« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/10/21


On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Kyle Rittenhouse should have never been charged with murder of any kind. When charging someone with murder a prosecutor should move slowly and carefully; Rittenhouse was charged with homicide within 36-48 hours. This was clearly self-defense but the media wants to villainize him. If Rittenhouse would not have defended himself while being attacked he might be dead. The prosecution's actions bordered on contempt and earned a scolding from the judge. Prosecutors ridiculed Rittenhouse for exercising his fifth amendment right immediately following his arrest and trying to taint the jury with unrelated comments that the judge had precluded from the case. Then, there is a problem with justice in America and just as we saw it with Donald Trump, we're seeing it with Kyle Rittenhouse. The Congressional committee entirely selected by Nancy Pelosi and their lawyers and judges saying that President Biden is best equipped to assert executive privilege over documents from the Trump Administration is a political consideration that does not follow the Constitution. One could argue that Trump is the likely 2024 front-runner and that this judicial maneuver is one more way to try and thwart his candidacy. Later, the radical Marxist infrastructure bill is code for a fundamental transformation of our economy focused on the degrowth movement disguised as the Green New Deal. A movement that has become anti-car would move America toward economic dislocation. These anti-capitalist theories based on abstractions would be disastrous to society. Meanwhile, Biden says he fixed the supply chain months ago and he did, but he fixed them for the drug cartels. Afterward, Aaron Rodgers is not invading the border, violating the separation of powers, or spending taxpayer dollars like a drunken Marxist, so the media needs to lay off. Perhaps the media should look at all the damage being caused by the racialized Marxist teachings in our classrooms. Fauci, Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer lie for a living and the media does nothing about it.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills: they'll college for over one hundred and seventy five years for purposes, have defined hills, Douze Mission, learning, character, faith and freedom. Do for listening and my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters had hills data for their great sponsorship now, broadcasting them wrongly underground commend both from the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of a nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader
Eighty seven thousand seven hundred and thirty, eight one thousand three hundred and eighty one one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. I am operating tonight without a computer computer, but that's it. My laptop has gone belly up no longer laptop its belly up up. We'll see what we can do with this overnight and tomorrow, some working with I found my own cranium, which is good enough for me. What a brush used to say: half my brain tied behind my back. Well, that's that's! Where we're coming from right now, no question about it:
I spent a good part of the day watching the Kyle written House trial, and I want to make several conclusions here. number one, this young man should never been charged with murder of any kind of any kind number two. young man should not have been charged with anything. I watched assistant d who wants to become the elected dear and he's a disgrace. These charges were levelled against written house.
Within thirty six, forty eight hours after the events which are going to charge somebody with murder, you need to have a little bit more time to go through the facts, particularly in this case, where, even if you didn't have all Tax, you knew there was the potential for a reasonable self defense argument and that's why you too, your time. But this is what the mob has done in this country. People are being charge into being charged quickly when they shouldn't be charge quickly and in some cases, should be charged at all cow Rittenhouse, shot. Three people.
the first two died in the second, had his right, biceps shot and really turned into dust in each case. There are other assaulted him or are going to solve him, and in the latter case, every reason to believe if he didn't shoot, he would be shot no question about it. And it is amazing to me how the media have turned this on its head, as if this young man is guilty. As if he had to be shot in the head ass, if How to be had again in my head with escaped board is if he had a weight to be brutally assaulted in order
defending himself but that's not the logs, not the law was constant. It's not the law anywhere. not the law anywhere. Now the prosecution committed several unethical acts, for which some drudges would have held this prosecutor, Thomas bigger income, including starting down the road with a jury that written house after his arrest after being charged, chose to be silent, and not talk about that ACE, giving the implication that he must be guilty, and of course everybody knows, you have the right to be silent and the fact that your quiet, if to your choice,
urged is what any lawyer would advise you so that the court was furious and should have been. It was outrageous around the second occasion, The prosecutors trying to bring in really information- that's not determinant of anything. While you had the gun illegally, you're running around, like your superhero putting out fires within extinguisher you, said earlier- that if you had your rifle you what a shot shoplifters it that has nothing to do with what took place in those three shootings. Nothing. And you might say: well, it shows a pattern. A mentality turns a pattern of nothing if, in fact, it actually showed a parent
if it was illustrative of a pattern, that's one thing, but it didn't, because, under the circumstances of the shootings, though, a premeditated his decisions were made within nanoseconds, has nothing to do what he was saying to somebody else before period. I think the defence has done an outstanding job done. The last case. The individual who lived, who had his biceps shot as you know, yesterday, he wound up confirming that when his hands were down, Rittenhouse did
shoot him, but when he started lunching at him with his gun in his hand aimed at written houses body his head, that's one written how shot with a serious problem with justice in this country. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm gonna give you another case. Case involves the present in the United States, Donald Trump. And many people who surround him with a federal district judge in the District of Columbia, like too many quite frankly, who was appointed by Obama stage, was appointed by Obama and, Her name is Judge Animo, my Iphone hair,
Tanya shotgun and she has the typical left wing credentials. And the core of her ruling was put down Europe is not present in any more thrilling, not his responsibility to protect the executive branch from the legislator branch. That's the responsibility of the sitting present in the United States and the sitting. Presently United States has decided not not to argue executive privilege, quite the contrary, decided the whatever documents the Congress wants. In this case Nancy Pelosi Select Committee, a Politburo members. They can have.
and so here she said, you have the fusion of the executive branch and the legislator branch and who is Donald Trump and Ex president to intervene because he doesn't want certain documents turned over. That's one of the stupid s. Arguments have her first of all. Just so you know there is no definitive Supreme court decision. Broad enough to choose to use has precedent in this case, but I want to make a point to you. If Congress has the power to subpoena the presidential documents, former president. They want texts and emails and documents at the national archives and so forth, and saw particularly a committee like this worthy Democrats, speaker that
decided on who the republic members were and rejected every single proposal by Kevin Mccarthy, the report and later she decided who every member this select committee would be, including they Reprobates whenever Trumpery, but that aside clearly clearly you're protecting the executive branch, when an ex president asserts that he has the power the authority to us. Privilege over certain of the pieces of information being demanded by the House Democrats find these two reprobate, because that information doesn't suddenly become available to Congress, because we're talking about an Ex president
It doesn't suddenly become congresses right to collect whatever they want, how much they want from an Ex president of the United States by going into the archives and going after his official documents. An electronic communications now that he's had of office in this argument that Joe Biden is best position to determine how to protect the executive branch is preposterous. It's his party, that's leading the charge in the house, moreover, not that it won't happen, but the fact is at least now. Donald Trump is a potential competitor for him in the next election. I'm not arguing that bind will run, but I'm making the point that what the judge citizen is idiotic.
so these political considerations or what the judge took into consideration and not the constitution and separation of powers. Joe Biden isn't going to assert executive privilege over these documents during the trunk presidency because he ate tromp he's not going to us. Rejected a privilege over the documents, even if it means protecting the executive branch because trumps in the other,
Already in his party wants the documents he's not going to assert executive privilege in this case, because at least he might be thinking, help me running against tromp, and so whatever dirt can come out whatever this, this stalinist committee can pull together and use against Trop and his administration, all the better that is what's going on. This is the idea of justice. This would be the same President Donald Trump, who was the victim.
