« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/16/22


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, what is the most important issue or policy that you think a Republican congress should be focused on? The Republican's first act was to give Democrats 12 votes to overcome a filibuster to codify same-sex marriage. Why would they vote for this rather take on inflation, gas prices, the border, etc.? Because they are led by Mitch McConnell, who will disappoint you at every turn. Also, the media are desperate for a war between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. The media wants to knock both of them out to make room for a RINO for president. They shouldn’t take the bait. Later, journalist Julie Kelly from American Greatness joins the show to discuss how Christopher Wray knew more than he let on initially with the FBO and January 6. Kelly's reporting on the January 6th riot has revealed that the current story just doesn't add up and it seems that the Democrats in the January 6 Committee are just trying to sweep things under the rug. Afterward, Charles Payne, host of FOX Business Network's Making Money, calls in to explain the Crypto Currency exchange FTX which just went bankrupt. FTX was fraudulent from the start and bilked billions from the people. The founder of FTX is a top Democrat Party donor and pledged a billion dollars to the Democrats if Trump runs in 2024. 


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills: they'll, college fervour, one hundred and seventy five years for purposes, have defined hills, douze mission, learning, character, faith and freedom
Good for listening and my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters at hillsdale for their great sponsorship, the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with a leader that the here are a number
Seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven three one Three, eight one one I want to test something. and I need you to call in part. Spain in this test. and I'm gonna make it very simple, for the first segment and then you'll understand. What is the most important issue or pass that you think public and congress should be focused on. What is the most important issue or policy? A true think a republican congress should be focused on that is my question. if you're in congress? What is the big issue that you want, I guess I now Mitch, Mcconnell one the Senate leadership election and the media are thrilled. Why are the media thrilled.
even many of our media thrilled by many in our media, thrilled. It was thirty seven to ten with one falling present. Major Mcconnell never had ten senators vote against him for leadership position. Are. You would have thought it would be a closer than that considering what happened, but no, no Naturally, colonel is least popular republican? Among republicans, he can't you Campaign in georgia right now Oh his boy, Stephen law will throw money into georgia all this money they collect from special interests and so forth, and this is why those guys, bought and paid for by the washington establishment, and they are the wash and establishment. But my question is why cant mitch Mcconnell go into georgia and campaign for her walker
The reason is he so incredibly unpopular. Another reason is the guy cannot speak he's not passionate he's not. charismatic he's quite the opposite. Only the people who could take trop last night, some of the same year. Most of these guys are bush guys have you noticed most of them Bill attacking trump, our bush gus Mcconnell, guys that's, who they are But they said trot last night was a little sleepy and so for the was obvious tromp wanted to changes. Tony was much more. I think active in the way he delivered his speech much more. He was very substantive Italy was very knowledgeable about all the issues, so boys boring. So on the one hand they say you know he needs to call it. On the other hand, he calls it
and then they say what he calls it We have a congo line of people who are going to comment tonight who commented yesterday for the same mindset. And they're telling us. What the can there telling you they hate, tromp, they're, telling us about trumped. Now I want to talk to you about the media for a second I'm, giving you the call into, but I want to get into this the media are desperate for a while. Between rhonda, santas and donald trump, their desperate for. That's why you said has been very, very smart not to take the bait. I'm hoping donald trump will continue in the motor was last night, but that's what they want. Why should they? Like them, both. and clear away for a rhino who can't win that's exam, What's going on.
So the media are desperate for a war between the scientists and tramp tramp took the bay one has backed off so far. I hope we can, and used to this Just hasn't taken the bait once and for besides, you said today, look, I am focus. There's things we still need to do in florida and so forth doesn't mean he's not plotting to run for president, and he has every right to do that. He be great president. and now running around asking republic who do you endorse? Who do you endorse? Who do you endorse. I mean folks, we have a country to save here right now the media are trying to drive and agenda. Look. No your post every day now, with the, comical childlike front page fact it so comical and childlike that cnn now is tackling the new yorker. They near post front pay their using it.
laughing they're having a good all time. And if the little boys and girls at the near posten elsewhere don't understand their created, backlash. Just like the nerves. The office nerds at the wall street journal editorial page in my view, nobody's I've been reading it anymore, but you get the point you keep In poking pokey all look we're having fun here and our knowledge warm and our opinion romo we're having for years Stupid you're getting opposite reaction getting the opposite reaction. and you're going to continue to get the opposite reaction and you may actually lose some followers. Because this is serious business saving this country so This business saving this country, which goes back to my opening question to you, ladies and gentlemen, which is this.
Speaking of saving the country. What do you consider what Do you consider the most important issue that congress should be taking up right down immediately that republican should be fighting for. looking for answers for legislatively what are The most important issues, melissa. Like royals florida, exam satellite. What's the most important issue melissa, the independent mark, I'd like to see our pipelines open back up because I live in rule laura ed. We our farmers and ranchers- add everything that we do relies on diesel and fuel. the future I drive at our away tool every day, though That money is drain in our pockets and I The any logging
on these trees that I live in for a an electric outlet? The plug up an electric car is just not possible in rural america nor I melissa. Thank you matthew I don't know where he's from well. Let's go to Paul make georgia. w? I may see Paul what is the most important issue? As you see it. Illegal immigration illegal immigration. So that be their first act to do something about that. fair enough, thank you, I'm going move on Jeff moving fast. I don't wait a minute, that's good! Let's go to I don't know where you're from Jeff, but where are you from. I'm going too fast, amount pacing the ability of our phones system, the catch up so
energy and illegal immigration, we're going to take a break if you have a comment column immediately, because Doing this all day, I'm doing this for about five more minutes and then you'll understand where I'm going with it. Have you right maude ban rights.
Immigration, foreign policy, marriage. These subjects are a big part of the political dialogue. Today we talk about them, often on my show they're at the heart of so many campaigns this election. But what did our founding fathers say about these issues? We've moved so far from the founders, understanding, a government that you'll be surprised by their answers and my favorite college hillsdale college as the best way to learn about the founders deep and wise insights into human nature. Today you can join hillsdale professors, Thomas wes and David AZUR, at as they explore the thoughts and ideas of america's founders and hillsdale newest, free online course. The real american founding a conversation. So don't wait. Folks watch the trailer video of the real american founding a conversation. It's a killer at sign up for this new, completely free online course and Levin Frey hillsdale, dot com, that's ellie, vn, pray, hillsdale, dot, com, completely free online and Levin free hillsdale, dot com, that's eli, vn prey, hillsdale, dot, com,
what is the number one issue that Republican should be pushing in congress right now? The number one issue so far: we live energy immigration jake, three iowa exam satellite. What do you say? Brother diesel prices mark And prices are certainly shared. Europe, Joe Biden will be the grand stole christmas around my home, my mama full time truck driver. Operator. and you see what's happening, which is It's a shock you jake, I'm sorry about that, Andrew green bay was counts in the great w tee a queue of a football game over the weekend go ahead andrew and me
