« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/29/21


On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and other governors who made the deadly decision to commingle COVID-positive patients with the elderly and infirmed in nursing homes, should not have immunity. Why do they get a pass? Because they're Democrats. They all blame Trump for coronavirus but of course, there wouldn't be a COVID-19 vaccine but for the Trump Administration. The good thing about having a republic of states is that we can see what works and what doesn't when it comes to the coronavirus across the country. Some states haven't shut down their schools or their small businesses while others have. Later, lawmakers introduced legislation to massively increase mail-in voting. The bill is disguised as "reform" and election "security" and any pushback is viewed by the left as questioning the electoral system. It's the Democrat Party that turns diversity against the people and has historically incited hatred based on race. Afterward, MyPillow CEO, Mike Lindell, calls in to share how Twitter shut down his account. Lindell speculated that Big Tech would come after podcasters next and encouraged all Americans to stand up for liberty during this time of cancel culture.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following of the podcast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundreds, Seventy fifth year hills, is a truly independent institution where learning
prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale brother sponsorship now broadcasting a mermaid underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader Mark Levant number, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! You know it's amazing to me.
You look at the meeting. The Democrats are still trashing. The president accuse me. They retire At present, the United States Donald Trump. Anybody who associates with him as a white supremacist other out there really to destroy his reputation in yours and yet. How many these individuals and groups, particularly peopling Congress Democrats are condemning Andrew Cuomo tonight. Andrew Cuomo. Joe Biden has said a word about Andrew Coma ice during the campaign? Mr Barroso? Your recall, where is Joe Biden, need not criticise in these Democrat governors who made these decisions Cromer the only want to force covered Positive patients, coming at a hospitals into nursing homes, and other senior care facilities had they get away with this.
Now I dont know how each state works. The idea that a governor has immunity. I'm having a direct role as a matter of his palace in the death of many Thousands of people, some percentage of their people who died in nursing homes. No question about that is unacceptable to me. We have all kinds of. regulations, all kinds of rule changes all kinds of investigations when it comes to things that are much much less. This. Which dont resulted in the death or injury? If anybody have anybody. Joe Biden seriously consider Cuomo for attorney general, the United States. We cannot tolerate this as a society. Ladies and gentlemen, this man. Cuomo is not only an idiot lockout yours That's believers.
Count dismissive visas have really gets a book deal, they didn't cancel his book gets, I'm from these idiots and television in Hollywood. So. Why is it. at present, the United States and condemning what took place in New York in New Jersey. What took place should get in California, no Illinois, because their democrats. Because they're Democrats, fowl Some people are dead, so these parents or grandparents loved ones. and many of them died without ever seeing their children or their grandchildren. He died a lonely, horrible death. on and on they blame present Trump yeah right We won't have a vaccine today. for his leadership and his administration.
And I can see the real Joe Biden he's fumbling, bumbling the egg heads he brings inner ideological, their fumbling and bumbling their busy pointing fee at this one and that one. What are they actually getting done and abiding by ministration when it comes to this cover? eighteen, which they set their priority? What actually getting done, what are they actually doing. First of all, they doing anything differently than that Rob Administration did. Yes, one thing Their whining and their complaining. We haven't had a major Prescott France, by this president, open to all the media on the the corona virus. Why is that they said such as major subject, why the job I won't make Himself available to us, the clouds in the media, but serious journalists all for them.
And why is it that it promotes Anthony factually whose of failure I'm so many levels. It's incredible to me that governor can get away with something like this more than one governor of our focus on Cuomo cause. He d to be focused on it, Measures may that he gets away with this. I need a lie. He just lies way out. He blames or on the federal government. The former assistant secretary of HIV Jes, the air, came out today, so we never told them to put people in nursing homes, and at that time I told you, the federal government never did that. MR producers semi that memo again? Would you. and I will read to you the memo that was put out a March twenty worth. I believe it was twenty fifth to the nursing homes were out New York.
And it was done without any import whatsoever by the federal government. The federal government never gave any guidance that this should be done. You look at the great governor Rhonda scientists in Florida, whose only under attack by the left wing media. He didn't do it. He refused oh it today. He considers seniors has priority my god. They are large senior population in Florida is under attack by job In his spokes idiot this bugs for the area, although they have fifty percent of their vaccines, Evan used, as I explained the other day, they haven't used them, but they're going use them because these two vaccines by Madonna. and Pfizer require two shots. And so is point- is we gave the one shot. We need to go.
The second shot, and about a three week period of time or less, if we don't do at the first shot, has no use. It doesn't have any purpose. It didn't do anything. but that's the numbers game, the democratic play all look at this. We gave our more shots and anybody else yeah. But now you gotta come back for the second shot. There really is no way. No, their Andrew Como should get away with this. And there's no way a governor should get away with this, should be a price to pay. Even on what is now a one party state New York, there should be a to pay for this. There should be immunity. four knowingly, Being and dangerous policy set in place health policy set in place that result in death of so many people.
And Hollywood should be ashamed of itself in these nighttime phony It should be ashamed of themselves in the New York Times. Early on should be ashamed of its up. The way they promoted this guy. He's. So narcissistic is such an eagle, maniac lady cuts are book deal in the middle of a pandemic. I just wonder If, however, be held to account legally, I just wonder. And is it it also amazing, ladies and gentlemen, No hearings in the Democratic House of representatives of the fifty fifty Democrat controlled Senate or what place a nursing home to what took place with Cuomo. Nothing. Instead, we gotta chase down Donald Trump Mara Largo through the Democrats.
who are elected from the state of New York, Schuman, Angela Brand. They want a hearing. Do they want to know what the governor did with respect to their constituents? No, nothing, not a word. And Cuomo was a serial wire, that's what he is he's a competent buffoons I back, then I know you. Love me How do I know that? Because you listen to my shell and my show- and everything I do is all about preserving freedom in the form of government that secures it for us, it's the same with Hills Del College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why
talk about them all the time, because Helstone is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty. Hills doubt teaches stellar students to defend freedom, no matter what they may Dron, whether at science or music or economics, or business. Whatever hills doubt teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that, for you too, through their free monthly digested constitutional thought, its cotton Primus five point: six million Americans receive him Primus for free each month and you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Levine for Hills, del dot com, that's l, e g. I am pray, hills Del Dotcom, no strings attached, Jenny,
donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for all of us and for a hills. Dale descended Primus to you for no cost every month start receiving in reading and Primus. So you can know how to defend the freedom. You love visit, Levine for Hills, Del Backup, that's l, e g. I am free hills, thereby com Levine for wholesale dotcom. In order, the great things about having fifty states can watch what fails and what succeeds say. Look at these democratic states, theirs These are crumbling, they undermine their police forces there, public sector unions, particularly their teacher unions, heavy iron grip on their educational systems, so children are not going to school. You see how they treated the elderly in their nursing homes and there, Sir,
Facilities The early tax, the hell out of the middle class while pretending their fighting the wealthy, You look at the republican states. This is mostly a ruler exceptions. how well they are run. How taxes are much lower. how most of their schools are opener. Partly open most of their businesses are open, are partly open. How much more competently their handling the delivery, the vaccines, even other Constantly having to fight the media and constantly having to fight the public sector, unions and so forth in their state. But it's really quite amazing. We have these examples and we know that over forty percent of the people who have died from this virus had been the elderly and people.
Cole morbidity, and we know. That most of these tests have occurred in these blue state. not all, obviously, but most. Then you look at the national see. Local Joe Biden Stone he assigned almost thirty, Secular waters and over forty executive actions for the purpose of cutting out Congress, Even though the constitution requires Congress to have a significant role in legislating, it is the legislature, after all, So he's basically issuing these decrees as I've been talking about now for two weeks, like a monarch like a king, Some push back that starting up, but not enough
The New York slime said de Jure, hey Joe enough already slow down, but it The New York Times is not our barometer, it's not our Norstar, quite the opposite. We know on our own that, what's being done is wrong, we see The Democrats do they destroy, they dont build. They don't build it all they, despite economic system they display, Our governing system- they spies most of the population, so they seek to change it. And they get voted it well therein power. You look at New York, I said the other day despite the the carnage that Chrome has created in his own state. He would be re elected in a landslide, petty, explain that.
