« Louder With Crowder

Virginia Explosion: Crazy Asian Conspiracist or Deep State Cover-Up?

2023-12-05 | 🔗

Virginia house exploded during warrant execution last night, Doug Burgum has officially bowed out of the 2024 Presidential race, the mainstream media shifted their Donald Trump narrative to dictatorship, Captain Morgan is filling you in on Florida State College Football fiasco, and more!

GUEST: Josh Firestine

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Its crato chefs twelve days of christmas, starting today too, thousand rounds of phoenix ammo, a thousand rounds of two to three one thousand rounds of nine millimeter and afford raptor plus thousand dollars in cash, pear tree we don't actually had a pear tree, gub gub ryder shop dot com, twelve days of crowder shop, christmas or should I forgot my ship
I am just I was distracted. Let me tell you, I have a sliver and my foot find, but I know it's there. That's the look me being selfish. Sorry you appreciate, sometimes have a lot of good qualities. I could use your help. you get rid of a sliver from your foot, What's a survey, sponsors sorry slip, splinter splinter. I fled boeing, This is a wonderful start, if you say apps himself, stone amp themselves. it may yeah it bothers you it's it's not that bad, but it's like a chinese water torture where you're just like. Ah so I have a slip, a sliver, sorry splinter whatever. Who cares? You have a rat, leads growin up the run down to an all right. We have close in time for Doug bergamo behind
The meteorite now is continuing with this narrative that donald trump is a dictator. I will fill you in as best I can as to why they're doing that and comparing donald trump to Joe Biden, who has actually acted like a dictator and then there's the insane virginia house explosion that of course, right now. I believe james. it's the house of James, you james you too, We know that it is James. You were just James hughes, house, James Hughes, okay, there's a lot that we know by the way is ours. If James you as a terrorist james, you could be a first I didn't check notwithstanding, but is not really the same thing. No, no, so We also support close with exclusive information on that here today that we just kind of uncovered accidentally that I haven't seen anywhere else and we ve been trying to track down some of them. Some of the claims have been made and I think I think what I want to play close to the vest so closing time, Doug burgum, the virginia house explosion, dictator story and then jail's going to talk about how he knows sports on mug club today,
I don't care. How are you captain I'm doing? Well, I love that you like it and he's going to tell you I don't care. I might be wrong. There is to read the trump quote in his voice that he told me to add a lot of value to that story. Yes, but also yeah, I'm doing well. How are you other than other than the splinter splinter? I don't know. Maybe if you want, has no one ever used the term sliver. No, no that could okay the matter is overly as my wife says. Well, he's an idiot comment below am I that out of line to say sliver is better or sliver? Sometimes, I think sometimes I actually think my name is on the ledger, but yeah and insert chair today. It's his birthday brings us to our face and I will be hazing him. Nothing that I ask you to scale replica the eiffel tower.
and fix you can find him friday, saturday and friday and saturday december, twenty second, twenty third, at the funny bone in Columbus, ohio, MR josh firestone happy birthday, sir. Thank you very much shut out lisa fires, time for putting me out yeah dealing with me for seventeen years. Yes, lady boss, you're only seventeen yeah, I got out of there. I said I'd had enough of this, I'm going to go, I'm going to go, be somebody long term emancipated earlier every plants were birthday. North Dakota, it showed a do and then I'm trying home my my wife's making me soup, I own eyes a big fan of soup soup. Thank you for your work that you have never sanctions being born.
that's better, that's better than waging war through the birth canal. But yes, I had to fight off my enemies as I am exited by the way. So we've got some updates on your foot. All right so chat says the best options are and have no idea. Duct tape. Really I do that or every Perhaps you could stay carted off now identified four different. My life did this. the day, she got little glass fragments in her hand, seems not little by little glass fragments she couldn't get him out. eyes were lou. She put glue f. Freehand. Let it dry and then peel it off and it worked. Poe got all that out. She sealed in the infection, yes seems like a. I don't know. If glue is sterile lets, you should do what the those eco protesters are doing just glue your floor yeah. I know right in your desk and you can never leave like Michael Jordan in space jam.
