« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/30/19


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, WNJO Radio Host Brian Mudd fills in . Why are antisemitism and church shootings on the rise? According to a study by Harvard University a religious upbringing is linked to better health and well-being during early adulthood. Then, a hero parishioner saved the lives of hundreds of Texas churchgoers in only six seconds by discharging his legally licensed concealed fire arm to stop the gunman in Sunday's deadly church attack. Later, anti-second amendment politicians across the the country scramble to spin the antisemitic attacks during Hanukkah and the Church shooting in Texas while still denying the effectiveness of armed congregants in houses of worship.   Afterward, the impeachment hoax continues.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented of the as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here There is a truly independent institution where learning prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening I sincerely appreciation to hills down by their sponsorship. He's here now run casting a monopoly underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under breakin steel of a non. This script filtering. We have once again made contact with our leader, then open hearted people will people were here
Something like this happen destroys my heart. When I say destroys it destroys it because there is able, in these six seconds six seconds. That actually rather be talking about eight seconds, the documentary, the movie- nineties about lane frost? That was a sad story to but much better one. Ultimately, We're going about six seconds, that was the Time from the first shot being fired at the West Freeway Church of Christ in Texas yesterday and the final shot six seconds three. For that now. I hope you had a very merry Christmas and a happy Hanukkah obvious
evil is alive and well, and there is an effort to try to keep you from having a merry Christmas and a happy hanukkah. We are here on the back of the eighth anti semitic attack in New York alone during the month of December Saturday. And on back of yet another attack on Christians and the church, and so the question becomes why, None of this is new anti, Semitism, that's our new attacks against Christianity, as I know, machetes are no guns, are no health issues are now. So why do we have the escalation of violence once really going on here but I am brain mud
I hope the morning rushed up. You Jane no in West Palm Beach, by my Jody Loyalty in Miami it. Always in honour and a pleasure bean with you guessed hosting. For the great one more comment: And as I broadcast to do, broadcast from West Palm Beach mere miles away from the president's new primary residents when he's not had sixteen hundred Pennsylvania as he's on what many very wise new Yorkers have done and continue to do, and that is to plead the disaster. That is New York income to our wonder, therefore, in the only thing that we ask as you flee tax states and come here, do forces that you low profile. Actions like President tromp toes that have created they wonder gotta me. We have informed the lack of income acts and all the goodness that is here. So what's the requirement.
We are going to get into the impeachment hopes I got the latest on it. We're gonna talk about the premise of the impeachment hoax. There are a whole lot on that later on, in the show. I didn't want to start here because there is may teachable moments in the two most recent attacks. Teachable moments they get in to issue that have nothing to do with. The premise of these problems are just It was the questions why. Do you always hear me talk about the premise we got to establish the premise of any particular situation. About there? Being two sides must always wants our backs we're all entitled to our opinions There are only one set of facts and we gotta get those straight. We ll make sure we're operating on a sound premise and once we are Boom go away with whatever your particular opinion is this the United States of America you're free to do so. The problem is we reject the premise so often
false one, is embraced by your godless souls and slender news. Media. And its advanced, often by an education establishment, this more interested in their own Article agenda, then they are the truth in it. The end result might be something like what we saw. During a Hanukkah celebration Saturday, night in New York or at a church service after Christmas in Texas. It's not the first time I mentioned this even on the show, but it's worth repeating right now,. As we look for answer. I never want to just embrace that certain naturally something. This is totally different without understanding why it's different so again, Anti Semitism is a if attack against Christianity, not new
of guns or new of mental health issues are new of machetes, even our now. Why is it? Though we are seeing these problem, why is it that we have the escalation of these issues now? One of these greatest pieces of research. I've ever seen, that deals with one of the issues we discuss. Pertaining, to increase in violence, and What's wrong on mental health issues it. Actually from a Harvard studying, and it was just last year. It was a September story from last year that it brought you that I called faith and proves mental health outcomes, and it's pretty straightforward Harvard took away at mental health issues, because it is true that we have seen a dramatic escalation and mental health issues and as we take a look at mental health issues in the escalation. What is that I'm period well in their study
What we ve seen as that, starting with the eightys we. A dramatic and steady rise and people reported mental health issues as we saw a wise and people with mental health issues, including younger ages, We are also seeing a corresponding increase in violence most notable first indication that there was a bigger shoe. Those getting ready to drop was combine and ninety nine. When we take a look at what happened there now taking a look at of the specific attacks and events that have happened at that point, incense. There's something else. We saw corresponding the fine and those who believe in God and. Can walk it right back to the nineteen eighties. You can merely draw a straight line in this Harvard research,
that showed an increase in mental health issues with the this body decline in those who said they believe in God coincidence, maybe but then maybe not because once again and his harboured study. What was the Navy means that we see that those who believe, in God believed in something greater thin themselves. Guess what, by the age of twenty those raised with a religious affiliation in this country. Average. Being eighteen percent happier thirty, set more likely to help others and thirty three percent likely to engage in substance abuse once more and again this is a Harvard study- is that to fear Bass were those who prey daily now towards having faith and being waged on it in
incapacity provide significant benefit, but the closer one is to their faith. The more likely they are to be happier to be willing to help others not to engage in substance, abuse and obviously not to engage in violence. Okay, so now. Got to straight lines that can connect these thoughts, but what's one other thing that took place starting in the nineteen eighties. Well you take over the effort to remove any more should have gone faith from our education establishments. It started in the nineteen sixties. But the report, The education, they finish the job now just coincidentally the Department of Education was created when in nineteen. Seventy nine, When do they actually go enforce nineteen eighty, something else. It's happened over the same period of time and I'd say,
of Amerika was second an average educational comes second only to Australia in nineteen. Eighty at that I'm at the creation of the Department of Education, all we ve ever done since I see a decline in education outcomes. Thank you. Department of education, lads been real world worthwhile. But it also the Department of Education saw to it now we did remove the reference of God and and any element of morality from our schools. So now you have three corresponding pieces really significant information, a timeline but all connects. And then you take a look at the generation, that's being raised to combine that attack. First, kids being raised under this new godless system created. Fire Department of Education contain,
take a look at the escalation of violence, even to be to a tax the weekend it appears as a bell Mental health issues are evident in both of the attackers and New York and in Texas, the ages, thirty cents, in forty three. Now again, what your news media is going to do is thoroughly while you mental health issues. We need more mental health, no help. But why do we have the mental health problems once again? Take A look at the information I just brought you because we have been raised. In bringing up whole generation, and now generations of people without any more compass without any believe in something greater than themselves now a dynamic that, according to Harvard Research, proves that people are significantly more happy, significantly more likely to help others and submit
less likely to engage in substance, abuse and, of course, violence. We're not going to pay any attention to that research as Gus even harboured seem you bury their own research here, because it did fit dern narrative because what's the better narrative with a better narrative. If you're leftist, is gun, control, right, gun. Control because by God willing control it was guns, and these people I may there they're gonna, be great, no problems here right so about that guy Troll gonna get into that coming up. Next, I'm Brian mud and for the great one, as we celebrate the Christmas holiday season, we often paused to consider our many blessings. Helstone college.
Jus for loyalty, as it celebrates a hundred and seventy five years of blessings. Now, since eight In forty, four hills tells how fast to its mission to provide the kind of Education is central to preserving free government and for decades they cause. Has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty variety of outreach programmes. Perhaps yours, from Primus for free every month or have taken one else. Does excellent free online courses or tended one of hills does free regional events, you know, sales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core principles, learning character, faith and freedom, without government interference. So during the season of blessings, hills Del, thank you for your partner, but extending its mission to that country, Mary Chris. Miss from eels down college and to learn more visit lobby four hills com back come that's our I iron fray, Hillsdale dot com.
