« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/23/20


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Mr call screener and WABC host Rich Valdes fills in for Mark. We’re under attack by Iran, Russia, and China, but the overall attack is by an ideology that rejects God. People are kneeling at the altar of big government but liberty is making a comeback. We absolutely have to take this election fight all the way and go as far as we have to go. That’s what we do in any fight, whether it’s a boxing match or an election. Also, President Trump deserves tremendous credit for standing up for Americans once again by calling for an end to waster and more money for Americans in the COVID Relief Bill. Trump stuck up for small businesses, who are getting hit hard. Later, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and Charles Kushner have all been pardoned by President Trump. The only crimes they were guilty of were being part of Trump world.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented podcast, as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here,. there is a truly independent institution where learning is prized in actual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my son. here appreciation to Hills, Dale, brother sponsorship, now broadcasting on roaming underground commend both in the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. What's up America, we're under attack by three different countries, politically speaking in a war that doesn't use bullets, it's a war that corrupts the minds of Americans to hate their own country and their countrymen.
It attacks are information systems, people's health and their courage, and they want to take out our infrastructure eventually. So this way we can live our lives in darkness in fear, so they can further try embrace the American Spirit, but Americans are way more resilient than that. What's up a merry, I am rich Valdez. Your liberty, loving latino. I may go that's about it with an s eloquence. rather some of you know me as MR screen or the associate producer of the market of enjoying. It is my pleasure to sit in for the great one mark, Livin TV I want to thank you. People need to know you. Natalie gray, calls grena you're, even a better broadcasts. Are you guys have heard me on the show half a dozen times, at least, and if it's your fault, I want to welcome you to the market of info liberties, one of those things I told you on this show that's making a comeback. I've told you that there's
Godless society, a society that's ripe for cultural Marxism,. And that not a single shot was fired on the four major battlefields and the battlefields. I'm talking about are all intellectual. Every single classroom from Pre K to the college campuses, the media newsrooms all across Amerika, we ve, seen Marx's infiltrated spewing lie after propagandistic lie on tv in the newspapers, every level of government, literally from my town hall, to the halls of Congress.
And, of course, the family unit, the attack on the family structure has been unrelenting in my lifetime and we're still seeing the results of that later. We're gonna get into why that even matters, but first I want to ask you: what is the virtue that we always talk about? The founders spoke of this virtue. What is that You are the purpose of virtue in our society. Where is it that we learn our values from? I think many of us learn that stuff from our parents and then to make a quick aside. The other day I was getting a gothic con leche and I like to drink spanish, coffee and as a spot, not too far from my house that I go to and I get it. and I was grabbing a diet soda from the refrigerator and a girl.
up to me and she says very excitedly by the way- and she says why you have a great white voice said a great white voice interesting as it were thanks and she's like what do you do when I said well, you now working to radio and he said the radio business I should say- and she said well, You turn it off and on like that. And I said I don't get it, but I guess it, but I'm sure around my bodies. I can you know, get into different types of character and that the point that I think she was making was that you know you can clean up your diction and speak a little bit more appropriately as if you were broadcasting so that people can understand every word. You saying- and she was trying to compliment me on that, but I took it as a compliment, but what didn't what I should say. It wasn't a slight or anything like that, but it made me realize Where does that even come from right and I didn't
this up with her. I didn't you know, get into a whole conversation about this, but I did a pad cast on this once where we talked about, why people consider white to be a privilege and why I think it's not necessarily a privilege, it's more historical legacy, and that was the point I was making in the pot gas and really what kind of came to mind with her. For example, I believe. That my dad one bowl, he was known to a lot of his friends as John, because they couldn't say one he has some people would say Juan like want and soup and he was covered it. You know that they can he didn't push. The issue would say is one you gotta say one hit. He didn't get into that now today you know I'm a man and not a little kid anymore.
and lots of people know how to say one there's a guy on tv, no one Williams, so I mean it's way more popularized than it was back. When I was a kid and a lot of people in Brooklyn, just it was in there think, and I think that's something that he encountered That is life and felt it to be. You know he was never going to impose his will on other people and named all the boys, the angler size version of our name, for example Firstborn male John, not one, my grandpa I'd better go next boy Albert Robert Richard, even Joanna was so.
You look at those and those different stories on those, but my point was it wasn't Jose and we simply cannot momentum, and it was because my dad felt when around me do, as the Romans do born Americans, awkward, Eureka, but decided we are going to do What we feel is right to assimilate this, isn't what are we going? the more now or in the rocks are we're Brooklyn. So I that is to say that was always how when, but that's not always the case, And this is another soliloquy on image? asian or anything like that, or even on assimilation to me the point was she said: I had a great white voice. I thought to myself: why do we equate proper speech? with white and it's a conversation I have, but a body my who called me one day and use it. You know that Irish happened. Somebody told him critically cause he's
the customer facing ruin. The companies in they said Bro, you sound white and am the guy's very fair skin his from Chile, but the point they were making was any sound like like a wasp and trying to use it as detriment. So I thought of this literally sounds like an article vi: random Marxists, dot Org, where they created a situation where people with heritage people that are part of a certain legacy, people that have history, whether it be the Puritans or the Dutch or whoever else came early settlers to what is now today, the United States. They came with a history. And they were all white people is a country those made by white people. So it comes as no surprise to me that the people have started the first college or white people. People have started the first churches,
We're why people now, of course somebody? You know one of the sixteen nineteen growled they'll come to me and they say all. But what about native american indigenous. What a bottom welcome to the party no issue. My point is the people that built the foundation of this country. You look at the the photos from and paintings in the renderings from the constitutional convention, and it wasn't black and brown. This is a country that was founded by white european settlers got it so it comes as no surprise like I said that those that went through the educational system in this country- first, those that were here first white people
so it's all about legacy, it's not about privilege and I may be a privilege to have what they call old money or parents. What we know now when you look at statistics, I sat on the board of a charter school for close to a decade and one of the key indicators that we derived from data that was collected over the years was that if your parents went to college. You were more successful in school and if your parents went to college, you are also more apt to graduating and finishing your own college degree. So what happens? Is it a privilege or is it just history the fact that your grandfather worked hard, save money bought a house saved up them.
I sold the house bought a bigger house built some well and pass it along and pass them along and pass them along. I don't think that it may be viewed as a privilege for your family, but has nothing with your race and that's why you see people coming into this country from other parts of the world immigrants may come and make the best of the situation here, because sometimes when you're wrong, you just have to do as the Romans do. That's one of the points that I want to get you to night. I asked wanted to talk about how cultural Marxism, men and marxism, just generally speaking, is true the simple trading so many layers of our culture of our government via educational institutions and that that's just like us, but now we can see what happens when those.
Them to go untreated. It becomes a very difficult. Situation to manage Canada? The situation that wherein, where we're having issues with courts, doing what they have to do with federal law enforcement, doing what they have to do. We have issues actually identifying what is truth. That's a problem in the philosophy world. They call it relativism, and this relativism is a big deal is idealism I should say it's it's crushing what was once known as truth, so I opened would saying they were under attack by three countries. That's just right now, with cyber hack, someone on IRAN, Russia, China, but the overall,
we're under attack by an ideology and idea that rejects God We're God is improvident where you're not looking too higher power for your next meal, in thanking the Almighty for your providence or for their providence for your provision. But people are actually kneeling at the altar of big government. That's a big problem So more on that, when we return, I am rich. thou didst Thou des within, as at Rich Valdez on all of the social media, and I M sitting in tonight for the great one mark limit as we enter Christmas season. Most of us stopped to consider our many blessings. Will Hillsdale College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings? Since one thousand, eight hundred and forty five
helstone has held fast to its mission, to provide the kind of education essential to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty for a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive an Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses or of a tender. One of hills does free regional events. Now you know of hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom any government interference at time and our nations history has there been a greater need for that kind of classical liberal arts education that Hills tat offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season of blessings hailstones. Thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills. Del college visit Levine for Wholesale Dotcom. That's alleviate for hills, drawback com, Levine friend, here tell that com.
Amerika welcome back. I am ridge about there's about death within s that average Valdez on all the social media. Just like mark living at Mark Levine show you can get mark living at more. Levin show on parlour and on Twitter, lamentably, Spanish. We would say lemon WMD mark living be leaving Facebook at the end of this here so make sure you follow him on parlor at market shell and while you're at it just look for at Ritual DES within S? Not we were talking about a few different things before them I am not going to continue on that diatribe with relation to the story, and I was talking about the article. Rather I read the article. I believe this. The article Steve Walter's are old buddy from the market even show. I just ran into me during the brake, and I really appreciate it, I believe, is a peace by Lucy Robarts. The conference presentation called the particular
tasks of a national minority, Marxist Leninist, from June of ninety, seventy nine. I think I might have read a newer version of this that was in rewritten in nineteen eighty one, but the point of it is they for two african Americans and at this point of time back in the it is in the seventies. the national minority in the marxist- and this is from the website- marxists, DOT, Org Marxists, that work and not play Now, I'm just say if you want to read how these people thank, you can see it here and they basically devise a plan where they say you go to the national minority which, in this situation, was african Americans at the time, and you explained to them that their superior in that they have been injured. In a certain way because of the privilege at the white people that have come before them have had, and then you guilt the white people into feeling that they do, Something negative- and I mean this is an idea that as old as me and we're seeing come too
This is the reason why, because these people don't stop stuff is literally written me no with ain't gonna page and this article, just by itself eight pages. So I encourage you to look at this stuff because there is not eight pages telling people to be. Conservatives of course, Mark Levine's, written great books and lots of people of written these great books. But the point that I am making is they ve been at this for forty years actually been had for a lot longer and it's important to realise them, and I did a whole pack estimates of your check it out you can. This. Is America a rich all this, but I want to talk about what's going on with me alive with the current state of affairs, because lots of different things happening right now and people are feeling indecisive what's happening. What are we gonna? Do asked where I could summarize what's going on.