Remember the chained him them up and I'm a a bigger fan of the brons take on it. So It was at the shooting here. You know that voice behind the new york city subway, the treaty also voice yours et, might open standard way of closing doors turns out and a good thing it I would get us. youtube dump around on youtube or now or to accept it turns out the new york city. Subway voice is a crazy person, the trainers approach in the station, I'm party wagon blast and I'm one of the voices that you hear on the news and I recently to use the subway to and from work they're hearing my voice, probably a female voice. Then I hope by being part of everyday life it just it does increase transit. Evidence in an understanding. The trans people are part of the world. everyone lives it. the female
she's using your mad voice Please stand right up against the closing doors set. I percent of you want to jump in front of the tv. I love how he acts like he's a voice. Actually, sometimes, if you watch the extended cut, sometimes I use my man voice. Are you my little boys and I like both of them? Were we don't like any of them? What do you get paid to say? Drain number do coming to the station and by the way this of course has to be promoted as brave and beautiful is next gonna be there are people who are going to be generous ass. They usually sounds like all over and then you have the shredder here that over two promised people fighting yes, exact either way. You know what, if I saw this person sitting there on the subway, I would consider
I would consider that seeing something- and I would say something that know just somebody next year, but I thought boy yeah, the voice person said- I don't think you guys need a new voice. We need a voice that nobody can hear anyway, because the speakers are busted, yeah, yeah, that's yeah. Exactly it's like. The opera lady breaks. The glass only adheres him going. Oh hello, let's get on the subway, it is, as you know, it so familiar member what we used to be in the air of like well, if you don't gay merge just don't get getting married. You don't like an abortion. Don't have one if you don't like guys, who don't even try to actually look like women being thrust in front of your face on every media platform that exists, then Maybe you should just go yourself like now. I know what you want me to, Canada is everywhere. I couldn't there are things that I would care less about. I'm sure if I would actually go like take inventory, but the top of my head. I can
think of one that I care about less than the subway voice, guy now being a lady and they get a vice special. It was about say how you think he shocked that story. I liked that the heck went into the interview and the train to leaving now and they're like no. No, no can you just go a little deeper great career to your man voice. I can be a real voice, think it, I just hope, topsy charles some of the newspaper sitting. Twenty any harm Moving on to other things that are also that should be inconsequential. Doug burgum the north dakota governor, he just bowed out it. of the twenty twenty four presidential race? Yes, north Dakota, when our Doug bergen has ended his campaign for presidents. Where do they arrested? I meant the Republican says he and his wife katharine will remain committed to fighting for the people who
our nation, so exceptional and that he was referring to the rest of sesame street- that, even though I know he doesn't necessarily have the biggest groundswell of support, seemed like a decent man. So in honor of his run, of course, in the spirit of consistency we have put together and doug burgum at close times. can comment below what you're going to miss most about no no how your life is most affected, with less doug bergen in it
I dunno who to vote for now. I don't know what to do. I think he ran for president, so he could get that little sleeveless, vest that says burger that emerged can remember. At least you put north dakota on a map he did. He did was like. Where is it? Is it by south Dakota says now, when you're in north Dakota we're more than just weird eyebrows yeah, you ever gone to Indiana a source that says indiana we're more than just we're more than corn nothing. That said somebody it's as sounds: indiana, it's more than corn or where more than corn and on the picture, please court yet a step that we got a little or no. There were more than just corny what she'd, what you the first one that comes up with a card
did they want give the people what they wanted of the people, what they want. No, they got annoyed. They had to put it on there, because there are so many times that somebody said you know it's just more that chord, whereas people do okay, okay, what else would you suggest us putting on the welcome to Indiana? I don't know of our culture. A corn yes noted could be popped, worthy creamed, mecca isn't one of their daily reality. The corn oscars now snow huska, that's, never ask the brass. Go. I don't know you step backwards. Indiana is I'm sorry, you know we have faith, it's it's not a good place I didn't say that of, and I spent all ninety years in Michigan, so I am very familiar with any anna had strained. No one goes there voluntarily so so This spring volunteering, this ex guy said crazy. So
this has been going on right now and right now? The time is. Oh sorry, saying: ok, it's nine, twenty, two central, so ten, twenty two eastern on where the fifth today believe december. Fifth, so this story is going to develop its trending everywhere and it is trending everywhere, because people don't necessarily know how to proceed. Ass, they don't know sort of the the angle of approach Third, there a lot of moving parts. Is this possible about James you as a person a terrorist. Was this person, actually being set up by the fbi is person, a domestic extremists. Is this just a crazy person dont know all that, but we do have some new details here of some of which are I nor exclusive I've got a true their emission control. So my question to you first: where do you see this going and if in following this right right now at this moment in time. What's your hunch calling right now put the comical because I'm willing bet this does not go the way people think about. What do you think? That's what
we know what people think. Well, let's walk through the timeline, so I can give you a thorough. You know walks If you walk down crazy asian light, stop accident movie different rejection, theirs ass of home explosion, know about this right and virginia ok, but there's a lot more Then at last night police were securing a search warrant at an arlington, virginia home and the home suddenly completely explode the I those neighbours pet wrong, epithets voluntary suitable. Due to you, I don't know Margo it doesn't seem like? Anyone died
right now, which is the only reason that were able it's ok. First off, that's pretty is pretty cool as blue. The investor. Will you find out died? Yes, very it's visual hearing or visually. I watched it quite a bit. It is. pretty cool to see, that looks like a motion picture. You know talkies yeah now here what we do now, ok, because so many were saying, oh that actually he was just firing off roman candles. That is not a roman candle hundred thousand of firework. You could blow up a fireworks roadside stand and it wouldn't look anywhere near that yeah it does what this now like cats, do not make sky net for their michael bays, like who wonderful affects inspiration for new film so start with a story bay. So what we do not for forty five pm k police force reports that a man was firing, a flare gun from his house and also that is not a flare gun at first we were saying roman candles flicker that is not a flare gun. Okay at theory at eight
