« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/18/20

2020-12-18 | 🔗

On Friday's Mark Levin Show, a new report by Phill Kline shows that Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, donated hundreds of millions of dollars to various organizations to help Joe Biden win. Facebook is an evil diabolical platform that advances the propaganda of the left under protection from the federal government. Washington Republicans should support 'We The People' instead of the robber barons like Facebook. Kudos to Trump for having the courage to veto the pork-filled defense bill in order to defend all Americans from a poor piece of legislation. Also, the media is attempting to paint President Trump as if he's not taking this Russian cyber threat seriously. However, it was Trump that built up the military and added a new branch, the Space Force. America spends trillions on its massive bureaucracy, but it's never held to account. There's never a merit-based system where people are held accountable for their actions. Then, both Russia and China are enemies of the United States yet the politicians in Congress dodge responsibility for everything, and they are never held to account. Later, late-night personality Stephen Colbert conducted a softball interview with Joe Biden. Jill Biden interrupted to assist Biden from making any gaffes. Joe Biden says that Hunter is a grown man and is the smartest man he knows. Afterward, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joins the program to discuss how American media companies are beholden to the Communist Chinese Party and often repeat their propaganda in American streaming services and news organizations. It's becoming more evident that China was not transparent regarding the outbreak of the coronavirus in Wuhan. Pompeo also acknowledged that Russia is a legitimate threat to the American Republic and feels strongly that the Russians were responsible for the recent cyber-attack on third-party software used by US government agencies.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Because there is a truly independent institution where learn
Is prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale brother sponsorship now run them wrongly underground, commend both from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Mark Levant are numbers eight, seven, seven, three one, three one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one one! This is our final radio programme of the year this off
twenty twenty been absolutely awful, so many backs, but there ways next year. Also, this Sunday life liberty in all of them will be the last live life. Liberal eleven of the year and carried you to watch it, we focus one hundred percent on Communist China I think, you'll find it to be truly great programme because of me because of the guests, so API. The eastern this Sunday, I hope you'll dvr. If he can't watch it live and national You know, as I watch this attack on America from Russia deeply into deep into our most secret. systems in some of our most secret agencies and departments. And I listened to the media and I listened to members of Congress a truly extraordinary.
these attacking trump. Susan Collins has asked me what went on I'm thinking to myself. This Congress take response, stability, for nothing for nothing. They distracted the nation on this Russia collusion issue. Instead of holding hearings on Russia, they're holding hearings on Trump Get people out there saying Russia's, not the enemy blinded by their own perverse, ideology. Of course, Russia's an enemy, his grave as China, but its anatomy with Noakes Territorial designs, Give the pick one or the other. Yet the prioritize when you have a limited defence budget, which brings me to that third point: the Trump administration the bomb administration with Biden,
Congress, slash the hell out of our military slash the hell out of our military. Now these members of Congress are never held to account, never How do I cancel the big issue? Is why hasn't the president spoken out its likely, the president is working on this. The president has spoken out about much in the last forty eight hours, his name. No security adviser cut a trip short flew back to the it states, whereas office was right down the hall from the presence of the United States. They ve been meetings. would the various agencies and department heads but It is not taking this seriously. This is this what they say. Of course he's taking it seriously, he's when they created a new military service. Did you, space and particular
But the communist trainees are doing what color satellite he's the one who funded the United States military. he's the one who sanction the year, the olives eggs and others in Russia. What the hell is. Congress in the last ten years, what has it done literally watch it done about Russia, That what the house had done about China watch it what about IRAN? Nothing, nothing. Trumps. Take it all of them on crushing IRAN Abiding says. I've had come in I'm going subsidize, I'm a build up that Islam nazi regime says a change. Our relations we're China because an appeal or he's been bought off its whole families been bought off, in fact that all the parties been bought off. and then, when it comes to Russia, can anybody think of anything the Obama,
by an administration- did to confront Russia, anything no, they can't, and so, I've got a couple of questions here. Pay trillions, trillions and trillions of dollars for me, the bureaucracy, massive bureaucracy. All kinds of computer is all kinds of software technologies. You name it. You name it now. This government to get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and control more and more and more of our lives everywhere. It's ubiquitous. You can't turn around without bumping into the federal government. But it's never held to account. There is never any more standards had are applied, people don't get fired people,
don't get suspended Just like the teachers unit. You ve got a civil service, you got, Union should get all kinds of stuff going on their most volley of the Democratic Party, because the Democracy is own hook, line of thinking the Democratic Party there symbiotic one protects the other And so there's no accountability, I saw this when President Reagan was in office and I was there eight years in various administer parts of the administration. tromp was there for years, so he's responsible for everything. Bides been there fifty years needs responsible for nothing, nothing. And nobody can ask Obama a difficult question. No, but. These too busy making handle fish, millions and millions of millions of dollars, while he's trashing our country.
Using never seen anything like it like Lebron, James and others, is this a further example that the government must be limited. I'm looking at these people The Biden wants to pony, wants to take the former EPA administrator and make her Varmints are the same area. under whom that Flint Michigan disaster took place there not held what For anything there responsible for nothing she's a radical hard core leftist then he's got John Kerry. whose some kind of tsar or special envoy on climate change then he's gonna have an EPA administrator. These We are serious about crushing our economy, about crushing Materials in the things that we use in our everyday lives. H, facts systems, paint lumber you
name it. It's all gonna come under attack, all of it. Their busy, pushing us around whether it's at the state local or federal level, trying to control Us leashing, the criminals and the mob on us demanding more taxes from us. Redistributing wealth, to accommodate and take care of their base and for what? What is this getting us but chaos, nothing, the Democratic Party is destroying this country, destroying. Now what we come back, I want to tell you about Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook. As I said this will be my last show the year. So I'm just giving you,
Final alert that we will not be posting on Facebook anymore, come December, thirty, one midnight and one second, no more posting, Facebook. Why, even the other day they attacked us face is anti american phase As for censorship, Facebook is, pending the Democratic Party in the left. And this guy Mark Zuckerberg the amount of in kind contribution he washed through these phony nonprofit groups and so forth. what resolve at anybody else serving long time in prison, comes off Ernest studious young man with a goofy haircut, kind of a nerd But he's none of those things he's diabolical is evil, and so is this platform.
Now you might say mark you believe in free competition. I do. but that's not what we see here. What we see here is a ninety nine for these fledgling little platforms in order to all they needed protection, they went to Congress and they got it. like the slime balls in the media. So they could Vance their propaganda and wrapped himself and freedom of the press. Well, these guys rap themselves as publishers with free platter, an open platforms, but we can grow, we can develop. We can accommodate our customers and less well protected, so they got protection and ninety ninety four, so you can't see them if you defend the cancer so like free market to you. Does that sound like fair competition to you? I'm not
detective, that, where you know you're and most of us hard. So the libel laws do not apply to these robber barons. And that's how they get away with what they get away with presently United States try to attach language to the defence bill. To put an end to this end, he was stopped. By Republicans in Congress. And he says I'm starting to veto that bill, because its right is right and you see that's the difference between a trump and a Mcconnell, our Trump and most The Republicans in Congress, Want to be seen as voting against a defence bill. On the other hand, Didn't want to add language to the defence. Will that would defend you and me against these predators.