My summation would be this we're in a fight, a boxing match and they're trying to call it on points. and we're trying to say none half what you're giving points when this guy was illegal blows back of the head below the belt of can't be counted, come on so we're arguing with the reference resting. Well, you don't have standing and Missis I laughed, but it's because of a sense of incorrect, Letty that I dont believe that this is actually happening in the United States of America. But with that being said, I looked at a pc other day. There was describing just this an american greatness by Kimball, and the title was beach trail of american Freedom, and he
outlines in the piece how you know how there's all this evidence all of everything all of the facts. That kind of just recently happened and what's going on in the recent weeks, and yet we're still here. and there was a few points- and I thought you know really interesting on them- to share them with you of sworn affidavits attesting to his handling of ballots, obstruction of GNP observers and various forms of outright boat or fraud. there are also the charges of the vote being manipulated by voting machines. Funny stories about that, some affirming it some rejecting it. Some people argue for it. Some people argue against it. President Trump is in the middle of a big fight or at the tail end of a big fight. So-
the next step is Congress, and I want to give you a little bit more on the background to this as we get into the next segment. But Congress is ultimately where this show down is gonna end and were only a couple of weeks away. So these dueling sets of electors. And congressmen that are saying you know what there's a challenge Gonna challenges and we're gonna. Take this all the way, and you know what I say. We absolutely have to take this all the way because who gives up when you're in round twelve of a title fight nobody so we're gonna go as far as we have to go. That's what we in any fine weather, its politics or a battle urine with your family, keep alive. there. I am rich Valdez as we enter the
this must cease, and most of us stop. They consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen, forty four helstone has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education is central to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive an Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses or of a tender. One of hills does free regional events. Now you know of hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom any government interference at time and our nations history has there been a greater need for that kind of classical liberal arts education that Hills tat offers on its campus and nationwide
during this season a blessings hailstones. Thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills. Del college visit Levine for wholesale dot com. That's alleviate for hills, Toolbar com, Levine for hosting that come to mark love, show where we create the talking points, call now seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one so President Ronald Reagan, said the best anti Poverty programme was a job and a collar told me that the best stimulus package America could ever see is to open our economy because the free market it is where its at speaking to the remark. By the way I am rich Valdez Valdez with an s I'll sit here and talk all night, and I didn't tell you: I am rich Valdez with a As some of you guys know me, Mister call screener I host
radio show on marks affiliate in New York City, the world famous Dummy ABC gout, and you can a check me out there whenever you want to W B, but I want to think thinking, ahead of myself right, I'm gonna get you a story. The stories I went out for lunch, Imagine undisclosed bunker in New York and I went out for lunch, and place I was going to a spanish restaurant was an open. So I found a a familiar restaurant that I'd seen in Manhattan. And I said all while I know that spot they got one in the city, ripen square garden, where we used to broadcast seventeen floors above Madison Square Garden, and I saw it so I went in a time please, but mainly what did you and Tony in? nephew and rested guys great guys, big shot up to them and they are great me pause and it was wait because we're having a conversation. They were familiar with the work that we do here in the radio station and across Amerika, obviously on these airways and they were so
orders and listeners. I'd want to say hello to them and thank them for great launch. It was really good and I got a salad for MR producer and I haven't gotten the feedback, yet I don't know if he's eating it or not, so we're going to have to hold his feet to the fire, but the meatballs were great and the reason I bring up small businesses, not you not to say, hi to friends. At the familiar but it was because what businesses are taking a really hard hit a really really hard hit, and this is problematic. Because if we go back to what I said about Reagan, Reagan's is best anti poverty programmes a job. Yet those of us like this family that makes their own job by opening their own business. What are they gonna? Do? I'm you think out their open. And you know the supervision my planes today, but if you
not able to open how do you make money if you pass hideous diminished? How do you make money, and these are the things it workers are facing all over the place, so I want to get in that in a little bit ethically New York in the draconian things happening here, but now at the national level we have President Trump really stepping up, for me right. He really my opinion, and he always has I mean this is are the example. I think that trump sets for Americans everywhere, which is do it don't talk about it, be about it? Do it I've often times giving credit to President Trump because he left his skyscraper penthouse on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York City
and its literary like a golden building trumped our and he left that grabbed supermodel wife and said you know what going to go to the swamp. What is kid until and his other kids, dishonesty dolphins, a family affair? so they have to run the business. Your whole family gets dragged into that lifestyle. Has we ve seen with malicious prosecutions from people in New York in the southern district and the New York attorney general, even the Manhattan District in his office. So you look at all that, and you say men why? Why would anybody do it and the reason he did it in the most simplistic way I can think of is when people you know like when you were a kid schoolyard bully whatever was and are like all your mother. You know when you were a kid, you don't think too much and you think my mother, Alice. I don't care how big you are, but that's one of those things you don't come back from an you just start swing in writing.
good. What you say about Mamma and you go out and I think that's trump he's like you know what were taken. This fight were taken this Don't care how big you are and how bad you want to know how great you are breaking rules, creating rules that you know exactly how to bend know I'm going to stick up for what I know is right, and I give him tremendous credit for that, And yesterday was obviously one of the many times he's done that, but he are taken made it so well, where he put this covered. Nineteen quota quote relief bill on blast
and he told the democratic and summarily he also sedative Republicans they're all willing to vote for this. That the bill was a disgrace and I think he's a hundred per cent right, and I want you to listen to President Trump last night cut one check this out throughout the summer Democrats cruelly blocked covered relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left wing agenda and influence the election. Then a few months ago, Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the american people it's taken forever. However, the bill they are now planning to send back to my desk is much different than anticipated. It really is a disgrace, for example, among the more than five thousand pages in this bill, which nobody Congress has read because of its length and complexity, its call they covered relief bill
but it has almost nothing to do with govern this bill contains. Eighty five point five billion dollars for assistance to Cambodia, one hundred and thirty, four million dollars to Burma. One point three billion others were Egypt and the egyptian military, which go out and buy almost exclusively russian military equipment. So listen, I don't know how have you vacation or summer in Cambodia. I know I never have, but I'm just a kid from Brooklyn that lives in Jersey. Now, if you're one of those people that summer in Cambodia, then maybe you know you're you're all for this, but me I look at the cycle. What better way what's going on here, how is it that word? Bringing all this money to Cambodia and I think the press it's spot on, and this is what I think in my opinion was masterful, or he just says you know what I'm going to call these guys out because hey what do I got to lose?
