« Louder With Crowder

#19 Hillary Clinton Lies! Robb Wolf Coaches FunDip.

2015-04-17 | 🔗
This week Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy. She was also caught lying multiple times and stealing handicap parking. Guest Robb Wolf coaches FunDip on losing weight, and our good friend Gerald Morgan stops by!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Stones with a motor city maniac the weird from them at the Great Lakes Grandmaster, the motel madman, the mittens killer. We ran out a nicknames? you're listening, do outer with crowd. Good morning good evening. Good afternoon. I am so glad that you are with us today April. Seventy two thousand fifteen spring is here great gas,
Rob Wolf Gerald Morgan today and Hillary Clinton this week acted like a complete and total bitch. She wasn't acting. Do that's the real thing I can say Bridge Aneroid, Agnes Beth, of course, the most insubordinate producer in all of radio, Slash, sidekick, funded Dan. You can follow us both on twitter at S, crowded and funding. An gorging, gotta lotta, with crowded dot com to in follow all of these you're funny. We ve, been writing so much more now louder with greater dot com, and I have a team of people who helped me that tab whose name well it's it's you know what the team is. Obviously you funded now, I'm not a team player. Don't talk like that. I hate that king. I can't stand teams that sounds like sports boats
it is my impression of you is your impression of my game. What tax that different, so I buy yeah that'll seedy instead of a guess who see what what difference does it make anyway? My mom was Hillary Clinton. Actually, that is so cleaned up compared to the actual story, but I think there were things started with F and g and see I know, but I will say a Jared offices. My video producer. We have Crystal Crystal niece, who should follow the frontal online, and now he brought on broad again and a new gentlemen and in turn is going to be helping, and what this really is everything you see in the site letter with credit Ike. You're it. I usually go in change. It edited it, but because we're working on videos and show you know a lot of people just him ghosts writers go on and put their name on it. Now I don't so we don't do a ton of posts. We do a couple of posts a day, But everything you need to know in the new whose is it louder with greater dotcom. We create him in in simple easy
absorb lists. Everything is sourced. Everything has facts, statistics in the past. But of course it's designed to be entertaining and out. Listen. Hillary Clinton is the number one story this. We will have some other stories to talk. About rob. Wolf will come on to actually help funding in his quest to get healthy, lose weight, but also talk about the dietary guidelines from the FDA. They made an about face. It completely switched on die. Terry Cholesterol. It is not the copper anymore. It does not raise blood serum cholesterol. That, by the way, is huge news for people who don't know, but Hillary Clinton listen ice. I've said this in funded back when you still didn't even wanna, be a part of the show? I was it I wouldn't here anyway on Friday mornings, you're here, but a go
I'll never work you do. I shall every day, but Hillary Clinton. Ok, let's just get this out of the way people say we can't say sexist. Hillary Clinton, Badge, Bitch, Bitch, Bitch, Bitch, Bitch, Bitch, bitch, habitually bedmate, Bitch, Bitch, Bitch, Bitch bitch benefit generate generate bitch a bit rich. Ok, let me just say that to be clear: ok, now we gotta move up one letter of the alphabet. How come on come on? I didn't catch that until let's just crook go ringlets. What were you thinking? Let's keep skimming along with this has gone real erupt. I shed that sexism after this for years, sexism will be the new racism, oh yeah. The bee word is now going to try and be turned into the new inward from the left. That's what
going to try and do sorry allowed now say Chicago again. Thankfully, my memory, the people were talk about. Oh, you can't say Chicago politics, because that means right now. That's right! Well, that you that's the point, as it all comes down to a bigger point that the law, just trying to weapon eyes language right now that they are deciding. I mean literally, I tweeted out from some things actresses and in and democratic congresswoman states, senators where they were saying bitch that all their sing it all the time all the time, and now, if you say by the way Hilary current I dont ever you That term honestly listen, I don't use the term referring two women. I would never ever ever use it to my wife as far as its referred to her somewhat that, but there are people out there. It's used as a medical term. Obviously a scientific term, the biological turn. What do you want to call it for dogs for female dogs and for those who act really really bitchy? If you look up the word debts in the dictionary you
going to find a picture of Hillary Clinton and that left we did a mean. We got it up on Twitter, where people can or people can go to a lot of credit com. Are we in a picture of the Obama Hope poster only instead of hope, said bitch? I love that and people got so furious Kirsten powers at Fox NEWS who, by the way, you know I usually like, and that's the big problem of cable news, as you never really know. What's coming from her coming from on high, you know, I've been, air done that I've certainly never suddenly thing that that I didn't believe in, but I'll be honest when I go on when I went on television I wouldn't often get to discuss, who sings I really cared about. You know it be here's what you want to talk about all hear my opinions. We want you to stay within this, that's how it works, and so on this show. That's why we cover of a much wider spectrum and I'm from what I am. I think I've told you about this. I don't I don't do any media outside of Dana in a couple of friends, Radio shows very, very select few because you know
I can deal with. I can deal with running a Google search or going on Youtube seeing my videos and people who get mad and dont like them or or don't like this show fine, because we put out three hours every week and you know what I have to say to them. Can you believe this hand now jeez we have to remember terrestrial people going to learn a handy. I, my radio, you're, my Buick. How do you blow rack? I now see a picture right for those who do. A lot of credit com, you can see that on line and we run it. Dress really, of course, as well are wonderful affiliate, K away and then Coon in Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska, hello, hello, Alaska anyway, I'm getting off topic and, as I can deal with, putting everything into a radio show, I can deal with putting everything into a video and letting it stand, and if people don't like it, fine what I have a problem with, as when I run a Google search up Youtube search- and it shows a bunch of cliffs from me on other people's talk shows or I'm trying to express an opinion, a host inner jack's and it doesn't necessarily represent
opinion, but then I'm sort of guilty by association and people cut it out of context. I've always had a problem with things that I can't control and not just. Why am I won't do it? You know we did the muslim bakery. Video calls came in and I prayed about, and I sat and I spoke with my wife. I was actually in Florida and and at their uncle, we could get you to Fort Lauderdale, and I just you know one. I just don't want to do anymore. It's not for me don't want to do this anymore. This is some thing that I genuinely love. I have a passion for I think it comes through the programme so anyway plus I would be able to call hypocrite killer equipment, completing total bitch. So now we can. What? If that tonight show called? Would you go on there? I would do yeah. I would do like I would do that tonight show or you know, Bill MAR shows where I felt like it. Actually change minds, but not shows words get on
we're gonna, we're gonna demagogue and talk about these issues anyway. So let me give you a couple we'll come back after the break, but Hillary Clinton parked in a handicap spot flagrantly That makes them on a bench I dont know who does Hillary Clinton attacked women who came forward were sexually harassed by her husband does makes one a pensioner who does Hillary Clinton by the way will talk about this right for this rate staged everything in her campaign stop and I from the shop the location to paid actor ladder with product. We will talk about that. We come fact stated Your listening to louder with crowd.
You are always listening. The latter with traveller there's no other acceptable programme to listen to there's one other which one that's right, London, calling Saturday night agenda. Why am I know I'm a jerk he's like stop logging years. So it's except at onset at the half hour, we will have robbed Wolf, come on one of the most famous dietician. I guess you would say in the world is actually a biochemist. The guy knows the stuff will tat be having a discussion on nutrition In an have fun dip personally, so as opposed to someone coming on and giving you a science, though he does get sciences you'll, get to hear him and funded figure out, what's best for him and for funding, losing what what are you don't you know funding. I went from four eleven to three. Eighty nine point: five at my last doktor visit by night and then I broke down and head pizza the other night. That's ok!
now and then, but it was the whole thing: hey Hillary Clinton breakdown in his pizza every night, so this being a political Have you ever seen a story on her Iowa visit? I heard bits and pieces of that. I didn't take the time to read the long form for our I'd. Give you that from so we have a lot of credit outcome or we set some important quotes. So before any of this starts shock, tar said so hard in this new media age. To do anything that looks spontaneous the political world. This Hilary road trip has done just that. That's what Chuck Todd actually set Mark Halprin said part of what a part of my yesterday was so successful. Hillary looks like she's having fun and she's doing for her new stuff. I don't know what that means. These are transcripts. A lot of these people, don't know how to speak. English properly we ve never seen her get a burrito before all stop the press. A big chick gets a burrito, so
This report came to us from the daily mail Hilary campaign staff actually recruited and drove ordinary ions, your campaigns that one was actually even though a democratic operative who drove Joe Biden around the state, because when they ask for volunteers, he stood still, I think we're everyone else took a step back. Or or reeled back as we know it? Joe Biden has allowed the wheelchairs and is contingencies, stand up for me Joe. So this is supposed to be spontaneous. I it's. What does it listen I get it. I mean you're trying to stack the deck in your favour, a problem with it. I don't have a problem with a politician. I guess going somewhere and you know they have to ensure that secure source points disingenuous anyway. You know, president, is not just walking into a five guys and grab a burger. You can make sure you can be sure that that the USA has tapped their emails made sure none of them have a allow.
Name with with too many continents thou there was an anti terrorist. Was the old him administrations now they're trying to make sure that you have too many continents so that you know Brock's at a pleasant place for him where he feels most comfortable? Oh, what we ve got five guys were associated with terrorism. Yeah we told We want to have burgers with them as long as they're allow yeah exactly. Let's go on down to the Sheesh and it's ok can sail issue. Because they are in an hour, but they shut down because they were funding money to Hezbollah? And now it's a different name in the restaurant. It's delicious. Those terrorists make great food, but The point is here with Hillary Clinton. Nothing about her is genuine Ok, what let me let me- and everyone else will be tough.