indeed, I'd energy eyes self sufficiency and allow these other problems by inflation. Everything will take care of themselves once we have that Thank you, my friend, let's go Clifton new york, the great w h e m Paul. What do you say. I say the economy and inflation: one will take care of the other and get everybody back to work and making this country. What is supposed to be. ok, my friend, let's keep going frank long island, the great w abc? What's the number one issue congress, particularly republican, should be pushing right now the lid off the deep state kind of achieving here, but a touch everything that then include exposing go, broke. Justice, department. all of the internationalist undermining the count
tuition and our country, oh peter fraud that you take a little of that year and that is pulling the ticks off. before you could address the wine disease, How I my friend kevin san, diego california, exam satellite? What is the number one issue? The republic, in congress should be addressing and caught and focused on. First mark you're, a great american. Thank you. this issue is Mccarthy needs to make a statement and they need to defend the ira agents they need to come out again and say we're gonna do what we said. We're gonna do awry. He showed that Jacob in illinois on mark live in. What is the number one issue republican should confront right now, Jacob I think the first thing most of media is to fix the economy, whether let
Means giving our energy independence back. I want first of all, and getting more money back in our pockets. So we can, New thrive like we're supposed to thank you day? bugger raton Florida they great w J n o the number one issue republicans in congress should confront immediately. What is it dave, sulphur media germany boards have too many imports on the democratic party and their listen, the boss versus listen the people. Sir. Thank you, sir. All good mark when you get it stay with me. Monica Brooks fell florida exams satellite. What is the number one issue. close, the daughters short and sweet here we go. now. Ladies and gentlemen, here we are what is it
that the republicans are going to focus on. But the republicans have just focused on giving democratic twelve votes in the united states senate to overcome a fella buster to codify same sex, marriage That's the first things the republicans. under their newly minted leader. Who's been there forever Mitch mecca. They didn't say we're not voting on anything till we get the border addressed. With illegal immigration. to get this inflation addressed in Anime addressed to deal with big tech. to deal with the fbi that wasn't, first issue. What did they do? They showed by partisanship bob par front repair by my mother, my lab, so twelve
Public and senators by tell us a north carolina. And collins. In my main cause. I guess there are the real taylor wags, the dog of the republican party. They voted to codified same sex, marriage all over the country. Why. Can anybody tell me why. Now there are some gay people listening saying well, what's wrong with it, why. Can gay people might get married women Pray court decision that so they can. And it applies to the entire country. Why would any republican waste their time with this? Why. They say they build some protections and therefore religious liberty. I spoke to The conservative centres are actually understands how the law works. He said not good enough, so in terms of protect,
in religious liberty. It would be a federalism issue for the states. they want to blow out the states all together. so this was what the Republicans did. Their first act. Was to ensure a feller buster prove vote. on quarrel quote codified. They like to say a same sex marriage. Now. Why would they do that? As opposed to say, no, we want to fight for these other issues. Why would they do that. because they're led by a numbskull and he's got, disappoint you at every turn. judges. That's always the rancher Just fine raising, always the same answer no agenda as I speak: it's been over a week since the election, this guy
just elected thirty, seven to ten and one abstention ones, In present the republic leader, again, did he run on a legislative agenda? No there's nothing in the media that says he did. well what's watches legislative agenda, you're, not gonna, believe it I want to tell you what it is, after the break, I'm enough time to do right now, but you Legislative agenda is not the same as much Carlos legislative agenda, and this is I point this: or play well and the new york times in the washing composts. This photo play well at the constipated news network and emma sell us. Do this Play well here and there you know Manhattan then palm springs, etc. Vote has nothing to do with anything substantive. You gap go out there, who are sweat, knit to make ends meet,
An economy that is on the brink with diesel, fuel shortages and other things coming and this is what the Republicans decide ago, with their first damn. Well, my god. They point to decide their sees the future peter Can all the candidates to the said they don't believe- and I say this even conservatism at all,. I back rights
immigration, foreign policy, marriage. These subjects are a big part of political dialogue. Today we talk about them, often on my show they're at the heart of so many campaigns this election. But what did our founding fathers say about these issues? We've moved so far from the founders, understanding, a government that you'll be surprised by their answers and my favorite college hillsdale college as the best way to learn about the founders deep and wise insights into human nature. Today you can join hillsdale professors, Thomas wes and David AZUR, at as they explore the thoughts and ideas of america's founders and hillsdale newest, free online course. The real american founding a conversation. So don't wait. Folks watch the trailer video of the real american founding a conversation. It's a killer at sign up for this new, completely free online course and Levin Frey hillsdale, dot com, that's ellie, vn, prey, hillsdale, dot com, completely free online and Levin free hillsdale, dot com, that's eli, vn, prey, hillsdale dot com mark levin show where we create the talking points, call in no eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I rarely I am wrong, but I want to apologize to. I was mistaken. Which Mcconnell held a press conference today any did lay out his legislative agenda. I want you to increase the volume owner Radio or, however, you listening to this programme and take a very careful, listen cut one go and show my message to the administration. You saw some of it this year let's find some things between two forty are land that we can agree on and do that when we did some of that this year, infrastructure chips, school saved mental health. We need to make some progress for the american people, but it's you're gonna have to be in a political centre. If the house. The contour bargain is no more one party running over us, like they did through reconciliation, niihau.
Wow, the structure, bill. Ninety Idiotic republicans, adding to the inflation in this country chips. Which they said that I'll teach the chinese or lessen it had no teeth School safety he's talking, gun, control, mental health. I have no idea what they ve done to advance the cause of mental health, certainly not much. That's the great metal. That doesn't address a single thing. You, said to me. In the twenty or thirty minutes that I live to your cause, nothing. My but part of paper- and we welcome it. chuck Schumer said his agenda is We did the forty yard line in the centre.
You know it is pushing amnesty, citizenship, All the illegal aliens in the country, twenty said, cut for MR producer go, but I so I believe in it as an overall as an american who to see our country be stronger. Cause immigrants make us stronger now more than ever, now more than ever were sure of workers. We have population, that is not Producing it on it's own, I was short and people who want to work, we're not short of workers or seven million people sitting on their asses because of your policies. Clown and Biden subsidizing them sitting on their asses, Why go ahead? You still
The only way we're going to have a great future in america is if we welcome and embrace immigrants the dreamers and all of them, because our ultimate goal is to help the dreamers but get a path to citizenship for all eleven million or, however many undocumented. There are saying I don't know how many are eleven million may be a one hundred and nine whatever we want to give them off citizenship keep a money doesn't want to secure the border either. Does sound like he wants to meet in the centre at the forty yard line now this is a leader he's a leader, a leader of marxism, but that is a leader. Mcconnell satellite, like Barbara, where I want to, It afforded our blog how about we meet at the border and secure it. You idiot. And he s all those people trumpeting his amazing qualifications. Qualifications. Caesar.
he's a sack of pisa he's a sell out. Cause you're right wing mark, not right wing At six minutes to reduce or go if we get ten republicans to join us. We will get this done by the end of the year. It's a smart. to do. It's the right thing to do it's the moral to do it's the? U mainstreaming to do when I want to assure everyone here we will not stop fighting till we get a fix for dhaka upset. Way to citizenship for dreamers and a pathway to citizenship for all on document, you notice they keep raising, thereby was dark and not everybody, ladies and gentlemen, are not just amnesty citizenship. which we knew he always wanted. I've been telling you that for twenty years sitting right here in this chair and what is the republican response? There is none.
