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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey there audio listener, be blind because a lot of visual elements to the show, I'm surprised it you're not really watching simple watch on Youtube, obviously, where we ve been demonetized, Andre monetized, and I just but now I just checked my watch. Demonic again the only way to support it? content really is to join up a lot of credit outcome, Slash Mug club, it's ninety nine dollars annually. Sixty nine for students, veterans, active military and you get access to the entire blaze catalogue. You get Dave Reuben, you get Glenn back. You get mark, live in a whole bunch of shows and you get says to a full daily. Show us not available here. So you know you can join up. Or you can plan on me actually just feeling this show to the brim with ads for products don't need or want, and I ought to be used it hidden. The fast forward button
The choice is yours: enjoy the shell from the very beginning, the governor was allowing covert positive patients to be placed in the same nursing, homes, covert, negative patients. Many in the legislature disagreed and want to work to try and change the policy, but the governor now has vetoed it governor, witness the standing by our policy of placing covert positive patients in nursing homes with people were covert negative areas in front of one nursing home that has taken a convict nineteen patient that they didn't think that they were prepared to care across the state. Nursing homes are not prepared with enough PPP. I'd like to hear what data was relied on to nursing homes to bring in qualifications to. In fact, those weren't, in fact to kill those loved ones
Welcome to the debate stream we'll be back after this work with it with the drinking rule, aims the hatchet eggs a promo code. But what does this off, because it relates to debate. I'm a ham agar Really it I'm not. I'm not not approval, but this gentlemen, as we wanted a pre game with him, he is a sitting senator and a favourite of the show course. You know it's podcast is the verdict or sorry, with decorous diverting as a parliament. Somebody have a new book about the Supreme Court. One vote away coming out October. Sixth, senator crews, being here. Sir David to be with you one one minor adjustments. The book was coming on: Tomer six we actually released at a week early. So today is its end national debut the book one boat away, all about the Supreme Court, the bill of rights, the constitution. It least today, available Amazon, Barnes and noble anywhere. You bible since available right now, while open. I apologize
I felt when you said one minor adjustment you're going to point out that I needed to make an adjustment. So thank you for correcting us it's available now at Barnes and noble where those exist. The only one around here is a cafe that happens to sell magazines stuck out that sets David. I got. I gotta ask something because the video just came through dear God, man tell me you're wearing pants. I am. That's american flag. These are the butter being short. These are regulation, size, boxing shorts, but after sitting down in front of a car. senator, I realize, there's a reason they don't do the interview in the shorts its largely relegated to the ring exclusively aright. Speeding up the ring. We ve got a barn burner tonight, senator crews. What are you spects from a debate between Donald Trump and buying do you think they still? Might we allow that old? Like me the class television with a vcr with just a picture binds head on it. I'm not convinced you showing up so I expect Trump too.
Punch Biden in the nose. Ok problem, lay figuratively and not literally They expect- and I expect by two Scream and run away. Ok, now this wings literally figurative negative. If I could see Joe Biden doing that. Well, look he's been in the basement for six months. I don't think he's actually seen human interaction I will say in in seriousness, I am worried that the conservatives and the right have convinced ourselves that that Joe Biden has full on dementia right and and clearly slowed down a little bit. But but if we're being honest, Joe, said, stupid stuff when it was in its twenties sure you.
we have defined the boy our down so low no matter what Joe Biden does if he falls on the ground, curls and the fatal possess shouldn't cries. tomorrow. The media will say Biden, one right as opposed to reply. That's a repeat of his eighty eight campaign, which you guys can check the table, but no, I think you're right and here's a thing to I'm not so much concerned about the low expectations, though I agree, I am just concerned as to as to whether pay, Tromp has bought into that and not prepared, because he could just Joe Biden curbing the basement? He could be hitting YO racks of for all. We know and by the way I've had relatives with dementia and Alzheimer's and they have moments of great clarity where just like a light switch which is on and then the sudden the circuit breaks so now. I do think that simple.
I only ITALY except remember, Jos, running of the democratic primary, so he would naturally be hitting beef he'd be like beating up on tofu somewhere right. Yes, exactly, I think, be just be like smacking, a spoon into me so soup repeatedly, and that would be a hideous. It's a silver spoon. I think it's a good point earlier asking this: if you're, if you were President Trump, right now you're going out tonight, you're handling Joe by what would you do? How would you handle it focused, audacious in substance? captain we when they lose on issues. Free enterprise worked socialism doesn't rule of law, the bill of Rights and the council pollution, they work riots and Anna. He and violence don't buy doesn't want this to be on the issues,
Biden wants it to be a personality contest Biden wants it, do you like, or discharge or dislike Donald J Tromp, and I think they think personality contests, they went. I think, that's why bindings hiding in the basement is. He didn't want to say anything to disrupt whether some voters might be upset at the it tweet or whatever. What have you look? This country is at a moment of crisis, Fifty one million Americans have lost their job. Donald Trump wants to open up the Let me Joe Biden wants to shut down the economy. That's a debate. We need dab right, Jesus, it may be, makes it more difficult almost because you know, as opposed to, for example, let's say the candidate, we're Bernie Sanders Self avowed Socialist or, like an arrow, see that Joe Biden, no he's been in government for forty eight years kind of stands for nothing. So it's is like trying to grab and amoeba where he can sort of maintain
any position he wants on the issues because he's maybe he's often been on both sides of them. It almost seems like it's, it's tougher to grab all of em. Well, look at, I think. That's it! Al Engine and I don't know how much president Tromp was prepared. That's where preparing helps when you can come back with the substance and facts and record, I I think Trump will be quick on counter punching but I dont know that he will necessarily have all the facts at his fingertips and then you're right Biden. Going to try to backtrack and claim that that he hasn't our art. Here's a classic example on gun. Is he suddenly pretending he's more reasonable on guns? Rather than a radical right now never mind you that that bind and said he would put beta Rourke in charge a gun policy and when a reporter said, are you saying it Biden, where president you're coming after our guns, it is response- was one word bingo right
I hope, when Joe to night pretends. That's not the case. I hope the President's prepared to come back with the whip with bud own record right in the same can be said for franking. The same can be said for a lot for some of the wars. Let me ask you this, having been there sort of in the ring, as it were, with with Donald Trump and you kind of an unknown entity right coming into the primers. What the prize. You most at your debates was withdrawn. from what was anything that you thought. Ok, maybe maybe as something some era when the quiver here that I wasn't ready for look trump is unpredictable Tromp is instinct. Sure. or punching is is his greatest strength. If you look at trumps, debate with Hillary Clinton when he showed up at the debate with a bunch of the alleged victims, a bill Clinton? Sexual assaults are not
sexual violence is laughing at the move from the future. Presently, United States, it was a wholly crap moments like like the press. Nobody could speak at it and it was right after the Billy Bush tape when Trump was but like It was a rocky time here this evening is go on to go on offence. I expect see see him go after buying Hunter Biden, corruption and it'll be interesting to see if you oh, how he handles that yeah that was going to be my question- is- is how personally think it's going to get? But I think that just sort of remains to be seen, and hopefully, if nothing else, I think as there is an opening for Donald Trump to do them. The job at the media hasn't because we ve been watching scene and non stop these last couple weeks and they haven't covered it since we ve been watching, and I know for a fact that ABC hasn't at all, let's go find. It is because your book is, out one vote away about the supreme
what that's going to be one of the topics tonight in the debate. What are you fact that conversation to be, and how do you expect the media to misrepresented, because this has been one of those issues that it tough to a tribute to incompetence. What can be done We to malice at this point the baby, our hard core democratic partisans. I expect Joe Biden talking point to be the port talking point. The Democrats. Are Consistently following, which is to say that, if Judge Berytus is confirmed, is just the Spirit that the court strike down, Obama, care and it'll take away protections for pre existing conditions on the merits. That's nonsense because every whatever Republican agrees, we're gonna, protect pre, existing conditions right, but more interesting way. Stephen. It reveals how offensive Democrats are on the port. The fact that they wanted.
twisted into a health care issue in Joe Biden, I want to discuss free speech and the Supreme Court going after afraid, they tried you don't want to discuss religious liberty. Dont want to discuss the second amendment. The book I had, the now today, one vote away. Each chapter talks about a different constitutional liberty one on free speech what or religious liberty one on the second amendment, one on: U S, sovereignty want on actions at democracy, it goes into Bush verses Gore, which I was part of the legal team that represented George W Bush in Bush, verses, Gore We could easily see a re prize of that this election cycle right and what the book does. it tells the really in side war stories of what's going on at the court. What what what is that the behind the scenes of the major landmark faces, many of which I have litigate an end, its design,
to be a lawyer to enjoy the book it's designed for anyone who cares about the bill of rights to explain our? What's this all about why does it matter? Why does it make a difference in my life it it's interesting behind Seeing stories about the justices about the cases and in what it illustrates is on issue after issue after issue. The court is five four and we're one vote away. We are one vote away from the court taking away our free speech right. religious liberty right our second amendment right right at, and I hope that the president makes some of that case denied, because I think it is a powerful and compelling case and the democratic scared about which is why they immediately go to Obamacare. Instead, right now, I think that I was so you can make that case, but the president being a lawyer you're a lawyer yourself, I will say this is a layman when I try Research from the landmark Supreme Court cases, often more definitive
in some of the most Americans never hear about. Are the dissenting opinions right, the ones that lost me the most concerning as Heller Verses DC. When you look at the dissenting opinions were basically saying hollowness, it wasn't Kay ten round capacity magazines. It was a firearm case for people who don't know, go back and check it out the descent, opinion said that private citizens have no actual constitutional right to own firearms whatsoever. when it comes down to the legal line. How do we make the legal argument? It was either people have the right to own guns or they don't and that to me both chillingly scary, and I think the Americans would do I'll just to read up on the landmark cases, whilst Stephen hearings equally right. Heller is one of the cases I talk about at length because I represented Texas and thirty other states in Heller. I help litigate Heller. I argued the companion case in the court of Appeals and and your the forty centre, so Heller was five for the forty cents they weren't arguing that some gun control. Laws are sometimes ok, reasonable mines,
disagree on that question. Right. The dissenters instead argued, and you you put it exactly right- that the second amendment protects oh, individual, right whatsoever. that no American has any right under the second amendment, which means the government could make it legal make it a crime for you or I own, a firearm and the forty centre said no constitutional problem, knock yourself out and by the way, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden both pledge to appoint soup? in court nominees, but would turn, Heller and and and and in effect, a race, the second men from the bill of rights, actually after fact check you, they pledge to appoint more supreme court. Just as to overturn ALA versus deferring data. Just add a cup: what's a couple more or less mega bakers does and then we can. Then we can
NATO in there somewhere. I think I think it's very important when I'm real. I would love to read this book. I don't have it yet. This is one that I desperately want to read, and I know that I sound desperate and and sad, but just who I am senator truce. Well, Stephen. Let me jump in on something you and I have talked before about how Ben Shapiro the daily wire guys when they do their late night show they use your copses ashtrays, which, which I for one am offended with, although I did partake actually I what you know I want this actually be an opportunity. for the battle of the right wing, libertarian heavyweights, and Oh I'm doing then Shapiro show this week. I'm doing your show this week and you know what we're gonna do we're going to keep a record of whom or moves more books
ok, whether ladder with crowd or drives folks to go to Amazon, Barnes and noble, and by the book you can do it right now, one vote away or whether Shapiro does and end so well, say I'm I'm thinking you're gonna take out ban, but but he's dry and pretty hard to well. You know, I don't really think it's fair to call me and then a battle of heavyweights, regulations have ended up then as the toughest guide a fourteen year old Slumber party. So I do want to look like a bully, but I appreciate you create a creative way to promote your book with a little extra zing on the show and I do think he'll probably sell more in the Amazon, Bookstore, physical crowd and well. You're pretty well a digital version, but I love ban and is tumblr is fine if you don't mind asbestos. My final question for you Santa Cruz. Is you have to call it who the media will obviously say, bind wins, no matter what, but if you have to call objectively, who do you think comes out the victor tonight Trump, because
buttons out of touch the media. Will love em, but Biden is at the end of the day, appealing to the media elites, who already agree with them and at its trump stays focused on jobs safety on security, on what the american people want. That's a winning message. I really a good point, he's really short of campaigning for the media and the media is not as relevant legacy media as they were in previous elections, are becoming less and less relevant hopeful becoming more open, because one vote away as a book to be read. We approve senator crews be well thanks are taking the time
we are now you and by the way I heard you loud include loudly and clearly so just remember, I rushed in switched my words. We got it out as you see this, but these were actually much, but we just got grass and scissors. They took care of me lower, but you gotta mess at all. They become like Gerald Cycling shorts. They do.
