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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/24/20


On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin. The press has provided almost no coverage of the rulings on the Trump cases, or the multiple hearings that have taken place with dozens of witnesses. They have all but ignored President Trump's speech where he laid out the facts of the irregularities, the elimination of signature matching, and postal requirements, as well as the extension of ballot deadlines other rule changes for mail-in ballots. The fraud abounds and the yet establishment media and government types say and do nothing. Then, the economist and columnist Walter E. Williams has passed away. Williams was a huge icon for liberty, the constitution, and humanity. Armed with an excellent sense of humor and superior intellect, Williams lived a graceful life and kept the company of fellow conservative intellectuals Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell. Later, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is out of control. What Pennsylvania has done at the state level affects the Electoral College. A state court cannot change or create election laws, only the PA legislature can. Republicans must stand up to this lawlessness. This cowardice must end because the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania is stepping all over the legislature. If the US Supreme Court doesn't fix this rogue state court we will have a federal Constitutional crisis. Afterward, CNN is further exposed in newly released tapes from Project Veritas revealing more of their bias. CEO Jeff Zucker even went as far as saying that Trump was a bigger threat to national security than election fraud.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Because there is a truly independent institution where learning
prized in intellectual enthusiasm, is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale, brother sponsorship, easy now Roger Hamley, underground command, the bowels of the hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script fielding we once again made contact for their leader. This is the best of my merry Christmas mark. The man are numbers, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one you know as
not forgetting the commentator from time to time or play a video and our response to it and disputed to producers, you well know From a reporter, that's my job the report of my job is to report on in this case. President said for forty five minutes in his video not to play point counterpoint. Why but the attorney general said this body's cyberspace. Guy said this and they said that and I'm trying about a report about an aim? Young lady by name a fisher I'd, think both her parents were astronauts and the first. Seven or eight minutes. When the news programme they're playing parts of what the. president said in his video and she
providing commentary and she's debating it and she's quoting the general she's, quoting the Cyber security guy he's correlated. It is shocking to me. And yet not a single syllable about all the hearings that have taken place that are not being covered, live on virtually any cable programme may be a couple. A cable channels. Not a single word, nothing about me! the cases in Pennsylvania. nothing about rulings. Judges rulings are now having hearings. Not a word It's incredible to me: now we weep
a couple of short clips. What the president said today and I'm also going to be posting the full version of the president's comments today, you know here's the thing. He deserves at minimal respect doesn't mean so people can hear what he has to say without interpretation without criticism. We already have the the credit, for that would only reporters for that, and, thank God, James O Keefe and his project ferret us. Trojan? What takes place. The CNN newsroom and I fear it is taking place at every newsroom. So I will post the full version the president's speech today. He said he, leave. It was, if not the most important one of the most important speeches then he's ever made in MR producer. For some reason, my computer cannot cannot put an capital h.
Can I put a capital h from their? So would you please fix it? For me, We're gonna go ahead of posted, and you can and you can watch yourself- you don't eat interpreters. I mean again I'm an added I'm a commentator. But I'm not a loose person. Here's part What the president said today again on posting the false statement cut six go we used to have what was called, some day Now we have election days weeks and months and lots of Things happened during this ridiculous period of time especially when you have to prove almost nothing exercise, our greatest privilege, the right to vote as president. I have no higher duty. To defend the laws and the constitution of the United States That is why I am determined to protect our election system, which
Now, under coordinated assault and siege for months, leading up to the presidential election We were warned that we should not declare a premature victory We were all repeatedly that it would take weeks if not months. determine the winter dick. The absentee ballots and to verify the results My opponent was told to stay away from the election, don't campaign we don't need you, we ve got it This election is done in fact, we're acting like they already knew what the outcome was going to be. They had it covered, and perhaps they did very sadly for our country, It was all very, very strange. Within days after the election, we witnessed an orchestrated effort to it, the winner? Even while many key states were still being counted, the traditional process must be allowed to continue. We are going
who defend the honesty of the vote, by ensuring that every legal ballot is counted that no illegal ballot is counted. It is not just about honouring the votes of sex four million Americans who voted for me about ensuring that Americans can have faith. in this election and it all future elections. while how radical how terrible he needs to cut that out to cut that out. He needs to stop. He needs to give up. This great case, going to the? U S supreme What they need to withdraw their case and just allow the violations of the constitution to continue. Our friend had Marcy. over at higher is very, very concerned that thinks maybe later we'll take the case, rule that what they Supreme court gaining Pennsylvania's unconstitutional.
but allow certifications to go on, or at least allow certification that took place to take place. I don't know what SAM Elite, although he should take up the case in the Supreme Court, should rule what was done is unconstitutional its clearly hunt constitution under the state constitution, and there is clearly a The oral question and then I hear somebody say will they didn't claim of federal question when they went to the Pennsylvania's Supreme Court, because you, claim a federal questioned the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. The fair question arises as a result of what the States Supreme Court actually did in response, to the state legislature leave the car The lotta may geniuses. Genius is on the internet, leave it that make. This is what I've done for us. Well, actually, forty years leave it to me Former federal prosecutors, the professors are really only get involved in their staff. The blogger,
their confusing people that creating static. And if the Supreme Court strikes a dam, she my prediction ones right, I'm not in the prediction, business and, of course These are tough battles. I gave it there's no evidence of widespread for fraud, I'll call it that all systemic. Now, let's call it widespread fraud. In fact, so much evidence of widespread fraud. Ladies and gentlemen, I can't even catalogue it all state to state. such a reporter on tv, gotta, be in twenties. I guess good for her could taking the president. Cherry picking, quoting what the attorney general said that so far they haven't seen evidence Server have systemic fraud or fraud that would overturn the election, Why is I'd even relevant since truth is yours, attorneys and main justice have us
secondary role in all this. When I talk to you, People were involved in the hand to hand combat that's going on in these states. Many of whom are very serious lawyers, bring in very serious cases. If had these reporters year now, regardless like cable channel, and I talk What was going on in the country- and I asked them what they thought of serious. They don't even know what I'm talking about, because they choose not to inform themselves With a smile on your face is even more Appalling. We are James, O. And CNN she and I could care less, what's going on out there country, I just which these same report is we're so smirky, and snide condescending all through the collusion nonsense, but they work there can water for that conspiracy, nuts. Presently the United States cut seven go. I want
explained a corrupt email and balloting scheme that Democrats systematically put into place. voting to be altered, especially in swing states allocate got that exactly true based on it They and any report Harold TV who'd like the call in and have a discussion, add that I am more than happy to do it because of you covered at, whereas it was happening. None of you I was Nevada or Michigan or Georgia the North Carolina weather Pennsylvania? None of you covered it, none of you ordinarily, three hundred lawsuits that were brought to change the rules and wanted Bring these law suits to change the rules because they believe. The government is, I want. get rid of signatures and signature matching Why you extend my account stop turning in New York.
Finding ballots, judges the scale justice being thrown into the river, go ahead, they just didn't know there was going to be tough because we were leading in swing state by so much far greater than they ever thought possible. While it has long been understood. The Democrat go machine engages in voter fraud, Detroit to Philadelphia, To my working Atlanta so many other places watching, this year was the Mc Grath parties, relentless Bush, do and may allow tens of millions of balance. Sent to unknown recipients with really no safeguards of any kind, this allowed fraud and abuse to occur and scale never
Before you, the pandemic as a pretext Democratic politicians and judge Is drastically changed election procedures, Joseph and in some cases weeks before the election on the third of November very rarely were legislate. Here's involved I stop, there was all true secretaries of state, changing the rules, even in Georgia, Republican, it bore, Of elections, changing the rules yet yet executor Branches changing the rules. You call changing the rules courts in Michigan courts Pennsylvania changing the rules Literally weeks before the general election, that's a fact. that I didn't hear on this report tonight. That's a fact now that not a mean, above all, to a criminal charge. By U S attorney
So they say, while that of when a justice didn't find that its matter what they found there, the first line plus Hey do a perfect example of widespread fraud in one county in Pennsylvania,. That was raised with the Department of Justice. I was raised with the: U S, attorney's office and I didn't bend a finger, go ahead. but very, very rarely and you'll see that as well Continue to file our suits its kind Statistically absent Thirdly, incorrect what took place even from a legal standpoint. listen. I how thoughtful. Precise and important President's words are in his arguments. Are.
