« Lovett or Leave It

Move Fast and Break Teens


Comedian Ashley Ray thumbs through a forbidden text in our first ever Don’t Read This Book Book Club meeting. BJ Novak steers our collective trolley through a crowd of ethical dilemmas and moral quandaries. And Kara Klenk defends Elliot and Olivia’s end game on Law & Order: SVU, among other other scorching opinions in the return of Lorde of Hot Takes.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Within two months ago. We don't come back good evening was, and you do alive once it feels like could be a fluke
I'll do it is good to see everybody. Last week I thought I was a little to act as a You excited at work like I was worried, ozal to activate it in the recording, taking a moment to take it in. Thank you I see that you have a peek, a chew jacket that I started with what early. early in life or early tonight's early, as opposed to what. You were going to reveal it later I see so early by a timetable you had set for yourself as to when you are going to peacock with that fuckin picket you jacket and get my attention, but you got little chile you put it over your legs I came over here, first you're being modest and now talkin to you, a wife
see you later that amazing song was by mark. Awful it. If you have a live, or else the police said to us at leave it at crooked dot com. Also we're trying an experiment tonight which, as we have bored in the back, where you can put your own high notes, we're gonna. Do the high notes lie? So if you want to leave behind for us to talk about at the end of the show, put it up the board at a mom, but it wouldn't be too distracting for me over the people around. You show some goddamn respect. A hum week show actually re joints more inaugural. Do not read this book book club beach. I know that wrestled with the very notion of reality and care. Clank swings by for a return of our hot take segment, but first
let's get into it. What are we this week? Representative role kindly said: we're we're all thinking about cures and cinema. She continues to drag their feet on passing the reconciliation bill. I guess the question is: what does she want? I think it's obvious word centre appears in cinema- wants it's a hot topic. That's just for people. Over forty in response to pressure, both cinema and west virginia centre and gruff man. sort of sea centrally making a piece of pottery with a ghost Joe mansion, you know what I mean, there's a softness there You know I'm saying it's there, we can deny it, but it's there here at least a statement as well. Cinemas says she has been providing details in negotiations with the white house in majority leader, chucks humor mansion said he
open to a one point: five trillion dollar reconciliation bill issue more will agree to stop showing up. It is houseboat every morning with one walks and cream cheese bagel to split, because you don't need. Who from the place he goes because they give you such a big portion, sort of sweet to split up. Whereas by rapporteur, where she was with regard surpassing, the bill, senator cinema said this. Therefore, I don't know where you are So it was a top audio. So someone said the Democrats in the house, don't know where you are and she said, I'm right by the elevator cause she's doing fucking schnick. The auto melted their smoke ever third day and she's like I got jokes. She went on to say I've decided which floor to get off on, but a definite going to push every button because I stink. Cinemas also reportedly been to the white house four times this week is by an attempt to negotiate a deal to pass both the bipartisan infrastructure bill
anyway. He also wants to pass build back better got very boring, divided by partisan one for roads and then there's the bills back better First, the rest of society. There is the roads, one and then there is the one that nobody can summarize because its childcare climate tax cuts, I think, history is in there. I think it make by the industry may come out the point. It is sometimes, I think, was a mistake for us to organise our entire society around the principle that the people with the greatest pathological need for attention will be granted, whose power, as a consequence of getting the most attention who wrote this that's I hate that What about cinema me does? we're through I realize I may have been pranks, not even doing the punchline I heard my own feelings.
Anyway about all these shenanigans nancy policy told the press this just say about negotiating at the end That's when you really have the way- and you can tired. You cannot concede. This is the fine point Its pollution is eighty one years old. What is it like to live this way regret making dinner plans on a week night. If I dont get an hour to chill between work. And leaving my house again, I freaked out because need that moment to get mice together eighty one, where my reappearance or eighty one. It was like breakfast casino: wait: lunch bed, She's dangling josh got homer over the over the ledger: the fucking capital rotunda, a book in votes got eimer its goal, because it gets a lot of shit but deep down
We water there right now, a little bit come on when questioned. If he was confident that the average your bill would pass on thursday. Has majority leaders anywhere you're, said nope as of right now, no boats, what can happen eggs beaten up in our new memoir former? What he does? Brazil oratory? Seventy grissom details how president trump allegedly underwent a communist could be without energy. In order to avoid showing weakness the whole thing takes place in the weakness though drunk did say, too little, vcr cleaner, I'm so sorry to that that killed in the pig it you section I will say by twenty twenty, do we're hoping lower level be one hundred percent poppers. Just
Wednesday ted crews treated in support of mba players who seem not to be complying with vaccine mandates in new york in san francisco saying, I said, with cairo, irving and my body my choice, I can think of no better incentive on earth for antibiotics. Athletes to get vaccinated And having ted crews express their support, I want to be with that. Guy had dispel carry out fanatically because I hadn't heard the term before After her daughters, real estate, appraiser application and was denied by a state employees. South Dakota, governor christie, nome in her daughter, met with the employee, her supervisor and the states labour secretary nomes daughter, was approved four months later in the agency. Employee was allegedly or to retire a week after approving the application to Chris. Nomes daughter, I would just say this dream bigger. mom, will kill off half the state for a motorcycle parade.
