we get nowhere nowhere. We can all do this in talk. Radio. But I didn't get into talk radio because I loved radio I got in it.
A greater cause. I love my country, I don't know, books because I, like writing books. I like books, because I love my country. I don't do my facts show and live in tv, because I knew I fail to be on tv, I don't I do it because I love my country no. What do I mean by that My decision to do these things. I've been asked to do these things. I never asked to be radio, I never asked to be a day fox host. I never asked to do live in tv. I never asked to write books. I was approached in each case. It is my family knows and you're part of my family you'll event. I tat there. As you all know, I've been committed. Do this country to liberty to the constitution.
And yes, capitalism,. Since I was a teenager I was a teenager, as have many of you. I know I reflect the lives of many of you and that's a good thing. And we're losing the country and I've got kids. And I ve got grandkids, we do too many of you. My wife and I are scared to death about what is going to look like. Things are moving so fast in the wrong direction and we have a president who's trying to deal with it. But we have to help The citizenry we have to help it's not good enough.
To wind about things, and it's not good enough to discuss things. At a surface level, we ve got to figure out what the hell is going on. And its citizens make into it all decisions and collective decisions about what we're going to do, there's nothing. We can do maybe it's over, maybe something we can do. We have to create an interest among Fellow citizens to at least pay attention, at least to be engaged. That's the purpose of this book on freedom of the press. It is my my hope That the same patriotic impulses that led to the goal, what a revolution in the Reagan Revolution and the tea party movement and the Trump move
and revolution will to us focusing on what is our freedom of the press? Freedom. The press, doesn't belong to a corporation freedom of the press, doesn't belong to see an end or msnbc or Fox the New York Times or the wash them. Was there any? There is freedom of the press longs to you. Belongs to you, the purpose of a free press isn't promote Jim CASTOR, isn't too too. Some corporation wealthier, get good ratings. The purpose of a free press. Is they help under gird a vigorous and healthy and speed? its society, not to put us down multi trash us. Not a drag us into the abyss, not directly
and one political party over another one ideology, all over all others. And you know this instinctively, that's why you're fed up that's? Why you're, a stranger by all this. But we need to start this process. We need to start this process. You and I, together years ago, with men in black talking about the Supreme Court and the federal courts, we ve. The whole country to this issue. We now have a president who is trying to put his many originally on the court, is possible people who Follow the constitution judge not an ideology. The tea party movement. For a significant period of time, travel
the Republican Party,. Cause to fear in the Republican Party did did Pelosi seen the Democrats in the House of Representatives are still out there. From the Reagan revolution from the Tea party movement and, of course, Truck revolution, a movement. And so what we need to do, since we, Control public education, since we don't control the universities and colleges since we dont control the media and so forth, and so on, We need to use our constitution, our freedom of speech, our freedom, association our freedom of the press to community, with each other about what's taking place, to try and figure out what to do about it from one call the country to the other, from one neighborhood in community in this country to another theirs, millions of us who share this concern? Millions of us.
We need to learn from our forefathers. We need to learn from the men who first, printing press agenda, the colonies. We need to learn from the men who stood up to the authorities who stood up to the mark. We need to learn from a man who newspapers what a handful imprinted pamphlets and spread the Thomas pain and many others across the colonies, the word of liberty and tyranny and who promotes so that we can begin talking about it again at our dinner tables. We can begin talking about it. They did it pops in pubs and restaurants. We stole of the free do these things we Have to live our lives to the funnel.
Of CNN or MSNBC through the fund of the New York Times at the Washington Post or whomever, where our own funnel. And that is the process. I want to begin significant way, in a nationwide way. As a young man, I was part of the Reagan Revolution the tea party movement. They talk about the resistance there, the resistance there, the problem there that dark force. We need to communicate with each other. We. Pass our arguments along one to the other. We need to do what the great patriots did.
In a seventy early, seventeen hundreds made seventeen hundred tender this into the eighteen hundred. That's what we need to do. We need to rekindle the american Spirit. So that when our kids go into the classroom, I want our kids go to colleges or what we say politicians to our stay capitals are or the national capital when we, When the Hollywood, our kids, do or when we go into other areas of life,. It is we who are pressing the case, who it is we who are making the case, and I want that to begin right here. That's the purpose of on freedom of the press. That's the purpose of that book. I'm very anxious, as you can tell to get it out. Because the hours late.
The hours late but weak. And not have a free republic do not have a truly free press, stay waiver press that intimidates that threatens that extinguishers debate they propaganda eyes based promote they create pseudo events. They play favorites anyway,. That's what I'm coming from, I hope you'll join me. I can't Movement on my own, you know I can't do it by myself.
