« Last Podcast On The Left

Side Stories: Jesus of Siberia

2020-10-01 | 🔗

Ben 'n' Henry break down this week's true crime news: The Potsdam Giants, Siberian Jesus, death by licorice, and MUCH MORE.

Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, I'm at Larson. I need to tell you about my new documentary coming out called the how America killed my mother at two thousand and sixteen. My mother passed away suddenly from diabetes between the cost of medicine, overdraft fees from banks, credit cards, predatory, casinos we couldn't keep up. the insurance money, and I made this movie how America killed my mother's available from October second to no member fit for rental and purchase on video, just gonna how America killed my mother dot com right now to watch language gave to this is the last I saw the oars again I know a lot of you guys think fit Ben kiss. On I D
he'll orientated birdie tail oriented data driven up managers of a media company. I am going to make you yet we are gradually more projects. Drugs throttle. Except you do know all of the fake politic numbers I watch C span. That's the real fake politic numbers that they genuinely numbers. Will you get to see them talking, Bobo able land, mostly it's just them going through the red tape to even start talking, because you don't say Sir may I be allowed to speak, and then they say after eighteen lashes. You may speak sir, and then the eighty lashes happen and then you have to ask permission: he'll apologized, for even requesting the idea, this big
objects are very interesting, a horrible nightmare that gives the was boring me to death. What the parliament spun, though, because they beat each other up at their british fray. I like it because they got flapping wigs on in the yell at each other than to me. You're gonna get me involves, that's how I get involved and you know why they do. That is an adversarial system, so the main person, I think, they're called the main torp these. It the middle in an Unduly party space, each other, you s, they all one side, one already, though they have a good party or nerds, and then they got a party a dork, yes, and then they got a part, a thin guys with Big Adams apples and they have an actual little like literal like nazis in there, and they got to the Italian like a spaghetti junction leagues- and there is no, they have a party in UK called spaghetti. Jungle, Mussolini Sears, so many things going on in parliamentary politics and link and there in politics continue just goin on here. If it's just a big old losses, machine and just like just bird now, shreds of the Mirror
dream into big intestinal case here. If I was made dictator number one number, one change it's just The setting? I changed the theatre they face each other so that they have to scream at each other. Look at each other's eyes and we'll see who stands their ground. I wish my president honestly, if I were to even consider enjoying a present, and anybody who likes a precedent is diseased good. If I were to enjoy president, he would need to be it. She would have loved you We have learnt about because you love good reason. You love, L rod harboured is because body shea you're talking about vision, vision for the future, a Teddy Roosevelt, I've written I've actually read several biographies of em he's a fungi uses will naked in the lake bind the White out. These are climbed reason, Jenna Lovers guy, and there was a story, one time work and will start to show by the way. This is the last podcast on the left side story. I'd store. I stories Teddy rose
also he would do big game hunting, but he did not like to cheat so somebody tied up a lion poetry, and he said I will not shoot airline Ty said Lion, they lose their slowly Nevada and I think that the president should be physically strong, I want to see, especially like honestly, be kind of fun to be a b c, a big jacked woman President George very tall, big buxom, smart, Israel, lorry perhaps like I don't know we get our- can Geezer wrestler, but she's, not even a maritime he's not coming on ethics. Suddenly, with big Zalm. Does big legs just physically strong wrestling, a bunch, a tiny man? I you know what buddy I am here for it in the future. You never know what it's gonna bring you. Never! Nineteen of the future. We have a lot of strange. stories to get you today, one including Joe Montana, in one of the weird Store ways we have ever covered, but also one of the lorries where the people involved don't want to talk about what happened
much of this is a weird little side story. That popped up, Montana granddaughter with they stopped and attempted kidnapping inside of his mansion, and I have no clue what could they are being a little tight lipped, Joe Montana, being who he is for those of you who Now, even I know who your montana is he's a very time waiting, superbowl quarterback with the San Francisco forty nine or reason legit and using legend with that name. I don't think his name is like Joe Hinkel back. I think that we have, or, and Joe Montana did, you ever think growing up that your last name, are you always think there's about castle was just a guarantee, you'd, never beast. Sl in yes, I was told openly there's a browser you were when I first got show business that Zobraska was to ethnic survive for getting out of that kind? Now, of course, you're not ethnic enough, I'm not I'm not white, I'm polish, yes! Well I'll claimed. Did this woman sods, I doubt Dalzell, for now nailed it coming just walked into his house and they
