« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/29/21


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Anthony Fauci deserves criticism for spending more time on television than at his desk studying infectious diseases. Fauci is only in charge of infectious diseases, not all science and public health, yet many might think he did. Now, Fauci is taking credit for the decision to develop the coronavirus vaccine. The fact is that he simply was not the decision-maker here, it was Donald Trump that made these decisions and for him to suggest that it was his choice is a bald-faced lie. Then, immigration continues to plague the southern border and President Biden remains ineffective while deflecting the blame on Trump. Sen. Ted Cruz was blocked from providing oversight at border facilities by a highly trained activist preventing any reporting or photography. Later, on March 26, 2020, a brave whistleblower called into this program and broke the story of what Gov. Andrew Cuomo was doing by executive order to the senior citizens in nursing homes in New York State. The deadly decision was a fatal failure for approximately 15,000 elderly patients, even though only 6,500 patient deaths were reported by the Cuomo administration. Afterward, Sen. Ron Johnson calls in to discuss how the left is comparing ICE to the Ku Klux Klan. Johnson remarked that the media plastered emotional messaging about 'kids in cages' during Trump's presidency but seem to give Biden a pass for doing much worse. Finally, Gov. Mike Dunleavy calls in to explain that Alaska is taking rightful ownership over navigable waters and other areas within Alaska that are currently federally controlled. He also announces that Alaska is considering becoming a sanctuary state because they will not help the federal government disarm Alaskans.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented podcast, as presented exclusively by Hills Del College now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here, There is a truly independent institution where learning is prized in actual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my son
Here: appreciation to Hills, Dale, brother sponsorship, now broadcasting on roaming underground commend both in the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with a leader.
Hello, America Mark Levin, our numbers, eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one three hundred and eighty one, one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven three thousand eight hundred and thirteen eight hundred and eleven hope you had a great weekend. But here we go. I have to deal with this first. As you know,
have been extremely critical of Anthony Faulty. I was. skeptical of an early on, but I was respectful I think we see a man who truly is narcissistic negro maniacal. a man who has been so wrong so often about this pandemic that it's hard to keep count. A man who's on tv if they ve it would appear For most last year, rather than his desk studying the data, I don't know how you do both. I've, told you just to write a book. I weekends knights and early mornings, and that's when a book infectious disease are in fact shouldn't be at your desk handling,
calls making calls looking at the data just studying this stuff over and over and over again and found she. Did something that was really stunning sea? We have a department of aid, Traitress, that's umbrella department that oversees the CDC the age, the FDA in Vienna. Overseas, the infectious disease operation that value works, and so just so you understand, while he heads infectious disease operations, he doesn't had the science and health and medical operations of the nation. He simply does not He has a rather narrow lane decisions about funding pharmaceutical Companies- this just about buying vaccines in advance,
decisions about bringing in the United States military to help with this View Shannon coordination between various private sector corporations and so forth found she makes none of those decisions, zero. And the media almost in Essentially, want this ambiguity to persist. Because they know is a liberal he's been around washed and for fifty years needs obviously a source and they would put em on tv all the time if he wasn't the perfect foil. And so where is he he's unseen and yesterday unseen and Sunday, and here in part, is what happened. Cut three go when I saw what happened in New York City refrigerated trucks are now being mobilise as makeshift boards. Almost over running of our health care system was, like
Oh, my goodness, and that's when it became very clear that the decision we made on January that tend to go all out and develop a vaccine. We had a number of vaccine candidates may have been the best decision that I've ever made with regard to an intervention as the director of the institute. What is he talking about? I happened Some people who were in these meetings. There were in these meetings with the task force. Also happen to know on too many occasions found she was the name, sir. That found she was carrying the bureaucratic line, so this is really quite troubling to me. Thought you was in charge of vaccine production here
and in charge of deciding what companies the government should back. He was a coordinator with these companies. Obvious Lee. He kept track of what was going on, but he wasn't principal decision maker, the food drug Administration, the centre for disease. Control national Institutes of Health that payment of aid changes. These are big bureaucracies, with tens of thousands of people. Too many of our fellow Americans believe factories in charge value was not in charge. Donald Trump was in charge and it was Donald Trump who made the changes and new approach when it came to these vaccines. How do we know that? Because he was
open about it. With operation wharves speedy brought an outsider em to oversee it, not faulty. Since I've found he's taking credit that he made the decision on January tenth go all out to develop a vaccine that is a bald faced lie That is so dishonest. It is a bald face, lie. And then you have Joe Biden who takes credit for the vaccines. an hour on track to have two million people vaccinated in his first hundred days, those scenes were produced they were bought for developed and produced under the Trump administrators. In fact they have paid for aid.
Ridden million vaccination shots with seven different companies and ass. It became clear that certain companies actually had vaccines. That would that would do the trick. and vaccines I were ready to go. They ordered more vaccines from those companies, but Verona, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson. As I pointed out last week at some length on living You ve and on my fact, shown here behind a microphone when they left office. The Trump administration. Had ordered enough vaccines to vaccinate five hundred and fifty million people felt she had nothing to do with that
Susan, it was Donald Trump who made the decision early on that we have the defeat this that we have to have a war against this there's virus. It was done, Trot was at loggerheads with the FDA, telling them to Harry Harry Harry. While I was in Kampala, Harris and their ilk on this? I'd like shooting spitballs telling to follow the science follow the site. It's one thing to the science is another thing to follow the entrenched bureaucracy and I say it Donald Trump lessen the valkyrie enough. We stolen have vaccines, truck presidencies, the only presidency, I've ever seen, whether president doesn't actually get credit for the things he's done,. To an amazing thing to watch I mean if any
It deserves credit for this. It's the men and women who develop these vaccines, but it's a present. The United States have made it possible. He subsidized capitalize these pharmaceutical companies to come up with vaccines by the billions and billions of dollars? We have never ordered. Vaccines had haven't even been invented yet paid for them in advance. That's exactly what trumped up She has a business man, mine and he also knew we have to be able to transport these vaccines. That entire system has to be developed by the trumpeting, and then people me actually receive their shops and the good who was involved in that hope? So, on the radio with me the last week, I believe it was he pointed out. They had tens of thought. Of locations already lined up quoting drug stores and so forth. Already lined up together, vaccinations.
And that by the end of may early June, the ministration really didn't have to do anything and they really haven't done very much, quite frankly, and found. She makes a comment by this like this and see here the music and asean and promoting it and that's when it became Very clear that the decision we made on January that tend to go all out and develop. A vaccine may have been the best decision in that I've ever made with regard to an intervention. Is the director of the incident. I think this may need some attention. I really do. I think he needs some attention and if, in fact, the best medical, Scientific experts are unwashed, inducing they're not, but if they are, you sure a little bit of time, often visit them, have an examination
one of the greatest hospitals in the face of the earth or just down the road is called Johns. Hopkins may be, should go over there for a little bit of a respite. because the sky truly does. Napoleonic psychology. they go on national tv and say that it was the best decision he ever made. This is truly delusional Two? Don't wear a mask, Mr! Do where a mass MR, where two masks miss all over the map member hammer the other day where goggles goggles, where goggles goggles, where double masks, even after vaccinated, which courts defeats Airbus and here is again on the face the nation so he's on CNN yesterday and its own deep.
The nation yesterday, like a bad rash canker, whether this guy by Maghreb Brandon cut for. Parents are vaccinated. They still do need to be concerned about their on vaccinated children play together in groups Sally they don't that's the science that they do, because the children How many more times do I have to say this? I only here from the experts over and over and over again that one of the least likely to have a problem with it, the least likely to be the spreads and all the rest of it. And she asked that this stupid question, because He knows factories are contrary and go ahead the children can clearly wind up getting infected. When we talk about what you can do in your vaccinated, you can We have members of a family if the adults are vaccinated in the home with your child, you dont,
to where mask and you can have physical contact. Children go out into the community, you want them to contain. To wear masks when, interacting with groups from multiple households. Why My past the virus soon, but we ve already been told by other scientists, including a jobs happiness including at Stanford, including at Oxford, including at Yale. I mean real schools that they don't And way back in July, I think it was MR producer. We had five of the top period. patients in the country, so that they would send their kids to public school back then Maybe they had a where mass. Maybe they had to be six feet apart and so forth, but when children are playing with children now, actually they dont? That's the science.
