« Lovett or Leave It

Dogs That Caught the McCarthy

2023-10-07 | 🔗

Lovett Or Leave It is back on the road, and we’re heating things up in the beautiful Center Stage Theater in Hotlanta, Georgia! Senator Rev. Raphael Warnock is here to talk gun control, legalized marijuana, and whether Commander Biden has gotten a chance to bite him yet. Real Housewives of Atlanta's Kandi Burruss sits the LOLI team down to clear the air, and then immediately fill it with thrown chardonnay. Court is in session when Ms. Pat settles our audience’s grievances. TS Madison ate, in more ways than one, and we end the evening with a spin of the Rant(lanta) Wheel.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Land, and its gradual. If everyone is here for our guests, doesn't like to show it. You ve got, you Can you pockets of too much laughter over here? We're how gum.
to love it or leave it the errors door here in the city, where a diet coke was in did the spiritual space for me really good. show for you tonight, similar, rockwell warnock, easier songstress! That's why won't winner and we'll housework beauty birds is here. Returning jump, miss patterns, you d s magazine is hearing animals in the room, was I almost wish that I believe
contractually, I won't be on a stage without my name gigantic. Behind me, thank you for noticing, I'm also here, but that well, we are becoming you for two weeks in tonight. One do you have any beasts in your life that you'd, like ms pad to help you sort out and if you have any high notes, you'd like to share so get thinking? Okay, but first, let's get into it. What a week as I think you do, his donors we're taking his support base to the next level presidential candidate in guy with a voice were not allowed to make fun of rfk jr junior posted yo themselves, doing a back slip into a lake,
to keep watching it six slip, babe side and emotionally exhausted terry I'd, Cheryl heinz holding the camera, trying to remember what their couples therapist said. Kennedys, of course, have a long history of slipping into
it's the hopefully, this campaign ends about as well. The I want to talk about that jump into the water for just one second, which is a lot of people, will be making fun of it. For saying like oh, you know, that's not a good job and then some people were like no he's not he's older. That's pretty good people are missing the fact that he jumps into a lake like he's been wealthy from the day he was born. He jumps into a lake like a man who summers Kennedy appears to be getting ready. We announced that he switching his party affiliation with a super pact, now pulling his support as an independent yeah. That's right! You little If this nomination is almost mine, said marianne williamson as campaign manager, a raven peck
their hair spongy of her last volunteer. Of course, our kid you years, entire operation was already right wing from anti backed and spears theories to the gnp in trumped owners who raised two point: two million dollars for him at a fundraiser this month, a kennedy hasn't put his own narrow interests ahead of others. it's hard since ted caught his breath for fifteen minutes on the bank of that pond laughs. John civil fraud trial in new york commenced this week that the judges prayer really means the focus is entirely on the penalty. Trump will face, not pleased trump has spent the week attacking the judge and new york attorney I know in front of the show tish james calling judge arthur anger, an unfair and unhinged, and james corrupt and racist trump also accused the judge of undervaluing moral ago saying it's worth not eighteen million dollars, but fifty to one hundred times that amount, my god, how much is he
Hidden in a varnished casket, the since a question on Monday had a transfer arrival in cortez from Brooklyn spoke to the press about how powerful you are no matter. Much money, you think you may have. No one is above the law, no matter how much money you think you may have delusional figures. Wannabes
not above the law outside the courtroom, trump called james, a terrible person who is out to get him because he was doing well in the polls and said the judge should be disbarred. This is, of course, a legal strategy known as nagging, and it's trump's best chance for getting the judge to have sex with him. The trump complained about not getting a jury trial, but that only happened because trump's lawyer failed to check a box on a routine form that would have requested one, though in fairness to that lawyer, she's only his lawyer, because she was kidnapped while leaving a bar, which trump thought was at the bar, Anyway, he may not have a jury, but it does have the next best thing, a judge who is repeatedly called in unhinged piece of shit.
On tuesday that very judge placed a gag order on tromp after he attacked the judges law clerk by name and posted a picture of her with senator chuck humor and called her humours girlfriend serves him right, making fun of people's girlfriends. Imagine if somebody started attacking use Jim Scott, in an empty room, refreshing to see somebody defending their staff in that way is not right. Brian, you spindly dope. While there on your side.
If they're, on your side, all the way producer Brian everybody laughed, we also considered lanky simpleton and our old standby ugly idiots. Well he's the point. If he was any of those things we couldn't use the joke. A new supreme court term kicked off on Monday, during which the justices will hear cases on gun, restrictions for domestic abusers, the power of federal agencies and the intersection of free speech and social media. If you want to have a say in the decisions, remember that only patriot, platinum members have access to clarence Thomas' discord, said glared zalm, as the justices took, their seats did everybody of a good summer. Vacation mine was normal by the way. There's some rhino meat in the breaker infringe everyone I gotta go. calls martyr, whatever
Three. california centre. Diane Feinstein died last week at age. Ninety, please do not be afraid, said her replacements, senator Diane, frankenstein, yeah right, hey, you're, right, you're, right, you're, right, there's, nothing! We can do Oh, I've set it jokes aside. She leaves behind a story legacy and pass doing what she loves most free soloists, EL capitan, is there tat. We are talking up,
send a majority reader chuck humor announced we lost a giant in the senate, I'm still here asshole, I was just changing. Clothes, cried John ferryman. Look, we ve made a few fine sign, jokes, your lover or leave it, so I want to be earning for a second diane fine signed a lot for san Francisco, California, in the country and its a lesson for all of us. Bob I go and whoever thinking about barbie to quit, while you're ahead word about barbie about barbie way, you your congressmen and harry potter, george santos chose, shows signs passing as the moment a hard launch, his husband on social media tweeting, my husband man. Now our heart, broken by the news of the passing of centre, refined sign when we
a common, senator Feinstein, boated, upright in her confidence at his. What thou not didn't see the tweet, as he is obviously never seen any news in his in childhood. Why california, governor gavin newsome, said last month he wouldn't appoint any the candidates running for fine sign seats liked. It the funds, a butler, the president of Emily's less to fill the job, although it become the first out black lesbian to serbian congress, since george santos this be one while this week's of news it was only On saturday, since let us show that we narrowly avoided a government shut down and vice president Biden signed a government funding will just before midnight, which was perfect is he was already
to go to the bathroom, but and then it happened. mccarthy, getten, speaker majority. This is personal with mad kevin mccarthy is a feature of the what don't judge the geo p by mad gates. I think seven mccarthy should take a hint of being bad has planned this all long. You saw Kevin Mccarthy lie and like a dead dog, bring it on. Let's get this over, nobody trusts Kevin Mccarthy, nobody likes up mandate, kissed, you kissed his kiss, the opposite of lovers and hate. It is
indifference. Can't you see you love each other for anyone who hasn't been following this news cycle closely. We prepared a faithful, reenactment brian, bring out the bucket of angry crabs. There's no there's no bucket after the after the shutdown, in a word, it speaker, mccarthy, told reporters on Saturday. You know what, if somebody wants to remove, because I want to be the adult in the room, go ahead and try if people think I'm too handsome that anyway, the point he was making as you come at the king, you better not they got him- the king has been gone. Norman, poor, kevin. Hindsight really is twenty twenty hindsight, of course, being the medical disorder, marjorie taylor green, refuses to
It's her children for. Aids. Had this to say on the house floor monday, it is going to be difficult for my republican friends to keep calling president Biden while he continues to take speaker, Mccarthy's lunch money and every initiation I just one flag for everybody, something I've noticed, which is the two best responses to the Biden. Age question have now come from donald trump, Matt gates, that's like travelling to a small town in italy having the best parts of your life and finding out the is from Indiana and racist at the.