came downstairs. They found her holding his grandchild that was in the basket and walked in holding the Grange held out of the crib, and she just holding and rocking it and apparently Joe Montana and his wife Jennifer certainty go. She would disperse and eventually Jennifer his wife, Jennifer Montana physically wrestle child away from the warm okay so just set that senior judge your Joe Montana? Europe's dares cooking stakes, his wife, I dont, know she's doing something very fun. With our yoga instructor, you walk downstairs, use this woman holding your nine one old
you know if she has a knife in her better half my firm buddy you're, just wealthy in Malaga, and now you have to negotiate to git your baby back. Tell me why I mean nothing. They saw my time. We know that there were as even so heresy Adena wherein, again all being a field general. He saw seeing his vision is Coney vision. I've seen you play map. Of course, cone of visually saw it and click click, click click any. Maybe he saw the way the runners were gone. He saw the avenues this up and he just walked in and fuck and American elbowed. This woman was out of that. I don't know that strategy is not what happened: the sheriff Department. This is according to their statement. They said a tussle ensued and Miss Montana was able to safely pry the child. While we backs on Twitter Joe Montana, is going as Joseph Montana. I dont know buddy
old people are weird on Twitter. It all things should be back. He does do thing where you like signs it off like love Joe every time to see. The fact is that I believe that this is not a letter to your love, one in the civil war. This is a destabilizing influence on the american economy and a government. The woman is facing charges of kidnapping an burglary. Thankfully nobody was injured during the incident, including the nine old child born, but what we really need to talk about here is Henry Late Father No, you I didn't we debts is grandchild Are you sure that's grandchild? Yes, he's got, did they? They don't know which it then he won't who's got four kids. Look at him. He's got for kids and they're all kind of suitably like other. Ass grandchild very good point, but still hard to be taken care of a nine month old than any age. They talk about he's working Jonah that, given the rock he knows, it's not a football. You can't throw the baby. You know he knows that there are certain rules within every in every game
good every situation in like a new game like anew sport, you know that their sir regulations. You gotta, follow another that your Grandpa Montana, necessarily spite that child when you cross the Enzo of Cabinet successful visit this as long as you are, I'm MRS loss, what and I never even went to a similar. Are you tell me they died before it could go to see any up? It's down. Really. I guess I guess a hush puppies carry coded really well, I think the booty, I think the book a business is really taking a hit. I will not let his eye. I will not let it I will sink whatever money. It is that we make out of the last part, guess venturing into a series of say tanning profane. Can you tell me why I been struggling with this needs guard this entire time of the damn thing? Doesn't stop Covin. I hate this. These guard was hit my hand on his guard. Was always there to make you feel a motion, but I never worked North Finally barely covered the food so when I sneezed when I was at the very honestly successful person. You take your shirt and you put it.
over your nose. You just need directly onto your body of that. No that's how I always protect myself and others, Joe Montana tweet out because of course you take to twitter when your gun and child is almost abducted in it, two thousand and twenty. After all, he says. Thank you Everyone who reached out scary situation but Thankful ever he is doing well, we appreciate respect for our privacy at this time are yours wanted alone. I want, is a bigger, the God give me the strength to continue and go and really make we can actually do it. I want to say thank you to my tea may jennifer with my wife. I have sex with great wonderful part of the team. She's always there when I need to have sex and make a new chain of family law really think everybody involved. Apps lily and what a great a lucky grandchild there is other than nearly been abducted, which has just gotta, be a funny story in the future. You get to have jobs, Hannah. As your grandfather, you can imagine how fund the cook outside,
one for super balls with nighters eighty two entirely rise, and they Oh dear rice and ninety ninety Jerry Rice, the hardest work in white receiver in the history of the. Fell, not the most athletic and not the fastest, but you know what he was aggressive. It came to the offices and work our plan, and you and I know, for we do our offices in work our planet, because, right now we consider this entire you're off season. We had really been getting down into the proper podcasting shape with high body is slowly becoming the above. I am filling. The chair and I think, is important too, because my lungs are getting more cradled with what I'm calling plague meat. I'm not gonna lie to you. I had a nightmare about sitting on a plane recently, I'm not in plain weight and for those that have travelled a lot planes and even the biggest.