Cars are great leader mitch, Mcconnell. Is slow on his feet. And marble mouth. and he doesn't even agree with us- how might we got our infrastructure infrastructure, bob bob, I may lay it on the forty outlined in our without had come to the show here he is comprehension of what we're up against here? These marxist forces and movements he's a moron. dressed up as a genius he's a moron. And thirty. Seven republicans voted to stand his leadership as they call it And come january he will be the longest serving republican leader American history. Well, that's shore worth at it. You shows you they talk about the kid
leave candidate. Try one hour my turn. Let's talk about the quality of our senators, mcdonald's team. It sucks they're, not even average, they ve gotten. Testosterone, even the women, they have no hormones The men and women in the river Applicants Senate are pathetic, cowards, They talk about a country club. It really is a country club. They have no, An action look at you, folks, calling you said: the border, the economy, inflation, big tech. When there's an arm long the things that need to be addressed. Saying we will win but fight What schumacher said we gotta get And republicans, and not gonna, give up, I'm not I gave up, he says until we give citizenship to every illegal immigrant every
well, immigrant, a great in five million more illegal immigrants, their stuck on eleven million number for the last thirty years. That's not what the council says. I was on a ship going, we can make we weren't completely and that's it. no leadership On policy, not only unification stands or like it's a funeral every time with the with the five biggest dumbest look and white guy stand at around, and we ve noticed that MR producer. but sorrow soon, but corn in the other jerk Just as retiring from Azora can remember his name. There standing there? mom under her yea and yet what yeah? What
and then, when you question about trump trump trump, we would have won over by barbara airport, where, where we're from we're kronberg and trump But it's more than truck came across an article that was leaked to mediate august. Coming from the mid mockery of corner, Mitch doesn't like being called out. For his failures, I've been called out for its failures. so, did I hit on the santa centre. Coming from a republican and what's the hit on well. We see the me pull this up for you. I just I just sent this up here. is it said, media and you know when there's leaks to these enterprises. You know it's sort of the classic which macao leak and me of course, his filler reprobates morons. Why did the gene
p. Let rhonda santas and risks cannibalize, the tea party, twenty twenty two funds to prop up there? twenty twenty four ambitions. This is Sarah you remember her she's, a phoney fraud in it reprobate. He just put this out with it Publicans red wave, failing to materialise in the mid term elections and no shortage of finger, pointing going on as ambitious republican, seek to absolve themselves have fallen, elbow the rivals out of the way one. question that should be asked is: why did the republicans allow florida, governor, rhonda, santas and senator rick Scott cannibalize, the parties resources now where, with this come from which to produce. You think so rump smart have to look into this. Sir said enough: the media are stupid. Now their left wing, but stupid southern hand said this stuff so guys, like stephen law, Who has his head so far up mcdonald s that that's his career,
his career, is walking around with account with his head possess. The scientists, his re election campaign against former republican governor and independent you have ever Charlie Chris, was predicted to be a About by virtually all political observers from the beginning, there are a few brief moments of wondering. If this supreme court dobbs decision might boost democratic turn out, are the venezuela migrants descent flew to grab. But he was going to wind. Don't you know and when president Joe Biden praise the decisive ministries administration's response to hurricane any and in early- october was viewed as the final nail in the coffin for Chris hopes for victory. Doesn't sound like this was spoon fed to her mister producer? Twenty two race for florida governors officially over was the blonde assessment by far to politics, publisher, peter scores, but
nationally. Multiples of key races proved to be an accurate by overestimating republican support, but in the florida race they earned by your stating votes for dissenters. So what happened. The financial disparity between two candidates was even larger than their vote totals to santa collected and astonishing mass of jest. A war. Chest five by small dollar donations from supporters across the country, and was that Fundraiser nationally have or google eternal candidates code into the town, but they times what so. Here you go quota to the most recent campaign: finance reports on the florida division of elections to scientists, campaign took over twenty eight million monetary donations, his pack Add two hundred nine million fund raising looks laughably anemic in comparison with eighteen million for his campaign and As for our charlie, Chris pack,
So her question is, with here you go. Here's they hit with sir many competitive races across the eu, as you might assume the three public and governors associate tests with helping elected, reelect gub the republican governors we're not to spend money much money in florida this year? You might assume that if the archie I did donated sent- as I certainly would have made it a priority race- Assumptions are the reasonable would be wrong and they a screen shot of the republican governor association donations to their friends of de saint. Just pack. twenty million nine hundred and fifty thousand so less Ten percent of what he raised just now, In the first six months, she breaks down twenty one million they burned in the sunshine state could have saved struggling to Pandora candidates like dogma, Austria? Now he could have been saved carry Late carry like when he would come on this programme.
Like did not launch her first tv out of the general, like the preliminary Zono, wasn't that she didn't she didn't have money course. masters in money. That was the problem there. Turning this And then she slams scott. so she slams two scientists. And she slams scott. and who doesn't she slam, mr produce Mcconnell for the way they blew so much of their money. So here you have Sarah rub a mouthpiece. A mouthpiece for Mcconnell, a mouthpiece for rove, mouthpiece for law, mouthpiece for all the losers are the losers. Neither attacking the scientists This is what I have warned you about. They want blood fight between trumpet, scientists.
And also Mcconnell doesn't want to set. Neither does rove either does Sky, stephen law, why kington does not want to scientists or tromp. They didn't want reagan. They do not want a conservative who is serious about, slashing the size of government. Reining in the spending they don't want, it. I'll be right. Back then, rights
immigration, foreign policy, marriage? These subjects are a big part of the political dialogue. Today we talk about them, often on my show they're at the heart of so many campaigns this election. But what did our founding fathers say about these issues? We've moved so far from the founders, understanding, a government that you'll be surprised by their answers and my favorite college hillsdale college as the best way to learn about the founders deep and wise insights into human nature. Today you can join hillsdale professors, Thomas wes and David AZUR, at as they explore the thoughts and ideas of america's founders and hillsdale his newest free online course. The real american founding a conversation. So don't wait. Folks watch the trailer video of the real american founding a conversation. It's a killer and sign up for this new, completely free online course and Levin free hillsdale, dot com, that's eli, vn, pray, hillsdale, dot, com, completely free online and Levin free hillsdale, dot com, that's eli, vn prey, hillsdale dot com, the last fifty minutes. I just showed you why the republicans are losers.
I just showed you why Why are so called media are losers to cause are out there regurgitating with miss malleson Gonna have to ignore our so called media, listen to me and other people who are free thinkers who are independent thinkers who just thinkers. I just showed you in the last fifty minutes why the republicans are losers and one of the great obstacles, to defending and supporting liberty in this country. Do you not wish that we had a leader in the senate with this Teach ict skills with but he d come live with the ability to spin words, but around pointless battle attitude the tumor has for us, it works for them. But, alas, we think we need a wet blanket. None of us voted for my com.
Almost none of us support in mecca. we have no say in none whatsoever. Thirty seven republican centres and we're not even allowed to know who they are we're not even allowed to know they are The return this nitwit too, his quote leadership posts. And meanwhile is putting out leaks. Attacking this It is attacking trump these pretending to be above the fray. And you got swabs like Chris Christie, you actually thinks he's relevant you're, so You're not relevant and then this guy larry hogan. double june. Has a chin, the guy's got a triple train gone on their. He thinks he's presidential. Madeira is an area they do further states. What did I do. I got a new jersey, every every thanksgiving, I actually love new jersey
it's the government there that I hate. But they ve great restaurants, like I grew up with delhi's beg play. You know that sort of thing or what chris They do anything lasting our profound now. Number one they caught him on the on the beach mr brittan producer, like a well with his family, the whole beaches empty. The big sperm whale right there on the beach- I don't know he's doing sunning himself. I remember you remember that only a man of the people which people. Larry hogan? I remember larry organs father now there was a The old man certainly didn't rub off on why I can tell you that. larry senior, then, if where's, the tv paiva congo line of trumpeters after his speech last night. Oh yeah
Ronald former employees failed third, she got What's this guy, mulvaney what Care of MC mulvaney has to say. a mental midget, oh and then we have who else this spur the former sectarian, Fancy was there about three minutes, I really hate on. There are buddy, my pants is all over tv, trashing crop, let's Who forward and let's first talk about january six again I'll be right back the tears the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk, pure talk, offers great coverage save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan, that's right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank
so much for this sponsorship. Pure talk he's here now: broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the hero america mark levin, to hear our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one another footnote this was from the courier journal at a kentucky, July. Seventeen, twenty nineteen. when miss mc colonel ran for reelection the title: is by tom loftus? St firms not kentucky ends are leading mitch. Mcconnell campaign donations, frankfurt,
Turkey, boosted by big bundles of wall street contribution, sent a majority leader Mitch Mcconnell reelection committee, can more than three million dollars during the recent quarter that ended in june thirty biggest blocks Contributions during the period came from two global financial service firms- pay. to new york, twenty nine People were blackstone group may contributions totalling ninety five thousand fourteen executives, R K, K are and company Are listed as giving a combined fifty one thousand the report viable, Monday, this is three years ago with the fair. Election commission illustrates Mcconnell's continuing ability to draw big contributions from business interests across the country. Only about nine percent of the items contributions listed in his recent report come from kentucky donors. According to an analysis by the washed and base centre for response of politics, that analysis said: Mcconnell got more money during the quarter from new york in texas.
What do they do that america. Not a kind pay mandatory cabin golden shot back. Any liberal name in the phone book will raise millions from hollywood radical see this they do. But that's not the point What they do on the left? The point Mcconnell does not represent the people of Kentucky. He doesn't represented. People of the united states. He's got his deals: got his deals. and this is what it is: he's use the rules and washed and easy. I read to you the other day, what biographer set about that here This for one reason to raise money and run his reelections. That's what they do. So why
black stone and k k our we're, not the only new york investment firms to help Mcconnell during the period that your journals. Review of the Mcconnell report shows that executives of apollo global management and there spouses gave thirty seven thousand during that year. A quarter golden tree asset management. They don't it twenty nine thousand Where's of donors gave the maximum fifty six hundred contribution. They include guy Mcnabb the pay day lender from cookeville tennessee Let's see Peter cores J Davis, chairman of new balance from bright massachusetts- and it goes up, goes on. and so he ran and twenty twenty. And so the vast majority of his money was raised, from wealthy donors.