There is nothing that says that the hard left and their rights barbaric should be specially protected. Unlike the rest of us. And I want to tell you about this- Mark Zuckerberg via our friendship, bright bark- they great Michael Patrick lay he who wrote an excellent peace there when we return Then, as we are
The Christmas season, most of us, start to consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen, forty four coastal has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education is central to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty for a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive an Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses or of a tender one of Helstone Free regional events. Now you know of hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference at
time at our nations history has there been a greater need for that kind of classical liberal arts education that Hills tat offers on its campus and nationwide so during the season blessings? Hailstones. Thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills. Del college visit Levine for wholesale dot com. That's alleviate for hills, toolbar, com lobby, for in house dot com, This is why the President get frustrated. The Madonna vaccine is did he go can help millions of people in this country, in addition to the fire, a vaccine and they didn't approve today. It's not, I mean it's approve, but there the nitrate give. The final. And I will move on to Saturday. That's the bureaucracy that the typical bureaucracy and that's the bureaucracy that Trump had a fight for nine months for nine months.
An operation warp speed, I mean that's. Why said he deserves a ticket tape. Parading certainly does we're gonna start this spend the rest of this. Our on this sucker Burg, because this is affecting your lives by Patrick lay. He was outstanding report and writer, a bright Bart report released by the Amsterdam project. the time, is more society at a press conference on Wednesday alleged Facebook Fatima soccer broken his wife made four hundred and nineteen point: five million dollars, almost half a billion, Contributions to non profit organisations during the twenty twenty election cycle. Three hundred and fifty going into these so called safe elections, project of the centre for check ology and civic life? Three hundred and fifty Million to that one group and another sixty nine point: five million to the centre for election innovation and research that quote improperly info
the twenty twenty presidential election on behalf of one particular candidate and party they On the twenty twenty presidential election witness an unprecedented and coordinated public private partnership, rights. The group turn properly enforced Twenty twenty presidential election on behalf of one point Glenn candidate and party funded by, hundreds of millions of dollars from Facebook found or Mark Zuckerberg and other high tech. Interests. the vis organizations actually created a two tier election system that treated voted differently depending on whether they lived in democrat or republican strongholds, am stead project direct Phil Klein wrote in the report's executive summary. The report identifies three key actions that taken together represent the beginning of the formation of a two tier election system. Favouring one Democrat,
while disadvantage get another demographic poet private money, dictated City and county election management, contrary to both What state election law plans endorse and developed by state legislatures with authority Did by the United States Constitution boat eggs, Kind of officials and swing states facilitated through unique and novel contracts that sharing a private Sensitive information citizens within those states with private interests, some of whom doubly promote left us candidates and agendas. Poet sway, State governors also started issuing emergency executive orders. Shutting down in person voting. While point news, date, resources and encouraging persons to vote in advance Data revealed this coordinated assault on person, voting generally favoured them, cried party voters who devoted advance, while placing republic supervisor devoted person at a disadvantage. These acts
represent the beginning of the formation of a two tier election system favouring one demographic while disadvantaging another demographic, evidence is present and available to all Americans Klein set at the press conference them three media have also tried to censure this evidence. He noted, adding Erica understands that there are serious problems with this election. This network pump hunt The millions of dollars and a local election systems using the covert crisis as a pretence. Our report proves that in reality it was nothing more than a naked attempt to purchase the election. Zachary bucks, Zaka local election officials, invited. Billion air into the consolidated ballot counting centres, while kicking the american people blind said in his statement: I want to get into the details of this to the bottom of the hours the year segment is coming.
Close but millions and millions of millions, sir. cautiously spent basically a watered through various organisations in order to promote certain votes. In certain precincts verses, others, I'm gonna, get into more details on this. When we return as we are
The Christmas season. Most of us stop that consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen, forty four coastal has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education is central to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty for a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive in Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses orbit tender, one of Helstone Free regional events. Now you know of hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference had no time and our nations history has there been a greater need for that kind of classical liberal arts education that Hills tat offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season, a blessings hailstones. Thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills, to college visit, Levine for Hills, del dot com, that's alleviate for hills, Delbert, come lobby.
FR, inhales Delbert Come nobody says it better march. Laverne importer marked with nobody could call. Now I read seven seven three, eight one, three, eight one, one: let's continue with the bright bar peace, Michael Patrick lay. He am step project or the Thomas more society, among other things. What are they find? This report paints a clear picture of a couple of billionaires and activists. Using, though out to subvert control and phenomena. alter the electoral system itself. Klein said we must now to prevent such privatized elections in the future. The american public serves transparent and fair elections, not lawless elections directed by powerful private interests. Nation Zuckerberg, the main foundations funding the effort to subvert the electoral system with a democracy, it's fun new venture,
Skull Foundation Night Foundation according to the report. He not. often involved distributing the money include C out the centre for election innovation, research, the centre for US design No vote at Home Institute the centre for secure and modern elections and rocked the vote report demonstrates that fund from nonprofits was especially unnecessary emission Pennsylvania in Wisconsin? Is the we'll government already provided sufficient funding through both the help America Vote ACT and the cares of the report. the privatisation of the administration of the election in key battleground states and its active removal from the control of properly authorized local and state governments was strengthened. By a claw back provision attached to grant Even the counties had cities by them. group that God most of the money under that claw back provision, local governments
they require the return to the that group the three hundred million return, their donations, if they failed to implement the more controversial and legally dubious elements of the plan, including here's. What soccer bird pushed the use of drop boxes to collect absentee bow and the requirement that comic centres be consolidated. In a way, made observation of the counting process by republican observers more difficult. Yes, Zack, brags money was behind that the report most heavily on how they see tc I'll use their three honey fifty million donated by Z, a bargain, his wife between September, one in twenty twenty, an actor for twenty one. Twenty twenty, particularly targeted in urban areas in four key battleground states I urge a measured in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania in consular report alleged that this
D C, our plan again, the group they got three hundred fifty million from the Zuckerberg worked a benefit Biden and the Democrats, for example, see tee seo ain't. A hundred thousand. A grant to the mayor of Race in Washington on May twenty, twenty directing the mayor too, fruit for other cities. Green Bay, Canosa, Madison him Milwaukee to develop a joint grant request, from the organisation. This effort results in these cities, submitting a quote: Wisconsin A plan I quote on June: fifteen Twenty twenty to this t see out again, that is the leave the mother ship, the funding, the three hundred, fifty nine that Zuckerberg and his wife put into and in return receives. Point three million to implement the plan, the price, So in other words, you have this billionaire from Facebook. Using these four groups laundering, hundreds of millions of dollars into them.
Getting cities and towns in time get it areas in battleground states to make sure urges that conform with the demands of the organisation that is funded by Zuckerberg. Is that clear, to produce the lamp, putting it unbelievable, unbelievable, the privatisation of elections is what they call it. undermines they help America Vote ACT. That's a federal act, which requires election plans to be submitted to federal officials and approved requires respect for equal protection for make all resources available. Equally, all voters, the vision of the Zuckerberg see tc our funds allowed these dammit. that's strongholds, despair. Roughly four, These seven dollars per voter compared to four the seven dollars provider in traditionally republic in areas of this state. Moreover, this recruiting of tea gotta jurisdictions, first, best
government action and funding runs. Contrary legislative election plans and invites government, lay favorites in the election process. So you have the drop off boxes. In certain areas are not certain areas more in certain areas. Less and other areas that sort of thing funded, funded by Zuckerberg. There was constant, save election plan was not authorized by the state and concern State election integrity laws as obstacles nuisances. ignored or circumvent, moreover, we d seo. That's the Zuckerberg Kennedy retain the right and the grant doc two and its sole discretion order. All funds return the granting cities did not conducted inconsistent with tc I'll pick takes effect. if they see TC or manage the election in these five cities.
