« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/20/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we live in a world where the Democrat Marxists control the media and the culture, and like every Marxist regime before there is only one religion that they will tolerate and that is the religion of government. You cannot be pro-Israel if you are a Marxist because most Marxists are also anti-Semites and self-hating Jews like Bernie Sanders or Antony Blinken. When this kind of Marxism is taught in colleges and universities, we get the kind of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism that we see today in our streets and our government. We cannot allow people like Blinken and the Biden administration to slice up Israel and give parts to Hamas as part of a fantasy two-state solution, because they will not be satisfied until Israel is eradicated. Hamas was voted into power in Palestine and the majority of Palestinians support the surprise attacks on Israel. The Palestinians do not want peace, not just Hamas or the PLO, and the reality is they support what is being done to Israel. Later, Elon Musk and X are suing George Soros front group Media Matters after losing multiple investors because of posts appearing next to neo-Nazi and pro-Hamas advertisements. CNN and other Democrat media outlets use sites like Media Matters and Mediaite as a source to spread their lies and have destroyed reputable journalism. Also, the Republican establishment in Washington D.C., RINO governors, and uniparty billionaires are all now getting behind the idea of supporting Nikki Haley as the Republican nominee in 2024. Nikki Haley does not run on her record because she has a very bland record as governor of South Carolina and does not stand with the little guy. Now Haley is eyeball deep with the GOP establishment and media organizations are giving her a lot more exposure to prop her up as a candidate. Finally, Mark speaks with 2024 Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy about the Washington D.C uniparty and companies like Blackrock with liberal environmental and social agendas that are now supporting Nikki Haley.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, The.
the the america mark Levin here our number eight seventeen, And three one, three, eight one, one, eight, seventy seven, three, eight one, three eight one one you have got something: I've had it for, like since friday night,.
A flu or cold winter- god knows what, but here we are talking about something that, if even mention it becomes controversial, but I can't help them We now live in a world where I frankly, marxist left and the democratic party control, the media. They control the culture, they control the rhetoric and I will lay down for this. I won't even lie down because the truth is the truth. But what am I mean better get me started this way. If you're, a marxist, you cannot be a practising jew or practising christian, are practising anyway. march- will work on it.
Marxism, by definition, rejects faith rejects, god rejects different points of view. Every marxist regime weather North korea, cuba,. The old soviet union, the So called religious institutions, they power eight or those had they control and that support them other than that. No, and that is why many these marxist leaders want their photos placed in these churches and so forth. I just saw report were bernie. Sanders is demanding that any aid to Israel be conditioned on basically destroying Israel. In that report they said Bernie sanders whose jewish.
Can you are asking is quoted all over the place and jamie rascal his words other cabal of markets in the house who were jewish. Are demanding that Israel Udall really cease fire. it only a on a non chomsky. My view, is a marxist. He helped form one of these jewish groups that you see. the capital a month or so ago, and so forth, and their joy by birth, but they're, not yours, In any other way, have a guy called Thomas freeman at the new york Times, I'm to talk a little bit more about that later, a rice, these unhinged columns. but when he writes them about israeli, all, have the same threaded repetitive, it's almost illiterate. Yet he gets the pulitzer prize.
that the state of Israel shouldn't exist as it exists. Now there are few like anybody, but of course, to that government and the government to legitimate in be overthrown and on and the same time is friedman who is raising communist china not too long ago, if you're, a marxist. But if you embrace marxism in one form or another, you cannot be pro israel. It marks writes about violent revolutions. Final revolutions. overthrowing the status quo, most marxists, Or also aid, I
they might say, but some of them are jews. I mean mark. You just talked about Bernie sanders. Bernie Sanders is one of the leading, Israel haters in our country? Don't chomsky insists on the destruction of Israel Jamie rascals, father, marcus rascal. Was very close to the old soviet union. I would argue he was a communist and MR rack has been invited her multiple times that he's treated debated, but his father was hard hard left. So when your worldview is not based on your faith, you're born a jew. control over being born a jew or whatever you're born when you're wrong. He was based on a Radical ideology, everything else, a secondary, in fact nothing else matters.
This is what I mean when I call these people's health hating drew. Is judaism in ethnicity. Is it a faith? What is, in my view, it both. And so, if your marxist, you, jewish by authority by birth,. But you're, not jewish, by belief, system. There are a whole lot orthodox Jews remarks, just noted and you can look at your own faith. Have you not true, as you can see the same thing, most truly faithful, catholics can ever be Exists most marxist can never be truly faithful, catholics and vice versa and and and down the list,
So when I talk about south hating jews. Come under horrendous attack? Here I am. A person who loves his faith. The loves america. Two three weeks ago, there was an effort. By media matters, which is now being criminally suit, I want to get into labor, followed up by cnn. Media, which is also can by a jewish gentlemen and others. that I was an anti semite. This is how it works. You need to understand. This is what marxists do. My marxists, I don't mean necessarily of the coup. Marks or diverted entire book about what I meant code: american marxism,
these people, these self hating jews for very neatly into american marxism, the new york times. Has been one of the most outspoken, outspoken media outlets media corporation, Trashing, jews and judaism for over a hundred years. Today is one of the leading media outlets Undermining Israel's war against a hamas nazis. So when you teach this marxism in colleges and universities who teaching time americanism and your teaching, yet I. and when you combine that with the islamist ideology which really grew into. Forty fifty years ago,
on our college campuses in our universities and also in places like MSNBC there there's an overlap, there's an overlap now There's something quite nefarious going on. I look at this guy blinking. We told over and over and over again he's doing, ok great, who cares. We're talking over and over and over again that time friedman, strew Bernie, Sailors today is jewish game. You're asking jewish and none of them. Our strong supporters, none of them Israel, although say they arbiter- If only israel will give up today in some area.
If only is where would allow a two state solution of only israel or get rid of the right wing, government and Netanyahu. Israel, will be involved in a ceasefire. Right now provide fuel to Gaza, I had food and medicine, if only israel would do these things if Israel did what they wanted, there be no Israel, which brings me to my second point when you think about what place on october, seventh and what's taking place today, you can see why Futures dark, very dark. One of the israeli spokesman said a look in response than four billion coins about civilians in gaza,.
They voted for Hamas, so they have to suffer. The consequences is that right. Is that what happened with nazi germany. Mean isn't that true. They install hamas. This a survey out here now I've posted it the vast majority of palestinians support what took place. october seven? So it told there's this big between Hamas and palestinians, but there's not. There is not this big gap. I didn't do the survey, so what are we supposed to? pretend that that's not true. And slice and dies up Israel based on a fiction.
Who is this great palestinian peace leader? Who is he Is there martin luther king, you don't have one be killed in two seconds. So they talk about the moderate palestine, liberation organization led by about suzette tariff moderate. And I repeat that over and over and over again their moderate their moderate, their moderate panama. the killers, their terrorists, created by arafat in early nineteen sixties, a killer terrorist who americans, many american. So why is it our cause, America's cod After all, these years of mass murder, including of american.
