« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/28/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the immediate response of the Nashville police department is exactly how we would hope the police would respond to a horrific tragedy, and their swift intervention undoubtedly saved many lives. Democrats always talk about policies that will achieve a certain outcome because in the future certain things will happen – promises that get them a lot of support and power. The only way to actually know if what Democrats say is happening is to pass their legislation and wait, and their answer when it doesn’t work is that we need to do more, which is always more government, more centralization, more redistribution, and more interference of liberty. Also, what’s happening now politically in the state of Israel is the same thing happening in America, and will only getting worse. We are facing this Marxist movement that is customized towards democracies and our Republic, and we are in a soft tyranny right now. President Biden is trying to topple the elected Prime Minister of Israel because of his hatred for Benjamin Netanyahu, who is facing an internal coup which will sink the entire nation. What is happening now in Israel is a preview of what may happen in 2024 if Donald Trump is re-elected. Later, Mark speaks with Congressman Dan Crenshaw about the supporting Ukraine against Russia, and the devastation on our southern border from the policies of the Biden administration.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting only underground the members than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. the
the The mark living here, our number eight seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! Well, if you like you watch the video that was released by the nashville police department,
On the year on the mass killings of these three nine year old and the three other individual, And. these police- are really. families, human beings, they no. What was behind, which doorn what door and they were searching out. The killer. And the officer rex albert. An officer Michael colossal. Fired at the twenty eight year old, margery Elizabeth here, and they killed him. And you could see one of the individuals taking charge resist gentlemen thing aubert now these are not swat team police.
They pulled up in their cruisers in they got out and you can wrangle burgeoning let's go, let's go there, three lessons for, let's go and they went and gilbert's of four year veterinary Fourth, the colossus a nine year veteran of the fourth. And I would just say on behalf of this country, we wanna thank them, because they are illustrative of police all over the country. And content please chief hale fired at the officers who arriving at the scene from windows on the second floor before they swept the building and founder in a common rule. He could see On the video. I also want to tell about somebody else, And that is.
one of the nine year old. One of the nine year olds was murdered while she trying to pull the fire alarm to alert Nobody in the school and the police. And her name was evelyn dick house. and, as reported here in the daily mail, she tried bravely to savour classmates by pulling the fire alarm at the covenant elementary school should decide I family as a shining alight and of course they have been left quote completely broken completely broken.
she been desperately trying to pull the fire alarm to get help when the shooting unfolded. And there's a photo of her. on the internet at the daily mail. This was, in fact the You're all my daughter play basketball with a sweetheart And there she into- A kid you didn't make it, of course, and then there was headmaster, mistress, doctor and catherine Koontz. She was sixty substitute, teachers, cynthia peak sixty one and an chef mike sixty one. He was also killed and the daughter of my kill, who worked at the school more than a decade rights. The daily mail said that she never thought
be killed. A man shooting written me here of my kill posted saying I've watched schools, things happen over the years. I never thought I would lose a loved one over a person trying to solve a temporary problem with a permanent solution. will not say her name, because I will not glorify her actions. I wish the media would not say your name ever again. You got it. I agree. She said, I'm so sorry for the loss of those children, seeing their names not called out safe was devastating as well as that applin telling me and my siblings. Family, this guy, awful news. Ah his niece MIKE sneeze added that three other family members also worked at the school. They were not harmed.
The killer had attended the school. She was suffering from an emotional disorder and it goes on. when you look at the video these cops. These are very young men. You know I just fantastic. and they could hear the shooting upstairs and they rushed upstairs fast. As I could. To picture of highly scruggs with her farmer We in her father who was a pastor at the prosperity In church affiliated with a school. and. Let's begin the year, the press conference to produce will be able to play at all, but let's begin go ahead, I good afternoon
non don aaron with the national police department. We want to give you a brief update this afternoon, as to what we know about the covenant murders on yesterday. There's one rumour going on throughout the community that we want to take a moment to clear. There are those who think that specific individuals were targeted by the shooter who entered the building on Monday. We have no evidence that individuals were specifically targeted this school,
His church building was a target of the shooter, but we have no information at present to indicate that the shooter was specifically targeting any one of the six individuals who were murdered. Chief john drake will now update you on the progress of the investigation overnight and this morning, including what we know about the individuals purchases of firearms over the past couple of years again. This will be a brief briefing today, chief john drake good afternoon. Everyone thank you again for being here. This is a brief update of what we know right now. We've interviewed the parents of Audrey Hale and we've determined that audrey bought seven firearms from five different local gun stores. Here legally they were legally purchased. Three of those weapons were used yesterday during this horrific tragedy that happened. We know that
well, does she had one weapon and that she sold it. She was under care. Doctors, care for an emotional disorder, and law enforcement knew nothing about the treatment she was receiving about. Our parents felt that she should not own weapons. They were under the impression that was when she sold the one weapon that she did not own any more as it turned out. She had been hiding several weapons within the house. We also don't have a motive at this time. We feel that the students that were targeted were randomly targeted. There was not any particular student that they were that she was looking for
at the time of the accident and that's what we know as I speak, and I will take any questions you may do so in a manifesto does several different writings about other locations there were locations. There was talked about the school. There was a map of the school, drawing up. How are potentially she would enter and the sounds tat would take. it's odd, as have quite a bit of writing to it. I have not read the whole entire manifesto, our team, and they have to be admin work
is this where exactly the common area the so they spread out in different locations out when I went into the actual church, the kids had already been transported to the hospital. Also, the two other adults. I did see the head of school person and she was in the hallway about office, as only one day was spread out, wasn't in one common area, but there were spread out chiefly in the other lands in terms of targeting other buildings other place. There was some writing in america. so about other locations, but as far as it vienna an actual target. I can confirm that at this time I would like to tell you that one in every, why was,
And then just about kill where exactly where they walk through the whole way. What happened, and I also believe that I have a headache. It may have ran toward the shooter is very possible to hit it. A school could have done that. I can confirm at one way or the other. I do know she was in the hallway by herself. There was a confrontation, I'm sure you can tell. way. She was land in the hallway. There was the custodian african american ass. She sat through The door to enter she sprayed rounds through the glass strike in here. You can see where
He came the rest as far as the others. They will just spread out in different locations. I can say it was a confrontation, but they were met. Feed met the haired person in the hallway this man right here. Thank you chief. He mentioned is the multiple guns and at the shooter was under the care of a doctor. Is there any law in this state that would have allowed police to take guns away from this person? Had it been reported? If it had been reported, there's not allow for there, but had it been reported that she was suicidal or that she was going to kill someone and had been made known to us, then we would have tried to to get those weapons, but as it stands, we had absolutely idea. Actually, who dispersed among others, even existed a little bit about the time. So we know yesterday the miss hale was leaving
out of the residence she had a red bag. They asked her what was in a red bag and I think she just dismissed it, because it was a motherly thing and I didn't look in the bag at the time. She didn't know that her daughter had any weapons and didn't think any differently, and again they lost a cow, so it was very traumatic for them, so he went to anybody. Can I think you have to talk about the police response the shooter pretty quickly once they got to the school, but you talk about the events that led up from when they got the call what time of the arrive at school? And if you talk about that at that time, the benefits yeah. So they got the call at ten thirteen about ten twenty four. They had engaged the suspect as they arrived on the property there were police cars been hit by gunfire. The suspect was in a upper level. We believe there has been some training have been able to shoot from a higher level and her gunfire from the video I've seen she stood away from the glass, so she wouldn't be
easy target to be shot, but as officers were approaching, the building there was gunfire going on. They went in. They went through the door by door as we clear buildings they heard gunfire and immediately ran to that and and then took care of the this horrible situation, The gulf is one from the time they went out from ten thirteen eighteen, twenty four, it was over the exact time travel time? I'm not sure I know that myself. I read emergency and, as I got there, they were coming out. Blurry and all kinds of things were happening, so I barely missed being able or or being there to go in as wales. So it was really quick the response and I think you would make sense
I'm going to ask you about the two. Had they have been placed in a situation like that. To my knowledge, I do not remember it's. Those tube in particular have been in that situation. Also, palazzo has worked as a paramedic with the swatting, so I'm sure he's had some type of weapon straining. I was really impressed that would all there was gone all the danger that somebody took control and said: let's go, let's go, let's go and winning in and took care, and just the end this situation, but as far as being in this before, I assure you, sir, very impressive, chief, very impressive. police force and those young men is exactly right. It took control in weight or word about parameters and all the rest. Let's go let's.
