« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/16/20


On Friday's Mark Levin Show, if Democrats win it will be due to senior citizens and those in the suburbs who are voting for Biden to destroy the supreme court, to destroy the Electoral College, and to destroy American life as we've known it. America has achieved the long-desired goal of being energy independent from foreign oil and Joe Biden would destroy that. Biden will continue the Obama Administration legacy of federal government control over zoning and schools in suburbs across America. Doing this allows the federal government to use suburban tax dollars to fund the larger cities in the area. Then, President Trump has more in common with President Lincoln than is commonly thought. Lincoln published his speeches and thoughts so voters would have access to them because the media called him a demon. Trump is similar with his rallies and tweets. Trump will be considered one of the greatest Presidents in American History. Later, Biden was in the US Senate for 39 years and did nothing to fix immigration, supported segregationists, and has the nerve to ask Black Americans for their vote. Biden was Vice President for 8 years and also did nothing to correct the injustices he harps on in his campaign. Plus, FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr joins the show to discuss section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and how it shields big tech companies from liability and from being treated like any other business when they stifle speech These protections were designed for antiquated internet platforms of the 1990s, not the digital juggernauts they've become today. Afterward, Congressman Lee Zeldin calls in to discuss illegal voting in New York's first district as he heads into reelection with President Trump. Finally, Congressional candidate Randy Feenstra calls in with an update on his campaign for Iowa's 4th district.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented podcast, as presented exclusively by Hills Del College, now, in its hundreds, seventy fifth year hills is a truly independent institution. Where learning
prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale, brother sponsorship, now broadcasting a mermaid underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader mark living here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one
eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. I got to thinking you know if, in fact,. the Democrats, when, if they move extreme political agenda. In american history, in them, Dangerous anti constitutional agenda in american history. Becomes reality. It will largely be the fault of the suburbs. And senior citizens are not talking about you folks and the audience talk about. Senior citizens generally and the suburbs, according to what I'm reading. Blue collar workers, union members. conservatives, people who
Do not have college degrees that may have gone to college just or community college, or not at all, are fairly strongly and Donald Trump card weaknesses appear to be among seniors in the suburbs. Now the irony here cannot really be stressed enough. seniors. Who are most familiar with the greatness of this country, who have helped build The greatness of this country and have received much of the benefits greatness of this country. I'm not talking about you. You know what I'm talking about. You have in your neighborhoods, in your families and among your friends, They will be among those who will vote, Destroy the Supreme Court. To destroy the Senate.
to destroy the way we vote under the electoral college. And destroy the way we legislate. I have two hundred and ten page communist manifesto here. It's called Biden Sanders unity, taskforce, recommendations. I believe I am the only tv radio holsters. Actually, truthfully read because their frightening. And they are going to tell you that they have a mandate and that this is their mandate. Seniors. Now that we have spent decades fighting to be energy independence. Today we are energy independence. We don't have to rely on any one. In the Middle EAST, OPEC went off to rely on Russia. There was a national security threat, a one point: there is no such threat anymore. Energy independent, what first things. They attack by Sanders Unity taskforce. His
Energy independence, they destroy it, they go The combustion He's telling this to see the whole country but seniors in that combustion engine. They don't really know what they're gonna replace it. They say they could replace with electricity. The promise that go after electricity. They go after all, liable common forms of energy, and what do you get you? Can California Brown out blackouts? Fires. Expenses through the roof, Make dislocation and people fleeing salt, Susan theoretical. This reality we see what happens. With one party rule and then the suburbs. I did a specific show on this on Fox
talked about. An olive in tv have talked about a repeatedly behind this microphone. Iraq, Obama and now Joe Biden in particular Joe Biden, want to destroy the suburbs? It's not just about low income, housing. The federal government will decide in no town or suburb in this country. No counting this country can do anything without the approval of the federal Deciding where he can put a library where it can put a school. we can put a gas station. What kind of zoning or haven't terms a housing, very hostile, a single family homes. You want to devour the tax base in order to help fund the cities. And so this notion of suburbs by their urban planners of the left by the community activists of the left. This
something they been wanting for thirty or forty years- to destroy the suburbs and at the. The bizarre irony is no matter how many times I say to the presidency says it probably doesn't have an impact on the people who live in the suburbs. Not you. You know who I mean. It will affect the quality of life effect. Representative government, who gets to make decisions. For the school systems will affect housing, affect everyone. Because no longer will suffer be sovereign one of the great things about are. Christine America, the two volume book books that the likes listed, the Pope, who wrote about is all these different towns and communities and counties and mayor
and councils and supervisors imports? He thought it was magnificent and he thought Because of that, America will never go the way of Europe never be a monarchy. Never really, a threat to the A but that's true. Unless the people in the suburbs voted, try themselves and what is amazing to me as they just Don't believe or they dont comprehend what the Democrat Party has become with the fair Joe Biden job, I'm just looks like the uncle, whose kind of dazed never do these things. But of course they will they're telling us they're going to do these things and they're going to make sure they do these things because they going to legislate without checks and balances. They're going to have the courts back them up, no matter how many town sue in order to get their sovereignty back. It's not going to matter.
The fixes in if they get elected,. Now go back to the senior citizens, Joe Biden says he wants the lower the age of Medicare from sixty five to sixty two Steve of the they care system say many cares going broke. If lower the aid from sixty five to sixty many cares dead does it has to cover more people with less money. Those having come it's over. And people are medic and in other forms of government care. Joe Biden has said he believes illegal aliens should have free healthcare illegal aliens that right now Is twenty million additional people. They don't believe in borders. So you can't twenty million plus chain migration at a hundred million, a hundred million people
The country in our schools were the suburbs, have no say about the schools, no say about where the schools will be no say about anything. flooding into the healthcare system as well? What's. Happened, it's gonna collapse. There will be no more Medicare, they talk about it. I'm a care. the existing conditions are being Obamacare. There won't be enough Doctors and nurses and hospitals and facilities you think The corona virus put pressure on our medical system. What do you think Many thirty forty eight hundred million people are going to do who have paid one penny into the system. Things gonna happen to Medicare when they lower the aged. Sixty it's gonna collapse.
The president should have overwhelming support in the among seniors. He should have overwhelming support in the suburbs. The way that against tweets tweets seriously. Really, you wouldn't know about Joe Biden Character, George Joe Biden, who they should be asking. The question: will you White supremacy because job embrace quite supremacy early in his great into the mid meteors. Career Donald Trump fight integration in our cities in our schools, Joe Biden fought integration and need only for integration and I've read it to you. He sounded like her wrists segregationist. He pen friendship letters with James EAST Lynne,. and John Status to the greatest
Radiation is and racists at the time for Mississippi. The Talmud from Georgia. He didn't just work with them. He befriended them Donald, never did anything like that. Ended the meat Keep asking him. Will you denounced white supremacy? They ve never even brought up Joe Biden Record ever ever. But will be the senior citizens in our country in the Suburbs in our country. That will turn this country inside out. to be the most radical leftist posts,. Institutional industrial nation, on the face of the earth. Senior citizens in the suburbs.
I want to salute those look: workers union nonunion. I want to salute you I want to salute you, men and women, to get Under your fingers, you do jobs at all, The people out there Joe Biden, hiding out in his house. And I want to salute my fellow conservatives. because it is you who are supporting this present. I want to salute the growing number of Hispanics in this country supporting this present, I want to sleep. The growing number of black Americans knots never get but growing. Who are supporting this president. but based on the data than I'm looking at. If we lose this country.