You could be surgeon general if he wants a lot. I like her, shouldn't to become a real estate. Appraiser, I'm saying it's a good job, but this week facebook announce at their planned. instagram for kids. Would be put on pause out of concern that their platform negatively impact children, self image in Israel spokesperson said in his statement. We have listened to sports and parents, and before launching this project, we want to ensure that kids have time to get hotter facebook, global had of security and take any Davis, which is a really cool name, take any Davis and take any that's cool has divided in the senate. Today after the wall street journal published the facebook files which expose the instagram does to ten girls and other groups. A million dollars is in cool. Now it's cool, A billion suicidal teens
What do you do in the world we built? The word We built where our children for a living, who spaces at once, once real and one that the nightmare this cab. We as a prize to anyone with these that he say like integrate, makes me feel terrible, and I didn't just get my period for the first time during intramural volleyball in front of Josh sea captain of the locrians team thirty nine year old man. they know cut age from the podcast or make it something else. a whistle blower leaked documents detailing facebooks research to congress, head of the hearing in one of the more disturbing findings facebook concluded that for young instagram users, social Comparison journeys mimic the grief cycle. literally does on the sly deck it's like, this there's this meeting at facebook. They all
together, it's in the middle of the day. Maybe some of these executives had a finance meeting first, maybe they marketing go on to zoom. And then somebody from their research department is. We find we have the findings. And our products Guaranteeing girls into widows morning the death of theirs of the steam. It is poison for their minds. It will them destroys their individuality, leads them to seek out an impossible and singular standard that no one could possibly meet. It becomes a preoccupation for these girls, it overtakes their natural desires individuality turn them into shells of their former ourselves in pursuit of an impossible standard of beauty and then what executives like gimme rap,
I have two minutes so my next thing I need to go to the bathroom. The grief cycle. claiming the wall street journal miss characterized their findings. Facebook release to internal debts on wednesday, and then the world Your journal said: oh yeah. We have more of this, but Joe among, among things, how users experience a downward spiral exacerbated by the platform and provokes a self describe this morphia. The only way to properly characterized. Their findings will be to have Verna herzog narrow the presentations, which I genuinely think we should like reach out. and have been for next week, and we see if burners available, tough booking, he could do it from home. I assume at the mouth of a volcano or something Central richer Blumenthal obvious created an account for eighteen girl as an experiment and saw how quickly the account was a dangerous content about body image and eating disorders, which I'm going
they did, I think, was an interesting experiment, but I do think it was wrong to make gratitude burg run the account, because now now talking less and less about climate change and more and more about contouring. I don't even know what that is: it's a shame. We would also as instagram if they would step up an end. Finster call. The club will you commit to ending fenster. He's doing well to until then by saying how many young, men and women are caught in these third straps, and how do we freak them? I want you all to know I think this is all a little unfair he's doing good work on this instagram, so we poke fun but has been doing good up that finster site John hinkley
the message subjects. A Jesus. The man who shot president ronald reagan to impress jody foster, has been granted unconditional release of summer twenty twenty to turn a poor applause I gotta stop. It doesn't mean anything to applaud that Finally, clear to mental health professionals that he was over his obsession, my question is: why did they twenty years to show a man and the king. I love you father about a little sceptical of anyone who has melt gibson as their like emergency contacts, thanks Delta related demand costs go, is limiting sale of toilet paper. Here's the thing kafka! You can't limit toilet paper, while still selling the unlimited chicken makes you fucking psycho seem ass. Instead, I want to say- and finally after
Month on the lamb, a dazzle of escape zebras are still being spotted around maryland. Just authorities Israel does. authorities have asked for the public's help in rounding up before kyrgyzstan. Cinema turns them into a coat all right. We come back actually raise here, ladies and gentlemen and everybody else,. we live in an era of memoirs in when an undesirable point I can't think of something insightful original, just described indeed, Everything that has ever happened to you and pray. Someone buys it to fall asleep on a plane. That's fine again. Especially when I personally publish my men more, which is any day now. title ideas, love at first sight. That's it.
However, there are a lot of books. It would be downright morley, irresponsible to actually read let alone purchase, so this week marks the first instead, of love it or leave its official. Do not read this book book club we get into it. So you don't have to join me. Now is an incredible comedian, one of our favorite gas. Please welcome, actually read you in good to see you do. You do have another drink meet you there. They made me a whiskey soda, so nice It is our view known as she's been on the show, but this was our first meeting in person yeah better yeah. It's been a lot of that a vague meeting, zoom people- I r L- I love it. Oh, I think it's ok, yeah. And, aye aye legs living people just fall in love with me when they pay me the real bang, by a fair enough. Oh no I've fallen in love with you
but I've met more than just you. ok that you and I mean you're mean all kinds of people around the world and they're, not all ashley's ray. You know precisely before we crack a few spines as they say I want to check. In with you about one of your, I would say areas of focus? Yes, which is a person, the name of Sean king created. A video titled John king is a liar. Sometimes tell me what led you to create this tax Well, you see, people don't often know that shown. King is a liar. Sometimes he gets. He gets a lot of support mostly around way. People who don't like to read so I notice. Last year, a lot of my friends were sharing things like still sharing sean king stuff, and I was like come on. How can you still want to share this? I made an instagram pose that was like come on he's a liar and it was
viral which lay going by iran instagram it they'd sucks. It's like going viral and a joyance fabric later, All of these, like on an old women, were like he does more good than you'll ever do like, and so then I got sick of people being leg. I want to see the receipts and evidence, and so I just made a thirty minute powerpoint that goes into ever single thing he has done. That was a scam, since he was a church pastor like going back here, I just like aligned it all up, and then I did a scam goddess episode with wonderful lazy mobs, mostly, and then I became sort of a shocking scam expert gets well, it's it's indoors easier because it does seem as though he does rely on a new people coming to the internet. Yes was real, why types who are looking for a coup router introduce them to read