See is not that long ago. It is very amicable forecastle, except for that one time on on the flight. Australia, would you slept like a child? You recently was given a abreast filled with most delicious milk. One could argue it took too many sleeping pills. Another would argue I slept seventeen hours straight in the story was absolutely impressed on that same trip to Australia. However, coming back from Perth I broke a seat, Georgians and one about how are you? the plane by an hour and at the very end of the flight they gave me a bottle of wine and said we're sorry, that's so nicely grey area that was very nice, but his eyes me doing it, but they were so embarrassed for me speaking of people there too big to live. I want to talk about this story that this is not really in a story. This is a historical thing that was brought to me. Hope that guy, I am fascinated with ITALY's the topic of the Potsdam giant. Using that we can cover historical thing without Mark is using words is gonna. Do this watch me try? This is coming from history answers not code that Uk God knows what's going on over. They are now king, Frederick, willing, the first of Prussia. He grew
expanded the size of the russian Army from thirty thousand to eighty three thousand men. Now he became known as the food, your king, why military projects they pave the way for his son, Frederick the great to turn Prussia from relatively minor. German kingdom rate Europe's in power no inner per year would lose it or winter, and part of that was strains obsession that King Frederick Willing, the first his father had with essentially something like eugenics, oh here loved Hugh soldiers are obviously created. This thing called the grand Grenadiers of Potsdam, universally known as the Potsdam Giants. Why did I ve long guys, I feel like they just have soup levels on their head and there hitting everybody with spoons. Look at this fuckin guy he's taller soldier was a man named James Kirkland use an Irishman who stood at seven foot one by and so they started like. Oh, it was only also you can see the photos, obviously, because this is the part guess, but the hat on this man is about the half the size of a red sausage. It
huge, a foot long had he do it on purpose. He said each how to be over six feet tall and in some ways the giants they were given exclusive treatment. There were give in on fine blue uniforms and like this, this very special grinning, already sent to die by the way, no data not being there's all should know what you're the grenadier cap they were given was over forty five centimetres high to make them appear even tall. There are given eczema combinations and ate the best. Food rates of pay were determined by height alone. That is good, because there is a thing called the tall tax. I pay extra for closer pay extra for pants. I pay extra for shirts. I pay extra proceeds. I pay extra for everything simply because I happen to be a warrior size, but it became a little bit of an intense situation because the first two giants were willingly participating of all human beings. Yes, yes, yes, but eventually they were being bred by him by him
swell parry the mill geology he was having the joints be milked by huge women very tall. Women's rights are trying to build up just then. Naturally, then he started purchasing them from families. Where they would go from town to town. A newborn babies were marked with a bright red scar for identification purposes if they are considered to become unusually tall and they would be given to the government. So that's a bit of I mean that's that sort of a variation of the slave trade, I suppose, and the giant for businesses through the one of the biggest this guy James Kirkland, know how he got involved, use measured, seven foot one one in trade, and they gave him this job, but they knew that the king of brush one the super huge guy and he was bug and thirsty for it. So what they made him like a waiter, something knowing that the guy was gonna, go to a restaurant essentially made him like a footman like an assistant to this barren bork there
shouldn't ambassador and along with it, but in reality the offer was a trap. Kirkland will send to a Prussian, skip ruthless. Just get authorship, don't worry about it, you don't know you don't fit on their ship, that's so uncomfortable this poor bastard, I'm mad a delta. Technically that thighs advancement we ve ever added transportation. They got him on the ship, not them out. They tied him to bed. What does he Gulliver? Then? They brought him in and now he had his dress like this is our undoing. Auschwitz, like a fricking, look like a child like one of these Cutty Bubu. Some bizarre competition in South Dakota again get deep into this, because I know there's so much what I'll do with each scum murder. He got murdered So why do you feel like this is a funny story? They were used as entertainment for him. Eventually, he stayed here, we're so precious to him and they went even let them go into war, so he did one according to the king, pressure according to do the the first one build suffered girl? Women in the world would be a myth
or of indifference. To me, tall soldiers. They are my weakness, gay. I can not so just constantly dropped grapes on the floor and has been like hey the third major you going now when you know that it's really not always sounded very smart as yet were proceeding you make them do parades for him with deformed people. Tall Herbert Moors with symbols and trumpet Renee ideas, mascots and then they be followed by a big bear with symbols tied do its hands. I understand why that why the king thought that was fun, I get the I get it first the bear it if the animal can hold the symbols by itself? That's animal cruelty. If the animal wanted to play the symbol, that's great! Obviously the bare didn't want to know the bare enough why'd you have to have it. Clink laying down the street is well below the inner being really good. The symbols became the Michael Jackson of Symbol bears, and we see that. Maybe there is a place for child abuse,