Hedge funds and financial institutions in new york and so forth, and so on. And that's: we listened to and they go to him. and they say look. We don't win one always conservative free market crap we don't worry. We need as many illegal immigrants as we get the hell into this country now's the time the borders open. I want to make their sharma. In other words, the same donors from war st who back shimmer back Mcconnell. Let me repeat that, So his surrogates in the media can hear this. the same. Lost readers who back Schumer back Mcconnell folks,. That's the bottom line, it's unbelievable!
I'm one guy, I do this myself right! Mister rivers. Are we look at this? I look at this. We got these news organizations with with billions of dollars. They don't care they're, not going to look at him at all. Did you see Disanto said the republican governors association gave him twenty million dollars to run his campaign. and then they trash scott, the national republican senatorial committee and the only one not touched as ms mckenna. Because he has sleaze balls working for him like steve law, They have a great relief hey. I got something what's that. You wanted to a hidden to say at this shore. came from me, put it under your own byline. Ok,. And, of course, we hate weak scott because he dared to challenge me come on nobody challenges. While we are, we don't like me. Let's take him down to ok,
At a tougher to four. So the elections over a pretty much. Carlos now the leader of the republicans in the senate. And what do you see leading them to do anybody know no. but don't worry over there at the wall street journal. They got their man, to tell you why, because like wall street wall street and I have the same thing in common nano everybody in wall street. You understand, but wall street. In the end, the marxist billy run out of the same thing in common they that debt ceiling raised I want the brakes put on the spending. And so the wall street journal editorial page is infamous. for lying about the dead soon to try such about the full.
faith in credit clause that doesn't even apply to the debt, but though keeps it pull apart the bedroom, where do the full power plant one plant saw the deal with that, as I do every couple of years and explain why doesn't apply? Why we're not going to lose credit, and while what they're trying to really do is raised, the debt limit for future spending not to pay off existing bills gets complex. did they know it? Does that's why they know that able to bamboozle all the idiots out there. They have done, currently the republicans if they wish- tomorrow, there'll other no democracy, oh I'd, say then mega fascists the semi fascist? Oh my god,. In our response. We were to meet him at a forty yard line there not to Biden that, or you mean the kidney.
The republicans lose because they deserve to lose you I do everything we can to help that we do everything we can to set them straight. We do we think we can challenge than we do everything we can with our money with our vote. They are they have a lower. I q than the Democrats, such be honest. Let's be honest, I mean They have absolutely nothing for the american people to rally behind right now, they're not going to push back on the tyranny. I think the house will know Instances. I've ever the number of messages from them in the conservatives there, their phone, pretty good, we'll say, I'm no special later for them either, but this It is our biggest problem. The senate is our biggest problem. So what do they do here?
This is how words, let me see if I can sum this up in a few minutes. applicants are incompetent, etc. Voting systems. Twenty years ago there was no fifty day early voting. Five years ago. There were no drop boxes. Was no curing, there was no harvesting this was all given birth out of california. A one party, fascistic state. and then other democratic governors pick it up. Other democrat legislatures pick it up. They put it in place, the republican aren't even paying attention. And you get republican legislatures in democratic governors, so the democratic governors defend what they have in cancun changed in places you have republican legislatures republican governors who don't damn thing
some places you have republican governors like you had Christie or you had hogan in democratic states, and of course they just want. The popular, so they just go on tv all the time the democratic party, has fundamentally changed the voting system without passing hr. One off These that we consider failures that are in place were put in place by them, the drop axis early voting for any body. No signature requirement, no date requirement Curing ballots, harvesting, ballots, guys of lost from all of us. our people have lost from all of this. that's why they keep winning saunders something it's not actually. In my view, fraud per se, although it might be its
the two shores- fraud, republicans but would stand for this in the past ever all the protections either in the voting system have been removed and here's the getter you're not allowed to talk about your election deny they deny the two thousand election they denied the two thousand for election. I've played it tom. on the face. They denied the twenty sixteen election thereupon to deny the twenty twenty like ordered, mailboxes outer member Allah and now worth election deniers, they ve got, I figured out they choose their systems they break their systems they enhance the democrat party voters and voting, and don't you dare even talk about right along exit, because all sixty fbi and the department of this again to remember that Jim crow?
he's very evil people who know exactly what they are doing and they will. Where do you want to do? There may well be an amount of forty lala. You idiot. I'll, be right back then There is literally no reason to pave arise in eighteen, eighty or t mobile over eighty dollars a month for wireless when you can get the same service on the same network at pure talk for a half the price. Yep talk text and blazing fast data. Just thirty bucks,
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I want to welcome Julie Kelly to their programme. Writing an american greatness. The should be pure surprise winning author, but we don't have that really any more in any serious manner you have written a book, Feds had informants and provides an oath keepers virgin forever yeah january six. your times actually pick upon this. Has have other publications tell us why this is important, well it's important because it confirms what you have. Me cover for the past two years, and that is the end side job. That january six was
The very in depth, instrumental role that agencies such as the f b, I very likely played in the so called insurrection, but the fact that the new york times ellen fear and Adam gold men have covered this and last week reported on the top fbi. Informant, who was the vice president of the other they'll probably should put the oak keepers. I think mark you're starting to key to the overall narrative, a J of january six starting to sort of peel away and when it is confirmed by places like the new york times, you kind of sense that things are shifting a bit. And when we had the new york times activity, we had the fbi involved in the whittemore such work, entrapping. A number of these people You have the fbi involved on January six. You have Chris fahrway specifically asked about any body at january six at the capital building. He refuse
who's to, say: How generous six twenty twenty one is almost what is it two years away. Why can he answer that question? I? What is it that, in other words there now texting sources and all the rest of it. Now there covering their own ass hard, they absolutely Their covering their agency and I'll tell you that exchange yesterday between representative higgins and christopher re, when Higgins directly asked him twice, not just where there you know, fbi informants who looked like trumps supporters, were they planted inside the building or for the doors were opened, For the building was allegedly breached now mark batch, no brainer right, that's and eat that has nothing to receive. You can find that clip we play. Yesterday real look for their clip now go ahead. I'm sorry
it's nothing to do with any ongoing investigation. If that's an imaginary thing that is popping around representative Higgins's had by my suspicion, mark is that he has seen some sort of serbia Whence video or video that that the gas or confirms that there were assets in the building dress, like trump supporters, people who were on the ground that day people I've spoken with, have said that they saw p But who are not on our side, who dressed like a trump people to instigate the violence that day A re could very easily said no, but he did it and you know who cut him off any thompson. the irony of that whole exchanged the head of the january fixed committee he caught off again and that's where lay the clip and then I'll have you come and after go ahead, it did the fbi of confidential human resources embedded within
the january six protestors, on january, sixteen twenty twenty one as I am sure you can appreciate, I had to be very careful about what I can say about when even louder, because that would not all this out of your mouth image when we do and do not where we haven't have not used confidential him sources, but and that there is a suggestion, for example, that the If the eyes confidential human sources or f b, I employees in some way instigated orchestrated january six. That is categorically false. Did you have confidential human sources dress as trump supporters inside the capitol on January six, to the doors been opened Again I had to be very careful. Should we know, can you tell the american people know we did not have confidential human resources dress as travel.
