« Mark Levin Podcast

10/26/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Democratic Party Chair Tom Perez dismissed the Clinton, DNC, Russia collusion story as a case of opposition research. The Democrats have been hammering and lecturing Republicans on supposed Russian collusion for months, but now that the Clinton campaig...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Now, let me underline the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader, everybody Mark Levant. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, Three eight one one well there's been some progress today, the I informed speaker Rhine among others. I believe that it would give information related to the russian dossier. The Congress, the president, also directed the Justice Department to lift the guy
border on the whistle blower related to the you're uranium skin. For these We ve been pounding away a pounding away out on the radio and on live in tv. And just to show you what a joke. The democratic party Leadership is just to show what a joke the media are. We highlighted last night that Donald Trump Junior. Just for attending a meeting with a russian lawyer, among others, no information was disclosed. No information was passed Let alone money, let alone Kremlin smear information was said to have conducted an act of treason when it comes to the Hillary Clinton campaign and the
required national committee, and this sleazy lawyer Mark Elias the go between me, Billions of dollars apparently spent to get dirt on Trump, which in fact resulted in a british ex by contacting, among others, but he knew within the Kremlin and the Kremlin COM, smears against Trump? That, of course, not trees, and that's just opposition research and everybody does it work her last night demonstrated what a complete and useless broad. He is he's not a journalist. He, a good, when his mouth moves here in their bodies, essentially that won't Blitzer, put out the propaganda, the Democratic Party, because that's what they do, their the publicity which the Democratic Party for the most part claiming that, while the republic, started funding the fusion cheaply
ass in this led to that and so forth. There was a donor who, as yet disclosed, but he will be eventually he will be uncovered a republican donor whose ought to fund opposition research against Trump. He dropped it after Tromp was the nominee. It was picked up then by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee in April of twenty sixty, That's when a few months later, Christopher Steal, the british Ex spy was hired by fusion GPS And all the Russians connection russian connections with steel, fusion, GPS and then pushed out the media and with the FBI, came as a result of the Hillary Clinton campaign in the DMZ Funding fusion, GPS.
Through their bag, man, this guy Mark Elias and yet the media, the Praetorian Guard media immediately started its lies in spin and it's this information campaign there it is, the epicenter the epicenter, the propagandists would be CNN and the epicenter the epicenter would be Wolf. Blitzer, who were told over over again. He is the old man of news. Any pretty much is. By the way, I meant to say, I had a great great time today with Phil Robertson, formally that dynasty the patron And his beautiful wife and one of his sons. I interviewed him on live in tv and it's going to be aired in front of the paper. Serve the entire nation, all of you listening can watch it we'd. Both. It off. I really like this man, anything
regrettably, smart, the way he explains. He's at you and I agree with the way I explain them are quite different and yet, as we, both disgust. We come to the same point from the. In value system from the same belief system from the same morals. And one day I'm gonna go down to Louisiana. We agreed and the and spend a little bit of time with him. We had an absolutely is that out yet, MR producer, I guess it comes out of nine pm eastern. Soon, as we know, you'll know you, I watch this interview. I think the way And that these interviews, I ask what I think are important questions and I actually let the guests speak pretty much in their done answering the question, and then I ask another question: it's called
long form interview and I love to do in its the kind of thing that used to be done, but not so much anymore. I circling back this dossier is important. People downplay leftwingers, downplay people with low. I q that can't really follow it, they downplayed and so forth. We dont downplay because we ve been on this since day, one there is an excellent writer she's, an excellent writer. She writes for the federalists. You see your honor Fox NEWS Channel from time to time. And your name is Hemingway Hemingway and she's, really really good. And she has a piece in the federalists which is her main place for writing. I believe here the ten most import party claims about the steel dossier where I caught the russian dossier and we're not gonna let this go we're not gonna. Let this go till. We get absolutely to the bottom of this
Number one russian officials were sources of key claims in the dossier wooden midst of a media frenzy. She writes of a russian DIS information campaigns, particularly as they apply to the twenty sixteen election noting that the sources of the Russia Trump Dossier, we're senior russian officials. Senior russian officials number two No, the russian dossier was not initially funded by Republicans when the news broke that they couldn't. Pain in the DMZ were, admittedly, wait. Wait, partial responsibility for the russian dossier, journalist. Like they presented it as Clinton. Camp an operational along, they some claim that was initially funded by a Republican, for instance Jake Tapir he treated essentially that after he withdrew a tweet, He took the tree down when the error was pointed out there is no evidence that he replied condone I Republic campaign was ever involved with the rest.
An dossier. Opposition research. Yes, russian dossier. No fusion, PS claim to reporters that they did not provide evidence that a Republican funded separate position. Research on trumped dealing with his business interests but even the Washington Post reports. The dossier did not exist until after the Democrats hired fusion cheap after the damage that's Mark Elias, a lawyer represented the Clinton campaign in the Dnc, retain fusion gps to conduct the research after that, the washed imposed row Fusion GPS, high dossier, author, Christopher Steal, a former British Intel officer with eyes the FBI and so forth and so on, even the initial Washington Post report, which was a leak, on those who had knowledge about this by the chairman of the Eu
House, Intelligence Committee, Devon Nunez, because there we're gonna get the information in court anyway, number three, the dossier chock full of discredited information. Journalists were friendly, fusion, gps and opponents of the trumpet patient claim without any evidence of any kind, be anonymous sources, vague, say so that the dossier has parts that we're verified that could mean something as simple as the part about Russia trying to find information about Trump about Trump affiliates having fun business relations with Russians. We have no evidence to suggest that anything significant from the dossier has been verified period, and we don't know how much of any was actually deliberate. This information from the russian government sources fact we every portion freelance spy, who put together some of the information. The dossier was paying further information and used intermediaries, former acting
see director and Hillary Clinton campaign. Surrogate Michael morale said this was discrediting quote. This is him and I ask myself why do these guys provide this information? What their motivation and I subsequently learned that he paid them that Mary intermediaries, pay the sources and the intermediaries got the money from Chris meaning Crystal, and that kind of give me a little bit because, if you're paying somebody particular former Russian Federation security surface officers, they are to tell you true. And innuendo and rumour and they're going to call, I have another meeting. I have more information for you because they want to get paid some more, get paid. Some more morale said, so the point is far from being verified. The dossier is better described as demonstrably false that includes getting fat. About Russia Wrong making claims such as the claim
Tumblr, Michael Common met with Federation Council Foreign Affairs said Constantine CASA, Chairman Prague, better. Verifiable wrong because he never went to Prague or check or the Czech Republic number four. The dossier was used as a basis for wiretaps on american citizens. In Arch Washington, Post, use, anonymous sources to report the FBI They secret court order last summer by on? U S: Citizen Carter, page paid informal advisor to the Donald Trump campaign, as part of an investor, Asian and the links between Russia and the trunk campaign. See an unused anonymous sources to report that the infant golden showers dossier was used as part of the justification to win approval to monitor the Trump associate. A Clinton campaign. Opposition research opposite research operation. You
information or dish information from top russian intelligence officials was used by the FBI. These I also say to a neighbour spying on an opposing political parties campaign how in saying this since March since March, for which I attack Oda Wikipedia Live in its millions of young want to go. I want you to go to Wikipedia undermining and look at how that discredited. Wikipedia operation allows leftists to go into that site And lie about me and cherry pick the information, and they do this about conservative all the time. On this show behind this microphone fox and friends, Sunday. On Hannity, I exposed help expose.