It's gonna be due to our senior citizens and our suburbs. Now look I know you listen to the show, I'm not talking about you, don't take it personally. look I'm a senior citizens. I just entered the senior citizens age and I the suburbs? Ok, not condemning you, I'm not condemning me. I'm looking down my street like use look in your neighborhood according to the data, senior citizens in the suburbs, particularly the women in the suburbs who are shifting towards Joe Biden. They haven't look this agenda. They don't believe turbines a beggar, they don't believe he's kind to institute these things and he is, and they are. There will be no turning back, because destroy the checks and balances of the constitution to acquire what they want. A temper, majority, a temporary faction- and I saw Take place here right in my beloved Commonwealth: Virginia it took
one session. Less than one year for the damn That sort of small majority in the house in the Senate and their democratic governor you know north. To institute some of the most radical p Abortion laws in the nation, some of the most radical gun control laws in the nation, tat His galore its appalling the point. I'm calling on seniors to talk to your fellow seniors. I'm calling on suburban aids to talk to your fellow suburban ice. Because the irony is people who have built this country and have benefited from this country, are about The vote for a party that is committed to destroying this country.
The people who live in the suburbs, which are more more diverse,. But have a better lifestyle than many other people in this country may In particular, the women are prepared to vote the most radical and extremist agenda in american history. Where they're going destroy their own communities, their own schools Is bizarre but it's the truth. That's what's lining up here. I'll, be right back then folks, I've something serious to talk to you about, I don't To tell you that we're in a fight for the soul of the country, one side in our country claims that America was founded on ban principles and build. Oppression. They even put to you a distorted history of Amerika. The time. Sixteen nineteen project, the other side nose like you, do that our cut,
he's done more to achieve in advance liberty than any other in history. The best way to fight back teach the truth. we can learn the true story of America from the college. That's better a teaching it than any other hills, college, my friends at Helstone have put together a great free online course called the great american story, a land of hope and folks That's just what we need right now hope so get spired sign up today, for free at Levine for an hills, delta com for him,
those course on the glorious history of the last best hope on Earth America and share with others. That's Levine for an hills, Del Back COM, l e g for hills, Del Backup, Pfizer announced today that it could apply for emergency use authorization in the United States for its corona virus vaccine by late November. at five to six weeks from now it's after the election. It would be truly acting irony, this president, who has worked so hard to get this vaccine as fast as he pop possibly could, which is a cure, pretty much a vaccine.
If you were to lose a selection than two to three weeks later we have a vaccine. It would be a shame to be a damn thing. That the media and the Democratic Party will have succeeded a treacherous campaign. and an enormous success that we should be celebrating in turn normal disaster on an open, you're Pfizer chairman and see Albert Peoria made the and it's been about the progress in developing a crowd of ours vaccine with its partner by Owen Tech. About Knowledge company the manufactures him. You know therapies and others. A great deal of confusion regarding exactly what a what Like to ensure its development and approval, and given the critical public health considerations and the importance of trade parents say I would like to provide greater clarity around the development timelines profiles
a partner, violent tax, covert, nineteen vaccine. He says are operating at the speed of science, but there are three steps that must happen before the company can release him and he goes on, but they're going to seek emergency authorization to make the vaccine available. By the end of November, at which time the president has already set up the manufacturing and production in the distribution for the vaccine. We ve never seen anything like this in american history right back folks, I have something serious to talk to you about to tell you that we're in a fight for the soul of the country, one side in our country claims that America was founded on ban principles and build Oppression, Davy them together a distorted history of Amerika, the New York Times Sixteen nineteen project, the other side nose like you, do that our cut
he's done more to achieve an advance liberty than any other in history. The best way to fight back teach- truth today We can learn the true story of America from the college: that's better at teaching it than any other hills college, my friends at Helstone have put together a great free online course called the great american story, a land of hope and folks That's just what we need right now hope so get spired sign up today for free Levin for Hills, del dot com for health;
course on the glorious history of the last best hope on Earth America and share with others. That's Levine for Hills Del Back come ill easy. I am free hills Del backup, ensure a land of our free home of our brave stays that way guile Magua there now heading seven, seven four year, one three old, worn warm In just a minute or two, I'm going to tell you something that. Surprise, some of you. And that is. how similar, Abraham, Lincoln and Donald Trump actually are. The Trump has more in common. Bring him Lincoln than you might think, Taylor bit about Abraham, Lincoln John Crib fantastic overthrown. He wrote a piece in the hill a few days ago,
and he's in many ways. A historian he's written about subjects ranging from history to education. during the ragged administration who served in the Department of Justice and education, National Download for the humanities And he's a Lincoln scholar. And he wrote a novel, all Dave. so knows what he's talking about and so The illiterate, media and others keep trying to tear down our President ike trying to bring you what I consider to be very substantial information, up has more in common with Lincoln than you might think. He writes this summer. Republican national Convention was full of references to Abraham Lincoln, which is no surprise given that Donald likes to compare itself to the sixteenth president, comparison that aggravates trumps. Critics, who don't to see the man they consider. The nations worth chief executive linked with a man
widely regarded as the best. This may Those critics heads explode, but there's. Fascinating parallels between the two presidents, as well as Contrast first it is, they share. The same political party. Lincoln was the first republican president trumpet the nineteenth. Men were long shot. Candidates and eighteen Sixty Lincoln, like Trump defeated a field of better next rivals to capture the republican nomination and then in the general election then came to office with little or no government. Experience Lincoln had served only four terms at the Illinois Legislature and one term and Congress trumpet spent zeal time in government. Trouble, on the other hand, had far more executive experience before us It's a lincoln rather too Man law firm with a reputation for disorganization. He often story Papers and his hat and in the courts
This spring Third Illinois Office at a stack of documents labelled when you I find it anywhere else. Look in this. Both men experience, Harsh reactions to their elections in eighteen sixty secessionists war. Ribbons was slogan such as risk students to Lincoln is obedience to God. Resistance familiar folks like covered during the most divided era in our nations history, trucks. Is governing, and perhaps the most acrimonious period it's the civil war, both presidencies have been times stream media partisanship in Life stay, newspapers were closely aligned with a democratic, a republican parties It showed in their reporting I cover this and on freedom of the press as well Eighteen, sixty three, for example, after Lincoln, gave the guy. Sprague address. The Democrats Chicago times proclaim. That quote the chief.
Of every American, must tinge. Excuse me cheek of every America, must tingle with shame as he. It's the silly flat and dish war. We utterances of Lincoln Speech. Springfield republic in Massachusetts, called it a perfect Jim, deepen feeling, combat and compact and thought and expression. Lincoln, like tromp was furiously attacked in the media newspapers, a demon, a buffoon, a miserable failure, a disgrace to the nation. The man who votes for Lincoln was a trader unquote. One was it's a newspaper asserted when you for reelection in eighteen, sixty four, you can imagine and what southern newspapers wrote of Lincoln Trot. Returns the media's fire almost daily, but is a song so many warm words Lincoln's Our attacks could be more aggressive. His administration believe some opposition newspaper field treason.
and during the civil war federal Thirty, sometimes harassed or even closed, anti war newspapers and they are stood editors It did not order the suppression, buddy rarely objected Lincoln, like Trump, developed ingenious and runs around the prestige, Monica directly with the people and if they get letters and speeches widely published, so voters would know us thoughts and words tat Has done the same with rallies, ninety minute, press conferences and his tweets Washington political establishment. Viewed Lincoln, like Trump with wariness at our right hostility, Was considered a rube from the prairie Clearly, out of his depth, mare, Lincoln, like Maloney Tromp was by many in the nations capital trumpets. What a street fighter his instinct one hit is the head twice as hard monsieur Four days Lincoln also was scrapper. He wants to
a colleague from an unruly audience, by threatening to break heads with a stone pitcher Another occasion he came close to doing a political rival with broad swords, with She became more conciliatory president. He sometimes called off by writing. Blistering letters. And filing them away without mailing them training for Lincoln, but and of course, was a wartime president trumpet his allies consider themselves engage in a kind of For on at least two fronts, first the swamp that is, entrenched Washington, elite and second against a hard left insurgency that aims to radically transform our country in both. This is trump supporters believe he is defending the nations founding principles, his approach, Strenuously disagree that perhaps, as the area of comparison with link that matters most Lincoln was free finally dedicated to our founding principles,
especially those in the declaration of independence, his favorite The document that we are Created equal and we are, The right to life liberty in the pursuit of happiness he that, as long as we stick to our founding principles, America can be a great nation and, in the end, History, judges president's largely on the defence of those principles. And that is one reason we admire Lincoln so much he defend. Them to the end, if any, from any party wants to be compared to Lincoln, let it be for that define. Our principles to the end. Not for some EU. This may seem a stretch For history will not be a stretch. whatever happens on election day and thereafter, I'm going to Are you something now for which I will be marked down
trouble be considered one of the greatest president's in american history. I am somebody who studies history. I am somebody who is obsessed with reading about american history, mostly from original books an original documents, but also others. I've written eight books. seven of which about our history. Our founding. about our philosophy and our principles and about the that seek to destroy this country with their philosophy and principles, and I do believe that this president Is one of the greatest president's we ever had? I do believe that.