Borders position inside the capital germany has x. You should not read anything into my in discharging mozart to share and from iraq to re, financially. Aromas term has expired. Why benny hill tops I call on benny held thompson, he cut them both off and he didn't one right answer that question The committee has shown any interest in January six committee. I should say in If this information now isis this generally six committee knows: fbi informants were in the outcome. we were in the proud boys and elsewhere, but there bring it up, aren't they absolutely are mark and look like the other reporting that came up the past few weeks is that the final report will not draft anything related to law enforcement or intelligence failures. on January six, there is a team it was signed. Need to investigate what law enforcement knew, what in hell
this agency new and did not a long or they just failed. That's going to be stripped out of this report you know from the january six committee performances addressed anything related to capital. Please DC metro police fbi. What they knew knew. Why did they not act? fleetly mammary hold the pipe story. For example, it's not even here mark if this committee, Were interviewed Christopher right? or any top official at the f b. I this is enough Another cover up effort, just like the mahler probe with to cover appreciate this january ethics committee, is only to go after Donald trump number, one and number two the cover up the inside you that was january, six led by very likely this, the fbi, her way mirroring what happened in the whittemore fed napping hopes, because of course it was all happening at the same time and this guy ups,
This guy apsley still still hanging out. There is ordinary video waving people in organizing them telling what the do yes or no has he been charged with anything they are not I can you hold on for one more part of a segment with me truly hat, and I would appreciate Julie, Kelly Feds had informants and provides an oath keepers for J six and we want to know what else they did I'll be right back. There is literally no reason to pave arise in eighteen, eighty or t mobile over eighty dollars a month for wireless when you can get the same service on the same network at pure talk for a half the price yep talk text and blaze, fast data, just thirty,
Fuck some months, those are the guys who are making you pay for thousands of retail stores. You don't go into perks, you don't use and massive profits to keep their shareholders happy. You know who pure talk wants to keep happy their customer. You that's why they've invested in a us based customer service team. It's why they give you more data options than unlimited, because they won't charge you for data. You don't need. I switched to pure talk because I like supporting a company owned by a us veteran. I like supporting a company who supports me and my values, and I invite you to switched to pure talk to their. My guys switched a pure talk in less than ten minutes. Gonna pure talk, dot com,
Promo code, Levin podcasts, that's l, E v, I n podcast, does say fifty percent off your first month again pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast mark Levin, radios, principle of the patriot, color, no hm and seventy three eight one, three eight one one. We have Julie kelly with us, the mark Levin the journalist of the decade, and we have this piece. She wrote about the proud boys and the oath keepers and at the fbi had informants high level informants, recording and giving them information couple quick questions here: drilling kelly have recordings and if they believe that something violent was going to occur, they do anything about right one of the million dollar question: why didn't they? If they had all of these informants deployed? Not just you know a few days, before january six months before what we're
telling their fb. I handlers and how will we get that information in terms of the boys, there's five hundred plus pages of red dac did documents, beat hailing the informant operation into the prow boys? Well, let's see what it says: let's see what informants were doing where they play, collecting information and giving it to the fbi, or were they doing what the informants were doing in the Whittemore case, which creating encrypted chats loring me People and to you know, field exercise. The this surveillance trip, telling them what to do on January sex with a leading the so called in action where they collecting information. What are they doing that's what we don't know did they Tell the metropolitan police they tell the department of defense. Did they do it And you know what's interesting: is they create a narrative, the fbi? The Democrats it's the never trump ers
but also in the media and yours suggest except the narrative and they do repeated and pounded impounded and repeated, and yes They can we see the transcript now we have our processes here over the appear, so you can have actually have oversight of the fbi now thanks this one You are correct me if I'm wrong doing it by memory. I thought the fbi field office in norfolk wrote a memo. Two main fbi in washington or maybe even to re, alerting to some thing. They heard from the unwise p d and others about possible violence and re said he had read it on by January six, my right about that There was some nemo out of norfolk about online chatter that seem to suggest that violence would take place. Sunday We re sex. I know that but have related to anti fine, be alarmed because, as you know, mark these were the same group attacking people through out twenty two
in Washington dc at november and December rallies confronting tormenting physically attacking trump supporters. Porters, though, could it be that we have never been released. Yet there they have released that memo and crisper re when asked about it afterwards, even by Democrats said well, we got it, but we couldn't substantiate it in a way Really sure we need an assurance in air ass if he had informants in these other groups and perhaps elsewhere anyhow, that member of where's. He could substantiate enough to put her to right to set up a read this. A flare right. If they really thought something, violet was going to happen Get the or complete disconnects here or if he knew there was no violence except or the informants and other paid agitators who were in the crowd throughout the day
and in the afternoon, and now what Preventative Higgins says suggest were in Building, probably opening doors and acting as if they burst through the doors, but they were already there, which some of the video really does look suspicious, like howard, people already in the building when it hadn't even been breached, but we're seeing video from two twenty two twenty five ten minutes. The first window allegedly was broken. There are, at the timeline doesn't add up. The video doesn't add up, of course, mark. As you know, we can't see the secret surveillance video it also kept that under wraps who so, let's hope, let's pray, keep her fingers crossed. Republicans take the house today. Well do what needs to be done while you even have some of these newbies like this guy from new york. I just think his name is santos. No, no! No! No! No! We gotta work on inflation. I'm gone How about you work on corruption to your congressmen?
your big boy, you can do both It would be outrageous that they can't sit this. They can work on inflation. Of course you ve got all these men. Both committees and multi, multiple subcommittees. You got a virtue, hundred members of the house and the republican side in a job pollux, Jested, something- and I agree with them- leave the january six committee, but then further, of course, fire everybody hold all Information that they ve collected, so they haven't collected and expose that to the american people and then use the powers that have been amassed by that committee? Use Legal precedents is many of them are horrible, but still that in created by that committee. A gap Information from Nancy Pelosi from step be higher and, yes, Mitch. My com, and all the rest of them subpoenas with the fbi and so forth? That thing, has been militarized, it is sitting there. Don't close. You agree with me.
Oh, I do. I have said this for months to do not shut down the january six moment with you figure it an redirect that that fire at the people who deserve it and it starts with christopher ray and the fbi Us attorney's office I'd like to know what this graves has to say for himself. I like to know what the attorney general all of them. all around a radical, his wife is a radical. These are democrat operatives, imposition positions, ban, mark sad for the path. Almost two years or so Eighteen months, the american people are not ready to fully grass, but what our government did you org creepy about some january effect. They really are. This will make russia gate look like a kindergarten play and the fact that no with ever punished held responsible for russia gate
added to what we saw on January six and it will be mind blowing, and I think that's a big reason why a lot of republicans don't want to touch it, because once they come face to face with it, they are going to have to act, and I think that they would just allow mom would rather sweep it under the rug and move on Part of the problem with having Mitch Mcconnell running the republicans in the senate. He doesn't want to look and he could care less. My right about that. Then on it. mitch. Macao was then added. His surgeon at arms worked with Nancy Pelosi sergeant at arms to deny repeated requests for national guardsman mitch. Mcconnell worked harder than anyone to shut now what was happening on january fixed, and that was the demand for ten day election on it. He said, if that went forward, it would destroy the country he urged report and not to move forward with it. He was giving a speech urging the Republicans twelve fourteen of them. We find out what
Members to move forward with varying the claims of election fraud and this audit he want iD january things to happen, and later that, may I can agree with the rapporteur. I would hope that we are able to hobble colonna. I don't think they wanted violence to happen. On january six, to you in some of the vile allotted violence came from the police. That's true, but they wanted. What what I I I scribe the idea that they wanted violence. Did they want a block Challenges yes, and the f b. I want to collect information. It's clearly yes, and it seems to me from my perspective only that if they thought there are people who are going to be violent. They didn't act on it. and I dont know how the fbi in Washington DC, on the one hand, has informants- out in the field and then, on the other hand, gets a memo and says I can verify this one.