And we had a lot of people asking you to keep those on Jack. That's why we're here? I don't know that all of the hundred and thirty thousand you watching wanted to see inside of me this by a crowd of debating, please use at hashtag. This is watch. Conservatives remember, which I am very surprised at how silly it is, and I have used a promo code crowd or debates dream. You will get twenty for the next twenty four hours before you do consider during mug limit ladder of credit, I come slash. Mug club, that's really between our job, because our dreams often get booted. I said. Obviously it does have starting poorly, very poorly How are you your adore, undoing, faint I'd, it's right here. How do I put My have asian lawyers in our young fellow I'm here to moderate here. What do you do? you just you just that's your outfit and you just now has decided that you can have a boat. I yeah, that's it
We have already away what about you're gonna, really already I'm ready, for it was a really rough era for black guys because they all have big hair. But if you are a bald black guy and yet a moustache and a big here and amongst cap, that's pretty rough yet louder. I had to go for it. Anyways now exists as a monitor or my this brightened shine. Nurseries are, I felt we are going to be watching this dream tonight by we want a white be watching with you ve CNN were watching the Fox NEWS debate via scene and just because they might have a little fat Jackson did you know and of course, New DE pictures of bronze delta and done lemon locker room with rather of air, so prediction that's right, the drinking game role is drinking game rules tonight are bring em up any time. You hear a leading or unfair question of Donald Trump anytime, you dropsy thug life moment any time. China, fake news is mentioned with joy
by then economic itself. While question has dimension moment talks tougher from the shoulders he says or if he says come on man- and you hear this thing- you take a drink. And finish your drink. If the down, if done over, mentions Hunter Bi Regional happen, Lord beating. It can happen, make sure you want it's gone standby very, very concerned and is illegal disclaimer. These rules are dangerous and by dangerous. You do you mean fun. Doubling I'd synonym. Well, we're not drinking wine, I mean I mean candy, but well, you are, you know, because we really Irene oil is wider picture of lemon lips. Let's give acquit break down here. We just had tat crews, and I want to give you a well. Let me This was the best case scenario. What do you think best case scenario for Donald Trump best case scenario? Joe Biden. What do you expect to see its best case for Joe Biden is that he does not. I feel like a bar solo. He just doesn't stumble through his part of the talk. He just is able to make point.
and he is able to move through without falling down on his face, and I really think that but nobody turn on the microwave exact nobody. China might read the plate and is not and cannot handle. That's right. I think there's gonna be a Joe Biden Catch man if I wanna natures, clue, shrinks, he's gonna, run out and catch him and what I think your Donald Trump, I think, has two he's. Gotta be he's gotta, be a but more subtle than he normally as he can punch at Joe Biden Buddy. If he starts to beat up on him and people start to feel sorry for him. I think that that is the challenge when you're fighting someone with special needs. It- and I say this as someone has great experience, but fighting they will special, not really, which really went there to me because of some neurological component, their insanely, strong in order that it contains an all round, and so now you're the person in the media goes all man's rings. Rush, in strength special needs. RO there, that there are layers and hate their levels of this gay man,
contractual needs, there's a reason that they're not allowed and sanction gotta be aware there. I was an essay, I think, you're old is wrong, and now I think that the president should not lift up his foot off the gas when it comes to attacking by because this is one of those moments where you, to follow through with all the rhetoric that we ve been hearing. Everything that we ve been seeing from the vice president over this entire last couple of months. Is that going to easily sail through that's his own position, and I just talking the case. There has been a lot of fun, a lot of fun poked, Joe Biden and some articles about how to below the we lowered the bar so high. So this can be jumping you he's been lowered, its higher or lower and lower did so low. You say that you are able to jump over. This is my third language get help my point B and Jean Simons put your fedora. Disrupt is gonna, get hard, he's gotta go hard, the whole time yeah also because I think it will be most entertaining for me, which is the point. So here's what I think
best case scenario for Donald Trump early on Joe Biden has abolished. Do what he's been doing this whole time in a campaign trail where it calls out integrity in a question. You know this man doesn't fit for office does and then he died right, the the highest office in the land. You don't you should continue doing if he continues doing that. He opens up the opportunity for down from to go So what I'm hoping as it does at the outset. Donald Trump goes personal, rid of all of this on the outset, does a hundred by berries and then after that, hopefully Wallis, that's a nice guy. You boys, boys boys and allows them to get to policy, were Donald Trump can also destroyed by right. As far as what I see best case scenario for Biden you, it's he needs to avoid any and all personal tax. I would say he should avoid it, because that's Donald Trump specialty I think it needs to lay out a positive kind of future for America, which is tough to do when you ve suckled at the government team for forty years and have nothing to show for it, but I think that's kind of his best path.
It is to stay out of the mud and he to stay off policy and if it comes to policy, Joe Biden does have a little bit of a trump card for lack of a better word in that he is a moderate. You should play that up this. Is it Now this is something worth debate. He needs to play at being a moderate because Democrats, they have to run as moderates to win elections. Republicans have to run as conservative as they can do when elections you see, Donald Trump was a moderate, really kind of. If you look at early on before he became republican candidate, then an uprising is into the general action he increasingly became more conservative. You saw the art that would Hillary clinton- and you see Joe Biden saying that he was of course going to ban racking until he's for racking. I don't know where he's going to defend himself on on tv on NAFTA on the economy. This is a really really rough debate for four by never this too, I think a lot of people are under estimating just how much they might be under estimating Donald Trump, so people are saying? Hey, they're, setting really low expectations for binding, I think that's true, buying just
he's too not crap himself. Right, five needs to make it through without the without the in Poland is depends going reawaken form because you know it's more feet. You don't once filled out dot but trumpet say they don't people are expecting him to be such a bombastic. Jack ass because they ve short of developed their impression of Donald Trump. You how this and conveyed in the media is one of those rare instances keep in mind when Donald Trump started doing those those press briefing cove. It started he's approval running went up the moment. He started speaking directly to the american people, this, unlike the town halls be one of those instances where a lot of people who are undecided or people who want just Democrats are just Republicans will hear from Donald himself insult. He just me. to be a little more likeable, just level enough to give them a reason to pull the lever. For the guy
doesn't have dementia crap is pants. Every time you try my pocket, it should be an easy choice and in its instead of leaving bids are really good. Point is that this is gonna, be the moment, were Joe Biden really abandons the alarm and and The other far left. If rang, really wants to win this election, because so many folks are, now I am not a fan of so many real Americans who may be honest, I did in this election ring, I'm not in favour of burning down cities burning. Businesses in creating this kind of event, Lindsey lower mode, never mind, that's the other trumped up, but no sound trumps. Daughter watch your mouth now think of abandoned them. Like viands kid you never call
father and it can be really short because you don't remember you just go all I'm in thirty seconds to go. Well, that's it at an ice, forty five minutes, but I've gotta get going. Oh, I also forgot where the costume content just for everyone out there watching right now we will be able to say reading but will be showing the costume contest winner and you get a lot of girls here. Also, of course, do not forget. Michigan Friday October seconds, new in lancing the State Capitol building I'll, be right, hey governor! it works, be in your backyard gone through all your private stuff, you better come out and power may also check what are we doing Chan after the handing over of the exclusive mug club show where we will be doing chat with people? Life were magua because we don't do super children, you do because they don't pay nothing, something real, quick question Deanna. How does he get
base fired up, because nobody is excited about voting for Joe Biden. You guys are saying that he has to go more most. That's fire that everything we will have it wrong because they go all Joe Biden. You know there's just really voting from because he's not trump right. That's a people, but the truth is: there's no enthusiasm for biofuels hated and from that much that, Susie? I would translate to the Yang of the Yang right. You know what sort of a mirror image where you would think they'd be enthuse. ask for anyone not named Trump, but that's not what we're seeing. There is very little enthusiasm, no enthusiasm for buying. That's what I'm saying: how does he get there to be enthusiasm, so you said he would have to go more to the centre right. He would have to be never play then anonymously by anybody. I can't get, he can't get enthusiasm. Doesn't I don't do that that ship has sailed back shit right has sailed with his iq, with his function that ship assail likely with all of us. What is this thing? All the previous depends pre adult divers, which, by the way, I don't have depends as the only name Branda just like my colleague, Kleenex Union pollution over Q, tip Joe Biden, swells himself
I wanted to be lost on you. Really laws even depends there. There's some other person wants a sponsor the show there are many hard working adult diaper manufacture, financed by the way that you, that's probably a part of the United States, Mexico, Canada agreement. Ok, that's Donald Trump! Ok, that's his wheel out, so you should think him, but don't get mad at me. You need a better branding. Play depends, has been kicking you're. Sorry, I'm diapered ass for a long enough time is: let's go now. I believe the debate is darting with riddles Wallace. I wonder what effect that will know. Tat. One would think you they were demands made for tonight's debate. Arbitrated drug tests or request telling Donald Trump wanted to them, both to submit themselves to drug tennis. He consented bind declined. He wanted to do your checks before the debate for electronic devices? Yes, he consented down from. I'll do it myself in Biden, declined and then by wanted to breaks, yeah for ninety minute, one every thirty minutes and a snack in the south.
white? Some warm milk with honey, which, even though, is delivering what apparently, he finds it soothing. So again, when you talked about the energy level there, their legitimate criticisms against Donald Trump, their legitimate criticisms of of Joe Biden, but this idea Joe Biden has the energy or or the Donald Trump doesn't they're, both old it's got even come, not even that not even comparable. Donald Trump has more energy than most twenty year old and in fact he was willing to. I think it's really he's getting in his head with the drugs test with the device- and here I am still not convinced. I am not convinced that they aren't to bring out just like those minority report spiders with a monitor of violence on days like Mojo. That's what I think they might be doing here, I'm I won't believe it until I see they're gonna run an eight out. There really only filled Unbroke is if we can't get no these off it positive recovered just before the show, and so we don't want to get the president's out have been responded, respect they're, gonna, say
now the same person who Hilary trotted out for concessions be may look. I called it last time you were in the last three. My said. There's no question. In my mind, the Trump is gonna pull down all impulses evidence out of his pocket, but it's gonna. something that prompts drives Joe Biden over the driveway pity thirteen meetings and because we will could get man they're drinking games and that we are talking about the New York from tax returns and we'd rather than attacks and, of course, people who, you haven't paid taxes. Member was a scandal from Rachel Matter that he only paid thirty. Eight other starting out very is the use of coal not been kind to him, didn't get it does. He know, is on camera. I think he's going on essential Joe Biden is driving, sound down? There's nothing, there's nothin Then we have no sound that coming from see that's from the stream. I think they're pause here here. Breathing will now it
here in this is that this is an idea that loud enough for Europe and a better audio guy Kurzweil NATO, rather than with the reforms that we want to. Do, I don't give a public doing, but President Ronald J tromp keep all the money and former vice Zobeide this debate as planned by the commission on presidential debates, the commission has design the format. Six. Roughly fifteen minutes segments with Leonard answers from each candidate to the first question, then open discussion for the rest of each segment Well, how about by Marie shattering for the runners gosh, I decided the topics and the question: In each topic. I can assure you none of the question This has been shared with a commission worlds.
It became clear that story. They related today, this debate, I don't think they are often, but it was funny to entertain- and we know what happened last Emily Ottomans, London, which is serving those that health security advisor to the commission for all for debates. As a precaution, both campaign- of a great leader. Florida bear not shake hands, began to sob and mobilise got nine european scientists buying. With known on silent, no cheers now bulls, or other interruption, so we and more importantly, you can focus on. The candidates have to say no noise ex up right now, as we of the republic and nominated President Trump and the democratic narbonnais. Vice president bite.