A democratic just stupid, or are they just Easily propaganda eyes too, in the media. I suggest ideological their willing to take casualty. we brought this up early on what was tat In place thanks the Doktor Healy, who called the programme got the that was issued. By the year. State in New York, Cuomo Psychic. And talked about it at length, but it didn't change the guy's mine he kept on at it. Now. He blames everybody else, because he knows who have at least a significant amount of media. That protector. It's like school choice,. The landmark legal Foundation and organization. I ran for a while now, just chairman of the board, but our wonderful president, their people,
Just he's been there for decades. we in some of the other legal oops levigated fiscal choice for years and we won ultimately. and it was expensive and it was bitter, and we want now. Most of the people we were representing in the city of Milwaukee. and Polly Williams. The stay representative at the time who we worked with very closely. Obviously, african, American and a Democrat supported what we were doing in some cases. begged us to keep fighting and who are we find the state. Cried Party, that is the the Democrats in the legislature as well. We were fighting the state appointed Dammit Red judges. We were fighting the end up a p.
We were fighting thee Okey Education Association and the Wisconsin Education Association, the union. And we were fighting other groups on behalf of our clients and most of our clients were black. You look today where Joe Biden is putting out this racial equity stuff, all through the federal government, and what is it that protects. He protects the teachers, unions. And how crucial is education. Ladies and gentlemen, its them the crucial thing when it comes to young people. And so when he talks about Rachel Equity, he really doesn't believe in, and neither do the Democrats because a very, very important part of their base.
Is the teachers unions at two point, two million precinct workers on election day or the vast majority of. But Joe Biden not called out. which modern president took up the campaign. In the issue of school choice, it was Donald Trump. It was Donald Trump. and yet all throughout the media today. We have a tax on Donald Trump in anybody's there to associate with them. Familiar jollier Paul on MSNBC. Today we felt tension with our gnp. Colleagues who engage white extremists trumpet Actively courting in a rising of the confederacy and civil war now that, of course, does an incite violence. We really on Omar and Anti Semite, who hates her own country.
was a refugee, whether her their family into this country From Somalia, basically GEO won't remove dangerous and violent Marjorie tell a green than we stood and she's Hugh Non cried mister producer. And finally, we note the schooner. Okay, I make a deal Omar and Green both go. How about that. Oh Mars and Anti Semite she's a marxist. Ok. What do we want to we when we do? That will make a trait think about other? I bet I know you love freedom. How do I know that? Because you listen to my show- and my shown everything I do is all about preserving freedom in the form of government that secures it for us, it's the same with Hills Del College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why
I talk about them all the time, because Helstone is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty. Hills doubt teaches stellar students to defend freedom, no matter what they may Dron, whether at science or music or economics, or business. Whatever hills doubt teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that, for you too, through their free monthly digests of constitutional thought, its cotton Primus five point: six million Americans receive him Primus for free each month and you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Lavigne from helstone dot com. That's l e g! I am pray, hills Del Dotcom, no strings attached, gender
donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for all of us and for a hills. Dale descended primacy to you for no cost every month start receiving in reading and Primus. So you can know how to defend the freedom. You love visit, Lavigne for hills, thou, backup, that's l, a violin, fray, Helstone, back com, Levine from Helstone Dotcom going, gets tribe trough, get mugged whereby crawler now, every seven self employed one three eight. What why Anderson Cooper, whose most famous Interview is where they porn actress. I want you to listen how he sets up a question: the damage, tuck worth Tommy duck This is a war hero and she is a political disaster. Absolute disaster.
And she's on CNN today cut one go said: our duck. Looking at the picture Kevin Mccarthy down at MAR today Being an grinning with the man who promote. The attack on the capital praise the attackers, even after the fact, What does that meeting that pictures? Gimlet? Let's stop right there It's a cobra you're a liar. You are a serial liar. you are inciting people with your lies, Frida come on this programme. I think we ve invited and before we not MR producer. You're welcome to come on this programme, but It is outrageous! Hey you conduct yourself. True, The outrageous what you say But you promote, as fact. No, the president of the United States didn't promote the attack on the capital. Didn't praise the attackers after the fact.
Anybody who meet you see would Donald Trump now they are tainted in God forbid it for, African leaders me we're Donald Trump, you see what's going on here, the radical cook. You got maniacal narcissistic, wealthy left wants to dictate who the Republicans can meet with. What they can say on the internet. who they're gonna nominated the next election? Who the hell knows Anderson Cooper? Who the hell is this jackass. You're gonna Tammy Duckworth Is one of the most politically brazen leftists that I've ever heard? I wonder what she's going to say go. It tells me that he stands with someone you. Basically incited insurrection, as opposed to standing with our constitution he's he has no basis,
essentially violated. His cabin Mccarthy has now violated his oath of office. You see, ladies and gentlemen, were really rounding up. His People as we can now politically figured play speaking. We're really rounding them up now. Are we, ladies and gentlemen, now Kevin Mccarthy, is standing with somebody who incited an insurrection. so says: Tammy Duckworth, so it must be true. Go ahead, took when he was sworn in to protect and defend a constitution. Instead, he's now standing with the enemy of the concert, no, no you're standing with the enemy, the constitution, your whole damn party, would you The bastard eyes the court system, starting with the Supreme Court when he went to The electoral process with age are one you, don't say a damn word with all these thousands of senior citizens dying in these blue states, because decisions like that of Governor Cuomo, you say nothing.
with the dumbest man who was ever in the Senate now the dumbest manner it was revised present. Now the dumbest man. It was a president signing executive order after another, putting a hard working men and women at work, And what do you say? Duckworth you say nothing. You attack the floor Our present a United States no did not incite insurrection, not by any definition. Didion cite an insurrection and yet Anderson Cooper And these clowns and the Democratic Party will continue to propagate this view, because this ass to be the view going forward. They happen The guy off so he has no political clout and anyway, he who touches him. That is see with them, shaking it worse. Then Mccarthyism this is the worst etc bit in this country, and these two
idiots are perpetuating it They're, the ones who are inciting they're, the ones. now, let's concur with Anna Navarro, on the view, Today, this is a all this has a punk this former republic and more on, and they how to get on tv they not to get paid, they not create clips. They're, so excited about their notoriety, their infamous. Their infant child or simpletons cut too. And by the way that we can put the pitcher back up the can we just talk about the interior of moral level. I mean it's like what what are you a designer? Why were you? U Navarro? Can we talk about the interior of moral Larga really really go
Of vintage bordello look, and so how would you know it's a vintage bordello look? How would you know that MR producer. She says it's a vintage, bordello look. That means she when all kinds of bordello look like a vintage bordello. Look you Eddie yet go ahead: how to make nice way with what Donald Trump, because Donald Trump is threatening to open up a third party. Every publicans don't continue with trumps. It he's not going to start a third party. So why are you lying through your teeth? You get challenged, you moron, go ahead. To bring among other body part, wish kissing his ring among other body, but this is what passes for network news or network television today this is what passes for network television now Papa are you the washed impose he's not going to cover this
times it's going to cover this date, police themselves. They think this is great in court, Hitler. You can talk about Mccarthy, kissing body part, so cool too great. All fine. I mean this woman is dances. How she's a via person and she shouldn't be on air Radar sonogram, as far as I'm concerned, she's, nothing to add, go ahead. I think you know, I think it's white slavery, what I just witnessed from Kevin like slavery, so you can say anything about caucasian Anything about wipe it's why slavery now course I feel like they should be pulled off tv. If we had serious editors, serious producers, serious executives, they say who his this idiot
rambling on like a buffoon like a mental patient you can have it on our network. Now, it's fine perfectly fine, no doubt, Others may president anymore, he hasn't been president for almost two weeks. So I guess, but they can't stop is willing to talk about button and theirs. Are we not going to point out? The buyer has violated the constitution, what three in time. So far,. None on another she's too, stop it to be able to. A rational substantive conversation about any of that. So let's just attack- That's what we like on the view, which is it Show a capture Now we have represented a promoter, Julia Paul. On MSNBC today had to bright bar cut for
and then you have this Katy turd another, not job go ahead. I want. Are there with the these rights to personal safety agencies? Raise this say in connection with some of her. Some in Europe have weakened colleagues, we just had Corey Bush tweet about how she asked me and hoary Bush another not about a saint Louis. That about a girl. Katy, you keep you keep quoting the second that the sick, hard core mark as leftists you keep you keep promoting them, go ahead, has been granted a move offices because of a confrontation that she had with Marjorie Taylor, green in the hall she said she said green and her staff persuaded her in the hallway and we know she's telling the truth. Katy. Did you do any investigation? I know you didn't do anything. You don't care This is your narrative cause you're, a crack,
had it her and others on social media she's, moving out of fears for her own sake, How do you feel? How do we know? That's true seriously, but I have no idea. If that's true. and why would you ass dry, ass, Paul? She wasn't there she's gonna witness stand anything. She's, another radical Mucha guide. gets very real. I think we all feel this tension of our colleagues who are continuing to not admit that Joe Biden won. The election are well well Mamma Mamma, but that funny coming out of her mouth twenties. Strain. Russia collusion voted for impeachment, wanted a coup. excited about a criminal investigation against Trump trying to trace, Down in the private life that he has a moral largo and ruin of their oh, oh, oh she's, so worried.