well, I gotta say this when it comes to the story when I picked up on there's a long history of the tall man being sympathetic or being lined with people who may be have special needs are so, which is why talk people are very sympathetic. Can empathetic too in the jewels you make it already seen as normal by society. I went to see Elton John, for example. You know your story as we were put if it is a sector that we supported the disabled sector because I can fit in the seats in they were yellow to sit down down down like I'm just try to enjoy the grocer. That's me a woman, the wheelchair and a man with special needs. I got the woman in a wheelchair or large beheld. We had a great time, that's incredible, and it was a great seat, not quite as good as the one that I paid seven hundred dollars for, but it was a He didn t get seven hundred dollars, those on a whim. Thousands,
that was in the air got really notorious. Is that he tried to make his own tall people by getting his for his very favour, grid and ears and putting on a constructed rack and trying to make em instruction up until a tolerant each than of killing a bunch yeah. That sounds horrible hour. I will thank you for the history lesson, definitely pulled it off in a way that you know we Many women have any good detail wide broad strokes brought broad strokes will speaking abroad. drugs. This story, we would be were mess if we did mention at this week a woman when one is therefore emergencies in emergencies. Only right the Epp and also somebody put cool by nine when one is just airline? Let's see you just some like lonely persons, not as tax law, I'm just saying right only line you have a bunch of fucking barrel, Justin boys in blue and orange, giving that's? U nine. When one operators are beryl, jested, boys and blue and orange, sometimes of Dino, it depends on what their surnames like brat layers. Well, that's Really what this woman thought. This woman has been charged after colleague nine when one claiming quote her pussy
on final days following an emergency does like an emergency and it seems like she needs to get that pussy Illilouette. If you know I'm talking to you, has a mean technically shooting with the doktor and the doktor, which is right, W H, p on the prescription, especially if it was an active fire. I mean admiring so apparently the woman was dreamily already, because what her emergency service she asked were actually was logic, as she said that she needed them to come over with their hostess. then put it out. That's a quote as well and to be honest, the beginning, a penthouse letter, but you have to see firemen on the street eminency this you now honestly, girls, boys, don't attempted not Who'd. You shouted firemen, because guess what they will fuck you true, it is not difficult to get a fireman fuck you. They are the most horny syllables
remember I think that environmental, if that's true environment, I bet you fuck de Vigo, probably unity, envy workers pussy for forty five minutes in the love it right. Well, I want to say my next one is perhaps going to say what what's a civil servant: Someone who works at the polls, for example, we have the election coming up some a panel worker, though be tired that one day every four years they were honestly if you do see a bulwark her. This is a good time to give a pull worker and job all right. Port Clinton NEWS, Harold reported that the fifty year old, her name is Katrina Morgan. She faced a felony charge of disrupting public services and in MR meaner charge of making false alarms. Now I personally her pussy was not in fact on fire, because a fire of physical fire would be an emergency, but it sounds like she just wanted to be tag. Team and cover
in covered at an slathered me juice, and not a bunch of and rugged men who are abhorrent may in who knows how tall they would be. Additionally, Morgan asked at the fire department hose was working, be told. The dispatcher quote. She need somebody to come to put it out with their whole. So please say: Morgan was at our friends eyes when she called nine one one upon officers arriving, she became agitated. After being told, she was being arrested for making a false report, so she did do to do that, I do you know what I think some people are getting their streams cross because of that show nine when one think being like night tell best Ryan Goose men is not coming. I impersonally and he's not I'm sure he'll. Let me pick up their name. I just dropped. Will several empty bottle? Speaking of dropping, several empty bottles of booze were founded the residents, so they were just gettin hammered Morgan. Why eventually handcuffed and rightly wonder and cruiser she resisted, so they had to us. They had to use the stun gun
this whole day. We honestly, if you all this general or hammered you called normal one, be like my pussies I'll fire. You end up getting stuck in the back of it. user guess what can I got? What you wanted? Go hang out in front of the fire deportment that's what she wanted they would. You want to come to her, but I'm saying if you want to kill, get dick down by a fireman have you ve had a coldly hot tales. Would your girlfriends go to the your station all women around for all women, a beautiful I'm just gonna sit ass, though when it comes to Mr Trina key is a selective taste she's, a selective taste, so maybe the fire fighter that she was looking for. Maybe he wouldn't be there, maybe the firefighters, she's looking for is retired, maybe in Aceh, because, if you are a seven year old retired fire fighter, you look at her and like that, as a young heart, so How can a woman literally push on fire honestly? Farming can also really deserve slip. A hundred bucks who fuckin fire fighters or not
