« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/22/20


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Government lockdowns and shutting down businesses does nothing to stop the spread of COVID, but only suck the life out of the economy and kill small businesses. The elite don’t even follow their own rules - Dr. Deborah Birx traveled to see family for Thanksgiving, going against her own orders. We were sold on stopping the spread and flattening the curve, but it’s been almost a whole year. Biden is providing an even bleaker outlook, today saying in his holiday message that the darkest days are ahead of us, not behind us. Also, President Trump is standing up for Americans again, telling Congress he will veto the COVID Stimulus Bill unless they remove billions in wasteful spending and the direct payout to citizens is increased. Hundreds of billions of dollars shouldn’t be given in federal aid while Americans are suffering and their businesses are shut down. This is socialism and everyone knows it, which is why Trump is taking a stand.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here There is a truly independent institution where learning is prized in. actual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my son. Here, appreciation to Hills, Dale, brother sponsorship, now broadcasting on roaming underground commend both in the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Work of it is a mark of Chopin Ferguson filling in today for the great want it is an honour to always be sitting here doing this up for Marco Van, and where do we even start? You weren't star with even Democrats, no one that Americans are getting screwing start with that today, a Democrat Darcy.
He gathered have said these six hundred dollars and covert relief is called an insult, a slap in the face to struggling Americans she's right or we can start with another slap in the face. All Americans and the pouting that is happening by Doktor Burke's, who says now shoe, retire after over Mr Howitt travel scandal that just been too much on her that's right. The doktor can save all of us doctored ever bergs has announced she plans retire after being ousted for not followed. her own holiday travel guidance, colony experience, well me there, those who they were interview with newsy the White House, coronavirus task force coordinator, said she would help the incoming vitamins tration, but then plans to head for the exits I want to buy. The ministration be successful. Burke said noting that she has worked in the federal government since the Reagan administration, one thousand nine hundred and eighty
will be helpful in any role that people think I can be helpful in and then I will retire. I will I have to say as a civil servant. I will be helpful through a time period and then I have to say this experience has been a bit overwhelming. It has been very difficult on my family. I think that was done over the last week to my family. What was done to my family of the last week- and you are now supposed to feel sorry for these sixty four year old infectious disease expert, he was out it for not following our own travel guidance when she joined the taskforce telling you what you should do. Ok let's, let's just deal with that one quickly! Cuz! It's not going to take long, and I want it. I want to step back, and I just want you to understand where we are in this country right now before Christmas. I'm going to take you back to Europe for a moment back in October
in Europe, they said we're gonna have lockdown in Europe so that you can see your family for Christmas, so that you can gather with your family for Christmas guess what they did. The lack doubts guess what it didn't work and now guess what their locked down for Christmas, how that were, for you guys. We also know that these super spreader in this country is family and friends. We know that we, the dad, is overwhelming with contact tracing that these superstar Or of covert nineteen, if there is a super spreader, it is this human nature that we have, which is to take
mass off when we around people that we trust that we know that we are friends with it. We're family members with there is that there is some some part of us that makes us feel like we are safe for when we are in the presence of our family members, it doesn't work. Now. I want you to understand my perspective on Covin. I almost lost family member to covet spent far too long in a hospital pneumonia, and it was awful. I can tell you that covert is very real. Having now multiple family members that have gotten covert and having family members that have gotten way too close to death. This thing not a joke, but the idea that we need to shut down the country- and I am saying this as someone that almost lost a family member, is also insane and unrealistic. This idea
that we need to shut down all the restaurant is also in Saint, because I go back to the science here and I'm gonna talk about that science right now We now know overwhelming, and I have another perspective. Okay, only if I had a family that almost died from Koba Die also have the perspective of being a small business owner of knowing what it's like to have. Employees and knowing what these shutdowns have done to those employees to their lives into their families. I understand. As a restaurant owner, I have a barbecue restaurant called Ferguson's barbecue ever in Memphis, come see it. We now know from the science that of all the people there getting cove it about. One point: three one point: four percent of the spreading of the virus is occurring in restaurants and bars. This is pretty much nationwide. In fact, restaurants should I, in my opinion, actually be encouraged
judged for people to go there, because the restrictions are so tied on the restaurants, even right now anywhere in the country that the chance of getting over there are probably lesson of your eating with your friends or your family, or at your desk at work. My rest, for example, you walk in before the new locked down that they just implement on us to destroy our lives. and to show us how much power they have over its and understand this power. The people that are making these rules, like Doktor Burke, for example, are not elected by anyone. The fact that Doctor Deborah Bergs wants me to feel bad her because she broke her own rules. I'm sorry, I don't. I don't care that you ve been serving in the federal government since a reg administration. I pity you ve never missed a paycheck because of covert you ve, gotten, really famous you'll get to write a book. You get two concerns on board: you'll get to go speaking ages, your
die millionaire now because of this, and the idea that you had a bad weak because you didn't follow your own. Damn rules that you said the peons of America must follow or we'll die, tells me how much I really should be questioning everything that you are in fact telling me. This is the same exacting for all these health departments that have never been elected by anyone who have this amazing amount of power. To shut down our lives. Now. Let me talk about before the newest shut down that we're dealing with now our restaurant. We were already at fifty percent occupancy. We have a small footprint. Our barbecue restaurant is not big folks. Its. It is that the lay out of my restaurant is to take you back in due time to a simpler time where you walk in, and it is just God bless America
old, would on the walls and signs on the walls and a big ol smoker outside and it smells like barbecue we'll have a big footprint. You put us if eighty percent occupancy, we are tiny number of tables that we have built up in a matter of moments where they put these restrictions us so over a month ago they sit fifty percent occupancy, and then they put these new rules. No more than six people can eat the table. Oh, and by the way you can eat with any one at the table who doesn't living your household, so I can actually Go to work with my father. We can cook barbecue together. We can start the pits up in the middle the morning at the mill the night right and they we hours of the morning. We can seize. It, put the rob on the ribs on the brisket on on the on the porch shoulders and we can load them in that smoker. We can then pull them and wrap them in butcher paper. I hope you're getting hungry right now and we can pull them out and then we can pull that pork. Several
later and we can serve that to people. But at the same time you want to have ridiculous rules. Are my father and I technically because of these health department Nazis and that's what they are we can eat together? I can work next to my manager, Miss Kathy she's, amazing she's, a pit boss that you're unbelievable. I can work with her and guess what happens we can eat together, cuz. We don't live in the same house so that I can stand next to her side by side for eight hours and then they say you can eat the same table. Tat quote safe restaurant eating is in Memphis Tennessee, my hometown. They maximize the tables twenty six people, and only for those people can be adults and remember. None of them can be from opposite households set out what you are all the same address tell me that isn't the safest place to eat and not have to worry about
but on our tables, have to be spread apart x number feet, which we ve done more than sixty two parts. We have more than simply the bark table only be other than the same outspokenly together only for people at the table can be an adult six maximum and then that wasn't good enough and we're not the super sprinters by the way you can't even have, with your mom and dad didn't live with you, your aunt and uncle. They don't live with you. Your brother sister didn't live with you, your cousins, your they don't live with you. Why would you shut down that? That is that safe, the environment that you could possibly have to not spread covered? But none are now the number spike so now gets what they ve done. The people that are not elected him now commence at you, You got a twenty five percent occupancy, knowing that every business owner in America, where that it has to deal with twenty five percent occupancy, cannot make a living. the same way in Michigan. These idiots up there like, where you have outdoor Danny who's, gonna, dine and outside when it six degrees, no one is who's, gonna, die,
in a blizzard in New York City outside. No one is going to do that. No one's gonna put themselves through the Alps to get a meal now the health directive, where, where my restaurant, as they actually, where a lease honest enough to say, we are encouraging you too close. We think the reference should not be open. We are encouraging the people do not even restaurants. One point three one point: two: in point. Four percent is what we are seeing nationwide with your getting cold and when they do, contact racing in restaurants, meaning you what people need a restaurant. It is significant. Environment and all the restaurants are following. The rules, because you don't want to be shut down totally, they don't want have their licences take away from them right. They, I don't want to lose the ability to survive so we're following
We have the mass we measure the tables were. Our tables are eight feet apart. We don't want take any risk of any out departing person coming in and shutting down an ivory every been sown. I've talked to the restaurant and she said the same thing so Thanksgiving what happened. SK, go backwards. Everybody shut down around the country, every Bicetre, Guinea, thereby said stay home and what happened people gathered and they gathered with their family. They gathered with their dear friends, they gathered with their loved ones and they took off their mass because you and you take your guard down- you, take your mass down its normal Cuba nature. I have for some reason it may it's obviously not base in science right when I,
my mom and dad. I dont think I need to have a mask on it's almost like insulting to them. It's like you know who I am, I'm your parent. We saw the numbers go up. People are spreading this among their loved ones. You want to stop the spread. Let people go have dinner with all these insane rules. Don't shut him down because all they're going to do is Connor getting private the same way. They were saying what you see more than ten cars or ten people at a house call four hundred and eleven or whatever. The local number is for the health department for the nine and tell us and will have the police go over there and and and we'll start putting finds out there. I don't live in that. This is not Poland during World WAR. Two, this is not. France is the United States of America and by the way for all you morons out there that voted for Joe Biden. You voted for this crap. You know doktor bergs. I think you should have a decent job, but she's, not elected, and the idea that
think she can tell me how to live my life and give all this information all these recommendations that are sucking the law, part of the american economy and small business owners and then not power own rules, and she wants me to feel bad for announced like Lameter, retire, because at a bad week, what do you think we ve been dealing with a small business owners since February because of people like you. You know this holier than Thou Coom, Biafran, Doktor Burke saying you know. Well, I we'll have to say court on quotas, a civil servant. I will be help with through a period and then I will have to say this experience has been a bit overwhelming. It has been very difficult to my family. I think what was done over the last week to my family. No one did you think your freedom
you did it to your family. You went to Delaware with your family on Thanksgiving, despite telling everybody else not to travel and that you need to stay home, you can kill grandma. Sorry, that's on you. Berkshire again, she had changed your mind due to the intense focus on her personal life when it comes to deciding tired. She also try to justify our decision travelled Adele from watching with her husband, daughter, son in law and to grant children. I think that was done in the past weak to my family. You know they didn't choose this. For me, they tried to be supportive, but to drag my family into this berks trailed off. In her interview, my daughter hasn't left the house. In ten months my parents have been isolated for ten. They become deeply to press, as I'm sure many elderly have, as they have not been able to see their sons. Their granddaughters Burke said this is what we ve been screaming for months. Guys
come to the real world, put on your big girl panties and make and realize you're rules have done this year, a victim of your rules. You have become a victim doktor bergs of what you been spewing to the country that locked, And locked gowns and you guys all sold us this crap on hey just whereof, asked for two weeks and stay at home and will will make the curve go. It's been a year quote Burke said, sadly, of observer. My parents have not been able to see their surviving son for every year. These are very difficult things, so so here's what I'm so confused on so Burke's is gonna retire because she got busted not not doing going by her own advice and then, when you retire, you not going to take the advice that you've been selling everybody. So that's why you're retiring it sounds like that's what she saying they say, I'm going to go, see my family now and I'm going to retire so that you guys can't give me hell for seeing my family. What what about the rest of us.