there are already beginning to grow at a disadvantage. When did Joe Biden Jonas exists, mystic ass, showing you is very liver, spotted knuckle, that's worth. If you were to strike drawled punch your head, you just need you got your skull levels would have became our became outgoing came. It does not go. Let's get gacek. His ears were subject. Is the Supreme Court residence view. Nominated Amy Coney bear out over the weekend to succeed the light Ruth Paine Ginsburg on the court. You say the constitution is clear about your obligation and the Senate. Consider is the constant nominated to the core vice president You say that this is an effort by the President and Republicans to jam through and an apple men and what you call an abuse of power. My first question:
both of you. Why, in Cardiff, the argument you make your in Europe along and where do you think a justice power? It would take the core residents rampant us for a segment. You go first to me Thank you very much for us. I will tell you in my resuming. I won the election was happen over election reserved arousing election year. Seventy twenty nine times now house and somebody we have four nine out of ten time, nominally exacting respected by all applicant and sent up top iraqi parliament with one exception and ended up being resignation in every way. In fact, some of Our biggest endorses very liberal people from today in other places, so I think she's gonna, be fantastic. We have plenty of time
we did it after the election itself. I have a lot of time after the election. As you know, she will be out standing she's going about it. Does no good is sending barrier that has served in a good many feel right. We have a professor noted day, my luminous going to buy all said, she's the single greatest and he's ever had he's been professor for a long time at a great school, and we just we won the election and therefore we have the right off to choose and varied people knowing only job, I say as envisaged by the way the Democrats. They would even think about Do I if they have? The only difference is that trying to fester there's no way they would give up. They had girl with a the I know how to have the as precisely the sidestepped. Frankly that I would have a young ease averaging, and definitely I do so. We won the election and we have the right to do it grows some president drunk like you ask some questions you Vice President Biden, you out terminals,
First of all, thank you for doing this. In order this, Mr President, I am sick, have a right to have access to the Supreme Court nominee is that say, occurs when they vote. Or a United States senators and when they vote for the present states, they did their knocking, get that chance now become in the middle of an election of the president and they vote of election. Aren't you started seeds in the last three tens of thousands of people the whole point at the time. I thought it was forty years should happen. They usually way almost four years. You wait and see what the council says. He can only counter that's right hand in american people, get to actual chance or similar view peace who they elect a president who they liked, as vice president, now what at stake here is the present made it clear. He wants to get rid of the affordable care he's been running on that yeah ran on that and he then, when government is in the supreme right now trying to get rid of
So any surprise at this woman over the long term, revered by both sides, rifle won't, have just followed insurance, health insurance, nor we wanted and not a horrible, correct core insurance premiums rose a hundred to five percent and thirty nine studies into the articles about higher than twenty percent. Some brackets are now that is a sounding board are outpace, is the average cost of you can like that affordable care in theory, affordable going. It's well ass time, deconstructed hasn't worked, it turn everybody involved in Cumbria. we know it. Verifiable economists will tell you that now that, starting with a view to its own any illogical. He wants to preserve more money because she has a pre existing edition of pregnancy. We're able their able to charge women more for the same exact procedure, mad it gets and that end it was of an african, affordable care
hundred me. You know what I do: love realistic and there's nothing about their sale, focused in organisations not worthy actual legality of the procedure, forgetting all about some hypothetical decision that might be made down the road, but he's not even addresses the law itself. He just sing fear fear fear you might not get everything from the government in my neck and to keep your shit need more expensive. How have I uttered and five percent that I sat by and nodded while the first black presidents no enacted in the law- and I you know- I said- put my name on their ok kisses- Ginsburg said very powerfully very strongly. At some point ten. Years ago, or so she said a present and the Senate is elected for a period, but a president selected for four years, we're not elected for is, I'm not elected for three years, so we the Senate. We have resorted to the Real Europe, these very worrying, I negative period of time. During that period of time we have an opening,
like this for three years. I am elected for four years and I'm wondering argues Girdle Joe. The hundred you gotta number up. The bigger problem that you have is that you're going to extinguish. One hundred and eighty million people with their private health care. the very simply, not true well you're, going to socialist, I only just social, and it says we're not going to jail were now into open? Does got open discussion, those governed? Yes, I gray had vice president what he knows that what I have proposed but I proposed we expand Obamacare we increase. If we do not wipe an enlarging regularly Gama otters. What do you want? A percent causing trying to win the nominations? Are you doin? What has now willing- I only five percent. I only said about for existing conditions. That's the linchpin of their argument. Any Trump has already said. I have a plan for that. We're gonna make sure we cover that ideology is sad, is simply,
People inside of your party, one does not include rate kids like terror red, thereby Israel now and they dominate you Joe. You know that I am right now a form data. Greater hardware is what I in fact approved, of what I approved today live in Ireland Party, just gonna, wait I'll see, leaves learning all errors. You saw it didn't, come all yours administration, the two hundred thousand, even let me with joy, room his temperature yet jail. Those covets that Slovakia two hundred million over seven million people that contract a covert. What is it for them going forward. If you strike down the affordable care act you ve got three hundred and eight thousand military people dying because you couldn't provide and proper health care in the military. So don't tell me that any drinking when they do they Healthcare Jamais deviation unit. Operator. I China, which was heavily infected
What might have been right, we're a gentleman? What we know is, how do we get out? You would have been recorded later gesture proudly later. Mr President, another two million people you not graduate and has not a writer. I actually have a time like we're. Gonna talk last night and the next, where Joe Biden during the cove it and they have the time when I went through last time as to what Donald Trump didn't January. Thirty first the announced, the chinese travel restrictions February. Twenty fourth Pelosi was saying, should flock Chinatown every twenty ninety at a level or travel advisory two areas of ITALY, South Korea, Europe and Joe Biden. was nowhere to be seen march. Fifteenth is on the back, and then he was gone. March March, civil queen and then put, and then is why and adviser Simone Sanders went on CNN and said that the CDC said it was safer. Fifty or more variable gather, he was gone. There is nothing in there for months with a lot of time run into the based on health care.
I will come back to Roby, wait out, Mr President, that the Supreme Court- well here a case a week after the election in winter, front administration along with eighteen state, attorneys general are seeking to overturn it, Mama care to end Bonnac. Are you spend a lousy cause I'm gonna give I would like. If I may, I ask what good Healthcare over the last four years now: Lama youve outpatient premiums by nine thousand percent, but you have never in these four years four years doesn't matter this less than a few hundred grams per order care or save well Hundreds of small farmers to ride out unlimited age pays got nothin. I make a concept. That is absolutely a big thing that was always going to have to exert pressure. where's. Our aid may act like while our allies, Joe I join, and it was the most popular we cannot hear it. They froze
they furrows already CNN stream froze alright, I think he's got a careful right that, yes, we can count on us to be carefully needs to not interrupt moderator right now again. This is what people are waiting from two do. You should just wait for his spot Yankees spot once he gets a question and he could answer because Joe Biden is not doing very well. He sounds really sick is its he's gonna arrest, it sounds very gravelly, its lower its slower, and it seems As though he's try speaking away. They prevented from cracking ride like you, got some something on up respiratory type deal right, but but I'm right with you there. I think that the present there's got flirting with with a low Bit of you know, he's got information that he wants resent. But it's not just that you have the information, it's whether or not you can actually presented well, and doing out through the moderators Nightingale nobody's that either we react? We, I wouldn't audio nature leverage second chance, commissioner. The audio loud enough in your people still do watch along with us, because CNN as a brief,
the digital stream and, of course I know we're going to be speaking a little, but we want you to hear the contacts rushing up. We provide some fact: checking Switch Davies, we're doing their description, Ices we're going to allow our governors now to go to other countries to buy drugs because one and they re just a tiny frightened. I never discussion out. They asked me you'll, be happy. I'm about to pick up on. One of your points ask the vice president, which is he points out. Jo Leinen is like a shark outline, notify us to Obama Kay. See my doll snake that is going to live at invite our and it is well and what he shoots. I thought, as an environment that will end private insurance and create a government take over a healthy dose, not only for those people who are so poor. They qualify for Medicaid, taking get that free. It most
to accept governors who want to deny people poor, Medicaid well actually want to dollar lie with the monetary Doc Neuro entering on one or two daughters. Now they don't want to detail many air mandate of public option. The van majority the american people would still not be in that option What are you about with Bernie Sanders? I left on the manifesto. We do a little man advice, you socialized medicine. Look here like the elimination of the fact of the matter is I'd, be Bernie Sanders now, Panama I buy a lot. I'm yours, I'm here Stan Europe's way well for drug money would allow yet letting hang you look very large. These deaths due to shut. I got very large game, you're very lucky tonight, as well. Tonight, I'm gonna make sure, because with wires ideal, here's the deal. The fact is, everything he said so far is simply alive. I'm out
the collars lies, everybody knows he's a liar, but you I just wanna language of our age, who are less and less high at first. I want to Rather than can you let him finish, sir, if you don't know how to do that key as you do not rise to pay, be surprised when I own guy the wrong united around reared with various again just now wrong, as is nodding, is dragging out ass. The Ganges icebergs neighbour, to the God of the objective of this is an opportunity that our Trump has just lost to reach viewers region tune into these town hall and apply. This isn't gonna play well advised enough room to answer so that he can do about it. It is called given an appropriate nestor. Socialized better said, Mr President, are you what he is not for any help for people need in health care, because cause. He in fact, already has called ten million people, their health care that they had from employers, because
this is recession number one apple real. Here we had our own climate reemployed time said before corona virus in your lockdown, we're on a lotta had unemployment over nine percent for over a year into the front in front of his presidency. Labour force participation right now actually increased by the motion that the most significant amount ever in any single problem, in thousand nineteen Labour force participation was an all time low, with Barack Obama we're going to start well. You know, because boomers are getting out of the workforce. Never gonna have a labour force, participation rate come back, then we rose up in no way should he, president dual mandate would guarantee breed listing conditions but took away the individual mandate, this is the way it is then that information, even actually I love, and I want to show that our choice does not do I let my people are rightly well or badly. If I run it badly, probably blame but they'll blame me, but, more importantly, a whenever people, ok you gotta run it so well, that's when I
had a meeting with them. They said the problem is no matter how well you run Obamacare, it's a disaster. It's to expand, I got a lie that does it work I'll pay. We if we do not get rid of it. I occasionally we want to get rid of. I understand, has served when I have to give you robbed equal time. Please let the vice president toilet He has no plan for healthcare closely descends plays. sends out wish can. You has executive orders have no power, he hasn't lowered drug costs. anybody he's been promising to healthcare plan, she got elected. He has not like almost every Think Elsie talks about he D
not have a planet where government may have a plan affecting the unemployment rate for less than half are easy to get the average wage road to more than double or driven the running of the numbers. Eu comparative Barack Obama to get the black unemployment rating record low or get the Labour force participation rate railway gang, but suffice to record not recognize the singular period and every guy without a plan. Some too in their case, signing up for a guy without a plan as opposed to a shooting. What seems to be working in fact that wasn't borne out by the president. It was brought up by some democratic colleagues in Sea Congress. So my question to you, as you have refused in the past, to talk about it. Are you willing to tell the american people tonight weather You will support either ending the filibuster or packing up whenever session. I taken that that will become the issue. The issue is the american people speak use,
Go out now use its veto. We have you met in the knowledge that do you was not actually provided. Leary answer to my question unilaterally take a physician like a guy who have died and rob the pair. It might be a problem for me, I'm trying to shift in really unnoticed kind of, like you know the fire drill when people don't know that I'm gonna single file no longer with my home room class, this water sort of ledge myself in their go unnoticed. If I say whether I support court packing or not well, oh come on? Harris is just going to be really upset and I dont need anymore peck and keep the ep and the people understand.
Forty seven years you ve done nothing. They just arrived. Second subject: culture having lost ruler. Rios already have enough. I was already a he's at apply that sort of years about unit has more than seven million cases of corona virus and the United States, and more than two hundred with all its language damage have died after we produce a vaccine. Experts say that it could be. Or even years before we come back to anything approaching normal, essential my question for over two years, based on what you have said, unemployment ran right round our family, that when starting in twenty twenty one every body s men around, we had the worst hammer. Man did you gladly trying to follow in quite a camel working shot is bad. Not your fault question goes to you. First, sir, two minutes uninterrupted learned about two hundred thousand the uninterrupted use
over seven million infected the United States, we in back to five percent four percent of the world's population. Twenty percent of the DES forty thousand people, too a huge for tracking the attributed directly to New Jersey and by the way in some measure, the decision in the words of a nursing home and there's an information that you may not have, which will go over the state Capitol lancing on October. Second, no, that's gonna be a big one result. Michigan is possibly one of the worst states, but if you eliminate a nursing home policies, Really you eliminate a huge portion of majority as asked so much, but he knew it was a deadly disease. What did he do? there is what you told me about. You demanded authorities, might tell us your good people warning of a big, You didn't want to put right. I gotta go to this timeline again with the covert. Ok. Gonna make sure I get this right just so. I dont forget it because I don't wanna be fact checked system because we keep it
until I get through the timeline, be able to go to work on and determined themselves how dangerous this was. He did not even ass. She to do that. He told us what a great job she was doing. He said we owe a debt of gratitude for being so transparent with and what did he do then, as late as monarchy? Heed your we want and we need a black yelled Nancy policy were telling people to go. We dumplings in a shine in town and go to movie theater of March executive July long after he band travel from China, and we need more second. Can we then declared international emergency in order to be able to go out and get people to help? we need to keep their businesses open? Open schools are cost a lot of money,
get out of here. I see it overran, did not again using a lasting idling criticised our trust in you did nothing of it. It's not that's not what a leader does not sit on the sidelines, as you say, role should set a guess, we'll go hears. What we shouldn't have to add a plan novel have if we are to vote you, the country? What left wide open? Millions of people would have died, not two hundred thousand and one person is too much it's China's, for they should never have data, they stopped it from China during Working hours, China's room and by the way we can talk about numbers. You don't know how many people die on China. You don't know me people died, and, yes, you either. Now many people died in a lot of my acting on motor vehicle around a virus. Everyone disdain China, but if you look at what we ve done, I closed it and you said he sent a fall back. He's a racist and xenophobic because you'd closer to our country and not just wait a minute says to me: you didn't think we should at LOS country, because you thought it was too. It was terrible. You wouldn't it for another. Two months by my doing in early in fact, doktor found, she said, President Trump
thousands of lives. Many of you, a Democrat governor, said, president jumped at a phenomenal. We worked through the governing anyone. That alone would be hard to imagine a resident of reviewing more than Donald Cronstadt emphasis. Aunt will go in fact, people that would be necessarily on my side. Bunny said ample president did a phenomenal job. We did. We got the gown we get the masks we made the ventilators. You wouldn't have made than two letters and now we're weeks away from a vaccine we're doing there. If you don't mind monastery venerable dog, when it was created by the Obama administration was in, there was vice Obama. What in hand, the only thing left was was a crumb too small for amounts, but instead of the german authorities alone, good press, they give motorists, because that is the way it is unfortunately, brittle images data by due care. I've got used to it, but I'll tell you Joe, you could
never have done the giraffe you'll. Let me Joe Biden has looked me out and the black educated labour needs all signs of the edges, approaches back their know how to get the job we didn't do very well and swine flu when you were asked to your own cured stands out in disaster. Two thousand people died, not two hundred thousand there. We have economic glass, I assure you might have learned was now he's made a point, but an answer, and there was no one. There is no. We didn't shut down the economy This is why we want no your party shut down the economy. It is the blues diets. Intervention by the way out of line and in New York is up as high as forty percent. We have that has never let you know it. We will have all this available on the website afterwards, but all of this can be taken from the states had the most severe locked down, I've had the worst virus spread get. There is no real, there's no correlation between lockdown working and I dont want to claim the opposite. If you dont have a locked and it works, but certainly look at Texas in Florida. It's a third that states like New York, it's less than half that of today.