same Democratic Party, the same Obama Biden Administration, the Hillary Clinton campaign in this Russia collusion farce. It is the greatest fraud ever committed against the american people politically ever and the Democratic Party join forces. The democratic party join forces with the FBI, intelligence agencies and even the Russians to try and destroy candidate Trop President Elect Trump and President Trump. It is my contention that Obama I'd and the attorney general, the United States back then call me. We know. Brennan and clapper now know that Hillary Clinton in our campaign
Pushing for this russian collusion issue, they know how do we know because last October make that October, two thousand and twenty Ratcliff, but then director of national intelligence, declassified a released documents that demonstrated. that demonstrates so you had the Obama administration, Obama Biden, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the FBI, the Intel agencies and, of course, are corrupt. Corrupt media colluding conspiring to do what To destroy candidate crop and then to destroy trap, and they never wrote they never stop. They were unrelenting. We re criminal, invest creation, triggered as a result of what Hillary Clinton and the Democrats,
and not a single syllable in this still dossier was factual, their single source was this russian expert and analysed at the left wing, Proud Clinton, Brookings Institute, that was source everything else was alone. You're comin, knowing it was a lie. That's my contention goes meets with tromp before sworn in me to a trump. and basically show somebody has effectively blackmailing I'm threatening. And you wonder why Tromp was furious. Wonder why waded you wonder? Why fought back. there's no reason to wonder anymore. so when you hear people, I Chris Christie that the Reagan
Barrier, the republican jewish coalition or other places trashing trump or the likes of some back bencher reprobate Republican, bushy, Cheney or any of the other, Now you know where their heads or by the way, isn't it amazing that you don't hear from these never trappers. Now that the entire Russia collusion farce and fraud is collapsing. you notice, you don't hear them apologizing. You don't hear them saying anything saying with the american media the liars that propagandists not return in a Pulitzer prize is either I notice I'll, be right back in american history and seven,
education is at a turning point. While we allow bureaucrats and lobbyists to choose what schoolchildren are taught or well, we teach the whole truth. My friends at Helstone College argue for teaching the truth. They ve made they hills Del seventeen. Seventy six curriculum downloadable for free at Levine for Helstone that calm available not only to teachers but also to citizens, just like you to share with other concern Americans. This complete k, three twelve history and civics curriculum designed to give educators guidance. Not mandates. Allow stew to learn the tragedies and triumphs of american history, as it really happened only through a complete
An honest study of our history. Can students fully understand the world in which they live? Our children deserve to be taught the truth through a sound curriculum that was created by teachers, not bureaucrats and upholds the dignity of each individual. America's future depends upon an honest candid look at our history: Download hills, those seventeen, seventy six curriculum for free today, at El Eve, the iron from Helstone Back come like women. had stonework justice. This general six committee, they just issued a whole bunch of more subpoenas and the girl after a lot of little people too. That's because of this Obama judge in Washington D C that simply said, go for whatever you want and, of course, you have the mentally unhinge show by
says: yeah go after Trump do whether we need to do there is not a single person on this committee, not one who respect separation of powers, not one who can actually cares about any form of due process. There are throwing the broadest net pause taking in secretaries and press secretaries and everybody else, we want to know we want around a trap. We want another, you already know what their conclusion is. That's why they're stolen. you already know what their conclusion is. The conclusion is that I've been cited an insurrection, Tromp incited an insurrection o Bill Clinton inside an erection, triumphant cited insurrection. I don't think so folks the insurrection taking place now, american history
Civic. Education is at a turning point. While we allow bureaucrats and lobbyists to choose what schoolchildren are taught or well, we teach the whole truth. My friends at Helstone College argue for teaching the truth they ve made they Helstone seventeen. Seventy six curriculum downloadable for free at Levine, for a helstone that calm available not only to teachers but also to citizens. Just like you to share with other concern Americans. This complete k, three twelve here green civics curriculum designed to give educators guidance, not mandates, allow stew. To learn the tragedies and triumphs of american history, as it really happened only through a complete and on a study of our history. Can students fully understand the world in which they live? Our children deserve to be taught the truth through sound curriculum that was created by teachers, not bureaucrats and upholds the dignity of each individual.
Eric as future depends upon an honest candid look at our history: Download hills, those seventeen, seventy six curriculum for free today at El Easy, I am for hills doubt I come nobody says it better than Mark Laverne within forty mark living. Nobody could have better call now, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, the prosecution, any written house case might This is the reason why they defied this judge into instances. Is they wanted a mistrial because they're losing so badly because their key witness was a disaster and cow Rittenhouse who took the stand in his own defense was absolutely outstanding. He was calm cool collected
He answered the questions, but you didn't fall for any the traps, actually quite an intelligent young man. an intelligent young man As I look through the horizon of issues out, there look at the different websites and so forth. This is what talk show host. Do I've decided that what I am about to talk about is a bigger priority. It's a bigger priority, then repetition on radio and tv? That's for sure some of the biggest amounts of money that were in this recent so called infrastructure bill bipartisan? Don't you know and in the year and the and the sort of Stalinist,
and the Democrats want to pass involves climate change and the green new deal. Because these will have a dire effect on the capitalist system and is by him said a fundamental transition in our economy. I want to take a little bit of time on this. If we may, and we may. The so called environmental movement of the nineteen seventies, one forty three american marxism- has devolved into another avenue, do attack american constitutional republicanism and, of course, capitalism. from clean air and clean water to global co, warming and climate change. The gulf. Many of the leading intellectuals behind this effort has been the introduction of Marxists thinking and objective
through the guise of environmentalism, has the green new deal which promotes economic rights? Russian, radical egalitarianism and autocratic rule, but the movement has Splendid well beyond that to include virtually every programmatic in agenda driven goal of the American Marxism Movement, which has been embraced one degree or another by the Democratic Party, among others, The environmental movement is develop, numerous areas of overlap with other marks or centric ideologies and movements such as critical race theory via environmental justice, which declares the distance of environmental racism targeting minority communities, some of the movements masterminds, insists that Marxism does not go far enough in establishing their de growth, Utah, in his ears. They imagine life and a perpetual state of nature were productivity. Growth and material acquisition are toxic to the human spirit.
and, of course, in the end, it all involves a form of repression and autocracy. The core. This mine, numbing amalgam, it marks eccentric or marxist, like crusaders, they d growth movement, mankind, consumers and producers too much in the blame, resides with capitalism in America. Again there the a variety of movements within movements targeting one or another approach, but there are basic tenets and the best way to explain this is to expose what certain of its leading advocates had to say. In the rest, say what is growth from an activist slogan, to a social movement leading DE grocers. Eureka De Mario France, wash nighter silk us soak a lover and Joan Martin earlier right that, and I quote both was launched in the beginning of the twenty first century. Choose me as a project of voluntary societal, shrinking of production and consumption aimed at so
Sean Ecological sustainability. I want you to think about this, as you can see the shutting down of pipelines, the up ending what was and energy independent nation, our country and these various attacks on growth in this country, because this is what it is. It's a d growth movement It quickly became a slogan against economic growth and developed into a social movement. Now these are these four Arthur's are advocates for this by the way, unlike sustainable development, which is a concept based on false consensus. De growth does aspire to be adopted at a as a common goal by the United Nations. The organisers
for economic cooperation and development or the European Commission, the idea of socially sustainable de growth are simply de growth. They write was born as a proposal for radical change. The contemporary context of neoliberal capitalism appears as a post political condition, meaning a political formation that for closes the political and prevents the political position of particular demands. Within this context, they write de growth is an attempt to re politicized, the debate on much needed, socio ecological transformation, affirming dissidents with the current world representations and sir four Ternata ones. Now the words reject what is the status quo, t grow challenges, the ideas of green growth or green economy, and the associated belief in economic growth is a desirable path and political agendas. Now, as a footnote later,
gentlemen. Even marks wanted economic growth, even Karl Marx wanted economic growth, but he was focused on labour and distribution, but d growth is even more radical, but it is part of this. Marxist movement de growth is not just an economic concept there right. It is a frame constituted by a large array of concerns in gaol, strategies and actions. As a result, de growth has now become a confluence point. we're streams of critical ideas and political action converge. This is what is in this radical marxist package that the Democratic Party wants to pass, and then I point
Hence the goal is to reverse the massive economic progress resulting from, among other things, the industrial revolution which created a huge vibrant middle class and infinite technological, scientific and medical it is out of overwhelmingly improve the human condition now this Quartette of authors continues, and these are professors. De growth has evolved into an interpretive frame for a social movement, understood as the mechanism through which actors engage in a cup.