Similarly, I raised in amerika and I think, with some way people they like that. His last name is king. Then they only after remember like one. Your name like it just makes it easier there, like oh moorish, on this, is the new wine. So it's like you just follow him on instagram and send money where he says in its so simple and if you do like a minute of research, you will see like this. Guy is a liar everything he's ever plan like none of its ever happens leg. don't give him money. It will do this thing so after his last controversy, the mother to mere raise called him out for ceiling money he's a great guy. Isn't he does traditionally is twitter. He like made it private and then just deleted the whole thing, because twitter is a place where you can like get called out. People will make threads, but instagram is justified, where people are like all. This is a pretty infographic. like I support him. So, that's how he does it, and The reason we wanted to ask about this because there's a new venture, yes
tell you, tell us about oh make its cost so you're, getting hauled out by these mothers of the movement deleting his social media just running to instagram, where he can continue to confuse housewives, he does to start a clothing line, sean is starting a clothing line called a real one, which every time I read it by the way, I'm like our alone, I'm just like our alone, that's a weird name, but it's a real one where he selling sweatshirts that are a hundred and sixty five dollars this. The bumper when you go to the website to order the hoodie, it says prototype on it, but it's not clear if it's like a prototype or if it's the actual one you're getting. But then he d make it clear you will not get it for ten to twelve weeks. you're never gonna get that hoodie. Whenever never you're, not gonna, get that honey you gave him a hundred and sixty five dollars? I desire one is not going to get ones hoodie. Why? Yes, shit?
hybrid enhydra fanatical buyers out there do not cross your fingers on getting that hoodie intend to twelve weeks. So you that you think that a helper Sean king, a real one. Scammed outcome is not least because I have not got at my prototype, No, I don't, I don't think so. I think much like his venture to climb seven mountains. This will be another failure or I won't. You know whether or not to get my sweatshirt. It's not important now it's time for the EU. read this book book club it Stephanie grissom's I'll, take your questions now. What I saw the trump white house do not buy it in which the form, from press editor reveals I'll, not all right. It's probably just like it some self serving stuff in a bunch allies now actually did I read this whole book. The interest
now again, I've never at any of it, because harbour collins change their mind about sending us a copy and it still directly under embargo and out of respect. The harbour collins. We an honorary where that governs asian about it. We work like the embargo, so they were right not to send it. A lot is already leagued about the book, so we're going to unpack it using discussion, questions called from the operas book club? Yes, but before you ask, I guess look for reese witherspoons discussion, questions as well, but you have to get the app where is raised is an incredible businesswoman. You will want that down. You don't begrudge reach that please for even a second. So let's begin with this quote from the book, I knew that sooner or later the president would want me to tell the public something that was not true, or that would make me so like a lunatic, That is why she decided to never have a briefing for tromp. Despite that being her job and
using olbers discussion questions. Let's start with this. you think motivated the author to share his or her story. You know I think, at this stage, if you're you're in the the position of being like, I probably could have done something to stop trump. But I wait. Until I could get a book deal, it's probably gonna be money. I'm I gotta be my I'm thinking it's she's motivated by the money, I couldn't agree more in another passage: reserve reveals that one's putin acted cold door trump. The forty with president became desperate to be a friend of mine is approval or, as grissom puts it, with all that, of sanctions against russia for interfering in the twain sixteen election everywhere, human rights abuses, trump told Putin. Ok, I'm gonna! a little tougher with you for a few minutes, but it's for the cameras and after they leave we'll talk. You understand Actually, please imagine I'm Oprah. When I ask you this, I am. How does
This passage make you feel it makes me feel egg. Maybe I can really a little bit leg, you know I'm desk river, the approval of so many men who are called to me. Nothing hotter, there's, no matter, I gray and no little ay ay same like I can't begrudge. Him is like the I'm just gonna play its hope for a little bailing out tax bag right away. I feel that shit I know that, but they know they know. They know they have all the power they had all the power so that just like Putin, just like putin, not finding me funny, is the hardest thing in the world. To me I mean that is the coolest fuckin thing a person can do. Oh, my god, I will seek your approval to the day I d ever show, and I was like they do good to educate and there's lay Let's get
jerry maguire leave ogata, the trumbo, like all my relations, desperate the verb wakes up where they get rough. I have not words. Were Hillary Clinton in over a decade one more chance to make her laugh one more chance, one more than ever to get it ever to get a single f, Is that would just drive me wild and I get it. That's the point we but that in another section, maybe that look was in my answer to you. We could just now we ve got this part in it and no perception gruesome, says Fiona hillbilly, potent and selected his translator to distract trump, only reacts to women with brown hair. The way a cartoon wolf reacts to Betty
rights tourism, as the meeting began Fiona he'll leaned over and asked me. If I had noticed Putin's translator, who is a very attractive brunette long, hair a pretty face and a wonderful figure. She proceeded to tell me that you suspected the woman had been selected by Putin specifically to distract our president. The man is giant. He has seen hundreds of attractive brunettes. He can abnormal around any of them anyway. Actually that brings me to my next Oprah question. What did then have you learned from this author's story that I can help the lot of power as a woman with dark hair people, disable runs out more fine not necessarily you can be deployed as a honey pie and be a brunette and that's a programme that is the definition of progress in another segment of the book risen, described, realizing trumps temper wasn't just for shock value the cameras and was often direct- white house, council, patsy bologna or others
tending to give him actual advice. Here is a quote: he didn't them telling him that things he wanted to do where unethical or illegal so we'd scream at them, but then it usually listen and then yellow them again later. Ashley. You could ask the author any question. What would it be why it was like the worst thing, trompe l you like? I want to know what his temper tantrums are fully like. We, like you, just have the dumbest leg. Insults like you can't even afford make don it's like so without ever really indra ambrosch, without leaving any time that's as they now right get back to us in our thinking overnight. It printed and overnight to learn will be waiting for that, but I just feel like it would be like have like just curse words and have just like what are you