And is exactly right: what took ice in these states is disgusting and they didn't get rid of signatures and get rid of postal dates and extend the counting time for male and voting. They did Creasy mail in voting by At times in the nation, times in Pennsylvania. They didn't do All these things. Because they wanted a clean vote. And we know it. There's another cut. I wanna play from for you from the President today in this speech we met you can see the entire speech. I've linked to it. Mark Levin Show parlor, Mark Levin, Show Twitter Mark Levin, Show Facebook, which we'll be leaving on December thirty, one. Reporting on this is so bizarre, their tracking me to see when's he gonna leave. I never said I'm leaving Twitter is Adam, leaving Facebook.
Put her hasn't done anything to me. They start Censuring me I'll leave Twitter, but Facebook is done. I'll, be right back then, as we
the Christmas season. Most of us stop that consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen, forty four coastal has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education is central to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty. For a variety of outrage programmes, perhaps you receive in Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses orbit tender, one of Helstone Free regional events. Now you know of hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference had no time and our nations history has there been a greater need for that kind of classical liberal arts education that hailstone offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season, a blessings hailstones thanks you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills, to college visit, Levine for Hills, del dot com. That's alleviate for hills to about come Levine from Helstone about com
Take this moment we will continue with the rest with the programme shortly to talk, the doktor Water Williams, Doktor Water Williams, was on this radio programme fail often over the almost twenty years I've been on radio. When I started life liberty and live in the very first show in Ray twenty eighteen, I wanted water Williams on my Shaw. Then he came down from suburban Philadelphia. I wanted to have on again what junior joy on TV, Mr Buddhist, or something like that buddy was on an oxygen machine, one of those portable auction machines that people use when they have emphasised and so We decided we wouldn't do that. I brought him on radio,
the course of the day. crap party riots in the streets. Have him comment on it, You know. When I was a young teenager, I was strictly a conservative, because I didn't like the far that much like people pushing me around. and Water Williams I'm the time would be on PBS. the belgian Freeman and so forth, as was Thomas all, but he wrote these. Four columns- and I remember, my dad and mom showing them to me. Charging me to read them We ve lost an icon. people use. I worked a lot. We lost a huge huge presence in this society for those who believe in liberty in the constitution and Many of the individual from it
back after the bottom of the hour. I want to talk with further about Water Williams before we write back as we enter the Christmas season. Most of us start to consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen, forty four coastal has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education is central to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty for a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive an Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses orbit tender, one of hailstones free regional events. Now you know of hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference at no time and our nations history has there been a greater need for that kind of classical liberal arts education that he'll still offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season of blessings hailstones. Thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills. Del college visit, Levine for Hills, delta com, that's alleviate for hills, Del Back COM, Levine from Helstone Dotcom Park. Apologia retreat of homage other constitutional list here listening to the best of the mark, Levin Show have a very merry Christmas
more on Water Williams water Williams had a terrific sense of humor. He's very easy going, but he was a fierce defender of liberty period. When he was young, he experienced a lot of racism. And he grew up in Philadelphia, West Philadelphia, the nor Philadelphia and he and I used to talk about thought, Alfie, Philadelphia, myself. I think here lived for several decades and suburban Philadelphia. I recall. I also remember Walter constantly with a cigarette in his hand,. those damnable cigarettes. You do you Just saying I seen too much and then
This time I saw him again was February twenty eighteen, the kick off of life liberty and live in who was hilarious? easygoing. Cannot deprive him. I mean he knew his topic and labour. Shorty cared about liberty. He I said, you're a libertarian kind of classical liberal. Would that be about right? He said you that's about right Noticed something about Water Williams and his dear com Almost lifelong friend Tom assault. They didn't become never trumpeters, they were not. There Trumpery they didn't agree with everything. Donald Trump did they didn't agree with Everything he said and the way he said it, but
I understood the nature. Republican. They understood republicanism. I've had time a solemn. My show life, Liberty and Levant. I've had my radio show It's very very important. That we listen to these iconic figures, while there with us. Then one of them's gone. and you know selfishly personally. as I said when I first hit heard this, he was a kick in the gut because you go now. They say people our replaceable they're, not replaceable, he's irreplaceable. Milton Friedman, Z, irreplaceable, William, Russia's irreplaceable William Buckley Irreplaceable, where people who who feel like they
They feel their shoes today, fill their shoes. Not even close in water Williams will be missed and. Right up to a few weeks before he passed away, and I suspect he knew the time is coming. I don't know, but Breathing disorders emphysema mean it sits at yours, you're suffocating, And here is, as last column which came out. Today for me that for some people I suppose yesterday the Tortoise tragedy in black education is newly. There was the title. data December, one Several years ago, project Baltimore began an investigation of Baltimore school system. But they found was another disgrace,
Nineteen baltimores thirty nine high school set of thirty eight hundred for students, only fourteen of them are less than one percent were provision in math Tina, Baltimores high schools, not a single student score proficient in math, In five Baltimore City, high schools, not a single student, scored, professional math or reading and despair these academic deficiencies about seventy percent of the students graduate and conferred ice cold diploma a fraudulent highschool diploma. education was so important. Now a believer in school choice, said the detail public schools, community district, scored the lowest in the nation compared to twenty six other urban districts for reading mathematics at the fourth, an eighth grade levels, region video capture, some of this Miss Educational, Milwaukee, high schools and to city icicles. Only one student tests to professional math, none, efficient in English, yet to school spent
For weak learning about systemic racism and black lives matter, activism. By the way he says they November. Nineteen, twenty twenty Milwaukee Journal Central article says how many black trusted you have, I've only had to Article concludes for future black students. That number needs to go up. Eric City is one too many school systems in the United States that the roll out black lives matter, themed lesson plans, consider the N Y see Department of education. Teachers Dublin, the systemic racism police brutality in white privilege in their classrooms. Should we blame this education tragedy on racial discrimination or claim that it say legacy of slavery and then What's dear friend, Tom saw, and I tell you. Water Williams was so graceful. As is commissar.
These two were just humble. well doktor time, assaults, research and education, a sum versus history document. academic excellence at Baltimores, Frederick, Douglass, high school and others. The academic excellence occurred during the late eighteen, hundreds to the mid eighteen hundred one blacks were much poor, much poorer than They face gross racial discrimination. Frederick Douglass high School of yesteryear produce many distinguished alumni, such as Thurgood Marshall, cab, Callaway, and several just congressmen and civil rights leaders, Federal Douglas High school was Second, in the nation of black phds among its alumni. Also solves education. Assumptions versus history is the story of Paul Lawrence Dunbar. That is this Paul lines: Dunbar High School, a black public school Washington DC as early as early as eight ninety nine it student scored higher on citywide tests than any of the city's white schools.
From its founding in One: seventy two: nineteen, fifty five most of its graduates went off the college Dunbar distinguish alumni include: U S, Senator Edward Brook, for Jean Charles drew and during world war. Two, nearly score. Majors nine colonels, Lieutenant colonel some brigadier general. today's Paul large Dunbar and Frederick Douglass High schools. Material resources and would have been unimaginable to their predecessors but having those resources have been about apps, thirdly, nothing in terms of academic achievement. If we accept the notion that rotten education is not preordained, that I wonder when the black community will demand an end to an edge an environment that condemns so many youngsters to mediocrity. You can bet there. Money that white levels and high income blacks would not begin to accept the kind of education for their children that, blacks, receive.