let me get through the timeline gerald before you go all Alex challenged by the way is here and make that every friday. thirty, that he em please for executing the warrant, the suspect fired on them, and that is when the house exploded now before we move on. I do want to say, like there are a lot of pretence, scenarios here, right house fires or electrical fires, greece, fires. So before jump to conclusions? Let's take that into count and continue with what we do know, but we ve also close calls you're, not just yesterday ok. Give terrible something crazy ok, it's! we saw that,
Thank god resumed. So, ok, that's at eight thirty than the neighbour at least Quinn and I'm sorry, I might have to read quite a bit of this, because this is something I I don't know this topic that well just to be clear. Still developing, I dunno annalise Quinn, crazy exploding, house story, yeah crazy exploding houses. I can't necessarily go by road. She said that she could see the flares coming from the house in the afternoon and initially assumed someone may have been quote goofing off the afternoon. it s, an old shooting flare, enshrining closed window. How spit kids will be kid virginia fund and thence it, but enough, about twenty of them. I start to think this is concerning yeah, maybe somebody should call the police. Perhaps maybe he's emergency flares are important. Not a creature was stirring. Aside from the asian american psychopaths firing off twenty flares. Make money then fireworks. You know, look
your neighbor firing off flares in the house? One flare: shame on me: I thought about that would allow the third letter, which is what we call the grace flanders grace at what I would say, four or five. You know you start to think how maybe something is going on here is heavily learning. There's you flat so mad you're, the guy just how to keep escalating it because you weren't, given he was. If you had to hurt you, explode to be heard at five that globe house I'm starting to empathize with this guy. I know so the main point his name is James. You right! That's the person who's listed, living at that residents- and you know what click the like button, if you just think that this seems fishy right from the get go something else too. I won't. Let you guys know is in us we're not on youtube we just download the rumble app, that's the best way to kind of stay in touch and get notifications. Sometimes you guys have been saying hey. We don't necessarily get to the notifications if you're just on the site, download the rumba
It's also the best way to use rumble brings us too, where things get weird also some racers that we've been doing here digging a mug club exclusive, Ok, so of course we're going to start doing some research concerned. The claims that he was made, which we will getting right, is that it started. I just say linkedin, but I say you you uk whose linked, because I'm in my head, I'm thinkin about linked and are at european level. I didn't know what did I say that what is the point orange juice in your cereal? So you promotion, you sure it's amazing, ever accidently governance that a milky way you poor orange juice. Don't are these cheerios, our two acidic but contain are totally different. It's
since that lost on me. You ve got to fire flare. Nineteen years is needed, a guy just needed some milk for cereal aerial. That's perfect! Yes, exactly gerald! I forgot you never made a mistake, but so that their words he makes some claims that are correct, racy that involve the fbi, but every time I see some on making the claim. Regarding the f b, I make one about the f b. I probably is somewhat wrong here. In this case is linked in. You is just what absolute treasure trove of insanity thing that as a committed outfit here we live for, but it was deleted in the middle of our research. At six thirty. Five. This morning we have a video from our security camera footage of of ginger lane, looking up his linked in and it being deleted in real time. So you see the born after yes, no audio just watch lanes, mannerisms right their areas.
Sure, just so I just heard it right here know that we're dammit, I will say that's weird. So, given the claim that this guy will especially given the claims that this guy has made, and especially considering, What we know about the nashville manifesto, which, by the way you can go to release the manifesto dot com and sign on there, so that we can get it to the mn pd and hopefully they do it. So We know that they were hiding information that was sort of key saint happened with the vaguest shooting. I'm not saying this is on par with that as far as crimes against humanity. However, things start to get scrubbed. Ok, now, suspicions, luckily, though, is linked was archives, so here's is bio. It says you S, I asked the world's biggest terrorist: an chomsky? Twenty fifteen
the police ice cube, w, slash and w ay, and then ash tag purge them with an score, which is weird that he put that in a bylaw again underscore in his linked in it's not like. Someone else has if he has a monopoly on purge them, you don't need an underscore. You can both use the tech, it's not like a screen name. This is a is a person or or or could just be an alteration guy language that the very hard differentiate. Sometimes so then when we go back to december. First, you posted this honest linked, accusing his neighbors of being spies. Like you said, you know what I don't come and go, and is it jamie, rosemary and lambs, and her two children all spies and act as buffers collecting information and delivering today. Handlers missed Mr Smith, they share.
Is all tat all cap, as it jane rosemary, enlightened, psmith, extract copy and examine all my network. Digital connection for signalling is obvious. They yawl jamie rosemary land, one word, etc, desire and intend to assassinate james. You dollar parson yeah you walk away, yeah You didn't? He didn't have a glass of milk eggs. I d ever been ensured that we do a lot,
I see now the warrior princess your has. Finally, aid scheme would be proud. Come at me. Sign hey jamie, rosemary land, etc. Gimme, a reason that there was a miracle they desire for europe is linked in also contain. Ok, here we are. This is where it seems that the scrubbing suspicious bunch of aunt trump had anti white ramblings, yeah, oh yeah. I wish I wish he said that what he blew up his ass yeah. You know it
The idea that discharge plan does not playing and w tape deck fuck Paul Why not? I feel it has done in this area? without serious? No, no! It's like I'm sorry, man that, like you just don't have the like. If you want us to take you seriously, you're going to have to kill a lot of people. because until that happens, we're just gonna be laughing at you, so he also file but like an unbelievable amount of losses, I'm in conspiracies against his wife, his sister Roy
gesture. General hospital arise, hospital, Google meteor times like what's right, I do not want to see rochester general saint George was unavailable Y know, get servers in idea that's all right, I'll mcdonnel. How bears no, but not only stick tailoring. hungary knows I am not all that you only have cancer cape, you know what I say to those kids, fuck, yeah, progeria, How about how long you to live. I bring the rockets
and you're a horrible therapy asian tat made me. I dare you so he specifically claims and again over the fact that the lincoln was wiped away. Ok, the anti tromp anti white thing like that this person You crazy and also be crazy. Motivated by some kind of extremist ideology, so I do think, there's a vested interest from intelligence agencies to always make sure that it's swept under the rug. The if an extremist, obviously is inspired by the left, which of course we know happens all the time. so. He specifically claimed that his wife had institutionalizing against as well? He said about consented to being admitted to rochester general hospital. I the over from drinking too much alcohol.
