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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/28/21


On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Glenn Youngkin has a slight lead in the VA Governor’s race, despite the Democrats' best efforts to paint parents as political pawns using racist dog whistles. But don’t act complacent, get out and vote. Terry McAuliffe insists that critical race theory isn’t being taught in Virginia yet parents continue to find racially divisive books and other questionable curricula that disguise anti-white teachings as social-emotional learning (SEL) and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Then, Herbert Marcuse and Derrick Bell are considered the founding fathers of the modern-day Marxist movement known as critical race theory. Bell argues that direct action is more effective than law and builds upon his own racist dogma while protesting against Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement. Later, candidate for Governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin, calls in from the campaign trail to explain how Terry McAuliffe wants to raise taxes and increase government control. Youngkin says that quality education is the number one issue and parents have every right to be involved in their children's learning. Afterward, Democrats want to nationalize everything. The economy isn't growing but if we stay on this course America will become a disastrous third world nation and the media just lies to cover it up. Meanwhile, the Biden Administration is considering a proposal to give $450K per person that was separated at the border in 2018. Finally, Curtis Sliwa candidate for Mayor of New York City joins the show to side with the Police, Firefighters, EMS first responders, and medical staff who will lose their jobs Friday if they don’t obey Mayor de Blasio's vaccine mandate.

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