This is tolerance ignorance meets, illegality This is an intolerant I'm in this country, we see anger, we see hatred exploded. But why Cuomo? Why? Why Cuomo? Why do we have all this explode intolerance, Why do we have all this hatred? Now I know what the reaction of leftist is. Are we deplore zeal himself pointed to Washington, but just one she didn't to the White House. No, that's cute, specially as a Briton, to Anti Semitism, given everything that Trump has done to connect
with Israel to connect with jewish people to help provide support to the faith, never mind the left as that seemingly ignore the fact that well his daughter and cinema happened to be jewish, oh by the way inconvenient truth. So the wine again as we try to establish the premise as to why we have an escalation in intolerance and increase dramatic increase and anti semitic attacks and attacks against Christianity. The dramatic increase in mass shootings even view. The first segment connected several doubts for you, the dots to be these. The readers digest version. If you're just joining us, we have research. Harvard my share That shows that those who are raised with faith, those who
I have gone in their lives in some capacity are far more likely to be happy far more likely to help others. And far less likely to engage in substance abuse in subsequent violence, and that's just by the age of twenty? By the way we're talking about the difference? It has at a very early age in adulthood. Now. We also have corresponding evidence that shows a dramatic rise in mental health issues, starting with young people. Going back to the nineteen eighties and continuing to rise to this day at the same time, but the department of Education come into play in nineteen? Eighty doing it, my best to ensure that God was removed from our edges Establishment. All mere coincidence is right. Coma. As we look for the real reason. The premise behind this.
I was reminded actually of what we are inclined to do. We treat symptoms. That's what the society, even aside from politics, that deciding society is often geared towards treating symptoms rather than action seeking yours an example. Add to that came to mind or in the break my wife. I actually For years, I won't say how many, but for years her entire life. As a matter of fact, until about a decade ago, she had been misdiagnosed. She had all kinds of digestive issues in various different issues. The came off of those digestive issues, shoes on multiple prescriptions December are being treated. What hadn't been diagnosis that she had syriac disease, so she didn't know that you couldn't have gluten so rapid then having all of these prescriptions to try to help her
we tolerate something that was poisoning her without our knowledge, simply understanding that hey. I can't have gluten change your life instead of a couple days and guess what you got off the prescriptions. That's what happens when you have real solutions. So, rather than the knee jerk reaction towards gun control and then Jerk reaction towards simply throwing more money and mental health issues? However, that means to somebody in particular how, but actually pretty soon a society with fewer people with mental health problems in the first place, one that serve people well, when that serve our society better, when that put it
a better quality of outcome in our schools, less violence, maybe less bowing to none of this up. His new guns, aren't new anti Semitism is a violence again Christian, not new, but the escalation of violence, Cuomo you're right that is exploding. But do you care to get to the truth or do you just simply want to deal with the symptoms, because that, for you might be good politics, because that, for you might mean gun control which again still doesn't help with the machete situation, but about that gun control. It's a funny thing and I have a story about Mexico story about Mexico. That is actually two time directly in to the attacks that we're talking about its Hell gun control in me, Sancho has led to record murders,
gun control in Mexico has led to record orders and continues to make California and other states are making their law stronger on gun control. Worse and less safe, everyday doc that come about magnetic vehicles as well, I'm right mud and for the great one part of it. You hear me about Hilda College, a lot that is rigorous, classical liberal arts curriculum about its exceptionally bright and patriotic students, one seventy five years ago, hailstones college was founded with a mission defined by four enduring purposes: learning character, faith and freedom, while many petitions have lost their way hills. Dale college maintains an unwavering commitment to learning character, faith and freedom. I've also talked about the Doktor Larry are the President of Helstone College to one of the finest
Africans, I've ever known- and he explained said these for purposes, learning character, faith and freedom remain inseparable and the activity of education at Helstone College. He says learning is difficult and takes more than talent takes hard work, which requires character. Freedom is essential for learning, but it is fragile and constantly under threat, so its principles must be set by all, for the sake of its defence and hills, deal faith and learning our integrated towards God, because he is the first authority if you ve ever wondered why I love hailstones college now, you know visit hills, Del DOT, Edi you, that's hills, Del Don T, you for more information, Hills Del College, pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen. Forty four remember: that's hills Del dot Edi you hills, they'll, do
edu ever notice how you come across somebody once in awhile that you shouldn't have messed with that smile, and you can call him at eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven increased Anti Semitism around the world and we ve all observed Christians under threat in the Middle EAST and other to the world as well. The present a trump has made a. Pillar of America's foreign policy. Religious freedom, the right of each of us to practise their faith in the way that we desire to do so, Secretary of State MIKE Palm PEO and yes, accurate in all this, coins. But again the question still remains why and it is primarily The great one market then hope you they very merry Christmas and a happy Hanukkah and unfortunately, we are discussing the attacks that that occurred Saturday, New York, Sunday morning, Texas and
talking about the premise of why were seen an escalation in violence, and so I've brought you information and research that six together from the report education, removing God in any reference of of faith, from our schools, to an increase, and mental health illness in this country to an increase in violence. All, while we have recent research, from Harvard from September of last year, the demonstrates that having a belief in God and being raised with faith leads to a much greater likelihood of one being happier more, To help others far less likely to engage in substance, abuse and subsequently violence. Now in the grand scheme of things, You think that's valuable information now
often discuss the most pro. To form a biased news. Media is omission. So many information and even Harvard themselves with a study What is really powerful. Information might make a difference in getting to some solutions, resulting perhaps in some policy changes starting in our schools, rather than an information being disseminated, discussed and seriously baited for four changes: you simply was buried buried by them, buried by news media. I just bounded digging up research by chance. I was gone I did, but if we want to get to the premise we should probably take a look at all these factors, because that is what change in our society again: Anti Semitism, not new attacks against Christianity, not new machetes, not new guns, not
and when we take a middle or physical and mental health issues or mental health, problems are not know either, but just an increase in them and it appears right now that the attackers, in both instances ever weaken, had mental health issues. So why is it just a coincidence that we have different versions of a similar thing over and over and over again in this country. Or is there something to all this information delving then a balls. I guess I'm really compelling research about how gun control leads to less safety from Mexico to California, to wherever you happen to be right. Now, talk about that come up, but first, Let's go to Gary and Harper Gonna get listening. None of you ABC Gary come to the show, go right back. You ve, surrounded me with the welcome wagon and is not them
this country, that a hundred million Americans thing in arnwood christian soldiers couldn't saw, you know, one time american men would go to church on Sundays and doubt be the thing to do. On Sundays. American men watch football. You know you watch three straight football games in your brain has to start to vegetate in Iraq, a crazy people, I'm in the Tri State Airy here they just some, the fact the cold facts are there more people in this country have like three hundred and fifty million people in the country and the more people have, unfortunately gonna more lunatics running round, but also for We will deal with them, but we would deal with them correctly. We would treat them. We would take him out of the deed out of the communities and get in treatment, a need and want to come back and come back and the ones who really need it. Treatment would stay and treatments they. They release them, they have out in the streets harassing people, it's just it's crazy. On January first hour in New York State, they pay the law, the folks back and have bail anymore. When people get around him just released them to me
I have always said this for you, guy that this this was damned hard until the hautala. This was army in industry. The destroyer Erica their enjoying it. They love neighborhood neighborhoods destroyed. There's no other to me. I we said listen. I don't care the reason why they doin it. I see that you're doin it and I see the effect and I wanted to be stop I'm not going to start trying to rationalize with people crazy and not any up on their look. It pointed out, girl? Few weeks it all up? In more inside dry, that college do in a beautiful girl who was murdered. Right did indeed, video, you know you you're spot. I Gary, and you know something you cannot do- is try to rationalize the inherently irrational speaking of violent relay situations inexact I'll use? Because inevitably, if you have a hypothetical situation that lines up somewhat with this example, you have a husband with the family and he kills his wife, but he also killed
his kids, inevitable you'll come across somebody who will say he killed his wife, but how Could he kill his kids as though some are another international that the oft his wife but the kids I mean we draw the line somewhere right and dead. Those kind of speaks of a greater issue. Here again, we got a false premise: in a lot of aspects of life in one of the important aspects conversation is in some. We that is, If you give your laptop eat you believe AIDS can solve everything for everybody. I'm not I d, not an idealist, I go where the information takes me and two sides the stories one set. This is Erica Research and, as I connected between all the research in the information is available. It tells a story As I have been more than happy to illustrate over the course of time, you could be an atheist and you benefit from it. Tenants of those around you having faith. Why? Because or more likely to do good things
It leads to a better society a match. Always been one of my grades. Frustrations with atheists, its Nine states of America you're free. If you want to build even anything you ever, I not to but why you would go out of your way to try to take something It is instilling positive values and go outcomes and other people's lives. Just because you have your own situation, you're dealing with That to me is a year is a whole other issue that should be dealt with. Let's go to Jeff in Dallas Jeff GO Brian thanks so much for taking my call. You know, I agree with everything that your thing, but there is another factor, but I dont think we're looking at and that is the structure of the family. If you go back to my sixty nine, when no faulty wars came up the place, the Wars man divorce. For any reason, for no reason you started destroying families. We do not acknowledge what's taking place in the world
of our children and our grandchildren, when the two people that they love subject that most all of a sudden say we're. Not. Stick together for EU vessels. Up a bit I mean Every study has shown that there is correlation between divorce and what happens in society, whether it be children dropping out of school, committing crimes weathered unwanted pregnancies, what if every single social reality is worth. And why isn't that the case that that should be the case even in the old testament talks about you know the worth of violence, the sea. Violence between Apparently the horse and the purple kidding what the ceiling we have got to get back to the issue of the necessity of them integrity and family structure. In addition, everything else, but we ve got to talk about fair and his family were losing it now, you you're absolutely right, and nowhere is it more evident what you're talking about the breaking down of the family unit and so the negative outcomes than in a black families, specifically
you can draw straight lines if you go into that research behind the divorce a single family, single mothers and outcomes there in terms of poverty in everything else. So yes, very good point: let's go to Joey in Manhattan, Joey welcome to the shop Brian thanks for having me on. I just want to talk about the actual research you bring up from the harbor Research and
I guess I did find a. Where can you talk about a correlation and I feel like you're, trying to show accommodation, the research I talked very much about religion and the effect it has. Some people have been it than the directive that has under their life and dies or religious we're gonna happen to agree very much that it does have a very benefit that Bennett effect, but from there you kind of keep like insinuating that this lack of happiness. You know why we're seeing the uptake and mental illness, but I think that the very big job. I met you, people war by polar or skip the frantic who might be religious people that haven't actual disease, had nothing to do with their religion or they're happy sure. So I think that there's you know in your argument is a little bit of my god. I got a jump there, actual jumped at the moment?
