« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/11/22


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Mr. Call Screener and ‘This Is America’ podcast host, Rich Valdes fills in for Mark Levin. Democrats are driven by power and hate, and if you dare question their agenda you are the enemy. If you don't like the idea of your kids being bombarded with race, gender, sex, and other indoctrinations, you are the enemy. People need to know what's right and wrong, instead of coddling and allowing for the same mistakes to be made. They are motivated by hate, and whatever it is they hate they want to destroy and rebuild in their image. If you want to save America by destroying it and our capitalist system, you want to destroy America as we know it. It's time for all of us to be tough and tackle this evil agenda and stop it now before we lose the future. Also, children in leftward lurching cities are subjected to teachers with wild ideas like being a gender-fluid pagan witch. Ideological subversion is how to divide us and get us to turn on each other and on America. The push to sexualize children is not acceptable, and we have the right to protect our kids. Forcing sex-ed on 5-year-olds without parental consent is abuse. Later, why do we ignore gangs and organized crime like MS-13 and biker gangs? 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by Hillsdale College forever, one Britain, seventy five years for purposes, have defined hills, Douze Mission, learning, character, faith and freedom, Thank you for listening at my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters. At hills, data for their great sponsorship now run only underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of a non the script filtering. We have once again made contact with our leader. So when our long story- history, as the United States of America, the demo
at Party has had a history of hate. They ve always hated others. They used to hate blacks. Now they hate you and anyone who disagrees like conservative Republicans or anybody else that they oppose or challenges their agenda. They are driven by a thirst for power and, sadly, by hate and their lust to oppose you to this. Roy you and what you stand for. What's up America, I am rich about DES Valdez. Within s your liberty, loving. Let things go, I'm Eagle, Richie Thee, Mr Call Schooner broadcasting from our backup bunker. Seventeen
miles away from Madison Square Garden in New York City and our phone number, eighty seven thousand, seven hundred and thirty, eight one thousand three hundred and eighty one eighteen, seventy seven, thirty, eight thirteen thousand eight hundred and eleven. If your lid and, of course the great one is off tonight, he'll be back tomorrow, I'm at Rich Valdez with an s on all of the social media and get ready, get comfortable turn up the volume, because the next three hours of talks, radio awesome. This is something I don't want you to miss and not because of me, but because of you that live in ice, because the leadership of the Democrat Party and their far left fringe there, a hateful group, if you don't believe me check this out, there there radical agenda and if, if you don't believe in their radical agenda here the enemy, if you don't subscribe to their thought process on gender and sexuality, you're the enemy. If you dare question,
I think things that are going on in your own government. You are the enemy, and this troubles me because if you don't like the idea, the idea of your kids, your children, being taught about race and gender in kindergarten first grade second grade five years old, you're, the enemy and they're going to go as far as getting the federal Department of Justice to label you as a domestic terrorist, if you're apparent that dares to speak up at a school board meeting, because they're motivated by power and they're, driven by hate, not all of them, but the friends.
So it's no wonder to me that they're going to go to all of these lengths to stop you. It's no wonder that they're going to usurp and shred the constitution, Shred, the rule of law and all things good and holy just in order to win but I'll, submit to you. But I don't think it's all Democrats who think this way. It's not it's not all Democrats that behave this way. I think it's an epidemic, an epidemic of hate that is raging through the fringe, far left part of the Democrat Party and it's taken root and it's spreading, but it has an infected everybody. Perhaps it's time for an intervention who knows maybe somebody can be saved. I think I think that's actually. The case call me naive, but I think our democrat friends who look at their democrat friends and some of us needs to say look. Some of them have lost their way. Some of them have sipped that Marxist Koolaid and we need to tell them to knock it off. Reminds me of when I was a kid when I was a kid
dad would tell me Meda call it now. Is it call it? If you would give me this look, if you were a good mood, he would say good understood and you knew right away. You knew that you had to take it easy now. It seems like collective We've lost our way as a nation and individually many of us are still on track. So we We need to help our neighbor to help our fellow man to help our fellow American. Let me tell you a story. The other day I was scrolling through Facebook, and I saw a video of a kid on a bike and an older gentleman. Now this older gentleman he sit sitting us sit at excuse me take two. He sees in the outdoor dining section of dining kind of like an alfresco restaurant. You know like sidewalk CAFE with women in another gentleman than there on the sidewalk and the gentleman with the white hair. He sees these two young men riding their bicycles and they're, the ones that are capturing the video there
waiting on the sidewalk and you could see from the look on his face he's concerned like my gosh they're coming too fast, they might hit somebody hit his table hit another table, so he gets up. in Oji and when I say oh gee, I mean original gangsta units, an old term and hip hop. I grew up on hip, hop and Reagan, so I make a lot of hip hop references, okay, but when I say oh gee, it's original gangster, you know an old guy in the streets. If I say Oji about myself, it means original legal legal because in our loss of over the way- but he sees these kids come in and he gets in the face The first kid says: hey you gotta ride on the sidewalk on the street, not the sidewalk, so the kid gets off the sidewalk and he goes the other way, but the second kid he becomes a little more belligerent, because why? Because the guy wife. She gets up and she puts her chair in the middle of the sidewalk so that they can pass and
anybody that might be also dining out Fresco there and the second boy defiantly tells the old man that he will beat him up if he doesn't get out of the way and the video abruptly stops right there. But this old man he's fuming, because it seems that he can't fit it inside his head that these kids would want to ride right through the outdoor dining section of a restaurant in the bicycle.
They're, not little. Kids they're, you know teenagers. So my immediate reaction is, I think, thank God for old guys, like this old GE, like this dude, because he had the guts to stand up and do the right thing when these kids were there, and I thought what if that was my kids, you know I would think my kids would know better and that they would care, and I say that, as the father of a sixteen year old and a twenty year old, I could see myself getting frustrated if my kids did something silly like that, and someone spoke to them that forcefully even, dare I say, rudely I'd probably get mad at both of of the the o g M kids. But I don't think I would step to the old guy because I think he was within his rights, and this is where I think we're at today. Not just this situation, but overall so occurred to me that I think my kids might have more
I said that, but there's many kids that don't have that much sense and if they didn't know better, then this is what's happening and they're going to have this yelling that they got coming to them. Maybe the guy could have been nicer. Maybe you know he seems like he was from New York or from Philly based on his demeanor and his accent from you know from my estimation, but sometimes people need to be direct and let us know what we've done wrong, because when we're coddled, we continue to make the same mistakes. People need to know what's right, what's wrong. So for me personally, I'm glad that this old man stood up for his family and for everybody in the cafe, and I think more Americans need to be like that. So I was scrolling through the comments on this Facebook post and, to my chagrin, and I love using this word chagrin cuz- it's not something I use in my regular lexicon, so I get to use it on the mark. Levin show, but I see that
tat the old man for being some sort of supremacist for abusing his quote, unquote white privilege for going after other people's kids, and and with a sense of entitlement as if he owned the sidewalk and treated these boys poorly. Now. I should note that both the boys from what I could see and hear sounded like they were white as best as I could tell from the I kid that you could see riding on the sidewalk and the other one whose faces and shown, but not that race should matter in a situation like this. I'm just trying to give you context because we're on radio, but my point is every couple of comments attacking this guy was one in defence of the man saying that we ve lost our way. We ve lost our common sense, what's happening that his country and from the little sir, avatar that you could see when people post a comment, their profile picture. I could see was making the comment- and it seems to me that the majority of people that thought the way I did
appreciated what this old man did? Most of these people seem to be older, and the people that were saying this guy's out of control. He you to come at these young people this way they were younger and it seems common sense and common courtesy and respect for one's elders has dissipated with age and with generation, as has the very common idea that has existed since the beginning of time that there are predominantly men and women right. That's another idea that seems to have disappeared by the wayside. Lately can the occasional eunuch, of course, but I beg rest so these kids, Seem to be my opinion from the Obama generation a time I would say the most significant damage to this country was done. Besides the nineteen sixties, these Obama babies, like EO, see all out crazy, Alexandria, Ocasio Cortez, our least favorite congresswoman from the Bronx and Queens
went to college and they fell in love with Obama. They fell in love with Marxism and, for the most part, they've become radicals hateful intitle, arrogant activist. That will stop at nothing until they achieve some part of their unachievable agenda, because many of them live for the fight, not for the victory and that's a key point here. In my opinion- and this is sad to say, they're motivated by hate hate for the system that system is the constitution, our founding capitalism, the environment, whatever it is, they hated and they want to destroy rebuilding their own image in their preferred image, because that's what radicals do so if you're listening to this and you're one of those patriots, says. We need to destroy America and our capitalist system in order to rebuild it. I encourage you to check yourself. Ask yourself: am I being guided by a love of country or by a threat,
of destruction and motivated by the same hate that the left is we already, know what side? These far left right, like a sea and all France, her friends, we know what's they're on. We know that they want to destroy America as you, and I know it, they want to rebuild a radical Utah. OPI like Oregon, like Washington, like San Francisco, like New York, Philly to name a few big shout out, one thousand two hundred and ten wpht, you can hear me there on weekends by the way. So are you willing to make the big move? That's the key! What are you willing to sacrifice to stop their radical agenda? Are you willing to pull your kids out of public school? Are you willing To end a career where you're vested and lose a pension or a paycheck, are you willing to pick up your family and move to.