It's gonna take all of you live in item. You ve done it before. Over all the years, I've been on radio. What you it's! U ragged nights tea party activists original lists, trumpet you are the ones who are the same ones, time in time out where the bulwark of this country we need to. Do it one more time. Will you join me one more time. Will you join I'll be right back, I wasn't long ago when I wrote the liberty amendments which helps bear this convention
states Movement article five of the kind. To most people. Women order was I originally, Sir, that book writing against it and when you do enough scholarship, you realize that's the wrong position and I couldn't be. Stronger advocate for it worse, here folks, were still breathing. We're still kicking, though we're up against it, and we need to push harder and we were. I have faith in you Levine. I tat there. I really do I have faith in you. We can always be on defence. I don't like being a difference to you, so we need to take it to them working. Take it to the mass media not because you don't believe in they free press, but because we do in that thanks to us and we seek to protected, we seek to bring the first amendment and the rest of the constitution
and all the other amendments to the ones that they don't like to free press that's! Where all about freedom of speech. You know this Washington correspondence dinner it a perfect spectacle, listen C span runs it or some of the other channels run it. It's a perfect spectacle. What we're talking about these people are completely out of touch completely ever touch- you know in the media, you know who's really in touch. Those of us here HAWK radio were were the ones who are in touch weapon microphones to everybody. We call schooners, yes, so people on curse to racist uncle the programme or Anti Semites, or we can try and stay on, subject and sober, but in terms of content, that's not
Have a class greener, by way of a class greener, we believe in freedom, speech we believe in freedom of the press. You know. Many press people, we were to come on this programme and won't come on this programme right. Mr Bin Laden, I am completely like truck cut. You know how many programme politicians we managed to come on the show, but won't come on Russia Togo and other shows. Why is that I'll tell you why because they know what you know. They they'll, be confronted in a substantive way, And they have a hell of a difficult time explaining themselves, I'm not talking about Embarrassing them mocking them I'm talking about a straight up debate there come on Levine TV, they,
come on life liberty and live in and they won't come on. The radio show they hide from me. They hide that's fine! But we have no intention of hiding from them doing. You know you people trying to control your lives in your future and the future for you, children in your grandchildren. Did you go to work every day or your homemakers and you're busy in your focused on your family in your faith, and these are good things, but there are other people were focused on controlling you. In changing your lifestyle and for can you to do things that you mean I want to do and they of army of Supporters and army backers poor folk? on controlling you're, pushing around and telling you what to do
They dress these things up and very, very appealing ways. Would you like free college and health care for everybody and so forth, and so on. But this is tyrannies disguise. And I'm sick and tired of the media, giving them voice, I'm sick and tired of the media going point for them. I'm just fed up with. I wouldn't normally write a book about the media. Would I had to be done. Somebody had to do it. Folks, lots more to cover and we will move along hobby right back. Mark love in making,
conservatism great again, dialing, now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one hears the way I figure this. Maybe I'm wrong time will tell. So again, at almost like a military operation, but obviously without the violence. If we can bring our different forces together,. In many of them overlap anyway, the ragged nights, tea party activists, the convention of state activists, the Trump activists in traditional concerns. We can bring our grass roots together. We can inform ourselves about the media, inform ourselves.
About what it means to have a free press. I think we have a shot at this. All of you who are activists, I'm one of you, and started on a radio, career or tv career. They just happen, quite frankly I started out at a very young age in the Reagan administration. I'd come painful Ronald Reagan. When I was a very young man, I worked in his administration. Left his administration when it ended, and over time I worked at a place called Landmark legal foundation Which is a fantastic legal group, because President now I'm chairman, we will wonderful president, their impede hutches. Then by happenstance. I moved into these other areas. But as a year is a warrior for
the body that has always been in my heart and solve always that's what my father taught me: That's what my mother taught me and that's why I am just behind a microphone tonight. That's all. When I sit down, I write a book. It's very solitary thing. When I sit down to write a book. I think about you, I think about my audience when I'm trying to convey how I'm trying to convey in one of my trying to get across what am I doing here, Just writing a book to rack up number one New York Times by self. I don't need to do that anymore. I never to do that in the first place the books well out, led me, though, Livia, though, be around a long time, whether their collecting dust somewhere Use to her to keep a fire going. Fireplace I have no idea.
