« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/5/20


On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, KARN Host Doc Washburn fills in. President Trump is acquitted for life and despite the rhetoric, there were 18 witnesses and thousands of documents as part of the House investigation. Just as Mark Levin said on social media, Mitt Romney voted against the Constitution with his vote today to remove a sitting president with an unconstitutional impeachment. Romney believes history will judge him as a courageous lone voice. It won’t. He’ll be seen for what he is: a petty self-promoter, despite his references to his faith. Then, in a moving moment President Trump introduced so many great Americans at last night's State of the Union address. From the mom taking advantage of school choice, to a soldier being reunited with his family and radio legend Rush Limbaugh being awarded the presidential medal of freedom by the First Lady, it was indeed quite an event. Despite the accomplishments, Democrats sat on their hands in silence. Afterward, so many Democrat members of Congress remain upset with Trump over his foreign policy successes and commitment to stand up to America's enemies.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here, there is a truly independent institution. Where learning is prized in actual. Enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening, my sincere appreciation to Hills, Dale, further sponsorship, now broadcasting on roaming underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. My name is Doc Washburn I do the afternoon show at J R N marks affiliated little Ragnarok itself and its real water to fill in the great want, especially at such an historic day. If you know me fill in four mark before
I grew up and Charlotte North Carolina used to do a late night radio on marks. Officially there W b t, but loving life in lieu rock now to the matter at hand. No matter, Nancy below says, president Tromp is acquitted of two on articles of appeasement for ever and no matter what policy shift. Natalie, tumor or any of the Democrats in Congress say. There were eighteen witnesses call by the Democrats, the house there chickens were not allowed to call Annie witnesses and the Democrats also produced thousands of pages of documents in the house, a peace process so try to tell you the republican senators refuse to allow witnesses or dog you, birds. There lie to you, they are all witnesses and documents they wanted in the house. They refer whose two they refuse to try. Subpoena. Any of these
witnesses. Now they said they want in the Senate. Because I realized something. They realise that the witnesses will be pushing back going. Courting a hey wait, a minute. I don't think this subpoena is legit, I don't think it's legal because it causes fusion says the house has the power to impeach, not theirs. The house has the power to impeach and aid We put a lot of the subpoenas out there before the house had a vote.
Just Nancy blows hitting well again started and patron increase process. So anyway, that all having been said before. I forget the number to call in if you want to talk this evening, because a lot of people are feeling very emotional about what the Democrats in Congress have put this president through about what the Democrats in Congress have put our constitution through about whether Democratic Congress have put our country through low these three years, because they admitted attempt to a page started years ago- has nothing to do with Ukraine. Phone call. Mitt Romney call your office anyway. If you want to get a conversation number to call you
Eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven speaking of Mitt Romney. His behavior today was outrageous And I'm going to refute point four point everything you said today, but first mark lament the great one himself when a facebook today to talk about mid and is outrageous ever and let me just put that front in centre for you and tell you again, Finally, what mark said before we go to playing. The audio from its little speech today. Mark Levin in Facebook said this, and I quote: Romney votes against constitution with his vote today to remove a sitting president, the media and Democrats
Are quick to celebrate their only republican vote, some outlets seem to have known in advance. Imagine that endless softball interviews will follow. Romney, believes history will judge him as a courageous lone voice. It won't he'll, be seen for what he is a petty self, promoting, never tramper who has contributed to the radical Democrats, assault on the constitution, While he will receive nonstop praise from the usual members are the unfreezing press. His vote is unprincipled. Despite his references to his faith, shameful. There will be plenty of time to further elaborated in the days and weeks
head on quote now: that's what Mark Levant sent on Facebook so mark will be back Monday. I'm I'm just so honour to be here tonight, but since wrongly did what he did to day. I've got to talk about it and what we're going to do Is play I've gotta, divided up in audio cuts mid run these days, to the United States Senate today trying to justify voting against the president on one of the articles of impeachment. Now again, the president is acquitted forever. The vote was fifty two to forty, eight against against convicting him on abuse of power and fifty three
forty, seven against convicting him on obstruction of Congress, even roundly couldn't vote to giving them on that one. So, anyway, let's, let's roll right into it. If we have the cuts ready, a Mitt Romney, let's go cut number forty to go. The constitution is the foundation of our republic success and we each strive not to lose sight of our promise to defend the constitution, establish the vehicle of impeachment that is occupied both houses of our Congress. These many days we have labour to faithfully execute our responsibilities to it. We have arrived. Different judgments, but I hope we respect each other's good faith times arm it. I'm sorry, I can't do that. I don't think you're doing this in good I think you're doing this, because you are partially ended at some of the things that the present said too
and about you, that's it and air. As we listen to the rest of Mitt Romney, these diet DR today. I think that will become clear. I think it will become here that he is merely trying to just retail Democrat talking points I'd, let's go with cut forty three go. The allegations made in the articles of impeachment are very serious. As a senator juror. I swore an oath before God to exercise impartial justice. I am profoundly religious. My faith is at the heart of who I am Ok and then he got choked up, then he had to pause for work is again choked up. I met I'm sorry. Pal
so sorry pal, but on that buying it- and I want to tell you why, unlike most nor people listening to the radio I eat and breathe, and sleep and drank this stuff. Twenty four seven and I've been doing that for years, an apple remember when Mitt Romney was running for president a few years back and he was in Iowa being interviewed by time show host up guy named Jan Mickelson, who was just asking him about his change from being pro choice to pro life, which you know A lot of us were there at one point pro life, all my life, but I certainly know people who are pro choice and then became pro life, whether the presents one of the men in these explained it. But the talk show host, who is he having the interview with Mitt Romney said: here's what I don't understand: you're Devout Mormon and
the creed of your church, the statement of faith? What everyone call it says, abortions, just not an option to be approved Mormon is to be pro life, so how could you have been in approach? Choice at one point: because you always been Mormon Enron round. They got really upset with him really hot, the collar defending the? idea of being a member of it origin and being pro choices. Life, you the way, an you side. Looking in I'm just suddenly gone. What you're saying doesn't make any sense to me and you know I gotta tell you something at some point in our lives, we were all centres. We also fall short of Grata grace. I gotta someone airlines, we ve all rationalized. You know I want to do this. I want to do that its Edward. We ve all done things we regret, but I think Mitt Romney did something today that he will come to regret, and I
I just think it's a mistake to try to wrap his decision today to try to read is, is religion around these decision today you know, I mean I know not gets warm uncertainty thing, but I just I gotta knock against. Did Mitt Romney? Alright, let's go with the let's go with audio. Could number forty four go. I take an oath before God as enormously consequential. I knew from the outset that being tasked with judging the president's the leader of my own party would be the most difficult decision I have ever faced. I was not wrong. The house managers presented evidence supporting their case and the White House Council disputed that case. In addition, the presidency team presented three defences first, that there can be no impeachment without a statutory crime. Second, the binds can conduct
justified the present its actions and, third, that the judgment of the president's actions should be left to the voters will now they presented a lot more than that in Mitt. Romney was sitting there the whole time what were they presented was also The two articles of impeachment are unconstitutional: theirs there there's no such thing. There's such thing in the constitution, as obstruction of Congress or abuse of power. You: gotta have trees. Bribery or high crimes- misdemeanours, when you go back and look at the the language Our founders high crimes, crimes like felonies, so the The president's attorneys didn't just presented case they eat fish raided the debt,
Granite House managers case Don't believe you can sit there in good conscience and say that they didn't I cut number forty five amid wronged me go. Let me first address those three defences: the store meaning of the words high crimes and MR meters, the writings of the founders, and my own reason judgment convince me that a president can indeed commit acts against the public trust that are so agreed just that, while they are not statutory crimes, they would demand removal from office to maintain that the lack of a codified and comprehensive list of all the outrages acts. That of president might conceivably commit, renders Congress powerless to remove such a president,
defies reason, but still, but still there's no high crime. There's no misdemeanor, there's no treason, there's no bribery. I gotta say something met if the arguments of Patrick Sylvan and Alan Dershowitz and chase secular, Mr Horsemen and an PAM body, in all the rest were not enough to get through to you. There is no trees and there was no bribery. No high crimes are misdemeanours, I can't help you think you're impervious to still simulator. If I may use that term present company or more Mitt Romney, my invigorating his contention, sedate coming up as the Levant Show continues Doc, Washburn, filling
from little rock again. You want to get to the conversation. Eight seven, seven, three, eight one through eight one, one more met and doc coming up. Then you ve heard me talk about the four pillars education at Helstone College. Now these four pillars or purposes learning character, faith and freedom. Define hills, deals mission since eighteen, forty four I'd like to focus on the first pillar learning Hills Dio understands is America's founders. Did that a proper Eric Asian is essential to preserving free government. Among other things, young people must taught about America's great heritage of liberty. They must be about how government works and the importance of the constitution, and they must develop, skills to become useful citizens and the virtues required for self government because so many high schools, colleges and universities fall short in these areas. Today, here
still has expanded its mission nationwide, for example, through its free courses, it's free monthly, Beach, digest and Primus, and the classical k through twelve charter schools is helping to found coastal Coast discover how you and your children can learn from Helstone College to gonna, Lavigne, pray, hills Del Dotcom, Doc, Washburn from Low Rock argot saw market. They had little Kay are in filling ample a great one, I'm historic evening the evening in which the president has been acquitted forever. No matter what the Democrats Toil not in the life of me is about put my last night. You don't say
put, my last in our view, nonsense, Mitt Romney, not a good guy, not good guy animal play the rest of the cuts from what he said today. I'm gonna eviscerate him to the best of my ability, and then we will take your calls at eight seven, so Three eight one, three eight one one are going back to Mitch pitiful attempt to explain voting against the present one of the articles of a peaceful today cut forty six Go President's council also notes that Vice President Biden appeared to have a conflict of interest when he undertook an effort to remove the ukrainian prosecutor. General appeared threats in its counts Vice President Biden appear to have a conflict of interest. Well,
thought I would nominate Mitt Romney for a Nobel Prize, but they going nominate meant for a Nobel Prize for understatement. Eat take is something that was pretty stiff, petition for this Nobel Prize for Understatement until Mitt Romney That now that you shouldn't shoulders above everybody Biden, appear to have a conflict of interests trying to get the prosecutor general of Ukraine who wanted to look into this very, very corrupt company. Allegedly that Joe Biden Shun Hunter We get a million dollars a year from what we hear a pair caught, a conflict of interests minnetaki. What man procedure, give the Joe some leeway there I met run.