And I'm gonna tell you something else for which I will be marked, but I know much care because the people who do the marking are typically. New ramesses and political hacks, Donald Trump has run one of the most true for an honest administrations in american history, where we President's more modern president's of use the IRS interviews, the FBI. And even the CIA like Johnson and next. Against their political opponents against newspapers, unlike Donald trump has never done. Any of that History will point out once we get past. The current politicians, the can't reporters and the current authors. Donald Trump will have been a victim of a grave error.
The destroys Canada sand is present. there's, not a resistance that were facing. Ladies and gentlemen, it is a counter revolution. More than a resistance, Mc Grath Party from time to time seeks to destroy the country. So far it has failed the quest As whether Enough of our citizens are going to vote to destroy our country if they're paying attention. I'm asking our seniors: I'm asking our fellow citizens in the suburbs and asking people who even considering voting for bad, never done so yet. Please By what you're doing sighed the corrupt press. There was cut. press during the civil war. There was corrupt press soon after the
finding the nation there was Europe press at the beginning of the last century, including the New York Times. Please put aside the press, a tall think for ourselves. Why do they hate trump because of his tweets? No, of course not. because he stands in the way hundred and ten page. Biden, Sanders Manifesto. Because he nominates people to the bench institutionalists who seek to uphold the constitution down Crop is a conservative intellectual he's, not a scholar he's a president. Lincoln wasn't a conservative intellectual and he wasn't a scholar either, but
new right from wrong, has Donald Trump. Those right from rock in both men loved this country. You know after I interviewed the president. Believe it wasn't a Thursday that I taped him for these September. Seventeenth life liberty, Then the President was kind enough to invite me, and my wife steps on had been in town to it, Invented the national archives. And at that event, at the national curbs, the present gave a twenty minute speech. About the founders about the declaration. but the revolutionary war, but the constitution. Genuinely concerned that all this is being lost in our public education and our public debate
This was when the rights, whereas hotter, could be. he said we must must get reverence for a country back. We must teach it in our schools. And these can be created at commission to do exactly that. This is a remarkable man in so many ways. Isn't it twenty four years old, his experience, what tyranny is like. Tis experiencing what the extremists are up to any standing up to them. You may not like the way he talks and tweets about the media, but Need to understand the media, media corporations have thrown in with the extremists.
They will survive no matter who is elected. When you look at who makes up the media George Stefano plus the sham, but the interview abiden last night the abuses of our president a week or two earlier this Diana Guthrie, as it turns out. I looked it up. Her husband is a very active Democrat Supporter of Obama Bummer everywhere they have seated the media We left us and Democrat. that's like sealing the media would support of the confederacy during the time of blankets, president's. Not talking about the ideology, I'm talking about the problem. Think for yourselves and then get people to vote He did he get five to ten people to vote. When I want to thank the other,
caused some of whom are back benches now, who are finally encouraging people to vote. I am aware that, although banned but I'll, do what I have to do. the weaken is ahead of us. You ve gotta act. I'll be right back then folks, something serious to talk to you about. I don't to tell you that we're in a fight for the soul of the country, one side A country claims that America was founded on ban principles and build Oppression, they ve put to me, a distorted history of Amerika, the New York Times One nineteen project, the other side, nose like you do that our cut he's done more to achieve in advance liberty than any other in history. The best way to fight back teach the truth day. We could learn the true story of America from the college. That's better at teaching it than any other hills.
college, my French at Helstone, have put together a great free online course called the great american story. A land of hope and folks That's just what we need right now hope so get spired site. Today for free at Levine for hills. Delbert come from Helstone course on the glorious history of the last best hope on Earth America and share with others. That's love, For a hills, Delbert, COM, l, E G Hills, Delta come know, ladies and gentlemen, I'm just trying to convey to as many people as I can. Fellow citizens. from the deeps crevices of my mind. Case for saving this country Can we continue to do it? I mean I've got pile
Piles of news stories here and so forth and never gonna get some trying to talk from my heart and myself to you. My fellow citizens. The weekends here you gotta get fired and people to vote or lined up devout Each and every one of you, you just can't put it off we're gonna We're gonna have a very difficult time in the days and years ahead, the governor of Maryland has made much to do today about the fact that he voted early and voted Ronald Reagan that he would not vote for either Biden or Trump. so he throws vote away, wanted to make a statement that he's a regular night. I was a reggae night in nineteen, seventy six and one thousand nine hundred and eighty- and I have to tell you- I don't remember Governor Hogan being around, but I want to talk to you about that. About how again- and these so called, never trapper, Republicans in the Lincoln Group, which
merges Lincoln's name briefly, We come back we'll doubled. Other matters as well will be right back from the westward one part gas network, now broadcasting on roaming underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script filtering we once again made contact with our leader, America Mark Levant, our number eight seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one three one when I want to remind you when Joe Biden says that there's racial equality, when Joe Biden says that
so many things we have to do in the environment. When Joe Biden talks about immigration, I want to remind you the job I was in the United States Senate. for thirty nine years. Was vice president for eight years. I want to remind you of who he is. During the brake- and I want to dissuade you from doing this- I hope your stick with the programme. I watched him because Ox has I'm going on. He screaming at the top of his arms. Mumbling his words, but he's going on with every high But an issue we can possibly thinker. all these problems he talks about. You ve gotta, wonder. does any pay pass. His salary is pension in his medical care. Back. Because all those years he was in Washington DC I'd. I just want you to think of a particularly when it comes to integration. He said
with the segregationist he's With the segregation. when did he's. Gonna get. Ninety percent of the blackboard. Part of the problem there is you: have these these mayors. many of whom are minorities who are Democrats before there anything else. You see that some people also That party is their faith and religion in the culture, people like Lebron James and rivers another other big Democrat. And so that has an effect that has an influence. And so ninety percent Black community will wine up voting for Joe Biden. Even though naturally hasn't done a damn thing for the black community.
He's got a career, where he said, races things and he did snakes. You don't have that went Donald Trump want to get back to Lincoln and wanted it to link it briefly as essential civil war curriculum has pointed out in eighteen sixty four one wrinkled lincoln, was running for reelection. His re election was not guaranteed. They point out. Lincoln's party was deeply split, the Republican Party, and he was viewed by many politicians and indeed by most of them as their worst possible candidate in it. In sixty four when he's running for reelection. Ranged against him was the radical wing, a band of powerful angry vindictive unhappy and humorless men bent on revenge against the slaveholding south.
