« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/11/22


On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, as was shared on this program last year the letter from the National School Boards Association (NSBA) was an inside job. New information from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveals that Education Secretary Miguel Cardona appears to have solicited the letter from the NSBA comparing concerned parents to domestic terrorists and using the Department of Justice to investigate them using the Patriot Act. The Department of Justice has now established a Domestic Terrorist Unit. Then, in addition to bare grocery shelves, the cereal boxes at the supermarket are promoting gender fluidity and the left's woke attack on your children. Similarly, the left maintains that there was absolutely no fraud in the 2020 elections. It is a known fact that Marc Elias led a group of lawyers to extra-constitutionally change voting laws. It is also a known fact that Mark Zuckerberg funneled $400 million to a bunch of front groups to influence the 2020 election. Later, President Biden hypocritically gives a speech attacking Republicans for voter suppression and trashes the very voting system that got him elected. Interestingly, he's not getting banned by any social media or news organizations. Afterward, Sen. Rand Paul grills Anthony Fauci in a Senate hearing over the origins of the Wuhan lab leak. Fauci vehemently denied any involvement and accused Sen. Paul of attacking him personally, instead of offering answers on how America will beat this pandemic and asked for additional time.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills: they'll, college fervour, one hundred and seventy five years for purposes, have defined hills, Douze Mission, learning, character, faith and freedom. do for listening, and my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters had hills data for their great sponsorship. Now, broadcasting them wrongly underground commend both from the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of a nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader.
Eighty seven: seventy here, our number eight seven, seven, three one, three one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one I wanted MIKE Ricci v. Mr Call screener first standing in yesterday at every intention of being here behind the microphone, but United Airlines had a different view you need to go down the Florida. A family member had taken ill And I set my flight quickly to go on a general about ninety minutes after I locked in the flight jet blue cancelled and then put me on another flight. The following day.
But I didn't want to go on another flight the following day, so it took some time to undo that. Then I went online and I locked in a flight American Airlines couple hours later. They cancelled their flight, but they in another flight two days away we going to work, so my poor wife had to spend. God knows how much time to put an end. To that mean I went ahead and booked a flight from another airport with United that work. Then I got down to state a little longer. I think you may have seen a life liberty and Levin were interviewed. The great governor of Florida, Rhonda Santas so was time to come back yesterday, And the only one of two flights, because my car was at a particular poor one six in the morning and I couldn't get an at four in the morning to get me to the airport at six in the morning. So was.
labor was the one thirty year, two o clock flight that would get b to the airport my home about for twenty four thirty, but they delay. at least five times for two and a half hours, Had a call and make the point wouldn't beyond the air. The entire industry is in a state of disaster with the cancellations. Would they an enormous amount of work it takes to get refunds or to or to change the flights around and so forth, and so on, of course is another reason for one is mandate where people are vaccinated, their fired or their suspended to, as some people are actually getting sick and three is, of course just typical love
competence, but whatever it is that the state of play I'm here tonight and I'm fired up. My teeth are sharp and I'm ready to roll there's a lot to get to the here, because a lot of tyranny going on there's a lot of efforts to change your car. screen, then there's a lot, a line to cover it up or to refocus it. create a narrative like this voting issue, which were defiling gonna jump and but before we do I want to remind you back in October, two thousand and twenty one October, five, two thousand and twenty one when it was first learned that the National Scoreboard Association sent a letter, Department of Justice, the FBI and a host of other federal agencies. Seeking the power of the federal Leviathan federal law enforcement to squelch parents taxpaying citizens from protesting school boards and timid
Eating them, I want to remind you of what I said, and I want you to think about this, because we the deputy attorney General United States, testifying under of who hurrah adopt effectively by not presenting all the information she should have to a committee of Congress. In my view, she lied and she should be prosecuted. In fact, the cabal that was involved and covering up their environment is extensive from the White House to the Department of Justice, the Department of Education, the National School Boards Association and beyond and beyond. But if somebody had worked at the Department of Justice at the highest level of somebody worked at the White House, I knew I knew that the way this memo went out so fast that the Department of Justice after
letter from a national School Boards association. This was an inside job. Here I was October five. Twenty twenty one cup one go local police officers and scoreboard security officers are in charge of keeping the peace. In town trip and community School board meetings, not the Federal Bureau of Investigation, not that criminal division of the Justice Department that the civil rights division, not the U S, attorney's office and on and on and on. Let alone the National Security division. They have decided Ladies and gentlemen, that those of you who protest our domestic terrorists. The letter from the National School Board Association, in my view, was an inside job. They wrote this letter,
president of the United States, Joe Biden on September, twenty nine and five days later, including the weekend. We get a memo from the attorney general, the United States, dated yesterday to the director The FBI, the director of the executive officer. U S attorneys the assistant attorney general. Criminal division and I went on to explain- that's not possible that a letter comes under the White House. It goes through a process of four bureaucratic process, unless it has a coating on it to go directly to the president or some aid to the president. in a bangs around in there for a few days in the nay they shoot it. to a relevant department or so forth that it was impossible for it to happen in three business days Five days, including the weak and simply was not possible well
Information began to come out that, in fact, White House staff had worked with Department of Justice Staff and the Department of Education. and now we know more. Now we know more as Fox NEWS reports. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona solicited the much critic, the letter from the National School Boards Association, compare protesting parents to domestic arrests according to an email exchange review by Fox NEWS, the male exchange in a cage, Cardona was more involved with the letters creation than previously known. So this is a who also a liar by omission. President Bidest Department of Judge this relied on that letter, which suggested using the Patriot ACT against parents in creating its own memo. Directing
FBI to mobilise and support of local education officials. In the October five email National Scoreboard Association Secretary, Treasurer Christie, sweat recounted that National Scoreboard Association, interim C, o chips, lay told the officers he was: writing a lighted and provide information to the White House from the request by Secretary Cardona previously. now had revealed that the National School Board Association was in contact with a White House and Justice Department of the weeks before publicly sent the letter, the emails were obtained by the parents group parents, defending education and freedom of Information ACT requests not by the way The last chapter of american marxism- your note that I express is aggression
Thirdly, as I can the use of the Freedom of Information ACT at the federal level state level and the school districts to gather information as much as possible, there have been five hundred four requests filed and loud and kindly school district along there trying to push back by charging people. Tens of thousands of dollars that needs to be challenged in the new attorney general when he comes in each to overrule them. But this is very, very effective same with using iris information. You have a right to the tax returns of such nonprofit groups as the National Education Association and by the way me matters and other organizations. But this was always inside job. I know it was an inside job and more more comes out that the by the ministration at the highest levels wanted to shut down parents because they're in bed with the teachers union, the same teachers union at it,
that down schools and driving hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren, the emails were obtained by the parents? Grew parents, defending education and a failure? Should this allegation be true would reveal that this administrations pretext for a war on parents came from the highest levels, said Nicole Neely. She told Fox NEWS, digital of parents defending occasion. Tourney journal merit Garland unequivocally stated that he based his memo on the National scoreboard associations lighter, which, in turn mobile. The FBI on. U S attorney. She added a secretary Cardona was truly involved in this ugly episode. It's a significant breach of public trust and he should be held accountable. Yes, should be fired, but his ass walpi fire, You remember he hired the woman who sign that letter. Member that MR producer
Mark has a memory like an elephant, but a body like a gazelle. Now, oh my goodness, anyway, it's true, he hired the woman who wrote the letter. So again. If this is true, the left likes to say the very people he and his department conspired with he hired her the one who signed the letter, everybody who testified on this memo. Light or should have known what had taken place. Why? Because, when you're gonna testified before Congress under oath penalty of perjury yoga duty practically one. You know this