How dare you raise issues legitimate substantive constitutional issues? How dare you you better, not working, twas a try. One In front of you and you'd better vote for it, because if you don't vote for it and don't make America, California in their voting system a one party state. Then your firstly, a racist yours pressing, the vote. You don't but in the legitimate outcomes of the vote. Although all kinds of stuff right Jaya Paul is Acta, heavy rain. I think I do we Lectures from left wing democrats about accepting the legitimacy of Joe Biden when still don't accept the legitimacy of Donald Trump after they didn't the legitimacy of George W Bush now We don't need lectures from the cooks on my left about anything. As a matter of fact,. And I dont know this Marjorie tell a grain from.
from anybody else. She's cool, not I don't even know what that means. But since when do members of Congress start piling on and say, you know what you don't get to stay here? They come Even gather a vote taken damn Omar, who made the most outrageous and repetitively may the most outrageous Jus hating, inciting statements, I could ever remember condemned to leave. her jus hating statement: do they. So why don't they have totally removed, Why revolve go ahead?
to engage with white nationalist. Extremist groups that were part of the insurrection on the capital are concluded that who engage with them. engage with MR producer. Do they know who engage the other members of Congress to engage with them furthest swirling around I've, heard these allegations may well who engage with a white supremacist groups. Name names, a name. The groups. name names, a name, the groups and by the way, who engage, were black lives matter and anti. If I want to know that to violence, To be rejected, weather white supremacist NEO Nazis left this marxist and radicals. It's all to be rejected. You're Jaya Paul rejected are, of course, not the court Bush we spent in Congress about fourteen seconds. Did she would
them all! Of course not. Why not. I don't want to hear from this anymore this, Sir Premier Jaya, Paul. Then there's alien Omar, then there's might quickly the quick all getting voices on CNN and all getting voices on, MSNBC and yes, the narrative and so forth,. They want to take out Josh Holly interred crows. What are they supremacists too, they incited an insurrection. Ah. And how do we know Joe applauded in sight. The insurrection We know all Martin incite the insurrection. How do we know tat? He didn't incite the insurrection, How do we know that Tammy Duckworth didn't in? the insurrection and an around us
Koper? Our Katy turn How do we know these not jobs more listening and watching them And how do we know they didn't push them over the edge? Isn't it interesting, but no, He wants to talk about a bit me. I'll be right back then. I know you love me How do I know that? Because you listen to my shell and my shown, everything I do is all about preserving freedom in the form of government that secures it for us, it's the same with Hills Del College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's. Why
Talk about them all the time, because Helstone is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty. Hills doubt teaches stellar students to defend freedom, no matter what they may Dron, whether at science or music, or economics, or business. Whatever hills doubt teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that, for you too, through their free monthly digested constitutional thought, its cotton Primus five point: six million Americans receive him Primus for free each month and you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Levine for Hills, del dot com, that's l, e g, I am pray, hills Del Dotcom, no strings attached, Jenner
Donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for all of us and for a hills. Dale descended Primus to you where no cost every month start receiving in reading and Primus. So you can know how to defend the freedom. You love visit, Lavigne for Hills Del backup. That's l, easy! I am free hills, thereby come Levine friend, Hills Del Dotcom, this Sunday unlike liberty, and will then no longer and twitter and Facebook and parlor still pretty much down. But we are on rumble where we have. What about half a million followers right now, we hope Join us and robbed of its mark, it's what Mark Levine show rumble. Mark, Levine, show rumble drawn us over there, and you can also go to Mark Levine showed a calm were on constantly posting on the mothership, my website,
We go around these entities, we don't need them, but. pass the word user email, let everybody now we have a hugely important show this Sunday, API eastern time, though, for so excuse in that regard. For those of you who watch it on a watch, it anymore KEN Star. and Josh. Hauling can are the first half the programme trash Holly, the second half the programme are working to delve into this impeachment stuff censored. Stuff, what the Agnes doing we're gonna Darwin too big tech. We had a tremendous number of important issues in the constitution on they like we can do it on Life- Liberty, eleven other our copycats. I see people are trying to do the long form interviews now Their forgetting something, Mr Produce, you know what it is, and I say this with the greatest amount of humility me they're. Not and so these are subjects that are in my warehouse
and I hope your watch can stars terrific charge, Holly's terrific and I give Josh Holly and opportunity to actually speaks rather because actor eyes. Keep in mind, if the Democrats who Just heard in the media, who you just heard, and the Democrats in the media in the democratic media in Europe, there are one and the same They had their way one huh the forty Republicans, whom you elected, would be remove from the House of Representatives. Perhaps up to a score of rape, Book and senators would be removed from me United States Senate. You would be forever banned from Speaking freely. You would lose your jobs, you would lose the ability to write the public in public
Became you would be able to get into colleges or university. This is the totalitarian, a terrier mindset you can hear it goes on on any one now who meets would Donald Trump to get a starlit scarlet letter burned another far. This is sick.
And we're not going to allow them to intimidate us hitting gonna have will be right back from the west. Would one podcast network now run on roaming underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building we once again made contact with our leader Erika Mark Levant. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one, MR producer. Next time we do a besta, let us through the radio broadcasts I did way back in March twenty seventeen, where I was the first to sniff out the spot.
On the trunk campaign and so forth. I'm getting a lotta request for this. So let's, let's do that. The helm newspaper. I'm not really big fan of the hill newspaper, but there are few people there that I, like very few, lawmakers introduce legislation to massively expand mail and voting. Oh you do say, that's right you dare say a word about agenda see abide as president moral shut your mouth while we change the election system unconstitutionally, where the federal government, interferes with state authority under the federal constitution to decide how we run elections, keep your mouth shut or you'll be inciting an insurrection. Not only that your part, white supremacist moment just Keep your mouth shut.