By holding whenever we have top five list as to why she's anti woman on the website will go into that specifically when they claim she's a strong feminist. Why that couldn't be more untrue? What's important here is not just the talking points and keep it and please stop with the names Bummer o dumber killers killer is not even clever like just that's not how you're going to win an election. Ok, what's important is focusing on the inconsistency in the cultural narrative here and I to use that word narrative. I know it sounds repetitive, but that's what you're right, but really focused on and he's right The narrative is a feminist, a woman. It's time it's her too and it's never your turn its never time for a crappy candidate to be president, just because of their gender, some right exactly just because of their gender, which is, of course sexism. I'm supposed to vote for a uterus with with hands and feet. I mean it's, it's it's one of those things where
Everyone tries to again, even if you go on cable news on either side and one tries to walk the line. You have people who write eloquently, about while language matters and let's preserve our free speech, but they keep their hands. I'm the only one who went out to listen. Every single person I've spoken was has said that Hillary Clinton is a total, incomplete bitch by the way people who are on the left? No, I don't think anyone would would would disavow. That fact, I imagine even bill would say that guaranteed when he says it when he's in there in the potato SEC with all those other mistress, I'm sure he's given his burrito to plenty of people Grosch, that's not even a good euphemism for Rita,
six toward him for the morning, we're like you know if they were like, haven't hebrew national, hot dogs or something or I don't want my readers, cylindrical of sorts art critic. If somebody is to be signed us, that's when south now fast Southland order, it didn't even take more than a half an hour before our shall went down the term Anyway, but the years there is a great example, ok Bill and Hillary Clinton her greatest qualification is, I mean honestly, her greatest qualifications, having slept with the president, probably less than half of the internet in Arkansas such she's, not even good at that, but just the thought of it. Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton, its well known, didn't even sleep the same. That's ok! It's not like Bill Clinton cheated. Once lesson, I believe. Obviously, cheating is, is one of the worst things you can do to spouse
I do believe that sometimes people grow apart and sometimes people make mistakes and its terrible, but I do believe that is. It is salvageable, not every given fidelity is reason for immediate divorce. Ok, I've seen families have come back where a guy made a mistake. I haven't personally when a woman does not mean that I can't happen. People SAM sexist I've seen incidences where the guy made a mistake, one time and it was real polish Jeddak gone to an accountability group. Had people bring em and ethics, marriage, the women just don't get caught. Yeah, you know I have a smarter than men, don't think it's in woman's nature as much as men to go out and to be on the prowl. So I think you can have a higher statistic of obviously men who were were cheating, but in this case
bill Clinton didn't cheat once Bill Clinton was sexually harassing women, some of them weren't willing and when they came forward, Hillary Clinton called them trailer trash Hillary Clinton was just trying to silence them. Ok, so so, what's really important here to note is that Hillary Clinton. Ok was someone who didn't sleep with her husband. It was an entire sham political gain the entire time, if you had people in your neighborhood. And you knew that guy was shopping. Every one in the neighborhood accept his wife and she slept in a different room, but they were both doing it because it was conducive toward a job promotion and everyone thought it would be that the people in the neighborhood that I've won talked about gone. That's just the bill and Hilary that's their marriage
Just like honestly, anyone can have a go at Bell and Hilary doesn't even care. You would have no respect for them. That's who these people are. That's who Hilary is and she might be in the White House. That's important rouble too. Now, if you think of these people, if they were in your neighborhood and I'm not saying vote based on who you'd like to invite to a barbecue, I'm not saying that, but I'm saying, let's bring us back to reality, I didn't write. Monica really yeah, you think Monica imagine the store. She could tell our stories. I thought your sanction was attractive. I mean well, she was q, but I mean: can you imagine, sitting down and have an barbecue and talk inner about all the things that she went through off record? You know, did the things that she couldn't say to Barbara,
alters what she said it all now on line. She's done a whole expose ay in an honest, and it wasn't a whole lot more to it. She was sorry she was a dumb young girl who was exploited by president built. When I do. I do feel bad that I think she thought they were in love and Hillary Clinton was Joe you know I was just gettin is: is free, gone with me many other women and she was one of them so do you feel bad for her? In that respect? That being said, she may bad decisions. She knew bill was married and then it goes back to well. You know I'm married, but you know it's on paper. Only I mean come on it's. It was pretty yes and I'm pretty sure, that's how Monica Lewinsky justified it. So there is some soup He there. But now, if you want sympathy to say she was victim, victimize and Matt, Drudge ruined your life and if it weren't for Matra, I mean she genuinely thinks the media should have covered it up. If you watch your interviews,
go on ski she's, not mad at the fact that she was a homemaker at last, get in the losers term of the word she did. She doesn't take any lame for it. She blames, the media. She blames Matt Drudge for taking what I think it was the New York Times put on page six. And put it on page one. It changed what was important in media and that's what's really important. The media is not going to tell you about the fraud about Hilary Parking, a handicap partners faced by the way it's been wiped clean on Youtube. We haven't lotta with Brenner dot com. Her pr company has tried to remove every single video of her breaking the law parking and a handicap parking space. It only gets worse will talk about that after our next guest Rob Wolf after
hey this is Stephen crowded with louder with crowded, to tell you about one of my favorite sites on the web, a our fifteen. I know you hear a our fifteen saving black rifle. It is, but they are fifteen dot. Com is actually the best website. If we want a community from which to learn about how to care for your gun guns, safety were defined. Conceal permits, forces as well as the best online guns store in the business and talking ammo accessories operates. All of it can be found at a our fifteen die. That's a our fifteen dot com nice, so glad to be back here louder with Crowder lovely girl. Friend of mine friend of the programme that, when he was unknown, was listening when the chauffeur started, Rob Wolf, dot com, one of the guys who spearheaded the Paleo Diet movement. I guess I want you to say his name, because this website is his name but rob well, thanks for being on the shelf, always glad to bring them
operative values thanks, you sack, but your ear, literally in a double window screen with with funding Dan. So I dont think you need to be concerned with that. Ok before we When do I think it'll mainstream? Have you talk with with funding because he's gonna die? It now he's making some progress. Some treat can help him rob of you. You must have just gone bananas when the FDA changed. Officially their food pyramid chart well, I mean it's gone through multiple iterations every five years they have kind of a review and there's a public review period. People can submit commentary and thoughts about the whole process, but it is really just kind of rearing Jeanne deck chairs on the Titanic, like nothing comes of the scientific employ other than the folks. On the back into that story, see I mean
its fresh reading, but I think we're seeing a lot of changes happening from a market can driven perspective verses, a top down approach, sir, I think will have this war one and then they will change the recommendations to reflect something reasonable. So you are you saying that they are incorrect and telling me that six servings of fruit loops- is healthier than a sirloin steak and salad. Well, I mean incorrect based off, of whose. I think we started going on right now than it it's a great process, but if you really want to help people and avert the these the type two diabetes epidemic that we have in our country and in western societies. Then it's probably not a great recommendation. How dare you? How dare you ok- was something we ve been talking about for a while, obviously in funding
I don't want to reveal anything university. This is your story, but fund up right. Now it is in the process of losing weight to fund it. Won't you tell rob what it is that you're doing and in what they have you doing right now, you're dietician or whoever your working with all the the doktor today said I dont have any diabetes which is my thyroid now that I'm on meds, for that I am back on track, but I refuse to take the medicine for my prolactin alma. It makes me angry and crankiness. They keep saying. You really look at em again, both angry anchoring. Angry and these are bad yet, but the basic deal is I needed still set up an mri, but I have lost. I was it like four, eleven and I'm down to three. Eighty nine point: five, I was just Wade probably about an hour and a half ago at the doktor. So all you ve lost a Justin Bieber so out
the more. We really have the better exactly access so that funds be brought in and this is rising is really united in Robin. I disagree and some things we agree and some things, but the diet they have you doing you actually upload video. So they had you eaten like lots of carrots right fruit, fruit cups funded, while they didn't dare specify necessarily the fruit cubs, but I'm adding those to kind of replaced. The cheese puffs Somebody's gonna win myself slowly, to where I mean nothing but twigs berries and an raw meat just as inside When I was doing molecular biology research. We use just euro that in as it as a standard for red quantifying uv, releasing in act referee. So so they that'll multiplicity of you said some of these food products are very good, but I dont think itself.
That was putting them to use more so than down the gullet use. I have to tell you, though, for folks they do still eat them, eat them with chopsticks, because then you don't get the orange thing yours there that's a good idea, then you won't fluoresce in the dark. So only your call unwell but yeah so rob so funded right is a blank canvas. He's he's looking he's gettin. How very large canvas god sees is one of the things words like we ve talked about, there's something livelihood pass and we'll have a fat pass. Obviously I can't make the jokes and funded projects- and I dont know if what what's corrects to laugh laugh at you. Just can't say it can contribute to a vile who does contribute to its, but unless you king, what if you gain another fifty or sixty pounds, you're more than welcome to join the club, it's like the dentist on Seinfeld. Practically you anti den tight Bastard, so rob what would you have? Firstly, by the way fund? Up again, I'm not saying this to be insulting over the fact that you don't have cholesterol issues or diabetes. I mean
like up, you said you over forty pounds. Right funding will not anymore, I'm no eighty, nine point five, but you're a a marvel of science and I yes and no high blood pressure either. My cat has higher blood pressure than me and rob. We ve talked about this fund of drinks like a pot of coffee a day and there are a lot of intensive anti diabetic effect with coffee. So, firstly, can someone to answer me that question why hasn't funds have diabetes? Yet you know it's interesting, not everybody who becomes overweight becomes diabetic, not everybody. That's type. Two diabetic is overweight, and now some of the the difficulty in putting this stuff down. There is a lot of unique genetic variation in there, and You know, there's some interesting studies. Were there certain core cohorts of people that are significantly overweight, but they never exceed.
In any of these metabolic arranging diseases, type two diabetes, cardiovascular, disease, neurodegenerative disease, and so it becomes kind of complex ferreting out. You know who has the real problems and what we need to do to address at from an orthopedic standpoint. We could make argument it being later. We be good it'll, be better on your hips, better on your knees, throwing I back and in how Are you re better and his wife? Forty five years old, they ve got be supplementing with vitamin d, which is giving me more. Energy is well better. At my back went out, I ended up common Stephen because I knew that his bag had gone out BBC back the back out expert yeah. I had backs been out an appropriate since, like two thousand ten back and he's
out jeez. That's the planet, fitness video things I want to dive into it, but we have to go to a break in thirty seconds. But yet you know you're you're. It's funny you say that Robert hard, like you, can pull you. If we talk about this before you can pull people out of the population and different weights and all the more have different problems. The crossover is very difficult to find. Ok, let's go Break real quick. That way, we can let rob dig in with US floods and actually teach us louder with prouder, we'll be back up the break your listening to louder with crowded,
you're losing to louder with crowded back on lot with greater rob, wolf rebels that come when the most popular help unfitness broadcast in the history of the universe. Right rub it here, but there is a clear sign. That there is a lack of real talent, gnats vertical, that's yeah yeah, that's gonna like us with news in politics, but so far it was talking about their so he's looking to lose weight given idea funded, you know would come in and even have hebrew national hot dogs for breakfast haven't anybody may its brief you
things running right, only no relation or that the buns little Galea yeah. Yes, so now they have you doing what some people see more traditional right, rob like more traditional dieting calorie restriction, but then a surly looking at the food groups. What would you do with funding to make him the best funded? Pekin me. You know that the key with this stuff in it gets a little geeky but We need to find foods that you just really can't ovary with, and so we are talking about. You know the majestic Tito here, a minute, or just I mean we need to call them orange cheese path so that we don't have undue planting applied to that, but you know, knew lean, needs fruits, vegetables, even things like a baked potato plain verses, potato with a bunch of ranch and sour cream and butter on it. We if we move to
simple meals, simple plates, then it becomes very difficult. Overeat on that boat wanted the the things that we find as people that they become board in kind of woven indoor Genetics is, is this thing called palette fatigue like? Would just get bored with the stuff that in front of us, We now live in an environment where we have an infinite variety of foods and infinite variety of flavors and textures. And what knight? And if you look at the strategies that professional food, where's employ like a guy will be honoured, a contest, the e ten pounds of ice cream and like fifteen minutes or something and the guy is eight pounds in and he bogged down in the global order. A plate of salty french fries eat some french fries to get a change in the flavour, and then he is able to eat the rest. The food which is really kind of counter intuitive, You know you figure they want. Your belly is full that you're completely full, but a lot of our are appetite is driven by our brain and flavors that we send to the brain and what not will determine how much we eat or if we
eat within can a reasonable parameters. So what tends to be successful, MRS, regardless of if you eat low carbon, daily or vague in or whatever, ten minute outward regional IDA show no mean you knowing in its yeah. I don't know warm snugly form either? But you know there is a reality that you can pick almost any eating plan in it. One is better than the american dietetic recommended plan, which is take any food. It's available in food is very strongly in quotation. Points like a twinkie is considered a food and you're just supposed to limit the portion sizes on that. But when you have these foods had been cooked up by a chemist. To be hyper palatable, one taste really good and have this amazing, you no kind of mouth feel it's very, very difficult way. What's the lays commercial, but you can't just one oh yeah
yeah you know they live in Canada. They had that high sticker Mark messier push on those things. Like I mean it was like just push them on kids, and you know what I thought I bet you he's writing about myself. Some lays yeah and you didn't you just one. I sold didn't you note so that all these one bag- let's just one back one palette, so it is interesting that
almost any dietary approach that limits food options to some degree will tend to be more successful than what the government is telling us to do. But yet then the government dietician tell us that we have, or the Rex year or eating disorders rabbi limiting certain types of food. So it's they say it's an interesting roper dope. Where so? Why does the government? Let me ask you this would not get political, but it is political shut. Why does the government seem to consistently want to get more and more involved? I mean even listen. I dont believe that the government is necessarily inherently bad or inherently altruistic, right, their bad, ok funding, but they're they're, increasingly getting involved in the area where they ve been wrong. It would seem that if they want to help people they would hire. Someone like you or more bio can.