I'll be right back then Helstone College serves poor purposes, learning, character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive, and freedom and freedom requires an educated people of good character to preserve hills. Doll college has been providing the education to preserve free government for over one hundred and seventy five years. It continues these efforts today, not only its fifteen hundred undergraduate and gradual Students but nationwide towards free online courses, its support of classical k through twelve charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty, Hills, dales, articles of association dating way back to eighteen. Forty four commit the college to preserving or an religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the constitution and the law, Laws of nature and natures- God, as described in the declaration of independence and includes America's,
heritage of liberty. That too often today is falsely derided or denied hills, Dell's motto, pursuing truth and defending liberty, since eighteen, forty four, it will continue to fight to live up to that motto. Come what may learn more Levine for Hills, Del Dotcom, L E, the iron for wholesale back, Levant Fray Hills, Dale dot com. I understand, ladies and gentlemen, you know how she mentions January tenth when he made to certainly go full born the vaccine. flat out bold face why he made no such decision. I am not mistaken. January tenth was the very day the president began asking about a China travel ban. Falco was bitterly opposed to a train that travel ban. and he opposed it all the way to the president finally made its decision here,
he was the brake on so many things. Everything was too fast to aggressive too risky to untested. sound familiar sent just like the media. The time now he pats himself on the back. You can see where a few Gee Biden, team. would have resulted in a disaster potentially millions of more american stead. Because they would not have pushed hard to get this so vaccine situation across the finish line is quickly. Is president Trump clearly did it's really quite appalled and now they want to have vaccination passport? Why not just Sear scarlet letters on our far ahead, MR producer VAT nation passports, we don't we require passports from people cry across the border right now, not a vaccine asian passports? Why can t right now the illegal aliens donor, vaccinations and they're coming into country without passport, even without the virus. Coming into the country without passport soda.
and it's a method for tracking and keeping date on the american citizen, its appalling, supporting that every time we have an issue, whether it's a pandemic, overshooting or so forth, are nobody's are under attack our liberties law abiding taxpaying productive citizens. Where are the ones who are attacked, no say mark? What's the problem, let me what's the problem and if you don't have one of these passports, you take on federal buildings, there's a thousand things we can't, though we ve had pandemics in american history before frankly, is presented that pop prison population have killed many more Americans. We didn't have vaccination passport Or anything of the sort.
Slippery slope with a laugh. Ladies and gentlemen, they don't just stop it's like gun control. We went through their data at great length, the other day using the FBI testicles, informing ourselves and informing the mouthpieces on cable, tv and radio who regurgitate at exactly the same thing. The FBI statistics show very few people are with rifles, let alone and I are fifteen, but they want to go to court law them as a sought weapons and then what, when they figure out that far more people when we're talking about firearms, far more people are filled with pistols, you already laid the groundwork for them to move on the pistol. It's just appalling
president amazing, though, that the people who are pushing hard for facts russian passports. Mr producer reject the eye, you have a voter idea. We have tell your driver's license in order to vote is about interesting. Now, it's their typical happen listen I'll, be right, back pills, no college serves poor purposes, learning, character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive, and freedom and freedom requires an educated people of good character to preserve it Hills Doll College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over one hundred and seventy five years. It continues these efforts today, not only its fifteen hundred undergraduate and grow.
Who had students but nationwide towards free online courses, its support of classical k through twelve charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty, Hills, dales, articles of association dating way back to eighteen. Forty four commit the college to preserving civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the constitution and the laws of nature and natures. God, as described in the declaration of independence, and includes America's great heritage of liberty, that too often today is falsely derided or denied hills, Dell's motto, pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty four, it will continue to fight to live up to that model
come what may learn more Levine for Hills, Del Dotcom, L e b, I am free Hills, Dale Back COM, Levine, Fray hills, they'll dotcom. Nobody says it debtor Mark Laverne out with an order marked with nobody could say it better call. Now I read seven seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one as I I do research all day long, all night long all week along for something I'm writing. Hopefully, for you, I came across something I thought might interest you, if not concern you. And this is from last week, the trade in seal gallop he's, Had forty, two million people want to migrate to the United States, forty two million.
The questions, every leader should be able to answer regardless of their politics. He writes his name is Jim Clifton. How many more people are coming to the southern border and what is the plan for a third three countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Roughly four hundred fifty million. Adults live in the region, gallop ass If they would like to move to another, country permanently, if they could a whopping twenty seven percent said yes, this roughly one hundred and twenty million would like to migrate somewhere gallop, then ask them: They would like to move. Of those who want to leave their country permanently. Thirty. Five percent of the hundred twenty- in or forty two million, They want to leave for the United States. Forty two million
He says, seekers of citizenship or asylum are watching to determine exactly one and how's the best time to make their move. In And finding a solution for the thousands of migrants currently at the border, let's include the bigger harder question about all those who would like to come. What is the matter to them. What is the ten year plan? Three hundred eighty million EU citizens are wondering Sorra forty, two million Latin Americans or job. Has opened the door to millions of them, and if this continuous work, I have two million aliens, this country every year for four years or more. Something we have never seen in this country. Never. And what they're saying is, and even the watchman compost how to write a piece about this? Is that
suggest a beginning. And you see, ladies and gentlemen, Joe Biden is: changing any was policies he refuses to washed and post. Divide administrations- attention along the mob mexican border, has been consumed by the past several weeks by the record numbers. Migrant teenagers and children crossing into the United States, without their parents at a rate that far exceeds the government's ability to care for them. but as they race to add showery capacity for these minors shouting Ass, you see, ladies and gentlemen, there not deporting yes, a freeze on deporting four hundred days. they basically check them and release them Pension centres are reception centres. many now are not receiving dates times and documents to appear in administrative courts.
For the refugee status hearings, they're just being released. We have open borders and by new he couldn't abolish ice and the border patrol. So he did the second or next best thing cloud impairment. they are overwhelmed. Half of them are not involved anymore and border security as they take care. These people, the more that heard on south of the border that were building shelters, that people are being released into the country that children will now he returned to their parents, south of the border, the more our coming. It's incentive buzzing. And as they raced to add shower capacity for these minors, Department of Homeland Security officials are early warning about what they see as the next phase of a migration search that can be the largest in twenty years driven by a much greater number of families. Digests expects roughly half
million. Two eight hundred thousand migrants derive as part of a family group during the twenty twenty one fiscal year than entered September, and that doesn't count people coming as individuals. You see. The estimate is based on what has already been a vertiginous good word increase since president I took office on January twenty this month. The number they, members taken at customs and border protection custody, is on pays to reach fifty thousand up from seven thousand in January. So yet so, thousand under tromp, and now it's at fifty thousand the highest one month total eighty eight. Thousand five hundred and eighty seven words recorded on May twenty nineteen During a year when more than five hundred twenty five thousand migrants arrived and that's exactly why Trump put his foot down and put an end to hunt
the parents and children have been spending hours at an outdoor processing station next to the Rio grande some sleep. the ground while they wait for agents to formally take them in the custody it is shocking to me that in the United States of America we don't have a press that is aggressive enough. to find out. What's going on in these detention facilities, what's happened to their lawyers? What's happened to litigation, This is a massive cover up, like we ve, never seen before Roy veil, a real who retired last year after thirty three years and the border patrols said roughly forty percent of those taken in by customs and border print car stating our children families, but they consume, sixty to seventy percent of aid, it's time, attention and paperwork and
while agents for doing that, the borders are wide open. Biden knows this has happened. Pine is being briefed on this and buying is perfectly happy with just keep Press away keep the american people as dumb as you possibly can. As many immigrants illegal immigrants, as you possibly can, because you know at some point- will be another wave of amnesty and another wave of amnesty and legalization and citizenship, This is another way to ensure the Democratic Party has permanent control This isn't a cynical view. This is reality. This is exactly what's going on a administration is placed some families arriving in South Texas on flights to other sectors of the boy. How many flights can you have that handles tens of thousands of people not enough. That's quite clear. There's been no formal announcement about expanded Mexican shouted capacity. However.
