« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/15/19


On Friday's Mark Levin Show, whatever happened to the Mueller report? Sealed indictments? Here are the facts: under Barack Obama Russia annexed Crimea. Under President Trump, the most severe sanctions on Russia ever were imposed. Under Obama, no pressure on Russia, under Trump lots of pressure on Russia. Who would Putin prefer, Obama or Trump? Who would Ukraine prefer, Obama or Trump? Moreover, we witnessed a disgusting abuse of power by Rep. Adam Schiff reading selected portions of a tweet from Trump and labeling it 'witness intimidation.' Schiff omitted portions of the tweet to misrepresent what the President was saying and it was in effect impossible to intimidate her, since ex Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch didn't know the President was even tweeting because she was in fact there testifying (precisely what Schiff said Trump was intimidating from her doing). Then, Rep Elise Stefanik asked Yovanovitch of her knowledge regarding the Obama-era State Dept. concerns over Hunter Biden serving on the board of Ukrainian energy company, Burisma. Yovanovitch, while lauded as a superheroine, was largely ineffective in achieving the positive results for Ukraine that have occurred during Trump's tenure. Later, the unfree press is of concern to our nation. So many in the media try to falsely smear this program. Some outlets can't wait to get young never-Trumpers on their payroll and juxtapose them with other critics of the president. The reality here is that this program has been transparent and on the record since day one and inexperienced opportunists can't spin that.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented of the as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here, There is a truly independent institution where learning is price. An intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening.
My sincere appreciation to hills. Their brother sponsorship now run casting a mermaid underground command, both bows or they even bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, bark Levant number, eight, seventy seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eighty, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one like what happened to the Mulder report, but what happened at the presence being died, its secret indictment, China policy. All gone forty million dollars we wasted three years or lives on that, and now ukraine- and here are the basic
Access is simple there. So simple under o the Ukrainians received no requested military aid. That would stop The Russians under our trump they received hundreds of millions every year since his presidency began. Under Obama. The Russians invaded Ukraine under Trump. The Russians have not. I have not done anything further with Ukraine. Under the Obama administration, the Russians and next Crimea. He did nothing under Obama. Our government barely sanctioned Putin and his government under He is imposed the strong sanctions of any modern president again, Another president and his minions
Obama was slashing the United States military to the great pleasure of Putin. Hundred Trump hundred trompe has significantly massively increased spending on the United States military to Russia's great consternation under a. When the Russians were cheating on one of our nuclear deals, he alighted continue under Trump. But was warned repeatedly to cut it out, he didn't, and so ultimately, we were withdrew from idea, infuriating, Putin. Tell me the President of Ukraine: would you rather have Donald Trump is presently United States or Brok Obama. Clearly, Donald Trump Tommy.
In my opinion, would you rather have Barack Obama is presently. States her Donald Trump, clearly Barack Obama. These are the basic facts. Fund the Democrats have admitted that the present United States can have whatever Amber Sorry he wants something has to be he or she has to be, Confirmed by the Senate, that's obvious, but the president gets to decide who is going to represent his farm policy on behalf of the nation. No, we learned a lot of things here. There were actually quite remarkable, nothing that supports the narrative of the left, the media and the Democratic Party. Let me first deal with this tweet. Let me first do this tweet. This is utterly repulsive at the tweet, but the staged event that took place they knew the present would eventually tweet and criticise. This witness was a witness to nothing
the present waited and, of course, Adam Schiff decided. You know what we're gonna do we're going to read it, but he didn't read it. He read the first sentence. That's all they were Attali read. I didn't read the entire tweet, the press tweet also mention what the President of UK over the Ukraine had to say about your honor, which that would be the former ambassador, such quite remarkable. Now I'm trying to find the damn thing Mr Bit is are, can find the sweet scented me. I thought I had it here, but the UK, in president, was not keen on the american ambassador president
dates was not keen on the american ambassador, There are three years signed, there was coming to an end. She wanted it extended, she didn't get it extended, she was removed. Three sat up, I was to her. She was asked what kind of job she would like. She became a professor Georgetown false Larry, where she teaches one course horrific. She fell intimidated. Do we have that must reduce that audio to go with it. I don't have the number in front of me. A chemist producer asked for one minute trying to get to our audio. And in the audio we have the moment, I'm trying to kill time. But she got it or not. No rich, do we haven't or not yes or no? We don't. What happened after the break.
And what happened was they presently traded shift in them? The hearing red one sentence out of it. It is cometary, Esther opinion if she felt threatened and she felt threatened. Firstly, builder hop those George, she's been in every hellhole, strong, courageous and over, but the tweet threatened her and I put out on social media and others eventually picked up. Well, how could the tweet threaten her. How can it be witness intimidation she said to she won't even know about it of Adam Schiff, haven't read part of it, but he only read because he's a serial liar he's, he is a pathological liar here- was the exchange go as we sit or testifying. The present is attacking you on twitter Like you a chance to respond. Reading part of one tweets everywhere. We haven't. Even when turn bad, she said,
often Somalia. How did it go? goes on to say now, seeing he didn't we, next, I went up play the whole thing, but and go to the next Wednesday go ahead. Later on, tweet is a: U S. Presence should have the right to appoint ambassadors. First of all, I am actually VON Image the Senate, has a chance to confirm or deny the bastard do they not yes, advice consent while they actually reference the consultation guide onto the president's attack that everywhere you went turn bad. Is that intimidate? You know this is all drama. It's I wash these. These news guys and their illegal come upstairs.
And they treat her like. She is a veal captain, a ginger, the media in advance till the Republicans you better. Be rough on her. You know she cried during her deposition. I'm thinkin you just pillar up is patent. Now you're using stereotypical descriptions try portray her as a week woman now, which is it. The fact is: she's conniving. Also you out and it is to show, goes on, go ahead, I have such powers, not Mogadishu, smiling in Somalia and not in other places. I actually think that's where I served over the years others have demonstrably
Nato's better, for you know, you have a demonstrably made things better. The Ukraine was not demonstrably better when you were the ambassador when. The ambassador under obama- they didn't get the military support, they needed. It didn't get the funding they needed it. Wasn't it told, trot Came in and you are a hold out or anyone a job in the whole lie that's taking place here. The whole fiction is taking place they try to tie this trying to tie this to some kind of a quid pro quo. Bribery or extortion whatever the hell. They call it these days, but the president actually treated at eight hours ago, says this everywhere, Marie Yolanda, which meant turned bad he's had intimidate must reduce MR calls green.
She started off in Somalia. How did that? Go Somalia's Adair design. You right, MR producer, MR calls greener. Then he goes then fast forward to you. Train were the new ukrainian President spoke unfavourably about her in my second phone call with Adam Shift, didn't read this: he also read from the transcript in which the new reformist ukrainian President had little faith in this ambassador. President goes on to present its absolute right to appoint embossers, so I would ask all the newsrooms in this country. Better than the one that I was watching is a reason why, when you thought this was the great moment this was the smell Gun is the reason why you didn't post the entire graphic of the tweet.
Is there a reason? Why didn't point out to the audience that Adam Schiff had rewritten the tweet by omitting information from the It is the reason why there was any serious discussion about how it is impossible for this witness to have been threatened because she was there testifying effectively against the president at the direction of the Democrats. They knew exactly what she was going to say: that's why they have these secret. These secret hearings, testimony in the basement and decide which witnesses are favourable will push the narrative which aren't and then he got worse. The media kept saying want this, be one of the charges against the President from Peter
In other words, they weren't really reporting. They were nudging. Urging arguing to the Democrats. Dont forget to include this. In your articles of impeachment, the media were played for suckers, those who think their objective and those who aren't they took the signal they know exactly what to do. This was nothing, but I want you to think about this for a minute, while Adam Shift, the prosecutor here is deciding what republican Republicans condone I'm calling witnesses Defence Council, if you will the prosecutor deciding what witnesses the defence can call and is extremely aggressive and telling which witnesses they cannot call.