Let's go in. I pointed let's go this way: do that check that they were fantastic, passing an unfortunate. Such people are still dead, I'll, be right back. It was love in the. I want to tell you about something to help you protect your retirement. People are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well for one thing: there's the crazy spending and debt created by Biden and the Democrats that huge debt affects your savings, especially pensions, iras and four o one case. It's one reason: americans get gold,
I raise to protect their hard earned savings. Here's a company! I trust. I help you with a gold. I re august a precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I write if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one web conference to schedule, call eight seven, seven, four, we're gold ira, that's eight, seven, seven, four gold ira, eight, seven, seven, four gold ira- if you have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the risk disclosures his well reservation. We always found, was more than our prayers. Action
I have to do more to stop this gun violence ripping communities apart, ripping apart the soul of this nation to protect our and so they learn how to read. Writes that duck covering the class We need to act weapons war. Second a moment ago that that's that's enough he always talks about himself, like obama, did The second amendment guy. but he is not as an let's look at all less use guy, he's an area like that needed to be secured. That's how you propose the children that type reject a president that type protect members of the house of representatives and members of the senate. That's how you protect the supreme court. It's you protect your own home and your own family These buildings needed to be secured popular
I want to tell you about something: they help you protect. Your retirement. People are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well. For one thing: there is the crazy spending and dead created by Biden and the Democrats that huge dead affects you're savings, especially pensions I raise, and for a one case, it's one reason: americans get gold I raise to protect their hard earned savings. Here's a company, I trust. I help you with a gold. I re august a precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I re, if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one web conference to schedule, call eight seven, seven, four, gold- I re- that's eight, seven, seven for gold, irae, eight seven, seven
wore gold ira. Do you have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the rest it is well he's driving the media, mad more cloven call in with your outrage, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one one of the things that happens in tow our turn regimes with its communist or fascist, or something in between and, I might add one of the things that happens in this country. Would democrats. Is they always talk about. policies that will do x Y see what Nationalizing health care, whether it. climate change that
In the future, this will happen in the future. That will happen in the future. This will happen, promises it's pretty good, Gets them a lot of votes, a lot of support in a lot of power, but the way to actually know. If what they're saying is to occur, MR producers, what. is to get it done and then wait and if it does no work, it doesn't work. Rage, or that always is because the vast majority time it doesnt work is we need to do more. more government, more centralisation, more redistribution, more rules, regulations, laws, more taxes, more interference and liberty. And so everybody should be on medicare well that
straw, there's no walk, says Bernie sanders. Joe Biden says we need to outlaw assault, weapons There is literally no definition for solve weapon cause thing could be an assault weapon. Even a musket can be an assault weapon even stay. there can be an assault weapon anonymous bill can be an assault. What there is really no definition, so the Democrats Have succeeded in controlling once again as we talk about here, the language. What law? Exactly would we pass? And I've been saying this for twenty one years on the radio? What law exactly would we pass to prevent what just Place in nashville what law.
I noticed some back benches had picked up this point. It's a small point. They repeated what law would have prevented this. No law would have prevented a night. Ninety four job I'd like to talk about how he passed the federal assault, weapon ban- that was the name given to it. actually the brainchild of Diane Feinstein Ninety nine, for he was a co sponsor and they took up your weapons, they call them a saw weapons. Semi automatic weapons is what they are, but nonetheless some of them look like What terry weapons a whole list of the congress past it bill Clinton signed it Joe Biden goes around saying in a word. In the study he sites- I actually looked into this today,
one. There was tat it by mother jones, a radical left wing magazine, but rather The left wing area. Reincorporation would later do a study, their are very highly respected research organization. They said it had no effect. department of justice, conducted its own investigation? It said no effect to minimal effect. There other studies. I were done that found the same thing, so they cherry pick their studies. And they tell you that had this enormous effect promise it didn't. what was happening is when they banned all these.
Weapons one list a MR producer. People used weapons on list. These there weren't banned there, weren't band. So that's just not an answer to this. If we want to protect our children, he didn't predicted after ninety, ninety four and one that law lapse ten years later, a recollection. was a ten year law with a lapse it didn't protect them. Then. Now Joe Biden, Sarah north carolina any knows nothing about weapons or bullets. He knows nothing about security, says in part this cut three go. for what we learned, majority gunners agree. We have to do so, agree. We have to do something. The question is
What are we agreeing that needs to be done? Go ahead This is a moral price to pay for inaction, last year, we came together to pass significant gun safety legislation and thirty years alighted stop. this mass murderer. If it was that significant go ahead, gotta thought and don't tell me we can do more to get so. I again want congress to the salt woman's As you see pass the assault weapon, we just pass some kind of gun control right, but we need to pass the assault, weapons ban and what saw weapons, we don't know. Semi automatic weapons she can't buy automatic weapons. That's been outlawed fur.
over half a century. That said, if you can go to the treasury department and try and get one, but its very, very unlikely. So people are running around with machine guns and that sort of thing when they talk about military weapons, most people don't have military weapons go ahead. Should not be a partisan is common sense. what is not honoured censorship that the white house Be protected, the congress should be protected, that every federal building should be protected. Every state building should be protected. but our schools shouldn't be protected. Just think about this think about this. Head. Why do I keep saying this is not happening, because Want you to know who isn't doing it? Who isn't helping to put pressure on
You know, I know you see on television is not just really, though a weapon in terms of its its semi automatic, in effect. The velocity with which comes out of that muzzle. What did When hits the body most bullets, we'd go just straight through an out leaving no, but it blows Once it's inside your body, I said their different kinds of bullets. There are bullet they just go through the body, and there are bullets that expand as they go through the body. We call them hollow point boats. And you might say: well, that's terrific, though you don't understand! You know why police officers use mostly a point bullets not simply because their deadly.
They do not want a bullet to pass through one person and hit another person. that's one of the main reasons hollow point. Boats were developed in the first place because you can hit the top Get but you might also hit other people, Why I'm assuming the police in nashville, who killed Ash murder would have preferred to have the hollow points, not just for the bullets to be deadly. but what if she were standing there were children behind her? The bullet could pass through the person which had easily does Your body is mostly water, the bullet capacity, the person. And into one two, three little kids. He has no idea what he's talking about. None he's got shot gun great. He never has any idea what he's talking about.
