« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/23/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden believes he’s the commander-in-chief of 2 countries, America, and Israel. Look at the job Biden did for America, now he wants to do that for Israel. Hamas is playing Biden and Antony Blinken. Behind the scenes, they are telling Israel to feed and medicate the Palestinian citizens in Gaza, but Hamas isn’t going to let that aid go to citizens. Also, the counter-revolution to the American Revolution is in full force. And it can no longer be dismissed or ignored for it is devouring our society and culture, swirling around our everyday lives, and ubiquitous in our politics, schools, media, and entertainment. This is the core of the modern-day democrat party. Everyone of those protestors in the streets and on college campuses are Democrats. They’ll never vote Republican. The Democrats are showing you who they are. Later, for all the attacks on President Trump over the last few weeks about Israel, the fact is that he has never, ever flinched from supporting Israel and slapping down Iran and their surrogates. He is the greatest friend Israel has ever had in the presidency. His public comments about this war, which are unequivocally pro-Israel, are all but ignored by the same corrupt media that give full-throated support to the Hamas Nazi propaganda machine.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader The
The the America mark Levin here our number eight seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one three, eight one one job, Believes these commander in chief of two countries hours in israel's and look at the job he did for us and now he wants to do it for israel.
Behind the scenes, Joe Biden lincoln and the other obama heights. her telling the israelis they have to feed and medicate. The people in Gaza simply means they have to allow trucks in. So Hamas can control at all a mosque, going to feed and mitigate palace. Iranian citizens choosing ms shielded slaughtering them help absurd. The same time they keep saying they don't want a second front door open how many I'm still tell an enemy. What you don't want them to do must produce. Over and over and over again we don't want second front. We don't want wanna third front. We don't want a second front. We don't wanna third front. Meanwhile heads has killed ten ten.
israeli idea of soldiers with one their terrorist banco peter Keep saying I've been telling those four weeks why why the area have gone into gaza cause they are being pressured not to why because Hamas is playing Biden and blankets like they know they could they have several hundred hostages. I now give them one here, maybe two here, maybe for their and think about that If you're in israeli As has already announced that a single one, your idea of soldiers is going back, they hear about from buying. Is we want our american hostages back? I got it, but the israel Population is going well. What about our hostages? Why isn't our government going into Gaza. nobody has been able to negotiate for our people were providing food,
medication and so forth for the enemy Hamas, you got now he's got it got the general over there Vice and the israelis on what they may or may not do, and that we have people using very complicated. They need more time. No, they don't need more time amazon, on Hamas suicide. It's honour, IRAN I'm serious side, it's on Hezbollah outside russia and china. it's on their side. so Biden sees all there somewhat. What does he say? We gotta put pressure on Israel, not around, don't speak. It has gone for billions and billions coming over billion dollars a week. Meanwhile
these talking about the shuttle diplomacy, that's going over the iranian foreign minister, but the power standing in authority. The syrians with hezbollah trembling all over the region. Then you see in the street. Those are democrats. There's a Democrats, current palestinian flags, some of them italian flags, they get confused democrats. Some of them are. Hear more recently than others but their democrats. And if they wrote about Democrat. I guarantee, there's not a republican among them, You know it's very interesting. I wrote this book. American marxism sold a million and a half copies. interesting to hear hosts
Friendly networks house, like no more they talk about preston, oppressor, missed produced. They ever talk about that before I wrote this book, the entire books about president or pressure, so I want to salute them. Plagiarists saw but more, Currently, it just shows you how powerful you are the word of mouth ideas. I say this over and over again they can have an effect, a very, very important effect, so people who never heard of oppression or pressure before whether comedians Though there tv house, or whatever they are now, they regurgitate It now they understand, I want to read something to you. from the beginning of america, marxism chapter one. It's here. Counter revolution to the american revolution is in full force, actually wrote this for years, and it cannot
be dismissed or ignored, for it is devouring our society. Culture. Swirling around our everyday lives and ubiquitous and our politics, schools, median entertainment once Firstly, unreliable, french and subterranean movement- it is here, is everywhere you your children in your grandchildren and our most in it, and it threatens to destroy greatest nation ever established, along with your freedom, family and security. Of course, the primary dip between the counter revolution in the american revolution is that the former seeks to troy american society and impose autograph craddock rule and the latter sought to predict american society and its due to representative government. the counter revolution or movement, irish speakers, marxism and I've written about marxism and let the two earlier books, america, Toby, rediscovering americanism and the tyranny of progressive is
gus regularly on my radio and television, shows there also untold numbers of books, bob marxism. It is not my purpose to contribute yet another long treatise to the many that exist, nor is it possible given focus and limitations of this book, but the application and adoption of core marxist teachings I can society culture? What I call american marx's must be addressed and can lest we are smothered by its modern manifestations and make no mistake this sitting. patient today is dire in america, many marxist clogged themselves and phrases I progressive democratic, We shall have social activists, community activists and so forth is most It can remain openly hostile to the name, Marx's, the aid under myriad newly minted organizational identifying nomenclature such as black lives matter and tea for the squad etc, and they claim to promoting
I'm a justice, environmental justice, racial equality, gender cookie and so forth. They invented new theory. Like critical, raise theory and phrase And terminology is linked to our finagle marxist construct. They claim the damage culture and capitalist system run just in an equitable it. I see. racist and sexist colonialist and imperialist, materialistic and destructive of the environment horse, the purpose to tear down tear part the nation of four thousand reasons in thousand ways thereby despair in demoralising the public the mining, the citizens reach a confidence and the nations institutions, traditions and customs creating one calamity after another, came the nation from within and ultimately destroy no as american republicanism in capitalism. should be no mistake.
Parish leaders of this kind of revolutionary, increasingly outspoken abrasion about who they are wrote it four years ago many bands of openly marxists professors and activists and there's supported by a court of zombie, woke followers. Whatever their labels and south description, the essential characteristics of their beliefs, statements and policies exhibit core marxist dog. The occupier, colleges and universities, newsrooms and social media, boardrooms and entertainment, their idea, A prominent within a democratic party. The oval office in the halls of congress. Therein flights has seen and felt among the mostly wedding as well unsuspecting a news, reporting movies television chosen commercials publishing at sports swellest teacher training. Ashram curriculum throughout america's public school system. They used a tactic
a propaganda and indoctrination and demand conformity and compliance seen contrary voices to repressive tactics such as that cancer, culture, which destroys reputations and careers censoring and banning mostly patriotic and country views Social media, even including former president trump and attack academic freedom and electoral interchange in higher education and they take aim at all aspects of our cultural, historical monuments, mark twain, William shakespeare, MR potato, head, dr seuss, this disney cartoons ad infinitum Pronouns or banned replace, would nondescript bored so as not to offend fifty eight flavors agenda, identification, Pay social media posts scrutinise for early indications of insufficient fealty to the present day, marxist and german journalists.