While Adam Schiff said over and over and over and over again that we would hear from the whistleblowers and now he's covering up for the whistleblowers. What is coming up from Sutphin to staff in the Democrat Party, so the person who is said to have triggered all this remains behind a curtain as lawyers who called for a coup don't hear from them anymore. Adam shift has denied the president's council the right to be in those secret depositions unheard of in american history in american history. Under impeachment search And we go on and on and on your familiar with it, it's the president to see who can get witnesses,
who can get his council under that rob? Who can defend himself and his presidency and the office of the presidency? It is he you see, who's intimidated witness by exercising his first amendment right under the constitution. Witness intimidation, doesn't even meet the definition in some of my old friends on tv there. Even there are saying in a politically it's a disaster politically. Why doesn't he just stop tweeting if this present to stop treating he's finished, because then all information will be laundered through the media. He can't stop twinning. He must and its importance in information out of the american people. Who may not be watching cable, tv or network tv or when what have you search witness intimidation under the law does not work
This intimidation, from a constitutional perspective for somebody to defend themselves. It's not witness intimidation, because the witness testified to script. She look intent. The should look like a hard core, tough thirty three year, State Department, bureaucrats and there's no bureaucracy. That's worth no bureaucracy. That's worth. But the present tweeted so even lied about the substance of his tree. They lied about were witnessed hampering has. They lie that she could even be intimidated as a matter of physical fact, except for the fact that item shift read a truncated form. They would serve his name.
And all day long and into the night. This is the great thing they say they came out of the hearing. There was actually read, something very important did come out of hearing. Least. From my perspective, but I'll tell you what it is when we come back. liberty and learning and a healthy democracy. These two things are mutually supportive in America today, however, that bond is broken to help prepare the breach hills DE colleges the Van and oh graduate school of government in the nations capital and, unlike other graduate programmes, hills dealt, teaches politics as a human activity, oriented towards justice, a series of voices guided in the best case by right principles, but made an ever changing circumstances. I require prudence to achieve the best attainable results, tales, Dales career
well, I'm combines the careful reading a primary sources and serious historical inquiry. Students learn how to apply the principles of free government, an advance the cause of institutional is in the context of ever changing circumstances heels New vandals school of government is a program like any other in Washington, Dc Hills Del college. Pursuing than defending liberty. Since eighteen, forty four learn more at Lavigne for a hills, that calm, that's l Vienna for Hills Del Backup, any what's a guy's name, it gave us to produce a tale of what again pronounced a karma who prepared attention. Therefore, our three.
I used to write for their daily signal on the fellows, but I guess they pay better. Our media looks like he's. A complete political hormones are gonna have to explore this. I guess they pay better. Over again, I see he got into a physical alteration was said gorgeous, I true MR producer, and he attacked a black eyes being white. Did I see there too? I don't know, I gotta figure it out. He's trying to make himself famous on made so soon learn he's going to make himself infamous over their immediate. There will be gained Abrams. The legal analysed, have a question for you by the way so footnote.
So your legal analysed it you'd, so called journalists that ABC knows, and you have all these websites. And then you have all these tv shows. Is that ok I mean I'm I'm an opinion guy. I get my opinion, then Abrams as a journal Yes is lousy, cycled long crime, which has left wing, is lousy. Cycle media, which is sort of a copy of media matters, were hard, these not all, but some relatively young and mostly stupid, and- jewels, but all hard left pretty much on one or two but its media. I know it's mediocre right. That's what But we'll get to that later more on the hearing today,
I will be on Hannity tonight, nine hundred and thirty p dot m eastern time. Six hundred and thirty p dot M Pacific time there. I bet, since its founding Jeanne forty four hills, they'll call it is, has provided students with sound learning of the kind of central to preserving our civil and religious liberty. I want to tell you about an Primus the free monthly speech Digest of Helstone College in price. Is dedicated to educating citizens and promoting civil and religious liberty, by covering important cultural, economic, political and educational issues. First published a night. Teen. Seventy two in primacy is one of America's most widely read: publications in support of liberty. With more subscribers three point: nine million Then the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times and recent Primus publications have addressed issues like free speech. The regulation, a big tech
Mental illness and the American Medical insurance system, and because America's founding principles are so important, hailstone offers and Primus apps the free of charge to anyone who requested that's right. You can subscribe to Primus for Free here's. What I want you to do, I want you to visit in Primus die hills, they'll, dot. Eighty you for your free subscription, that's and Primus I M p I am I s: Dodd Hills deal that Eu Welcome, to help deal with end was a kid he's. Teachers didn't, like is snide sense of humour today, waste build out like a goal marked where they now at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, thirty eight Levin here they headlines. Further his rooms event Each new have no bribery when asked directly and under oath
She knew have no extortion. When asked directly under oath. She knew of no unpeaceable offence when asked directly and on earth. She did nothing, a push back on the corrupt ukrainian regime when that Corrupt Europe, Ukrainian regime was interfering and our election and twenty sixteen on behalf of Hillary Clinton and against President Trump for the hundredth time politico Henry Twenty, seventeen ukrainian efforts to sabotage trot backfire. Now they want. You think this is a right wing conspiracy. I didn't know what kind of vulgar whose leftist was a right. Winger now writes of the New York Times, attacking John Solemn Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminate documents, implicating atop, Trot bade in corruption and suggested
They were investigating the matter only to back away after the election they have, Clinton's allies, research, damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a political investigation found now you're elected president. You find out that's correct You ukrainian regime is interfering in the election of trying to fit you and you still apply the money for this regime in twenty seventeen and twenty eighteen that's. What's remarkable. The political peace went on these are the first to paragraphs. The ukrainian american operative was consoling for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukraine Embassy in Washington. In an effort to expose ties between Trump top campaign, a poor man, effort and Russia people would direct knowledge of the situation and the ukrainian efforts at an impasse.
In the race helping to force manner for its resignation in advancing the merit of the trumps campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine's photo. The east, russia- and it goes on your free to read it light to ignore many many many times again. I and the political pieces ukrainian efforts to sabotage trump backfire. Their words, not mine, sabotage trump backfire. Now this courageous, yet wallflower former ambassador do, rain, very, very busy trying to clean up corruption in Ukraine. She's really free however, this horrible kind of familiar, but wasn't that familiar hadn't really read it. So she didn't doing. She didn't raise an objection,
She said. Well, that's really Washington's business when we would have asked her for her she's, an anti trumper. Let's just be blunt, quite obvious and listen to her testimony. Why is it that Adam Schiff was trying to protect your? Why is that Adam Schiff was trying to lead her and did in fact leader? Why is it if you listen carefully and if you litigate cases like I have in the past, but if you really listen carefully ought to be a lawyer. To the way she answer, the Republicans rarely when the answer would be Anti democratic party narrative. She just answer the question: choice kind of splendid a little bit here and there, Could she knew her job is to perform. These are performances, They know what's going on this, isn't impeachment hearing it's a Democrat Party impeachment hearing they control the committee. That's why she witnessed number three.
That's why they haven't released the transcripts of other witnesses who provide a test, moaning and partner in hall that contradict the narrative. But you understand, ladies and gentlemen, the present tweets. What which has a absolutely harmless tweet he's witnessed, hamper and it's a political disaster becomes the headline know it's not the headline: it's what the media make it as they headline but the headline is you're trying to teach a president. You claim it's over bribery and extortion and she's. Now the third witness in a row, their witnesses, their best witnesses, their star witnesses who say now. And so we have to hear all the static about tweets what five hour and then they media pushing Jake Tapir Perfect example: the media pushing.
Telling the Democrats leaving the way you're gonna assume you're gonna include this on your articles of impeachment. While we are sure, of course, and then you have legal analysts sang ashes, its clearly whistler your witness tampering. No, it's not even the best of them on their political blunder. How so because the media running with it or there's nothing, the president can do about that. They are trying to intimidate the president. You're trying to say that he can't tweet and if he doesn't tweet, he won't survive. He is best defender now. Finally, at least one newsroom, but it's taken awhile is putting the entire choice on the screen. Finally,.
And really only after a Republican who was a terrific member of car resulting from Long Island, Iraq combat that brought it up during a post hearing pressure brought it up. She, everything Adam Shift, does sleazy partial information, leaks control over witnesses interrupting the Republicans, and I went back I read that seven and a half page rules Those rules weren't agreed to by the Republicans, that's the vote. Ladies and gentlemen, that's the vote that took place with every democratically To and not a single Republican.