This plan violated state law in numerous ways, and I won't go through it. The plan circumvented voter identification requirements for absentee balance by attempting to classify all voters as indefinitely fine, due to the covert plan and later after the whiskers Supreme Court criticism by ordering election clerks to not question such claims. This is where the soccer big money. The plan initiated the use of drop boxes for collection significantly breaching the chain of custody of the ballot and failing to make Ain't proper logs and reviews to ensure all properly cast ballots were counted and all improperly cast ballots, we're not counted now. You know why none of this was report By a single major newsroom in America, not what not one
And now you know why, if I put this very article up on my facebook account, they will slap it down multi. Mr Medina. And how does Zuckerberg do that? He's created these so called third party reviewers, all of them are left wing, you saw the article the other day and we talked about it at length here with a war, in charge of appointing these third party types, a professor Tromp Haider and they come chinese lover. This- is our Zuckerberg operate. He likes autocracy, Two totalitarianism is likes it because he the exercise power, power. These are but a couple of examples he initiated. The consolidation of counting centres justifying the flow of hundreds of thousands about two one location.
The marginalization of Republican, Paul watchers such that by partisan Dissipation in the management handling and counting it about was compromise. They just some of the examples. This is what Zuckerberg funded. time taking time going through this bright bar peace. Pennsylvania. The report asserted the disparate impact of. her bread funding is also present in the analysis of sea tc, our member that group funding pennsylvania- that's the Zuckerberg front group documents of chain through. what order reveal communication Two in the city of Philadelphia and CD seo four sizing that see tee seo paid elite changes in Philadelphia and other election officials. See TC are mandated Philadelphia to increase its polling locations and to use drop. Taxes and eventually mobile pick up units, moreover zone
bird monies allowed Philadelphia to cure so called absentee back In a manner not provided for in republic in areas of the state in democratic what county Pennsylvania one drop back, was placed ever four square miles and for every four thousand voters in the fifty Nineth count carried by Trump and twenty. Sixteen there was one drop box for every One thousand one hundred square miles, And every seventy two thousand voters, Thea geniuses on the Supreme Court are paying attention government, encouraging a targeted demographic to turn up. It is the opposite side of the same coin, as gut targeting a demographic to suppress the vote, this to tee Election system allowed voters in Democrats, stronghold. the stroll down the street devout while voters and report stronghold had gone
equivalent of a where's Waldo Hunt in Michigan. The aims that power judge concerns were amplified by the nature of a contract offered by me. in South director to a subsidy of in Jp Van a Democrat, fun Ray and data services company Michigan granted. Covert. Tracing contract of Michigan Van is a subsidiary of Angie Peeve in the contract or allowed this Wing organization to demands sensitive information from Michigan citizens at the threat of arrest, citizen, Could be ordered to turn over medical records travelling the names of associated friends and other from with a significant privacy interest and of some the current monetary value, twice political fundraiser emails later obtained through fire requests demonstrate governor there is political director was involved and sick
casting to their health department that they not directly contract with Jp Van, because a possible Political fall out, governor wit staff are recommended and JP. They create a Michigan. City Airy, and this steady airy, could become a sub contractor source cover their trail and when this became public library claims. She was unaware. The agreement was faced with public pressure We then that she received the contract. Our country is so corrupted now by the Democratic Party, and by these democratic billionaires. It's absolutely shocking. Last month, the Amsterdam project fight a lawsuit alleging that more than a hundred thousand ballots have been cast a legally in Georgia. They find a loss Contesting the results of the twenty twenty presidential election setting exe Opinions are well over. A hundred thousand illegal votes were properly candid, while tens of
its legal votes were not counted. expert analysis of government data showing that the total number of illegal votes, Canada, legal votes, not counted is great, two hundred thousand vast exceeded, the twelve thousand six hundred and seventy vote margin in the so called Financial election contest the number of potentially fraudulent ballots, that identified in Georgia over fifteen times, greater than the margins separating Donald Trump Joe Biden in finding under that's the integrity, the general election report, was released Wednesday identified five specific. Action steps to address election security issues. And I will get into that after the break I'll, be right back, then, as we are
the Christmas season most of us start to consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings. Since eighteen, forty four coastal has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education essential to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive an Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses or of a tender one of Helstone Free regional events. Now you know of hills, deals refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference at no time and our nations history has there been a greater need for the kind of classical liberal arts education that hailstones offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season of blessings, he'll still, thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills. Del college visit Levine for Wholesale Dotcom. That's alleviate for hills, tell back come lava.
for a wholesale dotcom trimmer, this guy Chris Crab member was on every liberal, so called news. Work he was praise to the hill. He was at the hearings. The other day in the Democrats praised him and once again he said this was the cleanest election in american history. No cyber interference d know this guy was in charge. The word of this Cyberspace operation, under who rather. Substantial knows, as I could tell best, as I could tell this attack occurred. Right, at least in part, at least in part, Trump fired. He was praised by Mitt, Romney he's been pray
by Republicans he's been praised by Democrats. He's been honoured by the press. Did he do his job. Now they embraced this guy because trumped up like they embraced sky, because he went the war, were tromp. That's all access to the media in this country You'll never hear from him again. You'll never from them again because he's an embarrassment never again. So what can you do? The report says the secretaries and attorney general and or legislatures of the states whose many governments receive see tee at sea I'll funds. Zuckerberg funds should come a comprehensive third party audit of the consistency of private public transactions, state sector Paris attorney general and our legislators, who have membership nonprofit electronic registration information centre should honour
information, access, collection, storage and security for potential vote, information sharing practices or what took place actually with Eric Secretary the attorney general and our legislators, who receive Centre of Elect action innovation, see our grants for election related purposes. question evaluate the contracts state by eight examination of the legal authority by which this mothership that Sucker bro For the hundreds of millions of dollars into so called manpower had treated in Illinois, then negotiate grand contracts would county municipal governments, multiple jurisdictions among many states what legal authority, Did anybody have for this county? commissioner, should coordinate, but the respect of it. These general legislatures to understand and mitigate potential future liability. I got another one break up. This damned face, But, ladies and gentlemen, stop using face,
but by the end of the year, get the hell off of Facebook Zuckerberg drawing the country along with some of these other robber barons gay off facebook they're using your data to using your private confidential information is selling eddies, making money they're running retirement based on how many comments are posted: the hell out of their gotta parlour parlor parlour Tag Mark Laverne, show right, MR producer at mark. Levin so at Mark Levin Show get there. How often Facebook. I know some of you are just wedded to you need the understand, he's the enemy haze that can already back creep that punk.
Thanks to the federal government, all these entities grew great, but they're, not free speech, these, and when you see the media and Democrats on these ultra leftwing, radical neo marxist groups attacking parlor trying to pay. It as some kind of white supremacy group, you know you're in the right place, Do a white supremacy since one freedom of speech, white supremacy, We will listen to these fascist democrats and fascist reporter. Would I believe. Competition and free speech and a free press, No, I don't think so more when I return from the west, would one podcast network
easy now broadcasting them only underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America Mark Levine. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one: three, eight one: one sector state, my palm pale scheduled will be on the programme at the bottom of the hour, really terrific man he really is Joe Biden on the late show last night, this Stephan Coburg is a disgrace. He such a fraud. He it, probably the worst in your view in modern history,.