So we ban all these weapons in the Still not gonna be happy. You want to know why. Cause hundreds of millions of weapons out there and but was seldom and other people by them. They're gonna want to step in and put an end to that then they're gonna wanna put an end to the grandfathering of weapons, it's always ratcheted up up up up It's not gonna work, it didn't work and ninety nine for the two thousand and four and it's not gonna work now secure the buildings. As we know from this latest horrific episode, one of the buildings was more secure than another, so that you'll chose the building. That was less secure How many of you have Systems
put the signed out or you put stickers on your windows in your doors way It's the go on of somebody motion lights, oceans, your home floodlights. What have you because of Faye, be burglar, rapist or killer? He seized I've been a house. He goes to the next house. But the studies show that's why Do those things. Are you leave a light on the house, her several when you're, not around or radio or t same thing? If they think p, Or in the house more times are not to go to the next house, although it Perfect, the same thing applies to facilities. This school was in a gun, free zone.
a gun freeze on so the killer new and plodded. It's not the fault of the score to private christian, that is, that created by wardens gun, freezer. set for the killer. She had guns anyway. I hope you better understand now why bullets are different. and then finally, David Roush tennessee bureau of investigation is press conference cut sixty.
Again. I want to echo what Jesus said in reference to the great support and the great team work that has been taking place here, as well as sending our heartfelt prayers to the to the families to this community of these victims. Now I know there'll be people who want to criticize us for prayers, but that's the way we do that in the south right, we, we believe in prayer and we believe in the power of prayer, and so our prayers go out to these families. amen to that. may god look over these children in those three adults their suffering families. Then jean Pierre morning jody. This is just paulie.
Msnbc Nbc com- cares that whole line up his jested disgusting disgrace Cut seven go here: what we will say. What I will say to republicans, in congress is Are you going to say to these parents, you see you see it's the fault of the republican This is the way to totalitarian propaganda works if Jes would have done what we told them needs to be done if they would just do what we want them to do, though, children, be alive today,. Really and how about all the children and others have been murdered. Illegal aliens coming across the border on your watch. Then raped in molested and the children Old into sex slavery. Is that on you,
jean Pierre, is out on Biden, habit all affair now let's come over the border and slaughtered. Or take a hundred thousand americans most of them. Young people is that on you. Yet it is on you. For not following the law, but the idea congressional republicans are to blame every time somebody is murdered, because while pass a law that the Democrats insist on of the sort that they passed thirty years ago and didn't work, you should despise these people For how they conduct themselves and how exploitive they are, because, god, As I do I'll be, right back
It was love in the. I want to tell you about something to help you protect your retirement. People are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well for one thing: there's the crazy spending and debt created by Biden and the Democrats that huge debt affects your savings, especially pensions, iras and four o one case. It's one reason: americans get gold, I raise to protect their hard earned savings. Here's a company! I trust. I help you with a gold. I re augusta precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I write if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one wed conference to schedule call eight seven, seven four gold, I re that eighty seven seven for gold- I re eight seven, seven
Wore gold ira: do you? Have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the risk disclosures as well. And what the police dinner there, how grateful to the nation is for you, just want you to know that I used to go in the cities, particularly new york city, the nypd folks. They come up to me, the left and right because you know I started out there and these are fantastic. men and women, absolutely fantastic, but there on the line all across the country, To be for a number of relatives, serving philadelphia police force under ray.
Police commissioner may have heard of him frank, rizzo. The tough man became mayor. One point two but the city was mostly year that peace unlikely Which is a disaster there? Most cities duty radical left wing kooks that random italy? Three hundred billion dollars of your many care funds were diverted to fund electric vehicle credits, obama care subsidies. Just so you know totally unrelated to medicare unrelated to medicare. So think about that too. You know when we come back. I want to talk to you somewhat about what's taking place in the state of Israel I'll tell you why? Because job pollack at bright part has as a brilliant peace there.
And he says you see what's happening in Israel, the leaders and the pro susan. The radical left. The opposition party and parties in the courts. Are desperately trying to hold on power against the voters. and you see they ve almost come to a civil war net who himself has acknowledged this. You're lucky to have a man in that position right now I ll tell you then Pollack says. you can imagine. The same thing is aware, it donald trump victory and I think a hundred percent correct these, People who preach democracy, who preach,
there Ain t, violence, antonia, insurrection,. There are the opposite of all those things they are violent the radical left as always been violent. They do not want to give up. Our even temporarily, through the course of an election and I'm They get into this with you, because I know It's very very relevant to what's going on in our country right now, I'll be right back This segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
sponsorship pure talk the no broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin here are numbered eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, one moment have any in the state of Israel has been happening here and is going to get worse. I hate to tell you. Because the area logs in this country in the area logs there in the eerie logs in Europe they coordinate, they communicate
And are of the same mind, set they don't care about the american law and order system, they don't care about the israeli law and order system or the european law and order system. I am telling you what I and telling you now for long Time. Radio house are afraid to say, a television hosts are afraid to say, although more and more of them are We are facing this marxist movement. that is customize towards democracy and our republic. And when you listen to. Somebody like a yo, see or presley. When you listen to these people,. or even when you listen to Joe Biden.
And you listen to the democratic party there telling you what they think camouflage a lot of it in the name of the people and democracy, but that typically the waiting these come to be, and we are in a soft journey. Right now is mac to levy we'll get to that. Ask anybody you want what Joe Biden now Doing in the state of Israel is trying to topple the elected prime minister. Because he and obama hate net in you who and more than that the supreme court in Israel. The Really bar in Israel.
there's a segment of israeli generals in Israel who are very woke, believe it or not, and Academia in Israel, big labour in Israel are trying to take out. Netanyahu and they've made it clear with their own statements that they are prepared to sink the entire nation. And they are actually encouraging foreign governments to help them, including the bite administration. So Joe pollux peace here and in bright barton, hey out on the streets of Israel today. as a preview of what why, and in the united states have a republican, especially donald trump wins the presidency in twenty twenty four. The left will try to make the country ungovernable.
Prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu was re elected last year after he was supposed to have disappeared due to several frivolous prosecutions champion as political opponents, sound familiar when he returned off with a big majority they enjoyed before he vowed to take on the forces at a cost, against him and his party, namely Israel's our deep state in the eu sharing the legal hierarchy. judicial reform has long been a simmering issue in Israel. Nineteen nineties, the left wing supreme court began to us our broad powers to overturn legislation and review executive decision They did so more and more brazenly it wasn't you will review america it Judicial oligarchy, I'm the judiciary, which effectively controls the appointment of judges. A bachelor leftwing power in Israel, holding the law
and for the secular urbane elite against the growing religious nationalist majority. They call this the you're a stock receive, and this jurist creasy cause. Many is that Israel is principally on the right to begin frustrated with democracy You know what use was there in voting for a government, after all, only to see the courts. I return everything it tried to do. Those fresh Nations came to a head in recent years with several high pro our decisions, such as the rejection. Major natural gas deal cancellation of a compromise and religions, exemptions for military service, all done by the supreme court. Just so, you know, there's no standing rules so any dick and harry, or any mary, Sally and fred riga could file They complaint it goes to the supreme court. They take. Control of the decision in their entirety
we have stanley rules in this country Real crisis came with the absurd prosecution of denton yahoo, which showed that migration, Israel become subordinate to the courts, the military brass and the attorney general. Israel's own deep state- yeah, who was elected last year with a mandate to change the system, started debate in our negotiating these really left took to the streets some level, Military reservists began deserving endangering the country. Bite administration which likes to tell republicans to respect the outcome of elections, sent the opposite, judge to the israeli opposition side, With a radical left against Netanyahu and telling him. to slow down his reforms. This saturday, Israel's zone defence ministers, stab Netanyahu in the back? Giving a speech oppose in his own governments, judicial reforms, one, yeah, who was overseas or the united kingdom. None
who had no choice but to firearm scorn, insubordination reunite israeli streets exploded into protests. The trade unions are joining the fray. The airport is effective. Shut down. The universities are closed. The country is A sitting duck prickly ray, Mean or palestinian attacks miracle watch carefully. Take note for three reasons: firstly, is deeply worrying. Divine administration seems to be fomenting that chaos Biden has refused. Even a meat would Netanyahu since it was like the last year. today, he said he has no intention of meeting with. This is a guy who owe me with any Genocidal murder or inbred running any country. This is a man whose gave and hundreds of millions of dollars to the palestine. In terrorists, abbas. second, the crisis and Israel as a risk.