Those rules do not prescribe for Caleb. That would mean prevent the chairman. Who's, the head of the Democrats side or the ranking member whose they had of the republican side from shifting time among between them since the term and shall have forty minutes he or the year or the council. Doesn't say the chairman shall not provide any time to any other member. I ve been here These legal, I say, if you actually, How are the rules you know strictly? They really can. Of course they can there's nothing under that, prohibits it to matter of interpretation. And by the way, what is that Young Ladys, namely congresswoman Stephanie Ec Stefanik? I'm sorry I want to get her Stu, she's, outstanding, Elise Stefanik is shown herself to be superstar and their several
Per stars and can t imagine operating under these fascistic condition, so that's what they are. I on what I should call it the hour. Fascistic conditions. And I want to remind you folks, although you already know that the legal analysing the phoney journalists, the constitution, does not say. What you re going, let's keep saying that impeachment is whatever the. Democrats sadism, whenever whatever the house says it is that's not what the constitution says, why you read what the constitution says out loud. Why don't you read what's in medicines notes, read it out loud? What's taking the house is one of the things that they feared when they were debating, whether or not even included impeachment clause will be up to the Senate to control this Mitch, Mcconnell the Republicans, and if they don't control it, it won't be controlled, then I'll be up to us
To reward those who deserve to be rewarded and punish those who deserve to have their asses kicked out in the next election. I'm telling you this: if Mitch Mcconnell does the right thing in the Senate and if he doesn't have the power to keep the Republicans together, he needs to go because he will not make room. He will not make. For a successor. He's gonna hang in there posthumously. If he has to take a little early break here now, I'm alive I'll be right back when you hear me talk about hills to college, a lot that is rigorous, classical liberal arts curriculum about its exceptionally bright and patriotic students. One hundred seventy five years ago, Hailstone college was
I wonder, where they mission defined by four enduring purposes: learning character, faith and freedom, while many institutions have lost their way hills. Dale college maintains an unwavering commitment to learning character, faith and freedom. I've also talked about the girl. Doktor Larry aren't the President of Helstone College. So one of the finest dickens, I've ever known- and he explained said these for purposes learning character, faith in freedom remain inseparable in the activity of education at Helstone College. He says, learning is difficult and takes more than It takes hard work which requires character. Freedom is essential for learning, but it is fragile and constantly under threat, so its principles must be studied by all for the sake of its defence and hills. Dale faith and learning our integrated toward God, because he is the first authority folks, if you ever wondered why I love hailstones college. Now you know visit hills there
Don t. You that's hills, doubt that e? U for more information, Hills Del College, pursuing truth and defending liberty, since eighteen Forty four remember: that's hills Del dot Edi you Hills, Dale, DOT! Eddie! You Ellie Steffani go chairman. I have a parliamentary inquiry. Noticed, I recognized I do want to go went on. I have a point of order under let's stop right, he's he's blocking points of order, he's blocking parliamentary inquiries. It violates their own rules. It's really fascinating to hear these legal enlists commenting about. He doesn't really have to let the republic and speak in November
when the Devil Nunez, wants to turn some time over, to say the least stefanik, but he does have to consider points of order and parliamentary increase any shut them all down. Go ahead. We'll state or point of order at the point of order is. Will the chairman continue to prohibit witnesses from answering republican questions, as you ve done, enclosed hearings and, as you did was suspended we in Europe in our question of proper point of order, jungle which will suspend German over generous. I recognise and survive a point of order does not recognise a point of order. That was not recognised Twond, I allowed, you might know to order journalism. Economic is allowed and therefore gentleman's grip haven't in relieving them is not recognised. Remember unbelievable. He heard Jim join also tremendous holy cow because that's not how you conductors have they are power hungry, they vary,
Slim majority loose sixteen seats and that's gotta be our folk. Are you angry tonight, America? May I make a suggestion. If you're angry tonight show it give donations to the trunk campaign or Find out who these so called moderate Democrats are these thirty one particular live in their desperate And give donation to the cannot turning against them. You'll have to tolerate this of your sick and tired of watching certain hosts, sick and tired of watching certain legal analysts people. You thought you liked, don't watch them anymore. I don't watch them anymore. Trust me, you'll, get by you'll, do just fine. Let's hear some more Elise, please go ahead, my question:
today will focus on three key themes. The first is the role of the president when it comes to appointing our ambassadors. The second is long standing. Corruption in Ukraine and the third is aid to Ukraine. Earlier this week. As you know, we heard from George Kent- and I know that Mr Kent is a colleague a friend and someone who you deeply respect in his testimony. He stated all ambassador serve the pleasure of the president. You would agree with that statement. Correct this and in fact, here labourer, aided and went on to emphasise that this is without question. Everybody understands that you would agree with that. I would agree with him in your own deposition under oath. You stated quote, although I understand everyone understands that I serve at the pleasure of the president. Is that correct? Yes Just as there is no public confusion, you are still other ideas, shoeshine intimidated, everybody does she's, the timid hated. You must reduce it. She sounds like she's annoyed that Poverty in even their here very
smug smuggling arrogant and, to me that's how she came off smuggling. Again in the media, really are trying to position her position, tromp opposition, everybody- I'm not buying it. I see it with two hours. You can hear it folks go ahead. Cracked, yes, And in the deposition you say that you personally asked whether it would be possible to be a fellow at Georgetown University, and that was arranged for me and I'm very grateful. That's what you're posted today correct? Yes, George Council, are lucky to have you. We are lucky to have you in foreign service, and I again want to thank you for your tremendous public service, shifting gears to corruption in Ukraine. In your powerful deposition you described quote. We have. Understood that strong, anti corruption efforts must form an essential part of our policy in Ukraine, and now there is a window of opportunity to do that, and so why is this important, and why is this important to us put simply I corruption efforts serve Ukraine's into
But they also serve ours is well. Is that still your testimony? Yes, and particularly at this critical time in twenty fourteen after the ukrainian elections, you testify that the ukrainian people have made clear in that very election that they were done with corruption, correctness, and you are, who testified that the Ukrainians thought it would be a good idea to set up this architecture of a special investigative office that would be all about the crimes of corruption. Correct is- and I know was before you arrived in Ukraine, but you are aware that the first case that the U S Uk Ukraine investigators worked on was in fact again nine you're, gonna snooze first stay with it. It's important she's great go ahead, yes, and that during the Obama administration is Annie. Testimony you, and you said today the investigation was never formally closed because poor, it's frankly useful to keep that company hanging on a hook right as the UK.
An investigation was never parted with the? U S and the EU, as I understand it. Yet, although because we didn't see the Ukrainians moving forward on that we no longer partner with them. Case are in that when, but let's take a very see that a step back. The first time you personally became aware various MA was Actually, when you were being prepared by the Obama State Department for your Senate confirmation hearings- and this was in the form of practice, questions and answers. This was your deposition and you too, defy that in this particular practice to anais with the Obama State Department passengers generally about charisma and corruption. It was Quickly about Hunter Bide and envy charisma that correct yes, it is an EU act from your testimony. Ambassador is quote the way, the question was phrased in this model. Q and a was what you tell us about Hunter by didn't, you know being name to the border, charisma so for them Means of Americans watching presence
bomb, as own state Department, was so concerned about potential conflicts of interest from hunger by Israel, Where is my that they were Themselves, while prepping this wonderful ambassador nominee before her confirmation and yet our democratic colleagues and the chairman of this committee cry foul when we die I ask that same quite loud through this is the headline one of the legal analysed, said. No luck, they Vienna, when they prefer. For hearing as they get all these questions, and so too big, yo and they kind of dismissals. Excuse me, and all the crap, all that comes through the microphones, these members of Congress, the leading questions. And why didn't media go back and look at it. This is incredible,
in Cuba and AIDS and preparation for her hearing to be confirmed as the ambassador for the Ukraine, the State Department itself grilled her through a number of questions relating to Paris, my Hunter Biden and an appearance of, conflict, they understand that folks and you're not. She did about all that. Nothing, zero.
There's a headline I'll be right back from the west? Would one podcast network now broadcasting the Mermaid Underground Command, both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of a nondescript building? We have once again made contact with our leader, everybody Mark Levant. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven create one three, eight one, one smearing good people, the debt, creates a very upset about smearing, good people who wish robber Bork around here that turning emphasis ho ho the judges, even today
You lied about records distorted by the Democrats and the Democratic party media. Even people who are not up for point The weather, smeared Donald Trump entire presidency has been one of a left wing smear. What happened to that? thirty million dollar give or take Mala report. It was really the the talk of the town. For months ago, Mr Position and we're debating the fine point of obstruction of justice and talk on Robert Mueller gone. No more criminal investigation of the President gone no more criminal investigation was family gone.