The domestic surveillance activity that was going on in this country. By using media reports, the Pretoria guard media, which exists today to cover up for the left the cover up for the democratic powers. To cover up for a cover up for a call me and all the rest of them all arrested now there's more here. Those of you who care about your country more here and what touch on it as soon as I return the Maiden lady genuinely attention span. None of the american people of radio, wholesome tv
we are making some progress actually making progress. After almost a year of a mass of propaganda effort by the Democratic Party by Democrats, surrogates at the FBI, the USA, by Democrat Pub Just in the media and so forth were actually making progress. Has I am today. Let me talk about something that is absurd. It's absurd. That's why I will never do that. We ve met some additional progress. Today after I go through this, I will explain fact quite shortly back to the Hemingway list of the here, the ten most important reported claims about the dose, the F b I also pay. For the dossier. Fusion GPS was working on behalf of Russians while working on the Deuce dossier, but they
plain without providing evidence that they kept there. The other Russia work separate from the Trump Russia dossier. Work got that chemical, release their environment friendly journalists at the Washington Post last night, when tromp ass, the FBI, many political journalist, faint shock and outraged that he would make such a claim. Should not have their outlets had already reported that yet the I tried to pay for the dossier and had in fact reimbursed expenses for the dossier. We do no it those expenses include the payments to the russian officials for isolation stories and republican nominee for president from the FBI, resisted all oversight by congressional committees, looking into the FBI's role in funding and use of the dossier. Perhaps the aid she's, where it will be revealed that a place a court judge was misled about the provenance of the dossier. Perhaps the agency,
Worried about light shining on its use of the Clinton campaign operation aspire Trump affiliates speaker that ass, Paul Ryan, is backing House intelligent committee efforts. I would be Devon Nunez to learn more about the the ice handling of the dossier and here's the breaking news on that. This is from political. The FBI as agreed to deliver documents related to the dossier. The house GNP investigators, speak Orion, said today: the House Intelligence Committee on and tat the House Khamenei Select Committee on intelligence for months notice. They don't mention Devon, Nunez right there in that first sentence. For that paragraph they do not want to give. This may credit, in fact,
We have to a smear him. The House Select Committee an intelligent, a k, a trim endeavour. Newness four months has been seeking information about how law enforcement use the dossier, which suggests russian spent years called of any Donald Trump as an ally and gathered evidence that could be used against him. Look how the political reports this Rachel bade! You are: a fraud you're a clown. Let's continue number seven a month of ten fusion GPS
This time the media are problematic. The principles of fusion Gb S are well connected to mainstream media reporters. Their former journalist themselves are now had a package stories and provide information. A push narrative. They are, in fact close friends with some of the top reporters will cover the Russia Trunk Collusion story: fusion, cheap. He s, place stories with friendly reporters, while fighting congressional investigators attempts to find out the group sources of funding fusion. She PS leaders have taken the fifth and fought subpoenas for information about the group's environment. Would Russia there close friendships with key reporters on these stories, have paid huge evidence for the firm, although these friendships
operator relationships have not served the public well, fusion, cheap, yes, was responsible for the dose here, but the group's larger narrative push to report. It is even more influential any difficult story to unpack due to defensiveness embarrassment and outright media complicity, There are three more items that Hemingway writes about and very worth raising the Federalist understand better what this is all about, the great scandals in american history right before our eyes legacy and their several other. At the same time, I'll be right back just in time for Halloween the church, humor and Nancy Pelosi nightmare continue, call now eight seven, seven, three one three, eight one one
no reason to hurry. We're gonna go through this carefully and thoroughly, but we're not seen in hereafter number eight out of ten on the Hemingway piece in the Federalist about the. The russian dossier. Number a gym call me personally brief trump on the dossier. Shortly before CNN reported on it. As confirmed by the Washington Post, the Russia Trump Collusion narrative was a Clinton campaign, political operation, the yea itself was shop around by fusion GPS, a year ago to the New York Times the Washington Post, Yahoo NEWS, the new Yorker and CNN according to lorries for the ex. By who work on the dossier. The dossier was so unverifiable that the only reported by was from Mother Jones,
We get the ball rolling on last year's Russia trunk conspiracy. Theory, then, was not the dossier itself, but the briefing of it by Obama, intelligence chiefs to President Elect Trump in January. Former F b I had Jim, come admitted under oath that former director of Intelligence to change clapper asked him to personally brief president tramp about this dossier. The that meeting was quickly leaked to CNN. The leak that the meeting happened. No one was binding on the dossier in it needed legitimate station for bypass no one was binding on the dossier in it needed legitimate station for by opponents of Trump if the dossier with so shoddy that it was the two hours after Busby posted it on all its in all its salacious glory? Why brief the president and the President elect on it much less leak it
what was the real purpose of that meeting and that leak to CNN number nine Mahler segregation spared by dossier and illegal leagues from intelligence operatives about Trump. We know from previous weep but that the dossier of Russia supplied information or disinformation was by the FBI, to secure a warrant a vice or why? by an american citizen advising and opposing political parties presidential campaign. We, that this dossier was funded, at least in part by the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee and the FBI? The firm that pretty the report was itself funded by Russians. We know that call me Brief trump on the dossier, This meeting was leaked almost immediately to CNN. We know that, criminal leagues from intelligence officials regarding Trump associate conversations with russian counterparts. We know that
Tromp was thrice told by call me that he was not under investigation regarding Russia and a year into the opposition research provoke Russia scare. We have no evidence of the trunk campaign committing trees and by colluding with Russia. None Because of this dossier and its selected use by intelligence agencies, we have a special secure, running a no holds barred investigation into Trump. That, according again to CNN has gone the areas that have nothing to do with Russia or the twenty sixteen campaign with two. Congressional investigations into alleged collusion of Trump in Russia and we ve had thoust of stories focused on supporting the Clinton campaigns. Opposition recent finally number ten This dossier was a Clinton, Dnc, funded operation, supported by the FBI and Info heavily by russian operatives in the Kremlin. That country
spent the last year with a bomb intelligence officials, the media and democratic, leaders pushing a narrative of tromp collusion with Russia. The steel election that was supposed to be one by Hillary Clinton. A meeting between tromp officials and a Russian who falsely promised dirt on Hillary Clinton is the best evidence by far the point. This narrative Yet here we have the realisation that the Clinton campaign Dnc and the FBI all work? Wittingly for on with Russians to affect the results of the twenty sixteen election, far just meeting with our russian and not getting dirt on a political opponent, these groups, wittingly or unwittingly, paid russian operatives produce information to harm trump going to church. These sixteen election and beyond. Worse these efforts Where did our justice system by force
the attorney general to refuse himself for the crime of having served as a surrogate on the trunk campaign. Supporting a massive strolling limitless probe over Russia these, things are so much more damaging to the republic. Then a couple hundred thousand dollars an add on Facebook, actually a thousand dollars and adds on Facebook pay by a russian russian trawls about a pipeline protest wish on the cane on this today. Where's Bob quarter on this today, we're just like yesterday, where Susan Collins, on this today, where's LISA Mc on this today. Nowhere nowhere and yet you and I You and I are supposed to be so stupid that we believe surely nobody in the higher up the Democratic Party of the Clinton campaign anything about this.
You're just seen and report Hillary Clinton campaign chairmen, John Podesta, and former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Vaseline shots both price, late denied the congressional Russia investigators that they had any knowledge about an arrangement to pay for opposition research on President Donald Trump. Three sources familiar with the matter told CNN. Most CNN credibility is shot, but it did. Interesting, the point that produced Is the Hilary campaign chairman and the Hilary can paying paid money for this fusion gps and former head of the deep sea at the time the head of the Dnc Debbie boss, in short, they know nothing that simply is not credible. The interviews happen before this week's disclosure that the Clinton campaign and Dnc paid for the research by the way now to see it, and do we have this information now
the CNN at all, because CNN part, separated in this trumps, mere as it was as we pointed out through the Hemingway peace. As information was leaked to see and about the fact that the meeting with with a coma and so forth Senate investigators may seek to further question the two top Democrats and dig deep on the origins of the so called Trump dossier, one of the sources briefed on the matter said so they're getting leaks from the Senate Intelligence Committee and, what's that, Sitting here is the Senate Intelligence Committee has done nothing. Nothing. Take this scandal as far as had been exposed, it has been there intelligence committee added. In the Senate Judiciary Committee, Mr Blair, and Mr Werner have done crap their remarks the congressional investigators, raise the stakes in your assertion that they knew nothing about the funding because
it's against the law, to make false statements. The Congress. The White House I seized on the funding disclosure? Ok now the white have early. Second guess what more like what they seized on the White House is repeating the facts. Some Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burton CNN yesterday that the disclosure that fusion GPS has been paid by the clink painted Dnc open they knew line of inquiry for the panel to pursue as part of its investigation. Whether how is this guy then bear He is damaging sounds I think he is. I think he is this provide. Just the ability to connect some doubts that we couldn't do before what Mr Blair, you oughta, be thanking Devon, Nunez and, quite frankly, your colleague Chuck rashly you, Sir, are useless.