On tuesday, the house voted to oust mccarthy, even the speakership, with democrats declining to save the speaker from this republican chaos. The resolution is adopted without object. In the motion to reconsider, is laid on the table, the office of snow, of the house- of the united states house of representatives is hereby declared vacant. The. get margarethe knotty over a good time or a long time in the aftermath of the boat rum Republican could reportedly be heard saying now. What? Now? What should be the fucking motto of the republican party, We all see the speaker now what true one now, what we convince the third,
the country that Democrats were pedophiles so that we could cut taxes. Now what meanwhile, new york representative Jamal bowman is under investigation after surveillance, footage caught him pulling a fire alarm as he raced to vote on the house floor, bowman's team said it was a mistake and the representative is trying to open the door when he activity. The alarm- ok, just say it like it's true forever. The One you can do now is just forever say that deal we ve now made fine. I mean I've got you. It was an accident forever. We just between us. That never opened the door ray that's not right. To put just us now
Open the door, it gets a teen out of being weight to class. I manage all, but that's a major mobile man, knows because he was a principle back, but I'm a good team players are cut off from the, but then before he was rejected when the speakership Kevin Mccarthy call for a moment to be punished. Even comparing the incident to, as you are six, and this is just like nine eleven said mccarthy. After his flight was delayed, the during a performance at madison square garden on Sunday see the knicks announced that mattel will be creating an official Stevie nicks barbie, the perfect gear for baby boomers who play with dolls and children who love stevie nicks.
Who's got broken. Barbie four nights get good next to the crowd of until approaches for of roger. She said I was overwhelmed. Will she be like me? Will she have my spirit, which you have my heart? No said Michel, it will be a life was dull for now,
paris is battling a major bedbug infestation. Just ten months for the city hosted twenty twenty four summer olympics. Think of it they're all over there hopping from bed to bed without a moment's hesitation, and on top of that bedbugs laughed Duane Davis was arrested friday in LAS vegas in charge of tupac, shakur, nineteen. Ninety six murder. According to authorities, the man is believed to be the actual gunman, but rather the leader of a group of four men alleged to be responsible. Does the fbi, while looking at the receipts for a cashier's check, mate Dwayne Davis we debated, including that is ok and finally,.
and finally, an elderly woman took her shot at the world record last week in seeking to become the oldest person in history to skydive, the jump ended in tragedy when her shoot failed to open resting. Our senator Diane Feinstein pickup, we come back said Robert one, I m about joining us. Now you see your past overlanders ebeneezer, baptist church and your united states senator
Welcome, said rob. I beg you, leaving what it's going to be now. Do you prefer to be central one on wherever one Some people call me senator worn out some say: rehman, worn out some say centre. Reverend Warner just call me when it's time for lunch at skin and spin,
our central questions than a minute turned reverend questions. This going to happen senator, let's start with a big news, the weak, the house averted a shot down you're forty five days to fund the gun. The cooks over there in the house, I'm gonna, less unreasonable, what's happen, What we're witnessing right now is is what happens when politicians center, their own interests, rather than the concerns of the people that their supposed to be weapon
Isn't it the? I can tell you this. The people of Georgia certainly don't want to see the government shut down. They are fed up with the politics of chaos and we need cooler heads to prevail. I think, if you sen people, you can get the policy right and there's no question that, with the with the kind of almost fifty fifty split in this in the senate and in the house, of course, they've got the smallest majority and we've got to parson pair to get the things that are needed. Has president binds dark commander ever been you? I It seems like a reasonable question.
Oh man, I don't know- maybe it's hard yes I'm surprise by some of these questions as well. As for next time, I'll bring out the beagle with ok whether by designed by parts it we're all gonna nobody that question and that's why I mean that was a very controversial question. president Biden signed bipartisan gun safety legislation. He also has taken over executive action. You recently asked the byte administration to go further. What are the steps the administration can take to attack gun violence that they're not currently taking.
Well, the issue gun violence is: is an ongoing, slow, rolling tragedy in our country and and we we cannot just continue with this- is business as usual, and so I remain focused on this, and I am glad that the president opened up last week, the first white house office on gun violence. and the I and a few of my colleagues rhodium asking him to do everything that he can, and I'm am glad that he has taken no steps, but it's no replacement for what congress must do. Congress has to act on this issue. We have seen more mass shootings this year. Then we ve seen days this year And these mass shootings come up as these tragic flashpoints. They capture our attention, but then we need to think also about that,
violence, happens every single day and some of our poor, more marginal ass communities and the people of of our country as divided as we say we are, and they are certainly our fault lines. question, but a fox news. Poland, you hear me say that much, but if, newspaper, said that eighty seven percent of americans that's people on the left and the right believe that there ought to be some kind of universal background checks. And yet we can't get any real conversation about that going on in the congress, there is a growing chasm between what the people want from their government and what they are able to get. So we are dealing with a gun, violence problem but it is seated by a democracy problem the people's voices are being so. I'm I'm proud of the fact that we pass the first gun safety bill in thirty years last summer, and
although it was modest, is saving lives, but not merely enough and that the people who sit in those seats in the senate and the house. We need catch up to where the people are and pass common sense. God's sake dimension the way that mass shootings focus the attention of the country, but not a lot of that kind of more criterion like mayhem and violence in and death by gun that we see every single day most gun. Daphne I'd say it's or self inflicted we talk about mass shootings, we talk about murder, but the majority of god, are people taking their own lives? That's about access, but also about people feeling hopeless feeling alone. As a pastor as a senator. What would you, what would it look like if preventing these debts got the attention it deserves having other pay attention all of it, and they see these these things?
not necessarily separated in the past of ebeneezer baptist church, there's a moment of tragedy in our church and in our history that people don't remember by and large everybody knows about. The king was a victim if you will have done violence, but in nineteen. Seventy four martin luther king juniors mother, who was playing the lord's prayer on organ one sunday morning she and one of our deacons, was shot and killed in our church by the ranged tina. Who had access to a none but did not have access to the mental health care that he desperately needed, and so we lost a deacon end the firstly to the the church that morning had he had access to the a gun. We're seeing now that it would have been worse. So we got to pay attention to the issue of gun safety and we also have
Deal with these mental health issues, a lot of that was addressed some of it not nearly enough, but that there were provisions to address some of the mental health issues and the bill we pass last summer. I also introduce legislation to with the mental health concerns in our schools. I recently introduced a piece of legislation to get councillors and therapists in our schools. because our kids on under three years of a pandemic, the law in and isolation that kids feel the challenges and pressures around social media our kids are undergoing a lot and we don't nearly enough mental health care providers in our schools? And that's why I'm hoping to get my bill moving in and get best theirs.