She's going to be raised to get the facts to find out what's taking place, the attorney general, the United States should have no what took place department. Education, spokesperson, denied that Cardona solicited the letter, despite the email indicating a did. While the secretary did not solicit a letter for men s but Ba to understand the views and concerns of stakeholders. The department routinely engages with students, teachers. Parents are so you get the BS language now. He was the Connecticut Education Secretary. He supported teachers becoming more woke, promoted, resources on Micro, aggressions national scoreboard, though didn't immediately provide comment, Meanwhile, the underscore what's been taking place here that same department of Justice that lie to you and me that same Department of Justice,
That is utterly politicized when it comes to republican legislatures. In voting when it comes to the issue of abortion in Texas, when it comes to gradual gerrymandering and all the rest there creating a unit focused on domestic terrorism, the Associated Depress, the Department of Justice is establishing a special unit focused on domestic terrorism, the departments top national security officials law makers today, as he described an elevated threat from violent extremists in the United States system attorney General Matthew, also testifying just days after the nation, absurdly one year
Firstly, the insurrection it by cap or I'd say be so. The number of up behind vested geishas into suspected domestic violent extremists is more than doubled since the spring of twenty twenty, the number of domestic terrorist investigations has more than doubled since the spring up. Twenty twenty knows how, because as a greater domestic threat or a greater threat from the binding ministries,. Does that include the hundreds of people prosecuted or held him without a trial, yet for trespass and parading on government property. What about that? Folks? A domestic terrorist unit. now. I can assure you if this was done under Donald Trump, Richard Nixon. If this had been done under President Reagan,
the media would be flipping out more than usual they'd be appalled, they be apoplectic, but they aren't perfectly fine by them. He domestic terrorism in it at the Department of Justice. I wonder if they're gonna be investigating black lives matter. Twenty four hour, Democrat members of Congress, I I'll be right back friends. I know you love freedom and want to defend it, and I know you love the constitution. While so do I it's the same with Hailstone college, the best liberal arts College in America, Hills does mission is pursuing truth and defending liberty. It gives its under
graduate and graduate students the best education, and it is the to make this education available to all? But today when I tell you about hills, does free monthly speech, digestive liberty, its cause Primus over six million households and businesses receive and Primus for free every month and you can join by subscribing at Levine for hills, they'll back come there are no story, attached. Generous donors who love free to make it possible for Hills Del descended Primus to you for free and primacy is one of my favorite publications. It sure smart, useful and fun start Saving your own free copy of this great digestive liberty, this Levin for Hills Del com. That's alleviate fray hills, Dunbar COM, Levine for Hills, Doll back come! So how do. The scandal of the war will be held
nothin about those who testified on Capitol Hill, withheld information or intentionally ambiguous. That can be perjury. You know. Will they deputy attorney general, be held to account now, while the attorney general be held to account? No, they won't. the special prosecutor to investigate any of this, of course, will be ludicrous about the Department of Education, troll, shinty. Second of education be examined. We're not gonna take his word, for we actually have contemporaneous. It's called an email, no proper, something so innocent and irrelevant whether you are right. Winger white, supremacist,.
course not going to look at any of that any more than we're going to look at Nancy policies, raw or lack of one when it came to January six in securing the capital or her husband, the big dummy and all the stock trade T made right before Congress took action on a number of companies. issues, though we're not gonna. Look at that we're not gonna. Look at her tax returns, don't be crazy. Why would we want to see her tax returns? Why would we want to examine her children have been up to and how they make their money, whether they use any connect. No leave the kids alone leave the kids along with each other
begins wise up. This is a very one sided game. I saw a little bit of wisdom here with Cuba. Mccarthy, who said he's gonna throw a couple: their knuckle heads off their committees, because Nancy Pelosi started a precedent for the first time in american history, where the Majority Party in Congress gets to decide which Republicans can stay on committees. Of course, this is brand new and so I hope, given the cargo does exactly that. I mean why should we have a big it in an anti semite who hates our country? Like all my sitting on the foreign affairs, We have a grotesque, pervert and sell out of a communist news like swore one or or shift But I have as law licence sit on my friends. I know you love freedom and want to defend it, and I know you love the constitution. While so do I,
the same with hills still college. The best liberal arts College in America, Hills does mission is pursuing truth and defending liberty. It gives its under. graduate an graduate students, the best education and it is king to make this education available ta, but today want to tell you about hills. Does free monthly speech, digestive liberty, it's called Primus over six million households and businesses receive and Primus for free every month, and you can do then, by subscribing at Levine for hills, they'll back come there Strings attached General donors who love freedom, make it possible for hills Del, descended Primus to you for free and primacy one of my favorite publications. It short are useful and fun. So
receiving your own free copy of this great digestive liberty visit Levine for hills, thou back com. That's alleviate fray hills, drawback com, Levine for hills, dot, dot, com. This is the Nations Town Hall media and you can join in seven seven, three one, three, eight one, one Ladies and gentlemen, if you were going to the grocery store lately, model shelves are empty. Much like what between Joe Biden jeers. But that said a friend sent me some pictures of some of the cereal boxes, some of the cereal boxes. In this case it appears to be as best a second
a fruit loops and on the side panel on I gotTA, expand this says to amazing to put into a box he slash him. She slash her. They slash them at your own, then I'm looking at the back of another cereal box boxes or not for gender style interests, LA boxes or for cereal, that people it says, support, algae, beat
Q plus prime colleagues, together with pride cereal, is a part of our long standing contribution, glad media advocacy work, supporting youth against bullying and accelerating acceptance for the algae, BT, Q plus Community Lee Boxes for Syria. and let people be who they were meant to be. Now I will go to the grocery store. I will double checked this to make sure I'm right or wrong. Cuz, I really don't trust me. I think until I see what my own two eyes, but there seems to be a whole lot more of this. Going on, I will take a look. As I said myself.
Some of you have probably already seen this when you have kids being hit with this when you're watching just basic stuff. Let's say your watch. The discovery channel or any group of while channels around by certain corporations, or are they getting this propaganda in the class comes over and over and over again and in the textbooks and they're getting it. whose social media they're getting it in some cases through churches and synagogues. This is this is a complete political, ideological movement that is going to succeed. If we now stand up to it, particularly your parents have her.
It is going to succeed just like the lies about the twenty sixteen elect. You know, there's a lot alive, you know they talk about There wasn't any fraud that would have made a difference in the election and so forth, and so on Some even say there wasn't any fraud at all. You brought law suits and so forth. In there weren't there wasn't fraud, and the proof is that none of the cases were taken up and another. found anything and on and on and on others doesn't make any sense. Whether voting machines or ballots. We can even put that aside. We know for a fact, which is why none of these people were question mere debate. May we know for an absolute fact, and I call on any law school professor, any Media clown out there. Please challenge me: we know for a fact. The mark Elias led hundreds of lawyers.
change voting laws all over this country prior to twenty twenty. We know this for a fact. We know that Zuckerberg poured over four hundred million dollars into specifically influencing local boards of elections and non profit set were involved in these election processes to try and turn out the democratic vote. We know this for a fact over four hundred million dollars. can you imagine if I, dear friend, Richard MEL unscathed, forestall odd and he did that to turn a republican votes. I mean they'd be empaneling, RO grand jury at this point, we know for a fact, hundreds of millions of dollars, and dark money. That is, money that doesn't have to be reported by the Donner poured into this campaign on the Democrats, find you
Senator Michael rounds Republic in the South Dakota prominent for nothing, he said nothing profound ever who was unknown to ninety nine point: nine percent of the country and probably eighty percent of his own state. He goes on to George Stuff Monopolise show he wants to noticed. He wants to be known. He goes on a bee sees this week because he knows who have a friendly interview. is what he says: cut three go. You heard him arthritis, peace right there. How do you? What do you say you? You voted I defy the election last year, you condemned the protests as an insurrection. What do you say all those Republicans all those veterans who believe the election was stolen, who bought the forces coming from former President Arroyo. Isn't this amazing? This is a question: what does he have a guest
Why doesn't he moved from one year to the other and ask himself these question or take that mirror? He stands stairs into you know in the green room, make her every Harrison place and just talked himself in the mirror. This is these are set up. Genes for guests were cherry pick. Have you ever seen this issued debated on any of these Sunday shows any of them. Have you ever seen this issue debated at least the constitutional part of it? Have you ever seen it debated? You know. I have seen it debate. You will never have George definite was put somebody up there to debate, have a federal constitution works and have this is the first time in american history.