Cut number forty seven go if he knew of the exorbitant compensation is son was receiving from a company. Actually, an investigation of the vice president should have accused himself while ignoring a conflict. Interest is not a crime. It is surely very wrong with her girls, two hundred binding, taking excessive advantage of his mother's name is unsavory, but also not a crime. Given that a need of the case of the Father nor the son was any evidence presented by the President's council that a crime had been committed. The president's insistence that they be investigated by the Ukrainians is hard to explain other than as a political pursuit. Ok, ok Hunter was on the board of Ambient a wind of the Big bang there when, your Biden was pushing legislation. They wanted the Senate. He was
The board of of am track, Shortly after go to a law school right on the border between my, although he had no, no ex areas with the energy or Ukraine or anything but, of course, MID, says. I was just getting a bit of a doubt at me. Obviously is no crime. There I mean what? What are you kidding me Joe Joe Biden Hunter Biden, many crime. There I mean, though it I mean it. This is gonna, be political according to Mitt Romney. This has to be political. I mean because you can imagine there was any crime there and certainly does one body investigating mad did any body, whoever work permit have anything to do with Crane, a breeze, more China. Member that maybe shorting I'll, be on it more coming up a Mitt Romney's, pathetic display today, I'm back Washburn,
and for the great one on the workload and show you heard me talk about four pillars of education at Helstone College. Now these four pillars or purposes learning character, faith and freedom, define hills, deals mission since eighteen, forty four I'd like to focus on the first pillar. Learning Hills Dio understands is America's founders. Did that a proper budget? agent, is essential to preserving free government. Among other things, young people must taught about America's great heritage of liberty. They must be about how government works and the importance of the constitution, and they must well up the skills to become useful citizens and the virtues required for self government because so many high schools, colleges and universities falls short in these areas. Today, hills, Thou hast, expanded its mission nationwide, for example, through its free courses. It's free monthly each Digest and Primus and the classical k through twelve.
Charter schools, its helping to found coasted coast. Discover how you and your children can learn from Helstone College to gonna Levine's Pray Hills doubt that come close to prevent his high, but this phone call he's not call monk live in toll free, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one! Thirty eight eleven. The stock Washburn filling in for the great one on an historic night today was a day the President Trump, no matter what the Democrats want to tell you was forever acquitted of two on constitutional articles of appeasement in a a process has been a sham from day one and day one by the way was before the present was even inaugurated and there's plenty out there about that now:
just outraged, outraged at it. It Willard you might call it by his real name. Willard wrongly outraged admittance, we're going out there and acting like he had a peak of conscience, she just always conscience at all, just gonna, I can't load. It gets a lot of a piece with what I've gotta have loads. I've gotta have devoted to dig it needs, and you know how much I love president shrub will admit robbing, but I can't I know I know he doesn't sound like that, which is him for anyway show. What we're doing right now is. Is roasting Mitt, maidens, roasting on an open by anyone, metaphorically metaphorically metaphorically, let's go with the from his ridiculous announcement today. Color
yeah go there's no question in my mind that were their names, not Biden, the President would never have done what he did. Ah, I see so many we gotta give you the benefit of the doubt that you're doing this in good faith, we gotta give you and all the Democrats benefit of the doubt that you all are following your conscience, but you got no doubt. You got no doubt that Donald J Tromp was so worried about a guy by new can hardly put a sentence together about a guy named Biden, who is in the fourth place in the ILO cock as there was seventy one percent of the vote out.
Yeah he was so worried about Biden that he's gonna risk being impeached, totally harmless call with oppressive UK.
I can tell you or I don't know. I don't know what color the sky is world. You live in it, but I just want to know you do the pony speak French in your world, but see Mitt, Romney, pathetic explanation for voting against the present constitution, and you and me Americans today cut number forty nine go. That offence argues that the said it should leave the impeachment decision to the voters. While that logic is appealing to our democratic instincts, it is inconsistent with the constitution's requirement that the Senate, not the voters, try the President Hamilton explained that the founders decision to invest senators with its obligation, rather than leave it to the voters, was intended to minimize to the extent possible. The partisan sentiments of the public at large
reeling reeling so Hamilton and everybody else who wrote the federalists papers when, in all concerned, about the possibility of partisan sentiments, a members of Congress wanting to take out a present because of a policy disagreement. I seem to recall meant that the present attorneys quotas indifferent some different parts of the writings of our founders them. Then you just it. Ok, I mean that's number one number, two, none of the witnesses that the Democrats brought forth,
house were able to bolster their case that the present doing wrong. You know something called outcomes: razor and What it means is usually the most reasonable explanation for something is the correct explanation. The most reasonable explanation to me of what it is doing? Is he just hate straw, peas, part of the Orange man, bad cold, unbelievable aright, Mitt, Romney cut fifty go so the verdict is ours to render under our constitution that people will judge ass for how well and faithfully we fulfil our duty. The great question, the constitution task senators to answer is whether the President committed and act so extreme and agreements that it rises to the level of a high crime,
misdemeanor- and you know you didn't you know he didn't it arise really. Are they all story, the joke about the mother going to see her son when their due in the year. The ceremonies getting at a boot camp and everybody's marching, marching in formation and she's wondering since her son is marching one way and in a hundred fifty guys, marching other way wondering why the hundred fifty guy your march in the wrong direction, cause all Johnny Course would not without March in the wrong direction, but but MITS clearly is cut. Fifty one go. The president asked a foreign government to investigate is political rival. Now no, no, it's a matter of fact.