Again as essential civil war curriculum points out there because believed, as did Lincoln, that the warm be pushed to final victory and the rebound crushed. Lincoln than wanted a benign choose me liberal. We knitting of the shattered union as soon as possible, free from recrimination. and driven by forgiveness and Lincoln Second inaugural address makes this abundantly clear. In its one of the reasons my father did a book on The radicals were disinclined to be benign lenient and forgiving. They were slavery. Hating abolition is, for the most part who deplore the kind hearted president's medicine Soft headed approach they At vengeance against the south and its slave holders and immediate, unconditional freeing of all slaves and crushing Toleration against their masters, Stern, relentless pitiless punishment
More importantly, they want to control of what was to happen. They wanted a south reconstructed reshape his. They wished it not as president wished. They wanted forever to realign the balance of political power in the union in favour of the Republican Party. But this well meaning kind hearted bungling present it as they call them standing on their way was maddening and frustrating for them. To a man, the radicals were displeased with them. They thought him wholly incompetent, too slow to has been too weak to Often the south, believed he lacked backbone, encouraged, corruption squatted millions was a flat failure and they were kept thing about desperately for somebody. Anybody to pit against him. Lincoln's challenge in eighteen. Sixty four was to keep is contentious party moving forward, a victory for themselves still on the driver's seat. At the end. Wasn't gonna be easy and so
Depended on circumstance, particularly how things went on the battlefield. He would have lost potentially he let grant now the head of the Union Army. And Sherman no really his number two. Then he needed a victory and The victory fairly quickly A resounding victory in a battle. which would become the battle of Atlanta. And it was a resounding victory- a crushing victory. It helped Abraham Lincoln when reelection. Abraham, Lincoln For Single John Crib wrote that peace there's other similarities, Abraham Lincoln. had fired a number of his generals.
Then a number of his generals became political opponents. One of them be would be a gentleman by the name of Mc Clellan eleven, would get the democratic nomination, on against his former commander in chief. Abraham Lincoln. Mc Clellan. Actually one several states. Including some of the north. He one is home state of New Jersey. But in the end he did looks and so on. When I look at the governor of Marilyn, when I look at Ex governors, Pennsylvania in New Jersey and Ohio, these acts. Officials in the Bush administration, Ex supporters-
became really in the scheme of things that many. But enough. who come out against Donald Trump. When I look at the Lincoln Project, should really be called the Mc Clellan project. And the operators and the scammers in the grief, curse? that's themselves these organizations and make an enormous amount of money trying to defeat Donald Trump. It is yet another similarity that Trump faces as Lincoln Face. And so a lincoln went into the election with Firstly, United Party, as Donald Trump goes into this election with a mostly United Party. Donald Trump has been running governing and goes into this election, the press that hate his guts much as Lincoln.
Ran for office would not all of it, but a lot of the press that hated his guts, so what's left so where are we or back then the american people Rose up and voted for Abraham Lincoln wasn't a landslide, but it was a good victory. everybody whereby was binding, their fingernails that lost. God knows what would have happened in the United States. Democrat agenda, a radical agenda was an anti constitutional agenda. Today,. For different reasons, of course,
american people rise up. oh for Donald Trump. Well, they vote for a radical extremist agenda which will Our constitution to shreds. it's the same two parties, Public imparting the Democratic Party, the same two parties. And the Republican Party is doing what it did back then trying to defend the constitution. Running under the declaration of independence Talking about equality in a colorblind society, the other he's doing what the other party does. turning citizen against citizen. extraordinarily violet and its supporters. And using the media to try and destroy the republican candidate the question is: will the marry,
it will be as wise in eighteen days. As they were in eighteen. Sixty four we're about to find out. I'll be right back then I'm gonna be direct with you, fewer cellular plan is with Verizon eighteen T, T mobile you're simply paying way too much for the exact same covered. You would get right now with pure talk, so It's your cell phone bill word shows data usage. The air person is switches to pure talk? Is using less than four gigs of data a month, but the big care? is charging you for unlimited data. Its paying for an entire row on an airplane, but only needing one seat. That's how pure HAWK, saves the average person over four hundred dollars a year on their wireless service. Unlimited talk text and to gigs have data offer just twenty dollars a month and
You go over on data usage, they don't charge you for it. So folks kinda pure talk is the easiest decision. You'll make today go to pure talk, USA dot com and enter promo code, Levine Podcast, when you do, you will say fifty percent off your first month that pure Usa, dotcom promo code, l e e n podcast, that's Levin, pod guest, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless couple weeks really. Probably a year ago, I made the point of being a compelling finding its expert that what these big tech companies like Facebook into Up to a massive in kind contributions, because they. consistently and almost relentlessly are helping the Democratic Party in the left in the way that they are they hand, Speech, which is what there
Their product is on on their site. But there's also other issues related to this in one is called this rule, or this section to thirty, No expert on that either, but Brennan TK, is the commissioner on the FCC, and I want to welcome you. How are you, sir, greater when you think you're having me it's a pleasure. What is this Two thirty is it a rule. Is that a regulation is a part of a statute, and can you please explain to us? The affection de the Statue debt Congress TAT back in the ninety nine these, when the internet was. eventually copy serve in prodigy method in board? There was very little content moderation going on their very little political speech, The building their businesses on the internet platform flashpoint today, those countries have met in boards are now the largest company that history has ever now with more control over me,
speech than any institution we ve seen in a minimal content moderation. They did when Congress at three as well, Border were seen even just as we were, come on a scale, silencing speech and doing away that, I think everybody would admit, is partisan and payments, of Democrats in one of the reasons are doing this is because section: two thirty, that's why see we're gonna move forward with reforms to address this issue. What a section two thirty do, those two things, one. It says that they are not liable for other people's speech. That's fine! The second! peace. So, if you're going to take down people's speech armies website do so in good faith and in You do so based on certain specific Craig. Sears is in the statute, otherwise you're not protected by two three right, all of us, a priest we all have pursue memory. Only big peck as you need in special
Immunity in the courts have read: two thirty could give them Carte blanche, silent silence, political speech, while maintaining your two thirty protection, that's not with the statute says in it it could be revised so that we can encourage more speech, and I d Firstly, it we don't need Silicon Valley telling us what we should think What we should believe You know, commissioner, these, these large companies of Lord people into their platform. They ve, encourage people to join their platforms. They might- ties that data many of us don't even know what data there collecting on us. and they a shallot. They monetize sites like mine, I'm where they put ads on my side, and God knows what else they do. I don't monetize they do, and so It's not like it's just a soap box. It is a huge cooperation is a massive business, as you point out, there take
The advantage of me they're, taking advantage of us, I'm just trying to communicate with my audience and show them articles and give them the opinions Freely to do that on radio, honestly that I am on Facebook, Twitter, we ve been getting warnings, we ve been getting hits the maid Never did before the last thirty days, like I've, never seen before on legitimate art. Laws from legitimate sites where they have phony Third party set up at Facebook, the very liberal say. No, your position on that climate change is not considered currer and their correcting me, and it's like What the hell is this this is pretty I'll write you ve Lord me into this. I build a mass of audience on your site. You have my at times it and now you're trying to control. What I say, intimidate me that clearly isn't what two to thirty intended right he'll here look these websites, have all the personal rights that everyone is have their freedom. Your opinion, but we know business
doing this country is effectively engage in a baking switch when these platforms looking to grow. They needed people like you, they attract people, Like you to help them gain, which now market shit when it did so, they said Twitter particular. We represent them speech. Wing of the free speech party. Diverse views are welcome here. Well now the people taken a business. There have helped build up. The The economic success of these companies based on those representation, turned they're, trying to turn the dial in a very different direction again, whether they the first was right to do. That is not the question. The question is that any business get to make. Presentations to its users. We will be Look neutral and engage in contact. That is clearly not writing. The core issue is not just an at fifty issue at the Federal Trade Commission is really no business in a country that should get away with this type of AIDS which, and they certainly should be immune research, It should get special protections.