going to tell the truth and stand up for the american people. It's what he knows how to do. He fights that's what he does and So what you re? It's! What I love about him that he fights he doesn't take the pomp and circumstance value it any more than that it ought to be valued. He says I whatever pomp and circumstance you can keep your pomp and circumstance is great for what it's worth for what it's worth like when they said. Will you be able to be very presidential, sir? And he said I ll be the most presidential you ve ever seen. I can be very presidents and it was funny because he's ridiculing them he's basically saying who thou cares, who cares about being president? what really matters here is getting things done, the american people and that's what else from people Come on, don't beetle Danavas, Magnus, authoritative president of these United States, L precedent they don't Aldous Magnus. That is what he does. He get stuff gun
I want you to listen to him, saying that six hundred bucks is not nearly enough money for small businesses check this out, despite all of wasteful spending and much more than nine huh billion dollar package, provides hardworking taxpayers with only six hundred dollars each in relief pyramids and not enough. He has given to small businesses and, in particular restaurants owners, have suffered so grievously. They were given a deduction for there's to used in business there restaurant for two years, this two year period must be withdrawn. Which will allow the owners to obtain financing and get their restaurants back in condition com can terminated at a much later date, but two years. is not acceptable. It's not enough. I agree with a hundred percent. I have friends that have lost their shirts with
businesses in New York City resting businesses that are just not available anymore. One of my radio exactly a today Sidra and broke? I heard him I'm talking about how heat All this money to live in Manhattan on the Upper West side and he's like what do I do that, for why would I all this money to live in Manhattan. I do it because it's restaurant that I like and that restaurant that I like I go to this. I could do that every things right here, all the best of everything right here, New York City, it's right here and he said now nothing's right here, I'm still paying that huge rent to live here. For what. I think, he's got a point. People are losing their shirts losing their livelihoods. Some kids can go to school. Some kids can't, Many kids don't assimilate well too, online learning thing and I dont want to beat up everybody undiscovered nineteen stuff because
it just seems to always circle back, no matter what you complained about her. He get on the radio start your aunt and it's always comes back to covered one way or another, because it been so poorly handled. My opinion by the states, at least examined Jersey in New York, but bottom line here is what business owners are getting beat up on this and ultimate the small business owner is he who employs most people in America or she who employs most people in America? Most people don't work for a fortune. Ten company most the work for a moment, Popper a mid size or small, medium and large sized business. That's not a huge big box retailer fortune, ten company, not Amazon, not Walmart,. and we are drowning loud and crushing people and we are destroyed. the free market and its becoming,
You're really reminiscent when the government starts bringing money and and we're trying to build this out and do that that it really me, a how China's economy kind of grew and flourished, were they Take fifty one percent of whatever they feel like taking and they run industry And they run you so keep a lot right get into that in a little bit more. When I hear all of your phone calls are phone numbers, eighty seven thousand, seven hundred and thirty, eight one thousand three hundred and eighty one eight, seven, seven, three, eight one. three thousand eight hundred and eleven if you're a live, and you want to go at it with me, I am rich, this within S and I M sitting in for the great ban as we enter Christmas season, most of us start to consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen, forty four
hosting has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education is central to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty for a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive in Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses orbit tender, one of hills, does free regional events. Now you know of hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference at time and our nations history has there been a greater need for that kind of classical liberal arts education that Hills tat offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season, a blessings hailstones. Thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills, to college visit Levine for Wholesale Back, come that's Ellie, Vienna, for hills to about com, Levine friend I doubt that com
alright America. Welcome back. I am rich about there's Valdez within S sitting the great one mark Levin, eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven is our phone number and we talked about a bunch of things, and I I was talking about an article I was reading before I put it aside, I'm going to get back to it. Election and all that because I want to into more of that, but the current threat that we're on is I'm calling out Congress. He told him that it was a disgrace. He said six hundred hours is not enough and that the best trump impersonator, but can it adds little color, and you just heard that obvious how makin a blade again, but I have another one, I'm gonna play for you and the President just went out there,
he did what he does, and this is why I guess I am going to toot his horn just a little bit, because I think this is what we need people to do, two to take a stand in politics to say you know what this is my opinion. I truly do feel this way. This is what I'm gonna do and he's not. You know it totally stay home and be a lame duck. President and you say, hey, you know figure it out Biden. You know if you guys think by one great. If I don't get this choice, on January. Sixth, if that doesn't fly rain deal with him and in fact that's what he said, but he said it's so much better because he now he says I might be the one that you have to deal with. It I think it's terrific that it uses veto pen on a separate issue on the defence field because of the pork that was in the weighted, they ve done it, and I think it really draws attention to what's happening
in Washington, what's happening in Congress specifically and what's happening in the governance of our country. At the federal level, people more and more people are waking up realizing. You know what I really. I'm going through a difficult time right now, because of x Y, see something corona virus elated, whether it's your business being crushed by krona virus customers not being able to do what they have to do. Every he's got something to do the corona viruses, screwing people left and right, in particular, small businesses. To me, it seems like such an effective way for the opposition, the oppressor to stifle speech or even congregation right. You have the minute men back in these that congregated at restaurants in and you know, local watering halls and where it wherever people met church and guess
Those are the places they don't want. You to go, you can go to bar as you can go to church is church, all the singing spreads go, but what about the supermarket? None and time you know what about you, it's just bizarre and to meet, because there is strength in unity and they're, not allowing unity, but before I go into that, I want you to hear trumps. It gets out, like I told you before, I ll sit here and talk all night Trump said that this bill needs to be amended, because people need at least a couple a grant to pay their bills. Not six hundred bucks. Listen to this Congress found plenty of money for far countries lobbyists and special ledgers, whilst ending the bare minimum. The american people who needed it wasn't. Therefore it was China's fault, not their fault Mary Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low six hundred dollars to two thousand dollars or four thousand dollars for it
apple. I am also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation, and to send me a suitable bill or else the next, Illustration we'll have to deliver a covered relief package and maybe that administration will be me and we will get it done. Bravo, Mr President, that's the type of in your face this. The word I just made up. I think that type of in your face and stick to it in this is exactly what we need in the light. and I can't believe that America is not up in arms the way. So many and lots of Americans are up in arms and we're like us,
bring it back to the election, but this is what we need. This is exactly what we need to fight the pork barrel. Spending the the government. First crowd was marked as coined the Hate America First crowd, which is really the most dangerous type right cuz. Those are the ones that are looking to usurp the republic entirely like whatever, whatever good and whatever power America had. They want to take it and ruin it, but- and this is how they do it they want. They want to strangle. You. Not physically, obviously, literally bled dry, so you have no choice but to come with your hand up, and that's not the right way to do business. It really isn't big corporations. When you meet somebody that works in one of these big corporations, most of them tell you most will tell you
oh, no, the really good! I get three weeks vacation. I get this. I get that all know. When I had my kid they let me do this. They. Let me do that. Why big companies a they ve made enough money to be able to handle at, but be they figured out that the only way you stay in business and you make money with good people. Good people are hard to come by. So you want to take care of your people and that's something I think Trump understand. I want your party a trumped our once and I spoke with some of the other CO chair person, the weight staff, many them black and brown by the way and white, and they shared such highs, it of stuff about the Trump Organization, and they were very pleasant. People very well trained, really, really very, animal people they like their job, because it's about taking care of people trumped get started. He brings that to his work in the White House. So it's critically,
Orton for us is Americans to elect people. At least stand. We ve gotta watch out for our fellow Americans. If we won't look out for America who will keep a locker, there. I am rich Valdez sitting in fur market. the break from the West one podcast network,
easy now: broadcasting, I'm lonely underground demand both than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Alright, America, welcome back. It's our mark. Levine show wits about best guess within asked. I am that those that this is America to Pie cast out of W B C radio in New York City, where I also do show live as well as on their long island station. I host to show as well everyday Monday to Friday eleven a m. You can check it out. If you get a chance, our phone number one seven, seven, three, eight one, thirty eight eleven now and that's bridge about death with an
By the way I've seen the time you guys are chiming in a social media. I love the conversation. Thank you for your comments. God bless you. While you are a bunch of patriots, we talked about a few things already and I want to get back into the gonna get into those and we're gonna get into your calls. As well, I see the calls are coming in and that's great. I want to speak with you A few more things- and I wanted to continue to build on because we talked about Trump blasting, the corona, was billed as a disgrace. Then he said six hundred boxes, enough for a small business heritage is right and also saying that for two years nay more time and he stuck up for small business owners. Then he said get it done, because if you don't want it them with me, and I am being the guided still around. You have do me again, and this is the bravado and the the hubris I appreciate that the president brings to the table for small business owners for even for big business. I mean what
it is just for the free market in general. We need to have a free market in order to be successful. Now I know people acknowledge plenty, a country's no free market, there you're saying they're, not successful gonna say they are not economically successful to me the ability for one to go and earn money freely without having to share it with the government and, of course, their taxes he'll be in your pocket, that's kind of how I ended up here- I am quick aside, you know what I was sixteen years old, I messed around with my buddies. drawing designs in their hair, with a pair of clippers, hair clippers and One of them said Hagen just Gimme a haircut news about and how to do that. But I try and, as you know, and I've seen a barber, do it a million times. I didn't have the Klaus pretty cool and before you know it, I had a line of people kind of my dad's apartment in Jersey, walls and high school, and they want a haircut and that literally morphed into a business
because somebody more vision, the me said you know what little broke. I'm gonna hook you up and laid out the money for me a purchase, ie, eight salon that was going out of business and while I was still in high school, I was going to cosmetology school and had a switch at my school I'm gonna nights when everything was a really interesting thing. Sixteen seventy but Almost eighteen, I was for swinging my barber business and I did ok again you- know modern Eliza, young guy made. I made a good amount of money, I don't really have any bills and one thing that I learned was you know what I like. taking my own money and I dont like having to pay tax now. Of course you have to pay, it's part of you, no living in the society. We live in This is why we also want to elect people that have an aversion to taxes,
and have an even more serious aversion to paying higher levels of taxes are higher rates of taxes or tax on more things. So that being said, role back regulations for businesses so that they can do more and they have more liberty, more liberty for people. Less control from the government is an ideal situation for me, really isn't it it is for most people because again going circling back that liberty did I had to pry said: hey, I'm going to buy a new pair of sneakers and they're a hundred fifty bucks. I know I could just cut more hair and stay later and between tips and whatever blah blah blah boom new sneakers, because it was a thing that I could do. Nobody was helping it. It was like there was a a false it. I could turn it on and turn it off, and there are many day do you want to turn off and I would work really Layton do lots of ours are infected
do that now and radio. It's just the work ethic that I've develop if there's an opportunity, I'm gonna jump on it as long as I can always guides, given me breath and I'm going for it. So I say all of that to say that we can Have regulations are going to put a stranglehold on small businesses across America, and I think it's a very unfortunate you know when, like I said, I grew up in Brooklyn till I was twelve, then we moved across the river to Jersey,
and it's very, very sad state of affairs to see what's happened to New York, in particular New York City, where I work every single day, and I see it with my own eyes- things are bad and they seem to be getting worse. They don't seem to be getting better and I think it is symptomatic of the things that we see because we have. These transplants are at least in New York City. The current mayor. I call him bill elbowed the Plaza villas Babo, the plaza, whose real name is Warren Wilhelm, any change that name in my opinion he changed. His name is birthday
to build a plaza, he claims for familial reasons and I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. But I would say that because of the late stage of the game, where he changed his name, it likely had to do with his support for the Communists in Nicaragua. When he was there supporting Daniel Ortega and the Sandinistas and working with ally groups of theirs. And that's not me throwing shade or smearing him. That's like legit, and you can look that up like to bring it up every now and again, because whenever I do people love to what is the term that we use now fact czech people of too fat check that And they always find out wow it's true and its also That is not a new Yorker. So you have this marxist sympathiser, communist sympathiser bill and bubbled the blind.