Stability in the middle east israelis are openly wearing about their ability to confront a potential nuclear. I ran if they are mired in their own internal political struggles. When a war outside your country, every country's unravelling within thirty most important. What is Happening in Israel is a preview of what may happened in the united states after twenty twenty four already after twenty sixteen Democrats refused Sam trap is legitimate and undermine its administration. Remember the things Hillary Clinton said. Remember the things obama, michelle obama and Joe Biden said. Remember that things policy said indeed and humor said and did in the media said indeed and on and on may never accepted him as legitimate in twenty twenty. They write it in the streets telling
that this is what democracy looks like they do the same if they lose and twenty twenty four moroccans need to be prepared: rights, droll, pollack and To condemn political violence now before it's too late, I think he's right on. You need to watch. What's going on over there, then the new york slimes. The forty eight hours before prime minister Netanyahu, reluctantly delayed is africa. Overhaul the israeli judiciary is Burma was bombarded by warnings from the bite administration that he was imperiling. Israel's reputation as a true democracy at the heart of the middle east keep something in mind. Biden doesn't believe in representative government he's mr executive orders exactly waters for student loans, executive orders to open the borders Negative orders on on the pan,
Emma executive orders on women sports executive orders on equity, executive orders, racism used to be, racist now he's a white racist or whatever you want to say it gave order after executive order on climate change, but he says he's concern that Israel will lose its reputation. As the true democracy in the Middle east, who they gonna lose to Jordan, saudi arabia you schmuck statement on Sunday night soon after Netanyahu, fires, defence minister, because he had broken, with the government on the judicial overhaul. the white house noted that bind had told Netanyahu by phone. A week ago. The democratic values quote have spain and must remain a hallmark of the. U S, Israel relationship, see this Is the white house leaking to David said the near tat he David,
What is it like to be a lap dog, divine. What is it like to be a stenographer providing but is alike. The cell you're here fashion to sell your soul to buy. in the democratic? What is like David S, anger, but a schmuck? Yes, major changes to them system, MR buying seminars, must only be pursued with the broadest possible base of popular support by doing our country with the noble basis for some eddie trashes the supreme court. This is just shocking. They had a one vote advantage in the senate Three or four in the house any past: the most massive attack on our energy system.
in our own history, foreign or domestic. strong, the fossil fuel industry. For intents and purposes, there was no broad based support for this he passes, a mass of massive spending bill are worth a trillion dollars. He wanted it to be six trillion. Remember not a single republican vote is he's talking about. The statement was striking because in normal times sustained line for a white house democratic republic is thy. Washington does not. Therefore, in the internal politics of its allies. Well, in this case, it does. But you know what Netanyahu said today is the churchill of britain. excuse me their churchill of Israel. You said Israel,
they sovereign nation, and while we have a wonderful relationship with the united states from time to time, their difficult disagreements with the government. Member when he spoke to a joint congress Democrats, republicans, the house and the Senate fifteen. I think it was Ro Obama Biden were furious. This is how buying tries to get back so Biden and is faster, is disgusting. Ambassador to Israel will spend years, negotiating with the islam or nazi regime that murder. Such little girls that slow, there's gay people has killed. Americans kidnapped americans. they will spend two years
negotiation table with that regime. There hundreds of millions of dollars to abbas whose a terrorist. but Netanyahu, gets the lectures and this stuff department money flows into the opposition, to Netanyahu as it did before, and that's the one man that Biden will not meet with and so Biden. The radical Democrats there call leftists in Israel, the rat The left us in europe. They're all ganging up and the government, that's in Israel. We are hoping for a civil war.
one should keep that in mind in this country. I want you to keep that in mind. I'll, be right back then don't fall for their free phone ideas from barrage of eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick to lock you into a long term contract that is going to cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest no contract, cancel or leave any time get a new iphone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure talk customer there Why you should be to you: can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose from of her I have limited talk and text plants, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high speed
all back by a one hundred percent money back guarantee gotta pure talk, dotcom inner promo code, levine podcast, L, a v I n, podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin podcast restrictions why you can see this site for details amazing and I'm going to speak to you As a very proud american drew Biden, knows. That he's gonna get seventy. Seventy five percent of the jewish vote, no matter what he does. no matter what he does, people get a little less. Maybe it'll be sixty five,
the eight percent of the now. Why is that? because, as my wife Julie likes to say, when you're talking secularists weathered jewish catholic or whatever you're born into a particular religion. Your honor the special holidays there, sir, and things traditions you're willing to go through, but you're, not really all em, my pillows on abortion or binding on abortion or what they're, just not real they're, not really all in, and it's much more than that, So there is a gap, there's a void and what are they fill it with politics, so their eddie locks. This is their whole life, not their faith.
Many cases it's not even their family, it's their political ideology. And this is how their able to stay in politics for half a century to beef away from there, families more times and not didn't going politics temporarily and then go back to a normal life. Politics is hulu, are and what they do. It's their faith, it's their real religion. And the same applies to secular, do Joe Biden as a leftist I don't care all the mark in propaganda efforts to make him something else. Joe Biden is left us today. That's what he's radical left but he went at what he's wound up in twenty years.