Maggie Miller, Senator IRAN wide and of our again a representative Earl Bloom Hour of Oregon as our Ngos, Goes to country Right today introduce legislation to allow all registered voters to have the option to vote from home. The folks. We understand the reason we want in person voting we can make sure that there are protections in place to ensure that there, isn't any cheating going on. That's why in person voting is. The gold standard and always has been the gold standard, and then, when the Democrats try to destroy you say you're, promoting fraught. How dare you approve at college? I gotta car. while the only reason the Democrats keep pushing. This is because it advantages them. Otherwise, why would they push it? It's like
when borders. Why would they push the vote at Home ACT. Her boy devoted Huemac would require all registered voters to be sent mail imbalance prior to election day, guarantee that voters had the option to either vote by mail or vote in person at the polls and enact autumn. Voter registration for all citizens would drivers licences are permits. So Registration, if you have a driver's license what're, you gonna do in states who give out driver's license to illegal aliens while who cares so be it? What the hell? Yet supremacist. it would also address concerns rights, the hill. Paying for male in voting by providing funding to the? U S postal service, to cover the costs, a mailing, the ballots? Why
a big problem. Isn't, ladies and gentlemen, oh yes democracy is stronger and every American can vote without stating and ridiculous lines are having to take time off work or school to exercise their constitutional rights widen the letter. a dozen other Democrats, senators and introducing the bill sitting to stay Thursday how dare your question. Our election system, you bum Are you a question or do you have something wrong say: something's wrong with our electoral? Oh wait! A minute! He's left us! That's! Ok! That's! Ok! And you see if you don't agree with these workshops and you dont support people voted. The bill was first introduced and twenty seventeen, but did not See passage the law makers introduced following a general election that saw huge spike in male and voting. It concerns over the covert nineteen panic except all the people who died when
Cuomo and the other Dinwiddie democratic governors put them with covert positive patients, they never got the vote. Did they, MR producer. Organ is among the states that had allowed mail and voting prior to twenty. Twenty was the first state to move to voting almost entirely by mail. just why they always elect these low. I q What a Democrat widen has been among the most vocal senators on election reform and Security issues. Oh so election reform and Security related to election very see how they do that clever media began just to get Big things down there really improve Americans lives. Our country needs the government to represent all Americans widened said I don't know that voting at home as a time tested, secure inaccessible, wait about tat time there.
so the country had the chance to vote the way we do well, who are you you're, a dim with the phone from Oregon? You don't get that decide how every state conducts its elections, you don't get. decide that? Why don't you take, here. Portland Oregon, you nitwit, why don't you take care of your own backyard? Why don't you Then you're courthouse there and they abiding citizen? So are there. meanwhile, he's got the fixed for the whole country, Last year we saw a widespread expansion of voted home access as a safe and secure way to participate to the cove at night. team Pandemic Congress, Bloom our set- if that is his name, we should continue to make voting easier, not harder whose made it hard you idiot you get off ass you get line, and you about these are the people putting hardworking Americans out o work. These People who impose crazy
tax system on us we kept the higher pay Did you can't figure it out so many Your make they The people gave us Obama CARE, which is lousy and complex, but we The big voting easier, not what he means. they want to enshrine democrat victories. The bill is not the only effort by Democrats to widen the ability for Americans devout see this homeless papers is what I'm Talkin about Denmark, it's about the house, insensitive reintroduce the for the people, act, call a sweeping piece of voting reform legislation that would expand, voting access and increase election security among other measures, you see how the media are the mouthpiece for the left. They hell newspaper. Other election related bills are also Let us see, reintroduction senators,
water and Amy Cloe butcher tending to read, produce the honest adds act, at the honest, add jack we ve got the the people act. We got the vote at home at all kinds of cool stuff. God why just say this: the Democrat and Elect and Democrats win acts. When are we just get over it be done with it. Closure will soon become chair one with the elections focused centres, committee telling the hell earlier this month. She is a false light of actions plan, including in dancing, election security and expanding the use of paper balance. I couldn't trust here. As far as I could throw Gerald Natalie. My key priorities of the chair, the Rules committee, will be to make voting easier, more secure and to halt the flood of special wench. Some dark one special links- The dark money is this: a joke. Joe Biden had four over four hundred million dollars in dark money. People still
Nor were they all came from any won't tell anybody, but the Democrats are going to pay thus from dark money, they're the ones again dark body? It's like the Clinton campaign that got all that dark money. I'm talking about Bill Clinton from in his chinese remember that this is unbelievable. No wonder the constitution, ladies and gentlemen,. with certain exceptions, the states determine. How their citizens, without the states, determinant. This is why the attack on free speech right now. This is why the attack on anybody who raises any serious, substantive, even constitutional concerns about the last vote. This is why. They do not want any body. you get in the way of this Toronto. Juggernaut. and they use words to lie.
To us about which the security? Oh I'm fresh reform, insecurity, campaign, reform of all that's great, and we want where people of our old gray and vote from home? Yes, yes, because I don't want to get up and go to the polling place, it's ridiculous! I don't want to do that. I would have from home, and What exactly are we going to make sure that it's you ring from home it's you in the home. he's voting rules? Are a disaster they're? Not make sure they can't do it is a fraud. Look if you're fraud massive fraud in the Medicare system and we do massive fraud in the medical system. And we do man The fraud and the tax system- and we do the same government gonna run our election systems and you're not gonna, have massive fraud hey dare you Inciting people, how dare you don't bring that up. But what about Russia collusion? Hey, that's a fact: Jack.
I'll be right back then we're gonna, make a serious effort trying to get general matters on the programme be does interviews. He speaks mostly when he's pay, but nonetheless I no I want. But discussion whether he blames the president for impart following the attack on the capital building, but I the questions I want to ask about the insurrection act about laugh. He had park. At the history, the use of the military, what he thinks about all the military in Washington DC. Today And also about an Ex general. Who leaves office and spends in an ornament of his time? Trashing the former commander in chief. So I want to have a chat with him:
People say yes,. It won't be the usual traps that he expects. I'm not going to pay him either. But Come on the programme. and I know General Kelly listened to the show you to come on the show to the Madison take there the point of the spear, and I want to talk to him. want to talk about things. He sang. And and how he knows what he knows: Obviously, he's quite present. Buddy Daniel Horowitz at the blaze. he said if you were few, not a member, the ruling oligarchy. You can buy a stock only when it benefits the ruling oligarchy, but not when the like our short of the stock and will lose money in that case, you can only sell them. The esteemed members of this shows me of the system on the other hand, can do what they want at any point, to win the rig game.
That was essentially the lesson the american people learn this week, but our government corps manipulated economy. When the oligarchs got together to block or for buying stocks like game stop after the work negative Wall Street hedge funds, were slated d, lose billions on their short they'll get my saw. Esperanto as its name briefly, and they give his interview by computer. What a jackass. Such trashing right trashing other people. I know he knows all these people on all these hedge fund payment or nobody's when more nuclear programmes may or am I really all. I think this. Has any idea what's goin on quite frankly,. However, what happened this week was emblematic of a broader trend that has taken over our economy, This best generation, but should it be,
patently obvious to the american people. Since the unconstitutional lockdown began last march, the A guard in charge of our country have manipulated the entire economy in a way that arbitrarily ways down individual risk takers Business owners in order to if at the ruling class, which Louis large corporations, like Walmart and Amazon, ultimate unconstitutional market distortion. The government refashioned life itself with its macaroni and locked down in a way that forced entire change of commerce. through narrow, well connected giant companies like Amazon, my Google and so while crushing small businesses just like that. Stop investors on red it who are shut for making a profit. I couldn't, take a loss in order to transfer a wealth of the hedge funds, some businesses were shut down so that they can
My capital would flow to zoom, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google Microsoft, Netflix. Amazon stock prices nearly doubled since the lockdown began last March difference between who was shut down and who was given a waiver to open their business was so, petroleum Pennsylvania that the ordered that are general wrote, wrote in a report quote the way: we're process appeared to be a subject of process build on shifting sands of changing guidelines, what I just significant confusion among business owners. He observed some owners of small businesses may not have had the knowledge to use the right. As words and their justification for remaining open I realize they could ask a legislator for help the navigate the process. well, it's not only the fact that the government criminalize commerce through traditional means for
consumers and our high tech commerce. It's that they benefit from the trillions: the Federal Reserve artificially checked it into the economy, there the economies of scale to borrow record amounts of cash at dirt, cheap interest rates. So, while small business owners are in tears and committing suicide, a record rights was and Silicon Valley carrying out on the altar adventurous Socialists, game of the government and which politics criminalize traditional commerce and property rights and throw trillions of dollars of cheap money at the people who just bear faded from the ultimate form of communism. Who made her lost money this past year for the This time in history had zero to do a smart investment, innovation or even risk taking and everything that with a lucky that governments ventures socialist, draw. Perhaps it wasn't. Luck at all.