the two, a war zone to be a political missionary of sorts, because that's what they're doing and until those that oppose the radical left like you and me, and their hateful agenda until we play hard bought the same level that they do, we won't be able to compete like they do and they ll keep flipping blue states. Elsie all out crazy few weeks ago, she was campaigning in Texas and she's going to keep campaigning in Texas until it turns purple and eventually turns blue. and millions of radicals like her going to do it in every single red state in this country. They have a mission and they're willing to forgo even having kids. They wanted to forego getting married to complete this mission. There not like us,
Wanna be left alone, so they can enjoy their families. Their mission is to complete the agenda there agenda, to destroy us to destroy our way of life, to destroy our families in the process. So my thinking is: are the brave first responders, like fire fighters that run towards fires in our cops police officers that run towards gunfights, our military that runs the words the enemy and our faithful, United States citizens like each and every one of you that's listening right now. Are we going to tackle this evil this evil agenda? Are we going to show the school board meetings and run for the school board and donate to people that are running for school board, help collect signatures and whatever else is necessary. Like Spain, three nights a week, organizing getting your kids involved in organizing locally because we already know what's going to happen, it's just a matter of time. So it's time for all of us,
to be that tough old man on that sidewalk cafe, to tell those kids to get off the damn sidewalk and do the right thing two reasons. This is happening: evil and evil. The evil that is Joe Biden to oversee the largest human smuggling operation on the planet at our southern border, and it's that same evil. That destroys our family in our country in the process. They'll tell you that we need to accept these different genders, because it's fluid its infinite love is love and that's why five year olds need to learn to stuff in a public school classroom. bs. These are all lies, but in the same vein, they'll tell you that he's just defending Brenti and Christianity protecting themselves against Biolabs near the borders yeah more propaganda, it sound different, but it's all the same. It's all a bunch of lies
this information that they know will strike a nerve and people that actually give a damn people that care and it's gonna, destroy America from within. So wait. I'm done! I'm going to get off my soapbox, I'm going to crack a few jokes, we're going to listen to some audio we're going to have some conversation, I'm going to open it up for calls and all that stuff, because there's more straight ahead. This is, Mark Levin show I am rich Valdez with an s and I am filling in for the grey much folks. I have great news: for you today, Hills Del College, the college that's reaching and teaching Americans about the constitution is giving away free copies of this vital document, but only while supplies last so claim your free pocket sized constitution right now at Levine for a hill stale back com easy. I M for Hillsdale dot com. Every America should have their own copy of the constitution and the declaration of independence. These
it was so much of our liberty under threat, it's more critical than the first citizens to read and understand them. My favorite school in America. Hillsdale college is doing something they want to give away. One million copies of our founding documents this year to claim yours go to Levin for Hillsdale dot com right now tell them where you'd like your pocket, constitution, mail and they'll. Send yours free when all my listeners to have one of hailstones pocket constitutions, their essential harry. They ve only produced a limited number reserve. Your copy eleven for hills, delta com, that's Ellie, Vienne, pray, hills del dot, com America welcome back rich Valdez, filling it for the great one mark labelling, seven seven we ate I'm three thousand eight hundred and eleven. If you want to disagree, eighty seven, seventy three, eight thousand one hundred and thirty, eight eleven. If you want to make a comment and If the phones are lighting up big shout out to everybody calling
California Tennessee New York City. Thank you, everybody a coast to coast, that's calling in! I love hosts. in this show, obviously because it's the second largest I would have thought radio show in America kudos to the great Mark Levin, and you know I had a I want to go to the stuff. I am I going to get dig deep into the stuff we have some stuff. I want to talk about ideological subversion that we talked about a while back and if you listen to my show, this is America with Rich Valdez, which is on the weekends on one thousand two hundred and ten Wpht Philadelphia or on a heart, radio oddity that calmer, wherever you get your pod guest, I am discuss this in the past. I have discussed it here on the market and show as well, but none of this stuff is possible a if the great doesn't give you the opportunity and tag you into the tag de match, and thank you great one for that, but be it doesn't happen if MR producer, now people get this confused all the time they think I'm, MR producer, I'm actually, Mr Kross greener, Mr Perry,
she's, the one with the grayish hair, who never says a word, not a single word. He never talked, but he gets you the best audio he's on top of all the. I mean he's, got his finger on the pulse of absolutely everything. Make sure you check him out on rumble at rich Samantha and check me on social media well rich about this and when at the same guy, but we make a hell of a team so kudos to rich Samantha executive producer, Mark Levin, show heck of a guy, I'm glad to call him a friend and they mark Levin, said something. If you listen to the show regularly, he said you know hey if it call people strategic view. My limit impression at me nice to receive a he takes up a beating over. I do it occasionally take a beating over here, because you know there is white, just an odd seasons. You Haters and anti Semites of all stripes that call his program if the heat on a man, I'm kind of like the bouncer at the club, writer you're, like yeah, I wanted to live and he's a hippie right,
mounting a bro that are going to happen. That's not going to happen at all, but I don't really need a hug. I just need you to make sure that you did get straight to the point when you make your car now and I want to get to your calls and we're going to do that too. But I want to share with you a little bit about ideological subversion and this stuff that we share from you the best men of a while back and he's a former KGB operative, and Reagan warned about this stuff right, the great Ronaldo Magnus as Russia has termed him. He warned us about stuff and he said these people are going to lie. What you know will play the audio in a minute, but people are going to lie and we're going to hear it and we're going to hear exactly what the and I do it's a four step process, I'm going to play that audio for you as well, and I'm he's a model from the chair of the active measures working group during the nineteen, eighty, six, nineteen, eighty seven soviet working group on active measures, so
I do not want to go anywhere. Trust me. This is going to be good plus our number two excellent and our number three, the best our hands down and talk. Radio across America do not Mark Levin, Show show Rich Valdez with the honor and the privilege to fill in the folks. I have great news, for you today: Hills Del College, the college that's reaching and teaching Americans about the constitution is giving away free copies of this vital document, but only while supplies last so claim your free pocket sized constitution right now at Levine, for here stale dot com, l, easy. I am for Hills, Hillsdale, DOT, every America should have their own copy of the constitution in the declaration of independence. These days, with so much of our liberty under threat. It's more critical than
or for citizens, to read and understand them. My favorite school in America, Hillsdale College is doing something they want to give away. One million copies of our founding documents this year to claim yours go to Levin for Hillsdale dot com right now tell them where you'd like your pocket, constitution, mail and they'll. Send yours free when all my listeners to have one of Hillsdale Pocket Constitution, their essential harry they've only produced a limited number reserve, your copy of Levin for Hillsdale dot com, that's Ellie, VN! For hillsdale dot com Mark Levin, making conservatism great again, dial in page seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, alright come back America. I am rich Valdez Valdez within S and all the social media that includes truth. Social presented, trumps, social media network, Getter, Facebook, Instagram all them, because you know what I can't afford to hate on those guys, although they hate on me and
phone number, eighty, seven, seventy three eight thousand one hundred and thirty, eight eleven. If you want to disagree, eighty seven, seventy three, eight thousand one hundred and thirty, eight eleven. If you want to make a comment- and I know some people author thinking, we'll, which you know I like what you said, but some of the stuff you said was contradictory. Some of it didn't make sense it all sounded like you were kind of bashing it was now was bashing you guys. I was challenging your thought process making that you're not falling for the hype, don't believe the hype, don't fully believe me This information, the propaganda, because it's out there and it's been out there for a very long time. The gray president role. Now this Magnus has done so by EL rush. Rest, his soul, He had some words of wisdom. This is less than a minute, but in nineteen ninety four may of nineteen. Eighty four choose me. Eighty four, that was a wee lad The time or that's grand I was a wee lad. Reagan talked about that danger of espionage and how its added active
they are designed to subvert. They want to destroy America. Listen to this on this point, I want to stress and intelligence agency cannot operate effectively it's necessary secrets, are maintained even in this. The most open and free country on earth. We can I expect you or your informants to endanger life and work because of carelessness, sensationalism or unnecessary exposure to risk hostile intelligence activities conducted in this country and direct. U s interests abroad threatened, not only are legitimate secret sound our technological advantages, but also our privacy and ultimately, our freedom, to the danger of espionage, is added active English designed to subvert in DC to- inform the public opinion upon which our democracies are built. That's the line to the
danger of espionage is added the active measure. Designed to subvert and deceive to disinform the public opinion upon which our democracies are built. Now, there's a few people. I want to talk about here, Kathleen Bailey, She was the chair of President Reagan's working group on soviet active measures in September, one thousand nine hundred and eighty seven three years later after he made this warning shut, and I will that warning shot again so I can remember it verbatim, but she said that this is an active man, there's campaign by the Soviets. Again. Remember he's talking in eighteen. Accuse me. Nineteen, eighty four and she's talking a night he Navy, seven and their speaking about these active measures, campaigns from the experts in this information and agony
heard to stop you've, probably seen it on social media. If you listen to my show, this is America where Rich Valdez you've heard it before, and I've even mentioned some of this stuff when I filled in in the past, but I think it's worthy of repetition, because this is so important so I want you to hear Kathleen Bailey President Reagan's, Fear the working group on soviet active measures in September of nineteen. Eighty seven talking about misinformation, vs propaganda. Listen to this information is, and here as lies, I would like to distinguish it clearly from propaganda. agenda is value laden statements that carry a perspective or point of view, whereas disinformation is inherently untrue. It is, released, usually to influence public's opinions of publics and or governments There are three examples of disinformation that I would like to offer you this afternoon. The first is that
the Soviet Union has produced a book which is called death of Joan. Town crime of the CIA, this book, which apply as an Russian is. It has been printed in. One hundred thousand copies and distributed throughout the Soviet Union, including at the most recent Moscow workfare it alleged that the United States government and the CIA specifically were to blame not only for the death of the citizens of Jonestown, but also for the death of the. U S. Congressman a second right there before she gets to the second point, I want to make it really clear that that this information that's being spread is saying that the United States ever met than the CIA in particular, is doing text, Wayne, Z, bad things all over the world. This is not a defense of the state by any means, but it's an indictment of the Russians and I'm sure
to illustrate to you that the lies that they're telling today they've been telling for forty years, God of disinformation, which has been spread. by the Soviet Union is: the United States is developing a weapon, a so called ethnic weapon. there are two variations of the story, one kind of designed for the Middle EAST, the other one kind of designed for african audiences in the case of the First, it is alleged that the United States is involved in, and bomb with the Israelis that will attack and kill only Arabs case of Africa. It is alleged that the United States is cooperating with South Africa in development of a in which will attack only blacks attack and kill only blacks, I would like to at this that that may seem ludicrous to the audience here. However, I attest to the fact of having traveled throughout the continent of Africa
all that? Indeed, the story has had an impact on populations there? You know it's funny, you this, is that the other day somebody sent me a text message and said: hey rich. But what would you do if you were putin- and Bio Labs, on the on the border of of Ukraine that were designed to wipe out the slavic people to wipe out the russian people, and I thought wholly snap old up a second step. The press is, you have easily haven't studies of history to know that this is an age old cars from the Soviets but We will lead a real expert, continue, not me because you know you say: I've sip, the Kool aid and I'm a neo com. If you will not but Yuri S, men of former KGB spy, turned states moved to Canada and starts EL, the beans here in the United States. Back in the eighties. I want you to hear I got a couple of clips from him. You're gonna learn.