An editorial pages are sanitized of non believers, historic on present day. Experience shows that marxism and supposed workers. Paradise are responsible for the death. Tens of millions of human beings and the appeal, fishermen and enslavement of over a billion more, and he goes on that last sentence responsible for the deaths of millions. Tens of this is the core of the modern day democratic party. This is what it is and that's why I followed up with the democratic party hates america, because it does.
and virtually every one of those protesters: violent, vile anti semites america haters on our college, campuses, tenure, professors and our news. Media are Democrats or they vote for democrats, never gonna vote for Republican. Are they. And not only that the democratic vote secure the board of the Democrats, on our colleges and universities, the democrats on the teachers unions, they Democrats on our libraries democrats on the media, which, I wrote the democratic party hates america, I don't need any more money. I mission oriented had so trap. one says the democratic party and authoritarianism. This book is not intended to be provocative,
if the democrat party central parts of our society, that undoubtedly will be it's not written for democrat party officials, politicians, media, sync, offense activists, surrogates twitter, for those patriotic americans who fear for country in its future. America is unravelling. This came out your recall this book September nineteenth. Our founding in history or under assault, our families who face are being degraded in Federalism has been substituted for group ism, blindness, is now racism. Capitalism prosperity or being devoured by economic socialism and climate change, fanaticism classrooms indoctrination mills for racism, segregation, bigotry and sexual perversion, Teachers unions are hostile to parental environment, cortical decisions about health and welfare, their children in america, free speech and academic freedom are shrinking and the police state.
As its monitoring and spying on american citizens government is banning and regulating more and more household products. the small to the large mazato control on our streets, public transportation and schools, while police budgets are slashed and many prosecutors and judges, coddle, violent criminals, borders are wide open to millions of foreigners who seek entry into our countries, drugging criminal cartels, ship killer, drugs and or a country. By that and brutalize immigrants by using them as indentured servants and sex slaves, and the list goes on and the democratic parties response for most of this and much more and I go on. My friend derec hunter in town hall gray countenance he put it this way. I had attracted how to make sure it wasn't. Nineteen thirty eight then I had to check the books. Are you
to make sure they weren't actually written in german, wants. I confirmed at its twenty twenty three and I live in the united states. Don't donated shake my head and discuss the what democrats of expose themselves to be make no mistake. Never really thought they were great people. The party slavery, Jim crow segregation. Isn't Like going to pull a one eighty and not be monsters it's who they are, they ve never change their objectives. Only their tactics sounds like he's, read my book, but he's a good good writer. The embrace of segregation is done in the name of tolerance and providing safe space to minorities, but make most mistake: the end result is the same. That's the thing about the left. Happily tell you who they are and the horrible things they hold dear and your hat and all you have to do is believed them. I want to finish what few of its paragraphs one return areas are quite good I'll, be right back.
Have you been way
and to buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com
except, where I left off their country and its people townhouse been great k, publish the had not came over there. the terror attack in Israel. Two weeks, co brought out the worst in the lab, but it's also their true self. You catch for the wholesome murder of innocent people really be a good person deep down. that's, not how work, since the opposite. Their raging bigots and monsters who manage to tape down below the surface most of the time until there's something to protesters celebrated thoroughly. That simple says: I'm not You wish- and I discussed it- I can only meant Imagine the sense of betrayal, hard juice feel as friends, neighbours and colleagues felt so compelled to then the murders of jews for the express reason that they were jewish twenty four hours after the attack. The Democrats
socialists of america, counter, yo, see and so forth, among their ranks and supporters, marched in support of Hamas in new york city, the next stage, Further was anywhere near an accurate body, count, let alone an understanding of the scale of evil it in march, cancer is where they marched in favour of Hamas. literally celebrating the paragon lighters and posters promoting it, and he goes on in its true. This is The democratic party has become. Have you been way
and to buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v: I n this six, eight five, nine two text data message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures or augusta precious metals, dot, com
New american revolution starts here. Denmark Levin show colon at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one you ve heard of it group jewish voices for peace, Group was organised by a bunch of professors, words, wish and marxists who hate american hate. Israel, hooley, Noam Chomsky. There's an overlap, you see between the Hamas nourished ideology and the marxist ideology, and I believe, both through the streets and twenty twenty looking to overthrow the united states and our traditions here and, of course, are out there in protest against Israel and for hamas.
And they're carrying palestinian flags they're anyone carrying hamas stuff, because for all this talk about the great distinction between palestinians and Hamas, how do we know there such a great distinction way? where does had manifest itself anywhere on earth where. Try youngsters on fox news saturday and I want you to listen to this. Had tipp new york post cut twenty six go, we do have some updates for you. Fox news has exclusively obtained and reviewed in israeli and Irrigation video of a Hamas militant that crossed southern Israel on October seven and participated in the matter. the core of so many innocent civilians, I do need to warn our viewers. Some of what I'm about to describe is extremely graphic, but this fighter,
we may interrogator in the video a man in his twenties he's sitting in a white cloth jumpsuit? about the coordination and planning that went into the attack in southern is were real. He talks about using the appetite grand to communicate in real time and send videos of the massacre to other hamas members in southern Israel. Edition We talked about how jeeps were used along with trucks to enter the southern part of this country. We seem to pick up rocks TAT were left behind by these militants and they entered these communities just slaughtering people. I do want to talk, though, about what he explained to this interrogator regarding Islam. He ignored is that in Islam, long you're not supposed to kill women, children and the elderly, but says Commanders ordered these individuals to do just that, telling people to step on the heads of israelis, beheld them and cut their feet. These graphic descriptions of what the militants did. I just give you some idea of the
the plans and the executions that took place in southern Israel just two weeks ago? Well I can tell you what some of that is cutting of women's rights. It's from their husbands, Cutting the legs offer people one they're alive rape that is so horrific that. Palaces of young girls are actually breaking. They put these guys on drugs. de marla told him do whatever you want to do and they did whatever they wanted to do, gave them suggestions, as he says, and of course they use the suggestion.
I want to ask you this audience your special, your red, blooded, americans van enemy did that to us. Would we be saying, don't go so fast. We have diplomatic channels. I will working don't overreact, or is buying, says: don't don't we? act and rage like we did after nine eleven don't be blinded by rage, which is of noxious. Thought the israelis have a right to be enraged Keeps telling the enemy over and over and over again we don't want a year. You are to front war.
What the hell do you think's going on here. Hezbollah has decided to participate in the fighting they already are and other than that Why isn't he cutting off iran because buying is a fool he's an area, the tea? you're to make public pronouncements, its cheese, yoda, hug, the families of hostages in israel to mourn the death of those who were slaughtered for buying. To react militarily and aggressively and quickly is rage. you see what he did at afghanistan surrendered did matter all by held the maiming. What happened to the women left behind americans His left by their this way not to get hostages
the show these terrorist sub humans that you want, the hostages, carter spent. over a year, begging led this same iranian regime to give us our hostages from the. U S, embassy. Remember there over a year They held out over our heads for over a year He rang, gets elected on the day, he's elected. They release the hostages, they feared reagan. Reagan showed the way with the iranians. Tropic showed the way with the uranium. The binary very stupid old nasty still remain She knows everything. Homer, ninth in october, twenty second, the? U s, released a joint statement with our allies in the word ran, was missing from both.