still? We are coming from Joey and I appreciate the opportunity to further illustrate the point if I were to just take one, he's of information and go from point a to z. I would think that your point: is a hundred percent on the money, and I would not be doing my job, but it's not that's where I go a step further because I'm trying to get to the premise and are trying to find information. It helps me illustrate a particular points. That's what hacks out there do and many of your folks in and the God whistles and slender news media. When I then information? And I, Yet what we ve seen with the outcomes When we have this thing, it harbours okay, so you're far likely to be happier you're far more likely Others you're far less likely to engage in substance, abuse, you're, far less likely to engage in violence, if you believe in God, whatever you're I have gone happens to, and then I too, look ok, we'll let where I next
My research happen to be those who believe in some kind of some kind of aid. We have research from the Pew Research Centre and from galloped go back decades on this stuff, and you can take a look in there's about a twenty percent increase and those who believe in nothing where we were about the time the Department of Education insured, that God was removed from our schools Then we also see a negative outcome in the car, We see over the same period of time you have not only an increase in mental health issues, but we also have a decrease in out in the classroom. You got all these different data points that end up old. Pointing in the exact same direct at some point. You have to sit there and go. How much of this is a coincidence now. Is that a panacea? Absolutely not. Again we have had violence. We have had people that have acted out that have killed others
have engaged in mass attacks, but it used to be the rarity now its becoming more commonplace. Why is it one, again that with mental health issues, not being no with guns, not be no with machetes. The army, whatever to none of this, is no not but the escalation in the way that people act out. That is, and perhaps the lack of a moral compass is a big problem. And perhaps the effort to remove God in any type of moral compass from anybody as early as possible in this country- maybe that has something to do with it. As when you take a look at all these different things, you'd have to, really try hard to try to explain away all of these corn on coal coincidences. That correspond
with each other over the exact same timeline, that's how you get to the premise. And again, if we want real solutions, we should deal with this and simple Thinking about the information regarding happier society a society is more likely to help others and more likely to not engage in violence. I can we All agreed that that's a good thing. I would certainly hope, So I would certainly hope so, but for those who are pushing political agenda the answers! What now it's more gun control its just of great treat people that already have mental health issues better somehow or just make the outreach better. As though that is really dealing with the problem. Are you doing?
the symptoms, contained a conversation covered up next time by mud in for the great one march, when, as we celebrate the Christmas and holiday season, we often paused to consider our many blessings. Helstone college thanked you for long. DE as it celebrates a hundred and seventy five years of blessings. Now, since eighteen, forty four, hailstones, how fast to its mission to provide the kind of Education is central to preserving free government and for decades, the college as extent Its educational mission on behalf of liberty, variety of outreach programmes. Perhaps you were from Primus for free every month or have taken. One of hills does so when free online courses or of attending. Of hills does free regional events. You know Deals refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows that college the focus on promoting its core principles, learning character, faith and freedom without government into
parents, so during the season of blessings, Hills Del. Thank you for your partner but extending its mission to that country, Mary Chris miss from ills down college and to learn more visit, Levine from Helstone back? Come? That's our av iron fray helstone about. There will more weary mental health in trying to address people that have problems and try to identify and before the deuce. Yes, that's true, but is it possible, however, prevent every possible? Isn't it? I don't think anybody can do that. Is Texas Attorney General can Paxton, and, Then what you here is what was just express their. The best we can do is try to manage the problems we ve already got. Ok fine, manage the problems we ve already got, but how about actually trying to reduce the problems in the first place? That's what
conversation needs to be taking place and again we have a road map Now the inconvenient truth. Is they road map based upon react? brigade, Gated research would seem to suggest that hey you know if we have a belief in God, if we believe in something greater than ourselves. We have better outcomes, I mean praising us right and yet what we do in this country. We continue to allow leftist. We continue To allow our God resources since lenders, news media, we can can you to allow our education establishment to go the other way. I mean to the point where many people are afraid express their faith in public in anyway,. By the way my twitter handle Brian, but radio you may follow me there. You actually see a message that is somewhat related. Wins And when you look me up in follow me on Twitter. Now,
go to LA in Pennsylvania, Thatcher. Welcome to the show, hi. How are you thank you for having me. It's not me very interested to hear from you, so you got a message from Russia. So I m here from Russia from Communist socially. But let's put this way you ESA, bar is United Socialist Soviet Republic, so its socialist, let's just knock that out which religion not allowed your religion was communism and without guide people when we immigrate here. Actually we came here under jewish visa, even though I'm catholic, I'm a practising Catholics And
but even I actually practice the jewish jewish practices as well, because it's the old testament, but without you you create thoughtlessness, that's why people you create have. That's why people do not have respect for one another. That's why p we cannot support one another, that's why they can't love one another, because when you have a guide God equals love? you asked nailed on something Andy, it's an instructive point. In many respects it is, an inherently human condition. To desire something greater. We all add best and sometimes at our worst, want to be part of something greater an understanding of something that's bigger.
And when you remove an element of faith of God when there is nothing that is part of that more compass, its natural to replace it with other things, to replace it with politics to replace it with climate change whenever dance, but things that are, based on a false premise and that easily can get you off the rails. Boss and could be a contributing factor and talk about gun control and it's actually leading to more violence, I'm Brian Mud and for everyone mortal them from the west. One podcast network
he's here now run casting coming under ground than any other than the bows of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel of a non described filling. We once again made contact with our lead at my investigation, twelve gauge strawberry shaggy would double a bug in it, which is what you get in. It then yo it could have been a whole lot worse, Jack, Wilson! the man who less six seconds after a first shot was fired and Texas Church fired the last shot one shot from about fifty feet away that ended up taking them. The attacker someone who isn't american hero in like any euro. Since there is no hero and then
also illustrates a really good point. It could have been a whole out worse. Let's say that church had been a gun free zone, say that Jack had been there and ready. We don't know how that story ends, but ass Jack put, it could have been a whole lot worse, any that, if inside of four seconds you already had to people who died, The situation was going to be a lot worse There is a moral to this particular story and I'm Brian Mud and for the great Mark Levin Hosting morning rushed at Eugene OWN West Palm Beach, the brain macho Debbie loyalty in Miami an idiot. Always in honour and a pleasure to be guessed hosting. The great one Markel then- and I love you, with you you're in absolutely amazing audience. You hear me talk about be print.