The Julian army was investigating Biden before Biden said on the rough present. This number one. Number two just like in the USA, the wrong guy one Trop, because the elite, the permanent class, wanted Hilary just like in the USA, when the wrong I won in the Ukraine, the wrong guy wants a the actual reformer, the actual they wanted to clean up the corruption. So
Haven't four days after some linsky won the election for President Biden and now she's gonna run for president and Hunter Biden. The same day said: hey, I'm resigning from the border bereavement met here, not it's stupid by who think we I mean the present wanted Ukraine to investigate his political rival, yet cause there's no corruption. Right met, I mean there's no corruption whatsoever, and I saw that at a b c tv and if you were Hunter a couple of months ago, Amy was an aim. Amy row back. Would you have gotten the on this board or any board if you're less than one bite
probably not, and no corruption and knock refuge on freaking believable willow voters in Utah. Remember this, Four and a half year Chanel, because if they there's no law in Utah you can recall, you Senator number one and never to run these that for election until twenty twenty four, but I digress such as my wants. Rami, pathetic. Miss today is not a word pathetic. This participate, like that cut number fifty to go. The president withheld vital military funds from that government to present to do so, a fact check. No, no! That's not true, and you know it's not true the record,
reflects the Ukrainians had no idea the military aid was being withheld. The record reflects that, unlike under Obama, who refuse to give Ukraine, military aid when Russia was attacking invading eastern Ukraine. Present tromp actually gave him the missiles dammit haven't pack of conscience. Did he stick up for the Ukrainians? When Obama was reviewed, in the military aid. I just I don't recall any thing. Maybe I missed it. I too Mitt Romney, to justify the unjustifiable today voting to convict the president, only articles of Peter it cut number. Fifty three go: the president delayed funds for an american ally at war with russian invaders. Again right. President Obama
President Obama Present Trop got them the military aid got the military aid and designated time legally required by Congress outrageous Willard. What will you do? You don't have a call you will or do I know midst the nickname are a condom are fifty four go was personal and political. Accordingly, the present is guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust. Then you're a guilty of appalling, abusive public public trust because what I believe you're doing today is very personal and very political present. Tromp sets a mean stuff about. You met, ease its mean stuff
And so you are you trying to get back at a merchant despicable sforza concerned. I cut number fifty five Mitt Romney go. What he did was not perfect. No, it was a flagrant assault on electoral rights. Our national security and our fundamental values corrupting an election to keep oneself in office is perhaps the most abusive. And destructive violation of one's oath of office that I can imagine this zero evidence for that, and you know what I mean I almost said: wait a minute was that there was an atom shift for Republican Well, I've been Jerry Network Right When the ban who came Jeffreys right in. Prince there's a reason that we call people right no sometimes Republicans name only
I give you give you. Example, number one. There good grief, Mitt, Romney Cutler. Fifty six go in the lead several weeks. I've received numerous calls in texts, many demanded in their words that I stand with the team. I can assure you that that thought has been very much on my mind. You see, I support a great deal of what the president has done. I voted with M eighty percent of the time, but my promise before God to apply impartial justice word that I put my personal feelings and political biases aside, but there exactly what you didn't do? This is all your personal feelings. It's all about your being offended about what trumps set about you. You can make outrageous claims that everybody knows are true
I cannot make a claim that I think problem It is true on free unbelievable Mitt, Romney cut number. Fifty seven go were I to ignore the evidence that has been presented and disregard what I believe my oath and the constitution demands of me for the sake of a part as an end get would, I fear, expose my character to histories rebuke, and the censure of my own conscience. The irony is that what you just did, that's what you just did. What you just did is quite partisan and quite personal Mitt, Romney Cutler. Fifty eight go. I'm aware that there are people that my party and in my state who will strenuous strenuously disapprove of my decision and in some quarters We vehemently denounced I'm sure, to hear abuse from the president and his supporters.
Anyone seriously believe that I would consent to these consequences other than from at an inescapable conviction that my oath, before God, demanded in love. Me die. Certainly, do I Only do Donald Trump hurt your feelings harsh Jaramillo, of course, course. I do, but is in Scotland, as you are too trumps here. Salts, you think you're a thick skinned scan big boy. You could take this. Ok, we'll have fun with it Finally, that we have a few more soundbites from Mitt Romney today on the floor, Stay Senate. Try to justify. The unjustifiable and then we'll be off and running to your calls at eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven
the marshal events show continues Doc Washburn from Little Rock Arkansas filling in for the great one. Then you ve heard me talk about the four pillars: education at Helstone College. Now these four pillars or purposes learning character, faith and freedom define Hills mission since eighteen, forty four I'd like to focus on the first pillar. Learning hills. Dio understands is America's founders. Did that a proper Eric, Action is essential to preserving free government. Among other things, young people must taught about America's great heritage of liberty. They must be about how government works and the importance of the constitution, and they must develop. Skills to become useful citizens and the virtues required for self government. Go so many high schools, colleges and universities fall short in these areas today, here Now has expanded its mission nationwide, for example, through its free
I courses it's free monthly. Each digest and Primus and the classical k through twelve charter schools is helping to found coastal coast discover how you and your children can learn from Helstone College to gotta, Lavigne Pray Hills doubt that come track. Washburn failure for the great work mark, Levine Show and we're going shaft inverse through Mitt Romney. Pathetic attempt an explanation for voting ticket
The present one of the articles of Peter the day. It's outrageous, let's get right into it, cut number fifty nine go. I sought to hear it sought to hear testimony from John Bolton, not only because I believed he could add context the charges, but also because I hoped that what he might say could raise reasonable doubt and thus remove from me the awful obligation to vote for impeachment outrageous again Bolton John Bolton, it house them as one example than they should have had a vote to him peach and then you have to add a vote to start the impeachment inquiry and its appeal to John Bolton Emphasis Pinnacle jet great and was not that's. Why. The reasonable doubt is already there. It's ridiculous. Eighteen
witnesses, thousands of pages, the documents and Willard Romney pretends liking, needs more on another witness ridiculous cut. Sixty go like each member of this deliberately body. I love our country. I believe that our constitution was inspired by Providence. I'm convinced that freedom itself is dependent on the strength and vitality of our national character, as it is with each senator. My vote is an act of conviction, but why were you think Bernie Sanders and lose worn love this country and their vote is an act of conviction. Me burnish enters the communist, at least Warren would read. Climb a tree and tell a lie that stand on the ground and tell the truth. But but every body every body is just appears driven snow in the Euro Senate according Willard rounding unbelief.
We'll cut sixty go, we ve come to different conclusions, fellow senators, but I trust we have all followed the dictates of our conscience. That's outrageous, you know you know there are people in there. They don't have a clean conscience. You can't be that naive. More cut kind of sixty one go acknowledge that my verdict will not remove the president from office. The results of this set at court will in fact be appeal to a higher court. The judgment of the american people voters will make the final decision, just as the president's lawyers have implored. My vote will likely be in the minority in the Senate. Yeah likely believe will miss, reduce your we have time or cut now. Ok, that's fine! That's why look we ve hard enough for Mitt Romney and we haven't.
Full slate of calls, and I want to hear from the collars at the start of our number two, and I appreciate your patience. Eight hundred and seventy seven, three thousand eight hundred and thirteen one one doc wash from little rock filling and for the great one on the market of info.
Now broadcasting number may underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader right Doc, Washburn Doc, Washburn filling in four march. Within from K, our end wax affiliate Little Rock Arkansas. We spent most of our number one going through what Draw said today to try to justify voting The present United States on one of the two unconstitutional articles of appeasement and was outrageous is despicable, is beneath contempt and that's my take. But now it's
to get your taken. I appreciate people waiting through our number one wading through the mendacity of will it wrongly mendacity easy or what I in college, Professor, that if you turn in a paper and those lotta bs. He would he had this step. The word mendacity, which is a polite word, so you don't have to say the other work. There is a lot of mendacity with the with Mitt Romney today, All right, eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven, of course, is the number to call let's go with the collar number four Kurt inside Lake City, Utah, Kurt your there on the Michael, eventually Doc, Washburn filling and what do you think. Kurt are you. Are you there. Very are now area. Yes, yes, The loud and clear, sir, go right ahead
why on earth to let you know I'm trying to get over the noxious feeling haven't lifting the Romany once again, but I'm from you talk you, may you made a comment that there is no no law as of right now right that can allow us to recall that there have been, Bill entered loose now, yet TIM Tim Quinn, TIM Quinn. If were city state Rep there I saw a couple of weeks ago. He introduced a bill, but did he hears the question? Kirk Because I don't know I've, never really you Tom, on the outside. Looking in. Do you think you have a choice? to actually get that bill past that would allow your state legislature to tears call the United States Senator. I believe we do betterment right now
one of the Scots oh good, oh yeah, Trump from has much higher rating than Mitt Romney and that the complete turn around. A couple years ago. You because I know the mid had a kind of a conservative challenger in the Republic of Primary was running for Senate and you just do you know, he's a smoke the challenger, so I didn't know it thinks it changed. Hear us stand by, but obviously your voting to convict the press ridiculous article in the picture today, has gotten. The attention is the folks Anita really just got to show met truly, does have a brain Adam Shift forebrain. Yes, we have. We had to be very careful with the f snugly yeah. That's why I don't get it slowly
Well, I can't can't tell you how much I appreciate your discretion at one more little kid bit pressure what I hearing it had a special to the state of the union, which was the governor of Utah. So I think there might be a little bit of sneaky underhanded play going on here, where you know Mitt might think he's safe. If they try to pass it, you know, maybe the governor's going to try to beat Ok, ok, you know what I should know. I shouldn't have to ask you have a democratic governor. Currently, no ok get hurt, Mary Herbert is is a european, but that's weird. That's weird! That debt, because you Think the governor Herbert wouldn't be too crazy about met. You know voting to give Victor.