on for me yeah. We no wonder he wonder vs asian rotation. He says my wife see me drunk and hung over countless times throughout our relationship. Yeah thanks, shared James. You better battered gym, day. One pin right so then there is the judges opinion on the suit here from case text, let's have a plaintive apparently believes there is a connection between the alleged conspiracy me being drunk and being sent to rush the alleged conspiracy, the terrorism on September eleventh and investigation into twenty sixteen presidential election by special council Robert
or now I look. I know what you're thinking you're saying. Okay says that can spirit- and I was tricked by this too because my mind filled in the gaps. Okay, so he believes election there's no blood of you gotten about this. This has nothing to do with twenty twenty this man, believes in a connection with rare, sure stealing member that was, that was specifically for a very long time. Russia stealing action from Hillary Clinton for donald trump, which kind of it wanting to take away this make our election conspiracy theory, explosions board relevant final yeah. We, that is a local fire. We can actually use this yes sitting around gathering dust.
the like that, you block the doorly Biden christmas trees? with only fire escape fuck. That is up yeah the at least. We know he wasn't chanting. Four or five yeah lights at an authentic life will say: ok now you gotta click at a time
You know I never was such a bad little tree. I needed some tender, loving care yeah because that grows new needles, charlie brown or tried, but think about that. I'm not I'm not being facetious here that is most amount of terrorist attacks actually committed inspired by election fraud. Conspiracy theories, certainly home. Yes, yes, which look if you go to blow up a home. But your own alma. I actually appreciate that there are people blah blah blow up your own home wifi. Don't think you should flip a home bug. I don't think you should do outlook. Can we all agree that you probably you generally? There are exceptions shouldn't blow up homes usually usually, but if you're going to do it, I prefer that you do it
You never know, though, maybe you know maybe marv and his little buddy were trying to break yeah bandits wanna fuck yeah, guys, I'm up here. There was a final. I'm gonna find me then come over here big horses s, family law, a horse, a human being. You asked what fuck up?
It's capitalist. I wrote it on his linkedin thats, the best part, because it's not like twitter, facebook or or something rash, and it's his job yeah going and going in for auditions. It's a headshot. I think you'll be impressed with. What's on the back yeah I spent six years as an id tag for google, and also my neighbors are spies. Yeah. Okay, though it up yeah excel skills, can do powerpoint, get church c for equations, always right, yeah, very litigious yeah, but then it is skills. The shows too much of the greatness is just the crazy thing is even with all as crazy as this person is. I still think either
we're F b, I is probably partially wrong: yeah, there's a sliver, no pun intended, but there's a sliver of the they just they might have done. Something is this like Arlington road with Jeff bridges gets framed into being a terrorist. He couldn't remember that. I don't remember that one I'm thinking of mulholland drive and you do frame friend to market river, the actors in the autumn, rabbits improbable yeah. No, I didn't see that ok, god so ears, then use lawsuits we're tossed completely. He incessant about all the references are available line with credit card. We really wanted to give you a run on atomic, it's very difficult, considering our hilarious. This is incessantly judge lewis,
It's the same judge every time like that again James, a following following the attorney who lost in the case like de niro in cape fear, council that represents or so They have to contact in the oj and the the eye which cost if we are to show up at his door the former. U s attorney James P, Kennedy junior sorry. He
I said to MR you. Yes, those were authentic, f b. I agents who visited you and instructed you to stop contacting me and this office was real. Like never does read, you can just read: exhaustion yeah, it's! Ah, yes, those were f b, I agents, and they instructed me to start contacting me and this office to show the other loser. ok, but I know what you didn't eat, that's it. He had the same greasy. Eight. It is correct that it set itself was so I guess the question now. Is this guy
is. Is you just crazy? You said you had a theory. I don't want you, but from two thousand as in three: u has claimed that he used to be the head of global security at the committee on foreign investment in the united states, so for his linkedin account was created before his linkedin account was created, cetera, would have hired him c f, I, u S is the abbreviation, which is still pretty damn long. So what do they do? Is this. This entity reviews foreign direct investment in the united states, so, for example, like they were overseeing tik tok potential for sale of tik tok to an american company with twitter. kennedy was involved in to investigate mosques purchase of twitter as relates to china sea? If I U s a primitive like chinese really chinese government to invest in subject. I wasn't agricultural its company. I believe there was a chicago stock exchange slick, semiconductor companies, so this is This company does he claims to have been involved with it. on a high level head of glow
all security yeah I get it. I dont know I have no idea it's. I don't know if we went crazy after that eta believe that's true I believe that yeah, I think he's I had was actually connected. He was looking at you. I think it advised her to the south korean president at one time very close to my thinking with south grand. I could be wrong, but the hit it doesn't see like this guy should be crazy, but We think we're seeing, says the skies crazy and I'm like. Ah, that's a little too much government, maybe Maybe you're crazy them up just a little that yes, then you needed to yeah, people can be made to become craze, yes or working get all this stuff is happening because I so I think what happened is have a video of this and we can get to a later if you want to have a gun before that, we actually, we actually Netflix just seen before that area. Yes, already announced their reaction.