like Michigan and then, if you look at the unemployment, its double triple quadrupled in the blue states, they have higher deaths, have higher mortality and they have higher. employment when when he says we didn't shut down the economy, I shut it down. Now I get it with swine flu, because lively wasn't nearly as deadly, but we can't let that go. Unchecked. Ok, we're gonna go said Jones and, finally, I need the management and lobby. Let me move on to rejecting that was asking about actual check as you both or touch on one of the two other questions years. Non party shares one who is somewhere else and work. One thousand was, if you have the Athena language would also because they, but they also warrant measuring everyone who had the flu, was a direct comparison which and what's happening with go ahead of the second letter disease control, Doktor Redfield said it would be summer before that the vaccine would be I am generally available, have read finding that you can live a sort of. I think that sounded downright confused it and mistaken those. We are two words hot doktor slowly, the head of your operation were
speed has said exactly the same thing: are they both wrong? Well, I've spoken to the companies and we can have a lot. Sooner is a very political thing, because people like this would rather make it political and save lives. It is a very political thing. I've spoken to resignation. Nobody who wanted to set. They wouldn't run a vaccine before the election, Madeira, Johnson was it minor wasn't million, so they can go faster than that by allowing a couple from come. There were a couple of ITALY's that, wouldn't trust the vaccines solely because what happened before the election and I ve been kemal- airs Lucifer Joe Biden, subsidiary companies, cable and satellite decent likely have something on culture that he should. they hiding. It also be much in your most interesting things, farm on when they say that we should not shut down the economy, but not trust them. What actually happens in their real housing, health and drugs? Before that, when it comes to the economy, trust environments gonna come into pharmacology terrestrial by livered, where we have the military all set up, logistically they're all set up, we have our military that delivers soldiers and they can do two hundred thousand a day there going
be this raises a man, its walls by Easter this should be gone away, by the warm weather had begun. The Iraqis, like America, red setting by laws gamala here what's, commissioner, that would take care of it. This is a sarcastic hours. You know that I always said, sir. I can so here's the deal this man is talking about a vaccine. very serious: every serious company talking about maybe having a vaccine done by the end of the year, but the distribution that thousands natural logic that is not true. There are several companies that have talked about having a vaccine done by October, at least in its answer, by ensuring fair, several that of said that are faced rapidly, Dunbar tabled for them. They can give an answer to my marriage is somewhat granite. These people don't want and answers rock tobler bright red if a new I've come to find a new drug, comes on the market and right now and it's approvers may it through face free trials were their basically just some paper work to be done right, taped to cut through which, by the way, is what operation warp speed the gods they make that announcement
We have a new, auto immune drug networks. Hey we have a new cancer treatment that always keep people updated of that but uncle trial and intervene as the biggest criticism is well, it's not gonna be distributed. Of course, this is that's just the way that it works. We are talking about. Is there a path to an exit out of the creator? there, that's when you get the vaccine salt and then you still have to go through the hurdles of distribution. They wouldn T have economic out and rather saying We don't even want an answer before them. Then why don't you want the information before elections? I think I know why. Mister Mister nine percent unemployment work for him there then depend on him. He that's the best people in there by the way to the scientists that are in the way they will have the vaccine very says. Let him if you believe for a moment. Yes, what he's tell in light of all the lies, he's told you about the whole sue relating to cover? still hasn't even acknowledged.
he knew this was happening. Gmail out lies like be wearing, don't wear, masks and Unita Mass, even dream. Like wasn't I it's now borne away, it is airborne. What will one lies? Do you mean you're gonna die that two million are gonna die at you, my aren't going to die. What what? What do you mean, which lies just watch smarter here lies in. There is changing information, and the experts have been wrong about everything you do everything as it were, to cope with the only person more wrong, then the scientific experts who the left loves to tat low is to our democratic governance. You want to save the most vulnerable, honest old people and the second you would do. the exact opposite of what states like Michigan and New York are doing, because guess what if we keep this, never ending laconic work, it's no safer for any rules. Three, four: five months from now, I was saying this: I almost got banned on union. We got here and you're getting into dangerous area was why don't we just quarantine, sick and all people from my own down
adapter joy korean. I know you're, not a huge fan. You know you got a little less everyone's love. Korea. That's a novel idea approaches what's a sensible one, as is handled going forward by whichever of you end up becoming the next president. I want to quickly go through several of those rights but Vice President Biden, you have been much more reluctant and president tromp about reopening the account they and school. Wiser because you don't have a plan. If I were running, I do have what the plan is, what provide Bismarck, we're running hundreds of land, and then he said of YO, because if I were running loaded to set as well running plan, you have to promote as a policy please just shush for a minute as you know, Shep Nancy Policy and humor. They have a plan
equally, not eating dims Zammit Giant down he dismissed citizen is golf courses that, when we do not like the other, where it was to blossom in March that go to the writers by a lot of mean, opening tomato, grandpas dead, this country and I want to keep it open and we didn t wait a minute. Let me show you down for a second judges rig. He wants shut down the country would just went through it. We had took, as we don't know anything about the disease. Now we found that elderly people with, problems and diabetes and different problems are very varied but we learned a lot. Young children are in New York and words of our immigration. Can they send? We always annotations about it in more people will be heard by continuing. If you look at Pennsylvania. If you look at certain states that have been shut down, they have dammit. I'd governors all
The reason I wish you had a man doesn't want to keep my own region of the electricity and their actual inaccurately numbers in beautiful accounting. Sixty eight percent of all their deaths were seniors nursing, online diagonally, sixty percent Russia and Canada was eighty percent prevalent Michigan. Is it worth thirty four percent. Guess one lie second lancing state Capitol knows of this kind. I hope you have your barn burning, shooting libraries you it's not like. I don burning Varn gaiters, touching their mass touching likely patriot, are you questioning I think that I was there and if you look, I'm gonna have a mass grave here put problem grab at it tonight, as an example, everybody's had a test. I like her hair splitting up. That is often bout nowadays jobs. Now I've learned men when needed when if I were mass ok by me out, I don't have I dont where mass like him. Every time you see he's gotta masking could be speaking
two hundred feet away from many shows up with the biggest mask I've ever seen. I went. I certainly had sir look through open businesses given the wherewithal to be able on how we provide money they're kind I was asking us are about masks. For example, I do not understand, is ongoing if you are sending out one or two thousand dollars what was the related and ITALY while hundreds while I wanna dollars, if you think that supports a business, for example, nuts lets a business like this with fifteen employees, You're out of your tree deserves no notion. Is person said the opposite. The gnoles will not give you a doctor view supporter of a democratic party right away said we should lock everything down until there's a vaccine. You won't take the vaccine if it comes out before the elections? I when I have one last subjects, because masturbates you're different approaches as even affected the way you have campaigned with that. What's going, President Frank, you're holding the large rallies with crowds,
other developing standard outside vibrate, numbering accosts, President Biden, you are holding smaller, go talk with them is not yet here we are but with rage, nobody shows up to an error in any case, why you and holding the big rallies? Why you're? Not you guys for sir, because people, wanna hear what I have to say that one five thirty five thousand people show up at airports. Will you airport uniting worried about, we are letting out, as you are well so far, we have had no problem whatsoever, its outside. That's a big difference. According to the experts, It is correct. they then remember notice and
Who does the circles in his three people so strange and other areas and bring back drinking Gabriel? I don't remember you stand back, then I will be ordinary man. He's happy mentions have been revised. It I'm way You fly far away from those other people. That's what he said. I can I'm gonna be ok. He now about you, you're, not worried about the people of Britain, no negative and no negative effect. We have no negative effectively via their only by the authorities. Outright being s. Nobody was forced to go to the rapporteur says I want everybody likes them up and made them go. Resonated, loves Governor Whitman regime or will be octopus. Secondly, she said well yeah he's rallies are a violation of executive order, the hell are, you are right, We need to stop people from exercising their first amendment right outside right because of a cause, namely the president. So it's not like it's an important thing going to hear. You speak to you in person, Astor TRAIN one day when the shot down medicines in the south
quarter. The unemployment rate fell to eight point four percent. Last month, The Federal Reserve says the hit two to growth, which is going to be. There is not to be nearly as big as they had expected and one resident front- you say we are in a v shaped recover, Aviation vice president, vice president, say it's more of a of shy. You couldn't even smell difference. Does that mean to the american people in terms of the economy. President drop in this segment. You go first, so we build the greatest economy in history we close down the road of the China leg when the plague came in, we close it down with new italian around psychological. Do I don't think we should close it down and he was wrong and again two million people would dead. Now I fight still two hundred and four thousand people is too much. One person is too much shooting ever happen from China, but what happened- is weak, sit down and now we're reopening and we're doing record Jane ass. We had ten,
point four million people in a four month period that we ve put back into the workforce. That's a record. Of which nobody's ever seen before and he wants to, down the he will shut it down again. He will destroy this country. You know allotted between party, I got bored clear about showed its fashionable to take them on your usual lies in our democratic runs. This guy looks like he's. A death warrant sounds like it to come, all a hare set under a Harris administrations. You dream and correct. Even have the courage- of correcting herself back in the days of you know what can scan desi, our needs be resurrected to give that women are fat. Lip boom, zoom sender back to at least you're, placing leaving behind a guard of Attica Jason under her administrate. It's just that we were at the point where it is real. You want to shut down the economy in purpose again, you Michigan, and a couple of others open these states up. It's not fair you talk about almost like being in prison and you look
what's going on with divorce. Look at going on with alcoholism and drugs is a very, very sad thing and close down the whole country, this guy we're closed down the whole country and destroy our country. A country is coming back incredibly well setting. Courage as it does it. We don't somebody that come in and say let shouted down our I you're too many sir, where now moved to you As I said, imposing the question the President says it's a vitiate recovery. You say it's a k, shaped recovery. Geisler much different Romania's millionaire. online IKEA here, looking the artist very wants useful and others billion of re have made another three hundred billion dollars because of his profligate attacks. For Paul Rambo, allowing me another year who to who Lebanon, Scranton and claim on, and all the small towns limit values and ran and forty thousand years this guy pay
well, total of seven hundred fifty dollars road accident anymore. Why now Sarah stay? I understand you ve created a little holes in it, so please let them have. I get my time back Is every moment tat? I worked on this in a way that is a first for, as the United States, the average Lee rouse the United Fledge under Donald Trump and three years is five came thousand dollars it is more significant than ever in a modern american history that never. happened under Barack Obama, even more significant for african Americans. Those people who that is the people need denounced. People can also autonomous trade agreements, people who would put it in the economy and Joe Biden supported NAFTA. Joe Biden supported the transatlantic partnership, indulgence, did away with those in a big part of it. No one ever talk about when we talk about fighting for fifteen years reading, on some of these rules. Here is some key points the United States, Mexico, Canada agreement requires seven Five percent of the vehicles partially made of one of those from other countries choirs, more vehicle parts and labour take place.
workers earning more than sixteen dollars now on decide what he does that this how we help support the american worker, and you see record wage growth. It affects you, you have paid less taxes and seen more wage growth, Joe Biden has to lie about that, because you know that Americans are experiencing it carefully. You know that they were going. Of his menstruation to give the teachers in school students. Basque then decided. No couldn't do that because it's not a national emergency, a national emergency, they ve done the help that small business down some back, nothing they're closing one in six has now gone. He ought to get on the job and take care of the needs younger guy peoples it. So we can do and say her duties
just as you have heard way home. I no longer know me. I do some good initiatives to sit ass, they have greater debates, dream and its crowded innovation. We had twenty thousand. We joined model of ladders rather too complex MIKE what we have in our stream ban tonight, so that what I have just upgraded gonna get some work too hard today, eyes are recover. What they ve done into your people want. places open. They want to get back to their level. They already are safe, but they want their schools. Why? I'm the one who brought back football by the way I brought back behind
America is not very happy to do what area for out of me and colonies. Are gentlemen copier economic plans going forward in a moment, but first MR priorities not lived as you, and I were. American football is gay or the soccer the year were elected president and twenty seventeen. It's almost word here as president. They somebody aid. I can't seven hundred fifty dollars early, its hearted only income MAX, There may be must not by a lot of other taxes, but I'm asking you this specific question. Is it true that you paid seven hundred fifty dollars in federal income taxes. Each of the rules is out on that actual millions of dollars of income tax.