Our trying to do is is provide for my family and employ others, so they can provide for their families. We ve been. telling you that people are suffering in isolation. We ve been telling you about love, one tube and dying. We have been telling you that this, the mental health side of things is having an on known tone. On the american people of this isolation. We human beings, God created as to congregate, not to isolate and in the free, as country in the world, have had about enough that this crap You know what this is really all about, and I want to talk more about this in a moment This is really all about. This is about total control over your life and when the people become weak, socialists become strong Ben Ferguson, filling in for the great. When you can grab me, I'm parlour
Ben Ferguson Show on parlor twitter facebook we'll be right back then as well. Here the Christmas season. Most of us start to consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to thank you for standing with them, as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen, forty four Helstone has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education is central to preserving free government and for decades, the college extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive an Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses or of a tender. One of hills does free regional events. Now you know hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference at
time and our nations history has there been a greater need for that kind of classical liberal arts education that Hills tat offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season blessings. Hailstones. Thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills. Del college visit Levine for Wholesale Dotcom. That's alleviate for hills, drawback com, Levine friend, Helstone, about com it is bad Ferguson filling up for the great what mark of it. I'm sorry, I'm not a doom and gloom guy. If justice is reality, these laptitza trying you take away all right to provide family during the holidays and then when Doktor Berkowitz busted, not taking her own advice to travel and not seek them everything's, giving she then retires. This is what liberals do they pout when they don't get their way. And when they do she's power, it is absolute. You don't think it's
doom and gloom right now: listen, listen kid! A vague opposite approach, no act which, by the way is a real offices, does exist, but Joe Biden got a nice backdrop that your tax dollars, I'm sure, are paying for his holiday method. For you. Is you ready for this Road of irish listen. This is earlier today we're gonna put in late January people, gonna be getting sick and dying from covered. One thing I promise you about my leadership during this crisis, I'm going to tell it to you straight to tell you the truth, and here is the simple truth: our darkest days in the balance covered are ahead of us, not behind us. Well that lifting Mr President, elect you know, I'm telling you this. This is about how were you become weak? They become strong
I'll explain it as we enter the Christmas season. Most of us start to consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen, forty, four hosting has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education is central to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended educational mission, on behalf of liberty, through a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive an Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses or of a tender. One of hills does free regional events. Now you know of hills. Deals refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom without any government in affair.
at no time and our nations history has there been a greater need for that kind of classical liberal arts education that Hills tat offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season, a blessings hailstones. Thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills to college visit Levine for Wholesale Back, come that's Ellie, Vienna for Hills, Delbert, COM, Levine friend, here, tell that calm always show what a warning label liberals, rubber, gloves angel call him now heading seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, welcome back, been Ferguson filling in for the great when Markel then always an honour, and if you want to know what Democrats have in store for you just listen to Joe Biden today, it's pretty much total the sky is found The world is ending, you're gonna, be in hell, and I'm gonna be your president. So don't worry
be fine, yet his holiday message. This was his actual holiday message are not like calling it that this was his actual holiday message for Americans. Is it our darkest days are ahead of us and its really gonna get bad. So, therefore, I can see more of your life and your power from you. I'm gonna put employ late January: people are gonna, be getting sick and dying from covered? One thing: I promise you Bob my leadership during this crisis, I'm going to tell it to you straight to tell you the truth and here's. The simple truth: are darkest days in the battle against Covid, are ahead of us, not behind us. So we need to prepare ourselves. to steal our spines as firstly is the here it's gonna. Take patients persist in determination to beat this virus.
Me no time to waste taking these steps, we need to turn. This crisis around no time to waste no time to waste You notice how he said that right now, no time to waste it all. We can't wait the time for us to seize total control over your life, which goes to what I was saying at the very beginning that show, if you haven't figured out yet let me explain it to you for socialism to work, and that is exactly what they are trying to implement right now. The people cannot be successful. The people cannot be strong.
people cannot be independent. The people cannot be self sustaining for socialism to work for the dreams of the Joe binds of the world to work. Things have to be bad. You have to become week, you have to become dependent on them. You have to hit rock bottom so that you are so desperate and that there is no light in the end of your tunnel that the only option left is to say to your government. Please help me. Please feed me. Please give me food on my magic government Abd Card. Please give me child care. Please help me pay for my heating bill when my electric bill, why do you think in these liberal cities
Just like my hometown of Memphis, they argue everything they possibly can do to destroy these small businesses, many of them by way minority businesses. You look at all these places where they're doing they look at New York. How how many white guys own restaurants in New York, I'm asking seriously how many white guys work in the restaurants York? the island of immigrants and I say that in a celebratory way. Look at San Francisco. How many white guy own restaurants. There. How many minorities are getting totally destroyed in their small businesses? Their american dreams are the life of them as being sucked out and look at Michigan, for example,.
Miss should get a shot everything down again. Why are they doing it in Michigan? It's it's a simple reason, because it's about power for them. You have people that were never elected, that have power these these, these boards of of health or whatever the hell they call themselves building a where you are in the country and they are taking the way, the right for you to live and they don't mind it and the reason why they don't mine is because this is how they gain power over you. When you lose everything and you cannot sustain your own life, you can't take care of yourself anymore, because they've taken the ability of you to go to do that away from you. Then you are dependent on the government. That is socialism. Why do you think Joe Biden comes and gives one the darkest holiday messages I've ever heard. I e how even a guy by the name of Jimmy Carter, didn't get this
work in a holiday message, Obeissance holiday message to all of us. Is I'm going to see use power and control because I'm going to save you, but it's going to get terrible, it's going to be bad, so don't be surprised when I do it. One thing I pray you gotta go about. My leadership isn't leadership. This is journalism during this crisis. I'm going tell it to you straight. You can't have a business you can't survive without me. The government's gonna take care of you pretty sang. You cannot do this on your own, because we're going to make you so weak that you have no choice but to love us and beg us for your livelihood. I'm going to tell you the truth, and here is the simple truth. Biden says by the way are darkest days in the battle against covert hour ahead of us. We have a vaccine right now, and this is what the guy say. I believe this crap nine months ago, if Donald Trump would come out now
as regards our darkest aids in the battlements covert are ahead of us because we didn't have a vaccine. I would have actually believe that the That we have a vaccine now You have a president elected Joe Biden, telling you the darkest days of this battle against covert hour ahead of us not bind us when we have a vaccine being measured, as we speak, tells you that this is a power play and you better wake up. He's warning you his own words quote: we need to prepare ourselves. You steal, you mean like metal. Our spines has frustrating as it is to hear it's going to take patients. Well there you go these lot. Gowns could be extended. Your life you know it could not ever come back the way it was. We need his words, persistence, persistence in what way we ve been persistent for a year, brother and determined.