This pulling that shows young people especially young man, they're more likely to be disengaged from the political process, but also more likely be disengage from community from on to a church from belong to any kind of organization? From having any kind of connection, I think this used to be like a political problem. You see young people, especially young men, drifting to the right and of being vulnerable to some of the messages coming from the right, but you also talked about in terms of gun violence about young people who are may be drawn into conspiracies and and some of the most hey full and terrible kind of places of the internet as somebody who is not just in the senate, but somebody thinking about how to bring more people into a church, Where people just into community how to deal with that? How do we think about a generation of young people
how to spend years in their home during a pandemic, who don't seem to be reconnecting, that their parents, or even their older, siblings, might well I think about a lotta as a pastor and dumb know. I think that our problems are political, but they are deeply spiritual, and it's it's why I got involved in this work. I I don't think of myself as a senator, who used to be a pastor, I'm a pastor serving in the Senate and I'm always trying to bring look at the issues that we confront with a moral and spirit will lend there's no question that young people, There's a certain kind of nuance with respect to two young men are dealing with this. On a loneliness and isolation. As you point out, we're seeing certain demagogues who are always ready to try to exploit the fault mines in our country, and I think that that most
will a decent eye and somehow those of us who who believe in what not the king called the beloved community we've got to stand up and we gotta give voice to that, and we can't outsource that Tell me about it became outsourcing the politicians we can also the celebrities, but in what? a corner of the world. Where you find yourself, you gotta, stand up and give voice to dot the kings believe that we attired in the single garment of destiny that what affects one directly affects all. Directly, I think, in a real sense. The pandemic reminded us of the ways in which we are connected. I call it a parable of a pandemic sudden. We found ourselves dealing with this virus and if my neighbour, it was my best interests for my neighbour, also to be well.
And an all, though I may have gotten a virus, or my neighbour that'd make my neighbour my enemy. This means I need to make sure my neighbors taken care of and so somehow I'm saying that we we are as close in our humanity as a cough. And we got to look out for one another and we have to apply the same spiritual large it to a whole range of issues on the my neighbour to become cover not only for his sake, but the mine, and I need their children have access to a good quality education and need them to be food security and I need them to have access to a profit, a future where they can raise up their families. and, as I get older
pay into the social security when you're on positive america Right in the run up to your election, I asked you about this specifically lousy, It's trying to understand how you felt about the fact that here you are a reverend opponent- wasn't just somebody that you oppose on policy grounds, but with someone who had just terrible moral conduct, treating p in his like the people around him terribly, way that was repugnant. And yet it remained really close and a lot of people who profess, to have christian values to believe in morals. You wanna be righteous held there. and voted? the other way in a very close election and the time you said, I'm not such an up and you
you do you you answer. You gave me a very policy answer about how different you are as policy people, and I felt like ok elections a couple days away. That's not go deep. I get it but here we are again about you- got some space from him you'd gotten. Furthermore, other problems shows. How do you think about that now? Well, no I think, is much larger than my opponent and a new point that no look. I think we are dealing with a deep spiritual malaise in our country and try to address this As a person of faith, but in a way that invites all of us to the table, like about about the king. What I like about
rabbi, Abraham, joshua, hustle, and so many others is that they didn't use their faith as a weapon. They use it as a bridge to bring us, other, and you should always be suspicious of people who use their religion as a way to the humanize other people to the I think in in all of the great faith, traditions- and I am a christian but but in all of the great faith, traditions and in fact people who don't claim a particular religious tradition, but try to act as moral agents in the world that there is that that basic understanding that that you do and others as you would have them do, unto you that that means you don't try to suppression, neighbours. Vote
it means you know, you don't want them to work without having a level wage and it means that you don't matter six hundred thousand georgians access to medical So you know it's is the gospel. try to preach on sunday morning and I try to live every single day, I also want to ask you about you recently were the only democratic on the banking committee to vote against a bill that would have made it easier for companies to be part of the legal cannabis with their so called legal cannabis business. I find this all very confusing as I was interested to hear you talk about it because everyone's walking around like marijuana legal and a lot of states. It's not
illegal, any state. It remains a schedule, one drug key talk about why we voted against this and and and what you think is this sort of. we think the problem is right now, with the way we're going about talking about marijuana, I voted against it but not for the reason that you may think I voted against the safer banking, bill as it is currently written, because my question was: who are we really making safer and What it does is it allows businesses and banks to participate with cannabis businesses in states. Where is legal, and so it may increase a safe space for them, but the cat unities that have been most devastated by
so called war on drugs doesn't do a thing for them at all, and I'm worried I'm worried that if we, if we pass a bill with all of the fees and the revenue that comes and not an end, not began to address the issue of restorative justice, we're not going go back and get those communities have literally they ve been hollowed out. Hollowed out half a century of the so called war on roads for using marijuana, which I guess the last several presidents admit that they used. The consequences of that a real, the our states of america, the land of the free, as the mass incarceration capital No other? No other country comes even close whereabouts,
what six percent of the world's population we warehouse, fifty percent of the world's prisoners. We got more people in prison and the united states. Then, any other country in the world and all of us all of the nations whose human rights regimes we deplore. We ve got a greater number of our citizens and a greater percentage of our citizens, and we can act like this one on drugs did not happen after war in Europe? We put forward a marshall plan, and I happen to know some black and brown communities in atlanta and and saint louis and Chicago south central who could use a marshall plan. Who could you- some recognition that southern sub inhabited, and so I got really good colleagues people own on on banking committee. There good people, But, as I said there, I asked myself, you know
years from now will be asking ourselves, as we do about a whole range of things why these problems so intractable the racial wealth get. Why and I think this is what happens in real time as I witnessed it as a participant good people sitting around the table. There are some good reasons to move this forward, and yet I'm trying to help us to summon the will to pare justice with common sense so that everybody can be. Now before we let you go. You have agreed to play games There are moments these days with a news. Newsreels downright biblical alot of politicians are selling fire and brimstone and its where we have an expert. So it's time for a quiz recalling If I haven't heard it, it's neuter enemy.
me. Thank you for being here. I'm going to read you a quote. tell us who said it a current politician or biblical figure of ill reply, First, here again, I am warrior. I am your justice and for those who have been wrong to me, trade, I am your retribution, politics- it is its trump this July might which is more than I can bear today. You are driving me from the land of scripture added scripture. I was kane. Guess who's upset about being counted rate and politicians aimed Aragon started somewhere.