On october. Twenty second statement just the day he lectures Israel called called for adherence to international humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians, hope your age watch my shows on saturday and sunday we doubt with what is the rule of law when it comes to them tearing and war. Obviously, Israel is adhering to saw this. He keeps saying that what does he keep raising questions about? That. The idea that you feed the enemy when you're fighting the enemy is proof It's beyond belief,. And I'm glad to hear some of my colleagues on my favorite cable network, making these analogies with the german jabez show has an enormous impact. It's got a tremendous audience of fantastic patriot. in red, blooded, americans.
But it also has an audience on cable tv colonists Grady. hosts tv hosts and that's important. because much of what they say you heard here. First. and I love some of these critics has a footnote in a marked this. I did this history Um hum the hamas network- and I pulled it directly from me- a phantom Stick scholarly unit at george Washington university extremism and hamas terrorists. Guys has marked didn't go far enough. He needs to have posters shut their You moron The body is free to pick up where I left off and make their charge and posters and wherever they want to do.
The fact of the matter is, we a combination. People who hate america, hate freedom, hate, democracy and hate the Jews and by the way, hey you, and that is the marxists and the terrorists It was marxism is effectively a terrorist ideology. And the islamic terrorists will get their support wherever they can and notice job. I never talks about the excellent terrorists. No keep gioia. Hamas is different than the palestinians, ok about the iranian having called them terrorists, yet barely mentions them You know he admonishes Israel, the victim more. admonishes around think about it. He keeps warning Israel. To follow the rules of law,
she'd be the rules of war when they are when they are. So what is it keep saying that to them? I keep saying it openly publicly night. I'll. Tell you why? Because behind the scenes, I suspect these Others are pushing back saying. I look, we gotta get on with this. There are a few weeks ago. They said they had a delay because a weather who came on this microphone. I told you that poor crap has nothing to do with the weather, the weather problem, others abiding problem. So we read all these articles binders. Pressuring is rather delay its ground offensive into Gaza, its being leaked and we stated the cnn the new york times c b as the washington post, axios politico. So they put the word out: That's how they work
administration says we support israel defending itself from Hamas, but then it undermines impressions, Israel not to act in a town Decisive manner try to restrain them. Now those are israeli soldiers by the hundreds of thousands you're on the line. It is more focused on appeasing around that's what he is. The wall street journal reporting more huh did you being released are being held up. Over Hamas as demand that israel permit fuel into Gaza feel. because Hamas knows how to play Putin's lincoln and the Democrats israeli officials have said they want all hostages release before permitting the delivery of fuel.
Really officials have also told negotiators, they believe Hamas and other northern groups could divert fuel for military purposes. So the way you we deal enemy like this is through crushing sanctions like trump wisdom, crushing sanctions. On iran, because around controls these were surrogate but now buying is dictating to Israel. Had spot how to respond to Hamas. How to respond? Has Hezbollah said general over there always gonna be advice and is also going to be telling them what we cannot accept, what we can accept and what to do who's ever done anything like this, so they d these two carry groups and more a lot of ships salami on power, lotta jets.
To deter ran and hezbollah how's our work in house. I work it out. Cnn, which escapes or frantic but mostly skits than frantic report, intelligent shows a and back militias are ready to ramp up their attacks against. U s forces in the middle east against Israel. forces in the Middle east, so othello in doing so they ve. Go away to the attacks. The uranium attacks on us to insult the fence. Any still leaves the speaker on for them to get a billion dollars or billion billions of dollars a week in money from selling oil to, among others, china.
iran has attacked the united states ninety times give or take. Since pine took office. We responded four times for four times. So what do you think the enemy thinks they think we're weak I'll be right back then, have you been waiting to by gold as an investment lots of commercials out there? But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you
I have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com Supper out no house obama who I've called on it.
as an anti semite, with the way he treated israel politically near the end of his presidency. Put the big stupid john Kerry puts out this statement, the member here he sat on his hands. Many days after the horror took place. Israel has a right to defend its citizens against such want violence, hopefully support by the call for the? U s, to support our long time out, I'm going after Hamas dismantling military capabilities and facilitating the safe return of hundreds of her judges to their family and even as we support is where we should also be clear that how is europe kids, this fight against Hamas matters, so they go now. Obama didn't write this. He may have had a final at it this was written by a former staffers like Ben road and also he cites time is friedman.
thomas freeman is jewish, but much like Joe voters for peace or whether they call themselves or J street or whatever use a horrendous. Solve hating jew. In my view, my opinion Part of the radical left in Israel He always has been part of the radical left in Israel. If you go through pair start columns the way I've gone through his past columns. He is a year. Here's an apologist for the palestinians. He has a true hate on four benjamin Netanyahu always has an more conservative parties, which they keep calling extreme. As you know, like you and me magda republicans,. Let me underline our legislators.
is not the only one he is contemptible and bind listens to him. You Go through as columns and see what it ass he is and how wrong he's been, and I heard things he says really undermining the state of Israel given given who In the new york slides and who the hell would work for the new york slimy, if you supported Israel anyway, the holocaust denial obligation, but I have one here from peggy noon. peggy noon and is a moron. She has no nothing. She is a phoney leaders wants to be among them. She writes on them just at the wall street journal. barely literate in my view, was speechwriter for reagan, but not the only ones, of course start That is an assistant d dan, rather just contemptible and in her peace. She writes in part a couple: weeks ago. I will only quickly said mister net now this after the attack that I
Think of him, as I thought of bourse johnson, a bad man who is bad because he Politics now is beyond bearing good, you don't even have to make it, there's nothing in being good. It's all about you! Your quest for power greatness and never occurs to them, to be selfish, because these self is all this is He divided his country over domestic questions, alienated his arm forces, stigmatized, functioning establishment and left this country vulnerable by epic intelligence and security failure, That is now I get. You know what you are, how you don't know what the hell's going on. You and your law social life circles in manhattan or wherever they are. You are you don't have the foggiest idea what's taking place, none for either right this bombast x. You. Thomas Friedman want to be, and I see it even favorite cable channel from time to time.
Netanyahu, whose fault is it not bargain. Who's been giving aid and comfort to the enemy and aid Iraq, the former prime minister of Israel, which who negotiate, get most of israel away, but arafat wooden accepted. He wanted all of it he's, but making the circuit on the tv now so the tv programmes already in the eyes of what just took place trend top of the existing government there she about the idea of a whole para, let p than the others urged the idea to counter take counter their commander in chief. Urge them saw their equivalent of the cia time there Their existing government all people,
not yet who wanted to bring more democracy back to his country because they have a bunch of judges like tanya, trunk, tanya, trunk Stealing and seizing power from the public purse. Well, ignoramus is, they are giving aid and cut Here too, the enemy Nolan Friedman they are giving aid and comfort to the enemy and they are not alone be right back this segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage, save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you, thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
sponsorship. Your talk now run them only underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, america. I want to make a definitive statement that problem Tax on present during the last few weeks, but israel things he said things you posted this week you posted something he said: hashtag staying with Israel hashtag. I stand with baby and. by making public comments posting things
Looking at rallies, full throated support for Israel, absolutely unequivocal and he's been, even as president full throated support for israel slowly unequivocal, but look how the same game media that regards- teach what Hamas gives them taken responsibility for alighting fires, terms, arsonists all over the world, including in our own country, had so many. terrible things to say about trumped the last two weeks and yet trump has given its fall. Throated support to Israel, his fall throated, condemnation of iran,
Hamas and Hezbollah were all the articles. I don't see any these articles where all the articles learning I hope you been able to watch. My fox shows my play shows an additional, listen. the show. I went through the hamas network in the united states. And you know who asked for a copy the text of that MR producer. Well, you know your contact. President trump's people, nobody else, Not anyone in any newsroom anywhere, nobody, his people,
when and they wanted to know this additional information source, the information they wanted, a text to the information at the near. I'm so near times is having to give up back ass, backdoor apology which after the holocaust. Do I should say, sixty years after the for what it's been printing. And I notice that not one of these so called conservatives her jewish people who work at the near it as resign. I notice that maggie hebron stonework they're, not the chief jewish, doesn't really matter It's there, he loves what the new york times is doing sure regard today, with the enemy sky, bread, stevens, You didn't resign, nobody reside. All their happily excepting from this cooperation has blood on its hands.
