« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/5/20


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the American media is corrupt. All they do is promote narratives to attack the president's response to the coronavirus as downplayed. Yet, it was President Trump that ramped up production of PPE, ventilators, deployed Naval hospital ships, passed immediate cash relief to citizens, and launched Operation Warp Speed (OWS). The OWS initiative has brought about numerous therapeutics and a possible vaccine in record time. That's not downplaying, that's taking decisive action. Then, in the three days that Trump was hospitalized, he's proved that a 74-year old man can be treated with Zinc, Vitamin D, Aspirin, and the new therapeutic drug Remdesivir on a 72-hour period and be released from the hospital. This just wasn’t' possible six months ago. So to suggest that Trump downplayed or delayed the response to this pandemic is insulting. Later, historically, experts have repudiated the concept of normalcy indicating that there is no practical way to contain the infection of a respiratory virus. A stark reminder of how the media has changed since the times of JFK and FDR where they concealed their illness and liability. Today, the media pleads that they have a right to know every detail of President Trump's medical condition. Afterward, Dan Bongino calls in to discuss new developments with this health, his upcoming book - Follow The Money, and big tech censorship. After, Facebook recently limited the distribution of the Mark Levin Show Facebook account for sharing articles that "lack context" in the opinion of the Facebook fact-checkers. Finally, Jeanne Ives calls in to discuss her run for Illinois 6th Congressional district.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented podcast, as presented exclusively by Hills Del College now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here, there is a truly independent institution where learning is prized in Actual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my son
here, appreciation to Hills, Dale, brother sponsorship, now broadcasting on roaming underground commend both in the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with a leader,
hello America Mark Levin, our number eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three hundred and eighty one one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven three thousand eight hundred and thirteen eight hundred and eleven
mass media, we have in this country absolute, pathetic, corrupt, joke, corrupt. They pretend they care about the well being of the President commander in chief. They can give it They wish he would drop dead. The morrow you and I know it. This line, you know, we all wish him the best and then attack attack attack, and they have these narrative said they just keep pushing the it has downplayed the virus really president's in charge of operation warp speed to try and get a vaccine as fast as possible to save as many lives as possible. We ve got new therapeutic south. We didn't have. We didn't have that were developed and warp speed time. he's the one who got the ventilators he's the one. The gap P p s he's the one that had the extra hospital beds bill, but he didn't. Good seriously. Ladies and gentlemen, here
and that's how to deal with an economy that collapsed. As a result of this virus and as a result of punitive decision, made by some of these governors to emergency power. So now at least one court Michigan says the Supreme Court of Michigan the governor there. Anyone have- and I doubt most of them do day tat. We saw what he was doing day in and day out, who is meeting where hundreds and hundreds of people the task force, scientists and other experts and the federal government Indifferent Federal agencies, people in the private sector, experts all kinds of people provide advice to the President: the states by sits earnest basement any pistachio, not least potato chips, shootin spitballs, all over place, never lives, a finger can barely complete a sentence. as the United States Day in and day out, we solid on video. We know what he's been doing and yet they keep telling us he's been down.
The virus and now maybe I'll, take it seriously. Now, maybe that he's got the virus, maybe he'll. Take it seriously. How sick, as this. They say doesn't follow. The science has been following the site since day, one even trying to accommodate governors have made bad decisions. In turn, so prioritizing their budget in their health needs in their states. Another there. The front lines he's been filling their gaps left and right is pushing through congresses, mass of relief bills. Now he wants to focus more on the virus and our native closely hold them up, but this is not at all, not till your bell at the blue state governors in their pensions pensions. Oh, yes, only then Will we hope the unemployed? Only then will we hope. Restaurants. Only then will we, our airlines. She holds a gun to his head. She's every criticized for anything shares the God
tv, the other day to basically say the chickens Home the rules for the present a united state with a mass. This is the woman who drive sneak into a salon without a mask Joe Biden, lecturing what he would have done with a virus he pay Sickly, as he always does. Plagiarize is what the president did do, but he had a shot eleven years ago utterly and completely blow it with swine flu I ve been throat. I don't need to go through it again, but the narrative that the media are corrupt, left wing media keep pushing daddy downplay. The virus really signing trillions and trillions. A thousand in spending bills already has contracted for the production of the vaccines. Should they come off the The scientific table relatively early he's already contracted for the distribution they ve already place a regime on how it is to be distributed. Does this.
Like a guy who's, downplaying of Irish. It shall like somebody who doesn't take it seriously. Why? Because he doesn't where a mask every single minute of the day they no idea how I got this virus lots of people. Wear, masks and socially distance are still getting the virus. It's a virus and there's no one hundred percent for prove way to deal with it either in your own life, for your families, live any business or even if your present, the United States,. Did I hear he didn't protect us hearing protectors staff stampeded protect the secret service. What are they talking about? Hidden, protect us here, the steps that the democratic media pose. We know what they are already travel bans from it to China, travel bans from it to Europe, fatuous
Posed to it, he did it anyway. He did it anyway. What is we haven't shut down the economy, so we look like North Korea and handed the election over the Democrats. This is what the upset about their media and the Democratic party media and the Democratic Party pushing these. These lies in these narratives while he's in a hospital. Tackling the secret service. I heard my buddy bound, GINO say all of us and their word about law enforcement, not where they getting PETE over, had not when these tv clothes mattered, another runnin around spewing spitting throwing molotov cocktails. They never had a problem with that
Energy policy calls them storm troopers James Kleiber, cosmic gestapo. They called secret police. All of a sudden. The democratic to the media are worried about law enforcement. Had disgusting. Is this how transparent and cynical as this unbelievable He didn't protective staff. I've gone into that oval office at least four times since this virus you are I stood before you go under the oval office. You must socially distance when you're in the oval office. I have no idea what you're talking about none, and neither do they. And the president's gonna be walking out of Walter Reed Hospital sometime this evening, sometimes during the core this programme because he they get out and he wants to lead the country.
He's a serious man as a serious job, Joe By has never been a serious man, forty seven years, nothing to show for nothing. They concocted. Turn around this man a fiction bets how is saw leader because he wears a mask its appalling His ass, you ve ride. Look at the secret service members, let locally endangered them and endanger any of them last track. None of them got sick from tromp, but their word about the secret service. Where they word about the secret Service of Latvia Park when they are being attacked, not analyse not in the least, they attacked the secret service. They attacked the park police. They attacked federal
Enforcement, the attorney general, the Department of Justice that presently United States and now all of a sudden they genuflect- and this is what they do they Jennifer. I owe the poor secret service anything to destroy tromp anything even when he sick, even one hears the virus What this shows you is anybody can get a virus even with masks and socially distancing and tests and all the rest. It is a a horrible horrible virus, and yet. the mortality rate is very very low for the vast majority of the population, you don't see criticism like this? You don't
Criticism like this for Andrew Cuomo for Murphy, for Pritzker for Newsome for Wetware, none other who shop, corona, pause patient and nursing homes and it'll assisted living homes, Percent of the people who are dead are dead from nursing homes. Sister living Hobbs at that age group. Have you heard a single single Democrat Biden? Harris criticise what was done. There is affirmative steps taken, they killed people affirmative, apparently they didn't take the virus seriously. You never hear that you never that. The pressure to United States didn't put out those directives. Those governors put out those directives. How do I know
I have three of them right in front of me and yet the media pretend they don't exist, bite and pretend say: don't exist, Harris pretend say on exist. They all pretend they don't exist. This president has moved. in order to deal with this virus and are trying to use it to bring down his presidency just like they tried to concoct a Russia connection to bring down his presidency just like they try to concoct payoffs and tax evasion and tax violation when it comes to Michael come. None of that is that card. None of it. Three weeks ago, we're talking about an Atlantic article two weeks ago, we're talking about a Bob Woodward article. Two months ago it was John Bonham. Anything
We think they just brought against all over and over again because they think you're stupid and because they know forty percent of that country is stupid. We call that the democratic base, meanwhile watch the scrutiny on Joe Biden, health, none whatsoever. None everybody knows he has issues every he knows he Know- has issues today- S Romero, Records, lady ass were tests, nothing zero. What about the country with the country be endangered, or somebody like this is present in the United States with a thing six inches away from nuclear called no, no, no, no questions, nothing!. what about his record in dealing with they a virus that doesn't even come close to the complexity and difficulty of this virus? What about not a question of Joe
not a question about what he failed to do, nothing, nothing about as hell. No transparency now about his failures when it came to the to the swine flu, nothing zero, nothing More when I return then folks I've something serious to talk to you about. I don't have to tell you that we're in a fight for the soul of the country, once Our country claims that America was founded on ban principles and build on oppression, theyve even put together a d Started history of Amerika the New York Times sixteen nineteen project. The other side. Nose like you do that our countries done. To achieve in advance liberty than any other in history? The best way to fight back teach the truth.