Right and to do medical research, a neutral research as opposed to just twelve serving them drains a day. Well, I won't makes up gonna make some folks angry, because you know why there are a number of people. Who tend to be more conservative, leaning that live in states where farm subsidies are kind of part and parcel with their existence, and we really didn't see this issue. You emerge until around nineteen. Seventy, nine, in seventy one, where we I'd aggressively subsidize the production of food in the United States, and we had a couple years where food, which is rotting in warehouses and so people several. We can't just increase food production and let it right so they started encouraging food product food manufacturers to figure out ways of making this food long shelf life and stable, and that really was the beginning,
of you, know snack wells and all the junk food there that we see today. So we have a really now well are those still around, I think, there's still around and they still have an american Heart Association stamp. Why is it that the Green right there, like all oligarchy, all their devils. Food cookies word just insanely good, they're, not bad. I wouldn't kick him out of bed for sure, so you know I mean it to its really complex story. You have a lot of money, a lot of political interest, vested in this. You have a lot of people that derive their current income from what I call farmer welfare and which Is a lot of people are now what we talked about talk about, that we are keen to in yes funny this idea and shoot, I think, she's wrong or a lot of issues. Obviously, but this idea that we have to. Save the farmer at any time you get into that by the way the welfare is being given to these giant corporate mega farms. The governance involves us like banks,
a little now and not the little guys, and it's like all. We have to save the Orange Farm in Florida because of tomatoes in Colorado. That's probably scientifically accurate that permanent grow tomatoes in Colorado, but you get my point robber. Yes, I do. I do it so I mean you take. It complex issue and no, you know internally. I dont know if you guys talked about this on the show, but after sixty years of demon rising dietary cholesterol, the government did a complete rejection on that story and part of that story said they it in EL paraphrase it not only butcher it, but they in the future. We need to be much less arrogant. About the assumptions that we make and let the data really stand for itself and in that was kind of a bold statement to come out of it. You know and institutionally like the folks to put that,
Report now that's what I was brain up initial and I miss spoke of time at the food payment. I met the cholesterol, the guy cholesterol, dietary guidelines. I mean you must have just been through the roof. Happy about that, because people have been saying that for years and it's like doctors have been slow to get on board because are still afraid of cholesterol. Until finally, they said hey This is just the reality yeah. You know there was never any data to support the idea that cholesterol cause heart disease in the beginning, the dietary cholesterol cause heart disease in the beginning, and we span fifty sixty years and billions of dollars trying to prove something that never had really it a scrap of evidence right from the gig when enders lie tribes, English, that's my question: why did they set out to it seems that they set out to prove cholesterol as the villain? Not? Is it good? Is it bad? It seems like. If you look at the studies, they were geared towards improving cholesterol. As
I had Terry culprit. Am I wrong or why do know they did in the folks wrote the report were largely non scientists who were vegetarian? Ah, that's where it really all started from. You know there was a committee. It said and write these reports and they were vegetarian and end the writ threesome real. De in research with the research world that, if you feed rabbits cholesterol, that they will develop after sclerosis, but rabbits are herb of oars or not. Omnivores like we are, and so we reacted dietary cholesterol. Very very differently and there is a a genetic disease, familial hyper class, Romania where folks tend to die young? They die from corner artery disease the have exceptionally high blood cholesterol and labour protein levels in so they at a genetic disease where they saw it very rapidly, advancing cardiovascular disease and they had.
Animal model, they seem to say the dietary cholesterol was a causative factor, there's some correlation there, but then, when you will even in the early indications of this story, that was very weak science in the science that was really trying to implicate dietary cholesterol as being causative in cardiovascular disease was really nothing there, but the worsen some kind of red herrings out there that directed people a note, a false direction and created a story that was palatable media, but also my dad's doktor issues a great doctor, but even he was a while. You know, keep your eggs limited, and so my dad did the greens movies for four, and I talk about did after a long time, just writer of all for my thyroid, you know blending red fruit is fine with some. You know some out like Keefer and some Alex you put in some egg yolks of Asia may make a homemade agnostic it's delicious, but yeah that that the Green Smoothie try
Now, I'm and you see that health experts on tv with you'd Rick, I can't I can't use the actual- I guess patented term. Let's call it neutralise movie ray and I would just like well, if I just throw everything, can go a crap crazy in a blunder I'll be healthy. We I rang, like a goose better. Well, I tend to eat a lot of salmon and a lot of the flank steak and even ground beef. If I make a decent, sloppy, Joe and and dont use the barn, I can't imagine there is anything wrong with tomato sauce and ground beef, now. I mean it it it's great stuff and you know that the thing that should drive all this, particularly on an individual level, you should be able to experiment and figure out what works for you clearly, I've kind of a you know this paleo ancestral diet, kind of orientation. Let's say: I'm crazy. I know what I'm talking about, though by people could try to stuff on like a sweater. You you get some blood work done. You do something for thirty or sixty days, get some blood work done at the end of it
and if you're cholesterol looks better and you look feelin perform better, then we're on a good track. If things are looking goofy than we have some really simple other templates it, we can use again its vegetarian of the union, or what have you? Let's really let the outcome based medicine drive that story, and you know what it's funny say that, because full disclosure Robin I have worked together behind the scenes, a little bit really does consummate vice. So when I was, I have the cholesterol numbers in front of me: make. May I rob yeah plus a fleet, this was my cholesterol, was to ninety and actually was always pretty good. My question was to nineteen elder one for each de L, sixty trackless wretched little little higher than ideal at ninety four, and now I do a lot of smooth these kind of more, not vegetarian, but limiting the meek. That's what I was told that I set up a sort of eating more eggs. Me in the morning not no card, not paleo. Full disclosure, but more focused more on on meeting, bother with fat in eliminating a lot of refined, carbohydrates. Cholesterol went from two nineteen to one. Seventy eight elder
went from one forty, two one, fifteen hd else, data about the same went to fifty four trackless rides dropped from ninety four to fifty nine yeah in the trackless rights or the indicator of how insulin resistance. You are right, so you went from heading down the road towards diabetes to completely pulling the that back and you're never going to become diabetic from that ran every well controlled, randomize control trial. That's compared like a little bit higher fat higher protein diet with a higher carbohydrate, diabolically, refine carbohydrates. We see this again and again. When people eat more protein, more fat, their blood lipids tend to go in a favourable direction. They tend to spontaneously eat less, which it's funny. The researchers will then add more food to try to keep the calories, even because in science you do want to compare
apples to apples right, but the irony is that if you just simply eat more protein and fat, you tend to eat fewer calories overall and that's the problem. Ultimately, is people overeating that was kind of my point earlier about the Neuro regulation of appetite? If we eat certain foods they tend to tell our brain able good. Think we ve eaten enough in the new satisfied. You don't feel hungry and it has all these great metabolic benefits to so probably the best thing would be to the nuts iii hot dogs without the Bonn, more states more chicken- and I gotta- have some range of amendments to favour greens rapidly in Brussels, by your lots of fruit and vegetables. Within that template, nay, I think you said so late breakfast could be the hebrew nation haha with long seconds I have to let you got we'll be right back after the break with any personalized funded diet. Plant rabble stated
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possibly be simpler? Call simplified wine today, eight for four to nine seven Juan we're back Robb Wolf on louder with Crowder. Okay, so probably ask you a question when you get off science Giannis people pass out under pure perfect cure for insomnia. I talk and people falsely. Well, you know that's a big part of Europe you're playing with recoveries problem. We got you're. A big league energy will be healthier across a bright, and so they did. They did recommend today that I need to take a sleep at me test, and I'm really leary of that. Because of all those things go Do your head. I don't know how I would even survive it. You know We hold a man, so
deal with sleep apnea. Is it if you aren't sleeping well that can make you very, very insulin resistant. We work a lot with police, military and fire and those folks because of their shift work even if they eat well, even if they exercise a lot, they become very insulin resistant and can look like a type two diabetic. So if you have sleep disturbance, there could be an argument for using like a seat machine to help you sleep better and use it for two or three months until your weight drops in year it it? But they said that you weren't insulin resistance, though I think that they thought, while he's a fat guy, Clearly, we need to give him a sea bab right. You know you. You you can do floating rains, but it's true. I I'm just trying to figure out how to wed. You know tactfully. Electronic so like bad bugger up. Erin even see Bab did scam three of them. It leader should shifting here somewhere you could get a job own or some sort of us
sleep, monitoring app on your Iphone or or smartphone, and if you did I therefore, the the flip phone are you driving on the other, a rotary die all for that. I got that in a basement. Ok, perfect, but you know: there's some really cheap, unexpected inexpensive things that can give you an idea if you're just having terrible sleep, if we're having terrible sleep to DE marketed by your waking up multiple times night and what not, then you can go and get to sleep study possible, use, see how to get you over the hump so that, if you sleep better, you will absolutely become less insulin. Resistance annual lose weight more effectively, even on them. Now you don't seem to have their pro. Like you, seem to die out, you don't snore alive, we don't I'm insulin resistance, that's for sure no insulin resistance. I don't know of ice nor a lot. The cat doesn't say so hard, it's hard to say, but I do I do
get up now that I'm over forty and no wake up a couple of times at night to take care of stuff ass. Far ass, you know, restroom, that will you know and that that an interest that is another interesting side effect of carrying extra fat mass is that we ten ordinary with with within our fat. You I'm gonna, be be burned at the stake within our fat. We have an enzyme called aroma tests which converts testosterone into estrogen and wind. That estrogen level goes up. Then, to irritate the prostate so that its views and when I go on talking cycles, I always notice me. I dont go on balking cycles programme when I'm like hey it's and I'm lifting heavy. So I'm not concerned about- and I put on maybe ten pounds I always notice after your bathroom yeah. So I mean that That is one of the sneaky side. Effects of carrying excess body fat is that you will convert. Testosterone a surgeon and in biology played a really interesting trick on men. The part of the brain that regulates testosterone levels responds to estrogen. So
oh you're estrogen levels go up and in the brain gets this feedback loop in it sees high estrogen levels, and then it says what we have adequate testosterone toad. Actually down regulates testosterone production and you get in this very vicious. Feedforward can a kind of situation with that six, that's exactly what the prolactin alma does it? Ok, it's on the two, a Terry Glad and it's this growth and reduces the testosterone editing and it increases the estrogen and I end up liking, art, french films, cats, We we we could talk later offline yeah he's like I want to go out with funded by the answer when you made it out by Rob funding, also admitted on air that he would engage in relations with a transgender man, so he is definitely going for. You have addressed a letter Agnes
I'm. Sorry that I'm tutus has many tutors. Does that counts know I don't you know something I would throw to your doctor and in some docks freak out about this, while you're trying to lose weight while you're in that process, seeing if the doktor would be willing, you get you on remedy acts, which is an aroma tastes inhibitor you, you could make a very strong argument, improving your prostate function and also helping to naturally razor test from levels, although with the proactive Noma there may be some country indications with that that that might be something to run up the flagpole with other. The prostate thing is- The rim of what a remedy remedy checks are originally was a cancer drug for breast cancer that responds to estrogen, but wait what it does is. It prevents the conversion of testosterone into estrogen and then there's also like clothing sidetracked climate. I know, but it ends differently. Rightward Sab isn't like an estrogen it with an analog
and a bit closer to actually stimulates the production of testosterone. It produces Luton, rising hormone and actually causes the the release of testosterone. And so that would be if somebody due to metabolic issues or inflammation like they ve, basically taken their testicles offline and Unita under life, has done We wind up just as undemocratic. I knew what you meant. Ok, so wrought rob. Ok, we don't have too much time and I feel like we ve. We ve already ruined reputation. So let me bring it back like simplify for funding right, because, where we might even sort of fitness log here on the Youtube Channel for those listening to rest really ladder with credit com, you can stay up to date. What should fund it be doing right legacy in bringing this lunchbox? What would be funded, gloves, Seeber nationals? He loves his beef. He loves german salmon all that stuff. What should we be doing to make sustainable and just lose weight and not be
like you said, not be longing for stuff that she does. You know the point. Thereabout sustainability is really the key and you usually, what we need is enough variety, so that we stick on at a reasonable plan. Not so much for right. That the variety becomes a cheese path. So you know like Hebrew National in the morning with you know, couple a handfuls of knights, waiter No do a couple ounces in a block bag launch economy I see a man with a bunch of stood veggie. Is it your way? Epidemiologically the coffee? There seems to be the you drink the longer you lad, so I wouldn't have many agency with an ideal about beams and cheese. I, like I like beans to a certain extent
I like sauerkraut and I need cheese. I have to have like a good ten year. Cheddar. Is that? Okay, that's fine! That's fine! Yeah! You know so within that that frame or just get as much variety as you can, but keep the meals relatively simple, like one or two items per meal, and then maybe you run a week or two with a basically the same breakfast lunch dinner, and then you really change it up. So instead of the Hebrew breakfast and it's like a hot link and some cocoanut chips are something like it still kind of the same template. But your changing it up your change under the texture change the seasonings, and in that way you won't be completely burned out on that. Versus nobody knows what he's through national and then going crazy. What you just did the Damn fruit cups funded. That's what I'm saying I dont the problem is you're, lucky nutritionists who go out there and either given funded advice based on legacy. If the guidelines which are outdated already in their even acknowledging now so funded by then you'll, be happier,
this you'll be able to eat the stuff you like, and am I mean I've, I think it'll just I think, it'll work. That's all I wanted to have an intervention with Rob and bring him busy. He was throwing you under the bus to die by Getting idols line is already negative bogs. I'm ok, Irving Carpet. Do you and your doctor, who now that's just my nested, our nation, my fascination with London, but yet he's got the tart, as you know, what's going on, but the red double Decker buses ties in with in calling my show on Saturday night, ten p m at midnight. I play the bow right. Let's leave out there for you to do that and Rob get his plugin rob your blogging want to find you and learn more about the sensible diet. Health nutrition, like it Where should they go? Will now that I'm on parole, they can usually find me a novelist dot. Com to bees are Obi, W, O F, and then I have a cast it.