Because he's also chameleon indeed. I know right the history books. And they historians you brought into the oval office. Of course they were right books for him. Now all that said he knows said he will get the votes regardless out of new york, At a california, not out of florida, you won't get, Brooklyn we're orthodox jews. Are. He won't get him out of Florida where many orthodox church, But there's others too, but the point is. He knows he can do or say anything because, as a Democrat, I have to ask you If you really believe in the faith of judaism, how can you be a democrat. Because today that's the party of anti semitism know not all Democrats
The democratic party or anti semites, but too many to count the congressional black hawk as calls and fair com that's not really a good move. oh see, tallied omar. And the list goes on and on and but they a vote that will not continue to be registered. That is unfortunate. I'll be right back, don't fall for their free phone dea's from verizon, a t and t or t mobile folks, just another trick to lock you into a long term contract. That's going to cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract cancel or leave any time get a new
Phone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure talk customer! That's why you should be too. You can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose. A variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high, b data all backed by a one hundred percent money back guarantee, go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, Levin, podcast, l, a v. I n podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin, podcast restrain. since apply. You can see this site for details. Remark: Levin. The research are of conservative media call in now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one: one cow hello, palo map tat, maybe
tat ye be as decided, because we inquired buddy Do any media. On the cyprus issue until the ira speaks and explains what it did them mark what're you talking about. What one matter ye be independent journalist was testifying. on capital hill front of our house committee about the weapon Should government He was one of the independent journalists chosen by the great elon musk. Here, on my view, to look at twitter records and to see what was going on. Baby was one of three one for independent journalists. and a staff that went through all these records. And they found in fact that the binding
illustration. The fbi department of homeland security, among others, had been working, which would. members of congress, like Adam schiff, working with twitter. to try and sensor certain intervene. Rose and information to try and promote certain theories to help cover up the hunter by laptop, and so for this is your government and this guy liberal democratic visas were wait, a minute I'm on the wrong side of this too, street journal editorial board and others sounded off a map. Tat ye be one of them. analysts behind the twitter files being visited by an irish agent after his testing. Before congress, the lost journalists are tutorial board reported that representative Jim Jordan sent a letter to treachery sectoral, JANET Yellin, and I
As commissioner daniel wherefore. There's wine age was sent to typees home. They sent the letter yesterday. Going to the letter, the aging came to tvs, personal residence. On march nine the same day. The journalist testify before these select committee on the weapons asian of the federal government of reporting on the twitter files, is it Let's say you are right there, there Expand left a note instructing him to call the irs four days later. Toby was allegedly tall that both is true. Eighteen and twenty twenty one tax returns were rejected due to quote concern over identity theft. Unquote. Now, let's slota I don't believe in coincidences Actually, when it comes to the government, particularly one comes to the internal revenue service. The same days, testifying.
that iris agent goes to his home? raising questions about the legitimacy of its tax returns, concerns over identity theft, why would you send an irish agent to his home to raise concern and about identity theft. Mr producer, why don't you exactly why? Don't they send a letter like they always do. The curious timing of this visit on the heels of the f tc demand that twitter turn over names of journalists. That's the federal trader, commission, democratic Traders raises questions about potential intimidation and mister george right to want to see documents in communications, socially editor relating to their tb visit. Fear. Many americans is that flesh with its new eighty billion dollars and funding from congress. The
ass will unleash its fearsome power against political opponents. Mister t be serves to know why the agency decided to pursue him with a very strange. How come you know what these bastards use. The fbi and the department of justice, the threatened parents and pro lifers just threatened Republican state legislators is that a threat in these journalists now with the irish. This goes by to the days of are, hefty use the irs against his political opponents. You know who else did John Kennedy who, in a who ousted Lyndon Johnson Nixon tried, but they caught him and he had to resign. You know I can't do it. The Democrats, do you
you want up in jail or you have to resign or something like that. They use the fbi Lyndon Johnson, even use the cia, We love linden, doorway grey society in everything. In response to the irs visit the wall street journal? What does that tell ye be provided? Jordan's committee would document Improving that is twenty eighteen tax returns had been previously accepted. The irish never notified him of any issues at the time, in addition, well, as twenty twenty one, ex return was initially rejected. Table Said the issue is now monetary had them reject one of my tax returns of you, MR bittacy. Salivate over my tax returns the war reed and by the way I don't take all alden deductions letter do me. So if I get the knock on the door, it's gonna be.
The way thanks for coming, you owe me I'm quite serious. The wall street journal noted that the irs normally sends a letter yeah. I just said that and what an amazing coincidence, the great senator TED crews said this. Absolutely stinks to high Heaven. The iris has a troubling history, targeting the political enemies. The Democrats, including the tea party, your tea party, folks, I was a big part of the tea party, what a wonderful wonderful time there was with you. I can people rose up. So the tea party was targeting, of course, obama. I don't know anything about this, not enough. It was down the benefits. But he didn't know anything by mid know anything nobody here cared if they data dinners unbelievable. Quite frankly,.
So we invited MR tybee on the programme and told MR producer: it is true that he's not doing any media inter the irish result, these inquest, as it should. I have always believed in getting rid of the iris. I have I don't care if it's a flat tax. The percentage of income or a flat sales that I dont care these thug. Preparations need to come to an end, but this is why talked at length about israel, No better go and read to you jaw, pollux peace, because he's right. These people are not going to go away quietly Not going to go away easily there, Gonna go away without a fight in a day
means taking down the country, then they'll, both thanks, so be it. We already got a taste of this, the truly it's unbelievable. Some believe, but I'll be right back then don't fall for their free phone ideas from variety and eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick. The lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract Cancel or leave any time get a new iphone ultra fast five g service in country. cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure talk customer! That's why you should be too.
You can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose a variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high Be data all back by a one hundred percent money back guarantee gotta pure talk, dotcom inner promo code, levine cast l e v, I n podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin, podcast risk actions apply. You can see this site for details. Folks, I meant to tell you Something must really be wrong with Mitch Mcconnell I mean physically here that he fell down right. And he got a concussion,
following a concussion. That is a very bad for seriously. even fall down and break his arm or break as he fell down and had a concussion meaning. Obviously he hit his head. And he was in the hospital a relatively long time now he's getting. I like this. therapy. which means there's issues I assume either with his talking or is walking or something. So I think this is serious. I'm just speculating but I suspect this assertion guys not young. He polio. As I understand it, and so had he headed a year in europe, with walking in the first place through much of his life.
but you don't hear anything there's like A code of silence here. And this is. The guy was the longest serving leader in the senate, republican or democrat. I don't know I'm just telling you I gotta bingham, I'm just saying I think this guy but colonel Very bad spill. And severely hurt himself I don't think we can all the facts. and it does raise a number of interesting questions about. Whose behind him who's running me republic, inside of the centre right now,. who is the number two corn- and I guess. Why didn't you, Anna corn and would be a disaster? Should he
place mecca, corn and is a stubborn rhino, that's what he is. He's a stubborn rhino. No, I don't know who is in thereafter him. Soon phone your right through would be number three, I think not being the gray This failure soon, but I think soon is more accessible. And soon I think instinctively is more conservative, then corner. didn't say, he's conservative, I said more concern, but this could get the interesting from political perspective, but from the human perspective I mean I'm quite serious. I I mean, Have absolute silence about Mcconnell, except here and there
he went home is standing firm therapy for what then ferryman fed. In spain, out more times that he's been in the senate, since he was elected, Obviously, utterly and completely incapable of being a senator, and he has enough difficulty Just getting along and life in the fact that His wife and his family in the democratic party would put him up, is so Scanning it's like with Biden. Finally, an incompetent. not only a moron by Bought and paid for by foreign governments, including the communist chinese, and they know it, they all know it get there. He is. So those tour out, then you can't processor Feinstein.