That it was broadly violated with change in many, the battleground states, the crucial stage by public affairs, the rules on public entities that never had the power under their federal constitution and make the changes. This is true, then issue. They came up in two thousand to nature. They came up again in Pennsylvania. It's a serious matter because it can happen again. So what is the republic from South Dakota MIKE rounds have to say when he says yes it was an insurrection. Ladies and gentlemen, an insurrection on January's cut three go. We look. As a part of our due diligence. We looked at over sixty different accusations made in multiple states, there? Were you look at the allegations made in Pennsylvania achieve what Mr rounds on the radio show and I am being very serious
not call him any names have not attacked and personally have MR produce, let's see if we get centred around on the programme. I want to ask him some very, very specific questions about what they did and did not look up, and I will focus exclusively on the constitution exclusively on the constitution, not bow. It's not voting machines. The constitution. And make that clear to his office. Mr producer go ahead. There were none of the irregularities which would have risen to the point where they would have changed. The vote outcome in a single state. The election was fair as fair as we ve seen now. That's a different statement from no fraud to the election was fair to his fares. We have seen that is preposterous. When you have states like California
There's New York mailing out millions of unsolicited balance. You have no, I if that was fair or not none. When you have one of the wealthiest men on the planet, pouring half, billion dollars into the race to push hard. Democrat in minority areas to turn out to vote. That's not fair, fair, such one to say from his presence we didn't see widespread for, but he says it was fares fares. We have seen that is fair, as we have seen We simply did not win the election as Republicans for the presidency and moving forward and that's the way we want to look at this moving forward. We have to refocus once again and what is going to take to win the war. So, first of all, you know running
president? I love what you mean by we, but that said you also to make sure that these election laws constitutionally instituted. That's your job, that's the order of things. That's your priority. So we Republicans have to make sure we, when the next electorate, what are you talking about? Of course it has to be done that that that doesn't even need to be said. What does need to be said is why are you Republican stuck in your responsibility? Every policy in a state and every institution and a state is not equal. They don't have the same power. A state Supreme court does not have the power to change the world.
She loves. We saw that in two thousand, when the Renquist Courts stood up to our role court. The Florida Supreme Court and yet in Pennsylvania did exactly that governor doesn't have the power through executive decisions, nor does a secretary of state to tell certain counties to keep their votes open and certain counties. We're not told that's a violation of the federal constitution. That's why that case wasn't taken up in pencil
not because it was without merit because because was completely completely merit it and it would have had an impact in a number of states. It was completely merited or meritorious, and I would like to talk to senator rounds about this understand he's been a governor snow. Senator he says he looked into. This was a very, very fair election. I want to talk specifically about what he looked at in Pennsylvania. There were two lawsuits Braun of Pennsylvania to count the traditional cases, I'm quite serious, rich. I wonder if he doesn't come on. I want them to tell us why why a republican senator from South Dakota will not come on my programme. I'm not out to humiliate here, I'm not gonna call em, nay. I want him to come on the programme. I wanted to use his brain. our all use my brain power,
see where we wind up. I think the american people. Fourteen million of you have a right to know goes. He goes on a Sunday show with George Deaf and he makes a pronouncement. It's not not fraudulent. It was fair. It was fair, Bobby right back then, Friends, I know you love freedom and want to defend it, and I know you love the constitution while soda. Why and its decision with hills to college. The best liberal arts College in America Hills does mission is pursuing truth and defending liberty. It gives its undergrad. an graduate students, the best education and it is working to make this education available ta. But today I want how about hills, does free monthly speech, digestive liberty, it's called in Primus
we're six million households and businesses receive and Primus for free every month, and you can do Than by subscribing at Lavigne for Hills, Dale back come there, strings attached, generous donors who love free to make it possible for hills Del, descended Primus to you for free and primacy, One of my favorite publications, it short Sea are useful and fun. So Receiving your own free copy of this great digestive liberty, this Levin for hills, drawback com, that's alleviate, fray hills, drawback com, Levine for hills, dot, dot com as a London shop. a lot of people, the level, the regional council for the National Labour Relations Board, which is a radical
as a Democrat Party Union on Board is demanding, demanding that whole foods, a private company not only allow but broadly support,. They wearing a black lives matter, masks on the job. And appear to be taking up their cars on behalf of those who work at home foods and support black lives manner. How foods has a broad policy against politics in the workplace and I would include in their stores, the focus is to be on the whole foods mission. Maginnis. Ladies and gentlemen, the whole foods, as the only cooperation that those such things unfortunately aren't enough. But it is the only and the case law strongly supports whole food factor of any case that doesn't.
but that doesn't matter you see, ladies and gentlemen, because we live in increasingly world of tyranny, left wing tyranny backed up by the Department of Justice, the FBI, the Fettes National Labour relations, bore They worked very hard and long have the American Marxist taking over the demo. A party in the bureaucracy, running big tech and they seek to impose their will. Free speech is not allowed only the speech that they compel. Right if somebody were running around with a mass that said, K, K K. I think we all agree that that's a port. but if you're running around the black lives matter mask, even though the group is marxist, even though the group as Anti Semitic, even though the group hates our country wants to overthrow it, even though its very racist,
Well, there's something wrong with you: what are you drawing an equivalent saying? I'm? the NBA in Vienna, felonious piano a corporate Amerika. In that. Aircraft party marriage around the country support the group. Oh ok, that changes everything that now. It's not a first amendment issue because Hall Foods as if the government, it's a private company, and if you don't like it, take your ass out of their NGO go work somewhere else. Maybe you qualify. first seven, eleven or rwanda- I don't know, but you don't get to run the company just cause you're a punk. You don't get the run. The company that's number one d, the first
Lemon violation would come if, in fact, the National Labour Relations Board, which is the government, imposes speech on this company on this business next thing in, although force in the big cakes Mr Produce- but you never know so this this company, this store once nothing to do with politics on do any of this, but its punk employees, not all I'm just a handful of them. They don't like it summit. Customers are not going to shop. There don't shop there anymore, what're you gonna eat, like most of these liberals know how to produce food. They don't wanna, produce food produced carbon dioxide, that's methane! That's what they produce then produce anything else.
So they indoctrinate our children in the schools and now they want to ensure that even if you shop at home to you Escape when you're watching sports, when you're watching the news when you kids go to school, will be damned if you can escape it when you're buying come what's it all foods now
You're Shack now broadcasting on roaming underground can boast than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building, we have once again made contact with the leader of our era. Seven three, eight one create one one power: seventy seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one voting crisis in this country It's never been easier to vote more p,
A voting than ever before the Democrats create a false, are turned a reality which has an unreality in the only do this for power to advance their cars. We ve been talking about this now for several years, and I want to congratulate the back benches in a rush used to talk about an echo chamber. I talk about the back mantras, pretty much the same thing and our regurgitating us, the Federalist Asian of the election. We ve gone through this and great great detail several times now, they're very concerned. They say that the Republicans are are preventing people from voting, who exactly is prevented from voting. What law in what state is
preventing people from voting who have a right to vote in a like citizens? What law they told you you know it really is time they get specific. While I get that Georgia law care looked at it what's the problem, what's the problem, there are no problems, the problems are and states like New York and California, where they may allow bow Tat people who don't even live there anymore people don't even live anywhere anymore. Many of them were gone sadly or to allow people to play games. I wife, closet, shenanigans and true.