They purchase, though, that the re film rights here of the james, you story, today so derivative, what we say. So we actually just just this just kind of in he didn't just blow up his house now it's plaques! No, I was anyone hurt I dont know. I hope not. I hope not. I think at this point they probably we're out, because this was a long kind of situation that has developed. Let me give you a little bit more information. He was shooting the flares which warning signs in one flare right. That flare start in fourteen. I start to know tat in the video later. We can show it after him. We can do it. A mug club, I'll just kind of tell you what it says in the video this guy says the guy that was recording the explosion that we saw said that they came
the flares and they tried to get into the house. They tried to get him out of the house. He started shooting at the cops and that points that cop turn fire. They said: hey we're using nonlethal these a rubber bullets are shooting at the windows, eternal reposition, the truck, and then that's when needed, f bomb- and you know like radiantly, blew up his entire house, but he blew up his duplex with his. apparently spy neighbours. I don't think they were there at that. Because I'm not on for whilst they probably were able to get out, but still he was trying to take them out its did. He take himself out I, No, we don't in the reports like did he take himself out or did he escaped? Will there be a lot of pieces to put together there? What specifically of miss I dont know if he didn't remotely or what? Because some people are saying he was actually commenting in youtube, chats reposted some youtube suffer. Basically they were just screen shots of a bunch of stuff from linked in another goddesses, so there are saying that he still alive and test this. This is definitely like becoming a bit of a conspiracy.
It is even still alive. What's really it just the whole situation is weird and then you add this sort of bizarre, opaque click. Ok is linked in getting wiped right now, he did it himself. I doubt it. I doubt that first off, if he died that he would be doing I ran the us, but then I I also doubt that if he escaped, he would take the time to remove the linkedin of what she was clearly very proud was very proud of it. He he wanted us to know yeah. He was very clear. He said yeah, it looks like he. He blew that kind of explosion happened literally about five blocks from my parents house. So two three years ago, meth no gas. Oh yes, it's in the house. Yeah not like that looks like a gas explosion and then the flare does come back into play. If he's like screw yo capa, it doesn't realize the gas is on, or maybe he doesn't. This is his. You know, like top of the world mom moment I don't know, I bought split. Like a gas explosion, to me, yeah they get islamic on stuff, but it
to turn on the gas on purpose, and then can we really dont know he does seem like you. Did they give you a port? Is he dead so that we know what the hell not now. The death thing is that we know if you're gonna have to separate kim dae jung former president of south korea, is the connection, so he was at his father was an adviser to him. So it interesting he's got ties to you know some interesting. I do wonder if he was always this crazy, because the south is that south korean you said south korean, a former south korean prison, almost austrian president, in our view, do tv talent- I saw your son still crazy. Yeah last time they come over for christmas. He say: fuck y'all my whole family yeah. I say why he was like we'd, give you a tool, you'll say: fuck y'all he tried to blow a president. I can't do anything
but I do know about what's, but I appreciate the valiant effort. So do you think you're crazy person? I think he's crazy person, but there's enough here to make me think that there is more to this story is not just some crazy guy who has met. You could have been an k altered now. I just thinking I mean like what you there. You know conducting experiments on. I know him ultra yeah. I know I would like to know if I would like to know about the neighbors, so they're alive yeah look lara, they spies. They could be spies. What? If what if his neighbor was Eric, swallows hooker tat is have a cop up to the wall. He just years. Yes, frank, bang, bang the imo sent on allowing later today just snap who lived in south korea for a little while he a saying that Kim dae Jung secretly paid five hundred million dollars to north korea. He's like this is this is going deeper down the rabbit. Oh sorts of it's not one of the good south korean
a political figure. Well, we'll see with MR you, not one of those samson guys. Five g, gay yeah, Are you going to? Let us know your theories policy at this point. So that's a timeline up with that kind of gives you everything that we know there is some misinformation out there everything that we have delivered today. We we can confirm so the linked in peace is something that has informed me that no one else has really what has happened to catch it extant. Why would that be wiped out? would be that who stands to benefit from wiping his linkedin, not I am no, that was his pride and joy. His neighbours could be a spy neighbours, my their handler wouldn't call them if there's more on the linked in or on a social profiles where he really Making a big deal about the election, you know twenty sixteen election being stolen from Hillary Clinton and he hated white people and he hated donald trump. If you were to go down that rabbit, hole mia, I'm not saying by the way that this meme the fbi, put him. What I'm saying is that we are we are at a point in time where, if I feel as though the wrong political motivation is involved. They ve shown and time again that they will wipe it, so