today. We have learned the true story of America from the college: that's better a teaching it than any other hills. They'll college. My friend that Hills D have put together a great free online course called the great american story, a land of hope and folks, that's just We need right now hope so get inspired. Sign up today for free at Levine for Hills, Delta come from Helstone course on the glorious history of the last best hope on Earth America and share with others that's love, infra hills Del back, come L e Vienna for Hills Del backup. They try to create a scandal. We're not getting the straight information present itself. Transparency. On one hand the doctors tell us is, on the other hand, a top white house of FISH
they they later tell Us Mark meadows tells us something completely different. No, he didn't. He told them. What took place said why the president went to the hospital doctors were talking about the condition of President at the hospital and they try and turn this into a scandal in a have a right to know what we have to get. The facts have brought here president of the United States here and then the crash started in the end they media start. There also say you know what we can trust anything. John Carl says of ABC know this white out because they lie or that they get lie and lie, and they in Hawaii here is Joe and careers, a reputation as a liar, and so during the last week. What is our year are wired liar liar liar now,. The media know full well well
sure, but maybe there ignoramus is so they out, but the Hiss presidents, in their health situations,. After the bottom of the hour? I'm gonna go through a couple these with you and by the way, Facebook forgotten Facebook, Facebook, is definitely trying to censor me. They're, trying to censure me before the election. They have gone back to articles. hosted in July and bring me on them in September, articles from reputable sources, See their leftwing agenda play that this is fake news, because the scientists. less climate changes. Also this that sort of thing and I'm not gonna, stand for and in the end, if there's nothing, I can do about it. We're gonna leave face Back in a minute take, hopefully a million and a half of you with me, I will go to other. What's her will parlour, and so why would a funny thing about Facebook,
over a million followers on parlor. Now I've had one point: five million at Facebook forever re pretty much forever, We never seen that anybody on Facebook, so I'm convey they have their little hit team out the fire. Media matters pretty much, and I'm not going to put up with this ball crap, I'm just not. There's nothing I can do about it and we're looking into a trust. Me trust me, we're gonna drop him like a hot potato, because Facebook is not an honest purveyor of information. It's not what they claim to be sort of a public square information there. Obviously targeting my show targeting me right up the election. Those are very effective and you're very effective and they're trying to influence the outcome of this election. My view there, in violation of federal can't pay laws the way their conducting themselves. Their interfering with my business.
And I will see how this place out, we'll see others pay they- they have a lot of protections and all it has to be stripped away at all has to be stripped away. We're not going to put up with this crap. I dont monetize my show on Facebook, we'll get a penny from Facebook, other hosts to other people. Do we dont Facebook benefits from me? and my show and one point five million or serve you on Facebook. Besides, Facebook is good. Old. Isn't it MR producer? he is getting old. more on that a little bit later after the bottom of the hour. I want to tell you about a couple of presidents that the press protected course. There Democrats, but Donald Trump there, nothing. Donald Trump can do even when he sick, even when he wants to thank the people who are who came from all
the country to support him at the at the hospital if it were Barack Obama dates. While look at him what a leader look at the Iraq he's just unbelievable EAST Chinese, compassionate people came out even though we cities you anything about the secret service which he treated like S, Obama treated secret service like crap and Michel. Even worse I'll, be right back folks. I have something serious to talk to you about to tell you that we're in a fight for the soul of the country, one side in our country, claims that America was founded on ban principles and build on oppression, they even put together stored history of Amerika, the New York Times one nineteen project, the other side nose like you do that our cut he's done more to achieve in advance liberty than any other in history. The best way to fight back teach the truth,
today we have learned the true story of Amerika from the college: that's better a teaching it than any other hills. They'll college, my friend at Helstone have put together. A great free online course called the great amount in story, a land of hope and folks, that's just We need right now hope so get inspired sign up today for free at Levin, for hills. Delbert come from Helstone course on the glorious history of the last best hope on Earth America and share with others that Levin for an hills: Delbert COM, L e Vienna for Hills, Del Backup, Tata, Jeddak, Patriot, out, apologetic constitutional arrest. You reach him at eight hundred and seventy seven. Three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven.
you know we're doing one kickass show after another. Here I'm glad you're with us, whether you are here restaurant, radio or our podcast or other forms of listening to the programme satellite as perfect example, we want to thank you very much and very important the lead up to this election, each and every minute of each and every broadcast our I let's look at three Democrats. Just so you have some perspective because I don't make any bones about it. The media in this country. I despise them. I wrote an entire book on them because their frauds their Filbert Democrats their fill with social activists. They have abandoned objective journal And they have destroyed the free press, they have absolutely destroyed. Here we have a piece from the great Daniel higher. What's the blaze, Dotcom Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson say when he contracted the spanish flu and nineteen. Eighty. He said absolutely nothing. In fact, knowledge did. President Woodrow Wilson failed to speak out about his own illness. There, no known records of major speeches ever delivered by the twentieth president about the spanish flu, which killed equivalent of two point: two million people in today's population. Two point: two and the median age the death twenty eight years, all this flu was a greater calamity than covert nineteen in every way and President Wilson got a lot sicker from it. Then President trumpets from virus in April, one thousand, nine hundred and nineteen after the worst of the spanish fluid passed Wilson contracted the virus and Paris want me to get the big four These talks about the aftermath of war, a war, one we're rear admiral, carry Grayson described. President, having been suddenly taken violently sick with
influenza at a time when the whole of civilization seem to be in the balance core unquote. Whilst I never discussed his illness publicly and they. country was how to wear the extent of his own us at the time. Now this silence reef did a broader mentality at the time and understanding that the ability Human beings, Change the arc of respiratory virus through public policy is strangely limited, let me repeat that the ability of human beings change the arc of respiratory virus through public policies, streaming limit. Look today, over the world. With this in mind, he says or what's I was curious to research. What Wilson and said about the spanish flu during his one thousand nine hundred and eighty state of the union address that year? The address was delivered on December. Second, just weeks after the pink months of the virus, one tens of thousands of very young Americans died. What words of here
An inspiration to wealth and offer what sort of public policy promises proclamations, mandates and restrictions that he announced none. He didn't say a word absolutely no mention of fleeting reference to this flew and that or any other state of the union address or any them major speech for that matter. its truly are to overstate. The enormity of this observation, especially look Through today's covert obsess political lens, the state of the in a dress- was a big deal for Wilson, the fact that Wilson, fail dimension, a word about the virus, even amid the fall out from World war, one speaks volumes virus today is not nearly as devastating in terms of the true death toll and years of life loss, as the spanish flu but still imagined Trump delivering the addressing a few months and failing to mention a word about the corona virus.
The reality is that society understood in those days that are respiratory virus. Unlike a war, is a God made plague and that there is little that can be done to mitigate its spread. There is no known method of arresting the spread of a virus and making it disappear. The best way, and do as focus on treatment, which is thankfully getting better, and we ve talked about what the present has been doing and then Horowitz makes this very, very important point. rather than educating the public on the best use of vitamins, zinc, hydroxide Chloric, when and other available remedies? The so called public health experts, Bela goods Somehow we could avoid getting the virus by hiding and running forever. We now see that its foolish to think you can run or hide from or arrest the spread of the virus, a respiratory virus
In past generations they understood that trying to stop the spread of flew like viruses is a fool's Aaron S doctrine Boston and academic medical researcher and associate prevention. family medicine at Brown- you'll never see on the Sunday shows noted on twitter. Barely one remembers that Hong Kong flow of nineteen sixty eight or their present George, was hospitalized without Hong Kong flow of nineteen sixty eight, as Mr Bascombe notes the edge the death toll for the sixty eight sixty nine Hong Kong flew will be two hundred sixty five thousand. a similar dynamic played out a nineteen. Fifty seven during the asian Flu, call even more people, especially when considering there are so anymore seniors. An american today trying to ask your pay
if they remember living through these epidemic, go at and ask them, everyone remembers: Woodstock. Nineteen sixty eight very few, remember the Hong Kong Flu or the asian flu. That's because public house officials realize that disrupting people's lives would only harm society not spread. The spread of a respiratory virus as De Henderson, the former dean of HOT Johns Hopkins School, a public health whose widely credited with helping to adequate smallpox wrote in two thousand analysis of the Asian flew quote this: was recognition. They saw no practical means for limiting the spread of that infection. Unquote. He warned in a paper a few years earlier quote experiences in the community's faced with epidemics or other adverse events, respond best least anxiety when the normal- social function of the community is least disrupted. Unquote.