There being too sciences stories, and once I d facts, the most pervasive former by his news media being omission, and so all that in mine. I talked a lot about mental health issues in the first hour and often indeed trying to treat, symptoms, rather than reduce mental health problems in the first place, we wind it. Into the gun control argument, thinking about this situation, the Texas church. Yesterday, I was thinking about what might happen if we had done free zones- and I was thinking about an attack that happened earlier this month naval patient, Pensacola probably heard about it, so we had as port eighty Sally Training programme terrorists, terrorist participating with our name training that ended up concocting pot and carrying out an islamic terror attack.
At naval, your station Pensacola, no one, the things that you might not have heard you really were paying close attention to the story you might have, but you would have had to have looked for because certainly your news media. They go out of its way to bring this information. You know that one thing, above all else that was requested by those serving and Naval Aerostation Pensacola was, after that attack to be armed men. First, you I've been thinking when you talking about these are professionally trained. Military heroes- and these are the votes you protect us from the bad guys, Aerial Corsica Bit. No, it's a gun, Fraser Gun, freezer. Enable your station been goin on men, military bases all across our country?. They just want to be a body to defend themselves, because Maybe that story would have indifferent, and maybe we were The blossom, anti american heroes that day had said
buddy simply been able to eliminate the threat, the way that say Jack Wilson Debt, but even that pc culture that has permeated our military. Guns rolling, we have a gun, free zone, the networks, so huh tell bring up peace or research, that at first might not, makes sense in the context of this conversation, but I will quickly bring it back around the story about Mexico. Certainly that spin part of this conversation in escalate, and violence with drugs with many differ. Things have been issues throughout the course twenty nineteen mexican gun control. That's something you never you're, really discussed right. Last time, you heard mexican gun control policy being discussed, but there's a reason for it, Mexican gun control has led to record murders and Mexico. So there is quite litter
only one gun store in Mexico: it's an army, operated Store Mexico City, but doesn't sell any other caliber other than a twenty two icy got it one gun store in all Mexico. In all these old twenty two's. Real and hold on, you got all this while it's all the time and now mean in height, Oberon and even automatic weapons. Only twenty two yeah, that's right. There's a reason: there's only this one gun store in Mexico, the habits of Mexico City, because the Mexican government makes it nearly impossible in firearms legally in the country, the paperwork, its extensive, the process it takes months to complete and theirs
no guarantee of an outcome and even, if approved, while you ve gotta travel to Mexico City to purchase items. To that by the way is priced in a way that also cost prohibitive for most buckskin families, and so the net result is that only one per cent of Mexicans legally pissed so firearm, ok, per cent in all they legally possess, is the twenty two. Now, if you aren't, we, own guns, equal, less violence in safer communities. Mexico would be one. The safest countries in the world is exponential. Safer than the United States right? especially when they only guns, are lower caliber guns. No. Why is it you never hear any those being discussed in our godless sources? Letters, news, media, why
Is it that you never hear this discussed by leftist in the United States just over thirty per of adults legally on a firearm. That's a literally thirty two the ownership raided Mexico and eighty four percent of the guns legally purchased or a higher caliber than a twenty two. So what France, murder rate occurred average of ninety murders per day. Heard in Mexico this year. What's the average United States for our population, much higher forty six martyrs per day came the mexican population is a hundred and thirty million. U S. Population three hundred and twenty eight million, put another way, your greater than five hundred percent more. Like
really to be murdered in Mexico than in the United States, where the legal gun ownership rate is thirty times higher, with much higher caliber guns. For every one who espouse the narrative that guns rather than people. The problem explained this one now the escalation of violence in Mexico, Threec crisis level, not only has the murder rate reached record levels cartel, briefly outgun demon the government forces right on things like recover. Our top boots on later securing a police officer responsible for the arrest you have so many, One forced government officials, better intent. Added to stand in the way these cartels we just saw once our I got involved with the attack of the? U top Emily That was a government official that was involved allegedly in that attack because, again,
their defenceless against cartels? So, where is the truth? Guns equal, more viable, tried, more debts now. When you take a look at the situation in Mexico, and you take a look at the facts in this country, even with the escalation of violence that we're dealing with shouldn't, we have a conversation about gun control in what has been done when it's been carried out to extremes in North America know us takes me to this one? Twenty thousand nineteen record. Mass killings illustrate gun, control, failures, speaking, it just doesn't work and I'm talking about gun control, Mexico
pretty brought example right, but it's not just Mexico, Now we can make this as complicated of conversations we want to, and you have a bunch of people who try most often in the name of political and emotional interest over any type of pragmatism. In reality,. But it should be that way doesn't need to be complicated, remember automatic! Not semi automatic, matic guns, were illegal the United States until the ninety natives If that were the case, why is it not didn't have much bigger problems back them. Now again, you gonna take everything. Contacts, the information I shared with you first hour, the show the rise in mental health issues and the connection between a lack of belief in an escalation in mental health issues and violence
I mean take this information on gun control. First question: I was happier people just a gun. Control gun to drop. Okay, if you have He's bent on killing people in you can troll guns, you don't have a problem anymore. I'm Amy, I guess people find alternate options like the machete, for example New York. This wicked, but whatever happens to be we're still not dealing with the issues so a bit more about gun control. Psychological what's been happening in the United States. We progressively the progressive. Still, what pass stricter in strict or gun control so I pointed out the Mexico's gun laws are among the most restrictive in the world to pray, ass to legally possess? It takes months. One per cent of Mexicans illegally on a gun and already on twenty two and yet tens of thousands.
And murdered annually I illegally on firearms and honest Mexicans, are rendered essentially defenceless. When you take a look at the gun control. The way its point out in the United States is spent, in twenty nineteen we very similar things and I'm and bring you information that hits home next I'm Brian Mud in for the great one, more ban I consider myself a hero at all, that's what I was trying to do and Jack Wilson spoken like a hero, man who put an end to the threat in the Texas church. Yesterday and he was able to put it into that threat because he had
his weapon on him and he was trained and he was ready and when we talk about guns and gun control and the arguments that led to so many of the problems that we can illustrate with numerous points in our society, they dont address why somebody would pick up a gun to try to cause harm to others in the first place, rather in dealing with that from just simply dealing with the inanimate objects. But cant do anything unless somebody operates at one of the things that we want, my past results. We have evidence of what gun control in North America does at a very extreme level. He wants it Mexico, because you have to speed up just join us the information I share in the four segment this hour Is but one gun store Mexico Maxine
government has all kinds of red tape, makes it very difficult for anybody to be able to legally obtain one or two even afford one, and if you're able to possess legally you're, only able to purchase a twenty two, and so only one percent of Mexicans, legally own a gun and yet tins of thousands are being murdered by those using guns illegally Mexico, so it gives well and such as Mexico, people say, But this and then in whatever it's a different version of a similar thing right here at home in the United States. Now a lot of people appoint two cities like Chicago in their cases to be made, But I want to bring new information information that I just compile this weekend record, forty one mass killings have occurred in the United States in twenty nineteen, resulting in the third
the highest number of victims, two hundred and eleven. Now we talk about mass killings. There too, find as the murder of four or more people in a single attack. Now according The Giffords law listener again the Giffords laws, and these are big gun control advocates according to them, California. Currently has the strongest gun control laws in a country, okay, so well, guess which state leads the country in Mass debts, mass killings, the again yeah, it's Kelly and it's not just because California has the largest state. I always take things: to account and a relative basis. So California, there percent of the? U S population, because what twenty percent of the mass shootings in the country
having the strictest gun laws in the country. So what does that tell you. If more gun control, stricter gun was equal, safer communities why now working in California? Why is going the other way play regulating guns fix problems met cut, would be one of the safest places on the planet and California the safest state in this country, but instead we are looking at the literal opposite, submit one day, why should take a look at what's wrong with people who are killing others with guns, rather than the guns they used to kill people, and if we do, we are bound to find solutions and, above all, we do is more of a say. What are we going to get now again
for most people who get it. This is common sense. The information is new to regardless, but it makes sense is logical, get the guns, not new people. I can now knew the escalation in violence at its and I've illustrated the connection between the lack of faith, the lack of a belief in God, the education establishment, eliminating God from our schools, increase in mental health, illness report in this country and all kinds of naked other negative outcomes, including a decline in overall education outcomes So what is it going to take before? We are willing to have an honest conversation with factual information? When is it that were willing to discuss the actual premise of what's going on here?.