Enough is in the top five on Itunes, the paleo solution, so you can check that's after we ve stolen. Some of your guess. Gary Wilson, with the Irena got your brain on porn was a great guest who yeah? If people don't listen, yours do it after, while what you're gush he's like? What? meanwhile the catch it and then I realized. Of course it comes from a perverted place with funding. So thank you. So, if we're going on what we would like to do is have you come back and the endless will follow fund if progress in and see where he's going and if it doesn't work which will totally for universal when perfect any any failure on your part, you can contribute to me very. It's all robs while her yes TAT S, success, tribute to Oprah rubble. Thank you very much, but we must let me introduce by guy
you're listening to louder with crowding round your listening louder with out. You are so glad to be having you listening to me. It's always we but why do we need to tell the listener who there listening to their aware now? They're, not the adding the average listener has just gotten into their car and there like what I don't know what I've got on. That's the average listener Where, where the science comment from that, what it where the numbers, its numbers from the seventies, not necessarily up to speed but tat. I go so Rob Wolf,
get. Hopefully you will. I take some of his advice there. I'm gonna try, but I've got some not in here. To find not sure your hebrew national dogs, us without the bond for breakfast got knots. Cranberries raises some kind. Twigs or we're going get into the tab reasons. Hilary is anti, woman, but I did write a column here that I know, fund up is gonna, lose his mind about, and I think it's important for conservatives to hear this Maccallum is called. Why every conservative needs to be watching the gold bergs s show I now funded loves the show. It's funny, because it was almost foreshadowing I talked about. So I have a list of reasons why you should watch the Goldberg concern. Out there. Let me, let me say the most important thing here:
no I'll, actually tweet this out for the online listeners. If you are a conservative, you need to focus on supporting good content. You need to focus on the positive things as opposed to always boycotting in complaining. You can't just boycott in committee fine and say MSNBC, press and media- that when something comes out that you should be happy about, you need a supportive, not just check, for it can all be hard. You know hard line where concern Republican, but if there's a programme out there that embraces family valley, as some of you, can watch with your family. Is it doesn't sucker punch you. You need to support it, but then you get these people that are complaining, because the Father is honest with his kids, when they do stupid things right, yeah! Well, some conservatives, I think more on as a cost word. They don't like the fact that there are some words
they bleep out. What's funny about the Goldberg says if ever there's cussing, they believe it out and blurred out, even though they don't have to which makes funnier there. Oh, I love that and they only deal with the mom because she's a swedish one, so it just comes out of nowhere and unjust. So let me give a few reason: you should be watching the gold works for conservative, it's that, first and foremost, it's hilarious. It's a funny show its equality show concern Christians. Stop only seeing films, and I'm only too well that jewish folks to jewish folks do out to see if the goldberger that it's a jewish family in the nineteen eighties, don't just go by message: go by quality of content. Quality of content is up there with anything on on tv right now, if the Gilberts, so that that there is your first reason it's funny and it's a good show. You second reason is it's. It's in credit. A pro family, the Goldberg. Whenever you watch it, it doesn't focus on dysfunction. It doesn't focus on divorce and broken as it focuses. Obviously, in the
democracies that every family member has but coming together and in place. Family, a above all else, which is just a really cool thing to see. On tv, I thought there was such a sweet moment between bury who is the middle child, so he's he's the odor of the two sons and the youngest son Adam who is based on the producer of the show right. They had a moment where Adam is fed up with being picked on and a kind of beaten up a little bit by his elder brother and his elder brother says to him. But that's how I tell you. I care had to tell you that I love you, that's how I argue guy. That's how a hug you that's what it was his yeah brothers, don't hug each there at that age day, they rough house in, I thought I was so cool, even though I never had a brother which is now, of course, that's your patriarchy, showing we train changed the way males communicate. You need to find healthier outlet. What what's that healthier outlet outlet than wrestling with my brother, I can't imagine
that would be a healthier awful outlet outlet outlet. Now you actually have things right. I do. I haven't older brother, you know he wasn't that I hear when he had his friends around sometimes which would bother me if they kind of picked on me, but he wasn't that bad Jordan and I were he was more reserved, he's more shy and I was more outgoing, so be bully me a little, but when he was usually pretty good, he wasn't like up a jerk brother. You know he was a little bit. There were other. Issues. Obviously we have a siblings, but it wasn't the typical new Novi purple. Nepal cripple Nepal Those are all those moves that every now and then now he would put me in line agent I have to go back that, but again what the Gilberts has never vulgar. It's incredible went to lower. The Gilberts. Do, though, is its very politically incorrect, even though its a clean show like. Dont shy away from another very open about the fact that things in the eighties were not nearly as politically correct them and when you have a kid at Goldberg it a who at a school who is trying.
Then to the christian Plucky wants to be Jesus in Jesus Christ, superstar love that happens that I was wicked. I which was Jesus, was a Jew, obviously, but it's just funny because there there's a con in the shower. They go really nice year into it, had also liberal critics hate the gold works for people who don't know they panned this thing when it came out and they didn't pan it saying it bad you may try to say what was corny and it wasn't cutting edge enough but dumb what's funny as the show most got pulled, and this is sort of a commentary. How entertainment is changing its one of the most successful shows Now that was entirely because of Hulu and on line viewers, ship, so Nielsen all of those ratings I mean they're becoming obsolete because you have shows that have if you actually count for the online views you have shows it might be dead last in their time slot that are actually number one by far and
A great example that was parks and rack was never up, was never ratings powerhouse for NBC, but when you accounted for even the office, a lot of everyone loves the office, but the office never pulled in great rating. I hated the american version. It was awful isle of both versions, but also critics hated it also by the way, comes out of a conservative production company Happy Madison, so that's probably good reasons as to why the liberal, Lock, Rex and really like it. But most importantly, I do think the goal bergs, as one of the only shows on television that Lee is you happier feeling better for having watched it? You can easily watch every episode twice in the same twenty four hour period. You watch it. You got. I wanna watch that again the next evening or the next day when you're taking a break from work or whatever, and you can watch it with your kids. You can watch it with your wife and we joke about it. Constantly. There's always a gold bergs reference in our family or a star wars reference, but the girl
birds like star wars, Gelbard do like star wars in that no you're right, you're right! It's it's! It's a show it you can watch over and over its. It is kind of, I guess you'd, say: cotton candy its fluff, but it's good fluff! It's it's uplifting, fluff its profound! if love. If you just want to get away and laugh, so I think it too important because I see so many conservatives who are very negative unless we complain to we're gonna come back and we're gonna go through top five list of why Hillary Clinton is anti woman. So I get it but it's equally as important to support good content out there to vote with your dollar, but with your feet in and go out there and unhealthy people enough, the boy if the goal bergs gets pulled, it'll just be replaced with something that's gonna, be you know just as far the left as Goldberg would be. I guessed to the right, and you know it like- I was saying- was kind of foreshadowing because I wrote this column and then that night they did an episode, dealing with the Mondeo Reagan election.