Other than that Idiot Andersson on the constipated news network, when he interviewed the porn actress well, I guess there was now highlight a his career, Stormy Daniels. That MR, but it was right and watch it, but you remember that. what a reporter here's Joe Biden. And the late for last night and does not just, listen and listen to the Idiot Colbert. I know his name, but our com, Colbert. Co. Bird is a you should know: Doin day he's a practising a practising proctologist three, where they missed relation. he says he has a license. I don't believe it Tat one go point, I know you want to be as bipartisan reach across the aisle, but as much as you don't want it to happen. You know that the people want to make Hey in Washington are going to try to use your adult son as a college
against you How do you feel about that? And what do you have to say to those now stop right there you believe this guy. Let me tell you, what's happened, You know the country's divided. The media are not divided the meat applying to one part of the country to me. the come from that part of the country, and by that I mean it, that Zactly! What's going on, they ve written off, half the country They just don't care so these mass corporations in these corporatist who run them are perfectly happy which shows like this. Because they want to maximize viewers, ship or listener ship, as the case may be, leadership, as the case may be, but in this case viewers ship with that one half of the country and they agree Without one half of the country, and then they themselves and freedom of the press, but here Joe Biden go
look We have great confidence in ourselves and not concerned about any accusations made against him. It's you To get to me, I think kind of foul play nano. That's that's precious. What's happened at the Trump family, And ass they say the proof is in the pudding furthermore, been charged. None of them should be charged with all these frauds. Allegations on me in media and elsewhere. but his son is under criminal investigation for multiple potential crimes, unlike any of the trunk, kids So what are you saying is the grand jury and the? U S, attorney's office are conducting these investigations to get to him. What I have said is hundred by
does lead to him. By does lead to job. I we're going to defend Joe Biden has accused me hundred buying as best they can in order to defend Joe by so there's. This occur what truth in what he says, but not the way. He says it not what he means go ahead. it is what it is and he's a grown man. He is smartest man. I know so. Hunter Biden is the smartest man. He knows That means he knows an awful lot of stupid people. I'm not kidding joy of pure and work capacity as long as he's good we're good. he's good were good. I have no idea what that means, and neither does he cut to go. Can you reach across the isles of people who will be using this. as an attack on you when it is such a purse.
what tax, because it's about family! You know this is so unconscionable so grotesque to listen to this guy questions are worse than the answers. The questions are worse than the anxious. He never spoke. about trump. This way. These people have no shame anymore. They, when try to conceal who they are and what they are made when try. it's absolutely incredible, go it. The country. Yes, I really mean because we know who we are. We ignore a better man than I you're a better man than I wore a remains a better man than you climb. No question about that. look I'll keep pushing by pushing and push these guys loved the vision they love. What's going on on the streets, they
a black lives matter they embrace anti for the violence is ok as long as you don't bother them at school. Stephen CO, where lobby James, there are cowards, there are cowards. No we're close to the action that they support. The action. kind of cool really. Gonna destroy the other side, Mr By don't you understand the queen about your son there all fraudulent. How can you work with the Republicans when your sons being criminally investigated by a federal grand jury? How can you work with the Republicans. I mean you understand Hunter turbines already reached a threshold that none of the trumps have ever reach, become close to ease the target the criminal grand jury also was Trump oh you're, a special council. The whole thing was concocted. This come through the usual processes.
the usual process. He's not a political appointment. Go ahead. Get me wrong. I mean I'm not angry it done United. When angry I mean, if I were back in days in high school, I wouldn't say: come here And go round a gay anybody who went to school with fighting Joe Biden High School, please call me and tell me what a tough guy he was in high school. He was upon an Highschool. Certain of it, of course go ahead, had to take the high road, but only because I was Joe Biden, you have to take the high road and I and I'm saying that is doctor, Mark Levin, because I have a jurist doctorate. Go ahead, there's so much at stake and the american people-
They can smell the phone. You smell smell authority as your sons under criminal investigation by grand jury. Not House Khamenei. Not a Senate committee he's been Your investigation two years, we only about a week or two ago. What I mean smell the phoney miss you jerk. Just like that. Jerk page asking you questions go ahead, not true, I register, but what it does do a couple people who have just been a disappointment, I feel badly for I'm not being facetious. I have I did what he means it. You, MR producer,. One more round with fighting Joe is not Colbert a. an embarrassment to himself and his family computer, lady balls himself, may I say with all due respect, I am waiting.
Him to kiss the camera might ambering for him to do something: go ahead, Do you think it might be a little bit of a compliment that people are trying to think of something to criticise you about that guy? What kind of show is, is the guy's not funny. And the guy's a moron go ahead. ok I'll. Take it that? No? What about you as a who loves this person? Did you ever? You know one alike, get out at length the pool chain and go for corn plop on these behave at that about the word whether Geniuses CO bears Mr Barroso, would you and I'm serious after the first of the we're back? Would you please contact his office and ask if you'd like to come on the programming you rounds like corn, pup corn pop. Do a few rounds go ahead.
None insurers allows now know if there's some of these anyway? I could tell you: I've been suppressing my irish industry along ok genius. You know when I was on the right track and I walked by. He could have taken a punch me mister, bellew. Sweden. Do that you notice. No, he didn't do that. Feeble. I saw that he's feeble is very fragile. You could see yourselves. I saw that he was re frail. Everybody knows what I know all this guy told you move! My high school day, what Highschool? What did you do in high school, tough guy. But all that aside, its really this I could bear man, I used to love the late night comics, many cars in the best of the best, but the others to really good luck, I it's not like this even J Leno, was nothing like this.
Then you see Letterman complete freak, and now this pots Be right back Friday, Cyber Monday one day. Only so when you rather just work with a company who put you on a pedestal every day What you get with pure talk, a veteran run, wireless company that understands what it means to serve for eyes and eighty anti anti mobile nephew then you're overpaying pure and simple, pure talk easily save you over four hundred dollars a year. Unlimited talk text and until gigs data for twenty bucks a month if you go over on data usage day charge you for it, what a novelty a company that actually puts their customers first, you can keep your and your number or get it deals with the latest iphones at androids, just go to pure USA, dot, com and enterprise.
while Code Levine Podcast. When you do you say fifty percent of your first month. That's pure USA, dot com, promo code. Oh av ion Levine Podcast Pure USA, simply smarter wireless No, I know some of you out there by the way pronounce Karma Carmel. Right, Mr Barroso, how do you pronounce it Carlo, lots of us on the east coast in these ethnic cities at Karma Battle, How do you pronounced d are? A w e r. have you pronounce it rich. I can't hear you drawer right, or I'm from I know it's funny fillets draw. Brings us up all the time, she's from major its drawer. I said ok While we both know what it is, but I say draw this way it is-
That's why you were it's the the community in which you are raised, and what here, the sky, James Collaborate- and this is why should the. Biden, slither into the office of the presidency, were in deep trouble. James collaborate this guy and you Liberals will understand. This is like a bad Believing hemorrhoid, may I say that on the air MR producer aims clapper. Would the Atlantic Council on climate change had to just the news five go. threat I would mention, were challenged. Our relations is, I think it is. transcends all others is climate change. and I guess I would nominated for first on this list. Top risks
In my view, not to be normal about it, but as you in recently stated that if we don't do something, we need to do something about this pretty quick deal that did the planet's, because going to become a uninhabitable hell. How to? How do we find these. truly stupid among the stupid and put them in these high positions. The sky was the director of national intelligence. He the director of stupidity, not national intelligence. The directive, snow stupidity, On inhabitable hell, no, let me tell you what an uninhabitable hell is clapper. Communist China ruling the World CUP if China launching nukes That would be an uninhabitable hell.