Nothing like these entities. Look I'm a free market; guy, ok, they're, not. They're trying to control what I'm saying, they're trying to intimidate me. We have a large radio show. A large tv show we millions of people on these sites. I'm trying to do. unity with them in their interfering with me after drives ten years, helping to build up their site with my sight now they now For ten years or showing up EU climate change requires this. I've been really Santa who the hell are these people? This is quite outrageous so at a minimum. They shouldn't get special protections right back right, they have a permanent right of free speech. They dont have a first amendment right kitty. Special unique, pretty should that were designed for great mom and pop copies. sitting more people were building their livelihood on a copy. Your message board. It wasn't core to political speech and when you got stature those paths with special protection that court
bandit over the year to go beyond what Congress intended. It's time, reform it into your point, have fact checkers. That was beyond their not bad checker, their political editorializing, and they are laughing labels on speech, not because it information this because it believe it beginner potential. Just like radio to be a great equalizer in one of the reasons for its good people could speak their mind without having to go through traditional gatekeepers, that's chain. The traditional gatekeeper trying to feed control of the online conversation in one way there doing it is through these, so called back in applicants for years honestly were asleep the switch. There is a strong element of the conservative movement. That said, look we, sit on our hands and basically took the abject corporatism approach. Those days over we're ready watershed moment. Just this week, Justice Clarence Thomas issued a statement saying that too
Already have been read too broadly by the court republican meter. Mccarthy came out. Instead, it find a scrap to thirty the chairman, FCC said we're moving over to the relaunch of the dam is broken, and I think the conservative movement, I realise that if we care about diversity of thought, it's time to Action and when their censoring people from the president's campaigned the president's spokeswoman and intimidating people. Enough is enough. I want to thank you, Brennan Car, we're gonna, be keeping an eye on this. Take the FCC, the F, p c, and maybe the F easy should all be taking a look at this good luck and God bless register.
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they would see the red coats lined up against them. You have to fight to win be intimidated right away. We have a country of heroes were surrounded by a country heroes What battles and foreign wars that we were not expected to win? We can do this, but we have to do it. We can't just hope, And this weakens the perfect time to make sure your lining up five or ten votes each and every one of you here's what you do some you tell me you can't sleep at night, ok, women! get up, have no pad next year bed and make a list people. You want to call I just remind the but make sure they vote, help them with their bows, It's happened with male and have a man election day, you don't need to be an official part of the orange or anything. And if we do this
we're going to shock the nation. I mean here's a piece in the home newspaper. And the headline is binding. Campaign manager, race is far closer than experts, say, the credit presidential nominee Joe Binds campaign manager Jen? Oh Molly, Dillon. says. The race against President Trump is quote far closer and quoting conventional wisdom suggests I Paul showing the former vice president with a double digit, lead over Trump nationally small, but consistent leads Battleground States Dylan Warrant over Twitter on Wednesday night that the content accuse me that contest is a lot closer. Quarterly voting is under way. In many states she wrote, millions of voters have already cast their ballots, still a long way to go in this campaign, and we think this races far closer
folks on this website. That is twitter. Think like a lot closer caught on coal, what we need to make their worst nightmares come true cause. I happened. think it's a lot closer than that's being said too. I'm no pull expert but enough to know that there is no way that job buying gonna win. Any fourteen point ass, a landslide or anything of tat sort, but it's better. If he wins by one tenth of one point and that's why we gotta get our votes out. That's why it's up to you. Don't rely on anybody else like the founders. Ladies and gentlemen, they all were involved. All of them. they didn't say. I'm SAM Adams I'll handle it now. Now that power variant and as now this is our country. Where response before
Now I want to talk to parents for a moment I spoke, the seniors and I spoke to suburban nights- are aware, sparked all of America, but I want to focus briefly on parents. You know I am often baffled and I wrote a book called wondering to see a more from baffled by adults. We kids, who vote for politicians. Who do horrible things to this country, a baffled Your vote for politicians will do things to the country that you would never allow to happen in your own household, never. and you love your children. I know you do. You want the best schools for them. You're the best operate. it is for them. You want them to be safe. You want them to be happy
that'll be well fed and, while clove, we all do that. Flesh and blood. but that's the same kind of attitude you have to have when you look at the country, make decisions about who you gonna vote for when you vote it impacts your children. When you have a political party that is running on the most extreme and rather Agenda in american history, in effect your children's, can affect your children for the rest of their lives. Why would you like a trance like these, People on the left, this Democrat Party has plans for your public schools that you cannot even imagine you can even begin to imagine. The brainwashing and indoctrination. Is going to be beyond belief.
you already see some of it there turn your kids against this country. They're gone try and on teach them the values and the morals that you ve caught them in that. Learn from your faith. It's all right here and a hundred ten page document. by the way. This is quite the marxist I can make us in a jam Way it follows the communist manifesto. You know you say that people are very goes, I've read it. Have you. Now some of you have children just pick Does the nature of physicality. Hatred of their skin color color To be discriminated against as a matter of federal law, that's what the document provide. They're going to assign privilege to certain races disagree
The two other races, they're gonna, sign, privilege, to certain individuals, but decided Certain things whether genitalia. They're gonna sign this advice. Two other individuals I mean, rather than Reed, every human being. As a gift from God. as somebody who deserves respect for who they are their heart and their sole. Regardless of all the physical stuff right then treat every Person in this country, as a human being a valuable person, who should be treated with dignity and respect any quality. They got a whole plan in this document and entire plant. What are your kids for this plain to you even know now you don't know Do you understand I'm talking about those who vote for buying? I think they are. They don't even know what I'm talking about.
They know the foggiest idea. Document. Destroys prosperity destroys it. It destroys pray property rights it. Troy opportunities while claiming it's going to create opportunities to govern bureaucracies and redistribution of wealth ass, the people in Cuba and Venezuela and IRAN? And on and on and on about those policies. they're, going to create for your children, poverty. Going to create for your children, dead ends. going to create for your children by organization of the society Doesn't this matter. Doesn't matter what I talk about a few taxes and a few regulations. They they talk in in.
Language that they think is going to pull at your heartstrings. We need to unite the country. How is that crap party uniting the country today, how Joe Biden unite the country during his forty seven years. They Our intention of uniting the country they have every intention of rewarding certain human beings, disadvantaging certain human beings, depending on who they believe, will empower them and keep them in power and support their party that's. How they operate is that Kind of country. You want for your children. The constitution is what protects us from tyranny: constitutions, what protects you and your family and your children. The constitution places limits on these people limits on their design, Which, on their million ideas on how to control you and your neighborhood in your community, in your life in your income and everything else, it
gets worse? Do you know what's going on in New York City, ladies and gentlemen, No! What's going on under Governor Andrew Cuomo with this, Or a mayor, they call me, you know, what's going on. Their rounding up orthodox truce. their rambling them up. And arresting some of them, because not following the show? So distancing rules now course affect anti for black lives matter arsonists or looters, and you know it then interesting rounding up anybody there not interested in social distancing role. They are Targeting? Listen to me because many of you are writers, gentle their tar Orthodox Jews in New York, as I speak,. because of the high holidays, Russia, China, Yom Kippur Because of so these,
These are the big holidays and they com one after another. Orthodox choose their not fighting back. They don't go the streets were baseball bat molotov cocktails their nodded? packing the system called on called they're, not attacking the cops. They love the cops they governor Epps targeting the Jews in America. And twenty twenty, it's the left. the laugh listener how they talk. Why is it that the Democratic Party tolerates YO, see Ty Semite. Why or tallied whose an anti Semites. or Omar, whose an anti semite. Why is that the media, but Democrat Party media.