an extraordinary vying with people arriving to South Texas has often left ages. to overwhelm the complete the paperwork? Specifically, they want to turn Texas blow. They know exactly what they're doing. And then it over Republicans can't when they push through the Sichuan she's with. Say try one and as one bill they change Florida excuse me they change Texas and it's over. We can't when elections. The family groups do not require the same intense level of care as unaccompanied minors. The after requires our term shoulders days after they are freed, as well as transportation at their destination in the United States. This amazing. By the Bye administration expelling some families, it is allowed nearly all unaccompanied minors to stay so some pay Sir choosing to send their sons and daughters across the border along his
families are allowed to stay. More parents are expected to arrive with their children instead of splitting up so there. Yet What there also not saying here is when children get this day, they search out the parents south of the border and they bring him in there, not sending children back what terms Is he sent children back to their parents? They would try, locate their It's her relatives and send the children back. What trump did you say you want to claim? Fiji status, which ninety percent do and ninety percent don't get goods are not refugees. They don't qualify for asylum under federal law. He said you can do that and Mexico, because you're ready made an arrangement with the mexican government. A truly remarkable arrangement with the mexican government, It was not working with us almost at all, before in the mexican government agreed that all these people coming into Mexico as well as
our citizens, who wanted to come into the United States based on some refugee status, had a father paperwork in Mexico. Gets rid of that on day. One Biden gets rid of the wall on day, one so their massive gap. people know where they are Most of all fine is empowering. the genocidal demand Stick: terrorism of these drug cartels in Mexico, he's actually undermining the mexican government he's reaching these cartels and these people are being abused. Thirty percent of the women are sexually investors. Molested, who come here the Childer being molested and otherwise abused? That's what Biden has done that's why he doesn't want the press to cover even the friendly press? Even the Democratic Party press. That's what Biden has done and I'm gonna tell you something these dammit
representatives from the border areas. They are fuming by never coordinated with them and. In one case they dont returned. I wanted the congressman's cause. This is about partisan thing. At least it is in South Texas, but Washington DC, whether utterly untouched their early on tucked shocking. What's going on here,. The shocking how little control we have over this copyright Ben heels. Now college serves poor purposes, learning, character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive, and freedom and freedom requires an educated people of good character to preserve
Helstone college has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over one hundred and seventy five years. It continues these efforts today, not only its fifteen hundred undergraduate and gradual students but nationwide towards free online courses, its support of classical k through twelve charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of liberty. Hills deals, articles of associates. Asian, dating way back to eighteen. Forty four commit the college to preserving civil and religious liberty the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the constitution and the laws of now Dron natures, God, as described in the declaration of independence and includes America's heritage of Liberty. That too often today is firstly derided or denied hills, Dell's motto, pursuing truth and defending liberty, since eighteen, forty four, it will continue to fight to live up to that motto. Come what may learn more Levine for Wholesale Dotcom l e, the iron for hills,
that calm, Levine, Fray hills, they'll dotcom, presently United States, said about a number of faulty and Burke's And so he has issued a statement which I want to read to you that President being Trump. He said based on their interviews, I felt it was time to speak up about doktor fouche in Doktor, Burke's too self promoters, trying to reinvent history to cover further instincts and folly recommendations which I for Lee almost always overturn they had bad, policy decisions? I would have left our country open to China and others closed, opening our economy and years away from an approved vaccine pudding, millions of lives at risk is exactly right. We develop
american vaccines by an american president in record time, nine months, which is safe, the entire world. We will build of dollars of these vaccines are calculated bet that they would work, perhaps the most import. that the history, the world doktor fouche in Doktor, Burnham, far too slowly and if it were up to them, we currently be locked and our basements, as our country suffered through a financial depression, families and children in particular, will be suffering the mental strains of this disaster like never before fake interview last night on CNN doktor faulty? Who said he was an athlete in college by couldn't throw base, while living close to home plate it was a roller try to take credit for the vaccine when, in fact he said it would three to five years and probable longer to have it approved, Doktor found she was incurred, People are pressing the FDA to move through faster, I was the one to get it done and even the fake
maybe a nose and reports this doctor fancies. So the king flip lapse and moving the goalposts to make them. Look as good as possible here. Me so hard, because he wanted to keep our country open countries like China. This is a fact. I know this. I closed. Against a strong recommendation which save many lives doctor, actually also say. We didn't need to wear masks that if you. Slavery, said we needed a wear masks and out, we're three of them thought she spent less money, on the one hand, lab and China, and we now know how that work, that doctor barracks a proven lie with very little credibility, left many of her commendations reviewed as pseudoscience and doktor fancy what we talk negatively about her and in fact, what s to be in the same room with her. This two followed her led, like California, had worse comes on covert and will in the lives of countless children because they couldn't go to school
rule on many businesses and then told number of Americans who were killed by the lockdown themselves, Doktor Burke's was terrible medical adviser, which is why I sat and followed her advice, her modesty. They do, as I say, not as I do who can forget when Doktor Burke's gave a huge and aid to the people of our nation and not to travel, and they travelled a great deal sincere family for Thanksgiving only they have them The police and turned her in sheep embarrassingly for herself resigned? Finally, Doktor Burke says she can't hear very well, but I can there was no very difficult phone call other than doktor bird. His policies that would have let us directly to a covert cause depression choose a very. Negative voice, who didn't have the right answers time is poor me correct. I only kept doktor fashion, Doktor Bergson, because
work for the. U S: government. For so long there like a bad habit. President Trump I've heard from others the dock found she was go, slow, don't be too aggressive. It's too risky. It's fantastic. And the idea that it was he who whereas the vaccine is just a flat ally and The media should stop promoting this guy. They won't because he serves the purpose. The media, which promotes lies, left and right, But it really is really is appalling. What he has said nice for this vaccine, vaccination passports are strongly against the folks If everybody who wants a vaccination is going to have a vaccination, we're going to have heard immunity. This the science. This is what the men, the genius and the women at Stanford another place,
have been telling us all, along, even without the vaccines. We eventually are going to have heard immunity, but with the vaccines. And the heard any immunity that that will take. as a result of people having got the virus, we're gonna, be ok. Working be okay. If there's a new strand will deal with it,. but we don't have a massive new strand today, and so were Americans. We need to embrace our liberty. We need to embrace our country. People are trying to do much like sheep or cattle in one direct or another, and that they want to take credit for what the private sector creates or what the Prime minister's nation did. We need abstract theories anymore. We have the case of Florida, verses, New York. We application taxes versus California,.
we have a handle on what works and what does not work, not perfect the perfect enough. So we have the data. We have the data, the lockdown didn't work, That's what so many of the great experts I to so many the great universities are telling us that lockdown didn't work. Vaccines where the way to go step showing our children, who, quite frankly, are when it comes. To medicine are largely unaffected by this virus has posted variants of the flow. we know all of us now now we're gonna have vaccination passports, really what are the kind of passports and we're going to just think of what I'm saying What they do to we, the people, the citizens of this country, you own this country, who Government bureaucracy, look how they play with us. Look what they do to us. Meanwhile, illegal foreigners coming in
this country coming under the United States of America, now asked no tests, no passport, no vaccination passports, nothing! Zero. I'll be right back, he's here now, broadcasting permanently underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader a mark Levin here, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one I want to thank you in the audience for being here and and for listening March
twenty seventeen we broke the story: spying that was taking place on Trump and Trump World in August, I think it was twenty nineteen or was a twenty twenty, MR produce one. I interviewed Doktor Bandy Lee. We exposed her as well Going around and doing diagnoses of individuals from afar people, she never even met, nineteen August twenty nineteen March, one. six twenty twenty, almost a year ago, to the day, we had a funk. Which expose what Andrew Coma was going to. senior citizens state of New York in its deeply in gravely unfortunate, the virtually every news outlets, including conservative house and new sites,
nor did the we promoted as much as we possibly could, because we thought it was a disaster and then introduce it further, like a listen to what took place almost exact a year ago today go New Rochelle New York, the great debut acc, go now: that's the epoch of Apis centres go ahead. He has allowed, you very much for taking my call, I wanted to bring to attention in the listener detention awarded to about to happen. In New York with respect to nursing homes, and Governor has ordered that all nursing homes must accept covert positive, patients that are actually potentially still infectious can too into their facilities, and this will put our residents are long term care. Population is this: are you pull my leg seriously now
Why would you send so? who has this fires into a population that can kill people. Thank you, Are you serious now? I am why why? Why would you order this item? It doesn't make any sense memo well, because, because the hospital well, first of all in it, you know I will a point out that nursing homes are in the habit of accepting patients from hospitals. Continue their care after their, they may be in the habit, but they must realize now that the most vulnerable people among us or senior citizens- and nursing homes. These are people that have issues and so I'm trying to understand the point of this. What is the point of this? I'm looking at a directive from Andrew Cuomo and Howard Zocor dated March twenty.