I'm just being honest, I'm not attacking in the least cause. I don't think it's funny. Feinstein Has a level of dimension now: that's why she, the president of the senate, even though she is the longest serving democratic. Let's I she's, not the chair, men of the judiciary committee, because she can't function. These are not rumours and gossip. This is reality. So that's three of them. and she hasn't voted lightly. Three of them. Who democrats one republican, so ask ears, who is running the Senate and I some where this is the oldest senate in decades decades in decades. Then of course you see where we ve got in the white house without it bomb economies running the white house and the executive branch
It just seems to me he's the republican leader in the senate and we really ought to know more about. What's going on and I've, I suspect, it's a lot worse than we know, I'm just guessing. I dont know, but it's just too quiet system quiet, MR producer, not to catch her by surprise. Do we have a collar that we can speak too W c b am lou in colombia. Marilyn go right ahead. Loop are clear mark. I got love, you listen to me all the time. Thank you, my friend, fine, partially rioted bullet doesn't explode by sparing I've a large city bullets.
was a shock wave in a body and much worse. Worley. What's takes people down. Yeah, but when you shoot somebody, the goal is to take them down right to twenty three, in category a certain velocity which I'm not going to mention, Thank you maryland. We appreciate it we'll be right back. The no broadcasting, the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brooklyn steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark the mark. Levin hair are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight,
When seven three eight once three eight one one the power, our don't, have a good time, It's a sad day. It's been a sad a couple of days, what's taken place at all, but we can't be. Totally glum can we turn up smile a hundred muddy access, these secretary department of homeland security. He was the pity secretary under Obama he's the secretary undermine you can see the ancestral relationship. Or even the incestuous relationship. Between Biden and obama and their staff, a staph infection. If you ask me so all the radical commies I were in the obama administration have gotten bigger jobs in the Biden administrate the run in circles around this nut.
But there was a hearing today in take crews boy when he's on his game. There's nobody is good. Their justice. I thought you'd enjoy this already cut. Sixteen go is there I that are so the border centre there is very soon. I ll answer yes or no question very scene. If he is there a crisis centre, there's a very significant think your microphone is out. There is a A significant challenge we are facing us are now is yes, it s crisis. I believe I've address that question. So you're refusing answer centre there, a very significant challenge, and will you enter a crisis? Therefore, we are Regarding the resource crazier refusing an answer: well sectarian Ok, I'll, tell you someone who is willing to answer which. Is your and president Biden she for the border patrol and a sworn deposition in july of twenty twenty? Two. When asked, would you agree
fourteen of the southern border is currently in crisis. Answer yes, notice. None of those wiggle words. None of that equivocation. One word one syllable! Yes, are? You will speak with the same clarity is chief ortiz. Is there a crisis that our southern border? Yes or no centre? A very to work alongside yours. Use, no answer: can these keyser unbelievable? I think. It seemed to him a bare work long day. Again, you d, but there's more cat seventeen go how many more its died and twenty twenty two errors. approaching our southern border. Yes, precisely why we are seeking, so you're either as soon as you know, the answer: do you know how many died? I do not you do not. Of course you don't I know how many died. Eight hundred and fifty three There are eight hundred and fifty three and by the way here, is that have died every year, you're back to nineteen. Ninety eight! You see it's consistently between three hundred and four hundred three hundred forty three four hundred sudden.
Twenty twenty one. What happened you get in office and that red line are Bodies, I've been on the rio Grande and I've seen dead bodies floating there who ground because of your refusal to do your job. You know No, how many died. What do you say to the texas farmers and ranchers hoof? pregnant ladys dead on their property. You find toddlers dead on their property. What do you say to them? I say that is why precisely Sadly we are taking it, The smuggling organism you're. Not. That is simply not true number two. Let me read from the wall street journal, though street journal two weeks ago ran and article entitled it's like great. A graveyard record numbers of migrants are dying at the border, the store, begins with this chilling line, quote the eagle pass texas. cool officials. Keep a refrigerated truck to hold the bodies of migrants. Who drown in the currents of the rio grande while trying to cross,
the border? in the? U s germany has unanimously said that this article b entered another record. You take any Responsibility for that Biden, because you are spots, both for this Biden. Talk about Control he talks about nashville all these people dying on the southern border, suffering being abused, used and raped and sold in the sex slavery, the drug Our taos that drugs coming across it is K ass. It is anarchy on the southern border, anarchy and reach in all of our cities in all of our states, and you ve got this. This man again sitting here, they gave warning them up. Your brain and judges, the president for the national border patrol council and
was at the hearing today and here's He said in response representative, eli crane on the house. I go. Can you briefly? grab some of the most detrimental policy changes that current administration is put into place when you, is that the main magnet draws people across our borders illegally is whether or not there are going to be released into united states right now. Nearly everybody the crosses the border illegally, if they're not expelled under title. Forty two, which is only about thirty percent right now than their release, into the united states that the main magnet the credit that drives people- and he has- he has put that if the issue he's put that on steroids. Does it bother you on a personal level to see these changes made. It does because I know that we can properly protect the american people. With these policies. You are one of the things I was covered earlier. Sir, was the attrition rate and the border patrol in your professional. In long standing position more patrol. Do you think that has anything to do with border trade
or of troll agents feeling like It doesn't matter what they gave. Does I speak with agents on regular basis that that are leaving the agency because they know that they can't do the job that they they wanted to do more Brandon judd, president for the national border patrol council. This hearing with Dan bishop represented a bishop go so I fully agree that we need do not rob resources from a particular place in the border to go elsewhere. Then numbers. Opening statement suggested that the issue is republicans want support enough resources, but it seems too that is, in general, with respect to the open borders policy. The bottom ministrations pursued the weather, converted everything into processing people into country faster. If we do We apply more resources in general, we're just gonna process people in the country faster it and it's not going to secure the border or break make it more orderly. But what do you say about that? Now? That's that's actually correct and when you look at what he's proposed
three hundred new agents that's a drop in the bucket, especially when we're losing agents at a six point. Eight percent attrition re right now, again is just absolutely unsustainable. We cannot send agents from the northern border the southwest border and expect to keep control of the northern border, and this is what, Thus,. Takes all out of the strategic petroleum reserve. That's for emergencies, mostly for the military. If I go to war and drains, it has no intention of reap replenishing. Takes the funds out of the highway trust fund, the highway trust fund is now broke. There's nothing in uses up. what what oil and gas that he permits to be developed and pumped and refined. Don't worry in ten years. We won't need any of it. He says, like you know, he knows nothing. This guy's said no.
and here we are on the border, which he controls, one hundred percent in terms of the ability to do something about it and he won't do anything about it. When they say the Republicans won't support resources to secure the border whereby newspaper He is a few hundred more the few more people to process. paperwork for people to come into the country that armed border patrol. And there's nothing in there for the wall. It's not even a joke. It's pathetic. And this is why I want you to know this because it affects us. Corner this country now for the first time ever The northern border is being you used for illegal immigrants that come into the country.
No way. No one is begging for security on the northern bore no angling. Can you believe it? The golf ball, the governor new Hampshire, their sooner chris? sit down. You're all worked up chris, too much sugar against chris and by the way. What is it with these guys? I'm being honest, I speak as a. A hare challenged individual mr producer, in the top of my head, a valid travel in individual. What is it with these guys that start their parts at their ears? Mr produce. Do they not know? We know. his christian known as like his daddy, comes as hair over its income dont. Do it look stupid aright,
we'll be right back much love in the What's a pleasure to have granted unless republican congressmen from Texas I've never had I do in their show congressmen. I know you been on tv, We need to mark. I don't think about your a radio show on on tv. What's good to have you first, not You know you wear and I patch I want the nation knows you're the gentleman who wears the eyepatch. Can you can you briefly? everybody would have. because you too, have to wear that eyepatch by an eighty, two thousand twelve in afghanistan.
mission that their children at the time, so you combat veteran, obviously and you're, not a chicken, Like me, I guess, but that said you- and I realise, when it comes to ukraine, when it comes to russia when it comes to china, korea in IRAN, in other we believe in a very strong military, very strong defence, and that the way you provoke your enemy is by showing weakness so real peace through strength. As I correct correct that appreciate our strong. You stood on this issue. It's should seem obvious, but I think I too many of our party are given more by. I'm trainers, and then they are by principle.
