« Lovett or Leave It

What a Weekday: Georgia v. Trump, Clooney v. Drescher, and House GOP v. Itself

2023-10-24 | 🔗

The week’s news overfloweth. Come drink from Lovett or Leave It’s What A Weekday cup. This week, Trump’s cronies flip like so many disgusting human pancakes in Georgia. Fran Drescher lets George Clooney down easy over his proposed SAG-AFTRA contract, and Tom Emmer runs for House Speaker just long enough for you to go to the bathroom and come back to a House in disarray.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And off duty alaska airlines pilot was charged with eighty three counts of attempted murder after reportedly tried to crash in aircraft mid flight. He tried to. It was a alas careless, like I'm looking to california how's it in portland and his truck being charged with eighty three counts of attempted murder. You turn it yeah engaged the end. binding pulling in an iron arm was he was in the cockpit yet emergency and then just reach for these animals that would have crash there. There were two pilots in there with him. Yes, he was off due to you just riding cause. He was like flying back from somewhere He wasn't find the plane, but what did they do them bids? They succeeded him the handcuffed him to a seat. If you're that pilot you must want to The ever loving shit that guy yeah that we are no hear mine, high and you're gonna almost killed me you're off duty together detail. It is that as he reached for the handle, apparently said I am not ok but like that. Shit is why I don't take edibles when I fly anymore, because I did have like a mass of panic attack that one
when I get it was trying to get up at a crucial point. I know, but like I get how it could get to that level. Oh, my god, he told the police, I pull both emergency shut off angels I thought I was dreaming and I just want to wake up. I understanding has therefore horrify wants to wake up ass. I went actually I'm taking mushrooms annex and where you take mushrooms. I once took my much adverse animated mushrooms. I had such a terrible experience and then I was googling where you're supposed to take mushrooms, and it said in a safe environment with people. You trust- and I was in the desert with strangers. Oh and we couldn't see the voting and what set and setting set and setting is that what they say? Yeah? Oh okay, your mindset like you have to go in feeling safe and positive.
and, like you kept me in the desert, restrain yours, I had no. I had neither good feeling sorry to realise that the article was insane we'll walk into the back of the plane after left the cockpit MR emerson said to afflict attendant. You need to call me right now, or it's going to be bad in our house and facing causes we are most are the show and we're back. I'm here with america, sweethearts Brian Halley kendra and sarah everybody. I let's other, violence. We let's get into it, what a wager on august. Fourteen folding, honey district attorney, funny willis indicted former president donald trump and eighteen of his alleged collaborators in their plan to overthrow the government and keep jump in power will, as said she plan to try all of these goobers together in one big rico case. Does
having the various and sundry alleged crimes that went into the election blood as part of a single criminal enterprise, but a judge ruled that lawyers sidney pow and kenneth hasbro we'd be tried separately from tromp in a trial that had been set to begin on monday of this week and then one by one, the members of this gang began to fall like fashion dominoes. As funny willa secured plea agreement after play, a grim at first bail Lisbon, scott hall, took a plea for his role in breaching voting machines in the coffee county election offices on january, seventh, twenty twenty one, much of which was captured on surveillance, video, because these people are fucking idiots that date by the way, the failed insurrection and the certification of the results did not stop trump scheme. It only made it more. Urgent is important, have a fall back and kayser violent ma doesn't work out. Shore of island mob is a great plan, a but its unpredictable. How fast a runner is, my pants did everyone, take their liberty or a lot of announce. John John, a man
factor voter fraud by having his goofball minions hacking voting machines after january. Six is like one: deniro goes back to kill wing grown he'd after the highs go south. Does anyone know that rough? Now it couldn't be less topical, literally, never seen Emily heats great. I just don't with that, you don't remember that lazarus you ever seen. He know the friend who has a a heat hat, so I keep needing to watch it whenever I see her head. But what's the hut look like just as heat remove? Yours? Is the ets movie? I think, and I actually wanted to night. We have for the concept of heat. The point is to deny, or should I walked away he had me could be in fiji. He went back. He goes back c mere. What can play the game and louder? Let the role here. What would they couldn't heaton? Here? anyways cigar hall, was a soldier and now sign for fun well as to move up the chain of command next up, former trump attorney in person who says through dead eyes, in a tight smile. This is because I love you I she brings the