Climate change, a buffoon cut six go the opportunity here, of course, is to rejoin the Paris think they hold out these holy GRAIL like the Paris climate accord. You should ass most of those people. Your fellow citizens and other as liberals in your community, the dumb ones say what in the Paris climate, a court. They have no idea. they have no idea. What's in the Paris climate, the court, it sounds good, they know their Posters supported my good little liberals good little Democrats, they march. They march, in order, behind the other you're, not for the parents. climate accord. What are reprobate, I understand you must be Where this is unbelievable, excuse me, you know, what's in a you believe in.
and climate change and other guide unbelieving climate in know, you're at I am sure that I assure you that this is what you get from the stupidest people in your community. The stupidest people in politics like clapper. Go ahead and I will also offer the terms and not to to this may be an area where will my other disagreements. We haven't China where we can work with China. Work with China came only a military in hopes of defeating arse. an economy and hoping to choke arse. You ve rating, our allies, stealing technology, destroying our jobs importing killing drugs, This is an area where we can work with them if they a change while it Anybody who knows anything about the Paris climate accord knows that there
to do whatever the hell they want. It ties our hands and you, the american taxpayers, have to pay hundreds a billions abolish under this fund into a fund that will be crucial the way by the international community. But it's. Paris climate. Of course we can work The communist chinese on this shore, we could have work with Toto's, Japan and fascistic ITALY in and the third Reich on climate change. I would have brought us that we have our disagreements. Ladies, and we have a decision Miss by climate change can bring us all together. Because we are now communist. China keeps its commitments it off. Keeps its concentration camps which make? many people in this country very, very rich,
We will turn scheduled to be with Us Secretary of State, my comp pale I'll be right back sectors state like pompiers. Merry Christmas to you, sir. Merry Christmas years, while Mark is great to be with you, it's ok, the pleasure? No first. Let me ask you this question, you sector state how long two and a half years and change after being director sincere, I director, I trust that these are two incredibly prominent position. Foreign policy positions you ve worked with President Trump first, time now in Miss accomplishments by the President and you supporting the president's agenda and one of them is confronting China. You been confronting China, you been
walking out about China. You been explained in the China is a grave threat to the country. He People now understand that Mr Secretary I think they do more than they did for years ago by leaps and bounds, and I think the public has become a deeply. Of all the rest of the Chinese Communist Party presents said directors for the good work that the press, that, along with the team that he assembled they can right. Some of them have lost their jobs to chinese companies. It stole their software intellectual property. Some of them see it in their schools. I see these chinese students that are acting in ways that that are deeply inconsistent with just somebody who's coming to study Phil, I do There's an ever wider knowledge of than the course we're all still suffer. From this virus that I think the world cannot say the Chinese Communist Party covered up in foisted upon the world and from MILAN and now we are all suffering long, many many lives lost and you jack
the impact on the world as well, but you know much help getting this message out in America media. Do you in many cases? Is the american media and behold The Chinese Communist Party, big media empires, have operation I did so one point four billion people in China. They want to go through them They want a feller movies. Are there their streaming products there today, often abandoning kowtow to them. It is unfortunate. in their news organisations. Often times too, are reluctant to cover the transgressions from China and enforce mark sometime, Actually, mouth chinese propaganda- that's the worst of it all and they did this when the virus it. When the president, you and others talked about the wheel on China Virus, they sooner. that's racists, and then they blame the president for every single death that results from this virus. Don't you find this appalling? Really I do It is the same narrative, the gentle
protection ping drives and its foreign ministry dries in the peoples a daily and globally. The child of the chinese propaganda from our suggests a mobile member, when I tried to say that it was an american soldier hooded who had run around the world. This is information and when, when our media picks up on Armenia, refuses to report on attracted Joe, even too They mark the chinese his party has allowed and investigate into where this began inside a lot that so tat. as I have seen and be filled it where they said. Oh, my goodness, click the Chinese may have lied Breaking news that it was a stunning to see a major media outlets behave in that way and, unfortunately, it the american people and doesn't give them information this important for them to protect their liberty and their freedom we have a regime, communist regime in China. That is run. Concentration camps or
of information coming out about murder, about torture, about sterilization abortions, rapes, the most horrific things you can think of Slave labour and Why came out the other day that more journalists have been jailed in China for the second year in a row than any other country in the face a year? I didn't see that reported in the main mania, story about what's happening in western China. You describe them as concentration camps. I think that the very very fair description, The media has under reported this that no nobody said a word about it until President Trump and our team. And to unpack what was really taking place, there weed. The world had none, but no leaders were prepared to go talk about what was actually happening there meta when that store is important because we know history. We know when authoritarian regimes behave this way and take on people who are different from them.
The kinds of things that can happen. Now. I remember reading your book liberty and tyranny week. We know this history so well mark that we but obligation to make sure we identify cholera and do everything we can to make sure that, at the very least, american companies are participating in furthering this kind of activity. and I we could spend all evening on Russia, China, let me move to Russia. You know it's, it's bizarre to me. First, the demo, Part of that always had an affair. He towards bridging over the Soviet Union. As I seem to recall his regular came in and calm the evil empire they attacked him. Insurrection broke, the back of the Soviet Union every step of the way fought by the media in the Democratic Party, just as you and the President are now that they had this Russia collusion thing and yet there there, so people and the republican side who say Russia's not an enemy. Russia's, like we have to choose between enemies. We a mould or enemies I mean,
not Russia, aiming really big nuclear missiles at the United States. Mark is the case that I get our fellow taboos our enemy. In the answers we have lots of books that want to undermine our way of life are republic, are basic democratic principles. Russia's certainly on that last year, when about their nuclear weapons, is very real and the effort, they're making. If you see the avenue- the day with respect to their efforts in cyberspace. We ve seen this for an awfully long time using a asymmetric, capabilities to try and put themselves in a play for they can impose costs on the United States. So, yes, look. Reporting remains a real risk to those of us who love freedom, Have to make sure that we prepare for each of them today I rang China as a challenge that truly presented existential threat, but my I don't minimize the rest that, having a hundreds and hundreds of nuclear warheads capable of reaching the United States, This is an enormous risk on us as well, and you know him
Pedestrian, pointed your as I agree with your hundred percent, but they need to be on that list now. This attack. I guess our governments still sorting it out and so forth is the report's coming out. This is a massive attack on our. It Our computer systems and our software systems correct. That's right! say much more, as were still unpacking precise what it is, and I m sure some of it will remain a classified but suffice. It is. There was a significant effort to use aids the third party software to essentially embed code in I'd have U S: government systems and allow appear systems of private companies and companies and governments across the while this, while this was a very significant effort, and I think it is the case, but now we can say pretty clearly that it was the right engaged in this activity.