Active action, for instance, anti car and anti advertising activists, cyclists and pedestrians rights campaigners, partisans of organic agriculture, critics of urban sprawl and promoters of solar energy and local currencies have started seeing de growth as an appropriate common representative frame for their worldview, and they have anti car think about. What's going on in our country today, Anti Car Pedestrian rights, urban sprawl, solar energy, so forth and other social invention by these utopians were dragon. I got into a regressive, impoverished society with widespread economic and social dislocation. That is a pre industrial,
an environment where progress comes to an end, and for that is the goal anti car, which is any time mobility, anti advertising. As I speak, anti modern agriculture, which is anti abundant food, anti fossil fuel, which is anti abundant energy, etc. And I write one wonders: what of scientific and medical advances? How would they be developed and broadly applied for the benefit of the general population like Marxism generally, this move based on theories and abstractions than when forcibly apply to the real world, particularly in a widely successful, not advance. City like ours have a result. It is disastrous for the population and you're starting to see it now the x you're in shows that for those among them who are famous wealthy and or powerful, they will continue the luxury in a lifestyle created by capitalism.
am, I boring everyone, MR bidders. They go on and I'm telling you these things, because this is what's taking place today in the United States of America. It's not about climate change, it's not about managing growth. It is anti growth. Ye growth aunt, I capitalism they go on de growth is also an interpreter frame diagnoses that disparate social phenomena, such as these social and environmental crises, are related to economic growth. Gay growth actors are thus signifying agents engaged in the production of alternative and
anxious meanings which differ from the ones defended by the main stream, in other words its anti capitalist. The prognosis, usually characterized by a strong utopian dimension man. I wrote that book seek solutions and hypotheses and new social patterns. Marxism, that's what it seeks: Marxism beyond practical gulls. This process opens new spaces and prospects for actions. Strategies associated with the prognosis, be multiple in terms of approaches. These can be alternative buildings, opposition research and in relation to capitalism. They can be Anti capitalist, Paul posts, capitalists and despite capitalism, so there you have it
right from any of the, in so called environmental intellectuals. Behind this amorphous yet widespread movement, the goal is to spawn myriad supplement same to taking down the capitalist system. Little bit more Sergej Latouche, a french emeritus, ass for vehicle, the University of Paris said, is among the leading DE grocers, the nineteenth seventies. He spent several years in South Africa worry conducted extensive research on tradition, Marxism Reform, formed his own ideology based on progresses and development, is about pioneers of the d growth theory. He emphasizes a utopian type in which even Marxism fails to make the grade. Latish writes that because it cannot integrate ecological constraints,
the marxist critique of modern and modernity remains terribly ambiguous. All to me. He says growth in terms of the production chain, consumption Trias credited with every or almost every virtue. Even though, when seen in terms of accumulation of capital, it is held responsible for every scourge. D growth is fundamentally anti capitalist. He goes on not so much because of denounces the contradictions in ecological and social limitations of capitalism as because it challenge Spirit, a generalised capitalism cannot but destroy the planet in the same way that it is destroying society in anything else. That is collective. More so before he says. Development is sacrificing populations and their concrete local well being on the altar of an abstract deteriorates. Well, being the second.
places made to honour a mythical and disembodied people, and it works, of course, to the advantage of the developers. Growth is now a profitable business only if it costs are borne by nature of future generations. Summers, health, wage earners working conditions and, above all, the countries of the south. Actually that's the way I have you been government, That is why we have to abandon the idea of growth or modern regimes had been productive lists, republics, dictatorships and soaring Ter Afar Marion Systems, no matter whether their governments were of the right or left, no matter whether they were liberal socialists, popular social, liberal, social, democratic, centrist, radical, a communist. They all consume that economic growth was the unquestionable cornerstone of their systems that change of direction. That is new, It is not one that can be resolved merely by an election that brings new government or votes in unknown majority. What is needed is more radical, a cultural revolution, nothing more
nothing less than re, establishes politics on a new basis. The DE growth project is therefore a utopia or, in other words, a source of hope, dreams and it goes on and on and on what I've been saying from day one. This is why the Stalinist within the American Marxist Movement, that is the Democratic Party on the hill they care about elections, they don't care if they lose. If they can have one. two or four good years, the institute and enshrine forever their ideology. That's a victory! That's a huge victory!.
So they don't care what happened in Virginia and New Jersey and New York at Colorado or Texas or Pennsylvania or Kansas amount of them. This is ad gross movement and, as a result, what are you saying? These negroes movements resulting big growth for centralized government in the police, state redistribution of tax redistribution of wealth redistribution through regulation through the law through eat it that is what's taking place here? Ladies and gentlemen, That's what's in this bill! That's what's in this bill a disaster of the right back in american history in Seville,
education is at a turning point, where we allow bureaucrats and lobbyists to choose what schoolchildren are taught or well. We teach the whole truth. My friends at Helstone College argue for teaching the truth. They ve made they Helstone seventeen. Seventy six curriculum downloadable for free at Levine, for a helstone that calm available not only to teachers but also to citizens. Just like you to share with other concern Americans this complete Kay reach. Twelve history, civics curriculum designed to give educators guidance, not mandates, allow students in the tragedies and triumphs of american history, as it really happened only through a complete and On a study of our history, can students fully understand the world in which they live? Our children deserve to be taught the truth through a sound curriculum that was created by teachers, not bureaucrats and upholds the Dignan
of each individual America's future depends upon an honest candid look at our history: Download hills, those seventeen seventy six curriculum for free today. At EL easy I am from Helstone Dotcom Market Marxism has been on the New York Times best seller list for months threat. who is number one for ten weeks strength. It fell off the list today, MR producer, despite the fact that we sold more last week than for other authors who are on the top fifteen list
It's just a matter of time, ladies and gentlemen, you know how the New York Times conducted, so they could not stand the fact that this book was on their list for sixteen weeks, and so they Jaeger this to try and create the Pressure that so many other books sold more than American Marxism. It's a lie. They say they have a special system in which they may Determination Juno they give heavier weight to independent, bookstores and so forth. By any of that crap. None of it whatsoever. They treated like some kind of nuclear secret we should have been on analysed this week this past week. We're not. I don't care anymore. The fact is, the message is out there and thousands and thousands of years
purchasing the pocket every week, I'll be right. Now, broadcasting on roaming underground command, both the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leaders are mere our number seven seven, three, eight one pre eight one, one take seven, seven create one three, eight one one, I've a quite good for joy, red and the other malcontents Marcella state
constipated news network? I have a question and it's this, why all the focus, while the focus on Cow Rittenhouse in the two dead individuals defended himself against in the one who was injured, all of whom are white. Why all the focus Joy, red and in other malcontents and miscreants Rainbow Coalition, a radical leftist when Gabby was missing. They said why all the attention on a white girl. Why all the attention on a white girl? What about all the other people who go missing, including people of color,.
So, while all the attention on Kyle Rittenhouse slaughtered takes place in this country, every night project, and the weakens, especially on our inner cities. It is a terrific fact, black on black crime. It is horrific. Those are the statistics and in Chicago fifty people were shot less weaken? Did you know that MR producer? Fifty fifty. Like it's a war zone and Afghanistan and Iraq, or something like fifty people were shot, and most of them were black, and you hear me, think so. Why are they focus on Kyle Rittenhouse America, while the focus on car written
how CNN and MSNBC enjoy Reed we're, not some focus on on other shootings and killings have taken place. Why is this reached such a pitched voice. I mean I'm just asking the same question. The joy red asked about about Gabby who was clearly murdered by her boyfriend? Why other folks? on her. Remember there. Why other focus on what about other people who are white who get killed? And yet the question I just asked is rational, logical, consistent with what she asked, but she'll, never ask it,
She'll Nebraska neither will Emmy De Michael Eric Dyson, neither will Johnny Johnny K, part or Kate fear. Neither will the morning Schmo and MRS Smet and all the other schmo over it. I myself stay there won't ask that question. Why not? This prosecutor did not have a case against Kyle Rittenhouse need. Even today, the media wanna see this kid In the electric chair the morning, Schmo a message small and the clowns they bring on who do there? Who, imitation of a yes, yes, yes, just agree with the house.