low down over your face. Sidney Powell pleaded guilty. Is there hearing medication that you should be taken that you have not taken that may affect your ability to understand these proceedings? Now? How do you mean gosh sixty eight. Despite my astonishingly whaley youthful account looks at it now. Thirty thousand sidney borders, has never made sense like she's, never made sense. She's she's an actual lawyer, but she was so emphatic during a release as evidence that they're gonna say all these things. She never had it. She knew she didn't have it now. She just out. I thought she'd like job I'm a criminal gotta. I did it yup how My car- I wonder, if like when these people are doing all this today, think that they were going to be like some sort of grandeur Sport room did they realize they we're gonna, be in a windowless? Would panels raymond georgia album. found through a lot of this is what I think he's going to the magneto present. You know about the guy we might need to put
if anyone could get out. It's nearly one hundred our days and now he's gonna crab up. Remember that guy that crap If the track is going to grab yeah, we get to be just like my god. He never exercised for forty years, but look at him and goes diet cokes following the news that politics Please trumped up to truth social to declare that pal never was his lawyer. After all, say what you will about trump, but if ever work for him, he will treat you like family. we mean enable divorce you and bury you on his golf course. City bow one of myth is this is this is what trump set about it? City bow was one of millions and millions of people who thought and an ever increasing number still think correctly that the twenty twenty election was rigged and Stalin. He misspelled. So our country is being actually destroyed because of it. Mr Powell was now I attorney and never was in fact she would have been conflicted. Trump went on to say
why did I publicly announced that I added hauser my legal team in november of twenty twenty gray question? I'm and have my lawyers be too that come on out here, sidney fuck, fuck fuck it up at once, power plead guilty. The other attorney set to be tried this week. followed after jury, selection had already begun. Kenneth chessboard admitted guilt and, like power, receive probation and extreme For turning over evidence and testify against their former co defendants, including trump and light powell, yes to deliver an apology to the people of georgia, not good news for our big man, boeing florida and then on tuesday, another one of trump's co, defendants and someone he cannot I was central to his efforts as his attorney general Ellis entered into a plea deal as well general, as was among trumps, closes and most ardent elections. hours are continuing to do is to fight by every legal and constitutional, appropriate method to make sure that we preserve and protect election integrity, and we know that at least six states violated there rules in the administration of a twenty twenty election. We can't allow corruption to prevail because it cheating intruders from
Furthermore, never have free and fair elections again in this country that gaubert's true the number of christmas stockings behaviour so fuck I like it. I know that's why she wants to go to jail. She'll see it away from those children. That's too many kids who, beneath
power and cheese bro. Apologize in writing to your credit Ellis asked the court to allow her to deliver her apology in person on a free opportunity to address the court as an attorney. He was also a christian. I take my responsibilities as a layer very seriously and I endeavor to be a person of sound moral and ethical character in all of my dealings. In the wake of the two thousand and twenty presidential election, I believed that challenging the results on behalf of president trump should be pursued in a just and legal wec. I endeavored to represent my client in the best of my ability I relied on others, including lawyers, with many more years of experience than I to provide me with true and reliable information, especially since my role involved is aching to the media and to legislators in various states. What I did not do, but should have done your honor, was to make
that the facts, the other where's alleged to be true, were in fact true in the frenetic pace of attempting to raise challenges to the election in several states, including georgia. I failed to do my due diligence, I believe in, and I value election integrity if I knew them. I know now. I would have declined to represent donald trump in these post selection challenges. I look back on this whole experience with deep remorse. For those failures of mind your honor, I have taken responsibility already before the colorado bar whose censured me, and I now take responsibility before this court. which I still people, think you it's kind of cathartic. She didn't take responsibility. She boom mother lawyer yeah. Well, I mean she is pleading guilty and her punishment is she's getting shot at that angle, you don't like only white russia lawyer. I thrust his matlock and says, like she's, no matlock