not only of today's so called experts, repudiated the concept of normalcy and so our leaders so called turned a national panic and psychosis into a new normal, and we are continuing to pay for the consequences fifteen years to flat liqueur fifteen years. They say no medical transparency. In a period of forty eight hours, we know everything the president had gone through what was going through, but it wasn't good enough for the weekend house. on cable and other stuff and other networks. The president was lying. You can't trust this White House. Had a little better research, as I always do, but obviously are more than all the media put together. The Atlantic magazine of all places archive in August, twenty thirteen, the medical ordeals of Jonathan
Kennedy the CORE that Kennedy image was in many respects a lie. A presidential I argue for granted. Access to medical files portrays a man far sicker than the public know, and that's Robert Gallic, the lifelong hell problems are John Kennedy constitute one of the best kept secret of reason? U S! History! No surprise, because if the extent of those people, Had been revealed, while he was alive his president ambitions would likely been dashed. Like so many others. Predecessors was tunnel. Winning the presidency then reveal himself to the public, a one level, Secrecy can be taken as another stain on his off criticized character. deception: maintain that the potential exe and to the citizens who was elected. The lead, there's another way of viewing. The silence regarding as health as the quiet, Stoa. of a man struggling to endure extraordinary pain in distress and performing his presidential creep
essential duties, largely undeterred, by his physical suffering, Does this not also speak to his character, and it goes on sick. This man was, he had Addison disease. He had many disease, even very, very old man. Throughout his presidency he had chronic back problems on top of everything else, Donald Trump than do any of this, In forty eight hours we know everything that had happened to this pressure, everything whilst habit Tom should get oxygen well at the hospital twice rarely oil, not because he was dying not because it was deadly the way, the president's on the way back to the White House. Then there was, after another big time, left Wing Democrat Washington,
post wow January, twenty four nineteen, eighty two, they don't look into their. They only may look at their own, damn archives, the life Franklin, Delano, Roosevelt, as in astonishment in twenty one at the age of thirty. Nine he was struck by an attack of infantile paralysis, which left in parallel. Below the ways for the rest of his life and in it when the severely handicap or seldom even seen in public Fdi resumed his political career career twice a day. They govern in New York in nineteen. Thirty, two, of course elected president now Alison recorded history of mankind is chosen is the leader, the people, even though we couldn't Stand alone nor walk they go on to explain how they tried to cover up his paralysis and his use of braces. Throughout his twelve years in the White House, Roosevelt lead the country from a wheelchair he was held most often lifted. ITALY into and out of cars, tops chairs or beds. Journalist John got the report
was a startling experience to see the present, the United States being carried up and down stairs like a sack of potatoes. Gordon quote, as is James once described, but they did what they could keep it out of the cameras, view and journalists at the time when they like, after. And so most of the time you saw none of that you see pictures now you see more pictures of it now. the nice than the american people solve it. Then hefty r, J, F, K, Woodrow Wilson, nothing President Donald Trump has done, comes close to what these three mended close and yet all weekend long. We have a right to know
the condition of the president. Of course, we did get to know the condition of the president. Now we need to know right this damn minute right now. Why do you care about him and then they go about the twenty fifth amendment we know. What's the twenty fifth amendment. Nature Pelosi task about power. What happens Nancy you know, have you been briefed on it? You have it. the second line, nobody said anything meal and then, of course, what's the effect on the campaign now the american people are they going to see a present who is now going to take this virus seriously because We all know we hasn't, despite although meetings, hundreds thousands of experts despite operation warp speed, despite this by pushing for vaccines and therapy, some therapies so cutting edge, they were used when the president. all this talk about the army core of engineers, and I see you beds all this talk about
Leaders and respirators and be no more nano know when it's this president gonna take this seriously. This is why you hate these bastards in the media, and you should you not like being a lighter. You don't like it when they they trash one man in the Republican Party, while they got up another man and the Democratic Party by never be asked questions about his mental health. His wife said Doktor Jill. No more questions are: oh, ok, we're done no questions at all about how a country how a country can Led by a man like this, you would have heard over and over again. If it were Ronald Reagan. I got nuclear weapons and the hands of a around. I have a nuclear weapons in the hands of Joe Biden:
here about that. Do we, ladies and gentlemen, and you never will the only people who have downplayed this virus or Nancy Pelosi truck Schubert Joe by They said nothing serious about it, nothing affirmative that we should do about it, despite Jos, expensive expense. hence in dealing with the swine flu and despite the fact, Nancy Pelosi structures Chuck been around forever. Not once did they say, hey Mr Pesa: how can we chip it and help What do you need from us in Congress? What do you need from us and the Democratic Party? What can we do not a damn thing. because they want this issued a run on. You know what they're not running on this document. I have in front of me, they're hundred and ten page communist manifesto. His Joe Biden even read it now.
has Comma Harris even read it now. Bernie Sanders read his people wrote it a yo, see, wrote it notice how little discussed about this. This hundreds on page communist manifesto is a disgusting attack on the core of this nation and we never hear it damn thing about it from the media. Dewey I'll, be right. Ben folks. I have something serious to talk to you about I have to tell you that we're in a fight for the soul of the country, one side in our country Claims that America was founded on ban principles and build on oppression. They even put together Started history of Amerika the New York Times. Sixteen nineteen project, the other side nose like you, do that our countries done to achieve an advance liberty than any other in history. The best way to fight back teach the truth.
Today we have learned the true story of Amerika from the college: that's better a teaching it than any other hills. They'll college. My friend at Helstone have put together a great free online course called the great amount in story, a land of hope and folks that just what we need right now hope so get inspired. Sign up today for free at Levin for Hills, Delta come from Helstone course on the glorious history of the last best hope on Earth America and share with others that Levin for Hills, Delbert, COM, l e Vienna for Hills Del Backup, whereas the United States is helicopters landing on the bus
one example technically the south, but near the White House, entry sure he will be walking in their shortly. Since seventy four year old man shot the energy of a thirty year old, my age, it's incredible He really is a remarkable human rang in so many ways we come back, I'm going to tell what this election is about has nothing to do. You ve heard all weekend long, it is a myth. seems to me that their counting, how many times the president interrupted during the debate and how many times Joe Biden interrupted during that debate And that you- and I are supposed to be influenced by that when we vote for what that has to do with your life. What does that have to do with your? business. What does it have to do with your job? What does that have to do
the ability to put food on the table absolutely nothing. The media are obsessed with themselves. These are egomaniac Caesar Narcissists and then you have these people going on these different shows looking for ways to trash the president to get even with the president. I don't care how many times The president interrupted. Why don't they keep a list? many times Joe Biden lights was fourteenth over and over and over again that was his tactic. He got two minutes left seventeen times, then throw at the top the trump another time to answer it all mean by uninterrupted first, This is this is idiotic. This is only important Washington, D C. The fact is Joe Biden didn't give body any reason to vote form for president, Stage not any reason when I return from the westward one podcast network
easy now run faster number may underground the members than the bowels of the hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader a mark of an error. Number eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one one! You know it's amazing, president was in the hospital for three days and he was given over the counter drugs vitamins that seem to work as well as grim decimeter, which did even exist.
six months ago, this combination of medicines, including an environment including zinc and vitamin d, three and other over the counter medicines- a combination cocktail. They talk about that they fear, has a positive effect This this was utterly unknown five or six months ago,. Utterly unknown search quite remarkable shoot me how far we have come in six months and how many lives have been saved in here So demonstrated you can be seventy four years old and come through this. And I dare say six months ago- maybe he wouldn't her
to say the president hasn't done anything he acted too late. He doesn't take. This seriously really is offensive the exploiters. A political vision of this pandemic, probably the first time in american history. probably the first time in american history. And so they're trying to wrap the present in the mat. You know they're watching the president they're watching them on the helicopter to watch them. How he gets off the helicopters have amassed, doesn't have to attack him. You cannot lie eighty influence, whether its poles with its issues whatever it is, they must be defeated, defeating Joe Biden defeats, the Democratic party media. and all the hate and the poison that goes with it. Does this election about so She is about you all alike. How about you,
your children in your grandchildren is about future generations. What kind of country do you want to leave them? I have three hundred and ten page communist, first alarmist nobody's read. It is A disaster How are we going to eliminate or carbon dioxide by twenty thirty? Five? That's in fifteen years, get down to zero. Ladies and gentlemen, Carbon dioxide is not carbon monoxide, we ve, set it up in times here. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. Carbon dioxide is in the air without carbon dioxide, you vegetarians, can eat fact, none of us can live because plants greater. budget and they need carbon dioxide to do it. So if you have a little bit more carbon dioxide. You know you have MR producer more plants. They don't talk about the Amazon Forest anymore. Why is that? But when you go through their stock, it's all about racism, it's all about region
deviation a well it's all about destroying the progress, the economic problem, so this country destroying the energy sector. I don't care what Joe Biden says in western Pennsylvania and other parts of the country that fracturing and produce oil and natural gas. This document attacks you It will destroy you. And that's just the beginning. You are effectively going. lose your private health care nine Harris said it. Then she pulled back and now we're not we're not going course. You are It's going to be so many regulations so much more. Of taxation on these insurance company you're not gonna, have private health care they're going to do it with act or they lie about it. That's what they do. They also talk, not just in the clear and in schools. They want culturally support culturally diverse education. They always at me I'm telling you it's pay.
