« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/23/20


On Friday's Mark Levin Show, President Trump drew out lie after lie from former VP Joe Biden at last night's debate. Trump brilliantly called Biden to the carpet for not implementing any of his grandiose plans when he had the opportunity to implement them during his 47 years in public office. Then, the most glaring fact-check was when Biden claimed that he's never called to end fracking and challenged Trump to put the video of him saying it on his website. Trump tweeted it. Biden's 110-page manifesto known as the unity task force document on his campaign website was taken to task. The radical energy plan, co-authored by Rep. AOC, will cripple our economy and dramatically raise costs. It will also destroy our energy-production capacity. Later, former President Barack Obama lied more than 36 times saying that people who had health insurance would be able to keep it. This was false. Yet, Joe Biden told that same lie at the final presidential debate and it went unchecked by the moderator. Plus, one question that was obviously missing from the debate was the one regarding any formal denial of the Hunter Biden laptop. Biden won't say that it's not Hunter's laptop, and even Hunter has come forward to deny that it's his. This is the most corrupt media in American history. Afterward, Senator Lindsey Graham joins the show to discuss the 100 million-dollar attack on his campaign. Graham has fought hard to support Trump and now the DNC is after him. Finally, Senate candidate Daniel Gade calls in with an update on his campaign against Mark Warner, his military service, and how he's being outspent by the Democrats.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented podcast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now, in its hundred the fifth year. Hills Is a truly independent institution where learning prized in intellectual. Enthusiasm is valued. Thank
for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale, brother sponsorship, now broadcasting on roaming underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader. America number is eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three eight! Once we want one failure,
better today, America, of course you're. President, had an outstanding debate hit a home run. and one of the things he was able to do was draw out why, after lie after lie by Joe Biden. Joe Biden, lied about his health care plan. Joe Biden lied about his economic plan, Joe Biden LAW, About immigration, the president, now the moment on the cages. Job I lied about his tax plan and he has to lie. because I have all these plans right in front of me and a hundred ten page manifesto. And, of course, as you ve heard all day, and is you noted yourselves last night, I'm sure when you watch the debate, Joe binds biggest blunder came at the very end when he D In fact, talk about trying to eliminate oil and gas, and, of course you do this came to call.
and we will have a huge problem when it comes to electricity as well. press. The United States made abundantly clear the Joe Biden, has a lifelong politician. Over and over again the president pointed out the job and had forty seven years in Washington and then he brilliantly capsule Joe. You keep coming up, these proposals and plans, and so for? Why didn't do anything? he had forty seven years to do to do it in office up to four years ago, even though than that. What's the problem you didn't it These things are on race, The present in the United States also hit it out of the park. I'm not a sir Would the moderator, as so many others are, I guess the the bars re low now does the moderator isn't so utterly aggressive, but the nature of the subjects that nature the questions and her constant
corruption of the president and they ve. Now. then I count on that. Its clearly very, very Side, it was quite obvious to me. and she kept given by not opportunities to respond. I don't believe it help Biden What impact this will have on the election really doesn't matter to me. You should be voting if he can early only in person, you should be getting five ten people. You know voting debate, nope, debate, rain, son doesn't matter. But I decided Go back into the hundred and ten page manifesto I had my phraseology for this cause because it gets under Biden, skin Of course we have like so many others do. The video, the audio video that job I said, doesn't exist and we'll get to that later about
Racking annoy otherwise is important because There are hard working men and women who make this This country run on energy. They are call minors, they are fractures. They work oil rigs. They are truckers. These are people who are modest incomes and work extraordinarily hard to make sure this country functions oil natural gas call to electricity. I you to think about a country without it, because we be absolutely destitute and left her switch sides. The left used to demand that we become energy independent. Now that we are, in fact, energy, independent thanks to a man, no how american capitalism american technology there, Demanding that we,
strong there destroy our energy capacity and that would come throw backs. And somehow these people who have no background and science, even though they he pointing the science no background engineering no background in any of the skill sets? an educational qualifications. To do all they want to do with solar power, wind energy and all the rest of it. They want us. The throw all this away on a pipe dream on an abstraction. This would become a credible national security issue, Communist Chinese are ruining for the Democrats and Joe Biden. They can think Nothing better than they have the it is a economy, the greatest superpower, on the face of the earth destroying it Let me be abundantly clear.
We destroy our energy sources, we try ourselves. Joe Biden was smirking. Making faces when the President United States said that a yo was reached. Article four is environmental and energy policy. Remember that producer last night, but if you look at page six Of the binding standards, unity taskforce, recommendations, they the signatories to this particular part of the plan. Have former sectaries stay John Kerry, and the number two person is the co chair, the coach is Alexandria, O Cassio court does there. She is and by the way western Pennsylvania, Conor. Lamb is also also The authors of this catastrophic. Non Energy plan that will. Hugely harm the nation and really
destroy the economies of so many of our states, including the western part of Pennsylvania, Conner, I'm congressmen Is on this legitimate car Theo was a radical and the Obama administration at the Ba she's on the list. a see, an exam, I ask you to go at that she's, a co chair of this committee. The president, was right and when Obama, Choose me one binding one of his his face moves. He was lying. Not session here and I'm quoting to read net zero emissions as rapidly as possible Democrats commit to eliminating carbon pollution from power plants by twenty thirty five through technology, neutral standards for clean energy and energy efficiency that Fifteen years from now number one. carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, so Have to lie and fear longer in
they, get you to embrace it- carbon dioxide, unlike monoxide, is not a pollutant Anybody who has successfully finished a third grades- glass, knows about Us Moses. breathing oxygen. We breathe out carbon dioxide when you wear these masks. Joe Biden wears a mask, he wears it to the bathroom. He wears had to go to sleep. There. But a stronger, the mass, so it can suppose oatmeal morning noon and night you're inhaling your own carbon dioxide, you hail carbon dioxide. You do not exhale a pollutant that is idiotic. So they say to reach net zero emissions as rapidly as possible. Democrats commit to eliminating carbon pollution. So there's no such thing as carbon dioxide pollution from power plants by twenty thirty five through
biology, neutral standards. There are no technology neutral standards that will enable us to eliminate carbon pollution from power plants. hundred percent by twenty thirty five, Fifteen years, what to happen and what they will do is they will shut down. They will shut down power plants that do not meet their goals. when you shut down power plants that do not meet our goals, these are electric producing power plants, got it electric producing power. So in fifteen years and actual it'll be less than fifteen years as they go through this process, We're going to see the cost of electricity skyrocket, you're going to see the rationing of electricity you're going to the Brown out and blackouts unionist the prioritization of the use of electricity that it's going to happen now. There's
Abundance of electricity can leave the lights on. You can do whatever you want. You need to understand, what's coming. Then they say in five years within five years, I'm calling we will Stop five hundred million, that's half a billion, so solar panels. Including eight million solar roofs and community solar energy systems and six a thousand made in America wind turbines. Can you imagine sixty thousand of these mass of wind turbines sixty thousand across the country. Half a billion solar panels where he's gonna come from less than five years.
Who's, gonna manufacture them. Well, it's not gonna happen The process of compelling it to happen, they're gonna, destroy. our economy and destroy our energy capacity. And it's unbelievable I'll go on page three we will set a bald national goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions, for all, who buildings by twenty thirty twenty three he's in ten years. If, God, for about binds elected is nine years on that waited creating one hundred percent clean building sector. So in ten years the now of all achieving net our greenhouse gas emissions for all new buildings, so Hagen
you're buildings, Hagen AIR Conditioning labelling. While they can, control materials can be used. This is what the president was talking about. When it comes to windows, windowless offices, because windows are not come, but an energy efficient. You can have the official windows in the context of windows, but if you have no windows, a room, Actually more energy efficient you can imagine the kind of buildings they haven't mine. You heard the commune Couple years ago, say. We're not going to have windows in these buildings anymore. Why well! This is why. one hundred percent. You know this is like marks, isn't working out, one hundred, not fifty percent, not a third, not to one hundred percent. so you're going to have national zoning within five years we want sent device, tens of billions of dollars and private sector investment to retrofit
four million buildings, so Going to be forced to retrofit you're buildings and, at some point, your houses. Now, Walter reducing the amount electricity they're going to reach the demand for electricity, because they are going to create five hundred thousand half a million public charging stations from coastal goes for electric vehicles, Electric Vehicles: half a million electric school buses. but we're going to shut down electrician producing utilities and less Can be one hundred percent carbon neutral ain't gonna happen. I'm just telling you.