Not exactly a principle that I can point to that says that america first let russia and china is take over the world not sure about america. First america laughed, but why is it but I see this access that has developed now china, russia, IRAN and north korea I mean: isn't it obvious? Not they tell us about it, aren't they acting on it, and I mean it to be Helen keller, not to see it, don't you We obviously like take their taking meetings. Will it with one another, their interests align m You notice anything china's your greatest adversary strategically and it is then you should want things, but they don't What right and they want russia when in ukraine now a bit of a story of your talk about losing american troops there. I think that it might be
criticism to be much more better understood that already a cheque for less than ten percent of our defence by the annual defence budget to conclude, I may one of our strategic adversaries that that work against us for decades in decades, dec, and you know what I felt able to it Let me help you understand. If you're against bring ukraine. Are you happy for russia when I give up your we're? Not for that will yet, by definition, you are because they can The ukrainians get on them off without our house are by definition, are for russia when you, then that means your for a russian military. Can a blunder ukraine without a problem, they went about our health and our weapon birthday. I dont want to see you before an intact totally inaccurate. military on the board. Poland and hungary and again. Romania, Your nato countries and you're in tell me that is safer situation, and more stable situation
Well, people don't quite understand is that whatever america, critical interest and general global stability and preventing kay we could care. So we spread the news deeply naive, foolish and quite dangerous belief, our compatriots, who we gravity elsewhere, the berlin others that that the world is so large, a disconnected that you can just now you can just live with chaos all around you and it's going to be fine nothing's ever going to come home to roost, but that's a deeply naive sentiment that it's hard to rip people from that believe now. And I do think people understood that when trump was president, I think I think trump had the right instincts when he was when he talked about ukraine and russia. He spoke about this issue quite a bit. That's why think people shirt and for another thing, people down there, a label. I think of the criticism of the mirrors, contrary to them,
and contrary element opposed a deeply rooted principle, Dan Crenshaw republican of texas and actually, if you go back and you check on the internet and so for the lot of these people do support Putin's in russia. and did for putin and russia beforehand. Let me in this congressmen am of concern that the vine administration. Is treating now the israeli government and netanyahu the way obama did there actually encouraging this this uprising, that's taking place in the state of Israel when iran is as close as can be too having nukes and is then an alliance with saudi arabia and rush and china. This is a very concerning situation as it that I don't want to lose weird way,
there are no their own. I e the day and their own obsession with, I think suppose, electron like in this case. They say they are the palestinians. as has been the victims in the situation, and so they always kind of trying to take that side. And other other strong, stable democratic nation like Israel. And although the great care to does it, help anyone or anything I guess I can only explained, the binding vitamin illustrations reluctance to destroy its support, Israel on, as algeria under their far left base. That is, that is determined I ain't that right. There is no. We want to support for the opposite of what the report- what they are illegal western civilized approach would beg. on category outage, created instability that we just only right now then an unbiased deeply. This latter matter simply
Carry on what I got, the trumpet menstruation policies would lose all actually kind of unique and american and the like recent american history of the thing that we shall support it. Israel, and that it and- and I do a cascade of back in the Middle east, of the abrahamic cords and sunni muslim nations, siding with Israel and and in a very profound way, are stabilizing way. You don't want to. Let go of that. You know it's interesting trump, never surrendered trump. Never Was an isolation astor pacifist I agree with you and yet some of the people who claim to speak for him or think they're like him, like him in any way. He doesn't want just walk away from ukraine. He wants to negotiate something it's hard to tell what his position is at the moment do they he's following the sentiments of twitter at the moment, but I don't know I was there
for him, but I do know what he said very clearly. While I was president and also immediately following the invasion, I remember posting on on on social media, exactly what he said, he said he would be stronger than by these. He said he would give ukraine weapon then better leopards faster and more intensely and that the right approach? As you know, in this again only respect strength and so protein was what trumped internationally, which was just this threatened, it'll, give you bottom ukraine and we're going to bomb the hell out of you and that's just verbal figure really sometimes international. Politics really. Is that simple, make the other guy believe that you beat him on the escalation ladder, and that creates deterrence in a great stability which is an american interests. So I told privileges I bring up the lighting be forwarded, Become just commercial nation overwhelm of america first america. Firstly, the actual america first enemy, let your enemy
walk all over you, but it did. This seems to me that for too many people who claim of america first bad you who would have peace at any cost, let our adversary do they want. I find america for american, can't be Putin's first congress. and if you hold on I'd like to talk about these drug cartels and the border you are from Texas can stick with us all here. Back view on a small business. You know the value of time. Innovation refunds does to leave me. easy, no matter how busy you are to apply for the employer, retention, credit or air sea gotta, get refunds, dot, com to get started and in less than eight minutes see if your business qualifies for e r c assistance, the organism-
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he would mess with us and we were able to keep peace that way and make peace that way and I think some people are confused- that the warmongering or in beijing and moscow in tehran that way not the warmongers, but this isn't really new, isn't it. This is the kind of thing that was taking place, late, thirties and early forties in terms of the mentality of both political parties unit on Britain was under attack and churches begging for help and lend lease, and I mean that there is right in front of our eyes and yet still her eyes were closed. Now,. yeah. That's right. I reckon isolationism, a long history, probably always well, you know what causes it. I don't! I don't quite understand I I I think it's just deeply naive, I'm
I know how to explain it, I'm whatever I tell people like it might have made sense in the seventeen hundreds isn't actually that or maybe because I thought he was. You know that america wouldn't have won a revolution without the french coming up. Also, the french seem to think that the interfering in a war across the ocean made sense for them Their own strategic adversaries are even made sense. Pack, then, maybe after go even further bad, it doesn't make sense now, when the war is a nine hour flight away, I know people used to take six months to get the europe. I take my hours Lastly, what anywhere you're going to the world was this place, whether you like it or not. You can wish to live in a different world if you want the negro, fiction, novel about it, about how about you can just close if your borders and everything will just work out, you'll have the exact same lifestyle that you have now, but it's not true like I just it's just not true with a false sense of being. There are people out there that a varied
from one another one, a very different world order and how to change it, but she gave any improvement and north korea and IRAN and they'll do whatever it takes due to forward our interests, china, the chinese, are doing it quite well. At the moment. I need to wake up to it and understand that he is peace through strength. Actually, you can't forget the strike bark people like it. the slogan, but they totally bring about the straight by because a straightforward actually take them guts and it takes a few tough decisions, and I'm just I dunno why I dunno, where are far populist right became. You know. Nineteen sixties, antiwar activists hippies, because that's what they sound like to me and I dunno I dunno how to explain a mark. For whom he asked about the southern border and kazanovitch unexplained those either in the press. The united states. This is your obligation to to pull the laws that have been passed and is undermining everyone. We people pouring it
this country? We don't even know who they are by the millions at venice drugs. Coming in we ve got sex slave going on slavery, going on there the edge. Cartels now have positions in every single state. and this guy my arcas testifies and easier to challenge. You know we're doing everything we can blatant late than wise others. Some Democrats, mostly in your estate and some of these other south. South west southern states, but Most part they way with this. This is perfectly fine. This is another disaster that the and, by the way, it's hard to unwind this you know, after an epic proportions, so I I my my goal in the recent months weeks has been to target the cartels as I have to believe that at least that something we of the democrats to agree with
we want in any of our border policies, our immigration idea that really matters so far to the left on this stuff. And even truly for open borders, but I'm like, but in my mind I might look what they can't, possibly before it's almost eighty thousand americans dying from fat and all which do come from two specific cartel, the sinaloa cartel the police go cartel. That is a clear and present danger. You know over the last few minutes you know I've talked about our strategic adversaries and our need to stand up to them the strategic dangers the article danger: this is right in front of our face. It is clear and president I'll tell you what even the isolationists have to agree on this one. most of them actually do go in I have introduced. I authorize use of military force against the cartels on the attention of the mexican president, who is, or has proven himself to be quite pro cartel it turns out. I would go. I was even surprised by that. These surrender come after me and my campaign, and am I should cease in that area.