I would say that intelligence agencies would have more of a vested interest in wiping the record books. from his clearly anti conservative anti white anti trump conspiracy links, so someone benefits from wiping has linked in the dead of morning at six thirty someone doubts, yeah him it's not him, not so bad. It wasn't on twitter cause. I now put it don't do that anymore here now, but well, supposedly, supposedly allegedly, we don't know maybe, but it does that that is my who benefits from that that we got that. Why would that happened? it doesn't mean that people were involved premeditated premeditated innocent conspiracy. A lot and species that you see, you see the end game. What happens if something goes wrong, something you're going to be embarrassed and then they try and covered up. You don't like, for example, watergate Yes, like most people out there that defining a new generation, you may not know this Nixon not send people to spy. But what are they
no involved, it was the cover up where he didn't want to end up with egg. On his face, you can hear the phone call when he finds out about watergate that they tap the watergate hotel this one Yes, all clear that he's a he's off is going to everyone's going to think that idea of what a what a what a bunch of morons- and this is the guy who was recording himself in his own office for autobiographical purposes. That's the reason you know about it. He was as transparent as could be. He didn't actually commit the crime he didn't wiretap. He there afterwards said. Let's contain this because politically it'll be a disaster for me, even though I didn't really know about all this. So a lot of people still think that he was the one who went out there. You admire technical, political opposition, no, but have does the cover up afterwards? The conspiracy is a lot of people want to save himself embarrassment, and that's all I'm saying who would be in bed by his linked in or social profiles? Why would they be wiped? I think that's a legend! question. Even if it's a hilariously, crazy person, we have to talk to Alex Jones.
This I'm sure he has some thoughts, there's something another linked. Any could have been right about yeah. Let's just any debate, daddy, be crazy. People can be right about certain things right. Can be crazy. Unlikely right about something is actually made just take. My word for this non try this at home. But if you blow up your house, your linkedin does not disappear, it doesn't mean you ve tried it does. It doesn't happen now, so up is unlocked. James! You back my gun all right, let's go to this. This is something else we are discussing sort. Desperately right. Amy is what it is. Sorry, I'm in seattle focus of our next segment kind of it, but you been in a little bit had really doesn't like less jane. I don't know he was going on about this. Why don't you know that's wrong to hate now? Ok, so with you know a donald trump present trump. What do you have? A lever to cramp look
hey, grandison, hate ground hate gives you grant accept that that's love in your heart and water. In reality, I better get. It gives you. The kind of transit there aren't enough bananas in the world. The fix big guy, this guy It's right with a president trump reelection potentially looming, and it looks like a real possibility. it's a trend, and this is one thing to this: a conspiracy for you to say all second. I've noticed it almost all major outlets to the day. Have now started parroting. This idea that donald trump is going to be a dictator and we will never have another election again. It's not the people have said it throughout a long course of time. It's that has become a central talking point within appeal about four days. believe you line eyes and ears the alarm bells are going off this morning in a new way new urgency in the courts,
some concern now, for what is second from presidency could would mean a vote for donald trump may mean last election that you leverage to vote and there is still a totally wrong beat of eight Second term would be a threat to democracy that were hearing really I'd, say it's getting louder over the last week he acts whose beaten adroit someone who doesn't care about our democracy acts like someone who wants to be looks down I think, not america. Trouble dictatorship now looks increasingly inevitable. Trumpets continue to rail, against democratic institutions, make false claims about the twenty twenty election. So here's the thing don't allow anyone to say that you're, a conspiracy theories by saying of core all the media here, these major outlets work in conjunction with He say the unit party state Natasha politics it it's far. more clear as it relates to media and by that an abc NBC, CBS Cnn, MSNBC, CNBC intuitive.