should be the virus. We have been determined to beat the virus. Why the hell do you think we had operational speed? Why do you think we're Maxine, right now, but they're not talking about innovation. There talking about government shutdowns. The President elect once you do feel like there is: there is no light at the end of the tunnel, so it can justify the moves of his socialist agenda. And the social agenda over these level states and liberal elected officials who are taking away your right to do work to go to work. You do understand this in America today. We now have people that have never been elected under the name, we're here to save you where the government telling you you can't go or can you can't do things and they tell you that
on your came there not on my came, don't take it Jack while you shut down businesses, and then we can talk about you being on my team when you cut my restaurant to twenty five percent and see how you take a seventy five percent pay, get. Let's see how you do, because that's what you're doing by the way at least, are honest enough in the directive in my own can to say in the directive they put out yesterday. We are encouraging restaurants to actually shut down. At least they were intellectually honest enough to say, we are basically trying to make it where there's no way you can make a profit at twenty five percent so that you will shut down, and many businesses are doing exactly that. How is it that you can be at fifty percent occupancy, Walmart and target at them all? But twenty five percent- a restaurant only one point, four percent of the church of the corona virus are coming from based
their doubted, not mine. What do you think you have Joe Biden. not seem to think that the Roma, the vaccines, the passage of the corona virus, relieve legislation, the rapid pace of economic growth, we're good signs when he comes out in tells you have no expectations but doom and gloom because he needs the power by the way. Interesting question was asked by Peter do see over Fox. He asked bite of. You still believe that the stories from the fall out about your son Hunter were russian disinformation, smear campaign and after first Fucking do see as a one oars pony and sang God love. You buy, replied. Yes, yes and yes, yeah! There's here story did all this doom and gloom gets out the front pages. You only got one person that had the guts enough to even asked the damn question of the present lack the officer, the fake opposite.
As an elected he's made into a real office, you had one reporter who was willing to ask the question. Just one and Joe Biden mocking Peter Deuces TV decided as a great job over fox calling him a one off pony and the reason why no one else asked questions, because I love this guy. We cover covert, we'll have cutter Governor Biden. We don't have to cover she'll, corruption, we shut down your life and you can't survive. We don't have cover any of these things and we gain power. Remember when you have money, they are weak. When you have a job, they are weak. When you have a flourishing business, they are. We when the word when unemployment rates are low, they are weak. I'm talking about the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party does not succeed when the American be will succeed,
If you don't believe me, look at Donald Trump, look at Donald Trump folks. Why do you think before Kova nineteen Donald Trump was just me? Wasn't I he was on it a jet plain to re election pre covered. He was unstoppable because the american people are succeeding. Socialism cannot succeed because people Social, like I don't want that crap, I dont need. six hundred our check for the government begging you for it. I dont Did you in my life I'm good over here? Why do you think so? My minorities voted for Donald Trump, because Donald Trump and powered minority communities to not just live in the ghetto, not just live in crime. Infested area with failing schools are Democrats. Are charge of Donald Trump set screw that I want you to be rich. I want you to be wealthy. I want you be financially secure. I want you to have good schools. I want you to have school vouchers and the democratic recent wholly hell! We gotta stop this this guy
can I take away our voters. Socialism has never worked with a independent population, There is always a demise in the population, which is how you implement socialism. That's why, They're doing it right now. What do you think Joe Biden warning you our darkest days? the corona virus are ahead of us? That's your heart! they message because he wants you to know just how bad things are and Joe Biden here to save the day. Now you may lose your business, but I'm going to save you from this terrible disease, and I don't have to answer questions about Hunter Biden to answer questions about charisma and Ukraine and money coming in from Moscow in China, because I'm seizing power right now and I'm using non elected officials. People like Doktor Burg, who now one say don't even follow the rules that came to retire. I was a public servant, but where you put me through in the last week, do you have any idea what it's like to be a Republican in this country? Right now,
any idea what it's like to be Donald Trump right now in America to be any trump family members, doktor bergs has a bad weak because and by the way, if Doktor Burg's fault that she had a bad week, she, let's not travel into ridicule, grandma and then she left to go, see grandma. That's you sweetheart please retire. If you, if the first time you screw up, you can submit that you screwed but not a bad day. This was stupid. Sorry, I got nothing for you. I dont this for you welcome to the real world! Welcome to the big kid table, we're gonna be adult, but to do glimmers coming and their selling it to you in their holiday message. Imagine what a normal press conferences gonna sell get the Biden White House, if this is the holiday message,
this is the holiday messages was billed to the press is the holiday message. If this is the play. Imagine message. Imagine what a random Tuesday is going to sound like you're, still going to be getting sick and dying from Kobe. One thing: I promise you about my leadership during this crisis. I'm going to tell it to you straight, I'm going to tell you the truth and here's. The simple truth are darkest days in the battle against our ahead of not behind us, this is coming from a guy that saying this where we actually have a vaccine, so we need to prepare ourselves prepare ourselves for a total government take over of your life. That's what he's thing to steal our spines as firstly, to hear I love that word. Frothing! Did you guys those that were you gotta tell given that, when the President elect the United Amerika, can you say the word for Austria when he's in charge of this speech, to hear it's gonna take patients person
since the determination to beat this virus. Me no time to waste taking these steps, we need turn this crisis around there. There it s bugs. There's your there, your message of hope, Joe Biden coming after everything in your life, what age seven, three, eight one! Thirty, eight eleven Ben Ferguson, filling in for the great when Markel event, will be back then as we enter, Christmas season. Most of us start to consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen, forty four helstone has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education is central to preserving free government and for decades the college
extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive an Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses or of a tender. One of hills does free regional events. Now you know Hills Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom. Without any government interference at time and our nations history has there been a greater need for that kind of classical liberal arts education that hills Del offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season, a blessings hailstones, thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills. Del college visit Levine for Wholesale Dotcom. That's alleviate for hills, drawback com, Levine for unhealthy that com
Toby denied nineteen is the best friend of the Social Democratic Party and they're gonna, keep using it to steal power and to take away your bill to be a self sustaining American. That is exactly what is going to happen. I'm telling you right now welcome back into the Markov in children August filling it for the great when, by the way, if you ll podcast, I've got a little podcast been Ferguson, podcast I'd love to grab it. We do it every day through a lot of this in our pod cast this morning so grab it. Thank you. If you are pod cast her out there. If you like, listen, Joam bent Ferguson Pike, S wanted it Your phone calls get your reaction to some of us today. Let me go in the nuts,
one eight seven, seven, three, eight one, thirty eight eleven. Let me go first to Jane and Saratoga Welcome here on the market and show Ferguson filling in high. I d like to make a point for everybody I was an abuse councillor for many many years in the state of Vermont, when Bernie Sanders had his little reign of terror up there, and I would go in people's homes to work with them. I would go out of my way to find them a job. The state would step in, and
no, no, no don't take their job or you'll lose your subsidize housing and your middle help and your medical. Within about three years the entire state of Vermont went under, and the state didn't come forward to help these people. In fact, they had caught them to be emotional cripple. This is what abusers do they use, fear and anger to control other people. These people had nothing when the state, when under an estate, move them out to the skirts town into dirty, rusty, old trailer, and that was their solution. So I am angry haven't. I am sick of these people
I want to see people stand up and realise that they are trying to cripple people through the window and when you have this doom and gloom message from Joe Biden, the way to do this Joe Biden message was just all I can tell you is he gets it he's really smart There is an opportunity now where we can't go for empowering the American. We will survive and move forward or we can go in the opposite direction, which is cripple the american people and then they D. on us, and that is clearly their objective. When you come out, we have it. We have a vaccine right now, folks, we have a vaccine and he's tell The worst days are ahead of us. It there's more doom and gloom to combat. Don't worry the government here to help. You know the governor straw. You then Ferguson and for the great, when Markov M from the westward one podcast network.
Now broadcasting, I'm lonely underground members than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact without a legal base to be with you disabling, then, Ferguson filling in for the great one mark Levant and it's all doing Joe Biden has come out with his Christmas bats, its telling you that our darkest days are ahead of us tat. Our darkest days are ahead of us and things are getting a lot worse before they get better. But don't worry Joe Biden tier to save the day, we're just gonna. take away your ability to make a living where to shut all your stuff down, and working am sure that you understand that the government is going to save you from all of the pain that we are
actually inflicting on you. That's pretty much the message. This was a real. I would a message today, President Elect Joe Biden, offering these words to the amount people in this holiday message Merry Christmas. Here's what socialism sounds like Roach, I'm gonna put place. Late January people, gonna, be getting sick and dying from covered. One thing: I promise you but my leadership during this crisis, I'm gonna tell straight when tell you the truth and here's the simple truth: our darkest days in the battle against covert are ahead of us, not behind US she needs to prepare ourselves to steal our spines as fresh day is the here. It's gonna. Take patients Systems- smith- British, I'm sorry! I just gotta, I gotta go back. I really love that word that that Juno's, that that grand new word that that new
buyer or President Elect Joe Biden. You guys here that is its frustrating. I don't even I says the word again. I can't even I gave it make fun of the word listen closely. This is your guys gonna be the United States of America as firstly, is the here yeah from frustrating that is as frustrated and, as is stay here, yeah really frustrating when you can't say the word frustrating items as firstly, is to hear your president of the United States of America, lack of course, from the fake off as the present lack with a beautiful sailboat. I am saying this, so it's frustrating. This is the guy who is running America. Come January, the twentieth dealers, fine. As first day is to hear it's gonna, take patients, persistence and determination to beat this virus. There's no time to waste taking these steps, we need to turn this crisis around
the part. That should really worry all of you, as the last last comment there, so we are going to take the steps necessary to turn this thing around. Well, you ve already shut down most of our businesses, so what's next total lockdown other nation, this is he's gonna mandate. You were a masks in the entire country. This is what's coming with the Biden administration, you don't Joe Biden by the way, greeted the path. about six thousand page really bill that no one could read last night saying it's a start, calling for more spending of your tax dollars. Remember when they do these these spending. It's actually your money, you're, the one that has to pay for it and presently Joe Biden Gray, the have to judge this Monday night bill. This six thousand page current bilaterally bill that nobody in Congress had time to read the damn thing before they voted on it by saying it's, but we need more spending in the pandemic in the new year.