The president? I don't know much about a mother, like you say Republican, MIKE Leah. Your other USA Centre clearly disagrees with met but went out there. On Twitter yesterday basically defending Mitch, Honour and saying hey. You know we disagree and stop, but he's a good guy, etc, etc, and I think you got a lot of push back to your speculation on my part. What there's a huge petition going around to demand that it be removed? Oh good, good public outraged their speaking loud and clear, but like say they, they gonna pass a law through legislation, gotta get coming to Herbert to a decision. It end and that something the rest, the country, a things will be watching closely cart, gray, com. I appreciate that very much from us all excited Utah. There are listening on the on the extremely serious. Let's go Another call from Utah Isaac
is listening. I'm serious exam therein vernal Utah Isaac you're. The mark Levin Show Doc wash refilling in what's up Oh, I do, and the guy before said it perfectly tat, maybe me shit or brain. Yet we say it slowly with her with a big o f in their yes, we may assume their because. Well, you know one point abolition around the only way to better for you republican. You shall again of chef me. What are you kidding me ridiculous, wrongly? Making grand, though piece of shit here it needs to be done. If I can get you out of pure way, when I tell you what I tell you, what I think will probably have to do is find out you stay representative is finally you state senator is there and youth.
And say hey this. This bill this bill. There to stay representative TIM Quinn, a fever city, brought up to give us the option. To give us a legal option to recall a United States Senator appreciate it. If you would sponsor that an end and try to get a vote on it, call by all you already. I am All the mayor greatly like pull them like this needs to happen, female labour to be that way in every state. I can do take people like below season when people get upset, take em out, Yonder can political yeah. No. I appreciate that Isaac Great CALL brother. Thank you very much. God bless. You have a great day. You know I
Tell you. I don't know how many people know their swallow Mark Levine's audiences, pretty sharp, some sure that a lot of you do bottom. The founders intended For the state legislatures to be able to recall United States senators, if they were, no longer representing the best interests of the state and unfortunately, unfortunately, that was done away with. That was done away with what was it term China member? Was it thee. Was it the seventeenth a monopoly with something the memory back in nineteen thirteen, and so now there's a popular votes and you gotta wait. Six,
years and a lot of states don't have a mechanism to recall United States Senator, but if Mitt Romney had done what he had done, you know if somebody like you have done what you done before: one thousand nine hundred and thirteen The majority of state legislatures lay, hey, hey whoa whoa, wait a minute you're off the rails. They could recall them just like that just like that, but that power was taken away when the seventeenth Amendment was became law in nineteen thirteen, and that was a big mistake big mistake right. Let's see, who can we go to next? Oh Jack, Chantilly Virginia listing all the great W Emmy L, Washington, Dc Jeff you're on the market of insured Why should fully and what's up got great job in remark, and I thank you wanted it
I understand the Democrats vote no way they did the data to convict because its political or they've either had a held over the head by humour to make sure you sure.
Angers me the core. What wrong you get in here? Why? Because if you stipulate just what what what the defence even stipulated as fax for Burundi to reach, the conclusion that he did, all you have to do is look at the transcript of the phone which he said once he brought up by his name. That was all that it took them to make that connection down for me, even though the president is doing this to ask for help in weeding out corruption as a valid part of our foreign policy is then divining Romani redefining by his own mind some tea or something that that railways in the present that it, oh by the way you ve been debated. That raises the level of importance to over turn in election by the people. So for me that showed me, the either Mitt Romney
an imbecile or he's a liar, and for that reason, even though you can't get him out of the Senate, he should be ejected from the republican Party. For that reason alone, in a lot of people are calling for. Their today is married. I think Donald Trump Junior said he should be drawn down the rebellion carcass begin You know. A lot of things I noticed Jeff is mid kept on sharing look. You know, I hope you will give me the benefit of the doubt and in an all of one hundred United States, senators abundantly conscience and we all want what's best for the country plot Donald Trump, not again, No, this had to be political. No, no! No! It's it's outrageous and its hypocritical I believe, he's taking one for the team and am for the team and I'll talk about America. Not to talk about the constitution, not talking about the people who elected president Trump of the republic,
already he's taking one for the team. I'm talking about the elite, the deep state and its outrageous Jeff appreciate. You call me thank you very much more recalls. Coming up at a seven seven, three eight one three eight one. One are you upset as I am that Mitt Romney voted in of one of the articles of impeachment today or do you think I am glad he did because I know I know no wait when you're on almost formed a radio stations as Mark Levant is we have some lives out there? Anna and we always appreciate you listening and calling, and also eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven events show continues with Doc, washroom Phil again for the great one Ben.
Washburn, filling in poor, the great one, Michael, a ban on the March though he had pay our end and little Rock Arkansas and I've got to sunshine on a cloudy day with my girl man, I love Mark laments buffer music. Ok, so we spend our one drilling down into exactly what Willard, Romney otherwise known as Mitt said today about how is conscious dictated he just had devoted That's the president just had to vote to convict the president on one of the sham articles of impeachment, and I provided you with my play by play on why it was ridiculous in everything that he was a sir and and then we started off this hour with some dollars and when we get back to get ready to go to what college is eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven
but just a little over a half hour ago, President Donald J tromp himself went on twitter and retreated a sixty second exposure on Mitt Romney, which is on fire. Mr producer, let's go with it very stealthy. Mitt Romney had ass big ass, a doubtful activism hotel because it is a lie posing his report. Again, he tried to infiltrate trumps administration as secretary of State now his covered with blood exposed by news reports as democratic
a great asset Obama will be re elected president of the United States led me when seen plenty, and so you start looking at the round me mad you're, saying woman was planning the tears and gloomy. Have Mistaris supporters left the convention centre in Boston following Romeo concession? Spain was a race, I happened to say, fuck, that shit
I will call anything encouraging for Hillary Clinton and an honour to be honest with you. My friend, Hillary Clinton has all too can see the race resident in the United States of America. Well, but you know what down troubles right. That is a race that Mitt Romney should have one I've. I've always believe this. If the election been held after the first debate between Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, what a one he took, Bromus bought Barack Obama's head off. The first debate. Then debate number two candy Crowley CNN was colleague a wrestling match. A pro wrestling match you nowhere, where the manager for the bad guy B
good guy with a with a chair, while the referees not looking except Candy Crowley was supposed to be, the referee was playing the part of the manager of the bad guy, and just you know, just laid into a Mitt Romney just threw the thing for Obama, but then debate number three Mitt Romney himself through four Brok Obama. He spent an hour to have a debate number three saying: well, actually I'm I'm a lot like Barack Obama. Will we ever more common, So what is your average independent voter out they're supposed to do but think? Well I mean if I wanted, a bomb Well, for Obama Room, I don't need a bomb alight. Mitt Romney lay down for debate number three. It was like you didn't want to win look. I've been hearing. A lotta can servers out there today saying that Mitra. These very upset. You didn't get elected president is taken. Donald Trump disagree, politely with
Conserve commentators out there, whose iq, polio probably higher than mine. I don't think it has anything to do with Mitt Romney being upset the Barack Obama Biederman, twenty twelve I think he took that with grace in equanimity. I think he was resigned to that for election night. I think he's upset because of some things that President Trump said about him and I think he's taking it out on the country he's taking it out on the present he's taken out of the constitution, And its outrageous, he sang all you know I I I couldn't let my my personal feelings. No, no! It's all about your personal feelings. It's ridiculous to me, ridiculous to me.