sex objects. This is not professional wrestling. This is not that I you, sales verse. You know, firefighters actually work. I know that, but items rival out they make a lot of food and they d Josh around and they sliding down the pole in his lap each other in the shower alot. Honestly, the idea of being a fire fighter is like a boy's dream. It is it's a real hero. It really is a here. You run into fires all the time you ve been everybody's saloons. One is eagerly You brought us one part. You talk about family firefighters, which is our new show coming to ethics ex this fall key you eat yourself out of having to go fight to fire. Yes, can you just be like I'm the guy I'm here for three days we cook and for your boy I saw a couple of guys trying to at least you know. My father tried to eat his way out to be a cop. Do its funding and you can do it- Actually they just put on. If you could, I think you might have to be physically able of your driving the truck, but if your fill out the for work. What does it matter if your chef? If Europe
they call, if you're nickname, is like old bones, you took it for you to be codified. me, I agreed, by the way I've been watching a great barbecue cooking competition show it is on that we ve been talking about this grubs grubs. I dont know what grubs is doing. Rubs act to be honest, grubs has got the attitude, he's got the heart, but I dont know if he's got skills I dont think about MRS Doyle. I should miss Silvia watched. It watch it, I'm not even what is the name of the great barbecue I couldn't tell you bake offers. I just know it's there. It's my barbecue story that I watch on the Netflix. That's all we know about it. All rivals stories. God knows called leaders like to spend a few Dante. You know You know why I even fund, we embrace all harbour right Ehlert I am so funny anymore because you do have it on you, wait until the c d, but you of Dianetics get stuck in your car, you can change it out and you really urge idea just on repeat, and then you just become him. I know that it's a little problematic, my connection to him but
just kind of view. Him is inspiring. Somehow he has kept Scientology chaos guns. You have sixty years now I mean will see when he comes back. I want to say a lower if he comes back but our age. In my mind, he had a clear for show chip and he was self aware enough that he knew how to properly manipulate people but also keep himself out of it and hold the berry actor. You really kind of fell apart. This guy just got arrested, is a cold leader who claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ he's arrested in Russia. This is a very interesting story. Comes from Siberia, where a man named when, by the name of this sorry on a case serve YE troop was just this guy used to be a traffic officer, learnt literally used to be my dad. He's got fired, ok and then he decided. I Jesus cry Ok. So this is my question. So there's a picture of this guy he's got along the quintessential
rice lie? He looks like why Jesus? Why? But Jesus was not white. Why do they all fall? down. This classic trope were watching the next room documentary. By the way, I think it's the consensus of me among most of my friends, that every single person that documentaries complicit and they probably ok I'll, be dealt with in some way or another all villains. I can't even watching them home, sick and all them fucking patent themselves on the back for how happy they are that they got out, even though one that mark Dude first heard his wife was gonna put. Brian hate and was like. Maybe when you really think about like why you're pussies getting brain mark is also look. I wasn't into the cold until I realized it was about math literally, it was about math this to the degree wait, regularity, like I've, invented to forms of new. Let us say no evidence. He just said it anyway. Keith renewing, he starts with I'm on the cover of Forbes nice Crop Tight haircut, then he gets the log flowing locks. Why Jerry
whatever that Weird COLT is that he has started early relay not with the long ere, though, why thou can't they think outside of the Bonn and now Have the shorter? Why not around the long ere? Why not a bald Messiah wine EL, I relish wagon meddler, I'm not talking about lowering why, but why do they all is go down this cliche road. When it comes to the look, do people I mean honestly, is their scientific study that say long. straight spaghetti here- is how more trustworthy than adults than chrome down. There's something about it because he looks like the like. You looks like the fake verse, of Jesus Christ- that we see of lack of an already fake Jesus Christ. He just looks like the picture. So I think that there's something about packaging. I think that's what we. from Scientology quite a bit and also with next to him as well. The thing that next year is that you haven't naxian was really the first Prado like Mega COLT that right included the joke of
People call as they call like they thought it was like really funny to absorb it, and now we see a constantly there's all these, like, like Micro, internet courts, that now pop up quite a bit done by like half nude Neil women that show the like did. The whole thing is like we're a bit the cold and thereby next him kind of started. That trend. This guy is doing kind of old school old Christian. I am the new version of Jesus Christ and everyone needs listen to me and it just seems to be a just war. There wasn't a lotta information coming out. Iran today was of two hundred church members. They lived in this place called the city of the sun, which is a deep in the Siberian, arrests far, we ve never lived all else community and you can imagine the amount of sunlight they get in deep Siberia must be beautiful. I mean honestly, I don't know how they were growing vegetable, no idea, but it is a company the big, an environment. He wrote this thing called the last testament, which is basically saying that the world is gonna end and we all do. We are the only people are gonna, be saved, so bunch of old chapter