The house was that at both past, the bill, by overwhelming a veto, proved majorities after having just a few hours to read something they couldn't read. The bill provide nine uttered incorrect of Irish, really funding billion, cutting three out of four eggs, expanding federal unemployment benefits and, of course, signalled our check for Europeans and country because Watson Money overseas, but will give you six hours happen about provided by the initial really legislation earlier this year and also included one point: four trillion defined the rest of the government, including that support projects, impact caused politicians on both sides of the ILO, and what did Joe Biden say quote? I applaud this really package, but our work is far from over starting in the new year. This is a theme if you're noticed and here Congress will need to immediately get to work on support of our covert nineteen plan. That major gets better. How about your money when it took
Ours is enough, you should all be tariff, What's coming next, want to know is getting richer right now. It's just talk about the people that are flourishing as he shut down are happening all over the country, as the restaurants are being shut down. I just was just talk about some of the Big NEWS of the countries that are making unbelievable profit right now that we ve never seen before. We want example one example right: what's happening, the? U S, Justice Department is how alleging that Walmart broke federal law and contribute to the prescription opium crisis for years by the way, Walmart always essential right, because when we
the small Business hours America it shut down. They make more money these that people that their backing these people their support, these people that the democratic, protecting and Republicans for that matter Walmart contribute to the prescription opium crisis for years breaking the law. just a sportsman alleges, the Department of Justice alleging at Walmart, broke the law and contribute to the prescription of your crisis by you ready for this feeling, thousands of and valid prescriptions and failing to report suspicious orders of opiates, according to the department statement. Now is immediately where we should say: ok enough, most society wanna. We say that gives what Walmart we're gonna take your ability to fill prescription drugs. We're going to shut and that'll pharmacies, that'll teach you never do it again. Now, no, don't worry. There's gonna pay fine and they're gonna make more money even when paying the fines than they have ever made before, because we
really want to stop these big businesses from prospering, while the little man is being destroyed by the Democratic Socialist Party. If you really want to stop crap, you would actually shut down the pharmacies and say too mark. You cannot pharmacies, because what you did but we'll get me stop on the wrist and no keep making millions of dollars getting a people addicted to drugs? The Justice Department said in this is the proof of what I was just telling you that the quotes civil penalties It is seeking a total billions of dollars and relief. The departments complaint, which was The district court for the? U history of Delaware alleges a multi year, instigation found Walmart had violated controlled substance act in multiple ways, both as an operator of its pharmacies and of its ho so drug distribution centres. You think give a crap about your finds, a made. How many billion off of this court is where the largest farm?
to change and also drug distributors and country Walmart. Add the responsibility and the means now prevent the diversion of prescription opium setting departments acting as its attorney general. Walmart. For years, he alleges did the opposite in response of course, Walmart blast suggests department for allegedly building a legal authority that unlawfully forces pharmacies to come between patients and their doctors, and using cherry pick documents taken out of context more. The story is Walmart going to be just fine. Folks, Walmart will probably pay a fine and then move on to people died being addicted dioxin, cotton and other prescription drugs. It's totally fine, don't worry about the mom and pop Was shut you down what you think about that we have police going in arresting small mom and pop zoom to get arrested Walmart for this nope, you got bar owners that have been put in handcuffs
taken to jail in New York and long island. We witness it on tv like to the worst criminals, the world beginning trying to feed their families. You think anybody, it's gonna, get arrested at Walmart. For a multi year, conspiracy to help get people addicted to opium AIDS, and and knowing that there was some problems, of course, not you think of farmers is a Walmart going to be taken out of war. More in handcuffs know, you think any executive in the see department at warmer, it's gonna get arrested, no yeah, but the bar owner, the guy that trying to keep his family afloat his business afloat. Is employees employed, that's the guy in America right now, we're arresting with cove. It stick. your pipe and smoke it happy hour days, one AIDS,
Seventy seven thousand three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. You want to know when your government's got into big hits right now. This is that moment when Walmart can get people addicted to these opioids. And they can pay a fine and move on with their life and not a single person would get arrested. This is all civil fines. I just I I predicted it before. I even knew That's what we're gonna happen because it's just broke moments ago. we're going on. The air quote in this is amazing,
Read this to the Justice Department alleges that Walmart knowingly filled thousands of controlled substance proscriptions that were not issued for legitimate medical purposes at its pharmacies, according to the farm and statement. In addition that complaint sites Walmart alleged failure report, hundreds of thousands did you hear me, hundreds of thousands of suspicious orders to the Dragon Foresman Agency, the Justice Department that Walmart distribution in her seized his being controlled substances in two thousand eighteen team, in contrast, DA's own failures, Walmart, always empowered. Our pharmacist refused to fill, may claim problematic. Opium prescriptions. They refused to fill hundreds of thousands of these prescriptions to Walmart, send a statement.
Walmart claim they sent the dna tens of thousands of vessels and of Leeds, and we black thousands of questionable doctors from having their opium prescriptions filled in our pharmacies. Again I go back to this. You know, there's a problem with our government when Walmart can all this crap off and no one will get erect arrested? This is all this is all just call your accountant and see How much money we need to put aside to pay for this crap cuz we're killing it at Walmart. Where is sencha, where open you can be in line with five hundred of your best friends, but you can't go to church. You can't have thanksgiving with your family and it sure, as hell can't have Christmas with your family and you can't travel, but we can travel just like Dr Burks did and now she's upset that she got busted so she's going to retire. Cuz she's had a tough week. Cuz people are criticizing her and her family.
Walmart will pay a fee, but a bar owner or a business owner America that stands up to try to not be unemployed and try to not lose everything they built is the guy or the girl that gets arrested in America. No one at Walmart's. Can I get arrested for this opioid abuse alleged. Think about that think about that one, eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven Ben Ferguson Then you can follow me. I'm parlor, then Ferguson Show Facebook and Twitter been Ferguson shown I've got my own little podcast, I'd love. You did downloader progress. If Europe, I guess listener, then Ferguson Podcast, albeit your PA gas, Ben, did you know your?
we can save over eight hundred dollars a year just by switching to pure talk from Verizon eighteen anti mobile. Think about what could your family do with an extra eight hundred dollars? You don't want. If the sacrifice coverage pure talk has eggs Actually the same coverage same bars has one of the big carriers, but they charge you. Have you definitely don't have the sacrifice customer service team is based right here in the? U S and are some of the nicest people you'll ever talk to so don't wait anymore, get unlimited talk text and to gigs of data for just twenty bucks a month. And if you go over on data usage, they don't try. Therefore, I know not even a penny so go to pure talk, USA dot com and are promo code, Levine podcast that El I e the iron podcast, and when you do You'll also say fifty percent of your first month. Folks. This is the best. That's pure talk, USA, dot com, promo code, Levine, podcast, port USA, simply smarter wireless
or go back at US embargo, then Chopin, Ferguson, filling in poor, the great one right now and if you just joined us, we're chatting about this total power grab in the name of God, forbid, so you ve got Joe Biden coming out saying it's all doom and gloom: it's gonna get lot worse. The darkest days are out of us not bind us. Even though we have
vaccine, and it's all so they can grab more power. I want to get to your phone calls one eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven remember it is impossible to implement socialism if the strong. If the people are weak, you can do it. If the people are strong, you cannot. They love it that you're losing your businesses in your jobs. They don't mind the walmarts and the amazons of the world getting bigger because they're on their team. They don't mind that the Facebook's of the world shut down the page
and limit the reach of of Mark Levant of guys. Like me, been Ferguson, they don't mind. Did they shut off conservative voices the way that they do, because therein, this to totally control all of us to beat us? Why eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven, let me go to Erin welcome. You are on the mark Chopin Ferguson filling in hello, downgrade to talk to you as well, so I've never been afraid after an election until this year. I know it's not over, but I mean the way things. Look, that's gonna, be realistic and I'm not afraid for myself, but I'm afraid for my kids,
the country that they're gonna end are growing up. In I mean what the shop and everything like this and how desperate people are gonna get if things continue to shut down more than one year. Things like the Patriot ACT. In the National Defence Authorization ACT essentially allow the government to listen and on everything and the National Defence Authorization ACT, which then to throw anyone in jail without Habeas Corpus indefinitely just on the suspicion of terrorism, and we hear people talk about well if you're not wearing a mask, that's kind of domestic terrorism, so you tellin me. If I don't wear a mask that suspicion of terrorism, because I'm trying to get people come on, I'm going you right now there there. The mass mandate is real. It's happening folks, just be just be ready for it. The mass mandate is gonna, be for hundred days in the first hundred days.