We're not legitimate reveal their way down into thy house. I'm only pay thirty, eight million taxation. Does it listen? There's some years where you pay, I pretended millions hundreds of millions in there's some years. Will you have losses the business but there's more to it than that? But that's what it needs a true. That's enough, note, on that question time to the Board of elections, there's a hundred and eighteen page or so report this is, everything I have every bank, I have I'm totally under leverage, because the assets are extremely gloomy and we have of. we have built up by philosophers, have acquired jail in London. I understand very well that is taken now. Mr President, I will now did at least a hundred thousand jobs in the private sector, all US home survive only costs at american tax issues in twenty sixty and twenty seven to millions of dollars. You pay millions of dollars if there was not seven billion US dollars, and you get this annual. landed, Let me you Chris, major dunwoodie, when what, when we
women in your binding, many injured alike in July. In July, I'm here I was a private. however, I was a private business people like every other. If it person was stupid, they go through. the laws and that's what it is drunk. He passed to tax bill that gave us although everyone here right and to bring them more tossed, actually wandered million dollars and a big idea of yours, I'm as an escort whenever you're buying stuff is, are we gonna, say five hundred thousand dollars by doing that well to be found to be fair. Much like the presidency, Gamala Harrison mantras. Dunes reparations tax code made him You put him in a position that he pays less tax in a school teacher, make The money is Kovacs. Ok, here's what I will say once again: he has no substance here. I realized I woke up today.
Song a mad, but I was wondering whether we talked about this about tax code and Americans in employers and who understands what how many people have actually had to pay payroll tax verses. You know ST ok income tax versus corporate tax, then I realized we skipped passed. This cave New York Times. You had the Russia Collusion story, they have the taxes, and now they have a right to maintain good relations with Russia, and then I realized way a second do we have any information we very legitimate source with any corroboration of this is true at all. No none So I do know why aren't I swear to you might internal? I woke up, and this is how it came to me. I'm not. I had a song, and you know it was now this is I woke up and in my head of the my head, Papa Vanilla and I just watch the wedding singer. And it was joke you all and there all tat was then I spent hours go
get some sort of dams. Madam President, the fake, exactly on every news about the way, the news channel that said that Fox NEWS has no journalistic standards whatsoever. They will confirm their stories before they go there and the scene and that's the people that have been pushing this harder than anyone else. Can someone worms me that he got that from the Montreal planet? Hollywood from the beetle juice wardrobe? That would create an addition. one trillion dollars and economic growth, because nobody running for President Kim Bork burden, barbershop court tat make this federal government spent six hunter. I would like to thank President ships to steal to buildings and alike and honour micro. so we're going to make sure that every penny of that has to be made by come at an unwritten monopolies are on talking about tax. Does not spend a toy is whether we can eliminate significant
with attacks, are make what the corporate tax Twenty eight percent should be twenty one percent. Why have no team, because any limiting access to start on raising its voice outlets twice as many as making billions of dollars do those because the because you in fact pass that that report I get it done, and you know what kind of get it it's never been. The God knows presented. I would not like. Mr President, me pick up on that. You would continue you're a free market approach our taxes more readily allowance. Incorrect, not lower tax with american people, the moment. Yes, it is about six hundred and eighty nine and the average American able on past fine Ross, all rigorous as president more jobs were created, a million and a half war jobs that in the first three years of your president's they had the slowest. recovery, five since ninety economic recovery, since nineteen twenty nine
the slowest recovery. Also they took over something there was down here. All you have to do is turn on the lights. Are you picked up a lot, but they can now make recovery since nineteen twenty nine eliminated, but when the stock market goes up, that means job now rose. You learn areas may not play well. I got real antivirus with your ideas. You wanna terminating my text, my taxes, What you'll lose half of the companies report in here will leave and plant I've already here they are larger and other places have they were there and you allowing our way of which you ve never seen. Look we hired the first recession, short of a depression in american history. I was
to bring it back. We were able to Heaven I gotta say some kind of any person is best thing here. In the last three years, in less than a real estate of exodus stocks invested in economy has said during the entire either Trump presidency we get. No doubt the economy came back, that's how to cycle works right. They ve been saying every year since tromp was president, wants to go down next year. Seventy gotta be net the orders really telling it it's not a claim. They inherited about economy from George Bush, but they never say we right now is: if we passed on the economy to Trumpery saying are the economy is generally, they gonna covert Sancho. They try to say. Oh, you know what actually he's only doing well because of our economy, because wearily there's a lack of give and take four years given term exact, but now there pivoting to see looked economies bad because of covert law. Second, what happened? Wasn't your economies that they know that they can claim. No, could I can tell you this anecdote only crucial to our hires present Angela here
as a small business I knew more than we can reject yet well you're, just not on the table cloth. Uruguay, nice. We journey we allow interior. What does that mean? I like it is that alike. Well, the numbers that you see now it just meet you on a screen share with a fake bearing them out. I got my MR vice president, and so You take a look at what is actually done. He's done, very little. Alas, trade deals are the same way here. it's about these three? Do we not make us contract German afraid until last guy supported now this guy submerged teepee Jornal trumped scrapped? And how do you think you're, the warmest approval rating class working american voters and Donald drop the Republican as rewritten the electoral map. It's not even calls you should overseas, undoing,
these taxes on the business, autos worthwhile, those Americans, the guy to your right, my left, on this green. I have seen what other spatial awareness about the constitution. We must act on the job I likely ignored. The fact is he now What has been going on here, lower taxes on american businesses and force them Dmitri prerequisites if they want to. Tax breaks isn't going to be really hasn't had to do all that much as far as tariffs. You just have to say here, listen you're, going rewarded, if employ more Americans, who makes thirteen dollars an hour or more for american auto manufacturing you are going to more if you bring jobs back the toolbars we're going to encourage it and by the way, even China, our sun, was maybe maybe we were wrong. Considering removing my package from your Rio. While his position is forty,
that was from their prime minister, whether the forty eight years, the chair, I thought it was disgraceful, but that's how their prime minister's talk over there. Well, sometimes agriculture, you to say president everyone dictators discredit. majority writer who tells us it I'd under oath. So let me ask you: this morning I had MR angular people under you. Get three language has outlined, Huska justified under his own restoration said. I did my job. but I did it very well and away they every while giving the list of thy politician. I had sorry, they ve already fired most of them because they did not know John people don't work, then here's it with you to have to wait a minute. You get the final word Miller, it's hard to get anywhere do with this clown. Excuse me this may bear names or do we want to talk about only a start in ethics. I don't want to do that.
his family? We could talk about his family's. I family guy family, already launched a fortune jumping down and helping out with governments, and that is not the one of lines. Government Donald Trump and his family have, for God american Fortune by working for which, by the way, if their single troubles, unpaid, anything in taxes or he sure, is shooting at fondling model to his own entity, or rather, I would say it was a scandal. They believe it also. Is it he's such a crappy businessperson? These never pay. Taxes worries cunning evil genius whose become residents letting increase the value is businesses because here's a job I have not been taxes use president gotta pick with a billion dollars. If you don't want your way, not offer your billing- and here again I true gentlemen- is I hate to raise my. Why didn't you tell me? Why should I be different than the two of you? So here is the data We have the facts,
so now we are raising his voice, we're going to go to them all over and we are going to have not only light after Nigger of what happens when you want. I've been ask a question about raised. But if you want to answer all gone ahead, Dubai, We believed you mentioned that you would oppose any segregated because you didn't want your children to grow up in a racial John Vice. I know the ceilings Goddamn interracial jungle guidelines is now than they really didn't want to confirm that it will last these letters and learning now I've got to just let demands ways continue on the issue of rice. Vice Why do you say that president from where this is going to have the violence in Charlotte oil three years ago are gonna talked about and they fired people on both sides? What value allow adopted to launch this run for president, oh yeah. Sure, president from you
I have often said that you believe you have done more for blackmail. than any primary observantly hassebu perception, I'm not the sort of all of them. I would want to hear this answer because is why that all white shark, I rather albino a real racist, would raise issues facing this country over the next four years. Vice President Biden, you go first, it's equity, it's about decency. It's about the constitution. We have never walked away from trying to quite require equity for everyone, equality for the whole why'd. You dropped the ninety nine more drawn belgian accomplish.
Nobody job to wave one of them could drive. It is true loudly about these aggregation, saying that you didn't want to challenge, of course, rob and racial jungle and confirmed by now erases ass. I was about that. If we want our cause, it will find a stack of light herds like it, the returning costume, like their capital, the incredibly sucrose. Clearly, young women go just like so many thought he should only it's a white man with a card into eyes, lit no in writing rising. You didn't find people on both sides argument really reformulate Donald Rumsfeld, down and NEO Nazis, as opposed to you, Joe Biden, live on ass man. There was a peaceful pro in front of the White House, I don't think you're binds what made you think he's your. I was, after all, had the Terry. Do use here. Gas arms should give walk across to a church and hold up a bible, and then what happened after that? The for that. Very church said that it was this
grace the general who was with a billionth who, when they went well known, that will act as a party competent he's. Just reading headlines from like lines was no facts is research, yet his his debate partner, his mark debate partner, was an angry, pink, Mohawk, lesbian Yemen fact: you talk helping. I dont want because as a positive one thousand african Americans has been killed, bed cause of the code of the krona virus. One day he doesn't do something totally by livelier. Hasn't one in five hundred one will have been killed, one. Five hundred african Americans, this man raised why, despite their eight points to five percent mortality rate for black american high look at what he talks about, you have to look at what he did
We did has been started about, couldn't Jiang about Black American, soon prison president for where he put them, because it was not for rights that the commissioners can sleeping attacked. You re indentured servitude, new labour stage. Then I guess you have a point. Superber, that's one thing like an american renders rendered is, and they ve never forgot that they ve, never forgotten Jefferson observing and you decide that and they call you super predator and I'm letting people out of jail. Now that you have treated the turkey to non violent drug event population. Anyone out there are things that are non violent drug offenders shouldn't be locked ass. Your choice couldn't be more clear by it and it's been almost is arranged on diet. You look at the polls, I'm doing better than any report. what is done in a long time as critical as they. So what you did, can you them. So our editors and you ve called them worse than that, because you look back at you. Testimony over these. You ve called them a lot worse than that. As far as the church is concerned, and this far, the generals are concerned. We just got this.
What of two hundred million two hundred and fifty military leaders and generals total support lawn We spent almost every law enforcement group in the union, it states. I have Florida legal technicalities, thereby how Guy Ohio. I have every excuse me, Portland, the sheriff gears came out today and he said I support president it is evidently law enforcement. You can't even say wayward laws sharing lack the later Portland Germany that we. The second thing I ve always commissioner share of- I argue, say those words. Why don't you say the words law enforcement, because you know what if they called us, in Portland. We would put out that I'm in a half an hour, but they won't do it because they run by radical left Democrats. If you look at you go. If you look at nay place. You want to look Seattle. They heard we're coming in the following day and they put up their hands and we gotTa Axion Minneapolis. We got it back job We believe in law and order, but you don't, they
ten cities and that these are these or duck Varden he's working on airlines Democrats in many cases radical left and they ve got you raptor unifying Joan Little point where you don't want to say anything about their retracted order and I'll tell you what people have had lived manoeuvre sounded? May I need my help, raise a new afraid, even say it all right when a return to the question of rights, air, the grand jury, Aubrey, I'm telling you it's right, I try to go to the end majorian rain or something that I couldn't live inside you set. It raises. The question float whether justice could be will they apply Morgan America? Do you believe that there is a separate but on the equal system. justice is you lock is that what you're binds adopted as little as issues, whether Sis systemic injustice, that in this country work in in a way longed for counter building in the way which is enforced but Lily the Pejorative unnoticed offices are good, decent honourable men and women.