So after the after the bottom, the our news brake on your local station, we're gonna be taking a lot of calls at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one and you know if you think I'm wrong, even think Romney did the right thing feel free to call in feel free to call in. But tonight already every body has been saying: Nano Ronnie did the wrong thing. We ve had a couple of calls from his own Data. You talk well, I say that to state as it you tar Massachusetts era, we can make up his mind. Had a cup of coffee Utah saying we gotta get rid of this guy and I hope they do, and you can call me on that- I'm Doc, Washburn filling the great one the mark Levine Show will continue coming up.
We, the smartest man on radio and you can call them eight seven, seven, three, eight one for eight one one hour I doc Wash Learn from care a r N Michael event,. Billy in Iraq, are filling out for the great one and I gotta tell you something. I gotta tell you it's it's so ridiculous. Lying to listen to Willard Randy met and take them seriously, and the gray James Hassen over there on the twitter put it so succinctly. He said I wonder if any of the same journalists praising Romney too they haven't right now, I realise that the way they smeared him and twenty twelve is partly what enabled the raw
of drop, a swathe of the Republican Party watched a guy, get smeared and lose and they concluded punching back was necessary and twenty sixteen well. There you go now. I don't think they do. I don't think they do because most of the liberal mainstream media doesn't seem to have that kind of self reflection, self awareness, but you know nonetheless, a great point re point: ok,. Eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven is the number to call to get on the mark. Levin show in case you just tuning in. We spent the whole first hour going through piece by piece. The assertions that Mitt Romney met today on why he just felt like he was duty bound to vote to convict the President of the United States on one of two totally fraudulent, totally unconstitutional articles of Impeachment
amidst might not emits, might meet, wants you to give him and the other ninety nine senators the benefits that they all have a clean conscience and they're all try to do this. They all of the country, but is not willing to give that to the present outrageous outrageous. Alright, let's see who do you want to go with? Let's with can and rocky Pony New York listening to the great www ABC can what you got rocky. I'm sorry, I thank you. Take em. I called the two things I think we can amalgamate Adam ship and Mitt Romney names to shoot you know a Schmidt head right now for a second. I think I think we're Romney's
It is very obvious, he's triumphant issued himself as a guy you can reach across the aisle, make the hard decisions position himself were run potentially, but the next election. You know, because the Republicans you dont have anybody use stand out outside a trump. So I thank you looking forward to the future. I can work with the other side. I can make the hard to see you in labour law. I mean, I think it's pretty obvious as well as well. Yeah he may be trying to, but you know, I think, the republic, We have quite a bench myself, you know when I look. Ok, guys like the governor of Texas, Gregg Abbot the governor of floor, around the Santas, Senator TIM scarred from South Carolina. I mean, gone and honour? I think they're, the surgeon, Charlie Guy and in Missouri or Tom caught, not of Arkansas. I think I think a lot of guys out there. That will do a great job
carrying on the conservative legacy of what this present is doing after eight years of me now now, can you you're probably right that Mitt? Doesn't get it that way. But what do you think? Well? Obviously I dont know about you know much about those guys. You mentioned in the neighbouring he's, got name recognition and I write a big thing these days now. Here we got some, can it be, can get some support from the other side of the Isle. Somehow you now get outta the Democrats advocated for years. We think they're gonna have anybody else, now, but I may wait a minute when development make sure understand. Are you suggesting that he might want to become a democratic? No, no, not at all, but I think that you can say when the time comes. I think I you know I with both sides are not very early republican. You I might. I might my, might we're both code.
In other countries. Could you looking for healing at that, but we are now, but at you were really desperate for that we need somebody to, but we do need somebody in them. To bring together, I think even now I just don't you think any book into what he's you might think that EMU think that I appreciate you can rocky point a good call their from from from New York by. I don't think that countries like a feeling, I think, you're gonna, see Donald. Take a more states. This time they took lacks last time he could take forty or more. I think the country is looking for more of what they're getting with this president, which is an unprecedented booming economy and we're gonna go through some of the State Union points at the beginning of our number three, Well I mean: what do we need to heal from you know: historically low unemployment anyway, eight hundred and seventy seven thirty, eight thousand one hundred and thirty, eight.
On one, let's Goethe, Earl, Immobile Alabama. Listening to the MIKE Levin show on Series Exam Earl. You got Doc washed fill in four mark what're. You think how you do it. I won't take a different for I'm glad wrongly voted Glenn evacuate ended. So you fair nor my out now so now. The true cover to show now so yeah you're here, if you take the piano nobody and on and have been easy for them to wit alone, voted a year about report cannot teach and then. I always wondered what we can't you gotta get dominating. They feel that they are still in their seats. Probably we're going to do this again. They'll get them next, the lakes and, though, does John Lumbar dad you for my losers, the listening in the other forty nine states, Doug Jones is a Democrat United States Senator who got elected.
For the rest of gestation did Jeff Sessions term when Jeff left to be attorney general for the President, and the only way you gotta let it was More was a candidate, the lot of people. You answer questions about in one about four, but whoever republican nomination whether its Jeff sessions is time or somebody else. Time around. He is going to shake up the dog Jones is no question about it and I just figured you know Doug Jones, in Inter figured out the EAST think it while product gonna get reelected anyway, a deadly not gonna, get reelected. If I vote to evict, but then, if I vote to acquit Trump, then no anti for my violently attacked me. So that's probably that's pile is calculation, but you gotta get point there. I appreciate your call for mobile. Thank you
at least now. We know that Mitt Romney is back stabbing kinda guy. You know. And maybe years thinking well I'll, run in twenty twenty four and seventy seven years old. But what are people Think, oh yeah, there together stared trumpet back. Oh yeah, that's a guy! lay down and let Obama have another four years. That's messed up its master or eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one Let me go with a Gary in New York City. Listen on the great seventy seven W Abc Gary. What you got a good evening and thank you for that my call with Rummy. Your daddy jar reaction- is a real one Massachusetts met to choose TAT. I think we would say that he made this said he will back environment but yeah it has to because what I felt like
My duty was Gary tonight. I appreciate your call. Was she just go point by point through everything that rounding said and just knocked down each each straw, man and he put up because it was ridiculous. It was absolutely Nicholas I'd. Let me try Andrea from I'll, stop and grounds Deston Florida used to be on the air. They're in the four Walter Beach destined area and the other Panama city area, Andrey you're in the market. Show Doc Washburn filling it. What do you think high in dark. I and blown apart out. I've never been so angry with a Republican, especially a senator who was once nominated for the presidency yeah, you know back when he ran. I thought he was guy smiley. The map it from the seventy three such ass- I am, I remember,.
Never had a steak. I got and think that even the good guy, but about it, boring- and you know he only used his moral icing to defend himself. It was so discussing a power you, tolerable, that I would be blowing up his office. I would be campaigning against them. The debating how many years were well, twenty twenty four, but There is a state representative over there who has introduced a bill legislature to try to give the residents of you tore the option of recalling a United States senator so vacuum. He thinks they don't have a low right, the other, the lower right now, but I'm going to take you to try to get it. Andrew gray. Call good to hear from my own all the territory there Panhandle of Florida aright
eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. Let me go boy lot of calls from New York, I love this Judy from Brooklyn. Listen the great w we see you're on the honor Markleham Show Doc wash refilling. What you got Judy I am really very angry. When I heard about wrongly, I gotta tell you something this rat Romney or I don't know, if he's the mother rolled snakes, either or he'll Bolivia, and he knows it himself at data point at the after three four years with. How many facts about there and everyone. You know with everything we all know the truth, and so does he and I think, he's going to boost a present from poles even higher, and I think, he's gonna boomerang and buy them right where you know where I'm going only made a fool of himself I cannot agree more duty and God bless you. Thank you so much for your call yeah now He really did make a fool of himself and I try
to highlight that the best the best that I could we take another call from Brooklyn Jemmy in in. Brooklyn, you are on the market and show Doc Wash fruitfully. And what do you think? thank God Romney's on the wrong side. Worse than people. Imagine Russia has nuclear missiles aimed at us read. China has nuclear missiles aimed at us. But I ran develop nuclear metals and nuclear bombs, drug cod. The killing us with drugs. You got terror groups wanted Destroy America or the same group that has nuclear missiles aimed at Us enemy. That's the same group. They want to get trump out and raw meat, Trust me to realise that run these on the side of people who are aiming nuclear missiles at us. Yeah. You know when you were you when you mentioned that way, I mean he laid down for Obama right and them.