What's in store, this will affect farmers will affect people working office buildings it'll affect people who drive cars and tractors. People who drive trucks it'll affect everything You know we talk about the national grid, how the national grid or electrical greatly come under attack and get knocked out. Ladies and gentlemen,. the Biden. Sanders manifesto will do a knock out our electrical grid than anything any foreign countries ever attempted part from the impact. The massive impact on the price of electricity, the price of natural gas, the price of gasoline at the pump with regard to three four times. If you can get it, you're gonna see shortages Brown ass, black ass. You can the economic dislocation part from all that. Our enemies are gonna love it. This will in power
Arabs in the Middle EAST, this will empower rush. Which is sitting on a ton of oil, this empower China and probably provoke try to take steps it would normally take against the United States, because it's gonna see a weakening and weak United States. They are Hang our enemies, the job, by in Kampala, Harris Elect another suggest energy. Having the rest of it, yet we'll be right, back hills joke,
trips for purposes, learning character, faith and freedom, education and faith. Thriving freedom and freedom requires educated people and people of good character to preserve at Hillsdale. College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over a hundred and seventy five years, not only to its one thousand five hundred undergraduate and graduate students but nationwide at the Ritz Free online courses and through its support of classical k through twelve charter schools, hills
articles of association dating way back to eighty forty four commit to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. The learning includes the constitution. It includes the laws of nature and natures, God is described in the declaration of independence, Hills does motto, is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty four and it will continue to fight to live up to that motto, come what may learn more at Levine for Helstone Back com. Al easy: I am free host Elba COM, Levin for Hills, Dale, dot com. What do you think of a couple of things before I get to some of the audio? Relate this racking an oral. It is and a government that can force company
to produce what the government says. Those companies must produce its the kind of government that will tell you what kind of automobile you can drive it's the kind of government That will tell union workers what they will produce some kind of govern That will tell people all over the country, including in the suburbs, by the way, what you're energy consumption will be, and you need to think about the domino effect here, any permit that has or like this and our constitution does not confer power like this on the federal government, any government That has power like this is going to be able to tell you it's but listen to me. I know what I'm talking about Many vehicles, your family canal, what kind of it Your family canal. much gasoline your family Canoes and their vehicles eventually
What size houses you can live in material. Your house's need to be built out of the energy consumption will be monitored and they'll determine how much energy can actually use. This is, as we say, a slippery slope, and it is tyrannical. Because none of these pie in the sky plans can work, none of them because the government can create
The politicians demand, but what will happen is, as is always the case, the iron fist. A government will get bigger and bigger and bigger as it surround your neck. I'll, be right, back pills, deal, college, Serbs for purposes, learning, character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive and freedom and freedom requires educated people and people of good character. To preserve pills. Del college has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for one hundred and seventy five years, not only to its fifteen hundred undergraduate in graduate students but nationwide towards free online courses and through its support of classical k through twelve charter schools, hills
Articles of association dating way back to eighteen, forty four commit to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. The learning includes the constitution. It includes the laws of nature and natures, God is described in the declaration of independence, Hills does motto, is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty four and it will continue to fight to live up to that motto, come what may learn more at Levine from Helstone Back COM, l e g: I am for wholesale backup Levin for hills, they'll, dot com, remarked warfare show is tomorrow's morning show which marked girl, eight, seven, seven, three or four eight one one one of tat: to convey this issue about fracturing an oil gas
when electricity is not just about those who actually produce it and transported, into our homes and our automobiles and so forth. Its about everyone look around. The price of fuel affects the price of food. Food has to be produced, it has to be true sport and has to be packaged, often and plastics. The price of clothing. Yes, petroleum products are in most the clothing that you were. The price of housing, petroleum products are used for many, the, materials are given to your house, but even more than that, you're utility bills. I'm gonna go through the roof and pray of transportation? The
ass of a gown, a gasoline is gonna double or triple. If he can get it. Dish into the costs you're going to have shortages. This is in a scare tactic. You gotta look a California, California the petri dish, that's what they're looking at you are going to have Shortages of electricity shortage the fuel. You go have rationing her brown out some blackouts for all the time About working from home, it's gonna be much more difficult to work from home. If you don't Have the like you need, among other things, so this energy plan. Might say: well how about a little western Pennsylvania limit, Kentucky and eleven West Virginia then manner those people Gonna be effected immediately.
grievously, but the entire cunt he's gonna, be effected even the United States military that depends on this. They're just on a hop shoes middle there on a lot of solar energy tanks and jeeps. so now carry the gist of the just fine. In addition to that his tax plan, while he does clay swore Ferny wants you to believe it only affects millionaires and billionaires he's a liar. Please listen! he says he wants to appeal to me- repeal the Trump tax cuts. Here's the Trump tax cuts. Those of you who are listening to me, who are forty five thousand fifty fifty five thousand. You will see your tax bills increase by two thousand and twenty five hundred dollars. In addition, his tax plans and regulation plans over a period of ten years
Gonna do away stand for University Hoover Study last week. Earl earlier this week or in the loss of five million jobs,. Five million jobs. And what do you think is energy plants, Canada. Now I want you to listen to this, not because Gotcha not because he blew it during the debate which he did Because you really need to understand what is taking place here, he is trying to conceal what he's doing what he wants to do here part of the debate from last night cut forego. Ok, I have one final point. I closed Linda fall. Would you closely the way our transition from their own history? Yes, I will try and ensure that it is a big statement at cause. I would stop violence, you do that because the oral industry pollutes significantly. I said,
to deal but such an accident or, if you, let me finish, statement because has to be replaced by renewable energy. time over time Stop giving to the oil industry. I'd sat, giving them federal subsidies. You won't get federal subsidies to the take the gas and show me to the two, solar and wind. Why we give it to the oil industry. We actually do I to solar and wind. We might make a statement in terms of business. That's a big is daily wily. Why, as he is going to destroy. Industry will you over there Texas. We can member that Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, thereby lemme, give you ten seconds rural thine eye, and I am well she kept them rubbing the president. You know she's getting kudos, but not for me, because the president exposing this ain't going in for the kill. and, as I say, this is very very important.
He says our own industry plutoria are oil. Industry is not responsible for most of the pollution. It's in the atmosphere, its China, its India, its Russia, It's not the United States. I'm tired of the american people being blamed for this all the time. What we have done is unbelievable them Deficient and an end them economy on the face of the earth. in the face the year and later in that clip, and for some reason we don't have it, they talk about the clip they talk about well, I never said I would ban the fossil fuels. The president said: yes, you would in this.
The mountains, that's been playing all day today, cut five go when there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and franking, binding administration, though we were, we work it out, we would make sure is eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those I guarantee worded fossil fuel, no more. No new fraction gradually move away from Frank, and I think it's critically important on day, one that we end any fossil fuel leases, unpopular clans, alignment of fees, fossil fuels, phasing there's no question: I'm in favour of banning practice This is serious. Forget those you who are not in the oil patch. This in fact, you right down the line. Why do
produce oil, natural gas, electricity Collado. We produce for you, the user, You didn't use it, there wouldn't be produced. But only of a three hour programmes I need to move ahead. Let's look at healthcare now by law, He said the public option would be offered to people Medicaid. No, the public option will be offered to everybody going to destroy the private, health care system and he's going to destroy Medicare now, on page thirty, one of the key In its manifesto, the Biden Centre manifesto. It says import democratically. We need to protect, strengthen and build upon our bedrock healthcare programmes, cleaning the affordable care, Medicare Medicaid in the visa system, private insurers need real competition to ensure they have incentive to provide affordable quality coverage to every American to achieve
objective we will give all Americans says all Americans. The choice to select a high quality, affordable public option through the affordable care act, marketplace the public option. will provide at least one plant choice without deductibles will be admin stood by the traditional Medicare programme, not by private companies and workers we're all primary care without any co payments and control costs. Other treatments by negotiating prices? Would doctors and hospitals just like me, care does on behalf of older people. Now, if that nationalizing the healthcare system- I don't know what is Everyone's gonna pick the public option because you're getting a ton of freebies that private insurance companies simply cannot offer you they simply cannot offer you the low think, I'm Americans not eligible for medicate, will be automatically enrolled in the public option at no cost at no cost.