Fox news. This is really all sort of started This wish, I should say, dusted backup over thirty years, and it's been everywhere, and I'm going to get to a direct comparison when we're talking about dictators- and I don't think there's in a former vice and in our lifetime, who has been more dictatorial than job it's not even relatives as far as arresting political dissidents. As far censoring speech you dont, like not talking mean tweets, but let's go up first, as to why they are the enemy of a free people their headlines so washing post, remember, thirtieth, trumped dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending, theirs from daily mail daily costs trump as a dictator, is a realistic picture, the fear of a looming trump dictatorship of MSNBC new york times as a collage. There are references are available at louder with, dot come? They say that held never leave off, while also accusing the being told the last four years which pretty tough yeah. That's that's difficulty. What that's actually do that that there's, like a long awaited remake coming out of wits
that is a lot of weakened a trumpet humpy sensitive yeah, which We have the results of this. after this gem that their working on right now now under the great juice I want to see that and trump is fighting back with his own remake last one data. I suggest donald trump's face yeah I'll play me. So why is this happening? And why has it happened so suddenly, right you have to go. Okay, here's a start point I dunno. If there's going to be an endpoint called november thirtieth? Well, just happens to coincide, a moment in time where former vice president Biden is underwater in pulling right down. Tromp is up, Point seven percent in the aggregate aggregate point the arts pay and if you look at a more recent pulling significantly left. I believe there was a b c and and there was a new york times poll or camera for the washington post, they had donald trump up close Ten points in some of those. Certainly over five points now keep
at this time and twenty twenty bide was up by nine point. Eight points: that's enough, levin point spread. That's insane well think about He's also hadn't swing, states. and he's doing better with groups it had tippit not vote, a republican right minorities he's doing much, better police must be a racist, supposed to be re, weird, how you, if you're racist they in their people, that racist against voting fleet, is very odd that a racist gets a record number of votes from those demographics for that party and its also kind of when they say this guy is so old and out of touch and needs a fascist and then he's, actually winning the under thirty about which to me is the most insane thing I've heard near life I expect to lose. I expect consumers to lose people under thirty, because a lot of people under thirty are entitled pricks, so That means that even selfishly, they don't see a future with former. Vice president, by- and I ve been trying to message by economics by economics by any doesn't send it. That's like that's not the same
in the point that he thinks it is it's bad idea, yeah, it's like it's his equivalent like fuck yeah. He was like Biden and she just put in one of his tweets pied number. he's put at the end of it like you. our saying your name, but it just it. It's bad of fifty nine percent of people right now disapprove binds handling genre. he's mentioned by now? A hundred and one times since june and people fifty nine percent of that yet at a bad thing, that's a bad thing, and so now, when they see by economics, is not working, it has been rejected. That was their first play, Aragon up. Let's start drumming some fear mongering like we did in two thousand and sixteen like we did in two thousand and twenty and in a recent speech you see from a vice president Biden. He pivoted back to that That's him strategy fearmongering about threats to democracy. something dangerous happen in america? Extremist movements does nothing the basic regulation on democracy.
the maghreb again, ok fiercely, why do they they keep given them their their names in these nicknames their policies that are trash by now makes care Clinton's kids right. Why couldn't skids in from the island let me murdered a gap I was a real plan. No child left behind whoops. It's not what you meant to be so and this too we just shot is now which you can think about, sounds pretty familiar right. Remember going in the mid term September first, I believe it was summer in September twenty two there is binds infamous. Philadelphia speech with the very nazi, ask and by the weights in over use comparison, but he used the blood red backroom like he was scar, talking to the hyaenas donald but the meagre republic that representative stream ism that threatens the. the foundations of our public
Member after that cnn? Actually, they tried to make it look change color speculated right, the saturation to make it look more pink cut away, they cut away from the rest of the speech, but we actually have in the exclusive footage. For the remainder of that speech, ending mighty said five ended. An intense tonight is just a bully at a map, and yeah it I be for the eu I get my they cut away. The parasite is deep. Doesn't add up remind you the context. Then rights right was leading up that speech by now really low approval red really does today, specifically on the economy. It was going really poorly and so when they this is that mean it? This isn't anything new, but when they cannot argue the issues when they Here I have a leg to stand on their. It to be hey, there's going to be no democracy, hey this person as a fascist and by the way when you
begin behaving more like a fascist right. For example, hitler, for example, stolen, for example, check of error all leftwing people, I know he'll, say Hitler right wing, Donovan don't even try to say all your lazy and what really really you want me? One thing that hitler would do. That's right wing other than being racist, which you accuse, people are being right wing, a pink, nothing, nothing at all gun thousand. No banks now free economic, now, absolutely not freedom, free speech. Not so no hitler, Stalin, Jacob air go through the list. The fascists left, shooting thing pol pot. Ok, when the left starts to behave in a way that is fascist. What do they do well Can I change is the definition of fascism, brass being right? Wing communist is not defined as leftwing last time we check marian Webster but fashion, was defined as right wing as its exclusive to one political party. So that's what they will do they just tryin gaslight you. I guess that's the word of the year and
the reason for this is because it's pretty easy for you to see and do an eighty comparison, rap donald trump, a dictator comparing him two former vice president Joe Biden. Now I want because I know that we have a lot of people out there who necessarily like donald trump, your conservative, but you have your problems for them. Do you Firstly, by this by this line that they're trying to sell here that dog Tromp was more of a dictator, then Joe Biden, or even by the way you can even go back to Barack Obama rent, let's, let's what would be an except hey? How about arresting political opponents and dissonance? that's something like a large effort that some of them Joe Biden has done right. We just have own troy, arrested, given solitary confinement, even though he wasn't at that at the capital to protect democracy hey. What about censoring speech right, fascist would sensor speech. Member tenant greatly disinformation, governance, board
The collusion between bind the fbi to censor stories about a moment, Jen Zackie was calling on spotify openly to censor gel rogan member that there must be a free speech, loving american freedom, ya? Think about that sex, so down from the fascist you're, the one who jails, pull jails, pull called dissidents, ok, card number are certainly high number. I should say of of pardon from donald trump, and you ve been Oh censorship, every single step of the way, both during go that using it as an excuse and after cover, what about with the united states, a good protection. We have against fascism, the constitution. Well, ok, people said going to destroy the constitution in what way did he's circumvent? The supreme court with student loan forgiveness right with the vote. moratorium that was rent forgiveness and even acknowledges by media this isn't going to stand so we'll just do this aren't going to sign this now in about three or four months, the supreme corporal?