who was system eyes and arranged based on who built up connections with the government over the years, unlike the left which seeks to court Called rectify this broken system, it supported by throwing as free money, people we Teresa the economy to what is supposed to be without any government intervention. That way, by ending all covered restrictions and allowing all those businesses harmed by the illegal locked out to go. five years without paying taxes, are being subjected costly regulations. It's time, even the playing field that government distorted. The way to end double standard is to return to it institutional governments. Where there is a limit to what government can do our lives. The wealthy. ass, those of the universe can lobby all they want, but most subsidy subsidies regulations, market distortions had certainly restrictions or unconstitutional, so
can't do it. The incestuous corruption of the oligarchy, lobbying scam comes to an end the only reason why government is able to rig society through reckless fiscal monetary policy, because it s step outside the constitutional limits. straining the scope of its power, take stock, moment of just a few of the appalling double standards we are witnessing in our economy. The wall to Britain the Americans from illegal invaders is being dismantled, while the walls constructive between the politicians, the people around the capital. Complex rest. and were shut down because of the covert read a religion. My warm hearted home diva weren't because they supposedly don't spread violence, illegal aliens, get court injunctions against deportations within hours of filing even though they have no right to be here, while I'm and have failed to secure an injunction against me asking unlocked down to nearly every state for ten months and teeth
am I nearly every day since last June, yet very few p been prosecuted platform, violent incidents, the military's deployed even long after it was over the entire time International security apparatus is being more Against Trump supporters that Energy is now casting such a wide net importer. solutions its bordering on first I'm at violations. there's more, I want to get too in this brilliant peace. By Daniel harlots at the blaze I'll be right back then doesn't just read, but he was a makes their new goal, but Magua then show now seven seven, forty one, forty eight one one They continued their Daniel Horowitz peace, stone about the
The double standard lives matter such a religion that you can attend endless mass funerals for a career criminal, Intend endless funeral four George Floyd, but not holiday, if the person funeral for your grandmother, hundreds Thousands of drug traffickers, gang members and career, violent criminals have been released from jail because they were considered low level. Business. Owners are being threatened with jail time for exercising their property rights, merely people who didn't lose a penny during the lock down because of the nature of their jobs, received thousands and so called stimulus checks. While More business owners often didn't receive a penny and worse, there are forced by in its mandate, not to evict derelict renters but still had to pay property taxes. The elites disregarded their own unconstitutional, coveted restrictions and then the minute tromp left office. called for the reopening of the schools in restaurants, albeit with the
use of masks use data that we were censured for posting online. They bring in more refugees foreign workers illegal aliens, while instituting curfews on Americans within their states. They placed travel bans on american residents of other states fighting illegal aliens from other countries to cross the border and use our hospitals, which we support. they trying to protect what these restrictions the same that said states engaging in voter fraud in illegal election laws. Let me illegal lecture. Large changes mid election with a business. The states blocked red statesman, requiring proof of citizenship, about law, gets after the fact that we are no longer a national laws with a fixed rid law, whether to that institutional statutes, but a nation of men. The riddle Has been replaced with the executive and judicial fields that are based? capricious whims of the corporate media that promotes
break commerce and corporate academia. All tied back to the politicians. They enrich themselves, would pay for play schemes, but they are. On power themselves, by instituting these policies under the guidance, under the trees were the guise of helping the little guy tickler races or classes of people that are elevated by the culture at the expense of the whole of the people in the general, in good, as required by the social compact. in all these examples. It's not the ruling oligarchs, inherently care more about black people, illegal aliens, foreign workers, the poor or any other key about which it is easy to virtue signal. Instead, they built rigged system in which they Empowered by promoting or elevating the plight of those celebrated classes, Over the whole of the people, if they lost By doing so, for example, of illegal aliens for conservative, we would see the Said policies emanating from their citadels.
Article: seven of the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights, which was read By John Adams, States government has instituted for the common good for the protection, safety, prosperity and happiness of the people and not for the profit a private interest of any one man, family or class of men, We witnessed this week in the stock market and why we're only intensify in the coming weeks. Is the inevitable and gave a system that arbitrary picks winners and losers and uses the boot of government culture. The economy to confront them. So called losers, whether checkmate- One way street Get in at every turn. The losers will revolt as it states The next passage of Massachusetts Bill of Rights, therefore the p Bore alone have an incontestable incontestable unalienable. in the feasible right to institute government and
form, alter or totally changed the same when their property protection, prosperity and fifty and happiness requirement. He's my reading, I'm reading with one eye- and I mean it. Not wanting to lean on your shoulder, but is there a difficult cause, I left eyes very blurry than anyway it's powerful peace by Daniel Horwitz when he's quite right, he's quite right. You know this democratic party. other than it at its very beginning, shortly thereafter, is never bought into the american system. and some of the most violent and hateful and destructive forces. The history of our country. Have found a home in a safe haven in the Democratic Party has
talked about before whether its. slavery in the confederacy, there was I. If I were one and only one party, the Democratic Party. where there was a years of sacred segregation following the end of the civil war and the clan segregation Jim Crow. There's only one party, the Derek party, no matter how they transmit it. it is we jump to today. The efforts to eviscerate our constitutional system, mothered separation of powers weathered the court's whether take president issuing fields like he's a dictator, whether it this Congress under the Democrats, with the smallest of majorities trend.
forever changing our constitutional system and two and two forever empower them in their party through changing the voting system? Democratic party has been a very abolishing force now you're the point, the sum Democrats and our periods in our history, which not true. that nothing is a hundred percent, but Eighty per cent is bad enough. we're going through another one of these cycles. Here the dinner Our party does not support free speech. The democratic party Not support private property rights, the Democratic party does not what a clock colorblind society, the demo A party does not support treating individuals as individual human beings. It's the a party that incite hatred and jealousies among people based on their race, Addison
Physical appearances, based on there, Income and wealth. Based on their religious beliefs based on their sex, based on preferences and supports the Democratic Party that takes a diverse nation and turns the diversity against the people. and this is what demagogues do in their support by demagogues and the media who are propagandists. former Democrats. In various high positions are served for people in various high positions who go back and forth. Tween those positions and in the media and even worse, their bosses. With its Jeff occur with People at these other entities and so forth, there also A crowd. Seraphs also left is, in fact, just me Honest really the only broadcast company. That is led by her
core leftwing Democrats is Fox far. As I know. With a handful of others, And that's why they seek to destroy Fox. And so you now have a marriage, a big tech, big media. big education big Hollywood and big government. The Democrats. they have devoured these various instrumentality of our civil society in these various institutions and those which they have not devoured. They intend to crush and that's why they read it revolution is I've kind. It is so important whether Charles gas Bruno gets here not I dont, really care. That's why this is so important. and that's why all these efforts and movements? I talked about this the other day whether The tea party movement of a decade ago, or lead
the Reagan revolution. These are all efforts. The Trump revolution it pushing back This juggernaut, This is why we promote and defend parlor partners, not right wing site, it say neutral platform. But for the left in the media and in these high Tucker entities and so forth. If you're not with them, then you must be characterized more more, the point character assassinated. You must be defined by them and you must be smeared that I play the audio early on in the programme. I know it's depressing, but it's a fact. You have. The democratic party members should meet members of the Democratic Party, the demo media now Very very hard. to redefine trumps ports, but even more than when you,
them. Talk about white. This had white that and white. This too define shit, five percent of the country. No man can end up well chemist producer, that can end up well at all. Take no responsibility. These corporate entities they took no response for policing the people who are on tv or who are writing and sober. They agree with them that the crab party is no self restraint whatsoever. The things that come out of the mouths of these peoples, unbelievable and their tactics are fascistic. It's just the case. It's the way it is
right back then Kelly etched in Pennsylvania. The mark Levant, how you. Mark how are you tonight, ok, thank you.