Not, a Williams went on the school Climate solemn discuss plays a very important role in education during the twenty seventeen eighteen school year, Estimated nine hundred and sixty two thousand three hundred violent incidents for seventy six thousand one hundred non violent incidents. In: U S, public schools, nationwide goals, with a thousand or more students had at least one sworn law enforcement officers that two percent of those law enforcement officers carry firearms From violent star many instances of outright disrespect for teachers first, Second, graters telling teachers to shut the fuck up and calling teachers bees. Years ago, much of that behaviour from young people that we today would have never been tolerated. There was eyes? Principal's office, where corporal punishment would be administered for gross infractions?. The kid was unwise enough to tell us parents what happened. He might get more punishment at all.
Today, unfortunately, we replace practices. I work for practices that sound good and caring. We are witnessing the results. Doktor, Water Williams, final out. Professor economic Economics, George Mason University,. who will be remembered as long as I live on this programme and as I say, he was the first guest normal show of life Liberty and live in. In Iraq, what I was talking about earlier to play some of what he said: play some and then we'll take a break and place more. Every twenty five twenty eighteen cut, fifteen
how would you define Liberty I do find it as as people being able to engage in suitable, voluntary Exchange without interference by others and in typically down through mankind's history, It really is not a normal state of affairs that is, threat mankind's history, he's been subject to arbitrary abuse and control by others and so amount of liberties that Americans have and perhaps western Europe as well, they mounted is right. The rare in humankind and I think that the danger that we face is that historian, maybe two hundred years from now Be writing. He says The normal state of affairs has been arbitrary abuse and control by others and there's this little tiny curiosity. Where a relatively few people,
the large amount of liberty for short amount of time, but it all went. To the normal state of affairs, that is arbitrary abuse and control by others. Do you Think Liberty. Has the seeds of its own demise, that there's a paradox, because people who don't. Port liberty or who are unwitting about liberty. and still use liberty to destroy. Let me oh, that's absolutely right that that is they use liberally. Destroy liberty. They can use the. If you look at me, look at to around the world. They are we started the are force for free speech that because they need free speech to get their foot in the door But after their foot is in the door They want to eliminate free speech, and you see this only the you see this autumn, the world annually. Begin to sit in United States that is in Berkeley. That was
the these Of the free speech movement, a net at Berkeley, There were any free speech whatsoever. So so again, I think that we to be very, very concerned because we're losing our liberty and an Enigma asked the question. which way are we moving? Tiny steps at a time are we headed towards more personal liberty. towards more government control over our lives. It had the ambiguously the latter so true particularly over the last twelve months. When you see governors have been doing in mayors, have been doing. We now continue with water Williams after break ban as we
the Christmas season. Most of us stop that consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen, forty four coastal has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education is central to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive in Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses orbit tender, one of Helstone Free regional events. Now you know of hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference had no time and our nations history has there been a greater need for the kind of classical liberal arts education that hailstone offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season, a blessings he'll still thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills. Del college visit Levine for wholesale dot com. That's alleviate for hills, Toolbar, com, Levine for Wholesale bout com. This is the best merry Christmas day: I've gotTa Williams, who passed away
Hey there late last night or early this morning,. February twenty five, twenty thousand and eighteen on the inaugural, celebrity in Levine programme cut, Sixteen go when I was Twenty years old, my father and I visited a senator by name Appall lag sought from the vat is very close to Ronald Reagan. And one of the things he said to me that stuck with me ever since every day which meets he said we lose a little bit of our liberty. I wasn't supposed to be that way. the american people largely do not like politicians, the american people largely do not like Congress in all the time, come through the Congress rates pray, but it's seems like when there's a problem is a big percentage in the american people in health care or housing, or Organ laws: what have you they immediately say: government do something they don't The bureaucracy, they don't trust Washington, they don't trust Congress but governed,
should do some. How do you explain that paradox? Why? I think that There is a temptation among all humans to war To live at the expense of somebody else, that is the In people and its it's sad to say this is that the american people love to live at the expense of somebody else. That is whether it be farmers they want to farm subsidies pauper the food sands. Business is business bail outs, so if, if sitting in case of a farmer is farmers. in trouble, and if you can and put a gun to me and say: Gimme, your money he's gonna go to jail, but if you The Washington and gets a congressmen to write a law enabling the IRS detect my money. He doesn't go to jail so what people like to that meant to do that if they did the same thing. They would go to jail. So what what I'm saying is that people
to use the government to legalise theft and which I know average. Not enough. I've got whether clip someone a play after the top of the hour. That are very important, but you see these pearls of wisdom. How this brilliance just flows, there's very few people. Very few people who are capable of taking Thirdly, complex subjects. reducing them down, do Relatively simple and understandable sentences, and why this man was so influential. On so many of our lives. I don't believe- there's a conservative and radio and tv today who was influenced- and I mean significantly- by Water Williams.
Watery Williams is reached through his columns and his books, substitute hosting for russian lumber. Remember that he was. He was tremendous, He was hilarious. Used to talk about his wife, MRS Williams- wouldn't permit this Missus Wyndham and then she passed away. I was his darling end. Twenty Twenty has really sucked. It has really been a terrible terrible year. I'm just being asked. with this corona virus, the effect on the economy, the disastrous. Potential outcome of the presidential election. The death of so many wonderful people, and no boy Williams and I warrant like social bodies.
But he was, he was he was. He was extremely influential agenda. He was more than happy to come on. The programme was me Mister Bruce he was. He was a happy warrior. and you always wanted to hear what he had to say. The twenty Toni's, been lousy, very, very lousy when we come back that matter, so was two thousand and eighteen and two thousand and nineteen I'm just talkin about for me, but that's a whole nother story. We're going to come back to Walter Williams. I'm no rush when here a few other, Brilliant statements he had made in response to some of my questions and then we will continue the power. Had I not to stick with its hobby right from the westward one part gas network.
now run casting lamentably underground command, both bows or they even bunker somewhere under Britain steal over the script building. We have once again made contact with our leader here. Listening to the best of the mark, Levin shall have a very merry Christmas America Mark Levant. Here our number eight seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one three at one one by the way I want to. I want to throw the south there before I forget. I have a recommendation for the president and the people advising him. I would very quickly set up and allow Integrity Commission, not to get their work done in the next two weeks or through x or by January, twenty.
give them a mission, give them an appointment. To get into what took place in this election as we cannot allow this to happen down the road genuine? These lawsuits continue with these hearings and what, the full of Pennsylvania to know that you're legislature left without doing a damn. thing about what took place in that state. Not a damn thing. Please. We have some people in Michigan some people in Nevada, Sir, people in Wisconsin are still fighting, but not the up again legislature in Pennsylvania which blue it from day one? we spoke to the present propane protests. I'm not gonna get into the specifics of the Republican Senate. Seem like a nice enough. Guy.