you must continue to keep this land, and this is it didn't, say this. I'm going to this, you must. You must continue to keep this land safe and protect against an invasion the bible and culture the outbreak was, but he think it. So it's a culture that you know what I'm going to give it to you. I think it's both because now there's governor greg Abbott, but but the bible is a complicated book well, these people have become far too numerous for us. We must, we must deal shrewdly with them or they will become even more numerous. Oh yeah, that's exodus, yeah! That's the Farah now the pharaoh. Couldn't you? Now, a couple months ago, the faro would have been able to say that on twitter
and now this hour can say it on twitter. Again, you know what I mean. I called you demons in him to come and parade before us and pretend that you are part of this world That sounds like a politician. It was hard a rap talking about algae, bt people, No good. keep the money and do with the people as you please, the money So far as politics keep the money, I do
Well, that's that's what happens at what I was, but I want to say politics. I was It could have been tried, but it was kings. Ursus was him xerxes too hard to heymann in esther keep the money. Do the people as you please now the last question the serious question actually before that I wanted to ask you one: ask about a passage from psalms, one thirty because my understanding is when you find meaningful. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works that I know very well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was being made in secret intricately woven in the depths of the earth. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. What, yeah Like all of you, I am fearfully and wonderfully me. I am the magnificent craftsmanship of a man, animas creative and I
do not do I get the resolve, remember you're, center, rather warnock reverend senator. I want to. Thank you so much more time we got my it's not my whole win. We got ending I don't go anywhere is more of love it or leave it coming up. The show is sponsored by better help, at a time in your life, and you knew what was good real, but your reign was getting in the way I panda expressed today. Isn't for better how? Because your brain is getting his own way, but you know you To do it's good for you, but you can't do it there. We helps you figure out what
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letting of now moving a photo clawbacks. Do please welcome to the stage you know from the credits are one of the best model pumps. Time is, of course no scrubbs grammy winning antonia nominated producer, the piano lessons to the upcoming with on Broadway America's longest standing housewife it can emerge. Maybe they're here we do it is true. I saw the wrong we're doing. Thank you for being here. from time to time. We asked this question. I find it's a nice icebreaker. Did you know what this show was when you agreed to it
no not yet, none of us did either. I established that at the beginning of the show, sir, we discuss this as a group by created space without idea area. then I have remained alive. Who is this guy? What is your favorite purkis? What is my favorite can the now? What is the number one housewives moment? I should know about as a novice to the french, You could say anything and I believe you kendra of one of our producers has been is just shoot. Things that had to be arranged so that she could make sure that she was on this trip
the work that it turned out there is nothing to do. I had to be there, but, he's been giving me a sort of a crash wars, but what do you think what it? What sort of the moment there so many crazy moments bare of having on housewives that our iconic, but I guess me? Maybe ouch rag you in this bits. no. There have been many, but you have the longevity. What are you saying? abs are in this age where he is to a money tree? That's good! I liked that. I liked that now how the housewives franchise they ve chewed up and spit out a lot of people. I couldn't hack it yet, but now you you? How do you survive? How do you stay alive in this world? who,
you know I I honestly? I don't really know what how they figure jews, who they want to stay right. I have to say that, because I have things going on in my life, So it's always something to so! And my Everybody around me doesn't mind me show you know showing that part of my lives, though meaning I feel like for you to make it on reality tv. It can't just be about you going back and forth with the women on the show, like you have to the real haven't any your life? So you not already plasma rest every by your words, there's ready to fill my family, airbus No mamma joy by the time they are, will show like they'll, be their true athens itself as well as me, and I want you in a bit Everybody in my life, they don't mind being true in athens. Are there
woman's, though, where when the cameras are gone, everyone's like okay, now here's retire as full of shit a few minutes ago. That doesn't happen no because they will go in on me on camera like no seriously. I remember it. Fourteen seasons ago, my very first time, filming the first day I filmed my mother had me in tears on camera, the very first time I filmed or the shell, and that's when I knew oh. This is not what I signed up for What is this so people were so wasn't your people were extra nice, it's as if they were waiting for the cameras to be there. So they could tell you what is really going on now. My family is kind of like that, all the time for that make sense that checks out so you have a line of sex race. Yad called from candy. Yes,
I brought you a goody bag. I don't know what I was doing now: what thou art school. Now this is obviously not your first time at the reality tv radio there should be a reality, shows that eta rodeo? No one scale that that's my idea, but until that you can he be please ebay, but until then there is a roiling part of tension ready to explode on this very stage. That's right! It's time for a love it or leave it reunion. With our host candy cohen, which I've asked the lever, leave it sam to join us for some honesty healing and mostly some throwing a very, very soft hands What is age are incredible.
is brian and kendra. The it's not about something. You ask me a question as an icebreaker. Whenever is got to be a riot, you said that I know what I was getting myself into when I was invited. Did you even know who I was So that's a good question and unless we take out one no worldwide well, you know what I would say those either. I didn't know about the housewives world, but I about your songwriting, I knew about the songs and you let the music. So now here's the work. You have questions for us and the reunion has begun. There's a lot of things that tender brian and I have to work out and will see what happens there
It's clearly a lot of history here, guys. Where is the tension coming from? I dunno ryan? You want to take that. You have a lot of complaints. When you speedily dope like twenty minutes ago, why don't you love it when he cancels things like ray as we've done all the work and we're five minutes away from doing the thing, and then decides he doesn't want to do it. Yeah, like five five crooked staff members have been stalking and texting kendra, and I ever since we left for this trip. I love it promise you these five things before he left and then he, do them, what you do the money now it is our job. Alright andrew selby. I sometimes feel like I'm not respected the maybe sometimes as an artist. Now, please continue. I shall finish that sentence. Gag, Andrea Selby should equally
social need is our wonderful amazing, director, politics, accurately media. I believe our twin sister of actually here tonight and now identical twin sister, we're both beautiful women, we're both black. We look nothing alike, and yet last year, the two years ago, two years ago Twenty four did indeed call me. She needs already now, I wouldn't to talk about this- and I am glad you raise this May god lad black women look like now. I want to be clear about something I want to be clear about something this was not a situation where I confused to people. This situation, where I said the wrong name, because I
stone out of my mind, and I am sure we were all at a bar together and I had been in a very long conversation which unequal and then I left the table and then we left together. It wasn't that I saw kendra and thought that is unique were, I simply said, the wrong name. we decided? We decided later the I listen, there's no winning this for me we're cutting this run the show, but that we're not? U. We reacted as there was soon after you made a similar or we ve all made similar but here's the thing I don't. I don't have a conversation. but John barbara when they call you bats. Why?