It's true, so they create these lives. This is not nineteen sixty five. There are no german. Shepherds and water hoses and sheriffs industry rounding people up. Now, that's going on there. No pole taxes, literacy tests, people are treated as equals. That's the deal right. Now, if you want to vote absentee with your wife. You're, blacker, greener, yellow, doesn't really matter. You got to follow the rules in some states. Rules apply to everyone exactly the same way, exactly the same way. How you have a voter ideal on your state and you should see
vie with your voter idea than it is to get on an airplane to get through security to get into the. Why. how to get into any federal building mean they want you to have a vaccine passport. In a lot of these Democrat, run cities Rhine Cancun, to arrest wrong your kids. go to school. You're gonna lose your job, but if you, A voter idea. That's too hard! I worry array says you might be a white supremacist too. I don't know you can't trust the Democratic Party. The democratic party puts its own power. Country ahead of your well being ahead of your family, I had your income and had a your safety You can see what they ve done in these cities and you can see what they're doing nationally and are projecting anything. I'm I'm telling you look at it. Look at what they're doing. So, by goes down to Atlanta today and Stacy,
burns, who, by the way, still has not considered heard defeat, is not amazing. Stacy lost. And she doesn't want to be seen by you want to know why he's in the thirty percent range in terms of popularity down there she's no for all, she may be a full, but she can count. So she saying I want nothing to do with him, nothing so drop by and goes there screaming at the top of his lungs. Like he's a nut cuz, he is a nut. Tat thirty go Jim Crow to point about to insidious things. Voter suppression and election subversion snow. Now about all these things, since he was a body with the segregationist when he first
and the Senate, as you may know, he was very posed to integration in the cities. He taught about a jungle not wanting to send his kids they're. Not words are ever used against him by George Stuff, Annapolis were Chuck Todd or the other miscreants malcontents and reprobates who dressed up as journalists these days go ahead, gets devolve, is about making it hard about Zimbabwe. Guess the calf evolve. Oh it so hard. Isn't it MR producer, get off your ass and go to the pretty high, don't want to hard ever gonna win a world war again. If we haven't it's too hard to vote, you kidding me, it's never been easier. Now it's too hard go ahead:
Your vote count at all. It's not, I probably as a fact, look dismayed and then it can. We backed up about ten seconds. Mr produce. Are we able to do? I want people to hear this than start all over, because he just said something that view. Very interesting: go ahead, Jim Crow to point about to insidious things. Voter suppression and election subversion It's no about who gets to vote is about making hard about this about who gets the count? The vow your vote count at all. It's not. I probably is a fact. Look this matters to all this. The goal
former prisoners allies is the dissidents very interesting. Isn't it, ladies and gentlemen, he's talking about ongoing voting suppression and who gets to count the vote while is attacking down Trump who's? Talking about corrupt, and fraudulent means against the election. How come Michael rounds and out and asked about what Biden just set right, rich binders, trashing the voting system Biden is trashing. The voting system, while defending its own alive,
how come he is not banned from twitter. How come he's not banned from Facebook? How can these not banned from from being talked about on broadcast company platforms? How come he's not ridicule the managed trashing our voting system, he says, there's suppression and it depends who counts the vote. Will then that means the voting system is corrupt, and yet he wins and eat attacks the former president by saying he won't accept that he lost but wait a minute. The mental measured out, thereby in saying this
comes corrupt, but I want and don't question it my grounds. The senators out there. What way we're trying to get him away from my ground go ahead. Everyone who vote against them simple as that the facts wrong matter, wait a minute. What did you just say, who's being suppressed from voting or buying supporters, and only by supporters, and only Democrats are being suppressed, really where exactly nowhere exactly just listen to this income here that was written for him that is helping out go ahead, go just decide what they want and then do it. It's a kind of power. You see in totalitarian states, while you
now you puke, I mean. Mr President, oh yeah, the fine court orders seeking the FBI on parents, wide, open borders and violation of our immigration statutes, bankrupting their nation attacking our capitalist system, trying to insist that people should be fired. If they don't get your vaccine, I got it. I got it, you would know you jerk go ahead, not democracies, We must be vigilant, and the world is watching. the world is watching for anything they're laughing they're laughing at you, they're laughing at us, because you're in there there plodding against the world is laughing world watering them make sure worlds. watching they know you're a go ahead in world leaders, the good and the bad ones.
Adversaries and allies alike there watching Eric democracy and see whether we can meet this moment- that's not hyperbole. It's not hyperbole to Maison one side of his mouth. He trashes the system. the sight of his mouth, he says. Look, I'm elected them in a fair and square system is corrupt, their suppression and matters the council about what I want fair and square and then my grounds or repeal because at their excuse me republicanism. Yes, we know that this very very carefully and everything was copper set it not only no fraud. It was actually fair. One of the first elections that ever occurred thanks my grounds Cut thirty one go today, I may get a clear reject our democracy. I support changes. The centre rule
Whatever way there need to be changed to use such as my light, I met a Joe Biden should change the rules for his re election in nature. It gets real change. All that's not corrupt. Now, came the role solely Democrats. Can win perfect? Wonderful, that's right! Take all the sick, many measures have. Why would you eliminate were identified cash to promote corruption? Why would you do almost everything else? It's in this bill to promote corruption? Why do the media censure this bill cover up? What's an Stephan apple? Is how come you don't have a chart on your screen on Sunday going through? What's in this Chuck truckles touch market, talk whatever! Why don't you have a list of what in this bill on a graph, so your dense audience can see exactly what's going on?
cause you know. What's in here, you don't wanna know. Do you know how bad the pupil broadcasting system same thing same thing about national pubic radio, same thing they don't want. People know how come the near excellent. I'm starting to have this on the front page for the Democrats have in their bill or the washed and compost, Did you see I was mentioned in the washing compost, MR producer? Here I mind my own business and the emails, or your mentioned while, where it I'll get to them later, go ahead, a minority of centres on walking inaction on voting rights? when it comes to protecting majority row and using its use me excuse me: it's a republic.
Their weight about majority rule, ladies and gentlemen, the majority want the borders open. Now. Do the majority support this this, sir, this this this crazy spending that creating and fled? No, they thought this isn't a parliament. This The democracy, its republic in some respects majority rule matters in some respects. It doesn't. As an example, I have said before the bill of rights are enough for a vote. Your neighbors vote on it. Your community doesn't vote on it. The declaration of independence, about unalienable right there called on clean up our rights God, given natural unalienable rights, people will get the vote on. He says at some point today, as he has before that your greatest right as the right to vote. No, your greatest right as the right to live, free that your greatest right. They are voting and totalitarian regimes there sham.
And that's exactly what the Democrats want to do: they want to set up a system where we your vote, but you can never win it can ever when I want California for the whole country. Moreover, they're gonna violate that constitution of ours, which they always do and want to do present. Give the federal government this power there would be no constitution, there'd be no United States. If we find in the Democrats and the media are pushing we're in the proposed constitution, it began with the reason why election systems were, for the most part left the stages coastal states insisted on. They created the federal government, the national government they'd be damned if they were going to confer that kind of power on it and they didn't go ahead, already should rule in the United States Senate. I make this
with careful gave her the majority should rule and the United States Senate. Why did you like great hero, Harry Red and you and they cape COD, Orca, TAT Kennedy and all the rest of you use the fellow buster whenever you could to advance our agenda now? He believes the majority should rule the majority should rule. This is why they oppose the electoral college sup when they win go ahead. Nice is a fundamental right to vote is a right from which all other rights flow know. What's stopping anybody from voting? People are trying to stop other people from cheating and cheating is an expertise that buying is singularly professional,
whether its college, whether its law school, whether its lying to the american people about all, is degrees in his intelligence. It's about cheating, it's not the voting reformat. It's the voting. Cheating act for the Democratic Party had sat simple. This is a great power grab, they say it all like Putin's. They behave like Putin's. I'll be right back then over thousand of you, my listeners made the switch from overpriced wireless carest, a pure talk over the past few months. We, the rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're, with eighteen see and varieties and r T mobile. Your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, you got great covered. Cheating
keep your phone and your number and your save a fortune pure talk is that top rated wireless company by consumer affairs with the absolute asked consumer service team, right here in Amerika. Does that sound good? Will it gets better right, I'll, get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data. Just there dollars a month and if you go over on data they charge you for it. They don't care, go to pure Haug, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levant Podcast again pure talk, USA, DOT, com, promo code Levin Alleviate podcast, and when you do, you will say fifty percent of your first month That's pure talk, USA, dot com, promo code, Lavigne, podcast, pure
USA. Simply smarter wireless well was done at thirty violent mob of January six, twenty twenty one empowered and encouraged by defeated for Brad shut up, you Eddie it how about a violent mob of twenty twenty? power encouraged by you and your elk and the damage they did now. Look you can't talk enough care mumble enough. Go ahead. Sought to win through violence. What are you doing talk about sought to win through violence? Ladies general, what was done to the building the people breaking in attack on cops? I've said when, over and over, we dont tolerate that they should be prosecuted.