Why? From this guy, if you've never heard this before you're in for a treat if you've heard it before you're in for a refresher, listen to this ideological subversion is, is the slow process which we call either ideological subversion. or active measures exceedingly made a priority in the language of the KGB or you warfare. What The commitment is to change that. Section of reality of every american to such an extent that, despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the Inter Defending themselves families their community and their country, it's the brainwashing process, which goes very slow and is divided in four basic stages, the first one being demoralization. It takes from fifteen to twenty years to demoralize a nation, Why did many years, because this is
minimum number of years, which requires to me one generation of students- hang on a second tell us as it just said, and again I know you heard it, but I want to emphasize this. He said it takes fifteen to twenty years. These guys are playing a long game. This is not a joke, he's laying it out for you. This is a KGB defector telling you how they use ideological. Sir going to get this done again same lies different time period go ahead in the country of of your enemy. exposed to the ideology of the enemy in it's marxist leninist ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of of of at least three generations of american students without challenge: tour counterbalance by the basic values of Americanism american patriotism.
demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already for the. Twenty five years. Actually it's over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas. Where, previously, not even cover them drop off and on all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success. Most of it is done by Americans to Americans thanks to good moral standards. As I mentioned before exposure to true, information, does not matter anymore. A person. Who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him even if I shower him with information with a faint through with documents with pictures, even take him by force to the Soviet Union, then show him concentration camp, he will do used to believe it until he he's going to see a kick in the in his face
bottom, when the military, both crashes, his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That's the tragic the situation of the moral ASEAN when exclusive cease bulls of this guy. He tells it like it is that Europe S manner and I gotta or more cuts where have hopefully your enjoying what he had to say or you're, gleanings and value from it, because, in my opinion- this is stuff. We really really need to know. If you don't know this stuff, it's kind of like walking through the wilderness at night without night vision, uncle. But when you know you know it's an old saying from my dad, L guess outweigh savvy and it's been nothing but truth in my life. You have to know stuff, because he who no know just simply doesn't know now best men of goes on. He talks about the ideological subversion, he talks about the destabilization of a nation. He talks about how the left is instrumental in this process of destabilizing a nation, and this was back in nine,
in eighty four- so let's continue with the next clip the next play jazz d, this time the church does not care about your ideas and the patterns of your consumption, whether your junk food and get fat and flab. It doesn't matter anymore this time and it takes only from two to five is too distant, Eliza Nation, it sped matters is essentials, economy, foreign relations, defence systems and you can see quite clearly that in some areas in such so if it is, it is defence, an economy, the in influence of marxist leninist ideas in the United States, is absolutely fantastic. I could never believe it. Fourteen years ago, when I landed in this, part of the world that, the process will go that fast the age. Of course. This crisis it bit it may take on these up to six weeks to to bring a gun
to the verge of crisis. You can see them in Central America now and after crisis with a violent change of a power structure and economy, you have so cold the feet. Of normalization, it may last indefinitely. normalization is a cynical expression board from. Propaganda when the Soviet moved into checklist, Slovakia, sixty eight cormorant brezhnev, said The situation in brotherly Czechoslovakia is normalized. This is what what happened in United States. If you allow all the schmucks to bring the country to crisis, to promise all kinds of goodies and the paradise and tourists distant belies your economy to eliminate the principle of free market competition and two a big brother government in Washington Dc C. The benevolent dictators like Walter Mondale, who will
As lords of thing never mind whether the promises are fulfilled or not so never the promises are fulfilled or not people promising things like. I remember somebody who likes to say. I got area eggs right, good old, Joe Elbow so bite, and he once said that he was going to cure cancer. Nobody holds into this stuff. This is exactly the stuff that best men of is talking about this ideological subversion he's only talked about two pieces of it. So far, he's going to finish the other two pieces in a moment I have a little bit more audio that and that and I'm going to share with you, but I think it's so important we to realize. I would never play these long audio clips review, because I'm a my colleague I love the sound of my own voice and I loved talking with you, the american people. I would Never share the airtime with this KGB defector, unless I thought it was real value to you guys, so I hope you're enjoying that number one number two he talk the demoralizing, a country and destabilizing a country, and again this was back in nineteen. Eighty four, but he had one
peace that he wanted to add two more pieces but we'll get into another one. The secondary part of this. Listen to this, your leftists it in United States. All this professors and all this I civil rights defenders, they instrumental in the process of the of the severe only to destroy, belies the nation when job is completed, then they're not needed anymore. They know too much. Some of them went. They get disillusioned when they see that marxist linen come to power, the obviously they get offended they think that they will come to power, that will never happen. Of course they will be line up against the wall and shot, but they may turn into the most bitter enemies of marxist lead when they come to power and that's what happened in Nicaragua. You remember most of this former marxist linen his were either put to prison or one of them's. Please, and now he is working against, and in these days
And then, in the great, neither when lorries Bishop was he was, They are marshes. He was you can buy a new marxist who was more marxist than this marxist saying have not gonna start when first there was, the Rockies was killed by a mean that not mean was killed by boat, but our government and with the help of cagey, be safe. And then in Bangladesh. When legible. Draftsman very process leftist was assessed. made it by his own marxist Leninist. Comrades is this, embed in everywhere I don't know a whole lot about border, but who were now man like he just talked about, but I do know a little bit about this subversion and what I've seen happen in our society and when he says bitter enemas, it wasn't Amma's, in the literal sense he's talking about enemies, because these are our enemies. These are people that want to bring down the United States and it's so important that we realize this stuff,
now straight ahead. We're going to continue with the measure, actually think, we've actually gotten through all of the best men of stuff, but we're going to continue, the theme we're also going to talk about drug cartels. I want to talk about drug cartels They fit into this problem, plus. What's going on public schools- and why is there such a plague on our children were going so a lot of that stuff. So don't move muscle, it's right there. I am rich Valdez and I'm filling in for the great one month, love in the folks. I have great news, for you today: Hills Del College, the college that's reaching and teaching Americans about the constitution is giving away free copies of this vital document, but only while supplies last so claim your free pocket sized constitution right now at Levine for Health, AL dot com, l e, I n for hillsdale dot com. Every America should have their own copy of the constitution in the declaration of independence, these
it was so much of our liberty under threat. It's more critical than for citizens to read and understand them. My favorite school in America, Hillsdale College is doing something they want to give away. One million copies of our founding documents this year to claim yours go to Levin for Hillsdale dot com right now tell them where you'd like your pocket, constitution, mailed and they'll. Send yours free when all my listeners to have one of Hillsdale Pocket Constitution, their essential harry they've only produced a limited number reserve, your copy of Levin for Hillsdale dot com, that's Eli V, I n for a hillsdale dot com, the welcome back, Rich Valdes Valdes with and as some of you guys know me as Mr Call screener, I'm the guy. Sometimes, unlike like the bouncer right at the club that says, hey, you can't get him. That's my job, to make sure you're, not the one that gets on that, if you're off
begin this in that. But today I want to talk to everybody, because I want to hear your opinions on the things were talking about EU ideological subversion. I can even see that, let alone a grasp at half the time, but I do magical subversion, how they're getting into America seeping through the cracks and how we can help our friends, even if you're a Democrat and your fellow Democrats how you're going to help them want to go to your calls. Eight seven, seven, three, eight one! Thirty, eight eleven and let's go to rich California, and the mark Levin app. Is your comment tonight, rich you're, on what rich Valdez? Well, I actually thanked you for taking my call. I appreciate it and I've got it.
A couple of things want only the top. I just you know we have about a minute, so go ahead or I'll, be real, quick, all like capitalistic, rather quaint animal whatever, but greed is not good, regardless of what the movie statement is, and I believe the oil and gas industry needs to step up and do the right thing in certain areas to restore confidence such as you know, fracking for natural gas. Those smaller companies that have gotten away with who are bad taping or whatever and you're right cradle, I hate to cut you off, but the music means we gotta go and again fracking. I dunno how you got that out of ideology subversion, but hey it's each his own. Let's try and keep it on top of here. Folks, eight seven seven one thirty eight eleven. I am rich Valdez, we're going to get into a bunch of stuff on the cartels and transsexuals and all about spreading
Don't move a muscle. I am rather sitting in for the great one marked with this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great car bridge and can save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. That's right for you! Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for this. sponsorship pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the Britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the I'm, not a widget on Android, the gale from Kansas
the children folly crazy. Greedy, but they also know that I'm gender fluid at one point. Last year, I had attended them that I was not Miss Lois or Mr Lois is just slow, as she had another boy or girl and October when I offer Then? He did so where at one point I got new haircut and I got in the fire and I love her down. Why Are you boarding your foot here? No! No! It was the girl and a third child no guys we've been over this.
Is it a boy or a girl? Noise is no way alright holy smokes Dorothy we're not in Kansas anymore. Is she a good witch or a bad witch know? Lois is a gender fluid teacher. That is poly sexual and I don't mean her name is Polly. I mean she's a pagan witch. This is insanity, but this is what's happening to children. No, I don't think every single
I'll has a a pagan which teacher, but that's what this one admitted to be. That's what's going on here, and this is the work at hack. That's on our children, in public schools across all of America, not in every single city, but in those left word lurching cities and welcome back everybody. I am rich Valdez Valdez with it s all the social media are flown over here at the marvel of ensure eight seven. Seven. Three eight one, thirty eight eleven are filling in for the great ones at a he's out tonight, he'll be back tomorrow. All is well And I want to get into this topic of what's going on with teachers across America are so many angles to parse it from, but in that you I heard again. This is one of those things where I was scrolling so through social media, and I see this woman green, hair and cheese.