Their lives every day to take care of us, but there are bad apples and when a girl I've got bad apples and worrying king that argument you they handed to behold it having. You can't think. There's a view about those states and systemic. It's one of the other tickled data system. It is about people. Three White House boy from a civil rights people please pass on police chiefs and we're gonna work. This out. We're gonna work this. So we chose resentment, which we have to work out. How now, while cops, aren't happier ass well, ass to George Floyd finds a comeback. The cops aren't head. We disregard of AIDS Party by two. Why do some Porsche Starlike Shit, but we hisself assistance you sleepy backgrounds, accountable when violence in response is never appropriate. Never appropriate peaceful protest
violence is not a common approach to access the violence Java protest when they run through the amendment. No ten in triumph burn down to kill people realize stars are not, as you say it is Europe's I'd like to continue with rice. I promise we're gonna get to the underwater a moment this month. administration combat, seized pasturing, always so they can. You say you're gonna, get to that in a second. We will, of course, be zero. Like listen, you guys, you guys, will each have to answer the questions that good? That's what I wanted and do you believe that there is a stomach racism in those countries are now. I ended it because it's racist. I ended it because a lot of people were complaining that they were asked to do things that were absolutely insane that
It was a radical revolution that was taking place in our military, but the time in our schools all over the place- and you know it re series, everybody. I wish my man and running a line of racial sensitivity, training there however, a certain person you what no status in life. It was sort of a reversal, and if you look at the people we would paying people hundreds of thousands of dollars to teach very bad ideas and, frankly, very sick ideas and and really They were teaching people to hate our country, and I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to allow that to happen. We have to go back, that's a drinking as areas of this country. They were teaching people. Our country is a horrible place, it's a racist place and they now the only data uncritical raised there are no longer in racist ideology. If I look at what what? What do you do? A rock abounded
as you have dared valleys. Look at these believes it is. I think this is the idea of implicit bias against. You are racist, different or wise ergo. The United States is a racist cover and sensitivity. People have to be made aware of what other people, feel like what I thought you were made aware when you allows desegregation two billion, why your dreams and Robin AIM for racial, John Jago, according snouts, provides clear. I don't think he's a racist jogging displays one on tv. It just doesn't really good sense of self esteem, it's a little bit like how sky and and his friends looked down on so many people. down. There knows people like Irish Catholic Like me, I grew up with Scranton looking out. Oh here's looking down on african American were of a different faith. They looked down on people who are a different color, in fact we're all and I can see only one day- and I don't think I can talk about peace with dry in every way did not get a specific issue.
I've never seen its own reaches us tonight. What we can, but this guy looks down at this. Has anyone is there any of them? He looks down an irish Catholic since you just reading another another's headline from Hotmail behind closed doors, Donald Trump Marks, christian voters, nominated a Catholic gone you now led by allowing them to observe this body and unbiased Genji was somebody Republican was growing shaded her from being a catholic either? reason: no, there was a New York Times. You also have a completely uncorroborated unconfirmed story about downturns taxes, about law and order. Finally, you haven't magellan by you in favour of law and order. I am in favour of law. You follow you write about an order owning infant orders, is latin Jangle magic right around a fairly and the fact of the matter,
is violent crime down seven ten percent, fifteen percent in our administration are gone up on his watered down. Much more arriving. Weren't your eyes went down rather more detail black eyes and I don't come in and you can actually look at that by entirely due to leftist cities. What is it? San Francisco sell one hundred percent increase? Was it an murder, rape or violent crime? several hundred percent increase in violent crime, murder, rape, arson. So You know it's one of those things that it does matter does matter, because this is where it on, can you to understand their constitutional authority, their roles of the federal government, and then there are rules of the state government and the president. Not likely enough respect those boundaries by Nazi and the National Guard unless by requesting But if you look at those legs and you look at these cities, Portland New York Detroit see at all of these major city Chicago, where these protests of
increasingly violent, these are under democratic rule where they refuse to divorce law and order, and you have seen several hundred percent increase in violent crimes. So, early Belkin tried to claim that he was the one who overshot reduction in crime, although you kind of had to play both sides of the fence, because he tried to push the assault weapons ban, implying that there is increased crime, but violent crime went down and about what it is all entirely attributable, I think, was two thirds, or at least one third, just Giuliani and in New York, at exactly the same for everyone my with my really go ahead. We wait a minute I was raised in the suburbs. This is not nineteen fifty these dog whistles and racism. Network nerves are bombing or guide and, as it is just some positive bodily Bosnia practice, Hagstrom Job Bind unzip himself random fat bench time fast. What's what really is a threat to This is an initiative to like this is surprising to me
Even though is trying to not be pinned on policies job I'm there you can see his rhetoric is. Rhetoric is increasingly self and just as young as absolute very much burps are entitled. I do want to talk about this issue of law and in a joint recommendation as a separate. Aren't you trouble yet because our well armed true task for a try, you talked about quote Ray joining policing. First of all, what is re? Imagining police in me the billions idea these looming aren't my thanks to a lot of job online imaginatively. I wanted worth the black lives matter. Is oil Eureka call for we must therefore community control of policing look I support is the police having the opportunity to deal with the problems they face and I'm not.
Totally opposed to defending the police officer least local police have not only to this by cars. Over four hundred. I am not climb out of our way systems so that an alternative non nationals that nine eleven call to have someone with them as a psychologist or psychiatry to keep them from having to use force. Greek will doubt they have had one of these annually Jacob Malaysia, where they showed up, and I was chasing a car with a knife appeal. Can you imagine if a social worker who wanted to ask him about his relationship with his mother would have handled as let's just talk for a minute? Ok, let's talk about areas does That is not the of funding that I believe that is not true. He does it. Have any law position He has no law in force. That's not almost It is a greener and I were to name one group that came out and supported you link. We have we do not learn, learn group there
I've been going to act when others lost their lives, and I want to get blood. You, a protest. Joe miserly hung his head. That's why you went in especially we had a liking. It was disappointing for his work and his team for watching porn, which I think you would agree. You talk about Molly itself, Gerald more important. Now I live president. You say that people who commit crimes, should be held accountable. The questioner that is as the democratic nominated earlier tonight. You said that you are the Democratic Party right now. Have you ever call democratic, democratic governor of Oregon and said, hey, you ve got to stop this in the national guard. The worrying stop days and months of violent, better suited going into ornaments in bringing out? Yet I am a former vice president a clear I made clear
subject state, but the answer is no violence should be prosecuted. It should be prosecuted they would have committed, but you ve never involved for the people who later gives me, sir, you had First of all is doing a good job on a job in Oregon to call us right in the National Guard and knock off a hundred days. they can in fact take care of it stay out of the way work in care they're, not over two million dollars advantages: men and the very people dead over a thousand, obviously casual these fourteen thousand arrests, and the only time they step up is because the proud boys want to drive by a couple of trucks with some american flags and maybe a couple of Paul guns, I won't like that's just a fashion Saturday, two points here: they ve done nothing bill, five thousand damages your job and about dozens of people dead
this is about if you are a black person in the United States right now and you are living in. Let's be honest, there aren't many in Seattle, but let's talk about Chicago, let's talk about New York and you are seeing your neighborhood destroyed if you're one of the eighty plus percent of black American to support at least as much police presence is now, if not more which, by the way to reflect in every single ball. You need to see right now you have a former vice present who, by the way said he didn't want to support desegregation, because you didn't want to kill raising ache racial jungle according to snobs, Now is saying: hey, let your shots be burnt down. Let your Dave adorns be shot. Let your young she'll, let your schools, we burn down to the ground, because we can. Donald Trump Step and that we can have a national guard. This will be fixed if the federal government stays out of it. It is like the exact opposite. If you wanted to protect the most vulnerable among us with cold the right, the exact opposite of what you would do is quarantine sick. You,
you, according to how you would quarantine, secular, granting or bitter you're goin home, sick people. This is the exact opposite in the same sense it he was understand the role, the federal government, the role of federal government, to step in when local government cannot keep its citizens american citizens safe from either external threats or Ronald rats. So each willing to step into your steak and tell you which kind of healthcare you have to purchase, raise one step into your state and tell you what kind of a business you have two patron if he, if you want to see some kind of a tax break, but he's not willing to have the federal government step in honor Legitimate purview into a state were american citizens are dying and the police are over run to help you, minority, american citizens? There you go. You get this guy who's. Uk has no idea as to what the actual amateurs of government are wondering, principles you're seeing that fall apart tonight. He cannot.
specific answers and when he does the opposite of what you have the authority to do, what did you want to jump out of the guy stage one. Let me get this straight. Memo go back to the bay Sorry, the guy, in the stage, we're supposed to believe is an authoritarian, is the guy who, by Job and don't accusations, lower taxes but supported freedom of speech. Employed more Americans encourage businesses, as opposed to actually just punishment, are pregnant years, encourage American to employ guardsmen businesses to employ more american currencies Americans to be able to exercise our second amendment rights and is going to appoint a supreme court just to instil aborted those as well and has stayed out of lost count because of this rapid man finds actually stays out of these stage where american citizens are dying, and he would be well, then, is right to deploy the National Guard to some capacity american military in all its power until they ask for that's. The guy authoritarian, he's bad at the guy
what every single turn has allowed. You more freedom and more rights sounds like a dictator, maybe murky on the definition, but by the way I have one or farming dictators do is come in and lower that corporate tax rate, an individual tax rate and have more freedoms guaranteed to all Americans. I have a question for you, but what exactly did prison truck due to get in the way greatest. You're saying that, states could handle the problem if he would just get out of the way what exactly disqualifies you from filling in progress. Wallace Gerald. So I don't want you when a golf tournament, I'm just confused here like you, didn't he didn't get nowhere in the first place time. Maybe he didn't into a place, and everyone is that Helena Bottom Carter die binders wearing. Let's go back to the source of all of the other things a fix king of the the which was a mess under him. Three hundred eight thousand people died because it in that proper health care who it was now and we I got a ninety one percent and brutal rating the eight hour vets. We take care of our votes, but we ve
He built our military, the job that we ve done, I'll. Tell you some some people say maybe the most important by the the first term. I'll have approximately three hundred federal. judges and court of appeals, just three hundred and readily three great Supreme Court insects. Justice is that it is a wrecking I've. Never the likes of final event. Haven't you. People line was the real lives, so there's no contrast between the refugee problem if it's all the same face. Looking all the blood from available, that's like yoga, nose, ass horizontally base, their craster grab a hundred and twenty the same. Some rough like if article three men mountain climbing. That's where I sort of leverage yeah yeah, that's a great re migration. Have you left right now a hundred of which one you can be a good president. You can't be a good vice president, but I want to thank you because it gives us almost it'll, probably be above that number by the
End of this term Bundeswehr three hundred judges, it's a record looking about here records Why should an odour is president, as opposed to president frontiers, there are limits on interrupted. president, we become weaker, rail sicker highlights poor how more divided weaving of eager with no major, I or as I think that from the outset for president, do not starting here MA and such like Robin drones. Rags like a new medicines aiming economy. Cause. The recession regard to be how do we cause The bad news is that now, when there are no longer just like the back, many members are those unemployment rate for labour movement. roads abundant airs? You guys article nine percent to blame the recession. Ok, let's keep this in mind when the economy we bounds and by the way rebounded better the anticipated, because we were preparing to debate with you,
case scenario, twelve percent unemployment rate going? Are you actually think that's already below, and I agree with his hands in everything his words, I know not how to sign a rhetorical question had thirty seconds yeah yeah Austrian may have on that, so Thirdly, however, were poor, the billion got much much more wealthy. Five tuna, for three four hundred dollars laying increase just since the latter in America is only two five and sixteen any warmly curls more Americans think significant more than we ever have to up that number. We weren't officer's slow tv vitamins. Twenty eight violence in Amerika, the J J levies that, finally, the already did it's on his watch it with regard to more divided the can't stay divided? We can't be this way brigade of my son the way you talk about the military, where you talk about
then be losers and be my idea, and I say this is a man who are running for eyes, keeping people out there. We said well, you know I'm I'm not for Social justice warrior, but I'm not republic, Economic laughed illiberal this. a guy who was reading slate and salon have on the website that by repeatedly support, pedophile salon, documents etc. Now, but I'm not a monster, they actually denigrated because we said if you're, better pedophile you're a monster. These he's reading headlines from these websites. It Joe Biden right now There is no evidence that down trumpets ever called troops losers in suckers and there are over ten accounts, including people who were in those room thing. That's absolutely untrue. Their email verified that you can see, screen shots right now that prove it was that story for this when it started sport it was a weather eventually round, naturally tango in event. It's it's Bob Bob, book David, he doesn't even will jump on drop. Even sat said like you now have utterly
integrity left, but I'm trying to save a shred of that. That's not true softly thank you, brought up hunters already Benito Gordon's accredited with, but we ve already been through this. I think they are can people would rather here about more substantial objects. Well out of the moderator. I'm gonna make it in Zaire. Three they have collars, I'm the only brought onto embodied ironing out is totally Romney on that committee said it word more taxpayers money. That report has written for political reasons. You know I'd like to talk about while the new round, neither we nor had you know it's the fight fires. Last by the way you also submit Rami, was raised as we back then dipshit, aid of displaced, honey, of thousands of people. When state officials there blame the fires on climate change has to present New said. I dont think that science ass this for Europe for years
the Eu S out of the Vienna limit, a core all back announcing a bomb in Qatar virus, metal, amateur chase export out of your about events, but the science of all. I'm a change, in order that were years to confront Ironmongery Crystal Clean Water, air and one beautiful cleaner. We have now the lowest carbon. If you look at our numbers right now. We are doing phenomenally but I haven't destroyed. Our businesses are busy. I always look out and thank you, commissioner, are you gonna? Do you look? It did the paradoxical that it was. It was ass, different measures that I mentioned just now. He admires alimony with their heads about like formally was California's. Our businesses are doing now is ours, the fire is ever re. You need mismanagement in addition to everything else, the forest floors are loaded up with trees, dead, trees at a years old and they like tinder and
leaves and everything else, universalism browser graveyard of ours manage. What do you want to believe about our science climate cleared out? I believe that we have to do, everything we can to have immaculate air immaculate water and do whatever else. We can. That's good, you know we're planting a billion trees, debating Ribeiro Journey answer and ever look. I gotta tell ya that under serve how much public support rating have ass yet and contribute to stop, and I love you know, arming attitude, even zoo ethic. Do an exciting, illegally, aren't necessarily going to help me making their land as the fires or because of climate change. Ear is idiotic, glow because people that around and learning want Ella forgives worst management that were still under control, if you had fought management errors management, you wouldn't be. Getting those girls. You know in Europe they live their far cities, they call afar cities, they may, contained, therefore, as they manage. Therefore, as I was with the head of a major cunt
it's a far city. He said so We have trees that up. are more. They re ignite much easier than California. They shouldn't be there, problem I spoke with the governor get out very well over the governmental authorities. Do not serious management; they are the reasons that have hundreds of since that is what I would like to convey my thanks down because of a lack of, but I don't want a science of climate change or silver. I have you, roll back the Obama Plain, we're plan which limited carbon emissions in power plants. Why have you your nationalism? Was driving energy prices through the sky? Have you relax fuel economy standards that we're gonna get me. I've been an article about and finally going to hers. What's ass thing is the car is now much less expensive and it's a much safer car and when you think, he'd placing it about a tiny difference, etc, but only provide funding large, they don't worry wildfire at least double critical.