What unconstitutional, which they did. What about fighting voter? I d hate effect, fascists, fascist fight, having proper identification when voting to ensure a free people and ensure legitimate democracy. what about disarming citizens? memory wanted to establish an office to the official department of gun control? Not say all the assault, weapons ventnor bans able eyes embraces just to make firearms less safe is capacity ban, so what do we have? We have? We have a guy. We have former vice president Biden, who cracks on speech could- it's on an individual right to own a fire, much as a constitutional right violet. The constitution, while acknowledging that he's doing so in the supreme court then step sentences. Now, of course that is violating the constitution, and
at the same time also wanted to pack the supreme court. He would be far more of a fascist if he could get away with the things that he wants to their checks and balances that exist right now and right now might donald trump. If he is this- and this is less cheney pushing this, this is in her book. This is the narrative she's pushing it right now on cnn, it's got some formerly replica cheney, stock and anderson cooper? Three sixty she considering a third party run to stop donald trump? She said, I don't think the republican party can be saved our you seeing why I'm starting to hate lose cheney more and more. She was one of the republicans that lend credibility to the january six commission. She is part of the press one in the republican party, but she can't go away and she is saying Donald trump. If he gets back in office, won't leave. Can I ask you a question: has donald trump ever been? Of course he has, he was pressing united states donald trump. Have the support of the majority of americans cos?
stoning or at least suspicious about the election where he supposedly lost. Yes, did he have a couple hundred thousand people at the capital, ready willing and able to make sure that he stayed in office? Yes, did he leave office? Yes, he is not a dictator if he is he's an idiot Has he left office there's no shot at getting back for sure. Why would you like is. If your plan is to stay in office forever, then do it had every opportunity and chose not to its just fearmongering. That's it film on you to take your attention, the fact that the economy is performing abysmally under Joe bright and people dont, like other hate him. This is very, this is a very embarrassing for the left, and so they go out. Dictator dictator dictator, I think of mean tweet shore rhetoric that is is probably in or tat sometimes arrive don't really care. The idea of a dictator
Okay, it really you just run it through your filter. Lets us do the constitute. Let's us go through the amendments, all right. If there are a dictator, there are fascists in this country. First, amendment freedom of speech, freedom of the press- Donald trump. He used freedom of the ato and press twitter to send out to the people than like didn't shut down. People who he didn't like all way. First, amendment violated violated going through by the bite administration. Ok, second amendment violate it. You just go right down the less. You are right, I it's pretty did I tell who is the fascist? Is anyone actually being fooled by this will make all the revenues available so that you can hopefully these conversations with your family with your friends as we go through this christmas season or hanukkah com not reopen area about affected. They they they want to get rid of the guns that are going to help us overthrow dictator. I now hear that you are
I should have guns, but there's gonna gotta be addicted. Well, thank god! We have the guns, douche yeah. I remember him for saying that what we need is for your needs, more guns. We need to just put the ts, that's what they were saying. He said let's get rid of capacity in magazines, that's what he's said said given. Luke as manna, it's really is not a you know, house, you stop dictated from them; being allowed to speak freely. There there's a few it's billed as a mini dictator. Voting member there's like three of volume limits. Are there there. There are quite a few voting amount. Eighties have their own yeah. I know we, black people have their own. You know what you do you just. You have to jail the political opponents and I'm just talking about one sure, I'm talking about the the president of the united states yeah yeah, that's an article trying them when they try to actively jail him on trumped up charges we're going to have one of the biggest criticisms that trump supporters have had with them. Their biggest was that he didn't lock up Hillary Clinton because you talked about it and then tat points. Ok, it's better for the country to just move on. I think about that
He didn't jail his political opponents, they're trying to put donald trump in jail. Why to silence you, because the majority of americans right now would vote for donald trump, just think about that right now, native americans of the election were held today, and this is going by their own polls, which you know lean. Even further left would vote for donald trump over Joe Biden. This administration and these intelligence agencies are directly involved, trying to put him in jail soviet so that you cannot vote for him for crying out loud wash and then what donald trump is the fascist. I don't care where you line up politically. If you believe that your skin and I don't mean stupid, like cool like you know, mainly those guys, you would say I mean stupid like unintelligent. It's a damn thing to believe: and by the way something kind of dumb, because we're doing this a crowd of shop and it's going to cost us far more money than makes sense that we are doing twelve days of christmas or giving away two thousand rounds of
example. A thousand rounds of two to three thousand rounds of nine millimeter, and I need to do is in a purchase. Some of your march over there at crowded shop got com. The winner will be announced tomorrow and, of course, we still have the ford raptor give away. Ten thousand cash and ten thousand dollars cash as awaiting about josh fires, happy birthday, Brad We appreciate it and we are going to actually we have a segment on explained, before we go here for to state area, explore to stay, get screwed out of the college football championship and I don't care why they did not, but donald trump did weigh in and try to pin it on rhonda santas, which is kind of funny okay, so that part is funny, but not quite as funny hilarious, James you, but if you're watching right now on rumble, of course you are you're not watching on youtube click that button you get subscribe right now you get a free copy of beautiful differences. The children's book once they're gone they're going to the christmas season and
I really do appreciate everything that rumble has done, but if we were still on youtube right now. This is the point where I would be going to my club and saying fuck yeah
Transcript generated on 2024-01-06.