Absolutely use and by the way said and your useless to absolutely useless, So this is a big deal, ladies and gentlemen, it's not something we should move. We will move along. Now it's a big gap and Tom Perez. They re cook, who runs the DMZ and his deputy Keith, Alison, the radical cook. Who is this Can he commanded the DMZ I've tampering thinks this is no big deal here. Is it the university Chicago yesterday cut three go I find this issue somewhat. Curious because here's a news, flash candidates, Conduct research on their opponents. And. In the case of Donald Trump, the imperative for that.
To not do. That is political malpractice. Why there you go so this! This is the game. The left place all the time when they caught when they cut We were lectured and we were told that Russia interfere with our election. Emma cracks the Senate Intelligence Committee with much fanfare with a clear light time on those public hearings. That they ve never seen anything like this. This is an attack on the american system and so forth, and so on and the right about that now now but we have the b and c and they Hillary Clinton campaign paying bag. Man lawyer who lie to the New York Times reporters because he didn't want to get caught. You didn't want to climb to get caught to pay Fusion GPS, which pay money to an Ex british by who pays
maybe get information from the Kremlin. Now we're told that's commonplace: opposition research! Don't worry about. We should all be rising up and disgusted this, ladies and gentlemen, disgusted this scandal. Discussion of the Democratic Party disgusted Hillary Clinton and discussed at the media What do they take us for. Back to the matter is like it or not: and I crack you were in bed the Kremlin. You were whatever. Connections, business or otherwise. You were in bed with a crash. Not only will you seeking dirt on Donald Trump, you are happy to concoct dirt on Donald Trump and spread it as fast as you could that's what you did.
Chris Denver Colorado on the market of in a liberal go. Am I confusing you, sir, I said go at your on getting here. Ok are sorry about that. Got yes You now to use your phone yeah I got it. I must be going in the mouthpiece, not the year, peace, Angela fourteen Toy seventeen you had posted on your website on Rotational Donald, juniors meeting with the russian lawyer was an inappropriate what is inappropriate in those countries and pushed off the cliff, and you can go on with non sequiturs allowed to read the whole thing. Well, I'm just saying Isn't that lie said? Why don't you read the whole thing anyway. Guy had make your point on the church. Absolutely brilliant! Go ahead because now operates
and see? What do an opposition arena denies two different things? Don't you? Let me ask you a question buddy, you understand difference? I know you understand the difference and it ended at this stuff. I, why are you so driven to defend something. You know. That's indefensible, To know, there's no parallel what Donald Trump Junior met with a russian law may be rapidly phalanx of lawyers. He got no information. Provided no information. He paid no and so forth Commander there and then make up smears and put him in a dossier and start pushing it to the FBI and the media in calling for a special councils and everything else. Whether you see the difference or not. Why are you so logically driven You cause yourself to lose your own conscience your own integrity, your own willingness to think for yourself.
It's a matter of self respect, even if you don't give a crap about the country. It's a matter of self respect. Repeat this stuff that you hear Adam shift say that you here parent perishing, you know, more than this I would be caught on to thorough got your question. Nationals now got your question. There is a distinction. You know full well if Donald Trump Junior had done everything we talk about in this dossier? He would be he be facing a prison time? As my guess he began front of the special prosecutor. He began in front a committee after committee after committee. Here we have actual collusion with the Kremlin, not possible collusion not passed gathering infamy actual and now you and your elk say this. Is
sickly opposition research, now he's gone, he has to be done. It's embarrassing listening to people like this, it really I am more than happy to entertain them, but it's embarrassing, because if you defend this, you do that you do not love your country. If you defend this, you do not love your country. I'm intellectually honest, have Donald Trump Junior done anything like this. You the latter on it? You know I'd be all over him. He did nothing. He wanted meeting. It was an absolute loser meeting. He took no affirmative steps, none no money Thing no gathering information actually get nothing. He didn't. That's a lie of a report and get it to the FBI had eaten push it after them. None of this now That's none of this happened.
The right back, I just want this to be an important. Until all of us, and all of you, if German Nunez. Had conducted himself the way chairman, where does in the Sun Intelligence Committee, we wouldn't know any of this honestly, If I, behind this microphone, didn't press and press and press despite the vicious attack said I had to confront. We wouldn't know some of this information. We just wouldn't. The way I see this, the media have been a fault.
Participants in a hostile counter intelligence operation in a hostile counter intelligence operation. Donald Trump, it made no sense to me from day one. Why would they hate down Trot the Russians. Excuse me the: why would they hate Hillary Clinton? The Russians. She and her call large gave the russian twenty percent of our uranium. It never made any sense to me always gotta As they deal with the weather mere this one and Vladimir that when I, what the hell he's got business deals all over the world. I know he doesn't have a business deal that conveys twenty percent of control of american Uranium two. I Vladimir Putin's whole company, why they wouldn't Russians, one Hillary Clinton, twenty helped eviscerate military. She said the iraqi deal. I mean that sugar typical live. You know, folks, literature.
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women. S will take free for a limited time order. Now I get a surprise luxury gift, also free folks, now's, the time to act. Eight hundred skin six, oh four, eight hundred skin six. Oh for that eight hundred skin six. Oh four committee, after committee, after committee media out After media outlets, after media outlets, special council investigating Trump collusion with Russia, trunk collusion rock you think if they had anything anymore, so anything It would have been pushed out by now they ve got nothing and now we know that much of this, for this was a smokescreen, because the real collusion was with the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democratic Party and, worse Perhaps agencies and departments of our own federal government- this isn't a conspiracy. This fact I'll, be right back.
Now let me underline that the bowels of the hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of a nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader how everybody Mark Levant, here our number, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one after another, life. A leading light has been pressing me. Investigations and, in particular, as relates to uranium scandal, has been Rhonda Santas Republican of Florida. He has been absolutely outstanding. The Santa's there's a handful of those who have fought this bad and I have to say grasslands. One.
On the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Senate Intelligence Committee, as you can tell us, been absolutely silent- absolutely useless John Mccain, silent useless Bob Corker, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, silent useless. Isn't it amazing they save all their Vitry offer Trump and not just trumped? They save all their victory. Offer you and me conservatives. Now the Democrats. We are demanding heads when it came to and comes to Russia Interference with our election- and I just want you to think of how shameless and dishonest these people are, including the media law, accusing Trump of collusion with the Russians, taking any
statement any meeting in twisting as evidence throughout the period of time, even during the republican primary. Up to him before the general election after the general election into his transition period for the present. They were tied to this fusion gps. It is simply not believable, but Hillary Clinton and her senior do just didn't know about this, it is simply not believable. With the chairman of our campaign. He campaign that funded that funded this. Wouldn't know about it. It is simply not believable that the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, the term Debbie vote The main shots would know about Or her senior stooges would know about, and we
two New York's lines: reporters and they rely too by Mark Elias, the bag, man, the General Council of the Clinton campaign, who was responsible for retaining fusion gps. But let me say this about these two reporters at the New York Times. There is lots and lots of leaks from pseudo conservative from conservatives, as well as the left. What kind of reporters are these. There on the trail of a massive scandal,. And the lawyer, the bag man lies to them and they drop it. This guy can vulgar. And Maggie, what's your name have remained or something to that effect there on the trail the lawyer, the self serving lawyer who doesn't want this
God he lies to them, they say and they move on and that's that what kind of reporters are they truthfully. Now we have this massive cover up and obstruction were Clinton, fidessa shots. Shots Dnc chairwoman showed sounds like shots. I know nothing. I know not right. So what we have now is a conspiracy of silence where we have now is a cover up. It was However, there was actually begun by Mark Elias their lawyer. It cover up where the going to court to try and block the access to information, and until just today, the
I was involved in the cover up and we will see now what the FBI New with MR coming over the extent to which they are in fact going to be cooperative. And I want to thank you in this programme, among others, for pushing and pushing and demanding this and demanding the stuff It's hard to follow so you'll get re. Your hosts and tv hosted appeal. Often you know they want to talk. Twinkies or whatever they want to talk about. So that's, that's quite interesting to me.