Jeff their page after page of this stuff that of your unfamiliar with. Could you haven't read and unfortunately, I've had a red. They strengthen public sector unions gee, I wonder why they do that they strengthen all their power bases Allah, the limit. Right to work and right to work states in order to accept Private sector unionization not to hell, blue collar workers, not to help the middle class tap. The democratic party. They want to end solitary confinement Just going through some of this I mean they want push for the closure of jails and prisons got that. If you're gonna hire somebody they want to eliminate the fact that they have to reveal that they ve been felons side. Ok, with everybody.
They want to immediately withdraw the Trump administrations guides, advising prosecutors to pursue the highest penalties possible. percent of the major federal offences. Only one point prosecutors who believe in criminal justice reforms are going to see Soros and those guys I mean- It is a line after line page after page their stuff immigration and Horses reverse the two, eight seven g. That means locality. That means the federal government will abolish. The coordination localities and states when it comes to identifying illegal aliens in deporting them unbelievable. It's got a whole affirmative action plan for the hiring of law enforcement. and it goes on and on and on.
They're, gonna, nationalized, more more land and for the fair government to own. you're going to have these massive standards on cars and trucks, they gonna put back the Obama standards, which means what means number one. I don't even know that they can be produced, but even if they are there going to be very light, therefore they won't be able to protect you in an accident and the cost is going to be through the roof or a car through the roof. And they're gonna wait hundreds of billions of dollars on electric because I don't even know how this is supposed to work. When you look at a state like California, which has brought some Blount blackout You're going to have electric vehicles. They go on and on about environmental justice, environmental justice, and the community center impacted, particularly.
by environmental injustice whatever? That means yes, so its page of the patent. You should see the radicals who were involved in this stuff. A yo see as one of them. This Priscilla Jaya Paul from Wash. to stay cheese, another one? They picked the most radical people, they could gee. Pretty q affirmative action rights. we live in a racial, gender and geographic health inequities. I have no idea what that means. No idea what that means. Don't sound like it's. It's rational. and sick. During universal health care through public option, did you hear that so the pie.
Look option will swallow the private sector. The public option is the backdoor through government run healthcare. And eventually they want to have a guaranteed minimum guaranteed minimum income. I mean I'm Tellin, you folks, you you ve no idea? What's in here, the media do not discuss. Instead, we have the watch. War. President. Every step he takes is supposed to be controversial know. What is this election about it about how many times they counted the president interrupting. even though they don't explain why he interrupted played for you- how how Joe Biden Treated Paul Ryan and that, obviously, the president and his people were wherever they were not can allow that to happen. But what is this election about? Isn't about a debate or any debate as we know what this elections about. We know what it's about,
we don't need another debate, I don't mind, I'm don't get me wrong. That's not my point. What I'm, do you as you and I know what this elections about its freedom versus tyranny capitalism virtue, socialism, its prosperity versus poverty. It's a colorblind society versus a tribal. I society. They want to destroy the Supreme Court why they want to destroy the filibuster all they want to that the Us Senate, because they want. When a power they don't want anything in their way. This is their chance they're going to take this hundred ten Communist manifesto put a one. Hey you're on it. Each are one piece of legislation adopted and then your nations over what we'll go to the courts, are going to run the courts. What does this election about? Well every time I do
of anti. Excuse me life liberty, eleven on Fox. I end the programme with a short model. I dont begin it with a monologue, the other house, I ended. I summoned up no more than two or three minutes. And this is what I said last night go when I talk to you as a fellows, I get so frustrated with the debates that take place on television and radio and most places well, did he interrupt her many times? Where was he to heart? Well, did you, all names. Why did you do that? Do this or that this is our country? This is our election. Everything on the table here. The Democrats want to change this country. They want to turn it into a post constitutional republican type of society. Bernie Sanders agenda is on the table. There telling us they're telling us what they're going to do there, not hiding it from us there.
burn down the Supreme Court by packing it. This was true before it was denounced before they're going to do it, they're gonna for Democrats senators to the Senate. Why? Because they're gonna have the power to do it, they're going to change the way we legislate. So think of the slowdown. Nothing can stop them. They want to change our electoral process. Only Democrats are represented in Congress. Only Democrats have power to elect the prey rural areas suburban areas the areas a country that that produce the food of producing energy will have no representation. This is. Joke This is serious as our heart attack. This is what elections about the sixteen nineteen it exists to destroy the minds of our kids to brainwash them against this country. You see, What happened in the streets? they don't even knowledge the president, Romania of the Democrat, but doesn't even acknowledge the existence of Anti VA a marxist Eric Organization, that's
it wants to destroy our country and burns our streets now this Election is a big deal if you're still on I dont, what kind of Fenchurch sitting on and if you're leaning towards Joe? By he says I am a Democrat Party, he ain't kid. If you're leaning toward Joe by this is what you're gonna get there's a reason why he won't tell you whether or not he supports stuffing this option. Because he does, there's a reason. He won't tell you about the nominees ideas, my because the radicals, this election This crucial, are you Thomas pay? Are you Paul Revere now's the time to speak up now, I'm back life. I want to briefly talk you senior citizens, specifically in these battleground states, but all senior citizens. I guess, I'm a senior citizens must produce anybody over sixty, but particularly anybody over sixty five. They say that your support for the president.
Weaker than it was four years ago, that's what they say, they say that more of you are going to vote for Joe Bind than vote for Donald Trump. Please don't call me and say: well I'm not. I understand that I'm not talking to any individual talking about an aggregate. Then I lost this and I think to myself as a father and a grandfather, you are prepared to vote for an agenda. That undermines our constitution that Some minds are economic system it destroys our national borders that expands welfare to illegal aliens who step foot into this country that destroy.
many care by lowering the aid from sixty five sixty and put so much pressure on the system. It's kind of collapse that promotes indoctrination There are elementary and middle and high schools against the found This nation called the one thousand six hundred and nineteen project which attacks the one thousand seven hundred and seventy six history of this country, you're prepared to vote for a party the treaty law enforcement and the military worse shabbily. That lets. Looters and writers how back to lose read some more out of court. You're prepared to leave that kind of a country to your children and your grandchildren, theirs. my generation, I'm talking to senior citizens are not exactly a senior sitting, but I'm talking to you you're my foot. I would say to you
they all wrong with you. it's time for the greatest generation to step up, not step back. What's left of the greatest generation so many passed away. since when do we reject our constitution,. Since, when do we reject capitalism. Since when do we reject law and order and honest judges. Ro based on the law, not their ideology, since, when do we. what a party that's telling us! It's going to destroy the Supreme Court impact Whether dialogues should, When do we back stopping this? with so many members, a one party you're going to one point RO four hundred years? So when do we support eliminating a rule in the Senate that allows Congress where's through any single law. Once Jefferson
all the tyranny of the legislature. Tyranny comes in different forms that comes in different clothes. Just because you, for people doesn't mean not tyrannical you and abolish the electoral college. Surely the city's role, the country to exactly what the Democrats want? What about the people per day? our food in the MID west. What about People produce our oil and our gasoline, whether its western, surveying your last or other places of this country. We need people may have a right for representation. Senior citizens you're gonna, do this to this country. You're gonna turn this country, over two. These radicals. Why did they come out? Irises mine? What do you think she's she's cool after Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders isn't even a Democrat he's register as a social Democrat.
And you're gonna hand this country over in one vote in one rope. The rabble industry to the rattling congress, your paper. To do that seriously to your own children and grandchildren? I hope not because you will betray them. Your own flesh and blood I'll be right back then I'm gonna be really direct with you, fears. Cellular plan is with Verizon eighteen t t mobile you're simply paying way too much for the exact same covered. You would get right now with pure ta, so look at your cell phone bill word shows data usage. The average person is switches to pure talk is using less than four gigs of data a month, but the big carriers are charging you for unless
the data it's like paying for an entire row on an airplane, but only needing one seat. That's how pure talk saves the average person over Four hundred dollars a year on their wireless service, unlimited talk text and to gigs of data offer just twenty dollars a month. And if you go over on data usage, they don't charge you for it. So folks, switching to pure talk the easiest decision you'll make today go to pure talk, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levine Podcast, when you do, you will say fifty percent off your first month that pure talk, USA, dotcom promo code, l e g, I and POD Cas that's Levant, pod guest, pure talk, you up simply smarter wireless. I MR producer, thank you for your patience on this today, following up the gun
friend the Mr Levine's page distribution should be restored over the next couple days. Please, let me know if you have any questions. My best. air and an official with Facebook. Now Let me just say this:. There was no reason for any of this any of this. He was very wise of Facebook, the back down and back off. Because I was giving up for a hell of a battle. Wasn't. I must have produced all day long. My wife and via MR produced by my wife's, an excellent lawyer in Le Linwood involved. so I was ready but be before I let them off the hook. After the bottom of the I'm, to tell you what they were slap me our it's. Absolutely
shocking, and I only tastes, I'm abide. Winds are gonna, be back. then I'll, be right. Support for this by ass comes from dropbox business. Think about the people you work with. You all supremely different? But that's what me the team, so valuable different skills, different backgrounds, different ways of thinking and working. so why force everyone to work? The same dropbox design, A new kind of work space, a space where whatever works best for you works best for your team, where every file an app connect, tasks not only assign work but also help organise it, where you can create new decks, spreadsheets. Even launch video calls without ever needing to leave your workspace. That's dropbox business, a space for teamwork. Your way ride. Dropbox for your team at dropbox, Dotcom, slash teams. I work
bark love in search of liberty, rule conservatism, call mark now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one night. familiar with damn bond Jean on this programme. He used to do it. Sub Harry Subdue now and then he's become very busy because he's a superstar and he should be. Not just on podcast, but on tv. And the reason is these courageous he's a patriot, any smart. also happens to be a dear friend of mine and my wife and the family here and Dan I you d come on sea could speak This national audience that considers you one of us here and let them know what gone on in your life. Creature. That mark you, are your friend you, your life, you I just gonna make
think me always check in an army, and you know you don't have that very good friend new life you're lucky to have dinner. So long and short of his. I found a lump in my neck a couple weeks ago. You know what it was. I thought of it. The fatty tumor, which is in most cases, are just completely benign. I've got a few whom a whore so I would. Furthermore, I really just because it was in my back and I was really concerned. I thought it was the matter we are finding out where the fatty tumor ended, so we can cut it out. I never thought that the young doktor would tell me again over the tumor added was definitely not in fact fatty tumor, so that was started. They come to him up in New York. Now everything move fast thanks to you, like you and others. You come back to me at the right people and I'm up in New York, Levin surgery on Wednesday, so two days from now to remove.