But nobody was gonna change that election result not there and then people weren't. They want shooting anybody like the porter rican separatists, they weren't blue up. Any body like the radical left wing of the Democrats Party in the weather underground. So what is he talking about? They create these An area and the media go along with it, and so this is what they're going to push him put. Some people like me resist this. Ah, my god right wing talk, radio, somebody's gotta Shack, thereby make it completely out of control, so who's going to speak out against button. Mcconnell know this guy John soon, whose in line Replace Mcconnell he's like a six six. Six, seven dummy just stand there like a mannequin, I'm so sick of all these I know you have no idea. No, I know yes, actually you do what was at the banner said.
used to get along with russian Sean. Until I came, I don't know part had. I think they were very sceptical. Oh you to begin with you when you're pad in your drink in the rest of it, and we worked for the part in this. What is that group? I forget what it's called doesn't matter Giraldo cured closer jobs, constitution. giving coming common now heading seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one senator crews was questioning
such an attorney general meddlesome. These are all radicals at a hearing today. Why won't you target black lives matter? Riders and terrorists who fire bombed our cities. Cut, five go during twenty twenty black lives matter and Antigua riots. All across the country there were over seven hundred police officers injured by black. Matter at tea for riots, how many people have been charged with crimes of violence concerning those riots all across the country? I don't, regional. How made, I would say, your hundreds of people have been charges, isn't you would say, but you, but you don't know where we are Few, why the binding Department of Justice has such wildly disparate standards going after January, six, targeting some people committed crimes of violence at anyone who the crimes of violence should be processed
but also targeting a lot of non violent individuals. We ask you: why is it that you'd won't target the rioters and terrorist who firebomb cities across this country? The answer we got from the Department of Justice was shameful on October. Twenty second, you came back and said quote that apartment is dedicated investigative and prosecutors, resources commensurate with the significance of these events. significance, I guess it means the political benefit to the Biden White House, and I will tell you. There are great many Americans who are understandably deeply concerned about the politicization of the Department of Justice under President Joe Biden. It has been two hundred and eighteen days since sent you that letter d, O J, refused to answer the letter today when centrally, and I asked you about it, your answer to every damn question is, I don't know, I don't know
I don't know you're under oath. You may believe at the Department of Justice that you're unaccountable to the american people, but that is not the case and the wildly disparate standards are unacceptable. Took that clips paint Plain Oliver, cable tv and he's questioning FBI executive assists in a direct or national security branch Jill Sanborn today cut since go how many FBI, agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of January six Sir, I'm sure you can appreciate that I cannot go into this is a big of sources and methods. Do any FBI agents are confidential, informants actively participate in the events we knew where he says yes, yes, sir. I can't an answer that didn't
FBI agents are confidential informants commit crimes of violence on January sex. I can answer that, sir. did any F b. I guess, or FBI informants actively encourage and inside crimes of violence on January six percent. I can answer that. The Severn who is re ups I am aware, and the individual, sir, I don't have this background to him well a lot of people who are understandably wary about. Mr wrapped about this draft on the night of January Fifth,. two thousand and twenty one eps wandered around the crowd that had gathered and there's video out there at one thousand and ten and tomorrow we need to get.
Into the capital in the capital. This was strange behaviour so strange that the crowd began. Chanting fed bad bad, bad, bad, bad Mazanderan was re. Ups are fed, sir. I cannot answer that question while she can, but she won't could she's been ordered, not damage the question now. Let me be very specific with you, because again I used to work of justice. I used to be a chief of staff to an attorney general turn: eternal One meets, the FBI is part of the Department of Justice, among other things. So when the EP I is not involved in something, it's very easy to say no, the f B. I was not in wrong because you're not giving up tactics you're, not giving up any information. What sort of the F b I was not involved, know the FBI was not involved in the
on four congressmen on nineteen nineteen? Fifty four? No, the F B, I was nine involved in their side or the other. So if the FBI had not been involved in January. Sixth, he had to say is. The FBI had no role in that and the director the guy said that about of it pass, but they won't said about this one, because I can almost guarantee you and I'll have access, but I can almost
frontier the FBI had individuals laced throughout if you believe that tramp tramp supporters of violent, if you believe there, as your leadership, has said all those years from the director to the deputy director traverse others, the General Council, the FBI, fewer involved in trying to thwart the election of Donald Trump and trying to thwart as presidency and there he is at a rally about counting the vote protesting. What do you think the FBI's gonna norther You think the FBI's gonna play dumb play dead. Coarseness again, I can almost guarantee the FBI. Was there one form or another.
In one form or another, now she knew she was going to be asked about re up. So she says up there with the person. I dont have the specific background on how come I would take. Fifteen minutes over the appear, how come? Let me suggest you willards re, apps or somebody else or several other people. They can't this narrative and they are protected by the fine administration and the Democrats in Congress, and let us hope that we want a majority in one or both bodies. I do not believe the United Senators capable getting to the bottom of these things, given the fact that much Conall and soon, and then we'll run the republic do a very, very poor job of it, but the house. This is where the action is unworthy. Action needs to be. This is where the action is in. The action needs to be, and this is why it is so important that the very close
what's happening on these gerrymandering actions that the Democrats already picked up succeeds through gerrymandering. Then I guess I'm the only one who keeps bringing this up at some point. The back benches will start parroting. This Just takes them a little longer, but they need to get involved in this because that's what's going on that is what's going on, by hook or by crook. They talk accuracy when they want to thwart it. You got people like tumor chuck humour was on the floor. The Senate last week talking about robber, favorite rank legal. There ve been many but he's their favorite. He was their leader in the Senate for many years later become their chairmen of the preparations committee and here's. What shimmer said last week,
and go. This asymmetry cannot hold Senate. Republicans continue to abuse the filibuster to prevent this body from acting in the Senate Dat send it always has Robert see Bird one of this chamber's great traditionalist acknowledged that Senate rules that seemed appropriate in the past. You notice you notice how they give birth to pass because you wanna there is one of the great traditionalists Milly was that he was more than that, but forget about all that known and forget about
Mine, in his background, forget about the whole background of the democratic party. Pull them up down the statue hall, pull them down, move the portraits burn the books. Do this, do that, but never ever speak poorly. The democratic party or its great members like Robert Bird go ahead must be changed to reflect changed circumstances, oil boy. We have changed circumstances www boys, abandonment of voting rights by the Republican Party, embodies abandoning voting rights. You jerk. you moron vanity, voting rights by the Republican Party, the big light, look uh just keep repeating these things, JANET Six abandoning voting rights by the Republican Party, how tromp led an insurrection, they just say whatever they want, because they know they know that the media could give them.
Media is gonna regurgitate this. They know, in fact the media say the same thing now. What did Robert Bird say in March? Two thousand five did ya say what trucks rumour said he said: cut twelve go. There are true or false, utterly false proponents of the so called nuclear option site several instances in which they inaccurately allege that I blaze day procedural path toward an inappropriate change Hansen through their dead wrong did wrong. They draw analogies where none exist and create cockeyed comparisons that failed to withstand even the slightest intellectuals route. Any things robber mark two thousand pop shrink.