One will him from the Sandinistas and he was born in Boston. He's a Massachusetts liberal. Just like the governor, my statement, Jersey, another Massachusetts, Liberal and that's, it seems to me: that's where they crank them out. You know even see who's born in the Bronx went to Westchester and then ended up in Boston where they made her into a messages liberal. It seems to me that there are cycle, and this is where you get a real left winger. So it doesn't shock me. when I hear that he saying we're, gonna have shares deputies go to the home or the hotel of every single traveller coming in from the UK, and why? Because they ve discovered there is a new strand. Now I saw some conspiracy stop. People have to send that's up to me and I just fight it off like the plague and all they can do as they will have the same line.
it's always a conspiracy theory. Until it becomes a conspiracy fact, the problem is conspiracy. People believe, in fact they create their own truth, so as their creating their own truth. They live in this world of idealism. You know they they read, the tea leaves and it doesn't there's no way they can prove it it's on provable. So it's pretty much. Yeah they can, you know they go from not even go down that radical, but it's it's just funny, in my opinion, at funny, to say the least, but this fact I saw him say it and it's not a deep, vague video bill above the plaza was saying that they want to adopt this policy because they build given the strong arm of the government just like they do in Vermont we're Bernie Sanders is from some people are so left wing. It becomes contagious and rub off on people and before you
What you have them saying things like all: we want the military. We want this massive government, they want to be under the control and the spell of the government insanity. No, thank you! No window balmy! No, I don't want that. But let me allow you to hear what I heard from bill elbowed the blast you check this out, but specifically for false coming in from the UK. Given that particular concern, we are sheriff deputies go to the home or Thou tat of every single traveller coming in from the UK, so when they arrived at the airport, they're gonna have to fill out the form notifying us that they are coming into New York City. I would provide without commissioners or but then there will be a follow up wrecked home visit or tell visit from the sheriffs deputy to confirm that they are following the quarantine or if they are not, they will be penalised.
So they're gonna be penalised. Now this is again. This is him showing its true colours. It's like he's walking down forty second street Times Square is wearing a long trench code needs just starts flashing. You back a marxist, I believe, in government control. We will run up in your house if you do not follow our rules now again. Some of this stuff is obviously warranted under the law and in some very extreme situations, and they use covered nineteen ten. What was saying before about the conspiracy step, some of this stuff they floated out there is they ve skip covered twenty in there now covert twenty one, so they're saying that this new strain may become code.
Twenty one and it made in fact become so that'll, be one of those examples of conspiracy theory becoming conspiracy fact. However, the point of it all is that bill elbow the plaza does not care to use his government part for good right. He always uses it in the name of separation. In the name of you are this, and we are that and this group against that group and we're going to do this in the name of protecting you. Everything is doom and gloom. Everything is the negative side of everything, never hey we're going to use the sheriffs deputies to make sure that we can maintain crowd so that we can have the most robust new year's Eve celebration we ve ever had with social distancing, it's gonna be out door. We're gonna, show the world. What New York City can do in the time of corona virus, were this city never sleeps? No, that's not what they say. They dont believe and hope.
Marxist Leninist, whenever you want to call them crazy, left these, they dont believe and hope they dont believe in America they dont even so many of the things that you and I a spouse, and if you listening disagree, that's fine! If you want to spouse the government, if you want to espouse and really be beholden, to the idea that we should all work hard and then kick back to the people who don't work hard man, that's on you, but there in a society around that works. That way. It's it's just not that way they dont work there not sustainable. Now. Of course, his arch nemesis, his arch nemesis. Essential Andy now essential andy- is the name. I gave him because Governor Andrew Cuomo made himself the essential employee, obviously as governor and started to identify who other
Essential employees word during his time where he oversaw this one thousand one hundred and thirty a dot m briefing every single day during the time of coronavirus during the peak when it was at its highest everyday. This one thousand one hundred and thirty briefing, and he would just give these stories- and I always do my She sent a great impression, but I have fun doing it, because I find him to be a fun guy too, to joke around with a few of that's one way of putting it, but when he would say things like my mom makes great me ball a brother and he would just get into these things, and I thought this guy sounds like he's doing a a podcast about his family, not giving a press briefing as governor. So that's. Why made him essential Landy from the essential Andy Como podcast now essential Andy. He says that they are going to use whatever they have used to make sure that people are tested. The day, strong arm the companies, the airline companies and we're going.
internet, but my thinking when I heard him say these words was why on earth? Do you continue this line that the virus came from Europe, not from China, and it really make wanted, but listen to what essentially- and he had to say right now- variant, India, Ok is getting on a plane and flying to jail. Ok What happened in the spray? How many kind in life do you have to make the same mistake before you learn? I now, essentially, I and II is flying on a plane, making mistakes, selling books, leadership, he doesn't lead anything. He oversaw the biggest mass carnage of old people in nursing homes that anybody's ever seen more people died in New York. Forget old people in nursing homes, and I should say, senior citizens excuse me, but
more people died in New York than anywhere else. He is the leader in the death and carnage the coronavirus, yet people still put a microphone and a camera in this guy's face all right. That's fine! You got if you want but know who you're talkin to this guy is the leader, the leader. When it comes to dead people, that's the guy I want to follow. I want to follow the guy who's overseen, the most people recovering in the least amount of debts. Anyway, people are right you're called coming up, one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven three thousand eight hundred and eleven thirty, eight thousand one hundred and eighteen, seventy seven thousand three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven Amrachelg and for the great Ben did you know your family and save over eight hundred dollars a year just by switching to pure talk from Verizon aid to anti anti mobile. Think about what could your family do with an extra eight hundred dollars? You don't want if the sacrifice coverage pure talk has exactly. The same
coverage. Same bars has one of the big carriers, but they charge you have you definitely don't have to sacrifice customer service there theme is based right here in the U S and are some of the nicest people you'll ever talk to. So don't wait anymore, get unlimited talk text and to gigs of data for just twenty bucks amount and if you go over on data usage, they'd on charges no, not even a penny, so gotta pure talk, USA, dot com and are promo code, Levine Podcast, that's l, E, the iron pot, cast and when you do, you also say fifty percent of your first month. Folks. This is the best. That's puritan, USA, dot com, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless, alright, Amerika welcome back. I am ridge about this about this with an S language, while this on all social media, definitely
check me out and look at the common during the break. I appreciate the support thumbs up our telephone numbers, eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three hundred and eighty one, one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven three thousand eight hundred and thirteen eight hundred and eleven- and I am having the honour and pleasure of sitting in for the great one Levin tonight- and I want to get to your call. So let's go to Florida, let's go to college, three Valerie. What's on your mind, alone, at least now be that Merry Christmas. We have now reached I just want to really speak what we were talking about at the Big- My dad was Porter again and join the Navy when he turned eighteen in the United States and ensure that children assimilated
the end to American, he loved this country more than many a person. He was a great patriot and just image that we knew what our history was and how important and even though people made fun of his accent, he tried really hard to. Let people know that he loved to this country, They even here for that reason, and so I just wanted to share that- would argue that I appreciate them. It's something I can say it's very true most poor regions in a lot of people, don't realize, but obviously Poterie goes apart of Amerika and so were born. Into american citizenship. We don't know allegiance to another country, we always pledge allegiance to the american flag and that's one of them. Things where it's you know: here's a fun factory.