least they are gonna, they are going to do within. They can to totally control every aspect of your life and and there's nothing you can do because going to tell you that your anti american right here you are Anti american. If you dont, submit to what they're saying you need to do member, it The worst is ahead of us, not behind us. We ve been doing this for a year, but Joe Biden set it today in own own words there. This is gonna get worse. This is this. Is this is much worse? If you think it's it's not better! Folks, it's terrible right! Now this what they're going to do, and I appreciate the phone call when we gotta Dennis Colombia of South Carolina you're, the Markov, ensure been Ferguson filling in high, been thanks for technical nice. Have you you know. My concern is thanks. My concern
is a theme small, because I agree with almost everything you said. I agree with our respect. You mark so many conservative commentators, but the thing that I'm afraid of that it might have heard president tromp someone other than they, of course them stable the alleged from him, but but also, I think it might have heard him the just the lack of empathy for people in situations like my arm in arm a sixty year old guy I've got a five euro grandson who has not immune disease. I've got parents that are in their eighties, and I have had to be so careful. You know Anna and look I've been a small. Business owner several times in my life, I feel sorry for restaurants. Bar or small business owners, I I'd like to say I agree with almost everything you said it's just. I just feel I there. Maybe the of tens of thousands may be the means of us out here who, when we hear Our people that warrant for me, all I know is I want to convey the conversation hold. I will come right back
Ferguson billion from article no support for this. Cast comes from we work today. Takes new ways of working New measures towards prioritizing health and safety. Flexible, firms to adapt and scale with change, convened spaces designed for focus and collaboration. It the innovation of we work your business where you wanted to go. We work That's how to Morrow works visit. We were dot com slashed tomorrow. Debacle of show. The pool free for the conservative media die. Then now eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one: or go back and as a mark of anchovy, Ferguson filling in for the great one and if you just joined us we're talking about where we are in this country. Right now
see and by the way, just come out of commentators. Taters now said conclude its immoral for pro drunk lawmakers ticket vaccinated first seen and commentators saying it's: a moral for broad, drunk lawmakers ticket vaccinated first because and I guess I had america- that's or they didn't believe in science or they weren't wearing mask as much as they wanted to wear masks, leave see an end to say on this stupid, immoral for a pro trump lawmaker to get a vaccine. We leave it to them. Are the ones that all every time I think that seen in can't seasoning even more done than yesterday. I don't know wait hold on here. We got. You went out to eat tomorrow for a pro trump lawmaker to get vaccinated. It's just it's. it is that it is truly amazing out them. Some people are in the world there I go, but I'm a journalist, I'm really really smart. I wanna get back your phone calls. I want to go back to do things
It's up to you. I don't go ahead with your point: real, quick, Weld Ben. I think I was just you know. My point is even though I agree with almost everything you say, I do feel I world Callanan in Orwell's nineteen. Eighty four, some of the time and annex I to Haiti and what's happening the socialist movement and our country, and I do worry about it, for my children, my grandchildren, but at the same time I just wish that folks on our side, some of the commentators in particular would at least make Rome to acknowledge that there are a lot of us out you're that are really struggling. I feel like we should. Beware mask the protect others. You know what, not for my look. I said this is rather show Michael. I've almost lost a family member to covet me. I'm darken within inches of death, long hospitalization, pneumonia, ok,
I am the first person to say that covert is real and that we'd better be cautious and careful. I am the first person to say this right for its. It is very real, but I have to also say at the same time that the idea that these shut down at their now provide that their mandating for us and then these restaurants, and that you have to use it. You gotta, submit to us right and if you don't submit To what we're telling you to do that you're somehow threats Haiti is unrealistic because people are not some people you're not going to wear the mask they're. Not. Can we both agree on that we'll take more get manage. They'll. Take a mile
a hundred percent, but I mean I know people that are not gonna where these mask my thing about these shutdowns is, if I don't feel comfortable, you don't feel countries, because your higher risk of going on public you have the right to self quarantine. You have the right to not go out me. You have the right to not go out, and- shop. You can function out from home without ever leaving your house, we figured it out with covert you get all your food sent D get you're told they were sent to. You can do it primary. Do all these other places walmart everything else. You can you Not leave your house, these it home orders, use these governments shutdowns at they're. Using this is that this is that it, taking away your right to make a choice. What is best for you and your family if you're people, That are at risk. We and employees day. Ok and- and I said it's early barbecue restaurant- I wanna get gun range against or we employed. It's a look.
I have family members are at risk at these numbers are spiking guys. I need not work for a few weeks until the numbers go down, I'm not I don't want to quit. I want to come back, that's being a responsibility. The government didn't tell him to stay home. He made the decision that was best for his family. He made the decision that was best for his family. Think about that. That's what we should be doing. first responsibility when you give these non elected officials the power to decide what you can and cannot do with Europe, I've also, while only city a measly six hundred dollars? Are you kidding me by the way Donald try?
is called on Congress to amend the cove nineteen bill. Don't drop as our Congress to increase the covert relief ill from six hundred dollars to at least two thousand per person. or he will be to the bill good for each of you can grab that audio as soon as we get it in from Trump apparently yet this idea where he sings. Let me know when you guys got it but again try has now said that we need to and the covert bill and give Americans two thousand hours or he is going to veto the bill which, if You're going to start giving away all this might all these foreign countries, then the least gives some of it to the american people in urban liberals on the left and in these rhino Republicans like well you'd, understand, there's tutor from bills here, there's a covert really What time does spending spinning to totally separate things? Now Kennedy Centre get twenty six point: four million dollars in funding and the american people,
six hundred hours. There saying screw you, the american people, because it twenty six million, Getting centres your taxed hours, it should be going to you, but this is part of the democratic plant. They don't want you to be financially independent. They don't want you to a individual that has powerful. They need you to be weak. That's why they throw in six hours at you, which covers virtually nothing. When the three sodium gets a billion dollars. They say: oh, what separate funding its ability of your dollars. It should be going to you when it our Gower gets out of every four thousand and by the huge going, because Kelly Centre right now a covert who's going to voting with goaded who's going actual art gallery right now with Kova going on whose going Archer humanity's anything dealing with that with Covin right now, who's going the woodwork row Wilson Centre for fourteen million were given these guys and get your money. Whose travelling right now I mean we're going one point: three billion in Egypt, Severance
seven million to Sudan, four hundred and fifty three million to Ukraine. I have billion to Israel will on thirty May, Nepal hundred thirty five million to Burma. Eighty five point: five million to Cambodia, twenty million Pakistan and one point four billion in Asia. Or the American six hundred hours, and you want to know why Donald Trump going Congress to amend the covert nineteen billion thing a you need a cinema two thousand hours of their own money back as this is our own money, don't forget that they are I want you to survive this; they want you to be decimated by cove it. This is the ultimate Socialists power grab by the left. Congress is. Is it screwing you right Front of your very eyes, many them report, kids by the way.
Didn't even have enough time to read the more than five thousand page document. And don't worry that over opened over whether small ports? That, though the dress of a pandemic like three in or to weaken unemployed Benefits another round of direct pay stimulus checks, instead of being one thousand two hundred dollars per adult and five hundred and four child. It's just a waves exert hours and again this is your money they're, giving you with no distinction, but whether there, whether there an adult or a child, just Exeter Box, but everything else, gets paid. Everything else. The carbon relieve bill lays out the groundwork for a quote climate secure advisory council. That has nothing to do with cove. It. Covered really feel as an invasive species assessment mitigation and reductions, price
I got an thirty million, that's on page fifteen. Ninety four. Congress has more worried about quote water sources on Tibetan. price tag. Associate with that, so they're gonna get a bunch of money. Then you, the american people, another line and the bill Nurse there's there is authorized to be appropriate a thousand hours for each the fiscal years: twenty zero million dollars each the fiscal years, twenty twenty one through twenty twenty five for the opposite. I take special coordinator in Tibet issues, so we got a million hours that scholarship money for Tibetans, scholarship programmes and you get six hundred hours.