and yet I am hearing this news reports and frankly, listening that Mitt Romney, saying the President needs to speak out. The president needs who speak out. I assume x behind the scenes, there's an awful lot of work being done that can't be spoken about yet, if the, if the perpetrators are going to be tracked down in the details, are going to be determined, am I right absolutely true? others in my time running the world's premier espionage service at the CIA, there many things that did it very much loved, April. I call that out, but a wiser course of action to protect the american people is to we go about your business and defend freedom. Let me move to the Middle EAST this restoration has had more successes in the Middle EAST that any administration before you ve got multiple steals breaking out in the Middle EAST. You ve got it And these hired countries united against a very, very dangerous iranian regime,
The iranian regime insists on pushing ahead with the nuclear weapons development. It really is in a dangerous condition that is the regime of of toppling, given what the press in the United States has done with IRAN deal in the sanctions and so forth. Are you concerned that some of the people binds talking about, should he his way into the oval office in the way collaborate talks about, these things in the way others talk about these things that you concern that all the answers that have been made by these countries in the Middle EAST. All the risks that they ve taken. Everything that you ve done, the president has done Potentially be unravelled. in a market always want to give others at a fair shop, but we know who these people are, that is proposed to be part of it. Administration to the come to pass, and we know what they did
For eight years day, they appear Easter on they allowed around the conductor around the world, they wrote them big checks and transferred pallets cash to them. They they have. and our true ally, Israel. They they did to really advance peace and stability in the Middle EAST. They assume that Until we saw the palestinian problem, it is not possible to advance the peace elements, inside the Middle EAST will present from Prague that damn we put it on of here, and we said no we can advance security and prosperity in the Middle EAST. We want to solve it like between Israel and Palestine is, but when I can let that stand in the way of increasing capacity for the Middle EAST to be more stable, because that that, in fact, this part, Erica first that protects the american people as well, and so I am hopeful that the whoever is running the United States government in point twenty. understands that the Middle EAST is a very different place today than it was two thousand and fifteen, and then at peace of the iranian regime
only lead to risk for the american people. and you know it's amazing. Is I sit and watch as Mr Secretary. There has been peace in the Middle EAST now four years as result of the trump policies and in your efforts to plan see sectors that for years you dont, you don't see all the I'm shirts Air, but you don't see all the tumult that was taking Storing the Obama by years do ok, I think people I'm underestimate how successful bro drums policies have been there. We ve done all of this biased, to working two to basic facts. One central destabilizing force in the region is, in fact, the regime in IRAN and, second, that the the right of Israel to exist for a juror to be the how winding capital of the jewish state go on? alongside Israel, just
knowledge and those central facts, and the region gave forth and power and capacity for the Gulf States direct now that it was in their best interests to sign up. be partners alongside of Israel and then was a to present trumpet a that it is possible to exercise american power without feeling large numbers of forces to the region when we saw a threat, we killed ask them so. Romani Caliphate was beginning to present a risk to the United States. We partnered with on the ground there and took down the entire caliphate, in theory and western Iraq, we did it relatively small american footprint. We didn't put many of our boys and girls a risk and we delivered in a way that I think the Gulf States can now see. America will be partner will be the friend and will be there to help them be safer for that we secure America as well Let me just say this I've been around long time, I'm actually older than you know. I've been around a long time now,
Well, let me tell you this, and I mean it the bottom, my heart there ve been truly great secretaries of state, my lifetime George shots and you to truly great secretaries of state, I want to thank you, and I God bless you and have a wonderful LE holiday Sir Mark. Thank you. Those cowboys happy holidays, Merry Christmas to you, my God bless you. Thank you. So merry Christmas deal back then Friday Cyber Monday one day only so when you rather just work with a company who put you on a pedestal every day. That's what you were pure talk, a veteran run wireless company that understands what it means to serve for eyes, and eighty anti anti mobile now fear then you're overpaying, pure and simple, pure talk
easily save you over four hundred dollars a year. Unlimited talk text and until gigs data for twenty bucks a month, If you go over on data usage day, charge you for it, what a novelty a company that actually puts their customers first, you can keep your and your number are gay Deals are the latest iphones and androids just go to pure USA, dot, com and enterprise while Code Levine Podcast, when you do you say fifty percent of your first month, that's pure USA, dot com, promo code oh Av Ion Levine Podcast, pure USA, simply smarter wireless, very fortunate to have my pompiers sector estate. absolutely outstanding.
And the reason we have might pompiers sector saves goes whip, Donald Trump as president. and I don't care Karen anybody says he's going to go down in history as one of the great president. We're Trumpery cares what they say: and last evening we had one of the great diplomats one of the great ambassadors, Rhonda Farmer, who were The United States was able to work with who has a tremendous representative of Benjamin Netanyahu and imagine. In our lifetimes, you have these two great men, Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump, and what happens when you have two great men leading to great countries. Your problem he prosperity, your peace, peace there's been peace in the Middle EAST.
Peace in the Middle EAST, think about that So here we have the eighteen from peo. Burma Presently the United States- and you know cherry Cushioning- deserves a lot of credit to a lot of credit. and after the first of the year, will try and get him on the programme for many of the things that he's done- truly been quite a remarkable efforts and very successful one. May I add. while Mister producer? It's up to you? I don't know my call screen to whom shall I speak and where are they from Sir. Shall in New York the great exam satellite sell your on GO brother, a bank you more as always, I got one of my children.
in the car, and my other son he's gonna be going to love? Does it help deal with me? Hopefully we get him in their own wow. What a school and be great. We learn so much we learned so much from you- and I am so grateful you are on the president's side, because in four years, if he decides to want again, if you listen to him, with our wits. If you listen to Roger Stone recently speaking says he would take it in a landslide in four years, the primaries I'm old man he decides to run in four years. I will support him. No question about that we are going to miss, might entail the latest secretary of state my lifetime, I'm grateful for him and loyalty From them in my friend and why I wanted to Call- and I told you call screened by the way you need my pants- deserve hell of a lot of credit to your exactly right, he's been a tremendous and may continue to be. We shall see a tremendous vice president. You really has been.
He's been saw it, and I am so grateful for him as well, and I want to talk about you mentioned earlier in the show the democratic killing this country- and you are a hundred percent right when you listen to your show over the time I've been on hold, it is, welding to listen to all that. You say in what you talk about. wanted to talk about how they are republic in that are just as bad on the Democrats, sites that are just killing us as well. You right am I so I kind of like what it. What is Romney's agenda this is a gender. Is a german you'll, never be president. He thinks he's going to be President one day, but he will we owe you know it's funny. My wife said why thing wrong. They will never be called as president you're right. Never be president. If he chooses to run for the Senate again, my goal is to make sure he's, never called senator again
but anyway, I wanna be merry Christmas to you. Thank you for all that you do and we are grateful. for you go south. So you you live worthy Leah, Spa, Hall of Fame is right. I do He may get over there, the Hall of Fame building every day you go over there and like taken me visit in honour of the modern players. Ever do I think that place all those magnificent men who are honoured in their place. I think they be disgusted going on a modern day sports. I really do Sally. right collar my best year. You kid the next day in the car, merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah. I shall return from the westward one podcast network.
He's here now, broadcasting permanently underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader a marked Levant here, our last era. The year, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven took one man. destroy the city of New York. Took one man to destroy the state of New York. both left wing Democrats, and the problem is that Dramatic new Yorkers.