While the number of cars perches. We have the old slugs out there that ten twelve years old, if you did that I would be safer. It would be much cheaper by two thousand and five on how they simply jungle. Adding aren't you off the market because people would be able to afford a car. Now and by the way we want to see how that turns out. But a lot of people agree with me. Many people the car is you're so expensive because they have computers all over the place. An extra one of the drinking earls of those I on the sharing and and I'm ok with electric cars too. I am all for electric cars. I've given big incentives for electric cars, but when they in California is just crazy. Vice president I'd like you to to respond to the president's climate change but I also want to ask you about the concern you, polish two trillion dollars and green jobs. You talk about no let's not abolishing but new limits on frock and ending the use of
so fuels to generate electricity by wanting Verity ride when needed and Cyril not admission of we had our sun dried. I want a fifteen year. The president says a lot of these things. Would thank the economy and cost. Millions of jobs is absolutely wrong. Number one number two if in fact wounded when our do not lose tracing recovery act, I was able to those in charge able to bring down the cost. Renewable energy to cheaper than are. cheap as coal and gas and oil, no but he's gonna build another coal fired plants. The matter could I know that many solar and wind american perhaps payers that, even though it doesn't work, make sure that all the while verifying nuclear problem, where mouldy turn on an orderly and really realistic, making sure that we do the armed with five hundred thousand jobs these stations and all the highways that we're gonna be building in the future. We're going to build your economy. That in fact is going to prove for the ability. Us too
four million buildings and make sure that they in fact, are whether I in a way that one factor that nobody Spirit Dylan most significantly less take evidence? You just mentioned that he will not even close to what you must things we can do as far as a crucial charging stations insofar as infrastructure embargoes, you're heading the market as far as innovation, energy. What you need is a president by two steps out of the white, far more profound who's, who is the leader people than the electric cars patient, jobs elevators ably something something based with testily fifty. They ve moved their factory for California to Texas, because California fact is little petri dish and finds policies. I will texts but it'll, be tradition. I would join the vertical trumpeters with us out and look that's it it's America leads. Electric cars in Amerika leads electrode some because his thousands down examination shifted with four.
polish on Moscow. Nobody rain forests to Brazil were busy. Southward evaluation is more. I don't know what I'm asking, but of course, I too have an element of our forests and every bit of carbon submitted the United States instead of doing something about that I would be gathering up and making sure we had to come the countries of the world coming to twenty billion dollars a year. Twenty billion dollars stop stop return tearing down the forest and if you Don't then you'd imaginable significant just walked in Galileo into question about the argument that that was avatar on basically says that you have to balance environmental interests and economic interests and he's drawn his line drawn a line. He still, for example, make sure that we want to make sure that methane is not a problem. We could you, you can now emit more methane without it being a problem. I met a man. This is the guy who says that you don't have. It is wrong to worry over the existing members. This is a guy who says that the fact
It's all right! Here's how about the green new deal and it's not two billion or twenty billion. As you say, I'm it's one huh Trillion dollar I'm talking about where they want to. I know nothing about now. Guy and rebuild the building had stood down was read. That is not aeroplanes are adamant is, as I said earlier, to car systems around where they wanted to take out the cows time. You know, that's not true, either right now, this is eight. This is a one hundred euro. That's more money than the country could make in early years. If not, we cannot. Let me arguing, as I always liked better minutes, started my original any presidential candidates. You daddy, we're your plan, editing, Zobeide, writing now we're million buildings, whether rising two million homes over four years, building one and a half million energy efficient homes, so Western become some. The president saying, I think, some people who support the press We say that sounds like it's gonna
a lot of money and heard the economy, whereas could do is going to create thousands of millions of jobs. Good range, let em centre, Sir here now to do that day in dollars. This is going to create millions of good paying jobs and these tax incentives to people for people to whether eyes when she was together, get rid of it. It is good to remember you calm down from his countrymen, urging them to deal with, everything has been one of the occasion diagram. I never said that I made it up and we're gonna be in a position where we can your play well hard with the rest of the country by good job enjoying it should environment is clean, but I think we all emeralds shake, and so we spend billions of dollars now billions of dollars on floods case, rising sees we're in.
trouble rising booklets out west, these arrogant storms that come through and wipe out. We also hear me said wisely accounting record crop yields, data most tempered climate matters of banned in the highest rate levels that century world up. That's me was a good thing which, by the way in twenty seven journeys that would be gone. The result we said that there would be guided by usually twenty. That's what we gotta get the that actually twenty years of heavy rainfall nor the right, let's just returned to normal levels, and so we have written hydrated. Why didn't you do that your administration is used Today, twenty years and to identify areas are the asshole in Russia there very very difficult to yield and we're jumping record series in Michigan. He made a couple of stay because erected. Grounded deal does excellent rise, treated like you, everyone Rockefeller. Secondly, we managed to bring new. Do you? There is no plan, I remind everyone, knew anything or die. What, if you don't already made about the military? Who said, I said something about the military here,
Friends made it up and then they went with it. I never said a guy like you suck Monte, Carlo military vice run one advanced sites that sky at lay off play. The difference is actually true answered. The final question. The final question is, I can't remember which of all arrive myself but Freudians lip was never so Santa Maria and about a question. What is going to cost economy running with oil array idea about how near environmental changes. The green new deal will pay for itself, Oh, my god, word- gobbling supporting women in great polluting play video. Why read the entire green new deal from pillar to post depletes relied page? Oh, that's it it's five pages and ensure that it gives the government controls over everything everything
It includes the word social justice and, by and by the way and social justice will. What does that mean? We only five pages to write this fact. Mr President, you cannot be a moderate level. You cannot be someone who says I'm a classical liberal and vote for a man who supports the green new deal reads like a slight article, really that shortened version, couldn't only five pages, a lesson, and what are you prepared to do over the next five plus weeks, because it will not only be to election day, but also counting ballots nail in ballots after election day? What are you prepared to to reassure the american people that the next president will be the legitimate winner of this, action in this final about you call us about this. Job is one of the thirty seven Judar brought massive voters want on board my name Yanks, what means by which the good of his own homeless,
director as well as yet be director says there is no evidence at all that mail imbalance are a source of a visa knit belated and cheating states, various after your German, be New Jersey because of Michigan their New York Bhutto born yellows, tenfold Dania intact persists, behind all of which have been verified by a court of law, a judge's order to or an unbiased Kate Governing Election committee person are. we did a whole segment and I dont want interrupted and try to negotiate in socially distance. The pole are open on time and there are poor state. But until the votes are counted, and this is all about three weeks after election people from voting because he's trying to scare people- I think he does not can be legitimate. Show up, involve you Who will determine the outcome of this election vote vote so you're very resolve generally interstate about their only if he doesn't work has begun person in person for whatever weighs about ass. The way for you
because you are, he said I use right from being able term in the outcome of this vote, for your damn mean whether and when the votes or to what about our own account in that way, and don't forget Epidaurians meeting some questions. I gotta tell you the biggest questions I have is not necessarily the one. This debate, if in body says, did you a single plank anyhow platform on any issue from Joe Biden other than I ate this guy over years, I've read like a single playing up like a blanket, no matter what I ask of lying on the platform and make sure you understand, you point truly determined what these countries could look like that in recent years, many media workers- these lies president, two minutes. So when I listen to Joe talking about a transition. This no transition from when I want. I want that election and, if you look at Crooked Hill Clinton, if you look at all the different people, there was
no transition because they came after me tried to do a coup. They came after spying on my campaign. They started from the day I won, and even before I want from the day I came down the escalator without first lady. They desires. They were disgrace to our country and we ve caught em. We ve caught em all we ve got it all on tape? We ve got him all and by the way you gave the idea for the Logan ACT against General you'd better to arrive and present Obama was sitting in the office he knew about it. Do so don't tell me about a free transition. As far as well as its a disaster a solicited ballot ok solicited is ok. You soliciting you're asking they send it back. You send it back. I did that. If you have an unsolicited this ending millions of balance all over the country is fraud. They found him in creeks. They found some with the name. Trump just happen to have the name Trump Jesse. The day and wastepaper basket there being sent all over the place they sent
two and a democratic area. They set out a thousand values. Everybody got to balance. This is going to be a fraud like you, ve, never seen the other thing. It's nice November third you watch and you see who won the election- and I think we're gonna do well as people are really happy with the job we ve done, but you know what won't know. We might not know for months, because these lets, you gonna be all over. Take a look at what happened in areas of development. What happened? Maze of New Jersey take a look at what happened in Virginia and other places there not losing to pursue one percent by the way, to a much intellectual convenient when it was enough for guidelines in order to inform your son trump. It's a fraud somewhat and its shape dream, and can you imagine where they say you have to view ballot in by November tents November. Tenth. That means seven days after the election. In theory.
as measured, have been announced on car. We have many years needs that sorrow run by Democrats has two minutes all around Europe. Your Democrats is running around like you're going to be able to continue. You have been charging for sent mail in balloting, is gonna, be a disaster. You say it's rigged ass. It is going to lead to fraud, there's fraud on twenty and also allows them down the Luxembourg authorities. Eloquence to newly added people wondered we only a verifiable evidence to the tune of tens of thousands of fraud quarter and under the tune of millions. Their ballots by must be clear Two million unsolicited bout will be sent out to Americans what that cannot be verified and that cannot be counted in time for electing that has never had, including a Johannesburg two issues to throttle descend, incompetent, getting both and I just want to put on a freely I hope we don't need them in terms of the election itself, but for the balance Think so because what's happened,
is incredible. I just heard I read today were at least one percent of the ballots for twenty. Sixteen were invalidated. They they We don't like him, we don't like anybody roundabout I've downloaded only then we don't like lighted it I'll. Let you know you're you guys. I'm asking you about the fact that millions of people you go on road, you go and I would not like I'm taking as a regular use. I look area of millions of people either. Do Chris a solicited ballot, we you sending it in their sending back in you sending them mailman with lots of a did? You see? What's going on, take a look at West Virginia mailmen selling the ballots. being sold there being dumped in rivers. This is horrible thing for a country's MRS nourish. No, this is going to end without getting our eyes guys. They live stand side by Ireland, ballots for the last decade or more five, including two republican states, and you don't have to solicit the ballot it sent to you
dear true, what we're saying I think, develop or even years, even if you don't believe they're at Pisa, what you're saying isn't it a pandemic? We can just go ahead. We can barely essential services, does ended. How we can create an entirely new system. Is aids and never got it in. There be a problem in one of the most important elections in our history of speaking to you? It's about time for you to get back to show in the homes. Vice President Biden, the biggest problem, in fact over the years with nail in voting, has not been fraud. Historically, it has been that sizeable number sometimes hundreds of thousands of ballots were thrown out there they have not been properly thou until there is a lot of men. So let's go right: Michigan Fraud, eighteen and forty six, eight balanced and so many reject. Recently, nine hundred thirty four felony charges brought in Texas in Georgia, over a thousand residents, voted twice in New Jersey.