from Stalin hitler to hamas no big deal. Now it is a big deal disgusting, the meat in our country, its grotesque, and still liberals want to believe in their party one at all. some of them have had a rude awakening in a year. old time. Liberals who are democrats. Many need them, jewish, many of them still in the big cities. I never knew my party stood for this. You didn't What you don't listen to us You don't mean anything. We right course. If you buy books, it independent bookstores for the most why you won't see what I right, because we know that, but pretty amazing, I would say,
about how? Let's see what we know Eight and a half years ago I made a confession to you eight and a half years ago. I want you to listen to this. It must be done. I am also going to tell you something that I've only told family and my closest friends. And I've hell off on telling you this for many many years. Cause when we had men and women in the theater fighting in Iraq, I believe should have gotten our complete support, and I believed him they were trying to do very much, so but here's what I haven't said. I believe the attack the wrong country to produce right on the you ever heard me say this
should have attacked iran. on spreading terrorism, Iran has global designs. Iran is responsible for the murder of american citizens, an american soldiers. that I was opposed in any way to take. Saddam hussein- I wasn't out under this guy democracy project, which I always thought was naughty. because he was a hardly evil man doing horribly, evil things, but in terms of geopolitics and national security we attack their own country, I feel, should have attacked iran I said this several years ago to family members. Not even them the producer.
I was never going to get on this microphone and start. aiding and abetting the enemy and undermining our men and women and uniform and, as I said, I believe their cause was just nobody should misinterpret what I'm saying, iran is and was the greatest threat. Here we have in the washington, free beacon, rainy and dissident group known for exposing key aspects of iran's secret nuclear work claims. It now is evidence of an active and secret parallel nuclear programme operated by tehran, and That big dummy, mashed potato face a k, a our secretary of state now, actually not mine. Your secretary of state. I wouldn't be surprised that they're pulling the of the bird over his eyes, The national council of resistance of IRAN also known as the end Kay mac, sedentary were released today
found concrete evidence of an underground topsecret site. Currently is by the iranian regime for research and development, with advanced centrifuges for uranium enrichment. the answer. I am iranian opposition group is known for making big reveals about clandestine nuclear war, can tehran, though it's funny Have been disputed in the past When did you know that too. The speed it or not- I don't doubt it can't prove it. Nobody can prove That's also part of the problem. and cut out they were in and in any event I dont. Trust this administration and negotiate with anybody. That's part of the problem, and this law nazis. Why would they, to do anything there and then from acquiring nukes. Given the amount of money they ve spent the amount of time they ve spent on this and their objective, which
World domination and the dust action of the united states, so I thought I'd that for you, eight and a half years old but my feelings change fairly quickly and for which we attack, we attacked country. be right back then I have to tell you something that speaks to the re core values as americans,
at a veteran owned company on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash Levin, l eve. italian and make the switch let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well. This is a pure clock: dot com, slash Levin, pure talk, dot, com, slash olivia and switched to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way,
The here we have from just the news anti israel sentiment has permeated Biden administration from the start, even as president Joe Biden touches support for Israel. Many of us a point you have expressed anti israel anti semitic sentiments even after Hamas terrorists invaded israel and killed more than fourteen hundred people, including at least thirty one of our citizens. Has appointed the most anti semitic, anti israel people, two important posts we ve ever seen says incline sinus organization of american national president to just the news he was on this programme last week. Zimbabwe has identified dozens of current informer by an administration officials with a history.
ITALY is run anti semitic, comets, for example, sectors, state antony blinkem, was on the western part because he opposed sanctioning IRAN's is like revolutionary guard corn, designating it as a foreign terrorist organization, Iran is a known funder of terror groups targeting Israel, including Hamas and hezbollah, I might add, targeting the united states after the october. Seven pack against israel blanket. Maybe I was calling for Israel to reach a ceasefire with Hamas. He has since deleted the post. Almost every harrison to an important post is hostile Israel. This isn't it. This is anti semitism klein alleged now the high profile example of anti israel's settlement, is the administration comes from national security council senior intelligence director, my hair baton The idea are the student at georgetown. Two thousand six baton lead these two for justice in palestine. I've told you about them. That's how Hamas front group
today student meeting about how to demonizing run the minds of christians, the georgetown. As for justice in palestine, chapter put out a statement blaming the brutal october? Seven amounts terrorist attack on Israel, as many other of their chapters across the nation. As I said, they are Hamas front group and other ample by an appointed rima dough din yo dns servers, whitehouse legislative affairs, deputy director. She justified Danny and suicide bombings against Jews has called the last resort of a desperate people, on quote during the second intifada thousand two when she spoke in lahti, a fournier about the conflict as a student- clear according to the loading new central by the campaign was also filled with people expressing anti israel sentiment, say twenty twenty one letter signed by more than five hundred buying campaign alumni demanded the president plank issues require hold Israel cannibal for its actions. On quote, if Israel
responded to a barrage of rockets from Gaza. This please this is after we, know what Hamas did. At least not at a letter. Signatories are binding ministries and extensions according to analysis from real, clear politics, others, New towards one underwear for democrats and congress, such as harry con, who says staff assistant to the senate, armed services committee and so Element whose digital director for represented Jimmy, gomes, democratic, california, the binding. Illustration is also sent seven hundred and thirty million dollars to the united nations relief and works agency unrwa, which is corrupt as hell. It is well known that ankara has a history of employing people connected to terrorist movements, like Hamas promote yet isomeric mature on its textbooks and allowing hamas to use in schools. The store weapons said how Senator Jim rich you
that that organization last year for came to light that the teachers hired by the EU and agency called for the murder of june. Baden, she said earlier this month that Hamas stall their supplies for civilians, but the post was quickly deleted. Donation study on agency are, in addition to the hundreds of millions of dollars to bide administration, gave directly to the bank and Gaza, even as Hamas terrorists in Gaza, continue to use that funding for terror binds defenders point Recent trip Israel has supported the israeli offensive against Hamas and his effort kinder and its efforts this year to unveil anti semitism strategy nationwide. But the binding ministrations funding is limited to the people in palestine by easing sanctions in iran to allow the islamic republic to export oil to china.