That is ordering nursing homes? It says nursing homes must comply with the expedited receipt of residents from hospitals and they are deemed appropriate to go into the nursing homes by the hospitals and we cannot discriminate based on the presence of of it and that it and that's how he sees managing this crisis has been dictating. He's, been sending out memorandum and orders executive orders, and there has been Coordination on the ground level- here I am speaking from what faster and New Rochelle, just that we had the first covered potter. I hate in New York and I we were for a time the epicenter now corset shifted a little south of us but basic
As you know, the hospitals are overwhelmed. They want a discharge patients somewhere else, so they can take in new patient and that what the governor has ordered now our National Association of our medical directors when I sent this memorandum to them, has issued a statement saying that this is extremely dangerous, unsafe that it will increase the risk of as many mission in nursing homes, and we all learned from Washington how catastrophic that is. It will destabilize the facilities that potentially increase the flow back and got bills overwhelm capacity endanger health care personnel in escalate the death rate. So but you can't get through to any
body down here, you can't you can't talk to anybody. We did. We don't have what there's nobody coordinating the respond at this level at this, certainly at the county level, and I know from my try. How have you have you, given this information to local media? That's why I'm calling you. Look at me. I had given, I said, phenomena to information. These reports show that these press events, where Cuomo LISA here of a dance song and dance moves there always demanding that somebody else do something else. This needs to be the hands of a reporter. Who is at that conference in Albany?
reads it to him and asked him how he can explain this girl. That's a good idea. I mean I've got my line of work, but I gotta do up. We got this information to the Wall Street Journal who published something today so that the first thing. First time we ve got it out to the media and if not, what we want. so in other words its available for all these cable stars and all these reporters the New York Daily NEWS and the New York Times of the rest, and they know it's out there while it they read, article I dont know who else picked up on the story we we gotta Ape was published today in the Wall Street. One article so now now Decorative Organization executive director in this afternoon issued a statement. You know stating that our organization was against. It is if we want to define that. Do you know? Where would we go to find the link? I can send it to you, but it's
It's the American Medical Directors Association. It had they a longer name that I'll give you in a moment and I'm sure it on its website. If you might have to be a member to get it, but we would we can get it to you. Ah, through our executive director of the IMF, eighty four posts acute and long term care magic, just got my facebook site and posted post. The link, ok nor I mark living, show Facebook, More Levin show Twitter either one then the whole country could look at and draw conclusions from it at, and I just want to say: if I could, you know nursing home than they and people that work at nursing homes are shut, dedicated group of portfolios Emily
really want to help, but so you're, a doctor, medical direct drama, facilitating theoretical directed, I'm both near an administrative medical direct, your blood. You know, clinician bans are our home. the wonderful facility, but it's going to affect all area nursing home. Any minute now While this is if this is right. This is exactly the wrong thing that you're issues that he's doing yeah, I mean Understan and he's back himself into the coroner here and all they should have been planned out, as I believe you you, I've talked about it over and over and over again that look. You can never be fully prepared for these things, but you can be better prepared and since These things are really the states want to control hospitals, their beds, their ventilators there I'm our eyes. There see tease their medical institutions and so Fourth, and they do and The question is: he's been there some time now. Why do you need
These prioritize help services in cases of pay. Dammit. You was aware that there have been reports put out there. Marcus is sorely unprepared. He sat opportune is to add to order significantly more beds and ventilators over the years, but he hasn't done. It happened, not only that is closed In my neighborhood and you're telling me you, can we get to think to anybody? You think anybody they're supposed to be somebody at the county, but when he keeps putting our phone numbers and websites during his press conferences, you are the medical director of nursing home. This order goes out and you can't reach anybody. You can't reach anybody, and not only that they're supposed to be someone at the count me level that coordinating what
say I mean I, it is not a good only have thirty seconds. Alright, there's no coordination of the response, fear and Westchester. It's just a series of directive is behaving like a dictator executive directors orders, but all he wanted trumped the nationalize businesses item back. I've. As you can see in that eight minute, Funchal everything. the nation needed to know about what was taking place in with this horrific deadly decision was now. It's not like I'm whisperingly information, there's millions and millions of people men. You know you listening, throw the plagiarists and cable the plagiarists and talk radio listening. There are the hatchet jobs of media matters and media listening.
there are the wannabes lessening taking note, and yet they wouldn't raise this issue. And you can tell as I listen to this really fresh. Listen to this. I was shocked, I put somebody was pull my leg Can make a decision like this now? Let me ask you a question when it governs. One of the biggest most populated states in the country makes a decision like this. Isn't the head of the infectious disease effort in the United States government aware, of course he was. What did he say anything about it and say a word giving neatly put our kinds and say: don't do that not once in fact praised. Cuomo months later, is being an exam What we expect and one from a governor while he was trashing two scientists who did not
these things who specifically tried to protect his seniors, nursing homes and senior facilities and so forth, followed this. because he was studying the data, as were his experts on their own without being filtered through factory quack quack faculty. And the result is thousands of deaths and they blame those thousand dance on President Trump, this thing happened in New Jersey, the same thing happening California the same thing: and a measure again. The same thing happen in Illinois and dissent. Stand in Massachusetts and some of these other states and their hope. I never said a word nevers a word about how wages are was or that
the governor's from his own party, we're not one word. He just kept blaming the President President Trump for debts. That Trump was responsible for the deaths. All right, I'm going to take a break. we come back. We're gonna have a great senator on the programme. Somebody admire greatly RON Johnson, who is just down on the border, and I watched over the weekend what he had to say, so I wanted to bring em on we'll be right back over Two thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless carriers to pure talk over the past few months. We want the right Have you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're, with eighteen see and varieties and r T mobile. Your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, you got great coverage, you can keep phone and your number and your save a fortune pure talk is that top
Raided wireless company by consumer affairs with the absolute best consumer service team, right here in Amerika. Does that sound good? Will? It gets better right I'll get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data, just thirty was a month and if you go up on data, they don't aren't you for it? They don't care, go to pure. USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levant Podcast again pure talk, USA, DOT, com, promo code love, In alleviating podcast, and when you do, you will say fifty percent of your first month. that's pure talk, USA, DOT, com, promo code, Lavigne Podcast pure Usa. Simply smarter wireless lots of pleasure to have Senator RON Johnson with Senator. How are you, Sir, Very well, alright, I'm just going to throw you tell
What was going on you were there what what you saw on the southern border musicians. Its terminal, almost credit governance escalate, said such years. This is the worst crisis I've seen by fire. but I've seen is a crisis that didn't have to happen is also aroused by my reason, for small denying that there is a crisis doing everything they can to make it look like it's not a crisis nor denying press access at all minder with us. You are going to China, The Communist party minor telling us you can't photograph is to eat your photos, but what is so sad about this market? We pretty well had this problem solved under present trump and after the two thousand and two thousand
in search of families and uncomplicated, it would mean acting returned. Mescal policy did bring food next go another gentleman countries we print will solve the problem and by the mysteries of the transition to actually asked it's obviously from what we did so by a crisis on the borders of all our policies in place, because the first do not at present binding didn't do it. So we saw, as we saw overcrowding the down of cities, design for thousand people to utter city with covered protocols, which is what should be the classic. Four thousand is always our last Thursday and Friday. We heard stories of, for example, the traffickers and end the human trafficking component of this is grossly under reported that, for example, within these traffickers, due to interrupt crossing the Rio grande Assiduity, both approaches and through a child overboard as a diversion we saw
Yet body thwarting the Rio Grande River, you know the day they sell children to adults. So income is families in Cyprus in the years to turn a piece of information. What the blindness race is doing that I see the appeal process these families in under eight hours and dispersed them you'll, probably best. You have no idea whether going and then to Saturday go because GDP do not provide them a notice to appear so they just try to weakens people showed America will never know where they go. There's no there's no legal requirement considering doing those knows to appear before an immigration judge. This is paused to completely open borders and possibly can get. That is binding policy, but it was me inhumane and new depredations. I can't even tell you some sort, over the phone there so horrific. That's that's the bikers. That's the thousand Senator Johnson, fine and
I have to know what's going on down there if nodded specific particulars as a general manner. And they don't seem all. I worked up about it to me, they're, not all hands. on deck they're. Not Maybe we had a reverse course on some of these policies, the president suppose telling them their screwing things up a day. They don't seem like there and much of a stream. Situation to address it? Do they mobilise present lass when the process go down and see what's happened, abortion less use. I might be thirty hearings on some aspect: the border security illegal immigration should ever come? As far as I remember TAT, she listened the witnesses who would come and she would gruel long for we return to the matter in my hearing, but literally was growing.