To create a brand new special country for the palestinians, based on what. The israelis, refining and their dying. Their idea, soldiers dying and one Author who dies over there's like ten thousand here, it is big deal. you hear any concern about their soldiers, most of them, as I've told you before Our citizens, soldiers, nobody, Nobody cries over their death, Never the israelis. Asshole should fight the war. This way, aren't you going learn, lose more people, nobody s, question. Everybody knows what hamas is doing in the guise, Everybody knows that they want to many casualties as possible
one video and they're getting it and are giving to the american meat in the world media. The american media in the world meteor doing exactly what Hamas wants them to do. So more babies are dying and more people are killed as a result of it and of course they don't take any risks. its ability for any nothing. You don't give the enemy fuel and food and medical care. Too many israeli leaders who disagree with me the fastest way to get this over with is to get it over. With Ass, this way to save as many people as you can t get it. We cannot allow people like blanket Their solve hating jew, who appoints a boyhood friend. as the imo to ran in that boy had friend brings in spies that boy
a friend is selling on america to arraign that boy for her friend just lost his class, likely Nobody knows why can you see Biden whisper, whispering in his ear he's the one responsible for rearming iran, which means rearming Hamas and hezbollah and the rest of the wreck terrorist blanket whose, following thomas freedoms, columns. Nothing, I'm saying you is untrue, nothing I'm saying you is actually controversial. I don't want debate, they don't to engage and they don't want to discuss. They want to destroy. Well, I'm going to tell you what I believe and that's the way it goes I'll, be right, back much love in the
have you seen the headlines lately. Third highest deficit in history, digital dollar sparks uncertainty, we're living in an unpredictable world, but gold is still gold, whether many storms, my goal, me peace of mind its tangible and I'm a firm? leave her owning gold, my favorite gold company, augusta precious metals. Why Let me tell you something their top of the top if you have an eye or or for one k, and you wanted to so high with physical gold. You can learn about the benefits of a gold. I re from august a precious metals thereof. Standing get a free guide gold. I raise from accustom precious metals today text in l a the six eight five nine to that in vienna, the six eight five nine to again lavigne six, eight five, nine to or visit augustus. she's metals, dot com text, data message. rates may apply performance varies, consult your financial professionals before make investment decisions. He get risk disclosures arrow augusta,
She's metals, dot com, everybody in the media at those, what I'm going to say about this matter is one post A total of seventy five percent of respondents agreed with the october seven attack. This is a palestinian in Gaza and the west bank. They agree they support a single palestinian state quote from the river to the sea, so but they, green on the extermination of Israel and the Jews now, is on our policy based on acknowledging reality. If the case there can never be called a quota. Two state solution. Moreover, Susan about a stated tibet caliphate, as I keep explaining, as is hezbollah, as is IRAN. Satisfying controlling
persia- they're, not satisfied with controlling lebanon. There not satisfied controlling the Gaza strip. Take Second, so look at their ideology in it not just choose its christians, its hindus, it's it's buddhists it so, whatever it is named, due to the world population what they did to those people in October salmon. So seven five percent, but the power steady and agree with october programme Have you seen the headlines lately? Third highest deficit in history, digital dollar sparks uncertainty, we're living in an unpredictable world, but gold is still gold, whether many storms, my goal, Me peace of mind, its tangible and firm believer in owning gold, my favorite gold company augusta precious metals. Why me tell you something their top of the top. If you have an eye or for one k- and you want to do
So high with physical gold, you can learn about the benefits of a gold. I re from august a precious metals thereof, standing killer, free, the gold I raise from accustom precious metals today text, and alleviate the six eight five, nine to that In vienna, the six eight five nine to again Levin six, eight five, nine to or visit augustus just metals, dot, com text, data measures traits may apply performance varies. Consult your financial professionals before make. Investment decisions he get risk disclosures at augusta, precious. Metals, dotcom com, mark radios, hell raising intellectual call, now paid seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one that here it is. after a massive devastating october, seven massacre, this paul fine, which was
by the arab world for research and development, genuine society there right seems much less divided on the issue. Compared to the rest of the world according to an over fourteen paul by the arab world for research and development, when asked the leading question: how much do you the military operation carried out by the palestinian resistance led by Hamas on october, seven sheerly herbs palestinian resistance palestinians living in the west bank overwhelmingly answered that they support the attack together stream, were somewhat extent. Eighty three point one percent only six point: nine percent answer that they were extremely are somewhat against the attack. Eight point: four percent, press. They didn't really know. What's going on. palestinians living in the Gaza strip show a little less consensus, but the overall majority supported the attack
of sixty three point. Six percent said: support of the attack, streamline or to somewhat extent fourteen point. Four percent Answered they, they didn't oppose or support the attack on the ground. Very few differences were found in the least between palestinian women imposed palestinian in may when it came to supporting, accept october's seven attack, and it goes on and they take away from. This is in the region: you're, not sing it and most of the media. The region need to hear it on the sunday shows the reason they don't they That's it on cnn and MSNBC, and the other platforms is because it. It proves the lie that there is a huge difference. between Hamas and the palestinians. Hamas is palestinian.
And it's horrendous, is all this is not the majority the vast, overwhelming majority palestinian support. It. This will never be discussed on these other networks in any significant way Something blinking or sullivan, we buy and we'll talk about it Trying to split up the state of Israel, there is a big man Et I semitism in our government in the department of state It back to well worth two in its there today misled by blanket. It has a voice by thomas Friedman it keeps saying. When you look at world war, two and the holocaust, our hating jews who covered it up.
or who are more empty. Our Democrat, then they were religious. Studied this others have written about it, I've written about it and I'm not going to pretend it's not happening. It is happening right now. It's happening right now,. No, I posted something over the weekend. They got a lot of it. Mention I want to thank those who went with it. it's important. And I'm trying to pull it up as I speak here, but of course come up there, it is going to read this to you. It is crystal clear now that blinking is exploiting the war against Israel to destroy existing state of Israel by using pressure threats, blackmail, leagues, the media, diplomatic
back stabbing the arab states, the eu and the? U n, The blanket memo have included in this post. Watch the entire member that came out about seven. ten days ago. I don't believe it. intended to go public, but here's the pull called from the memo quote. As I said in private and public, this is blank in writing to the entire state department. We believe How did he, people's voices and aspirations must be at the centre of post crisis governance in Gaza? Will they support Hamas. You understand, there are telling us they support. I am ass, they voted for us. We believe in palestine. let governance of gaza with god unified with the west bank. Ok guys unified with the west bank so
Are you going to take all of judea and somalia, Israel's in central land, the jewish people's ancestral central handed to the palestinians, not keep a mine it lincoln has its way will be handing this to the very people who try to slaughter? jews just six weeks ago? So in other words, there terrorism will be rewarded Gaza reconstruction must be supported with a sustained mechanism, We also underscored america's firm opposition to actions. I would undermine efforts to build peace and security, no force about displacement, palestinian civilians from Gaza, not now not after their fighting If so, let's stop there, there was a change in Egypt.
The palestinian land so Following this now, the palestinians have a forever writer. Because the ones given to them in two thousand five by the israeli. So now, there's Israel nothing's permanent. And I want to remind you, after world war two, there was a neat dean expectation of germany. There was a and effort to change the cultural belief system in japan and other places too just when wars and they give the land to the loser and then hope you'd, better things. You ve got an entire culture going from one the palestinians, Our babies all the way to whatever age they are brainwashing. And what pointed sayings we're not going to address that, although the nets disaster
He goes no reoccupy nation of Gaza after the conflict, and I got to thinking somebody like this. is a long time bureaucrat. He worked for Joe Biden when buying was a senator. Was the Senate staffer he's been to poison ivy league courses and so forth, and now his here telling the whole world what's going to happen? Nobody's elected it. He says no reacted. Patient gas after the conflict, no attempt to block cater besieged gaza, no reduction in the territory of gaza, no use Gaza as a platform for terrorism or other violent acts, tolerating the use of the west bank to carry out such it backs. What is seems to me. no more listen to this violence from extremists settlers in the west bank, they tell me users, extremists is one is talking about the Jews in the west bank, and I
peters, any native american. Who lives on their ancestral lances, neither sattler and neither are the jews. Here's what I wrote, having posted that part of his memory The entire memo is available. This ways to current pressure campaign by left us in Israel to try and topple the netanyahu. Led conservative government Faced with a radical left wing parties that will deliver israel to the effective control, the united states state department were blinkem a meal, pointed u s! Cabinet sector in our government will determine Israel's fate and with a boy plain Israel will not survive. Certainly full on this issue. plants the plant since obama was present. This plan that's been pushed by the new york times, and time is freedom that plant push when play
Was deputy sectaries state or obama you should have heard how John Mccain on the floor of the senate. He Visser rated this guy blinking when he was up for deputy secretary of state and said absolutely not linked to that as well, and you really ought to check it out. really is compelling and predict what the lincoln is and what blinkem obey and its true depression Plank in the buying whisper is behind pouring hundred billion dollars into the rearming of ran hezbollah, Hamas and they use set the Middle east on fire immediately upon taking office of the state department nearly three years ago. Lifting Refusing to enforce of virtually every sanction on around plague industry a popular uprising in IRAN with uranium sought to remove their murderous regime back in the iranian regime with its over its people?.