if you're starting a sentence with as an attorney, who is also a christian, your either apologizing court or demanding that a t j max cashier give you full refund for half an hour and accompanying the harbours, a candle that you definitely bought somewhere else as the late, the excuse of trusting more expense, employers like, I was so young, only a decade out of law school and somehow I'm supposed to just know that stealing an election is bad. Jesus died for your sins and thirty three bed, a bed. He was thirty, three you're, thirty eight doesn't count. I you don't get to be like. I was just young and naive when you're a fucking lawyer, you don't get. You can't do that. That's not how being a lawyer works. You were talking about this before the show us whether or not I I actually was like you know what powell cheese, brow, cesura. Ah, they they made them, they did their apologies, but they did them in writing and I kind of thought it was cool that she's, like you know what a minister up and apologise in court, but Ben
as arisen. How are you guys? You thought it was more cynical than that. I do feel it s a white women. We have to at least point out when they do you like that there is an intention and getting up and crying, and then it's like worthless, no sympathy for bambi act, yeah it's like. Can you believe this? I camp? It's like you are almost forty. You do this intentionally and I think we, I think, we're all entering a phase where we just need to point this out, and I says why would a kebab kebab now that that was a lie right. My reaction to it, she's, like a white peer to tears with her apple watch I feel like she just got to court. After calling the cops on someone for watching birds outside in new york city yeah, oh yeah, she will commit war crimes. We we. I think we could assume that in fact, she was only censured she was always entered in colorado. Ok, that was a part of a deal. Basically, she admitted that she made false statements so that you can keep our law licence colorado by There are some reporting today that now that she's plead guilty in georgia, they're gonna use that
new information to try to get her disbarred in colorado, leather shoes, despite or not, I was gonna higher her. Oh I'm sorry cover gotta watch. You should be, I mean like she should. He does not have any idea. How should I get villiers? Yes, none of these to push it. Then. I think her white lady stick works on uk chessboard. Did that you wouldn't be like, I think, that's cool, Do I tried now I dont by rising. I actually thought it before. I saw it so because I'd like went because I went and launched this morning I was like living a watch. The the powell plea moment in court that we saw just are part of an eye why that kind of skip through it to find the part is waiting for the part where she would plead like where she would do the thing where she says you know I do responsibility and an ever happens all through lawyers and through paperwork, and she submits her apology as a letter.
Social scimitar apology as a letter, and the same thing goes, which has grown then in the times was reporting on ellison. It said, unlike polish hasbro, she asked speak to the court, and I thought, oh, you know what I consider that I I think there's some look. Maybe their crocodile tears, maybe she's doing it as part of a redemption arc totally open to that. But you have the option of. If you did something really fucked up and your two options were apologizing in person or texting. Texting is definitely easier. Is that slut? I need to get up there and read that kind of statement that basically says you're a fucking fraud. I mean none of us are blonde. We don't know how they go through life hard to fathom, but frankly, alright. Each Giles ere. I feel fine about that. It worked on each it all of them each to ever, not just our obviously each at any of them all. Eighteen them and donald trump yeah
am I a radical, say, miss she. Wouldn't there also this week, republicans continued fail to pick a speaker from among their ranks jake tapir as gb congress. In my turn, this question about the house speaker drama, I recall, this personally, but you guys have any idea how clownish you look. Congress turner, you got apt after Jordan dropped of the running nine republicans through their hats in the ring to be speaker, the house and then the ring through the hats, back, never seen them every candidate accept Tom Emma in Austin Scott voted to object to the certification of the twenty twenty election results. Those six of the nine candidates voted for the bipartisan government funding bill that lead gates to send kept mccarthy packing. Yes, it's a new group of contestants republican shitting contests, the prize of course forgot Down the motion a chance to keep