on vague and forts, I mean I mention this. I vague in fact so tore up a k, a Vista IRAN. He lost his job as traffic officer. That's why I'm not working at the towers who I e g, its that's cool, revel, helps you go. It helped him so now he did collect several thousands of followers, as they have continued on this around told the guardian in two thousand and two quote: look: it is a mistake to see. Jesus, the leading world before We think that God wanted to say it is to me so you basically thing about you and I are traffic officer each. I just don't understand. I guess so now I dont know how people get. I don't see, no people get trapped exception,
like what else is going on in Siberia. Honestly, though, if you are going to start a call to the collapse of the Soviet Union, you have no money. This is a perfect place to start a call. You know, and you know why I think it might work is because you go to a community, where it's kind of like. Oh, I have always said this am my own. My own way like if every single thing in my life fell to fucking pieces right, if I ve lost Ivan resuming great now. Yes, ok, technical, yes, aka things are grown great oak, but if my whole, I fell to pieces and I lost absolutely everything I would go and I will just go to some small town enjoying a church and pretend to believe in God and like fit. Your community in order to have like community again, because they help you out regulates, has got you. Couldn't debts
people do kind of game needles, Adams recorded, though right that is go back and they could listen to their symbolic, always just built in us. For my only any really doesn't need a day will meet Henry's arouse ski. They will meet Thomas Sanderson, like whenever my name is, but these people go to this little community, where every single thing is taken care of right. They don't have to worry about the day to day I get it, they just go and they give over all of their rights and they give all of their money all of their possessions. Up to this super dinky Honky Jesus and they go and they d they dig up the router because every day and that's all they have to do every day. If your person, that is high anxiety- or maybe your life is also fall when a partial or other nature. You arrive, community, whether alike so happy to see you and then you don't understand until you get into the middle of it, actually fewer women that you become a breeding factory. Well, this is, of course, where this
and begins you never see someone at the peak of there exact shore, the peak of their life or the peak of their self confidence. They never join the church or the cold. It is because these courts and these churches, it's not- that they pray on broken people. It's perfect storm. So just always remember that, and of course, naturally, if you dont, join the cold or view John, don't join religion, you will all you will ultimately get better anyway, but then you get better was immediately, though your own work, and you can you weren't, we use our, but yet anyway, this wrong claimed Jesus was watching over the people from an orbit close to earth very nice close and that the Virgin Mary was quote running Russia into a very good job because the Soviet Union collapsed at all. I don't think the virgin Mary should really be a leader, but are you got nothing makes me more thrilled, then seeing call leaders in jail like seeing look look out depleted sad! He looks at us. I can complete the circle in
I have called a jail. What that's what we ve been saying, also for all of our different culture. Is we ve covered over the years as to how you confirm their persecution, complex right by it, yeah closing loop, but rule has eventually you have to come closed loop, because these people are just going missing and to a environmental, the forest and all of their money has gone into that. Some of these peoples- families, I imagine or like we're my son. Do you really imagine that, though I think so Yeah, that's true. The only inside I haven't Serbia's from the documentary world stuff, his presence so our greatest insight into what the actual people of of Serbia thing. But I dont know those those persons are really top down by the way. There is a view, one good thing you could probably Look up to! I don't, I don't have any other information, but this there has been a rash of asian or
like Tv Sars, would just as our easy that have committed suicide over the last like week or so like this is. It is very, very strange. I feel it here these stories, all the time with with pop stars, I overrun in Asia in China, where they get disappear. Around twenty six or twenty sad Germany's actor say: Siena arms found dead in tone. apartment. On Monday, your management company confirm they believed to be able to the suicide. This happened on Monday last week ok, then also on Monday was a korean actor. O in here also died of the d believe that was a drug overdose alien wing, the taiwanese singer factor in me. a personality of use, also known as well hung, Chang was found unresponsive on the floor of his apartment, by his father on Wednesday morning they last week and they all share the commonality of celebrity at a very young age. Celebrity is still a relatively new phenomenon. This is my understanding obvious, in asian culture standing out being a star. That's not!