Here's Devon newness on Fox NEWS last night cut one go well, I'm in love with support in the documents and we're waiting with National Council now representing us in court. But when you play the fifth and then you go to court shred of losses from it in the information and then it gets leading to the Washington Post at the dimmer Dnc. Neither campaign pay. For this reason, I think we have a problem now. I think the next focus is gonna, be on whether or not did the f B. I use this dossier to get any warrants. Did they use it to open up a counter intelligence investigation and if they did their using unverified information to open up inquiries into american citizens? Think with a big problem, guys so right on. He's so right on governance.
Look at it this way. I said at the last hour the media had been a full participant in a hostile counter intelligence operation for partners The Russians have succeeded beyond their imaginations and they are laughing their life. Just think At this, in a common sense way, put all the media praetorian Gar propaganda away. Why would Vladimir Putin's one Donald Trump to win and Hillary Clinton lose when knows they can be bought. That's right. I said he knows they can be bought. Why would he do that. Give half a million dollar two big dummy be bill. Clinton gives a speech, is cheap, different russian outfits give a hundred and forty five
million dollars to the current library. Wiser russian wing in the Clinton Library- and we know- there's been a lot of debate. Will Hillary Clinton didn't actually vote on this and seven while she could have stopped it? Did you not know a thing about what the Russians were doing? Was she that incompetent wish you hadn't, capable, of course not the F b? I knew all about this all about it and they, like the deal, go through that Mr Mulder. The great special counsel you know what's needed, especially, I said this. The other day rashly says it now. We need a special council to investigate. Really. We need a special council, any Select committee, a Congress, and I want that special counsel. Together
aren't I go to Mr Miller's home at six. In the morning before the sun comes up. Without the agents with their guns drawn to wake up From all our while asian bed with MRS Bauer to go through a closet to go through, as drawers destroys, I mean. Through, is his computers, diseases, computers. What did Robert Mahler NO, and when did he know it with respect to this,
A rainy and scandal this scam and the same of MR combing, the simultaneous warrant, Mr Colonies home without the agents guns drawn before the sun, comes up. Waking up, Mister and Missus call me, while they lay in bed going through their closet, going through their desks going through their checking account and their savings accounts threatening their children. There are liars their spokespeople yeah, that's the ticket.
That's where we need to get to the bottom of this now. Mr call me is a known wire. I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, these lied before committees, a Congress he's a leaker he's dishonourable, he's dishonourable, he's clock red handed leaking like it he's keeping notes he's keeping book on the President of the United States. Why? So? He can only get that is outrageous for an FBI director. It is contemptible, and how does Mr Mahler wind up a special council to involve russian collusion. When he sat on that uranium deal. He sat on
for years he didn't do a damp unheeded, lift a finger to stop that deal. Not a finger. Incredible was absolutely there's something else. It's incredible James Clapper, who obviously. Seemed better days. I think his brain drain and mashed potatoes so soon and loves the milk. This guy for information cause he's such a buffoon. At this point, Howison camera, rather, who used to work at Fox now, she's, it Sienna cut to go. Why don't you can count on told his investigation was launched before.
The revelation of the dossier: ok, that's why I'm here it was a counter intelligence, investigation of Donald Trump and his campaign before the dossier. The Obama administration this doesn't even understand when you just reveal the Obama administration launched a counter intelligence investigation against the wooden republican nominee of the opposition party even before the dossier. You tell me how many times in modern american history has returned by Counter intelligence investigation here and
Straighten has launched a counter intelligence investigation against aim. Major party presidential nominee in the course of an election and opponent to the president's preferred candidate. Can you tell me one then, when that has ever happened, a counter intelligence investigation? According the clapper on CNN, just now was launched against Trump and Trump world before the dose here, which means, since the devil that's got involved in April twenty. Sixteen that means before April twenty. Sixteen, your federal government wasn't stagnating Donald Trump and on what Basis, ladies and gentlemen, here we are.
October, twenty seventeen they get a counter intent Jim suppressed negation, they ve been doing a criminal investigation. We ve had a Senate Investigation House Investigation, media miscreants all over the place, investigating they don't give a damn thing. They did not want this man to be president of the United States under any circumstances, and I say that as a TED crews supporter in the republican primaries. But the facts are the facts and the truth is the truth. They did not want Turkey to be president of the United States and they were trying politically through counter intelligent through law enforcement investigations that take him down, and the Democrats, National Committee, that Democratic Party and the opposition can paint in addition,
the administration pay to have a dose yea by an ax FBI, annex British, by produced who relied in part, if not heavily, on the Russians on the Russians. I'll be right back. Listen to this again with clapper listen camera and they flapper. This is CNN today cut to go wherever it occurs: and told his investigation was launched before
the revelation of the dossier- ok, that's important! So the chronology is the Counter intelligence investigation. Pre dated the dossiers on the way he setting it up can't be true, so stop! This is known as she she's treasure. You know a thousand Colorado, actually a real reporter. That's not what she would be focused on. What she should have said to Mr Clapper. If she had been a real, the porter was really me when the this counter intelligence investigation actually begin of Donald Trump. She doesn't even care. She can do something to trash Nunez and the Newest revelations, which she had nothing to do with as a result, we want a journalist course: I'll ask the question, ladies and gentlemen, that nobody yet asked: when did the
administration begin investigating Donald Trump, whether its intelligence agency whether the FBI, whether to counter intelligence, investigation or criminal investigation, whatever whatever they were. When did the Administration begin investigating Donald Trump number: two, On whose orders did the Obama administration begin. Vesta gaining Donald Trump Number, three, on what evidence. Where these investigations or the investigation of Donald Trump based. You now have the former director of national interests against the umbrella orders asian or overseas intelligence for a federal government emphatically stated that the counter intelligence investigate
was launched before the revelation of the dossier, which takes bad away? Nothing from the scandal. It is a huge scandal, but it has got worse. It just got worse. When was this investigation down Trump? This counter intelligence investigation was alive, Who wanted it and what was the evidence that caused the investigation be launched in the first place? This is unprecedented: they would be republican Army who turned into the republican army. It is unprecedented to be conducting a counter intelligence investigation of Tromp or Trump world. So when did it start
it is now. We know whether their investigations involving Carter, page and poor man and that sort of thing. But now we have more. Now we have more plus the dossier. So we have the Obama administration conducting an astrogation in the tramp tramp world, but tromp. I guess. We have the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DMZ hiring A private organisation through a bag man which then hires a british ex by which then works with, among others, the Kremlin to concoct dark and character assassination, the republican nominee Donald Trump,
You got this entire circle events taking place, inside the government and outside the go absolutely incredible. I'll be right, back Margo, Evangel logo Again, coalition meets every day call now Eight seven seven breed one three, eight point: one: you know that equal vat rate reach Equifax impacted roughly one hundred and forty three million customers, while it just got bigger they ve now, at a two point: five million people to that list and if that's not bad enough, Yahoo announced there are twenty three in breach impacted all three billion user account triple the original estimate. You should know
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again, one eight hundred lifelong are gonna, lifelike, dot com, use, promo code Levine and save ten percent right now shiftless? Obviously they woke him up and they brought him up tv on CNN, of course, whereas there is also a necessity, but it was on this stated news network today. This all uranium proved that other massive scan on there's more there. This is As you know, business cut having go well, you hear here's the problem. This looks a lot to me like a red acts of Benghazi. This investigation is starting for again for political purposes. Another investigation of Hillary Clinton long after and have she's no longer presidential candidate, no longer the Secretary of State, Currently there's more interest in what happened. Seven years,
ago, with Secretary Clinton- and there is in the rush investigation, I stopped their seven years ago- less than seven years ago. The entire scandal that's what he has no interest in this whatsoever. This is a man who was a canadian whose spinning tales about collusion. Russian collusion, liable source. I have no doubt for CNN and when it comes to the conveyance, Twenty percent of our uranium, the country, of our uranium to Vladimir Putin's a last time. I checked it, partisan, no interest whatsoever, no care whatsoever. Go ahead by design we can do good investigation if it's my gun in bad faith away. This one has because this three committee investigation or investigations the Republicans have launched with acquiescence. We have to imagine that the speaker,