That you know my name is Lois and I'm not a boy or a girl, and she teaches this to the kids that she's in charge of in her classroom and, ultimately, a third three kids step sentences, know she's she's a witch and she admits to being a pagan witch and again that's her religious preference. I look at this and I think you know what call me old fashioned call me crazy. Call me old school. I don't want my kids going to school with a witch. Do you let me have a different opinion on that. Let me know eighty seven, seventy three at one hundred and thirty at eleven I'd love to hear it. Eighty seven, seventy three eight thousand one hundred and thirty, eight one hundred and twelve me This is one of those things where it's getting very problematic. We've gone from is my teacher. A boy is my teacher girl. What is a teacher or what is a boy? What is a girl? Nothing has definition anymore. It's relativism, a mock and there's a couple of good pieces of audio that I want to share with you, because I don't know you, but I know I remember this
of audio from a while back of a mayor, Craig Schubert. He shows at a school board meeting back in September of two thousand and twenty one and he basically tells all the school board members look. I just found out what you people are doing and you better resign or get charged. Listen to this. It has come to my attention that your educators are distributing. Essentially, what is child pornography in the classroom have spoken with judge this evening. Already confirmed that somebody I'm going to give you a simple choice. We didn't choose to resign from this board of Education or you will be charged. Thank you I'll be clapping for this mayor Two minutes are kind of mayor I wish I had. I wish I had a Mary like Craig Schubert, a governor like RON Desantis, because this is so important. I speaking this a lot
I mentioned this on my show over the weekend. By the way you could hear my show on weekends and weakens and doubly Phd twelve ten out of Philadelphia and anywhere you get your podcast. You can hear the replay of it. This is America with Rich Valdez, and I wanted to just share some of the thoughts that I shared on a previous show because again. I read an article where, specifically in New Jersey, students are going to be learning about January. and if this fall now, I covered it when it was introduced to the legislature about two years ago, but it's kind of one of those things that are like haters, suggesting this thing and if when but how? But now it's here it comes. You know. I saw a piece in a blog called save Jersey and the Fox NEWS website Headline New Jersey to require, in greatest to learn about gender identity. This fall, and this is alarming parents, I'm not. The whole thing, but second graders. First,
There's a new Jersey going to be getting lesson, plans related to gender identity, this fall and sex education because that's the new guy, when it starts this September. Now these standards, they're called performance expectations and they're for second graders there'll, be introduced in first grade, but they're going to check performance expectations quote unquote. Discussing quote the rain ways that people express their gender and how gender role stereotypes may limit behavior. Here's one more quote carriers in the garden state are preparing to carry out their teaching standards which were established in twenty twenty, but not required to be enacted until September of twenty twenty. Do one school district in the state distributed sample lesson plans indicating that first graters could be taught that they can have boy for she's me boy parts quota quote but feel like a girl. Now you tell me first of all, I'm just looking at me.
FR. I look at myself anything as a dad or as an individual. When I went to school- and maybe when MR produce you went to school in and nasty, Walter's is filling and as Mr Karl screen it today when these guys went to school. I doubt very much that they even got kindergarten cop level, cursory overview right. I should add that audio that was great or boys have a penis girls have of a giant not even because I remember learning about this stuff for the first time and still giggling about it. It like one thousand one hundred and thirty the great in high school, but yet now they want introduced this to your five year old to your six year old, and you have to ask you why is this such an Enigma, such a conundrum and life in society, that we have to teach kids these things at peace, I mentioned on Save Jersey, great blog. If you want to know about Jersey, stuff by Matt, Rooney Talks about the wacky new sex curriculum that goes into effect. This fall
and how one senator reacted to it. Saying, although I voted against the legislation maintaining that mandates about sexual education classes for every young child, takes a a measured approach, blah blah blah blah blah blah. She goes on to say that some of the stuff was overboard and it was cringey detail for you. its unnecessarily sexualizing children and then sing. For me, the most outrageous part I how teachers are instructed to promote a website and it's Youtube the kids as young as nine years old to get them additional information on sexual education and one of the first video posted normalizes pornography as something cortical, something everyone watches and it goes on to say, quote: hey it's free! Now, I'm not making this stuff up this
stuff. That's in in the curriculum in New Jersey. Now, I'm sure there are people that right now, applauding the stuff and they're saying fantastic, can't wait, I'm so happy that you don't know how to figure to stuff up. On my own, I had to learn about this industry. I had to learn about this in a club whatever. Oh now, you're going to have your kindergarten teacher first grade. Second grade third grade whatever it is, these teachers are going to be teaching kids. These things and I have to to think to myself. Am I alone. Am I the lone what the left would call bigot in situation where I just don't want my kids being taught the sexual law craziness and, in my opinion- and it will you let me know, Eighty, seven, seventy three eight thousand one hundred and thirty, eight one hundred and eighteen slash. Seventy seven three thousand eight hundred and thirteen eight thousand one hundred and eleven- that's an extra one by the way- and he was at a press conference talking about how they're, using
in actual things like the gingerbread man and relabel in it, the gender bred man and how school trying to sow doubt on kids. Gender listen to is not something I thought was something that was going to be around. So this is something that this is in Florida and other fights school for very young kids, the There man So this is trying to sow doubt about kids about their gender identity. It's trying to say that they could be whatever they want to be This is inappropriate for cleaner gardeners in first creators and second graters parents do not want this going on in their schools. Now this answers didn't stop there. He went on over the weekend. to respond to what was going on in New Jersey and kudos to him for doing that, because you know in in politics, you've got people that will fight against the guy, throwing the punch If we get bide, nerd, Eo Sea or whoever wants to throw a left, his punchayet you, you know you can't
brown. Then you come back and a you know, I'm going to punch you back, but then there's guys like this does. That say. You know what, if I get close enough into striking this, it's a binary, oh see, they're going to throw a punch, and I catching their going to throw this punch. So what is the Santa's? Do he doesn't wait to get punched in the face? He says you know what I am going to create conditions where they're not going to be able to punch me we're going to punch back by thinking forward and. So what I love about this guy him and Trump and a few others they figured out. We know how the left works and we're going to stop them in their tracks. It was to him listen to this yeah, and then you know when he says that says I'm happening, I mean New Jersey, just came out saying they were going, gender ideology and second grade we've seen curriculum put out and in Florida schools, but around the country where trying to teach kids to be quote gender fluid and all these other things, and so what we did was absolutely appropriate parents and
I don't want to send their kids to school without having to worry about some of these things injected into the curriculum. the right thing to do. You know we've also done Dan is we have full curriculum transparency now in the state of Florida, so every parent has a need to know what curriculum is being taught in any subject. You have a right to know about the The library books and you have an opportunity to make your voice heard if some of that curriculum runs afoul of our state standards. That's empowering parents, that's getting parents to have a seat at the table and I think conservatives are leading it's a winning issue, but it's just the right thing to do. Kids are going to do so much better at education. If parents are part of this now we saw how Erin respond to when they feel like their children are being threatened, in the classroom. We saw it happen in Virginia and it's my hope, it's my prayer that we're going to see it happen again in the next election. We're going to get into a bunch more on this, because Abigail Disney, the son of Roy P Disney she had some stuff to say. Jen per,
bizarre silent p. Of course, she weighed in and encircled back on some of this agenda, gender affirming healthcare for kids as a best practice. All add more straight ahead. So don't move a muscle. I am rich Valdez filling in for the great Love Ben I've been telling you plugs for a long time, if you're still with Verizon a t and t t mobile you're, simply paying too much for wireless, because pure talk gives you the same exact, great five g coverage for a fraction of the cost. But don't take my word for it. Listen to what Christopher from Grand Forks North Dakota to say said: I used to be a Verizon customer before switching to pure talk, and I absolutely love it. Pure talk has the same great service that Verizon does and a little over half of the cost, and I got to keep my phone thank you for being such a great company, you should join me and make the switch right now get unlimited talk text and six gigs that data
yes, thirty dollars a month. So do this go to pure talk. Dot com find the plan that right for you, this want to promo code, Levin Podcast, that's l, E, the iron podcast and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin pod guest welcome back rich bout Dat Valdez within S, your liberty, loving, let me know- and they go filling up with a great one- mark Levant our phone numbers, eight, seven, seven, three, eight, on three thousand eight hundred and eleven. If you want to disagree. Eighty seven, seventy three, eight thousand one hundred and thirty, eight eleven. Chime in on the conversation, we're talking about how there's a bunch roaming, going on a Disney, and apparently, if you say that their grooming people for four pedophilia, if you see their broad grooming people for the over assent possession of young people apparent That's wrong and they'll. Kick you off social media, but. What I want to know is your thoughts I want to hear
each and every one of you. If you have a chance to call in and have an opinion on this, because to me this stuff is out of control. Let's go to Kathy not sure what city and state you're calling from I'm sorry Richard excuse me Richard Richard, not Kathy. He just transitions A Wichita Kansas can assess what's Goin on your own, what rich veldt as well, a long time ago I was reading something I can't remember the rules, radicals or something and special yeah, but TAT make an attack. Make was to get the chilly, in America interested in sex at an early age, and I thought to myself who are these people and will they ever stop? I seriously seriously. Doubt it. I think they agenda. Carry on until we achieve whatever it is or after including putting us.
