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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/13/20


On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Americans must choose between liberty and tyranny. The Democrats do not embrace movements for the people, they are for the government. We the People must never accede to the terms of our economic and political surrender and servitude. Americans must never abandon their children and grandchildren to a dark and bleak future. Never accept a fate that is alien to the legacy we’ve inherited from America's ancestors. Never accept social engineering by politicians and bureaucrats who treat us like lab rats, rather than self-sufficient human beings. Those who choose tyranny will vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. The rest of America choosing liberty will vote for Donald Trump. Then, Biden has been sucking at the government teat for 47 years. Trump gave up his life of luxury to serve in Washington, meanwhile, Biden gave up nothing to make a living on the taxpayer's dime. Later, The New York Times printed that the experts believe the pandemic will end sooner than expected and the President's efforts have been working with remarkable efficiency. Americans ought to be proud of what America has done. Trump has brought this country through the most dangerous pandemic in 100 years by embracing science, while critics were maligning him and trying to remove him from office. Trump didn't kill 200,000 Americans he saved millions because of his decisive action and Operation warp speed. Afterward, Dr. Mark Siegel, author of the new book COVID: The Politics of Fear and the Power of Science, joins the show to stress the dangers of lockdowns and how it undermines people's liberties. In fact, CDC data now indicates that 79% of COVID infections occurred in mask-wearers. Siegel referred to masks as fear-props adding that people that stay home will spread the virus amongst the people in their homes. Finally, Congressional candidate Wesley Hunt calls in with an update on his campaign for Texas' 7th District.

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