So I think about you and my audience and I also think about. Those who gave their lives and put everything on the line to found this great, Should they had no idea how this would work out a rift aid worker, no idea, no idea, so real That's what I keep in mind you in them. You in them in anybody's, read any of my books, that's it you can tell. I hope, then Earnest about what I write and when I say it's not a gimmick with me: it's not a game. We have fun we can be entertaining. But I am, as they say, Series has a heart attack. That's the bottom line. Too much at stake and we all have a very little by little bit. I'm on this planet,
me when I tell you in the last six months that has really proven itself for me to be true. Really the last six years. So this is what we do is a relatively free pay we banned together. We their ideas and concerns. We try and figure out what to do if we allow ourselves to be cowed by this media if we allow ourselves to be put down by this media, We allow ourselves to be turned off by this media and just go about our business and not pay attention to those who are trying to control us change. This country in the impact at all our children and grandchildren and generations yet born than shame. Us. And as I said, and I believe that the hours late you can you can see what's passing for candidates the wish
the nominee for president of the United States are one of two major political artists, and you can also see quite frankly, that Mitch Mcconnell and the republican leadership in the United States. Congress has simply incapable of dealing with. In fact, they don't want to deal with it. They go along most of it all there, socialism, of course, and yet, and yet pass laws and spend money? Likewise, a socialist, don't they are what I used to call NEO statists shoot me. But if we can pull all the activists together and by activists, I don't mean that you have to actually physically be doing these different things. I mean activists in your workplace with your father Play with your friends and your neighborhood in your community in your churches and synagogues, that's an activist we will be doing.
But the great american colonies did spreading the word we can bypass big media spread. The word spread. The word: And I want to help you spread the word. That's the point of on freedom of the press are now. Where am I, MR producer, oh here have you ever went by and by the way Hills, doc I'll just have been a on this programme for many many many years. I know of no institution. More committed to this country into its founding prince in spreading the word to the youth His country and now to everybody in this country than Hills Del College. This a tremendously important institution. It is totally private
doesn't take any federal or state tax money and there constantly trying to destroy, including the media. And it is led by one of the finest people. I've ever met, not just one of the best scholars I've ever met, but one of the finest people I've ever met. Doktor Larry on. It is a special special place. Does a college that seeks to do what public schools for the most part and other car, Just in universities reject- and that is- pass on the message of liberty. As on the main message of the republic be proud of It's been created here be proud of, what's been established here,. And so as a service to the country. Hilda has free online courses that provide a taste of the
the curriculum that every hills, the college student takes the coup, the teachers how to think critically enact virtuously and it can help you to getting started is very simple: just sign up for on or more of hills does most popular online courses for free and you can learning whenever you like doesn't matter. How long you been out of high school doesn't matter how long you been out of college. It's really quite compelling. And you and your family can take these courses nowhere. You not getting grades that visit Levine The hills delta come L E, the iron free hills, Del dot, com, go there right now and you'll be on By to rich a meaningful education, now they change their pages This may not be available to you for some time once they pull down replace it with something else. I want to encourage you to go there right away in
art expanding your knowledge base. I do this every day, be well you're, so smart mark. Let me tell you, I never stop. Learning never register today for free At Levin Foothills down dot com, easy for hills. Doubt that come now presently United States today present states today says: hey, look. You sanctuary cities. Well supply with illegal aliens. Just like William BAR the other day. States effect a truism, but the campaign was spied on. It is a fact. And William BAR comes under a vicious off. You wouldn't even nice, I'm after the character smears by these mental midgets. And they do in the media.
The same ones who attack they set their weight to attack the president. The fact check the president and they at each other on the back about how swell they are. Can you imagine how much even more successful this present it would be. If the media wasn't trying cripple him. If the Democrats, one trying to cripple him, I dont mean they should Question am are challenging, but try to strong him. Can you you want, a stronger country would do, we would be, but they don't care about that. It's about them. So here's the president today cut three go. If we had the wallpaper Becoming up mix Go is now apprehending and bringing back to the very countries that we're talking about: Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, that bringing people back those countries Colombia to a certain extent and going back to these countries
we could fix that and so fast. If the Democrats would agree, what have they done? Great, let's stop there. So this is what the media pretend is not happening. When the President align others talk about. The open border democrats calls on actually favour open borders. No, they lie, they won't lifted. To secure the boy. They will lift a finger, their full of hot air, their gas bags go ahead, say they want to the illegal, call me, illegals icon the illegals. I came across border illegally will bring I'm too sanctuary city areas and let that particular area take. You but whether it's a steak or whatever it might be. California certainly is always saying we want more people and they want.