We're creating a: U S: India, Development Foundation with an annual budget of thirty million dollars. You get six hundred. We have assistance for for tibetan refugees eight thousand hours per year for six or eight million excuse me per year for annex for fiscal years and four million per year for the tibetan government. But you get six hundred hours. The covert really bill also includes ten million for gender programmes in Pakistan. Ten million dollars to study gender programmes in Pakistan and you the American, get six hours, and that ten million is your money that we're going to Pakistan for gender studies. The carbon really bill include a lean p sub section title The horse racing integrity and safety active twenty twenty, so we're fucked
oars radiate racing now or giving an integrity in this covert bill. You get hours, and you want to know why. Donald Trump, yes said our vetoed the bill. What she give every american two thousand hours. He is absolutely right to do that. One eighty, seven, seven hundred and thirty, eight one hundred and thirty, eight one thousand one hundred and eighteen, seventy seven thousand three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven we're going to have that audio coming in from Donald Trump talking about this also Donald Trump has issued fifteen new, pardons, including George Papadopoulos, Why have details on that? Coming up as well in just a moment been Ferguson filling in for the great where market, then you can follow me, I'm parlor allowed! You guys are We're gonna parlor action unites if you guys aren't parlor, I'm on parlor use twitter, but I'm moving borrowers, parlor, Facebook, twitter and
so you can listen to my part, gets everyday, been Ferguson by gas, where every get your progress will be right. Back Ben did you know your father really can save over eight hundred dollars a year just by switching to pure talk from Verizon eighty anti anti mobile think about what could your family? do with an extra eight hundred dollars? You don't even have the sacrifice coverage pure talk. exactly the same coverage. Same bars has one of the big carriers, but they charge you. Have you definitely don't have the sacrifice customer service The team is based right here in the U S and are some of the nicest people you'll ever talk to. So don't wait anymore, get unlimited talk text and to gigs of data for just twenty bucks amount. And if you go over on data usage they'd on charges, No, not even a penny, so gotta pure talk, USA, dot com and a promo code, Levine Podcast,
that's l, e g. I am podcast and when you do you also a fifty percent of your first month. Folks. This is the best. That's pure talk, USA, dot com, promo code, Levine Podcast Pure USA, simply smarter wireless restyled plenty, a body for poor countries, lobbyists and special interests, while sending the bare minimum did the american people who needed it wasn't. Therefore it was China's fault, not therefore I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low six hundred dollars to two thousand dollars or four thousand dollars for a couple. I'm
so asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation send me a suitable bill, or else the next ministration we'll have to deliver a covered relief package, and maybe that administration will be me wow. That's what I call a good president right there. we're getting screwed, we all know we're getting screwed and he said we're getting screwed. Now, my going to let you get screwed law This money is going all these other places around the world. and this list is along long, her in thirty five million to Burma. Eighty five point: eight million for Cambodia, one point: four billion for Asia. Reassurance Initiative act hundred thirty. and this is your money going- there are several million for Sudan. Four hundred and thirty five, for Ukraine. Thirty three million
this way over three point: three billion and grants to Israel. Can you get six hundred dollars with all that junk? I bet you would get to one thousand two hundred and twenty four hundred mm and that's exactly why Donald Trump just said what he said. Well done, Mr President, one eight cents seven three, eight one. Thirty eight eleven bent Ferguson filling in for the great when this verdict where you want go next, was going to kill me Press and Grand Rapids Online five welcome. You are on the market of an mark. Then Ferguson. Why didn't I the higher, but thank you for taking Michael, Charlie driver, I wonder I right now you nodded. I allow you hear me, you haven't you just fine! Go ahead! Ok! This speech,
why then, remind me very my darkest prayer moment in my life away? for a year, ago university those same waters to the polish nation. The sad is idiotic com. The wind third days ahead of us and now they come to my office and take we gotta last really thy point That's took me away from all on poor. I didn't see my family, five years later, on anyway saw I asked, Second, don't say anyway sets an incredible story. God bless you I think the point you are making the right now is: you ve lived what we're now thing laid out by Joe Biden that our darkest days are ahead of us here and-
I don't wanna, say what the domain is. Gonna do over here Democrat, they gonna issue document of them Same like come when you spotted issue the membership things any view, The below will learn. Have these kind of document you're not going get anywhere job, even if you have a job they gonna to the employer to lose your job, and I gotta be a hundred your turn control for days. You gonna begging for food, for everything. you mentioned something that people living right now around the country will say: ok, you're, just some crazy, you're conspiracy theories. That's. We're gonna happen all right. Let's go back to Andrew Yang right for present a candid democratic darling
and who should he believes everybody Javert BAR code after they get their covert vaccine, to show that you ve had your covert vaccine and then and then you can get on airplanes. Then you can go to work. Think about our scary, that is, you, gotta, have a bar code maybe this is. This is a guy that ran for present democratic party that still has a boy. the Democratic Party who works, wait for in any called for a vaccination bar codes. Is there a way for someone you easily show that they have been vaccinated. Yang sets. Yeah is there a way for somebody easily showed they ve been vaccine like a bar code, they can download their phone. There ought to be starve to death.
Gathering like concert, your baggage that either mass adoption of the vaccine or a means of signalling he says so the point that you're making right now is not a ridiculous point. Chris there's former present the Democratic Party already saying exactly. You said you can't do anything in. In our society and less use. Matthew. Our rules are vaccines. You can't go out and gather you can't go an airplane. You can't get a restaurant, you can't get a concert Andrew Yang has already said this was We tell you to do what you show your bar code and don't think that he didn't put this out because it's a real conversations being add by many Democrats out there. And when Joe Biden says, though, that the work that the toughest days are ahead of us, not the easiest dates, don't think for a second there.
test driving this for what he's about to do what he gets in there January. The twentieth Chris got Thank you for reminding us what happened to you in Poland five years, I've seen your family welcome to America. I hope you never an experience that here in this country, Ben Ferguson, feeling of a market that will be right back from the westward one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the is, it's an exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S! Slash jaw,
now run only underground members than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building, we have once again made contact with our leader nice to have you with us, and I bet Ferguson filling in for the great when market Banner Donald Trump is not leaving the White House without body for the american people and he sang what we all now we're getting Scrooge. Yes, lawmakers. for putting the priorities of others and other nations ahead of the priorities, the american people- and you have to ask ourselves the question why? Why is it happening to exactly why that's happening happening, because you don't care about us. In fact, many washing need us to become weak again, not powerful, not independent. That's. Why
the cupboard really Bell you have all the port beryl spending. That's why the covert relieved created a committee to regulate performance, enhancing drugs and oars, raising that you're paying for yes in horse racing yeah how'd go relieved that will make it illegal to give horse races, painkillers before training or racing that have anything to do with you now Coven relief really bill one related to get or race, but we're fixing horse racing. They Coventry bill, our funds to address gender inequality among statutes in the bill, the Coventry Bill includes funds for museum that will offer programming education exhibition Gone the life, art, history and culture, women, which you can't go visit where we have covered nineteen, the
but bill includes a hundred and thirty nine million for federal HIV Aids Workers station abroad to buy new cars. While you can't afford your car notes, because a government shutting down your small businesses You gonna ask yourself this question: whose side are they on? Why is it? they cover to relieve bill, includes funding to discourage teenagers from drinking and having sex. Yes,. Now. We're gonna study that you, thrift barriers, such as underage drinking, kill illicit drugs used without normal. Isn t sexual activity, that's in the covert relief bill, not joking literally Belgrade's commission tasked with educating consumers about the dangers associated with using restoring port fuel containers for ramble liquids near and open flank. I'm kind of at the point now that, if your damn enough to put gasoline next to an open flame
if it happens, is count on you at what point? Does the government not their job not to take care of you. I'm tired of the government warning. We have everything, I'm tired! The government seizing control over my life because they believe that covered here is the way for them to gain their power back. They lost under a flourishing democracy over the last for years under Donald Trump. Why does the cover they'll, provide another forty million hours for the candy sinner when no one's going there right now. Why is it? A relief bill include one point: five million for the appropriations Committee, opposite diversity and inclusion as well that the money for receptions when we're not because we having receptions right now, what the coverlet really feel mandate: new hiring measures to ensure diversity, diversity and the intelligence community. So let me get this straight, We may not have the best person and the intelligence community because we decided that person's gender.
where the color of their skin is more important. That doesn't sound like work tells me like that's a recipe for it, ass weapon by Russia or China. I might say that must produce right just make sure, and I want to get in trouble. Seriously. Me you want to get your ate up kick by Russia and China. You weren't you them out ass. Let's have a Intel this committee, that we choose the best people when it based on the color of their skin, not based on their actual qualifications. That's what's in the cupboard really bill mandates new irish measures to ensure diversity, not the best people, if there's any place in our government that I don't give a crap about co of your skin. care, how tall or short or white or black or a spanner, I don't care what you look like it's in the entire since community, but none are now the Kobe to really bill manner. new hiring measures to ensure diversity and the intelligence community
mandates it in a hundred eighty days, our rigidity exact bill. You ready for this section to accuse me three who to report on the use by intelligence Committee of hiring flexibilities and expedite human race This practice is to assure quality and diversity in the workforce. Are the national intelligence community general no later than a hundred days after the data. The enactment of this act director of the National intelligence out, submit to the congressional Indulgence Committee every border, now elements of intelligence, We are exercising hiring flexibilities an expedited to make sure have total inclusion, so we're not firing the most people anymore, we're filling up jobs in the undoubted security based on quotas of skin color in sex.