goes on the four point: eight million adults who should be eligible for Medicaid but who live in states where the republic and governors are reviewed to expand programme Democrats will make them. Option available to all of them without any premiums. Without any premiums They want to pretend that their offering public option now they are going devour the private sector. They're going to happen. Tens of millions of more people getting into the public health which is Medicare Medicare through the back door at this, time, their lowering the age Medicare from sixty five sixty there are going to Straw, the Medicare programme, and they going destroy the private health care market. This is a some pill, this Exactly what this does in the present United States was exact, we correct. said you, you believe in socialist healthcare
among those who were on the committee that Korea did this plan and I At the end of this term, page thirty, seven, Representative Priscilla Jaya pop WWW Gyre Paul In my view, is a marxist she's, radical leftist and she- been pushing for among The things Medicare for all she's on the committee that help develop this. This isn't just about covering people were pre existing conditions. This is a poison pill that has as its purpose that destruction the private health insurance system, a private care and the nationalization of health care, so on top, destroying the private Energy system ought to Bob destroying the ability
get access to cheap electricity and natural gas and oil and so forth, and so on. As that resonates Laura Economy, keeps our prices down and keeps our economy vibrant and keep people employed. In addition, destroying that there destroy the private health care market that, One hundred and eighty million Americans now have it we're not stopping you from getting it. They are sabotaging the private health care system. That's what they're doing. their are nationalizing. This system, not even slowly but surely, but surely I don't care what destroyed. Have you noticed, senior citizens, whether it so Take care of this plan the Guess, as always, the target is always Medicare and taxes For lower middle class, individuals will go up two thousand and twenty five hundred dollars.
I'm not gonna just sit here and analyze the debate. I am telling you what they're doing there telling us this they're telling us this. On top of that, there are going to see. All physical barrier building on this? Only on the on the border followed. All of it. and they are going to offer illegal aliens or as they put it, anybody in the United States, Healthcare, that is medical suicide. How long do you think it's going to take to see a doctor, let alone us nationalist. What are they emergency and see rooms, gonna, look like in this country how the hospital is going to be able to fund themselves and survive. This is part of the plan. It's right. here in this damn manifesto.
So people who are in this country who are not citizens, people in this country and illegal, of access, not just to emerge. She wrote, but their healthcare who's gonna pay for that. Nobody. We don't have enough doctors and nurses and hospital rooms and all the rest. What about all the infection People have when they come in from the third world and undeveloped, none of actually even considered none of it. industry after industry,. Societal sector after societal sector. They are targeting. In addition to this, they intend to destroy the constitution by pack the Supreme Court straw, the Senate, by packing the Senate, destroy filibuster. Also they get anything pass that they want.
And eventually to attack the electoral code, so they will have power forever. They intend to institute these plans as fast as I can, and nothing will stop them You might say a cheese. I voted for by an authority was a moderate. Now this is, I didn't. tribunal next time of our republic. It next time may not matter. Don't you understand, the system will be next. I don't mean fixed like reformed, I mean fixed. So goes. One way you can't make Estate, this time more when I return hills, yoke.
call chips for purposes, learning, character, faith and freedom, education and faith. Thriving freedom and freedom requires educated people and people of good character to preserve at Hillsdale. College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for one hundred and seventy five years, not only to its one thousand five hundred undergraduate and graduate students, but nationwide the Ritz Free online courses and through its support of classical k through twelve charter schools, hills
articles of association dating way back to eighteen. Forty four commit to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. The learning includes the constitution. It includes the laws of nature and natures, God is described in the declaration of independence, Hills does motto, is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty four and it will continue to fight to live up to that motto, come what may learn more at Levine from Helstone Back COM, l e g, I am for wholesale Dotcom Levin for Hills, Dale, DOT, com from credit lay out really the dire circumstances. If there's abide with your car, the Tunisian will be eviscerated. Your way of life will be eviscerated with it on energy. The mass,
tax increases across the board, a The federal government completely out of control. No, Checks and balances because they intend to unconstitutionally alter our system of government. They should cause fear in each and every one of you destroy your healthcare system, those of your private health care. You will lose it over time. Just Joe Biden lied about anybody who wanted to keep their insurance. Her doktor could have kept their insurance and are flat out alive. And so the influx of illegal aliens. You can see that will affect jobs across the country. Particularly the lower end of the spectrum, where people are true get their first job or trying to get a salary increase as they move along the now being competing with the family employment and illegal aliens, which will also drag on the school systems and also drag on the healthcare suggest a matter. Basic economics.
his name, do with race, it's a fact since this is a a such a radical rapidly radical aggressive agenda that it really quite troubling. Street Journal James Freeman again. Somebody who I really enjoy reading Americans wondering what abide administration due to their health care cannot be reassured by the former vice president's comments on this subject last night by Russia To the claim about the last great government intervention in a medical markets that has gone down as one of the most consequential falsehoods by God official in years What you talking based term bad the lies. The endless lies that we're I'll, buy Obama about Obamacare, another running around telling you how wonderful Obamacare is of Cares disaster. Its Absolute disaster, when he points out that that
response to Donald Trump argument that binds creation of a new health care plan would destroy private health plans. Biden said not one single person or private insurance would lose their insurance into my plan. Nor did they, under I'm a cat care They didn't lose their insurance unless they chose they wanted to do something else. Think short of stunning that bind still trying to get away with this claim about these so called affordable CARE act which each being alongside, of course, Obama. my grievance, he says, is not political. All my energies are directed to enjoying life and staying alive and I have no for politics. I am one of the losers. He says from a seven years. I have fought and survive stage for gallbladder cancer the five year survival rate of less than two percent. After diagnosis is Eddie little Field, Sunbeam Road wrote to the journal in November.
Many thousand and thirteen I'm determined fighter and strongly lucky this luck may have just run out my affordable lifesaving medical insurance policy has been cancelled, affair December. One thanks to a bomb. I care. There are millions of examples like this millions of example like this and doesn't at times, Obama and Biden lied about it you see it's very easy to talk about utopia in the future, if you'll, just surrender yourselves to it. Yes, vote for by
their voters over the horizon from the west. Would one part gas network now broadcasting on roaming underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader, America Mark Levant. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three eight! Once we have one one reminder at other: cute life liberty and live in this Sunday, eight p m eastern time, watch alive. I hope you'll DV, art.
Not a short interview, not a medium interview in entire one hour, one on one for let the interview with the vice president, United States will go through many many many many subjects. An extremely impressive man close to the election, I think you're gonna have to hear your wanna hear what he has to say. Just a put Fine point on this and I will move along, but it's so important. That people understand what's coming if they dont vote if they don't get others to vote, and we failed when, when the selection and our people, Don't say to me: will you just sing into the choir Sing to whomever is here: Hoping the members of the choir will be an army, appall, reveres and Tom Panes is I've been discussing for two months and
this massive town hall me all of you will leave this programme to become precinct workers I dont mean physically go to precincts or I mean get the vote out. It's up to you. You can't leave it to your local party or the Aral Sea, or that cannot you. You have to save this country. Put yourselves and the mindset of the founders. they couldn't say, although you know Caleb. Our henrietta they'll take care that no and they had everything on the line. We have everything on the line to. Colluding your children and our grandchildren. I just want to remind you how Obama and binding and the rest of them lie all the time lie about health care, lie about what they're going to do and lie about the environment and all the massive destruction that's in their wake. It is massive.