But I could also tat he had no fire in his belly for the fight, none whatsoever. The republican leadership. In the house and in the Senate in Pennsylvania is a disgrace that allowed the dinner, the secular state. We attorney And the five a crowd side of the seven justice is on my court to walk all over them. And they were so cowardly. They pass this massive mail and bounding voting ballot system. Violation of their own constitution, if this, cream court doesn't straight let out we will have a constitutional crisis. if they don't strain it out and fix what the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania refused to do. We'll have a constitutional crisis, in my humble opinion, I might say Mark: what's the point of this commission vinyl come in and eliminated good, let him do it.
because I don't show the cover up. stand people they're, not strategic they're, not tactical they're, not anything they just roll over and wine. No, there should be election Integrity Commission set up by the present the United States. To look at all these issues. rather than waiting around four prick per law enforcement rather than wait and and not the end, not to reply justice or not replace a committee, a Congress we the commission in two thousand and five. Take a look at the various changes I took place in these states who brought the lawsuit who made the changes. Look at them. Context of existing The traditional state law state after another, so the american- People can know what took place. What happened at the United States postal system? What,
and with observers and write down the list. and so my suggestion is a an immediate Point in the next few days of an election. Integrity, commission, and now you don't put a bunch a little Democrats on their that's my election? I what we're looking for looking for the truth- and I can do that- From them serious, solid people, institutionalists, if you will always be why proposed likes to cause right, wingers, but no constitutional. Five six, eight, that's it nothing bigger. If Joe Biden comes in and despair, then you'll know exactly what's going on their underscore. What the Democrats have been up to. And so I do believe there ought to be this election and
Greedy Commission set up soon by the president. Begin to take the information. can rely on the media. The met media's corrupt me, he's corrupt, Caroline Republicans, their hours. can't even rely on half the conservative media because they're not conservative anymore, their bizarre. Water Williams was a fighter. Water Williams February: twenty five, twenty eighteen on life, liberty and levin- cut seventeen go some other way. Using governments, the law, the power government too, something from someone to somebody up or did take some from a generation? That's not yet born. You know. We have a two hundred trillion dollars, an unfunded liabilities, twenty one trillion dollars and fiscal operating debt
a trillion dollar deficit this year, forty one the Mount most massive budgets in american history, the Republicans than the president signed it. Three generations: from now to generations, from now kids are going to have to deal with their so even when it comes to their own children and grandchildren. These Parents who love their children and grandchildren, you think they lose themselves into thinking? While there Them, that's it! That's the ambiguous future generation. My kids will be fine. What a mindset. What will I I think, here's the problem is that the big collapse come until twenty thirty, twenty forty and any congressmen who takes Epps and now to prevent the big collapse. he's gonna be thrown out of office; that is they The major big problem in our in our spending is so security and medical care. Congresswoman talking about doing
something about social security. Doing something manicure he's. Can we run out of office and by abide people who, over sixty five vote in large numbers. So we have SK, ourselves, the question is: reasonable for us to expect politician to do what He considers to be political suicide. I say now its own reason before us expect that of a politician, so Politicians are running a congressmen. His time horizons is two years. Fifteen or twenty years, it's two years, and so that's all. We have to live with So that is he circular problem then, because, people will continue to do what they're doing these politicians in fact they grab more more power for the prime sector from the individual they don't have the ability you that because of the public, because of their own lack of will,
to do. It needs to be done. Three forty years? That's right. So what happens to a country where people will say what more. What can we do and I as well the american people as human beings are. We any different from the Spanish, the Portuguese, the French, the British, great empires, the press who went down the tubes for roughly what we're doing in services? And I say Well, maybe we're not that different and maybe the we're going to share the same future as is, The great empires s keeping my we have, trade that fell fathers and where a country, if you look at, Federalist Paper, forty five, when James MAD medicine writing federals paper. Forty five. He was trying to convince the citizens of New York to ratify the constitution and they were afraid to, five: the constitution and he said the
hours that we delegated to the federal government are few And well defined and restricted Firstly, to external affairs: the powers, but the people who state are indefinite. Numerous return upside down, we have what we have now. The powers of the federal government are indefinite in numerous unbelievable, the genius The water Williams, let's play one final clip From my interview, water wombs, I wish could play the whole hour, but they were unable to cut a dingo. Would you let me that in many respects we now live in me to follow up on your point, constitutional period- I it's not we have federal republic. Since the states live at the behest of the federal government. I really represented a republic give this mass of administrative state with two million. in a civil servants. Bureaucrats
and this I really a constitutional republic, one five individuals on the cork and decide Before the vote, if something is fundamental, fundamental where they decided nationalize an issue and there's no recourse? What kind? a government. Is this right. Now moving towards totalitarianism, that is not saying that we are totally alternation yet But which way are we headed, tiny, at the time. more government control over our lives ready and its and it's the latter, more government control over our lives and so on and the tragic thing about this- is that the working people have contempt for the United States Constitution content an asian ones, because any partition decided to uphold and the United States constitution. He wouldn't Get elected to office by the american people, that is here
If he says look, nowhere in the constitution is there authority for the federal government to be involved in education. So if you send me to Washington, I'm not going to bring back billions of dollars and a higher education, because it's not in the constitution, hippy run to do you then that progressive as this Your constitutional anti republican yards born of in my opinion, Rousseau Hegel Marks and their progeny. You know Dewey Crawley, Wilson, you think they have succeeded. Well, At the the jet for and Anti Federalist, they have not succeeded in The progressive Kinsey have succeeded very well. The the wheel, Sony and objectives or vision is is is hard.
set, our economy or, if you look at the Communist manifesto written by and angles. If you look at the ad things that they want the ten things they wanted. We ve I wish that in our country one Williams You'll never be silenced, there's so much that is written in so much that he has said. so he lives on in that sense, does any Is a magnificent legacy and really when our time is up. Family friends and hope for Legacy and just who underscores point: here's a headline, Pga media.
New York city, restaurant owner, who declared his business and autonomous zone, has been arrested, arrested. Why. Because he wanted to keep his restaurant open. Because its entire livelihood was. Being destroyed right in front of his face. He did everything they could to survive. To provide for his family, The city and state told him he was not free to do it. It was not free to serve food. He's under arrest I'll be right back then support
for this. Podcast comes from. We work today takes new ways of working new measures towards prioritizing health and safety. Black we'll terms to adapt and scale with change, convened. Spaces designed for focus and collaboration. It The innovation of we work to take your business where you wanted to go. We work That's how to Morrow works visit. We were. dot com slashed tomorrow, this is very merry Christmas asked of me. I have a question for the reporters who keep calling a fish, tell us. Officials tell us, and officials tell us that there is nothing unusual about this. It's not fraud and so forth. What are the official stallion Pennsylvania about how they pass the mail on voting there must be a codec. Seventy seven! contravening the constitution of Pennsylvania. Shows tire, that's ok course they do, but
say blatant violation of the Pennsylvania constitution. And the Commonwealth court. The appellate judge all but indicated when she went ahead and issued the temporary injunction to prevent the state of Pennsylvania, that is, Sectaries States offers and then the governor from certain fine anymore electors. until she was immediately intercede, did in a very bizarre move. Supreme court of that state, the five Democrats to change the outcome they didn't wanna hearing. Did you want to hear what are the officials in that state have to say everything's fine, everything's, fine,. I want you to ask yourselves a question: why so much lawbreaking. Why changing so
Guards and security measures are important. Verifying signatures at basic stuff. even having signature. to treating mail and ballots like they're, more important than in person ballots We people more time, less scrutiny, It's all they have. The democratic party show how to read What is explain that better? They explain it. While the corona virus is not the corona virus. tens of millions of people voted in person on election day. The corona virus And Sylvain you changed its law, unconstitutionally in October. Twenty nineteen instrument