Now many for eyes and compared eyes to the cooks, clan and yet that's who present by it was temporarily put in charge of solving this problem. Subsequent fumes, law enforcement with the last one depressing Jesuit, maybe I'll go down with this for yourself, the depredations recurring here the stores first here, maybe you didn't, have a change of heart meanness, realizing how miss. I did you gross palaces either, and the media in the media are not granted access, but the media seem awfully passive. If not timid, I mean they can bring lawsuits, they can demand access to these facilities are there. Lawsuits against Donald Trump and Jim Cost was interrupting pressing a french citizen, they circled the wagon and they demanded that have access. Even though there were four or five other scene and reporters there, they don't they don't
to be terribly Grayson about this to me now, because they know personality put tripping two thousand wardrobe spotty plastered pictures. All the Airways during the trumpet ministries in the very sympathetic little children, stop crying at their mother's side may be classed as all the media now that they will be amongst all the data want to fill. The american public was actually happened because the media's pompous all of the Democratic Party, they chose a candid and they should be present Biden. Wine, valleys present. The last ended and fill those Helen We run they were in taking the wrong person, and I don't think I can ignore the fact- and I have said here before you don't have to join me in this. If these funds Forgiven legalization, eventually citizenship and wave after wave of, what's going to be amnesty, I'm convinced of it. And, in the end, two thirds than voted for Republicans? There's no way the Democrats would be allowing this to occur. Do you think? That's what are those
That's the only way I can think of that. They would allow this to happen, because again, this isn't a surprise that the depredations incur with human traffickers and the fact that they shall children those in a hearing at two thousand two thousand and eight in two thousand. I e we heard about a tribal sulphur in four dollars, the border with Democrats, others, we saw some old guy within eighteen, the little girl. I knew just knew that that was not his trial. Senator I want to thank you and so many respects. You really had been a patriot and we'll have you back soon. I hope to God bless you will be well:
bar Cloven champion of freedom you're, one of the greatest champions. Freedom in this country is not legally speaking, world. More call mark at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one asks for this. Explanation passport. I want you to think about them. in order to do certain things as an american city and are already goes to certain places and keep in mind the federal government ubiquitous hard to avoid you're gonna have to have a vaccination pests. That's the play and that's the goals already started in New York, now wonderment he wants to stay in New York. What the hell anyway, in IRAN to satisfy this guy's unbelief.
absolutely unbelievable. Governor around a scientist today said no cut six go. You want the fox to go the Hen house I mean, give me a break. This is something that has huge privacy implications. It is necessary to do in we're gonna, have hit three and a half million seniors that have gotten shut, That's some time this week likely. Seventy five percent of senior is too important to be able to do it, but at the same time We are not going to have you provide proof of this just to be able to live your life if normally and I'm gonna be taking, Action in an exact, function emergency function here very shortly. Is to prevent such a thing happening. The citizens of Florida. There's only real, really a handful of statesmen who believe liberty and individualism
literally when you travel from a state like New York to Florida. Vice versa, you see the difference. You see the difference. It's not an exact parallel of course, but it's a good enough parallel, it's like being. in EAST Berlin in going to West Berlin, or vice versa,. This is New York City When you look at Miami, it's just incredible. Absolutely incredible!. It's it's what's going on a New York is a perfect example of what you don't want to do in the budget in New York Is twice the size of the budget in Florida in Florida has two and a half million more people in New York in it,
I'd, say it's like Vermont. In Florida they have an extremely diverse population, living, a percentage of the population is latino They have a significant elderly population as well. and so it should say it's a complex society, its diverse society, the geography depending on whether in the ocean in the city in the farm areas. the Panhandle is nothing like South Florida. I mean they're just different too damn state. Will I held a lot of people. from all over the world, but look at the difference, between conservative management and left wing management. Just look at the difference. All these dark blue cities and states,
our thinking, and I we just subsidized all of them, so they can make more bad decisions so that make more bad decision, but Vaccination passport. You know at some point folks, we have to say no, we can just walk around, and what are we gonna do now, so letters on urge are sweaters and our shirts, a big v. I've been vaccinated. No, no None of us should accept vaccination passports. None of us. None of us, want to circle back so take crews. It's in his state is in don't attack over the weekend. It's a state to state he represents in Washington.
a woman who was a senior bind adviser while she won't let him get the kind of act and take the kind of pictures he wants to taken there now I dont know where they get the authority to do this. I don't know where the media are it's just shocking, but I think to myself. You know the Washington shoes me they near times in these other media outlets, too, of a high tolerance for genocide than you ties promoted at a hundred years ago under Stalin,. and then its censored. It Two years ago, under Hitler The New York Times already has a very deep and long disgusting history. Of covering up and even promoting genocide and washed and posters and far behind, so I guess that's. Why and their great hero. Franklin rose up like the idiot. Anders and all the rest of them abused human
things probably more than any other president. In a modern time. Whether with japanese Americans or jewish Americans, are what have you. But I want you to listen to this. The videos better, but I want you to listen to this cut seven go please: we need to offer you work for the commissioner, your senior adviser you hire two weeks ago. Your instructed to ask us not have any pictures taken respectable political leadership at the edges does not want the american people who know amazement, standing in the shops that please give dignity to the people. The whole point is the people are being treated like animals, worse than animals by this administration as a result of their policies. Exposing them isn't, isn't failing to give people their dignity, the conduct of this administration, its policies, are at fault. Go ahead!
Second, the rules or arbitrary residing legally in the media and respect. That's all we ask where you are asking is regulated respect, let me say very energy than he, so she was called the keep interrupting him and keep repeating yourself like a zombie like a left wing, kook zombie, and that's what she's doing go ahead, I would only ask you, Sir there's a pandemic. Respecting rightly, I asked you feel you recollect any right to do this in that country to be right, and this is a dangerous place recently, that european policies or treat the people like this and people like anything he wants. Talks All the conditions. You see, ladies and gentlemen, there It has always been wrong. It is we who believe in civil rights and civil liberties it is we who believe in individual liberty.
It is. We who believe in humanity and compassion this Omby going around on behalf of the Bide administration, saying this It's not a zoo, please give these people dignity, dignity and what, in their own, feces. Did you know either their Lang Alot issued relying on top of each other. That's dignity go ahead. My understanding of you when I came down here respected people give renting. I read, I find what I want to fix this situation. We are in a foreign under responsible for these conditions for ease respect the people with their shut up. You will you be inspect the people. You can see how to tell it in his remarks- and there is Joe Biden- Joe Biden- gone to his home and Wilmington five times less than ninety days. Man, doesn't work.
I'm not going to enter the border. I already know. What's going on down there, he says by giving media access. Here's Chris Wallace Chris. I have the salute you Chris. This one time anyway, Let s go but just to clarify and by the way he's interviewing Gent per Saki. I know Saki color what I want to cut a girl, but just to our fry Jan, what you allowed a camera crew went to see the HIV Justice authorities. What we're talking about here are the border facilities that detention cells. The you know that this is a law that they let me just finish, that they are not allowed to be there for more than seventy two hours. Many of them are there for ten days. At this point in terms of allowing access to border patrol facilities for reporters, you are being
transparent than the tromp administration. The well. First of all. as the Trump administration was turning away. Kids at the border, sending them back on the treacherous journey, no water, they lying like the trumpet restoration, was taking these kids and sending them back to their family. Stephen Miller was on the programme. He explained this in exquisite detail, but have to keep lying. They have to create these false narratives. They have to use trumpets, foil. They didn't. You say I'll I'll, look at this way by eleven year old turn around and go back, but they didn't the amended, the interior of the country, either It is clear that the coyotes, the drug cartels- other criminal elements, people, adults or not Parents who want to use these kids to come in
country illegally, are going to use the kids to do exactly that and what the Trump Administration did and did effectively put an end to it, because these kids are ponds and jump a sack, he doesn't give a damn. Joe Biden doesn't give a jam doktor Jill come our Harris. They don't give a damn. Ladies and gentlemen, the Democratic party doesn't give a damn. You don't hear them speaking out. You hear a handful of them. Speaking up communities are directly affected, but you don't you concerns about compassion and inhumanity and illness and look, kids and rape and molestation you don't hear concerns about that. The democratic party a message there now Surgery, any of it except it's not a crisis, are tragic crisis. Why it's not prices, because it's not in their home, it's not in their backyard. Love. That's not occur.
So one, then what the hell is, then what the hell is. Go ahead, ripping kids from the arms of their parents or not doing that was ripping kids from the arms of their parents, those human, cages. I were built, they were built by your administration. You worked in the Obama administration, you jerk, and you know damn well, let's number one number: two: they weren't ripping kids from the so their parents, I'm trying to figure out who these adults, where, with these little kids they don't show up these crooks and these criminals and these molesters with ideas and say, look, This is why I am check me out so security number. None of that can happen. So it has to be sorted out by them. Women are border patrol and the men. of ice. It had to be figured out. It was a we're ripping children from the arms of their parents.