humor of twenty twenty two because Chuck as a serial disgusting, wire, he'll saying, do anything from public at the guy. Look at this at hunched over peace. If the guy. I'll be right back then, over thousand of you, my listeners made the switch from overpriced wireless carest, a pure talk over the past few months. We want the of you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're, with eighteen, see and varieties and r T mobile your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk. You got great covered cheating your phone and your number and your save a fortune pure talk is that time rated wireless company by consumer affairs with the absolute best consumer service team,
right here in Amerika. Does that sound good? Will it gets better right, I'll, get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data, just thirty Was a month and if you go up, on data they? charge you for it. They don't care, go to pure like USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levant Podcast again pure talk. U S! Promo. Levin Alleviate podcast, and when you do, you will say fifty percent of your first month that's pure talk, USA, DOT, com, promo code, Lavigne, podcast, pure, USA simply smarter wireless, the F b I have people there was the rather than anywhere. I can answer
was the FBI within three miles at applied can answer them? Who was the FBI dressed up, as can answer that parents about you know we'd, be giving up our tactics and strategy? does the f B. I wasn't very: was we weren't there? They do with nothing whatsoever. They are free to say that red sailor, but they can't Because they were there, the question is: how many, what were they doing? How many and what were they. We can answer that. Why, because then will reveal in
nation that would undermine the whole anniversary of January sex. You know it's just like this guide. The department of Education. Re involved unless letter, of course not. send an email that you were well Billy relying eyes your me, oh I see or Joe by There today, talking about how again he was in the civil rights Majuba was never in the civil Rights Movement turbine was. Idiot his entire life. I mean something's wrong with the system. I must confess when a guy like that can be elected to the Senate, arms, then elected vice president, then he's in the presidency, with the great support of his party, the media and the other reprobates there's something wrong with the system. They always want to fix the system. All I want to fix the sister. Maybe we ought to propose a vote.
system, MR producer in Amerika, I Republicans comment that we have our voting reform ACT. We want to have a tax system where we're only people who support Republicans get tax break. We can do with the Democrat. Rather than always have a department that serves their base department at this and the department of that that hands out grants and issues regulations against the private sector, maybe we should have a department of ready for this when MR producer free market capitalism. That is populated by people who believe in economic and personal liberty and all they do for policies and regulations against the rest of the bureaucracy. all kinds of rights and powers and enshrine them in our government. Maybe we should just like they do, except our way
My way, you know that's on Mister, Bruce, yes francs and to deny Sinaloa Frank Sinatra. Thank you were like Nancy Sinatra. She saw him. She turned into a big away how it shows going way too fast. I got way too much to discuss next hour, adopt your phone, she we're gonna. Do the FAO and the CDC in a much better, as it turns out. We ve been right all along and even wrong. All along area. And I'm sure all I we'll get a bonuses as well, and you know to quote- relate great Joe Biden. Excuse me to quote the late Great Joe Biden. I don't know what else waken, though I don't know what else the federal government that we were later we should achieve
Mccrone convictions him now during the election trunk products responsible, priory bodies that transcend incompetent throughout that brought that now I don't know what else I can do schmuck to point out. What do you think it up? Mach two points who, if not one point of rock no house Obama I'll, be right back. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S, Slash Joe.
He's here now: broadcasting them only underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader and hopefully, seven create the eight one one fancies like he's the one,
pandemic in many ways the many works for as a Panther pandemic of political decisions, the political decision of science. You know a good site, don't know something they tell you, that's never found she does. He knows everything, and yet he knows almost nothing. I was attacked, of course, as usual, when I was starting to raise questions about the death toll under the corona virus, I took the virus of seriously always have I've got fascinated, I got booster it I got the virus, I got the Monti Clock, get their hands staff and the mask and there's another so for thee with american workforce in them Can I good enough? You gotta told a lie, no matter what told a lie, because their american markets, after all,
Told a lie behind their favorite government. I any government that run by a democrat total lie behind their long known bureaucrats when you love to see the text, messages and emails between that country and the Fouche, and I found one year later saying: oh yes, yes, yes and I'm gonna get to the Washington Post to the moon. But they had their friends and media matters, a nonprofit organ, zation that long ago should have been prosecuted, in my personal view, to my view, for what it As with the tax code, it's clear who they are and what they are, but fun is them and so forth. But you know we have two tears are just as so that's the way it goes. And I also raised questions about their message. Stan you talk about getting the vaccine and then you talk about people can still get sick and just because the facts
you gotta make sure other people get the vaccine, and so I raised rational questions about, for instance, July twenty, nine, twenty twenty one July, twenty nine, twenty twenty. one, and these are more recent cut thirty forego anybody out understand the Bide Administration its position on masks and vaccinations. I mean truly, is anybody comprehend what's going on here and there are experts, to work in the governmental experts who don't work in the government. They don't understand. What's going on here and many of them are sent. Can we see the data that you're using? Please? Can we see your data on the delta variant. and what it is that is driving you with these really confusing dictates. Have you ever seen anything like this? The CDC has no data, they won't release it because there isn't any more
This is based on science. Doubt people raising questions forget about people raising questions. There called morons. We have professionals, expert scientists, medical doctors, raising questions. look, you do what you want. I got vaccinated as fast as I could, and I'm glad I did their people would maladies that. Can I got that, but here's my problem. what Biden and his administration are doing and when the new headed cdc in the others are doing. Is their discouraging people from being vaccinated in essence, because they're saying even if your vaccinated you're not fully protected need aware mask so if people are already sent Or hesitant or have an idiot
logical issue. With this, you just gave him a reason. Not to do it. The incompetence in incoherence of this administration is second to none. which I guess is understandable, since it is the by administrative. Now, let's start walk through this logically reasonably no politics, no ideology, let's just try and figure this out here is by At the White House today cut eighteen, go The CDC recommends you were a mass when you're in public. indoors, like one. corn and grocers. That's true, for both of actually andean vaccinate. Why? Because, even if you ve been fully reactionary and protect from severe almost from cover. Ninety you could the delta vary in your system as someone who is vaccinate now, I stop them, so
vaccinated could be the carriers of the doubts variant and its carriers of the doubt where you could spread to someone who is not vaccinated. Now tell why this makes no sense to me if you are vaccinated and you get the debt the variant than theoretically, I guess even the vaccinated I'll get a job, right, Mr Miller's, so what's the point of being vaccinate not arguing against vaccination. What I'm arguing is they make no sense because they're not using data, this isn't a data based argument. This is illogical. This is not database argument. This is a group of people sitting around struggling trend come up with ideas, and their idea is. Let us justify that
everyone has to wear a mask, even the vaccinated, and now even some of these phony news. Patients are saying the light target and I started, and I ran Paul and felt you wanna today, foul tree is a narcissist and ease of noxious he's all one true for my view. Some of it cut eighteen go in an email exchange with Doktor College. You conspire- and I quote directly from the email to create a quick and devastating, published, take down of three problem epidemiologist from Harvard Oxford, and Stanford family there's a lot of fringe epidemiologists at Harvard Oxford Stanford and you
any mail the day or from Doktor Collins, a new. You agree that they are fringe. I mean. This is take down effort, a published takedown, you know, doesn't exactly conjure up the image of a dispassionate scientist, Stead of engaging them on the merits- DR and sought to smear them, is fringe and take them down, and not in journalism in press. This is not only antithetical on the scientific method. Is the opportunity of cheap politics in its reprehensible darker valjean? Do you really think its appropriate. use your four hundred and twenty thousand dollar salary to attack scientists that disagree with you The email you referring to was an email of doktor when's to me. If you look at the email that you responded to in hurry up until I can do it, I can do it, we got something in the wires. I don't know. I think, in usual fashion center
distorting everything about me did you ever having acted. Doktor counts is characterisation of them as friends and you right back to doktor gowns. I know they're not fringe their esteem scientists and it would be beneath me. I didn't know that you are By doing that, you would do it. You immediately got an artist. Why don't you have sent it back to him to look I've gotta my nail domain wired of all scientists about England on you day you go again. Now is not the same thing. Every year I was yours boss. what oh, this wasn't the only time to your desire to take around the law incorrect as usual. Senator you correct almost everything! Well, you deny you didn't I, but the emails could tell the truth of this now cut nineteen. So We are here at a committee to look at a virus. Now that is killed. Almost nine hundred thousand people and the purposes. the committee was to try and get things out how we can help to get the american public in Europe
coming back to person attacks on me that have absolute, no relevance to react. You think anybody has had more regularly line issues than you have demanded a grey area. Can you think it's a grey success, what's happened so far? for our kids. Do you think we slow down there? three more people die now under President Biden than did under President Drum but the one responsible you are, the architect. You're the lead architect for the response from the government, and now I thousand people have died. It's a winning success. What you ve advocated for government First of all, if you look at everything that I said, you accuse me and a monolithic way telling people what they need. Do everything that I said has been in support of the CDC guidelines, a mask yet boosted.