Ray single war since the civil war and there's even some historical data. That goes straight back to the revolution, but since the civil war Hispanics have fought in every single war on behalf of the United States and they are a significant part, the United States military, so I thank you Valerie for you down for a service and I wish you a merry Christmas and what s interesting about that is patriotism is such a big part. I mean as a kid fighting stand up for the pledge of is my mother. Would smack me It's just how was made at any and right in the bag. It had the political battle in Spanish, many we're going to get all about a more when we come back. Eight seven set three one three, when one your calls and what's going on with this election a lot like there, which has been
ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while that you should do their best with that's my column, eighty seven Three eight one, three eight one, one. or in America welcome back Rich Valdez sitting in for the great one I am mister calls greener here. The associate produce remark. Levine show not to be confused with MR producer. Mr producer is, as my buddy courtesy would take he's Michael. I teach the executive producer tomorrow, so rich Samantha, different, rich awesome, guy and he's a flyin plain as we say in the radio business he's the quiet once. If you ever hear me talking to him, or work, obviously talking to him in him that responding. That's good! That's what MR producer does. I talk a lot. He talks nothing now, but anyway,
back eighty seven, seven hundred and thirty, eight one hundred and thirty, eight one thousand one hundred and eighty seven seven thousand three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven and Mark, of course, is taking time off of the year. He takes off the last two weeks of every year to recharge. Is batteries enjoy himself? That's really the main vacation time that it takes. So I wish him his family well, and I wanted to, Continue on this thing, that we were on earlier with risks. back to the election and two days ago, attorney general bar, whose now dearly departed not from this earth but from the Department of Justice may the remarks at an event commemorating the memorial of those that have passed from the
Privy stock, Scotland, plane, tragedy, attack bombing, all that- and this isn't about that. He made some comments with respect to a question that was asked and he acknowledged that there's fraud and you might have heard this clip, but I wanted to play it cuz. I think it sets up what we're going to talk about in the segment and also I think it it's him. You know from the horses mouth because, obviously there's a lot of contention when it comes to bar wire and people in jail. What's going on what happened to justice to tear justice system, so I want you to where to turn gentleman had saved with respect to election fraud check this out. I've already come dead, Let me just say that There are fraud in in Fortunately, in most elections I think we're too tower and other, and I'm sure there was fraud in this election. there's fraud and most elections and a response.
Billy Fraud in this election? I'm sure there was brought in this election and unfortunately were too tolerant of it. I think that Was so well stated knots? I agree. Disagree with him personally, whatever I'm just saying. I do think that there is so much apathy that has come out of our, being accustomed to the swamp being accustomed to the corruption, accepting the corruption as part and parcel of the business. What am I browse? A big. Joe he we always go at it arguing here. He loves I watched conspiracy staff and a lot of Siena a very, but we go in and we have these are MS item look, I got to stick with the facts. I stick with the real deal. You know you can lies about a lot of things but one of those things that we get into his you know I tell look that's business as usual in this business and he looks a mania
will it shouldn't be Richie. It shouldn't be that way and, unlike you know what you're right I do need to check myself. I have become so jaded having you know, spent time in a state house. I worked in Trenton Fora, the republican government New Jersey for several years, and you learn about about how a swamp, statewide swamp, works in New Jersey. the blue state. So it's it's one those things where it doesn't matter. How many Republicans you put in a state has there's always there be a whole lot more Democrats,
and they run the show because they are the career, professional employees. It don't go anywhere, no matter who's in charge. They armies of E g, the administrative state, the bureaucracy or what we call today, the deep state. That's them and, of course, the deep state idea gets a little deeper. The point with all of this is that we, I think, people that are involved, we become apathetic and then why you hear so many people go and look. He lost time to move on, and I'm talking Republicans at are saying that you like that's enough, stop embarrassing yourself enough enough yeah, but not enough. The reason we fight is because we have to hold onto what we believe And like and I'm checking myself here publicly, not on this issue, but many others with respect to be tolerated. Corruption is I look at a guy like Bill BAR
he and I worked in the government and also my thirties and I'm just two years into my forties, but they'll bars done to careers to stints, as attorney general here, how's the swamp, so it makes sense to me not condoning, but it makes sense to me anybody who spent that much time in the swamp is gonna get used to swampy behaviour, and this is the problem. I think that we have this is why term limits is so important. This is why the convention of states is even more important to get that into play, but all that is in a how do we work on it moving but right now we got a problem on our hands. We have an election that is been contested and I was and you from that peace in american greatness, and I want to pick up where I left off, because I thought it was this piece of of the column was very interesting to me and it's about a challenging congress.
With a GEO peace set of electors battling against the Democrat appointed slave candidate or electors and it's happened before in a minor way. Nineteen sixteen in a flu full blown challenge in eighteen, seventy six known as the compromise of eight in seventy seven, where we saw Democrats give the election to the Republican, rather for behave by one electoral vote in exchange for ending or starting the beginning to end, the reconstruction era and the last time I join you in this programme we did a whole bunch of rather for behave, explained the whole story and how you know the country. When two interregnum and it was. There was a really interesting story very fast, any peace, a history, my opinion and the great. I think it's great granddaughter. The grander rather behave called in.
what happens to be a sitting councilwoman in California, so that was really nice shout out to her, but that happened. That was history, so I can send you maybe the end of reconstruction as we know it or the end of identity. Politics would be worth eight Biden and Harris Administration interesting interesting offer, but that's not the offer on the cards sleepy Joe promises in administration. That is all race all the time and when it's not about climate change, mask mandates or redistributive justice, gonna go. And, of course, Kemal Harris, the President and waiting is what your promises, the living instant taken of all that is woke. Grasping and cynical. Congress is just to school for anything really dramatic to happen. It seems pretty clear that the court's above the Supreme Court remained terrified
of being called mean names by reporters at the New York Times, the immaculate deception, six key dimension. of election irregularities be thirty six page report on border fraud on this election that just published by Peter Navarro Navarro, the director of the President's Office of trade manufacturing policy he oversaw the report in his capacity as a private citizen was useful. it was a one stop summary of allegations of voter fraud, manipulation Navarro and his team looked at the key battle States of Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada and Georgia. The six dimension of irregularity. They investigated or outright voter fraud which they found in nearly all of the states. Ballot mishandling contestable process fowls.
protection clause, violations, voting machine irregularities and significant statistical anomalies. No one's gonna be surprised by the conclusion quote: the observed patterns of election irregular. already sent the report. Charges are so consistent across six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to. If not steel, the election outright strategically game the system and that's Roger Kimball, Anti American greater? I thought that was really well said, and I read this subsequently after I had interviewed Peter Navarro on my show, on W B c. This is about You can check out the nerve you because I thought it was really informative and at one point we joked around about Thank Fang and all that crazy stuff. His he's known as the China Trade, But focusing on the election to me it's it's very!
Clearly stated clearly available through that report, and many others, because that report just but based on lawsuits and information from a thousand more than a thousand affidavits, etc, etc. Videos publicly available information this. The fact that its not get more traction is one of those things where it's like. Why? Why isn't a kangaroo traction- and I thought. This is what we have to watch out for the reason I tell you it's because what I just talked about people are apathetic, they are like. People still in every election. Come on suck it up buttercup, it's all right and we have a different person now somebody who's not from the swamp that says hold on a SEC.
You may be used to ripping everybody off. Maybe when you go to the store that give you the wrong change and they pocket the rest, but I'm not cut from that cloth. I want all my change screen on bottom line, the end, so I think Washington, saying man this guy doesn't give up America. At least the patriots are voted for Trump. We're saying, thank God. He keeps writing for America. Thank God he's still there doing what we need him to do, and now I think it's our time right, that we have to make sure that we band together and we don't lose the momentum that the president has started. So I want to get to some of your calls sneaking one at least before we get to the break eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven, and let us see
Let's go to our four Jan Look of South Carolina I, which may require merry Christmas valleys, namely that I shall be very quick. I dont really Finally, I don't understand why all the people that will guilty about me, I, the election. people were Ali yeah. I think I get what you say, and so why is it that we Then the final, these people, you know James call me Hillary Clinton, her emails, all this stuff was put out. Their people were making rushed, judge it's all sorts of craziness is going on and yet neither nothing happens. I think its exact neurons, Orkut
You have a ruling class of people that literally effects both parties, people that make their living their entire substance. Subsistence. Excuse me. Comes from skimming money off the top of our tax dollars, your tax dollars my tax dollars. They live off of us in effect there like leeches it's that we're leeches lived. They live in a swamp because that's what most politicians are like. In my opinion, You should only be allowed to be a leech for a little while they're like high paid welfare recipients and what s happening They say you know what this guy's mess and what our flow it's no different than to drug deal on the corner, whose, like all you know what these people in our way, what are they doing? People, you know, interfere with their their business there, drug business they start taking people out They call the cops they ran on how this guy over here, because they want more business, more corners, more blocks and that's what we in the swamp. Tromp is mess their flow up here.