Came in one Russia, collusion came and went now are hanging on every word of every bureaucrat over the state department. The fact is that this with this house, it. Was giving self serving testimony. She didn't want to leave the ambassador ship. She wanted another year. Extension. She wanted another year extension if she was so great and helping to stamp out corruption there. What exactly did she do? The president's policies that changed since Obama, not hers. People of Ukraine who rose up and elected a new president should nothing to do with that The corrupt ukrainian regime is interfering with our election on behalf of Hillary Clinton and against. She sat on her hands. That's unconscionable unconscionable. She said nothing. It's a Washington matter now, you're the ambassador to Ukraine, Euro.
Of opinions about a lot of things when Ukraine didn't get fun and she obviously was not that effective. She couldn't persuade the inner agency group and her boss Obama to give them the funding and we'll try Came to be present, the United States. He didn't know her name, but he made They got the funding, they will be useful in. Can the citizens of Ukraine look out. Rudy Giuliani did or didn't do. But been around long enough to see these sleazy smears ago on here and the way they could witnesses and individuals who are angels and witnesses and individuals who are devil. So here we have a woman. Today testifies everybody praises, never seen anybody like this, except the two guys it
to fight on Wednesday. We never seen anybody like them. Noble, honest careerists didn't have a political power in their body. Just looking out for America and looking out for our friends in the Ukraine Donald Trump Hitler Muzzle Lenny, Stalin. That's just the start of a Rudy Giuliani, back channel sleazy back during south dealing. I'll, be life to listen to the network news. I have to listen to it. So disgusting. I don't know how I miss NBC and CNN and others are snuck inherent taken over a network news, but it is disgusting, but the Democrats were the last to talk about smearing people and intimidating people and so for the same of the media. They do this. All the time
dismay and intimidate John Solomon. Just the other day, the trains a smear and intimidated retired. Lieutenant colonel. Hulu than men and knows them and their concern the Republicans. My com Testify, but they don't have to worry about that, because Adam Schiff has everything under control. He is the face of modern day tyranny. Well, they quote Benjamin Franklin and the constitution. He is the face of modern day tyranny. They always have to have a far guy, the demo, As you know so now Rudy Giuliani. A tremendous history is a prosecutor yet again that, even if you don't like him. Who did a great job defending the president on the Russia collusion Prowokin, that's the problem. Now they gotta take That's why you're seeing more more articles about me in the media.
From the left. Wingers media matter puts the word out, so Hollywood reporter picks up the daily beast, picks it a media picks up the usual sources it doesn't matter me: I've got more viewers, more listeners, more readers and all them put together through hard work and content at you. You that's why the president cannot give up tweeting. They may not agree with everything he tweets and sober than so that's fine. They isn't, can any crimes isn't committed. Unimpeachable offence, the media, seem to care when they write, lousy fall, articles with anonymous sources and when the wrong they never circle back I when they broadcast.
Lies are fed to them by others, but about their record the media in this country suck. We do not have a free press. It is a Democrat Party press, as I wrote, and on freedom of the press and of said for decades. There is no difference between the two. You cannot find a difference between Jake Tapir and Adam shift. You cannot And it's under its own view, every single day, Jake Tapir was out there saying the uselessness. This could be witness. Intimidation, Jake shut the hell up. You idiot, you don't even know what you're talking about your eve you ve destroyed your career went once. Tromp is gone. And these guy try to rebuild their careers, and these network tried Reba, I guarantee a bunch of them are done. They gonna be writing for mediators.
Maybe they get a hired at the medium who knows they might as well as well. Anyway, there's a lot of good audio. Today, Devon, Nunez my guess this Sunday, eight p m eastern our new time, the Fox NEWS, Channel Life Liberty and live in a pm. Don't miss it, Mr Produce. Will you put that up on our social sites? Police? Ok, Devon! Nunez! Today the impeachment hearing cut three go it's unfortunate that today and for most of next week we will continue engaging in the Democrats Day long tv spectacles. Instead of solving the problems we were all set to Washington to address. We now have a maid
trade agreement with Canada and Mexico ready for approval a deal that would create jobs and boost our economy. Meanwhile, we have not yet approved funding for the government, which expires next week, along with funding for our men and women uniform. Instead, the Democrats can bind us once again to advance their operation to topple a duly elected president. I note that five five Democrats on this committee had already voted to impeach this president. Before the Trump Znamensky phone call occurred. In fact, Democrats have been valley to ask President Trump since the day he was elected, so American can rightly suspect that his phone call with President Zalewski was used as an excuse for the Democrats to fulfil their Watergate fantasies.
But I am glad that on Wednesday after the Democrats stage six weeks, secret depositions in the basement of the capital. Some kind of strange, called the american people finally got to see this farce for themselves. They saw a sit through hours of hearsay, testimony about conversations that two diplomats who have never spoken to the president heard second hand third hand and four hundred and ten from other people. In other words, rumors. The problem of trying to overthrow a president based on this type, Evidence is obvious, but that's what whole case relies on beginning. Second and third hand information, so by the whistleblowers.
That's why, on Wednesday, the Democrats were forced to make the absurd argument that hearsay can be much better evidence than direct evidence and when you thought the spectacle couldn't get more bizarre committee Publicans received a memo from the Democrats threatening ethics referrals. If we out the whistle blower. As democrats are well aware, no Republicans here the whistleblowers identity, because the whistle or only met with Democrats, not with Republicans. Chairmanship claim not to know who it is that he also vow to block us for asking questions that could reveal his or her identity. Republicans on this committee are left wondering outs even possible for the chairman to block questions about a person whose identity he claims not to no avail
people may be seen these absurdities. For the first time, a republic on this dies or used to them exactly right, of course,. And this doesn't move the meat and media. Thank. This is perfectly fine, so much for freedom of the press. These poor Republicans came While their own witnesses of allow permission from Adam Schiff, I'm telling it's about his fast, stick and tyrannical as occur Lee. Johnson impeachment was not handle this way. It's the closest funding period of any presidential impeachment Nixon impeachment process. Which was truncated when you resign, was not treated this way they Clinton when process I wrote you read to you what the rules were was not treated this, why this is
complete violation of american tradition and customs that a complete violation of what is viewed as fair and due process and western civilization, You have some former federal prosecutors at their say, Y gotta watch not really a criminal prosecution. Like already it's like. We don't know, and so the makes a member per se doesn't apply, we didn't say it did, but when you Often you say is political in the house can do whatever it once was Need to say, as that's not what the constitution says: that's what tyrants do, but they don't say that and they won't say that. When you have journalists who knew nothing about the law or the constitution and make it their point not to go on about how tie president tweet is witness tampering when the witness testified in secret before and is define openly now as a
national matter. It can't be witnessing tampering under federal law if it did apply, it wouldn't be witnessed tampering. The day I witnessed doesn't even know about it until autumn, it brings it up. So as a practical matter, it's ass, a bottle, be whip, witness tampering, and then they fall back on, but it's it's witness, Terry its say message to other witnesses. What are you talking about? The problem is: Republicans can't get their witnesses in front of a microphone and there's transcripts that Democratic release to allow them to use during the course of the so called a beach veneering. Why purposely lying to the public, or are you this really stupid. They were known as a hero.
We ve been talking about what they try to do too good people, they trained smear us all, a time and yet don't say anything about Blasi Fort now you ve got it Now tell us now kept now really kill anyone. They disagree with his America, John Solemn killer and so forth, one more definite cut forego until it secretly met with a whistle blower Democrat show little interest for the last three years and any topic side from the ridiculous conspiracy theories that President Europe is a russian agent when you find So on the phone like the Democrats did with russian pranks. There's offering you nude pictures of Trump and afterward. You, your staff to follow up and get the photos, as Democrats also did.
Then it might be time to ask yourself if you gone out too far on a limb, even as they accused neither lad away media, that's called an attempted smear when you try to get stuff like that on a path and why trying to get stuff like that on a present to blackmail him to resign when you try to get new pictures on Somebody what's said all about media, not flustered anomalies. They love Adam Shift and he loves them gee. I wonder why go ahead since the Democrats themselves, we're colluding with Russians by funding the steel dossier, which was based On russian and ukrainian sources, meanwhile, turn a blind eye to ukrainians meddling in our elections, because the Democrats were cooperating with that operation. This was the subject of July 20th, two. In seventeen letter sent by Senator gradually to then deputy attorney general Fraud, Rosen Stein. The letter raise concerns about the activities of our
Zander kaluza a contractor for the Democratic National Committee who work with Ukraine, in embassy officials to spread dirt on the truck campaign, a senator Lastly, wrote Schloop is actually quote tools, Actions appear to show but she was simultaneously working on behalf of a foreign government, Ukraine, why haven't the media gone out, an interview chaloner, who was a day and see consultant who work with the ukrainian government. The Hillary Clinton campaign in the deep sea, as well as the State Department in the Obama administration and apparently met repeatedly at the White House. Would these supposed whistleblower? Why haven't media track? This guide now exceeds make track this woman down and interviewer. You ever wonder about these links. Jake tapir won't play
set of attacking Kelly and Conway Don lemon stead of attacking somebody in a bar, allegedly I'm quite serious. We know her name cello, but it was put in a political article by leftist. Can and yet, when we say her name, it's like nobody knows who they says: she's crucial, but they not all bachelor, but so the media don't ask I'll right. Ben when we come back here from the great Jim Jordan run the course of the hearings to these Republicans, one committee deserve enormous.