Firstly, can verify everything now. and they also had. According to news, we at five hundred plus special elite fbi forces at quantico, the weekend before january, six under direction of Jaffrey rose in the acting it general at the time we They'll have no details about what those special forces were doing why they were deployed to the city early that morning how they worked. How would they were dressed, what they did Most sounds like one of them had ever. No, it says I nothing special was done to protect their building, which is your point of mine. I think nothing and right now all it goes on and then, after the fact it would be nice if we could get all the information and they say don't draw any conclusions were well supposed to draw the conclusions that the democratic party wants us to draw the media and the fbi. That's how they work. This. Waiting our. I truly at the money tat talk about all the info
he had back in march of twenty twenty one where we differ, it now. There's a reason. My say that again, why didn't kristen ray in march of twenty twenty one when he passed by? Why didn't he tell the senate? Yes, we had numerous informants. We were trying to collect information. We didn't habit. Why are we just reporting it now more than two years, nearly two years later, that so true. because he is he's covering up. He won't talk. Congress. A three hour. I my friend pressure, your car have a great your car pressure. You're, taking our request and have a wonderful thanksgiving. Always you to mark thinks everything our I'd take care some believable. I'll be right back. Then
There is literally no reason to pay verizon in eighteen, eighty or t mobile over eighty dollars a month for wireless when you can get the same service on the same network, a pure talk for a half the price, yep talk text and blaze, fast data, just thirty, some of those other guys are making you pay for thousands of retail stores. You don't go into perks. You dont use a massive profits to keep their shareholders happy. You know who pure talk wants to keep happy their customer. You that's why they ve invested in a? U S, pace customer service team. It's why they give you more data options and unlimited, because they won't charge you for data, you don't need. I switched to pure talk because I like supporting a company owned by a. U s veteran I like supporting accompanies supports me and my values, and I invite you to switch to pure talk to their. My guys switched a pure talk in less than ten minutes. Good of pure talk, dot, com,
A promo code, levine podcast, that's easy iron podcast, does say fifty percent of your first month again pure talk, dot com and then a promo code. Le then podcast statement by president Joe Biden on the vote in the senate today to cut a same sex, marriage lovers, love and american should have the right to marry the person they love. Today's, I partisan vote, brings the: u s senate one step closer to acting that right in law. That right is protected and its Supreme court decision, the respect marriage act will ensure that energy, bt q, I plus couples and interracial couples- are respected in print I could equally under federal law, interracial couples have nothing to fear, This is what I mean we wanted these guys. When forty line.
The loving decision was issued. Why was it more than half a century ago into racial couples. Oh you mean like clarence and ginni thomas who are under constant attack. By the lily white leftists those people. I want to thank the members of congress whose leadership so in any event, this is the republicans, did nothing. This is nothing this is all intended to do. To address emotions, mostly the democratic base. We go. real problems, gone on in this country, And this love is loved stuff, Joe Biden, you believe. Abortion on demand? You don't believe in love, believing killing babies. And this is what I mean about the mouth broken republican the response should be used, support abortion at birth- that is infanticide
everyone you damn democrats up here, do you all do. So we're going to introduce an amendment to this to prevent that Now, let's see lovers, love, let's have one of those statements from drove by love is love what is he a hippie or something Sometimes I wonder. What's the point really, I do miss weathers. What's the point cnn MSNBC. even some of my dear friends, on our favorite network. They bring these never trappers on in these bush people on, if the trump beach to track the trash trop ivy receiving, like that. Do they bring People on who are no the hate, Joe Biden after he give some. While he gave a presidential campaign speak
do you think we're and it's all predictable cha predict predicted? and any in the criticisms have been really quite interesting. My he seemed kind of down he's been talking about the past campaign over and over and over again, and then, remarkably, you didn't say anything about a what's it all about he's a victim. He shouted like affected. We To move forward the kids I'm talking about january session. We To move forward and donald Rob announced for his presidency after His candidates lost all those seats. And how do they cover Mcconnell Mcconnell, crushed sky, his opponent there. Scott spending, to see exactly what into my shop marshall, burn is behind this. Mr Medusa, did you see that. Marshall, blackburn.
Is behind wanting to audit the nash? Republican senatorial committee under rick, Scott they've, never done that before but they want to do it now, Does Mcconnell wants them to do it. Because this is the way he plays bar. Off the rate are in the dark, behind the scenes where people can see him. But. I've got a flashlight. I see you over there mickey I see you over there. But I am really disappointed and mount marcia blackburn. I really am. while we need to know how the money was spent because We should have one this election and they ran a really. are you confused about how the money was spent. But the Senate leadership fund that raised even more money. concern about how that money was spent to take out bull dog in the primary or what held from her from it.
Link candidate masters in arizona or used to trash one of our Look conservatives in alaska in order to prop up mc caskey, armature audit that marcia. I'm not buying this. You know we have a lot schizophrenia republicans in the senate. They too tough about conservatism, eradicate correct, yes and then vote from a com. I don't think you're buying that anymore. And I would ask Mitch Mcconnell and the media: let's get a list of how the vote broke down. Who are the thirty seven who are the ten and who's the one that voted the end? We shall move on I'll, be right back the. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to ask you a question: did you withdrawing your cash from the bank can be very risky. That's her, Banks are now required to spy on us for the government and the report Any behaviour they think is suspicious. It's true- and I
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now, broadcasting on roaming underground demand, both in the bows or they even bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, mac and mark living here. Our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one thing: I one one new england, new Hampshire, I feel sorry for those In new england who are conservatives. Release. Don't vote democrat. I feel sorry for you. because your fellow citizens up there are insane and they are voting
and have voted for a parting administration that is going to unleash a lot of pain. And poverty on new people Underscore this week John earlier, but now there's more information from our friends it. What what's up with that double? Eighty two: yes, it's a great site. winter warning to bind administration new england, energy shortages ahead by or bradley junior. Natural gas shortages and reliability concerns unknowingly, nor neither short term nor unanticipated. I guess so. New england and the federal energy regulatory commission have, for many months called attention to the very real reliability issues at all we need to face the region in the coming winter months due to insufficient supply of natural gas,
on power plants generated an estimated four point: one eight million metric tonnes of co2 in general, twenty twenty two of from two point: seven, seven metric tons. with the regions heavier reliance on oil accounting for most of the difference, words cousin. I getting enough natural gas intervention, creates emergencies and shortages, unlike self interested transactions, went on a true free market. This was a century ago, were one planning and it remains true. Today Nineteen seventies, oil and gas shortages should have taught politicians that price and allocation controls do not work infrastructure Structures and can cause price pikes and physical shortages to as domain and outrageous supply a decade natural gas obstruction in new england has resulted in El Angie over reliance price inflation on the one hand, and relatively dirty fuel substitution on the other. That is,
oh for natural gas, why worst of all world wide, The greens want to push home of business electrification by making for gas artificially scares artificially scarce and artificially expensive But winded solar or not the answer where citizens are vetoing their machinery, meant the enemy the into captaincy, dooms, reliable service, consumer pain ahead. So this letter from the interstate natural gas association president and ceo amy and razzaq to president Biden. Just last week should concern everybody here, some excerpts. please this is important. I am writing to further underscore the concerns about the new england regions, growing uneasiness about electric reliability and corresponding I spike storing cold winter months now, these people are involved in
providing the energy. In representing the people who do, and they are jumping up and down their banging the pots and pans they have been doing it month after month after month, Nobody is listening to them. Instead, if Congress today in the senate voting to codified same sex marriage like that's an issue. and twelve republicans in the senate. That's their priority. You want to get married in this country in your gay, go for it. The law of the land because this supreme court said so: what's this a vacation stuff, it's a vote for political purposes, she writes, I encourage your administration that bind to pursue a long term solution that addresses the root cause.
The region's long standing electric reliability prompts a lack of adequate natural gas infrastructure, rather than Focus on the short term, emergency solutions there were neither intended nor designed to address systemic issues like those that are in new england. new england will need natural gas to meet its power needs both this winter and in the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, there is insufficient infrastructure connecting knowing went to domestic natural gas supplies khazars having all the pipelines and re an attempt to expand existing for infrastructure. quest of local utilities and other energy users, users, Been sward it by miss policies and vocal opponents to new infrastructure, development, We know and is facing a perilous winter season because it,
stifling of no infrastructure development over the past decade. The desire to act now is compelling emerge, she powers are: A long term solution to this problem, executive See powers are meant to address short term on anti said painted scarcity. Well, this is And scarcity by the radical When commie green Women types and their there, colleagues in the binary administration natural gas shortages reliably concerns. and knowing, when our neither short term, nor on anticipated. Gordon van willie presidency. Oh I m so knowing when wrote a sector of energy, jennifer grand home over the side of the door in the coldest days of the year, knowing when does not have sufficient pipeline infrastructure to meet them, just demand for natural gas. Now what trop, What fine will do is attack big oil.