Our people and their sanctuary cities. Well, we'll give them more people. We can give my luck. We can give them an unlimited supply. What's wrong with that. What's wrong with that! Ok! What's wrong with it! The left lies there liars, they want the votes eventually when people get amnesty and then get citizenship and then vote. They want the votes, but I want to live among these people just like the felons label, Felons devout Bernie Sanders once people actually in prison, a vote, but then but the around or liver among these people were did Bernie Sanders live here. Then, a scandinavian states. May I, sir. The scandinavian state, if you will remind what does Obama live. While he certainly doesn't live among the people. Did he claims
Represent. Come on Harris same thing show same thing I could go on and on and on about. Why should I. Present United States talks, a lot of Sense now, Democrats or at a retreat in leash Virginia its lansdown, they call it not too far from the bunker. I might add. And when I heard they were there, I really had thought about taking Maya Living TV, my crew over there and greeting and saying hello, but I knew the year the hotel, there, I wouldn't want much permit that I just But it would be hilarious. Since a pretty slinky place, their address resort
You have wonderful breakfast breakfasts there, but phase. So the Democrats never one for it. And so Nancy Policy. Shows herself to respond the presence of the United States cut forego. I don't know anything about it Then it's just another notion that is, worthy of the presidency of the United States in this respect. Will the challenges that what is unworthy of the presidency of the United States and disrespect for the challenges we face is a country where are they talking about. What are you talking about? What does she talking about? He speaking the truth go ahead as that country is people to address who we are immigrants, I don't think you're, not a nation of emigrants. Donation of citizens in
fishing is a nation of citizens. Now, let's our major policy, to the logical and where nation of immigrants. Does that mean we're a nation also of people who want to be immigrants in the United States, apparently so, We have federal Obama, judges and that's what we call them federal Obama, judges who actually project due process. An administrative rights externally outside borders. Side of our own territory? This is brand new. This is brand new. My question to Nancy Pelosi in shall never allow me to ask her directly would be What do you mean by immigrants, somebody who puts their foot in the country. Legally or illegally, or somebody who is wanting to put their
In the country, what exactly you talking about and what? keep, calling us a nation of immigrants, There's no nation, that's a nation of emigrants, Why do we allow this fortune cookies type labeling to take place ladys in general? We are a nation of citizens. We the citizen every week my country, foreigners, we the country, people who I come here follow our rules just like we have to follow their rules where we go or our in their country. These representatives of are supposed to represent us, the american citizen there Men exists to represent us, the american citizen. This is basic stuff We are not a nation of immigrants. May If our citizens, obviously. Come from immigration,
we're not a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of citizens of you want to belong to this country. You become a citizen, yet the pass a test. You have to do certain things. Are we a nation of illegal immigrants? Is that what we are now except this area, see this insanity, because they call you names, don't call you things that you're not to call you things cause you to cringe. I think the silent you they seek to marginalize you win strong and oppose this. We're not talk about race or religion or gender genitalia or anything of the sort Let's get our language right, has now damnation that immigrants are there back then
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That calm slash mark expressed we began dot. Com irish mark I'll, be back in just a few minutes. Now run only underground, the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader, everybody mark living here. Our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one in about thirty minutes Thomas soul is scheduled to be on the programme, there's an interesting little back and forth between Chuck Todd increase, Cuomo
Quick Cuomo Aware was interviewed by thing. Was the Hollywood reporter? They did this huge puff peace and the guy drops the f pomp. Before times in the S bomb, to three terms than thinking myself. You know a Chris. A kind of a low life. Really I mean no report, that's how you talk even talk that way in front of your family. But what to expect, as brothers supports infanticide, I guess. And he took a shot, a truck taught. Everyone takes her shouted truck tied and everyone should needs a moron. And Chris Como was trying to build up Jake Tapir. That's that's! Quite a lift. That's quite tough to do. So now there is kind of a circle what should I say,
have these jerks in a circle alum and put it that way. Where, were you say, MR reducing a roundabout, yes We have in the past with where the women chuckles Todd. And Chris Coma. And there on the morning show on the BBC to my bodies Bernie. Instead, they have a great show by the way- and he goes something like this today- cut fifteen GO you don't wish period that is big, scrap and those big nonsense with another one of my friends, John Hardy this week, you're brawling with quick call oh thanks go about what am I doing a great com? I have no idea, I dont know the guy. I've met him on that, I don't know much about it: I'm not kidding no idea where this guy is coming from,
No, I was, I was only kidding, I mean. Obviously you got now you're gonna, say swiped need how do of feel, which was in annex one, not even to us. I mean I understand why he's trying to promote Jake, Tapir and maybe stated the union over meet the price, but in IE almost you make it sound like it was those poor zone, you guys about zero east. We write zero, nine nor an army look April. I just granted, as somebody Who wanted to defend the fact that nobody and broadcast What do you want to hire me get or who boys maybe you'd awfully defensive? So we could shouted up. People might like, what are you disparaging other pit of Vienna, promote somebody promote? Somebody ought to disparage somebody the time come. These are the two that run your media. These are the true.