Much of this tumor a rather large, wanted seventh centimetres by seven centimetres from my back, in which, if you don't open, haven't it's not a particularly aggressive tumor, so that where the reader yet merges better pop couple weeks but ass, I told you about that on phone calls. I believe that, just because it's a very serious operation, the location of the tumor we're gonna, get it any more details, but it's this a this This is so, but you know what you're a fighter you see what president does and goes through. You're gonna do the same thing or come out the other end, because you're a fighter and- and we need yeah back my brother- it's in there is in a bad spot. Portsmouth caused my biggest nerve, vocal cords, Al Qaeda
Who would have thought? So? It's if you add a put a tumor in a really awful spot at the problem. He would put it so yeah, but you're right. It took me a day or two to up really digest what was happening. I like to think of tougher than I was sometimes but the first there too. I was hard, but now ok, I'm optimistic. Great you're listeners are great, I'm doing good and I want everybody now I mean that from that some kind of yet another may try to make. I feel that I really do. I gotta optimistic and doctors are super smart and I trust in completely it is people one who, because people The love you when they want to express that they should go to your twitter site right, wouldn't that be the place to go, and they can say whatever they wished to say there you're, not ass am asking yeah MIKE My parlour, I read is very common parlor camp and our people put messages on their to undermine the first. So I try to read as many as I can
people are my emails on my website. Where people go there too and Mark I gotta pay. The stories are touching. I know you know your family too, and there hasn't it. Sadly, there is a person I think on earth who, having been touched by a friend or a family member, are themselves. You know with the diagnosis like this and its really devastating the here. You know the stories people You know. You're listened with a! U I'd, I love my audience, but there it. You know audience is as loyal, anyways I've ever seen, and you know how they are there, just great people and they send you deeply personal, touching story that really you bring me and my wife- and I did a really emotional moment. It's incredible. You know you asked me to do this and suffered sounds grass blame me you actually, but by this time We can be worse. We have a book coming out today follow the money and bringing everyone for good chunk next week, the shocking deep,
stay connections of the anti trunk about MR bidders again put that up and linked to Amazon. If you would and working we're going to talk about this because it's a fascinating book next week, and so I won't puts on the spot right now, but I want a carriage peoples of fascinating book if they want Get a copy that also been through what I was through here with Facebook, as I understand it and Facebook just communicated with us and said, thank you for your pay Since that day, you no matter how many patients that's number one, and it has been said here following to confirm Mr Wynn's page distribution should be restored over the next couple days because I was prepared to go to war, ITALY to Morrow, there there wise to step down because the examples they give her so preposterous, I think these organisms, these these massive corporations, need to be addressed.
Because their massive corporations have special protections and that needs to stop work. But what, if I told you that here is what happened when you're an expert on this stuff, you have to educate me guy it brother. I bet the hell with it for five years now. Our facebook page is a seven figure enterprises. It is what are we both popular facebook page in the country's there's, a social media, Counter Twitter, Facebook, cop ten, where you can go look, my account is in there every day now, there's another accounted for their often and within their just give it your and what happens when conservatives get, and you know whom does Facebook stopped and by the way, a guy from the New York Times and the reason he does. The accounts is to highlight conservative pages
That's on Facebook, for what so that Facebook goes and hammer the swamp. Talking to MR producers, lazy, rich, you know why you guys got hammer today would affect backtracking. As it happens to me all gone there not be a fact check, because you guys were one of the topics for posts in the country. Again, some liberal got his underwear and a wide and want to Facebook and got a big backtrack and public sector on you and that's what they do and what they do. Is they restrict your page and if you get a few strikes against you, they burn your page. Now, with a liberal. Guided
instead of doing was picked up the great one and its fifteen million, whatever lecturer and that's a really bad business model, and that the big mistake and wanting faithful, says alike, is crappy pr and you have to fight back. I told you that I tell anyone else out there too, don't take it lying down. Facebook is full of craft, they go after conservative pages, all the time and mark you know what your pages popular, not advertising is not gimmicks because people like your content- and you know what happened mark- that DR liberals in saying that their contents, trucks and yours dozen drives them not and if they don't want fair comp charting. Why didn't want fair competition, they want you to shut up because your pages effective period- and I don't like it that you're talkin about it when I stood on trust him somewhat, still respond to them.
We're gonna wanna. What do you mean restored in the next couple of days? How many days is that? Why restored immediately you ass, a popular pages in the country, the elections in twenty date super what forty eight hours, one of the most popular conservative talk radio voiced in the country as a matter of fact that, though my opinion based on another they're, going to shut you down for a couple days, while they do what road small lollipops gravity I'd, have it put back wrecked if anyone Facebook is one thing. I know that you are putting back tonight not anymore. All about ten minutes put it back fifteen minutes ago. The message needs to get out didn't you know killed over there and eight the year. They deleted completely some of the posts they blocked the language in place that over some of the post, so this meat, all blog posts will be lifted up deleted postal. Peace restored correct
That's where we can ask, probably not, I would venture to say no, I mean it happened to me. I got back jack, I'm not kidding for an article punch. You know that come mark. We literally vigorously we literally quoted Nancy Philosophy and Emma you know. Quotations for the liberals are things that Mickey and he said it dates back check the quotes, data Was without I bet you know what the problem of the contacts within the M article. We got a new and read it. They actually fact jacket and tried to modify their page for that That's what they want. You want to know one of the ones they hit us on. What the directive national intelligence. Slowly. What are they say that no Attica,
I like to that? I gave my own opinion on that, and yet there was out of context that vat is there and with a view, as they have an army of both liver, buffoons, total losers and ever built, usually like nineteen eighteen years, supported fact, checkers and a figure, and this is how they make their money. They go after conservative pages, any advance vague cracker now keep on my mark. You rendered an opinion on the letter, so without a fact jacket that opinion, which told me at a big foma your opinion. It is really that
Facebook age, you hate me: I can't stand conservative segment, it really make em over. They say: they're, gonna demonetized me I dont monetize my play. Didn't we note the holler talking about you know what they're good of you and your page. If they're gonna restrict access, meaning you can tweak ivy through me crazy or to put it on Facebook, but no one can see not your regular viewer to within your show. Watch your facebook plead everyday they're, not gonna, see they're going to tweak the algorithm so that your page doesn't get out there and that's the real scandal. They forget them. Not modesty I mean audibly I paid for the general good revenue, but I don't really care about that. I'm really I mean it doesn't the money partner by that you mean people would actually have to go to the site, as opposed to being alerting. People would have to go to facebook dot com. I think it's what mark of info and they would have to actually go to your page speed pops up.