And if you're trying to have this conversation with a left us with somebody use making an emotional argument, there simply afraid of a gun. The first thing is someone's afraid of a gun. I don't want them handling it, but why is it that Jack Wilson, within six seconds with one shot from about fifty feet away, was only able to eliminate the thread? in that Texas Church because he had his weapon and he knew what he was doing with it. Guns. Often save lives. Talk about that coming next, along with some of your calls This is why my going into the great one Magua them, in a world of liberal potholes, these tromp full of hot comes to shuttle asphalt, marked within call him now at seven, seven, three, eight one for aid
Why one? We cannot prevent every incident, we can prevent mental illness occurring and we can prevent every crazy person for fulfilling again, but we can be prepared, like this church was We can be prepared, like this church was gun free zones. Well that works. How exactly well I certainly wouldn't have worked in this particular situation. Thanks. And quite literally a we had, some one who was imposition to deal with the threat. Ward only knows what the outcome might have been. Otherwise, we have all kinds of but in an information that gun control, is contributing to problems illustrated the point about Mexico where only one percent of the population owns a firearm legally, they can only possessed, twenty two, and yet we have record murders that are occurring in Mexico, because this just the bad guys to not to abide by the law and in this country we continue to see a raised by less,
is towards stronger and stronger gun control because by God, if we only control the guns, I mean all the problems are facts right. And so what we have seen is that, yes, California, with the strictest gun laws in the country, California, actually has a much greater chance of leading to you dying, the mass killing was one unlawfully using a firearm. So what gives there? And in fact you more of those Masculines California than any other state. So we see but again that gun control actually leads to less safety. So why are we still deal with these issues level in its want the great fault that is brought about in this conversation, embracing the false premise, one, Is it try to break through to people that are open to information? This particular topic is enforcement example. No, the one thing you can do is
to rationalize with someone who's inherently irrational. So if someone, for example, is afraid of a gun, no matter who possesses it, including some one law enforcement, for example. If ye have someone who thinks that our police should only be able to run around batons or something there. There's no point. In the conversation AIDS going nowhere If you do have someone, that's open information, the way I right to to break through the emotional argument with some pragmatism is one for as someone. What is it that you think of a police officer with a gun? Does that scare? You What will now? Because you know that their law enforcement? Why is it but when they have a gun, it doesn't scare you, but if I have a gun, Example does well what because their train or who sat on monitoring.
We said, for example, that a Jack Wilson his head to see one of the most prevail. Forms of buys a news media again, it's omission and we have ample evidence and yet to some of it in just a bit about lives being saved by defensive use of firearms. Once again, it just isn't disseminated, and so That is the bigger part. This conversation in another, the teachable moments, from the very unfortunate events that point out in New York in Texas over the weekend go to Cathy who's, been patient in Scranton, Cathy welcome to the show or how I block and warm yeah underground they wanna take away all gone. The governor North that lack of work, because there,
Gathering and gather cry in the end they should because it is fact amendment right, and they're all right. There were given your buyer creator Kathy in vain? This is another teachable moments. Another illustrate a point in a lot of people to embrace a false premise: let's for example, a you know, you you have someone who, if they were with themselves would like to abolish the second amendment, which is most of the left these days? If you really, I have them and in you keep back another argument I'll get about point. Unless someone but you do away with the second amendment. Would you you can we find very quickly who saw the truth, now one because a year often going to be met with a lie, because as they know, that's a losing argument, but you'll see level discomfort or you're here the pause in their aunt,
in their various by changing inflection. All these things that indicate near you know what they really, what The other issue at hand is even for them. Ok, well. Why Happens if there is an amendment that you care about that we do away with. Well I mean I was even now be bad. Well? What are you if you are willing to eradicate the second amendment? What's to keep you from losing other rights and what protects your ability to defend yourself. Now, let's go to Israel in New Jersey, Israel go yet Do you hit the nail right on the head of the very beginning when you pointed to the educational system and it didn't begin actually only with the Department of Education and goes back a couple of its earlier with the United States Supreme Court in a case
nineteen sixty two angle versus Vitaly. They basically destroyed the educational system, people. I think that education is just about the are, if it goes away beyond that point out here, absolutely right. Absolutely in its own right and away you, you absolutely right, gives jive what you pointed out and the weight of fixed his actually is was actually pointed out even before the damage was done. A fellow by built Milton Friedman, grading Economist World Class economist pointed to educational said: why is it top down? Why can't parents decide where defend the kids take out the best school for their kid that matches their faith, that talents the needs and that's what it that's. What needs to be done to fix this whole mess that we have in this country. It started in nineteen. Sixty two, not
They did he take out more allergy, the Supreme Court morality and they they pointed to the fact that you can't have religion and faith. The situation. So how do you have in God? We trust by the dollar bills? Have you taken The war is when you take it that would support it in exactly the right, because once you lemonade to the premise so once you're dealing with other issues, then suddenly any number of other things come into play I'll along the lines of what you mention and if you are just joining us, we're talkin about this in the first hour and Ultimately, you did have in the sixties certain that spring court ruling, the looking down the moral structure in this country are with the education establishments. Then you had the department Education really do the jobs are department of Education, great and seventy nine eighty one first year of operation began to see them systematically, ensure that you had gotten faith
system are morality removed from schools. Now we see the first generations of young people that are now adults. In some cases you know our order, adults and we continue to see the problems are escalate with mental health issues with violence and the research that I shared with you that illustrates that p. Or who have some sort of faith. Ethan, God are far more likely to be happy for less likely to engage in violence there, far more likely to help others, therefore, less likely to engage in substance abuse all very positive, men and it goes hand in hand with What we have seen change in our society? That's always the thing be if you're, what Four capitulation point: what is it that has changed and If we want answers, that's where we should be looking, let's go to Judy in Brooklyn Judy go, I Brian had taken. My call, I agree with everything had to say and to listen to the other
before you and I'm laughing? I'm going. You know you gotta, get rid of political correctness and bring in some common sense, because that was needed also begin. Brian. I wanted to say before I go into the gun peculation, you took my belief in gonna believe everything you say: But how do you explain the hate speech that come out of houses of worship like the revival of fairer cap His followers that v are in a house of worship and they just talking vile stuff and about Anti Semitism. They had just talking about the most violent lies about Jews. Like most ridiculous thing, they in and where, where the girl from freedom of speech to hate speech and that the crime and it should be, it should be, we really are, they should be denounced in something should be done about it brain. You you remind me of his stories of the now thought about in a very long time, so I stop my career in radio in Savannah an does
the city of Savannah itself wonderful place, generally wonderful people, however, there happen to be a radio station bedtime religious radioset. With almost all great people, but occasionally there would be guess that would be radical nature that would show up in this radio station. And there was one in particular that I'd caught bits and pieces This is a previously that really alarmed me. It's kind of my first experience with the fear of type of extremism being expressed in it was, shocking to me, the station with a really good people, and if, within now you know end one studio, From where I was broadcasting, this would occasionally take place guy who would come in and do a show one day a week.