thirty six times, Obama said you can keep your health care thirty six times thirty six times and you couldn't had tippins deposit cut twenty one go. If you ve got healthcare already, then you can If your plan, if you are satisfied with it, if you like the plane, you have, you can keep it. I intend to keep this promise if you, like your healthcare plan, you'll, be able to keep your outfit airplane plan. You, like your plan and your doctor. You can keep. You'll, be able to keep your health care blank. If you like your plans, you keep your planks. You're like you're, not like your plan. You can keep your doctor. You can keep your plan, you, like your current insurance. You keep that insurance period. end of story. If you got health insurers, you can keep it. If you have insurance that you like, then
You will be able to keep that insurance if you like your healthcare plan and you keep your after plant nobody's gonna force you to leave your health care for you, like you're after plan you'll, keep your plan. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare point, no matter what you for, if you like your doctor or healthcare plan, you can keep. If you like your healthcare plan, you can, he keep healthy, airplane, larger private health insurance plan. You can keep a few like your private health insurance plan. You can keep your plant period being in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage of the doktor you have, if you are among the hundreds of millions of Americans who already have insurance, nothing in my plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doktor you have. If you want to keep the health insurance you got, you can keep
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like the insurance plan you have now, you can keep it. If you your plan, you can keep your point. Don't you like your plan, you can keep your plan if you, like your plan, keep your play. If you like, your current insurance, you will keep your current ensure if you like your insurance plan, you will keep it if you're happy with what you got nobody's changing if you're one of the more than two hundred fifty million Americans who already have health insurance, you will come. Your health insurance, the only thing that changes for you is you're more secure. You aren't about here. I've been expelled, make sure that is even more secure. You got health insurance and you keep your own insurance today. I want to speak plainly clearly honestly, if you already have health care, you don't have to do anything and everyone who already has health insurance will keep the benefits and protections this law already.
put into place period period period and story who have or had one of these plants Fourthly, a formal correct came in the and you really like that plan. What we said was you could keep it. if it hasn't changed since was passed. It is very important back alive because he lied over and over again, Joe Biden is doing exactly the same thing on health care there. Destroy, Medicare they're, gonna nationalize, the private health care market. That's what they're scheme does he's lying about fracturing of yours. I've read to you what's the document says. There are going to do everything possible to put our energy companies out of business and then trunk eight from whole cloth. These take apologies and and in them cross the the greater
economic system on the face of the earth. It will fail will fail. It won't work. binds lying through his teeth about taxes Recent I want to be listening to me. You're good taxes are gonna, go up, one repeals the Trump tax cuts or your taxes are going up So the price of fuel, the price of food, the place of clothing, the cut price I housing is going to skyrocket, you're simply question about it here so designs on the suburbs, everybody as a soft don't blow it off. they intend to devour the suburbs, in essence, they're gonna. Next them into the cities, they need the tax base they're going to control single family housing and zoning Control were swimming pools and parks in schools or put in they're gonna control. What happens in them the whole? No, federalism, townships counties, little towns will be destroyed.
We'll be nothing. They can stop them because constitutionally they're going to change the system. So this is what you have to look forward to and I'll do it in two years. So don't two year. One of the things the president said last night: there were many them was absolutely right only looks at Joe Biden in addition to selling minnow you been you ve, been here forty seven years you put out this honey, ten page doc me go on and on about all these things that need to be done and you're gonna do where the hell have you been writing, didn't you doing. And he says I'm looking at you and your politician- cuts Mr producer Go Joe, I ran because of you. I ran because of Barack Obama because you for job. If I told you did a good job, I would have never run and I've never run. I ran because, if you look at it, you now, you're politician, I read: because you view our Vice President Biden, your response to that, and then I do have some Russians for both of you. Terry word. I hope he does
look at me because what's happening here is you know who I am you know who he is? You know his actor. You know my character, do not Mutations for honor and telling the truth now Style we do and I will back into what is a crooked and corrupt Biden. Family. Go ahead very anxious to have this race. I am anxious to see this take place. I am character Countries on the ballot, our character, In the ballot, look at us closely Festival Dick. Actor of the country not on the ballot, but we will look at them closely very closely and the fact of the matter is the evidence is, allowing each and every hour there is massive evidence that buying family enriched itself.
Through a fine entities, some of which had ties to foreign governments, including enemy, governments, like China,. And that Joe by Nunneley knew about it, but he apparently benefited from it. and he will not come clean and majority, the media, will not present. So here we are in the precipice. When elect four presently United States. and the media are so far in the tank for the Democratic Party for their agenda. And further nominee, they refuse to report on evidence, eh That the binding families, corrupt. I say evidence because the buying campaign and not a single Biden, has come forward and said that that top is not hunters laptop, including hunter. Not one of them is come forward, including the campaign and said those emails are not legitimate, not one of them
Not one of them has come forward and said that by that At Hunter Biden had not gone into the computer, fix it shop Not one of them is come forward and said that hundred Biden didn't to end meet with. these gentlemen that owns a sharp, not one of them has come forward and said that the document that was signed. Turning over the laptop is not hunter by signature, not one of them all there is talk about a russian this information campaign era, this information campaign, which the directive, national intelligence, the FBI and the d, I have just said, does not exist, as applies to this laptop. Yeah now they say it's a distraction rent a half years of a russian hawks against our president
Criminal investigation that should now have been launched. A phoney impeachment. Day in and day out, news reports, data, breaking news day in and day out, connecting non existent dots when in fact, it was the Obama administration and they Hilary went and campaign in the DMZ in the media that colluded. and it was the Hillary Clinton campaign. FBI that actually colluded with the Russians and IRAN. Spy who is Spots above the dossier that was treated like by, but when it came to the media you'd is something MR producer, whereas Hillary Clinton today she's hiding. Where is she she's hiding worse or today he's hiding. The media don't even want to question Hunter Bud,
track I'm down there, not hang out in front of his door. Then following I'm doors car, nothing, nothing. And the reason is with the most up media in their history. This country, this media, gone through different evolution as I wrote about it on freedom of the press, but the media, today is a total Terry and media. Absolutely is we have Biden's Hunter hundred binds Ex business part. In fact, Joe binds Ex Business partner Bobby. And state comes forward on the record now he's being interviewed by the FBI's offered himself to the: U S: Senate, not covering up anything, and so If you're watching CNN, if you're what Jake Tapir, who should Never been it is a journalist having worked
Capitol Hill for a Democrat, having worked for hang on controlling he's, a Democrat as a liberal, and he he cannot report the truth, Here's how he summed up the debate last night, After the present United States call out. All by on the money that was received, the three half million dollars, From the widow of the man, a right of Moscow, the export market. Nobody denies this. What are they, They go out of that happen but he did not deny so two hundred by and received a hue, Monthly stipend from charisma nobody denies that you receive money from Communist China and the FAO. I want you to believe, as I've been saying over the weeks, robot dope, the Father one, did believe.
They never asters. Katy kitty doesn't know anything, and now we have email, real email. and its censored by ninety nine percent of the media in this country, it is censure by twitter, it is censured by Facebook. It is said Good by Google mass of censorship by massive corporations, a man. A government that wants Brought the loose and bind to win, why because a buying wines government gets bigger governing riches itself. Corporate get bigger they themselves through government subsidies and through this any competition that they may have so Jake Tapir last night, unbelievable caught one go. He is wrong the single most negative sleep
the campaign in American Sorry for a major party candidate. Note you invited by the way he such an idiot he's Illiterate when it comes to american history, he has no idea what kind of campaigns or have been run in the ass. We ve talked about it here, but anyway go ahead. People would be negative, says something. What people used to be people would be negative and you can always say well, don't forget the campaigning, two cockiness or or historians like bash last, whatever come on and say you know, and eighteen hundred Jefferson pamphleteers, who accused John Adams, are being a hermaphrodite or whatever apparently apparently Jake Tab listens to the show bay. Learns, nothing go ahead being tromp and his allies in the media and his member members of his family and the Trump Allied Wet sites in such are levelling charges so heinous, I'm not even going to save them. nonsense, clap, tight the Cuban on tied into pure on cue and none.
they help you and on. As you jerk. You bring in all this poison all this cancer. This is too. the goal of hard core tyrants, I'm propaganda, for total. as measured altogether bring up. Could I want to bring up the clan and bring up NEO nazis? He also brings Pizza gay, we never talk about pizza, gay, we ve, never talk you're. Not I don't know what the hell you're not doesn't matter, it's a Of creating static, it's her way of of creating agility. What he doesn't discuss is the evidence. None of it. Because he's a fraud is intellectually corrupt. Back, then I'm gonna, be direct with you.