Praise. I was even listening to heard they thought they could. They could turn is of his name's calibre and all they couldn't turn. It was quite good to this too target in all the information in five minutes but that said, I mean really they ve done it. Tremendous job and you need to keep in mind. I'm sure you do the media against them. Firstly, the Democrats, however, have absolutely abuse their power They only took over the house this January, a cow fast. They move. To consolidate power, this is how once they take power and a blue state should mean a state. The goes blue, they never give it up are rarely the consolidated there. Have they change their. You still have long and the tooth Mitch Macao, over their senator wherever one
by partisan here six weeks way way. We try- and I will know about these sorts of things here. Change. The rules are not ruled in the wolves, able going train them, Meanwhile, the house there's no rules, there are rules they steamroller. They pushed through. No shame no apology, their further people. They want to prevent, smears and all don't you know they're following the The but in the Senate You want to know why the Republicans get there. Ass kicked all the time. Look colonel and the boys I'll be right, back
The March Laverne show the pool feed for the conservative media die. Then now eight seven, seven three eight one, three, eight one: one dvd DDT, the epidemic That's look very stupid today, if you have any sense of the kind the tunisian law firm. Whatsoever. I mean really appalling, absolutely appalling turn This witness new more about charisma and Hunter Biden and draw bun than she led on you, even at the individual, with discount test. Fire Wednesday right and said he was so concerned about the appearance that he actually
went to the vice president's office. Buddy was pushed away. Now. What did what did the brave. Tremendous we ve never seen before civil servant. Thirty three years of the State Department, former ambassador to the crane, do nothing Chauncey So she she's problems were Giuliani, so here's the thing about bureaucrats, particularly the state department. They want to protect their turf. Ladies and gentlemen, they want to protect their turf Obama, ever threatened if we disagreed with them, but this ambassador was never in any threat of being removed by him. She was his ambassador get the call the shots in Ukraine, despite the fact that they pretended otherwise they felt they did. They were the big power, in Ukraine, and then I can allow president to tell them what to do.
And in the end they didn't like the fact that this president wasn't giving crane the money as fast as they wanted him to give them, even though he was given them far. More money than Obama were dead from military protection in the eye that you can have this channel You can have this tell you can't have a bacterial. Yet every president has every presidency tobacco. Friend of Mine Tom reminds me that regular had fact they had more than one, but this one's particularly interesting points out. The John Bolton. Recounts Centre, Paul lack saw there was a great senator, dear dear Confidant, President Reagan's, obviously senator from Nevada.
He recounts how senator lack salts emissary role at the height of the Philippine Revolution brought peace. The state Department That time, as far as we know, didn't even objective these senators mission and I In fact it was senator anyways idea, Democrat bottom line- was that Marcos at the time didn't trust the State Department and the State Department didn't trust him, and he didn't think its representatives were really speaking for President Reagan. Reagan's decision was to Saint Paul acts. Autumn on personal message to Marcos. It was to go to go peaceably and he'd be protected in so many words. Interesting that when the clips that accident, when the
were down. The Philippines were teetering break a war Marco's senator lacks, ought not state support what a lax or talent, I think you should cut and cut cleanly called unquote. A Marcos after being an office for about twenty years departed, peaceful, a few hours later so in that instance, Reagan had laxity. Crops had Giuliani, another try to criminalize, were Giuliani, did and Clinton Dennis Rodman, I seem to recall, must produce I don't believe that was one of the charges against Clinton. Was it tat he went around the state Department with Dennis Run. There was little who had Dennis. I think it was Clinton, doesn't matter.
Also, look how the press reports here. Video see who's accomplish nothing, and yet they have Our braided in her promoted her dim when it is, they come so against capitalism. Page tramp for impeachment go on and on and on. I have this young lady today Elise Stefanik this These are the first hearing where she's been a star. She just good at what she's doing they don't promote. Italy's stefanik read. The constipated news network in Marseilles D in the new slides and washed and compost. Adam NBC Cbs. Be seeing you name it. The weather They promote Elsie, they not promote her or fact they tracker. Or they omit her like she never existed,
If Stefanik, where a Democrat, should be a star she's, a Republican. So she's, an annoyance ale sees the star. A republic cannot survive without a free media without a free press. This free press without any molestation from the government has chosen sides and the battle over liberty. Nitro the chosen the wrong side, but they chosen socks and that's the whole point. I wanted freedom of the press too terrible thing. I know it is. You know why there are four purposes of education at hills. Learning character, faith and freedom? Four hundred seventy five years years, Hillsdale committed to these four pillars of its mission, as I can
Just started off with good intention: many of them have lost their way hills. College maintains an unwavering commitment to learning character, faith and freedom. I've known him, Else, President Doktor Larry on for many years he says learning is difficult and takes more than talent takes hard work, which requires character. Freedom is essential for learning but its fragile. Constantly under threat. Such principles must be studied by all for the sake of its defence. And hills Del faith and learning are integrated toward God, because he's the first authority. Now he has a rigorous true liberal arts curriculum and all students learn the basics of the. U S: constitution
they major in biology business economics or any of the dozens of other areas or study. All students must learn what it means to be good citizens and whites necessary to fight for freedom, he'll, still college, pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty four learn more Levin for hill style, dot com Levin for Helstone Come now easy iron for hills, doubt outcome I'll, be right. Back
don't forget life Liberty and Levin, eight p, DOT M Sunday night eastern time, a full hour with Devin Nunes, no gavels, no shouting them down, no tricks, no smears. He gets to speak and we have a lot to talk about what we, I hope, you'll watch it. I hope we continue to make it to the most popular show on Sundays, on Fox, eight p, dot M this Sunday, five p dot m eastern time to Pacific time
I do know my times so I hope you'll end up your stick with us. We worked very hard on the show. That's not! Why need to stick with a slow, but they do everything I can to give the guests the opportunity to speak and deprived of things that you may not know, or that have been discussed, and governors is only the second individual who's been on. My show twice on fox. The first was the attorney general enemies, so I hope you'll join us. Where am I, MR producer, o a MAC you're, not a world that has lost and by the way, your police, and why do you keep asking my Ottawa there's a network problem in my house with the connections in the ip. I go between live reads, audio links that I have created throughout the day right, rich three in the morning five in the morning ten anymore,
all day long sighted go back and for backwards from using my hat far when I'm using my computer. And then you know I'm running out of one one area. So if I'm going to go to the commercials, I really have to shut one down and open the other. So I'm just telling you here. I am If you saw it, you laugh. That's why we're not gonna have a year a Marco camera whenever they call the damn thing in a world that has lost its way, loss, respect for logic, law in american history, whose defending you in Washington who speaks for conservative aim, ACT, the association and mature american citizens. That's who Emma gives its members valuable everyday benefits or boldly defending America's priceless constitution, sacred history, individual liberties,
and our moral compass, a MAC fights for border and national security, freedom of speech and religion and values articulated by Reagan and Trump strong defense, limited government, lower taxes hard to believe we're here, but we are in a dedicated, remembering pass sacrifices and preserving America's core values for the future? We oppose the rise of socialism, Medicare that is Medicare for all, which would destroy Medicare and all private health care and by the way, two million jobs. Now, if you're, not a MAC member, you really should be the next elections side, our nations future. Now will There be true to America's noble past and pass it on to our children are will sink the country. Please. Folks, let's step up today,
Sign up today, like I already have for a MAC dot? U S! That's a m ac! Doubt! U s a MAC! Dont! U s I'll, be right back! No! I won't why I'm still well, that's a good thing. All right! I've been going on a while. I got a lot of when I get into next hour. To MR producer, do you have any regular american or regular Americans. Here. Serious satellite are For satellite, Jim, in Vancouver Washington Go Mark, so thank you, sir. I don't think the president did himself any favours today I tweeting during the hearing was unwilling to cling to advance policy. All around the press is brilliant, it's a good thing, but today's TWAIN to make him in my opinion, look bad now. Why I'm well, only republican
voted for him. Why doesn't matter to me? You're, not testifying, and I want to know about thirty three years in your wife and a great grandfather, Ahmad attacking. I just want to know why I read the TWAIN, a dim bother me in the least to me a volume. Transfer fees, but I want. Did you read the whole tweet? I read all trade. I watched it why I wore I'd. Love is passes, but I wanted you watched at Lahti Here the whole tweet and they didn't show you the whole time you actually to go online. To his sight and get the tweet too exactly what he said, but I heard the twin came across What are you you didn't hear it because they didn't read, sir. You did not hear the whole tweet closely. What channel were you listening to what what network, the fox right and I didn't read the whole tweet. I was watching Fox to the park. They read the part that they read