exactly as accepted oars rewarded as we are here. Isn't it here you would they have we, moreover, from one I understand I actually, the Pentagon, Sightseers L, biotechnology Melba com, if you ever the insight into this For me, a descendant of the humans and descend into the polish? Let us know what you think as far as that goes that conversation policing honestly explain if we explain what we get wrongly I am very interested in this topic because we ve talked about earlier last year. There was a rush, ash of Paris Social relationships gone wrong with the idea of fan? who follower like bleeding and followers were killing set we'll be like out one young girl that was an eagle they murdered by ETA. Do that she was talk. You am. I was a couple of those back and forth This is another one words like. Are they just get work the death? Could they don't? We, Korea right, they are very odd. They have like. What do we would be? yes came out like that ban BT as they kind of come from like pop star school. Its base
Lee IRAN Perlman, that of the man who started in saying Billy Battery boys. My aim was behind them. The boy, ban phenomenon of the mid nineties. He was here They stole all their money. Ended up incarcerating God knows what else you did. It would be like if he actually had government power. Yes, because all of these things keep in mind all they don't have independent networks. My understanding again sized result beauty. We have no clue you tell them. I understand it is most of the entertainment. Is its government funding, So a lot of these pop stars are actually more getting paid by the government and a lot of that is that we have here are made exportable dog, but it all the time is entertainment and that's one of the areas where the Japanese and the south Korean specifically have really been trying to shine and true to propagate there there sociably be entertainment. We forever, and
which really would have incisive six at the culture war showed later years, trying to win a culture where my train imprint people with your ideas. Exactly so maybe these people, maybe these entertainers, got on a line or something I don't know, but it is strange to think three celebrities of roughly looked when you think, but it would be like they're all nuclear leisure to these midterm. It's from like twenty five to thirty. Six is the age range and I just wondered: if the wonder if its, if it is strange, corruption or Israel, just the grind also whose long superstar over there, we know Wolf of Wall Street, who those bundle on these projects to I don't know, I don't know, and it would be like This story is literally like of Heath. Ledger died. and Ryan Goslin died two days later and then Jake All in all, I might even say that did not happen, is very sad or Ip Heath forever. But that's how big the story is in its yeah, it's just so unique anyway. This is a story just for me, a man,
died after eating a bag of half a bag and a half of licorice every day so be careful. I want no, not me Marcus Parks. All my cottage sparks toilets. He likes licorice. He loves all of the cap. when he doesn't need much of it. I know not how to beg and a half weeks we have seen what I've quantity is hotel room. After a night you and I all night beers- we're vodka got two joints. Scream and each other all my legal of don't see Marcus only go into a hotel room filled with Can you wrapper Sandy's unabridged even before you don't know what they are all like? A monster cloned home, these Yang grips ins, always weird british bullshit. The people keep sending him then open up. It's just one wrapper. Could he told me he opens up? One came determining takes one by one by. In small, but it is its perverse. It is somebody who I think I was neither to fats accusing skinny of a human rights policy. Toby than on the outside vat on the inside. I think we all
that, anyway, it is dangerous, we're Marcus is doing and we will have to add to its pressure. You might have some more enough. We can imagine this. Damn Massachusetts, construction worker, he loved black licorice, which is interesting, not my flavour, but that's ok. He ate it I gotta have every day and every day we're supposed to heal its full access must be good if you have an upset stomach, so he might have uncontrolled like great or something that he was in taking care of. That must have been like when we were in Ireland and we have the Guinness poops, which just comes out as extra Guinness. So apparently this through his nutrients out of whack and cause the fifty year old, fifty four year old man's heart stop arms sluggishness according to kneel Butare a cardiologist at the Manor House. It is in the age of a pandemic that you just get killed my leg, he or she says, does doktor kneel and De L says even a small amount of licorice you eat can increase your blood pressure a little.