by your pants calls or something. I don't like the idea that this is the book of a person who decided to be true. press secretary in a year five and is acting like this was I'm kind of a revelation like how I came to discover the most obvious fuckin thing on planet earth, yeah by Stephanie, grissom in an american incredible moment she describes being called from here where's wanna being made. You agree with trump that his penis was normal after stormy daniel described it as resembling the mushroom character in Mary, oh cart and just shut out the toads? on his whole family. So unfair does live in your life being the worst joys and super mary. Oh do not is vaults dragged into this gruesome,
yes. I know that toadstools it mary, oh car, but I dont choose toad because it's for more advanced players because he's fast, but you gotta good controls on turns to equate out. I got out of agility that I like bouser. I like about her I'd like to take more of a kind of driving, miss daisy approach. To marry a cart, a slow acceleration is slow deceleration. That's what you get with thousands safer you're, not I mean slow unsteady. I never win. That's what the shows about now. So anyway, back to book early, trumps, penises, like toadstool his present, dared to reassure him otherwise voice by keegan Michael key and how much money is he getting to voice trumps, dig aunt miranda movie, which begs the booklet question? How did this
book change your mood anytime. I have to think about trumps penis, I'm in a bad mood that that's immediately setting me on a path I don't want to be on. You know, I'm happy that trump has people around whom who don't body? Shame I gotta say that that's good. I wouldn't expect that redeem drummed. That's you know nice to see. This is a phone call from air force. one- and it just occurred to me now that the technology balding connecting that secure phone there. people in the military on the line staying power through satellites knows it's quite normal. I believe one of your as your press secretary, sir. Let me reassure you. I'm sure it's great did you have to see it I don't know, I hope not. I don't want to now and finally, perhaps most bizarrely of all grissom reports that an unnamed staffer had you can't We play the song memory from the musical can stay calm trump down.
If he started to fly off the handle final, robust club question, actually do you think the author was honest,. Yeah I mean that to be true, I mean this to be one hundred percent sure, because it's amazing the thought of donald trump, just like crying to memory from cat. Like You call themselves just like so on the emotional brink of just the story of cats. Like it Zella, you could be resolved from like lame is, and you I know that? Don't get that shit, I want tat. I just love how frozen in fucking amber. He is in like late eighties, early nineties, new york, because for those of us who are from the new york metropolitan our area cats, at the into garden. Theater I mean this was it was unstoppable, never went sam I just saw the commercials over and over again- and I mean-
a and what is this? What do these costumes? What people doing on this age, and yet in trouble. I assume is seen every like. So many railway plays venom of the opera, probably like as a world he could choose from and he goes of cats I mean that to be true, they're, pretty good songs, cats. Could be worse because its could be worse enshrining of a worse musical. But honestly, I hate cat so much. I dont think comes from a moment in time when. you are allowed to do cocaine, work, unapologetically and just say: hey what you're thinking I only wanted to my office for seven hours. Believe it or not. I rode literally. Seventeen songs do I'm being honest, three are reprieves and while there is technically no story, it's perfect.
They have done and I don't know I'm done and I need to go home. So this is cats and now I'm rich forever, which is such a cool thing. How cats I see way trump would be into it. I see why job would be into a two and that's the do not buy this book book club. Thank you to read. When we come back, you have some moral quandaries suppose to be turnover, don't go anywhere, is more love it or leave it becoming a lover. Leave it his brow- you, my zip recruiter when it comes to looking for a job most people would probably agree that the whole experience is not fun. In fact, here some things we'd rather do than look for a job riff. I have a job now puts her too.
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I guess is a brand new anthology tv show called the premise which grappled with a new modern moral dilemma: each episode, it's blue, mirror without the technology, so basically is regular mirror, and the inclusion of every episode is in technology is ruining society. We can do that without it in our humanity is capable of doing that on its own. We hear love it or leave. It always enjoy wrestling with the big issues, both fictional and otherwise. So tonight we have the power this is creator, be J novak here to join us to untangle some moral quandaries. Please welcome, be J, know about ivy J, exciting I've. Never on. I haven't done any performing. I'm not going to do this, but I have not done any stand out or is it feels like you're at a rally school. I, like your mussolini or something that's why I no oil, that's how I fear I do that. With me, are dangling from my feet being dragged through the streets of los angeles
You see in the youtube clips of him, it's very silly. He wasn't with airlines. Yeah he's a very silly figures, like you know, is The silent movie, comedian yeah, I mean I don't That seems, I wonder you learn from history. Is that fascist or fund? mentally silly way that lets people think they're guards should be down its when a reality. That's part of the way in which they managed to accrue power. It's something I honestly clicked in. That was the one they collected in for me. But yes, I agree. It's getting somewhere. So let us not be too funny, but that must not be. Do we not want to set off any alarm bells there I go into it. I want to hear perfect level of funny creates a movement that can't be stopped their ordinary politics, I don't really want to that much I was the first of the show, and I We appreciated that ban plot was wearing a positive america, seizure, which I love. You thank you, and I also the second episode is about guns,
and I really liked the way, built suspense rather episode, and I also like that there's a moment in that show where You see the the main character kind of espouse. Both whence a view in full and in that kind of Ben find episode there? Also? to be this ever to kind of sea, both sides of like what it means to be a kind of progressive, quote, woke and quote liberal What is your goal with the premise like? What are you trying to go with the show is, is to not do anything other then then explore what it feels like to be in this age filled with issues so it is funny about it. What is dramatic about it, but When there are ideas expressed, I try to make them be sort of the background, the scenery in which doctors wrestle with things in an ideal you feel for them. So it was fun to sort of right, very, very different points. View from my own, all over the place. For years and years we ve seen serve zombie move.