without any consultation with minorities on any of these cars. Sir, your claim you unobstructed, you already said with no interest in this, so why they involve you. Oil He's trying to sabotage the investigation, as you have attempted, to breathe life into a phoney investigate. Why would they include this is about. A country. This is about getting to the bottom of what is a massive scam. Would you include him? Ladies and gentlemen, of course you would include. I want to get to another matter. You know I only have three hours. I could use seven eight gotta keep moving this, Perez. The head of the DMZ is, of course, a neither clown. He was at Indiana University on Tuesday. I know you can have a little trouble hearing. This saw read it after its played from our friends. The Washington examiner any says the elect
What college is not a creation of the constitution, and I take that to mean the electoral college is not in the constitution. What else could possibly mean cut five go. This is in Africa. Mostly by the left, but some misguided pseudo comes what is, but mostly by the left, to evaluate the electoral college
the popular vote and the reallocation of electoral college felt. Not only to get into that, now will do that another day when again this issue, whether the electoral colleges in the constitution, he said the electoral code it is not a creation of the constitution, it does not have to be there, which is rather illiterate, quite frankly, but nonetheless just approved the point that I think he's making. Obviously, the electoral colleges in the constitution article In section one clause, three and its actually quite precise, the electors shall meet in the respective states involved by valid for two persons of whom at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves, and shall make a list of all the person's voted for and of the number of votes for each, which
they shall sign and certify and transmit, sealed the seat of the government of the United States. Look how specifically directed to the President of the Senate Presently, the standards set in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives open all the certificates. And by the way, this is why they need to do the count, and the votes shall then be counted Person having the greatest number of votes shall be the president of such number be majority. The whole number of electors appointed there be more than one any goes on, and on and on, and of course, this was also mentioned by the twelve amendment. So here we have a man that runs the Democratic Party, who is a constitutional mental midge illiterate. And his languages or whether a tours his his his sentence structure mean it can't be a hundred percent sure. This is what you say, but I suppose that's what he said, but let us be clear, two things that are going on now, sort of Subterranean you ve got it
and holder who are trying to destroy the gerrymandering process. Now how you Destroyer, it's a political process. We dont like a lot of the year streets, the weather drawn, but what you gonna do have a quite draw them up. Well, that's their idea. Why One judges involved in our political process, stir them are liberal activists. So gerrymandering spin going on a very very long time, another cheerily or for it, but I'm an absolute opponent involving courts in these processes. That's We're one so they wanted destroy that process Where do they want to destroy the electoral college? You just her with the man, said basic. What they want to do is rigged the system destroy the republican nature of the republic to make it more accord on core populist. If you will because I think they have the numbers in every election and make it absolutely impossible forever
Public and of any strike to everyone again, that's where there said. Is that true? They are power, hungry power hungry they control your lives and control our institutions, that's what they're all about Eric. Let's keep moving my magnificent audience you. We can keep moving mark, how Mark Halpern, Father Sidney happens a long time left this by the way, but mark I'll, bring you ve seen the guy. He was a day BC news, as their political director he's been on other networks. He was within b c and of course he was Annetta stay with the morning. Smart, Mister and Missus Schmahl any they're almost every day. I don't watch the shell, but that's what I understand. And he would be offended appalled by Donald Trump Language and remain at the access Hollywood thing he was absolutely repulsed by them.
Well, it turns out. Mr Halprin is accused by now at least six women really Tests conduct that I shall not repeat on the air and he's apologized, so at least in some fashion he's confessed. But my question is, for the morning Schmo and Missus Shimerda Touche Mouse. They have attacked the president relentlessly. For everything and anything and I went back and looked at what they had to say about their dear friend and colleague. No doubts nobody Mark Halprin and it was nuanced. It was ambiguous. It was everything, MR and MRS Schmo are not, why is that? Why is that.
And by the way, their allegations corral Alyosha, against a nickelodeon executive or produce. You ve got more more allegations against more more individuals who call Hollywood home when the entertainment, this its exploding exploding. And not exclusively, but so much of it is the left in the media. In Hollywood. And the media and in Hollywood and this Why, comes to moral issues and ethical issues when it comes to. For who call themselves social conservatives. Cultural conservatives have absolutely no tolerance for such people, none none
This is why, if you and I discuss marriage, I don't care about marriage, you and I object to abortion. They support a bush. You and I are disgusted by the conduct of Bill Clinton, the oval office. I don't care about the conduct of Bill Clinton, the Oval office, you see it's not only their ideology, That makes them so distinct from the rest of us. It's their character or lack thereof. That makes them so distinct from the rest of us. And we invite them into our homes every day and every night on tv and radio A lecture you and me about the future of the country where they lecture you and me us. But presently United States how Paul they are at his language, how paw they are at the access Hollywood clip.
Did not appear in the least they could careless. I'll be right back My way, MR producer, I'm going to get into this morning, our three you see the NFL Tv numbers are just tanking. I mean really taken tackling Monday night, the Thursday Night Football Bobby. Now. We know one of the real reasons that's happening is because the left has taken over the football field, the players and the players- and you have. Fling owners who allow this to happen- and you have a number of a commissioner. I am convinced is another reason there, their ratings
Tanking on Monday nights and Thursday night, you know what that is, MR producer. This show this show. We ve always been a house in the evenings and night, but even So now, if you knew or digital numbers, whether its heart at the mark, Levine APP, Its downloading, whether its listening alive stream, if you knew our terrestrial numbers, Portugal the big market. You look at us I'll. Give you an example in LOS Angeles, with the highest numbers of any house, not just our station, but on three stations they show is powerhouse right now And so I believe, that's another reason,
said. Nobody else. Will trust me there's a lot of jealousy and back stabbing in this business. So I say you know where you ve heard me. Talk about Kyle Cox, the owner, obliged or Dotcom Kyle is an American six, story. He came up with the idea of selling online high quality. Do it yourself window treatment several years ago now the big corporations are trying to copy him still as idea, but that might work don't before by these corporations. Because what they're not is a mom and pop type business, and that's exactly what kind of one of the blind stood outcome- that's blinds t our dot com. It's the only company I endorse for custom, blind, chaise and shutters again. It takes. Mom and pop mentality, because that's what it is. That's what car believes in and applies it to you in terms of the product and the services, This is what makes America the great nation that it is.
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And by the way I just wanted to say, I love your nicknames for a friend on the left, her in speaking of the left. I want. You know it's funny about that just for two seconds, while it along. When I first came in radio- and I created these nicknames some of the very harsh, but the purpose was to humiliate and mock these people. Nobody did it. And I was warned and Mr Produce will tailors he's been with me since day one I was warned not to do it that are likely to upset. Powerful people will be a lot of pressure on me, but I kept going and now everybody everybody peace and that's ok, you know, but I what'd, you do know when I started doing it wasn't so easy. Go right ahead. I can only imagine and speaking of the language I long held the belief that if they are accusing you of being something or doing something, ninety nine times out of a hundred,
they are guilty of that of which they are accusing you and time to a greater degree in this term. Dossier is a perfect example of that for all the finger point tat we ve heard you know Trump and Roger Drop and Roger look who's, pass and notes to the Kremlin. Hillary Clinton, its Barack Obama. It is the day and see in its unfortunately, the mainstream media in its sickens me to know that these people will not be held accountable by the mainstream media, one of the most powerful entities in this country, and they do no good. You're, so right in the big media are part of the russian proper and operation. I don't mean they're, sitting down and signing deals. I mean by conducting themselves the way that they have by working with the car
to people that they work with. That is so the Clinton campaign of the Democratic Party. They have become indirectly, of course, but they have become mouthpieces for the russian government they really have And then, as I said earlier in the shop, the media have been a full participant in a hostile counter intelligence operation and that then, that's really what it is. Isn't it I mean it's my impression that this this shouldn't even be considered opposition opposition research, because research deals with cold facts. It deals with hard truth that the opposition is trying keep hidden, but this dossier is nothing but a bunch of lies. If that's another fine, sharp point brilliant point.