Bomb. Does IRAN Nuke deal, gives them billions Obama's Sectaries Day John Kerry end Obama, both in yeah. Well, we know some. This money is, of course, gonna go. To IRAN, funding terrorist groups to attack Americans, but our well. You know that, since the prize you gotta pay for the IRAN Nuke Deal, I don't remember. Hearing wrongly you know using his his great Bali pulpit of this, wonderful conscience I'm a guy to come down on the IRAN New deal, like like a ton of bricks. Like you know, my senator from from Arkansas Tom did idiots outrageous to me, and I don't remember the demo. Rats warning about Russia, one it was the Soviets now supposedly no longer soviets! Now the Democrats so worried about him. Yeah! That's! Where You know I mean that was all the that the
collusion hoax, which the inspector general reporters, blew up and mothers report blew up despite his best intentions, you know we gotta find something here. Nope couldn't find it two thirty five million dollars and almost two years, but no that's that wishes to hoax, grasping at straws. You know what you are: I'm sorry Jimmy would say I one last in Russia or history and communists history. They write about em brag about they did several fake collapses in their history. They also bid several fake flipped, while where people were split split, my mouth is dry showed Democrats, dishes of fake split. The Democrats have always there were that. The radical marxists democratic now who are coming out of the open
I ve been aligned with the soviet movement, the communist movement for decades. Now they fake, like they're, really splitting from Russia and turning around that we're threatening them by where colluded with Russia is a fake split. You know, right emigrate. Call brother appreciated! Thank you very much. God bless. You are right: the die, Washburn show continues at the top of our number three we gotta actually get into some of the same. I'm from the State Union address because it was just me never sent last night present tromp did the best daily address I've ever heard? I wasn t several parts of it. It was just Raising, and I wonder I wonder what it was. What a car Events that were highlighted in those data using your dress that Mitt Romney didn't like that. The Democrats didn't like they refuse to clap for was amazing. That's coming up at the at the start of our three calls, in the meantime, at eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven, the mark Levin,
continues with Doc, Washburn filling in for the great one man our job, Washburn filling up the great one from care, a r n Maximilian in Little Rock Arkansas. I gotta tell you something: A shadow is gives props too. United States. Senator Tom tell us from North Carolina remember, anti blowsy tore up the article III tore up the the present speech last night time tell us Sixteen second video out there on twitter is broadly on Facebook to look into the camera holding out the article peace mincing see what it is and then tears it up, and actually Camelot what're, you gonna do about it
you gonna, do about it shut I'm tales about us just that that's just phenomenal phenomenal are eight seven, three at one three, eight one one. Let's grab call here: let's Gotta Ryan Nourishing doubly ABC from. I hope. I've seen this right. Men are Hockin New Jersey, dare say right, correct all! That's great! That's great! I! What do you think I quickly remind me first of all folks, gotta know this is real name is, will that's why I've always called him cuz he's he is what it is he's jealous. That Trump is. President VON D has was quoted the fire in the belly to be present, he's so jealous of Trump one evening. He thinks he's currying favour with the liberal group meeting by doing it he's Yankees politically now, but he is a thing. This is the big mistake, the first two years which, on the Republicans Babbage made, they would have the common, no promises that they pulled promptly.
Have a farm policy victory? Listen, so they put they had to pump somebody else, so they got the Pillsbury Dumpling out North Korea and made him waste his time with that junk. Instead of going to rub you down to the border with the big time military and its really settled score down there, they lost the house and now they're having a field day right now on him and stops, and you can have a front of a real fun election here presents going to say what you want, but if you lose forget about only oughta lose. The immigration issue could lose the election but remember the pillars buried dumpling they Public establishment guy got him to do that in a big way. At the time day appreciate your call Ryan. Thank you. I I thought that was trumps idea. Trump Trump plans, things long range, Trump plans, things long range and I don't think.
Well, let me put it this way. Rudy Giuliani went on with Laura Ingraham on Fox NEWS two or three months ago said. We set the Ukraine trap, for the Democrats walked right into it. What does that mean? Cuz, not Rudy's, back, saying, hey. I got evidence of a lot of corruption, a lot of crimes being committed over there. Would he would this? Would this work if Trump has not been impeached? I believe Trump is four dimensional chess, honest to goodness believe that our data, we're gonna, have a lot for the state of the union address and more calls coming up the top of our the eight seven seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one doc Wash Renee. One might well then
now broadcasting them only underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building? We have once again made contact with our leader. This is dark, Washburn filling in the great one from Michael Events, Billy it a little guy gets a r n. You know, I gotta tell you something watching. Brilliant steadily union dress last night and is the best union address I've ever heard from from this present? Everybody else was amazing it, and there were a number of moments. After he got past target about how wonderful the economy is and in how many things this
restoration is accomplished, how much is accomplished his present? There are a number of moments or collective jerking moments. Illegal. I found there. There were few times I got pretty misty. You know when he had the year. The widow of the gentlemen who gave his life for this country in Afghanistan in her thirteen year old, son- are when he had the the wife and kids other fellow that the present maneuvered it too to surprise when he came back from the war or the year, the mom and a daughter, the little girl who got to take advantage of school choice for that matter, millennia, giving the great
rush, limber presidential metal there and by the way you know, rush, is certainly in thoughts and prayers and Catherine and the whole family in both. Thirdly, all of them much love much love.
Without rush. You know, I don't know, he's a guy who created the talk. Radio format he's a reason. We all have job so much love and prayers going at a russian and the whole crew therein and God bless you, we love you rush, but I wonder I wonder so many of the wonderful things that President trumps said last night about how wonderful things are going in this country, and you see so many of the Democrats, senators and representatives
sitting on their hands just would not applaud and yet Mitt Romney today said they all. They all want what's best they all of this country and they all have a clear conscience, clean conscience. They they just try to do the right thing according to the conscience. Well, if that's the case, why weren't they applaud that things are getting so much better in this country. I shuddered earlier. I said at the start of the first, our when our three male Mitt Romney I don't know what color the sky is in a world. You live in because here in the real world? It's different! Sorry, let's give some credit where it's due and we'll get some calls eventually they seventy seven thousand three hundred and eighty one three hundred and eighty one,
but we gotta give a little love to a present algae tromp. Who has done so much better than so? Many of us could have imagined it's go stay. The union audio cut number one go three years. We launched the great American come back tonight, I stand before you to share the incredible results: observing Incomes are sorry poverty. This plummeting cry: is falling com. Frances surgery and now. Country is thriving and highly respected, All right so so. Yeah Democrats just sitting there staring at him. What part of that is bad,
Well, if you're part of the party that once government bigger- freedom, smaller and more more people, depending on you. Instead of making their own way in the world, I guess it's all bad right, yet Chuck humor out there tat, I just couldn't dimming present trumps staying undress last night, if so, partisan in energy policy tearing up turn up the speech. I mean you hate to say that apparently what's good for America's bad for the Democratic Party, but I don't know how you come to a different conclusion than that.
And I saw the rest or simple the other day that said trumps. Approval numbers with black voters went from twenty one percent a year ago to forty two percent. Now I gotta say something:
last forty years, republican presidential nominee with the highest total of the black vote was forty years ago. Ronald Reagan, fourteen percent and people like Schumer and Pelosi and all the rest of them know that if Trump were to get twenty percent of the black vote is going to be a landslide across the country or whatever it's more. What, if it's more, I just I just want to know what what part of the state of the union address. Did you not like mint? What was it that led you to vote to convict this pressure on ridiculous article of peach. Let's go with this data union cut. Never to go, America's enemies are on the run. America's fortunes are
on the rise in America's future is blazing bright. Years of economic decay, are over America's enemy on the run, you I don't think he'll Omar democratic rules. From a Minnesota You too, to leap, democratic, representative from Michigan Alexandria, occasional cortex, didn't get representative from New York City Althea, applauded that first, good NEWS of America's enemies are on the run. That's really good news Wonderful wonderful stay. The union address last night present Trump cut three go days of our. Three being used taken advantage of and even scorn. Other nations are long behind us and something
A lot of people have been really surprised at what a great job this present has done with his economy and with his farm policy. For that matter, you remember when not just the liberals, but some Republicans were very concerned that trot. Gave the ok to take out solar manning the guy behind them so many Americans service members for decades to start try to start work, work work with our, and here we are. Nowhere. Where three. Forgive me, forgive me if I am given the present the benefit of the doubt. Then he seemed to know what he's doing and their people.
