On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the special counsel looking into collusion between President Trump and Russia has found nothing, yet a single reporter was able to uncover collusion between numerous public officials and China. John Kerry, Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, Elaine Chao, and their families got filthy rich through deals with companies backed by the Chinese government, and it was all uncovered by Peter Schweizer. Hunter Biden, Joe’s son, and Chris Heinz, Kerry’s stepson, made a fortune from special deals with the Chinese government while their fathers looked the other way as China got incredibly aggressive. The same people who attack Trump for alleged collusion with Russia were actually colluding with China. Meanwhile, China and Russia are developing hypersonic weapons, which we have no defense against. They’re building weapons more advanced than ours while our politicians are getting rich from the Chinese, and America is getting weaker and poorer as a result. There’s collusion all over the place, except where Robert Mueller and his special counsel are looking. Later, while the mainstream media and Trump’s political opponents focus on phony scandals concerning the firing of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe and Trump’s purported affair with an adult film star, the more serious problem has to do with the call between Trump and Vladimir Putin. The real problem with the story is that someone on the National Security Council went behind the president’s back to leak information to the press about how high-level White House aides urged Trump not to congratulate Putin prior to the call, and they need to be taken to task. This leaker needs to be found and kicked the hell out of their job. You cannot have a leak right under the president’s nose like this.
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