I'm calling as a follow up from last night conversation with Doktor Alain Healy, all with a goal to expose figuratively doktor reach would being whose Pennsylvania's help Secretary and she also check all the intersection of boxes to be nominated as Biden Assistant, help secretary and is essentially on flight to be responsible in part or in whole for his pandemic response, and she has thoroughly wrecked hours. On March Eighteenth one week before Cuomo Nemo Direct encoded, positive patients, nursing homes and long term care facilities. She penned a memo titled the interim guidance for nursing home facilities during covert nineteen, and it was released basically giving. Same directive, you don't like us, have one week before Cuomo on at this point. She had her mother moved long term care facility into a hotel in Pennsylvania
and you can see where her priorities are? She is also issued guidance to us for our behaviour, at quote. Sex parties she didn't referred to Them- is that, but I'm keeping clean for the radio. Ah sir she's now been callin me for we run out of time. Yes, she's, a cook she's a levelling cook. and Bind chooses her to be assistant secretary in charge of this entire area for the federal government. I have, and I have had the memo you're talking about you're right, it's March, eighteen, twenty twenty in here. What it says. guidance nursing facilities during covert nineteen. The department of Health has, Sheep questions for nursing care facilities, associations and constituents regarding the practices and nursing homes related to cope with nineteen Visitation and so forth restriction visitors, effective immediate, with the exception for compassionate care, such as during end of life situations, restrict
Our tears non essential health care person on other personnel that do not could the following, and I have a list restrict cross over of shoot. Where am I restrict crossover, visitation from personal care, home, sister living home, when there is evidence of community spread of covert within your county or a jail Counties nurse, Care facilities should cancel our communal activities when there's Community spread of covert within their county or adjacent counties facility should, at a minimum employment, social, distancing and dining practices and so forth. Nursing care facilities must continue to accept new admissions and receive readmissions for current residents who been charge from the hospital who are stay well to alleviate the increasing burden in the who cares settings this may include, table patients who have had the covert virus now it goes on.
that's the relevant part that I finally got to hear. As I read this, you must accept individuals release from the hospital who are able to elite. Eight the increasing burden in the acute care settings this may incur stable patients who have had come, Nineteen virus First of all,. Nobody knows exactly when this virus is overdue, that you're a nurse Of course? Not no idea and they certainly had no idea on March eighteenth of last year. Did they, of course not taking these patients? We just come at a house, but also at covert and sending them back in the nursing home, that's That says? It not absolutely. And this woman is pointed by JO by Where the hell of the republic- and this is what I want to know kelly- why
making issues out of this, can you imagine what the Democrats were being do it would be doing? I mean how was it that none of their nominees are controversial, get a nut job for the assistant attorney general for civil rights, she's, a tap a big it and racist you have this. This person here who who Cuomo light. If you will And ended she gonna fly through too. I mean you, ve got All kinds of of of of individuals who are not only unqualified by background but unqualified by what their acts. Activities have them Chopin she's going down a bucket list, you know based on identity. Politics, for the most part, we'll Kelly. I want to thank you,
Kelly was has worked with, but she had no say, as I understand it, but in any event will be right back from the West would one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative members, strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now run casting a mermaid underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader Erika Mark Levant. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one so the need the totalitarian mindset has taken hold. You know.
It's amazing that this? this virus that I do. Came from a lab and war on China, which is Exactly why the communist Chinese wouldn't let us there came from some marketplace. Why would they give them. Amazing, what the left, the media, the bureaucracy of all, been able to do this The last twelve months, it's shocking, really. And here's Joe Biden outside the White House today on the so called covered relief plan, which most of the money has nothing to do a covert relief another. what a trillion dollars to the schools for what nobody knows. Mass appear to the teachers in it. fifteen dollar minimum wage little MRS struggling and people say, will iron that I deserve that way. You can lose your job. and all kinds of
social engineering in all this. It's just its its appalling in here binding outside the White House today had Tipp to our friends at rumble, cut twelve go Start popping covid relief through budget reconciliation, our support removed with support from Republicans if we can get it for the cloverleaf pasta, fast, there's, no, if ands or buts. It's another word, I support getting Lee support the Republicans, but I dont get the support of the Republicans. I will impose it because I'm a king. And the Democrats will make it possible through reconciliation. Again, I want to explain this. To put it in its simplest terms, the house has to come up with a budget for a bill. and it has to come up with a budget or a bill. They do get out. First, in the Senate in the house. This way,
supposed to work. Then they go to it. Going Committee, the joint maybe dukes it out. Then they come up with a plan d that's the Republicans in the House and the Senate. and they determine that when they come up with that. That. That is something that cannot will not be filibuster. so a binding. The Democrats and Schuman Pelosi saying great skip all the rest of it, we'll just Our bill, a reconciliation bill, we'll take a ride to the Senate. and a vote on it. Majority vote will have come on Harris sitting in the chair? and there's not a damn thing. The Republicans can do about so they choose They lie, and this is who they are. This is what they do these are. not our people. These are not our people.
There also incompetence utterly incompetent. This gin, Saki at the White House today can ask a question, On troops and the vaccination centres. Listen, there's a basic question: cut thirteen go regressive, active in truth, vaccinations, eyes, wanta get stood up across the fabric of the White House of work. I request did ask our team about their seat. You are someone else after this the other day, something on a chair sir, your patients lots to say about cove. It no doubt about it so no. stop there. Can you imagine. If cayley Our Sarah
other press sectors, the when the press sectors, if they had done, I highly, would be marked all Television this evening, all over the newspapers can you imagine no, of course, not. Made it keep rolling through, we have a special guest, my when doubt will be on at eight thirty, with there too Due to him happened, I actually like us pillar, I actually uses pillar I'm going with you. the advertisers on the showed us he must reduce, but I, like his pillow. Let's keep rolling through. We have Laura Unger, whose Lara Unger former as he's The commissioner on CNBC today. You see now big government, big tech, big Street are all turning their guns on these millennials and others. Read it and so forth, who dared to party so Paden capitalists who dared to take on these billionaires, and I
Lot I applaud these young people. I applaud what they did. The system is now responding. Facebook twitter and the others. Shutting down the ability, Of these individuals to communicate with each other their further, dissipate in the capitalist system. I am telling you as long as it takes me behind his microphone. These damn big tech companies need to be destroyed. Margaret Capitalist. Yes, I'm a free market, capless lay or not parlour was the last line. For me. I have no money in parlor at no investment in parlour. I want the parlor because it was an open site. They dont collect your data. they don't they dont censored people they don't. You know, put the scarlet letters on their far. None of that stuff and I'll be damned if Zuckerberg and that bizarre
Twitter and the rest of these clowns. To control my speech for your speech and steal our data and use it for whatever they want. So now the system's. Turning against them. Did you hear Elizabeth Warren Elizabeth warrants attacking them? She wants an investigation of read it. And this is important for people to understand when I say young people I mean you know, teenager people into their thirties, even low forties, You need to understand who the tyrants are and who the tyrants or not bittorrent see what she's done she's? Turning on you. all these former Obama and Clinton officials they're. Turning on you there you investigated, because they get their money and what have? I said from day one that now others are regurgitating the Democrat Party, its power, because when you look at these regimes that are not,
smaller republican or smart, small de democratic. It is the party that comes first. In communist China, it's the Communist Party in Cuba, It's the communist party. The party is substituted for the country. and here is Laura under former Assisi, commissioner, on CNBC today hacked Cypriot, clear politics cut. Sixteen, go it really allotted Ashton about the integrity of the market rate and a really kind of everybody scratching their heads over this. What watch it? What what is the right thing to do to control this or stop this? Not unlike what we saw in January six, that the capital rate, if you don't worry six that the capital, what the hell does that have to do with what took place on read it. This is another lesson for those of you may invited voted for binding and hated trump.
now being thrown in with the militants who attacked the capital Billy. Because this is what they do. smear you they characters. Has they don't even know who you are. Over, read it or these other places where you are We taught Wall Street a good, strong lesson and kick them in the ass and I'm telling you now being treated like your corner mastic terrorists, enemy combatants, and the other phrases they use to lie in character, assassinate individuals who have never take arms to do a damn thing to anybody. That's this from the top. It's very important lesson for people who think when their voting for Democrats that their voting the visual liberty, their voting for more freedom, their voting for sanity, there, no you're, not you're running for this cut. Sixteen go.