We've got a resolution obama. The carpet will bring you before that. I'm against the mexican president calling him out for for threatening to meddle in american elections, he's starting to come out for every republican who who wants to target the cartel. Can you even believe that so yeah? This is a serious danger? I'm you know it's it's I got almost eighty thousand americans a year dead from button up poisoning and you can trace it back to these Jews. Instead, the cartels there are some of the our organization than the world well are well founded They have immense power over the mexican government, nice good people, There is one country that I cannot tell us people's about experimentation. one country in the world, besides your own, the negative I was better every single way which cause you would you choose? You choose back the go somewhere far more important trading partner and the stability of mexico. Prosperity Let's go matters to american a great deal,
we should all work together to target the cartels and the american military to deal with this very very effectively a we do it with alongside the mexican military. But the au m F is the first legal step to allow that to happen. and of course, that's not gonna happen anytime. Soon, under this administration, although tropic threaten it has any prompted. Yeah, I'm in and I'm aware of you know they. They had plans in their second term to really take this on in a very serious way, and it wasn't just that wasn't just going to your your typical rhetoric. I think they were they're deadly serious about it and look: there's, there's people who criticize My talk on urgent fired evading mexico. To what end I brought about invading mexico, everyone just stop for talking about. Is one diplomatic language? You put your map out there to authorize the military budget immediately go bomb now, you're talking about intelligent collect you talk about non kinetic baby can't do right now
as we do with all other allies around the world or talking about operating by with a true What's your name I'm anybody, but it's it's a message to a man. Imagine if I can get some Democrats actually created this and pass it out of congress. What kind of message that sends the mexican president. What kind of action they might take just to avoid having america miller or operate in their in their country? Maybe they'll actually start taking the cartels more seriously. The cartels will take us more seriously and stop producing fentanyl. That's not out of the question, so there's there's more but ended up and it doesn't necessarily require the impact that the conclusions that many draw- and I think I purposely create strong arguments against this idea,. Now, what is your district? Your district includes what towns and cities are the user. So use than woodlands. Ask Athena, came lloyd, Montgomery county harris county.
ok very good is it mostly republican as marginal. What is that district just don't know year after the after reading, They were pretty red. I pray you out of the window. republican here I alright was in a more purple district with very dan Crenshaw pleasure to talk to my friend, pre shaded by the market? Are you be well say, good man, Well, I don't agree with. This is still a good man, a lot that he says that I do agree with my view about national security and defence. I wrote in a tired trapper on this liberty in turn. If you really want to go through and read this since and go through the weeds and all the rest of it, but the key word It is prudential. Situation requires its own
Look because it has its own set of facts, its own geo political issues. can't send our military everywhere and we shouldn't son or military everywhere, and so you know you use prudent site, is you need to be very strategic about what it is that we should be doing and is it in our best interests but just saying something is far away or that something going to be forever war or that Going to provoke x y see for maybe see, that's not good enough. You ve gotta, look at everything, that's on the table, everything that's going to pact, us everything, that's gonna pack, our alliances and we have alliances and it should. just be an ideological point of view and that's the problem, even if, and write me, they have ideological points of view on national security. Its when a logical matter. What's
the best interests of the united states in dealing with country x. In dealing with Says a b c, but in it instance. We should be building up our military, so we have the flexibility and we have the capacity to do whatever it is that we have to do also has a tendency, a really good tendency to keep us safe. because people don't want to mess around with biggest guy in the room they just don't I'll be right. Back then the all new shoes, be colorado is made for more staff with the ladys in vehicle technologies like a class leader, eleven. Each diagonal centre touch screen in an extra large wireless charging pad plus it features. Wireless apple car play an android, auto compatibility to make staying connected easy wherever you're adventure takes. You chevy colorado made for more.
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a lunch to prepare her students and staff for active shooter situations, and immediately took action when a former student open fire throw city councilman rush polly said that counts was in the middle of a virtual meeting when the ship, He started around ten thirteen em. said it's my understanding from a witness at the school that catherine courts was on a zoo call when she heard the first shot She immediately ended. The car got up, headed straight for the shooter policy former fbi special agent. He told fox news digital today. No, no, he didn't have any other details. She did, principles and headmasters. Do she protected or children police said and in it She prepared to school by seeking advanced level active, shooter training and from within Is it the scene, this protocol details which I cannot provide said the former agent saved.
was lives. What a damn shame steers out. But a damn shame. But you know- and some like this is happening to you and in front of you- it's like a nightmare like what the hell. and as we learn more about these people, I will tell you about these people day kansas city Missouri. There casey imo go right ahead. Please mark is a real honor to talk to you abella scenario, since a two thousand and six- and I got my son with me- but behind me- listening and I truly look forward to listen to every day when you Frazier area musical, have yourself amusing debate You start to show us not about the impositive and have an attitude of gratitude life's too short Bertha The way when it called about is,
I just want, when you think the republican party will evolve itself to have someone like ronald reagan,. And I ll have you know like right: there is a great question. and I want to think about tat believe it or not. I think I think we may have one, but I want to think about that a lot of it. I think donald trump help save this country and that's why they ve been spending other every waking, our trade or destroy him. I think same about reagan. In many ways, I think we have these two candidates. Tromp has a phantom to record, as president in many ways I see the santas is closer to reagan, so I need to think more Bout that you raise a very, very interesting point, David god bless you and I also like your old school ways of referring to your mom
Sometimes dad sometimes on your show over the years and your your pets, that's what that's! What's in there is america really family are year group thank your body, take care of yourself Let's continue always calls from all over the great country, bedford, pennsylvania, the great w b, f d and other. They go right ahead. Please! Now yeah, listen, um, hello, hello, was written by hello. Yeah yeah, hello,. your listening to buy it? Can you didn't I was listening to by today and he was going on about the gun control thing. Gunnar the number one cure your kid didn't in America today. It's not true via the way it's ventnor drugs
my one curious abortions. That's true to drugs come across the border. But let's say it is gun violence. What's he doing about How many people died in chicago, less weakened? Does anybody know how many people died in? Philadelphia last weekend or any of our major cities does anybody know Runs those cities. Democrats, they the toughest going control laws on the face of it, while almost in the country so I mean we can have that debate too, but you know what they wanted: apparently is secure the schools because it looks like a prism. We, security and other buildings in washington. Thank you for your call. ladies and gentlemen, we salute our armed forces, police officers, fire It emergency, a modern personnel, are truckers men men in taiwan in ukraine. Thank you.
officers- god bless you inside you, a national I'll, see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-03-30.