The rational new Yorkers thereof, numbered. people have homes they're not so easily something, of jobs there, it's not so easily. family there, but but who can leave are leaving Your Democrat, I answered that you stay. If you leftist. I insist that you stay that you say in the hell that you created that you pay Taxes that you demand other people tat the pay. that you roam the streets that you demand. Other people, rogue states In your hellhole. If that's what you voted for June come into my state do go into our red state. Do not destroy this country, like the locusts that you are
I see that my own county, Loud county Virginia twenty years ago, rock solid Republican, then the guess move in what are they do democrat them? cried democratic used to be sixty percent republican around here now at sixty Democrat happen in a eight to ten year period. People destroy their own communities? Then they leave them. Those who can is they go into other communities and they destroy them too. It's a sickness, absolute sickness. They don't care about the consequences of what they're doing. It's really quite appalling. I want you to listen to build a common. I know that People in New York, city or sick to their stomach. That is a pro american people in New York City, not the reprobates theirs
sick and tired of this guy. They hate this. They can't stand this guy, but the route number. That's why we believe in a republic nodded the mark. by the way so There's the calm YO at a press conference they cut nine go and that certainly Takes us to education, where you're! Talking about The problems of disparity, if you're talking about structural racism, certainly policing, is not the only area talk about there are many areas to talk about, and education must be frightened centre. There has, so much that needed to be addressed in education in New York City from the beginning. What try to focus on one very simple concept: equity and excellence we need to profoundly change the distribution of resources, like to say very bluntly, our mission is to redistribute wealth a lot,
people bristle at that phrase. That is in fact the phrase we need to use. We have been doing this work right now. You gotta go ahead. Theirs two more equitably redistribute resources throughout our school system redistribute wealth. That's all people cringe adequate. That's her mission, not create wealth, not great opportunity, help, people with a hand and pull them up The men explained to them how they can come successful, then reliable. accountable, none at all The mission is redistribution of wealth. My house, I worked out in your house Work that has worked out had not too much too great Work is collapsing fact its collapsed already. It's collapsed
Hundred years ago, my god see those old movies in New York, the black and white. It's unbelievable. Everybody wanted to go to New York. one b a new Yorker streets were teeming with people. Wasn't that long ago, ten, twelve years ago, the body in America still wanted to go to New York. Everybody Talked about how safe it was after Giuliani, especially, but you have to get Bloomberg credit safe. You could walk around times square, you can walk wherever you want. at these we'd- you guys come up thinking to be dropped. Not the street. Now you ve got anti black lives matter Criminals are don't belong to any particular organization gangs. Roy when the streets freely is that what he means by redistributing wealth, inequity, destroying. One community after another. Now all
equal and help, because that's what this left wing creates hell for everybody. They don't create wealth, opportunity, growth Enterprise all the things that make society work. This guy is a true marks twice com to calm YO, his ties to their nicaraguan regime the past hour an notorious. He's destroyed the greatest police force on the face of the earth, and I say that in some philadelphian he's destroyed the greatest police force on the face. The European Wide PD destroyed them. This destroying them he's destroyed the
economic viability of the financial centre of the World New York he's destroyed. It. He's going through one community in and after another New York is so fabulous. It's one ethnic community. After another, you going to church The town you go into the italian neighborhoods, the irish neighborhoods german neighborhoods, the jewish. Maybe it's a fabulous place, fabulous. There are war with everybody at war with everybody. Closing down restaurants salon. And not just restaurants and salons? Ladies and gentlemen, these retail shops, Let me tell you some: it's not easy to make a buck in New York City anymore, with all the regulations with all the tax is constantly being harassed, open, a male there's another demand
the men and women Retail shops between the taxes and the Authorities, in the end, harassment and regulations, not to mention the incredibly Spencer leases, I don't how they do it: Chauvelin beggars and hot dogs on how they do it, because their new Yorkers. And there are special breed. and they have had their heart and soul ripped up by this marxist. No, I you on a marxist, he dyed in the wool left us, but he is Damas adorn on. This is a very stupid man. The other day he outlawed symbols which her full of hate.
cutting the confederate flag and that's not the only thing. Just symbols are full of hate and he says: look there might violate the first amendment, but I'm gonna do it anyway. He didn't get any. back from the New York Times, then get any push back from the New York Daily NEWS left Wing newspaper Don't get any push back from anybody. he knows what he's doing is unconstitutional. I'm not endorsing any of these symbols. Beside the point here, knows what he's doing is unconstitutional, but he knows Scott. The press in his back pocket He knows that the civil libertarian groups are fraught, they ve been exposed, absolutely fake. He knows The institutions they use Put a check on his power no longer have any ability to stop him. And this is gonna, be the consequence of this virus.
Even after these vaccines and by the way the modern, a vaccine was just approved thirty minutes ago, neither tick they prayed for the present in the United States as far as I'm concerned and all the other unsung heroes. the remnants of this virus, will not be health remnants they're gonna, be Liberty, remnants that is now These officials have tasted the of tyranny. Now that they know they will be cheered on by significant portions of their own population, they know that they will be, Considered righteous and following Science They exercise this fascistic power its. to be very difficult to stop and you are
for justice, was on the United States Supreme Court have no intention of stopping anybody even. When they grossly violate religious liberty. Under the first amendment of the federal constitution, that's ok, man. just as they had no problem. Violating the constitution in the states. They came to changes at women. Are interested in regular. Abortion and citizen, China, Supreme Court its own little issues but Now, tasted the blood of tyranny. like the first kill of a wild animal once I killed. Hers. They cannot be domesticated, it's just the way it is. They ve tasted blood. Will these left wing politicians are like wild animals? In that sense,.
They're not only not stopped. lot at their celebrated by the american media there What they're doing is following the science by comrade falconry. They ve got friends in the media. Chris Cuomo brother, obviously Andrew COM that they're all bodies, they all know each other. They also Shhh. Three either in New York and Washington for the most part, so tyranny spreading Wants as a result of the present, a trump is achieved with operation warp speed. This virus is killed. The tyranny in many respects is going to continue theirs few judges in this country, very few courts, and
countries that have stood up to it, Do you think about that?. Forcing people to where things some people to do things forcing not to do things forcing people. go broke, some people to lose their jobs at the worst time of the spanish flu. Almost exactly a century ago, none of this happened equivalent of today's numbers of two and a half million people died. They didn't blame it on the president. Two and a half million people die, but they kept their liberty. They kept their liberty, and here we have a vaccine
Than a year now we have to Tens of millions of more people are going to be vaccinated and them And who organise the whole thing is being accused to kill people by his opposition The man whose called Hitler and a dictator has insisting that people keep their freedoms, that the churches be opened, that the businesses be opened, the people be able to live their lives. This is the nature of the left. This country, which is NEO marxist Destruction of the language. propaganda, narratives repetition. They call good evil enable good. And they celebrate those who are able on beer back, then? Did you know
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Let's take a call, let's jump into the. into the pool here MIKE Buffalo New York, exam satellite. How are you, Sir Ella, Yellow Michael you, there, sir, I can't do this all night he disagree with. May I go right to people who disagree with me, but they gotta learn how to use the telephone. I would help too. Let us continue Maghreb, prior Oklahoma Ex M satellite: how are you I'm good? Thank you, Here I have a card for I wrote. now the thing that I wanted to say hope, their short and sweet. We don't have all night. My short require that high thing I told the screen. was that I was a back in the day and play with
I am so glad to say stewardess anymore. I think you get it. I think you get arrested. If you say stewardess no it and I could get arrested every five minutes for the way I thought anyway, I used to apply to home com in Taiwan, thought paid attention to the news about China for several reasons, but I him that I remain? No? No, you! Don't you don't need to tell us what he told him just tell us. Ok, I were either with a book. Maybe Oriana Philosophy interviews or I saw on television an interview with
saw after he had been deposed and sell. This had to be in the seventies sometime. I am, he said the next World WAR will be over oil, the United States will be the dog and the rest of the world will be the fleet, and when I think about that, I look at what is happening today and I thought well and Many of the police are right inside the United States, so I'm watching everything that's going on and it sort of like a possible that the pieces keep reading together and bidding together, and I am horrified at the people how to foreign wars. I say we have where war the dynamic parties, a war with America. It's the fifth there's no question about an undermining this great culture and society in governing system attack Our economic system Dane and doubt ones. The last time you heard a Democrat Endorse capitalism, ones
Last time you heard a democrat talk about individual liberty. Never they don't talk. Bout that they say. You know what you deserve. There's some we're gonna, give you that and so forth, and so on there like little. I'll say tongues roman around the face, the United States, but this treat China has destroyed one of the nicest places on the face of the earth. Hong Kong. We barely squeak from our media. They Now there are targeting Taiwan, Japan is getting more defensive missiles. Will Japan needs more? The defence of missiles it needs, offensive nuclear warheads. that'll even up things, really really fast and marks opinion, and we were moved on nuclear warheads and our nuclear missiles from South Korea, because damn deal and they need to go back to the train, China. They keep pushing. Well, let it go with the wrong country, that's the kind of country I want to live in, and I bet you a great stewardess, PAN am a great airline. I remember why I
on earth and now to Vietnam in the late sixties. Look at you one huge, a written report- you I just read, I just read three calls in strategic about covered. which is a very, very good website. Yet I gets twenty second pillar and the thing about it is. I want to go on record as saying as soon as I heard about it. I was working at a hospital at the time ten seconds. Then, as I heard about this, I knew I fit the Chinese. Did it on purpose said, of course, I'd come before you ve all the Chinese certainly covered it up on purpose, which is just as bad. Thank you Margaret will thereby fact aim act. The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them he make believe Anne and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights
Old time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond.