that is even make it course look get or every they added. I it'd be done by mandate when advocated that your infallible opinion be dictated by law mine so again manager. I would like just a couple of minutes, because this this happens all the time personally, attacked me and with solutely, not a shred of evidence of anything. You say. while we know about gain a function, we know you ve been extremely misleading about that. If not flat outlying, then you turn to semantics. It depends what you mean by gain a function. I mean you're, the ones I gave at the grand and it's like pulling teeth. They get information out of Fouch and his group like pulling teeth, and so when you have a senator whose effective and aggressive trying to get the information out personal attacks, really personal attacks
those two words are the definition of the Democratic Party in the media in this country. Personal attacks he doesn't want. Personal attacks are ok, let's do one more cut twenty go. Have you done. and I think, given the circumstances that we're in right now, I believe, he's done a very good job. Tine about by mind, would in a very good job guy this an extraordinary virus, the likes which we have not seen even close to and well over. One is it very widely virus is fooled, everybody all the time from the time it He came in to Delta too now Micron very unfair, take and doing the best we possibly can well very forgiving of Joe Biden who came in office with vaccines and therapeutics, not developed under his presidency and developed in spite of fat, because Trump had a push hard, particularly the
The aim- I don't remember all of this- this kind of love talk when it came to Trumpet the things he was doing and trying to do in this disaster came out of China, of course, and had hit it hit jointly. Administration first and there is buying going on that every death trumps responsible for, Didn't respond properly and he politicize this, advice and in many respects so did Falcon and, of course, the media, the employer, the vaccine Then they wonder what's going on here. Even today, they trash that people are vaccinated. Who are those people wonder Significant percentage of their people in inner city in minority community, but they don't say that they're not going to say that they want you to think a tall trunk people. So a lot of people.
Bread bear had will shall will lend on Fox NEWS Sunday. Here's to how many deaths are from covert, not just with covered cut. Twenty three go. Speaking, statistics. It seems to make a big difference if a person in the hospital is in the hospital for covered nineteen or with covert nineteen, It's been almost a year since you ve been running the agencies. We have that split on numbers and let me stop there. I have been saying this since the begin. Because the definition in the original guidelines, the CDC, gave out where ambiguous member this MR producer, I won't bother the audience with dead, go back and play at stuff, but- and I wish trash like here- I was the first one out of the box to say something is not right here. You have this definition that includes people.
who have died from maladies that they already had, even though they also had covered and that the CDC is not by forgetting this. It's not begging at this, it's not distinguishing them, and so the numbers can be right. Go ahead, you know what I will say is differs by each variant, so some variants first rob we're doing screening of many many hospitals of everybody whose walking in the door what we're seeing what the COMECON variant is, that it tends to be milder person by person. But given how large the numbers are, that we are seeing more and more cases come into the hospital in some hospitals that we ve talked to up to. Forty percent of the patients who are coming in with Covin are coming in, not because their stick with covered, but because, because they're coming in with them.
out and have had to cope covert or of the american variant detect and wrote. But I guess you know how many of the eight hundred thirty six thousand deaths in the? U S linked to covered or from coal, or how many are with covered, but they had other Como bedded east. You have that breakdown, and yes, of course, With Amr Crime, we are following that very carefully our death registry. Of course, I'm takes a few weeks to end. This takes a few weeks to collect and, of course our Micron has just been with us for a few weeks, but those data will be forthcoming. Yes, but the corona virus has been with us for a few years and he pointed out that they are that there are eight hundred and thirty six thousand that's the vast majority of which are not from all my crown, because I'm a crime is not that deadly and she didn't answer my question. it's something. I've been pointing out for a long time. How many deaths are the result of something else
and how many deaths are the result of carbon and they want How do you can go on their website? They won't tell you there. Definitions have been ambiguous, they will not tell you so why won't they tell us because they used to run these charge. They used to give out the information how many people died from covert and then, when you asked the secondary question, which really should be there primary question: why how many did buy from covert and how many died from a heart attack who had covered or how many died from cancer? Who had come again, something we ve been asked me here for the longest time you can't get an answer. It can't get a straight answer. It's like how many people have the natural immunity, because they ve gotten cove and how many you can't get an answer, and yet it seems to me these are a central scientific questions that need to be answered right with these mass abuse
receives that spend tens of billions of dollars year and they don't keep the data. Now when we come back more brooks who's running for Republican nomination in the sun in Alabama has said something that I have come to believe that I've come to me. I don't have any evidence, but I really believe it and you'll see when we return I'll, be right back aim the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC, fights
old time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits in discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts cell phone- It's a hell of a lot more it's not enough. You'll get a max by Monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at aim. Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M, a sea dot! U S
I'm looking for something of a second Can we do story, Years ago, MR producer on Peter killing D. And Virginia member, but remember there trying to find it now. You want to find out for me just Google word or duck docket. She would hardly a group to talk about animals, Peters and really disgraceful group. And One of the reasons why the circuits anymore, you to the elephants, retreated so beautifully by parliament research circus that even headache.
And do now a reserve for them to protect them and take care of them. They have these lifelong relationships, Would the men and women who care for them they loved these? These elephants they these animals, like no one else like no one else, and Peter kept trying to make the case that there are being abused. and so forth, and they were not being abused. I mean, after They needed the elephants for the circus. It's not easy to get an elephant for the circus. Why would they abuse the elements. And there was a storm among gonna, find it about what they were doing: the dogs and Virginia. I recall, and I think had one other people on my show. Didn't we, MR reducer leave Irene. May, however, something that I think know. Maybe I'm Joe Biden on project
I'll be right back AIM Act. The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook in, and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time, presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond, but to see joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone and a hell of a lot more It's not enough! You'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join
today at a MAC dot? U S! That's a m, a sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U s! liberty's voice, Mark Levin talk with that voice, now eight billion seven hundred and seventy three million eight hundred and eighty one thousand three hundred and sixty five watch dot. Org it keeps a watchful eye on animal rights movement. I had their executive director
Devon in twenty eleven to talk about some of this and looking at their site now February 13th, two thousand and twenty Virginia's Department of Agriculture and consumer services has published the Tistic Savannah Mo Shelter records for two thousand and nineteen in the numbers for people for the ethical treatment of animals. Peta are shocking. According to the report, they write Peter killed, one thousand five hundred ninety three dogs, cats and other pets. Last year, repulsive sixty six percent kill Ray with twenty three hundred and eighty patch, the organization took in only thirty two were adopted out. Several hundred other pets were sent other facilities since Nineteen? Ninety eight Peter has killed over. They write forty thousand cat dogs and other animals in Virginia and compare and other private animal shoulders are doing much better when it comes to finding homes for animals. Official records show private animal shelters in Virginia at a euthanasia rate of just
I presented adoption rate of seventy three percent last year and they write was ultimately response for. Seventy two percent of the dogs and cats killed in Virginia forty, five private shelters and they have links led repeaters official body count could be found here and they go on Peat as a history of unethical behaviour when it comes to their quote: angel of death, unquote, shelter programme and twenty fourteen, the dog nap. healthy Chihuahua off its owners property and it goes on show you I read about it and got a humane watch. Dot, Org, Slash, PETA, Humane watch, DOT, Org, Slash Peter, and you can research this for yourselves to determine the author.
the other, but I found the group in the past. We very thorough, looking at other reports, as opposed to just making up these numbers, so that doesn't sound like the ethical treatment of animals to me, not in the least mobile costs. I, like my books, a lot I and for the Senate and State of Alabama, by the way, I'm sorry University of Alabama role, Tide lost to Georgia. I have a fancy for University of Alabama, my daughter want their part time had not part time and what their part of her time before she wound up a George Mason, but I like that team a lot, but I have the same. The fourth quarter, Georgia, just kill them set simple, ah mole, Brooks Mo Brooks
on Fox news. Sunday cut twenty forego. This is a buyer weapon that was created in the HI by weapons LAB Public Communist China is party in conjunction with people's Liberation Army, its can bear for a long time and we have to learn to deal with it. We cannot shut ourselves up, which is one of the policies that unfortunately, has done so much damage to our economy. At the instance of democratic governors, mayors and to some degree resident Dubai. I didn't go to work I have to clarify one comment: you made there that the corona viruses a bio weapon. We have not seen any proof of that Albert certainly been investigations into whether there is a possibility. I have seen enough information from other classified saluted non. Some movement consistent
private meeting with someone who worked in that programme in Communist China, there was a part of their by weapons programme telling us what was true borrowing. It is by weapon, it is man made and it was man made at the wheel on by weapons. Now can I say that one hundred percent- certainly no, but I can that, with a high degree of confidence and ass, my belly. And, ladies and gentlemen, I've come to that belief as well, and I think that The Chinese are hiding this. I think that's why the surrogates in this country that are bought and paid for defence Communist China. I believe it is well now what photos you know: evidence from when you say. Well, it's my belief, but you don't have evidence when you actually try to get evidence. Obviously the communist Chinese will not allow you to get the evidence.