Pike chose robert merely a marxist support of iran as the usa, and why do I ran Going straight and other nuclear deal maoist, all they high level, a rainy, inspiring and washington and undermine our nation in Israel. Every turn the obama button, in so called realignment. is now under way and the currency it seems, are dire gray for Israel and the united states. Indeed for the entire middle east in the world. Does a hideous and diabolical plant begins treated right now without any transparency, involvement of kind which or the american people to break out of a small cabal, rogue radical left wing our policy arsonists who could eat We trigger our war, three, What does any this have to do this? It could easily trigger world war three,
The question is: how long will this go on before blinking stopped. where are the house republican committee chairman worthy senate, Republicans where a conservative, thanks, where are the conservative media? I understand that the democratic party meeting the democrat party are worst Useless, in fact, they are called, and propaganda for this from time is friedman at the new york times to getting. You asking in the house. But if there is not an organised, push back immediately limitless and public demand for a kind of building and transparency in the target blank and for peace? successful or not evil will prevail. never forget all the disasters that buying a whisper has unleashed and is mere three years running. American foreign policy and the death. The humanity impoverishment he has imposed on one region in society after another if hearing about,
the hostages in gaza, which is horrendous, We don't hear a single syllable about the amount can citizens in afghanistan It's the progress of their negotiation. There are no negotiations psych, it never happened. Whether the families of the people left in afghanistan, american citizens, they only. We know how many. but it's Israel's obligation to undo what, how master? Israel's obligation to get the hostages out. Not there. As the world's not the united states, not britain, now is the obligation to defeat an enemy people celebrate Acta Seventh, as they celebrated nine eleven. Let us not forget it
Israel's responsibility to feed and medicate that people in While trying to their fate hamas more pictures today of babies are being moved. to be taken care of and other parts just Gaza, but into egypt, and the israelis are trying to take care of them. I didn't see anything about hamas take care anyway, without getting into every individual fact in the weeds. Here, here's the bottom Policies do not want peace period, not just Hamas, not just the pillow. The palace, in people celebrate october, they celebrate nine eleven elected hamas: they elected Abbas.
And they support which taken place That is reality the people want to hear it or not the agenda being By the media, the democratic party, the state department in the oval office has an agenda built on a lie on affection. Even suddenly israeli government, outside the israeli government in Israel. embrace this fiction. They want to believe. well. They can believe it if they want, but it's not true. It's not true In this pull that was done by an arab group from river to the sea. The vast me palestinians agree with that. It's where all talk so what's going on here, I'll tell you what's going on here and you
I just gentiles out there. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You don't have to be jewish to know this you just be a righteous human being. Who knows good from bad. what's going on here. Is there not one their country in the face of the earth. It would be treated like this by the united states by the new york times. By cnn and MSNBC. Not another country in the face of the earth. Tiny minority of people are fighting for their survival. We live on their ancestral lance. These people were slaughtered like they were six weeks ago. There's not another country in the face of the earth. There would have been continually have a pr warded, defend itself can be told
Ty attires, behind its back when it fights The reason is its caused. Such a jewish state. It shouldn't have happened to the british wouldn't happen to the french, wouldn't happen Anybody else. we're right back much hmm. Have you seen the headlines lately? Third highest deficit in history, digital dollar sparks uncertainty, we're living in an unpredictable world, but gold is still gold, whether many storms, my goal, me, peace of mind, its tangible and I'm a firm Leave her owning gold, my favorite gold company, augusta precious metals. Why Let me tell you something their top of the top. If you have an eye array or for one k, and you wanted to supply with physical gold. You can learn about the benefits of a gold. I re from august a precious metals thereof, standing get a free
guy the gold I raise from accustom precious metals today text. In l a I n, the six eight five nine to that. in vienna, the six eight five nine to again lavigne, six, eight, five, nine to or visit august. Precious metals, dot, com, tax data message. Rates may apply. Performance varies, consult your financial professionals before making it psmith decisions he get risk disclosures arrow, augusta, she's, metals, dot com, This appeal written in one of my favorite sites, town hall, a good man, mad vesper. He says when Israel began conducting air strikes in Gaza. Everyone knew there is going to be displacement. The military operation comes after Hamas. Invaded is run on october. Seven
Twenty eight, the grant of atm, began leading to scores of palestinians attempting to make their way south safety Hamas shot. Some who tried to flee as though rages against Israel, hurling anti semitic, slurs and training for more jews to die suddenly wanted to consider why the civilians have nowhere to go. Goes beyond geography, the palestinians bring trouble I long sorted history of fomenting mayhem and terrorism and other arab nations, Egypt, theirs logical destination for palestinians, but cairo doesn't want them and for good reason, terrorism. The border crossing Russia remains closed, with tanks now deployed to ensure their borders secure, Egypt's brand history even said his country holding to sacrifice minds to ensure no palestinians ever entered Egypt. and, of course, Jordan, has a reason to oppose them. Nineteen, seventeen, the late king Hussein, War on them
and of his country depots. They were trying to overthrow him. That's just two Samples amount of time this segment of the podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage, save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. That's right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much. Sponsorship pure talk the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american market. Levant here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven, three
one three, eight one, one even with whatever it is that I have violated the bridge, Stuff functions perfectly. Not always the mouth and in it's a collar estimate, but we're plowing had so here's this the economist donald trump, as the biggest danger to the world. is the tactic. They're gonna use throughout the campaign, and they did in the mid terms in it work to some extent. They know that Joe Biden cannot be trusted you're a stove. When is presently united states, they know they can have the run one of these campaign. interim lebanese are campaigning for him or their throwin, every kind of political grenade they can trump
republican party so donald trump, his hitler. They worked on that a week or two ago. Donald trump will destroy. microwave. Not keeping. My donald trump was president for four years and its It is extraordinary donald trump, is the biggest danger in the world donald trump. We're going after his enemies. Of course that's what they do, but you get the boy at bright by bart No monroe former president donald trump co poses the biggest danger to the world in twenty twenty four says: how a leading globalist magazine that it is for sure. A shadow looms over the world declares the november sixteen article, adding that the press
back that a second trump term fills the world's parliaments and board rooms with despair. No, it fills the enemy, with despair, truly the enemy, so what's happened. What's happening is the republican establishment in washington, the republicans in name only former governors and so forth. The unit party billionaire like this guy griffin, saving in these other guys in wall street are all now supporting backing openly quietly mickey Hayley? Why would they back there
failing because Nicky alias who I said she sees george bush and address which either one it doesn't matter. You hear coral row talking arap, mitt, romney's top money, guy and other in a joined next haley's team media. Friendly to big business in wall street, like the wall street journal, editorial paid their all in those like peggy noon. And it's not just them: Nicky haley's been meeting with these billionaire. This guy rat think I mean think who heads blackstone. And I posted on that and we got a in a grave
The background the swami who said mark when, if I come on to discuss it, absolutely come on so help me on in the next hour draw book on this plan away entire book. So Nicky haley's not four main street she's, not for the little guy. She ran suck. Line as governor for years and years she doesn't run on Iraq, which has a very poor are bland record, as I also hosted over the weekend, were turned me on Nicky Harry. was back in april around the scientist was fighting disney news being attacked by the left and she jumped in an attack them too. and then she offers disney. Why don't you come to south carolina, we'd love to have you there and bring all the jobs with you or you have a gun When we decide this.