terrain more than fifty billion dollars. According to the thank down the foundation for defensive democratize, the first one to point that out publicly- and I did it on fox- and I learned about it- my step sign David. He said everyone's focusing on the six billion but they're getting ten the billions in oil revenue any sent me the details about how how much the iranians are exporting what kind of money they're getting back and same with the visible nuclear material, two percent when trop left office south sixty percent today would Biden office. More klein said I would say that Joe Biden is the most hostile to Israel. President, we ve ever had close call between When obama but they're the same thing blanket was these sectors state under Obama. They brought back, they marry
band of sellouts in protest operative differently. in partnered with council on american islamic relations. Member that I spoke at length about that. my microphone who care is as well as on fox this weekend: Biden partnered with that's known by the fbi to be a hamas terrorists. Front group that was In that meeting, in philadelphia with Hamas, they partner find for his administration strategy to counter anti semitism. Earlier this year after the check on Israel currency has some yak said he's trying to fight them. is that the murders of innocent civilians were unprovoked, so organ donation leaders have expressed support for violence against Israel and refuse to express poor for israel's right to exist, It said it was ludicrous that care is included in the anti semitism strategy. He said. That's like
David do put together programme against racism against blacks. You also call for Deborah lipstick, special envoy for anti semitism would be fired, citing oh she's not condemned, and I join. alleys and statements across europe from universities. So here's what you have as I going on in the binding administration, as well as the spice, he appointed to negotiate the nuclear dm one of them just had his ticket pulled on class. Information is under secret investigation by the fbi. Right now. I have to tell you something that. It speaks to the very core of our values, as americans about a veteran owned company on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk
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woof and it's the american way, nobody says it better than mark Levin I'll go with mark Levin said because nobody could say it better. Color now I'd eat seven, seven, three, eight one: three, eight one one: when he read you something in people in charge of IRAN. Policy today are in charge were in charge under obama. some of the names of change. But their influence remains because I think, he's too administrations. Obama and Biden are interchangeable propaganda The selling of the Obama IRAN's nuclear deal I think about it. In today's terms, this is from an army, freedom of the press, page one twenty one, People do, you know who are radio hosts like they go back in,
need from their own research from years ago. None try, write books differently,. I may five twenty sixteen and along profile peace and, of course, the new york times sunday magazine presented. Oh obama's deputy national security adviser Ben roads brag about ability and success and deceiving the american people with a complicit press sound familiar, the article was tired. I told the aspiring novelist, who became obama's farm policy guru, how ben rewrote the rules of diplomacy for the digital age, and it was By David Samuels, who was seemingly both amused by approving of roads, is propaganda techniques, c mon wrote a part that road innovative campaign to sow. The around deal is likely to be model for how future administration
explain, foreign policy to congress and the public because binds doing about what you're going to hear the way in which most americans have heard the story rights. The post writer of the around the presented that the obama illustration began seriously engaging with iranian officials and twenty thirteen and already take advantage of a new political reality in IRAN, which came about because of elect they brought moderates to power in that country was largely manufactured. the purpose of sowing the deal unquote, argument for negotiating with their ran regime was quote actively misleading. Unquote. That's me and regurgitating by journalists who wanted this obama's policy. That would be the named journalists who now support Hamas. Has powers same as reported in then, that road shaped. These store We have the deal began in twenty thirteen when a moderate faction inside the iranian regime led by sign romani beak regime.
Hard liners encoding election and then be and to pursue a policy of openness which included new found willingness to negotiate. The dismantling of its illicit nuclear weapons programme sets off from the post. The president set out the timeline himself in his speech announcing the nuclear deal and generally fourteen twenty fifteen today After two years of negotiations, he said the united states, together with our international partners, has achieved something that gauge of animosity is not how the president stable was technically accurate. There in fact, in two years of formal negotiations leading up to the signing of his nuclear deal with us, actively misleading because most meaningful part in their negotiations with arena begun in the mid twenty twelve many months before romani and a moderate. called moderate camp were chosen. An election am candidates, hand picked IRAN supreme leader, the ayatollah khomeini. The idea
that there was a new reality and ran was politically you. For to the obama administration here they are admitting many this the near the washington post. Excuse me, then,. Indeed, the reporter say may seem to find virtue in the obama administration successful propaganda campaign. He wrote by obtaining broad a currency for the thought that there was a significant split in the regime and that day, Illustration strange was reaching out to the moderate minded iranians who want a peaceful relations with their neighbours and with america obama. Able to evade what might have otherwise been a divisive by clarifying debate over the actual policy choices that its administration is making. You understand this. he was selling out our country to IRAN, but they were using Propaganda to create it, false narrative of a moderate part. In a hard line or part of the iranian regime, there was no moderate part.
But this is how they sold it to the american people and the congress. And, as I point out, then came the congo line of experts to whose It is wrong castrated statements, rescript by roads, roads that novelist deputy national security adviser to two obama, and then he brought Eggs about this ruse, as I pointed out in the book quote road, said and admitted we created an echo chamber since the report, and when I asked him to explain the onslaught of freshly minded. Bridge, cheering the deal. They were saying things validated what we had given them to say what We have given them the same road was also what also plant the administrations talking it's with journalists, some of whom would repeat them verbatim the reporter rights
in this environment roads had become adept at being eventual requests for many, the people at once, he wrote ned price roads assistant. Gave me a premiere primmer on how it's done these here wait for the white house to shape. The news he explained is from the briefing podium, each of which has its own dedicated press corps. Then there are sort of these forest multiplier. You said, adding we have our pump comrades and will reach out to a cup. people- and you know I wouldn't want to name them- media comrades, also known as journalists who were illogical, soulmates, unwilling to report the administration's messages, news Mills in price are insiders who know how the proper game is. Propaganda game is play symbols, the price I can name them. The reporters I said to you: off a few names are primitive washington, reporters and countless left and treatments
with the white house messaging price laughed, say: hey look. Some people are spending this narrative. This is a sign of american weakness. He continued, but most entertain by it or interrupted. In fact, it's a sign of strength. I said chuckling price continued and all I give them some color and the next thing I know lots of these guys in the dot com, publishing space of huge twitter followings and thereby putting this mess, job on their own, their bragging open in the washed imposed and the wash postscript ordered celebrating how they lied to the american people and to congress about the iran deal and it's saint people advising pine. Bite is lying to we, the people, the american people, how you standing by Israel. He puts these fleets of two fleets
In and around the Middle east, while at the same time Diplomats are working with iran, insisting that Israel, feed and medicate the people in Gaza insisting that the Israelis not take any steps without. Approval inserting a general into their military using asked backwards. Techniques for negotiating for a hostages lying to us every day about what's actually taken place. I want to give a shadow to a left wing Democrat what he may mark. You know times people and misguided in their politics. There not to be celebrated for, but sometimes.