Is there any more questions on your sir Brian excuse me? I'm sorry, that's right me are you and in turn, or are you just skinny from the stress of this? job such an impression so- after have writer holly started. She was like hey brian. This is crazy. I always thought you were an intern and love it. Who is not part of that conversation was just actually casually walking by didn't make eye contact. Neither of us says he does young just skinny now I said I he's not in intern, is not young. Just super skinny, that's better the job Is that catches? You don't need to hear it
is this job we drove you to go blind. There is such a good question. I would say I've I've kind of like a crisis models. I'm sorry, I don't know, I'm not blaming you. I'm saying you know, I'm in crisis would all summer, and I will say when iran in crisis motors, when you listen to me, like I'm doing great love? It's like yours, you're, smart, your company. When I'm doing bad is it you stupid idiot? years these five things that I would have done differently. That would make you less sad. Did you excuse me
it's. My dogs, dog off craig's list you stupid idiot. I didn't first of all I did say who buys a dog off craig's list because who buys a dog off craig's list by the way for the record, it's a reasonable question to ask, because what did that to do Brian did a man's thumb off by the way, just to be clear about what happened. Bryant bought it. it's craig's list that brought it to the adopt the dogs from craig's list. There's no papers, you bought a dog bracelet. He brought it to the office for a full week, the first saturday he was on the pill roma saturday. I was at work and I was talking to you when I got the call my roommate, that's it. I had to come home. Because we told them that we work comfortable. Having a strange, trained on no dog that he bought up internet add up is good. Then we did
that very day bit a man from the thin? notes of love it. You know. I got that old. It just settled like six months ago, just kind of settled. What do you pay for? I lost thumb. One hundred k exactly yeah! very well, now, he does not my renters insurance really his out by the way. We all agree that he's the villain of that story. Here you next week Is this good? I'm, like super stressed out right now, the nazi okay, brian and kendra? What did you think of love new single? Oh wait! I'm sorry! I mean what do you think
it being newly, not single. Why didn't know how to talk about it? What do you have to say about this new relationship or I'm just glad? I'm not the only one, I'm a demon, a stable relationship now. It's a reunion sides have have you not the show show where no single goddamn. Second, I didn't know who you were either now. I know now, that's obvious We believe that those same at me, because you guys I don't even like your black hair guy, this is going so much better than I thought it right. How do you feel about hinder and love it incessantly bullying you about not being able to drive a car
I ok so I can legally drive and I I actually don't feel that bad about it, because you can try it. I told my car earlier this summer and lovett called me a stool, been idiot. I'm gonna hold on! Is that because of course accident you been in, I didn't really hot and stimulate innovation, but now Brian. Yes, here people make mistakes, but what happened after you hit a car so badly your car was totalled. What did you do? I fled the scene and then and then immediately followed the please report against myself
They do so just to be clear which, by the way was the part I thought was stupid and so just to be clear, candy and I'm so glad again. Another example: where did you find hu. The villain is so so he question is car, which happens in socks and then you drove away and then U turn yourself in which I think is really nice yeah, I'm really nice Y know. You went to the police go to church what are what I kept calling the police to turn myself in and they would not pick up the phone, and so it's true, I called like ten times and they kept getting voicemail and it was the police's voicemail so I found online that you can take it online. The problem I have with this story: is he totaled the car, so he needed a new car to get to work. He went to a dealership. They presented him with a dollar amount for a car.
sector that dollar about a member is like you, stupid idiot. Why did you bring me to the dealership and I was like- why would I do my best? as to a car dealership saturday cause I love negotiating and it would be a great fucking time, but we get a better deal on that goddamn alondra. That's why the sticker price! My god, you know what that is. very interesting in our land, so finale this year I was visibly shot win. Bob would feel revealed his. We're daughter at you ran daughters, dip in loving Brian it. You do. You have a similar problem with kindred, so much so that you keep a list of dropped back. What's the weirdest thing, she's rebuild about herself, this season, so disorder monitors and we have a internal Google document
Everyone puts in tender facts. These are things we learned about kendra. They include the fact that she has a collection of revolutionary war muskets bad that she will not want you dating show in which americans date, each other yeah, because she doesn't want to watch a weirdo dating show it she's not going to learn about another culture, correct I love ninety day fiance and I am not ashamed. I would say my favorite kendra fact is Jesus to that and when she as she was explaining why her mom has to watch after her snake and there's also this yeah there's also a snake, a man we were also in Austin. A man is walking up the school and you want to see all my merits. Love it, and I feel like an old. We fuckin don't and cancer Like you, I didn't like huddling three merit: ferrets. I'm an animal lover given not good mice, animals, ferrets in snakes
they're, very easy to care. For I, like an animal that I dont like got to do a lot for we really do one last question, because man, you ve, been a great hope. You got you got to some jeff with you got you got into it. You have a train and you have the skill. You have the background, it so clear. What so awesome, maybe it is rubbed off of me to the next Well how much we both don't like Bryan, that gave me birth? Okay start would mean. To clear the air and too. beyond this in the spirit of healing now that we have this conversation of which we will never speak again. Do not get this water on this one. Not correct alone, one is why not water right one, two three!
like the wave just like the warder check out bedroom candy tune into the real lana, go, see the wishes and the new single. Only for you we come back this pact settled. The more I bring out our next guest, someone asked you, the audience start ruminating on what you would like settled here and now, once and for all and ethical quandary, a disagreement feuds with your spouse that have been simmering because we're going to ask about it, but first please put your hands together for the phenomenal, mrs pack, what're you doing
Emergency years, medicine got jails is not far. in the past, the women struggle. It's good to see you good to see you again, you have a new show called miss pat settles it on BT. Yes, thank you. What is your favorite tv judge, probably dewey, I'm more like june, I just get to say, will be more than just you to get to say how tough for you, as a judge What I will convey the veil- and so you know a mortar ok. Now you ve agreed to help us judge some of the members of this kind.
Oh? No, no fuckin problem! You can horizontal christie show easy. the reverend gone, we say say what everyone we now like to open of lord any on its members, who think they have something may need miss pat to a much lesser extent me to settle. Please raise your hand. Brian will be out there. We want to hear about a dispute or a disagreement that you had fixed there go right there. That's just pick somebody I what's your name and what is your disputes high and my name is jill. My dispute is, I was out walking my dogs. I've lived in my neighborhood along time, a walk, my dogs, I'm a good dog owner, and this woman, I'm walking into my driveway, and this woman is like hey ma. Am I didn't hear she's hold their phone out like this, I'm assuming she's talking on the phone, I'm ignoring her cause. It's six in the morning, I'm ignoring every one and six in the morning.