yeah and what was wrong with the part that they read. I thought it made him I know I know, but I'm asking why? What did it say that made him look small, because it, though I said that she failed in these various positions there building up as they have the other two witnesses and the one she's, George, Pat and away. She goes into these areas the other hand, She's killing off corruption in all these areas,. She knows nothing. She she can t conceals what she knows about the early on and Hunter Biden. She's upset their Rudy Julianne he's gone around her back. She didn't wanna leave. She served a president that didn't give Ukraine a nickel when it came to military support, This present has given them hundreds of millions, and you expect what and just sit there, he can't get as witnesses there. He can't get his lawyer there and you. You know he is what could he have tweeted
that would have satisfied your just, don't do anything made between this and that the problem you're one of these guys and there's a lot and put down. I just strongly disagree with the who, don't president shouldn't tweet We should treat the way I which we write, meaning you heard a pr battle that you ve got when he well aware of that, but he's gotta defend himself, where he's not gonna win, that's how they take Republicans down professional manner. What tat you know defend yourself in a very positive: What did he do that wasn't professional? What did sir? Will you quote to me? What you think is not professional. Will I quoted. We have in front of you. I dont have the in front of me. Now she calling about the tree, you don't have it in front of you. You told me again and not put down just explaining how well the media do at the media do even where they pro Tromp Republican, that it that your father was bowling
You didn't hear the second sentence. I didn't either on twitter and get it, but you thought it was Boeing and thought it was pulling. What, with what was koranic, could I thought it was falling in asking that what they But the average Joe is fine with this fifty seven percent of the american people say: none of this will change their mind there, not together. And the vast majority of them are Republicans market drink. A lot of arabic shows our concern about the way trunk comes across entrepreneurs, I don't think you represent average Jos and I don't, but he got elected he's got relative. Strong popularity under the circumstances, and I think average Jos or up yet It's why they want Joe Biden is to do get out for the average Jos. I think Trump has a pretty good hold on them, will see in the end the like this Romania got elected, was unexpected even get nominated, and this is a man who had to fight from the minute he took office. So when you too,.
About him Santa like a bully based on what he's up against, I don't think you're processing this properly, but anyway, thank you for your call. I appreciate MR video. What is it about the tweet that was boiling I mean an end. Their narrative is its witness tampering there. She is testify freely. He tweets testifying. He can't even expect her to be reading the tweet canny. Now so shift reads it the media, suckers and others they run with it. They know he didn't read the entire. Her he gets out to her that she feels intimidated, and yet she was. Intimidated as a matter of fact, and she went on with the script she went on. So I don't even know why people say that's fine summer. You may think that go forth. I don't buy this narrative. I really don't
They said they storing the Russia collude against. We huge stack tweeting if this man doesn't For himself who the hell will fight for him other than the opinion posts, and not even all the time, but the opinion house on Fox other than some of their guess, like me, depending on what the issue is, who that's going to fight for? He has to fight for himself Its life or death politically, and otherwise, the girl after his family, the gone after businesses. They go after reputation, no stone left unturned, if there isn't a stone to turn over. They throw them anyway- and I gotta here that if people felt this was bowling, it wasn't pulling and if it is bowling, I would think she can handle it.
Here's what he wrote everywhere, Marie Jovanovic went turned bad is at bowling. Mister Reed, I'm serious! Tell me if you think it is she started off in Somalia. How did that go? Does that sound like a bowling or statement? Many rights then fast forward to Ukraine were the new ukrainian President spoke unfavourably about her in my second phone call, them, which is true, and I am not aware that any news organisations certainly not most em. They didn't pull that. General transcript that that phone call and read what the President of Ukraine set. Says what news organisations are supposed to do not tell us what they think the Republican should say are Wonderful, a witness was in all the bs. None of that sounds like bowing to me. That's just me big. Our.
On journalism, when you return from the west, would one podcast network now run them really underground, both from the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building, we once again made contact with our leader. Oh, I re mighty mark living here. Our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. I hope you ll stick with me because what I say the big This will make sense by the time we get to the end of this. As you know,
deeply concerned about the condition of the free press in his country. And I wrote about it at length and my grave concern is its ideological nature, but they're not provide An information facts. Certainly not without an agenda. When the media rejects even they pursued the attempt to get objective facts, not the little proved to do so all the time in our own perfect, then we lose a very crucial voice for liberty and smaller report, it is a nation simply cannot survive without a free press home, especially critical. What's going on in the media, I'm off very, very troubled about what
being turning journalism school. I am also very very troubled. By the practices I see on cable tv on the internet and others. By relatively young people who want to break into this field want to become famous. That is the field of journalism, not my field, I'm not a journalist. Another thing about me is anything I say on radio thing I sound, Levine TV everything I say on. Ox and everything I write about this public, Mr Buzek, far back. Does my radio archives go for years? course you can find everything else you want on the internet, so only people. Interpreting who I am and turning what I'm saying, because
fine when they do that they are misleading people. Driving their ideology and typically they're, just nasty people trying to hurt you. I won't open, Now, as for the family, I try and keep most of that personal confidential. I am out of every family member. I have everyone. But the problem is, ladies and gentlemen, as a quasi public figure, there are people out there who went to harm me and harm them. You hear about the, all the time and the whistle blower, and I don't talk about this all the time I can't shoot a live. TV and our studio without having an armed officer there came. Another did mister produce. When I do a book signing. Typically, war have one or two uniform off
Search but we also have to people who were not uniform the threats I tend to get often the NEO Nazis and the clansmen and people who will write the left who hate tromp, who hate me. And say very Maria one troubling things or things I want to put my mailbox. I don't want your sympathy, I'm explaining things. So I don't hide the ball here, About who I am what I think. May I remember one my my steps on the door is brilliant gave it was working for tat crews. And the media was leaking that up a mark. You should. I am sure that you never mention. I can't mentioned stuff like that. Don't you understand, of course, summit
Who supported by one, had nothing to do with the other? He was high by take crews. Well, be But take crews decided to run for presently and I state. But I can't say: hey everybody he's over there. The reasons things are done, the way their done. I have nothing to do with anything the time toward a shady three irrational. Quite the opposite. Now. What does this have to do? A journalist I'm going try something different tonight. Normally, when something like this is written in posted on a website I unleashed on, I must produce. I could still do that, but I will try something differently and I won't bring all of you millions of you in on this. I hope this young man learn something, but I dont think he will. But I hope he does his name and I ve never met him is Caleb XX.
My e c a are Emmy. I've never heard of the guy before. And the only time I go to media is to use them as a foil actually to have fun with them and then Abrams, the guy that founded because they're so openly stupid. Provide no content. They just run a bunch clips and take little chap shot and overwhelmingly left wing. They can take it, but Caleb economy cannot As best I can tell you, is low, twenties or is new to this business use. For the daily signal. Conservative, with heritage used right for the Federalist One Great websites and so forth and thought now here for media, which is a left wing site. And here's what he says in part about
I was told, don't mention it's all you do is give them hits over their immediate folks. Whatever it is, it is, I'm not worried about the title remember? One mark Levin Despise Donald Trump in his corner. Quote: sleaze ball supporters had a couple of emails where this was sent to make, as I certainly don't look for this stuff. This is the latest. You have media matters, putting out attacks in the last week that. I endorse the local state Senate, Canada. He was a friend of mine and spoke at all. There are other republican candidates. Here, too, is rather low key, and I talked about that on the air. So they try to come between me and Fox Fox didn't care. I dont care, it didn't work, What the Rapporteur Hollywood reporter pushed it daily beast has put at least three times to what end trying the fire you're, not gonna, get me far. Phenomena there are leave there, but we want
so our relationship with our friends over there. But this is a big deal. You see. And so this this young man Caleb a car He paused and he thinks he's gone to something they will get five thousand and over other media, that's a big deal. Have a wonderful weaken starts this way. Mark, and I M using this as a lesson for others out there who want to get into them journalism bids and four Caleb for Listen. Mark Levinus spend his weak blasting conservative MIDI contemporaries and Culture and Matt Drudge for support. Tule. Turning on the present now, first of all, I haven't spent the weak blasting, who is highly critical of them? Call it blasting them.