Nor will the World Health Organization. I think this was a mistake. I don't think something escaped from the lab, because people were just earned sleep, trying to figure out how to get in front of viruses that they had themselves have concocted and created, and why would we put a pass communist China.
We put a pass communist China to be working on bio weapons. There genocidal regime that have no respect for humanity, and yet these same people in our country hate America more than their suspicious of communist China. So I do think I've thought about it enough. I do think it was. They were creating a buyer wept and it did get out a controller escape, and I think this is a massive cover up. Does it just my opinion and as for evidence and more happy to look for it and find it, but there's just something just too weird. Just too weird that mean in the media, we can't rely on them to dig into this some one of them many of them are bought and paid for who junketings four, but even more than that they're the ones had spread the lie about the the
I am all too monkeys or whatever they were too human transfer, which has been utterly debacle. They're, not the had dug into they will harm lab. Others had to do so. The median America corrupt there absolutely corrupt the really doesn't matter what they think of what they have to say. As far as I'm concerned, I wanted to address them, else here. Do I owe you a sponsor mister booth? I will get to that. There's a piece I guess it was today, maybe in the Washington composed the morning by Ashley, Parker and Josh Dorsey trumps, cable cabinet new text reveal the influence of foxholes some previous White house. Now, first of all, this underscores what this committee in the media
This has nothing to do with any to the bottom of anything. They believe they can have a treasure trove of texts and emails And other information through the back door to attack Fox to attack certain hosts. Which they wouldn't normally get because a protection under the first man. That committee is the government to part of Congress. New times is more than happy to provide this information, so as the Washington post of anybody has any text or information related to the Washington Post or New York Times for many reporters, I'd be happy to have an and release those two wars, war But you read through this: you read about Shaw. then kill Mead and in Rome and a little bit about Tucker and this one and that one.
I'm getting most of this through the back door through the meadows texts. Obviously, the committee is leaking at the washed and composting acts he owes the New York slams relegates fine smear people with an agenda and they're not smearing anybody. People spoke to tromp, they gave him their advice and vice versa, near a post should Rio washed imposing at times do that with Obama by nor those people all the time all the time they work with committee staff. Time they work with members of Congress all the time, so it really an irony that they write a piece like. Oh, my god, these opinion house were actually into the present and vice versa. Yeah. That's true! Then we get to this paragraph. The list fire. A former White House communication directors said the foremost influential foxhole were Dobbs hand the Ingram and purer, and in the final year the trouble
illustration: Hannity was the most influential other form administration officials also should mark Levant. Another Fox Maria Two Roma have Fox Business House, is to other network stars and regular, touch with the White House. From the point of view of the staff. Ferris said the girl was simply to try to get ahead of what advice you thought he was going to be given by these people. Is there an official council could completely changes mine on something was high in touch with them? in the White House all the time rich. No, I don't think so If I had an opinion on something that I thought it was very very important. I would contact the White House if the Agent or others, had an opinion on something they thought was important. Sometimes they would contact me nothing scurrilous about nothing secretive about it. No can speak.
See towards an insurrection, ongoing Billy were discussed January six, I don't know, but here's the thing who cares? Why does this matter? How is it that, though, we all these texts when it applies to trouble. You don't get anything when it applies to all bomb, we'll get anything when our poised Abiden, not amazing trump, as tax returns leaked ever heard of such a thing, and we have tat and we have in the man's an Ex president he's thinking about running again, and this is what trying them not so just the story itself is not possible without members of this committee, Mr Producer in America, working with the press correct and doing What providing information in their opinions to Ashley, Parker and Trash Darcy and the Washington Post, an actual and the New York Times and other news entities doing eggs
we want the accused others of doing no. No. The differences that people they name in this article didn't like they are because they own a media, but you notice the any the the stupidity these people? They write it this long piece about foxhole talking to the president coming the wall there talking the members of this committee, which are supposed to be in the middle of an investigation, mouthpiece for this committee, just as they were mouthpieces for the FBI, the Hilary campaign Perkins Coy Mark Elias Obama, and all the rest. It's hilarious, the very article they write their doing what they accuse. Other people. So maybe, though, release their texts from wrong
firstly in Josh my colleague Ashley drunk. I think I will just released the information voluntarily, so we can take a look and judge how you judge others creepy people, bravery, creepy I'll, be right back then aims the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them Mac, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a fault time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond.
but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts cell phone and a hell of a lot more. It's not enough. You'll get em by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join. Today, at a MAC dot? U S! That's a m! I see that you s, stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot! U s I hope you, like Sunday's program, like Libyan Levant, couple days back, didn't out of our Florida studio,
which shall be using more often. I hope you like them I'll get something! I've been saying in many respects on radio for some time the real insurrection you're starting to see that in writing and expressed by other people now to part of what I when this programme as I try and blaze, a pass or other people are more comfortable talking about these subjects, and I think we succeed in many ways to do that. So where I wanted to briefly mention Bob Sag, it I didn't know Bob sagged. We were pretty close an age, but I grew up mostly township culture. The Hampton Chapin surveying outside of filling right outside of filling in the town. Ship, just north of us is a township ship called Abingdon and there used to be. You know.
A real love battle between the two and sports particular basketball and that sort of eye, and that's where Bob sagged grew up and having I want the Temple University, even though is accepted in a variety of Ivy League schools and so forth. That's where we could afford it was fine by me and that's what, Second went to college Temple, universe proudly when he graduated. He headed They allay always wanted to be an entertainment, but more than that. when my daughter Larn was a year or two years old for house was our favorite show. It was my favorite. Shall we just love the hell out of it. And we'd often lie on the bed. I'd put her up on my legs to watch the tv channel.
we all gathered around a watch. It was just a wholesome funny could show back then for a very short period of time. We lived, I guess about forty fifty miles south of San Francisco in a place called Sunnyvale, which I like very much on a street called wax wing, and I remember the address and a very modest, but it was wonderful time. We were there you're too, that a year was wonderful, just got way too expensive and there are other things I wanted to do, but it was fantastic. Give heard me talk about stand doughnuts in the past. that was in Santa Clara off Lawrence Expressway owed weight in line there on the weekends, but I'd also sneak off there in the morning.
after work, I just loved their doughnuts, their glaze doughnuts, their chocolate ice doughnuts? Even today I can take them and I haven't had them and decades wonderful, wonderful people didn't ran it senses. I understand. the parents who passed away there are just always very kind of you, and I Nobody just a working stuff all that said, and we were there for that earthquake, the six point one or six point six whatever, but we're gonna Miss Bob Sagoth. My daughter told me about his person. I don't think my son ever saw, but maybe he did maybe was born in time, but we're gonna miss him and miss it Because it was a very wholesome period of time and it was a very wonderful programme, not with all the difference
ex things and all propaganda and all the rest of your staff that your fine on a box of fruit loops today to wish him in his left, his family over all the best in our prayers and there are who passed away that I have a nice time. This house knew that we salute armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emerging personnel. God bless you all stay. Healthy and stay well, and I will see you tomorrow,
Transcript generated on 2022-01-12.