What out we'll get restrict. Let me ask you this day. I was literally thinking to say: you know it's screw you people on leaving and then people, families, as in France, or sign we no longer. I don't do that. You get too many funds yeah. I think that from a fake I left I have apart open and competitive, and I dont tell people sent parlor, we love parlour. I love it here. When did what I know you're on their your active on. I tell people all the time make parlor you're all where you power and so forth on Facebook and Twitter that way, you're home you, we're not going to ban you they're not going to ban you we're not going to restrict your speech when I get sick of fake fact, checker on you and that way you have a backup. You have a home, but I agree. I don't think you should be. that, why should we see the platform? How do I have over a million when he com on parlor friend, followers. Whatever we found in Facebook, I'm I'm stuck. I've been stuck at one point: five million for like a year you up
you want to know why I'll give you the edge, because I know how this happened- a pilot always get it parlor. If what Facebook should be doing when you have a popular account like you had any rush, would you do if you put that on the top recommended followed? Why would you I commend him his followers because you already have a lot of follow. That's why you don't recommend Joe. We beg Adona Thunder on the corner. I may love the guy he fell in vague was on the corner, nobody popular get. When we put you up on parliament's recommended Bob, you got like nine hundred thousand fought the words we because everybody think all great mark of India. Facebook does the opposite. They hide you you're like never recommended foul facebook because they want you buried because your voice was so power
They don't want people to hear you. We have people on Twitter trying to take us, and so far Twitter hasn't done anything to us, but I guess there next about allowed the run. I had a bad me four years ago running at now work it out. I have their primary competitors, though I don't really care about you I think that's wonderful! You saying ok screw me too now competing against you bought, and I love it because we now have we get up almost five million users, so you know, don't don't ever get me upset Gus David bat. Like me, what of angry it up? We'll Dan God bless you my friend work track of this. The audience is gonna wanna go to. America loves you and people. wanna get follow the money it sets linked. It's an amazon we'll talk about it at some length next week, but God bless you and we're all praying for ass. If what I tell you look good
and you as you all that got guy called the guy call me at eight o clock this morning, set the kind of guy. You are a good man mark and every one of your listeners needs to hear it. Cuz you're humble about it too. Thank you. God bless you and your beautiful wife and your kids will see you in a bit I'm looking for what the hell I did with it. to come back and another will be right back really direct with you. If you're cellular plan is with Verizon eighteen T, T mobile you're simply paying way too much for the exact same covered, you would get right now with pure talk.
Look at your cell phone bill. Work shows data usage, the average person is switches to pure talk is using less than four gigs of data a month, but the big carriers are charging you for another. It'd data, it's like paying for an entire row on an airplane, but only needing one seat. That's how pure talk saves the average person overflow. A hundred dollars a year on their wireless service, unlimited talk text and to gigs have data offer just twenty dollars a month. And if you go over on data usage, they don't charge you for it. So folks, switching to pure talk is easiest decision you'll make today gotta pure talk, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levine Podcast, when you do, you will say fifty percent off your first month that pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo code, L, e g, I and podcast- that's Levin, pod, guest pure
USA, simply smarter wireless, and so that we are going to answer Facebook right must reduce it. Where asked them, what do you mean you're going to return us and a couple of days? What's a couple of days. Will you restore the because you removed, and will you remove the language that you placed on the links? that were on the site. And so we shall see you know when I was a kid. I didn't like authority who really didn't.
I followed teachers. I followed this. I tried to be a good kid and I was a very good kid. I really was. I never got in trouble every time that I can think of, but all that said all that said, I don't like bullies I have even as a young teenager, wasn't the strongest killed on the block. But the bullies noodles me along because I didn't back down. I dont like bullies. Facebook is a bully. Twitter is a bully. Ghoul is a bug, a buggy to maybe but definitely a boy and the idea that they were trained, shut me down for linking to legitimate stories, giving opinions that they don't like.
The four weeks before general election, all of a sudden, even going back and fishing. I wasn't born yesterday. I also know if I didn't have this microphone and megaphone there'll be much more difficult to deal with this. I really want you to go to parlour and sign up the mark. Levin show parlour. I really do it. Is a true free speech form our body. Bonn Gina has a small ownership and there the There's a really really good guy doesn't get into politics. In the speech gonna parlor mark level, parlour and sign up I'll, be right back from the westward one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen,
this final. Our the pod cast is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S, Slash Joe
now run them wrongly underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader, America Mark Levant AIR Three, while ours stick with us every evening, right up to election day, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one, the president I'd states walked till his helicopter. The helicopter brings them. To the White House. He walks out of the helicopter into the White House and then video tapes a message for all of you just minutes ago.
And by the way doesn't look great most producer, terrific, on his best day Biden, can't look like Trump. Let's take a lesson I just left Walter Reed Medical Center It's really something very special, the doctors and nurses, the responders- and I learned so much about colonel virus One thing: that's for certain: don't let it dominate you don't be afraid of it. You're gonna beat it. We have the best medical we have the best medicines or develop recently, and you gotta I went, I didn't feel so good and two days. I could have left two days ago. Two days ago, I felt great like better than I have been a long time. I said just recently better, twenty years ago. Don't let it and I dont. Let us take over your lives. Don't let that happen rhythm It is a country in the world were gone back with back to work wanna be out
front as your leader I had to do that. I knew this danger to it, but I had to doing I stood out front. I led nobody, that's a leader would not do what I did. And I know there's a risk. There is a danger, but that's ok, Better and maybe I'm a mule- I don't know, but don't Let it dominate your lives, get out there be careful. We have the best medicines in the world and are all and very shortly and they're all getting approve and the facts. in the coming months. We generally thank you very much Walter Reed? What a group of people? Thank you very much ass, a leader, that's a leader! He wants you to be careful and you be particularly for elderly, particularly for you have aim morbidity. Sure of await your heart.
Disease, asthma, diabetes, you know who you are, you need to be careful about the flow to, and so be careful You can live your life and be careful and that's only saying they twist his words spend his words. They projector all kinds. Nastiness on top of this man and yet down. Crop has done more to wrestle this virus, then Joe Biden every could do and The Democrats in the house in the Senate, whatever do not want did you hear them? Come to a microphone, I once and say in this together on this, Going to work with the president will try and figure out what you never heard. Them say that ever ever. Because that's not who they are, all weekend long
we go along my god. If you only watch CNN and MSNBC, I mean. You're dealing with an unreality that is so horrific and I have to say well I'd better, not must reduce I'll get in trouble again. You know what I'm saying we can't do that can't do that here. Now I want to get the pole. Pause. Paul's, poles are all over the map here. There's a good new site, see if I can find the name its national patriot, is at the name of MR producer, I'm trying to find it. The national pulse This is a great new site. I want encourage you to take a look at it: the national pulse and I'll circle back cause people been using All day to day, without attribution, I'm sure so
I want to give you a pole from October eighteen, twenty sixteen October, eighteen, yellow twenty sixty and its CBS Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by fourteen points nationally thrown says. That's what it says. Pole. Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by fourteen point, not nationally October. Eighteen, twenty sixteenth, CBS News Doc. I think they were wrong folks, I dont know which Paul's right, which is wrong. Doesn't matter they dont beside the election. You decide the election. I always say fight like your behind weathered sports, whether its them, a terrier, especially whether its politics fight like you're behind and if you're, not that may be, or when a landslide we're gonna need a landslide because
The treating that's going to go on so none of this matters, but it's worth looking at. So they, after that, we have binding national lead over trumped jumps to fourteen points, have to debate its identical only to the other one. I just read to you and today's October fifth. Joe Biden National lead over present Donald Trump, nearly doubled after tuesdays presidential debate with voters by two to one margin. That Biden has the better temperament to be present according to, M Nbc News Wall Street Journal Paul nine they're pulling, but by MS, like a beached, flower flopping around these at any stage, under the the tv With his hands out shaking, I dont know that kind of look scary, to me like he was a zombie or something maybe it's just me.
but why should this even effective voter when you know what's on high, when you know liberty, verses, tyrannies, on the line? When you know your livelihood in your lifestyle and that of your children and grandchildren is on the line taken both stand their instead on their heads and would matter to me what it to you, Mr Barroso, I already know how about it, but ok, now that's fourteen points right. then we go to John Zog, be strategies and he's no friend of trumps brothers a cook. May I say that I think I will. Former vice President Joe Biden was leading president Trump by only two points: forty nine to forty seven percent zombies July, a poem found that bind was leading trump by seven points. The August Paul said by was leaning trapped by six. Now it says by two and they rate, one thousand and six likely voters across the nation and stated bite is leading among Democrats. Ninety one two: eight percent voters,
ten to twenty nine, sixty two thirty five percent, those through the forty nine fifty two, forty five percent among Women- fifty six to forty one percent. This is terrorists, who was Sixty minutes Australia, not sixty minutes America, I dont, think binds run For present of Australia is he did you hear what she said? that bind to her mister producer. He effectively raped her effectively raped her. Anyway, progressive of support by eighty five to fifteen percent goes on and on moderates. Fifty, eight to thirty six percent is leading among hispanic sixty one to thirty four, that's not great blacks, eighty, seven to eleven. If trunk and get eleven percent of the black boat and thirty four percent of the spanish vote is a trump. The Paul wrote Lee
among fellow Republicans, ninety four to six percent voters. Fifty to sixty four fifty three to forty five percent voters over sixty five, Fifty two, forty seven percent, those are the ones I was talking to last hour like what's up, Evangelical sixty eight to thirty two percent. Conservative, seventy eight to eighteen percent, very conservative- that would be people like me. Ninety two to eight percent He also, as I had among whites, fifty six to forty percent. I guess we have to hate whites impaired. of children under seventeen living at home. Fifty four to forty percent. Isn't that interesting. and I'll be right. Contrary to my own observation, citizen, daily wire looks like president has not been hurt. Buys debate perform its, nor is hospitalization his forty seven percent per annum MRS actually one point higher than his vote percentage in twenty sixteen. For now,
used have consolidated is base of whites parents, conservatives, men in his own parties, voter of out of jail. It looks as if he's on his way to doing the same. With his base, his numbers, Hispanics are respectable, but not quite at these sixty six sixty seven. He really needs the same of blacks, Eighty six percent is better than our last ball, but he needs they hit. Ninety. This is why, and I kept when you, I told you to ago, I told you why they were gone after Trump on race, because it was she that black males twenty to twenty five percent of blackmail with In about voting for Trump, so they have Are you or white supremacist audible? You are Are you? Are you prepared to say that you are against white supremacy interviews with that question comfort? Well, that's why that's one.