Making money like they used to. They don't have the power they used to it's interesting out that that you know this thing called this thing is over great Mcconnell can't wait to jump back into bed with chucks. Isn't that a sad state of affairs, As you know, it's about coming together. It's about reaching across the eyelids about bi partisanship and people who criticise me assailant rich, come on you're being a hyper partisan and I say no screw the republican Party. This isn't about the Republican Party is about America. It's about doing the right thing by people and that's the problem. We started off talk about virtue. Where is it. but there's no virtue in the swamp, there's no virtue in all of these things. Now there is virtue in reaching across the aisle. We don't have to hate the Democrats also dont have to embrace corruption, and that is where we have to land on it. more that when we get back. I am rich Valdez Valdez with an s
I am honoured to be here on behalf of the great one martlet did you know your Emily can save over eight hundred dollars a year just by switching to pure talk from Verizon eighteen. anti mobile. Think about what could your family do with an extra eight hundred dollars? You don't even have to sacrifice coverage puritan has exactly the same coverage. Same bars has one of the big carriers, but they charge you. Have you definitely don't have the sacrifice customer service? team is based right here in the U S and are some of the nicest people you'll ever talk to. So don't wait anymore, get unlimited talk text and to gigs of data, for just twenty bucks amount, and if you go over on data usage, they don't charge. No, not even a penny, so go to pure talk, USA, dot com and are promo code, Levine Podcast, That's l e g, I am podcast and when you do you also say fifty,
none of your first month folks. This is the best. That's pure talk, USA, DOT, com, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure, USA simply smarter wireless, Alright! America welcome back. I am rich by this vile des within s summer. You guys know me, as your liberty, loving Latino Amigo, my Graham and others of you know me from this programme as Mr Karas greener and with that being said, we're gonna get to some cause, but first some breaking news at least breaking from little. Trump, pardons Charles Cushion, Paul man and an Roger stones, and not only does Roger Stone Heavy commuted sent he's now pardoned it. Never happened Paul man for good for him he's. Look! really really rough shaped. The last time I saw him so good for him to get to go home because again, these
are in jail. Why? Because they were part of Trump world. I guess I'll Rich come on. It's one thing to be political, but that's another thing to have to say that that you know what India is a crime yet, but they didn't. the crime is as much as a crime and the guy was. Lobbyists and didn't do his foreign registration. Everybody knew he was a lobbyist metaphor and stone comment really that's ex ante. All this guy committed a crime. Would he do? He never knew his license and time how come? I really am lobbying that that's that one there it was incredibly excessive. This really was the equivalent of a political prosecution? These guys were literally american political prisoners. I hope to God that they make millions dollars on their next book to show that the free market economy is alive and well in America, telling
story so that future generations will have to go through what they went through an sees me as well as transmission. I think I mentioned that already. Who is, I believe, the dad of jurisdiction or so regulations to all now we too about several things, and one of the things I wanted to say was yes, I became jaded working in the administration of New Jersey, Governor Chris Christie and not because of him in any way he's actually somebody that I, like I note, despite my disagreement with some of his political positions as of late, I think he's a decent human being. The the issue was really the Democrats, the Democrats, again. They they play ball a different way and I hate a blunt them all in the same exact, a lot of friends and I have no problem with so many different democrats. The radical fringe is part of it and then there's the the hard core adherence to swamp business. If that's the thing people that will you
the government to get what they want and I, like the way Obama ran his whole administration. When people do that type of thing, come at your using the government power, that's wrong, but sometimes that's the dirty side of politics. I think we ve seen that over and over the trumpet ministration, if its ever been more evident. I can't think of a time. I can't think of a time that it's been as evident as it has been now. But that being said, the phone number here. Eight seven, seven, three, eight one, thirty eight, Seven hundred and eighty seven seven hundred and thirty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven we got time for one call I'm going to let it be where's choice and that will be Steve Walters. You pick one. I talk right Michael welcome to the programme. How are which I take it? You wanna greater fallen right behind Russian will get world radio go. I think I can a strong voice up, but I had a couple of and for executive orders, and, if you like them, I wonder if you could get him straight to hell. Trumpeter were at least
Why you got ten seconds shoot when I click? Ok, all businesses should be treated the same in regard to small business in large business. If you like it, ordered legally gingham gaming application. I get what you're saying in terms of regulation. Let's be fair with everybody knows no breaks for the big eyes: how about the small guy rich girl doesn't for the right when people awkward them from the westward one podcast network ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the podcast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S, slash joy!
now broadcasting only underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Alright, America welcome back it's our three at the mark. Levine shall I am Rift Valley there. Some of you guys know me, as Mr Cosgrove others know me has brickbats within this liberty, loving, Latino, Amigo, He is a host of apartheid. Less than a radio shack, gotta Rich Valdez show on Toby Ally are which is part of the BBC family. Have this is America? I try spend as much time as I can on a microphone because I love this stuff and I do not because
the great at it, not at all action and probably my biggest critic, and we can get into that stuff later, but it's just a craft and I really admire- and I work hard to be good at if I can be- and not quite there thank you for putting up with me. Our telephone number is eighty, seven, seven hundred and thirty eight one hundred and thirty, eight one thousand one hundred and eighty seven, seven thousand three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. We talked about a lot of different things. Tonight we talked about blasting, the covert bill is a disgrace and had a lot. Things to say as well. Then we talk a little bit about What's going on with the nastiness in war, she Denham what's up with the swamp Venus, and I want to talk about the Democrats now, because Dammit Not only are they using these draconian tactics to stifle small business, but they also.
Are kind of stepping over each other blaming themselves about a month ago. There was a bunch of them that responded to the question. Why didn't we gain more? from hispanic or latino minority voters with the twenty twenty election, because Trump trumpeted really really well, but before I get into that to hear them kind of talking over one another, just really going out of their way to explain Why they didn't do better? Why defending the police was terrible idea, because guess what it turns out that blacks in his bed so what I d like to say black and brown? We don't why living in the hood, and we don't like living in neighborhoods that are ravaged by crime with people burning things down all that stuff. So all that being said
This is a series of Democrats from a yo see to formula Jaya Paul to Jim Kleiber and others, and you're gonna recognise your voices because they're so distinct, but listen to this some of the arguments that are being advanced to defend the police, hurt our hears. What socialism heard not single a single member of Congress that I'm aware of care paint on socialism or defending the police in this general election, every single swing seat, member that cosponsor Medicare for one their real action. We need to be our clear in what were for so that people know what they are voting for. Redress oh good, sometimes destroys it where it was to get out of that d The police
the green new deal you're talking about me, sickly, green new deal in all this socialism. That's not who we are a democratic party. Could he have we been tagged? If you are you by your name, you must be for all the crazy stuff in or not. We just have to be very careful about pointing fingers fingers in any direction because the country is divided. Now, if we say anywhere in the party that progressive are the reason for losses in these democratic districts. Some of these democratic districts- I fear we will lose people for a generation, is going governed from the center. We want who the progressive agenda, of course, experimentally, Opportunities for healthcare is a good example of that. But are we gonna straight in the meadow care for all. Of course, none of us can be judgment. We need to look at the number of people that voted for President Trump Why do using free terms like defined the police has led to
losses in in this last year, nobody, I know who's running for office talks about the funding, the police. What we talk about is making police officers accountable, so there you have it get out of each other's ways and all my gosh, you know everything that we literally fought for right. They fought for every one of those policies. They fought for the green new deal. They fought to define the police, Joe Biden was walking around are they burned? Got airline exotic another burning down. But what can I do for you? I mean it was just beyond belief. The way they ignore. With things as this city was. This any New York? All I mean you think of all these big city, Canosa, Wisconsin
he saw these riots in LA you saw them all over the place: cities all across America, one thousand three hundred and fourteen about fifteen cities that they just hammered them hard, Portland CI. We saw that happen on the Democrats side. And now they want- or you know what tap dance around the issue again. That's typical politics, but it's not typical politics to burn down the record buildings. It's not typical politics to watch a retired police captain. Lieutenant David Doorn bleed out on a facebook live video. That is a disgrace, not a disgrace. In politics. It is is to humanity. Where is the virtue? The one guys tell em don't die? Oh gee, don't die,
I'm sure those of you who follow the stuff- you remember it for those of you who don't you're gonna, be really shocked. When you see that video of that literally bleeding to death and they continue to videotape. It saying hold on hold on that happened. That alone was enough for me, but there was more. There were so many people that lost their lives as a result of their abdication of their own responsibilities, of not step. They- want to criticise trump and they want to say all because he does not to call off the proud boys do this and do that. Meanwhile, there's no body count for the trumpeters there's no body count, but for the Democrats does a trail
bodies and some survivors, Steve's police. So I don't buy it when they sit here and they talk about their the peaceful party. Peaceful protest bs. Bravo, Sierra! No sir! No Senor, that's not real, and you have to call it out, not tell you. It was real president trumps hispanic prosperity should have. That was a success. Now, of course, in full disclosure, a I am an American of poor. We can heritage big to all of my body, pleasant, Latinos, outdated, listening right now and be, I am an adviser. President trumps, national Diversity coalition led by Doktor Scott Bristol, well, who do a terrific job by way of keeping the president's achievements front and centre in the media, and irrespective of whether it's the president's platinum plan or the Hispanic Prosperity initiative.