it was the corona virus around in Pennsylvania, anywhere in this country. In October, twenty nineteen- neither As no corona virus in America Thing to do at the corona virus. The corona virus from day one spend an excuse. How do we know that the policy and her Soldiers and the media are surrogates, they'd been push. This male and voting from day, one now why they pushing the mail and voting. Is it their basis so stupid? They don't have to get off the rash and go out and person, which is what we ve been doing in this country. For what cup a hundred years. So why are they doing it? Why they not requiring signatures? Why they Requiring signature matches forgot eggs why they're not requiring postal stamps date so you're not of the ballot came in on time and why, Five justices: when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Institute, though
Changes toward on constitutional law, A case against the wishes of the Republican stay legislature while actually tell us there's nothing wrong with this and officials tell us nothing happened fraudulently, as I've been saying over and over again, you look at these differences it's in put aside fraud. They made fraud, legal. Prior to these changes, if you in an abandoned you don't have a signature on its thrown out? You don't get that count that if he counted its fraud, these changes if your signature doesn't match and other signature, they have on record in their data banks and next, that's fraud. Right of these changes, all illegal all unconstitutional, if you didn't your balloted on time, but they candidate anyway, that's fraud. so frog was made legal. I answered
institutional acts, other states Supreme Court, on top of an unconstitutional act by the state. legislature. Trot leads to start criticising. You see Trump needs to stop letting. Are there any reported, a call this programme and discuss this any reporter from any news outlets. It'll never happen there, corrupt as hell. that's, what's been going on in this country, I'll be right back
It makes someone a criminal getting caught experience the reality of cycle upon twenty seventy seven, Dr Super Cars battles operations and your body make a name for yourself in a massive open world city, they suffer from the creators of the which are three wild hunt: cyber punk twenty, seventy seven, how you by your own coffee today on Xbox Play station, pc and state ready for mature here listening to the best of the mark, Levant Show have a very merry Christmas: nor am I transitioning into lady labour, When I go through this again, because maybe I did it to quickly before the break. under the Pennsylvania Constitution, in order to change
Election laws in the constitution gift amend the constitution. because way back. Pennsylvania Supreme Court President into the eighteen thirty's. It's got one of the most difficult amendment processes of any sort. It also has one of the strictest election. processes in any state, there's no the voting absentee voting, but that separate and it's the only form of right in voting that permitted and they have strict requirements for. While the Democratic Party and bind they needed a break Pennsylvania because they wanted Pennsylvanian in the election, they lost Didn't twenty sixty. So. They swarmed on Pennsylvania, the Governor Liberal Democrat
The lieutenant governor crazy as liberal Democrat, the sector state rackets mud case. The attorney general radical nutcase, five out of seven justices, radical robe justices the last three elected very recently, Enormous amount of money is coming out of the union's IDA, Philadelphia in Pittsburgh, and they got their candidates on the bench. There are special pleading for the Democratic Party. the Republicans and stay Legislature are what we call rhinos there for the virus. For the most part there very weak. I know that some Pennsylvania team. Seventy six! When I supported Reagan, I was dismissed By these rhinos, who thought it was a joke, nineteen. Eighty one I supported Reagan. They supported Bush.
There are always a generation or to behind the times. And so in twenty nineteen, the republican legislature passes. An end must be called act. Seventy seven: In this omnibus bill in this male and voting. universal mail and bone. in violation of the own. Not only is it a violation of the state constitution, it undermines the Percent, the intention of article to the federal constitution and the entire electoral college processes poison its tainted when one stay goes off in a rogue fashioned like this. So quickly. The governor signed it on October in October, twenty nineteen less than a year ago,.
But the governor didn't get everything you wanted the Mc Grath didn't get everything they wanted Joe Biden. get everything you want it, but they have the Supreme Court exactly where they wanted. They wanted to eliminate the signature requirement. They I do eliminate the signature. Comparison requirement, both of which are intended to ensure The person who is voting is the person was voting and to help prevent fraud. The five justices out of the seven on the Supreme Court eliminated the signature requirement and the signature comparison require. then there was this little issue of having a postage date stamp on your honor.
You know if you show up to vote in person he can see if you're there in time by eight p dot m eastern time. If you come in later, you don't get to vote very strict about that shut the door. Your wife minute light, you don't get the vote. But not if you're, a male and voter. Your mail and voter. Yet, essentially, and other three days, till five pm Friday order that come from the by campaign wanted to be democratic, executive branch wanted it and the damage That's on the Supreme Court, wanted it sauna, to a violation of the fundamental constitutional state requirements and Pennsylvania by the legislature and the executive branch. It did so far enough for the Democrats. so they went around the legislature where they couldn't get these changes and they had them imposed by the States Supreme Court. Now, why do you think they did that prior,
To the state Supreme Court issuing that order, a ballot they came in without a signature was discarded. A signature that didn't match would be consider fraud, discarded and investigative. A ballot they came in without a postage date legible postage date was discarded The Supreme Court did what it did. All those ballots became ballots that were counted. Why don't they report this on the news, We don't have evidence, they say of systemic fraud that will change the result of the election.
Well. I don't know about all these fraud cases. They seem pretty strong to me, but this Worse than or fraud case here you have People you rely on to uphold the rule of law to pass the laws that they're supposed to uphold. Case of this state Supreme Court it supposed to uphold the constitution, that's why they taken out. That's why they wear black robes. That's why they're called your honor, but that's not what they did. That's not what they did. They took what used to be fraud and they made it legal They did it by circumventing the constitution. show all those folks they didn't have to It all those votes. Were there, Nature didn't compare all, votes, they didn't. I posted I told them that way,
been thrown out now if you could even find them given how they ve commingled everything you ve said: oh you're, dead. enfranchise voters. Are you kid disenfranchised voters. You enfranchising all these people who failed follow what was state law and, by the way, the same people who would have been Quadrant called this franchise two years before and four years before that two year cycle. Four, a hundred years, but not this time. And then you have these fools would block sites who sit behind Computers- and they start typing fastened about this case in this case. In this case, they don't I understand what the Hell's going on
the foggiest idea. What's going, the Democrats, That's are destroying our institutions. To make it impossible to win these states. And Republicans in many cases are going along with them. our going along with them. In places like Georgia,. and I results and Pennsylvania. And the Democrats think this is all swell- why cause they did it? That's? Why did we It thinks this is all swell. things should stop in everybody's crazy. Why? Because the Democrats, that's. Why.
Joe Biden hasn't received a single question about any of this. Why did your party lacks. Why did your party do why? Why would you, Eddie go in and bring this not once not once because they did it. In almost three hundred pieces, litigation and administrative actions. They did it. This is why the president is fed up. This is Patriots all over this country are trying to figure out how to handle. This is why patriot lawyers all over this country,. I'm trying to find ways to conduct discovery. to bring lawsuits. Everything I just described to you is
Officially a crime, so when the attorney general or p, the Department of Justice say: look, we don't have evidence of systemic fraud, of course, in the Scenario I just gave you they dont, have evidence a step, systemic fraud because the fraud occurred. The violation of the state constitution in the election laws had affect the federal electoral college. There's no. crime, codified and federal. You know on this at the federal level that you can purchase that that's why I said yesterday when I read what the Associated Press ahead and I didn't take it out of context that I thought my good friend Bob Billboard, was misleading because. there's fraud than theirs? Fraud. And indeed, the outcome of Pennsylvania could be different.
Because the argument now is wait a minute: that's two point: six million ballots, and so we this. Can. You're bringing lawsuits. Sir, you know where there are enough ballots affected, were told a national issue and, of course, no judges going to consider that and then wait a minute. That's tube, Six million bout no judge is growing at an actual by secretary. When you get the point. and what the Supreme Court of the United States is being asked to do as its damn job, as it sits? and watches all this it failed. No, it's damn job five cigar, when the article to issue came up through Pennsylvania, say, hey justices juggler over a year over here. Our support courts violating article two of the federal constitution? There's a federalism
federal question a federal constitution, help us up, I think, we'll sit tight. John Robert think we'll sit. Tight comes up with a With an argument that, if he was writing it in an essay and an exam in law school, he would flunk. To federalism issue here because of these states are prisoners of federalism issue, there's an article two issues. That's what happens when a justice goes, Hollywood, Georgetown or whatever The vote with the others I bought a general. But the others I I want some positive stuff and politico and that and then the New York Times and the Washington Post. You know it's just easier to go along and get along. You know, I know.