But to see joining a MAC gives you access, toy welfare benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M, a seed dot! U S! Liberties, voice! Mark love, fan talk with that voice. Now, eight seven, seven, three one three, eight one one! I want you to listen to something that is historic than its historic.
That one man thought was possible and fought for it. and that the man at his side forward. passport fought for it. That's the president and the vice president he's To get the vaccine today, here's what he says cut fourteen go now the process of distributing millions of doses of a safe and effective vaccine. All across the country In closely with our nations governors, we ve already seen the vaccine delivered healthcare workers and and seniors across the nation this week Point, nine million doses of the fires or vaccine have been allocated a next week. Two million more doses will be destroyed, across Amerika. As you all know, yesterday the FDA advisory panel recommended approval Moderna vaccine and when it is approved, we expect later they will be in a position to ship five point: nine million doses. vaccines all across
country next week. In fact, under operation warp speed, we are poised to have I've seen for twenty million Americans before the end of December. Did you hear that today's December, but is it 18th its December eighteenth. In in thirteen days, twenty million Americans will have been vaccinated, One thing million Americans. Why does this being celebrated? Why the president being cheered. This is this, is so incredible to down This is unbeliever you got underway. Eyes like Rami, these are: these: are the munchkins of society, the munchkins of society? They don't.
a place in history. The only place in history you'll have is: who did I'm a beat again? What was his name. They tried to remove this man from office. The body politic. The Democrats in the media and their surrogates people who ve infiltrated our intelligence services and our military services. They tried to reach this man, John Bolton, Mattress Kelly. so many others. Disgruntled. And because of his leadership personality. His experience. twenty million Americans, are gonna, be vaccinated by and the next thirteen days we have to vaccines.
at least ninety five percent, the I know People going to run around with a video From the nurse in Alaska. I've seen it I've heard it is utterly irresponsible, but that's what they do. They won't follow And the millions of millions of people who can effectively vaccinated and hence immunized immunized. This should be read page of every newspaper right at the top in triple size, fought. look what our nation accomplished! Look what our private sector, publish working with certain elements of the government. Look what the press. Of the United States under operation warp, speed accomplished with the vice The United States, if this were Franklin robes of Etsy Headline, can see ticker tape, parade you'd, see the whole damn thing: twenty million people
are gonna be vaccinated by the end of December. Within ten months out this pandemic we ve gone from knowing nothing being told not to wear masks, don't worry about it! It's the flow Do vaccines and all the media can do is the death camp, even though much of it, or at least some of it- is for power. when different reasons that are apparent, but that death counters not there because they care about human beings. They don't sound like they care about human beings. The Democrats, don't like they care about human beings. That's right. I said it. There obsessed with abortion, Some other stars
life should end at seventy five. Humans are responsible for global warming. Humans are that problem. Human beings are the problem. Oh they care about life. What people are beaten to death streets where they like criminals, that all that care about life. What has been done here is so spectacular. Utterly unparalleled, we did it a merit did it under the leadership of this president who is under attack and right for reasons that are unbelievable and relentlessly and when he would give up dates. These punk reporters.
Not medical reporters not help reporters, but they would send in their political opponents reporters and they were given a mandate by Jeff Sucker and the others undermine the president embarrassed. The president attack the president and we saw like no president, History, we silhouette day in and day out, in the middle of a pandemic, with a president. Try. explain to the american people what the Hell's going on not wearing a math you're, not wearing a man. You and you may know, I'm out when you went munchkins one. million people will be vaccinated by the end of the day, thirteen days. And as I read it, the Medina vaccine, as I talked about the other day, is you to transport and easier to store, because the the temperature is not Seventy degrees below zero, like Pfizer's
I've seen and you don't need to shots, it needs to be at freezing but you need one shot but finally got two of them. that's great, maybe we'll get a third one. Are you The third one on the horizon, no other country did this Did this no other leader in the world that this our leader in the world did this and now look at the sky Biden. Where was he when all this was gonna. Politicizing the virus, politicizing the death rate, never one city criticise his governors, who are literally kill, people with their policies, just their literally destroying people today who can't leave their damn cities fast enough, On the one hand, you are living through a period. we're at present in the United States, has accomplished enormous things,
the Middle EAST words, Thirdly, a Wally's building on the border, with its building up knotted states military. Pending the constitution, he defends Constitution by his own actions and look at this unbelievable. I honestly don't know of any other president who could have done this cause. I don't have trumps personality thereon have trumps. I don't take no for an answer. He stirs the pot, he rattles cages and they don't like it. And they don't like it at all. His own party doesn't like it. And yet, if it wasn't for him, wasn't for him. We wouldn't be poised next election that take the house.
And we certainly wouldn't be as straw as we are in the Senate when he had twenty three out of thirty three Republicans up for election. He deserves a hell of a lot more praise. Then he gets this this. This. He should get the Nobel Peace Prize over and over and over again in the Middle EAST and other parts of the world, but this vaccine, it's unbelievable what's taking place here. Unbelievable and it didn't just happen. You bureaucracy is enough very slow, major corporations inert very slow. He knew how to move both and he wouldn't take. No for an answer. Want you to think about that.
Really quite a remarkable man. do? I owe you anything, Mr Busy, and be right. Back then did you know Family can save over eight hundred dollars a year just by switching to pure talk from Verizon eighty anti anti mobile. Think about it. What could your phone They do with an extra eight hundred dollars. You don't want the sacrifice, coverage pure has exactly the same coverage. Same bars has one of the big carriers, but they charge you have you. Definitely have to sacrifice customer service. Their team is he's right here in the U S and are some of the nicest people you'll ever talk to so don't wait anymore, get unlimited talk text and to gigs of data for Twenty bucks a month and if
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School. For our fellow citizens who are trying to make a buck. We have this vaccine and Joe Biden slither into the oval office. We're gonna have to look it up, but here's what I want you to know always be here for you and with you. There are tens of millions of us. more than seventy five million of us of this country. We have an obligation to our children and grandchildren and generations yet born to defend this country. You asked me how organ up the figure this out together, institutions of the country are crumbling. But that doesn't mean we're. Gonna crumble doesn't mean they were not gonna standpoint. We are. As long as I have a breath behind this microphone, Tv on my feet,
programme. We together together will stand up to this Not going to take us all down, that's for damn sure Thank you for listening to this programme through your wonder. Affiliates. Satellite radio are podcast. Watching us on blaze, tv on my living tv programme,. King Hassan Life, Liberty and Levanter, my Fox Sunday Programme and my podcast. I want to thank all of you got As each and every one of you and have a wonderful, wonderful Christmas and Hanukkah America
the last new law Liberty and Levin will be this Sunday. I hope your check it out. Remember this God, family country, those three things, that's where we embrace. We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel, and I'm gonna miss all your folks. It's Friday, night ribby. Yet I Pepsi unite Smoky denied Zelda GDP and get my Barney get. I dad,
can I mom and Goodnight LEO and America, and I God bless each and everyone from the westward one podcast network,
Transcript generated on 2020-12-19.