bill of the culture war in there? She is now she's eyeball, deep with the establishment totally out of the closet. And you get organizations now media organisations that are very supportive of her. And she's on cable news a lot. say MR producer, a lot. in my humble opinion and give an example Look at other is a a site news operation, merrily the news operation
But most of them are barely called some afore. I know you never heard of it before summer for. And one of the founders of some afore. and we just put up and want to be a hundred percent. Accurate. Just give me, can you second is a guy who is involved in the russia collusion stuff and they, you know the Dossier and stick with me, this will be important and correct, de mrs lie radio rash and live one second. Here we go and They have revealed a real connections as group some aforesaid before was,
by, among others, ben smith, former editor in chief of Buzzfeed member, that operation disaster. Just in smith, pharmacy, bloomin, blubber media. There was this big kiss ass peace by the sky benson, Four Nicky hayley last week, she knows how to the gate, the media that she's turning out to be the chest, Ah, all over her Why would he do that? does this this website summer, for. Doesn't reveal some of its connections once there found now makes excuses tries to cover them up. I'm just looking here wikipedia, which is mostly unreliable, but still in this is pretty good
What is this summer for that's backing Nicky Hell, if not directly, certainly by implication, then of course attacked. my step aside and made because he works with the service which the whole those, but apparently they didn't But I make my own decisions, I decide what I'm going to do. You have a dull children do what they want to do and that's ok, now just thankful, we don't have any kids at support. Bernie sanders. You many colors come here and in the my god, I've lost this get lost any of our four. But let me go. Operations were initially supported. Stick with me, you'll see how this works by twenty five million investment funding. as well as revenue generated from advertising person invent investments in another.
Biggest initial investor was mister producer. sandbank been freed, who's in prison for ripping off. God knows how many people. That's it in auspicious beginning, I would say that this is semi force of their first biggest investors. Twenty twenty three some afore raise nineteen million dollars an additional funding from investors to replace the money that they receive from bank men free. So what he was, their largest external investor. their large, its external investors. So that shows you some of their judgment. Now they that up on their site. They dont have a footnote, Let me tell you about us, so people end quote:
My four go to send my for they don't know these things. They don't know these things. There is more In march twenty twenty three summer for lost its china and global business initiative, koran quote a color. operation with the centre for china and globalization cease a think tank registered. As a government organization, though its independence from the communist chinese party, has been disputed. Sommer for her The projects purpose is to offer quote a diversity of opinion. Unquote quote a and alternative to washington's hawkish. consensus on beijing. Now you know what that means. They want a piece communist china for business. The initiative would consist of regular events in new york and beijing and would foster dialogue between business
It is an increasing chinese stations. Don't you see why there promoting Nicky Helen yet they not present any of this on their website. They don't reveal their connections. Then all the other business model some affords partnership with the sea g is occasionally come under scrutiny. Some are foresee out. Just in smith, said some afore would go into collaboration with eyes, wide open. And then it was under no illusion that chinese business leaders or other local groups operating depend the chinese communist party, and he said they would retain independent editorial control and full ownership of the project. So why. This projects- this is how the raising money- it's not just a common code, news
I put the trying to raise money with these seminars with these big businesses. The corporatist with links to the communist chinese in many respects. Reminds me a hundred by this sort of a hunter bine operation. In my view, is my opinion. projects advisory board contains both? U s and chinese business leaders and academics, including several influential members of the chinese communist party, and form chinese government officials, including the chairman. see a two year, who is also a member that chinese people's political consultative conference long founder and president of cecy G. Other advisers include condemning former minister of commerce Cool a former ambassador of china to the? U s: georgian, a former governor of the people's bank of china. But I you think, though, that america.
U s board members include jessica, China wisely professor coronel format. Senior advisor to the apartment of states, policy planning stage, jerry yang co funding yahoo, susan shortened, former acting assisted sector state for east asian in public affairs, I'm sure they're all dead. That's right, commissioner, say the chair in: u S, asia, relations Harvard univ kennedy school and it goes on Does had sound like an independent media operation, you, MR, whatever I wonder to know when we come back and want to read you the peace. If I can find it, The co founder this so called new site wrote about Nicky healing. This is no independent operation. That's there on the attack against anybody who doesn't agree with them, but it's true produce scientists or anybody else.
and they certainly haven't reveal this information. I d go dig it up of there. incestuous relationship with the communist chinese party. That's pretty damn sick and their outrageously contemptible judgment such as it is. one of the biggest first outside investor was does now sitting in prison for stealing billions from from the american people. This is some afore s e m, a f o Are I'll be right back then a killer, blackfriars idea, I got one for you: free moto, g, five g phone from pure talk, no gimmicks, no trade unnecessary, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks. I get the moto g five g phone free, but
here's the deal you need to move fast, because these funds will be gone by the end of the month. I turned phone, is on life. Support upgrade for free with pure talk enjoy two day battery life and exceptional quad, pixel camera and a whole lot more. Just go to pure talk. Dot com, slash live in l, a v, I n to get this exclusive offer and select the plan. That's right for your family. Remember pure talk gives you america's most dependable five g network at half the price so make the switch today go to a pure talk, dot com, slash Levin that slash l, a v, I n to claim your free moto g, five g phone with qualifying plan again pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, pr talk, simply smarter wireless, So here is some afore. Just really some aboard, but nonetheless suggest came on the scene. It's about globalism.
Scott interlocking connections with the communist regime in China, while a claims, its independence, of its first and major outside investors, I just told you multi, millionaire, who now going to prison for ripping people off. But it's amazing how these sites don't reveal something to them. orton S, whose working with further colluding with. To their meeting with on a regular basis in Heaven money: that's their business model, so then smith rights. Why Nicky haley is ready for this ugly media moment. So of course, they're gonna hawk Nicky healthy Its becoming much more obvious now, what's going on here,. None of us should be silent about them. Mcconnell mitt, romney, car, woe.
Ro wing of the republican party, that is the dead, enters the establishment. soon to be the wall street journal. then others her rallying round her. Why. cause she's. Not us, that's why he writes the republican presidential primary is against add starting to look like the exacting donald trump sought to avoid a winnowing will feel that could plus We produce just one ticket out of the general fifteen. I am a real presence Your face off in new Hampshire if our moment of opportunity for children by the way There's a long history and what the list of individuals the primary who one new Hampshire went on to lose their say. You know same eliza. I've, read ted crews, one eye and say
South carolina. He says amusing opportunity here loosely, of course, trumpet start putting a big numbers republicans in dominating new cycles, while trying to persuade the press. His nomination is inevitable. His rivals are boring sideshows. So far, it's pretty much been successful, but it's not I spoke to imagine a strong hayley performance in iowa taking her suddenly competitive with all the national attacks. in that comes with it made a few spent this twenty turning colombia south carolina, which I was lucky enough to do. a reasonably that health is unusually well qualified for the ep, Mood insanity for one primary face off with trump any goes into. This whole thing about saw keller, politics. That she was a third term stay representative her mentor by the way was marked, say it remember him at all
it's a language thing with his adult tree and all the rest of it anyway. She ran a reformist lloyd sad? She knew how to use her. Gender in a way that wasn't so obvious and yet was you In order to attract vote, particularly from women, which is actually what she's doing right now exactly a let's see here: I've been reading through my blog entries about the racy says, which I covered in twitter level. Detail from political was so z, Hellas accuser, was simultaneously playing the role of macro germanic, adopt lewinsky. There were sale, apparent payment Slipping into harry's rescue of the robot called selling voters. They come after you with all kinds of made up nonsense to try mark you don't believe me, I've been there, then is the moment when they how he accused or endorsed her in the most conflicted.