More minorities voted for Trump than any other Republican since nineteen sixty big gains So it comes as no surprise when the Washington Post ran this headline yesterday and I believe the yesterday, the headline was Democrats grim prospects and final election results despite vitamins when I read it yesterday, but I printed it today and has a different has it anyway. This is December. Twenty one Washington, Post Michael share an inventor readable, a brevity because think it's it's very its Jesus moment, as they say, voters in the once Democratic Ohio, do that surrounds the shuddered lords down General Motors plant yadda yadda set the good part. Isabel uproar in the heavily Hispanic South Bronx,
RO, the liberal sanctum of San Francisco and the immigrant rich neighbourhoods of Miami President Trump also shrank the Democrats margins by drawing thousands more to his side. He even swept the third when I have counties that voted twice for Barack Obama before choosing Trump and twenty sixteen. Ultimately, in my opinion, this is why we're having the problems that we have, because even the Democrats in Washington, post or maybe he's a progressive right, maybe he's one of those anti Pelosi progressives like a Yossi. That's, as you know, we gotta take these people out. even they they recognize it. We ve got a huge problem here as people than out this Magnus, the forty five president of these United States, L it he one most, eighty one,
sent of counties across Amerika. Now this has nothing to do with Hispanics, black and brown, black and brown. Most of us don't live our lives through the lens of racism. We live our lives, to live our lives. We live our lives for the things that matter the things that matter to you. things that matter to me usual It's the same thing right. We care about her a career where we do something rewarding, so we can make some money and provide for who for our family what that's an elderly parent that need your support, whether it's a teenage daughter, Son child little kids, seven years old, five years old, whatever we're talking about family, that's what people care about people care about faith they care by famine. Of course they care about freedom. I mean it's what I do I do. What I do is I love this stuff, but make no mistake, along with loving
casting and loving politics and loving the radio. I love my daughter's. They mean the world to me. What good dad doesn't love their children. What good patriot doesn't love their country, good color, doesn't love to call the mark. Levin show eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three hundred and eighty one one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. I want to jump into a call because keep talking and then we will get to any calls- and I know that's frustrating, so let go to college five. That's gotta in Michigan! Might what's on your mind your own? What rich Valdez gonna give me, Mr Aldo? How are you, sir? We ve, my body, my boyfriend, and how are you doing with spectacular. I'm that Micro Michigan we mentioned
the wind. I give my blue, but it really should be read, based on the way that the votes were counted Okay, I tell you what, though I love our president. I love what he's done for this country and its republic and the eighty million people that voted for him. He is a patriot like no other and then Mr Mann and you and your staff and all the others who promote what this country really stand for what our primitive stands for. Unbelievable. Thank you for everything you guys do. I owe you. One of the things I want to mention was them these state of Michigan, our Secretary of State, our governor endeavour.
The attorney general really really cannot accept the fact that MR properly one in Michigan, we would have had a wonderful, also Senator John James, who lost out because of this foul play in Now our attorney general here in Michigan is going to take legal action against attorneys who are going to be standing up for the rights of the people and take them to the Michigan BAR, so they could lose their their licences action has been taken law that is far when it saw unbelievable. Not might thank you. You are a patriot, and I appreciate the update for Michigan
right if people are doing the wrong thing. If people are, you know turning a blind eye and they have a professional licence. Listen, we gotta go after everybody, the law only matters when it has some teeth. The minute it doesn't have teeth anymore, guess why the minute they know you're, not giving out tickets for stopping people at stop sign nobody stopping at a stop sign the minute that they know that you don't give out tickets for littering everybody going to litter that everybody, but some people are guided in life by the consequence not the virtue and that's just a real part of life. I tell my kids all time. Listen, we dont not kill people because we ll go to jail for murder. We don't kill people because it's wrong. but not everybody learns that stuff in those kind of what I talked about earlier with respect to. Ultimately, where virtue comes from the purpose of that's so keep a lot right. They're gonna jump back into that. In a couple of things. I want to talk about Trump and the election. Eight seven, seven, three, eight one
three thousand eight hundred and eleven eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. I am rich Valdez with an s sitting in for the great one mark Levin the Association of mature american citizens is one of the first. Describing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a Macbook in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond, but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member only rates on car insurance, travel discounts self. plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max.
By monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U S stopped, Putting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S Alright, America welcome back. I am rich Valdez Valdez within asked and at ritual. Doesn't all social media platforms on rumble on on parlor I'm on all of them, so give us follow a check it out thumbs up whatever it is. It's that's on that. Do that for me, please we're trying to get such we need your help. Of course, you can always find Mark Levin show as well the great one and check out the great ones podcast. The pocket
has been growing exponentially, and it's because of you, the listeners so check out the mark. Levine show podcast you can had that wherever podcast are available so you're talking about the app store? The the apple pie cast your Google podcast platform and mark of ensure come. You can catch replay there and while you're there check out. This is America? Would Rich Valdez Great great show, trust me. I know here too about it. I think I highly recommended short thirty minutes three times a week. I think you're gonna like it and a lot of young people like it believe it or not. I try to do it with my daughter's in mind or both teenagers, fifteen and nineteen, so I try to keep it at that level so that its kind of welcoming now we were talking about different topics about how the Democrats are just running away tripping over themselves, because
no no, no because of the defined the police in green deal, cetera, ok, no problem. We heard that. Then we took a look at what's going on with the with losing these elections. I read to you a little bit from the Washington Post. Now want to get into some of your cause, but I want to talk about a couple things just quick are thrown out there. Could we may not have time for everything, and I want to get everything I really do Joe Biden saying some crazy things good morning, good afternoon, still boarding. Oh sorry, my bud, I'm Dr Jill's husband, he just funny stuff that I really wanted to play for you. We have a chance. I'll do it so have Maxie Waters, the representative, California. She says that we should take Donald Trump out of the White House by his hair hold up. Wait a minute someone called a secret service skirted. I can't believe that this is an actual thing that she's that vicious in her rhetoric in her rhetoric toward him
I mean these diseases a vicious thing. I got the keys ever say anything that bad crazy exceed its about it. She could come crazy. I wouldn't I wouldn't backup Abbot dragon applies here. None but anyway, we're gonna get into the big story from yesterday last night was what's going on. Georgia. With these elections and one of the candidates, river end or the Reverend Raphael Warnock. Apparently there video then I saw honourable and you know him. Police body can video, but before we get into that, I want to grab a quick call, let's go to Richard and Long Island thirty seconds Richard Irma, of course. So does America you down to twenty seconds Bulgaria little I need to call attention to a critical article about election fraud. That vision shoot imposed. Eighteen, sixty four election of a good legal action
and be actually get a show on that they use. like melon ballot fraud, it's called ballot fraud. I forget this, but check it out. This is America were expelled as we do the job I am rich. Others said again for the great one marked with a hoopdriver aims The association of mature american citizens is one of the fair describing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook, in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts cellphone, plants and a hell of a lot more, it's not enough. You'll get a max by
monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives As I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S, mark, love radios prince about Patriot, call now at eight seven, seven, three, eight one three eight one one hour at America come back rich Valdez sitting in for the great one mark live in that these laws there's. When you come back, this radio guises mark loving the thunder on the right. I love those and my favorite one is mark love. Em liberties
really sergeant. I like that when you know why, because I actually have the bad that was made by somebody handmade it's a big big like Louisville slugger looks like the leg of a big table. Says liberties, drill sergeant and its so called, and it's right here in our office, so thank you too have made them has been around for a while, but I just thought that was really corn. I want to share with you telephone number, eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven, eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven, then I'll Warnock who Is the pastor at Martin Luther King's old church got himself into a little bit of a problem with the Popo with a Honda with the police? Apparently he tried to run over his ex wife, or at least her foot and the video from the police officer body can has been released, and I saw it last night when I'm fucked
Channel headed honorary PM, Tucker plated, and let me tell you it was really interesting. He denies it quite categorically and then she makes a statement. That is really a scary and be comes across as incredibly believable very credible. But I want you to listen to his defence of why he tried to run her over allegedly check this out. So my law and should not move she's took a letter of sunlight calling you stand movement. I close my cargo get in the car and start to move slowly. Thanking she's here clear. One thing is clear and I barely more than all of centuries Raymond Gonna run over, for I don't
you don't really honourable leave them. I think he is full of it. Let me tell you, I think you know in this business in any business. Sometimes you you come across people than around the level you come across people than a right. Did you come across people that are full of it? This guy Warnock strikes me as full of it. Now. Listen, you can be full of it still be effective. You know if he, if we were hiring him to be our topsails person, maybe I'd say: let's go with this guy Sky Warnock looks like he's really solid dude, but when you're talking about the sermons that we ve heard, if when he says that we can't served the military and serve God, and even if it is taken out of context, I think you have to exercise judgment. You have to use discernment when talking when you're at that level, when you're the pastor of Martin Luther King church
don't you think you should watch what comes out of your mouth and don't you think you should not run people's foot or especially when their marriage, either your ex spouse and now we're going to hear from the Ex spouse that was her name, is only a n w. I hope I said that right. I don't get to see how it's spelled she's talking with the police march of twenty twenty. This is not like I'm a hundred years ago. This is from couple months ago, and she says it all Warner cares about. Is his reputation he's trying to work with him because he's running for office and she wants to keep out of the press, but she can continue to keep quiet about the way he behaves. Listen.