Children, their immature, You go maniacs narcissists. We know very little of substance today they are fighting with China, which is kind of cool, I think in Cinema You're good at that, as I say, great great, show. Come on Harris you may for her. She was an Iowa yesterday. Boards come Allah, are Camelot Camilla Harris. And did you know she's a gun owner? You know why she owns a gun for her personal safety. Listen to this cut. I am a gun owner and I own a gun for probably reason that a lot of people do personal safety support basket
and in terms of policy, and I think that for too long and still today, we are being offered false choice- would suggest you're either in favour of this amendment. Wanting their bones goes away. These are false choice and it is And ass for her on our I recall Dian, Frank and Feinstein take a whole lot of guns away. She wanted to make. Over two hundred, maybe it was three hundred guns illegal to purchase. The second guns aware: that's taking my choice away because of the way they look. Because of the way they look go ahead must recognise that there are some practical solutions to what is your problem in our
and part of the practical solutions to agree that we need smart? We need smart guns, safety law settle fix, it. The irrationality here is just beyond dispute have all kinds of gun laws and people will still killed, but we're gonna wait. We haven't. We have laws in every corner, this country. That makes it a capital offence to kill somebody, and we have different degrees of criminality. For murder, depending on the circumstances. But if you kill somebody, it's a crime unless its absolute self defence we do have that in that doesn't seem to stop everybody. It doesnt seem Stop everybody! I dont know. Why doesn't seem this type everybody
So now you're telling me, even though that doesn't seem to stop everybody. Some states, a death penalty, states just a long long sense. So forth. Somehow making it illegal to own a particular weapon that that will help fix the situation, and then, when you confront them with that, they say we're not saying it's a perfect solution, then, when you the constitution, unlike, of course, freedom of the press which will defend in in the abstract. Which they undermine in reality when he second, rather than they misquoted too, it's a militia militia and then about what. Seventy years ago I tried to educate everybody on what that meant. Do thee, Gun grabbers even understand why, by the militia. Part of the second amendment is in there
a regulated militia. These were state militia, armed state militia. There were armed just in case. Among other things, the federal government became tyrannical, they don't when understand their core. It's like the part of the three fits a person in the constitution. It's the north that push for that. In order to reduce the number of seats the south with have in the House of Representatives when the seats are apportioned. It's the north. That argued. Against slavery and well, you can't count slaves for their purpose, of getting seats in the House of Representatives when you treat them like property, and so they agreed to the three fits rule. It wasn't that,
slaves were three fifths of a human being, it was therefore, by the north to reduce the south influence in the federal government and specifically the house, a representative, I don't care how many times explain it the people who are wrapped of mine and corrupt of heart, the left is still continue to lie about it: emoluments clause. I am has nothing to do with it They draw, whose involved in commerce owning a bunch of businesses were far dignitaries, our diplomats, you those businesses say a hotel in Washington DC to conduct their business. But does not violate the emoluments clause which addresses they can, Turn a legitimate concern at the time that a press and our senior officials not take appointment. Then get titles from foreign governments, so they have not dual loyalty
they have single loyalty to their own country. And, furthermore, that they wouldn't get paid off that they being the salary of a receive money from foreign governments, for their surrogates. That has nothing to do with it. Hotel, and yet you ever my judges who are willing to entertain these arguments, even though the parties don't even have standing. Even though they don't even have standing hate the constitution and they don't even understand to begin with. Do they. So she owns again for her own personal saving. You know she was a prosecutor was so what. It's a lot of people who live in dangerous places who one on a gun to protect themselves, and not all gang members are not all drug attics their honourable hard working. American citizens who live in tough neighborhoods,
There are others who don't live in TAT neighborhood, who still want guns just in case to protect themselves or target should or whatever. But I've never understood the logic ice because you know why cause there is no logic gets like so much coming from the left. It's all knee jerk, its emotion, sound Good, I'll be right back You know it's annoying. Men referred to the fact that break still happen all the time. You know I break ins happen. All the time many of you don't have the proper security system an effect, many of you don't have a security system at all, but that's not good. Support to protect your home in your family.