Imaginable safer than goes on and on and on they have it. so some of four cannot be taken seriously. It is time to the communist regime in china. Certainly number entities and. But it's in business to do corporatism, you wanna killer. Black! Fried idea. I got one for you: free moto, g, five g phone from pure talk, no gimmicks, no trade unnecessary, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks. I get the moto g, five g phone free, but here's the deal you need to move fast, because these funds will be gone by the end of the month.
The current phone is on life. Support upgrade for free with pure talk enjoy two day battery life and exceptional quad, pixel camera and a whole lot more. Just go to pure talk. Dot com, slash live in l, a v, I n to get this exclusive offer and select the plan. That's right for your family. Remember pure talk gives you america's most dependable five g network at half the price so make the switch today go to a pure talk, dot com, slash Levin that slash l, a v, I n to claim your free moto g, five g phone with qualifying plan again pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, pr talk, simply smarter wireless we learn much media manners after report about, I had an excited by submitting content on fourchan. We must reduce I'd like to read it, but it disappear, but you said, let me again please in america. This is important. Media matters is a george soros front group. It
it's all purpose to liable to defame dismay. Conservatives fox news, talk radio, me so forth and so on, but they met. Image now- and I would tell elon musk publicly I'd- be happy to be a fact. Witness Here it is writers, exe, soon. Media matters have to report about adds. Next to it. I semitic content mess. jeanne platform acts on Monday. Soon, media watchdog, group media merit see see other they report that it's a source, group between media watchdog, loop alleging the organization defame the platform after published a report that said ads for major brain. It appeared next of posts having nazi isn T.
His face growing outrage and media manners publish the report on thursday, which led ibm comcast comcast. Cancer is promoting more islamists and the hum nazi message at any organization in america. Maybe it's time that we boy Comcast and several Advertisers to pull ads from the platform in response. on saturday- must posted that export file, a thermonuclear law suit against media matters and others quote who colluded in this general attack on our company. Listen I've been fraudulently attack by this group. To repeatedly rush was others are foxes, com, We absolutely must poster that x would file that suit since must purchase. Twitter forty four billion in october, twenty twenty two, a stream of
Here we go riders, which was it still has a british wire service that, mostly Hamas nazis daily. What does chief executive linda, your corina, told employees and a note on sunday that, while some advertisers apposite investments following the report, location, the company had been clear about its efforts to fighting anti semitism and discrimination I would advise them as a legal matter you can also secondary and tertiary sources, so, for instance, have met drudge What media matter said aggregated it on his website and promoted at he could be sued too. If CNN promoted it, they can be so to events. Msnbc Comcast of all outfits, they can be sued too.
Do you search for white nationalist content? There its flourishing this system that they, exists is not operating such says, press and media matters, Angela caruso Angela kaerusson, as I pointed out, have earlier. A google search is array since these are big. It is an anti semite. Even homer but, given that it claims to be gay. immediate matters is the site, is used by the likes of cnn Others to call me and anti semites, It just shows you how sick they are, how perverse they are. And how they do in fact, libel people, so. Now the recommendation in the course of this litigation extensive discovery, the emails and taxiing get from Angela corso
All of these little lack dogs over there. Our communications. to see. The extent of the label is well whose funding them, whose funding them. You should be able to gather all that information in a very, very extensive discovery practice the discovery pursued here, then you have to ask yourselves: how can the internal revenue service allow this organization. to parade as, non partisan by partisan, not for profit organization. It profits from promoting these attacks on anybody disagrees so there is the big news and he's right. This is how this group tries to destroy people.
I would add another thing this was brought My tension over the weekend, if you go to the comments section of mediate media com in sexual media, and you look at their. How about me being an eighth isomer? You look at the content section the comments section and sank: the comet section, the number of nazis neo nazis. Islam assists they're. Not if that's not. They are. They are funny where a posting just look at the x, Look at the fao language: this is what dane abrams has created. We don't troll, let you sure, as Hell, do it's your site who, as controls it. So all these sites media matters media their father. Fifthly, there are liars. The skype call me hall, cubbyhole looks
exactly. As I characterize leftists, a fat slob. Probably sits in his basement with a tank top. doesn't shower for three or four days? Oh I'm gonna get this guy Let me process in and I see that he was basically some kind of digital production guy, for I hardly know he's a big dog cobby hall. Call me call we mammas colony cobby, That's mediate! Another disgusting operation it by truck ninety eight percent of the time, anti fox, the other two percent. At the time, they've hired a couple of people- I don't remember their names because they're all nobodies, but they had a couple of people whose sorra are the clause consumers every now and then on hey by went about this. Hoping with this lawsuit,
by elon musk. This is the beginning of cleaning. the media, I don't mean free speech, I mean cleaning up the frauds, the phones there, bates the miscreants malcontents hooper and to be new sites, but have actually destroyed the news profession. They ve drawing the news profession, even riders area, media watchdog and media watchdog clowns an eye on that suit. Any also mentions there's more to counter any must reduce, I hope so and. In an interview with writers earlier today, media, madam president, Angela carousel, I told you this guy's, a slight sleaze. Bob said enough: if its findings flew in the face of excess statements that it had introduce safety protection is to prevent ads from appear next to harmful content.
Ladies and gentlemen, you can try and try and try nothing's gonna be perfect, but that wasn't implication of the application was that he lolonois mosque asymmetric in his organizations anti semitic that he was promoting these anti semitic sites. wasn't that he wasn't more carefully and more effectively, managing the year, the site. Then that's why he lost spots and that's all Saw headline after headline after headline says: if you search for white nationalist content, their ads flourish, the system they say this is not operating as such doesn't mean he's a nazi. because, if he's a nazi everybody that works of mediator nazi too, because they're not policing at all their comments section in its flood
with Nancy like language and hate, not just against me but generally, as well as pornographic references. So as mediator nazi site, maybe they abrams needs to get his ass sued off and he can do a whole show on it Thank you too. I hope I didn't you shows on the courtrooms, MR producer law and order. I have a brand new chauffeur gain. Ably abstain, abrams defendant when that be a great show, can abrams defendant because of all the nazi neo nazi pornographic references on his, and those are comments. You know we believe in free speech- okay, great so you're not going to police this stuff. No we're not. And we're not that's another media watchdog group mediate me.
Where media watchdog groups, who says we say we ve, been announced that we're medium and all they do is attack attack, attack trump conservatives fox news max, oh, I am so they do But if I remarked drudge so me you stay with us, nobody really knows I be looking My shoulder too big all those hysterical provocative headline that you take when you take somebody's links and linked to them. Well, I don't know if the must lorries are gonna do arena, but that also actionable to saying just pointing it out. Mr Bernard right.
sorry, I'm a little slower today. Take I out of what I'm on it's either the flu ports is frightening, covert again. But it seems to have left a lot longer. Some tat honour, when it tested tonight and are now now. President. I just turned eighty one today, lot of smart people were eighty one and us very smart people in their nineties sharp, as can be. Probably Joe Biden is the older, he gets the dumber, he gets so another he may have turned eighty one buddies cut the mind of a seven year old the chair of the mind of a six year old. Everybody knows us, but here's the difference. I don't know what the hell is wrong with commentators who are conservative, but we know push Joe Biden out.
no one knew some running as gruesome is newsome is with her horrendous record. We want the manoeuvres and eight by why wouldn't way. Apart from his is, Our situation. His record is a disaster. We want to run on his record walter. bowling, tromp hitler and a dictator. Reduced right. We have the average person out there. They go when the price of food. What is this in flight? can afford to get my car fixed, so bottom line legal immigration. The crime. As far as I'm concerned he's the perfect.