While little oil is here and there saying we need to let let us build our pipelines. knowing ons reliance on imported energy is not sustainable natural gas the consequences of our over alliance, can be avoided with additional natural gas pipeline infrastructure. The solution is especially compelling considering the region's proximity, to the marcella shall production area, one of the most prolific natural gas supply, but basins in the world. Despite those key policy makers and officials in the region. have been unwilling to accept the role that natural gas plays will continue to play in new england energy mix and is Them to block the development of clearly needed new natural gas infrastructure put simply natural-
as in its related infrastructure, are a necessary part of any lasting solution, a delivery, clean, affordable, reliable energy, rowing and homes and businesses. Now you remember, The big push was for natural gas write it clean we don't want call. We want clean natural gas. Now it's no fossil fuels, none doesn't matter. Oakley none You would think- and I told you this weeks ago- you would think that, knowing what would be the most conservative part of the country. Even the winters there which are Leave a black: and all the snow. You would think, but it's there opposite? It's the damnedest thing, the dampness thing so there
the same democrats over and over again to congress. They vote for Joe For president, Hung about those of you who don't obviously I'm talking about the majority who do. It's just incredible. What suckers People are on the left, I back, then charles pain, is a busy man. I've seen him everywhere. I think there's two of them actually hand than has been kind enough to come on the programme trust I dont understand this empty ex stuff. I know it's a big sub But can you explain it in plain english to me sure I'll, try Crypto currencies
Men become very popular in the last four or five years, specifically in the last two or three bitcoin is the one that's known, but there too. Thousand of them, maybe more they just you can create one. You can have the market, then crypto currency tomorrow, if you like, realized olympic yeah yeah, I didn't use agree, I think about it, and so then the coins in some people use them as investments amusement. How of that they trade, and so experts in exchange that was created for people to trade to equip their currencies. It's no big deal, particularly for young investors. Millennials about What about the scenario and institutions are started by the quality of social equality stuff like that, going in a serious blow to the top to toe
the actual design and an exchange you go there. You open up an account just like a brokerage account, but instead a trading stocks. You try krypton sounds pretty good until you start to look into what was actually going on, or at least what's being alleged the guy who Does the gathering sand bank men freed my mind. Looking at the structure, this company from the very beginning, to see people without the still out to hurt and that's exactly what he did. They created their own coins, the promotional Tom in an monetizing them by shipping. A mark two heads one that he controlled in on it it's going to books marking amounted to having a valued misguided, almost four billion dollars. Should you making it ended, yeah yeah boy in that in denmark they ran into trouble with their heads gone. So they
tighten the money out of the exchange from people's accounts, the number. I bread is as high as ten billion dollars. So what did he do with this money? He became the number two down into the democratic party to present a binds re election on it. Or sorrow to establish billionaire refer long time don't even more money, he poured a lot of money into the mid term elections. He bowed that have trouble War to run for reelection, he report billion dollars into the democratic party, one billion dollars. So instead is up in smoke. Now coming out finger, pointing Greatest hope is that we really truly, I get to the bottom of it, and these find a way to make sure this never happens again. We'll Charles here's. The thing to me.
you ve got federal regulators all over the place. We want to hire. Eighty seven thousand more up. Iris agents to chase down, hardworking, regular americans Then you gotta high flying guys. Thirty years old is a multi billion air he's not exactly hiding under his desk. Spends lavishly. He donates, as you point out, some forty million dollars to the democratic party where the hell is the c c, where the fbi, the department of I they don't see. Any of this. It's maddening it's maddening and it's not like it was hard. You know, as I've been digging deeper into this the last week and a half people been talking about this any open on social media. I seem tweets from a year ago saying Does not add up people who were in the crypto industry does not add up something is wrong. Warning other folks, Take your money off that platform now. so this has been out there. It's not even a secret. It's been out there.
And the regulators have been absent. The agency has been absent, you know. Here's the interesting enhancement, tijuana cartel dc crashing Frida grimm n t c crafting legislation. He was trying to put together a legislation that would actually give his company advantages over every other company, I'm telling you this is he bought dec. by the way he comes from a well the deuce, barely above those parents, are professors is that one of the foremost tax experts out there, so he leaned out common knew. How to put these things together But it's very interesting to me. The Democrats don't seem really angry about this here they are, you getting things done that they want to rush through, but they only want a hearing on. This the s he the failures there. The other regulatory authorities had her out there. You have it
heck that monitors their own platforms, but apparently didn't care about this, and I look at this and I say to myself with this I buying action from the democratic party cause. The Democrats are much more aggressive in their investigations and republicans right that is perhaps less possible impact I had. I am again today bitcoin expert. It's not just the democratic party in regulators, but the media, since all It has come out Yesterday the new york times wrote a glowing article about this guy, never mentioned the word. Fraud never mentioned the war crimes, never mention any those words. They did talk about how to sleep he gives. Imagine any less frugal women die as a forty million dollar pad in the bahamas. Profile a private jets box wrote an article saying that, The talk him having influence over the democratic it's over it's over
simplified or exaggerated. Forms wrote an article suggesting he and his parents, I guess I take you call it's gone youtube. Well, it's apparently this doctrine that you What do I do you try to help as many people as possible? forms wrote an article saying whatever he did was altruistic in an effort to help other people Doesn't Amelia, certainly the wagons around this guy who's ripped up? People are now creditors in bankruptcy. billions of dollars and they're making him out there still try to make them out to be a hero. it's because of its current quote: charitable donations and democrat party donations. Otherwise why would they care right Right. That's what I get this. Why does what the thing I do want to mention, while, along with you the number one venture capital for him in the world is sequoia. they raised money for him twice last year. The second time
The evaluation of twenty five billion dollars with that valuation, even able to get additional monies. It took five hundred million in after that into sequoia. Another bench account was worms they pop The peace on him a couple of months ago is glow a piece about him having survivors guilt. Some sort of. A complex survivors, complex and no see brag about not reading. These are people who do read are dumb. I use a lot, a curse words, and I say to myself, What does the sequoia? The number one essential cat was firm it in the world as they listen. I've got an idea for a business. I would like them. Raise money through your firm idle. the red. What they kicked me I'll think about it for a moment What's going on here, there's a peasant, and it did its monetary born a world. They not a rebalancing, they nodded, they not absolve wildly, and they.
They made money; they they re a certain amount of money for him. I'm not schroeder was, I think, twenty there forty million put devaluation of the storm at twenty five billion you they will elaborate. Staff were money, so he took five hundred million to launch a million of which he poured back into sequoia. Think about For a moment, therefore moment doesn't mind boggling Now that is a that's pathetic, quickly. They cover up by the meat because the media know that the damn Cried party or the democratic are going to be dragged into this somehow once you start doing, investigation get texts and emails. It's mine staining the junior senator from new york, even was doing some of his bidding in washington. Did you hear that. I am indebted to complete list. I know a minimum of twenty five is a few republicans on there, but the bulk of the cash want to democratic and even added Democrat again. He said he put a billion dollars into the rage of trot, ran and by the way,
maxine waters announced or that they're going to have some hearings next week and into an investigation about cx. You should see it. photographs of her and sam bacon spread all over the place again here. In the hall, the congress he wouldn't even be safe. legislation Domini It's industry that was going to be rubber, stamped by congress, unbelievable charles euro, your your national national hero. We appreciate it because you dig into these things like few people do. Thank you appreciate it. Thanks mark, ok, got God bless he's terrific, Charles payne. I can't get enough of that. Guy, we'll be right back the holidays are coming, find it for someone special with jewellery from blue nile blue nile, offers an endless selection of bold gold, styles, gemstone, jewellery and classic diamond pieces shop. and save up to forty percent media? Special peace fast in most kay
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And on time showed a patriot and solid jutting constitutional, lest you can reach him at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. I told you folks. Yesterday we weren't going to go to new flu or over this missile in poland, the new said it was fired by russian. I said if it was, was an accident. Because it didn't make any sense turn, they believe it was from a defence missile from ukraine. And so of course, the the. wing of thee can media and the Democrats and republican parties. They jump. First yesterday they were warning you of nuclear war, was ridiculous, then, talking about article five under nato
a five under nato in this case would apply. That is accidents don't apply. There has to be some real mens rea. In our being used to slash all support Ukraine look: I have no problem with inspector general looking over the money that's being spent in ukraine. No problem whatsoever. I think we need to have a tighter understanding or better, more transparent understanding. What's going on. But they know- and I know- and you know if we pool our funding from ukraine- russia will take. Ukraine amount of bloodshed and torture that's already occur will occur. A million times more and those people, be destroyed and slaughtered? and then russia will be on the border with nato. The people who are saying, let's cut all the funds like congressmen, massey and others in that,
Pretty much his position when it comes to defence spending and so forth, as as abroad matter is as a few other knuckle heads on this They know what would happen you know what would happen. How do we define victory? They ask I don't know, how did we define victory? That would the cold war. We never did define it. Whenever did to find it. But thank god we don't have troops in ukraine, because everybody agrees that absolutely reading less to send troops unacceptable, and so we don't put it It's like the radical left there, Changing the bar they keep moving. that's what I love! Okay, don't provide them with money. Okay, can we provide them with arms? Now, don't provide their memoirs. What are we doing? There. Which we've discussed over and over and over again Since russia invaded ukraine.