These and in zombie movies. There's a question like what would humanity do? How would they respond, and then the past too years we ve been through this global panda? Megan. One thing we learned is like our people are going to do whatever the fuck. They want it or not, pay attention. They're, not gonna. Listen. How did the pandemic and the way people reacted shape. The show, because there's a moment in the episode where this is opposed pandemic world because he tweets as a war iverson that everybody should get back. Senator credibility is torn apart because he has tweeted, never trust a government, never trust pharmaceutical industry and the garden is doing an amazing job, rolling out the vaccine you're an idiot if you don't get it so I can imagine sing these three things I've felt oliver. Things are various points and they don't I'll go together. So I think we're all in situations like this, but is it a post pandemic world? Now this is, I don't. I can t the exact month. It's
I think a lot of shows that have taken place. Look every show takes play. You busted me every show it takes place in an alternate reality in which the, Particular things happened right, that's true, so in the same way that dumb, there's no julie, roberts in the well did notting hill There is an oceans twelve, but there is in oceans twice so? I'm sort of doing oceans eleven and a half like things are very real, but it is an alternate reality in which the pandemic happened a few months differently than it did for enough stalling it's time or ethical, quandaries, you're drunk a trolley like you so often do realise. There are five total strangers tied to the track. Your only option is to switch to try to a different track wherever there is one person tied to the second track that part It is me what he there, whose another track disaffection normal Well now I don t know why they are all
you killed me good decision a few years ago, and this is real. I was stoned in line at the movie here as a true story and two things happen at the same time. one I saw that be was behind me in line. This was at the grove, and I realized that I had not dealt with an issue involving my credit card, and I was about to find doubt whether or not my credit card would work, Major major moment in every man's life- and you were right behind me and I ordered a fair amount. What did you order? probably soda popcorn, probably recent pieces and probably nachos, huge order. They were probably to share with myself and and as I got to the front of the line, I realise that I would might have to turn to you to pay for all this. I would have loved him and so here's what I do. and this is a hundred per this happened,
again, I'm really stone, and I just say: oh, let me get PJ's food and I they turned to things, they also get beating? What do you want I'll get it for? Everybody's is brilliant. My feet, we believe that now because I've tried to be generous if the car doesn't work obviously embarrassing, but there Oh conversation after that, be steps up and pays for the food right. I don't remember, I've muslins don't do, but my card did go through. Ok Do you remember when I bought your popcorn, the movies, Seems like no one has a memory of this, they can be trusted, but this is very much not a moral dilemma. This is a strategic con. operational tactic, whether you're asking me to analyze- and in this case it backfired
was a smart statistical guess on your work, although I was smart and if there is, if there is morality involved, is karmic fate that step to teach you a lesson against the statistical like I need only ever be treating you at the movies at all. Nothing because, like an obvious, a I was trying to scam you, but it did as you save the available is. It does not seem like the kind of story somebody makes up. So I do believe we jason ok, the litter when you're inside the matrix, sure hello barrier, do. You believe weren't a simulation right now, no, and I think, so funny that the staunchest atheists in the technology business just their own guide, which is in their own image and at some cool programmer from another era who has programme an entire universe that we're living in its literally god. God was thousands of years ago. It's a man who is bigger than us like. This is how they just invented religion all over again, So now I don't believe this bush, a religion
because idea, you're you're scared that their hearing it well. Here's the thing I owed my mother, a call. Her name is fran and then earlier today a very cute dog jumped on me and then I said: what's his dogs name and the owner said fran next quest, if you have, if you do it that I you may remain is yet I mean I do see what you mean: zero mean yeah, that's the first unusual thing, I've heard of in a long time I gotta revise everything. Just how do things for me? If you have seen a thing your friend is in and you did not like it, you say you liked it when they ask you what they ask you, They said what you think. Why and say that eu. Does that mean you didn't like me about my show? I did not lie to you that you're sure sure I've known Thank you hey. What do you think of my new tv show What do you do? It was very interesting. I don't why so you don't want to. I think you say I like it, but it's a different language. They know you liked it. If there asked is a neutral answer, you can't get away
answer view. I would never ask I wait longer dodging, I think you're. I dont eyeing. Yes, your dodgy. If someone comes you and says enough, additional shenanigans. I want to know I it's really hard on this and I value your opinion and I want to hear it straight. Did you like my shit? I didn't like it. What Ok, so how would that feel? You know you don't have a high pathetic areas. I don't I don't have a show. This is hypothetical. Here is what I do know worse. Believe me about my show. You haven't heard about my new show on one of the many platforms, here's what I'm saying, here's my response. If you tell me, you don't like to show what does that sound co chairs eyeing using build applause, you got the dirt bikes, but not an airline. Here's my point even here we blame the plaza fucking diplomacy. Oh I'm sure he's involved working to bosnia. This figure prints are on this because if it
your friends and I ask you what you think and you say to like it, here's what I say back. You know what I knew you were gonna fuckin say and you can, if I say, because you have resented any fucking success that have all the time you are not. It kills me. I shouldn't have ass you're right, you know what you're right. I shouldn't ass. You have honest friendships and I think that's great. You're right. I would love a friend who said I did not like your show. If they didn't like myself, I would hate what am gonna write about. I attacked What tonight episode of the premises about the commenter? Anyone? on hulu right now, you're your friends wedding and find out an hour before the ceremony that they are cheating on their spouse. To be, do you say anything? this was going to be the young m c bus to move moral dilemma, and I was I ve been preparing for that. Since I was ten years old involving your best friend Larry, it's an hour before the wedding yeah just found out their cheating on their stance to be, do you say anything no because I don't know what their arrangement as he doesn't know, the arrangements, so I dont know that their cheating,