or just just putting us all in the hole, and you can see by what's going on in the Ukraine it's a little off key, but nevertheless, I see more to come It may all chemical, I'm old enough to remember, lived on the radio and these people being lined up and in turn and common grave is and what not and the technical using Idiots in this country in this time and place will serve be want to become our masters very well, because all Oh do is right, I'm up and shoot them when they're done with them doesn't matter to them. They have no conscience. I totally understand what you're talking about and again I I hope and pray that we don't have people getting lined up and shot in America, but I understand,
talking about how people will come and take over a society take over a God process. Tell you what how to believe how to act, what to do and what we're going to do with your children as we pervert them? and not only is this a perversion of children of its a perversion of democracy. It's a perversion of this republic and that's it. Of all things good and holy- and I think you bring up a good point Richard in that It is not just specifically to children they're trying to tell us how to even where to live in what we I do in order to live in every aspect of our lives, not the least of which is over over hyper asean of our children and getting them hooked on sex. And you know what sex sounds. Everybody knows it. You know in the media, they say if it bleeds it leads, and for years they've said sex cells and its there's truth to that. But the question becomes: aren't we keepers. Are we the ones that are supposed to sit here and say? Will you know what there's you know adult humours? adult entertainment there's all sorts of different realms of
information out there, but we have to collectively I agree that we shouldn't be harming and indoctrinating our children with these ideas, but yet it seems that there's one one party show me the band of Republicans: that's out there saying all. You know what we have to introduce this stuff, that there isn't one. So it kind of goes two how I opened this saying. The Democrats had been hoped on hate for a very long time and it seems this situation? They hate our children. They hate the few. For generations. They hate the idea of the family. They hate the idea of or sexuality they hate the norm. That was, the nuclear family and they're trying to do Roy that and destroy America's you and me know it, and my question not! Why? Because I made the analogy before on his program when somebody's punching you in the face don't stop at. why they're hitting you make sure you stop them from hitting you, then if hit him back and then you could figure out. Why and that's what
need to do right now. That's why I got to give kudos to RON Desantis because he stands up for it. He doesn't care. Why they're doing it, he knows that they are doing it. He knows that he has to step up his game. He does and he delivers. each and every time so we're going to continue on this straight ahead don't go anywhere because we got the rest of this. Our plus our three, the best radio hour in Mark Levin Show comes in the third hour, don't move a muscle, Rich Valdez destined for the great one. I've been telling you, which, for a long time, if you're still with Verizon a t and t t mobile you're, simply paying too much for wireless, because pure talk gives you the same exact, great five g coverage for a fraction of the cost, but don't take my word for it. Listen to what Christopher from Grand Forks North Dakota has
to say said, I used to be a Verizon customer before switching to pure talk, and I absolutely love it. Pure talk has the same great service that Verizon does and a little over half of the cost, and I got to keep my phone thank you for being such a great company, fuck, you should join me and make the switch right now get minute talk text and six eggs, a data for just thirty dollars a month. So do this go to pure talk, Dotcom find the plan the tried for you, then, this month, promo code, Levin Podcast, that's Levin, podcast and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin podcast what the fuck
America, Rich Valdez Valdez within spilling out filling in for the great one mark Levin tonight, and we talked about ideological subversion and how the soap created. a to demoralize, destabilize and ultimately take over our way of thinking, with this information, not just propaganda, but this information designed to feed us a pack of lies and get us to turn on each other to turn on America, and I can't help but think we're seeing it right now with this I wish to sexualize children with this push to make. It seem like it's, okay, for transsexuals to the transsexual story hour or the transgender story. I'm not sure the right way to say that. But I think this is a little weird for me and I don't To sound brash in any way, people have their right to do what they want wife, and I have my right to do what I my life and to defend my children and so do you.
And I think we're seeing that subverted this ideology that we have. Are we love America? We stick up for America, we love our families. We stick up for our families, it's being subverted right before our very eyes, and it's been in the Mets, and we're going to hear some audio on that, but I just want to quickly glance at some headlines so Elon Musk says no to being in the board, as that he's not on the going to be on the Board of Twitter, he's not interested okay, great hopefully he'll, buy more shares and have a bigger stake, Joe Bob also bite in a quick interlude on the adventures of Joe, Baboso Biden and Kamala Kamala Harris Harris and what doing any. Apparently Joe Biden is banning ghost guns. Here, I'm going to say you know what shame on me for not buying ten or twelve. These things I did know how easy they word again. Apparently just go online and Zeb and Amazon. I don't know
didn't. I knew they existed. I'd never bought one as never interested in that type of thing, but it it fast. It's me that now that they're going away I want, I want a few of them. Maybe me and mister producer. Should chip in and buy like a half a dozen so that you know you never know. I mean when you'll need a plastic kit gun, but anyway I want to go back to this stuff because to me. I really wish, and again we heard the audio I'm not going to play it again, but that mayor when he walked in and the school born again. That was in reference to that book. That was out by my uncle Bobby. It was called gender queer and second how much Booker went on and one of the pages of this kind book. It shows the act fellatio between like a student than a grown man, and this is considered okay, it's not taboo, no wrong. what trump say wrong wrong. Your fake news, absolutely not I'm not doing that. Who does that?
that is literally how kids used to be groom, groomed for to be raped and whatnot maybe I'm overreacting, but I don't think that I am, I think most people in America the call born as soon as we have a segment long enough to get somebody's cause, I'm gonna get to them, but these people I have something to say about how the Democrats are spearheading an effort to go after and attack our children, and it's not just the Democrats, is a the far left wing amongst them, but also generously, back Masaki saying that you know what giving kids homer excuse me home runs hormones and puberty course not a home run, but it's a best practice. Listen, that is to be clear. Every major medical association agrees that gender affirming healthcare for change. Your kids is best practice and potentially lifesaving all necessary. So she says: is this: Typically, I mean the way she says it almost as if she's snapping her neck and snapping her fingers while she does, it have to be clear, every last medical
you're says this is a best practice again not to get overly ethnic here, but instead I would say I am becoming Poulter what they have to say. What do I care what these idiot doctors have to say. That's my kid! I don't need a doctor telling me if I have an app to girls, but, let's just say God forbid, one of them says: oh today I feel, boy, I'm going to you know I wouldn't have to get you some estrogen, not gonna, say Go there and you know lob off your breasts and and do all sorts of crazy. Stuff to your genitalia and mutilate yourself? Let's figure out what the problem is. But this is where we ve arrived that anyway, let's continue agenda circle back Pasok, asylum, PE in question. What are they policies actually trying to sell for Gb T you. I plus people can't be erased are forced back into any closets and kids across nation should be allowed to be who they are without the threat that their parents or their doctors could be imprisoned simply for helping them and loving them.
Goodness, I don't know where to start here, because you know I'm on these airwaves here and now, you know we're we're accompany, and I have to watch what I say, but my goodness, forcing sex education a five year olds without parental consent. Here trying to say that kids should be who they are are our little boys and little girls respectively. I can't imagine ever in my life, I've never felt like a woman. I've never felt like a woman trapped in this goal. Did those body ever MR producer. Have you ever felt like a woman trapped in your body Okay, so he says hell no so clearly. Clearly, this is not some sort of epidemic that we have till now, all of a sudden. Until now, the generation of Obama. Until now, the generation of EO see that all of a sudden everybody was keeping in the closet, and you see this was a very pervasive problem. Everybody actually very trans. It's you rich, There's that are the biggest it's you rich felt as it doesn't understand. It's you that wants to live in this.
Binary lifestyle of men and women and boys bathroom girls bathroom, but the one of us so much bigger you see. No, no, no, no a lot of bad words. Say right now in spanish and English, no beep, beep, beep and bleep. We can't sit there and do that. clear that the Democrats and teachers unions are waging war on our children and I hope each rejected right. Now, though- it was rejected in Virginia last year when they were doing it based on race, because. This is serious. This is a child. Future, this isn't just politics anymore. This isn't just getting them to flirt with the third rail. This is destroying I saw something earlier. I love to do my fact: checking on just facts, dot, com and just facts. Had this thing called the question of the day: And I'm going to share it with you, it's the question of the day, justbats dot com in Sweden, which is one of the most
G B, T Q, friendly countries in the world is the suicide rate amongst who have undergone sex reassignment surgery, higher or lower than that of the general public. Is it higher? So my answer, This is going to be yes only cause. My conventional wisdom tells me im, not killing myself, and if I was, I probably am not doing it because of sex reassignment surgery, but those who have done the sex reassignment surgery. We hear it all the time that, after they do this forcible surgery. They become even more depressed and they end up killing themselves. I'm going to click submit I'm just fax dot com there it is boom. I am correct and ninety six percent of the other people that answered this were also correct. It says tell me more about twenty eight eleven paper that was published in the journal of Peel and on how to say this, plus one p, o O. ass one- a long term population based study of three hundred and twenty four sex reassign persons in Sweden found that there's
Suicide rate was nineteen times higher than the general population wow. goes on with some more statistics, but that's all the only one I need to hear nine. Ten times higher, absolutely crazy and I'll tweet this out at Ridge Valdez at Richfield this with an s on all the social media, but to me This is something that we really have to pay attention to, because we are getting caught out there and rather than the lieutenant governor of North Carolina Mark Robinson, if you heard my show the weekend, I played a clip for him. Remember he joined President Trump. In all this Magnus L Trompe, though the forty four president of these United States and President Donald J Trump and He shared some of the same sentiment that he'd shared in the audio that I played on my show and we're to get to some trump stuff. But right now I want you to hear from Lieutenant Governor Robinson check this out, what else is wrong. We got so called Torres, who have chosen to go in the classroom, the minds of our youth juice.
The minds of our youth, I repeat my statement to It does not equal transgender equals, though the time to get to educate these children stop indoctrinating, know what we got in our classroom. We've got corporations trials in a sad when those folks and want to push the same thing, we ve got corporations that shows it's always people- mask its people Let me shut up before I get in trouble. I wouldn't shut this guy up. I would cheer him on hageman to say more because you know what he's one of the few people out there. That says what he means, but it's good at saying it as well he's so articulate he makes the
he hits a homer every single time, kudos to him and he's right. This is an all out attack and they're attacking us on multiple fronts: Now, I'm not a demagogue, I'm not trying to preach, when gloom and get you to be scared and I'm sure, the sound the alarm hold on to your kids. Teach your kids take him out of school. If you have to, because I don't see this getting better. Maybe in Florida better, but guess what? How many dissent is the you think there are out there, hopefully a bunch, but in reality I only know him. I only know Trump I know a handful of guys in Congress until we have tray that next generation till this leadership has begun and more leadership we have to fight and sometimes attack. The Gore treat is what we have to do taken our kids out a public school until we can take over that public school might be. What we have to do. because guess what the President and his administration they see things totally differently. Don't you listen to transportation, Secretary PETE Buddha?
he was on the view on Friday and he wanted to do about the Florida law that protects children and their parents. He goes into all sorts of craziness, saying that this is ultimately going to kids and even blames all of this stuff, including inflation, The scientists. Listen to this, your husband casting is a teacher and he's. vocal critic of what's going on in my state of Florida, when the with the so called, don't say gay law now which he says will kill. Kids. Do you agree? you know as a as a politician, because this this strikes, looking at your husband is a teacher. You are obviously particular yourself and you are now a pat, so how feel he's right and so clear.