And they lie they keep lying because they don't want you to understand that what they're doing to these people, across the border is a sin and what they're doing to our. Country is a sin, but by hook or by crook, there are going millions and millions of people in this country from south of the border and then I'll, be The wave of amnesty and another way they after that and then globalization and then chain Gratian, we know exactly what's going on here, then citizenship and then voting in Texas is gonna. Go blue, Joe, just going blue by caroline- is going blue fly Is not far away. See. The shiny, see blue whole country in the California, that's exactly
they're trying to do- and I want to remind you that years ago, Democrats couldn't win any seats statewide in California,. Twenty years ago they couldn't win any seeds, state wine in California. Now they can't lose, you could put any reprobate, miscreant or Malcolm In office it doesn't matter who they are, what they ve done. Oh did, I mention they turn Virginia Blue. I'll, be right back then, over Two thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless Carest pure talk over the past few months. We want the right have you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're, with eighteen see and varieties and r T Mobile, your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, UK great coverage, chicken
keep your phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure talk is that raided wireless company by consumer affairs with the absolute best consumer service team. right here in Amerika, does that sound good while he gets better right now get unlimited time text and six gigs of data just thirty was a month and if you go up, on data they. charge you for it. They don't care, go to pure USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levine podcast again pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo code. the Van Alleviation podcast. And when you do, you will say fifty percent of your first month. That's pure talk, USA, DOT, com, promo code, Levine, podcast purity.
USA, simply smarter wireless. Let us go to Toronto and Virginia the Great W. I may I go, please Margo area. I make you, Sir well mentioned here, independent living tv. I ought to be an independent liberal. One of your listeners. Sometimes thank you and your independent of what exactly independent of the Democrats had wilkins, very good, Oh, my wife's, the conservative and deliver were so like you marry MILAN and James Carbon. That particular way by the way. I read your book on freedom of the press and sadly you are right I read a cover to cover without yeah yeah yeah check check. Oh my goodness, you ain't gonna point. So thank you for writing. It is now
I'm waiting for shooting godhead? Well, you may the shoe dropping Sir Stan better. It was their micro dimension and it was mister. Harry was the catalyst in you're you're embracing the can a moment in your rights there under is right. No Obama was also bomb than you, make no was Obama who kept threatening to outlaws certain weapons, someone bought them well, in that case, your exam We, like I m in that way. That was last argued in the secular known as well. Congratulations on doing so. Thank you for doing so much protein ever expected here that my level and Canada, the point number two. This multiply forming thing. I must The idea industry and I watch a big taken. All those This is not the way we're supposed to be doing at an American noticed, cub people off and can easier something, I, U liberal or more libertarian these I'm illiberal, sir, your liberal,
a Democrat, I'm a liberal, there's, a big difference. I went to hold you over anyone explore this little further with use out. Ok, George, our we're. Gonna go back to is a terrible or Terrell. Mr Elles or Work go back to terrain and Virginia while we return. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the podcast, is should exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative members, strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S, slash joy
Now, broadcasting, I'm lonely underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader Mark Levant. I never its eight seven seven three. I want three eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one terrorist called us from Virginia declared himself, a liberal buddy cities for the second amendment he cities for free speech so you believe in civil liberties, sir. I take it right, absolutely mark Second, amendment is a civil right, but A lot of another bills, a lot left to do not believe in civil liberties anymore. Do they
There are left us your right. They are not liberals, they have been. The Democrats are not and they scare the daylight sodomy, Sir said tell me about yourself: do you again? If I say no your classical liberal or an old time liberal. I don't know, I guess it depends on whatever alot of people but terms on that and that their free to do so I simply say that I am a liberal, born and raised in San Francisco California, with most of the attic You are probably expect other San Francisco who grew up in the seventies and wet with those be basically weapon, let you have the right to do whatever. He wants a large step on the rights of other people. To do the same thing, that's in a nutshell, so that mean that my dagger, it again I got. mom enter to enjoy, shooting my wife like shooting she likes marksmanship, and it's about that last, final liberty? I should say the defensive
to do those things that we want to be able to do without as long as we don't step on the rights of others to do so, and that exactly what it is about taxation. Well, if we want to see since the government provide like, for example, the other states. We do need taxation, but most most of the roads are not interstates and most of the spending has nothing to do with interstates to mass redistribution of wealth up or down I've heard about that, and that which is the money that is tax for roads should be spent on roads matter fact. Nobody, I'm asking you that's an easy one, because even Adam Smith, throat wealth of nations that there needs to be some basic taxation for basic needs and community question to you- is what get little past roads here, Bernie Sanders spending to redistribute wealth and that sort of thing. Where do you stand on that.
You said you from San Francisco. That's why I'm curious charter well As- honest. As I consider Bernie to be it. I've heard you say the same thing about by Senator centres, He goes way too far. he's a NEO marxist. He pretends to be. You know it's a democratic socialist. We know what that means and any any. The may ask you when you first Where did you and your wife even can see, of having your honeymoon in Moscow. No- but I wouldn't have essentially been opposed to hear Moscow's on ice While you hear wrong and protects ok, I've never been there running, thereby matinee Nineteen eightys. It was quite repressive when you say
the eighteen, eighty zero. I got that twenty one years you know in the Soviet Union was in control. anyway. In another way, as you say, your liberal. How so? Well, gay, marriage, no problem Gulf WAR Don't you think you're not hurting me? I doubly. However, a cabin boy jobs we need to solve. Have an abortion. when pro choice. I must protest on abortion, as I am for farm in every respect. Pretty much of an amendment fire arms Oak. I guess that would not hold on our farms we're talking about an object, abortion of people, people of faith or even people of science. They understand that. That's a human being not saying after agree with me now science, you may think you may decided to choice and that there is certain to say and you believe in, but I've never quite on Stood the more we learn about science.
The more time obvious that that's just not tissue, that's a human being right! Well, We are probably going to disagree on that point and that's not a human being the year before It's not a human being, don't agree on everything. Now, don't saying whether we greener and asking about the sciences at a human being mark, really that's part of the we're going off into an abortion folks! I am pro, Questions get tough, and they involve life. I got on other issues with you so far. It's hard opinion, because you're. It's not you, not a liberal you're, not in anything you're right. you're, absolutely right, it's hard to tell you, can send your liberal, united, anything neat little boxes a little box was going away, we speak in ways working year them Calm, said: you're, a liberal, I didn't call say you're, a liberal. You called the cause, green and Cetera liberal, Could you put yourself in a box.
now you're sounding like dollar where are you on national security depends what asked what we're talking about. That's a good aim. Subject: ok about securing the border, we need to do it. You strike me, you strike me as somebody you're right whose you're not when you call him a liberal. And I really a liberal again, I thank you libertarian, but that's perfectly fine, listen. I appreciate you calling all that well, there's As you know, we caught up another whither. She wondered discuss a couple more things which I had we're running out of time. They get two minutes. Ok, I well, sir I'll make a quick first off again the deeply forming bad news.
The other kicking people off other offers advocating the second amendment which, by the way I want the ones do that right and that a bad deal hinder the winds and big deal with you. Do that you yeah debate deals very big goes wrong. the proper way to do. That is to use your first by the right to counter the Mr President, let us somebody else, but let idea go against idea. Free young free unclear, namely a hundred percent America right and number three. What happened in number two I should number Tuesday platform for animals. Our second amendment, sorry right and the third one magic below he called a cobra nineteen. The trump fires remember that I do well there, or should we not likewise be calling this vaccine thought Trump vaccine I guess so didn't help catalyze it. I thought so. Well then, let's do it, let's call it the trunk.
that is under way serious. If she calls it is because of our strong powers, we should call it. What do you do? You know the name, the company? What do you do. you sound like a radio company. If you want none, I don't want. The name of the company will then called the trunk vaccine. He catalyzing made it possible that I agree with you that tomorrow, because of president, whereby the eleven point eight M, I gonna get that my shot tomorrow, because I M telling you vote for that. Just awaited. I'm sorry who did you vote for I keep that take too much of an imminent. Nobody knows who you are no offense. I keep a tight I'm not good answer. That did you, though, but I will tell you: I've offer constitutional lists very good. You know I'm a constitution my wife, by the way, is listed. All the she's got this fixed upon her face Finally, you actually Santa very nice guy and a very thoughtful
You know one of these jerks who calls up and said. Well, you know why, when we had the assault weapon bandit, I worthies from Connecticut Laszlo. There were no mass shootings and he forgot about Columbine and all the rest of it. So he was a liar and I don't have any tolerance for that stuff so that our boy area, saw weapon, as we both know is an event in turn by Josh Sugarman nineteen. Eighty two demonize modern. Boarding rifles, we make really gotten into this Heaven mark. I got a pie cast for that, promotes the second amendment from a legal point of view, and that's why I mentioned a platform. Are they gonna? Kick me off? Yes, they ll try and put a past him. Yet Will they have? They cannot, minister platform illegally, can do that even Obi against a spur the first moment. I do it. That's not how we in Amerika we're back to that now that you know I'm terribly functionaries for the government in a big? Take us basically in the pagoda than the Democrat parties back pocket their function.