Try I always recommend getting the best security system. The best security system is so We save home security, it's my favorite by far and it's a fantastic protection for your home that keeps working if the power goes out of the EU. Fi goes down or even if a burglar smashes the entire key path, and they of some of the fastest response times in the industry ready to send help twenty four seven, if there is an emergency, so me it's no surprise that simply if, as the top choice security system for Cnet, PC, mag and more, three million of us right. Those of you who haven't gotten a yet I wouldn't wait anymore goddess please safe, marked out come to learn more simply safe ordered a day to get free shipping on your system as well as a sixty day money back guarantee. You know it is great. You decide you too
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now there's a true or false now, but I think it's what question we should on board the media with what political party would ever consider given the right to vote to an illegal immigrant or someone who's a corporate incarcerated in prison. What what? What? What kind of quality of those looking for? What are the originals crazy? It's crazy! Well, I may live felons, have done all kinds of stuff right, you're, a cop right now on arriving in real terms? I close not really but fell, I've done all sorts of this horrendous thinks horrifically. Anything like that for to vote. Reason if dismiss themselves from the civil society. That's why they're behind bars! But the Democrats, Votes wherever they can't, whether it's a graveyard, whether it's a federal state or local prison,
it's three or four votes, whether it's an illegal and that matter and if you say, wait a minute we gotta clean this apple say: oh, your racist, your suppressing the vote when it it is they that the pressing, the vote that cancelling you vote or president Trump. It is prison reform and I don't think he would ever support anything like that for renewing, wouldn't reason- and I just think what that's more you you know you for that question out there who would give what kind of quality of life Are they trying to choir here my we know anyway, child thanks for your car body, rather with Well, he's better get a little better on the pitching side, I would say mean there And he was unbelievable. Tina one. What the hell was that all about anyway, Bob Sugar Elena, on the mark living go back, I kill it whatever it is. Guys have a grand old times,
sitting in his mother's basement happy hour all by himself, Julia. In Cleveland, Ohio, serious satellite. How are you mark and excited the Tokyo? Thank you. I can't wait to read your book entry. The press. Thank you. I know you're gonna like it. I found a way this week to bypass the pre, did open I wanted to share that with your listeners, dough foot, it all started when I heard you play the click of candles Owen, weighing up in Congress the link I wanted to listen to it again and I went to Google and type, then you know Canvas Owen, Congress and the only thing that came up on pages, don't wanna too, was CNN plague me out of context clip of her making it sound like she was defending Hitler and
so I thought okay. Well, here's this fee will run out of time so go forth. So instead of Google, I typed in duck go and he s got go alone. Behold there. It was right number one cannot dont go a great search sites. I try to use it as much as I can. My wife uses it exclusively to anybody wanting to do an honest search of inter here right doktor go You're right. I Julia. Thank you for your car, my friend Martin, gains Veil Florida, the great Ws K. Why go my colleague the challenge of listening to your actual abroad shows is to stay on point because you have so many lucid thought and comments. However, I've done that anything like that abandoned save I'm an older dad. Young daughter who the senior high school my son, a freshman and I've been
talking about the things that you discussing the way that you speak in the ideas that you put forth with them, since they were very young and I'm very proud to say that I've got two very, live. Let's growing the camp there in the camp at around with. Thank you I wanted to thank you in and, although I do sleep on boll sheets, I do not have yet again, Many of you have worked, but I'm going to be pretty right. Martin I'll tell you what I'm gonna get you a cop. Of my new book when it comes out on May twenty one on freedom of the press, it don't hang up assign them as well. So don't hang up. Thank you. We're bless till we get conservative kids in kids, who think for themselves who are independent and so forth. And we all have an obligation, I feel to teach them. These things. Apart from what the schools do, back in many ways in lieu of what the schoolmaster mouth
Edgewater New Jersey, the Great W Abc Go. I do a microscope thought you again. All right all right now, the one thing that I you're tired opened. I think you'll be market, how Republicans their conducting interviews with the so called free press, and they have this identifying them for what they are. They are a hostile press. They had slackened, nothing less interviews and more debates with these basically democratic act. If it is what they are, the facts and the laws are on their side, and every single interview see what these Republicans getting walked all over and stopped on by these, so called acres, and our activists is discussing what they should be doing is approaching every interview to expose them for what they are in wanting as well like what, with these words,
press briefing, I think, was what homeland security, for example, what they should do is get their pet spokesperson angle after each and every network is pushing out, lies about. What's happening on this border, for example, we know what the government going after them, but you and I, and these politicians should be calling them the unfreezing press and make it a bum clear, where the ones that support a free press and that's not they're, not a free press are on free press, we'll be right back. My poor then modern voice of our founding fathers, this It is, though, Mark Levin, Joe Dialing, nowadays, seven seven, thirty, eight one brief, eight one one! Well, that's a little embarrassing when you have a guess, like Tom saw commissar. How are you, sir? I value? Well
update a tremendous book. There was already tremendous discrimination and disparities, let's get into their skills. We only have a limited amount of time and I went through this book again. I went through it the first time, of course, but But some of this really is pertinent to the use of numbers to deceive. We hear this all the time. What are you talking about? What were how many variables How do you know where it was thought? One of the things, for example, People saying you know how the top ten percent of income earners in America. This is all launching an overall arrested was hell, happened that kid just over half of all, Americans will be in the top ten percent. At some point me alive.