Didn't vote form last time because they weren't sure used to say a lot of little stuff that are going to be elbowing other people out of the way on November third, Tuesday November, third, to vote to re, elect this man. I guarantee you that he's going to take some then take less time. I stay. The union address last night, cut number four go. To be broken, promises jobless, Rico Where is tired platter and constant excuses for the depletion of american wealth Power and prestige in just three short years. We have shown the mentality of american decline, and we every day did the downsizing of Americans destiny. We have totally rejected the downsizing
We are moving forward at a pace that was unimaginable just a short time ago and we are never ever going back. Yes, I'm old enough to remember. The previous president, scion of those jobs, come back. What is Donald Trump Plan or do wave a magic wand. Well, Brok, I guess you must have whose job it coming back in spades man, they come back in a way that you could not have imagined and that's the truth, and you know it is more coming up from an amazing state. The union address last night a present Donald Trump, and your calls at eight seven
seven three, eight one, three, eight one one, the the mark show continues Doc Washburn filling in for the great one, then a The association and mature american citizens is one of the fair describing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook, in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights old time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits in discounts included special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more in it. It's not enough you'll get a max by
monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S Our eyes dark Washburn growing out of a great one mark Levant on this historic nights. Marks: a billion Iraq, Arkansas K, a r n and women too, in the first couple hours about how crazy Mitt Romney is just crazy for voting against the president, one of the ridiculous articles with patrons ever saying that
everyone all his fellow says, senators, love this country and they're doing what their consciences and they want the best. But but we cannot give the present the same benefited out. Oh no, no, no, no no, we did a horrible thing going after a political opponent, as if Joe Biden was ever was ever illegitimate. Opponent to this present met, I'm gonna tell you buddy butter, the I would caucus stuff for seventy one percent of it: They said than done with to give Joe the link to get. I want to know why the Democrats were sitting on their hands for the amazing achievements that this president went through chapter and verse on last night, in the best stale union address, I've ever seen cut number five Oh! I am thrill to report to you tonight that our economy is the best it has ever been our
Military is completely rebuilt, with its power being Matched anywhere in the world, and it's not even close, Borders are secure, our families are flourishing, are valid these are renewed. Our pride is restored and. All of these reasons, I say to the people of our great country and to the members of Congress, state of our union is stronger than ever before yes, you do you guys you guys, like James Clayburn, in their bread leadership in the? U S house, to shaken his head stuff. Like that, I guess I guess again. The only conclusion I can come to is what's good, for America is bad for the Democratic Party
ass. The amazing state union last night present Trump cut. Six go evasion. I will lay out this evening demonstrates how we are building the world's most prosperous and inclusive society, one where every city, in can join in America's unparalleled success and where every community can take part in America's extraordinary rise from the instant. I golf his. I moved rapidly to revive the: U S economy, slow. She. A record number of job killing regulations enacting historic and record setting tax cuts and fighting were fair and reciprocal trade agreements,
You know, I am reminded about something there when he was talking about wanting to make itself that all Americans could could enjoy the prosperity I reminded the year two thousand, when Texas Governor George W Bush was running for president against Vice President Al Gore and, as watches C span for some reason, and they were interviewing a gentleman who was the president of the national black spots, small business owners association. I remember the exact title of it, but that's that was what the association was. It has a Democrat, but I
vote for George W Bush for President here in year, two thousand and the Jack of C Span was or why is that? Well, I'm democrat, but we reached out to Al Gore and I'm the president of this National Association of Black while business owners, and vice versa, Gordon want to meet with me Governor George W Bush did want to meet with me and talk about the policies that he might put into effect to make it easier folks like meat on their own businesses and hats. One vote for George W Bush, while is still like that Because present tromp was highlighting historically low unemployment last night for black folks and for even for even young black folks, I see so many Democrats out their senators and representative sit on our hands
not applauding look, I'm not the sharpest knife in the firm and I'm not the brightest ball when the drawer, but I did a a math. You know I stay union cut, seven go power and it is relentlessly lay pro worker pro family, pro growth and, most of all, pro American. Exactly exactly, and you have Democrat members of Congress out there not for me get out of here without pro american stuff on freaking believe cut number eight go where dancing with unbridled terrorism and lifting our citizens, so every race, color religion and greed very, very high, Since my election, we have created seven million new jobs, five,
million more than government experts projected during the previous administration see call me crazy, but I think that's a good thing, which is. Why can never be a Democrat you no more people working more people taken on my paycheck, I mean if, if you dont like that idea, what's wrong with you what's wrong with you, and if your liberal out there, because I know plenty liberal no Michael having Shell to two and call land and tell us what's wrong with that jump on it the water's, warm eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven and it's been holding for quite a while. We will get to your calls. After you bought the our news brake on your local, Michael of an affiliate radio stations
and I watched Brunetta little walk filling in for the great one as a mark Levin show continues. Amy. The Association of mature american citizens, is one of the fastest, organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a mac- believes and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond, but to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts included. Special member. Only rates on car insurance travel discounts cellphone. Plants and a hell of a lot more. It's not enough. You'll get em by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives
As I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to Joe today at a MAC dot? U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U S stopped! putting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m, a sea dot. U S mark America's passionately. Cerebral voice talk with that is now eight seven. Seven. Three eight one, three eight one one Doc, Washburn Filling M for the great one from little gargantua. You know this, something's fascinating most. Folks, who know about Mark Levant, listen to the radio, show and also watch list
Liberty in LE then on Fox new Shell, eight o clock, eight o clock Eastern on Sunday night, but every once in a while, you run into somebody who list the radio show but hasn't ever seen the life Liberty Levin on Fox NEWS Channel or as was my case, the first time I was going to fill in for a mister Levin. Last summer I was telling an elderly member of the church that I belong to in little rock. I am going to be filling in for Mark Levin and so her frame of reference was life liberty and then a Fox news shall shooting no mark was on on the radio. She said, I love these these our long conversations he has with these people there so thought provoking and two, so wonderful and he so reserved and so calm, and just has such a wonderful demeanor. Nice, it exerts sure, does a sure does.
So now you need to listen to him on the radio and see the other side. The party gets more animated, Willie Yes, yes, you really missing you're, really missing. He got some on the radio too. So I say: To see this coming up, even though more is off tonight. There's unite in Friday, he'll be back Monday on the radio, but we have brand new life Liberty, Levant, coming on eight o clock eastern time Sunday Night Fox NEWS Channel the guest will be Randy, Barnett, Now, if you don't know, we, as he's a professor of legal theory at Georgetown, worried just constitutional law contracts, illegal theory- he is argued successfully before the United States Supreme Court. I dont know exactly what they're gonna be talking about Sunday night, but I wouldn't be surprised if the impeachment comes up
it's very fascinating is all life liberty, Lovin episodes are in. There is another thing to they repeat: life: Liberty LE then the next Saturday night So if you missed marks conversation with Walter Williams from last Sunday night, you can catch it Saturday night, a Fox news channel- and it was just amazing, just amazing market, men's conversation with the shelf? Ascribes tall, dark, unhandsome, Doktor, Walter Williams from last Saturday night are itself Mitt Romney has lost his ever loving mind by voting to convict the present of United States on one of the ridiculous articles impeachment today.
He. A strange credulity saying, I hope everybody all gimme the benefit of the doubt that I'm not willing to give the president all the senators we all of America we're all doing this, because our conscience dictates and he read himself at his religion. Well, I got this. Is this all too? God? That's why I got a vote to give it the present it, because there's no way there's no way he wanted Ukraine to look at the corruption for any other reason than politics. My did Bill Clinton signed a treaty into law, in nineteen. Ninety nine requiring the United States President and the Ukraine present to cooperate with each other on investigating and prosecuting
corruption in Ukraine and the cerebral saving it that's. Why we're? There was a quid pro quo, because that would show the present trump. It is not just interested in investigating corruption in Ukraine, but has actually actually willing to go to to the to the limit of saying I. I'm going to follow this treaty, the Bill Clinton, our old buddy sign in the law back and ninety. Ninety nine, you gotta, invest corruption, Ukraine and I take it back. I take you back without Dershowitz said the other day, although the Senate he said, is, Democrats kits elected president and tells US Minister of Israel. Get in the foreign aid until you start building.