As for the left, So they are that's where they live. When you look at this for Zuckerberg in the other guy Jack. What's his ass? Excuse me: what's his name these these are high Left guys, their multi billionaires in their thrown the waiter out. Listen it very much watch the name. Your podcast well actually rolls gun, corner against you're, not gonna more listeners and you have ever had are you take care yourself I'll, be right, back the Association of mature american citizens, is one of the fair describing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook. In and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights
full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts self plants and a hell of a lot more it's not enough! You'll get a max by Monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us, we conservatives As I said, I'm in a MAC member- and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m, a sea dot! U s Supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S, let us go to Jim Newport, California beautiful area. Only
seventy eight, the great care allay where we alive and national go our. You are very well observed gang? I do they get off the speaker phone though no offense, otherwise you sound like that again is better much better menace. Yup. Ok, thank you for three points. Number one Biden is an empty suit. A warm warbling, anti suit he's been an embarrassment to his family to this country to the office. For the presidency, today to the canadian empty suit, but what he's doing is intentional and diabolical And enormously damaging to the society in this culture, so Empty suit or not the subsidy, so? What he's doing? I don't care? What Samaras aids it doesn't really matter is really Devastating in this country right and you no real president's real men, they stand
up and take the heat they stand there, like the Rock of Gibraltar on scripted and I'll stay there for two hours. If they have to. You, won't that they go to the border. Multiple times you go in the wildfires were northern California. They go where the killings, they got all these natural disaster. They gauge, they talk. They look at people using capable of doing that am I right. In fact he is good fortune Saki is concerned. You know that I am astounded that the press even Peter, do today don't ask The follow up question if you- and they do see, does as valid questions, but they don't allow him. They aspire to any question. Well, yeah, but you know He was in a court of law and she answered questions like that. They would say non response to answer the question so you're working on a plan To get Biden to go down to the border tippy things, so they can transparent stuff, they want it. You know, respect to dig anti if they were doing it right. The dignity is in cap because those those sitting
nation for their being held. There should be- nothing wrong with it. If you are not afraid of the truth is like that lieutenant that's what people are saying it's, what the Republicans down there saying yeah, but today they stopped effect that movie crimson tied, went Dental Washington Rush, the convention are reaching Hackmen and he walked images, crew and echo staff, and he goes they're not going to do that they should, if they all right. Thanks for your cuz, I don't know where we're going with this. Do you anybody need any dear? Mr producer, I have no idea and I don't mean to be rude at just three minutes on. Andrew Long Island New York, the Great W Abc, go ahead. Anyone else mister producer, my computers dead. Ladies and gentlemen, I have to rely on MR producer tie Edison New Jersey, Thomas Edison are they great depth ABC, go I'm a seventy seven year old man has to say I never read the constitution.
I started movement shop. Thank you. I subscribe play, Stevie the thing you said about Stacey Abrams other piece of crap. She is Barney. I have a rescue dog and it just made me cry so you like a blaze, isn't it a great channel no, really! I try. You know it's not easy for me to convey this to people, but it's not just live in tv we have about doesn't house say, are absolutely fantastic to me. We ve got the Glen back and we ve got the angel. Well, can we ve got the David Reuben with I don't like starting goes on. I forget there just fantastic people, their intriguing, their interesting. They were good sense, it'll change- your life to watch, plays tv,
Watch people with whom you ll agree most of the time, but even apart from that who bring you intelligent information and are substance. But on the other hand, could smile laughed like you just said. I talked about my Barney imo started, cracking up again didn't I Why? Because a law rescue dog alone, Baroness Ashton, I never read the constitution. I lived to be seventy seven year old, the most modern jerky or did I know about you, read it right now you read it. Oh yeah, I write that amendment yeah, where anything not specifically by the government is belongs to them. dates and you know what the left the left ignores the left. Does it pretty and it doesn't even exist Farragut. I shall once said that its merely a statement of fact Of course, it's more than a statement of fact. It places limbs
Secondly, on the central government. Frankly, as do all the The the amendments in the bill of rights, and this is why their constantly under attack by the by axis and NEO Marxist left, which is now a significant part of the democratic Party. As far as I'm concerned Thing you know Milton Friedman once said it, but federal government, those in charge of the Sahara Desert. Now. The sand and five year he's right oh yeah he's also the man who said even though he was libertarian. He said you can have open borders and mass a welfare state and we have both and that will be in part, one of the ways said that this country will were fit. Doesn't stop will collapse the We just can't handle this. No country can and then you have movements have foot that reject assimilation, serbian you're, not assimilate into the american culture in our borders, a wide open, and as that,
see you grow up, says: there's forty two million people south of the border to want to commend this country and that when Europe cause. You stand up for the rule of law and your tall. You just oppose the browning of Amerika I ve got all the answers. Rhetorically, they got all the propaganda. and all their policies are disaster. Absolute disaster. My friend. What's that vacuum keep our good work. Thank you take it. Areas of any one else out there, MR producer, that I should talk to Huntington California LISA. How are you LISA hi? How my are you doing? I'm great. Thank you excellent. I want to thank you. First of all, and so polite. I love your ladies and gentlemen well that it always makes me feel important ideas. Very my my main topic, I guess, is if I had the up
Kennedy to run for office, I think a great to start solving. These problems is to approach him as a tough love type of solution, and there's a lot of good ideas out there, and if I want to speak of just one in particular, it would be the homeless issue. As you know, in California, we have a huge problem Madame- and I watched that, documentary. Seattle is dying, and it was amazing what row Rhode Island had accomplished, and I obviously Much smaller state than we are, but the approach would be exactly the same. here just on a larger scale? familiar with the approach. The approach is to start enforcing the law, on the books when it comes to the law, enforcement and when it comes to what I'm sorry with the homeless, Yet when it comes to what forcing the book enforced,
The laws that are already on the books were now they're, just not doing it because they they, I guess it's unpopular whatever their too afraid. The way wrote I approached it: is they set up these these systems where they would actually arrest these people? Third, the quick declines, whether it even just be vagrancy or over Missus, Rugg Giuliani, did in New York City and it it. Certainly even so called non violent crimes. People were picked up off the streets, they returned archer. They were brought to a mental institutions. I brought home that sort of thing when people say we're only going to know we're only going to go after violent crimes. What they're going to do is destroy the environment of that particular community. I have to run thank you for your call, Aim at the Association of mature american citizens is one of the first
describing organizations in America now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a macbook in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond, but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits in discounts included. special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone, plants and a hell of a lot more It's not enough! You'll get a max by! monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s!
supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U s! Various fears radio, Pre America, Michael eventual goal. Now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, thirty eight Levin Alaska is a big damn state. got a lotta resources and I often watched these shows Unalaska living off the grid, that sort of thing, and I wonder how they will be like- and I think I'm capable of it, but I do think it's very cool the people. we're very, very independent, or at least a lot of them are included the governor of Alaska, MIKE done leaving governor. How are you, Sir Mark? if they have any good. It's a pleasure. You know the feds, either it see interior department or whether it said Democrats in Congress and some Republicans think Alaska
as part of the federal government and that Alaska is the plaything of the federal government of my right. How could we spot on work? We have to deal with it on a daily basis that Alaska the National Park. It's not a sovereign state. So it's a continual series of pushing back, unfortunately, of water to get folks to recognise war at so Friday to throw quick, so vital tool. The park service that we're done with sixty two years of them fighting are Alaska residents when they use our navigable waters. The park service believed that they still have the right to cite, alas, gains for using a rivers and lakes apply to Alaska, and we said I tried it had set We are actually going to New York familiar with this term, interpose ourselves we, the federal agencies and the people of Alaska, and will use the resources of the state of law by these data. That is phantom,
Second, you may start a year a push back and other states too particularly the large lightly populated western states, where they go a lot of the same thing. People me understand. I'm former deputy solicitor, the Interior Department, how big this department is, how power This department is how they try and control all these lands how they trying gobble up more and more lands every president once or we're going to sign another monument bill and so forth in Alaska, How much of Alaska does the federal government owned? Do you know about sixty six percent of it? luck- is about three million acres for itself, but about sixty six percent, the feds control in one way or another. They tried who managed the other thirty four percent, the don't belong to them right, exactly exited daily, like occur daily fight,
We have made a conscious decision to arm, but they would say lawyer up without our legislature for a lot of money to get redefined, Alaska rights to develop its resources, but also to where I live in a state again, a scientist within the federal system, its import, your pushing back because a telling it to get worse. This administration, its environmental protection agency, so called it serve its interior department. Shoes me I believe they're gonna make war with the states. Have these large room, rural areas and large Jake. fake areas. I believe they try nationalize more more of a because turbines out create a legacy. So I think you're setting a terrific example. You sing, you know what we're not gonna wait for this. other already messing around in our areas. We're gonna pushed back exactly what do they do tell your citizens directly what they can and cannot do in the rivers.