Democrats, candidate, because he really does represent what they stand for president binds team ramps babo rap strategy to prevent stumbles, says right. Our online, that come out of this is legitimate group or not radical left, but nonetheless make sense, so their bubble wrapping him. and the meter going to be fine with that, because you know the media are going to be campaigning for, but they desperately want donald trump convicted of something. So they can keep saying convicted, felon donald trump. They want to help them. I'll be right back then you,
a killer. Blackfriars idea. I got one for you: free moto, g, five g phone from pure talk, no gimmicks, no trading necessary, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks. I get the moto g, five g phone free, but here's the You need to move fast, because these funds will be gone by the end of the month
I turned phone is on life. Support upgrade for free with pure talk enjoy two day battery life and exceptional quad, pixel camera and a whole lot more. Just go to pure talk. Dot com, slash, live in l, a v, I n to get this exclusive offer and select the plan. That's right for your family. Remember pure talk gives you america's most dependable five g network at half the price so make the switch today go to a pure talk, dot com, slash Levin that slash l, a v, I n to claim your free moto g, five g phone with qualifying plan again pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, pr talk, simply smarter wireless They run the swami will be on right after top of the hour, so argentina elects a conservative. So now he's right wing he's anti democratic. The world has to be afraid of him, though, is known
the conservative Myers donald trump, they just look at the people there you see Our media do not like elections unless they win like em. Unless they win. The interesting thing is one by a landslide, a landslide. In one of the things he says there and his confirmation he would make visits to both Israel and the united states before his inauguration. On december, ten trips described a spiritual and attend to me with rabbis, whom he is concerned. during the election says he's going to move the argentine embassy from TEL Aviv to Jerusalem in here recognize jerusalem is Israel capital. Now you see this, this is the difference between a Bernie sanders, an unknown trotzky and a jamie
ask in sorrow, Caesar have salivating Jews and this gentleman, whose not even jewish time from no state, he said again studying the Torah converting the duties. twenty one keeps regular studies with multiple mademoiselle markets, cod Jeanne universities today are less concerned with critical thinking than with indoctrination, but I'm happy to report. There is a college where students to ideas openly and honestly, where they pursue true together with their professors where america, great heritage of liberty, is studied and revered. My favorite college hills delicate As stated in hills does founding document in eighteen, forty, four hills, nails. regional mission was to offer the kind of syria Liberal arts education needed to preserve the blessings of civil and religious liberty across the country, and this mission can used to guide hills del college today, and you can
a whole lot more at levine for hills, they'll, dot, com, vienna, fray hills, deodar come there, you'll find it What video? It's just! I remain along showing how helstone work not only in michigan a washington dc campuses, but across the nation is effective enough. American liberty take some time to watch today at levine for hills, delta Calm: that's alleviation, re hills, they'll, backup, now broadcasting on roaming underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, like amerika market, remain here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one. Three eight one one one welcome.
I ran the swami into the programme that? I have been seeing the course of the last ten to fourteen days that the republican establishment, the lobby, the operatives in washington, the romany aids, the Mitch Mcconnell types and the corporatist the unit donors I now call lessing around Nicky hailing she's in new york, she's mean with this guy Larry. Think a black rock. This is your ex. Tease. This is what you wrote about and talked about before It decided to run, for president, tell us a little bit about black rock and lot larry think he will look. Blackrock is arguably the most powerful company in human history because there brigade over ten million dollars of our asset of our retirement fun,
the money in your investment account three or four one k account and they use it to buy up shares in corporate amerika of every public company in america to tell them to then adopt environmental and social agenda. that's right and contrary to aid the will of both american and be contrary to their best financial interests. So I think this is a large scale, fiduciary breach in arguably anti trust violation of our century. the company that is using your own money without your knowledge to advance somebody else's left wing political agenda and it's happening every day without you voting at the ballot box to support it. But I think it is a major problem in the major threat. You are constitutional apart like it if the threat capitalists, find it deeply concerning that that fame leader, Larry, think the leader of black rock now not only killed it his hand on the scale.
If the democratic party, but is now looking to turn the republican party into a subsidiary of their own power as well- and I can talk more about that part, but the long story short as it was very good. starting and the agenda is fundamentally any american and now to see it potentially infiltrate. The republican party is a problem and I'm gonna call that out It's a huge problem and, in addition to him, you saw corporatist giving a standing ovation degree of china, which is really why what san Francisco. Nikki haley, is. lobbying them and they are lobbying her, don't think it
Somehow I Helen she ever gonna stand up to communist china know what she doesn't get the communist china markets, an act that he put the by me when she was the? U s ambassador to the EU s either her words, not mine. She called china. Our greek friends, is brought chinese companies with affiliated with the ppp to her state about their lighter, and so that's it. I think you could say people maiden takes in the past. They learn from them fine, but in the present, the very mega donors and the unit party, who were propping her up bill airy thinks of the world. Larry think left her meeting to go straight decision thing
later that day, Nicky Hayley, the one that also says that should have been want people to be able to make anonymous posted on the internet behaving trying a bit like china emulating that the eight year. This is the problem with american power politics market, that its captured by the same financial forces to capture the democrat party, there capturing the republican party coup and capture nor capital markets and our american companies, and so I think that an example of everything we should be again, but if infiltrating the republican party itself and are using Nicky hayley as the puppet they propped up to back those interests Let me ask you this too. Governor for quite a while. She never runs on record as a record that bad or is that his erect? guess so nondescript. Why did good element record better badly thought back that you'd probably not be wanting to do
about her entire career has involved getting special favours and giving special favours to certain class. The company that end of cut them pharmaceutical company that lent her a private jet one multi million dollar state contracts. The company who sheeted special favours for bowing to bring devout their light up is also the same company that I joined the board of after she leaves her time in government to the whole. History is littered with exactly this kind of behavior. Now I'm not saying that's unique, Nikki haley that standard unit party behavior jumped to the tune of the special interests that fund you and money. Is the mother's milk apology, accent, though she's not alone in that regard, but she's typical in that regard, and I do think it's going to take a leader coming from the outside to clean up that kind of man. That's why I meant that very effective. Not to me, do you but others use
Her gender, while claiming she's not using her gender. I see that on the stage when she debates do you notice that I absolutely that, In the last debate, I called out random mcdaniel on stage you may remember that marked the good right, the republican party, removing elections that is right over and wrong I didn't want him again. You'll pay arose three times over the period that the republicans vat for disasters under her watch, and then I called out kristen worker, who the NBC moderator of the debate I hired by the hour at the for lying about the trump russia collusion hope than the hunter by laptop story. No accountability called out again. Eighty percent of corruption for that making hayley now
it's been going on air on multiple networks, calling me a wait. What was the worst effect that she says? I have a girl problem. No, I don't have a girl problem. I have a problem with a corrupt Uta party that includes both men and women alike. Dick Cheney, you could think about the same number, the same criticisms I'd have for him and of countless other people in the republican party and democratic party alike, but I do It's interesting that there's another political party couple, erreth isn't gonna run for president theme of making Hayley wants to run in the party of and if all the facts you could have a better choice, is part of europe but tries to have it both ways: talkin about kicking and heels her heels big ammunition. While then thinking that being female and haven't you ex chromosome inflates her from criticism at the truth, acts as a man, I'm not afraid to take that he market. That's why I've been calling it out, but she had been using the allegation of eating sex it that way
political yourself from criticism and attack and work with me. She seems to have the green light, diverge on any programme she wants to. Have you noticed there she's retaining three media. What a mainstream media has defied at right, but this is the kind of republican that they can tolerate. This is the kind of republican that will advance the kinds of agenda as they stand for the kind of republican who So let's say, if I refused from abortion to how tough we are in our foreign policy to funding wars that don't advance the? U S, interests to censorship of certain kinds of speech. Yes, this is the kind of person that the mainstream media can decide. They could actually have a use for they can can
all this kind of person until they decided to use whatever power they cat to prop her up as their puppet. That's what's going on. I hope and trust that our base, the republican party primary base, is smart enough to know that they shouldn't just swallow with the media has forced bet that is able to feed a fact that somebody who is willing to be every bit of corrupted Joe Biden and Biden family and the track record of her time as governor otherwise demonstrating that latin america people to see through it. But right now there's no doubt there's a love affair between the media and the one cat. it among the major candidates on the debate stage who were left, who they can control, and I think that that's why they're using it. I actually have questions about her character and I'm going to tell you what I mean and be interested in your comment on this first back marco rubio back and twenty sixteen, then she back ted crews, but she took I would donald trump to be the ambassador to the EU.