Again he's about to explain. What's going on from his perspective, this is transportation secretary, PETE, booty judge. What interests me about this is this is somebody who is obviously himself living this alternative lifestyle, but he seems offended This idea that I mean some people may be offended by the way he lives his life Most people aren't beating him up there creating laws to stop him, but yet he's all am bored with trying to stop. from doing what they have to do to protect their kids law. Be judged for the effect it's going to have on real people in real life. and I get the political reasons why they're doing this by the way those political reasons is there have a plan anything else spread of in the day they don't have a plan on dealing with inflation or or dealing with with gas prices. Ok, so he went from there
have a plan to deal with the sexuality of things, to not having a plan to deal with the price of gas. Now. He snuck it in there didn't get by me. I thought this was absolutely ridiculous and when you hear that, ask yourself to these people even believe that Yes, that their peddling themselves anyway, I want to get your thought. On this, and I'm gonna save a little time on a break here, so that we have time to get some calls in and stuff what but your Disney that I promise I'll play for you she's dead. grand niece of Walt Disney and the daughter of Yp Disney the phone number eight hundred and seventy seven. eighty one, thirty, eight thousand one hundred and eighteen, seventy seven thousand three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven Mark Levin show I am rich Valdez filling in for the great one I've been telling you
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podcast, which- and I told you Abigail Disney. She was on she this Sunday and she says: there's a coordinated plan against Disney from a paranoid imagination, but we're paranoid. We just don't like this crap Listen to this, what is the Walt Disney Company actually, and how do you feel when you see it for trade, this child abuse? doktor nation colts right well more. What I'm saying happen is pretty coordinated strategy. plan unfolding and Disney seems like the biggest targets, because it's so low into families. So if you can create this idea that somebody's in there trying to indoctrinate your child, my goodness the pair imagination can run run, run circles
and so I am, I understand why it's been selected in this strategic- whatever strategic meeting may add, for what they would turn to next, but this is absurd. The the the That does stands for more than anything and in every film especially in the animation, where there's a gay character, character or not, is love and acceptance, and. family and joy, and so there Trying second hold love acceptance, joy, a preaching a sermon on a Sunday morning in church? I think not. This is how they try to Well, everybody just because you try to pervert, would love and this and that and that listen, I'm not saying if you're, gay or transsexual or or really that's it. That's where it ends kind of that year, You can't possess love, that's not what I'm saying. What I am saying is it's very clear that this stuff is put the envelope trying to introduce something that was not before into what Disney new
has nothing to do with what Disney does whether or not there at their, and I keep wondering what is their theory of change exactly because, if you were to erase every reference to gayness and gay people from the planet which is sort of what the don't say, gay bill feels like Adult children not become gay. Do they need to be that's a pack of lies, it's a pack of lies, and you know, I would love to let her finish, but I honestly it. This is so wrong, because she's saying that if you erase gay first of all she's mischaracterizing the Florida bill which is so effective, it's got everybody going crazy and she's a transgender herself. This isn't about telling people that they can't say that they're gay. This is about not introducing new topics to little kids and the fact that I have to reiterate. As much as I do and and have left is pushing this as hard as they are, is really sickening, but do I have time to let it finish, go ahead, think rooms or
people just gay and I think that that's a hard question. They need to ask themselves because if you go back through history with her gay people, whether or not the word was ever spoken, I'm done with her and yes, there have been gay people since the beginning and we've never taught it in kindergarten. First grade second grade it wasn't a thing. So, thank you very much. I rest my case now for the hours over. I want to get to some of your calls. Let's go to West Hollywood, California, and let's talk to Kathy Kathy. What's up you're on with Rich Valdez Mark Levin show higher ed thanks for taking my call It makes me think of, like all the all. This talk and teaching little kids about the facts and and going around parents' backs about it and everything. It just makes me think about you know: there's a lot of child molesters child abusers out there and it's common knowledge that they take jobs and they look especially seeks to be children and in a like innocently
like. Oh, they work at R Y M C, a Are they teaching school or something like that? And then they proceed to you know sneak around go about their business. Do you know what you're, I think you're onto something, because you know what I love donuts and I once worked at Dunkin donuts, but I don't want to trivialize that Kathy. Thank you for your call. The music means I gotta go, but we talked about subversion. We talked it's about? How they're subverting this with the kids and we're going to talk about how the cartels plan to all of this Dumbledore muscle, which Valdez in for the great one hour three yet to come. as it should? no brainer why you should get car shield they make it easy and affordable to protect your car from expensive repairs. Car shield for protection plans for around a hundred bucks a month and covers more parts than ever before. When you need a repair, you choose the mechanic and car, shields administrators handle the rest, no pay. Worker headaches, car shells help millions of drivers, that's why, America's number one car protection company get coverage,
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the broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The combat bridge Valdez Valdez was sitting in for the great one tonight. You guys know me as that bald guy, sometimes is on Newsmax talking about politics and popular culture in the intersection thereof. Some of you guys do me. If the host of this is miracle. You could hear that until tender be page tea on marks affiliate in Philadelphia and, of course, I started my talk, radio career on the big station in New York City and am super grateful for that super grateful for connecting with you. eyes and by day I do a pod cast. This is America a rich Valdez monsieur you get that by night, I am a
user here on the mark, Levin show known as Mr Call screener and I love connecting with you guys. So I see the phone lines are jam packed. Thank you for calling in. I love the response. I don't know if that's hate or love, but either way I'll take it as it comes the funnel seven, seven, three, eight one! Thirty eleven and have a question for you. Why We ignore gangs and organised crime, whether it's him thirteen the cartels inner city gangs, NEO nazi militias even outlaw motorcycle clubs mountain. I probably few lessons Podcast. You know that I'm a fan of the Show sons of anarchy was on. here's ago, for a few years, good show, and I went article today that some outlaw biker club, which is a gang. I'm presuming, beat some guy down thirty five years old. They beat them down to death at a biker bar. I guess he bumped into one of them and again from the account
make it look like the bikers of the horrible guys and this guy's the the victim who clearly, he is he's dead and they're alive, but it gives me flashbacks to sons of anarchy show where they had lots of support from the VI from the a tf from every the government agency that wanted to get the bigger fish, because all they did run guns, and when they were running guns they wanted to know who was supply. How are they getting into the country was at the in the show it was the the IRA and then they did a deal with the drug cartels. You are rich. Why are you telling us about your tv show in your streaming habits? So, while I'm telling you about this because this stuff the real think. We know that the fbi- these things, we know that the F B, I will let people off the hook when they have to let them off the hook. Is there looking to do something else? How is it that we totally ignore cartels in every media? We talk about them
the person that we build a nice the most vilify. I dunno. If you're, an english teacher you want to correct me, go ahead, is the person we are crossed the border. Now this is not a defense of the border crosser. But let's, let's get this straight here. President Biden is the the chief executive, the commander in chief. He can shut down that just a trunk there trump, but he chooses to leave it open and why we can sit here and speculate. We can sailed cause there's dirt on him. Because of this, and because of that, ok granted. All that may be true. but we know how the cartel behaves. We know that the cartel gets dirt on people. We know that the cartel will blackmail people and create these evil. Situations to get people in situations that are very compromising to there will be, no that happens, and yet it seems they get a pass nobody's ever after them in the media nobody's ever after them henchman, who is teen. Those are their henchmen out among island. I do so something in the Near York Post this morning this week
Young girl very young. She was a butcher, apparently chopping people up piece by piece. Now, listen! I'm here, Talk about. The Democrats all day long the radical left all day long, but I don't think that is chopping people up, just just going to say that I don't think that Joe but also Biden is Biden, is doing half the things that these groups are doing, as these are their soldiers. It's right that we attack Antifa, but they're, not the only ones- and this is what I I give kudos trump and we can get to some trump audio and a minute but tramp. He understood this and he said you know what, if the cartels won't play ball does a pressure on sanctions and this and that and the mexican government won't hold them to account, then I'm gonna going to label the cartels as narco terrorists, and I will use the U S military to go after them, and I said man that is a g o j,
not a regionally got little like me, but an original gangster right trump. Does he nailed it? He did it right. We can't turn our backs on the people that are running the good, the guns in the drugs into this country and how they get distributed. We just can't do it now, there's this audio clip than I wanna play for you guys from them You and you are it's: a radio clipping there's some congress at the end, I'll probably cut them off, I'm not too interested in them, but I want you to hear how the cartels are. Tar I mean people in the United States, with fentanyl, with fentanyl laced pills with fake pills, check this out. Was really the influx of the pills laced with methamphetamine targeting children to look exact like an outer all that I thought was just an insidious move on behalf of these drug cartels to target young Americans. The d A testified at a rare Senate field, hearing in New Hampshire, that illicit that no is devastating disdain and now the
can see seeing methamphetamine at an alarming rate coming from Mexico. and China Ruthlessness of these cartels, combined with a. this creed is destroying families and communities regions. Thing in an increase of violence and crime here in the granite state and throughout our entire country consent it's Monday from elected and law enforcement officials, was that the old model of incarceration and confiscation is not the way out of this modern drug war, a critical component. Now is reducing demand and Congress. When Annie Kuster says, that starts with treatment access the Medicaid inmate exclusion is a draconian policy that hurts those with substance use disorder, mental illness, and trauma who cycle in and out of our justice system, the race for funding to keep up with the agility drug cartels not bound by rules or budget is an ongoing struggle. The issue a priori
for senator hasnt. We just have to keep at this with everything we ve got an you or on the front line. So are the men and women who you lead, and we are very, very grateful to all of you are. I am grateful to you, lady. Listen. You can do more to stop it and people vote her out. But now I want to talk about that. The bigger the Crow The issue here, drugs aren't the only commodity, that's just one of the things that they they traffic and they traffic in people right. That's a new thing. We just finish talking about how They're using this ideological subversion with the Soviets used to to eat at our brains, to get us to hate America so many Americans, even some of our brothers and sisters in the conservative movement, to sit there and love Putin. You ve got so many pro Putin Patriots out there with their palm palms cheer him on, and I dont want to get into an argument about that stuff. I've done this tunnel blue in the face,
Levine's disgusted. I've talked about on my show. There's no reason to love Putin; it doesn't mean that this is a defense of the other guy he's, not the great zalewski he's, not some sort of fantastic individual he's doing what any good man should do when they're defending their country but the bigger question. here's forget them there. The small person here there, the victim here Putin, is doing the Putin does and the minute we say I this is great and the minute you start seeing news that all his dollar, his other the ruble, is im down in the no. No, it's not really going down. It's really strong, it's the best freaking currency out there. What is the dance problem here with Americans, propping up Putin. Now, that's not my point. That's the point of ideological sub! and to get you to fall in love with your enemy and they're doing a great job, but they not only stopping their. They not to sexual lies in our kids hype sexualizing our kids getting
to their minds getting into their classrooms younger and younger and younger. The perversion doesn't stop so now. There's kids, there's drugs, there's lithium! How about that- and I don't mean for like bipolar- I mean to make batteries. This is a piece from world politics review. I just read you a little bit a south american lithium cartel faces long odds. This is by Thomas Graham Monday April, eleventh two thousand and twenty two. with the swearing in of chilean President Gabriel Boric last month, the three countries of Latin America, of lithium triangle. Chile, Bolivia and are in Vienna all have left this leaders who want them governments and citizens to benefit from more of what they do, the extraction of lithium. Selling their country's natural resources. Now at first glance, it seems that it could present an opportunity for these three countries too.