And I listen one day during my breaks doing my show- and I heard the guy actually referred to me- and say that I'm the devil, and anyone who believe desire do are the devil's advocates and today there are a lot of things you you haven't thick skin in this line of work. You should you need to. And if you're gonna stick to your guns, you gotta be able to deal with it but only on my career. It was one of the first realizations of how things can and a fast in such a negative way. They have so proclaims to be a person of faith someone is reaching out to people that are seeking. An information and Randal, radicalizing people or attempting to and in this case turn them against me. So this person, who is this
each easily twice my age, probably closer during Times Madge as the main early twenties, I made a point to meet him outside. Studio when he was when his was done, because I will to see what is reaction to me would be, and he was nice. He shook my hand, said: hey, hey, you know that and I was so taken aback it in the dress it with him. I I was so. In the back, because that, for me, was other teachable moment. Here you had somebody, who is willing to go honey air call me the devil, say that people, Boy designed did listen to me The devil's advocates.
Nobody around two thousand it and that's how the game is? It's a? U go back to the church and the preacher of choice by one President Obama aren't Shakespeare was taking place in that church right now,. Was that necessarily something that was articulated outside of that setting? No it wasn't given the opportunity in interviews. Everybody associated with sound perfectly reasonable right, that's the whole thing and then, if you dare trying to enter that work, now you're being racist, now, you're being whatever else, and that the media will paint with such It is an instructor point. There is, you know, a whole other storyline that we can pick up on our with without one score too.
Brent in Richmond, Virginia Brent, go how you doin are today all good. I think you would like more common. To talk about, I love them again came out of one Virginia murderer. Were now nine point. Seven per hundred thousand governor, If you allow one Donna, Martin making men to over the next twenty, isn't that law within a set a murder rate dropped in due to research. Look at this murder rate in the Commonwealth flop, not sixty percent! That down to three point, two five hundred thousand in two thousand haven't you found its way out of Genji Opie, repeal one gonna mark and a number that murder rate of return and high ever said actually Richmond, Nobody knew the Norfolk book, I'm now back in the top murder wasted and the comedy observe governor and creating Virginia trying to get them back on the books along other laws comes, is gonna make you say that
come on. Don't cajole doesn't work, but it works. The german members, probably reduced murder rate by sixty percent. Also, when you look at the Arms are men matching metaphor, the two thousand for the next decade, mass murders, went up by four hundred to five hundred percent so happy Explain that if you download not work so we can end up. Manipulating information, however. We choose to when you're taking a look at me municipal information, specifically you're, getting a bury granular in detail in a way that isn't Nessus really going to correlate to the macro data that we have. That illustrates the points that I was making across the country. Rather than getting into the weeds and trying to explain what I mean municipality or one of local government from another, because you know you there, a number of different factors that can come into play if
uncontrolled works. The way there You allege that it does. Why is it that Mexico has twenty two's owned by people? One per cent of the mexican adults legally, owning that twenty two in tens of thousands of people being murdered? why is it that California has the strictest gun was in the country? And you are greater than sixty percent more likely to be killed by unlawful gun use in California, then anywhere, USA, too. The stories one sided backs, I'm Brian Mud in for the good one month, then
we're are seeing a growing anti Semitism is something that we all need to speak out against people of all faiths, because you know what it's a synagogue in Pittsburgh, whether it's the home of an orthodox rabbi. We all need to stand up and say it's wrong to attack, people based on on their faith ass, when already with Steve Skull Lease and as we ve been talking about the attacks over the weekend, the attack in New York, the attack in Texas, the eight different attacks that have occurred. Just in New York in December alone, anti semitic attacks the rise in escalation of violence against Christians and churches here and across the world. For that matter, the rise and mental health issues, the responding wise and gun control them that where we have seen recent and control measures. Are we enacted
We have seen an increase in violence. Comes this reminder: story that I broke out couple years ago about defence of use of guns, we'll never know how many lines were saved yesterday by Jack Wilson, when he inside of six seconds took action against the killer, but a ninety. Ninety seven, the content Justice Department found that there were in Essen one and a half million defensive uses of firearms per year. One and a half million of the United States more easily. Twenty twelve separate study. By Northwestern University in conjunction with forty state found there had risen to two and a half million two and a half million per year. Those are the untold stories and still have we done problem if we ve only dealt with a gun,
The impeachment hopes next time, Brian Mud and for the great one more comment from the west. Would one podcast network he's here now broadcasting on roaming underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader tremendous disservice to the country, she's doctors and some people think that she says you does it waiting is doing a lot of people think that a lot of people have said it failed This Nancy policy is one of things, but she is not dumb
She is highly manipulative and she has been highly successful to a point with what she's been trying to achieve this year, going to walk you through the latest on the impeachment hoax and discuss some of the false premise that went into. This entire impeachment process, because this never was about a crappy ukrainian phone call in a whistle blower who wasn't a witness to a crime, those never committed. We realise that right, ok, good. But for Nancy Policy has been about many other things. Aside from just impeachment president drop in Some of the real flaws have begun to themselves, especially over the past couple of weeks since Impeachment ACT, he was voted on in the house. I am a bribe in for the great one market then the morning rushed up Eugenio in West Palm Beach. They re much.
Debbie Loyalty in Miami. It's always an honour and a pleasure to be guessed toes for the great one market, then lobbying here with you brought gas. He just a few miles away from where L President, Hey resides actually his new primary residents, which more logo as he has officially left New York. So Ever point he is no longer a sixteen hundred Pennsylvania here we'll be primarily our right here and we are happy along with many other new Yorkers in many other people from high tech states that continued to migrate to our wonderful zero income tax state with a wonderful economy, great environment, and I say right now: what is it about? Seventy four not that I'm ready met him. Now Nancy policy sock about some of the objectives. I believe back in I described, a little bit of what Nancy pause he had done so, but the sleight of hand that have been taking place in a lot of questions
early going of the impeachment discussion before even gone to the public hearings, you hand me he pausing in September. That just publicly said all right so now, there's things formal and they're all kind, constitutional questions and potential issues with it, starting with how so that she can just come out without a vote and say that This thing is formal. Doesn't that require vote? We had? Does under the constitution. It most certainly does I Wendy get I tried to find out something was different and through a lot of pain and agony, because reading through house rules is painful, and it is bound to bring you agony, discover that sorted this congress, every single congress you have set that are voted on for the newcomers. Nancy Pelosi worked in their be ability; all of these committees that have been subpoena the information that has been calling
This is a they were all granted expire. The power to do so at that point, in other words the boats, least the argument had been sued in this decided in the courts by Nancy Policy in the House Democrats The ban is what we did vote on it. We did it in January. Just nowhere, The way I it say that this is for a formal patient inquiry at present tromp. Instead, it was expanded power. Or by all these committees in the house run by Democrats to carry out actions as though it was a formal process and then heard Come around its formal one out is so that's how we go from here to there now fast forward in this process which really going on in one of my the policies first objectives and I believe who desire was ever to impeach, present drop.
She held up a lot in harangues, we're goin quite well. We know them Many people are going back to the day that present troubles elected cutting house Democrats, we're talking about impeaching, present drop Nancy closing, wasn't there wasn't there wasn't there until she was so what change with Nancy what was happening. The first thing is it You lose those in your ranks and you're the leader, your toe strike. Now one of the. Interesting dynamics politically in this country. Over the past decade, it's been: what's happened with the political parties. If you take the Republicans one, happened, he had Republicans break off to those that were constitutional list, those. We're tired of the establishment
included. Many progressives, though, is that wanted to get back to fundamentals and the roots of conservatism and they broke off into what became the tea party, and then you had. Subsequent battles, the first battles waged in special elections in two thousand nine, with we Begins largely in the tea party being successful that carried it go to the wave election for Republicans in twenty ten, but then ten twelve there's a little bit of a move back towards the establishment, including Mitt Romney, being at the top of the ticket for Republicans and then what happened while we saw things begin to come full circle. We add John Banner thrown overboard- and we saw things really start to boil over within republican ranks the battle between the tea party
element in the establishment element of the party. Any had Donald Trump emerge and put an end to the whole thing remaking the Republican Party in his omit own image. When you take on the Democrats, I will a different version of a similar thing has been point out and for a very Long time when you had the tea party, you, so had something else that debt and began to emerge. Remember what it was. What really wasn't Bernie Sanders and those that were backing him in twenty. Sixteen that wasn't the Sign of real socialism beginning to emerge, and this country on the left also overtly. It sort with occupy Wall Street, really to emerge a very significant and very public. Why? In two thousand and seven. And that was the real beginning of the fight for the Democratic party. Now, because Obama whisper
and because he one in twenty twelve, it kept everything at bay. But then open up the twenty sixteen and cycle, and you see exactly what happened I'll socialism became streamed on the left. And who knows if he had Fair rules among the Democrats and Bernie Sanders actually would have emerged. So then, you want forward And we see what happened, we have the squad that was elected last year. You have a yo see who, earlier this year doing things like running away. For Miss recalls, greener, but also get in front of about every camera imaginable and you had the rest of the to leave, show any had the element. That would continue to really dominate the conversation. How often.