Which is these people, get on the air in their saying this, just opposition Reese, when you said no, this is an opposition resources, flat out character, assassination, absolutely. And they only information. Well another they're gonna get away with it now, at least at least we're moving, towards exposing more and more of a will, see how it plays out time will tell made some progress today, and I want to thank Nunez, and I want to thank round the Santa and those who are really pushing on this are. I Johnny great car I appreciate it. I shall return.
Now run only underground in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of a nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader, everybody mark living here, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one by the way, this outweigh the Great Guest republic. Like me how I left the liberal bubble and learn to love the right by can stir in the former head of the national public radio. Should I They used to call it. I won't say, on viruses, national the great I've. I've had enough time now now like to say that it's gonna be a serious scenario which all my interviews I want to get into a couple things here.
Fox NEWS, Paul positive use of Anna, fell down eighteen points, since twenty thirteen NASH, Football League has taken some hits these days. A new Fox NEWS, Paul finds it since twenty thirteen, The legs favourable ratings has dropped eighteen points today. Forty six percent of voters have a positive view. The unofficial forty one per In view of negatively, four years ago. Sixty four points, and had a positive view of the leg. Nineteen percent were critical. That was the last time question was asked the Unifil way, political candidate, alarm bells would be going off and campaign headquarters had democratic poster. Chris Anderson, who conducts the Fox Paul with Republicans Sir Darras shop.
Downward shift on favorability comes mainly from Republicans minus thirty. Seven points: whites, minus twenty three points: men, minus twenty, three points and independence, minus fourteen points, and it goes on well, there's more. From sporting news and if our games average fifteen point one million viewers through weeks, seven according to Nielsen data obtained by sporting news, that's down five point. One percent from fifteen point: It said: Amelia viewers during the same period last season and off eighteen points. Seven percent from the eighteen point. Three: five million viewers during the same period in twenty fifteen Ship numbers are lagging for a variety of reasons, not least the ongoing protest when the NFL national anthem that Form Forty nine is quarterback Collins Capron began in twenty sixteen fans.
Still angry about Capron Ex continued unemployment, as well as what seen as the growing political sensation of the NFL another grew angry about is continued unemployment. There must be a mistake, you're angry at him, and yet let me show you how soon this is. This is from sports, illustrated Chris Chavez calling Capra I d by NFL players to the next meeting with owners calling cabin was invited by NFL players to attend the next meeting with owners. According to multiple reports, including Andrew Brand of the immense Kubi. Now, let's stop there. I could swear that all the left wing sports castors were telling us. This was not about hating body. This is out social justice, a variety of issues that are so important to the community or cabinet
It's not about that really capture neck, hates the cops he wore the socks. The proven cabinet has said some very nasty things. That the country now I know you, don't understand markets not about cap ethnic. At this point, then it's not about Capron it? It's not about the flag. About the national anthem guys talk Ray and elsewhere. You guys are just words in their mouths, apparently not. Captain Ex lawyers, so that no one from the intifada reached out with an invitation all really what was made must be racial prejudice today, Weeks meeting in New York City, where owners players in Commissioner Roger get discuss the ongoing protests, national anthem, before football games. Yes, captain remains a free agents opting out of his contract in March. Oh, that's right. You know he opted out of his contract. Nobody'll Gimme
contract must collusion says his to bet lawyer. Be racism says so many, the sports, castors and phony civil rights leaders. Now the full. After that it was Contra. If you want to play for the forty Niners anymore, he's getting paid about love But he was sitting on the bench cosy sacks! Oh yes, it's true that's the question now: are the owners gonna take control over their teams? Are the owners gonna take control over their leg over their football field? Over anything, are they going to be by the Players Association there so scared of being called
names in their so scared about a strike and slowly but surely, and really not so slowly, they're losing their businesses, the branch that they build up. The alliance's people have to their hometown teams the beginning to disappear, the beginning to evaporate. Isn't that a big deal? I think it's a big deal. So what are they Gerda? And it's not just scared a number. These owners are leftists that seems so weird now number them a great patriots to better way, but the left. This outweigh the patriots and, of course, you have a complete the phone as the commissioner who is so speaks of the community at the fans, part of the community, I'm just curious by the fans, part of the community, the fans,
I love. The fans are part of the community, the fans matter, while they act like Fans are moving away there. Things are down, their tenants is down. And while I am on this issue by the issue of the left, LISA Bloom he is the female offspring. I believe she saw identifies as such as well of glory already, who I believe, say female offspring of her mother. I blew she identifies as that is well just plain, along Splain along. The daily bees, Lloyd, Grove inside Lease Abloom scorched earth crusade for why should he not least the bloom? Of course Made a lot of money and a name representing women against the system. But listen to this Ronan Pharaoh was stunned and disgusted earlier this year when
feminist lawyer lease of bloom. I believe she is to be on the constipated news network to found him midst of his investigation for NBC News of widespread allegations of sexual sexual misconduct. Harvey Vine steam and offered to share opposition research on one of wine stands accused. This is what the left us. I don't think she got it from Russia quote. I dont know if you ve talked to rose Mc Gowan, but we have files on her and her history. Lisa plume, told Ronan Pharaoh according to knowledgeable sources inside and outside NBC Flower decline, a comment for the story: Bloom was referring to the star the ninety. Ninety six wine steam produced hit horror movies screen course. I never watched. Did I very rarely watch movies Indeed, given firing on camera interview and later withdrew, her party patient- had a fear being sued for violating a non disclosure agreement that come with a hundred thousand settlement from Wednesday since,
Mc Gowan has alleged publicly that the movie mogul raped her at the Sunday and Film Festival and ninety ninety seven bloom, citing attorney client privilege, declined to common and our interactions with fair. On behalf of wines d, I don't A common on anything related to Harvey Wednesday, I'm not authorized for any further questions to any report about Harvey wine. Bloom told the daily, never mind that until last week she had been vote. While on the subject telling Buzzfeed prejudices. The aid, the disgraced studio chief, was a colossal mistake and Lamar. Turning to the LOS Angeles Times, I feel very bear because so many people have said They really looked up to me as the champion of women and its hurtful to them. I'm sorry. Wearily sign ever looked up to you ever. Extremely unusual, several lowest her told the daily obese for an attorney to publicly quite a high profile client as bloomed two weeks ago and then repeatedly critique their client and the media. In fact, I think it's unethical.
I think it's on ethical. Under the rules of professional conduct for most states a my pen, their revelations around Weinstein's. Private life would not have been wholly surprising to bloom at this. Sundance Film Festival Conti due prominence Gator Thomas agile me How is that, while he must be promoted, they said why boasted any breakfast meeting of the sex he had with Hollywood actresses. Look I'm a famous, will they produce? Everyone wants an academy award. I can really help the careers Wednesday, reportedly tall Bloomin and the famous litigator bloom centre. I see way way way: Harvey you're married, you saying you have set For these women, While you were married, widening responded, yes, LISA, that's exactly what I'm saying only goes on least
blow ready to smear and one of the main people coming forward having enough guts to take on Wednesday and and we so looked up to her I'll, be right back Ladies and gentlemen, this not often I gone Amazon an order, a book myself usually wait for the authors and publishers publicist a semi copying. We get lots and lots of them, but I went on Amazon, unlike at this book, it's called Republican. Like me, how I left the liberal bubble and learn to love the right by can stir MR stone. How are you, sir? I'm good? Thank you. On the show well, it's my book. Well, it's pleasure first. Let's start this Tell the american people a little bit about your background and Eurostat.