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you for Radio Free America. That's what I call you now. Thank you. I want to bring up the fact that we were talking earlier about the green new deal. Thank you for bringing up them communist manifesto, that is, the twenty twenty Democrat Party platform would know dangerous and on the green new deal aspect of it s. were hit by a yo, see you remember, while back she and her, then boyfriend campaign manager explained that had nothing really to do with carbon amiss. I mean there Gonna do what they could they're gonna go for it anyway. We need only about distribution of wealth in the way you talk up. When you talk about green new deal, it isn't the environment, it isn't, as you ve been talking about the real science of carbon emissions, it is about communist distribution of wealth And I love you're so right on, and I've talked about this in the past too,
they use different issues, for the same reason it can be race could be the environment, it could be wealth. The goal is to destroy the capitalist system. The free market system. And replace it with a government centric system and why ever it takes and we even had them kind of admit it. We ve had left his say, wait a minute. You know we can talk about I'm a change while we want, but ultimately here it's the world capitalism and hearings, Equally right and as I was describing sub Went to what I was reading in the manner. ass. I was explaining to people what is going to happen in your own personal lives. Disaster, good, Carlo I'll, be right back purple, mattresses and pillows are like nothing. You ve, never slept on before the secretive
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Mark radios, principles, patriot call now at eight seven, seven, three, eight one three eight one one over Iraq state. They gotta out of a sixty page intelligence report dated October second. on Hunter Biden Chris Highness, the step son of Carry Devon. Sir James Balder, who is the grand kid when they re Mobsters, I guess and suspect, intelligence, Ass and Michael Lynn. And the sixty page intelligence report, among other things, reveals the following: stayed on bank. A China through subsidiary companies is the mate majority owner of Hunter binds future venture Capital Firmby HR.
Hundred by still owns a ten percent share. A bee hr conservatively estimated to be valid. Fifty million dollars. hundred Biden served on the board of Heinz in Archers Rosemont Realty, a large. U S, base commercial real estate firm that was then saw toy chinese company a try, Company affiliated affiliated with Hunter by an acquired electric vehicle technology and assets from to you Companies I were bankruptcy which had to follow my government back loans, Jim Oh and a hundred binds December twenty thirteen trip. The communist China overlap then ukrainian President and Joe Biden Ally victory Anna Catcalls Trip Ba our partner with a I see, and aerospace and defence, as so, we, yes, the chinese military, Purchase? U S automotive supplier headings automotive into sixteen. can see hundreds and rob and all the stuff, so
back to chinese intelligent, acid and hunter by business partner, frequent travel partner, go land at official meetings with Joe Biden while he was vice president now, the people who have review this Christopher Balding associate professor at peeking, universally HSBC school. Business and changing and note supporter. he says here that this information is publicly available either. We discover Bali, says: there's no secret method for discuss this data other than actually looking at night the chinese government operates the links between Beijing and the violence. Very worrisome. He says: having lived in China for nine years for the G regimes, construction and concentration camps and having what First hand, their use of influence and intelligence operations that links. Worry me profoundly whether job personally knew the details are very untenable position. It is simply political malpractice,
I'll be aware of the details of these financial arrangements. These documented Financial links simply cannot be wished away and he got Red state dot com and they have the entire report linked over there when encourage you to do exactly that. the time to say no to this kind of corruption As you know, all the other Tom all that this party in there there are not many will create the time to say no to this kind. Corruption is now, and the courts She is so poisonous. That the media are part of the corruption. the media are a cover up operation. There now censorship operation for the Democratic Party, because the meteor populated with Democrats there populated with social activists and liberals there. by major international corporations, many of which want to continue to do business with Communist China. Many
which are not capitalists and orientation, they ve got used to being our some of them are more monopolies and they want to come need to be protected. They are not free market capitalist period. and see it in. Which is owned by eighty in tee in NBC and MSNBC, which is owned by Comcast Data any trouble. So. Ladies and gentlemen, I decided also as we move along here want to talk, You know the presently United States did not quickly enough on this pandemic. We acted faster Obama by any act of fish or the Woodrow Wilson Way back, in nineteen. Seventeen fact acted very quickly. I went back to March twenty three peace by Paul bodyguard. in the Washington, examiner
Let me tell you some of the things the president it ready. This is important. President Trump declared a national emergency, inviting states, territories and tribes access over forty two billion dollars in existing funds. President sign legislation securing another eight point: three billion for corona virus response;. President side, the families First Corona Virus response ACT ensuring that american families and businesses employ to buy the virus, received strong support that they needed. Now to leverage the resources of the entire government. The president created a White House, Corrado buyers taskforce almost immediately took away eight the response of the country. Vice President Pence named doctor Ever Burke's to service the White House criminalized response coordinator. the president. Has multiple teleconferences with our nations governors to coordinate response efforts and offers full support to full gaps? President
approved major disaster declarations for impact. It states like New York and and stayed in California. January. President Trump reacted quickly to implement travel restrictions on travel from China, buying valuable time to respond to the virus and saving. God knows how many lives. President announced further travel restrictions on global hotspots, including Europe. The unit kingdom in Ireland in IRAN. American citizens returning from travel restricted countries were rounded Pacific AIR points with could be screened and isolated as needed. This kind of quarantine had not been enacted and over half a century. the United States reach mutual agreements with Mexico, Canada to restrict non essential travel across northern and southern borders. The Trump administration announced that it would expeditiously return aliens who cross between ports.
are otherwise not allowed to enter the country as the facilities in which these aliens would be out? Cannot we're quarantine for the time needed to assess potential cases. the administration raise travel warnings to their highest level for other hotspot locations quota Japan and South Korea Press an expanded airport screening strident identify traveller showing symptoms, and instead The mandatory quarantines again First time and over half a century later State department issue at a global level for travel advisory, urging Americans to avoid all international travel Corona virus outbreak worldwide. What else did the president do. In the few months Shoprite the early months, The food and Drug Administration issued emergency approval for new commercial corona virus tests to significant They expand testing across the country present.
Trump secured legislation that ensured Americans were able to be tested for free for free the Trump Administration work was state or local partners in the private sector to overlap I've through testing sites that administration work with the private sector to develop a website that American, could utilised to determine whether they need a test and, if so, where to get the Parliament of HIV Chess provided funds. They help accelerate the development of rapid diagnostic tests for the corona virus. The FDA on the orders of the President cut red tape to expand testing availability, Arrow Brecker. The assistant secretary for health and have the by car service have been up, the coroner Corona virus Testing Everett the F, under President Trump empowered eight thrice test, developed and used by laboratories in their own state department,
thanks to the president's set up. Fifteen percent of irish testing sites worldwide, the president side, legislation requiring more reporting from state and private to ensure that our public health officials had that data, needed to respond to the outbreak. The Trump Administration specifically Department of Defense and Hs work to airlift hundred. thousands of swabs and sample test gets from it Led to the United States what else Tromp administration do in the first two months, two and a half months of the outbreak turn eight months. This Our business administration announced disaster allowed for impact, Their businesses, The two million dollars. the SBA, relaxed criteria for disaster, assisted loans, expanding small business, access to economic assistance. President directed the Energy Department, a purchase, large quantities of crude oil for the strategic reserve. President
child cause and meetings with business leaders from the farmer Suitable industry, airlines, health insurance, grocery stores, retail chains. thanks and more the tree, Treasury department approved the establishment of the money market mutual fund liquidity facility to revive What did he do? Financial system. The Trump administration negotiated legislation to provide tax credits for eligible businesses that give pay leave to Americans are affected by the virus, trouble administration took. should provide more flexibility and unemployment insurance programmes for workers, and Acted by the virus, the Trump where's your department move Tax day from April fifteen July, fifteen. The president side legislation providing funding and flexibility for emerging Nutritional aid for senior citizens, women, children and low income families
U S! Department of Agriculture, USDA announced new flexibility to allow mail service during school closures. Usda announced a new collaboration with the private sector to deliver nearly one million meals a week to students and rural schools, closed, the corona virus. rob administration, halted for closures and evictions for families without fail. In short mortgage the tree. Labour department, announced up to a hundred million industry, located worker grants in response to the current of Irish National Health emergency, though our work with the private sector to launch a central website where family students and educators, access online education technologies press, The Trump sign legislation to provide continuity in education benefits were veterans of their families, schools that have had to switch from in person to online learning due to the virus that trumped up