So what should the Supreme Court do now should do what the Petitioners said this isn't a federal question are no federal questions. the States Supreme Court level Question was a stay constitutional question, but for the United States Supreme Court. the state as a federal constitutional question, because dragging do this because of the violation of these state constitution. the entire region for choosing electors is what further? for college and what The electoral college do it too Does the president and the vice President Elise makes the recommendation to the federal Congress and then the Congress, does what, in a joint session on January six a cat, the electors this in a wholly Pennsylvania issue concerning like in a criminal case the fruit
poison is tree. It's not an exact parallel, but it's good enough. you can't have state what happened. Obeying ahead, said the Pennsylvania Legislatures said in our. pass, a law that for now Only Democrats can be electors only Crash because our plenary power under two includes lawless power. I don't know it's called plenary power, not Plenary lawless power, it is assumed you're going to act within your own law within your own constitution. I don't, but we ve had many cases like this before. That's how of anomaly. This is an here's. The kicker. You know the Pennsylvania Constitution requires. If you're gonna, men, the constitution.
In addition, a two votes by the legislature, in addition of publishing in the counties and two newspapers and so forth number weeks have to go back. The final say in the people of the state they vote. The people have to both to amend the constitution. They were. Completely disenfranchised Because the legislature and the governor violated the constitution, and now but he talks about. As I said last week, that is franchise meant of the people of Pennsylvania when it came to changing And allowing the mail and vote They never had a say. No signature, no signature comparisons, no post! age. My mark, no mail and what they never had a say, and yet, under the constitution of State the Pennsylvania, they have the final say what about their disenfranchisement?
I'll be right back then support This podcast comes from hp. Your idea, are powerful singer device should be to the HP speck Your ex three sixty with windows, ten offers more power and better performance perfect for helping turn your dreams into reality. So go ahead, think it learn it and create with up to eighteen hours of battery life and a premium display dream it invented and make it in law. Top or tablet mode with a screen that has a three hundred and sixty degree hinge, visualize it dried and Design and with an oecd display that gives you bold details and vivid colors right. It produce it remix it all with the Hp Spectre x and sixty, which can bounce audio with zero lag, whatever you're is do it with the h peace, your ex three sixty four we dream in the making hp?
keep reinventing. This is the best of Martin Merry Christmas. I only have three minutes here and I want to spend one minute saying: there's so much of the Supreme Court. There are today what I would do if I were justice. I'd really! Yes, it's absolutely unconstitutional being, and it is of course oral question the whole point of electors. It's not stay state or federalism issue. And so yes was unconstitutional Annie. so does affect the electoral college. But where the United States Supreme Court- and we don't count the electors Congress, does and we don't send the electors to stay Just like his do so. the business of fashioning a political remedy will leave that to the political bodies. That, in this case, would be the Pennsylvania state legislature. Federal Congress when it meets we're just here, as we always argued just really to make sure the federal constitution is upheld and weapons
rainy day in changing it. lecture laws violating its constitution has happened. fact on the electoral college. Whether or not those vote should count whether or not those are Lecter should count. That's not our business We will leave that to this day legislature and ultimately to the It states Congress that's how the United States Supreme Court should rule not going to fashion a remedy, But, on the other hand a tale, doesn't wag the dog. Here we will address and we will confront what was done because Maginnis going on state after state after state after stay where you gonna draw the line. If you don't draw now, it's not a federal question its eight super duper federal question are right:
Stick with me, how see in a few minutes from the westward one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support a man and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now, run them really underground command, both from the bowels of the hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building we once again made contact with our leader here. Listening to the best of the mark, Levin shall have a very merry Christmas mark, the rain here, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one three! I want one and we will get to some calls up before we do if additional clips from James O Keefe project their task.
Where'd, you know he sat in Libya drafted and they recorded. These conversations than nine a m p: Eastern time conference calls coming. And from Baby Doc Jeff model soccer. the rest of the senior staff, where he would tell everybody What it is that we're going to do that day in terms of news and, of course, that's not news, that's propaganda. From a radical ideologues, seen it has been weapon eyes now as an anti tromp anti republican operation. Massive in kind contribution to the Democrats, the NEO Marxist and the Marxist. I remember one. It was a real news organization, it was really boring, but none. The less If you wanted real news, that's where he went. So here we have seen and senior vice President Cynthia Hudson at this nine am conference, call
she d means marginalized community state she's terrified that cuban support Trump. This is a senior vice. President CNN cut nineteen go Baker ever rhetoric, cook came than I made it, provided he had not done enough. You're back the only way that they act according because of that area. That narrative and the fact that We have to pay that by very attractive believe no one encountering in programming in Florida, and though I think that very Bay Way to counter the narrative in Florida that did not being taken advantage of.
Is she not sound like a political operated? Mr producer she's, a senior vice President Cynthia Hudson it CNN. First Look how she smears Cubans part population of the cubes course they like bullies and they are Pollux. You know that benzene a heavier. She's talking about how to counter trumps nerd. they're fine. If they so wish list, then era. Communism because, actually reason the Cubans are voting for trumpets its frightening its term. Fine, I think she said quote, that's terrifying. Cubans are going to vote for Trump and that's terrifying court on quote, I have to say, There's a population that re attracted the bullies, the Sis CNN Russia Shanna.
Now that woman sound like a news person. Ladies and gentlemen,. there. It there's really now a complete obliteration The line between newspaper and political commentators there it's gone The moment I turn on cable news. This is all I see. It's not analysis and doing analysis, you're not doing analysis. Your advice An agenda trash the present the United States President puts out as video today and one of these. Reporters is debate with a video every I told you last about Pennsylvania. None of those words have ever crossed her lips. Then they bring out another reported ten or fifteen minutes later on one of these channels and he's gone The official say the official say the official say, while the officials and And surveying the perpetrators kind of risk,
Is this? What kind of media. Look at the CNN you bunch are going to vote for Trop and that's terrifying? She says, and I crashes, the cuban population, Cynthia Hudson senior price. President Sienna. Now, let's listen to their necks, Clip Jeffson current scene and Vice President David Chilean. again at nine, a dot m conference. Call they they're not going to cover the hundred by the period we're not gonna covered. Listen to this one cut twenty go the right part. We are both news rabbit, hole of Hunter Biden, which I don't think anybody outside of that world understood last night, the Wall Street Journal reported that
review of our record, so showed no role. By an island. Let's stop their second, They sign in the Wall Street Journal. Isn't this an independent news operation, so their cherry picking like political operatives. There is an enormous amount of information, there's emails, a text messages. There's names of potential witnesses that they could pursue, none other they don't want to pursue that. It's the Fox NEWS, near post, bright part, rabbit hole we're not going down a rabbit whole unless, of course, that rabbit Hall involves Tromp in Russia. Go ahead. the chinese deal and yes, I do our credibility in the Wall Street Journal, but I do wonder what is it To do anything, what did you do your own? Damn reporting away all Where
It just shows you how how far I see an end is from any kind of a serious news operation. Does and look into it doesn't want to look into it. We're not going with the New York story right now, I'm not divide in and which seems to be giving its marching orders boxes in the right wing in your dreams about what to talk about today. Obviously undermining Lucian on this Fox NEWS, near obsessed with functional. You know they can hate Fox NEWS and still go after the Hunter Bog store Lose didn't create the hunter Bonsai hundred Biden created the hunter buying story. But you are wondering why the to the media, didn't covered their having exactly the same kind of propaganda meetings as Zocor and Chalian at CNN,
this has gone on MSNBC, an embassy at CBS and ABC. this is going on the near times and the Washington Post You don't get it, you don't get it. Democracy dies and darkness democracy eyes with our media, to be perfectly honest with you, so here they are explicitly stating they are not gonna cover the hunter by an historic period period, go ahead, I want you to report out. This is the very stopped at the president would impeached over that has been adopted and the committee's looked at and found nothing wrong, email, Joe Biden interaction. How did this many committees look at this when this information wasn't even available. It was on the hard drive at a laptop,
but look how they're lying look, how their propaganda is. Look at what they're going to do go ahead. Ukrainians now having an email that, perhaps with a meeting what someone strawberries, actually don't have the foggiest idea. What these emails say, what these texts acres! I haven't taken the time to look at you see alley stumbling. go ahead at the wall in exposing the campaign they jeopardizes day on the borders which story, and we should be awfully careful about. Obviously, taking immediate story, what in the world are Maggie, Sherman doing between, let's doin, ok so now they want to go after this woman Maggie have hammered men who has left us, but you the New York, slides and so
their scene and his saying now, we can allow this. She stepping out. Why would she tweet this story this guy Sherman political? I believe? Oh, please had Jake Sherman what what are these during training the story out this hunter buying stuff we need find out what the hell's gone all of these people? Don't they understand this is a group effort this? group. Thank you know. You know it's amazing. I wrote this book on freedom of Press it lays at all out the history of the press there Three, the attacks on trump- I see our friend although I don't on our flight rat Announcing two years in advance: hang everybody. I'm writing. A book called broken about the press. I wish you well but we should send a copy and mine, but nonetheless, so exactly what goes on.