What was that guy's name with Johnny Carson my mind? I don't know: what's happened to me, everybody in it cars are yelling at me. Yet Sir, what was his psychic? Do you know rich dear member, Google ad real fast, I remember, is actually good guy. I can't google it because my computer's network- yes I'd, make man. Thank you Ed make man they're all sort of ethnic man's, except he had integrity and ethics. So why all the focus on Kyle, Rittenhouse ha ha ha. How come is complaining about these outrageous charges ever levelled against him within thirty six. Forty eight hours of the events. How come how come joy? Can you answer that Day, mad man can you answer that? Have you Johnny K Part morning, Schmo snares, Allah, the boy on the bridge from leverage the morning schmo unnecessary now. Can you answer that course not.
and the conga line of frauds freaks and phonies on these cable networks course they can't answer and course they'll never be consistent either. That's the name. They the nature. Bigotry. Ladies and gentlemen, that's the nature of bigots the What's this code here, Americans for tax reform put up quite a important piece. Fifty state list of top tax rates under this democrat bill that the Democrats want to pass the Democrats tax and spend reconciliation bells enacted. The average top tax rate on personal income would rise to fifty seven point: four percent be the highest in the industrialized world. Is I will we?
to destroy business in competition and job creation and wealth creation, as I will we want, and why would we want, will be punished ourselves so thoroughly so as to make us on competitive with the rest of the world. I mean just think about the insanity that we're dealing with here: the combined federal state,
a marginal income tax rates for each state under the democratic bill prepared by the tax found asian website by the way here, the rates New York Sixty six point: two percent, California, sixty four point: seven percent New Jersey, sixty three point: two percent: have I e sixty two point: four percent Washington D C, sixty two point: two percent Oregon sixty two percent Minnesota sixty one point: three percent Larry Haug and republican governors, state marrow anyone's three president: there's clamp sixty point: four percent Vermont Sixty point two percent: now:
Kansas they massively increased the income tax under a democrat governor. It would be fifty nine point, six percent in Kansas, Delaware. Fifty nine point, three percent. So let's stop there for a moment. One two: three: four: five: six: seven, eight nine ten, eleven twelve. So eleven, the eleven top states tendered Democrat One has a democrat governor who ran this through their. We have case, which. Who is the governor of Delaware for some time? Excuse me the governor of our higher for some time. Fifty nine point, one percent with constant fifty nine point: one percent Mitch, my kind of Kentucky. Fifty eight point: nine percent.
Fifty eight point: six percent Susan Colleges main fifty eight point: six percent Connecticut. Fifty eight point: four percent South Carolina. Fifty eight point: four percent Pennsylvania. Fifty eight point: three percent Montana. Fifty eight point: two percent Nebraska, that's where horses from Says you know the three letters and between that name right in the middle name, MR producer Nebraska. Fifty eight point: two percent me again. Fifty eight point: one percent IDA, fifty seven point: nine Illinois, fifty seven point: nine West Virginia fifty seven point nine, but wait. There's more Arkansas. Fifty seven point: three New Mexico. Fifty seven point: three Georgia, fifty sample,
to Virginia fifty seven point two time: let me get the hell out of here North Carolina. Fifty six point, seven Alabama. Fifty six point, four master to urge truce. It's fifty six point, four Mississippi. Fifty six point: four New Hampshire. Fifty six point: four! You top fifty six point, four Oklahoma. Fifty six point, two Colorado. These six Arizona, fifty five point: nine percent almost done Louisiana. Fifty five percent North Dakota. Fifty four point: three percent: hey Alaska. Fifty one point: four percent Florida. Fifty one point: four Nevada. Fifty one point for South Dakota, fifty one point, four Tennessee, fifty one point for the ones that are mentioning that are fifty one point: four do not have a state income
we are being Washington, state, Texas, Tennessee, sowed the code and Nevada Florida in Alaska. Do not have a state income tax. They would be fifty one point four percent now this is on the top right, so many people set top right. What's it have to do with me everything everything these people make money, they spend money, they create things, they invest in things and if you want to watch. Capital and keep it in the United States and attracted from other people who are wealthy in other countries and bring it into the United States. You have lower tax rates. You have less regulations, you do exactly the opposite of what the american Marxists want us to do. This is a disaster.
an unparalleled disaster. That's right there on the horizon, staring us in the face. I'll be right back then, over thousand of you. My listeners made the switch from overpriced wireless carries a pure talk over the past few months. We want the of you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're, with eighteen see, and variety and or t mobile your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, you got great coverage. And keep your phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure talk is that top rated wireless company by consumer affairs with the absolute best consumer service team, Right here in Amerika does that sound good? Well, it gets better right. I'll get unlimited talk, text and six gigs of data. Just thirty was a month, and if you go over on data. They
charge you for it, they don't care. Go to pure. Like you, I say: dot com and then a promo code, Levant Podcast again pure talk, USA, DOT, com, promo code, Levine Alleviation, podcast, and when you do, you will say fifty percent of your first month that's pure talk: USA, DOT, com, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless here earlier than I expected to. Let's go to Scott Oblong, almost video Glaucoma, Gregg, Katy, okay, Scott go well. My question when somebody after you mention bad while new aware offers our beekeepers, recycling. I can but ignoring the cord, Shawnee vaccine mandate fits or what
Be a violation of his own to defend the constitution that, yes, I words movements. Yes, it is, of course gonna happen report due to withdraw. The republican establishment, has no interest in doing the Democrats what they did to our president, and in this case this is the second time binds done this in the case of trompe. Didn't do anything So I really a shocking he's, ignoring a circuit court order, he ignored a soup. In court order last night and he just as it, and there is no push back from the repute in the Congress. None and waiting for less training to have a Politburo commission to look into this and to, of course, subpoena all of the president's records. Aren't you, sir. All in all, I am I gonna happen so now, learning about now you're mad. Exactly and. my last so long Scott. Thank you for your
Am I friendly, Fairfax Virginia on W Mall great wmd I'll go high marks were taken. My call legal immigrant workers, gee now citizen here, in other words, respected your legal unusual afar. Where did you learn from Cyprus very good? go out and my question is what we will be facing rationale for putting com. I understand that. I am not a lawyer, but I heard the defendants don't have to take the stand and the trial seems to be going quite well for here, Based on the evidence presented, so I love you gone why they subjected the kid to the stand today, while first lots of ragged question and so How do you know that kid, whose now eighteen years old, didn't insist on taking a stand.
Because, in the end, it is the individual, the defendant who gets to make that decision, that's number one number two: he did a hell of a job. they were trying to pay him as some kind of a radical erratic. You know trying to hunt down. People and so forth and so on, and he demonstrated, I think, as I watched it, that he's none of those things and also you could see the prosecutions, exasperation, how I believe they took to taxation I get a mistrial because of how lousy they had done and if you actually, send a cow written house when he talks about the actual events that took place each one each one, each one is clearly a self defense case.