Got three or whatever name is married to an activist Democrat in the present the United States about white supremacy? Why don't they ever asked the Democrats. I made them specifically about their jus hatred. Why don't they ever ask them. Why don't they ever ass Joe Biden. about his racist past. Yes, this election there's a lot at stake. Isn't there a lot at stake: What kind of a country do you want for your children? They are bragging about their effort to destroy the Supreme Court and each and every one of you gonna pay a price for this you're so giddy they are so cocky. You're, so power hungry, they are telling Just flat out, you know that court used to be an independent, Yeah well,
We don't like the fact that the present United States is following the constitution of putting somebody on the court with the Republic and Senate before And because we want to put a radical on there and so Donald Trump should, for the first time then present american history deferred us and because you deferred. So this is what binds gonna say. Yes, we need to pack the court because Donald Trump packing the court? Are they going to use stalinist like propaganda because their demagogy, that's what they are. They hate that the because the constitution gets in the way of Progressive ISM socialism, Marxism, it places limits on the federal government. They dont want limits on the federal government They're going to destroy your Supreme court, they ve told you. They're, going to destroy your supreme court. So what are they gonna destroy the rule of law, the highest court in that country, and its purpose is to pull the constitution and our federal statute there
destroy so they're, going to destroy the rule of law? There are going to pay the Senate? Why so? Every Single thing in this hundred ten page document becomes law. If you show them and go to the Supreme Court, yellow Why This system is fixed by them. what also they gonna do they're going to do what they. In California Eddie, such process that obstruct Victories for Democrats, they will destroy. so they can never lose Don't never lose elections. Dockers, the judiciary and gave our what you want for your kids and your grandkids, a tyranny. Is that what you want? A tyranny is american soldiers have fought for a tyranny.
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Pure talk is the easiest decision you'll make today gotta pure talk, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levine Podcast, when you do, you will say fifty percent off your first month that pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo code, l e g, I and podcast: that's Levin, pod guest, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless as a great great Lanka victory Girls, they call themselves and they show lines early Not these long lines. Lebron. James Michelle Obama they're not alone talking about will this is demonstrates a voter suppression. Concepts before in these various communities. It's up to the local officials who are, did and otherwise
to decide where they want precincts so. If it is a mostly african Eric miracle me, let's say it's a lantern or Fulton County, Those are mostly african Americans make decisions on how many precincts they want to where they put him. So that's kind of a strange thing to say: that's evidence of suppression, but even worse wheel I too people voting that of itself cannot be Or suppression Every one of them gets the vote, so how's that voters, suppression, and yet this is this- is what we have to hear from the left. As they turn everything into a racist and by the way, after the top, the Leah we're gonna dig into by that I mean- approve, he's a corrupt long time Wash Nick politician, he don't give a damn about union members. He doesn't give a damn about working people. He and his family have made tens of millions of dollars of court on coal, public service in or in companies
Buying in his family are perhaps the most corrupt, polluted a family in modern american history, the media are covering it up: phase books covering up to Is covering it up the trail
get through the next eighteen days and there's a few voices that are serious about that, including mine. Come right back I'll, be right here from the westward one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now run casting a mermaid underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader alarm, Erika, Mark Levant. Here. If we don't prevent Joe Biden from the elected president, isolate, we won't have the most corrupt political family in american history running the country and not just crap
mystically corrupt with foreign actors, you talked about the Ukraine angle with Hunter bind. We ve talked about how Joe Biden lie that he didn't know anything about it. I will tell you, because Rudy Giuliani is going to be on my show Sunday for a full hour, and it's very, very important, show very important show a pm eastern honor. On Fox life, Liberty and Levin, and if he can't watch it live. I hope you'll dvr, because it's going to be a very, very important show. People have talked to Rudy, but, as you know, we do a deep dies for the full hour and let you in on a little secret cause it's important. This absolutely was Hunter binds computer, his laptop Because, among other things, he had signed a contract when he left With the gentlemen, And his own handwriting
said, among other things, that if he didn't pick it up a ninety days will become the property of the store, while he didn't pick it up and ninety days so his hand, written signature is On the contract The Washington Post in New York Times in the rest of the media were serious about this. They would have learned that, just by asking. but they're not serious about this, so they accrued eagerly army. They attacked the Republicans. They attack attack attack in this, is a very, very corrupt family, very corrupt family. And, as I said, the other day, program there, enough here, should God forbid Joe Biden, get elected at the report and stood there has to impeach released Doktor impeachment inquiry. Again, I know this will drive the left knots, but they laid the standard down and that's the statement. Now it
talk about Ukraine. Joe Biden lied. He knew about Ukraine at least he knew that his son was involved in it. And the media track down this Ukrainian, the for two or number three charisma and they could talk to him, but they choose not to. This forty thousand emails on here their naked pictures and. sexual videos of this guy on their that guy hundred bide and also him using a legal substance and so forth. near posters done tremendous work here: honey, pursued lucrative deals involving China's largest private energy company. he's entities, energy companies, including one that he said, would be interesting for me, and my family Koran called that's at an email this twenty seventeen, when Joe Biden no longer in public office by the way one email said two hundred by nor May thirteen twenty seventeen with the subject line expectations include
details of remuneration packages. Koran quote for six people involved in an unspecified business venture. In addition, email outlined a provision agreement under which eighty percent of the equity or shares in this new company will be Equally, among for people whose initials com part of the sender and three recipients with age apparently referring to Hunter by. The deal also listed ten Jim and ten hell. For aid for the big guy who's a guy. Ladies and gentlemen, you have to infer that its Joe Biden, meaning Ten percent for the big guy. help for H Hunter for his father? the big guy. the emails author, James gaily are of the international. Consulting firm J to see are also noted. Court. I am happy to raise. Any data was Zhang if there's any shortfalls genius and a pair references jangling John, the former eggs,
could a director this chinese company. Another email sent by hundred Biden as part of the August. Second, twenty seventeen chain involved a deal he struck with this. vanished chairman of the sea of of sea of sea. This chinese energy company Yeah Asia mean for Have ownership of holding company that was expected to provide Hunter by more than ten million dollars a year? obviously thereby access here. Ok, that That says, expectations it's all about access, access to access Father for God's sakes,. Now, ye who is tied to the chinese military intelligence service so, in other words, as a national security issues on top of everything else, hasn't been seen since being taken the custody by chinese authorities and early twenty eighteen and Companies e F, C c of sea went bankrupt earlier this year. According to reports gee, I wonder why they disappeared this guy, MR producer, don't you.
He be a hell of a witness, I wrote that ye had Sweden the terms of an earlier three year, consulting contract, that c e f c. That was too him, ten million annually quote for introductions alone on quote actions alone. Access both the German changed that deal after we met in Miami Toy, much more lasting a lucrative arrangement to create a In company fifty percent, by me and fifty percent owned by him wrote on Urban. Consulting fees in one piece of our income stream, but the reason this proposal by the trim and I'm calling with some more interesting to me and my family. Is that we would also be partners in the equity and profits of the joint ventures. Investment photo dated August one. Twenty seventeen shows a handwritten flow chart.
of the ownership of Hudson West split. Fifty fifty between the two entities. In his father would get a piece of the act George definite us last night. At a town hall meeting that was ninety minutes in length Abc New didn't ask oh Biden, a single question about this. Not one. He didn't ask Joe Biden a single question about the new information from these emails. Ensnaring Joe Biden, who said a multiplication. He knew nothing about. Charisma knew nothing about his sons. Business activities When, in fact, We have an email, let's called evidence, sang
and one of the top officials are that company thanked. Providing for the opportunity the why Imposed which splitting hairs says they don't know what that means the opportunity to do what? What do they think. But they're not going to pursue it so ABC News with George Deaf Annapolis, who is a Democrat Clinton Flunkey. And ask a single question: not one. The Washington Post, the New York Times, have not asked a single sears. I am pursue this cause. They're Flunkey is nothing. Joe Biden has been asked about his white supremacy. Is opposition to integration early in his career, not once nothing. Joe Biden has like four or five mentions, stated dollar has been asked once how he came took.
are those mansions. Oh you're, millions and millions in speeches, thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen, and why we're on that subject he hasn't been asked a single thing about his tax returns, which show that he set up an S. Corp and I've talked about this multiple times. Others are written on that's all I know about it- a serpent s court- So he wouldn't have to pay Sure security taxes. beyond the the cap, as a business anyway the Pandora's box care now think about that the guy's, going on about a care, but he doesn't want to pay into a care like the rest of us after his taxpayer. So this would be the most corrupt political family in american history going in. To run the executive branch. in addition to everything else, we ve talked about.