Did you see Nancy Pelosi relative to the squad? were they not dominating the conversation in democratic politics? Nancy policy have lost your carcass, so what was she to do if she was going to save her speakership. If she wasn't going to be thrown, bored, Allah, Bain or a better do something or what is it I can do to rig in power tickets. Holiday power and to get the squad back off of the cameras. Well, I can go along with impeachment So the first thing was crisis management. Do impeachment. To save your own, but to consult your own power and then figure out what you do, what you're going to do once you get there now. I believe how we got from here to there in the house but the impeachment. I believe that this about Nancy Policy in that regard, consult in power again
When was the last time you saw air sea and to leave and company out there in the camera dominating the conversation everyday. Is there any doubt that Nancy Policy once again leads house Democrats? Ok? So now what and that takes us back to the entire false premise of this impeachment pro ass in the first place, one of the fascinating elements that continues to point out as you so many people there are so comfortable with line openly because they know that their friends Doubtless souls and slender news media will not call them out on it. Remember how we had to rush through this impeachment. We had a run in and get through this impeachment process, as the President, the United States existential threat to this country. We can't wait until the next election. We can't wait another day another week. We can't do it. We got a whole
to account with Gunnar, remove him from office as quickly as possible Helen. Times was that articulated during the course of the house impeachment process. So you impeach the presently United Sates and then where's fancy with the articles of impeachment So now we sit on it in weight. If the The United States is an existential threat to this country. Why are you not re? I mean you should be not only throwing the articles of impeachment to the Senate So they can begin. The betrayal but you should be calling on no recess no holidays been observed. You should be calling on that process now to remove the president immediately right because The argument that was used in part in the house so gonna pick up on that point, and bring this thing full circle, with the false premise of the impeachment inquiry process. In the
said the big story what's going on which Is the massive. See why a job the Nancy policy is trying to do now that she's consolidated power once again with her within her own caucus, talk about that covered up decks, I'm Brian and for the great one month, then The Senate has sole responsibility for the trial and we have a responsibility to have a fair trial, and we need to hear from those who had the direct information about the President's call with the president of Ukraine about the the holding of a presidential meeting about holding up of aid, those witnesses need to be heard in the United States Senate Maryland. I've been cardan, hence I mean it's just so we need a trial, Mozilla. Well guess what then even get a trial in the Senate until Nancy Pelosi turns over the articles.
Which is why exactly no one knows one as yet over the articles of ambition to question. Right now I laid out what I believe was behind Nancy policies, very specific motivation to go along with impeachment when she did, she lost control of her party lost control for caucus Else she was no longer the power player the squad and the hardest left element on her. They were the ones dominating the conversation dominating media's attention. And so Nancy in an effort to consolidate power goes along with it. Now here we are with the impeachment we ve been sold the billow goods that we had a rush through this thing. We intend to happen quickly because we ve got the whole Donald Trump Accountable, he's a threat to this country, and so what do we do? We,
the president, that everybody goes on recess in blowsy. Maybe she gets. Maybe somebody gets round the journey over the articles of the Senate, so they can actually had the trial peanuts. It can make to step up its fascinating but again, Nancy policies a lot of things but she's, not a dumb woman. Brian. In for market then, and talk about the premise and going all the way back to February second of twenty eighteen happen do of guest house for market. Then that evening talked about what ended up being the premise of the impeachment inquiry, the issue would dump
Trot, is what he actually has been doing in what he represents. He is an existential threat to corrupt Washington officials when he talked about this one when the identifying people there were acting in their own interests. Inside of our government, rather than representing the interests, the american people. Well guess what they set up a plan right all laid out, starting within well You could say the steel dossier, but we know it went even further back than that. You take a look Yet the insurance policy, the plot those hatched out between struck and page. But then you do take a look at what happened with Christopher Steel in the dossier. The first You ve got to know about this conspiracy,
the greatest conspiracy ever carried out in american history, because again you take Benedict Arnold as one man, you take a look at Nixon time, but a few people when you're talking about what was carried out here against Donald Trump you're talking about numerous officials at the height. Levels of intelligence at the Justice Department and the State Department at doesn't just happen Imagine for a moment coming up with a conspiracy to create Angela Dossier and to fund through to a pious accord for surveillance and to come up with the entire. Tromp. Russia collusion narrative imagine how comfortable you have to be with corrupt Washington, visuals across numerous government agencies t even be able had that conversation. Could you imagine
it all it would take. Is one person in that process. One person in the chain at the state Department at the justice Depart. And the intelligence agencies. One person who goes home cow business really wrong and you're toast, but they knew they knew the various different corrupt officials in all these agencies that they could create and carry out this pot with, and so that is the real premise of the impeachment a president wrong when he represents two outing to eliminating the corrupt elements in this government, because one stuff truly hit the fan and win gendarmes report comes out with
and impelled grand jury that is there for criminal indictments once they end up becoming the forefront. Operation, the last thing you're going to be worried about is the impeachment president tromp and is the first thing that these cropped Democrats, these prompt government officials in Washington, the first you're going to be worried about that. They are right. Now talk more about that, given up I mud and for the great one mortal them if it would seem so confusing, but we'll be glad to clear that up for you calling now at eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven when you're seeing right now is, I think, Pelosi just just exposing the fact she has no case and to have one more bite at the apple there to talk about more impeachment next year about they focus on law.
Drug prices, securing our border doing on infrastructure package that they could have done in a bipartisan way, they don't want to do any of that because they become the party of impeachment Well, yeah, and that is deeps gullies, I'm Brian muddy and for the great one model of an end. If you ve ever known someone who manages in crisis, maybe therein a crisis over the short run, maybe an for laid their life is a series of them. What happens you're in crisis mode. Water. You concerned about your concerned about today right picture suddenly isn't near is important because, if you're, but is on the line to day, if your future is on the line today you manage to dealing with whatever the crisis is in front of you right now that satisfies that little
thing and then you try to figure out the rest once you get there right so TAT in Nancy, blowsy managing a crisis earlier this year lost control of her carcass squad. Dab eating, democratic politics. She looks like she is about to be baynard by her own party, because as I depicted just a bit ago, what you are seen within the Democrats, different version of a similar things. What happened with Republicans the battle between the establishment in the tea party before Donald Trump came along and put the it remained. The party you the battle between the overt social in the semi socialist these days within the democratic ranks and so Nancy on the verge of being thrown overboard, having lost
Control of the agenda, the conversation, the media, she calls and impeachment she pulls in and consolidates power Once again, that's managing the crisis. This right in front of you today, but there yet all these other crises, because the much Issue remains the reason being: seventy desperate people aside from the ignorant bed just hate the constitution, hate Americans that voted for president tromp and just whatever it is aside from that action, you have many that are terrified of what President Trump represents the man who actually series by joining this one. So one of the ways that Democrats through the conspiracy that was laid against him originally one ways they were conspiring against them to try to undermine.