munching on that sweets, veal for the foreseeable future, every day by the plateful, to wit, when asked whether he would support Emma despite m, are not supporting his objections to the election results. Donald trump said this course. My biggest fear now, so I dunno know that. Will get a lot of people and he have sort of tried to stay out of as much as Would you would you call that an endorsement if you travel around with a magic marker, yeah he's signing stuff he's, also gone full tan. Mom like this whole thing is like tan has gone to another level. I couldn't even focus on what he was saying between the tan and the sharpie and he's crushing it. Imagine if you were, for a job in this was your reference. Would you consider good reference? Would you be happy with this? Tom Amor was because Tom ever took this clip this ambivalent clip at which chump just said
he wasn't my fan, but now he is because he called me yesterday, I'm staying out of it. He takes that club and tweets it and says Q. Mr president, those embarrassing fucking thing in the world. Thank you, MR president, for basically saying this asshole called me to get him a good graces. Who cares But if you're wondering who trump things could actually get the requisite votes to take the speakership there's only one name on his mind, as it is only one person that can do it all the way. No, that is, Jesus Christ came down said I want to be speaker, he would do it other than that I haven't seen. I haven't seen anybody that can be irritated, but at some point I think we're going to If somebody policing, it's called the thing that problems we get behind somebody for medicare for all, and he's gay and a jew gay jew. a gauge uber medicare, bra attitude, but that
you know I was an unpopular guy without a dangerous ideas: Jim Jordan, when you only saw one set of footprints that was in Jesus, was busy whipping up votes to see if congress could force a tween victim of sexual assault to carry a baby to term? That was a hard one. We will be getting a tariff Finally, in a closed door meeting on tuesday, after five secret ballots house republicans nominated Tom amur as their candidate, though he only defeated fellow republican inane dissimulation just spat out five seconds ago, my Johnson one hundred seventeen to ninety seven five votes. When two other randalls and one person vote, it presents and now the easy part, the floor vulgar republican, if only gone one for eighteen. It's also not clear. This was a really closely divided caucus. One seventeen to ninety, seven plus, five, going to other people. One vote present. That means that he has to get all but four of those one hundred,
and three who voted another way on the floor does seem like he can or seems like it's gonna be as hard as it was for mccarthy, but anyway I know I ran about learning by this guy emma, I hardly know our that's all we ve got next candidate, since he heard reporting trump has called him. A rhino really, since we record your green technologies that are going to day trump called emma arena? Lots out? That's not it s, not a good sign for him, rising as what that means. hey, don't go anywhere, more love it or leave it coming up. Are you break
unscramble ready for spooky season. If your answer is, I'm afraid of everything, but mostly afraid of not seeing culturally relevant this october ruined is the podcast for you, I'm alison Lai be famously skittish, co, host of ruined and I'm halle, kiefer love it or leave it head. Writer watch her for movies and also co host have ruined each week we unpacked a different horror movie from bone chilling. Slashers to spine tingling, supernatural flicks and for those of you like Alison, were too scared to watch fear. Not. I will ruin the movie for you. Let us help you bravely pretend that you've seen horror classics like the babadook hereditary. of the living dead. So please listen to ruin to each week wherever you get your pancakes and we're back sen, Bob Menendez was arraigned monday on new charges alleging he accepted bribes from the egyptian government and conspired to act as a foreign agent while a sitting member of congress. This is ridiculous. Menendez replied: when was I supposed to be a foreign agent when I'm not in congress? The whole point is to do it, while I'm in congress,
According to the indictment, an end is allegedly provided sensitive. U s government information and took other steps that secretly aided the government of Egypt and of course he was providing secrets you dont get gold bars in were saving for non anything unless Menendez in egypt are fucking? And I don't know women and is- would take all these crazy risks? Members of congress we have a perfectly respectable way to get rich. It's called insider trading violent, has been in the inventor of pog? Dos Santos is back in the news you told your rapporteur is five year old. These vanished from a playground, and he strongly implied. It was a kidnapping plot by the chinese communist party. But when the rapporteur asked the police about in an official replied, he made it up. It's really unbelievable. I thought I could no longer be surprised. point, but there it is clear as day the police conspiring with the chinese communist party to take down towards answers. It sounds like somebody is trying to deflect attention from the baby. He kidnapped. Remember that baby, who was that was our baby job. What, if that's the real job centres,