And pr so Lifeline Democrats, ways in Washington DC spend most of my career in the media. In an area where I was eventually feel that they are left there in two thousand and eight, and you kind of thought of Republicans. In fact, concerns sort of the report but the zoo right well, so let me tell you a story further, the genesis of this book and returning. Summed up the wheat I wrote this book is I mean I've been increasingly concerned about how Democrats and Republicans live in different worlds and increasingly dislike each other and looked out upon each other I live in this very night, will lead neighborhood in washing DC called now pleasant, nice ricotta, Hobart, sweet. Ninety, three percent democratic Ward hundred percent democratic household. Block Party of year called a protest and as something called the whole three pledge was eager for the kids
kings of the earth one year went. Everyone here is everyone's welcome. Albert Street man and woman gear straight, wear, white or black everyone, but Republicans and it joke. I think it was a joke, but I think it really sort of it, wasn't a joke and died. I thought it was a moment for me like how we got in this place where not even one Republicans neighbours and we d, No them So I got it. I got change that waste from myself and I'm spent a year, Rarely has a country spending time it is a. Young feller, while I feel Kentucky take hunting in Texas. Many people who I would normally verbally- and that was the story of this book. Ok, tell us alone. You're travels. I I I seen a few articles and then I got a book and read it. I'm in book. Others are in your book. Tell us about that. So
It really began with to do as much as I could Look there there! Seventy five! Republic is the country that can them all. I needed go someplace where. Among those conversations little church in the assembly that churches in such a clerk and spend more time with ass, receive to a gallery, fifty thousand Youth Evangel calls yummy sailors. Blowing away by being different than I thought they were and I met people who, I think were they then left out. The natural conversation were represented by the establishment of the media establishment I learned a lot from them about how they feel I have looked down upon? if you like, government, haven't serve them ever, should it was amazing experience, and when did you conclude So I concluded
the day I hadn't come away the Democratic Republic of accumulated sceptic. So I conclude one is the american public We are surprised. We moderate group of people you sit down within. With them I don't agree with anyone, even in my own household, the common ground with virtually everyone? I met people who making contributions committee doing wonderful things. So that's why then I found, which is an all that by then. The second thing I came back with was, I think, the major institutions dont, really represent the american public in some ways, the democratic. One directional publicans gun under action, and I think many ways they guy ways that dont really speak too. What did make a public want That's all disillusion made, but is also We come back and share the story of the people. I met the things I
and democratically other Democrats. I grew up with your title, says Republican. Like me: what is it? Well, so you know it's a little bit of play. I'm about black. Like me, were in that case. I report went out and pretend to be back for you of her for a time to serve eight. He actually had his skin died So far I remembered so so so I went to tell you this is actually told the story of the actual line from an extension that kill market gardening. You can't really understand until you try see things from his point of view, so really When I try to do, I tried to take my reputation Republican spend a lot. I republican they spend more time with experts. John Lot and uncontrolled guns people climate change has been a lot of time with people who are doing we in this economy of ours are angry about.
Try to understand. From my perspective that really republican like me me trying to see things from their perspective, learn anything for them. Maybe that's really was a journey of understanding and you consume the sum conservative media correct- deserves a lot of work of her own ended. I scare you you know, I am, I think, the scare me now it does the media is country on. Both sides is continually reflecting. How angry are? We are at each other and I think that as a problem and you can't because Are you still a liberal or less liberal, or what so I'm gaps I don't know what I am so I think I came away with I started a democrat chain, essential publication of curiously beginning what would happen then I came back,
went down to the restoration and change myself to an independent cause. Really. I believe there is wisdom on both sides that we're actually a moderate people and no one has a monopoly on what is re wrong. That's where the core belief and am sceptical of the risk that Louis wisdom from one side, other the notion, we're right, they're wrong, No there's nothing between. I really do think. If you sit down and talk with people, What and crucially, we ve lost. I adore you do that and to an extent that I'm angry at people now an angry because they don't listen, they think they're right these The other side is wrong and you're back not really way to have a democracy. What do you think I'm not asking if you like, tramper, don't like trouble? What do you think of the coverage? Generally, president here so so,
She wrote about that thought actually tell your story mark. I wrote a piece just before the election vanity, fair, who I refer from time to time. Nay, I went to the Washington Post and I pulled all stories. Donald Trump, there are twenty one of em each and every one of them was negative. That was in the front page that wasn't style section that wasn't metro section. I wasn't sport section. Negative story and our trump you might defend each and every one of them. But twenty one arouse, says to me. There is something missing from how dare not getting down trumpet awaited the sixty two million people about one. And I think I have to take a break and I carry over briefly about earlier court. Authors can stern former CEO Npr the book as Republican like me, how I left the liberal bubble and learn to love the right, we'll be right back
Yes, it's true that Marshall event is the fastest growing radio show in Amerika the miracle of ensure, always on that eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! You know as we approach the one year anniversary launch of conservative review tv, the nation fastest growing digital network. We are even more steadfast and our mission to provide you the most thought provoking a patriotic tv platform available anywhere. This is why we worked so hard to bring you almost two hundred episodes of Levine TV every year. You can watch them all and current and previous with your incredibly affordable subscription to see our tv. You can also watch my new body, Phil, Robertson's, fantastic and completely unfiltered new show in the woods with Phil. That's done enough! There's new features like this Tv Whitehouse brief them.
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people read it, but something simply will in the judge, but by it cover some my regret and had taken a little bill incoming someone Some of them were, I think, from my, former colleagues, the media, who I think a little bit the heads of that such cases in my level and some are here is more that some people have we'll make it. But I don't know who say, but if you're willing to listen, a public Republicans endorse some things how can say you must be a white supremacist like them and it using a little bit of milk? Is a few people hope it doesn't speak something larger. But that's a little bit of habitation likely. If I have been appalling so you're part of the all right.
Are the heart white supremacist cause? You travel the country, you interviewed people, you watch things that you hadn't been exposed to before and you're not liberally and conservative you're not really republican in a democratic, and that makes your white supremacy the logic of some people. The truth of the matter is were were human to tribal. Archival by nature. They excited things. If you, laughing and politics would become that you know you're or either mere against me I want to say anything about the issues that winning and now I see it, it's kind of is wholly dislike lowood. Look at something like this, and I imagine that me some about me. Their magic that everyone out there like them or look like them, have to be a bad and evil. They ve great anything in a democracy, a few b
I am looking forward to getting my friends and family. We do not agree with me on everything I do agree with myself and everything, but there that woman out there. That, I think, is a very dangerous thing. Why, when I wrote the book, we stop have you got to each other. We have to listen to each other and when we listen to each other witty, Can the commission thinks? I don't mean idiot logic, I mean well, let me reply to this work do you still listen NPR? I do We have a different view of it now What I do, which is different than before I felt was an empty, are a lot. I like. I shall listen to buy so reading. Your kind can understand the world without them from around the world. We, the natural view, I listen
Patria radio and serious. I think I'm not smart. I get smarter when I hear from from people from different I'd get answers that I think, are not available in my traditional sources, Have you had any opportunities we interviewed on NPR? No, but booked under show that weak, not you're, gonna, be warmly. When I go back and I expect an invitation, the public radio happens. Then the Shetland you know and TAT is air. Everyone hence other work. There, everyone else, but assuming that actually make it in the door they gonna show. I think, that's between their willing to stay here from someone about that. That's teachers, mummies, isn't when we reached out to speak here. What do you think So he's telling the truth,
right, although I've done other shows on earth about other shows this year. Also, I wondered whether some of your question- and I was worried- worry that you down. Suasion a bit worried that you? I had a conversation that at me based on my old friend by them through but I have to say what I learned and Saint Mark. I thank you. I'm surprised at you have a little bit. I like you its funding in order. I have never used a guest here, except when they start abusing me. I figure if someone of a guest on this programme, I want to hear what they have to say, not to use them as a fail here, The other thing I want you to know is because he can't listen to the show every day I get it, but we spend
time turn about philosophy and the founders and where we get our ideas and so forth in science, it's not every day. Events. It's now back and forth, hammering away those, obviously some of that, because on passion and other people are passionate, but I'm dissent we try. To do things here, a little differently just cause, I'm a little different matters. Is it a red I met? It may be philosophically, but my personality tonight Not as easy to read is people pigeonhole me. I just wanted to I set out to do. You Know- so the new every day and that first, where this book me listen People? I usually wouldn't listen to whether there on the radio or at a cop, fifteen thousand teenage evangelicals sailors, and that's how I think, a journey and a great thing in a good for me to keep learning ensuring that story. So I really do While it really is a fascinating book- and I think my audience would like
very, very much because you know what a lot of us really get in the minds of liberals. And so when we read a book like this, I think it's mean was intriguing me so where I hope our folks out there I hope, you'll go. It is called Republican like me how I left the liberal bubble and learn to love the right. I can't stern. I've linked to our mark. Levin show Facebook mark living. Twitter, you get it at Amazon, any any decent bookstore are been a pleasure. But a prototype. Thank you so much I take care of yourself, you have it. It is a very interesting but very interesting, but Egon hang up, are we getting? Did we get him? I gotta get very very good anyway. I am about two thirds through the book is very enjoyable very, very interesting. I am sick of the news. Let's
make some cause. This is the biggest town hall meeting in America, while the third biggest Alan per SE Charity. The great debut abc. Go! I mark you, though I thought of the car thanking you for free You do I order you wanna talk to you they all have their own purposes. That you're with your specific, is the fact that you can really break down a lot of the legal process and get you a difficult thing from two very simple: simpler cases where people absorbed, I think it is very important. Well, that you play batteries. I wanted you under the point. I wanted to raise is that with everything that has been revealed in the last day or two with the dossier wondering if its trump now has the cover to use in a flat out, but yes, and mauler investigation- or I believe stephen- have sessions- are accused himself and have him.