and she's like map. Now. What were you offer me as she's like wise, the little dog limping skin, I skipped what skills he's thirty five years old and these held together with super glue in love, the factory work is a pretty miracle. Can I slasher tyres and in her ass. The needs are we going to go to the west in the manga, damn business, the it's fine he's fine, I love on a white woman. Talk back
Our aim is that there are sometimes sometimes thank you Brian. Is this a barricade? Sorry, you james bond, Are you doing wonderful? Thank you for asking. God is less than me. Well, I haven't worked in two months. I lost my job about two months ago. I work for little caesars pizza. They fired me because of the customer I was a general manager and I have been denied unemployment. youth, unemployment, yes reclaim their new policies and procedures which idea, but I didn't do anything wrong. call me out backers when around So when we actually then why he was there. Did you steal any day? Now is the time for the last seven years
soon install something you weren't albert unemployment, that is Matheny, though I'm here when you're here, you could have bless yourself before god. Thank you. Thank you, Brian thank you got to stop putting out a stress on god and learn how to bless yourself. Sometimes the that is. Those are the two that you message at this show how despair my name is this year, I gave a guy
the black, don't need a little bit more light aircraft is said and done well dressed black gentleman over here. had a real issue. Ok, I purchased my house January twenty twenty blue. I moved here from miami florida and down so it's funny that mrs pack is on the show, and my on president of my committee com is tat. Yeah, so they cut our grass right in our neighborhood and for some reason they don't cut they don't after they cut like you know the the thing that to make it look, is yeah the grass and to make it look good in front of your house who they don't clean under the
the beards, they call them the beds. So I have a problem. I tell her. We pay fifty dollars a month. You know we we should have it clean, so she called the police on me and I was like she came outside and I'm like she's like seventy seven years old and I'm argue with her in the middle of the road and she's like liven up her panties and I got seven grain. great grandchildren able whoop yo ass in august in order I wish. You'd black sheep lag she'll, be allies, So now so now the situation. If everybody wants me to run for president chirac, what should I not and it alone I'm gonna, give you we'll get extra grass wake up under the bed? Rough president, if you just want to talk
leave me salad may allow cheeky beggar breath. I cannot use their growth. We need clean in arabic, language, take opposition, we got your back, but I haven't done it get due to go do it! That's why you never to get needs. I and those are the only two options for you right now, but I am by the way: don't stop community president right, that's how it begins. first, first you're getting to make sure that they're actually taking care of not just the grassy, could see, but the parts that are a little harder to see that you shouldn't have to clean yourself. Next thing you know you're, saying: hey, hey, what's going on with this highway eventually fixes highly next thing, you know you think, and there should be a train between our states. the only fifty dollars, but I, like you, mean two lines: bear no less doable fifty dollars,
I guess that's pretty good. Yet what do you want a warrant, in the my ways you want you want. You wanted to make little hedge animals? Well, I just think that is part of it is part of our fees, so I think that she should like No do what you need to do to make sure it. Could I? I myself do not lose out. Oh well, you just lozenges bad. So another part they could to graze in this. Seven year old, lady cut grass: do you really want to be over Why? When I've been over lose liquids, I beg you been here or I will that's a ruling. On the one hand, this
it's. Okay, though I want to set a load of even one time. That's why? I love it. Ok, so I have a dilemma, though: I've been at my job almost ten years, I'll be teen years December. Second, did you say you quit your job currently with the mic a little bit closer. I gotta much are currently operating years December. Second, Now, for them, So I have a new management new first vice president the bitch, the My the rooms are so Well, I've been there a long time, she's been there a long time as well. I've been longing to her but she's excel because she's a she's, the other.
I wouldn't say so: I'm thinking about putting I'm wedding and relocating to mexico internationally. Should I give them a two week notice? It shows a kiss my ass. The appreciate me, let me make sure I heard this right. You've been on your job to use yes and you and your partner is thinking about relocating mean by myself. Oh, you yourself is thinking about relocating to mexico right and you want to know, should you give you a job at two weeks knows that's right, Actually it is, do you have a pension involve? I do have two weeks notice, a mcdonald's I would say kiss my money as I was taking my money if I quit, but I'm trying to be nice
added, because you're not gonna, lose anything, everybody kishore is alright, I'm sure I'll try to go the right way, but I might want to go back to them. Do I want to burn abridged, but I might yeah, I appreciate being celebrated. Oh, this is georgia. You can get a job when I'm in Dallas I live in dallas living down, guess what they are opening up plus size, ripple of our age. Let them see you ready Brady, The change like me out, you didn't get back up. Stop is those dare to do so. Miles north of general motors twenty two years only because he was scared can couldn't is being at the same time I was before you jerk selling crack. way more money and that such an important wasn't as well.
There is one more, MR lovett sure lovey, both truly If I'm walking down the beltline- and I see a dog put a poop on the ground, should I say something to these mothers Ok, miss by our theories about suddenly so use of you workin on a map somebody that doubt poop bonum shit, you say should I put them on me like you, need it That's really question, because let me tell you some of fifty one years all and what yeah, hey! When people stop, you're, not dull, sheath dossier. make the grass grow bell, but That's what my mom it's own. She said it was a last what now everybody wants to be so like boozy, they want to pick up down here.
Picking up there. She got three tank was not like me, so you give it a try hour? If I was you, I would only talk to porters owners, the city, smaller and think, there's a. I think this is just a reminder that judges are people and they bring their own perspective. There's no such thing as being unbiased and some judges will rule that the ground all around us. All. The time forever should be covered in fucking shit. That's that's! What's up bats and that's why so important a vote who are you asking? I take you miss mapp, yes, any final thoughts, we're I don't want to. I doubt you would you ever move to mexico? No, I'm not! You know what we are.
Wasted in this country, but I gotta say I love the united states of america. I wish we could get along and do a little bit better and have better leaders, but I I have no interest in going to wales. That's the last thing I need to be laying on a beach and some little mexican man jump on top of me. I don't know. What do you want me to do with it? during the devil. Me underline the lamb like. What do you want me and I'm I don't know being bad. Is the lange one? You know damn beans and that settles it
everybody check out ms pad settles it october. Eighteen october, eighteen mbd larry, wilmore temperaments pad the grades. She'll be back. Thank you. So much come on the back, it'll be hungry, because ts and she's about to eat. Just don't, go anywhere, love it or leave it and there's more on the way, love it or leave it as You buy beam. Did you know that poor sleep can cause weight gain? let us use poor mental health and lower productivity. Of that you could use some sleep. I could I could and leaving us. Seven hours right is linked to diseases, reduce why boathook house, which was It's helps you protect yourself from diseases. You've got to go to sleep, that's the whole point of it and does a bunch of good stuff for you. You know that you're not an idiot sleep.
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how ya doin binding how we build it. Was these been what you gotta valuable for women cannot close on this? Oh, yes, how we cursing year, where freedom can you get out I saw tat. I love. I love this episode. I have a question for you which is: did you know what this progress was? What I heard it was very political honey it's so you brought a real political beach. I hear me and what are the rules that we have a bunch of things to try? from this, its remarry max terror. My because we went there last night. Where do we do this? This came from where Mary maxine
Oh yeah, I see the ne food because you launched web series call tears. Madison eight that yes, where you eat strange and unexpected snacks out in each year the night is still young. The humanity. What you tell you well, we sort of Oh! Well, you don't with worse food, as they say what I like hello, and those are blessed me, the good news is usually what I tell me and my name is on Friday night allow cause you gotta get down on your knees and pray over the school. The saturdays is not my show.