How am I welcome the New York Times report in the political report? I think she said Jane. He said shake trimmer step out like this. This is foxes, arrive at home. This is bright part. This is this is the near poems. We don't believe in any of that. What does it matter to them? What bright barter the Europe Armenia go after the facts It's got. No, we want. boy there. We want our Biden dinner. CNN united to the present and issued as video anyone over the heads of the media, which has an hard? Ah, they said that the path students. Video was what did they say. A rambling speech, MR reducing now we buy guy who gives rambling speeches is Joe Biden. Have they ever said? Joe Biden gave a rambling speech or a rambling was never.
sucker wouldn't like the Chairman MAO Zaka would never allow. You know, I would say in the case of sucker. Well, let me put that this way, I would say in the case of most people, just another pretty face man, this guy not a pretty face at all. Looks like here. Hidden fortune a meeting with a waffle, are in MR, but is what the hell happened, that face. No wonder he's behind the scenes, manipulating events here. Spend Galilee go ahead. The very so now who now we're gonna play cut twenty one, this Soccer and seen an executive vice President David Vigilante is eventual anti.
noticed suckers and every one of these meetings there kowtowing to soccer and suckers setting the directive for the whole thing Go irrigation back any valid detracted from continuing to undermine integrity, This is all areas that trot this sucker Santa gives cotton his mouth moi, But for those of you out there who are her only deficient. You have trouble complete your senses look like the backside of a poor. There is hope for you look just just suckered made. It gets I made it, isn't it funny they hear them talk about undermining the integrity of an election. Isn't that amazing we're going ready for riots.
We ve got undermining election from seed, a shining see I've spent a lot of time again on Pennsylvania. There's other states too. Now, when I can report on its trop Trump, undermining the election how's he doing it by bringing lawsuits by going into court by filing papers by following the rules. or by using the FBI. Descent spies into the campaign are getting We face a warrants, are paying money for a phony? those yea, written primarily by a russian spy. The trunk do any of that. No, I don't think so. I don't think so. Jeff go ahead, continuing to do it at that. to the question of whether or not himself is a national security threat. So you see, according to current adrift shocker question, is what
Trot those of national security Jeff suck it you're a sick bastard. You really are you're a growth test, excuse for a human being, just a a sickening propaganda. With a fascistic mine, in my humble opinion, I use the word. Mine loosely go ahead in light of what I didn't think Without a doubt, the pre eminent election lawyer Republic inside and probably one of criminal, enjoyable America Lava every Republican, Wednesday, Indians magazines. Bush guy was involved in the two thousand race and he's been. Can it dumping on Trump? Our?
I want to bring their bank Ginsburg inherent conceptualize, so what Ben Gunn Burger sang I mean now. Without subsidies, good repute, Buckshot there, we gotta bring a cylinder Romney. There's only one I will go may weaken. Contextual eyes would rob goes out to be a good contractual Isaac right there I'll, be right back, The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them Mac believes in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More Talk a MAC fights a full time, Presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond
but to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more. It's not enough. You'll get em By monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us, we conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U s Merry Christmas. Let's go to rig in Israel where it is. Let's see, rickets like three things before thirty in the morning but you're like me, you and insomniac and listen to the internet? How are you my friend
two thirty in the morning to night general to thirty. Where are you in Israel? Syria? Can you prove that sir. I'm just kidding I give my legal education from you a great one, and I was just wondering dont the state, We knew depend interest in Pennsylvania conducting its election According to a would constitute a me, ask you quite in what do you do telecommunications technology in telecoms,. I want you to know your brilliant I want you to know your exactly right in your court. How can one state so another because of the impact it has on the electoral college? answer. My view is not only yes, but how? Yes, Of course, we have a state suing stay you immediately of a federal question. Don't you.
Yes, why don't be wages from Texas in Oklahoma and other state? Well, if there listening. attorney general from Florida is an exemplar you're right, the solicitor in Solicitor General and Texas, absolute, could so the state of Pennsylvania for them. its having on the electoral college that doesn't effect. Supreme Court in the cases that are there now. But yes, your exactly right. I made
My friend, you win some free american government trees. I have no way of getting it to you, but I want to congratulate you. Re very, very well done aim at the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy. Joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough yoga,
a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U S! Mark love one great one of it. This is Mark Levine wishing you a very merry Christmas now back to the best of me why I didn't know there was an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal Section movie. In part in the newspaper MR producer at title and unfunded thing happened on the way to the twenty twenty one election and in part I say this because I do not subscribe to the Wall Street Journal. Why would I
Fox NEWS college Sean Hannity say the least is not a comedian? Mark Levinus, as Graham is rose Pierre with a toothpick Harrison policy. Go on tv. Mr producer My God, who can watch that guy, not fence the right, an opinion, I'm just giving an o. My lord well think about a toothpick. That'll, give you a headache just saying. Does anybody deny there's fraud taking place in New York in this one congressional race with a republic a twenty eight thousand vote lead and now He's behind by twelve did you see that when MR but is not on. Not fraud, can you prove that we talk to election officials and Alex,
Officials area should everything's only up and up these things happening at all, they come in a thousand Shaw and account at all at once, because we count them beforehand and that we put them in the machine and all ok. Says the election official: we got it now. hard. I promise some calls here. Didn't I, Mr Produce re, think I did. We took our friend from it. Boy he was sharp. He was sharp and I Some of these attorneys? Genuinely states are listening. You can see these other state and you can claim, of course, that their diminishing. The the legitimacy of the electoral college and diminishing the the impact of your electors. based on the fact that their election systems do not have the power For safety or security measures in place and that they should Kay
Let us go to Amanda. Rally North Carolina on the mark living power, you Amanda. I'm very well. How are you Matilda and I'm lovely like you? I'm calling about this on my wife. I am about the Pennsylvania voter issue, but real quick before I say that the cuban Americans that I know and have spoken with they understand bullying, but it I believe that the communism in Cuba that they came here to escape that platter voting for top and manage the boy by lightweight morons CNN. You know. They may recognize what leading to and they don't want it to go there. They left therefore reason we. listen to our cuban brothers and sisters, we should listen our venezuelan brothers and sisters.