For what they leaving out of all these numbers is tied over one of the examples that came out since the first edition, where Internal Revenue data show that over a twenty three year period, there were four thousand five hundred and eighty four people in the so called a four hundred that most of those people and their one year out of more than two decades. Until we are talking about a tunnel with about egg an oligarchy we're talking about an ever changing, makes a people This whole thing about casts and class. This is this. Is this marxist notion and that's what it is? It really is
is a mainstay now the Democratic Party in the media isn't it is painfully and put on the stake in because most of us, most American, those they and the same quintal of income for a far more than a decade and fell we're talking about a constantly turning make sure people, as you start out at the bottom, and go on up to whatever the copier. Isn't your feel yet with spoken of as if this is the number of people here, and that one implicit assumption just turns even accurate statistics and is something very misleading. So we ve been entire ideology, been on this really any here it with the Democrats who want to be present in the United States, led by Bernie Sanders. So there is there Higher assumption is fallacious, right and yet its appealing. Why is that people love the boy?
better off and they aren't because the others did something a legitimate and if they are therefore entitled to be compensated for the wrong that was done to them and then you, you point out it's even worse: the abuse of words and the abuse of language, and yet they kind of overlapped out they do and
What is this abuse of words in this abuse language, while the revival of one when people in intellectual talk about errors or change, they only mean those narrowed fetter cases. There has been a long pathogen there about nineteen twenties which have never considered an arrow changes, go through an era of either stagnation or retrogression, and yet in the nineteen twenty that was the first decade, when most Americans had electric light, it was afraid decade when a most Americans had automobile. It was the first decade when you had commercial air travel. It was the first decade when there was radio. I would you could go through the whole list and yet, when you re the histories, including one that the cost is prepared,
that's very famous and call for a hundred and sixty dollars, and they miss everything in a twenties and depicted as being the opposite of what it was in. Don't many of these same people and institutions attacked in a strong revolution of all things and an end. Like Hell, Americans, luxuriate in so many things, and I just feel there's a complete disconnect between the knowledge of how we get these things. And in the propaganda we heard today, what fate people take it for granted that these things are more or less happen automatically, so they only need to concern themselves about the prison. Know these things now. Those of us who are all enough now that will now-
lifetime things? Your rub just revolution eyes when I was born, most Americans had no refrigerators, and so many other things. Different, but especially among the young, when all they know is what they ve been tall in school and they have Why do you wear what people desperately seeking to escape resemble from communism? Right is worried that this very time they have many seem to be obligatory to what has happened and build Venezuela and socialism. The socialism they talk about is a social ism of theory, which is beautiful. I mean I was a marxist when I was young man only as I do Ghana study fact that suddenly at one so beautiful, what do you mean by sorting and unswerving people? The people do not tend to be
it randomly distributed and any activity on almost anything that you can do. There are countless examples of that. But what was remarkable to me is that people who say that the various groups not represented in proportion to their percentages and the population is something wrong, and no one asked from the equation you name me one country anywhere in the world it anywhere. Recorded history going back thousands of years where growth were represented proportionally and in various activities. Where we're there was free, and I've never been able to find one? most people really don't operate that Do they? They crawl? The talk about groups and ethnicity in this area, the fact as people are paid,
They operate out of their own individual interests, whether they claim otherwise, even within the famed family refreshment. Italy has a higher I q and any other advantages that you could go into over a great love. So if people want the same parents and raise under the same roof are not the same, why are we assuming but others are gonna, be the same social vision. You say human consequences this this would sorted be where we are hearing from the Democrats were running for office that all this talk about freely. And free. That kind requires least Nate Doesn'T- and I think that's the thing that that many of them do not want to face up to- I don't think that most of them want to establish a police state, but in the course of trying to accomplish what they're trying to accomplish there's no other way:
Go in. I hope this comes our right when I'm about to say cause. It's meant as absolute unadulterated praise. You know I miss Milton Friedman, don't you miss Milton Friedman, our my mentor? He was your men turn. I remember you being on. Firing line repeatedly. I miss Bell Buckley, don't you I just want you to know The day comes at. I hope it's a long way off we're gonna miss He too doktor saw about eurobonds just want you to know. I the impact of had on my life of so many other people. I appreciate ever. Now. Let me ask another question:
see what's going on in these college campuses, used work on college campuses. I see the violence, I see the baby s movement. I see a conserve rickets up the speak in their their physically attacked. I mean it's like the nineteen sixties, all over again isn't it would be, I want the collars you during the height of the Mccarthy era, and I was openly a marxist. I never encountered anything resembling the kind of hostility that the threat that the conservatives today of fine on elite, college campuses and administrators. Don't seem to know the Durban there so so cowardly. What I've got your failure bring kindly that they are not going to do it? I the idea in the faculty, either the idea that ten
enables you to be independent and free is utter nonsense. Do you think that the the faculty today as an aggregate is worse than the faculty. Bygone era is absolutely out of the phrase it used to be. You was we're here to teach you how to think not what Well today, the other trees you what to think- and you will not think anything different from that. You know you were in your book. You dedicate your book to a very dear friend of yours, Professor Waller Williams. You guys come to know each other better. We independently arrived at the same ideas. Some people are constantly trying to say that that I persuaded him with some other points what that now, the very real we came together. As someone said, you know what it is another guy saying, a kind of stuff separately and that's how you got together.