although my holy shit, don't tell anybody, this is a trail. Is it I don't like your show, if they just all out, then I know something is amiss. This is his brother and it a bit ponderous, is it ever ok to go? Someone gets its idea I understand why it's ok, for you is it s, morally acceptable to go? Someone and I met idea on the other side, the ideal to be goes, that guy's so elegant so heavily Did they go it must be busy. We live in an age of so many distractions, a few days by the time You know you ve been goes. Did so many other things have happened You don't even remember the slight listen I've been ghosted. I don't remember by who
you don't sound like ghostly, you sound like a ghost, or why did I go sisera? This feels cathartic for you in particular super into that, because the people, yes, I'm sure all the time I dont know. What am I being goes to two? Isn't everyone goes? They are very old times you ever engage in the premises. I haven't you ever algerian zones is a crowd of friends. I'll go through my phone, they does. The premise ever engage in the question. Do two wrongs make a right? rico sting. I would I to see the pro argument for two wrongs: make a right. Kind of a straw man of a moral dilemma. On the other hand, perhaps its doubly wrong yeah I'm that guy other hand, perhaps doubly wrong if it range billion, air approach. You and said I am going to mobilise my immense power to enact a fit in dollar minimum wage in the u s, but only if you agree to treat all service workers terribly, to agree that it be
your reputation and there are means about it. You can tell no one you in the eyes feel like I've been doing that. I think the guy do ghosts them. equivalent. Lee let's say said no, and then I was accidently route to people. I believe. Oh, my god, I could have fuckin saved amerika I was just too vain in the moment yeah. So gotta go we're hot me. Every time I was paid, to a waiter I do like I could have everyone, I would. I would let them do it, for you pass that one how about this minimum notice, if you knew your social media platform, cause one slash three of team girls who use it to mentally spiral over their body image, but it made you a lot of money. Would you keep it up? I would ban the The programme is what I would ban the prince programme now, but what? If it was the list app guide, great great, deep cut, greatly cut I wait. I would morally. I do the right thing to do the right thing to shut down the list at sure,
you say that that's. Why did yeah you're right? I was concerned about dean body image among the twenty years. It's not all heroes, wear capes! thank you. I redeemed myself in his eyes our question, but has actually just curious what your thoughts do you think Social media has been a net positive or negative. Go outside great question. I think in fear It should be a net positive and perhaps if it, forever would straighten into a net positive, but it is a net negative. Currently, if it's right now. I believe that socked does like we're in this like when you see by the way everything else right. Facebook says. Dear the things we do that are good and then the rest of us here are the ways in which its hurting us guys it feels bad, and yet we all still use it in part, because we do get something out of it. Some positive some negative,
does seem right now. It is hard to argue that there is a net positive effect on this universe. Oh products, that we ve all kind of sign up for you. I think, isn't it. gave me permission to engage this as a serious question. I think that key but all of them in morality used to be assumed in this sort of all american spirit to be more or less aligned, and this is a very clear case in which to say, hey This is your moral dilemma. What if they're? Not you know, because, Do you think that this is sort of like social life, social interactions taken to a capitalist end point and it might be. great economic system and not a great moral system, but when on this sort of infinitely parallel plane. You have some big decisions to make you can't just be in this? general middle class fantasy, which is entirely right by any means anyway, but this this general all american fantasy capitalism and morality? Basically,
freedom in goodness and right will will be more or less online. I think this is a test of that final question. You really don't think we're innocent. Elation right now, because here's the thing these games are getting better and better at all the nine eleven spooky lake. Now that you mention it peter Novak everybody. I think it goes right. Thank you. So much of our time we got back kara like an actually John they're of amidst a handle, some scalding ah tags don't go anywhere, love it or leave. It is more than the would love it or leave it you by tommy John fall. Is chaos in your pants words, you're overheating, one second and freezing the next to be ready. Anything you need underwear, they can handle everything it time, tommy John men's underwear, when you start off your day wearing time, John you're, that much more comfortable. So you could do
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A r! I? U am a dot com, slash to get fifty percent off. That's cia! I? U am a dog coms- last love it for fifteen percent off only for a limited time. You think by thursday we be tired of all the internet's twenty four seven. How take cycles? Not me, though, I have a cycle, like a problem. I did spicy opinions, which is why I that's actually re back to the stage where the show second round of what we previously job. Lord of hot, takes embryonic. calling at that, because cairo We can come up with something better. It was because law the musician ada just by sea, hot wings as if they were nothing on that show how ones and we that it's? U spicy! How takes inspired by her but we thought we can generate the number of hot takes. We need just the two of us will also be joined by comedian and host of that
please welcome ashley and cara hi. Welcome back, welcome back hi good to see you thanks for coming. I always sit on the sun, because, even though that's traditionally the host seat and actually interesting fact, most talk shows on television where the hosts its here- fail. You gotta sit on that site, I don't know why, but it's one of those rules. The problem is, this is my good side this is for no one here, the rules, Neither I nor my guess have seen these hot takes. That's real. They were hand select, without our input or knowledge, no matter what we eat receive. We must defend it with our lives kara. Actually ready here? I'm ready, let's see the first, how taken who its four wine is overrated, and how is this for
it's for care, I'm every eye, mama! Listen, wine is overrated. What am I those two by the cheap stuff. Am I supposed to buy the expensive stuff out? Why have to get a degree to understand how to drink this shit I mean You have a couple glasses, you wanna die in the morning. I mean I don't know what was skin contact yuck. Why drink wine when there's vodka, you know what I mean I did you did it, let's get to it faster. That's my time, Wine is overrated, great job, defending not one. Why? Let's see what's next being disney adult is actually kind of bad is for actually, of course, that of course, is k, yes, being disney adopt is actually kind of cool because it is called.