Really puts a lot of questions about the integrity of the market right that really kind of everybody scratching their heads over this. What watch it What? What is the right thing to do to control this or stop this? Not unlike what what's the right thing to do to stop you, people see who took on the hedge funds. We're very comfortable with our hedge funds. Friends, even though, were leftists and NEO Marxist Paid well, we defend them. This is our, and this is what we do. We report on them were very trouble with them. but we're not comfortable with those who you know who would dare to challenge them and actually engage capitalism go ahead. It happened right. If you don't have the police in there at the right time, things go a little crazy and that's kind of feels like what's happening with this much different. Much lesser degree, its financial harm, not personal bodily harm, but but certainly that's the same kind of in a plan
created frenzy that that people are operating under, and these are these- trying to I'm sorry. This is quite sick. In my opinion. It's really outrageous they have poppy Harlow. I guess. They help Poppy Harlem ass. Anybody hurt a puppy Harlow. but she had CNN pop, harlow is it a sheer a he says: she's, ok,. And she has honoured guests. Jared burn steam white. How economic advice, they all talk to each other. I try to get left us on here all a dynamic and they just talk to each other. Cut seventeen go if you think, fundamentally Racism needs to change and if you do
The binding ministration plans to push fundamentally capitalism needs to change. This is the idiocy, the economic illiteracy that we have to deal with the mark, system. Capitalism always exist in one form or another?. There's nothing wrong with the market system which created the most liberty, the most Spare me the most equality, the most opportunity, the most wealth of any other ironic system? Why cause them? that system. Voluntary interactions with other human beings is a. Natural systems, the other systems are concocted, Manufacture fabricated systems to advance a political or ideological agenda. The mark system is the market system. I want this. I pay for this. I get this. I can resell that at this price to this guy there's theirs There's no there's no
political, dynamic whatsoever, which is what drives the left nuts. They want to control everything they want power, so here with Jared Bernstein, whoever they hell. That is, has to say, White House economic adviser go ahead. Firstly are blowing my mind by taking me out of this very narrow very appropriately. This very narrow things like what's happened last five minutes, which is also important, but to this big picture that so essential and in fact, at the core of the binding presidency, when he talks about building back better he's, not talking about it just getting back to where we were he's talking about dealing with structural inequities, including, of course, systemic racism that I'd stop. the least racist system is the market system. It's the least racist economic system in existence cause there's no politics. There's no government involved. In green money follows
people, regardless of their race, the least free systems and the most races systems for the systems you see in China, for instance,. Where's your Muslim, your punished, where, if your Chris your punished if you're too bad near punished not toe the line. You're punished! That's not the way the market system works. That's the way, fascistic slash! marxist countries, work. That's number one number two structural inequities. What structural inequities exist in the freest economic system on the face of the earth you have apps. mobility. Why do you think people come in here. Risk their lives to come here from these other countries that are born in. They don't see: structural inequities, they don't see systemic racism, they see opportunity, they say mobility.
They see, and also a man, a land of milk and honey. Unlike these clouds, but I want you to listen to this guy, listen to his NEO marxist message and understand, he's a White House, economic adviser, there's nothing! centrist about this guy raw structural inequities and system racism in the market system, talk about the earlier this week and that gets to the core of what you say. I don't think there's some sort of fundamental in o inherent problem with capital is, and I think the problem is that the structure there's not be happy. Harleigh well known. Nobody. You don't think is a structural problem, was worth. which love to know how these people live their lives? Who talk about this so matter
We don't you see structural problems in capitalism. I wonder what she I wonder and went away he buys clubs. I wonder where she lives if she has a husband or special or whatever I want. I wonder how they conduct themselves had bet. They love enjoy the lap of luxury in the capitalist system. And there she is a NEO marxist, immediate, go ahead, I think the problem is with the structure of the way this system is implemented. Now we get in two. Pseudo intellectuals The structure of the way the structure is institute. What are you trying to do, in my view, is a fan. Dance he's trying to prevent You actually learning the full extent of his. Ology, because he's a White House adviser go ahead.
In time that is, we have an economy that, in normal times, and by the way, our package is trying to get us back to better than normal times sooner than later generates unearthed. Why certain that's? Why you're firing all those people getting them having them lose jobs, killing energy sector, opening the borders widely to illegal aliens. Oh yeah yeah. They want to get us back to better times, even better than better times go ahead. They are to be found. Beer rash, shut up. You idiot, why may than playing this clip to know yeah I can with each other out there back then Amy
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a m a seed dot! U s! Look at this washed at times headline explosive ice orders agents to stop using the legal area. President Biden and Control ICE has moved to police its agents, words telling them the terms. Alien and illegal Ellie may no longer be used in any documents.
Instead, agents had been ordered to use undocumented as an undocumented man citizen, her Documented individual have a better idea, it's easier less words just say the your Democrats, pinning our borders to future democrats. Because, as I have said, what a million times Oh damn! Well, if the people, coming across the border, eventually legalised becoming citizens were voting, two thirds were Republicans Dammit It will be building ten foot wide. A hundred The tall walls and they would man them and see policy would say we crew man machine guns at their. They would man It had barbed wire everywhere. They would never allow illegal aliens in this country. They thought ultimately they'd become citizens and will vote Republican if they male in voting would help the Republicans. You think they would support it. If
thought no signature requirement would help public and you think they would support and come on now, as I said over and over again, the democratic parties, the party that once power and only power. and they want your allegiance to the Democratic Party, not to your country. When we come back, Mr Pillow, MIKE Window And I love his pillow. Probably right back AIM Act. The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More
Talk: a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M, a sea dot! U S! Liberties, voice! Mark love, fan talk with that voice. Now, eight seven, seven three! I was three eight one, one that others
a gentleman out there, who is an entrepreneur and has a company, are very familiar with and I use his pillow. I love pillar, Mr Pillar, Michael and who has now been targeted by tech, as I understand it MIKE. How are you, sir doing great mark tell everybody what's going on here. Well, you gotta go back I'll, just go. quick couple minutes. I run through here about him, but I have to go. Maybe five weeks ago now on my twitter What I since November. Fourth, I spent every waking moment in to gain due on my own about together of the election fraud. I've got no, the dollars into higher and experts in everything? Well about you about five weeks ago I seen this garden. The care of people came to me and they have something that was smoking gun. This was ETA was inside. I don't. I don't wanna go through all that again MIKE. action is what has happened to you now right right, so I put the pizza
They are my twitter and they suspended my twitter, but they didn't really suspend me I couldn't do it. My friends are all going MIKE. What does but why are you retweeting this stop and I go. What are you talking about? They were running my twitter. Then they were doing stuff you like? I will wait a minute wait a minute. You saying Twitter hijacked, your account twitter hygiene. my account I gotta hold on. Don't be a letter from Germany, Twitter and said and said you could not do this down, it's against twitter law. Aren't I went on. He stopped begin. Why? getting a letter from Germany, Twitter, not America, Twitter, I have no idea what the weirdest thing ever. It was crazy. So then this went on for about a month or both, Weeks and then, as you know, I was in knows where everything else under the sun and I'm your attacked me all these different things. Well, then, Twitter put me back up about five days ago and
cause. I was getting a hit job with boy, constant everything in my integrity. I put up a peace that one of my direct your said. Rob from my Linda recovery now would give us a nice letter to the utter of who I really am how I treat my employs all the things I do twitter, that's the only thing I put so let's slow down, I just want to walk through its like so was paid, sickly to reintroduce yourself and basically defend your character. but she was a one page sheep and what happened, Can anybody maybe one day What about the other five minutes later, they said you cannot pulses, you are done for good both men with lights out. You came finding. You don't even know exist on Twitter, up in the morning I walk out. You know that I went to bed, I posted up, went to bed. I woke up Now it's all over the news again, like all the way around the world Muddy stock took MIKE Mandela, Twitter dont show what I'm doing nominate amateur tried summit on I might hold on hold on. I want to get there, but I want to get this first, so you