men of education, gay, broad approval, ecology, universities to allow them to move easily their classes online, Bob, education set interest rates on all federally held student loans to percent for sixty days the Department of Education announced borrows will have the option to suspend their payments on federally. Still large for at least two months but an ivy league addressed half of what the administration did in the first two and a half months analyses. Invoking the defence production at the President signed a memorandum directing its administration. General use face mass available to healthcare workers Hs Now that would be purchasing half a billion Ninety five respirators for the strategic national stockpile. That's why hundred million farmers Fats announced that will be providing five million respirator mass two thousand special intervention ventilators to assist
states present side legislation, removing restrictions that prevented manufacturers from south industrial mass, which can readily protect health care workers directly to hospitals. Stray should began immediately to work on and accelerate the development of therapeutics and vaccines. dear evacuated, existing drugs that could serve as potential therapeutics for the virus. The administration work Withdraw as working with drug manufacturers to monitor any potential drug supply, train issue and on and on and on who would have done better? Who would have done more. Nobody I'll be right back then I'm gonna be a direct with you,
If you're cellular plan is with Verizon eighteen T, T mobile you're simply paying way too much for the exact same covered. You would get right now with pure talk, so Get your cell phone bill word shows data usage, the air. Person who switches to pure talk is using less than four gigs of data a month, but the big care charging you for unlimited data. It paying for an entire row on an airplane, but only needing one seat. That's how pure talk saves the average person over four hundred dollars a year on their wireless service. Unlimited talk text and to gigs have data offer just twenty dollars a month and you go over on data usage; they don't charge you for it so folks,
switching to pure talk is the easiest decision. You'll make today go to pure talk, USA, dot com and enter promo code, Levine Podcast, when you do your say, fifty percent off your first month that pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo code, l e g, I and podcast: that's Levant, pod, guest, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless by the courts or out of control. We Supreme Court in Pennsylvania, which is elected. It has a majority leftwing, radical Democrats on it. Ruled unanimously add melon ballots? They pay
but a counties from rejecting balance because voters signatures on it may not resemble their signature on the registration form that some believable. They say her. The victory. This a plea for the states to Election official, Cathy Bach Varro Demo crash who asked the court to back her up in a legal dispute. I want to talk about Pennsylvania when we come back after the top the hour. There was also a ruling by a single judge Travis county, a liberal county and includes Austin, I believe yes, and this one judge ruled that overruled the governor who said there is to be one drop off place for ballots in that drilled now there can be multiple drop of places for balance, so you have judges now who are running the elect. In process in the States I can assure you that the founders may the framers of the constitution and the ratifies and the states with
I have tolerated judges. Having any say any kind whatsoever in the election process period or Obama would say period period, period. While, let me say this before the break out a conversation with a top person and the legislator in Pennsylvania the other day the getting legal advice that I dont really agree with. very, very nice individual. I reminded this individual than others. Go to the federal constitution that every member of the Pennsylvania Assembly in the house in the state Senate have a duty under the The constitution to stop this Cream Court of Pennsylvania to stop the governor of Pennsylvania to stop any federal court from interfering with existing Pennsylvania, state election law that these supreme Justices have absolutely no authority under article two of the federal constitution
the framers and the ratify specifically said that state
legislatures will choose the electors that state legislatures, not that judges and not the damp governor from the westward one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over, two million conservative member strong image believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now run. Remember me: underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact for their leader. A mark. Levant here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one as I was saying: Aerospace, Pennsylvania, a pay, pets of Angels Supreme Court ruled unanimously Friday, Democrats and Republic,
when a key concerns surrounding an avalanche of male imbalance of the presidential battleground state. limiting counties from rejecting ballots because the voters signature on it may not resemble their signature on the registration form. That's the law, the verdict a victory for the states top election efficient, she's, a Democrat Cathy Book, far West court Tobakcre up in a legal dispute with president trumps campaign and republican lawmakers. county boards of elections are prohibited from rejecting absentee or mail about based on Signature comparison, conductor, bike Election of officials are employees, Or is the result of third party challenges based on signature, analysis and comparisons? Wrote the justices now couple of. Something like this is going on and Clark County, that's love,
Vegas in Nevada. And I'm lack sawdust hit me after this. That they have a machine there. That, basically is set a level of forty percent accuracy of a signatory comes through, and it said to be forty percent likely to be the signature. The person who voted it goes through it's less than that it goes to to individuals. Who is sitting in the next room. Those two individual sitting in the next room then look at these signature and they get to decide if the signatures close. If they determine its, not that goes to yet another individual in another room. They get to decide in the end whether or not signatures close, so, in other words Sophie. He tells me why percent of the signatures have been rejected. So they're all greasing the skids for male and voting their Greece.
Scared for real and potential fraud We turned back to Pennsylvania, it's a big damn state. getting smaller by the year, because people are leaving as a result of the politicians but nonetheless the republic. Just like you. If we have a problem on election night likely in many states the biggest problem is likely to be in Pennsylvania as a result of what the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania doing this court of Pennsylvania has extended. The voting period exists, That counting period for two weeks. the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has determined that if the, if the Pope Bark is illegible, words non existent, but that the ballot will count. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has decided at this
Nature on the ballot. Doesn't match the signature on the registration form. It still counts. So this is all being done to accommodate early mail in voting push by the Democratic Party, and they are relying on these courts. there relying on these court. So I told the leadership. I hope media matters gets his right eye The leadership there need a challenge. These things meaning court. You are the fine court. There is no judicial review. You need to assert both houses of the legislature. That these decisions by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania violate article two of the federal constitution, they ve late the history behind article to that end. The framers of the constant should the ratifies in this,
Pennsylvania would never have adopted. A constitution like this back in such power on a court and elected court? A politburo. It was met with the well. Not exactly enthusiasm. That legislature, like other republican legislators, need to stand up and do their jobs every one of these men, of the Republican every one of these republican members of the stated employee in Pennsylvania. not only have sworn an oath to stay constitution, but the federal constitution under the federal constitution passivity is not acceptable. must assert their authority. Otherwise this thing Otherwise, why would article to leave it to the state legislatures to pick the electors.
these courts are reading that language right out of article two of the federal constitutional States Supreme Court of all courts. Doesn't it frt to amend a federal constitution and it is the obligation of the state legislature to stand up and fight this. So where is it. Why are we want all the way to the? U S Supreme Court and John Robert screwed up It doesn't matter you The final say not John Roberts. Now we have this piece: it AOL Dotcom, President Trump and Joe line. Their campaigns are assembling armies of powerful lawyers for the possibility that the rates for the White House it's decided on at the ballot box, but in court. Now. What to be decided in court because you know, ladies and gentlemen, we voted the old fashioned way we had a show up at a voting place where they actually had checks, and Once as each party had individuals there, you have it
action judge you had the registrar, you had a show and I d you had to be who you said you were so we know you're not dead. We know you're, not an illegal alien. We know you're not voting. Fourteen times we now you are who you say you are. You know stuff like that. You absentee absenting ballots where people have actually justify were there not coming in person and their signed under penalty apparent perjury, with a witness, that's how we first of but apparently that was discriminatory per apparently it suppress the black voters with a Democrat voters, somebody's vote So now we have helter skelter, and so the step in and promote their help, their scope. Listen, I way of lawyers, the court's love it will you mean the debt to define and would jump. average did the other day was an abomination. He hoped the flood, aid to these losses the floodgates.
Ladies and gentlemen, I dont need people emailing me from their websites and so forth. Sending me links the things I just said, I'm on top of it On top of that before anybody else,. when I hear some Good NEWS, yes, good, Look, I could be wrong, I mean I'm not Nostradamus here, but I feel like the, president is on the ascendancy. Now, don't you, MR pollution? I've like we have the winded our backs. Look, I could be dead wrong. If you don't do it. We ve talked about in terms of getting other people over That is a lot of comments that I see my size for people. I voted. I have ordered early thanks. That's not what I said I said vote, but you to get five? The ten other people to vote the jobs not over. Don't be, madam your jobs, not over its not done you gotta get up,
people to vote if the outnumber the other side and we ve outnumbered by lock, as we have Supreme Court's, like the one of Pennsylvania, we have the crap gone, Clark County Nevada. This is going on, but here's some good news. This the Washington examiner Paul, but are a real reporter by the way move, overbooked went in. There appears to be a new come back in town. Would you twelve days from yesterday, just twelve days to go before the election president trumps approval. Writing has popped over fifty percent. Suited the holy grail of reelection numbers. dress, Musin report survey, which trump closely watches the President's rating jump. Three points from forty nine percent to fifty two percent in the three Average, the poster puts out and its daily presidential tracking poem. trumps numbers in the past month of look like a scatter shop, but he has recently on an upward trend in a day.