be arrested in development and to have the brain of like a ten year old, I think being disney. Adult is cool because I think it's cool when there are people in the world to leg, never done any cool drugs. I am therefore of excitement is disneyworld. I think that is good in those people are good people all right. Yes, so sullen berger. Is it really a hero, those planes lamb themselves? Here's what I say sloan many times and my favorite, pilots are the ones hit zero fuckin, geese, garabin plenty of times in my life, where I've made a mistake, it work and then worked incredibly hard to fix it, but you know, what's even better than that, not fuck it up. In
the geese in the god. Damn first place. He crashed with style. I many made it is brand, and then all of a sudden we're supposed to listen to this guy on are topics of a sudden. These teach us about leadership. sally, sullen, burgers tips to be in a great leader under fire and it's like all right, man, you and kill everybody on board. That's what every pilot does every single day, with rare and terrible exceptions? What's what's next law and order as we, u should end with elliot stabler and olivia benson getting married. Who is that for that's for care,
It is because I have a law and order broadcasts. Ok, I'm probably worldly. This is very coincidental. If not, we just started the twenty. Third season were five hundred episodes in let a levy a fuck. Can she not hot lack? Herve label are where her back. Let her really apartments learn, learn her thought was charged with the bells bob this woman has been kidnapped, her son has been kidnapped, she's been beaten, she's got under cover and been attacked. Let her fuck
Let her have lower able or his wife just got blown up, spoiler alert. Lack far less than this is what I want. I want a white wedding. I want a fifty five year old, moorish, gerhard detained walking down the aisle like a virginal bride to meet the alpha male stabler at the top with his Jesus Christ. I do because I want him leave less at the wedding and that's what I was looking at risk. Then could do better than jailer. That's her! Ashley godspeed, I you know yeah Ben I've like could do than jailer if you know why. I think there are some really hot amazing people out there who are super into boston, guys,
and their smart lady who are attractive in cool and maybe on this day right now I ve been asked: why could do better than j low because he probably has a lifetime duncan doughnuts card and, like I'd appreciate that I think I think a lotta ladys would you know very nose like all the best bars in boston sure. Do you get punch dad. like eyes, oh yeah! I am you know, honestly jailer going back to it, acts, that's pretty weak. I've never done so yeah my stronger than jail. Oh yeah, third banned you better yeah. That was also, as was the person who shouted reduce him to a boston guy. Did you produce argo? What the fuck, let's see what's next june, Kennedy was hot, Michael
Twenty one standards. I soon that's for me, I will now defend the statement. John F Kennedy was hot by twenty twenty one standards. Here's what all say he has great bone structure. I don't even know why I'm hesitating, I would fought john F he heard the man is incredibly heads. He was on a boat in the pacific world war, two or career world war. Two I know it's warm words. Yes- and you know, they're all those old photos of kennedys playing sports for the love of their father, and I think that that's really good, I think it's cool to be was somebody who's. Whole identity was seared into them by competition as children and what was clearly one hundred percent can do
in love, I think we need a little bit more conditional love entwined twenty one as it me on. well, it turns out actually headline at fuck john F Kennedy. What's next bravo is getting boring. Is ispra kara godspeed, guys the same bravoes getting boring it's getting. Boring Now it's getting boring, I don't care about erika that whole storylines does not They do it for me at all, yet no I mean less and we cancel dallas. Some of these cities are just not fucking performing, and He couldn't caught it and. What we're on like season fourteen of of land and I can't even bring element into it. So good! Ok, you know effects has a lot. Of course.
and what's the private land. I believe, as I would have thought, that bulgaria airbags, I mean I've been paid. That's all twenty dollars backs to say that I am not watching vander pump any more. Those kids can just all go screw, I'm not watching that any more summer houses and winter house. I don't need any more rich kids banging and throwing each other into pools. I don't need that. It's not fund a watch. Bravo is boring now inside face it. What is ended that was really are. The royal family was right about begging, mark, not the value, and the royal family was right about meg in march
they were right, because the monarchy is something that should only involve die old white people, and so they were right to basically cake her out of the emily because she wasn't on brand. Honestly with that, so they were re. I'm device and also you know, suits, isn't that right I think maybe you gotta will better. Maybe good got somebody rome, you know at least lost. Only in I'll civilian I'll lay at the very least lego back backup person on Cyprus, you know, I think the royal family of ev. I standards there expecting at least like Emmy winner.