Don't part of one show one one day and part of an even smaller part of another show the next day and I moved on. You have to be deaf dumb and blind. Not this What's been taking place on the drudgery poor, mad trudges, a friend of mine, but I've been very disappointed in I'm not out to destroy him or his website. I said what I said and I move on. I've not cared for him Walter for several years now she turned on the tea party. She turned. Red and telling us Romney was better than rag and she was a big Chris Christie Support and so again it's nothing so it may I've nothing personal with her, we used to be friends but again. I'm not gonna sit here and be silent when the next thing she does and its headline on the drug report, sheep, so says. You know she hopes, he's impeached or removed. I forget exactly what what she said about TAT
Here we are in the middle of a constitutional battle. That's gonna affect our children and our grandchildren. This isn't a joke to express myself. I don't know why that's controversial, but this guy thought it was very important. He says, but not So long ago the talk radio fix best selling author condemned Donald Trump as a globalist hypocrite, Mock Fox news Tromp super pack and firmly Tabled himself never trump. Now, that's quite a lot of stuff packed. In that sense, I boarded take crew and just giving an example, those of you listen now and you can also pull up the internet. I supported take crews and the republican primer.
I became particularly angry over two things: number one. Then candidates trumps, suggestion that TED cruises Father obviously we ridiculous was involved in the art in the year. The assassination and, of course the media thought there was greatly running water and the other was Roger Stone. I'm not gonna kick it. I won't say dog Roger stolen he's down? I've never like this guy. These written. Some very vicious lies about me and he had done it again. Then I unleashed on him on the radio. I said: that's it, I'm never tromp! He's too Sky, that's it Donald Trump wrote me a personal known said he not my guy. He doesn't work for me anymore. I don't feel that way about you so wasn't a matter of politics. It was a really sleazy thing.
So I would adverse coercion, Hey fine, that's the way. It is fair enough. That's what happened so they never trappers. People like Caleb who want to make a score for themselves and others keep saying. I was we're Trump, never trump. Never too. I was never never tromp. That's what happened. What was it rich? Forty eight hours? Maybe days. I don't remember not even the producer has been well me from day one lessons everything I say I was travelling. The nice say this. We look at. We remember correct now, on Levine, who now house a weekend New show in the third largest ready conservative radio programme behind on limbo, inanity launched his ah out offensive after Coulter denounced the.
President for promising to work with Democrats and Dhaka and Drudge prominently, featured her comments on his influential news, irrigation set that wasn't the only reason I explained myself- and I have explained before the litany of links and comments and attacks. And I'm not gonna get it all these issues. I have discussed them. You want to go back check him out, but he doesn't really say what I said. I ve been very critical. This as an add doc? Have I not, Mr President, MR producer. He wants to give a million or so I'm citizenship over time. I've said now. I don't agree with that and I agree with him on Doc. And I'm not gonna go down the list, so they can use that. You know the train sabotage, present, but there's a number thinks he's trade policy beyond China. Rivers, but there's more areas where I support him. He has surprised me: I've exe, Find it to everybody here for this audience was, is with me on this and was
was in the same position he's been far more conservative than I ever dreamed. Look at em on life, unbelievable, look at and fighting to secure that border. Unbelievable I've never seen anybody like this despite people calling him a sell out there that in the other, I've never seen a president under this kind of an assault where people are abusing the ruler, and the constitution and our legal processes against one individual. You're, damn right, I'm the defend him against that now we're gonna take a break. Again, I'm doing this as a public service cuz I could eviscerate, garbage. You know what I don't think it's gonna get us anywhere. It's a lot of young people who are conservative thinking about getting into journalism. This kid was obviously conservative got in the journal. Now. He's flip thinks it's a big deal. He thinks media
be a step zone. You note on CNN and Psych Oliver Darcy over their blaze. Then he takes a jump he's over CNN trashing conservatives and the president left and right and the truth is This is the way. This is the way the modern journalists This is the way you want to be on these various tv pro. And in these various sites you want to be heard by the New York Times into this and show you have to be I'm trying to discuss this young man and other young people out there from doing this, but I'm not done They write back then
Other serve fella, Caleb Karma goes on, but living zone history prior to his conveniently timed reborn him too pro trump sink event. When it became clear that the report My party is the Trump Party suggested in searching for sell out. He should look in the mirror. First, one Rembrandt. Later in his room. In others they say for ratings for books. As for folks, my ratings have been unaffected. We have sky high ratings through thick and then because of you, they don't understand this audience. They dont understand people who read. Books or of the sort. You, have abandoned their show. You did ban in their showed run. The republican primary when eyes supporting
per crews and pounding away a train. You're, not a banning than a show now. So what does he mean? My rebranded I've Wayne this over and over and over again, because of baseless unsupportable allegations like that. They're just cheap shots, and I'm trying to explain this to this kid. This isn't how you do journalism. This is an high do. Journalists. I was never going to support Hillary Clinton and I was never to be a never tramper who set out the election. Wait too much at stake. I had lived through Hilary went than that. Wasn't gonna happen again. Moreover, the present the United States actively took firm, active steps to United Party. He also gave a grey, speech and gettysburg about conservatism, put out a list, the kinds of judges he would appoint. I was sceptical,
But I wanted them to get elected and I wanted Hillary Clinton to be defeated. I don't apologize for that. There's millions of us who felt this way, not rebranding rebranding. What. Am I suddenly for open borders and my suddenly for evaluating our military. Am I suddenly for goes against the cops. I'm the only hosted ever talks about the damn spending. That's how to control and put my finger at all of them. I disagree with the President on Syria. The way I disagree with a bomb on Syria, I mean how much clearer I can be, but that's not what this young man is about these trying to score points and he's hoping beyond hope that this piece of media will be picked up all over the place. I don't care if it is irrelevant, but that's what he's hoping he wants to do
notice. He says it's not an exaggeration to say, Levine support for trump changes with the wind, as he is flawed. From loathing him to licking his boots, not once not twice, not thrice but four times over the years? Now, that's typically where it just drop off. When you write like that you're just a punk and puncture diamond doesn't. But I I go on. While he is apparently tried to scrub some of its countless antitrust comments from the internet, Mister Bruce are open your microphone send you everything we post casino coast right everything that posted I write correct, correct everything we post, I send you correct correct: have we scrubbed anything? not scrub. The one thing have I ever ass: you describe many, they never I don't even know how to scrub anything either. Myself do. I know I don't wanna had opposed. I write them
and then the MR producer. He posts them. So that's a lie. And so uses the word apparently, while Levinus apparently tried to scrub some of his collar haven't tried to scrub anything never have scrub anything. I think we ve taken two articles down in all the years has been at an end and maybe three because I found that they were wrong. That's not so Let's try to be accurate, a little bit more I return I'll be right back. magua, then the voice rules fear most and you can go at age, seven, seven three, eight one, three, eight one one. I just think this kid
Hell up another young people out there. You really need to think about what you're doing what you want to come, which why did your life had been twitter wars? Raphaelites? You want to twist the career of individuals and cherry pick, their their background order. Try and score points will be very on for feeling very unfeeling. You later talks about my books that Donald Trump tweeted about the liberty amendments in twenty thirteen. And then I did he Levine's public one. Eighty didn't fully materialise until, after Trump promoted one of his books, the Liberty amendments He doesn't understand the publishing industry, the anomalies in the least or how books work
You write something like this: he doesn't understand you. I've hate have had eight New York Times best sellers, its unprecedented, the last five in a row of a number one. Many of you have purchased one or more those books. You dont purchase those books to do me, a favor, you know, purchase those books. The pill put a few more shackles in my pocket. I talk about them at great length. I dont say by a book because its mark Levine's bran, I say his wife. I wrote the book and I talk to you about the book at great length and you can go on right now.