Yes, it is your woman, a judgment, I'm sorry, I've just sermon disarming the spirit. Ok, let me get my disarmament together, because we brought this food from some of atlantis finest We all know here my mama's. Couldn't you this. Let us find miss mary is actually in a bag, my dear! How do we need to take these begged us ass? She could take a look. Look at him he's a memory her budget is growth is for, so we're going to try some of and then I am going be. Ask you whether Something from the news this week is something you hate or something. You ate a warm ready. now! First of all, let me tell me what we have here, which we have some meal, fried chicken whip potatoes. Believe migraine cheese, collar greens and potato salad burst open notice now potatoes,
This call banana. That's banana pudding. Meeting, devotees, listen! I I didn't you no excuse me, excuse me, he saw you want. I thought we had ordered potatoes now in force. banana pudding is. If you know this show You know that I eat I will, and I will concede the places where I know thing, but I know food death that right is potato salad. he's right here. that you're distracted, it's ok! I am, I am distracted. I am distracted
Why would you want to try first well because he's sitting so fat ran in front of me. I think I want to try the meat. I'm gonna go for something meat love to get all right. I guarantee that is good, tat is good at all Thank you. And now here's where our first hater eight, whereas you're not going to go back in time to go back in there's a rumor that they're going to do an office reboot they're going to bring? at the office following the end of this strike, though there's currently no word as to which series stars will return. If any, do we need this? Do you need this? Do you have or we is it something you will have hated or it
is the kind of false I'm always is to come about we don't need. This is some color book sonya. She hey was she or though, when we try nuts baby, I'm black. I was afraid she chicken we'll get out the darkest makes a north atlantic each year. Do you like I I knew I knew you ask and honestly I like laminate. You are my favorite part of the media is, what's your favorite part of me. The breasts. Can you pick me
a breast. I saw you with legs, you know where his data tat noticed tat. We got to size no breasts now we got to task one way and one leg: would you like lange? Yes, I must say yes, Maybe this was seized and darlin. this was good. What do you think about the burgeoning romance between taylor, swift and travis, something kelsey you say tellers Is taylor swift? I thought we were talking about beyond stay here. No, no! No! Okay! I like taylor, swift. She got a. She got a couple of songs. I liked she got a lot of songs. I like actually she got one sounds like now. Do I, like her choice in me,. What are ya say? Do you like me, Do you see a
yahoo, one well, honey, I'm for the people, the people. They did they have a laser. I hated to ok, you pick, therefore for her. He was going put it in my mouth. I don't even know how I picked up this morning. What would you like Well, I that I just had fried chicken. I think I'm gonna go for some collared silence. She hate. Ok, the candidates. Are you where everybody in his nose did a good said agrees gsm? back in now. I know that back her tail turkey neck nothing now. Ok. So now me to put a question. What are we about beyond say? Bringing the renaissance to movie theatres,
I'm dark room dogs lie yeah baby Fluorescent spirits, I just want to let the adi is no. I cannot wait for you all to see the renaissance it is a masterpiece and it is amazing thing and beyond say is E b e r by thing everything Y'all thought I wanted to be able to spell it out. I got my g, the was the most meatloaf holloway, or what do you want to formula here's the moment, LO baby grub? What does she want
ask me with one is one where they want to sapphire. I love you too waiting. She not a not abandon the potatoes zone no! I like potato salad, it's just not that you don't like Islam, it's a no on the budget. It's a pass on the potatoes as an appetizer. So let me ask you a question. Well, I sort of gone. My question, but you do all now is the time for me to go. That's that I am I'm sort of diamonds or of a panic I don't want you to leave. Was on this top? That's what I'm doing this talk about run to scientists. I you seem so renders it. Let's talk about that, I want to talk about specifically about rhonda santas, his boots, his work.
Boots is his boots, and here is why there is why look I'm ashore Wait. You say you are short team, I'm short, to my meals Amelia about the same high we too say live three but here's my it seems as though it seems as though there's two paths ashore. King contain de veto. Descent they can become, they can become charming and sort of I'll. Take the veto great, but So now there are all these photos and I don't look. I don't begrudge anybody, they want to be a little tighter. They want to wear heels then want to wear boots. Do whatever you want, no problem there, but it doesn't seem as though he's night
This is not just, it seems, adding a little lift in his cowboy boots. It seems as though he's standing on some kind of a contraption inside of these shoes, because if you look at it from the side. It's like his whole leg is coming out from the top of the boot and then the front of the boots are curling upward. There's no feed in their disease like these this in their because there are rules, the real name. You say: ok, now, what's woodrow somewhere between us, oh no baby! We want to mecca rony, a genius years ago. Not the macaroni is you Could I had a little bit more. So let me tell you,
Something when you have money like you got. Money goes unnoticed, show towards eradicating the argued money. You tat all people to put gear cheese smoked, Google small. Aids shutter. save parma jar, philadelphia, green. She It's so far. Sounds amazing, I was wondering when the recipe you know how to make macaroni cheese, I dont know how to make it, but I need it do you know how to eat it three. Honestly now I simply
tears madison everybody one more time by october. First, through seventh is banned book weak and crooked is using the time to say how much is gonna forget that we have some we call ban book week. You can support authors and librarians by shopping in the crooked. or we have some also merge there and also move on dot. Org ban book mobiles here, we're to them becoming now out everybody welcome back to the stage candy miss!
and ts madison, the you know I love about about about this show. Each of you is bullied me in your. own special were but different, every single one of you but a different energy to taking the show over, and I love that Didn't you see us come up. We would all black Here we have all black, spare have on all black, I got on all day. You know why, because we Is it to an all black situation, god dammit yeah. We love our people that ain't black to your novel. He just turns into an automated way,
now before we begin grogan media has partnered. We carry him to make you listen. You know what missus Horton is to build a progressive media company. Even the fucking ground, up you're gonna sell as you gotta tour. I don't know, we gotta sells a bucket jews, but we're gonna sell shoes. We did our way. We made a really cool gas, spoken shoots and so get asylum and we're not apologise. Americans, we need multiple revenue. Threes, you see the news, but every media companies packed up, and so you are too quickly. Our council to carry more quickly jobs. I store you, can get up, but we just want to make shoes.