if you listen to the prosecution, trying to bring in all kinds of extraneous information that has really no relationship to what took place in those nanoseconds on those three occasions, they look kind of desperate, me now, nobody can know nobody can know what the jury's thinking and so forth, but I dont think he heard I have. Actually they need help themselves. Yeah well during council, high jury with eight candy retry him. Unfortunately, Everyone Ojala double jeopardy, but that's not what I meant by double jeopardy being tried for the same. I'm twice means you know being found innocent once and then being found guilty a second time. So if it's a Hungary, you. You like it starts all over again. You could, but I think that would be
pretty damn outrageous, because they really don't have a case against Psycho Rittenhouse. Now, if you watch em s, stay here, the constipated news network or read the New York Slimy, the washing compost. You'll. Think that written house, of course is is guilty. But then again, you would also think that Hitler was an exterminating Jews. If you read the New York Times, you would have thought that Castro was a great freedom fighter and a small de Democrat What have sought? Stalin was a swell guy, he wasn't starving, the Ukrainians are nineteen thirty two. They were just having a bad harvests. Of course, if you watched any the media over the course of the last several years, you would think that Donald Trump was part of this big Russia collusion
and you would've been listening for three and one slash two four years as people are getting Pulitzer prizes and writing books, and now they humiliated themselves. So, let's keep that in mind to thank you for your call. My friend excellent call. I'm trying to look something up here very, very quickly. Yes, we have well risk constant right now. They have three. These aid bombshell moments, torpedoed the States Rittenhouse case Britain by Jessica, Mcbride and Jim. oh Jim, you know how to pronounce your name. I can't had a lot a dramatic moments. these are the eight bombshells. They say that sank, the states case and they go through them in each case they demolish the states, most serious charges. First degree. Reckless, aside in the death of Joseph Rosenbaum first degree intentional hum side in the death of Anthony Huber and attempted first degree intent
homicide in the warning of gauge Gross Grech for good measure, they also torpedoed the first, it recklessly endangering charges against daily cholera, video, editor, Richie Mcguinness and the and if I may, on a court as jump kick jump kept, the entire prosecution has been a train wreck and search with theory. What's the prosecutions theory that it's not self defence- and I will go on what's the theory that you can't defended gauge gross wicked Mitch, pointing his gun at Rittenhouse as his bicep as vaporize number one number to reaching Mcguinness them, traits in court. How rose and bomb was lunching for written houses, gun number three gross crack private proves: Rittenhouse acted in self defense against Anthony Huber. Number four Otto shows you break out his hand on written houses, gun number five
Yo Show rose and bomb chasing Rittenhouse number six. The dramatic photo sharing jump, kick man attacking Rittenhouse, seven Rosenbaum main a threat. Rittenhouse testimony, showed and ate the medical examiners hand testimony. Other than that Mark loving the resurgence of conservative media call now eight seventy seven three eight one, three eight one, one so Joe binding a video. Today it looked like one of these hostage videos didn't it, MR bidders
he said he fixed the supply chain months ago. Ladies and gentlemen, he fixed the supply chain Montreal and I'm thinking you know it. Son of a gun is right. The supply chain, the drug cartels pushing their poison into America. He fixed that supply chain for the drug cartels and the drug cartels. Now have you read these reports? The drug cartels now have built these bases if Will these locations in many of our main cities biggest cities from which to do business, so our trust, law enforcement, undermining law enforcement destroy. actual bail in this country can. I have more to deal with here, because the drug cartels supply chain now is working like never before very smooth have lots on their shells. Product is
everywhere, killing Americans, maiming Americans. Now when it comes to the capitalist supply chain,. There are now one hundred and eleven freighters what God knows, how many thousands thousands of those big whenever you column boxes and sober freighters a hundred and eleven it's going backwards, their labour issues are environmental issues. In California. New sums been missing for twice. days beginning. He survived the recall, so figures he's king, I'll. Do whatever the hell he wants. And I might add, whereas Florida free Florida as the lowest rate of colonel virus infections, California's now is double Florida. That is the right
Has doubled floor and they have these very repressive sort of east german north korean policies in place him by the way. What is new some going to do once the climate change really kicks in MR producer in America the Green new deal work, we can get the oil for his hair. You can't do that to your hair with solar power. You can't do that to your hair with electricity. Quite the opposite. Words gonna get all that little dabble do Dewey where's it gonna get that petroleum cream to rubbing his hair, like that, where the
eyes and the mosquitoes and then that's gets stuck. Have you ever thought of? That course not that's why I'm here you know dealing with car repairs can feel like a lose lose situation. You lose your money and you lose your time. If you don't have the right coverage, just one repair complete you dry, that's why there's partial they can help. You say more time money than ever before. It is a big win, win the ladys and gentlemen. I've been telling you about American Marxism for some time now and opened Biden has more Marxists in his administration, and I think even Obama did other than himself, of course, think Obama did and approve this to you. There is an individual called suttee are, moreover,
That is your name. Solly or Sally. Are, moreover, it so she by the way and she's a nominee for the office of the controller of the currency, the controller of the currency during a social wealth seminar in March of this year, a social wealth seminar, here's what she had to say about oil, coal and gas industries cut to go over certain travelled in those days and firms in transitioning and human, thinking about this primarily coal industry and oil and gas industry. A lot of this the trees in the industry, going to probably go back up in an inch At least we want tangible bank have if we want to tackle climate change right. Oh, yes, the lonely right yeah. If we want them to go back,
put people out of work drive up the cost of energy. Oh yes! Yes, yes, hey what a gene! So why would? But I'm asking Democrat. Who consider themselves mainstream? Maybe Clinton, Democrats, whatever look at the people he wants to appoint to these position. I talked about the Federal Communications Commission. Yesterday I talked about the federal communications industry. Yesterday a commission were Biden has selected one of the most radical marxist imaginable, who wants to control the content of the Fox NEWS Channel who wants to control the content of news MAC. who wants to control the content of our way and who wants to destroy conservative, talk, radio, it's true to right now and the FCC. She would be number three she'd be in charge as the most radical among them and that's the agenda. They want to push and they
hired a Stafford, ladies and gentlemen, who worked at the F c C under Obama, who is so radical, such a cook that even Google kick your ass out of that company. So where does she wind up? abide in administration. This is why we're getting and gonna, be watching very, very, very, very carefully the Republicans in the Senate and a few of the Democrats, because these so called mainstream Democrats You know we got to it to whenever Junior, to lousy, no good leftists, who pretender moderates all the time, but they down the line, Marxism, particularly about freakish, by the way Mark Warner
Mark Warner has a nervous issue there with his whole face it contort constantly and there we have TIM Kane, but the eyebrow, the eyebrows really out of control, looks like ie. As you know, a warrant my words, I guess you'll help rap hell, oh, how it can even understand so you're staring at his eyebrows. Try it one of them is perfectly still in the other. One keeps popping up and down anyway. But don't you know their moderates? They want to work across the aisle I partisan Heather. Not none of them. Are they all vote right down the line wish Mucky Chuckie show my right down the line and, by the way, speaking of oil, you see, the corn rose that
humor plugged into his far ahead about twenty years ago. He thought the wet the Joe Biden it under his forehead look so cool, so they both of the corn row plugs and their foreheads, but shimmer heavy duty oil. As I used to say, we could build a pipeline to humours hair and saw. our energy problems. We could that guy with his dominating with hair, whether with all the rest of it really relatively grotesque. I would say I'd, let's see here. Let us take a few more calls here. Oh yes, Jim HANS Fall, Alabama, exam satellite Harry you, Jim, fi. Mr President, I appreciate you taken. My call second like yours are happy Bedouins day through a better result. There tomorrow Well, of course, today is the birthday, the United States Marine Corps.
Well what I born in Philadelphia, I might say outstanding outstanding. I thank you. the constitutional educator and I wasn t three hours every night and question that I haven't. I prefer my friends acoustical time tonight. The advice I always give to people for free, including family members, where neck brace anyway go right ahead. Ok to appreciate it anyways. I was just wondering what the processes- goes up a few friends and I'll break your liberty amendments and, I think, is an outstanding book and I was just wondering what what it would take to to start. I convention a stage. What is the process for a citizen to go through the states? Will we need because that, like that, I feel that it is our first of all, we have fifteen states said, have voted for a convention of states you need thirty. Four. We have fifteen states really without a lot of money. We have a wonderful organization, called convention of states and I would incur
to go on the internet plug in those terms and then work with those folks. They have a local and stay chapters. and it is an outstanding organization and that's how citizens get involved in and, as you know, I'm a big believer in this. You read liberty, amendments and some We should never give up on so, I believe in the convention of states. If you were, if you, Google, or bang or duck doc, I prefer a convention of states and I'll take it amiss, meddler site and the more the merrier they want people to join and they want them to work in their states. I my friend, and by the way you're in Alabama. I don't know Alabama has adopted it or not, but again you'll see the website and then I'll tell you. I think it has I'll show. You also had a help in other states. Are my friend
Our aim is to live in a really appreciate it, and one or two have heard you say one covers younger. You enter. Why have a good chance of our I, my friend, I should say that more often shouldn't MR petition. I think I should Why not is exactly right! We'll be right! Back over thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless carries to pure talk over the past few months. We want the of you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're, with eighteen see and varieties and r T Mobile, your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, you got great covered You can keep your phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure talk is that raided wireless company by consumer affairs with the absolute best consumer service team.