Settlements over there. You gonna teach him over that quid pro quo, ridiculous, I'm totally ridiculous, shall we finally got to some of this wonderful state of the union last night crash sitting on their hands. As present tromp was talking about this wonderful, wonderful success. Does that we ve had economically low unemployment. More people were taken on my paycheck I'll say it again. I said before I guess: what's good, for America is bad for the Democrat Party, its outrageous eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three one one lines or and everytime I change collars. One will open up for you to try to get through with brow I am in studio city, California, listening to the Great M eight. Seventy, the answer, Brian you're, on
Levin show with Doc losberne filling in. What do you think? I don't think you ve taken my call, Sir Open that in the next ninety Pelosi, a press conference that somebody asked sir or reminder that her prayers, that she's been praying so hard for the present are actually working for the President Dominion over the last week. You said a lot of victories with you, not data the union. Last night it was acquitted today you no no, no, no witnesses Allah kind enough. There actually being answer that she should be renewed to that end, she ass he sprang from. Mr President, absolutely Brian As a wise man once said, I, like, that cut your job, young man, that's fantastic, gray, call Brian bless you thank you I will go with a bread, NL. I also listened to the great I eight. Seventy, the answer: bread, yonder, Michael Eventual
doc, wash your fill in what you got her dog Washburn, you, sir. Yes, I was thinking in the past twenty four hours. Our country has witnessed a dramatic a breathtaking contrast between the highest nobility of american character in President Trump and rush Limbaugh and the dusky airmen, and yet others. And the lowest ignore ability of Mitt Romney Nancy Policy, Adam Shift and their mob you were searching for a name. What do we call him or they and going over name the names and thinking what about Judah. Why have they consider themselves? Religious people, warehouse and, and- and I think I just lost the back of all men and admiration of all women in their life and that their punishment. For now now a branch? I can't I can't argue with the with the word of a brother. Thank you very much gabbler shipwrecks. Your call man,
that's one. I left out what a what a poignant moment, president tromp, giving honour to Thee Kiki Airman. I think the only wants surviving a hundred years old and some of the Democrats could even couldn't even applaud for that country would plod for this. Wonderful, black veteran from war were too when you know before before the military was desegregated by President Truman you're and you can't even applied for that. My goodness, my goodness I wanna go to a Cathy and Somerset New York. Listen
serious exam count the european model of and showed Doc wash revealing in which regard I I think they are met, Rhamni had it and I am disgusted with him in the rest of the turn code. I think they ve failed their fate. I think they, via a shared president Trump right into office, and I mark was very happy to hear President Trump mention our sad state of New York. I'm on my way to tendency in fact get my farm fellows. I can't handle the politics than the date. Any of you know Cathy and a lot of people outside a New York. Don't know what's going on, but this bail reform law the past January. First, there a resting
people for violent crimes and then immediately letting them go with no bail and how about our great airy county in Buffeloni ART, which are not too far away from here, given ill legalised licences and not even let me ice age and be able to check the damn these to record, and we ve got a great Mickey current Zogg GM feed. You know you know chairman or whatever, and he is off suit, trying to through the state I mean the states insane, I my memory, but does that get up now and I know blame Cathy blushing, you're, gonna, love, Tennessee and thank you for your call and then the mayor to blow he'll there and in New York. Dovetails with the bail reform law, minors. As long as people they are having to let out because of the state law that was passed. Let us try to cope,
when those shown up for the court date. I give that gift card that gift card about some ticket CMS game, it's crazy, it's crazy and then and then the big unreal. The crime about New York City that the rhetoric She has no idea about is all The violent attacks on jewish folks in New York City and you have people like I hope I say, I'm seeing as nay my dove heightened of former state legislator there and in the leader of the large jewish Organization York City, saying that dumb Governor Cuomo and a mere two Blasi. Oh you not doing anything about this. You have people being attacked because their jewish and are. You're, not doing anything about this. You going in the wrong direction on this. We're gonna try to hold your accountable and, in God, bless him.
I hope they do all them accountable I'd. Let me go Bob in New York City loosing on the great seventy seven w a b c or on the market of in show doc watchword filling in what you got Bob Doc. Thank you. Thank you, my car, You mentioned that Romney came to the conclusion that Trump, The only reason that Europe could want to investigate because the political for reasons of values, is inconceivable to rob me there's any other reason. Yes right, but ripen came to them. Inclusion. He explain how we did it, which was completely forty. He said he went out and he said Joe Biden did this undivided did that and it was poor judgment, a conflict of interest, but that's not a crime for he concluded that, because it is not a crime that is impossible, that that could be My trumpet one investigate we're. Just take a look at you, a cop on, if you are contravening on a blocking. You noted the bank robbery, a block away
if your guy learning, by what a ski masks a money, you say well Schema legal, you were a ski masks and you're on that. Slowly, absolute, I'm carrying money so sure if we get it right right, because just because you smoke, I'm convinced There's no there's no fire, because you know a fine upset. Guy, like like Joe Biden, I mean, there's no, We in the world there's no way all they actually committed crimes over there. I am no, it would be hard to bind a million dollars, but no experience. We know the whole story. The bottom line is reasonable. Suspicion is what is what is called the police officer going. Take a look around a reasonable suspicion. Yes, if Rami disagrees with Tropical reasonable suspicion over here with regard to abide and story now prerogative, but that this agreement does not give him the
Thirdly, we are building you and what you would call it, but the actually Peter President toward open election, because we disagree about whether that rate a little suspicion that ms outrages. Now it doesn't make any sense by great call from New York City appreciate that speaking Abiden Biden was asked about the whole situation of of Romany deciding that the tromp was wrong. Looking into the apparent council of conflict of interest therein, Ukraine and Biden had some some unusual and unusual take on it must produce. Let's go with the cut numbers.
Before I go and by the way you know I sit on the stand, I got a lotta harry legs turn that that that dead turn about blonde in the sun. The kid you sick above region, the pool data by laying down with training, watch the hare bone could come back up again and again. So I learned about roaches. I learned from my lap kids jump in my lap. Why? Why do you? Why do you think Biden asian fourth place there in the eye or carcass dissolve Joe. I gotta pull myself. Together. It's the Michael events show a dock washburn. The great honour filling in for the the great went on such an historic evening and more is come
yup straight ahead, ban act. The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest. Organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook lives in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone, and a hell of a lot more and if It's not enough. You'll get a max by.
Monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop boarding the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U S our eye Doc, Washburn filling a for the great one on this historic night in which the poor of the United States, regardless of policy Schuman. Anybody else says, is acquitted forever. I liked the with itself. Besides that space goes drop their right when it was it, don't do something virtue. I love I love when I hear the voice of space goes, but it's almost all right
let's see eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven Let me go with the with Ruth in summers. Point New Jersey listened the Great W Abc roof you're on them plebeian show Doc washroom Phil again what you got good evening. Thank you my call his arm. Regarding the speech last night, I thought it was great regard. The tearing up of the speech was disgusting. Dr Childish, and there is something else that Nancy closely, I believe, should have thought about that speech with TAT handed to her by the president to be part of the record of the House of Representatives who terrorism her personal speech. She talked tore up the speech that belong to the House of Representatives yeah, I believe it's against the law to destroy official government records and I believe that's what she did. I absolutely believe that yeah,
Well, I hope you'll be held accountable and see which This needs to call attorney general, William BAR on that as well If someone is very busy man these guys, I know all my good I can't wait till John Dirhams revelations come out late spring early summer, but that's all other show to roof gray. Call God bless you. Thank you so much appreciate you are right. Let me go with them time and plan DORA. California, listen to the great em, Seventy the answer. Tommy on the mark, Levin showed Doc wash refilling. What you got got you are doing a great job filling in for the great one
Why appreciated? I wish we had more time. Will you about thirty seconds? Go fewer, quick, pointed thirty. Second, all we need it in this engagement circus was a few live kangaroos at one number two. I thank you Nancy policy. You so did grace the Democrat Party and proved what we'll selfish partisans. You are you're, a courageous, unbelievable disrespect that you showed by tearing up that beautiful speech. Probably the best data unions, ever by president crop you help for re election. The best president we ve had you help me you go about socialism. Thank you, Nancy. All right, thank you too for being the last collar appreciate you can't. Record are right on Doc, Washburn
five beyond Twitter and Facebook such an otter. Thank you so much to the great one Michael event for allowing me to fill it once again see a next time.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-22.