so you'll be out on a boat and arbours your highway than was interesting. Work is a couple years ago, the Supreme Court twice eight zero first time nicer or the second time any opinion was actually written by Supreme Court Justice Kagan. But basically Alaska. All these rivers own these waterways. They have a right to oversee them, enter people have a right to use them because there are highway. There are access to it from that. The homes, the homestead, the gold, mines etc, and the federal agencies, especially a park service, didn't get. The memo didn't get the memo, and so on Friday we said that said enough were done with it. You are you hereafter. People would only to intervene. You are you try and take these rivers and as a whole, are we lost elopement. How many miles eight hundred?
thousand miles away and Lakes in Alaska that we have jurisdiction over then a park service viewed as their own all play room where they have as the park service get any jurisdiction or I'm confused. They make up your own rules when he heard we had with Jimmy Carter irrevocably Carter barely unfortunately, but it has been waiting Lady office under several seconds when he was defeated, they pushed through a bill called an ill which took more land out of love out of web servers. Let's say turning the parsee conservation areas anyway. That that job that bill that things really took off, because at that point the part service decided tat. They were going to double down other, basically their claims over jurisdiction over these waters, and so this is without a long time and like we were it's done it's over it's enough in dumb we're gonna do everything we can
our people? This is just the beginning, but there's gotta be there's gonna be there could be more or less work in terms of subtle government trying to stop elastic of developing its resources. What it's all whether it saw? Minerals, critical rare earth, etc, and so it was her off the time we got it we gotta do we gotta go, and I want to put on the spot, but you know when you're done being governor, you might make decent senator, you know just say: well it we still have a lot to do with governor up your mark a lot and dug didn't. We hope to get you up here. We showed your great, but you wanna have up not always cold. I guess I could come up in the centre right where the sun every goes down or something like that exactly cohesion Like a warm, it will show you what happened. Sarah Palin used to invite me up there and I I I wouldn't For some reason, maybe one these days- I won't go. I love watching these
grams. I really do their fascinating, just stop! Onager taken there. Before you know it you're. Here government. Will listen we're going to have you back? Will you keep us up? what's going on, back. Then we can talk about the fact that lasted two seconds abetted seashore estate, the First the two and I was appointed as well I was now well the two thousand and ten and two thousand and thirteen reaffirmed the legislature that we are doing our second. The secular member sates worries us. While we were the first to basically what the legislature said, is. We will not be helping the federal government in any form of fashion, basically farmer, our citizens, and so we see what is happening now and I'm talking about others to see if they want to get on board and also the second stage, so that we could form a coalition to push.
What we know is commoner away, and there are some good that's outstanding. You know. I can think of two governors whom I join. You two scientists in Florida, Norman South Dakota. You never know how I governor keep up the good work in the US. Keep us informed, Sir remarked regular you're welcome. That sounds like my kind of Governor Mr Petition, I don't know anything about my gun leaving beyond that, but I think it is very, very important no- it's gone up there because these big states are treated I get treated like Israel treated. Can I put it that way by the Democrats and left in our media like they have sovereignty whatsoever, and it doesn't matter what people think doesn't matter who they elect, they're, going to troll the outcomes in these states, the people. These states, like it or not,.
Now they have senators, they representatives and so forth. They have the Republican forms a garment smaller, so they get to decide to for themselves I'll, be right back Ben The association of mature american citizens is one of the fair. describing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time Presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. But to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot. More
it's not enough. You'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives As I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot? U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S I want to show you the kind of re spiders that MSNBC and seen in the others bring on who are so destructive who device this nation who promote critical race theory and so forth, who take a lie and make it even bigger. You ve heard about why
denying water and food people online straight. You know people can't bring it up to the number one they can bring. It themselves number two. Precinct workers, and so we can bring it to them as well. What you're trying to prevent is people getting up there. With water and all and telling them who to vote for it because, apparently that's been going on so they're, not forcing people to starve already go thirsty and they're not trying to do it in minority areas as these laws apply across the state. And yet you wouldn't know it was you Michael Eric Dyson, as a professor he's also. Sk casting a disgusting for a disgusting full, I said And here is on MSNBC: yesterday, cut twelve go very quickly. You met recently with President Biden, unease being interviewed by joy, red same thing:
It's amazing the past that the left gets where their past tweets their home phobia their xenophobia and all the rest of it, but Joy Reed is promoted or prime time slot go ahead to another historians. Do you think that Joe Biden is ready to do that? To get rid of us are very quickly we're out of time. very much! You know, I think he's contemplating seriously when he sees the consequences when you need to do is fill these busters with some fear of the government. These are the kind of people who were pass a law to key Jesus from beginning a cup of water while he's dying on the cross. Yet there. That is a sad but true, sir, but you're too morons. Absolute idiots but MSNBC very proud and NBC, which is the the parent work of MSNBC. Of course, Comcast on some, both very very proud of this very, very proud of it. And then we have the decency chairman on the morning Joe morning Jonah.
Everybody doesn't care, he likes the money he gets from being a saboteur and doing it. From Jupiter floored, but A real reprobate knees disgusting to cut third, Mean Jamie Harrison. Dnc chairmen go What Georgia has done in this field is, in essence, said to a group of thought in Georgia that you'd old man, you don't come from even criminalizing giving somebody a bottle of water. This is a marriage he had found. You see what they do, and I left criminalizing giving somebody a bottle of water? People can come up, picket fence, pull up and cars, and so again people, water and food. In so far because this is patently been a problem, we campaign work trying to pressure people to vote a certain way, so
You bring your own ward, he can bring your own food. People who are working in the precinct at the precinct can give people water and food nobody's gonna, stop that, but they have their having sentences and that's why they're trying to stop it, but you'll never hear that on the morning Schmahl go ahead Moreover, in the Far EAST, this is America it where we send our sons and daughters overseas to fight for democracy in other countries where over here, the Republican Party goes every damn thing that they can see the sea. This is it. You watch and they show you haven't, learned a damn thing about what's in this bill, so ninety percent of Americans. That includes all Americans of all racism background support voter. I d voter idea is removed, remove remote from voting day signature of Africa. Most american support that that is removed, its outlawed removing dead people from vote.
rules removing people who are multiple voting rules for more while voting rules, most people support that the Democrats call that what do they call them. Purging the voter rule. Rip laws in order to attack black Why are you know their black people? Do they have? You know Frank, fill in the blood black person on the list, of course not, but it doesn't matter it doesn't matter. This is what they push for, incense restrictions eider in place. I don't How many american citizens think illegal aliens should vote? And yet this law says individuals, not citizens haven't Americans are concerned that if you register on law that you'll be opened a cyber attacks from far enemies or domestic enemies, because that's what's gonna happen, most Americans, what becomes
and about that. There's, no rational discussion about what's in these proposals. Instead, when these republican state legislatures, not many but some stepped back and say, wait a minute, you ve been litigating. This crap, you came into our stage. You random! These cherry pick state courts that democratic control. You are democratic governors, Democrats, praise of state we're pulling back on what you people dead on the left in the Democratic Party and you're. Sorry, litigators, oh So you must favour Jim Crow and you know what people drink water. This is what you get on the morning. Schmo. This is what you get on MSNBC from Joy Reed. Why is it that all the debate? Some people are named joy by the way go ahead. but the right to shut up. You idiot. Why may even listening to this before.
Now. I may even listening to this before me, there are so corrupt media are so poisonous to this country. It's not SAM S NBC in CNN, its NBC Abc and CBS Sunday after Sunday. in our view, show after interview shall gain Abash demanding to know on CNN and other half what now form that wet there. She is unseen and urging the leftist senator from Georgia, urging it to lobby corporations in Georgia to prevent There's Georgia law from going forward. You gotta, do it Senator senator? What are you gonna do about that are going to put more pressure on them? The amazing isn't this is the so called media? One wonders how she got her job and sugar.
by Mary folks and other day and then tomorrow will be the next one as they say, we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel. I hope you'll join us anyone shorter hours from now. I look forward to thank you very much, And God bless you see tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2021-05-06.