And I not so bad that Erika was for Monday. Unlike like, I would have been arguing with her in high school, but I will say this: if there were any other show, it would have been jab after jab after Jabba her jabbered Reagan right. It would be constantly and this one didn't it all isnt it didn't endorse regulated Endorse Mondeo it more so focused on the conflict between a mom and dad who were Reagan in a daughter who was Mondeo and it ended with saying hey. The good thing is everyone's started, reading up and in thinking for themselves when it came to, politics? There was nothing in there and some concern it'll get mad because there might have been jokes on both sides that were light hearted. There was nothing in their. That was anything upsetting or offensive towards conservatism. Easily could have done it. They deliberately avoided that which makes me think they're conservative, because of you
a full liberal. It only helped your career. If you decide to be an offensive political issues, I tend to believe your conservative and Hollywood, because I mean why, unless you're trying to hide something because you know you can lose work and that industry so Goldberg please go just this week will be back to give you more info on Hilary that you have not heard anywhere else loud with greater
This is Stephen crowded with louder with grotto, to tell you about one of my favorite sites on the web, a our fifteen. I know you here are fifteen saving steadily black rifle it is, but they are. Fifteen dot. Com is actually the best website. If we want a community from which to learn about how to care for your gun guns, safety were defined. Conceal permits forces as well as the best online gun stored in the business. I'm talking, ammo accessories operates. All of it can be found at a are fifteen die. That's a our fifteen dotcom, your listening to louder with prouder. That was funded. That was funded Dan, letting you know in case you forgot case you forgotten who your daddy is, which is me funded Dana's Mama bear by the way. What back, I know, no way
you're, the one that I'm the dad you're, the one who said you would be could totally comfortable. Get into a relationship with a transgender man and not a transgender woman. Fringed me and to woman I let the audience when they are a woman, that's where they sure yoga madman that you made a horribly ugly woman. Let's be honest- ok, you Norman, reveal the private texts you grow would have gladly gladly partaken of her. Of me as a woman, you were you what I had to have a much smaller, but for me to even consider it right, followers on twitter at First Lady, at S, crowded and add fun dip Dan to stay up to speed. On evidence going on the week, of course, videos, so this week listen
There really hasn't been a whole lot going on outside of Hilary announcing, and so, if you look at media, it also does tell us lessons. Hillary Clinton is, it is a formidable opponent. So conservatives are going after her because she is a very very formidable opponent- and I have said this before she not like a ball, but it doesn't matter because the media, which will carry the heavy water with that and try and make her, seem likeable if a tailor, if it's a Clinton versus Bush ticket in twenty sixteen Republicans loose. I think if, if it's a Clinton versus Bush taken up one o clock in Mouth gosh on another can say that on radio I think you just did will see what happens, but I'm done
take it anymore. Sometimes I'm amazed that we haven't gotten the message from the FCC. Just for your presence here, who is this gentleman aside from that was tax day? Did you get your taxes done funded? I have no idea, that's not my responsibility all right! Well, I think my wife finished it. The IRS its units. One of those things were a lot of conservancy just use the buzz word right. Abolish the IRS thing is there is good reason to be afraid of the air ass looks that a couple of them in nineteen twenty five there was a tendering dollar back tax requests made by the Irish Commissioner, David blared republican Senator James Prisons. He previously launched an investigation. The IRA's fought the ten million case against himself and prove that he'd actually overpaid his taxes. By about one million this is it
who works in the IRS. They harass the press, they ve always harass the press. The arrest president, Roosevelt use the heiress to harass newspaper publishers fast. Forty, of course, the Obama administration who them audited, nearly every major concern about what I worked with conservative nonprofits, the IRS audits them like clockwork every two years. I know people who worked at liberal nonprofits, I've never been audited. Targeting of political rivals. I mean the IRS. If you, if you see they were given by President Nixon, a list of people to target for the White House, Council John Dene, obviously iris her small businesses, they are targeted over twenty thousand small businesses in tone, Thirteen for extra scrutiny, what's funny to me, is why does a small business need extra scrutiny anyway funded size or glazing over, because it's not as Europeans building. My point is: go beyond the buzz word about arrest. Can you answer if someone says why can you answer that follow up
one says why abolish the IRS much more important to know why you believe what you believe than to just speak it cause. I want my money you're money there you go, wealth redistribution. So you just turn up the buzzwords. I know just thrown out the buzzwords. So eloquent is a formidable upon- and I say this for fur, long time on this programme. Sexism will be the new racism when we're seeing that coming to fruition, I mean think about it for Krajina, I am a comedian, a comedian who a clue in comedian who got flack for using the word bitch. And that any rat video go on any comedy central roast. Any any stand, back,
really not named stiffened crowded, and you will hear much much worse. I do like that. One wraps on bees, ain't s. Gush of I don't know who does it, but it's a really catchy one. That's pretty much! You have it in the title. We can't say it. We and say bit bitches ain't, but he can see the last part session. The reason for that is there going to try and push Hillary Clinton out right as a strong feminist they ve been claimed her a strong feminist. Let us look at our track record. So here we couldn't husband. Not only has no self control model is a complete pervert and sex fiend with no respect for women there's only redeeming quality he's entertaining pots hurry, intimidated and actually suppressed. Any woman who came forward with accusations against her husband, gonna quote you from political insight
Hilary ran a war room to crack down on so called bimbo eruptions, thimble eruptions, the different blood. Insiders and a right wing site. This was an aim given to countless is of infidelity and sexual assaults committed by Bill Clinton over the years. I don't. I don't know I thought being a voice for women sort of prohibited you from silencing women who to actual events, actually assaulted, not the liner Dunham. I kind of regret at you know: semi rape rate because she's a child molesters trying to cover that I mean actual sexual assault. That's verifiable with Bill Clinton, wouldn't feminist, ay ay. I broke it out or even a wife for that matter. Bill knock it off your exactly number two: she defended a child rapist and laughed about it, laughed about it
that's the kind of stuff that has Satan shuffling papers into Hell, saying I don't even have a form furtherance laughed laughed about defending each area, it's a ladder with better dot com. You can see the video clip, of course you to have a strong advocate for Ocean which leads to gender side and nearly every developing country because of sexism in those countries. They want boys because boys can help provide for the family more effectively. Boys can go out and work manual, labor job, so supporting abortion is intrinsically supporting the genocide. Women. Women are aborted that a much higher an alarmingly higher rate than boys across the world. She's really women can afford Don birth control has at a champion of women's rights. That's what they have never understood with the left. You say women are strong. Ok, great women, don't need man right where independent, ok, pay for my birth control.
Seven dollars a month. Yeah about patriarchy can pay for it. I don't want to pay for your birth control, fats and it's like they start off. They say I want to pay my own way for my dinner. I don't want you to open the door for me, but then that right, whatever happened to just strip in your way through college, near undressing, honestly, which that's a joke right, it's a joke publicly. I just this one strip underway through college gay. It's not me condoning circumventing that others making its main you stay, that's a joke, but what is more demeaning to a woman stripping her way independently through college or claiming that she can't afford her own birth control. I think the proud capitalist way is the way to go. I believe so too
Strip in your way through college. It's pretty shameful. It's not a shameful as being unable to afford. Your own birth control. I just funny to me that this, like they don't see this, I hear he and, of course I've got mixed up in millions of dollars from countries you oppress and suppress women, so in countries ran Paul actually said this. It's up at the website in countries that stone but the death for adultery, imprison Ladys for adultery is the kind of thing that would you would think someone for women's rights would be standing up against instead of accepting thinly veiled. Bribes. I don't even know what what the legality is. So I dont want to miss. Because I'm not a lawyer- and I know everyone will get on radio and will act as though they are even lawyers not necessarily understand campaign financed lots incredibly complex. But it seems to me that it wouldn't be legal to accept. Campaign donations or funding from Saudi Arabia. One would think one would think
But why should they be allowed to affect american elections, is kind of like one? Some have been Lawton Member, your lease that take that tape from his hut and he said, If America doesn't vote for John Kerry, there will be another attack. His endorsement of carry sealed the deal for Bush. I love the Alice Cooper quote, it was the carry election. He said if I weren't already a Bush supporter. I would read the list of carry supporters and immediately switch no kidding. I mean he added. Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Hillary Clinton. They were all in good company endorsing John Kerry. How do I tell you what John carry you know, our John Kerry was Mccain and Romney. They didn't have any one good run, so they ran carry and that was like. Listen. No one was excited about me,
in a Romney. Let's be honest here, there hasn't been a really strong good candidate on the right since late nineteen. Seventy nine, you know it's funny is people say, take her and I like TED crews as a person, but I was talking with my producer. The video producer Jared hear about it and he's not inherently political, so it's always good to get his perspective. He just sitting attack crews just the way he speaks. It very much comes across. Like a coached politician, You know even when he's right and he's running in debate, he he sits down any talks to you in this way, and this is why
Important. Allow me to make my point and puts a little fellow. I don't want. This is what the thumb up the bill Clinton the thumb in the fist. I don't know who coaches them on that, but if you do that, you immediately precludes precludes me from voting for you good, I'm like you have some. Being coached on how to speak on how to act is nothing genuine about its probably because like if they were to use their finger? Oh don't point its rude so, but they still want some kind of appointing protrudes guess that makes sense and good use of the word protuberant perch but you are giving us a. He can't even do it. I can't even do it good for you, you just slipped that in there I it's one of those things I dont know if there's a candidate right right now there are good candidates, but are they people who can beat Hillary Clinton? I don't love you.
The issues like we said Hillary Clinton is, is an absolute terrible human being who lied about Iowa, who used up handicap parking spot. There is an example: why is that not being covered everywhere outside of conservative? Somebody said she had a stroke, but I don't remember the hundred clim at a stroke. That's what somebody said. Somebody tweeted that no built Bill Clinton was, Stroked it Hillary Clinton did not have a stroke, even if she did I ate it doesn't I know plenty. People about strokes and it'll have handicap parking, I mean you shouldn't. You should not get a handicap parking badge. If you're fine, you can have a stroke in Europe, your fine afterward. Now, if you like, my grandfather was obviously out. He was apparently Jack afterward or you have some kind of your logical damage. Were you can't walk? Fine that doesn't seem to be. The case I have not set up will have to run a search on this. Hillary Clinton stroke seems to me that would be front page everywhere. Guess somebody mentioned it. I don't know
but the accuracy was it was just on the internet and you can't believe everything you read. No, although I did just help out a nigerian prince and am I'm waitin on my lump sum that he's going to be sent out, that's gonna be a big one. You're gonna break it in a rake in all. I had to do, give my credit card information addressing social security, so birth date not even required. That's how I know it. That's how I know it's legit or I will go to a break. We will come back and funded, doesn't even know this, but I will answer. Do you choose to be gay lotta with programme louder with router the strangest animal on your radio.
On your radio or your inter webs anywhere you're listening, we were talking about this either day. Radio is is great, but man is it? Is it changing? I mean I know people who are only a few years younger than me, and they ve just they ve never use their car radio, it's all their phone, that's just weird! They just listening to it like sitting. The chair. They know not plugged right into all, like basically every car since two thousand and ten has built in Jack's where your phone just plays right through your your speakers, I can play it through. I can there's a thing. The shaped like a cassette that I could die on earth do that way. I suppose yeah, but don't know what they're doing. The point is of an entire generation of people. Now, our it's just easier. They can Pick everything they want on their phone, they one or two, the car. They never have to hear commercial, I don't want to hear the nerve to the dial. We know exactly what they want, they out on their phone, they can work do it anywhere. I love good commercials,
now I know I'm just saying it's: it's it's changing. That's all I'm saying a matter of fact. I think commercials are an art form. Is Jane. I write so this is something its controversial now. Funding Dan is very liberal. On the socialists on some of the Social Issues Probe programme guy likes. The gaze personally would engage in relations with transit, meant no women and used to be fellas. It's one thing I see a lot. I see a lot of Christians, whether a lot arguments made against christians- let's put it that way where they think you choose to be gay, and there are some Christians who say. I believe it's a choice. Now, I'm on a christian, full disclosure. I talk about that. I'm open about it, but. I dont fully understand. I understand, obviously everyone as you can see.