As on dot com, look at on freedom of the press and look at the comments. Almost three thousand comments. Four point: nine out of five stars: five stars: you don't you can't create that you can't force people to do things and you're smart o marked written a book I better by it. I appreciate the fact. Donald Trump supported it that had nothing to do a sales. It had nothing to do with liberty and tyranny sale. He didn't worried about that. We saw one point five million copies of that book, so it's factually and accurate, but he wants to try. Try tear me down to build himself up, it's not gonna work He says in twenty fourteen and Facebook Levin was forced to acknowledge, is blatant inconsistency,
writing of trompe said I'll, explain my growing admiration form over time, giving his growing conservatism there's nothing contradict hypocritical or anything else, but he doesn't accept at face value. Yet that's what exactly what the cases and is probably the case with millions of you. He had been a liberal Democrat and Reform Party and independent, Then he settled into its current position and that's when I supported while there, new found. Mutual admiration enjoyed our honeymoon phase of close to two years. The trump incited conservative, so worn twenty. Sixteen created more issues for the relation This is a republican primary. It was the republican primary. At the start of the trunk campaign. The outsider Kennedy was under constant attack by moderate and hardline concertos, like as his poem
Continued arise and it became clear that the Trump campaign wasn't another publicity stunt. The Republican, never tromp movement was born but Levin was an on board. No, I wasn't, and yet a few paragraphs said I was then, MR, but if it can. Distance he also some born. I mean logical, consists but Levin wasn't onboard fact. Rather than remaining Switzerland We're waiting to see other field shaped up, like some conservative media. What is he talking about? I back. When did you hear what they all had to say wanted to be fair, and I bet crews, everything I did I explained, which is the truth, Why would I? Why would I must tell you the truth? He vouched for TAT and went on and went out of his way to score. Never Trumper's is frauds not conservative buffoons in April two thousand and sixteen that's exactly what they are. They are right now
He gets into the Roger Stone thing but had said very fast, very fast. It goes on your reading yourself, you're, ready or sound is looking at. This Levin said said: I'm gonna vote for Donald Trump, I'm gonna wind of voting for tromp on election day Levinson in September, talking up his door. Add a change of heart to Hillary Clinton being so awful. What was more than that, as I explained before, the election ass time went on and the president was true to consolidate support, bring in conservatives Reagan conserve assets, Exactly what he did any brought in millions of us.
Why is it so complicated for Caleb? Because Caleb is angry because Caleb Agenda is the score points to promote Caleb? It's all the bad tools and practices of modern day journalists. Gritting your teeth and selecting the best of to bear choices in general election is one thing, but since trumps, inauguration evinced tune on Tromp has shifted from reluctant supported a full blown media, propagandists incessantly per using his dear leader, so in other words, Trump is on in North Korea and I'm just supporting to support it. And no time does he put any the issues were trumpet. I disagree because, when I disagree with Trump not trying to sabotage Sonata disagreement began it between
a lifelong conservative, somebody who's, not a philosophical conservative, but does conservative things keep saying over and over again didn't even get into what he did he's done with Israel, among other things, and my growing support for tromp. In addition to that is my support for the constitution. And I said over and over and over again and what's interesting in this piece, he never mentions it once not once and I've said it over and over again and it's on the record. It's an AR archive I've set it on tv I will do anything I can and I have my entire life, whether as a lawyer,
the Legal Foundation and the Reagan administration, Seraglio, host a tv host and offer defend our living in our constitution. I don't expect human beings to be perfect, and that includes this president, but I know a threat to this republic. When I see one in the threat is not this man, the threat is what they're trying to do to this man, because they do it to the next Republican to whether you like the Republican or not this is a battle over the constitution. It's a battle over what impeachment means and Caleb. I just want to suggest you. You really need to open your eyes, really need to get your career straight, really need to be thinking about how you want to be thought about, because, right now you just look like one of the
one of the pack, one of the social media hit jobs and you're better than that could be used to write for the daily signal you're better than that used to write for the great Federalist which had taken the wrong path. You're turning into, however Darcy or worse. Do you have time to switch I'll be right back? what we get a very, very busy weaken. Don't you again Sunday begin. You want our wood diminution. Us, I'm not going
gabbling down a millennium speak. Tell us what skies a great patriot he'll be remembered as a great patron, because that's what he is. Please check that out at eight p m Sunday are new time, that's eastern and looking something up here and five pm Pacific. Okay. Now also tonight in forty minutes I will be on Hannity on Fox. I'm arrived up ready to go ice speed, it's true free, the Levant Bunker to the Ronald Reagan, studio where we should live in tv router. The do the Hannity headed nine thirty. So please checked it out just forty minutes way. What are you gonna do nothin else to watch, and this is actually good
And then I'm gonna be one wish our Atkins Right, MR producer, and weave we flanked that up on my social sites. If you want to take a look about to couple thing- the choice is between bad and worse, it's time to look for a better alternative and the two drug pricing bills. We ve been found the gradually widen bill in the Senate and the policy plan in the house. The centre, one is bad, but policies is even worse. Either. Plan of past will be the first step towards a whole host of backwards. Socialist government run policies. Both plans contain price controls on drugs, which effectively gives government the power to dictate prices, but the real world price controls will threatened.
In his access to the prescription. Drugs price controls will also destroy innovation by severely cutting the investments needed for the next breakthrough treatment now. Fortunately, there is some good news: the Republican controlled Senate not likely to take up the policy plan, even if it passes the house and in the Senate something. Double republicans are speaking out against a grassy wine bill, but all sent a reply:
Begins need to stand up for sound principle to healthcare reform and not embrace left his policies that lead to government run socialized healthcare, get the facts. Gotta true healthcare, facts, TAT, come true. Healthcare facts not come true. Healthcare faxed outcome. I meant to tell you also cyber thieves- are stealing american HANS. I know this sounds shocking, but it really shouldn't surprise you, your homes, legal title. A mortgage documents are kept online, wide open for the whole world. The see your signature is there. Everything thieves need to take over ownership in your home is their usual available online thieves, forger name off the title. Then re file, the deed
So it appears you sold it. Then they go to certain lenders and borrow money using your homes equity. Then they disappear and sticky with the payments, Senor Money stolen and now you're paying the payments on the money they stole banks, insurance, identity theft programmes do not protect you home title locked us! That's why they're they're home title lock puts virtual firewall around your homes, title and mortgage and they monitor the black market, deceive for your homes for sale your homes, equities, your retirement, your emergency fund? Let me help you protect it with sixty risk free days of home, Tyler go to home title locked dot com. In your address to see if you're already victims through not in your address,
At the sixty risk free days, defend yourself at home, title locked out come home title lock that come now one of the positives coming oh this is you really get to see what the Democrats stand for an you really get the seat of the republican stand. From this committee, but the leadership of the Republican House has been extraordinary now. This is another example of Caleb. He wants to be a punk, or does he want to be serious? Writer could try and twist things I've never been a fan of Kim a matter. Fact I'm going to vocal critic, but he is stepping up now. He's in charge of defending the constitution, the office of the presidency in this president, from what the Democrats are doing and what they're doing his unprecedented. He stepped up
and for this he deserves credit, and our thank you know about it. Prediction. No, so the contradiction at all. I know I'm never Kevin Mccarthy I'd rather well. Then you're, irrational and you're, not principled. If a politician is doing what you don't support and say it throughout the sabotage the country are sabotage principles. Then you can challenge them. You dont want em, it's not a matter. Here and there it's a matter of everywhere A politician is largely conservative or they're they're doing something in the mall that's very very important, despite the press to put the despite the Democrats and so forth, you should say that do not compare cover Mccarthy to my room.
Compare cover Mccarthy two May Rami, compare cover Mccarthy damage, Mcconnell right now long trial. Let's say the long trial turns out great. What's the point, with a long trial. The Senate is now giving its approval at stamp of approval. It's good house keeping seal to outright just leave tyrannical process that was used by the house there creating bad precedent, bad precedent for the future. That country. That's why you oppose given Mccarthy's fighting this, which Macao has no intention of funding. It just want to get the right witnesses in their don't. You know Tom, except the balmy there. I just explain myself has nothing doing
buddy endorsing a book or anything like that. It's all kosher, as we like to say by its ladies and gentlemen, we like to play.
I bought a week is officially over my god. The weekend begins. We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel ice poured over Thrall. You both to protect this night. You unites writing again. I really can I Pepsi. Can I say then I'd Zelda, gonna Gigi. I hate that must get so long and get I dad your mom and dad. I LEO LEO was my Father in law for people who are interested me. While my friend
watch us on Sunday and watch me in a half hour both on Fox tablet from the westward one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-16.