push the creation of an OPEC style cartel to sell lithium they're all rich, Now there are selling this coveted resource, because if this big push for for batteries in the green new deal and there's been, speculation about them ending together as such an organization for many years, but key differences between the Elizabeth, the ministry's industries, make this a farfetch prospect and it goes on the last sentence. Lithium is vital for batteries power, green energy in this transition and the demand is soaring from January two thousand and twenty one to January. Two thousand and twenty two, the price of lithium lithium carbonate excuse me, has increased fivefold combined. Argentina, Bolivia and Chile possess fifty six percent of the world's no
with the resources now that's a degree of political alignment amongst their leaders and a lot of people speculate on this, that they're going to try and band together and create this cartel. This OPEC type of thing. But my point is one more thing that these leftists have in common and who do you think they're talking to you think they're talking to Joe Biden, know and you're wrong? They're, not they're, talking to guys, like she, President XI from China, because this is what these people do. So it begs the question: what is it that we are doing as a country and again Natchez Biden, but all of us and in terms of our vigilance, we can't spend all of our times spinning our we'll sitting here, defending Vladimir Putin sitting here. Creating this this, this facade, where we fall into everything that sexy and then signals a little bit. You know the Bio labs and this in that school or that we ve got cartels that are running chill.
In humans across our borders. We have so many problems that are directly in our face. You ve got Biden talking about taken on charter schools. Why? Because they have a little, world and parents are more involved, so guess what let's try and get rid of those and we'll get to that in a little bit if there's time, but I really want to focus on the cartel and China connection And why it matters so we'll talk a little bit more about that and a couple of other topics and plus all of you, cause. I see there's a lot of calls coming in it's lighting up the scoreboard, eight seven seven eight one. Thirty eight eleven is the number eight seven, seven three one create one one and anyway I'll leave it for for the for the, next segment. I don't want to overload your right here. Ambridge Valdez sitting and for the great one then welcome
well, then I'm deck shepherdess joined by Minister Mouse Monica pad men there we have a really fun show. We want you guys adjoin. We talk to celebrities and professors and lawyers and doctors in very smart, interesting people, and we find out how messy their lives have been, how many twists and turns it took to get to where there at a general exploration on the messengers of being a human being, and of course, Monica was you'll, get updates about her loyalty projects, love life, you name it. So if you want to join us, please follow armchair expert to get new episodes. Every Monday and Thursday plus find your other favorite podcast free on Spotify, the America welcome back Rich Valdez sitting in for the great one mark Levin tonight, eight seven, seven, three, eight one. Thirty eight eleven is our phone number, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one and where is Hunter,
We know where Hunter is he's sitting in that big old, action is God with that thirty thousand dollars a month fee for the secret service, but draining the swamp and I'm going to talk about draining the want before I get into Hunter and before I get into Trump, and hopefully there's enough time left in the show to gets all that stuff, plus your calls but draining the swamp, isn't a what? I'm done process, it's not like pulling the plug on a bathtub, that's filled with water. It's it's more like the bar of soap, getting stuck in the in the clogged and draining it so that you can still drain your tub, but it's slowing down a little bit or maybe like a washcloth that falls into your bubble bath and I imagine some of the folks on the progressive left, the men in particular They probably like bubble baths. and I don't even know snap. I might not even be able to say that, but my by it, but some of you might like loafers some- are you
you know maybe dropped drop your loofah in the tub and it's clogging the drain and slowing it down and I'm sure there's lots of loofah lovers out there, but in so many ways. It's a perpetual draining of the swamp that we're doing it's something that not only one person can accomplish. At least maybe I should pose that as a question. Is it something that one? person can accomplish. Is it something that we only do once or as needed? Sadly, my answer to that would be no it's something that we all have to take responsibility in and work on perpetually. figuratively speaking, this is like a war that rages on evil doesn't vacation because there's a new sheriff in town, you can minimize evil through proactive enforcement and deterred by being thinking I tromp was and let the sand. This is getting in front of a lapse attack and throwing the first punch figuratively, but its perpetual, because there's always gonna be people sway
by evil, by greed and by their own corrupt moral compass. So what we need, in my opinion, is another enlightenment. Not their civil war. But as long as page taxing pensions, reign supreme over people's patriotism and their principles, I remain in this long term draining of the proverbial swamp because you can escape the evil. The dead sons of and presidents aren't just going to come and lock everybody up. Lord knows that the Biden, Administration and the Democrats would love to lock up a I own, probably half of Congress. They love to got me and you and half of their constituents simply because we don't agree with them. We can allow that to happen. We have to be better than them. We have to be the change,
I have to become the school board, you have to become the government, you have to become the media, replace those corrupt actors that are there. We have to take an active role in these institutions and cultures that guide our country. otherwise we're screwed- and I say all of that to say that done all this Magnus L Trumpery, though he took action at the border. He took action on corruption. He was calling out hunter before anybody else was, and he that over the weekend as well. We have some great already on I wouldn't be, would be remiss if I didn't play some entrant bigger than all this madness to forty five president of these United States Hell precedent. They dont algae trump. At his rally this weekend. Listen to this, well, it's a very corrupt media. They knew all about it that wasn't Russia, Russia, Russia, they were blaming Russia for the laptop and even I said, It's a big one! That's a step too far and now play the New York Times just came out and other saying: really. They say they deceive the public. They waited
and seventeen points in the election. Seventeen points more. We would have gotten on the rigged election and there it was additional Reagan, if you think about it, but then Times essentially admitted that they knew and they admitted that it was also also all of our entire wages. We had fifty one intelligence, so called intelligence People They got caught, they got caught their bunch of liars and they should be ashamed of themselves, but you know what I to do something very special in this country going to be stronger than before we ve never had a worse period of time, but I think we're gonna have a great bird of time. I think Trump is right. I think we're going to have a renaissance in America and it's going to be led by you, the people mister producer. Do I have enough time to do one call or or one minute Let's go to Renee Louisiana Katy. I what's going on. What's on your mind, your arm, a rich Valdez mark of Info,
What is the subversion thing? I mean the biggest sponsor of subversion is what source he hasn't I'm wondering why the various law enforcement agencies or intelligence agencies have not done nothing to him. cuz. He has made his millions to pay for subversion, but going to british pound, the japanese yen yeah. Well, you know. Renea, I mean say more more sinister, and sorrows and again not giving him a pass sure he's bad, but he's just a financier that plays within the rules within the coloring, I the lines: what about the cartels they break it in plain sight and nothing ever happened. That's my point. We pick these boogie that are useless who's, going to lock up Hillary Clinton, more to come straight ahead. Your calls and Maurice seventy seven thousand three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. I am rich Valdez coming in for the great one mark, Levin
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I am the champion of freedom, the Walmart CALL March at eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one all right! Your calls coming up, Rich Valdez filling in for the great one mark, Levin Mark, Levin, show, Mark Levin, show dot com make sure you subscribe to Mark's podcast, don't ever miss it, because this is great education and again I'm just a substitute professor today, if I could even call myself that, but I I urge you to listen to mark shown. I heard you to listen to my show too and feel free to care click. The little bell check the little thumbs up the little checkmark. Whatever it is scribes. This is America were Rich Valdez all the social media check me out on the radio talk- tend to be paid to be on the weekends and our problem right, Seven hundred and seventy three eight thousand one hundred and thirty eight eleven I'm going to get to your calls. I promise I really am I'm going to some audio just to get the calls, because I love to hear what America has to say and President Trump
we're not done what him yet L Trumpery go than all this Magnus, the forty four president of these United States, L Presidente. He was active role this weekend in Selma North Carolina and he went on and saying that you know what America's being humiliated by a president who has no clue. Ultimately, and we will and Nancy Pelosi's political career from your lips to God's ears, Mr President, listen to this and together going to end crazy Nancy, Pelosi's political career he's crazy to stay it's November could not be higher Biden in. Can national Democrats triggered runaway inflation, disappear I chain disaster. How about that? You go to a store. You don't have anything on the whoever heard of it
Claire Ward, american Energy and now the middle classes being crushed by the highest gas and food prices in the history of our country. I criminals are being set loose in Democrat, run cities to prey on innocent citizens. There never been anything like the crime that we're witnessing in the Democrat Run cities, radical left, judges, persecute Republicans at all political prisoners without trial. Our children are being indoctrinated. Our values are being desecrated it is being obliterated and our country. Is being humiliated by a president who has no idea what the hell is going on. He has no idea what she's doing and no idea What are you saying, actually
and he says that earlier I saw a clip of Biden today. Talking about this ghost gun ban and again, I am regretful that I haven't bought some meme is to produce. We are going to collude after this. I'm gonna buy a bunch of those kids, hopefully before midnight, so we can get through on that deadline, but he's right, Joe L also Biden, and I call him back as he's always bumbling around he half the time Isn't that what's going on, he kept calling it the a f t and people were saying: oh Biden keeps messing it up. It's not the a f t he supposed to be announcing a new leader for the atm. the alcohol, tobacco and firearms bureau, and instead he keeps saying a of tea, and I thought to myself that I will because they have an intern or somebody who's, doing the speech writing or creating his teleprompter. That has their it wrapped around the teachers Union, the American Federation of Teachers, because that's who ultimately calls the shots in D C and when you, will it down that's when it comes down to now? Sadly, I want to talk about that.