You re a graduate student work. I have Phd at. You sail a loudspeaker summer school you silly and I felt together and how long ago that doubt rightly effected I that's my half a century. To long term again, and but look at the good that you too have done. I mean I mean when people want to know about economics and philosophy talk about Tom saw they talk about Water Williams, quite serious about and you know I ve much wanted. You are my Sunday show, but I know you can travel across the country, but I gotta figure this out somehow cause you're too important I have on the show. I appreciate that I'd I'm thank you have a wonderful weaken and we we appreciate your sir. You are a god bless our mind remarkable man really truly. There is no doubt that Americans are having a
time of their prescription drugs, but while Democrats I am drug companies. They ignore, patients are being denied discounts at are kept by middlemen. I've been telling you about pharmacy benefit managers p B, aims and why they intended to description. Drug costs artificially high. Congresses investigating this issue gradually headed. The third finance committee brought in some ceos of the largest ppm to shine a light on their industry, as an hard around them up. There's three there's bait clean three of them. They control eighty five percent of the market, just three companies, so much for a petition, a drive down prices, I grasslands asking to have questions because I don't know what these people do either. Now, President Trump is willing to expose them to and there are hidden drug rebate scheme and that this is a huge problem. Those rebate. Two intended for senior citizens are intended for the end user. Anyone
the discounts to go to those folks at the pharmacy counter. I couldn't agree more, which is why I have been talking about for several months now. These ppm here but I want you to do- go to true healthcare, facts that come true: health care, facts, dot, com check out the site and get the facts. True healthcare facts not come I'll, be right back. That's gotTa Andrew stand, hope New Jersey, they great W B C. Go though he knew procure my heroes and role models, and it's just a coincidence that, even though we re going to be on your show
how I hope is terrific. It was from his book. I think I first learned my that the Democrats tell about the two thirty per person which Exactly the opposite of RE three says stresses the happy with this year was the stop the Democrats from gaining more political like tutorial, our which they wanted to continue to inflate, like where the Republicans worthy abolition as party, and they knew they were movement towards freedom, which was the republic in. So that's how they were insidiously kinds account blacks. Getting played them so that there are many. Why why? Why do the left and I, The media continue to lie about this, because the trash is the country, that's what right their desperate.
Leave even claim that the electoral College as a result of slavery, electoral college had absolutely nothing to do with slavery. Like you point out, if anything at the opposite, it was to oppose the southern power to continue to play. And lastly, to Lyndon Johnson in modern times he was quoted as saying if you could take the black father at home and get woman depended on government who get the black boat her on I I don't know the source of that thanks for college. I don't know the source of that maybe did we didn't, but I'm not aware of it himself. Let us continue, Tricia Ten, a fly New Jersey, Harry you, ah markets. Thank you protection. My call me better. Really great idea and probably a lot of people, do you know about President tromp wanting to send the illegal aliens sanctuary, cities and thought was to send them all to Hawaii and
The more milk wireless, because you know how you now good people are running away. You feel about Donald Trump. I do what now sent him to Hawaii and do what I couldn't hear: send them too I e and put him on a no fly list. Sword Ricardo. I can Alcatraz thanks reoccur. We get a little too clever and doesn't come across re. Well, no but there's no reason they can. I go to sanctuary cities sanctuary city say they want them so good.
America in your honor. Here we go
Sunday night, ten, P, M Eastern Life, Liberty, eleven and please head over to Amazon, dot com and order your priority copy of unfair the press, we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency power personnel at all. Foresman unites begin I Griffin get. I Pepsi, can I say Hagen observer can I Jpg Mom, and can I dad. Bless you all, ladies and gentlemen, have a wonderful, weaken
and I'll see on Monday.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-05.