there. They were about to have thought about it at a show in Boston. Last thursday, comedian Dave Chapelle accuse the: u s of aiding and the killing of civilians in gaza and criticise the israeli government's actions in response to the massive terrorist attack. Some attendees walked out. Other cheered and shouted free palestine, while still others in the crowd asked what about Hamas look I'm his disappear it has anyone, but our hope that the disparate shouts by various audience members in response to a is comedian ripping about israel and palestine. Might lead to a diplomatic breakthrough has not come to pass. When asked about the show and his comments, a spokesperson for chapels said the comic denies being in boss, last night, why this as operating at a level of. I don't give a shit. The world has never seen he'll take on anyone. He'll say anything: he doesn't care about your rules, pew pew, pew pew. He wasn't in Boston, that's how that's how edgy Dave chappelle is he'll deny being
Boston, it's good that the center will not hold. You know what I mean: yeah yeah, that's famously cool, it's great good sign. I have oh, do you think is wrong to ask people what they ve been a boston. That's something private. They should only get to say if it something that you want to talk about. You don't even know you get your ass. Somebody were you in Boston. I think a personal thing. Nobody wants You know if somebody wants to talk about the fact that their in boston or have been to Boston, fine talk about it, but, like you, can for someone to admit being in boston, is not right. Between omen, yeah how to help our having lovers marston. find, as have many lovers in Boston, sarah. Yet yet yet agriculture to be involved in the release of americans, Judith Natalie run on who were abducted and held hostage. hamas sean king, the activism
after has been denounced by both women and their family, who said he had nothing to do with their release. At this point more people have now now, chongqing than have denounced Hamas, the women also we gotta get it sort of odd that we never see Sean king and george sent us in the same place. At the same time, this working eyes unbelievable. I can't ladys drifting internationally. That, like really does takes her to a new, it's sick. He sick, he's gonna worldwide speaking of intractable like the actor strike, has passed its one hundred day and late. Last week, a group of eight listers, including george clooney Ben applicant scarlett johansson met met with the head of the union, an dresser and other sag representatives to pitch their own proposal for how to bring the straight to an end. How many stars just agree to this plan, though, because clooney call them direct george glennie called me. I know I would do like literally anything. I would do anything I'll do anything. I'd poverty. This is the part of business. In every week we do
do one number from oliver clooney had to pitches. One remove the cap on dues. Highest earners contributed more to the union, which glennie said would bring in over fifty million dollars annually. The other suggestion is what quiney called a bottom up. Residual structure does his car meaning the top of the call sheet would be the last to collect residuals, not the first. He went on to say that these negotiate the ongoing, but we wanted to show that we're all in this together and finding ways how close the gap on actors getting paid in there spots? However, sag Asher said in essence, this is cute sweetie, but you're not helping here's what they said this generous that is worthy of consideration, but it is in no way related and would have no bearing on this present contract or even be a subject of collective bargaining. That's what sag after set. It is, in fact prohibited by federal labour law for about our pension and health plans are funded exclusively from employer contributions. It also doesn't speak to the scale
of the overall package. In other words, more dues coming from actress has nothing to do with the contract was studios and a different structure for back and might redistribute wealth between actors that has nothing to do with making short actors as a group a collect, If a union, if you will receive a fair share from the studios, these famous actors in their symmetrical faces at the idea that they like I, I really found this incredible- that like This group of extremely well paid, very famous well connected actors got together and put together, put put out this proposal, but it may be one thing like it's already questionable I'd, have do a big show of like saying we if the solution that the negotiators don't have like, that's already a questionable thing to do, but to have it not even make sense. Let's instead is like in debt, is an intensely dumb thing. They would have had to speak. You an ugly person, then look at the village. We don't know anyone who can do this. We don't know anyone ugly anymore. He sleeps next to a mall, let's go,