Let's see here. Eighty six percent that is binding blacks, is better than our last body needs to hit ninety percent specially in those Battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan Wisconsin North Carolina in Georgia Biden, sixty Thirty five percent led among younger voters, is about what needs to be our last Paula Biden, leading strongly among independence, but now the two candidates are tied with two percent undecided. Just so you know, Zog began forty nine out of fifty states right in two thousand eight Doug Samuelsen wrote about Zog these predictions and twenty sixteen, which were actually quite good as well. And so I have two opposite pulse.
So what does this mean? So you go to the devil national pulse? I read this stuff morning. Noon and night. This is a site I have said you really need to check it out. The national pulse and one of the rare And says the editor in chief is brought him Cassim, who is terrific, a new Paul from the democracy and to and the Sunday Express, reveals that the election would look like it. Pollsters didn't routinely wait there samples, heavily favorite Democrats, Donald Trump, comes out ahead by one point, as reported by the national pulse editor in Chief Rahim Cassandra Posters. Keenly created a weighted sample that over represents Democrats in order to create a some impression. The republican candidature trailing the Ladys buying Trump head to head from them BC, Wall Street Journal. That's the one that says all by fourteen percent ahead: does precisely that now.
Sunday Express Democracy, institute, polishes, Donald Trump, the lie because it doesn't weighed against Republicans the Sunday Express David Maddox reported as follows: the monthly demo, Riddick Institute some Sunday Express Paul for the President elections shows Trop is still on course, for victory. Were forty six percent verses vied with forty five appalled completed after the news broke. The president, his wife, my millennia, have been infected with covert nineteen but sixty eight percent said the illness would not affect their vote. While nineteen percent said they were more likely to support trump. Only thirteen percent said less likely. It's one of the reasons. You've had a drug bait for three days. Trump didn't tell us Trump as a response to Trump. Doesn't like the secret service. All eyes
Crucially, MR trumps leading key swing states, including Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, remains four percent by forty seven percent to forty three percent, while other pulse, Biden ahead that democracy and the two, which correctly predict abreks it in trumps, one in twenty. Sixteen only considers people identity is likely voters rather not registered voters and also asked about the so called shy vote. So The NBC Wall Street Journal Paul sampled, eight percentage points more Republicans. The democracy institute, Paul's methodology is more fairy rights. the national policy margin of error. Point of extreme at two point: five.
so they have the turnout model as thirty seven percent Democrat thirty five percent republican, twenty eight percent independence, thirty seven, three thousand five hundred and twenty eight, so who's right. I have no idea, no idea. I just don't want you to be dispirited with this well by his fourteen points at does anybody believe the binds going to be Trump by fourteen points The producer I mean seriously folks in two thousand, for when I was sitting behind this microphone. Mr Barroso he's been me. Believe me, every step of the way in the night we're coming in from the what do they call him the year when they don't have the vote. When they start asking the exit polls, They carry leading Bush by sixteen points in pencil line. Member that.
And I said, miss to MR reduce renew Myonians. Don't follies exit polls their way off. I had callers, calling and ready to jump off the roof. I should rule these examples are wrong. I'm telling you the wrong, there's no way carry beats pushed by sixty in Pennsylvania. He may be in Pennsylvania, but not by sixty. It's not gonna happen. And, of course, it wasn't even close. So I want you to think nationwide forbidden to beat Trump by fourteen points. Nationwide. That means he kills and virtually every state, including some ready, you think, binds capable work. Regardless, remember, I'm gonna tell you every night you're the Paul reveres you're, the Thomas panes of our era. We must save our country. This election is about saving our
country, saving it from the radical left that is going to destroy it. They're gonna destroy ways, they ve told us and they will destroy ways. They haven't told us. I want you to look around. You love your country. I want you to look at your family. I want you to think about generations yet born. I want you to think of the sacrifice of men and women have come before us. We need to turn out in March. And massive numbers to crush our opponents. you- can rely on the Aral Sea or the YO alphabet in Washington. The Democrats routes bending us everywhere? Why I don't know- and I don't care at this point- you you Not what are we going to do about this? What are you going to do about that? You know how that annoys. Me hey.
Why do we going to do about it now? Okay, thank you and they hang up and eat spaghetti. No, that's not it you're responsible for five to ten minutes. If they're going to vote for Trump Mark that you do this, you damn well, I do it Today I went into my my barbershop- oh yes, I I get a haircut mostly it's my my my beard and so wonderful, lady she's vietnamese background. and I said, are you voting? She said yeah yeah, I'm gonna vote and I told them vote in person. I hope you can vote for Trump. She said I I said: ok you're on my list. I'm gonna keep reminding you I'll, be right. Ben MAC, the association and mature american citizens, is one of the facts.
Describing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a MAC. Lives in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy Joining a MAC, gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts include special member only rates on car insurance, travel discounts self. Plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a MAC, by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservative As I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot? U S! That's a m, a sea dot! U s!
supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m, a sea dot. U S, I want you to listen and Andrew Cuomo. Today we failed governor of New York. It gets a pass from the media, more blood on his hands, and you can imagine how Tipp right scoop. Listen to this, you're dealing with government saying to religions. You shouldn't have more than People in your church, for your mosque or your temper. That's an politically uncomfortable situation. You know I have to say to the Orthodox community tomorrow. If you Willing to live with these rules then When I closed the synagogues club,
who's the synagogues. he'd, never say that the Muslims I'm gonna closer mosque Tell you something a whole. You don't have the to do that under the federal constitution, the federal constant Lucian trumps, you use it trumps you this peace crap shuts down any synagogue or church or even mosque. This piece o k shuts down. I am you, go right in the federal court and have as ass, kicked dollar renew your aim at the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest Organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time,
presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts cell phone, and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get Max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us, we conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the bill agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U S, firstly, to God!