These are people who are misguided, but they're, not radko ideologues logs hate their own country, ITALY. On omar, I talley like a yo, see like most leaders, at the new york times and unwashed post, like so much the democratic party leader. You know, I see these guys. claimed to be moderates, particularly jewish guy who are Democrats and pretend to be my. What is that guy's name that I was get around the congressmen from new jersey, MR produce got homer. He joins all these committees, you know they we can committee, thereby partisan, committee and areas sitting there voting were. They owe see entire leave. And no more, they don't have the guts to resign their party now, one of them I won, Now one of them says you know why you know you look at this brave
and doubtless a black gentlemen had selected as a destination. I can deal with these Democrat I am a republic, and in this way you guys guys I got Keimer in others. They want you to believe their moderate, but they vote day in and day out, for the democratic party leadership they don't not against by now, and so they have Figure out how to make all this work you see, but in a time like this there, no damn good Here's representative richie torres is a black gentlemen he's, obviously not jewish He represents a heavy democrat district in new york. in his interviewed on CNN cut forego euro every casualties a tragedy I every war, is a humanitarian crisis, but we, to keep in mind. The clause of the war. Israel did not start a war,
the work, was imposed upon Israel by the barbaric terror. Some other hamas, which butchers fourteen hundred israelis include Babies, My colleague, represent No omar nor has voted against iron. Go which is a missile defence system, x israeli civilians, from relentless rocket fire We're not for ireland only interceptions there would be more dead israelis farm by orders of magnitude, and so the policy positions that she has taken would, to even more debt israelis, immortal palestinians. I don't know this guy was politics, but he's the most rational house Democrat on this issue that I've heard yet and look what he says about Omar.
She voted against the iron dome system, a purely defensive system to protect israel from missile. Coming from Hamas and Hezbollah, that's all it's for a genuine should offensiveness. And she voted against. It did omar where people in congress who are enemies of our country. to come from certain parts of the world. Her ancestry or her recent history is somalia. Tat is the palestinian territories, And then you're the other reprobates malcontents. They came out of the marxist movement. You see omar and tell you come out of the islamist movement and our marxist to book
a o comes out in marxist movement. Home, comes out of the marxist. actually comes out of the marxist smooth. Push comes out of the marxist movement, and so they overlap The intertwine in their ideologies. They hate america, they despise america and, of course they The Jews in the despises, where I that's, let's take, let's take the veneer off- let's cut to the chase here, because that's exactly the case. All these people, marching in the street. who are defending Hamas, who are attacking Israel? All these people marching The streets are, they sang. Are they sang Hamas.
Does not represent the palestine is now they're defending Hamas, tens of thousands of them and yet were given this pretext, whose palestinians don't support this. We now looks like an awful lot of them. Do I back then I have to tell you something that speak. The re core values as americans about a veterinary company on a myth
to make a real difference in the lives of a military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk, absolutely love. What they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation impure talk understands the sacrifices they ve made. Now they ve set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network, though, donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause, and you can make a real difference. Just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks, plants started just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot. Just a pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well. These are pure talk: dot, com, slash, Levin, pure talk, dot, com, slash olivia and switched to pure talk today. In less than
minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way, sir Richard sir Richard Torres now we blinkered meet the press and listen to this cut a mr produce her go, MR secretary there's been a lot of discussion about what happens after the war. Can you tell us what is This strategy is, after your meeting with prime minister Netanyahu, who will govern gaza once the war is over. Let's stop right. There, Israel defeats Gaza whither she mean who will govern Gaza's has all of a sudden international issue waiting. Bring in the EU and that hates the Jews in Israel in america, the chinese and russians? Can I will say how about iran, or they can ever say too about all those arab countries. Out of that air.
for all the palestinians to come into their country's meaning. Then what do they mean? That's gonna be is really blood idea- blood. That's already already bins Israeli citizens have already been slaughtered. What do you mean so the israelis go in there They destroy Hamas. If I let them. And I may say always: ok, what's gonna happen here, who's gonna be in charge. Here, that's what dealing with mental. Judge moron folks, you ve heard me About hills to college, giving away free copies of the constitution, washington declaration to my listeners for constitution day. They have set an immediate goal to give copies to one million americans who don't have one and if not, you then may be a young person. You know, while the response has been tremendous. However, this for your
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The broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark the america mark. Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, a one: three, eight one, one Sheila jack's only is quite the low life she's been in congress couple of decades by me, and these democratic low lives they talk about how people should treat each other pass. All these human resources laws is equity laws. In these re space
then they do whatever the hell we want. Sure jack certainly is a low. I want you to listen to this. Apparently one of the staff has had enough in the least reportedly gotta tape of this Twenty one go
the law regarding something that we dug into our, whereas it would make were good for help or call from directly into room separate upstairs after the fall on the train. The many and I don't have the information information. I need to ensure my schedule, and nobody knows I gave it to you. Your job was to get on. The calendar reigns was sent me the information back to him and made sure that the old I'm not going to tell the man that you gave me was someone to date and then get on down to your romance. When I call Jerome me an idiot talking about what he does all the work that I could ever to get the damn big as the median and the manager, nobody, nobody respected them and like the there, you go she's a former judge in Houston.
Congresswoman and nobody will say anything to her. you can't get away with it in a private sector environment numb she said so many curse words and I try not to curse mistreated. As you well know, the effort is something I don't know: She has said it here more times than I think I've ever heard it my life truly unbelievable. Most of these members of congress a complete frauds and families. They have a double life. and you had a double life. In iran on on down the list. She is a double life. She comes off re proper. During your questions. Well spoken typical Just then in private, this is who she is she's grotesque. Speaking of grotesque,
does he lucy training? he's on scene, and you can see she. welcome, romney's! Welcome there! All welcome you see it didn't talk to me about. My book was committed. I really don't want to talk to them anywhere, but dizzy lizzie. This is where she lives We invited her on this programme during the general six stalinist committee. Multiple times and she refused didn't. She must, in a word from the kennedy foundation, I was gonna, give her the words from fatty united. You know a few. but I gave it to her anyway. She doesn't need to be present for that. So a few dollars. As a member of fat is united. Here she is on cnn and applying this for a reason. Because she is such a low life I'll explain in a moment. Cut fifteen go
What does it mean like to watch? This fiasco play out over the last few weeks, tapir, whose they're making immoral equivalent sees between Jews who were slaughtered in renders ways and is defending itself, so faint tapir has this every time Israel's been attacked. So he is a propaganda for the enemy arch of fake he's another. In my view, sulphates and you go ahead, what does it mean like to watch this fiasco play out over the last few weeks? I mean it is it's hard to describe. I wish it were surprising. You know What we said, nothing link surprises me and I hate thoroughly all republicans now, being the righteous one
praise, be me ass right, I'm not surprised. What's happened to the republican party with a wooden take my lead me who couldn't get elected dog catcher in any republican jurisdiction. Any The face the country, but I do appreciate all my new democrat friends in the media and outside the media. Daddy data video not long ago and then daddy's tapping Biden, but that's a whole other story go ahead I really the leadership decisions that Kevin Mccarthy made all the way back after the twain. Election is are we? Are you hate on from the courts in jordan, real haven. and remember she was one of the cabal. She was one of them who obviously
droid. Two thirds of the information that january six can be had no idea about any of that and set up this phony soviet style hearing for the american people. No, no, you don't understand. I do with Nancy. She me we did the best where he could go ahead. Six then You know looking the other way in the face of the kind of alt on our democracy that we ve seen I was quite an assault on our democracy. The court's calling the street right now that's an assault on our democracy. That is shocking. She didn't come out and defend trumpet. The white house was under assault. Our hands then, his allies in the house, including Jim Jordan, elevating those members frankly, some of whom are white supremacist, some of whom are
anti semitic we have republican members, were white supremacist, an anti semitic. They do your job covering it up. Don't they must reduce her. I don't have any. But she's now with a party of the black nationalism, produce an anti semitic movements like the squad liz. This could be it quiet. Member these days she really could be here. I had. A number of whom were involved directly in the attempt to seize power Overturned the election, so it's it's it's not as Eyes when you see that those people have been empowered, but but it's all in the course of our those. Exactly I ask a question: jager, blubber, mccarthy. we sought to somebody can Mccarthy.