Cool that they have an amazing design, there's a black pair and a pink pair. They have a rainbow on them and it's a beautiful, they're cool. You can check out the pattern. If you don't like the show, you might buy them fine. We also and to be our ok, So we're going to show you. Why are dynamic? They are because produce a brain. Has george w bush and I'll show you have once you. Why do you have a powerful? Yes, we better we'll make at thirteen where's outwards, in the real world lands. We read about the topic. Let's spin, we'll it is. I love. Wine is true if you can
money every, not accurately ridge love is mine. I now turn on a region. May not. To babies. Barbara ugly may appears all I wanna here's what I want to say about. Love is blind, which is, I have recently begun. Watching love is blind and all I want to say about it is this I on some level always knew that the reason why the conservatives say that they're trying to defend marriage by attacking gay people that this was not rooted in some desire to protect the institution of marriage, but some are deeper, seated hate and animist, or to marginalized and targeted group of people. but it wasn't until I watched love is blind that I truly understood how depraved the fact that conservatives will protest are dragged brunch, but not this unhappy
The attack on the institution of marriage. That is love is blind. My fucking god, I don't look far be it from me to convince conservatives to hobson's to stop. Hating gay people live in Haiti. Gay people for a very long time, but at least they get eight love, is blind to if you're going to tell a baker that they have to make, they can't that they don't have to make a cake for a gay wedding. They should at least point out the fact that this is a show which people pretend to propose to each other to get a trip. to mexico, which presumably is not good for the institution of marriages. None of these people, like each other, usually when people talk about gay people is because they gay but know how to come out to you? All sorry about which university Talk about no game because I'm not interested nobody puss
and we're back to where we started, which the opposite of love is not hate? What is it again? the. Shall we begin, I am so sick of the double standards in this country in the world. How can you, as a woman, is much tool of patience? You won't do it? May I can't eat a winner, wait. What okay, the circle d, the people grounds yeah. I was getting ready to do indoors. Okay, I'm so tired of the double standards where people are aware. People are are well, women can have the trinity the guardia in the world and have a whole life, be a relationship
How live relations you and me kay Guardia, have endured in all of these stuff without being a call gay you'd like all this in all that another makes dismay homosexual. No, the same reason why you could go on The whole tuna pay sandwich so I come back if the oviedo wiener, let them go out there and have a wiener and up. Please do I I'm sick of be sure. If I was the I was gay, I'm wrong. Or buy, or have you never eaten? Pussy I've seen my underwear, I'm not eaten at the cafe. What I put out is not annabelle the first gift.
this evening, was a reverence and find new show that can do these do things you can't just this one and that's what makes it Kennedy. Let's talk about it, have you of adults in the dark yeah. Everybody knows that I have a dog, but I mean I personally feel. Like I mean a woman is, I know some people feel like just because they dip their toe in the lady if they say that they are, but I feel, like you still fluid or you still buy, I don't feel like you know, and some people just don't like to use the labels. Well, why can't the same apply to man. I heterosexual man you'll like. It may be be straight I feel like I'm like a lot, but we can identify issue Why? I personally don't like ie? No my knees
which of you know your back I will willingly is interesting about it. That for a long time it is changing that, if a ever, if a man said he was bisexual, arrogant as oh you're, just secretly gay yeah, and if a woman was is actually said: oh you're straight, but you're just experimenting or you're just having fun in college, and both of those ideas are based on the idea that men are irresistible. The thing everybody secretly wants all the time. dig shortage, so is there it only running out you in a manner we running out? Not only everybody may not be sorted out by right. Let s bed again,
Have you never heard it? Oh people, wait till the last minute to purchase ticket sea or event? oh my gosh, that is so annoying. First of all, I hate when anybody does anything last minute and then there's like none, now, when I saw you at the last minute, as I can you give me take, is that it's like you noted that there was tommy burma, so I've had a mighty jimmy, text earlier today, we say it, I'm so glad about you know you do in levity, leave it and I was scared. To opening, because I thought that there were about to ask me for taking them. I know about this. We may actually be the day before they were. They were no hit me at the last minute asking me for not the when I'm already russian trying to get there yeah. How dare you
but I can drive ads you. I do that two people, and I don't like me, but do you know how to thank you for joining us? Let's spin it again and This is my modern dogs verses dollars. When she was a kid saw, my husband is retie and you don't know what to do with his fucking life live so or amazon is the mall just recently bought three came course, those about a month ago, out of somebody, liberal and action, I you came by dogs out of a crack house they not re right who
dog out every disease. They got everything wrong. What it can also. They have big things in it, as I haven't healthcare, one won't stop. Secondly, dig: the other one got you pursue one of the grounds that it so nobody has one about three specially doubts, thousand not unlike so you've got a lot more had you smoke crack, then how you got them damn ducks. So I I just wish my husband was top. He just my husband is fucking. Or it now you have to get up and clean these dolls, as all, let me tell is too A girl is fond of saying leader, but Neri any so everybody, china, folks fuck, so she will run around the house, would mad draws on the cheek. They dig at array. and I'm like. No, you can't do this. He says you
It's ok. My husband fits well, read. Both sea will get on my underwear to keep on brothers from going up theatre now. Some big newer, I don't know if you have seen and can cause autism began doll I came to achieve a european, is they will fade and
that's the red will once again. Thank you. I guess reverend rough work. He has done this bad handy worth. Wearable credible. We come back. I don't I don't like the way. Thank you. No more time in all these seven sixty first show so rapidly. So gotta fatigue is no. Thank you. So much good. I am having my welcome said. The dungeon party will be there for those on october twenty bars and I had the with coming soon
last november, fourteen nineteen, thirteen police or the input abruptly? I guess you want all this will be done on a higher say your name say something positive and keep it tight hi. My name is Ricky. I am here with my very best friend of the last ten years. It has been a dream to come and see you guys at crooked. Thank you everything that you have done and also, if this measure on on the ass Michael, my partner, I suck anywheres and you didn't what's. Your name was right. My name is Ellen and my high note is actually for my for any in her arms to show the germs of
a form of twelve, very high level leaders in a multinational company that he works for multiple members of his team reported unprompted that he loves being on his team, and this happened in an industry that is not known for expressing their feelings and what team members that have been there are long and she'll get past that honeymoon period of a new job so very long ago, said till Roy. What you're doing that? I can do that yeah. What's. Your name was right. My name is cool. I am opening a store on the amount about line right behind ladybird. This can have about fifty local, artists creators and will brands and we're about to open next friday on that team for a soft open. So please I expect much.
but we're figuring it out and super excited to bring. That is alive, because it's been something a bargain for a long time. The we're going to happen. We have yes, Brian as well. Who's got social space. And drop our gallery thank you so much. We have what we got. we gotta. We ought to call this such an amazing. I thanks. Everybody share to hide out tonight. If you want to leave a message about something they gave. You hope call us three. Two, three five, three, eight two, three seven seven
is our show. Thank you to set our warnock tears had had a person is that there are ninety nine days until the twenty twond re night. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, love it or leave it as a crooked media production. Kindred James is our executive, looser brine, similar our producer and Malcolm whitfield. Is our socio proves how we keeper our head writer, Sarah lazarus joscelyn happen fully banal and peter.
or an island, Pierre, our writers, blue eyes and bird produces the show its mixed and edited by evans. Sudden stephen cologne is our audio engineer. Kyle segment and charlotte landis provide audio support. Our theme song is written, performed by sure sure, thanks for designers, jesse, Maclean Bernardo sir, not for creating a running oliver visuals, but you can't see because this is a pot cast and your digital, for Is there Zuri urban David told me a kalman and magic group for filming and editing video each week, so you can you could find those glorious videos at youtube, dot, com, slash at love it or leave his podcast. He was a favor and subscribed to love it or leave it on youtube and don't forget to follow us, the crooked media on instagram and twitter and if you're as opinionated as we are, consider dropping us working. it or leave it.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-08.