Wow? What an? What an incredible he was smart to go to suit sitting was the only one to go. Let's see what let's see what's next, you mess I guess so bans should be banned from the workplace, are at all take? This went on. I think it's really good, We have a set of professional standards that require people to be uncomfortable deeply uncomfortable at work. They might briefly for a flickering moment, forgets That they are at work that, if they don't feel kind of pressure on their waste, a kind of tightness and natural constraints at their ways level, they might feel comfortable during the day, and you don't want that sing. You no country will people start to have ideas about other ways that they could become too. You know that they could be. working less and being
aid more they could on. They could expect benefits. to be treated like a person, and we can have that not in not in the late stages of rapacious american capitalism. Sweat pants are a door to a place. We cannot go yet now. What? If I told you that I've discovered a kind of sweat pants secret, which is they now makes weapons that are printed to look like genes and the most dangerous of all I told you I've been wearing the multiple days a week, While wearing the weapons that are painted to look like genes, several more pair because the other night Not only did I wear them to work. I will them to a sushi restaurant, and I felt like had a dirty sexy secret, the secret being that I look.
I'm wearing jeans, the work- of the restaurant world. But in fact these are buttery. Soft swept pants in which I can eat as much as I once of this dish that somehow went from being something you saw once to something you saw literally everywhere, which is something called spicy tuna crispy rice. No, what pants it work. What's next that's it! It's the guy's give it up. Clang and actually re credible job picking out these scorching heartaches, we come back to china ever back now, it's time for the high know we're going to experiments with high note person, let's start with where our Jes and stacy I can't see, what's your high,
We haven't seen each other in eighteen months, because this was in baltimore and it took this broadcast it is in the same place and seem to its own eyes. Let's go to shame regime, I shane. What's your hide out? My high note is that I was an adapted stay maud along with all these beautiful people right here in the front and we're meeting in person from first sign your meeting, a version of the first time. That's great way go to arm Natalie. What's your highness Natalie this week, I scheduled appointment for both my parents and myself, god blister shot rates. I love that right, aids throwin shots in the garage. at every go, get your fuckin boosters he's nerds at the fda leaders, and I don't care stanley. We talk about it, you get appeared dig out, I gotta booster
says it's by way: we're looking for a dumb bitch that you not. U yours excited. Who is the person who wrote that their pointing? my manager fund. Revealed himself to fully be a deck. So now I will be putting my job and leaving him with a team that can do nothing. So I think I see so I I love. That's a euro high note. Is you just fuck sums? up and left done, bitch size hall at work that no one there can fill yes smashing patriotic smash smashing? What's your highness, Michael of, I think it's that I can sleep better
night, knowing that britain is almost free, so ronan pharaoh angie, I don t, know wrote an incredible investigate. peace, for the new yorker is wrong. Fair, always a journalist- and I would say one of the great privileges of my life. Is I, to see how wrote in works, which is get to see Not only that kind of like you know when in X, men when, if cyclops takes off his glasses, he has to be directed or will burn a hole through the earth that's the way ronan approaches, everything from journalism too, like ordering at the cheesecake factory, it's a kind of intense beam of light that could through lead, so it's always apply or to see that an action as is getting to find
out what he knows, but can always prince now magazine anything else. Otherwise, he'll stop talking to me. Let's go to lure aye aye, laura what's your high no mind ran a birthday party and she gave us we'd goody bags. Great. I know lug offer you our what's your hide out high. So my high know is that I was in love my best friend for years, and it only took the world to stop spinning, and pandemic to realise that she also like me too,
and now in a couple weeks, subtle, have been one year since she's been putting up with my non sense and going on so that our showed thank you to be J, no back actually re sent in a high note and shut up. I want to show what more personnel could, I didn't say: less weekly sandy gerard did incredible job over the last year, figuring out how to get us live when she started. You said we will do is show in a parking lot and we spoke in. Did it thanks to sandy? There are four hundred and one days until the twenty twenty two mid term elections have great weekend. Everybody and I'll see you next week, love it or leave it as a crooked media production. It is renewed produced by me, John love it and we are in for a kindred changes. Our senior police are highly keeper, is our head right or jostling? Kaufman, pallaby, economic and peter Miller are the writers are associate. Producer is brian, several bill, lances, our editor and kyle segment is our sound engineer. Our theme song is written and performed by sure sure, thanks to our designers, jesse Maclean in recent meyer for creating and running oliver visuals, but you can't see because this is a contest and you are digital.
There's normal conan and Milo came me a comment and magic root for filming editing video each week, so you can. There are about a civil and I'm louis foretell, step aside any color, but real the union has begun this spring. We are so excited to free brand new episodes of keep it where we explore the biggest and loudest ways. Entertainment pop culture and politics collide catch up on our most recent air views with hollywood legends like Michel, yo, Judas and surely rough on top of that we found time to chop it out with alexander scars guard current sugar kristen chinaware. So join us for new episodes of our podcast. Keep it every wednesday. Listen wherever you get your podcast.
Transcript generated on 2022-06-03.