No, I've heard a lot about Obamacare. Lately A lot of time I wish I did, but I want to get into this- was an excellent piece by issues and insights a great great site. Still, more democrat lies about. Obamacare Democrats have spent bulk of the Amy. Only bear at hearing warning that she would overturn Obama care. She makes it to the Supreme Court, causing a hundred and thirty million Americans to lose protections. Pre existing conditions and costs to skyrocket,. none of that's true but then again Mama care was built on a big lie. You can keep your plan now. What are they talking about? In truth, that they really big donors who care about Obama cares future supporting Biden, big Farm afford Ample gay more turbines campaign this year than trumps sprawls a nursing home donations- we're Two to one and favour the health care sector overall has
twenty million dollars to bind, but only eleven minded tromp according open secrets, but the law go much deeper than that. First, the notion judge Berytus. Certainly, certain vote against Obama. Care, of course, is nonsense, but it's worse than that. It's worse than that, there are not thirty million people who lose access to health care, in other words, circumstances that comes from an Obama administration report that found that at most, a hundred thirty three million people under the age of sixty five have, conditions that could cause insurance companies to charge the more or deny I'm coverage at the low in its fifty one million whatever. you choose, fifty one million are a hundred thirty three million. It's why the exaggerated, because even without Obamacare. The vast majority of those people, roughly eighty five percent or already protected their pre existing conditions to because they get Average from employer plants or from the government, neither allows as a matter of law com
Denials are higher premiums based on an individual's health status before Obama, care or without obama- care the idea, That Obama cares, may private health care more affordable, laughable, almost The gains and coverage from a care had been the result of its expansion and medicate forces. People onto our poverty programme from these sixteen to twenty nineteen subsidize and Roma decline by two point: eight million people representing a forty five percent drop Nationally watch more four unsubsidized policies. gallop survey finds that the share people who say they put off medical care because of the cost has higher and than before. Obamacare Obama Has driven up the cost of your coverage, driven up the cost of your treatment and and thirty percent say they Put off healthcare because of higher expenses
those making less than forty thousand a year who are supposed to be the main beneficiaries of Obamacare Thirty's percent report putting off treatments because of the costs and twenty nineteen up from thirty four Sent in twenty thirteen Obama is insurance crap, its crap. That's what the Democrats given you crap at a mass of expense for people who can afford it right back, Ban Amy
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim at instead a m a seed dot. U S leaves Albin is truly a great member. That house represent, he is really becoming an endangered species, a republican congressmen from New York. His
history has been kind of messed around, with a lot of people from New York have permanently moved into his district. Many of them are Democrats and that's how they plan to vote is running against the left. Us. And I am very much invested in this race idle mean financially, but I, these elements is one of the best members of the House of Representatives. New York's the congressional district leaves out, and how are you, my friend, I'm doing? Ok markka alone, but earlier today, by the way one of those Democrats on the south fork of my district includes the Hamptons was arrested because he not only requested one absentee ballot for his mother who had passed away, but he then, a month later requested another absentee ballot for his mother who had recently passed away. So what we're not just dealing with folks on the other side, the I'll try to take back the sea there trying to get there they're they're dead mothers. The vote then too well what a woman I sun and by and by the way, LISA this. This concerns me greatly because
This is one instance and the guy's caught who they help what's going on out there. You know New York has a very bad record with respect to a fraud in voting dozen or so we have a stack of papers of people who are illegally in the country, successfully register to vote. Then actually voted, and the only reason why we were able to capture them is because, in order for them to file for you a citizenship, they have to submit a letter to the Suffolk County Board of elections, requesting removal from the voter rules, because they're playing for citizenship, so now the Board of elections is able to provide us doc rotation. The only reason why we know that they were right. Sir Devoted actually voted his they out themselves as part of the citizenship process. New York state recently enacted a new law that, if your
in the country. Legally, you can go to the local, the envy and get a driver's license, but while you're there, you will have an option on a form to begin to vote, but they ve actually change the rule to make a crazier than in the New York. State law is that you will have to opt out, so the person whose illegally in the country on believable we'll have to opt out and there's nothing. The system, India, envying, debar motor vehicles, order bore of elections. They can't get any of em to figure out what their fears and ship statuses or the legal status of Taiwan Lee usefully wanna. Do we want a gene up your alarm, you supporters, ear people need to understand that not only and not a shoe and but you're running behind and you gotta catch up with this other candidate they left us, and so what do you want people in or district to do. What do you want people in this country to do on your behalf?
with any support? If anyone can visit my website it seldom for congress dot com it, even if you are a somewhere else, you'll live in the first congressional district. If you can send five dollars or twenty five dollars, it helps us to fight back. We have we are being badly out span. We don't just have an opponent who has an ability to sell fund, but we have three. Democratic super packs against us. The democratic congressional Campaign Committee House, majority pack, which has Pelosi super pack and its other pack called three fourteen action, then, is that they actually had one of their ads pulled because it was just that far beyond the pale of of actual also ABC, fortunately pulled out one off of the earth. Anyone who live in the first congressional district on top of that support we starred in
her early voting a week from tomorrow and now be going until November first, so people can actually get out there and vote for us as early as a week from tomorrow we A pig absolutely anything for granted the other side is fired up, not just with the top of a ticket, but they are channeling that energy towards trying to take out any one. Who is supportive of the president. Anyone who has in our next to their name to give more power diplomacy to make sure the majority leader and, of course, to make binding Harris put them in Georgia. The executive branch nightmare. that Zelda for Congress, Dotcom, Z, l d I, and for Congress Dotcom already. How can I put this you're, the soul, or maybe one to George Republicans in the House representative you're. One of two are any
jewish organizations that are able to support your cause, supporting her cause. Yet Earlier this week the republican jewish coalition launched an independent expenditure in our race of eight hundred thousand dollars, which is a big independent expenditure. They launch their first tv, editing, tv, digital and mail and on the other side, J Street, which an organization at you you're familiar with it Bundling money for my opponent to left wing kooky anti Israel organization that hate you in anybody else. It supports Israel, Liza. Here's! What we're gonna! Do we're gonna hold you over a couple minutes. We have another guess terrible! We're gonna hold you over a couple minutes, so you can you can finish her thought, So don't leave us yet have you can
Please outline folks he's he's. One of us is Elden for Congress start clumsy out the iron for Congress, dot com, you ve, seen em, you ve seen him on tv, defending the president, fighting for liberty very, very, very important race, I'll, be right, back AIM Act. The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about? More
and talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U S far closer America's passionately, cerebral voice, talk with that voice. Now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one three eight one one leaves Ellen Concern-
the Republican running in New York's first congressional District Zelda for Congress that comes Li L for Congress that gun A good friend he is a, he is a fighter. He, Sir combat veteran just absolutely terrific fur for the cause of liberty so, Lee. You were saying your your opponent is one of these aunt Israel are in a real left wing. Sixteen nineteen year at times like Democrats, Roy
ST supported a candidate who considers herself to be a secular do, which is just a different, a different approach to duties, and then I'm used to seize on leftist. Yes, she, she absolutely is in Yoda J Street is dead, the type of an organisation that would be providing more funding to the Palestinian Authority, which incite violence and financial rewards terror. It would be tripping over themselves to to beg IRAN to get back into a neuron nuclear deal if they were success, one winning the presidency, so you use it yielded they provide cover too certain individuals who set the cause back in its confusing you when you're, when you on Omar, is able to say everything she was saying over the course of the first several months, especially when she got to the house and then you have
jewish individuals back in her district interstate across the country backing her up better. They empowers emboldens, embraces them, dammit, elevated folks, Zelda for Congress. Dot com is only the weakens left before the election, and if anybody wants to assist him in his district contact them through Zelda for Congress, Dad come in America. All these seats or America seats we votes on issues that affect the entire country and leaves Elam is one I can imagine losing him and then having a radical cook. It's a big difference. How for Congress that calmly, we wish you all the best. My friend of you, thank you for everything that you do tat bless you two important seat. Folks, and we have another friend of the programme ray Fain extra state Senator Iowa running in the fourth, this again I were how are you, Sir,
Margarets just so great an otter beyond I mean I appreciate so much what you do for pushing constitutional conservative conservative- and this is what it's all about, and I thank you so much for being the Voice of America on this issue. You and you know, you're one of the seats we ve gotta have and we should have an if we're going, Take the house and remove Nancy Pelosi. Tell us a little bit about yourself, So I live in a small town in rural. You know we live every day. We work hard. I teach good and economics, but a small christian University worry, I soon christian light out into world. They spread can't conservative values you starting a business. Raising a family. Do Do and fulfil the american dream, something else We must always don't like to hear I wanna know. teaching. I'm in the eye was soon at pushing their conservative agenda, lowering taxes and counting the budget and protect protecting our constitutional rights test. Your opponent,
my partner is a left, leaning, Democrat and very, very outspoken on government run healthcare. The hide himself on saying you know the green new deal will be a great thing, for farmers are different, Absolutely destroy real american cars, every farmer sixty five thousand hours or more a year and he's taken millions and millions of dollars from the liberally leads out in California in New York and just then a huge problem. And the dynamic it's boring much money in your district exactly millions of dollars, just just keep coming to an end at all. This is a sad rang wheels I once we can carry one another. They help me out April. Two thousand and nine are contributions from Ireland and all his money is coming from California in New York in Massachusetts, and things like that. I don't care about the middle of America. They don't care about our egg industry. It is disappointing.