The haters and lovers cabin mccarthy. among all the other things that go on Kevin Mccarthy. Once a year took democrat public and members of the house to Israel to see your sites, the christian, hide the muslim sites To inform themselves about the security issues in that country, for them. The golan heights to show them surat show them all these places to inform himself democrats and Republicans police training overlooked at a finger fact: a bush training, ministries and exactly bodies of the state of Israel. Nothing like tromp, nothing and nothing like mccarthy,.
An unbeknown to me, I don't go too many. Events, even when their handing me very beautiful awards which I much appreciate. I really do when them. The florida z away decided to give me an award, which I am very grateful for. Unbeknown to me a person who introduce me who came all the way, from his home. I think it was to Florida was, can Mccarthy. And you know he gave always indicators and other ass to the anti semites drake tapir, some mccarthy, in part of them right exactly. A you, an anti semite about lists. Can you prove you're gonna cut sixteen go,
Look, I think, what you're saying right now and among the republicans in the house is a direct result of the disease. Kevin Mccarthy made too embrace donald trump jail has a real unhinged obsession with donald trump. She just does so much like stolen. She wants to destroy her enemy. That's your enemy and you're. Tromp was right about nature. He got nato to fund up her daddy, and neither did your daddy's boss book and he did everything he could The put iran in a box- and he did unlike bush training. And he did everything he could to put the palestine, In a box and did unlike bush training and he moved
american embassy from TEL Aviv to Jerusalem, unlike bush training, Souci trumps, yet I summer. I like lives in your daddy and bush. Her always show complete and full support forum wherever, whenever, who then we have our sharpened. She, we have quite the congo line on scene in an msnbc, repulsive unconscionable. Unhinged morons. Sharp that always a friend of the Jews. there's a sharp and always. Why a man of the people always at america, loving moderate, that our sharpen is purple oh yeah, he's been great. Toys, rachel Mattawa another.
American hater trump gets a like that, I'm afraid we're all gonna get executed till she said I must reduce their rich, didn't. She said she said something like that Can a teen go a lot of americans associated modern day fascism with tromp ism, inhuman and the form of stop there? Let's look at your record how compared to trumps out Trumped didn't cause any rights, the targeted jews. You did, you did our hats. Fascism, are you a fascist? Does I will you did. A lot of america travellers, a fascist, love, americans, think you're a pig
I would never say such a thing about you, such a gracious articulate, so I type can. I would never call you a pick out for what you did for how you how you are so true form. Other things. You said you worked up the crowds. Now you remember all those things how I would never call you a pig. The court's MSNBC bingo professional organisation they they have on the payroll. Joy Reid used to attack homosexuals and is a bigot. Her on the payroll. Let's see what other bigots, anti semites Msnbc have on the payroll, maybe too many to camp when you think about that tapir. Mccarthy shut up. You idiot go ahead
and current republican front and run about away was fined by judge for trashing or law clerk online tried to underline that, doesn't nearly compared to all your good civil, works. How can we get there? He was by a judge for trashing alarm clock on wine, wow. And compared to all your good work. That really is felonious. So, bologna ass, you jerk, go ahead: you idiot. Why am I even giving you air time I'll be right Then we are bride. Makers of the apple side of vinegar the big yellow label and while some people love the power of our apple cider, vinegar, some people love other things too, like honey and cayenne and cranberry, and such
and not just an amazing wellness drink? That's why we ve made brag apple, cider, vinegar, blanks with honey or honey cayenne or citrus ginger or glenda apple. So you have more waste thus an drink us and stay healthy. Would thus it's the same. Brad with a little something extra brad not weird if it works, Dave chapelle if I've ever counted around this guy. When it comes to his defense, he's a real stand up guy. No, he isn't isn't a whole wall street journal gave chapelle criticized Israel's bombing of Gaza perform in Boston which the comedian accuse the? U s, evading the slaughter of innocent civilians, see this has an impact on buying in his inner circle, because these are the kind of Low life low, I q morons.
That they hang out with Washington and new york in hollywood. You see these people in hollywood time for cease fire shut, the hell up, you clowns, why are they own strike? I hope. so over the writers are over, go on strike, get at it away. You jerks. In a show, a tea garden on thursday. Chapelle first condemn the october seven attack on so I go. It was off. Should never have happened, but two Don't make a right, need, a cease fire to negotiate with the nazis. To negotiate what, with enough so sick. But he criticised what he said where war crimes in Gaza. According to people in attendance, patrie war crimes. defending yourself.
I don't think we ve invented a bullet yet a grenade. Yet. The missile yet or any armament that can bout, the terrorists who dress and civilian clothing. From these civilians tough thing to do, we never did that. Tat s where we're too, we committed all kinds of world primes. Didn't we america, because defeated the nazis and imperial japan and fashion to get online as what we did. I don't I we didn't bring our generals up, they re on war crimes, eisenhower patten, bradley. So many, oh! No, I don't think so. I think we celebrated them We have general Joe S, pine of scranton through the commander cheaper to countries where wants to be
The comments came up when chapels said he didn't think students should lose job offers for supporting palestine, and I want to make it abundantly clear once again, despite the constant lectures to you and me that there is a difference between Hamas and the palestinians. the supporters of. The palestinians contain You talk about Hamas as palestinian. The media to exactly the same thing, there's too shy to warrant there than three sites. Sweden should lose their jobs for supporting palestinians, an audience members coming for the community to shut up, drew an emotional response from chapelle criticise the israeli government for cutting of water. enough water and electric. Let me just suggest to you: if they cut off the water and electricity for the past two weeks. This thing might be over
steady game, warden electricity give food and medicine fi toward this? Why we'd I'll? Do the arabs the europeans know why are we pressuring the israeli jews to do that? The just in time for halloween church were nancy Pelosi night continues, call now eight seven, seven, three eight one three eight one one I want to mention would have Testing time we headed, reagan library? on saturday, where they packed house. a truly wonderful people, great patriots, and and I said I cannot thank those who Who turned out, I cannot thank you enough. We had a fantastic time. Didn't we and they sold out in record time.
because we have, I have- and I am blessed with the most loyal audience in america and got them, Each and every person who came through the line and after two in some people want to more time, but it had gotten late. I think, was nine nine thirty and I needed a leave. We were catching my wife and I, my mother or catching a plane the next morning very early but it was a full day. It was joyous was exhilarating. And I want to thank the monk MIKE there, David. who's. The new ceo and executive director. The prior high mercury monk John high bush, dear friend, was there governor pete Wilson and his lovely wife at singer: head mockery market salem,
Oh I'm going down the list here now I'm going to forget people, but I don't mean to forget people. I just want to thank every. My buddy shire, my man. And Your friends were there as well, it was just fantastic. I went up I think thirteen hundred and fifty bucks people. Ask me how my handwriting felt great there's no problem, but every two years taxis me they year. There are fantastic hosts and youth. So, when you are fantastic guests, and I just want to thank each and every one of you, we had a fantastic time. I won't. Lee my mother in law, Sylvia and I. Here's an editors note from the new york times to you now really ass. Nobody reads I crap, but you know the usual or not.