We also have any bill funding for Voice of America and Radio Free Asia. Yeah, because that have so much to do a covert gives three point: three million for each for each of the new fiscal years for so America, radio, Free Asia just going to authorize appropriate four million breeds of fiscal years, two thousand and twenty one through two thousand and twenty five- Every age of her broadcast describes the paragraph above Cosette S. much to do with cove it out. Think Joe Biden cares about you. He doesn't section one thirty, six other continues. some provides funding for the executive officer, the present or via the minister and support for a presidential transition amounts are provided to the present your transition, administrative support, at a rate for Relations of eight million dollars and Donald Trump,
got one hell of a message for you folks, she's me Joe Biden has one hell of a message for you. The worst is yet to come, not the best the worse Joe Biden today want you know: he's gonna sees even more power more power than ever before, because the word Our darkest days are not behind us. They are. Ahead of us, we a vaccine. But don't worry, I meant to seek to solidify my power straw, your life, so that you need me First hundred days, when I'm in office so changes in approach put in place late January people, I'm gonna, be getting sick and dying from covered. One thing: I promise you but my leadership during this crisis, I'm going to tell straight when I tell you the truth and here's the simple truth: our darkest
is in the battle against covert are ahead of us not behind us. So we need to prepare ourselves to steal our spines as, firstly,. is to hear it's gonna, take patients, persistence and determination to beat this virus There is no time to waste, you take it perhaps we need to turn this. ISIS around you, gotta love that don't you yeah are His days are out of us not behind us. That's right our darkest days. So, thank goodness that leaves one person gives a crap about all this had startled tromp he's not done fighting forest. He can't believe that whirling gonna get six hundred dollars. What we're given all the money that is said to everything else that they do these these five thousand five page corona virus really bills, and no one have time to read.
So the present came out tonight said yeah. Sorry, jokes on you got Greece, I'm not going to long with your should aiding and I'm set up for the american people. Here's the present had to say let's go at the White House throughout the summer demo, that's cruelly blocked, covered relief, lead situation in an effort to advance extreme left wing agenda and influence the election. Then, a few months ago, Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the american people. It's taken forever, However, the bill they are now planning to send back to my desk is much different than anticipated. It really is a disgrace for example, among the more than five thousand pages in this bill, which nobody, Congress has read because of its length and complexity. It's called covered relief bill but as almost nothing to do with Gov this bill contains eighty five one
five billion dollars for assistance to Cambodia. One hundred thirty, four million dollars to Burma? One point: three: billion dollars for Egypt and the egyptian military, which will go by almost exclusively russian military equipment, twenty five million dollars for democracy, gender programmes in Pakistan, five hundred and five million dollars to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama forty million dollars the Kennedy Centre in Washington DC, which is even open for business, one b dollars for this bezonian an addition, no one hundred and fifty four million dollars for the night Shrill gallery if I likewise these facilities are essentially not open, said million dollars for reef fish management. Twenty,
A billion dollars to combat Asian carp two points: five billion dollars to count the number of Amber Jack FISH in the Gulf of Mexico Vision to promote the breeding of fish in federal hackers, three million dollars in poultry production technology too in dollars to research, the impact of down trees, five hundred and six six million dollars for construction projects at the FBI. I love the presents actually publicly shaming them its. Why reading this stuff up? Because without I'm saying it, no one would believe it. In the present saying you don't get to spend all this money on, although this crap and then only sent a measly six dollars to the american people, when all the their money that you're talking about is actually their money. This is the part that How many Americans forget.
this is actually our money. Everything that he just went through is our money. The bill also allow stimulus checks for family members of illegal aliens it allows for legal immigrant family members and get checks our money, Just six hours, while we make you week so that you Does the government, because socialism is what Joe Biden bringing to the United States of America. you can't be powerful. You ve gotta be weak, allowing them to get up to one thousand. eight hundred dollars each this is, are more than the Americans are given despite of this wasteful spending and much more than nine billion dollar package provides. Hardworking taxpayers with only six hundred dollars, each in relief pyramids and not a body is given to small businesses and, in particular restaurants,
whose owners have suffered so grievously there, only given a deduction for There's two used in business there restroom for two years. This two year period must be withdrawn, which will allow the owners to obtain financing and get their restaurants back in condition. Congress, get terminated at a much later date. Two years is not acceptable. It's not enough. I mean you hear the present talking and you get his point, and this point is very clear. We are getting the american people and I'm not going to- let you do this now, he's not not I'm fighting until January, the twentieth, which is exactly what it could present Meanwhile, the other presence tell you doom and gloom worlds: get worse. It's gonna get terrible, so I can have more power over you. More shutdowns are coming. You gonna! Do
me, but I'm innocent to send you six hundred bucks, six, little, they care about you, the american people- and this is the Democrats and Republicans so so just Can this hell of a lot of Republicans voted for this crap to one eight? Seven, seven, three, eight one, thirty, eight eleven Ben. Ferguson filling in for the great when you can follow me, I'm parlor, you guys are active on parlour. I love it, follow parliament various and show also you can grab my podcast if your podcast person, where we get your pocket you're right back, then act. The association and mature american citizens is one of the first This growing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook, In and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about, more than talk a MAC fights a full.
time presence in Washington a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. But to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts included special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, self plants and a hell of a lot more It's not enough you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m, a sea dot! U s! Stop Supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot! U S ten million earmarked for general programmes in Pakistan and the present sorry! Now get out.
My watch present tromp ascending the covert bill back to Congress remaining direct paint to be increased from six hundred hours. The american people queue at least Two thousand per person also ease them slashing wasteful foreign aid he's calling out you're, saying not on my watch and telling you actually. What is in this bill nice to have you with us the mark of anchovy, Ferguson, filling in for the great one. I want you to hear More of what the president to say that I'm gonna get your phone calls, and here I get your reaction, this one seven, seven, three, eight one. Thirty! Levin, but the present make it very clear. Ease up plan is easy. Call them out he's not playing your ease? Gonna he's going to make it abundantly clear you you screw with us you screw with the american people. They deserve More than just your little six hundred dollars Congress, six hundred dollars, not enough money whose
farmers have suffered so grievously. There. only given a deduction for others to use in business there restroom for two years. This two year period must be withdrawn. which will allow the owners to obtain financing and get their restaurants back in condition. Congress can terminated at a much later date, but two years is not acceptable. It's not enough Congress by the way, that's what the small business we know, loans there, the ppp then you guys are even screwing small business. Does the same thing happens? Is that you're shutting down again? That's what you're doing not going to happen happened. My watch you maybe under the next Joe Biden, which the american people you guys decided bunch you to set of opium. That's on you, but I'm so present agenda. Where the twentieth found plenty of money, far, countries lobbyists and special managers, while sending
air minimum to the american people who needed it. Wasn't, therefore, was China's fault, not their fault. Mezzanine Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low six hundred dollars to two thousand dollars or Four thousand dollars for a couple. I am also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation. And to send me a suitable bill, the next administration will have to deliver a covered relief package, and maybe that administration will be me and we will get it done. Thank very much well that just gonna your date, the liberals and the media to aggravate garlic that presents employees we're gonna, be the White House. I love I Well, he knows how to troll them I absolutely love, how he knows how to troll, then we'll get to your phone calls now
I'll go first, to who Tat before you are. Mark of Anchovy Ferguson filling in high in. Thank you very much her taken. My call I don't know where. To start I mean this whole mess with Biden. I hope I hope Trump vetoes this bill and I hope Congress does what he He says he made him to do before hills, hillside it back to me isn't it nice Tom, a you say this is a nice ever present that says screw you too. Tigres. When they try to the american people, then Fergus, filling up for the great we'll be right back. The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a Macbook
lives in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full. time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts included. special member, only rates on car insurance travelled discounts self, Plants and a hell of a lot more, it's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S: that's a m, a sea dot! U s! Stop support
the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m, a sea dot. U S, mark doesn't just read that he was a med student news called Levin show now seven and three eight one. Forty eight one, one Donald Trump. says the Congress Yom Incentive for the american people and pretty much screw you. I love this guy This is exactly why I voted for Donald Trump, not once but twice. He would this bill, when he saw everything that we ve been telling you about and present drum, sends a cobra, though backed Congress, to make direct pay to increase from six hours at least two thousand hours proper. So it also demands use last
swill foreign aid spending that doesn't help Americans any calls our Congress for not doing what's best for the american people. A bill that no one had time to read on purpose: they did this on purpose, this is all about making us weak and make them strong, you're! No Democrats about this bill. Nancy Pelosi, counter plan to give american dollars a means. Six hundred hours. just check calling it quote significant. The same woman that previously said that larger sums of money, when Donald Trump was running for reelection were quote crumbs. Kick can we go back to You know I like the policy when she really hated Trump before the election, because what Had to say now about this. It is promoted to the eight hours is significant when she's now in charge
We also have the legislation direct payments, which were not in the Republican Deal to America's working time life. I would like then bigger and bigger, but they are significant. And they will be going out soon after hours, so Pelosi now says its significant for you won't. Let me remind you what Nancy Pelosi Eddie back when she was, you know really aiding on trumpet the Republicans when it was a political issue. for her. When the House Democrats were angry and furious suggest a thousand dollars going to many Americans.