We should listen to our eastern european brothers and sisters and russian brothers and sisters and, and God where else people Come here from from Regimes in Africa and South and Central America and the Middle EAST: these are the people we should be listening to friend from Russia who is now in the United States military and he commented the other day that he felt like it, especially with media getting more and more like Russia before he left heartbreaking. Jeff Mothers Soccer would be a very, very good. He be the Walter Durante of Russia for the New York Times and CNN a guarantee was a year, a disgusting pig Who was a mouthpiece for stolen style and got him girlfriends and got him cars and and got him good food as long as it's Waller Dorani would keep giving these stolen line while he was slaughtering Ukrainians and they
Times are water dorani, where very happy with that and in fact to get a Pulitzer prize so that some porn appeal at prizes? anyway, a man I'm stepping all over you go ahead. No problem, so the main reason I called was about the mail and votes in Pennsylvania. I whining uncomplaining. What are you? You know I'm going to throw them all out that Cuba it makes nine people you're gonna disenfranchised them. However, they ve already been disenfranchise. By the government in Pennsylvania by the fact that its print stop at all, but date, David been disenfranchised. The whole thing is, to mitigate that, because what about other four and a half million people who voted is your point. I mean not only, and not only that Otis? They don't even come up and say: ok, we'll take a look at these mail in votes
the ones without signatures are where there's no signature match or without any postal date stamp on it will get rid of those as we would have anyway. They won't even say that you know why they call mingled all and there were what seven hundred thousand more that returned there were requested. I mean If we're talking about disenfranchisement, you ve got The mail and voters, so many of them have either been delegated or their vote had been diminished of the legitimate voters. That is disenfranchisement not to mention how an impact will rest under state now you're goin. And I think Rick Richer was calling from Israel. Ass. He was, he was right on and I hope there Attorney general solicitor General one of these states that move will have move quickly them quickly and says? Yes, what took place in this data that state diminishes our vote and diminishes our our electors are.
My friend Amanda Raleigh North carolina- I want to thank you all right. Let's keep going let's go to Chris in Charleston access to satellite, how are you Chris. the good old you do well to sir very well. Thank you. I keep hearing over and over that there is not enough fraudulent those to overturn the election. Whatever happened to abrogate treating you get disqualified, it's a great point, its ear, you exit. You are you talk about the whole state or the individual the goal here: no you're right! You not only about annihilates right now, you're going to prison We would all be even they say, well, you know we have individual cases of fraud. Is anybody being prosecuted even at the state level of you heard anything. Damn thing.
did, you know this is the cleanest In modern history calling to this, cyber, not resign was interviewed by sixty minutes, and I thank them. how's that even possible- all these changes I think, we're so stupid. They push this Russia crap for four years and years to believe that another one believe that nothing happened to this election, the prison gets eleven million more votes than before Number of anybody in history running for office, except for the basement creature, Was high now the bay he gets. Eighty million votes he can't speak. He can he can't, we can't walk. He can lay the basement, its eighty million wrote tat. Believable, that's the problem. Are I thank you for your call, my friend. Let's continue shall we go lancing its lancing Illinois, lancing Michigan.
Oh, I don't know there was a Lance Illinois, yet the Chicago it. So, of course I can hear gunshots universities, Chicago wine, sometimes season. I have read wine and you listen. A gunshot. Oh. You should hear New Year's eve, its own blacker than that all night, and you know that that such a sin. What goes on in these big cities and and in attention that it receives, adjust unbelievable. I knew I go right ahead. oh around here you get used to it anyway. I I appreciate your in depth. Analysis of law. Keep going at my car it is A year ago, I listen to upon a talk radio, including Hannity limb by everybody, and I hear a lot of colors on the right. Calling in You know what can I do? What I do, and it seems so frustrated here, is what you can do, while sitting at home. Even you can support. The media outlets that are telling the truth- you can
Either newspapers the few that are out there you kid by their product, that their advertising. You can even donate to somebody stations and that's what I'm doing. I'm regional financial WAR let limit! Let me tell you the truth and people say it self serving. He could say whatever you wish I would put our news operation at the blaze up against any in the country. Lays is terrific Levin TV, which is what I do you look at the daily collar. You look at the daily wire There are others out there and they survive on subscriptions and are not, though, not so or by multinational corporations, are billionaires like bees or anything like that. They have no is there any visa, corporatist and their agenda? I can tell you none of the jobs I have well. Put it this way on Fox and on the blaze tv nobody has Every told me what to do ever
No, it's been tried on radio was tried on radio, but it's can be tried again that much I can tell you, but Donna. On my television side, digital and cable. No nobody's ever said I dont have. In others, no sucker call, it says all right, everybody, everybody dressed Gaza, ketchup It's ok, everybody take a shower. we're doing zoom here and there we can have another Jeffrey to finance market Maybe we will, but anyway Here it CNN News is news and news and snow, so we get a move on, Today's news is how to hate trump in twelve different ways. Ok, yes, it is He's mentally ill he's out of control, he's a dictator After Linsey, Graham Linzer grants been defending make sure you track fox and bright bird in the near programme. Whatever you do don't report on Hunter Barton,
hunted by that's a rabbit hall. I would Go down rabbit halts here at the at At the at CNN, because we're all bunch of a holes- and we don't need rabbit also, we guess we cuz- you know we just want to follow. The news is that what you're talking about Some thought it all. Just like a military needs, a supply line. Sitting at home a cold day can't go out to a trump rarely or stop the steel, really they can use their money just like a supply of military means of supply, and by like I just went from, I would just went to a girl she's. Turning on the pact times, which I consider conservative air very good, but I think that very few, and you know that the channel, I forgot the name. They said they tell alibis the Arizona hearings for the who has any Owen. I don't think I will learn table, but they're not enough homes. Are they not eaten? They need anymore homes.
There is a right side, broadcasting right size of sharing out yet guy just gave my oh my flight, so and everybody everybody contact the let's see here we ve got in answering Illinois, everybody Contact Dave. He sees in the mood aright Dave thanks, Buddy They call your patriot Dave's, a patriot. I'll be right back then, the association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more. talk a MAC fights a fee,
time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more It's not enough. You'll get em by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U S! This is the best Martin within Merry Christmas and a lion about his surprise. Thirdly, Trotzky
wing of the democratic parties attacking the stalinist wing of the Democratic Party. You can see the Trotskyite, a alma Tell you back Presley. Tacking Barague Milhouse Benita Obama look at this picture Some are attacking Obama. What the hell do you think? Obama is so Marxists always fight with each other. Axis always fight with each other. So it's not we're look at this Moderates versus the progressive, no, its, not nobody's moderate among these people. It's the trot. Each versus the Stalinist, since that simple say keep fighting enjoy, enjoy. Just make sure you wearing a masks. Ain T stay inside six feet apart. And find all you wish, people get that for
the fish toy. Mister Bruce. Have you seen my toy for the cats drives? I'm nuts, I don't agree. the flops around like like a flower on the beach Chris Christie Naked on the beach just flopping around. Forget that excuse me. I would draw that I would draw that. That's gotTa Josie Pensacola Florida. how are you Joseph might think how much you're welcome here a wonderful to America. Let me tell you: ass, a young girl in Europe. All I get the communists in Chile, nineteen, seventy three September, eleven talons and it's like I'm leavin again when the toilet paper was out and thanks. I wanna get worse and I keep telling you
By burying believe me, I've been told that for a couple years umbrella penal people- like me, we have video oil. We have seen some. a genuine problem. They had Hunt Johan Van and for airlines to what their New York very than in the big cities. In that they allow on merit done. So let us have this great what's happening. and Joe Biden in his clown. They To be arrested, coming out and arguably arrangement of military, what's gonna happen, Josie not the first day, but it's Point we're gonna blackouts and brown out in this country. you are going to see shortages so what happens when you destroy the greatest economic engine on the face of the earth. When you destroy energy independence, something we ve been trying to be for half a century. Destroy it, people coming into this country in droves, getting on welfare immediately. This is why we fight we and we fight, and we hope that we can take
election back, it's an uphill battle. We got a lot of was staring us in the back that we do the best we can. Thank you. We salute our armed forces, police officers fighters and emergency personnel. Ladies and gentlemen, I'll see you right here tomorrow, God bless each and every one of you from the West would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-26.