Who's your sexual actions. You can choose your sexual behavior. You can choose whether your faithful to your wife or not, you can choose whether you have sex before marriage or not. Everyone has a choice over their sexual actions and that's the engine and if you believe, certain sexual actions to be immoral great, that's your right I have opinions on on those matters too, but to say that you choose to be get at all even upset some, some Christian friends and an even probably some members of my family, I never bought that and the more I read my Bible and the more I try to be careful below me. Just not be careful the more remote by what I don't see any justification for that. I think Christians, What's a choice because right, it's wrong: they believe it sexually immoral. Homosexuality! Ok, let's, let's assume we're both even on board with that premise,
so they say it's a choice because God wouldn't make you that God would make. You wouldn't be born, now the science as I do, there's a gay gene and stuff. I mean they just trying through these blanket terms. That's also inaccurate, so you do you choose to be gay. Would you would you got and make you born. That way. Will that assumes that everyone is either born perfect and you get to the concept of original sin, or that everyone is naturally perfect, which is of course untrue. Just like their basis of saying I would make you born gay and make you have an affliction that job that you couldn't kick okay. Well, the people saying that are sleeping room. We women who aren't there. Why Or not, cheating, otherwise, or otherwise, pornography, did God make you that way or did? Did you make that way. You didn't choose to want to form
It would have been that moves as a man. That's just part of your biological, hard wiring. It's your affliction to deal with it's your job, and what now the joys comes in and in how you deal with those instincts and how you deal with your proclivities. For example, I have a preclude you're getting frustrated. I ever I have a short temper garden. God would make you that your choice but my choice and how we deal with it it's not my choice in how my brain works. So I don't see, and you can. Let me no comment. Tweet me. It s crowd or any kind of a Christian arguing that somehow someone having a proclivity towards being gay is more of a choice. Then someone having a proclivity toward wanting to be permissiveness or toward wanting to consume. You know the inappropriate amounts of alcohol. We all have proclivities towards sin. It doesn't mean that God put that on us, but through circumstanced people have different proclivities or gluttony.
But not my fault right, exactly you're. Just born that way. You were born that you can choose how you deal with that, but I don't have a problem. With that, I know that I don't have a problem with eminent over eight, probably more than most people, but it's not my burden to bear for some people, you for you at me, be so it's one of those things. I just did it shuts down a dialogue where a person say it's a choice. I don't think anyone He was up and set wakes up and says. I think that I am. Like the waiter I dont that happens and I've had friends, clearly gay when they were young. But there is no doubt about it. There were raised and christian conservative households and there is clear, very feminine and get out doesn't mean that it's not necessarily- and I want to go negative. It doesn't mean that its moral. Now what you can that debate. I'm not gonna have that debate, or does it mean its moral for him to go out and sleep with? Do you can still
Therefore, we believe that to be a moral, many religions do some people, don't so separate that cue from the idea that you're you're just you're just making a choice to be gay and by the way and that same breath, liberals need to stop saying that people are born that way and we have no choice for their sexual actions. I have friends who are gay, who dont want to be gay or they field they feel they can change it, and so they go in and dumb. They ve gone How long will you believe its effective or not? They personally are not comparable with the lifestyle and they want to change their lifestyle, and then liberals attack them and say you're just being guilty into it. Now some of these people just aren't comfortable being gay and they they'd like to change it about themselves. Let that if you're gonna say it's a choice or it's not it's let let them make their choice. Let any of these people make their choice.
Again choosing your sexual behaviour Annie. It's just something I feel like you're Jago had funded. No, I was just saying you have one minute left, ok, but about you. That's a that. Probably no surprise, because you ve talked about that christian tat. A lot of people think that it is a choice. Man you're born that way, but you choose to act on it, but I'd hate to see anybody left alone left without love. That's the part that bothers me. I don't want anybody, did not have the ability to find someone to love and share their life with now now was when I was getting. My point was, I can't see any biblical backing to say all of a sudden, that's a choice, because that's the sin, words of choice and in everything. Also, as you know, it's a circumstance media with it lets
the accurate. Let's just be consistent with that and, of course, the most important consistency is loving people and not necessarily accepting what you view to be. The sin lotta with product will be back after this. If you're anything like me? You enjoy a glass of wine, but funding I kind can be a hassle or maybe you want to buy a nice bottle is a gift, but dont know where to start that we're simplified wine comes and simplified. Why? makes buying good wine simple, just call eight for four to nine seven wine, where a qualified Somalia will take your information budget, send you a curious list and then wine straight to your door. It's just that simple. By the way they also have a price match guarantee. So it's not only the easiest way to get great wine, but the least expensive. All you do
call, simplified wine at eight hundred and forty four, two hundred and ninety seven one hundred and eighty four four thousand two hundred and ninety seven wine or don't like phone calls and hit the simplified button same thing, just digital anyone you want they can get just call simplified one thousand eight hundred and forty four two hundred and ninety seven wine to have the best wine at the best price, delivered straight to your door guaranteed. What could call simplified, simpler, call, simplified wine today, eight for four to nine seven. Why you're listening, do outer with crowd so glad to have you back on this final, our Stephen crowded, most insubordinate. Producer and radio funded Dan follow us, When I got a lotta with broader dotcom. Listen! That's how you support this. Shall we don't ask you for money? We don't ask four handouts I'll. If you gave it will take employment
we're not gonna, be on that matter. Fact: funded Danville, even them right a videotape of him with a transgender mayo and personally send it to you and image. We know no, not female to mail never gonna. Let you have that down. You realise that what I. I'm. I met nice people. Oh right, resided people, I know people I now speak. People. I know our gummy people deerlike, like Gummy, bears yeah bittersweet here, dork I'm a dork, not as dorky as you and your bet. You know what to do Actually is when you say that, like a geek now he noted
actually is hands down. I don't want to see you googling this horse. Wiener whale will penis wailing. Ok, I know some along those lines are whale penis. So when you call someone a dork that's way worse than bitch by the way. If it were bids like what what is basically only female dog you're, a dork, funnily enough, I bet you a dork depending on the species is larger than a bitch. Then most budget If we are talking about the actual, what it actually is, anyway, a lot of people don't realize that they use I told you the story about when I use the word bastard for the first time right. I think so, we'll tell me again: all right. I will tell you again so my grandfather, Dean Crown
and it's funny. We get emails about him every now and then because he was now you pew was there at the AIR Force Base and the crows point anyway. You train all the pilots, who was one of the best pilots in the country, and he will legendary actually, and he did some stuff that that's? Why people Emil S and remember him? So he had a mouth on him. He was the old kind of drink and scotch at the club, good ol boy, and when I used to show up at the house, he didn't get to see a much because we were in Montreal. We would come in the Michigan at that point, in our family olive in Detroit net that when we're living in canada- and he would see me and go, come area little bastard. So we have to do that point, my only experience. My only connection to the word bastard, is ingrained in my little by Little Ingram there in my tiny little cerebellum with love with the two and together
so I think, will naturally it's a good work. Why would my grandfather say that if we are if it were in a good word. So, unlike ok, that's what he called every time. I dunno sure as sure as can be. He sees me that this excellent we're at a church there in Michigan, actually Passer Kevin Butcher, really nice guy. I think he still there and my dad, introduces me to him. So I'm thinking like my dad at this guy's, a man's man, my dad's, and that you know they're both really kind of these masculine figures so most masculine figure, I can think about sort of my dad is my grandfather. This is how they interact. I want to be one of the guys, I might add, gossip passer butcher. This is my son, Stephen NICE, to meet you Even I reach out my hand to past or Kevin Butcher and say,
How you doing a little bastard- and my dear it was called. The pastor was good laughed about, argues, really let my dad tan my hide. When I got home because he had to make sure to correct that in the brain. I imagine what he said to your grandfather. Do gosh, my grandmother, why am I go about? Profit is heard it and with a cigar Ethel areas than I thought it was funny. That's how I learned at which, by the way, it's funny you know if we say oh, my gosh, who couldn't partly handicaps, but what would a total ban right people get offended, yet people call Barack Obama or by George Bush, a bastard overtime known the woman a bastard, so if the idea that it says that it sexist because it's sort of gender exclusive, if their tons of insults synergy,
your exclusive, it doesn't mean you hate Excess M should mean one thing and one thing only that you hate and or discriminate against someone based on their gender. I don't hate women, I just hate the one more than one. I know what it's like just because someone says. Oh, my gosh, Hillary Clinton. I believe you lied about that. Oh my gosh, Hillary Clinton. You called these girls trade a trash were sexually assaulted by your husband and you didn't stand up for them? Oh my you tried to us press them intimidate them and you may have killed a guy by the way. The Clinton's jury still out on that, oh my gosh. I can't believe you did that what would a bitch, what a bitch move to do that that soap itchy, is sexist. Now we're saying that about Hillary Clinton game I'm saying that about my wife, about saying that about funding wife amount, not even saying
what Michelle Obama listen. I disagree with Michelle Obama policy, but usually seems kind of agreeable. I use more idiot with her Michelle Obama. Yeah. She seems like just to complete, The point is to call one person. Bitchy is now indictment on all women. It's an indictment on you. That's what it is, and then there are the women that use it as a positive you know yet, without as on their coffee, cups and stuff, you know I'm the top. You know one or whatever was tweeted. Someone saying I can't believe you use that word. Litter of people can follow me on twitter, address crowd or it is their retreat and you can see it. She tweeted I can't eat at were just is designed to harmonise up, and I looked at her profile and our profile. She described yourself as a boss, ass bitch. She described her self that so I took a picture of her profile,
replied you're with just your picture. She's like like. I was now double bad because I was using her own word to call her a bitch again. I didn't. I never called her a bitch. She did on her profile, the big I hear what a moron here's the weapon isolation of language which don't play into it. Conservatives don't go away into the nice politely and while we want to discuss wire free speeches, you dont get talk about why you're not allowed to talk K? Don't let it get to that point and to all you, conservatives who laura conservatives who the way I know personally and avert their like well, we are different Stevens right to say and I would personally never say the word bitch. Oh you coward, you absolutely I've heard you say it
I you specifically say about Hillary Clinton. It is the word to describe her and her actions. It was invented for people like her if you hit the slang definitions, which deserves an actual definition now and in the second terminology, the female dog, but has been used for so long. At a certain point, I don't know what it takes to be accepted by Marian Webster. It is generally speaking, a shrill on likeable, or, I guess, bombastic woman would probably the definition of that's Hillary Clinton rosy, o Donnell would be another rosy. O Donnell would be another one joy bay. Her would be another example joy they just journaling and let us go to obey We're gonna, bring on our good friend, yelled Morgan. After the break to out to talk about death, I'm only gonna get mad and my tease cooling some I'm already mad ladder with crowd or state