were banned for life. Like a communist regime, your band for life by twitter? because you posted a short document or letter statement about yourself. It was from one of my employer Every one of your employees to show America look have a great company great But work for me and seven: they said I that's it. Did they give it explanation, might not just do it you. There was no explanation, you have been, but you have been banned for life it back if you want You call this number I mean get a hold of this year, Somethin Anna at the same time, interesting at the same time, Facebook made it they put it that day that now I can never go live on Facebook ever headed definitely coordinating their all colluding, there's no way, I'm sure there's cross pollination of names. organizations and sober, so
what are you able to do you see what they ve done? The parlor I'm told that parlor is gonna, be coming back relatively soon. I certainly hope so, but you see their during their putting entrepreneurs out of business there. Really, cost only on conservatives are trump. Supporters are even people who just to disagree with him. They want a white the map right. Will you mark. I can you know I'll survive about. You know what it's my friend I have so many of my friends elsewhere that rely on their podcast one guy, as he has twelve employees in here Two million followers any bad. This podcast they took away his followers and aunt em down two five hundred thousand in finding a shot him down Anna all because he was They are concerned, I think MIKE Linda, I think podcast is or next I think, they're going to come after the whole industry or optional, they absolutely they're, coming their job right now. Trying to destroy my business with council culture. They got boss controls out there like
they're all working together. I really do it's all part of this cancer culture coming in socialism. Communism enabled me to understand, when you say, Botz, control and rush kind of expose this years ago. They just have the means by which to make it appear that there are tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of them trying to I caught or attack a particular person or business when, in fact, it's a relative handful right. Don't know about in the summer of sixteen I didn't know what they were and I met. I had never in politics. I met the profound drop of where he was present. A matter for me. I will wait until we will gain you cannot he's gonna be the greatest President Weber. I went back to Minnesota and I did a press release and I was the media's darling that I was up to the porch reward for the baby, better business road. I did this. I did some pressure listen said, I had a meeting with Donald Trump
when John, what we talked about years, their biggest businessman, chalk, adjure potential, pr presidential car unit of account of trumpets- and it was crickets- Then it they attach came call me a razor. There were thousands of these people so for mean everything and I thought they were real. I was devastated that I thought while people hate me, then I then I found later I got these are real people. I started looking only I'd like to friendly fit no room and they happen do a lot more computerized? Well then, it happened to me again last spring when I, when I spoke from the rose and about red in the Bible and yet named back in Europe, but your families on faith and get back in the word, and I was attacked then by the Box- controls Then again, the summer when I was out with that. never got, or they are an area that come over. There came out, they attacked me am I mean. Let me ask you a question:
where are you now able to to be heard reach people able to communicate with you where work and they go to permit yeah. Well, they are, you know what I mean that go to my pillow dot com. I mean I don't really communicate with the you know the the public I'm still on the facebook, but but what I was getting up there all these these boycotts. Now All these companies that are boycotting my pillow, I tried to do you see Can I go you guys? There are not real people. These are your customers, I said during their trying to can for you, what are the names of the companies that are boycotting you now I want- what the american people now we're about, you'll be on calls. HIV Ba Ku Bc Just then are the shopping, Kelly Shop, H, Q, Crook Kroger, as they call
I mean, I don't know, there's a bunch of bunch about smaller ones that gap that Tom, so people should not. What I've been saying is if, if these corpse Patients don't respect us that we should do business with them and that the way to do it. That list of companies you just gay, we shouldn't binding from by picked out what's happening now the same thing to David Haglund ok I'll bet bout, your stock is about european stock down thirty six percent, because above they saw, but they did my Pillar and I'm goin in all night- and I tried to tell you- know a lot of these box to other fields. They said you guys what's gonna happen is said, you're gonna be the ones that lose because you're real customers are gonna, get upset What they should do, stay the hell out of politics if they're gonna get involved at all, they should just stay out of it. If they don't want to stay out of it, they want to pick the wrong side. Then our folk should not purchase from them. So that's calls, and what did you do it slowly, bed
Some beyond who else about your beyond calls AIDS, TB, aid should be there inside of Texas that one that has been in the news and they were the first ones. It said and then there's the show Each q crowded grocery There is some Kubi see a nature in nature from shopping network they laptop at they loved earlier because about the other council culture turn arms for those there's your big ones in it. But You know the one and I want people to know, and I don't believe you and advertise here and I want people know I, like your pillar, had let in fact I love your pillar, it so very, very cover, and I don't even want you to that's, not the point, I'm not doing it My point is liberty,. My point is smaller republicanism. My point point is constitutional ism and they're all under attack right now,
and they hear your voice. I met you if we become quite friendly, I met you did along interview with you on Fox. I know what a decent guy are and I can hear the strain voice. How upset you are, how shocked you are what's taking place in our country and you have every reason to feel this way and you need to know you're, not, Close to being alone, they are just go, through brutalizing people, brutalizing businesses, and we need to be got this this, this big tech oligopoly. We don't we don't like oligopoly in this country. We like market competition, Michael now again give us the my pillow site, please It's my pillow dog Tom, you get, you can use our programme I'm a cord MIKE or promo code. Lobbying of Rwanda now put it up there. You can get my book for dynamic So you get up to sixty six percent of all my bride mark. I have two twenty five hundred. please now and their worried me and they
careers and there were like one big family, but everybody has stepped up and really helped out and were really grateful. I, my friend, I want people to go ahead and get his pillow, because I'm telling you just I liked the pillow. It's not a sponsor, not advertise it. Just a friend Michael, El. Thank you, my friend, what we're, back then Amy The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a MAC believe and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC, fights
full time presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim at instead a m a seed dot? U S, look at all the tumult that's going on, because this is how the Democrats operate best. When
and people don't feel secure when people are anxious there on edge, This is when they exercise the most amount of power. just appalling, what they're doing so that Democrats in the in the media and laughed and all the rest of them that whole cabal, they don't want, engage in debate. They don't believe in republicanism, democracy or constitutional ism. They believe destroying the system. so now. We're gonna destroy the franchise. The voting system stay at home. Get about. We don't know who you are. nature, no ability to check. You flood the system votes after votes hamper. Then they ten. This is for the people want is for the Democratic Party and then, when they win no intention of consulting with the people, there is Joe Biden sign executive order. After Joe buying.
Almost like Joe Stalin just signing set. That's it. I'm gonna do this. If I can't the Republicans, I'm gonna, do it anyway, it's two important: what I need to sign this today, I'm and destroy women's sport. Some open the border working in the wall straw, the the energy industry. How does a president have the power strong entire industry. What did that? Front for crying out loud all you'd people who thought the tree Metropolis was kidding when he said he's got an fracturing he's going to attack energy. lotta your union leaders were out there telling you know no binds one of Us Biden studies, one of you now. You know what abject. Cereal liar, he is, and they are.
Now, every week in your honor American here we go.
make sure you get yourself a couple of my pillows number one. They are great. here too. We want to support companies that support us. Don't forget Sunday, a pm eastern time, there's no football watch us live like library in eleven can star Holly and made great show he came, alive. I hope you'll dvr
we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and american perch. Not all of you, patriotic Americans, God bless you get I'd sprite again, I Griffin get I Pepsi Goodnight Smoky in exile, but can I Gigi again I my little Barney and I want to say thank you and good eye to dad mom and LEO you inspired all your children and grandchildren be patriots, and I will see you on Monday. Goblet from the west. Would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2021-05-23.