I know my trunk can do any of those things less. He wants to get impeached You can remember this impeachment hanging over him. It shouldn't be You can see how some of the Republicans can wait. Two pounds on him. It won't wouldn't take many whose a Democrat we'll be lined up firmly to take. No matter what, and course he could lose the house- and I don't think people are really focused on this- the Republicans lose a house of Representatives is president, is gonna, be Meyer down unimpeachable perceive like it or not, and I ve talked about this the day after the election. So we have to keep this in mind. Oh trump, can't fire, Mauler and Trump coming politically and trunk can't tell she's still unrecognised himself. I suspect sessions window in any way these things starting to play out now. The other two It is starting to turn a little, but I dont know how far to go out on earth will continue to turn, but we have exposed a number of things
Some of us are put our necks out on this stuff too, and I mean I I have really been pushing the elderly care. He do it right and then you let the chips forward. They may so the president has his responsibilities and all the rest of us have ours. If you know what I mean, I I guess I guess: is there a way to place itself out? seems like I guess, when he's exonerated by a bunch of donors to Democratic Party, a guess the ultimately maybe better and ending with this. Fiasco my friend good guy appreciated. That's continue. Let's see how about Chip in Fort Pain, Alabama know exactly where that is on serious satellite harry user blow, accordingly, reality. That's right! He's real quick mark
Line, I knew I was anyway and we got a so. This is the thing they killed me about all these investigated. Everything I'll tell you exactly. What's gonna happen with this thinking about all the scandals over the past five more secure, absolutely nothing! Absolutely nothing can apple with it mark my words a month after month, organ beyond the something else. I want you to tell me and by the way you may be right, you absent. Maybe right about right, I am right because I'll tell you why all its no straight down this from port pain, Alabama, not kidding gonna, wait. The org the mountain! No! So if you can, like guns, walk as part of that and furious, give good point and how about another one? How about Mars? I'm sure I listen. I don't want to commit Harry carried tonight. I know you know you ve got him down by the IRA Rural outlast, Martha Stewart. What did you have a lot of God?
yeah, I didn't hear one about the IRA said it again, you I'm your report. People have got him down by the IRS gonna. Try the IRA's I actually don't I got it. Why do but Martha Stewart? You do Martha Stewart what I don't know, I'm ok bye Did she get him up the arrest? Now she went to jail because of so called, insider trading. If that's what you mean, but it's not that she was actually guilty of it. They said that they that she misled her under United Eighteen United States Code, a thousand and one so in other words they said. The prison not for an actual violation of some underlying crime, but because they felt that misled her I'll bet that she misled them, even though she was innocent got out. So
happen with our partner in the whole IRA scandal. Absolutely nothing will happen with with Hillary Clinton. Bagasse. Absolutely nothing. Do these on these points. Council, go through the motions for absolutely now he's. A good points is absolutely good points I my friend, I got her all I'll, be right back Ben if they want it, they're gonna, take it you're pay check. Your bank account so everything the iris does a measure
they recently added hundreds of new tax and forces and even private collection agencies to help track you down. If you owe back taxes reviewing the dispute with the arrests and they claim you back taxes or if you haven't filed and sometime, here's how you get your life back- call optimum tax relief before the army of irish enforcers target you optimum tax relief are experts in the fresh start programme, perhaps the biggest iris break ever, but listen they're making chain, he's in our tax laws in their likely that that possible, this great programme might be affected. The goes away. You missed a huge opportunity, so you need to act. Car optimal tax relief asked them if, if you qualify for the fresh Start programme asked them about their a plus rating with them, a business spirit than getting better than that and, while you're at asked them how they ve saved over half a billion dollars and taxed at for their clients. Let optimist
between you and the IRS and soviet tax problems, or eight hundred four nine nine sixty three hundred eight hundred four nine nine sixty three hundred that eight hundred four nine nine sixty three hundred. Let's go back to the fire. John Bloomfield New Jersey, the great debut ABC, go, nice to meet sure. It's finally pleasure. I wanted say that you are an astute, sharp minded person. Amateur, the pressure to learn from you and What I wanted to ask you actually to get your father is it possible for the F b? I too have fully as hard to be involved in the presidential election last year whistler this oppositional researcher that Sir, something that I never heard of before. Listen,
we're not supposed to be trying to effect an election through what it whenever the subterfuges counter Intel investigation, I I think I've like to know when their counter intelligence investigation of the president began, who ordered it, on what evidentiary basis. I think there are three basic questions. I agree and on yesterday's show you serve. The Congress should appoint probably among a special committee, appoint while they should have a special investing. The committee, a joint committee that look under the conduct of a particularly the senior level of the FBI. With respect to Mr Mulder and they re, scandal. Mr call me and the Clinton rob scandal and of course This matter the dossier and what in the world was the FBI doing up some shackles for the purpose of up of advancing it.
Right and an end. Of course I mean, even though that takes up probably some of the taxpayers time it's well worth because now we know, doesn't it got any of my time in these guys are spending like drunken leftist, so my view is maybe it'll pass. Spending bills? Fine by me, and focus on what they're supposed to focus on. What's going on in our government. You said you said, and I thank my. We have some clue as to some of what was then the thirty thousand plus females. Just one- my friend you take care, appreciate your car bound up her LAS Vegas k down the great K d w and go. I am as thoroughly as is wanting to say hi and thank you for the fact that you give us every day. I wish I could list Can you that three hours a day that because then the girls, my girls activity centres,
I've done, wait a minute. What's more important me, your girls just kidding escape and I know the answer done, it I start listening to you a little bit over it. You're a girl- and I am so glad I found you and the radio you either My third in your daughter, weight at the beginning is like Mommy IP she's upset. He sounds rights, but you know why there was a as something with the show is about explaining some some things on the constitution. May. When did you start listening to you about explaining what exactly that? ass petition means he would like, oh, my goodness, bringing reading. While what a smart kid listen. I have. But don't hang up, I'm in them. Give away mood. Let us give Blanca. This very
ass a one year subscription to see our tv place, don't hang up longer Ladys in general, speaking of sea, our tv check out Levine TV in two minutes We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emerging person now and I'll see On the radio to my father, I really check it out my big interview, I'll see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-23.