Later she says of trumps run runs, I'm not gonna run, but you sides the run anyway. In today she says she won't services vice president, which is a little presumptuous she Doesnt stand for anything or loyal to any by this is my conclusion: what do you think we're going to keep them for something I think he's dead, her own pocket book, and I get the answer. She left the? U n in death, megabytes about your brag about being an accountant. It did you think you never pass
if the p a exam she claims to be the countenance says we need an accountant in the white house. That's an accountant that many personal financial decision that left her swimming in personal debt at the time she left the un but then becomes a military contractor, then joined. The board of boeing then gives secretive speeches to foreign actors, just like Hillary Clinton and just like Biden ends up a multimillionaire. So this is somebody who will say or do anything and literally there's no boundary. I don't think has literally any boundary it in others. Can you know, look at a lot of the lot of the facts. I've cited and others that I haven't decided that there's somebody who's going to literally do anything. Then our own position of power and profit from her pocket, but I do think you sent for something like gotta give credit for that, but I think it's nothing wrong with that in yeah yeah ida- and I picked it
We need a better class of leadership in this country, and not only do I think someone like that these aren't the kind of people you want as president, but I don't think obama's presidency would find no ap no place near the white house in a cabinet position or otherwise, and you know, I think, that it's important, that we learn from the experience with the pasadena republican party to make sure that we don't recreate the mistakes we made for the last two dec. And I went back and looked cheese and when it started these personal attacks on you. What do you think that's all about? I don't have a great thing for them to and again If the remote is, but I I tried to you know, I was more or less ignoring it for a long time, but she was starting all kinds of personal attacks and mischaracterizing. My policy position that otherwise and that's politics about here to whine about that. But when you have somebody who is as deeply hypocritical as she is, I think that that's it that the deep
problem that goes to personal character, aware she doesn't actually have views of our own. He added until she was bred even stated whether she would support a federal abortion ban will offer a lot of flowery language but play the congress, they can't get sixty votes, split level with the american people level with the american people to say. Would you sign it whether they served it up to you or not, and so I think that one issue after another, you think about the historical path, the military contracting firm that she and her husband, IRAN just tell us who the clients are I'm running for president I've been a businessman and I've released twenty years of tax records. That's what the people advise me not to do. Well, I think, if you're running for president, you ought to be transparent. She could put our own track tax return to show how he went from being in debt when she left the? U n, to now becoming a multimillionaire exploiting our government connections
huh, I run the military contracting firm. Tell us who the clients are, that kind of transparency is missing, and I think that you have somebody who's fundamentally going to say anything or do anything and I literally mean anything required to advance their own power and dominion. It's a record as governor. It's been her record as ambassador to the. U n. been part of a record now in her career after leaving the? U s- and these are the kind of people that are they give made the republican party every bit of guilty of the devil. If the party in creating a lot of the problems that we suffer today and- and I think it's going to take new people- she talked about a new generation of leadership. I think she's on the wrong side of the generational divide. I was unaware that she had not the least her finances, wonder why yeah well. I think it's a reasonable question for journalists to ask, but the mainstream media- that's propping up She won't come on here. Listening to you Maybe you ask that come on and you came on and you're talking in your explaining things and I am concerned because everybody seems to be not
body. But a lot of these these these figures that I've spent my career battling this corporatist the establishment. Yet there rhinos there are moving towards her and I'll try explain to the conservative base what's going on here and I just want to say in a gale, you don't like what the vaca saying you come on come on the programme any time, but she why it should. I think I think that people who are afraid of what they're hiding don't want you to ask the questions. I bet, if you, if she did she comes on, I bet she knows. You'll ask her to release who are the clients of allied defense llc, her privately held military contracting firm that lists her home address as their business address, that she's made millions from I'm sure you'd after that, and I'm sure she doesn't, The answer, but you can go on with CNBC or the other friendly leftwing networks, do her now and get away with identity, politics card playing because the mainstream media and left wing media decided that this is the kind of republican that they can tolerate because they can control them anymore.
my view of this is, I would rather and you and I don't agree on everything and that's fine, but let's have an open dialogue friday, and I think that you are somebody who get to the heart of corporatism, which is the merger between state power and private power. To do what neither can on it's own and that's what you and I share in common are recognizing that the real threat and he's the embodiment of that problem within the republican party, and I think it would be great, I think, It'D- be valuable service to the american people to hear a conversation between somebody who wants to run for president and one of the leaders in the conservative movement about the questions relating to the murder of state power and private hour and the corruption of american politics and the transparency that are gmp primary voter base deserves from anyone running for president, and you know I've I've been on with you numerous times and you press me and that's great. I think that that's what we should go through and I think she should have you know what
that guts she'll say that she wears heels well. What if he had the heel to show up for you by the way Chris Christie won't either but channel above. That's not your thing yeah anyway, I can't speak for him, but that he is, he got either one be the one trick pony and he licking donald trump's boots for years until he decides that he wants the naked stick that he is now. Andy crop that I can speak for him. I think he's running for president of new hampshire empaneling. How do you do president of anything be say there. You go You're welcome to come on you just let us now. I really don't invite people on if they want to come on, come on. You know so. Yeah if we both learned about the about the weaponization of capital markets, because I think get something that will you and I could dive deeper on what's happening even more now than it was a few years ago, but it's It is about to that hundred percent. You know that consumers back corporation to put more more their say, wait a minute they not back.
they don't believe in capitalism. Our aid for that good luck be safe out there. They mark negatively god bless while they ride back then or breaking news media matters. The sorrows front, grew: from the post millennial, great site, Missouri attorney general office investigates allegations That media matters created accounts and games servers, forehead peace targeting on twitter On sunday, republican missouri attorney general andrew bailey announced that his team is investigating, waning news, organization me a man is left leaning seriously.
