On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the Democrats have told lie after lie but the truth is that the Trump Administration's timeline and response to the Coronavirus have been very good. Even the Associated Press had to fact-check the democrats lies. No staffing cuts have occurred at the NIH or CDC during the Trump Administration. Moreover, the White House has been so aggressive in defending the American people that for the first time in 50 years the U.S government has quarantined individuals to contain the potential spread of any illness. President Trump started over a month ago by establishing a task force and implementing a ban on foreigners entering the U.S. Consequently, the same Senators who are criticizing Trump are the same Senators that were pursuing impeachment from Jan. 15th, 2020 through Feb. 6th, 2020. Then, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are heading into the South Carolina primary plus Super Tuesday is coming and it’s anybody's game. The Democrats have screwed up our voting system. Afterward, Democrats have taken abortion to a new level, suggesting that babies who are already born could also be terminated (murdered) outside of the womb.
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