A judge even world in order new election, because a sitting city councilman engage in elections by over eight hundred votes that couldn't be counted in California. More than a hundred thousand both rejected twenty seven thousand of them because said jurors were not included or did not match, meaning fraudulent New York hundred thousand Brooklyn voters Racine receive return envelopes at the wrong return, dress and Virginia a thousand some voters who voted to That's not including any of the incompetence which is to that of millions that justly active outright fraud, saying by the way in almost all scenarios, on behalf of the Democratic Party, three point: nine million people requesting belts and I did not receive the very point- nine million. You know I can't imagine. arriving males right is being finally, why these days we can keep. It also benefits it in a state of flux and workers, arguer inhibited, currently by law. Eight states from even beginning the process ballots
take them out of the envelopes and flat until Election day, that means that it's likely, because there's gonna, be a huge increase in male, invalidating that we are not going to on election night, who the winner is that it could be days it could be weekly mud until we find out who the that the new president, is so I first for user. Finally for the for the vice I hope neither of you will interrupt the other wheel, urge your supporters, a common one entering this extended period not to engage in any civil unrest and WWW pledge tonight. But you will That is why our directory until the election has been independently sort of vice president, I love my supporters to go into the pause and watch very carefully because what has happened? I am urging them to do it as you. Today there was a big problem in Philadelphia. They went into watch, they will call pole, watches a very safe. Very nice thing they
thrown out, they were allowed to watch. You know why, because bad things happen in Philadelphia, bad things, and I am urging I remember my name is represented, water alike are and why in Iraq, Europe represent on board, but by sea tens of thousands of balance being manipulated. I can go along with that. And what do I do that from a common line? Does that mean you ought to be able to take the media? The fraudulent elections use nobody. Nobody, many elbowed out that are not equipped to these people are equipped to Helen number. One number two got they cheat Jude, hey, they found valid, share wastepaper basket the chilean days ago and they all have the NATO military balance it. Where military, they all added Trump autumn vice for anything. I it's good. Vice President Biden final question for you: will you urge your supporters to stay calm while the voters
and will you plan on two July to declare very real until the elections as independently sort of causing lackeys an amateur Stephen Kiley dope of me, some of these very I'm taking, you could even be opened. Swain leaders break election day and the first thing Isabel is going to take time to do it and by the way, our military been voting by ballots since the end of the civil war in Africa? And that's that's. What happy gonna happen. Why was it not wise for them, somehow not fraudulent. same process is at a system is always heard directly. As I said, there are hiding battle that farmers vs fraud related to make imbalance that somehow it's a fraud
process already been established, I know you. I do not think this is a perfect moment ideal, everyone who is going to be for all our Blasi Mug club members, where your video afterwards ACT is washing, I'm most curious to have you talk about in the G8 that we can get you when we get to that live. Jasmin is which is the golden question that each case no answer and works within the EU. of her. Having heard the users heard the analysis- and I want you to say not just about drop but also by and is well you both, because there are more debates come on we're here was we see in the chair. Democrats are present for democratic We are totally with fine. This guy I want is about, and that is the reality of say that's the end of this is the end of this debate is valid count we're not only when they are you too, India has in more debates as we go on President Trump, We extend an all round myself by introducing- or else I want to. Thank you both get that already over power. The pizza updates, or it sets
you can t read rage out of my face, stop ruining comedy general statement to do what it can then, the next time you girl answered by the commission on presidential debates will be one week from tomorrow October. Seventh, at the University of Utah in SALT Lake City, to vice President nominated violate right. When I see democratic presidential candidate, I mean it's a weird: it's it's a weird system where they have their bank. You democratic process, actual candidate debate. The Republican is vice presidential candidate, not sure how it's gonna be Harris versus pants yeah. So if you want to see the real Dnc President currently nominated president. You watch t v, p debates. It's a little bit Using the rule book then again
so is male in voting. So even I'm curious, like what you're you're hot, take right after having seen gone through this debate. Seen that first ninety minutes, I will say that you're, a fantastic larry and a lot of good qualities. But if you use the phrase hot take again will be replaced with a lot of vowels in his last fine. I will say this, but I dont know How well this will play with the american people, because Donald Trump was being a little bit. What people I expect being able bombastic interrupting, but it is remarkable to me the Joe Biden has not answered the specifics, but that's the luxury of not having any accountability the Dnc candidate, the media won't call him and not answering that was specific to the media, wants to make as a popularity contest, and so you will see them say. Donald Trump had no no sense of decorum, but they won't really call Joe Biden to the mat for being as non specific as possible outside? Of course, easily enough. The green new deal
that's kind of the one thing that tells you is pulling the strings of democratic parties, the one sort of policy that no one would all too for running away from him. Nothing we talked about earlier. He he's gotta move somewhere to the middle, define these folks who want to do a real, we'll plan, and yet here he's talking about a five page wishing well of ideas that no one can afford that would destroy the american economy and yet of all the things that he chose to memorize it was that was already taking it. As a simple headlights, that's ever seen one of his points with social justice headline. I think someone all Joe Biden that there's no enthusiasm from its base, and so he needs to appeal to the far left because this is unprecedented in a I said of the union, I stand corrected. The democratic had to run to the centre or national debates. This is contrast this with Hillary Clinton, contrasts with John Kerry Conferences with Al Gore, when they were in a general election. They said now, that's just fearmongering. Of course, I don't want to take your guns away. Of course I want the average American to pay less and taxes of I believe that businesses, but in this
we had a candidate who, basically red, headlines, Joe Biden from slate from salon from having imposed an outright defended double down on the green new deal, which is as far left up. I am I out of line and saying that the green new deal is as far left of a policy proposal has ever been presented in states major. He added it questions the other than the weather underground. Everyone is its in saying to me that a major party, candidate would come out and say their show in favour when knowing that folks on both sides, the I'll know that the green new deal is unrealistic. It hurts working Americans. It hurts ray single person. Tatyana, nothing is more non discriminatory in the way that it hurts the american economy than the green new deal. You know, I think Europe, right and an ironically. It hurts black Americans morphia because these people to understand when these, as what we're going to create more charging stations. Think about this for a second Joe by was saying that if you elect me you'll
more electric car charging stations, whereas leading void of all an electric vehicles, Elon Musk mood his factory from California to Texas because they wouldn't allow them to create cars or charging stations and work. It's. What there. There really is a diametrically opposite, Diametric opposition between what Joe Biden thinks and reality and every single solution proposed by Joe Biden involves hey I'll. Take care of you I'll get out, create more charging. and I'll make sure that The government ensures safety and security and healthcare in there and guarantees that you have access to where she wears that Donald Trump has sent. You know what I'm going to make sure that you have choices. Make sure that your bosses have choices. I'm gone
put more money back in your pocket, I'm going to make sure that Elon Musk has more money in his company and the freedom to not be shut down because of an exaggerated cough and people will say hold on a second I don't want to be subject on Youtube for people under the age of fifty eight is a death rate with covered very calm. Trouble to the flu, certainly more so than the initially projected mortality rate of one to four to seven percent. Two million Americans dead outside of or states like New York in Michigan, where that is the death rate because they sent young sick patients into singularly isabel. I was going to say, as are forgetting, go at what you forgetting is that, if you're in poverty in Amerika right now, the number one concern you have is where your next charging stations going to be put in Yes, how that's how I had approach? We are right when you have no to charge in the first place. It's nice
Station for the day, you do get one well one year, Walgreens has been burned down. What're you gonna do with a model ass. I look I gotta go. I get to say that I get issue corrections of what I said earlier because earlier before the debate Gerald said that he thought the rude better for the president to go to way and tat of Let Joe Biden hang self on his own speech and- and I was disappointed that the president- I didn't think that the present it worse than I expected, but I was here For that he would allow Joe to get out there and himself zone works at any time, Joe gotTa the steam go and it was like a wow. This guy has no idea. What is wrong and about which I will say I was shocked the more names called in this entire debate was by Joe always the one has unilaterally air I'm not clown. He was even clever enough to come up with another name like sorry, esteemed colleague, using cloud over here, I'm sorry! Now
just an ally, something else I mean really looking down at the end of this year, always the narrative that Donald Trump is the only present in whose at times, acts now essential and will all Greek at times he does act unlike other presidents, but then, if you're gonna go ahead and say well Biden he's amazing, he always keep just school. He never calls names at any one. We ve seen in other campaign trail it. We sought honour debate. This was the one moment they buy and make sure he stayed on his game and he couldn't do it, and you were right now and along the way it kept getting worse and worse and worse when you know that I'm gonna go to our closing thoughts here for people who are mug club members out, thank God the stream was not shut down to final word, for you guys told her second, this Friday in lancing Michigan at the stake capital I'll, be there was some exclusive information and presentation here. First, the many of you who are showing up regard Governor Whittemore and the death toll of seniors-
and how you ve been misled. So this is something again because we ve been told- or we ve been portrayed as Republicans as consumers- that we don't care about. The most vulnerable are actually Governor Whittemore. It's these states, Governor Cormac. They don't care about most vulnerable knew they have proactively in active policies that resulted in thousands of deaths. Verify happily observable and we'll go through those numbers and also some call. to action for everyone there right now, who's seen enough. Seen enough nursing on policies, Michigan October, second and lancing? Do we have the winner of the astern gone. We do have the cargo in contest winner looks like it is joining fake is one strong Baghdad is absolute insanity. Tiny mug able to set up the nightmares are made love. It looks like wish master leaving. I say something about Michigan, I really say on thereby why people need a tune and why they need to have their friends do in even if their centre or centre left is because this is a time
make the union's on what your Michigan native you ve new known, These numbers you're, bringing this presentation together gather every time anyone tries bring up the Michigan numbers about the senior deaths and how the in cover up in the data is not being released. We get into a new cycle and its decisions, dissipated, air gonna break it altogether. On Friday, you ve been sending requests and you really care. Let's get out of this is something that, if you care about corona virus numbers, regardless of the side door on, you need to pay attention what's happening on and not only that I have relatives who work as nurses in Michigan and ever ninety seven year old, grandmother in Michigan, Roy F, P, I have given a game with family members who are direct victims of the policies that you would see from governor Wit, and of course she tried to make too she tried to maintain the optics. It hey look. We flattened hospital curve, You know how they do that by stuffing young sick covered pay. In India Nursing homes, because who would suspect
back to the nursing home. That's because twenty five percent of any that's in any given week come from nursing home. There is a reason that Texas Florida have one slash: three: the death rate of states like new and then, if you compare populations as there's a reason that in Vienna that these states neighbouring Michigan that state with the same population density, South Carolina, Tennessee are not even close to states like Michigan Governor Whitman, as one leg to stand on as it relates to her her hurt. Her her status that relates to re election, as it relates to this trust of the people, it has given to end that. Is she kept your senior safe? She kept michiganders safe. I will make a difference native case. As to why that is the opposite of the truth, Governor Wittmus Power, She's she's been saying she wants to launch an investigation into Donald Trump for not doing enough as it relates to covet. Well, you know what first off governor, what more you first, And you ve done too much. It's pretty tough to measure a non action right. It's pretty tough to quantify that! It's not enough to say! Oh wait, a second you
Toto Bell from Republicans. It said: hey, harnessing, let's just not send young patients and the nursing homes, let's just not send people nursing, listen, there's no quarantining system enough Let's make sure that if people are being quarantine before going into nursing homes that there in a separate building you you tell that and you put pressure on nursing homes on assisted living, alms on adult foster care facilities in homes, for the age to take young sick, go at Bay staff was crazy about mitigating it's insane. It's not just all sick patients who live the nursing and one to the hospital, and there is power, like you, son, you're gonna have to take these patients back emissions. by the way you're going to twenty one year old paranoid schizophrenia into your nursing homes to and then we're gonna Robin lie about the death, so it's as its dear to my heart, it'll be entertaining and it'll poker finger in the chestnut by them,
It won't poker thing in the chest of government. There would be no do not me, I need you undermine inappropriate it'll, just be it'll, be thinking like I'll, be tapping her on the shoulder avoid any any any man Mueller tissue, not just to be clear, but I think you can have a rough time. That's Friday, our second in Michigan we are going to go now to lot of Canada comes, I smuggling or exclusive unfiltered final text. Narcotics on these debates and taking your check, let's go you do we love you piss off
Transcript generated on 2020-10-31.