On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Brian Mudd from WJNO fills in for Mark. We went from Brett Kavanaugh to Kanye West in a week’s time. What we’re looking at after the Kavanaugh confirmation is the sliding scale of morality. Most people are not evil, yet none of us are perfect either. So how is it that we still have people that still defend Christine Ford? This happens when we have a sliding scale for our morality where we create our own truth and choose what we become outraged by - as along as our reasons are good enough. This is similar to the current outrage the left has over Kanye West swearing in the Oval Office. Then, in light of the Trump Administration's record-low unemployment numbers, Kanye drives home the importance of jobs and industry in cities like Chicago. Afterwards President Trump penned an Op Ed positing that "Medicare For All" would destroy American prosperity and taxes would skyrocket. But all it is, is financial fraud and is supported by the Bernie Sanders-backed candidate for Governor in Florida, Andrew Gillam. Just like increasing the minimum wage hurts small business, government-imposed healthcare hurts 'mom and pop' medical practitioners.
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