Allegations of criminal and civil violations- this comes A mosque announce an ex core will be launching a thermonuclear lazo. Would you just fire? I guess they But claims that media matters and actually fraudulent attack on X, gore and in an attempt to undermine in my speech on misleading advertising. Allegation. The attorney general bellies offices investigating pretend to reach findings that media matters allegedly created fake social media accounts. Together, the ex services in order to create false impressions, ted piece on musk. Since the allegation. These allegations went viral after they were shared on x by human events, jack pussycat sebek. Turning barely responded to a kind of posted by billinger musk on x anyway. Only to get into the weeds here. The fact of the matter is they gonna get to the bottom of this. Now from that's what you do it
suit to discovery, and so were so that's too. He had to say case musk is brought in got a criminal and civil investigation launched by the attorney general missouri. This is how you do it. He due to them what they do not, but this is legitimate. Perfectly legitimate. even though it's a little alice out of sync here can a minute in this chamber when we come back, only give me a break ran on somebody. You know background on somebody who has the binds ear, lincoln's, ear where's. He said the new york's limes, as you might expect. This guy In future price, if the pillage of prize, but the fact of the matter is, is irreparable
most of you who do not live in Washington DC never heard of him for good reason. But when we come and I want you to hear this cinema mark Levin show the fee for the conservative, meaning then now aid, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one must be as broad a massive lawsuit media matters. The source frank group many germans or is opened a criminal and civil investigation, and now comes breaking news that the attorney general of texas can paxton he's open, instigation and immediate matters recall potential fraudulent activity. That group is getting come up and turning journal packs it
great troubled by the allegations that media matters a radical way to free speech organization, fortunately manipulated datum data on x that come twitter We are examining the issue closely to ensure the public has not been deceived, the schemes are radical left wing organizations who would like nothing more than a limit freedom by reducing participate. The public's where boys got them right now, If all these other media organisations are not going to back off and apologise, but I will not be deterred timeless friedman, Is one of the most contemptible in a day, Israel, people in the media for one of the most contemptible corporate media platforms, the new york times Mostly, don't know a lot about Joe on our backs: the offered twelve books
really a brilliant man in a piece. road. Not that long ago, never marry ten twenty twenty three since long ago, during its undergraduate years at brandeis university, thomas freeman joined a left wing. George advocacy group that favoured a two state solution: Israel, palestine,. It peace solution along pre, nineteen sixty seven six day, war lies, in other words, Israel would never be able to defend itself this Israel would be seven miles wide. That would deprive is relevant. Biblical homeland, intraday and samaria commonly identified is george west bank ever since, as times journalism bureau chiefs. Columnists he's risen to prominence as an. Hunting critic of Israel prevents recent full page opinion column on november fifteen that's of last year calling for a by many. peace plan exemplifies is unrelenting,
Castigation of Israel for its very to embrace a solution to the israeli palestinian conflict is preference. Predictably, is a bite administration plan to create two states for to indigenous peoples living in the areas of Gaza and the west bank in Israel, in translation, Israel would relinquish it biblical homeland and the sandwich three to ever states, one of which is the Gaza strip, which has We demonstrated its determination to slaughter israelis, they are enjoying themselves dancing and singing within their recognise border. Premium to be sure, recognises that hamas atrocities that resulted in the murder more than a thousand israelis sexually. This europe colleges Resist lacerated prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu for his in your face rebuke the recent suggestion. But u s
pray state antony, blinkered they gotta be unified with the west bank under the rule, the palestinian authority. Can you imagine. Israel, would then be say which, between these two arab state, Which Gaza has now heart horrifically demonstrated its determination, to massacre innocent jews friedman, Surprisingly enthusiasts the gray approves of the blank and solution, because it is. his laceration overnight. Yahoo is unrelenting here. Remains the israeli leader for his dependence on coal. Which the premises and settlers. to prevent palestinians from legitimate independent representation in Gaza or the west bank. He says without super. Evidence you castigates ned yo if required, campaigning in the middle of this war,
I, for palestinian authority attempts to assert control over the territory. It is four friedman I'm for buying to make clear that the united states will not become Netanyahu's now who's usefully I've told you they want. A super. who, against nan- and I ve been doing that for years and free movement, Out in it Freeman is a sleazy P. O s work on the show, and everyone is too, but he is a sleazy bastard. He really is. the writer anticipates that once the war The vine administration core, lay down the principles of a fair peace, and I wrote about this over the weekend for friedman. Fair means support for so called moderate palestinians who might be noticed, have yet to appear in Gaza.
He imagines that time how far into the future, he does not say when guys will be governed by a legitimate palestinian authority, and it goes on she's gonna. Take a cough break cravens delusion is related by saudi arabia. Egypt, Jordan, by rain, will collaborate in a plan to overhaul the palestinian authority purge its education's goes on and on and on these guys are really quite stupid. They think Again, reengineer remake the world into their image. The next time I talked about Friedman In the near future, I want you to know what a radical left as he is in his background. other guy that doesn't reveal who he is. now this association, who he is a radical leftist, whose welcome to speak in front of groups like J street
A group of south aiding jews who hate Israel and so I a lot of you. What the hell is, I'm telling you the truth. When you're radical left, when you're marxist When you're any these links, it doesn't matter. it doesn't matter you trying to remake the well remake a region remake the united states, remake israel remake things, you're you're in a constant, as obama, would say, effort to fundamentally transform. But what troubles me especially now is our media So corrupt, so leftwing, there Other than revealing, what's taking place. Rather than reveal this cabal, but these obama people now Biden people the new york times the sorrows
Groups, rather than reveal it they embraced they promote it. So you're, not getting the facts are not getting the truth. There's a whole world of things going on there that you're unaware of because they don't we should it be aware of it, as I peak. There is an effort right now with our administration, with a hood brock. Past failed, prime minister, will lapse the leader of a minority party who has been desperate, become prime minister temporarily, but on his own he could never is an unpopular figure. What Tom Friedman, but can and others in this administration or obama before them to install. to install somebody as pray,
Mr Israel, who will accommodate their ideological demands argon. but to an extent, was involved in this of a war that was taking place in Israel before they were attacked me these being raised by figure is behind the scenes dark money to fund. It. Excuse me in if the binding administration has a toy. This is very important. Israel is losing soldiers. Israel's fighting a war to deliver The palestinians are big brand new country. That's what they're my trying to get done here. Yes, it must be. Where am I m? Sorry, America,
The theory goes on. It gets a lot tougher, but we're getting there lemme pull this up. Here we go it's not that painful is it. Maybe I back then love for the holidays? Pure talk has you covered because they just added international roaming? The over thirty countries? That's right where you are making cars from the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas, you're covered from this so buckingham palace, or your villa inserts, a rainy you dial away- and here is the best part there is no rate increase. Pure talk still saves the ira to family.
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You're fantastic thanksgiving, like being around family. And of course, nothing like having a fantastic, thanksgiving dinner. My view. It's my favorite holiday of all in there much to be thankful for and there's much to be worried about, but The giving its a great time, too relax trying to family top and one of the things I love about it is everyone else likes the cook and I don't know I just kind of hang back It's one of the few days here we're on the watch, romania. for even more my wife doesn't have to watch what I'm eating. You know people come up to her all the time or were together, and they said her.
Take care of him. We want him to live. Take care of him, take care of him. She looks at me and the reason she looks at me is my poor wife, is worn out from telling me. Stopping all their lives. little weight to this. Do that and to people Don't say, take care of him well I have to listen. I take care of myself, but here's the dirty little secret must have lost twelve part. Nothing special, just eat less. mr hungry, but I just say that's enough already banana not on in using other great thing about thanksgiving most of my family. Not the blood family, the other part of my wife from they love dark me peddle of the thighs. They love the dark meat they think of. I,
my son and the family, like the breast, depress the white meat. There's always plenty for me. Mister Bruce! You know what I'm saying it's the best to me anyway, I'm very strategic partner even when I when I want to say a few other things. I know people attack them. I am very proud of fox. I'm very proud of the murder Look what they'd ve been doing during the course of this war hosts or rooting for the enemy. They're, not using hamas photographers video rivers.
Their laying out, what's going on in the providing a perspective that hamas perspective, an american perspective,. The overwhelming majority of people who are doing this are not jewish christian, their gentiles, and so I mean absolutely remarkable, absolutely fantastic in my view. same it news max away in same at so many of these conservative places blaze, fantastic, bright, bart, fantastic right, scoop, fantastic bonn, gino report, fantastic
Daily wire, terrific and many many others- please won't be able to name them all news busters, credible my buddy, brent bozo, And again there not alone, but on the left you gets hate poison and nazi ism and so forth. And so it's just sickening. Comcast should be ashamed of itself for the crap that they put on MSNBC. It's disgusting. seen and I believe, not the reporters, their hosts for trying to write the ship a little bit, but their reporters are disgusting, particularly overseas. They are awful aright america you're the best, we salute: our forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel. The freedom fighters are truckers.
The men and women and children in Israel we do stand with your unlike the by administration, have a one Oh thanks giving, I hope to see you tomorrow, gambler.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-24.