« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/22/19

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, The fourth estate, the media, has become the fifth column. There are no uniform standards for news outlets. Rules of professional conduct, no commitment to objectivity, and a blurred line between opinion and facts. The media picks and chooses who they decide to support. Their love affair with the Obama's, Bernie Sanders and as of late, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has resulted in yellow journalism. But the first Amendment is not there for the media, it’s there for We The People! The mass media's monopolistic pack mentality breeds lousy reporting which is detrimental to the republic. However, any criticism of the mass media's advocacy rather than reporting is met with cries of censorship. Also, freshman Congresswoman Ocasio Cortez and other socialists of the same ilk don't seem to understand that John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Jeff Bezos, and other billionaires revolutionized the world through their industry, yet they are hated by the left for their success and contribution. The world is different today because of railroads, cars, and the web and the government didn't create any of these things! It’s our liberty that allows for free market capitalism thrive, not the government. The redistribution of wealth doesn't create jobs, it only takes them.

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