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that's pure talk, USA, DOT, com, promo code, Lavigne, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless caused a great Marvin, removing grove and hair moving grove amidst the producer, but you know that the great Mormonism host on the gem shopping network, not to say those hosts her great every darn. One of them they are great and I will go and round and round man. If you need some sleep rich, I'm telling you what, but it's also fund a watch spend a lot I like watching. What can I do
and they are very, very great. Hawser really do our dna age and H. S. Excuse me National health, creative, develop Amanda Pritchard, we heard of Amanda Pritchard. Anybody know who Amanda Pritchard is much produce. Do you know who Amanda prejudice law that's her place in a chess. This is over in England, National Health Service and Hs boss, a man, a prejudice accused of abusing covert statistics for claiming fourteen times as many infected patients were in a hospital compared to last year. Even though the true tall is lower than twenty. Twenty in. This is an issue that is being raised in our own country in our own country and a chess England Chief executive was accused of abusing though statistic
doing a round of interviews this morning she made the comet says you urge people to come forward for there to vaccines and warn the health service was under very represent. I want to talk about this Aaron Rodgers thing briefly. May I do no Aaron Rodgers, I've never talked Aaron Rodgers, yellow I've never met Aaron Rodgers. He is a fantastic quarterback. So again, what do I know? I'm not a special pleader, but why did she get the hell? His back get off his back while he lied, says Terry well, you lie to you: shouldn't have lied, he heard the leg, hurt but leg out. Now let me tell you some: the leg is beyond repair the leg heard itself with cap And all the other and all the other, Anti Americans
gonna name, that's right. I said it. The leg is heard itself. Trust me on this. Aaron Rodgers, while he lied, he lied to me. Eddie lie like Biden with Afghanistan, resulting in the deaths of american military personnel, store. of american citizens, an enemy territory and the clown spokes idiot over there. The defence apartment today, was asked about it, they still how many are over there and we're talking also about family members of service personnel, and what about the afghan patriots who fought side by side with us, Aaron Rodgers team. Do that Rogers didn't lie about the southern border being closed when it's open and everybody can come in including rapists and perverts child molesters everybody can come and come out in drug car
how kidnappers coyotes come on in whose, during that Aaron Rodgers? No, I don't think Aaron Rodgers during that you, MR producer, now I dont, who wants to destroy separate the powers are constitutional system right at the corner. I think it's the Democrat Party and buy- I don't think Aaron Rodgers is doing that to you, America, who lies day in and day out and says the the massive spending like drunken marks on Capitol Hill. That battle that will cost us and in the fact that our help it up cut the debt. That lie monumental lie. Is that Aaron Rodgers? Now, let's not Aaron Rodgers, I dont think no, no, not in the least and I can go down molest. I can go down the list: Euro critical race theory that that's not taught in our schools and
junior. What a lot, of course it is woes pushing. I lie the media rashly collusion month after month year after year, tearing the station apart, who push that Hilary Obama, the media lying bastard that wasn't that wasn't Aaron Rodgers now was it how about covering up proud, thereby that wasn't Aaron Rodgers and I could go on and on and on so what's all this crap and these attacks on, I want ya, know each other totally Steamboat Shaw should adjust told them, I'm not vaccinate and what, if he had done, that would be playing football today. Mr bidders. now so say what you will he was cornered. He was pushed into this situation by the mandates by the mandates, as opposed to the women dates. But you get my point.
And I assure you he's not alone, there's people all over the country working in the federal bureaucracy, federal contractors, state government, city government, working in the private sector whose livelihoods are on the line, and they don't know what to do. They don't want no one to go. So don't be so quick to pass judgment on Aaron Rodgers about fashion lies for a living, find liar Shermer, liar Pelosi lie a liar and they affect our lives directly I'll be right back. Ladies and gentlemen,
this final. Our the podcast is sponsored exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S, Slash Joe
he's here. Now broadcasting on roaming underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader american market within here number. Seven, seven create one create one want: seven, seven, three eight one create one: the hammering house can do equality sub, entertaining intriguing radio pro I am with their own brain and an Iphone. Mr because seriously other than rush me.
which is exactly what I'm doing right now. They have to have stacks and piles of stuff and computers are on, but I'm doing this without any such technology without any such technology. But there are issues that I consider crucially important, related to today's events as well as other lands, and so these the things that I fear that I want to discuss with you, but before I do, we ve got some great audio that Mr Produce was put together. We have at sea here Pelosi its she stolen. climate change thing we still have we had booty judge God? Is he an idiot about the. About you know some rights violations with their respective bridges and so forth. Just crazy, in my humble opinion.
we have. The we have Jeffrey Tube announced an end today, on the Rittenhouse case,. Anybody want to hear what he has to say. I do rarely saying it with his pants on this time, cut sixteen go as no license. He has no training. He thinks he's gonna scrub graffiti off with his aid fifteen one immunity, it one event had nothing to do with the other. He didn't think he was can spread graffiti with ASEAN fifteen years. Such Why are you not even a good legal, analysed, you're bad legal analysed, go ahead, parity of this. What could possibly go wrong while a lot? Why
The good NEWS for Kyle Rittenhouse. Is that he's not on trial? For being an idiot? I went on you shut the hell up, you'd loser! You pants lists, buffoon, you pervert! That's right! You pervert! you dont nothing about this young man. He areas he's he's involved in a trial and he took the stand. He has guts. take the stand because he knows these innocent theirs. video here than there were there's a broader film and we all know all the doors The video that the mob, the mob- that's right, they mostly not peaceful mob, was trying to kill that kid and you, you jerk, you jerk, hit a civic interest and trying to help protect the community. That is father lives in that he knows very, very well! That's more than the damn mayor did that's more than a damned governor get
jerks at sea and you sit on your fat asses when you're not sexually harassing somebody or you don't have your pants on. That's! Why ratings. You moron. This isn't a legal analysis to the analysis of a dummy who bit my tongue and it was no fun speaking of less Cheney at New Hampshire, free speech event. Today, she's obsessed with Donald Trump, I'm starting to think she's, romantically obsess because who conduct themselves this way, MR there's a less Cheney, the world's gonna, how the communist Chinese or on the move, the uranium
you're getting nuclear warheads, Russia is on the move. We have wide open borders, inflation through this and she's, making friends with the Democrats who are trying to destroy Donald Trump and all his supporters, because she's gonna get to the bottom of January. Six, not the Department of Justice, not the epic, no less chain She's gonna get to the bottom of it without all line up a reprobates, malcontents contention. Miscreants you see that crowd Adam ship, you wouldn't catch me in the same building what Adam ship, but this was an insurrection. Don't you know this was an insurrection. How do we know because they keep repeating the word like the parents cut seventeen go, we are also confronting a domestic.
At that we have never faced before a former president whose attempting to unravel the foundations of our constitutional republic. No he's, not you Eddie, you know he's not. Some people said that about your father in his boss G w B, Had aided by political leaders who have themselves willing hostages to this day, you know was that this woman, beyond those committee. She has no intention of doing any fact finding whatsoever she's. Quite the Stalinist, that's right, I said it. She is quite the stalinist Hey, look here, he's overthrowing the constitution and she doesn't believe and due process doesn't believing in any of that's the
you know, he's there, he's he's dangerous he's overthrowing the constitution and the political leaders who are who are supporting him. Just yes, shameless chess, jest, unbelievable. What about Russia collusion all the rest of it? She don't want to hear a damned thing, not a damn thing: go ahead: rational man just last night, former president from invited by House republican leaders. Why you care about last night? What does that have to? Do you see, ladies and gentlemen, she's proving it she's impeaching herself? I don't mean not not constitutionally. I mean in this sort of a judicial Senate, she's impeaching or so she's obsessed with and tromp last night. You know already did I said these things about the thirteen repute said voted to to give the Democrats what they wanted and and drive up our debt
bear. He do that. You know what he said. I may my God, hey moron and yes, you ve now be an official moron. All this stuff swirling around this country- and this is your focus. Have you actually gone to the Dc Corrections Facility, the jail that a federal judge ruled was despicable, was discussing the a small shows in there you care about that lives. Are you gonna go over there? Is the committee gonna go over there and MOSS and check out what's taking place over there? Now you don't give a damn. You don't care about the constitution, you don't care about constitutional rights. at our annual large fundraising dinner at the dinner? If you re the same Republicans that, through you but the number three slot in leadership. I think it was think it is. What did he do, that.