on air, line everywhere. It's louder with router, thanks for specifying that fund, glad to bring on our next guess. I'm actually glad that we have had him on for a while, and let me tell you why, because we use we bring him on to discuss Islam and islamic terrorism because that's his forte, but is also a good friend, and there haven't been that many terrorist attacks, recently, certainly not news unless you count the gyro compter dude Mc Capital, long so Gerald more kids. I thank you for calling on absolutely thank you so much. There was that terrorists that took a Van de Iowa. Recently, though I see what you did there, there were the terrorist you parked in a handicap spot recalled Mahmoud pitcher Jawed way
you can't say that words deed and I'm sorry. Ok, sir, it was Osama, Bitch left Saddam who bitch Yasser Arafat row every word you can add to that. The effort, let's body, is so good Morgan, of course, is a friend of ours. Neat easy teaches unities christian apologetic, torso he's a good christian boy, But even you Gerald, I have heard you that world. How dare you online video area? I have come on if you can use that word for Hillary Clinton who can use it for well. I definitely agree I mean she's. She fits the definition that you gave and I think that's a proper definition. We should petition
had stirring and get that included so that it sir, it's a word that we can use freely and often the Higgs Ashley and often especially for the next eight years. No doubt no way, sir. For the next year and a half fish you don't Echelon Gerald, I dont. I really don't why don't ya, while I think I think Hillary Clinton is train wreck looking for a place to happen. Thank goodness. I think people are a little bit pass. The idea that you can just be a good speaker and can arise people up and get them to vote, I'm really hoping that that's the case. I think people want a little bit more substance and they see Hilary for what you really is and that's not a nice person. That would not be a great president and it would not be a nice neighbour, much less presently the United States so listing the show that's what we're talking about earlier one I didn't. I didn't listen to most of it. What now I got up- and I you know in the Texas time and I'm a little earlier
the south at a wine dinner last night I was, I was saying that earlier jailed put it this way. If you talk about Bilin Hilary- and we talked about this earlier in the shower right- if they were on your boy, walk and you knew them as a couple like oh yeah, it's bill. Anyone in this town can have a go at Bell, held a hop on forever The only person who isn't is his wife, but that's because she's banking on a promotion. Everyone Abraham. Would you know you have the the gossip lady would live for that household right in one would like them. It would be. That is the Clinton's media only was sleeping ain't bad? She was complicit. He wasn't just cheating you, a sexually harassing woman. She was cut Europe's if they were in your neighborhood? They would be the disgusting people. Everyone talk about only their running for office, but they'd through regular parties. Yes, it's a redeeming quality there. No, I I, I think, honestly they are the House of cards. Presidents and first lady, I mean it's. It's definitely like the series was written to kind of free trade
You think, brooklands, bisexual! I have no idea. I know that his sexual depravity knows no bounds. Apparently besides, I'm not sure exactly where it ends by nada. It's funny cause. I was talking with my producer Jared about this issue and I'm not saying at all. If someone, if I had a bad, I would bet the Brok Obama's, not gay right, but I said if someone were to come forward and say that he was gay. I wouldn't be surprised. My producer here Jared said that about Bill Clinton and I've. I disagree I dont think of him as a guy who, like as anything other than lust for for the big women back. This is true based on his track record. I guess I don't know. I just think I just don't see them being moral, good people. There are some president's that I disagree with them and that of the obviously really urge me politicians that I really dislike, but I feel like at the end of the day they just
Lee what they believe in its different than what I believe in their probably decent people to be around, and you could hang around them and not hate them like Jenin, their order without the anti Semitism yeah exactly. Why get clients that that vehemently disagree, me and I we can hang out and have a great time together, but I don't feel like Hillary Clinton would be that kind of person of Oakland. They would be the worst kind of people to hang out with that. I just don't have any kind of good feeling, but on the substance of Talking about a mean were starting to see some of the same retread arguments that we always see when political campaigns come. I really don't fault anybody for that. It's just what we ve been condition to it, but it's this tax argument again like I'm, I'm for the middle why are you serious on the champion of the middle class? What about environment, Andrea night aspects, I'm not sure. When the last day you spent in the middle class was, if ever I have no idea how you can tell people that you're gonna be there champion when you don't even know what they are, the
only one who would even come close on that and not to be the best one for present would have been Rick Santorum. I fear Absolutely, even though now he makes over a million because of you know what he does and with his profound speaking, but before he You know he was a lawyer who made a good income. Had a lot of kids. He would be the closest thing to middle class then he would be one of the wealthier guys near neighbourhood, the I'm just waiting for my friend Matt, whose, when he's old enough to run for President nominal vote for him mad Clark. Yet I think it good I am sure you make a good president, but can he win? the challenge that we all that we all have is that same question right. There be good President Kennedy when Can you lie well enough. Kitty can raise enough money, can guess kiss enough babies, that's the problem. We ve made this into something that it really should be. I just want to tell you I dont want somebody who's
necessarily going gonna say I'm just like you, I'm just like the average American wait a minute I kind of want the best in the bright don't. I leave now events considering the average American. The average American wants a fifteen dollar minimum wage like them in charge of the Federal Reserve, the average Second, more on what exactly thank you condemn, I couldn't say it: you know you're gonna hold on a second. I want to be the bill March at the average American is, is a moron. I dont believe it. I believe that the average make em a crack voters and more maybe that's the way I mean the mean, is more alike, but a little bit better, a median voter ship better done ass. Now I think
I think we're unengaged as Americans. Right now, I'm not saying were stupid. I'm just saying we ve chosen to focus on other things in life and for some reason we dont focus on the things that really matter to who we are and how this country's gonna survive. I want the smartest Geier girl. I don't care in the room to be the present United States. I want somebody who can identify with the struggles that we all undergo right so that they can figure out how to solve those people but I dont necessarily want somebody use like you know, I'm the champion of the middle class because you know their pandering. That's the only thing they're doing what's like I'm sorry, but if, like one bill, Riley says just look up with folks Rail Villeroy, let you haven't seen of oak in twenty years their affairs felt by- and I don't necessarily hate, billow rally, but I'm just gonna cringe, because I'm like he's the number one he's the guy. They see what they got a fox, oh good, Lord. I know it. They ate us it, but it's one of those things who would everywhere. It is it's. It's the that the identity politics, I more middle class in you,
I am more middle class and you know I'm or middle classes like it's the only place where people fight for mediocrity, In our dyer, like fighting for the opposite direction, and once we get to the top of the hill now time have to my roots, their heading in there as a may everywhere else do in their own until I get to the presidency, they hide it. They put it and they put fond of you. I have bad news. Matt Clark, just called in me said he's not going to run for president because he can't lie any. He doesn't want to kiss the baby's so Tang. It man come on. I do like that. I hope you didn't wasn't offended by me. Just asking: could he win and the written? That was what I was saying. I don't, I don't think he could win, because I think the very earnest guy to honor you decent yeah, he's a decent guy. I think- and I will say this to you- a certain hardening that just needs to come with partly a kind like war. There's a certain hardening that happens, but instead of you know it,
mental and instead of being in a positive way for some people and more obviously ptsd notwithstanding with politics, it just a constant banging on your soul. It's like it's like fraction, your soul, that's what politics are you're putting in a corrosive subs and you're just blasting it into the sole day in and day out, until that that well runs completely dry and then hippies hate you. I guess I can't wait for my son to run for president the older one. You know what, Considering what a screw up you are. You kids really seem to have the crap together. Oh yeah, the monitor, made sure that's the worst backhanded compliment. I've ever heard of fund up your piece, a trust, but your kids, their fantastic, also love to be around a butterfly. They won't have appropriate. Hopefully they will have a penchant for for trainees like underpants,
I heard that I couldn't believe it. I think I we did it, I couldn't believe it either I mean fund up is like Eddie Murphy. I guess he just picking them up and put them in the back of his car. Let me now inside or even I wonder, is that We are in favour of a person is cute and there Girl now makes I'm so glad you clarify, cares what they were three years ago. Science your care at whatever tat job gathers Reg lar with broader, say too.
Hey! This is Stephen crowded with louder with greater, to tell you about one of my favorite sites on the web, a our fifteen. I know you hear a our fifteen saving black rifle. It is, but they are fifteen dot. Com is actually the best website if we want to community from which to learn about how to care for your gun, gun safety were defined. Conceal permits forces, as well as the best online guns store in the business. I'm talking ammo accessories operates. All of it can be found at a our fifteen die. That's a our fifteen dot com much love going on here at louder, with crowd, a good friend. What am I best man at my wedding Gerald Morgan has backed us. Thank you Gerald absolutely.
You should sell the video rights to this with you and funded dancing. Wheels were actually going to come from a. We have a cut of me sitting here, working and funded falling on his chair behind me hilarious. Oh, you shot that's right. We have a text and he has- and I have no idea that he's in his own personal held behind darn chair with wheels on it, I bent over it back up again and the chairs squeaked out from underneath meal. It wasn't just a follow. It was like all those really bad falls. Rita, the grab. My ribs stuff gown is a great pity that Lord of lies and are trying to take us region it anyway, it was out of. It was anyway, but little, I'm goin on funding used to hate me, foam and funded Dan, and now he's actually enthusiasm it just as much as I always have just enthuse
ethical behaving you now Ezra blogger, he hates me, but he's using me to gain as twin. I am coat area. No Prob cartels are good and he released a video this week, which was just recorded on war, that recorded on a calculator funded with this. This was on an old cannon just as small cannon camera sitting on a shelf in my eye was like. I don't have my bigger camera hears I'll, just use this one as better videos on my phone. Does my flip phone. So that's what it was about trying to get a new phone. I I am, but so afraid of moving into the modern techniques call Gia and getting rid of my flip phone. You can hear it close, but exactly to those listening, okay, I have been on fun dip about getting a new phone since last fall because I'll send him texts and he, like nine times out of ten
attacks, that's important about you know some audio issue or booking aghast, and he goes says now content. I don't know how you doing that my wife has an Iphone and I get the content every time. Well, sometimes I'm sending it from my computer so must not be working on your phone, but the point is Gerald that fund, it doesn't say, hey, says, no content. What do you need it just now, content, that's it! Well! I don't even know what it's about it says no country has call me, that's all make a dial and give me a call right before we go back to Hillary Clinton. Did you see Gerald that that the NFL reinstating Adrian Petersen no well where's my, whereas my had been I haven't even seen at went window that come out. I don't know I've gotta hear my sometime this week eyes you guys who is this? What is it about?
