« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/21/19

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the media creates a false reality about President Trump and there are historic things going on in our country that aren't getting the attention they deserve. Yet most news simply drips with contempt for the president. This is another example of the resentment displayed by the media over Trump getting in their way as they try to undermine the way our nation was founded by using the government to replace self-reliance, by packing the Supreme Court so they can pass laws without legislation, eliminate our electoral system, change our electorate with legal aliens and reduce the voting age. They cloak gun confiscation under the guise of gun control, they want to give free everything to get others to become reliant on the state, including giving federal jobs to all who want one, or universal basic income to those don't wish to work; and they need to get Trump out of the way to complete their mission. Yet, Trump’s accomplishments will be remembered for 1000 years by our enemies and history alike. Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moved the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a promise made by all of his modern predecessors. The ISIS caliphate is no longer thanks to President Trump and the American military. Then, today is the anniversary of Israel Egypt war; Israel has shed so much blood to win the Golan Heights to ever let it go. Later the Democrats are attacking each other, and Beto O'Rourke just keeps apologizing despite Andrew Gilliam's attacks. O'Rourke is considered a perfect spokesman for C.R.A.P., a fictitious organization for Caucasians Rejecting Anglo Privilege (C.R.A.P.). Former VP Joe Biden is reportedly considering Stacy Abrams as a running mate for his yet-to-be-announced campaign, which is no surprise given the huge push for identity politics from the media and the left. Finally, Ben Shapiro calls in to discuss his new book: "The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great."

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