Did he led an insurrection of unarmed republican congressmen against them treaty in the restaurant? What did he do? Their less tell us. Please go ahead again that the direction was on November third, and that these some J, where a sixth, when a violent mob invaded the capital in an effort to returned the will of the american people let slow down there were things had happened amid the selection. that should have happened. There were unprecedented. I keep going back to Pennsylvania a key state. This is nothing to do a conspiracy theories. This has to do with the constitution, and Liz Cheney doesn't give a damn. She could care less about the violation of the federal constitution by the Democrat elected in control
Court of Pennsylvania by the Democrat elected governor of Pennsylvania by the Democrat Secretary of State, she could care less. She could care less. But there she is a monitor rather than go ahead and stop the constitution says the counting of electoral votes shoes made. It though you know it has been stopped in the past, have not arguing for against what I'm saying is if you're encouraging the vice president, who for these purposes overseeing the counting of the year, of the votes. It's not an insurrection at the president says to the vice president. I mean you really should not do this. You should really take a look at Pennsylvania to take a look at this to you. Just take a look at that.
That's not it insurrection one with the Democrats trying to do when they kept challenging the Bush election and they can. We would like to college roads whereby the democratically, when they are objecting devotes being candidate states like our Burma for God's sakes, what are they doing? That must have been Insurrection too, how are they any different? How are they any different? One. Al Gore goes around the country It says the election was stolen from him when the Democratic Party says like she was stolen from him. That was George W Bush I remember him less, that was your dad's policies. They gotta major dad vice president, how our wake up Supreme Court intervened. Was that an insurrection two when the Supreme Court intervened and voted? Seventy two to put an end to the matter,
Gas by was going on in the state of Florida, was that an insurrection to listen, there's curious, go ahead and we're a protest They were justified political leaders who sit silent in the face of these five. You don't enjoy, may live training. I agree with what I'm doing what I say. Then you are this disgusting human bank, because I I and a phalanx of like minded morons. This is our focus. Go ahead. Risk aims are aiding a former president who is at war with the rule of law and the constitution. You I'd be familiar Biden who has defied to court decision so far, and you haven't said crap, you haven't said a damn thing: trumped ever did that go ahead.
Thank God, she's done I'll, be right. Back then aims. the Association of mature american citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a fault. time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. But to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cell phone and a hell of a lot more. It's not enough. You'll get a max by Monthly Magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives,
As I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot? U S! That's a m, a sea dot! U s! Stop supporting! The liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S Jeffrey serves a twitter, pose lock up Kyle Wooden House and throw away the key MR producer in the middle of a trial. Hocking Jeffreys is what I call a dumb ass now say that I think I will hacking. Jeffreys is a dumb ass. but he exposes the Marxism within the Democratic Party because that's how it works, and in this case the Stalinism.
And I notice I words being used more more on this platform. That's a good thing. People are learning so Hocking Jeffreys as a Stalinist. Did. You know that. Lock up cow Rittenhouse, throw away the key in the middle of a trial with this young man is done, traded, that he was defending himself, so how come Hakim? How come you're a stalinist, So many of you are in the Democratic Party, but don't worry list Cheney is focused elsewhere. Lose trainees focused as were much like Chris Christie. I can't think of a single thing. Chris Christie has done or get as governor that was important, a profound or lasting other than re the refrigerator in the cafeteria there at the governors quarters. I suppose,
but here is, here's are our man, the Cape may orca at the river Looking jewish coalition meeting on Saturday, that's where I was, but anyway spite, I'm sitting in a listening, but boy were people pissed off at him. They go into these forms as guests. And then they have to make a scene, because that's how Chris Christie got the attention, even though he gave the most boring, predictable lack lustres. Everybody reminded enclaves live, but my my pretty much that's to cut eighteen go for people suitor supporters of President Trump. The life begins behind me. Now it doesn't First of all, nobody can see the line behind you with all due respect, and I would just say it, there's no way. I would ever line up behind you. You get my drift now that said
to begin with you, your line up behind me. You ve been taken shots at this man left and right left and right go ahead. I started, but let me tell you something else here: what we can do. longer talk about the past and the past. The lax now not only with Russia collusion right now, the two thousand and the Supreme Court. Only the Democrats can talk about the path. Folks. If we don't fix this election process, we can't win the presidency. That's the problem. Mark Elias, hundreds of millions of over in dark money, tribulation sissy. Chris Christie is Veronica. He doesn't even on this. It doesn't even care he's playing for the media. You know a ceaseless loose train, getting all this attention. He wants the EU to he's who stood in a case such as Canada, he's gonna, get attention and no wait a minute.
Where is my request? Lifelike right up on me and all kinds of things have taken play said I taking place here: billionaires and minors dark money into this mark allies campaign, but Chris doesn't care. Ladies and gentlemen, go ahead. He did not get a lot of. Applause really was a spattering of applause. That's the guy had a marriage. You remember where you said it is over and every minute that we spend talking about twenty twenty You're wasting wasting time doing that Joe Biden Hermes can spend like five minutes doing that. Mr produce
yeah, hey, hey, fella, what you don't wanna talk about it there. Nobody else spoke a word about it. Nobody, except Chris Christie, double see more, like quadruple z, go ahead to your truck shimmer, our legs ruin for this country. We better focus on that. A trigger off the rearview mirror and start looking through the windshield again, how king nobody's doing that. Are they America nobody's doing that everybody's doing? That is a matter of fact. Everybody. so I am not sure what he's talking about, but it would have been nice if he goes up and hammers the crap out of I didn't come all Harris and Tumor list, Cheney and so forth, and so on people who have never back this man.
Undermine them from day one and would have been nice if he was going to talk about it, got up there and talk about what the Democrats did in twenty. Sixteen, with Russia collusion with the FBI, what they did, Obama and all our, Now what Hillary Clinton did not at all it's an attack on Trump. And by the way I don't know about you, but every now and then I have to look into rearview mirror every now and then, of course, we have to look back at experience in history. If we're gonna get hit, we're gonna get real I'll be right that aim at the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full
time presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and It's not enough. You'll get em, by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U S voice of sanity in an insane world.
The angel call him now. Eight hundred and seventy seven. Three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven divided ministration, of course, they're big believers in civil liberties, and so we have this peace from Adam Credo over the free beacon and outstanding site by them straighten amassing millions of records on. U S, gun owners amid new crackdowns on fire, the Bite administration and just the past year alone, stockpiled the records of more than fifty four million; U S, gun owners and is poised to drastically altered, gun regulations to ensure that information on American soon firearms ultimately ends up in the federal government hands according to internal alcohol, tobacco and firearms documents obtained by
washed and free bacon. This is one Damn nefarious administration. It is as nefarious as it gets. The eighty f and fiscal you're twenty twenty one process for fifty four point: seven million out of business records according to an internal eighty, have document obtained by the gun, owners of America, a firearms advocacy group and provided exclusively to the free beacon when a licence gun store goes out of business. It's private records detailing gun transactions become eighty a proper and are stored at a federal site and West Virginia. This practice allows the federal government the stockpile score gun records and has drawn outrage from gun advocacy groups that say that government is using the information to creating national Data base of gun owners, which has long been prohibited. Their federal law lead.
Oh lazy, are you there Lizzie here's another pitiable affair and try the idea of obtain fifty three point: eight million paper record and another eight hundred and eighty seven thousand electronic records. According to the internal document that outlines eighty of actions and fiscal year, twenty twenty one activists described. This figure is worryingly high and set. It contributes to fears that the Bite administration is trying to keep track of all Americans who own firearms and violation of federal statutes. The procurement of these records by eighty of comes as divide administration moves to alter current laws to ensure that gun records are stored in perpetuity a k a forever.