Presidency by any means possible something that continues to this day If you can create an environment that is untrue, ball, for most people are thing all going to want to be part of it will probably not so for a moment if you are are going to be invited to be part of the trunk cabinet you're going to be some one. That is highly skilled. You're going to be talented, you're, going to be someone who's accomplished right. In other words, you have a lot, but you can lose so what have we seen? I mean today one tromp gets going. What happens Flynn right? I mean in just non. Stop it from that point forward systematic effort to try to take out anybody who at close to present trot and also send a message to others that hey, if do get involved with this guy is gonna happen to you to allow the phone
this just simply on Trump himself, but obviously you need all the good people around you to carry out a successful presidency, so their multiple ways in which they were working, conspiring against this president, trying to keep him from our aim: the corruption and the crimes committed against him and his country, but also trying to render him ineffectual as well, because head forbid, he's successful. I log where he has been record economy record low Annabelle. Men for every minority group in this country record incomes, record retirement accounts. Working in all the wise or exposed right, so we all that is the backdrop they Successful in the effort
That is, and has been all part of the longer term strategy by any means necessary. But undeterred, here we are and the real turning point within this administration was with William BAR when he became attorney general. Remember one of the most interesting things. Was the Jeff sessions scenario The man I affectionately referred to Mr Miguel, because he had run around the country. Gone there's a guy like in attorney general, just now really doing the job and as just sessions was coming into that post. Remember how terrified Democrats, the left were of just sessions. Remember the backlash against him being nominated to be attorney general in the first place because There are a lot of people. They had a lot to lose right. We didn't know be extended,
Piracy against Donald Trump, all the criminal action than had been taken was still undergoing in the government. The illegal surveillance has literally taking place at that moment in time against team trump, but what happened by the time? Jeff sessions I am, above all by time, Mister Mc Goo was getting. Ass, it is attorney general. Didn't you, you're the exact opposite from the same people who said oh, my gosh. Make sessions the attorney general because he rikiu himself from what remember that that itself going to be a crisis that he's going to throw sessions out. So I changed they saw that they were safe with sessions you have William BAR William BAR, who had been attorney general under George Herbert Walker Bush, been confirmed as attorney general, when Democrats control the United States Senate
one who had never been controversial and significant way. Anyone that you could really pinpoint things around his re highly record, One distinguished career now, that he's the naughty alike, and yet all my he's, you cannot get anywhere near the sky Democrats, do everything they could to try to stop his confirmation right everything they could to smear him and destroying them, and it didn't work and at that, when I mentioned William bar lotta eggs in this basket, but he's critical he's go, and I didn't think he was taken the job because he was just bored wanted to put a speed up on his old desk as attorney general. He knew what he was getting into any recognised how important it was to root out corruption, to bring justice back to the Justice Department. To root out these deep seated actors. The whole people accountable. These other
subject, goose certainly wasn't doing it and that's. When things began now other folks have been on patient And there are plenty of reasons why we have known that there has been criminal corruption stemming from when Donald Trump was running for president, that has continued and this government with some officials that are still within the government, and we only know what we know. We still don't know how extensive might be within some of the departments how probation, might be even downright, but one thing that we ended up seen throughout the course of this process. With William BAR. When the first thing and of doing was investigating right now, if you walk back to win Robert Mauler. Ended up heading up an investigation that he clearly didn't do anything with just allowed the eight
in nineteen angry demographic stumble trumpet referred to the mass to to run the show. How long did it take for that entire process deployed for what they ended up doing was illustrating that there was no rush. Inclusion is now They two years right takes on it to do this investigative work when you got so many people and so much corruption and so much on line, so here William Bars, been attorney general for under a year. These are to be impatient, but you can see that would be Horowitz report out which, despite his characterizations, does not with you any anything that hints at the corruption from the steel dossier, from the actors in the Justice Department, the State Department in the intelligence agencies, but he didn't know, to refute any of what we have come to know that Devon Nunez, enabling out
even going back to February twenty eighteen. What we are seeing with John Durham, getting ready with some Pennell Grand jury, waiting for criminal indictments. That's the real story and that's the real premise of this impeachment process. There are a lot of people, have a lot to lose Nancy Policy has been managing to the next crisis and its ease feel at times like especially, you believe the constitution, if you're supporter present trump you're losing in that typically happens, because you Wilson. Subject yourself to the God of Soles in Flanders: mainstream news media but you're not in this country's, not. President wrong turning Jarrod, William BAR begin, the job done accountability is coming. John Durham is ready in that
will be the real story of twenty twenty one. Twenty October surprises I dont know When exactly is the term is going to begin the indictments, but that is the political story of all raise the graves conspiracy been revealed in the history of the United States of America, everything we ve been talking about for a couple years coming to fruition, and that is a crisis. The Nancy policy cannot manage So when you are in crisis, moat just do what you can to the next now on. Back of all this my message to you. Having this conversation just a bit to go with the Mr Cosgrove and one of the things that year being present from doing his campaign. Expanding the map working in ways and in states that he didn't when the last time and that people said he could, when previously member, I guess we're to Michigan
in no chance of any measure right, no report, Republicans one Michigan, since eighty eight dough trough did Pennsylvania was content. Now one of the conversation about gun control in California. Earlier in the show and I want the notes received from a lesser just- saw it quickly- California, in screwed up from day one now they haven't California, amazing state I am- just talking about so you know the beauty in the resources and- and you know those that I'm talking about the people and politically I mean California, is the state that produce Ronald Reagan right better the state that was reliably conservative through the eighties begat things got away,
Yes, it's easy to throw up her hands and to give up, but that's how you lose, and in many cases you take a look at the house and howled Democrats were able to rest control. That happened with seats. Took place in California. Ear in California, do not throw up your hands. Twenty when is going to be a historic year for a number of reasons and you're going to see backlash, I feel the of which we have not seen in our lifetimes. I think there's more opportunity, now, then there has been in districts that Republicans haven't one in Lord knows how long and I think it's more important than ever- that you getting h whether its local, chance, if you think you can't win but you're inclined to run your constitution, do it do it local elections
congressional whatever it is, get involved, and do it today no need away because you're going to have a tail when times are going to change next year. It all began to make sense, and I do believe in the attorney general. I do believe in prison from an ultimately I do believe in the constitution, this country I'm, less than a year on the scent of optimism. But in this particular case I don't think this is optimism I think this is based in reality and that day of reckoning happens to coincide with our twenty twenty election cycle. I'm Brian and for the great one march waiters around the world. I understand the President Trump and his Secretary of state are focused on the missions that we have set out,
They see it. They say the noise here in Washington DC from time to time that comment in and shake their heads, but for the most part I think they recognised. We have a mission, sectaries say, might bomb pale on Impeachment Anna. Just talking about some of those themes that part of the effort has been to undermine the Trump presidency, so that he's not effective as president he, despite all efforts to try to undermine the presidency, to keep good and talented people away from him he's been able to thrive and succeed in the face of it and as comprehend so these uniform leaders they set their. They shake their heads in regardless, even if your hard core leftist there it you ve, got to know when president from says that these may easily
as they did, they think we're crazy thing. People crazy here or they do and in others truth about right meet these actually hearing that from some of these foreign leaders like these. They're trying to give out it's crazy and many of them. By the way many countries can identify a because in many parts of the world we have people that are correct, trying to undermine leaders so anyway, all ineffective in one. The single most important things. That's taking place, something that often gains the least amount of attention and asthma wrapping up. Twenty nineteen talked about the record judicial appointments under this administration Throughout the course of this year a great legacy present tromp my light likely to be the record economic growth and the record opportunity its incredibly important.
It's not likely to be a de escalation of international conflict and fewer troop deployments, though that's also critically important. It is likely to be the reshaping of the federal courts in this country, As we end twenty nineteen we ve done so with one hundred and eighty seven federal judges. That had been nominated by President Trump confirmed by the United States Senate. That includes twenty two percent, of the Supreme Court. Justice is twenty five percent of: U S, Circuit court judges and that's happened in under three years. And that leads me to send a majority leader Mcconnell his greatest legacy, not likely to be the acquittal of present tromp in an impeachment trial. Or the failure to replace the affordable, correct or the passage of the trunk tax policy that led to the record economy. It
being present from swing man, I'm reshaping the federal courts. We have already started to see the change, that's reflected in decisions just a year ago. The nine Circuit court of appeal sets. Where Democrats always win now, is there go to to try to stop down from policy most recently enrolled in favour the Trump administration? So, aside from support, Cord novelties. Few federal judges gain attention in the news media when their nominated, when their confirmed this is the greatest legacy that is being late. One greatest accomplishments of this administration by president drop and what he later Mcconnell and then about the impeachment stuff will deal with that my mother, always an honour and a pleasure been in for the gray one marked with it every night from the.
Asked. Would one podcast network,
Transcript generated on 2020-01-16.