and that I'm gonna talk about this. But I do want to just an aside. Have you ever actually boiled something down haven't had a lot of experience boiling things down when you boil things down, or at least put them in a frying pan? It comes down to a residue either like a like substance, or even like a syrup like suspense, let's say: you're, making a flan rate other. The ban Marie and by new media that you put on the flung. Is you know that sugar that gets burnt down? But I'd say: a confession here. This is why the third hours the best our eye once in high school, had a friend that did not know, was involved in the sale of illegal narcotics and invited me to his house after and on their hanging out- and he starts cooking some white stuff in a pan- I'm like what's that and he's like that's coconuts, no, no really, and he was like no. That sounds like. Oh wow, I don't even know how she'd be saying this on the radio, but I saw it and I was like that's crazy in it. She turned into a powder announcing. I listen, that's my cue got to go? I got to get out of here, but when you boy something down. That's what happens and at the
three bottom line of boiling anything down, whether it's figuratively or actually physically. We learn how we actually see things what they're actually made of infirmity people. What the way we see things the way things are at when once we figuratively boil it down, is faith faith that undergirds our decision, making our moral code for other people. It's what feels best. That's well, we've landed in this mess. People think it's merely a difference of opinion to teach a five year old, about transsexuals or about choosing their gender and gender fluidity or why they should hate people. They disagree with that older Ages in different grades. Godliness is ridiculed and undervalued, while secularism is hailed as superior. Hence the left flourishing and coming after your kids, but even the left has a change of
art when you talk about the economy, when you break the economy and there's this clip. From none other than the Reverend Al Sharpton Who's on MSNBC or whatever and he sang look. We got duped by the the cracks and listen. There is in a day in his life or how shocked and was in a Democrat or upon AM girl for the Democrats. But I want you to listen to this check it out
it's more than just messaging, it's more than whether or not Democrats have a slogan that says. Democrats deliver it's. What are we actually going to do to intervene to try to lower prices, lower inflation until people see that happen and feel it in our pocket? Books are a problem. The US remember that all of this happening, while the Democrats were involved, it's almost June through virtual. Through now I care to Florida. The life of living you've got to tell me how you're going to deal with that, because I put you in power there to just stand and preach to me. Snap rubber. Now he it like it was listen he's not the only one that can't afford to live in this current situation of inflation, everybody's up to their neck, bills, everybody's up to their neck and gas prices. This is what's happening. It is because the Democrats in that I want to get your opinions on this. Let's go to Timothy on
I too was calling from Long Island New York talking about the origins of the democrat filth and how it's been exposed. Timothy welcome to the mark, Levin show it's rich Valdez of God, or it's upstate think Shaolin that there's nothing new under the sun orders as occurred in the past. This is why the flood occurred desert. Sodom and Gomorrah was laid to waste. King Solomon's always been one of those people that had a lot Here but I thank you for your opinion and you're right. It's either good it's bad and I agree with that sentiment. Let's go go to Michelle she's been patiently holding Michelle calling from Orange County California. What's up you're on the mark, Levin show with Rich Valdez going going twice Michelle, are you with us? Alright right, I guess we. Michelle, is going to Lynn. Lynn is in Missouri and she's, a former substitute teacher Lynn. What's up you're on with Rich Valdez.
All right, I'm Scott striking out, I'm am striking out. This is where I beat up these It's call screener tonight's, the Walters thank you Steve, but I I either way whether we have calls or not, and I tried I promised I said I was going to get the and I did the bottom line here is: we have to look at what's going across America. We have to look at how we're being beat up. We have to look at what's happening in each and every one of these situations, whether it's our kids, whether it's the boy whether it's George Soros doing the crazy things he does figuring out how to break the rules, whether it's Clinton campaign figuring out how to break the rules everybody's trying to figure out how far they can go? How far can they push the envelope to hurt what we love this America, that we know this America, that we love the children that we're raising to in America that we know and love, and this to me is ultimately why we have to stick up for what's right,
very few Democrats that are willing to put themselves out there and say hey. You know what this matters but representative Henry Cuellar he's a Democrat. Texas he's on the on the border. Henry Cuellar, this guy he's been solid throughout He might believe in lots of things we don't believe in, but when it comes to living on the border being an American of mexican descent and saying look. I can tell you first hand isn't working for America and I have to give him kudos that listened to cut number twenty five Henry Cuellar check to say it sounds like there's going to be a lot of people heading into Texas, they're, estimating that as soon as title forty two is lifted. They say between thirty and six Eighty thousand people come in in those first u h and the men and women of border patrol they're, not ready
even in the low rate of sexual or a merry even the new Oreo grander Valley, the talk to the men and women there operating at forty percent. That means that about sixty percent of the men and women instead of being on the border providing border security. They are in border processing. Centers do with that type of work, migrant care and custody. That's wrong! Forty if we're operating forty percent, so you at forty two on top of that and have a large number. Certainly we are going to have a catch and release, which is something that we at the border do not agree with. Listen kudos to him for calling I get is nobody wants catch and release? This is not about hating and demonizing, and- and I being mean towards the people that are coming into this country. This is about hating, demonizing a policy that Biden has created, saying you know what we're going
It easier for people to come in and, if you've ever skipped, skip the paycheck or hadda a belly that was hungry, then guess what come in now because we're softening the rules, that's wrong! That's bad just Biden, just like his son hunter and everything else that they touch seems to turn to crap. Trump was right about that but we're going to give this another shot on the cause, because I want to get your thoughts on all of this. I want to. to rush out she's in Jupiter Florida. Let's see if this works, if the deep state doesn't get the irrational, are you with me I'm here here horizon- welcome yards Rich Valdez you're on the market of inshore. What's on your mind, I I'm driving back to Jupiter from West Palm Beach Florida, I was honored and privileged to be one of fourteen hundred people that President Trump came,
both to us tonight. I would like a mini rally. I belong to an organization called club. Forty five. It was formed the help elected president trunk to be the priority that president and maybe the thirty seven President should have been forty six. But he was on his game tonight. It was phenomenal and what's your reaction to some of the audio that we play. What did you want to say tonight? It so well polluting have to go humor at the girl are currently have to go. If we just need to get rid of a lot of Democrats and a lot of Ryanair, it's on both sides when President Trump, in my opinion, was in office. Not only did he have to fight the Democrats, but he had to fight the Republicans to enter Europe and it's been an unending battle because ultimately you're fighting it,
it's good and bad right right and wrong decisions, and so many of those people that you're mentioning have made the wrong decisions and it's time for us to stick up for the people that are making the right decisions like Trump like Cuellar like the sand. speaking of the status? Thank you Michelle Rochelle. I appreciate that. Let's go to talk and I were, but he wants. It about, how the Santhosh is empowering parents, Tony you're, on with Rich Valdez Mark Levin, show. Irish slang for taking a call it's about the they soon on end dont, say gay bill and how Aaron serve They shouldn't be having the sentiment of. What's what's the big deal, you know teaching them about sexual orientation at such a young age, but I'm wondering how those same parents might feel if say they started say wallets teach me how to use guns. Let's have them handle guns class. You know teach me how to be responsible at a young age with guns.
and here I just in gun, safety and marksmanship one or one that there would be a liberal melt down a freak out from those parents, but you know just cause it's like laid wanted. They don't think that there is any proper age. I mean that They have no concept of sexuality, really they know boy and girl. They know that you know some play with dolls, some play with baseballs, but dusty. I bet teaching about that other stuff. You know it's the unnecessary just as each of them shoot guns when they're in kindergarten, you know wouldn't be appropriate either so I mean no, I spot on, I think, you're spot on and it makes a lot of sense, and this is why I appreciate what the Santas does, because he brings it them he makes sure that he gets back in their face and says all you're doing. Is to me. Well, let me show you what I'm going to do to you. I'm going to create a billboard says you can't do this. You can't do that and you can't do that because we do this to protect these kids and their. Literally explode right. It's like
huge meltdown from the left so you Tony. I appreciated. I agree with the ethnic can make a solid point: kudos everybody, An IRA alike my man, my main man, the former acting attorney. General big MAC. Thank you. For your service and more to come straight ahead. We're going to get to your cause, we're going to get to a couple more things, final signal when wrap it up, don't miss the last piece I'm rich, Rob S sitting in there. The the America welcome back, which Valdez were in the final segment of the program. I wish I had another hour now. I know a Marcus talking about and we're going to get to your calls class a little bit of a wrap up. I want to go to Michelle she's calling from California I'm sorry Lynn sees me Lynn from Missouri. She was ahead in line Lynn,
Missouri you're, on with Rich Valdez Mark Levin show. Okay, I moved to Texas six months ago. We knew to get out of having a down there and the teachers, I don't, but I sub for ten years, just as a fob, I have a degree, but anyway the teachers want to run the schools. They want the kids to run the school they they oppose and they had the book like biology of their evolutionary. They they don't end up for the right things, and the administration is like that. The kids show no respect to the to the teachers, they run the classes and I'm like there were classes in Spanish. You know for the illegals and stuff and if I couldn't speak Spanish, I couldn't sub, but
It's like a standard. You know it talks about in Deuteronomy, thirteen and later in there their talks about you, don't follow a crowd to do evil and how Michelle. I hate to cut you short, but yeah. I with what you're saying: listen when you have kids that charge of doing what's wrong when you have kids that are in charge of calling the shots at almost sounds like the Democrat Party in many ways and what's happening in Washington as far as the other stuff, with the references to do Thirteen or teaching classes in spanish I'm not sure how that fit into this, but I can say the Democrats are not doing anything to help guiding our children down this path that leads to ideological subversion, whether it's the soviet way or the way that we're seeing it happened with the Disney way where there in bracing all sorts perversions? This is what we have.
To stand up for because, if we stand for nothing more for for anything, and the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people like you, too there and do nothing so make sure you stand up for something and do the right thing la proxima, I am rich Valdez and I had an some time filling in for the great one mark. Levin, God bless you. God bless America.
Transcript generated on 2022-04-13.