The daily approval, writing Rasmussen and others. This week have I tried it is rise in the presidential race tightening two thousand two hundred and twenty three points with Joe by now, all that's great, but if you don't vote all that is meaningless. If you don't voting, get other people to vote on meaningless. While they write back then aims the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them, a mac- believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More and talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond
but see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more It's not enough. You'll get em. by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m, a sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot? U S always Senator Lindsey grandly come back because we would like to see him reelected, Senator, Graham. How are you, Sir, Arthur occurred Mark? I really appreciate all your and your order, her burners printer
what is going on inside color, I mean what are they doing? I've never seen so much money in any centre race, I think a lot of people hate my guts and a lot of people lightning, so a hundred maybe that was by the way I know the feeling is gonna, go out. At least you get paid to do that through a hundred hundred and nine million dollars most did I say in South Carolina for three reasons I stood up for governor they'll. Never Forget that I got in the way of destroying his life, I've been helping, Tromp pushes unpardonable fan, and my opponent associate German. Democratic NASH Committee. They seen him about a I'd, be the biggest problem, The twenty twenty cycle to beat me in the Senate other than bidding drop and here's the Good Nose dollar thing between that happening or the good People South Carolina people, your radio programme, when the ground, dot com. I would fill up their ways the left hand days and get my message we are targeting you now you were
you're going to push through a baron. Democrats been thrown roadblocks up anything and in the kitchen sink You have, in fact, been very supportive of the present the United States in many respects. I really and appreciating that you know what my I explained that the Trump thing is we found common ground. I've come to like him and he likes the amendment that pretty much gifts the waiting over guy. But you know that's a lot of Americans lover. Can you are sceptical another impressed with an appearance, Certainly your roaring the time Reagan, where militarist, military strong we had in the last, what six weeks the sudden about hurrying in the S recognising Israel without ever do a deal about gambling. The caliphate is destroyed back.
Is there. The Iranians are in a box the first time in forty years, that than on their heels. The border is now calm, verses, chaos before devoured, the economy was just going through the roof. We're gonna have three Supreme Court justices that are just absolutely great concern. it's to earn a district in court judges other than bad. You got a lot to complain about his interpret, then the most successful presidency. Since Ronald Reagan, Agri, hundred percent with you and I too, people in this radio programme, if we don't hold the Senate rightly, When the presidency, this country will become, lately changed. Don't you agree so they're gonna change, the Electoral college, which means New York and California picks the present. Not the electoral college First, on their just becomes, a popular vote will destroy the Senate filibuster, which means that the court will go from nine thirteen miles.
Likely, they're, gonna, fundamentally change the country DC becomes a state of war, was South Carolina their structurally. This is not like you know. Clinton Burma versus Bush and trumpet public policy- this is a structural change in terms away. America set up, the Supreme Court goes to properly thirteen, it will become a political pie. Electoral college, which give small states a boy is white. They're gonna, add two states. It will be perpetuate democratic structurally. Changing the Senate forever. Now, look at the other way if Prob winds and we keep the Senate for more years of conserving judges, Polly one or two more supreme court replacements for more years, the task of being in a business person fans former years that can't you run by people who know how to run a business for more years of a strong military for more years of standing up to terrorist. I love the world for more years of controlling the border.
In cutting your taxes and deregulating America I'll get. It is the opportunity to change the country for the next hundred years. Here right now encourage my listeners in South Carolina eleven. I sat there. Conservatives You need to rally round Lindsey, Graham right now, because my attitude. Senator Graham, is all different. This election than in the past, which is this straight republic, Even if you have a difference with a senator or congressman or even the president, this is, as you point out some, this isn't a typical election. This is, section about the constitution. This is election about our economic system, things on the line market setting a better will go from a sort of free enterprise. Nation the socialism will
I'm worn order. The chaos from circuit judges, the level judge, just thank the impact. Donald Trump said on that the court will to an entity, young conservative and three spring. Justice is for more years, transforms the judiciary for more years of economic growth, deregulating the country and both of I realise it is roles, the best forum will ever have in the Middle EAST are anywhere on the planet. for years. This president has stood up for Israel, unlike anybody subsidiary trimming. And I just hope, people all over the country your conserve umbrella. Donald Trump is comparable Ronald Reagan in terms of producing results, and he is sort of a combination of Ronald Reagan. Atbara. that's right and proper, but but I want the audience to knock em ton value now that the also lead the fight in defence of Israel. You ve also pushed to support Israel. You have also push
are to fund the United States military. You have also pushed hard against impeachment and the coup efforts that have been taking place as the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, all the judges have had to go through your committee, so you're become it senior already, maybe its age. I don't know you become a very, very important, spoke in the wheel of the United, they'd centre, for it concerns our that. I've been Iraq and Afghanistan. Fifty six times war stays over there and doesn't come back here. I understand that radical Islam is the biggest threat mankind that the Ayatollah had a new geared use. It had to let the corn between who idiot First Saudi Arabia, Israel, it had been. we come after us. The mostly stabilizer thing in the world is what an egg understand that peace, they strength is the only way to stay say and when it comes to judges. My committee's just stopped
did the Republicans on the Senate, Judiciary Committee or frontline heroes. We were there for Kavanaugh or going to be there for judge. Barrett should be on the court next week and I love my job now more than ever loved it. I think I might I'm making the difference. Thank you for the compliment. We're good here so lengthy grand dot com by laughing, I found a tape between my opponent and Bernie. Sanders worries interviewed, Bernie Sanders be called in his champion. He also said Nancy Blowsy was his mentor and your client was his inspiration. There's a lot at stake. You would know he's a Democrat. He's wants it to be in dollars or the ads but he's trying to run in I grass, in terms of ideological politics, he's dissociate Germany, the Credit National Committee you oppose governor, he opposed corset, He would never vote spirit so to my friends in South Carolina. Listen to shall bring account of into the poles again spare five or ten bucks Wendy Dot com, I want to really strong.
America Levin, I sat there. The site is Lindsey Gram, dot, com, Linsey, granddad com- I have it on Levin Show Facebook Mark Levine, Show twitter mark living show parlor. If you can help Linsey help, I'm right now there a time down there in South Carolina. We wish you all the best senator a key while our party, I forget, judge, bear down on the springboard younger God bless you. I know what a lot of you were. I don't care we ve gotta, get these people like that are working to wake up one day, we're gonna be just what the hell happened. going to do everything we can do. I have a microphone I've, a tv camera I've, microphone private tv cameras and when you do everything I can humanly possible to save this republic. This in about you know a little bit of policy on the edges. Hearing that Nora this is for all the beans, America, all the bees-
it's not even a hard choice, I'll be right back aim at the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more
Talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M, a seed dot. U S work living but force the liberals want to silence, but you can
to mark at age. Seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! I live in the Commonwealth of rejection. We have this guy Mark Warner, who's been senator for twelve years. He was governor for four years. The guy Absolutely nothing! Nothing and else has a fortune running commercials taking responsibility for a two trillion dollar covered a relief bill which, nothing to do with it, he's been blocking the lass relief bill, so people on need unemployment, supporter, small businesses are going under can't get the money He acts like he's, actually Dave motivated and involve when he's Secondly, a sleeper senator- and the state is turned purple. If not blue, and so a young man stepped up by the name of Daniel Gay G d and your gate is on the air with me right now, Daniel how're, you, Sir, Margaret to doing great thing for having me on both.