amazing everybody interview, Randy same situation there being out spent the money is coming from the coasts. From my from Hollywood and from New York and Washington, and billion ere. I guess not five to sixty one, unbelievable believable. He opened it and these billionaires and these massive corporations are like by the Democrats, even though the Democrats, every intention of gobbling them up. Maybe maybe they they view this as a safe money, they're paying off. So they suddenly many proud. I don't know, but it's absolutely unbelievable. So People have you ve done for business, what what we ve all done forbidden if they ever deregulation, all their supper, open capitalism You have the same sentences flocking to the Democrats. I don't get it it's just it's because the corporatists they don't believe in capitalism, their corporatists, and if they can get regulations to put competitors out of business, they will and they know they can get that out of the Democrats and you're, not one of them
about your family, I have four wonderful children, not three that are in college one, that's an eighth, greater, my wife and I the married twenty eight one for years and we level I just want a wonderful normal life in rule out real America, my wife, I taught for twenty five years in China Garden and for most of my life, I worked in a private candy business, Sellen, candy talk and Navy, absolutely blackboards going. There's no oh, really work a regular like yeah. Well, listen America People's folks give us an idea. Some of the towns in your district
A small looked out like a shoe city. I will for Dodge Denison and aims, but somebody tell their seven thousand people population below what I live in a little town of twenty five hundred people born and raised here, and there is so little towns around major fight, then you know we're just fighting to keep our main streets. Open word is fighting to keep our hospitals. United arab access to healthcare is so critical. Right now, and- and here you have- somebody says you know what I want to get this healthcare we wanna have government run and were were fight like ever because we know that this lot on line right now for our main streets or families in and for hospitals in education, to conserve our rights. People want to help where do they go Four condors dot com say that again, it doesn't f, being struck or congress dot com and my twitter handle is Randy fiends draw any help you could offer would be great. I need to fight against the liberal left, leaning, Democrat
and faintness. F e e n S, T r a We're gonna go ahead and why post that good luck my friend Thank you mark continue. What you're doing we love you out here? We'd all, listen! Do not in Iowa keep shouting to the mountain tops! God bless you! My friend. Ok want to put a wager out there. Democratic, been saying to me that if Obama CARE is. The rest of its found unconstitutional, which is unlikely, I hope it is by the way you know keep saying the several bill A closet, cerebellum class- well, maybe not. But if it's found unconstitutional, My creditors sang a hundred and thirty million people with pre. Existing conditions will be able to get insurance for those conditions, as they were. There say Miss producer. Even without Obamacare, the vast majority of those people roughly eighty five percent are already protected because they
get coverage from employer plans or from the government. Not which allows denials, so I'm gonna, put a hundred thousand dollars on the table. Let us crucial, we choose trucks, humor. If, in fact, he's writer, I'm right. is that farmers to produce. Am I right or is he right he's a liar. put another hundred thousand. I was on the table if row verses way and it won't be, but Its knocked down as unconstitutional that will be no more abortions in America. That's what they're saying even those states to make those decisions or put another hundred thousand on the table which humor, Adele abiden he's a multi millionaire, but I do wish homer. Because they're liars. If Roby Way were knocked down this minute, when could still get abortions,
we're not in every state. I said when we could still get abortion. Obamacare was knocked out this minute. The vast majority of people a precondition existing conditions would still get be able to get insurance coverage that covers pre existing conditions, because the state law. So that's two hundred thousand dollars I put on the table must produce so chuck. humor. You will undertake about what. May you wanna put up a hundred thousand twice. You're, lying sack of oatmeal, etc. Yes, something like that I saw a do that I've done that and see what happens. I'll be right back
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending, disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim at instead a m a seed dot. U S sickening what these hack politicians do with all this money! I live in Virginia. I gotta watch this Mark Warner, whose good for nothing
and he's running these add saying he secure two trillion dollars and relief aid. He did not do any such thing. Then he pray. What he's going to make sure the schools or save he's gonna do that this guy is a loser. He's a pathetic bum. And he's running against a real war hero who lost his right leg. Lost his right leg. Is a brilliant young man. And then he says, oh he's, pretty much a cook, a conspiracy theories because he believes wearing a mask is tyranny. We all know what he meant Warner. You PETE who asked you you good for nothing. This guy Warner said he would only serve to terms They just lie and they have the money to do it and these stupid left us over where we Democrats vote Democrat vote. Dammit damn it a water he's done so much for us. Can you name one thing now that guy Barely talk talk
Nancy policy. Mr with this area, is disgusting, the watch, this guy Warner and I'm sure it's happening all over the country. These these disgusting fraud, This guy Mark Warner, hee, hee, hee, no white thing. I should call to training both he and not only that I'm the guy who's making sure we don't open the schools and other safe there. Thing adds their platitudes, I gotta watch, their city a day in and day out, honestly, look scary! If this guy we're corner wearing a raincoat I'd. Tell my kid stay away from that guy. Doesn't it has done nothing literally nothing. he'll get reelected because Virginia now is for lovers. they need to change that, Mr Produce, you know they need to change their too. That's that's the Virginia for Lovers Virginia! fresh, mocks, I'm surrounded by smocks right anyway, every Friday we Friday in your honor you
cuz you're going to go out this weekend and you're getting at five or ten people to vote right. We ve gotta, do this. We ve gotta. Do us the countries in our own hands.
While it is in german tomorrow, is our grand son Asher third year birthday, so happy birthday, little boy, we love you very, very much. Dont forget life Liberty and, within this Sunday, big deep die, but Rudy Giuliani, pull our aid, be amazed or don't visitor dvr. If we lose our armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel unites brightly and briefing Pepsi, Smokey, Zelda Gigi and my little Barney please get out there this weekend and work. Yet I dad mom and lay out get the votes from the west. Would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-22.