talk. Radio that might prove info call him. Now, at eight seven, seven three, I run three eight wide one actually couple fights on Saturday, I tried the miss them. I loved the UFC. I don't know what it is like Bellator. Mr Karl Screener Mr Produce have no idea what I'm talking about. That's ok because We have Genie Ives who would be significant memory congresses. We continue our efforts to take back the House of Representatives out of the house. Of Nancy Pelosi, give it back to the people Genie Ives is running in the Illinois. Sixth congressional district. How are you hey we're doing great mark? Thank for having me on well it is a pleasure. Tell everybody the nature of your destiny. Some of the towns in your district as a lean republican or Democrat, I like better, they great suburban, demonstrate that position for
Congress has held by Henry Hide and Peter Ass gum, really smart statesmen, and you know- no way that a marxist like shine cast in holding it now. The fourth enterprising people, but you know it Caught up in the blue wave of twenty eighteen and its district, that is particularly fond of Donald Trump I'll, be honest with you about the canopy happy with shine casting an and what he's done or actually done nothing in Congress. I thought we want to do is raise your taxes, better, the mark in the state of Illinois, and it should be a deal killer. So is it now kind of a marginal district Definitely I mean you know when it was first gerrymandered via the cartographer MIKE Mad again who Ben around too long. Almost fifty years, you know it's the a conservative district, but you know what happens when you when you're really good at running at least smart government at, the lava any create better and by
for people when they move into the district and bring their voting patterns with em in Athens? Essentially, what happened and were put it back? that happened in my country loud and county, and then what happens that the developers they built tons of dense housing apartment buildings in town houses and I'm not against them per se and you're right than people move the. leave these blue areas, they move in these areas and then they they keep voting. That way. It's very bizarre anyway, tell us You say your opponent is like a marxist, tell us, but your opponent You know anybody about a hundred percent with Nancy Policy yet represents the suburbs of Chicago. You know it's not voting for the district and I'm not I'm not kidding. When I say you know should be a member of the spice girls up there, the socialists flawed, because he has left conservative voting record than even a Yossi. Be quite honest, while is all I know it's hard to imagine
but he's got a more partisan voting. What's his name again, Shon casting doubt on Caston and he I immediacy, live than that district. His whole life. Now, not at all life. You know his father set him up in business and then his father basically want him to run and spend a lot of money to get Sean elected against a by the way. This is what kills you. You know the Democrats, what their women, unless they make a white male that they want in their instead, and so he beat out five democrat women in the primary cause. He personally funded it and then his dad, Put together- and I e at the five days before the primary to bash is next nearest opponent felt what what's an eye you back and a penny expenditure girl go yet nevertheless, pretty sleeves, Anyway, now tell us where you stand on some of the issues. Like I mean it, If you're in the fate of illinois- and you understand that we have, as you know, we have a problem with public policy than you're, just not paying attention- and I have I am
low taxes, the state of Illinois. We have the highest tax burden. out of any other in the worst pension system. Tuba were the most bankrupt I mean according to them, are caught a center. We are the least fiscally stable state. Moody's has as one not above junk the worst credit rating. We are it de facto bankrupt as a state, and certainly the city of Chicago, and they answered by the Democrats is always you. No one. More tax increase is going to solve what ails, Erica. That is not true, but you know castles just right in there with it. With Illinois Democrats it of his story, the economic opportunity in a state building the PLO spending calf. He supports you, know the progress of taxes on about instead of Illinois, he wants to repeal the tax cuts and job that which would give everybody in this district, the average family a two thousand. Now Your federal tax bill and another solution. Solution to social security is simply to add a twenty percent tax on it does solve anything
Now. Let me ask you this outspending. You are you hang in there. While we had a ports outstanding me and there are raising made, but we had a terrific third quarter. We re used over a million dollars in this district? and were really proud of that. It's not heavy into the pact's or anything like that, because our first time challenger but we're doing terrific had always use more though, what's your back room, so I'm a west point graduates and I served in the army forces. years active duty and I left the army to raise my five children and my husband, I've lived here and for twenty eight years ago, a very nice lady, very nicely They may go at him, so yeah I mean I start out on Wheaten City Council, just figuring out that you know you got a matter to you elected to public office, and I, like local government. I think we need to keep government is local if possible, that some, we should definitely talk about more and then I realized that if you want to
heck taxpayers in Illinois. You had actually got two Springfield and I'll be back the policies that are coming from there, so I spent six years serving in Springfield as the state legislature and I took on both parties, I voted against and balanced budgets intact sites that both parties wanted. I got you know a conservative credentials and then a twenty eighteen when are republican governor, basically betrayed everything that republican stand for. I ran against him in a primary for governor and nearly beat him, and he was a billionaire with considerable means that we can close but didn't quite make it you'd be a wonderful member of Congress. And tell us a little bit about your military background. Well, it essential things. I know you, served with Ronald Reagan, and I wanted to us point and eighty three under the whole Reagan mantra: peace through strength and his words were, you know, Mr Gorbachev tear down that law
But Ronald Reagan, this didn't just speak the words he actually took action, deploying the person to myself, starting with a star defence initiative that you know the main alliances with Pope John Paul to and Margaret Thatcher and and you know- and then I thought- a prohibition of that action wherever station in Germany and nineteen eighty nine a walking down, so it was very remarkable tactfully, see If you have the right leadership and he take the right action, That you can make a huge difference in freedom of other people, that was impressionable on me now, if people want to your ground game there, let my gosh, our ground grain is terrific accords. The Democrats are not at the door and we are at the door. I think over the weekend will at last week we ve made at least fifty two thousand contacts, grumbling at the door texting we ve got a very active grounding any pulling the pulling makes that much about differences days, but you know,
We have not told recently and I'll be honest with you, where we really smarter in every single area that we're going to leave it all out there and we're going to spend every last dime on voter contact to get to let people know, but you are I, if you look around at just the activity level, the fine That thing we are, we are definitely given him a run for his money. Is it a big district or small district, where I think he did it? anywhere from either side in an hour or so, but it's a very carved up district. I will say that it's very gerrymandered and again initially meant for sort of a more conservative type of legislator. But people have there's been a few. Demographic shift here that's happening alive. As I say, people are depopulating these blue areas populating these redder is turning and purple and blue and they voted. Equally the same, it's amazing you're trying to escape taxes an hour and then you vote for them,
things like, like you're, not going to affect these accurate communities? I am living it myself. Any Ives Illinois, six congressional district, its Genie for Congress, dot com I e a n n e genie for Congress Calm posting a mark, Levin show Facebook for now Mark Levin Show Twitter. Mark Levine, show parlor NGO Doreen They feel hearing me Genie for Congress Dotcom. She need your help. America Levant I all these members of Congress. They affect us. If we, get seventeen nineteen of these solid pip folks in the Congress we can remove Nancy Plus focused a lot on the house right now, as well as the presidency. Thank you very much What would you like to say in reply to your left really not needed. Now, who shall cast an as though I mean honestly that guy who look after our b g die?
The first thing he weeded out was dont. You blinking dare match. Don't you blinking there met, but he didn't say blinking right now. He did. He said that that that I energy, and then he and you don't have any called Lindsey Grandma- do further Mitch Mcconnell nibbling sack of hatred. He told gunners that having small genitals is not a sufficient reason, on a gun him. While he would know- apparently I guess so look here. story. Your second amendment rise once again. Eddie. If we want to know the truth, he called his republican colleagues nappy sympathisers, anything Dan. Damn Kinshasa, a racist over a policy debate the great hero, Dan Credulous, yeah yeah- I mean this- is this guy is either no way he should be representing the good people. The six congressional district there's no way Now he should be unlike sat in a live as a second tier actor. While you now keeping
the wrapper, hee hee When he gets angry apparel, he writes wraps on that's what he said and he wrapped out a song and in it he called people who disagreed with him. Deniers racist and looting. I'm looking at this guy now he was born Dublin Ireland dislike into the background here. Let's see what what did he do with his life from China? here. He went to darkness, so I dont really Darkness Ellen I eat I'm just looking here. He. leaves and civic advocacy Can you were I'm just saying non profit, advocacy organization, North EAST Sea, HP initiative, that sort of a mini green, new deal, isn't it you know he he proposed to us. In trillion dollar green new deal. He set his top priorities are climate change, climate change, climate change,
He's the one track county on that, and yet he is a hypocrite on that. He personally invested in Bio Mass companies that give us one and a half times the amount of co2. They then call does, if you consider Theo to a pollutant which every third greater knows it. Isn't No, although I am not going to say this, I don't get you in trouble. Aright any Ives, Illinois six congressional district, we wish you all the best America Lava nights. I hope you'll give all the support. You can she's on our list of people who can flip these districts and she can flip that district back and good luck and God bless you. Thank you so much mark. I take areas of my wife and I met her. She really is terrific, terrific, oh yes, I'll be right, back, MAC. The association and mature american citizens, is one of the fastest
organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full, time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond to see joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth benefits and discounts include Special member only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone, and a hell of a lot more, it's not enough. You'll get a MAX monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S, that's a!
I see that you s, stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S, Albert, I myself state joy red who is a renowned bigot. She got a promotion from the new head of embassy in that works over there. She is what you to listen to what she said about the President when he saluted when he got back to the White House go ahead. MRS Mussolini moment, Donald Trump, who looks like. Has make up on, which means somebody had to get close enough to make up his face with his favorite orange patina standing there as if he is a member
the old Russian Tsar family. I dont know what that's supposed to be a very stupid human, bring. You really are a crackpot heartless moronic lower. He'll buffer, see fit right over there and I myself stay with all the rest. Are stupid comments? You don't know about Russia tsars. Family and silver. But why do we want a we bring out all your bigoted posts about homosexuals? And so for? Would you like to do that joy? He really are sick one. These are the Democrats. America again Andrew Well now I want you to listen to this man. I want you to listen, how deeply sick he is. And he's really in martial law. Now they talk about the preying on shore dictator president, isn't done anything that a dictator, but these governors have lost their minds,
and the leading one is Andrew Coma and once listen, how he talks to Orthodox Jews, he and the Palazzo, they don't talk the Muslims. This way they are two atheist agnostics. This way they don't talk to anyone. In this way, but juice listen to their scope. Your dealing with government, saying too, legends. You always sounds like he used to ride the short bus. Doesn't MR bidders? I let's go back to the top: go ahead, you're dealing with government saying To religion, is you shouldn't have more than Ex people your church for your mosque or your temple, that's an politically uncomfortable situation. You know, I have to say that the Orthodox community tomorrow, if you willing to live with these
rules, then I'm going to close this same man who push corona virus positive individuals into nursing homes, assisted living homes, killed thousands of people and is allied repeatedly about it- takes no responsibility for the legislature, doesn't hold them to account. The attorney general I'm not job in New York. She doesn't hold them to account. You ve got not job district attorney's in these various barrows York same thing, let me tell you some the new slob, that's right and that's a good four yoke as I'm on the radio? Let me tell you something you slob, you don't get the shutdown orthodox synagogues. Follow your damn rules and maybe I read: can better their stand who muzzle lenient in this current society, its hidden com. he's muzzle leaning, enjoy do old, big it there. We are Democrats in their democratic and their surrogates in the media votes
We saw it all our forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel. Welcome all, Mr President, welcome home, we're glad you're doing and Hope Maloney is too and all the other folks we'll be right now will see tomorrow from Westwood one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-10.