Companies are attributing the attacks bill for being able to higher wages to their employees, as well as the EU to give consumers bonuses to their employees. How do you respond to that? Well, I think number of bonuses that will give more one. One of the bonuses was already in a union contract and then they added a little more money to that that same firm, just so told their employees. You said they wouldn T claim author two hundred people they want to save their job sacred I'll start working thirty two hours in those communities so that in terms of the bonus that corporate Amerika received a verses thee crumbs day are kidding to work to Cairo. But this motion is so pathetic. It so pathetic com, you're, that's a thousand dollars. It was pre election
post election. Oh it significant you're, sick centre, Box, Americans. This goes back to what I said to you before. If you don't think they're trying to weaken the american people so that you need them, you're, not paying tension. How did six hours become significant in just a few months ago? Thousand hours were crumbs, crumbs day are getting to workers too tired. But this motion is so pathetic. She got a thousand dollars per Now, six hundred hours is significant bonus set and America received a verse, is the crumbs day or kidding she workers to Cairo? but the chosen is so pathetic. It so pathetic I would hope that in the with their big
Did you bring money home at a very low rate that they would invest in infrastructure and things, but they experience has been that they will today will do, The answer will be stopped by backs and things like that, I think it's insignificant show. thousand dollars was insignificant to Nancy Policy and it was crumbs. Just a few to, but now it is significant. You six hundred dollars it's a significant amount for work family. She says it we're so proud of what we have done. Scumbags this, why Nancy policies they scum bag? I'm gonna give
Eric and six hour stimulus, Jack and I may cause significant, but but few months ago a thousand dollars was crumbs. I'd tell you crumbs again, government is powerful. When you are weak, government is weak. When you were independent, government is weak. When you are self, sustaining government is weak when you can provide for yourself. Government is weak when you are in charge of your own destiny
they get all away from you and they own you, because you are desperate for them. That's why six hundred hours is all of a sudden become significant to Nancy Pelosi because burdens on his way to the White House. We don't want you to be self sufficient. We need you to need us here. Are your crime so that you beg for the next of crumbs. We're not gonna. Give you real money or real relief are real help. We're going to get you addicted to our drug. This is nothing more than modern day political slavery. That's what this is. What Nancy in the Democrats are giving. You is modern day political slavery. We own you. We too you want to do we tell you where you can go. We tell you where you can shop, we tell you what you can buy. tell you you can eat with. We tell you when you can be open and when you can be closed, we tell you how many people can sit in your restaurants, we tell you
You can and cannot travel who you can and cannot see. You can and cannot break bread with on holidays. That is the literal definition of socialism. Look it up. Look it up. This is socialism Everybody knows it and that's exact. Why dont drums that enough for this may go to Jim online? Three you are on the market, then show Ben Ferguson filling in for the great one high. How Jimmy their humor Jim Jim did you go out? Ok, I'm sorry about that. Others, piggy back off toward the gentleman from Poland was saying
I spent some time over in some of those countries over there are Croatia, Serbia, in places like that, One of the laws of an actual lotta had on the books said that you were, by only allowed one male friend in one female brand. At that time I said my god why and they said, because the socialists do not like p gathering, they start talking and they don't like it then organizing, you write a needle, let let let's go back to the civil rights movement in this country. How did people? the civil rights movement gain power. People were sitting and gathering at churches at backyard? Barbecues? They were the ring in small restaurants? They were gathering in their front yards in their backyard and specifically at churches, to organise. Why are you think the government doesn't want you to be able to organise right now against them. What do you think that they're coming down on people too,
protests we get New York today, for example, make our protest for these workers out they're trying to say other good spread, covert. Sorry that help folks, you guys never stopped a black lives matter riot ever universe, and keep arrive ever dont. Tell me now that these were. can't come out protest. You am I right Firstly, we have our owners of business owners getting arrested. We ought to be a bring told weakening the guy brigade in certain numbers things like that. It's scary, million from what I saw over there in that part of Europe frightened. I couldn't agree with more. Thank you jump nice to talk to you. when we go to bill and didn't you are on the market, ensure been Ferguson filling in high. I got a good sir Harry you good.
the red I'm calling it a little different, bloody, never you're just talking about, but it is about the past legal action, as I believe that the problem our government. Today it s a republican party. we're way too many Ryan knowledge or at club supporter Look look at all these rhinos just sold us out on this bill. Remember there was hundreds of Republicans that voted for this crap, that that literally just gave you six and our box, that's it is that you should be thankful for that, like you should be happy about that. You should be thrilled about that. You should thank them for that. That's Republicans, too. That did this said again. That's Republicans it did this is well that's! You can't blame only the Democrats for this spinning build. It gives more mind of more. Might
one countries in the actual american people got so much to get into bed? then Trump should he fail in his bid for the presidency with the Congress and stuff I am suggesting to him. I'm going to write a letter to him. I know what you're going to say. You think you should start Zone party. Yes, we can Look I no listen illicit me. Ok. I hear me out please here my art on this. When no I got to surround party because we will divide the party undemocratic, total control, doubts in it and the presidency was super majorities. We beat our own scumbags, we beat our own scumbags beat the Mitt Romney of the world at their own game. We don't allow them to get more power because we divide we beat them. Just like we beat the establishment. We
This, when we totally own the establishment, would Donald Trump I'm not that just because there was one weird flow asked recollection with covert in Merwin in carpet bombing about what it mean I start my own party. No, I'm gonna kick the crap, out of these rhino Republicans and make damn sure that they don't get the power back. They had pre Trump, I'm not start my own party in a beat them. because if we started on party bill, we're screwed we will the vote and we will never win. Elections and Democrats will own us and be I'm not going to start all over because a covert I'm gonna keep moving forward. I'm not going I'm not going. and in the Republican Party, I'm going you own the report in Party, just like Donald Trump did one hundred seven, seven, three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven bent Ferguson filling in for the great when you can follow me on parlor Twitter, Facebook and my podcast Ben Ferguson. Podcast every get your bike.
Much more coming up Ben the Association of mature american citizens, is one of the first describing organizations in America. Now, over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a macbook lives in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond, but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth. The benefits and discounts include special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, self plants and a hell of a lot more. It's not enough. You'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives,
As I said, on a MAC member, and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a I see that you s stop support, the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot! U s! so I just found out that these stimulus bill includes mill. And to help package Many women open bank accounts, oh yeah, that's real! It's actually there we're we're sitting millions of dollars of your taxpayers hours of Pakistan, because women can apparently open a bank account on their own, can't do it. They can a bank account on their own bent Ferguson
in four Markel, they're nice to have you with us tonight in an end again, if you want to know it, when the government is no longer your friend, I say that issues like this. I honestly don't think I've ever been my friend in my lifetime know what they're doing in these socialist state of Michigan. This is this is it No, the government is not here to help you the government's here to destroy you and hurt you this is when the government is actually there to hurt your life, not to help you Michigan agents. Gave a sob story to a restaurant owners for a meal, then bus to delay busted the the owner to shut them down for giving them a meal. major States centred Tom Beret recounted we have a business owner last week about an alleged instant where they compliance agent from the liquor control. Commission according to bear at an individual approach. Charlie's barring grill in potter's, though saying
was really lonely and asked if he could have something to eat the restaurant or fear for the man who served him a meal. It's Christmas time. No one by the way should feel bad about this happening. He said thought nothing of helping someone a need, but according to bear it, it was not simply a man down. His luck rather an agent under cover, looking the bust american citizen trying to help out his fellow man, the age The liquor Control Commission, who was apparently attempting to trap the this owner. This is what your government hours are now being used for we're entrapping business owners. We are actually entrapping. Business owners With your just hours being used to entrap you sport, a few days later, the liquor licence of Charlie's, barring grill, has been suspended.
were allegedly violating governor Socialist Gretchen winners, lockdown order. Nobody could have the liquor. draw enforcement divisions, museum, paycheck right now wondering how they get through Christmas. The state rubber I have noted, unlike many business owners and employees affected by these mandates, Charlie's bargain as one of several establishments it by the liquor, controlled, commission, local, ABC twelve report. Twenty six establishments across traded statement published by the agency virtually violating growth, a virus orders in September, a broom company or a brewery, I should say and traversed city had its rights suspended. It must appear before a statement train if law judge on December, the twenty eight that said that vehicles taxes will remain open, allegedly in violation of women's border. The restaurant
our queues of allowing gatherings providing indoor downing servants failing them for its face governing requirements and failing to restrict patron thrum, congregated they're, not on your team. There, not your friend. This is your tax dollars going to a liquor. Scumbag licence will liquor Control Commission who goes in under cover who Literally entice its net for no apparent gain to the owner of the business. I saw a sad story, it's really lonely and asked if he could have something to eat and the man gave him something to eat, and then they shut him down and took away his license because of it. This
this is sincerely the crap that you would think would happen in Cuba or Venezuela, not in America. But this is exactly what is happening in America right now,. and your tax dollars or funding this this guy, who are this under cover scumbag, was of this government was actually on the job with our tax dollars He was entrapping a business owner who was trying to help as fellow man. It is by the way you notice the complainant, nothing do it call. They didn't say that he served him a bunch of booze, he didn't say manner its exhausted, I need some. I need some liquor here. He broke some liquor law. No, he said
he needed something to eat, and this bar owner wanted to help. His fellow man gave a man something to eat. That's all he did nothing else, just that. this is not the America that I want my kids to grow up in toys. Honoured when, for the great when Markel, then I'd love to keep up with you By catching, listen to then Ferguson Pike, Follow me. I'm parlor Ben Ferguson Show Twitter Bent some show it's time for us to fight for this country. Merry Christmas, everyone the about Europe from the Westwood one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-23.