Apparently, gunshots could destroy their records after twenty years, thereby preventing the ATF from accessing information in the future. Now the 80s registry site in West Virginia has long been a battleground between gun advocates in the federal government, those in favor of more restrictive gun measures. What the ATF to digitize this registry, and creative federal data base of yours, Gunnar gee. I can't imagine what would go wrong with that remove opposed by gun groups such as owners of Amerika, the National Rifle Association? And, of course, we the people? Why would they needed Registry of everybody owns weapons. What is the conceivable reason? There's only one reason: if one day we ve reached a point: five, ten fifteen, twenty. Fifty
now where they get these court rulings that allow them to confiscate our weapons like it happened in Australia? I don't think they reaction would be quite as we ve seen in Australia. I think the american people, at least a certain percentage of the american people, wouldn't tolerated. Quite frankly,. We do have a bill of rights that is our governing law. The constitution, not some statute, passed by a bunch of radical marxists and upheld by activist judges. The eighteenth, as so many record stored in its West Virginia site that seven,
Years ago, the floor collapse, according to the New York Times and ATF spokesman, declined to comment on internal agency records but told the free beacon, the agency's quote: national tracing center processes, millions of out of business records each month ever those out of business records, do not constitute an initiation and continuation of any federal gun registry. This Polk City had said sure it doesn't sure it doesn't He s proposed regulations would also require gun parts to be regulated background checks, meaning for individual assembled, a legal homemade gum. He may be forced to submit it to sixteen different that background checks. Unbelievable, really unbelievable. What's going on in this country, fears. I mean we have open borders, drug cartels, we ve got armed gangs.
Murdering each other, all this sort of stuff going on, and but it's the pits, the law abiding taxpaying citizen who was always targeted by these people, always you're enough is enough as far as I'm concerned enough is enough Let's take a take. A couple callers here: Alex Alma Nebraska Exam satellite trucker. How are you, sir? What are you doing tonight you might go like you're doing a great job quickly? Kyle Rittenhouse case, yet this prosecutor? What are you doing. who is more like putting the gun on trial every time they about a rifle used, told you gotta pee.
you're, not because he knows that that is a year that triggers so to speak of the left on our fifteen Ivan. They are fifteen. It's a very matter of fact rifle nothing particular special about it at all and is also putting on call, I mean, God, knows you're doing a great job, but is also making sought to things. Look like a man the whole time Aragon. He talks about it. It's like you bringing up like it's my whose, when he's trying to two he's trying to build a a logic stream, which is really quite outrageous, which is he was seventeen he had his friend by the rifle form because he couldn't by He interprets Wisconsin LAW is not allowing him to use the rifle. I've talked to some people who know Wisconsin law who say actually the statutes very cut
Beg you as very convoluted well, whatever it is, and he wants to take it from there are you could listen? How he's trying to tell the story and how he's trying to we Wallace together? And so it goes this community thinks he Superman's wants to put out fires. He wants to help local people rather than caught. I mean people with medical assistance or rather call mine one one and unease talking about shooting shoplifters and very showing up in a town. That's not his, although it's his father any white familiar with, and it has been there a lot and areas walking in a crowd that he know so hostile looking for trouble. And what did you expect people to do? is walking around with an eight hour fifteen rifle. How does he expect them to react now? None of that has anything to do with his with his completely reasonable, more than reasonable actions to defend himself again would be killers. People who wanted to kill him, or at least he certainly thought
And we know what a number of these are these groups? That's what they do in it in one of these guys. victor rapists, and so for you know they never tell us who are these three people exactly the guy that got shot in the bicep? It was said, while you're a member of a communist group, now I'm not, but he gave a speech to a communist governing. These are real big time revolutionaries and then I heard prosecutors say I mean what damage cannot escape board. Do escaped bored. I mean skateboards like a bad. For all intents and purposes you can kill somebody with escape. Poverty can kill somebody with a soup, Now he was sitting there had twice. He was knocked down. People are charging, I'm all hell is breaking loose, not because of him because of them so defending himself, and if this is in self defence, there is no such thing as self defense, aright Alex. on a words final word. I hope he gets off and I hope that on pursue this any further,
I agree, one hundred percent and the fact that this was even charge like this is outrageous within thirty six or forty eight hours of these events, the prosecution, that's district, attorney's office didn't even have all the facts, but they charged many way. That's what happens with mob. Just small justices ingested on when I say mob justice, I don't just mean in the streets, I'm in these media newsrooms, that's where the morale mob is and the real mobsters aright Alex Thank you for your call, my friend. Let us continue Jeff Webster Iowa, another trucker, yes, sir, Supply chain they'll go right ahead. This mark this court case in Wisconsin our diet them jerks had been out their current crop up. They wouldn't go, shot in the first place, that's true to how come nobody brings atta sap yield allows Chinese
these are the world that is trying to make yourself relevant because nobody gives about them any more. He created recently couldn't get elected. New Jersey, governor again of his life, depended on it. Now Jane. You might as well float down the river somewhere because those around them worse than a raft? You're, yes, fell ill, be fine. Now the reason I got was this man made shortage Oh stop going on and mainly come on out a California with all these containers and ship certain. You know, I'm not sure if it's taken place. Yet but it is coming down the line. The governor, California, is outlawed trucks, older than to thousand eleven and you not been owner operator and operate in California anymore, which is very, very important. We had another trucker call. We talked about this a few weeks ago that you can
not all these older trucks and they're, not that all, but their extraordinarily expensive, as you know, and you're right owner operators cannot conduct, I cannot do their jobs in the state of California and so its union and nobody talks about a but me and you and other truckers go ahead well, Ok, so these foreign nationals better drive and cracks in the first place, you're supposed to read and speak English to be able to get a licence. That's not the case, except for the Americans have to do that. Now that we be job, I could never be a trucker. He can't read any can't speak Loretta. Where you go so there one that put more than all the time and they actually but to me a while back, I got all I got
up on an inspection just a little bit in our planet. It didn't got any money, but it was points. A few points against my safety record or the wrong wording on the side of my truck? I had the wording on there that we used to have made sense, but anyway, this power shows me a piece of paper that came from his bosses that these foreign nationals unless they are causing a lot of trouble scale or an inspection. Just let him go great, they can understand them. They were equipment, not have the power to what are our trucks are, and so then let them go there are certain. I write me up for a minor violation on wording on the site- might not, of course, all the time they were.
back on the American Drucker exactly and- and this guy didn't want do he was he was a damn. Lies deity got, but he showed me that paper I said: would you like you have a copy of that. He said no way. So that's what that's the kind of crap that Americans are fighting all the time, but as some of these some of these so called Republicans like the Chris Christie's What I find a little bit, which still have a good president, an earth god I'll drop your eye, My friend, I appreciate your call. Very much will be back then Amy. The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full
time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone it's a hell of a lot more and if It's not enough you'll get a max by. Monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S!
Let's say let us go to day re scene with caution on the mark. Living I go The question from the programme that we the left. Commentators are going after Carl were written Ryan yeah Kyle right away. They wanna, basically drawing up ad hoc in jeopardy, said late because they are. I will only attack evil, I mean the laptop not attack evil. They only attack those who fight evil. Anyone who thinks that most of the people that call for a kind of protecting worth protecting against their basically electors mob. So there is why
about a line as he defended himself and others no doubt about that. taken in every angle said the media are really nuts. They really are hateful nuts they effectively the rioters in the street, but there dressed up, they wear their ties and their dresses separate tube and without his pants and there they are in a television studio, but they this a mentality, exactly the same mentality and in their own way. Obviously not physically they're burning down our country. They're burning down the bill of rights in the first amendment would be by ITALY's burning donor countries, possess atm order to our eye My friend John Plain Fellow and I Syria satellite go right ahead. Now. Will you Why are you looking for about two years now I get anything about now. I M not alone is not enough.
You gonna Ghana forward here for I am I'm thirty one years old, I am a measure of retail store national chain and about fifteen thousand employees, Yes, and I forget what shall I was listening to this week and I was that boy. Can you are saying that how they're trying to get OSHA to implement these vaccine mandate the wonder and how that's true. I shall be able to do that. Yeah I'm. So I got an email. this evening from our Asia Departmental corporate. Saying that starting January force or show you some emergency order to either
yes, they're using emergency powers. Number one: they have violated the emergency process and number two: they don't have the power period, so they called emergency or whatever they want your hr departments full a crap but they're all nervous. They all bow to the to the totalitarianism. That's coming at a Washington D C, friend, I'm sorry I've gotta go. We only have about twenty seconds left folks. We salute our armed forces, police officer, fire fighters and emerging personal outstanding callers, each and every one. I want to thank you for participating. Thank you, listening that's participating through. We shall calm, ladies and gentlemen and I'll say tomorrow right here, while I got plans
Transcript generated on 2021-11-10.