Man's running United States Senate and cares about renounce its reputation? I work at the mayor's office that this is a big I've been trying to keep quiet about the way that he is for the sake of my kids in his reputation. I've tried to keep the way that he acts under wraps for a long time and today he crossed the line. So that is what is going on here and needs a great their use, but nominal at putting on a fairly good show. Yet so boats, and again. I want to take your calls on this. I want your opinions on Reverend rough Warnock because in this woman's in two years and again? Listen everything is everything I get it, but I can't hearing condone that running somebody's foot over. Ok, if you did it by accident, don't you think she would have been like its use honey or excuse me, Mr Ex husband or whatever it was just ran over my foot, but it said
seems like they were in a little bit of heated debate, to put it mildly, and he's ignited She said that she was clear. Are you kidding? Why would she have called the cops for what? Why would done that, and she was being very frank. I tried to heap disquiet- have tried to work with you. This to me is incredibly damning because when you're running for office. It's one thing to say that were once a millionaire billionaire Playboy and you know it almost as if they they let you grab him by the key word at really is from story, because its old footage: from way back and Emma justifying anything. I'm just saying the facts of the facts. Donald Trump is not a preacher. United hire him to be a preacher. This guy is a preacher pastor of a church. I hired trumped to go to Washington to be a bull in a China shop and I hope you
the swamp into a thousand pieces. People that are hiring Warnock, I doubt, are hiring him to be somebody that suffers from rage empting. He does, but this may have been at the very best somebody who doesn't have good spatial orientation when it comes to pedestrians in your vehicle and ran somebody's put over that's not necessarily a reason to disqualify somebody from us than it run, but her commentary, in my opinion, is definitely something where we say. You know what, if that's, how you treat your spouse or your experts? Oh boy, how are you a treaty and people listen, I'm divorced. I dont really even speak to my ex wife. You know we have children and that's that run her overrun she's, never run me over now. She may want to let it restore him to get it. But my point is this: is it is, and she saying that there is a pattern of behaviour here: a pattern:
behavior, and this is no Bueno, so I want to get your thoughts on this because listen we we can have this type of thing and I see there's a call here- a little bit off topic, but I want to go with them because I think it an interesting comment, collar three KEN and Hickory North Carolina? What's, on your mind, honor and watch your foul jarred. You think there's gonna be violence or a revolt in Amerika and the second question- is how long do you think Martens actually gonna be in office, the more he gets replaced by common heritage, Well, I'm Biden himself has acknowledged the fact that he did not plan on serving to terms so I and it's a safe bet to say that he wants to create a legacy for himself, probably Continue to make some connections with other foreign governments, whether its Ukraine
Russia, China, whoever he wants to get money from and extort that money. and have his son, the bag, Man Hunter Biden COM, Men down like Rudy Giuliani, vacuum it all up. So I think that's that's clearing, I guess you know, I don't have a crystal ball, not clairvoyance. I dont know. I think you know it's politics, you play it like it goes. You know you could be all in agreement. Jos Gonna be here for four years and then maybe his health fails. Ok, then, then can Chauncey? He could be all in agreement Jos here for four years and then he gets caught in something or hunter gets arrested, nigger while he's vulnerable. Now our time take em out move. Aren't I mean it's politics ever is a game of opportunity. Now, with respect to violence as say this, I went. Sleep on November. Third earlier. early in the morning, on November forth, with an indeed than others, Magnus Donald Trump, the forty four president up these United States as grumpy, though he was up in every single battleground state that I was looking at here
one most of the big states were wondering why they hadn't called some of the other states like Alaskan, and I forget the other one. I will look at it, but my point is: I went to sleep fully confident that Trump had since this, because my prediction, which in I'm kind of upset, I can't say I was right because you know they ve marred the waters so badly. But my prediction was three hundred and thirty electoral votes for a EL presented I'll drop and what you you know that has yet to be revealed because of all this craziness. My point is: if there wasn't violence, then what makes you think there's gonna be long now or a month and a half in I mean it's kind of like a punch in the face a month. go going to respond to months down the road take care power. I just don't see that being a thing, but I She ate your thoughts on that and ours,
go to Julian California Julie, what's on your mind, I always wanted it on that point that you played about one. That is why, when I but any woman that both for him is voting for a man who abuses women and it's just ridiculous. You could hear it in her voice. You can hear how upset you haven't, how she tried not to go to the point where she had to call the police, but I also read something: we should call the police on him before so neighbours should be not be making up for him at all. No women make up for this man very interesting point. Coming from a woman. I'll take your word for it. I haven't been one I dont claimed to be one and I dont identify as one, but I you're your call, nonetheless, Julie. Thank you for your call. I appreciate that and I'm gonna go one more for maybe two, let's see what we got here, let's go
to my man Ivan in mere Omar Florida used to be Ivan from Maryland, a rich. I had to broaden our rich, that's right, merely more it yeah I'll try to talk quickly. I got a lot to say but I think the american people regarding the election emerging people are not angry, not right now and you get to the country's own oppressive, The centre is running our liberty and our country to his mark would say to tyranny: men, people had the audacity to burn Lou ride and kill in broad daylight, and our face than we are. Citizens should have the courage to stand against the evil or fraudulent boat, and to me this is ammo. History right now. I don't think the people now he Rosa died in a civil war. The revolutionary war was one or two. I don't think that would stand idly by and do nothing rich. Today I, I have a dream. I don't think it's too late. I think the citizens across the country on January first
new year's day when what one of countries not at work, then we there's nothing more important things to do than to go to every state capitol every state house in the country, a half million conservative, show up and mass to try to give these electors any senators backbone to objected account and the sick state and then or January six we show up to print in Washington D C, one January first, we should stop, show up one every state house, it's not too late, rich and why we need this. This is not over, and if the american people across this country, your show up a state houses across his country, I think we can make a difference rich. You know, speechless right and it's rare for me to have no words, but does so to add to that. I agree with you, and this is what I talked about before this apathy that we ve come to even what attorney General BAR said, that we ve become way too tolerant of corruption. It's become such part and parcel of the what we observe in what we do,
politics that we're like you know one year has just Nepal regions being crooks again, because literary that's what I've set for years, and if that you know, there's a handful of good guys out there, but the majority of them are enough for them for their own pocket and the difference differences we have today is that we ve got people all across the country, so many of them better. involved in politics now for only three and a half for years, because they got on what they called the Trump train, but I will call movement of Liberty, that's been around for a long time and an trump has become a political movement, not him the person but he's leading the movement. As president as the leader of the Liberty movement, focusing on patron his and bring it back, and I don't think it's a pure populous message. I really think it's it's a patriotic message it where you love your country, but we still have the free market and we want to stick up for what's right and I'm with you, I have we have to stop the apathy. We cannot be that way, because you know what Reagan taught us best with his quote.
Evil was powerless if the good are unafraid. That's president, Ronald Reagan keep a lot right there. I am which Valdez sitting Infer vulgarized one mark living Bryn the Association of mature american citizens, is one of the fair describing organizations in America now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a macbook, gives in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. But to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth benefits and discounts included special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more.
It's not enough! You'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S, all right America! Welcome back! I am really now, there's filling in for the great one, and it is December twenty Third, tomorrow's, the twenty fourth Christmas Eve and you I know my family. We are put to weaken Americans and, of course we celebrate no job when the good night right Christmas, Eve it's like midnight mass on steroids. We we celebrate straight into Christmas morning,
That's their tradition. We have roast pork shoulders and we have, I think, on Nigeria, and we have, Ok go in all sorts of stuff like that you're gonna, enjoy it please I'm gonna enjoyed and hopefully you'll enjoy. Your celebrations is well now I get a poem every year from my buddy down the G O Keno. And here it goes. I want you to listen to this twas coal with nineteen when all through the year, not a creature was steering amid all the fear The governors told us we must shut it down as if they were key, things all wearing their crowns. Mom Dad's, were left scratching their heads while the virus, in rhetoric, continue to spread the children they said must learn from home. But what about my friends? I feel so alone. essential workers magically morphed into heroes, while restaurants and salons were told they had a close. The poor got poor, while Amazon laid claim to a record of rigid
as merchants tell lame and social injustice, was the phrase that was in fashion the anti for thugs displayed compassion, the media chimed in with their biased opinions, ranting and raving like little children on CNN. They came the election, it was Trump Vs Biden, one was out stomping, the other one was hiding. America would soon be a nation divided as a family and friends. Now faithfully feuded spirited discussions had once been the norm now: big tents, big tex, sensors, if you do not conform, neither the left nor the right are open. To reason for cancel culture is in vogue. This season has Thanksgiving arrived Eddie rituals drew ire from privilege, politicians, blatant habitual liars, Christianity, beseeched restricting praise and prayer, while casino state Open which, so unfair, like the national courts,
This of nine one one. I thought we'd come together as one, but sadly we, so this holiday season. I solicit you jolly Old, Saint Nick, please find of access for hatred, the other pandemic. To my fellow Americans, my Christmas wish for you. May you find peace and love again in all that you do in a year drenched in darkness? May God be your light? Merry Christmas to all and to covet good night? That's from my buddy, Damn. Thank you for sent in that to me- and this is what it's all about right. We do need to move forward celebrating Christmas, celebrating the birth of the Saviour celebrating good times, which this year we're sparing to be frank, but that's all we haven't America's. We have hope. We know that, with good leadership with hard work, you can go out, you can make money you can provide. You can have a brighter future, not the door.
doom and gloom that Joe Biden and the Democrats paint. This is why we have to make sure we keep fighting for what we believe and we have to stand by those if stood by us. I always say on my part, gas: you stand for nothing, you're fall for anything and the only thing necessary for evil. The triumph is for good people like you to sit there and do nothing so do something and police, now be that in a very merry Christmas I am which Valdez at ritual doesn't all the social media. I hope we can stick a get connect on social media, I still. Approximating God bless you thank you, when he fell into the mark of a job again, which, while their input from the Westwood one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-24.