On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, If we don’t understand history we won’t survive and the left wants nothing more than for us to forget history. A survey published on Holocaust Remembrance Day showed one-fifth of millennials haven’t heard of the Holocaust and two-thirds could not identify what Auschwitz was. The reason is because it’s not taught in our schools anymore. What better way to educate then with Ronald Reagan’s 1983 speech to Holocaust survivors in which he paints a vivid picture of the horrors Americans must never forget. Also, Lindsey Graham and the Democrats are leading the charge to protect Robert Mueller from being fired from President Trump. These fools in congress want to pass laws to protect Mueller, but not to protect the constitution or attorney client privilege. Mueller wouldn’t be able to pursue most of these investigations without the approval of Rod Rosenstein, who is taking Jeff Sessions' role as Attorney General. It’s the responsibility of Sessions to take back his power when the investigation isn’t focused on Russia.
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