Well, this is considered an uphill race, but it is winnable. Isn't it its actual. We went about marking in the last two months, taking the poles from minus twenty two minutes. Seven, and I've done it before and the shoestring it only raised about four million bucks and we're spending it all on tv and radio. So it's going to help me get a gauge for Virginia dot. Com We get to that now how my change Warner spent. So far, do we know well, he drop in a big you'd money bomb on my head, because we have no nothing to point out other than adorn well, but though he felt all the guys like me, but I think he had can nine dollars from the bank, Latham attacked and he's several hundred million dollars himself. Let me ask you this keeps running this commercial Natalie lying about his own record, but saying taking out a key text an interview. You did saying that consider masks Toronto Lord totalitarian. That's not exactly what you said. Is it no
what I did. I mangled a philosophical point that basically better government strong enough to make you wear masks the governor strong enough. Nicky do a lot of other things and then the government is prone to tyranny. So the guy who says that he cared corona virus when he is, as you said, one of the senators about it again covered relief, Virginia family. Then I think we had a rise up in revolt against that number, can't think of anything. This guy's them spare my sad people, say name three things he's done. I can't say one thing what war, yarn and alive good work. The matter mark, for example, on the better and that I gave a leg and about I served in the army twenty five year than wounded combat twice and this is it who never cared about better Inter melter family than the fifteen minute before an election in which he's running against them it better and- and so here this add right now busy cared about. suicide rate amongst veterans, but he doesn't know what it is he that seventeen, when really it's twenty to thirty
This is the guy who doesn't know what you're talking about and it's just a bit. Any data is a liar and a snake in the grass members find here at him any spinning Fourchan your right on tv and radio and he's not the only one all across the country there their flooding, the airwaves to try and redefine who they are and redefine who their opponents are. They don't really want to run on the record and they don't really one against. Somebody like you, give us a little bit of your background, I served in the army for twenty five years. Seventeen about forty two Grand and, what's boy later when I, when I got a masters degree in a Phd in public policy, worked in the Bush right out and later after retired, from the army in the Trump administration and thermometer that would in combat twice and locked the leg of a hip and kept serving anyway, because I'm a servant, and I'm running a guy who the politician you now and always ever done it before The ball is ever gonna, go life and he's been perfect woman. I've got a lot.
You'd debated and maybe once right, I congratulate you. Can, although there they'll want you to get a type, engage verses, Warner Debate, the three of them and in all three who hasn't that love that other former debate champion. I think you are, but you can during the debate I look over and he was so mad that his hands were shaking because you didn't have any good answer. If you didn't, he didn't record that independent though it is only hope, was to tell Got me, and he looked unprepared and and beckoned and kind a week to be answered and guys like that are not used to being challenged. They have a slobbering media that supports somehow the media treated. You verses him well think it's more like being Nord rather than being attacked? You know their hope is that if they don't say anything, then we will be able to escape to a third term, even though he,
But would only serve to terms it out and even the watch imposed back and twenty nineteen said that his time in the Senate Backward few signature accomplishment, and today they thought of Belarus, him, but there the hoping that he'll get reelected because he was the leader of the Trump Russia can sphere Fatima in document, he truly hasn't done. Anything I'm just telling the people around the country and in you can't He thinks he's done. That's why runs ease. I had taken credit for. Trillion dollar corona virus relief bill had nothing to do with it and now you point out, as I am pointing out we're trying to a couple hundred billion hours passed. So people out in their states can get some supper and he won't do it right right. you want, because in our debate he said the reason you won't do it because You didn't get everything you want and what we really want to bail out for failing states. Local governments have been failing for decades, and
I made the point, the obvious point, that if your child starving crap, you get the a thick dinner, what you do do it gonna hamburger got one and and here you know he voted against covered really for the families in Europe of Virginia family or anywhere on the country. You're hurting right now, You can lay that at the feet of people who voted against the bill beginning of September, that there were brought up dollars, including children, sixty six billion per annum protection, a hundred billion for school, thirty billion pursuit for back pain, No bigoted party pull them through and either party line rubber stamp projection he really is a Schumer Democrat and in the thing is there holding the economy. a gun to the head of the economy until after the election and they get what they want. Now America for Joy in, but America, Daniel, It is a terrific guy. If you can support him, go to gauge for virgin
that come G, a d e g, a d for Virginia Dad, come gate for Virginia Dotcom ever family. Yet there are gonna my weapon of unmarried twenty one years, we're gonna eighteen year old, daughter and twin fun to twelve, and you can see all those people on gave or Virginia damage that night. gee I D for Virginia Dotcom, how's your ground game we have a great ground game with not a couple hundred the doors we got phone called going out every day, we're doing great. I've got all this. Grassroots energy and effort go into this rate, and I really think that this is a. Annabelle rate for Virginia, and it would send a message to the country that just because this way in a couple of elections in a row doesn't mean we have to roll over and give up and I'm a fighter and I'm going to continue fight until the very end here, and I think that this bodes well for November You know he almost lost one of his races didn't they did, and
fourteen lost by every one, rather by less than two percent, though this is a hit. quickly we can combine. This is a year whenever a lot, majority, a large percentage of voted out there, who are trump voters who are telling poultry that and don't forget about from it, and so I really think through the tramp of urine and market. No, you live in Virginia with the argument about love attitude that work. of course I already did we. As a matter of fact, Yes, I do live in Virginia and depending how things go. I may live in Florida now. The fact Is that you're, an outsider you're? Not a politician like like Warner correct. I been out an army officer for many many years only that my first for public office of any kind, and I like the turbid, I can't run. Don't get your first day on one leg and I can't get it out, but you don't look. The constitution gives
a couple requirements for an I'm ready to do this work. You know I have a phd in policy. I can add, We do a better job than the yeah that failed, Senator more one. I ask you were what How did you lose your leg? Are you the explosion, Roadside Burma, the tech company commander, West, the Baghdad, a place called the body had been wounded by Iraq, propel grenade in November of four and then by a roadside bomb, and I e g on nine January tenth, two dozen thought assessment. Almost a year hear in the hospital, had forty surgeries and and really had to remake myself after that was when I went and got him after to Phd in public policy and did better partly in the light out for Britain, abortion and and supports up. There is a real turning point. My life and got come out on the other side in shining fashion and anymore, people in the american dream of the same nature, that, while the
People of Virginia are lucky to have you as a candidate. I think the people of Amerika would be lucky to have you as a senator to see if we can help. Daniel. Ladies and gentlemen, this gate for Virginia Dotcom G, a d e four Virginia com. You can find it on Mark Levine, Show Facebook, Mark, Levine, Show Twitter, Mark, Levine, show parlor or just go there gate for virgin dot com, J D for Virginia to come, Daniel. We wish you all the best, because I wish us all the best mark. awesome. I prefer average all prevent all your followers and less in urban and I'm glad we want all gabble and good luck to you, my friend, other important race. We have great candidates, we really do they. Abortion that's pretty much. There are bolsheviks, they all pretend to be something there, not you know, but their bullshit except the bottom line.
We write back then aims the association and mature american citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights
full time presence in Washington a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S! Senators Collinson Rakowski! Both women
voted against. Moving forward. Judge Amy Coney Berets confirmation that both ponies I don't care what kind of racism calendars and here's a woman whose Qualified, almost overqualified based sprinkler justice. has a higher I q than Collins and Mc Caskey combined and they both voted, against the process that would ensure she gets when the court to republican women. Voting against a woman Supreme Court, and I can assure you they wouldn't do that if it was left us Ruth bade against break type as they play the left in their states, that's pretty much why they ve done. they ve done. I have no respect for either never have let's we can slip in a collar quickly here. Catherine then over Washington. The great care UFO go. yeah. My mark a I just want to say it's the first time in my lifetime that in October
surprise benefited. The Republicans, and the corrupt communists, Media heads has shut it down, I mean, and that just drives me nuts. The other thing that I really want to say quick is dead clump in to these emails than this laptop. He needs to emphasise that he was in reached because of this. He was Pleased because job, I think, right now, he needs the focus on things that I get the voters rather than educating the voters about all these emails, there's not enough time. For that most but like you and me and paper listening to their showed their not focused on that, we ought to keep hammering it me you, the rest of. but he can mention it but he needs to run on the economy. We need to run on his response to the virus, which has been excellent. He needs to run on his successes and can it can bring up this issue? Don't get me wrong? The Joe Biden and his family are corrupt this hell, but if
to sit there and go through emails and everything and so forth. I dont think that sir that's gonna get. too far. But I want to thank you for your call, my friend every Friday, in honour of all of you in honour of our country,
don't forget folks! This week crucial make sure you won't make sure of five to ten other people. You know vote a man, is counting on your kids are counting on your work counting on you. Please army of us, we will take our country, and preserve it. Don't worry. Sunday p at eight p m on Fox Life, Liberty and le. Then we have a great
a full hour with Vice President Pence. We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel unites Friday, Privy Pepsi, Smoky Zelda g G and my beautiful Barney have a wonderful weakened. By get out there come on now, you can do this again. I dad mom and LEO less you off from the west. Would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-24.