The other thing we are very concerned about is, if the land, appeared in his actually defeated or a visa. Surely taken out by his own people This is, this is weird to very strange, the person threatening to hit us with nuclear weapons over there is Vladimir Putin's so why they defending him. Two very strange crowd. If you ask me very strange. And then they tell us we're being duped. This is typical, liberal propaganda, we're being duped, don't you because you- and I were too stupid to figure things out- we're just dumb, so the way it should work is ukraine, which has no economy left empty Is targeting all other lex? oh great, all other there, too airports, everything trying to blow them up, so the people over there freeze to death is clearly a war on the paper.
That's what they're trying to do so as ukraine should just what surrender just surrender. But their clearly not going to do that. So we you see are the warmongering, the warmongering in Washington DC, the warmongering in paris, the warmongering in london, the warmongering, every capital of every country and nato. they're. Just all warmonger note, you see there are warmonger out to make money to make money. Just the warm other doing this just to make money, that's, you see what's happening in every capital in every NATO country touchable stupid is that very stupid. They're just upset that ukraine has surrendered, that ukraine wasn't defeated, that the ukraine People are fighting that
Can you give up very concerned about the amount of money we spend. but that's not really the truth, ladys and john They don't want any money spent period, not a plugged nickel. Well, you must be a new york. I see and you must be a marxist- in that doesn't get us very far either. Does it now? I dont think it thus. These endless wars, and how the ukrainian sphere Endless wars. The war hasn't even gone on for a year Did meet the outcome so far has been utterly on predicted. Same sometimes, we can be on the same side of people. We detest, you know people, we don't respect.
when it comes to being on the right side of something. In this case we detest Biden. We detest his government and we detest the Democrats. But they have to be right about this. should I switch sides enjoying Putin's you notice, idle talk up rush, impudent, I'll talk of binding I call it, as I see it same politics. I call it as I see it so now? We should cut off ukraine. That's nuts, Absolutely not said just think of what she would do you. Culture than ever, cochlear than ever we did that in addition to what I just said These would be on the move all over the world, if that's all
foreign policy. We have no business with ukraine than we have no business with israeli, no business. With south korea. We have business with taiwan in Japan? We have no business what's goin on here. So what, is exactly their foreign policy. They don't have any. They just try and pool at her emotions. That's all. where's their farm policy written. So I can read it. To you out loud and planning. They don't have one. certainly not based on prudence, certain based on our national security. Goes. We wouldn't have an hour. I left in the world. We base is all over the world. They'd have to shut down. We import all over the world ate up the shutdown nato would collapse.
I'm not into it folks and I'm not buying into it presented trumped in sport. There ever. And speaking of president trump card, thirteen go in order to make america graded glorious again, I am tonight announcing my candidacy for president. you can hear the media democracy again now? My are we going to go? Well, all right cut. Fourteen go, I will push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of congress. It's time saying we need a constitutional amendment, because the supreme court ruled correctly
you can't shake imposed term limits or members of congress, because the constitution didn't do that A statute has been passed and the supreme court struck it down, and The position of the ragged administration to we gotta do this, but we have to do it through an amendment. One. I regret and tied all the naysayers. That's what we want to do, that's how we do it. That's why we embrace convention of states. but that's the only way to do in trump knows that go ahead the and I will ask for a permanent ban on taxpayer funding of campaigns. A lifetime ban on lobbying by former members of congress and capitol know what will what will bane or do with the with the pot lobbying mister producer. I will try. Lott lot do didn't. He represents some russian related group. I think he did I have to get a real job. Well go ahead,
now. I see what they make. They leave the white out, so they leave congress and their paid millions and millions and millions of dollars a year now. Yet a ban When a ban on members of congress getting rich by trading stocks with insider information could have been the number one thing that they acted on the Republicans, but they didn't needed because they suck. Mcconnell in the thirty seven who voted form him, and we want the names near I'm gonna find somebody anonymous you're good at that, but try viagra this time poetic. I know your buddies with Mcconnell seething. Get the information go ahead. Many of our great members agree with that. They actually agree with that and, of course we will do
whatever it takes to bring back honesty, confidence and trust in our. elections bearing again where the elections, my god, what's wrong with our elections, we got cure we got harvesting God, no signature is no dates. We got dropped boxes way. Fifty days early voting, what could go wrong for god's sakes. Go ahead. You eliminate cheating. I will immediately the band voter. I the same day voting and only paper ballots. Voters suppression, you be a racist and I D. same day. Voting paper ballots. You early are racist, go ahead. But MR producer.
Gentlemen, our last person The election on our show was kindly member him from California. Kevin Kiley from California, he was our last guest Nobody else, animal, national, radio and guess what just one officially and he's the one the bump, the number two The eighteen for the republicans to take the house so we congratulate you. I want to congratulate him and it took only. Eight days to figure it out to amazing. be right back, then.
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As long as they continue to allow. Poisonous lower q, drifters. like a nicole wallace to have an hour on television, this kind We can never unite. They wanted about tromp. They want to talk about talk, radio. They want to talk about civility you'll find no civility on. I myself a study on the stu painted news network. Find no civility media I'd or media matters, you'll find no civility and pay the new york slimes in the washing compost, none. Because the media is a hate operation against anyone who dares to actually exercise free speech caught seven, go I left you they're so far away from this I mean they are. They are running. They ran as arsonists trying to burn down our democracy, and now they want to put on a fire fighter hat and help put out these monetarism and walls. These is a truly.
Sleazy buffoons. she's, no substance. Somebody hands is a few lines but she's not alone, you got the whole line up there. You got joy reed, you ve got scarborough. whose whose transition. Whose transition nobody knows who wears the pants and that family, but I mean politically he's transition. and it's one after another after another whither hate speech, Wasn't trump it would be descent. Listen to me, I'm telling you it's gonna. Forget it some of the news people, you listen to us and they don't know what the hell's goin on going right over their heads. This is a movement that were up against. It is a radical vicious destructive movement. that proves violence when it. Happen in twenty twenty during the entire summer.
that ignores the violence and the Democrats. Cities had his warning of murdering people while they pretend not to. Let me say couple other things before we go here. I am well aware that for young college students were slaughtered. and I am well aware in idaho that three young college students were slaughtered in Virginia. We haven't yet learned: what's goin on an idaho, but that is grisly Don't really know many facts and what kay place in Virginia. Why this The tick shot his boy colleagues who were out with him. In the there to play or something a musical on washington. These horrific horrific things. When you and your kids to college. You don't expect that for sure. and then twenty five l a county,
of trainees, were run over. In all kinds of horrific injuries that took place in your california, the old home of should Nixon and so forth and were still trying to get to the bottom of that just random, all over there may be as many as seventy five who were running. person was in the wrong lane. Can you imagine. Being run over. So I don't have enough information on any of those beyond what you already know. In as soon as we do, we can discuss that. Because it's horrendous. We salute armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel and our trucks, out there, and I want to thank judge Sullivan again and not in Washington DC, who is a complete, not job
lifted title forty, two and five weeks, so five million illegal immigrants will now turn into ten million coming over the boy.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-18.