fill out. If you know it, let us move on to some of the funding. Does now have you seen the new star wars, trailer man? I got choked up at the end of that at what it one of the best things I'm serious one of the best things about this is I'm online and an atom f. Goldberg tweets are linked to the thing and I'm like I got so choked up, went on in chewy show up at the end of the thing and Adam S, Goldberg favoured my tweet. I felt like I, your tweets. I fought felt like I finally succeeded in life and if you have to go in a campaign, Get him on the show? Oh yeah I'll go too, but you just happened because you're that gets okay. If your creepy, I mean you, know you're in you're, into the whole tragedy thing and you you know it's ok people expected of you. I have an image to hold in two. I would just accept inside I guess, derailing innocent derailing places a nightmare, I'm an old married guys. You start
but minded. You know why the star wars from won't be terrible Gerald. You know why, because George Lucas has nothing to do with it, in my region. In order that idea there like. Ok, thanks, George we'll cut you check, just go home, sit over there, what George Lucas you're still here it's over go home. I liked episode for the original one which he both produced an directed, but I think Earth Kirshner was the best director out of out of all of em. He was the one, the directed empire and he got it right. We need a tree out right now that we are talking star wars and that's when people will get up the people, let those things online people get like all round up about star wars and dogs, those always get the bigger shrank boxes. Cats. To I mean I've got probably for five that I'm following on Twitter about cute cats and I'm leavin it might,
so Gerald. Okay, we were talking about Hilary. This took a d d. But is there anything that we ve mess that you wanted to touch on the thin involves star wars or art or trans didn't? I found I think Hilary is gonna, be in the new star wars. It's freezing all he's going to suck the souls out of men in some kind of capacity have no idea. I. As long as they put her in the princess Leia, yet I you know, I don't think there can really be anything more about Healy right now, everybody's going to attack Hilary in and honestly, that's not the way to better you. You definitely as as conservatives of b as people who don't want to live in poverty for the next eight years, while we try to reduce, redistribute everything that the working people are making, we have to have a better strategy than that, and so I think you- and I are
get him of this generation, and in maybe you even a little bit more than me. You won't see somebody come out with something that is positive, but you want them to have character and you want them to be a real person and not just a politician right. Oh, I think we need to look for that. I think there's a couple of candidates out there that could do that. I think Hilary has the potential to collapse under her own weight politically, that I said I don't like lay in a chair exactly that where's your manoeuvre to pick up a ban in real Hilary defence collapsing under our own weight is very unlikely because she's entirely bottom heavy, now, but that's what keeping her up so really I mean you know it's kind of like she. Would she probably couldn't do a pull up to save her life? The guys who have a joint upper body in small legs can do pull up for her. You know, squats, that's gonna be her fort ass. She saw picture of her in
striped pants sitting down in a bench, and she was in a perfect full squat position. I bet you she could be powerless to champion if she did her squats continue. I feel I feel, like you be a little, more sensitive as a large posterior person yourself. Maybe we are a minority group. I will tell you this. I have had black woman come To me- and it was a term that I didn't. Finally- they talked about how I had a ghetto booty to value you gotta, you got a nice ghetto booty. I was like ok thanks, so I feel like I have a pass with them I mean, if you like, a certain kinship little producer and Bobo a big but yeah. Ok, they cannot lie, again not lie, augurs a region as a whole song I like big, but then I cannot lie and it's ok were built, differ but for some reason I M built in a way well includes himself as we're built differently. We as like Bill Clinton when he said it was the
black president. But we I'm talking about the big, but you can't talk about the big but community funding you, you haven't been oppressed in the same way we have. While I got. I got the Irishman thing going on at hand and the fat modern white male thing going on. I'm the most depressed out of everybody now Gerald. Was that a one point? I don't do that you're fat fat, Gerald will deal with strong as an auction. We played football Notre Dame and he had an incredible squat numb. They had you one point How you doing where you just had to be big girl, your what two hundred and seventy four I was a little over to seven thousand two hundred and seventy is big boy, but I can still run still run with the best of all running gather ego, have a video of funded Dan Running Dresses, Paddington terrorist bear which will go online soon, but I think you're right to get back to the political issue Gerald. But it isn't there
Call me a cynic here. We need someone who is a real person right. We need someone who can be genuinely positive turn against Hilary, but doesn't that not I don't? say being you can't do that can be a good president, but the sick, them in place, the process that that prunes people for the candidacy, doesnt kind of exclude those people who we would actually want to be in office a lot of times and sometimes they will self exclude because they don't want to have that soul, changing experience with a have to be a person that they're not in so they'll just so you know, I'm not going to run in and occasionally you get good men and good women who step up and say I'll serve, but I think that's where our kind of job as the electric comes in we have to vote for somebody who is that person? We can't just run away then because were scared that oh of they can't win and a general election I mean come on. If, if I had a dollar for every time, pundits got it wrong, may not be a very very wealthy man. I don't. I don't think that we need to be scared of that at all. We need to find some
he doesn't want to make politics their career. Necessarily, I don't if they ve done it for a little. While I mean I, I talk to people often about business, they look. I want somebody not because I like everything about this person, but I want somebody colic Skywalker, I dont know, if he's the guy, but I know that he's had the opportunity to to run away from his position before his head recall actions to deal with any didn't he stuck by his gun I appreciate that, even if I disagree with them on I'm like you know what this is, what the guy believes he's not going to run away from it for political purposes right, oh, that that's the kind of thing that I want, but I think we have to do a better job of More from our politicians, we need to ask them to be better than there being right now, I would like now that I'm not asking for more stuff asking our war or from them from their character from who they are. We need them to be better people because we're forcing them right now to be horrible people, because if we don't, if they don't lie
wasn't it, they don't tell us what you wanna hear and if they dont tell us we're going all kinds of free stuff, we won't vote for them. Speaking a horrible people, like my dad, just sent me this for funding and his affinity for cats here acts of me from the daily mail. Vietnam sees boom in pet cats being stolen to be served illegally in restaurants, ha ha whoops, not good. I'm an offend a lot, a cat people, but I just there the sponsors I'm not sure what purpose they have on the planet. My sweet, Barbara CAT, is my very best friend in the whole world. I tell you what I do. I do love all. I shouldn't say that I shouldn't say that Africa, dolphins, are the are the diagnosis of the sea.
They all. These are brilliant their super smart. Do you know what we know is our dolphins, gay? You think, there's dolphins commit infanticide, they kill for fun, they bully they gang rape. Other dolphins, it's like an episode of lock up with flipper, so they're like liberals, there very well educated, smart, but they're just mean yes, exactly good analogy has been converted. This is his moment of a pity. It is IRAN's self realisation for seventeen at eight forty five a but I will say this. I saw fun and I do love that funded loves barber cat. I shall funded with Barbara Copper cat. Looked completely disinterested, she wasn't she's, not a fan of use. Issues does hey, that's what it has. She hasn't seen any of this stuff on. Well, we'll get Hopper India. You know the studio there. Sometimes you just love, I mean people are terrified of em cause. He bolts, two people to be Pat Hopper. That's the thing, a key bulbs at you, unlike growls,
in common and will run into your side to push and you, unlike literally, throw your hand your hand back with his hand, to be pat he's out of resin? That's gonna, like Joe Joe, my big boy cat heaved. Those comes up to any sticks, his head under your hand and I'm like it I'm trying to eat. I gonna talk o in his hand, and I got a burrito anyhow one there's no way I can pet you, except where my elbow what's wrong. With that statement, we identified the problem: devil fisted. Mexican food is almost this thing. That food is the issue of funding there. Now I cats cat can be really cute and really fun. I eggs I just to some degree, but I will say this: I I dont want to have to earn the affection of more than one female unless it's a daughters and they like, I did that. Maybe I would have when I come home.
What dumb love? Ok, I want the dog that runs up to me and is happy to see me no matter what I don't want. The cap and walks overruns is now Magala, Japan, that's that's the beauty of barbarous. When I come home, she's waitin by the front door and I buy reached down- and I pick her up- and she gives me good love- and I snuggled whither- she knows what I am about to come home. Regardless of what time it is my wife's is. Have you been sitting out in the driveway for any period of time, and unlike know why she's, like his barber, went to the front door about three minutes ago? Now I can I can she can smell the two kilos on your tickets? I think it's kind of funny fund of that worse were so enamoured with the fact that pets can realise that, at the same time of day, we typically come home when they travel thousands of miles to spawn in place they pull. He been for a few weeks either built was a pretty cool computers upstairs aright I'm
ever come home. At the same time, I come home when I'm done with my stuff right and usually usually depleted of any and all joy. Ok, we must go to a break Gerald. Morgan working people best find you at G, Morgan, J R on Twitter. The best place to find me at my Morgan, Junior on Twitter, which is nice, and I will have you back to talk about something and we'll tell everyone that your brain surgeon, thank you, hopefully not Islam anymore, now. We know more terrorism. Why won't hold my breath ladder with crowd or state tuned rap everything up for you in a nice big, though Your listening, louder with router.
Your listening to louder with prouder louder with products that have always Finish your strange animal You truly are surely em and hey folks. When you're on Twitter, you can see the video I put a link to that. So folks can check out the original Gowan video. Oh, that's Regan. The original Gowan video lotta people have never heard that song. He was really big in Canada, so so I knew it pretty well. It had become a sort of a joke. You now because it was so corny the video, but the songs catchy one of two reactions: people either really like it or people ate it, and there are those that go. That's the weirdest rush song, I've ever heard, and I don't know that's not getting really that's Gowan, but he's got a similar boy. I
find it funny that the Drake over their hates Getty Lee, I dont, know many people who hate rush. Why don't he hates rush, but I know that he wasn't a fan of this particular song from gallon Russia's another great Canadian, Jim you're, welcome world sorry about sullen, God. You're welcome to rush, I love to listen to get really play the base that big, shiny, black written Bachar basic idea. Russia's had some great so Things date is dead. You they weren't nearly as self importance. People like pink Floyd or- dare I say it- led Zepplin Zeppelin, rot separately, Zepplin ripped off a lot of stuff too. Well, the early blues stuff, I mean those those IRA yeah, you captain that but stuff like stairway is just legendary. Will ya like Zepplin at what I don't like about pink Floyd is worse, can put in a bunch of sound effects and you're gonna call us brilliant at a certain point. You know I mean they're kind of building on revolution
nine from the Beatles and- and I want to hear from you at the tweet me address prouder I tried against is the fourth time to watch blade. This week. I have never made it through the film. I've, never made it through the whole felt blade runner. It's never happened. It's one of those films, everyone says the best you have to watch at night. I love the setting. I love the atmosphere I want to. Like the film, but I just and I dont know what it's just death is death on film anyway, we'll get back to talking about her. Hillary Clinton are always answering phone calls Thomas from North Veal, says he hates rush as well. So he said that the easy he's, not the only one. Apparently, it is only right that what we don't take callers people think we get derailed and our own conversations some a little,
Someone's gonna call in and say. Thank you Thomas. We appreciate your listing the show, but I hate rush. Ok and then I want you to be taken out of context and they gonna think we're talking about that. Twelve three guy exactly or the film of Joseph Gordon Levin, but you don't that's why it's better just to tweet us address credit. So if you have just a comment, that's not really a question. You can say it. We, respond to it or if you have a question we can respond to that too, but sometimes we get some collars just colonnades one eye. They just want to sound, often the minutes unrelated, which we do that's our job, that's our job to go off on complete tangents, but, like us, week. I just I often wonder you know we ve talked about this. We floated the idea and people of approach approached me about doing it clearly show that I dont want to view your gun Stuart. I dont want to do it because I can't imagine what someone would have been talking about every day this week, other
New Hillary Clinton, seeming Iris tax day. There was the gyroscope that got under the capital law, which is funny they're, just not that much news that requires three hours of speaking. While there are some affirmative action stuff at the Euro oh yeah, that's true and we're going to get the video up on the website where we shot in Ann Arbor. You know the story there and its, same story now with with Hillary Clinton thing or people trying to say your sexist. These are professional protesters at the University of Michigan Sandy with american sniper. A petition was circulated made national news, because the film was banned. We were there all night. We interviewed many many students, not a single student thought the film should be banned. Not a single one thought that it was offensive just like if you were to pull students very very few of them.
Would say by any means necessary. Get black people university by any means necessary, get capable university as far as a form of action, regardless of grades, regardless of merit. Yes, we support this, but the very small minority of people too, you're talking single digit numbers and contingency scream the loudest right. They scream, they protests. Americans die, gets band, they scream. It's like four. People pointing and yelling at cops for affirmative action, and it becomes national news. Why? Because the media Is a liberal mediators, a liberal friendly media, so they pick up on these stories of people who screamed allowed us to try and make it seem as though there is a device in America or half of America feels unsafe and their offended by Americans neighbour. None are known, and nobody is nobody is except for these protests any you in the media who have basically
bit been raised and gone through a social studies programme gone through Archie, F Programmes in college, where you're being taught by communists and socialist there is nobody else in America who thinks that Americans, my very few american support affirmative action, but the people who do scream the loudest like if you look back in the sixties, and you say well, a sexy flower power happier now people hated hippies and flower power back. When you look at the top selling albums beetles, and show too loud. I knew no sound of music, South Pacific Westside story and Jimi Hendrix was opening for the monkeys. If you look back on this era through the lens of media. You would think that all of us are in this big divide, where we think the country is racist and sexist and american snipers jingoistic. That's not it's not even close to being representative of half, America. It's the people who scream the loudest and the media picks up on that, because it sexy and itself do not be fooled.
So what the media uses to set a cultural narrative or to try and take your words away, keep your words, keep it honest ladder with crowd, see you next week
Transcript generated on 2020-08-04.