We're seventeen. The new york times, publish news when explosion at a hospital in Gaza city leading its coverage, Claims by Hamas government officials at an israeli airstrike was the cause there some people were dead or injured. The report included a large headline at the top of the times website will want to tell us what it was. You blamed Israel, Israel, subsequently denied being at fault and blamed, and errant rocket, launched by the palestinian faction group, islamic jihad, which As in turn, denied responsibility, american other international officials have said their evidence indicates that the rocket came from palestinian fighter positions. The times initial accounts attributed the claim of israeli responsibility to palestinian officials. That now you notice how they do a too must release They don't say Hamas, it's now palestinian official. You see what I mean: america, it's the
our stimulants. When they want to undermine israel or protect themselves. They took verbatim What how mass said the Hamas said, It is the palestinian said, that's correct, charge and turn denied responsibility times initial accounts attributed the claim of israeli response bullied palestinian officials and that the israeli military said it was investigating the blast. However, the early versions of the coverage in the province it received in a headline news, alert and social media channels where I too heavily on claims by Hamas, though, rely exclusively on claims by Hamas. Why do you have reported? There it did not make clear that those claims could not immediately be verified. were left readers with an incorrect impression about what was known in how credible the cow? What you see how mealy mouthed these people are the disgusting?
the same thing in their two thousand one report on a hundred if these anniversary about their cup, to the holocaust, it started out very strong and there we got into the weasel words times continue to update its coverage, is more information became available, reporting the disputed claims or responsibility disputed clean a responsibility between the israelis and Hamas. within two hours they headline and other text at the top of the website. We have liked that the scope of the explosion in the dispute over responsibility there was dispute over responsibility. Hamas lied in Israel, told the truth. given the sensitive nature of the news during a whining conflict and the press promotional receive times that it should have taken more care with the initial presentation in
More explicit: well, what information can be verified? Newsroom leaders continue to examine procedures around the biggest breaking news. Events for the use of the largest headlines in the digital report to determine what additional safeguards may be warranted. What a bunch of crap is to produce You didn't get it wrong. You did exactly what you wanted to do and you are least violence throughout the world and in our own country. Exactly what you wanted to do just like during the holocaust, you did actually what you wanted to do just like doing Darwin slaughter, the ukrainians and nineteen. Thirty two: you did exactly what you wanted to do. their many layers, ladies and gentlemen, from research, I'm a reporter or several report is usually. I want a story over there and energy editors and all arrest they all went along with his stuff, doesn't just get published this.
If guards would be that you. to close down your operation, which is a d casting blood. Last. began to operation that not only define but promote sub human terrorist, you promoted the nazis by your silence. The authorities forties forty senor, promoting the modern nazis by your affirmative. Reporting on their behalf and went to cites. And so who's gonna get fired over this new york times. Nobody well who wrote the headline, we're not telling you The second headline: we're not telling you who was the editor and try. When I tell you who is the managing it, when I'm telling
am I going to be right now, remembering a if I don't ask us again and you shouldn't expect anybody to be fired. Why? Because it's the near sometimes in the new york times, has no intention of changing anything. Why? Because it has its brain dead zombies who buy the paper or read their stupid website and, of course, the new york times hires back. Let me see here we pull this up real fast. Oh here, it is has to be reported course by the new posts, not the new york times by sailor near times. Rehired hitler praising solemn on hygiene cover: Israel, hamas war, what do you get your stories wrong?. New york times reporter, who came under fire last year for.
a praising adolf hitler and multiple resurface facebook posts was hired by the great lady to cover these really palestine, msnbc hiring these racist and anti semites our power ok come on back in and that's a jerk at eight p m goes up against, meaning gets crushed. Every sunday must produce. I forget his name, but we spoke about him before power guinean filmmakers solomon he held on nazi leaders. Recently, twenty eighteen too long time ago, two and a half years ago, First, on facebook worry surety for themselves. Captain that he was quote any state of harmony is hitler was during the holocaust. Unquote, her translation from pro israel media watchdog, how honest reporting that same year, he was hired by the times is a freelance journalists and work. Slew of visual investigations published by the organization through twenty twenty one
including one on an israeli air strike. They killed forty four people. She's. Twenty eighteen post, including a twenty twelve facebook, postwar way how great you are hitler. In arabic, alongside a photoshop image of hitler's seemingly taking a selfie where on earth last year, When pro israeli outlets called out the times for hiring anti semitic, journalists as free free lunches,. The time has she didn't appear to be working for the times anymore since taken down as controversial racial pro hitler? Put, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry and of course, the new posts shows exactly what happened However, the times we hardly anti semitic freelancer last week. I share his byline has appeared in the publication nearly every day since october, twelve at last story from Gaza published on thursday hygiene. Peace title that a hospital southern gaza, a backup generation, becomes a critical life one, but a few.
Only two miles from our heap arab has bombing by a palestinian terrorist organization that falsely blamed israel for the attack, we call it islamic jihad, palestine. Times spoke city defended the outlets decision, hurry hurry, he she. What did they say. We reviewed problematic social media posed by Mr Hegyi, when they first came, In twenty twenty two and took a variety of actions to ensure we understood our concerns and Could you do our standards? That's true! That's their stand. It may at times the hitler problem. The new york times as I had round so to cnn. so does NBC deva hitler problem. Once Israel denied any involvement, the time swapped it out that a headline we just talk about one that said hundreds dead and blasted gaza hospital palestinian say
tat. He should follow those steps in his maintain high journalistic standards he's delivered in port impartial work at great personal risk in gaza during this conflict at dunno. Are they gonna higher David? Do he's apologized if he did He's got a high journalistic standard. You now isn't the sick. Israel's ambassador to the EU and khiladi on slots, the times for its decision to bring back his ye at times it just rehired and nazi. Let that sank in the new york times has now defended to nazi regimes. Hitler's and the palestinian hamas nazi regime But don't wear the editors have checks in place to fix this, MR president, and I would encourage state,
this latest throughout america, particularly those that a republican adona democrat party opposition, because you know that our party hates America Look at hillsdale as the model as the example and start these state funded institutions that have given platforms to anti semites deters front organism, since two tenured marxist professors, enough is enough hills there Is the north star I'll be right? It Interesting that the islam or nazis, and their supporters are still on the streets of america. a lot of don't have jobs, This is
Hamas in their surrogates, they flip a switch and their network is activated With a marxist groups,. Along with the students for peace in palestine, Hamas front group and others. They flip a switch The network is activated, this is what the intendant and their network is not just in the streets papers and broadcasting. It's in congress. And I might add, in the bag administration there's a big deal. Ladies and gentlemen, I am very grateful for you and I thank you. We salute our forces police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel are truckers, free fighters all over the world and our brothers and sisters in Israel, less each and every one of you were thinking about you And I will see you tomorrow, What.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-26.