all ugly I really am all do not put eyes on. Then you got an entertainment, more you're, not a human rights lawyer. You would think that makes you could give some notes he's probably busy yeah yeah. Can you imagine? I also the variety article was like fifty million, or your credit card number also besides being relevant is like grossly firmly apparently and well. I just the thing about, as I get like a basic misunderstanding What's going on because is feels like, residuals, but it seems like we sang the back end, but like he's talking about redistributing money between actors but like that's not what you negotiate like that's part of wire negotiating with the studio, but the goal is to get a bigger share of the studios. Revenue to all the actors in the actors together should come together and figure out. The back. wait to share that or like to distribute in a way that, like makes sense to the union, that's
one and then the other part of it is just that part of their proposal was not legal, but you're not allowed to pay the deuce don't go towards the pension and health care that has to come from the studios too, they just another imagined video is it is. It is the legal proposal equivalent of the imagined video you know gallic adele, their deciphering, the keeper, far away from our right and they can't and they Fran drescher put out a video in response to this year's. What she said, everybody it's me friends or share your sag aftra president, and I wanted to just clarify a few things
yeah and a lot of concern in the press today to hear it direct from me where we're at first of all, I want to thank certain members that wield a lot of clout in this business for the tremendous amount of money that they contributed to our foundation on behalf of all of the strike. members that are in particular need. I also want to thank george clooney for organizing the suggestion that we raise the take the camps or of the dews so that the highest paid members can contribute more and, although those extremely generous- and we accept that grace
That does not impact the contract striking over what we have is a thoroughly regulated labour union envy. Only contributions that I can go into our pension and health funds must be from the employer, incredible author aids, the first of all that I know it's not important, but fran dresser looks ah maize. Incredible I'm about her out bid. She just is so cool in this video and her tone. heard talk, so good he's doing like her Lena lama voice to light hide the brooklyn like to hide the new york. It's very funny, lena, nothing to own a toddler hands you a cake made of mud and you pretend to eat it and you yum yum. That tone just feels like she does sort of like greenhouse,
but, like clearly she's like seeing all those there dealing with it. It's confusing to people this story and variety, which was clearly, I think, run out of run like that that the commentary and the kind of direction came from sight. Was so withering about cleaning in this group. The last line of that story is when asked when asked what clooney and his and is a lizard could do to support the union The union replied Shabata, pick him which is basically saying, shut the fuck up like we're in negotiations and it does so what they did is clearly of rushing but like, like friend, rush like a sad or living like our right full here make up. Let's go. Let's do this ominous intergroup text that george clooney that africans in our own. After this cave as they slowly realise that cuba clooney just like lead them to slaughter, just like, like the other day, I think I'm a stone was on the way in which money about that is like all these are like bug athletic. Like I honestly you ve come to come to expect this kind of thing from a clooney.
From a joe but like a stone I know that is heartbreaking, come on yanks being I stand by france treasure in public. I do anything and that's our show our show babe desert. You may think Sally Brian kindred There are a whole team. You'll still get love ITALY, because like every saturday and now be releasing what a week day every tuesday afternoon, things were listening and watching and see his lutz over the weekend. Let us leave it as a crooked media production. It is written produced by me, John love it in the eyes and bird kindred james is our executive producer. Brian similar are producer and malcolm with real desire associate producer highly keeper is our head writer policy. now and Sarah lazarus joscelyn kaufman Peter miller and Alan Pierre will miles and mohammed l shaky are writers. Evans Sutton is our editor kyle segment insurance
and just provide audio support on. The road mendelian VON schroeder is our tour manager and Anastasia Anderson is our tour coordinator Steven cologne. As our audio engineer and milo came as our videographer. Our theme song is written and performed by sure sure, thanks to our design, jesse maclean in Bernardo cern for creating and running oliver visuals. But you can't see because this is a pot gas and to our digital surrey, urban david told me a kalman and Matt de groot for filming and editing video each week. So you can. You can find those glorious videos at youtube, dot, com, slash at love it or leave it. Podcast subscribed to love it or leave it on youtube or access to video versions of your favorite segments and other exclusive content. Don't forget to follow. I was a cricket media on igy and twitter and, if you're as opinionated as we are, consider dropping us a review, the it's on it or leave it.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-27.