Why not know that I thought licorice was like neutral. I thought Licorice was healthier than red licorice. I dont know I'm a red vines guy. It can cause it dangerously low potassium and imbalances and other minerals- you I don't know even left, is two ounces of black leisure licorice data for two weeks could cause a heart rhythm problem while especially for vote for forty. Why? Yes, indeed it is like a controlled substance. It's crazy! This is according to dump Dodd Doktor Robert ECHO is over there the unit We have Colorado, he says it's more than licorice sticks. It could be Jellybean, licorice, tease a lot of things over the counter. Even some beers, like Belgium, beers have this compound in. It was a very careful you might think Journey a pure life, just eaten your gaddi every thou. I e mailing various Amory fearful, but you know To be honest, I'm always been anti licorice so that I'm with us. Do you know where this guy collapsed? Where do you think? What what do you think would be these?
as place to find out that you collapsed we're like if I was dead, and then he told me afterwards, where I was found Alec. Where did they find you bathroom of a Harvey's closely collapsed, will having lunch at a fast food. Restaurant dress. Rehearsal all Europeans barrels of romance and I want you to tell them and get like now. They do need the they shame you with the fast food places, because now that, like an apt and now you know like instead of getting fries I'll, have this of apples, p, o hamburger and apples earlier. So I think of everyday, because the dynamic item- thirty six, the old man with the mind of and eleven or I love apples. Thank you. Emergency responders did CPR and he did revive he was revived. However, the licorice was too strong. He died the next day to day Humph, illiterate, licorice, Ivan Stomach and save it does what it was like when Mccarthy gave CPR to the guy in basketball.
hot dog just comes at an air member adds a funny move means you was to Molly and aunt fell. Marty still is, although I don't care, if she's crazy, why don't we care. I mean she's deftly driving that one guy completely inside his late anyway, you are signing up for that. You know she's crazy, so Jeff back meant. Of course he works with these a spokesman for the Hershey company, which makes the popular twister's licorice twists. He says all of our products are safe to eat, and ford- and I didn't know that, allow compliance with FDA regulations are, he says, a beggar? People did not be afraid of liquor. She's just says everything should be enjoyed in moderation. did so anyway. If you didn't have a phobia of licorice, you can add that right there, you can put that right in your brain and a new phobia has born today succeed. You know it's like one day or eggs, a bad for you or next eight begs the guph with you. I don't want to talk about. The egg that mad, my mother, mad, it had every house mother in the nineties, Matic eggs,
every week over would tell us something different and I still do not have work answer me. More than opera has been given fuckin inflated and deflated, not gonna. Listen! You bought exile day. I can't believe I'm seeing her reading your fucking Gregg Zeno broke. I remember what overly shit get out of my kitchen: abrupt funniest, Funniest Oprah episode. Ever not I know she needs the plug, but she used an annual shall where she would give away stopped. You would give away cars cruises. She did one one, a one showed they did were they, we're not giving away anything we're done it in all of the gifts we were going to give you two charity and then pay or so mad Xilai, almost rioted up so dearly. their story, that is, owing to imagine unfold deeper, to the future, Brittany and Armando Baron. New Hampshire man, forced wife to be head lover. This is a very intense story. For man and his wife have been arrested in charge with the murder of the wife's lover. This comes from having to come to a court,
you came Sentinel thirty old Armando Baron had discover that his wife, thirty one year old, Brittany Baron, was having an affair with twenty five year old John, emerald on December nineteenth that twenty two We are going through her phone, so you got. It stand. This isn't a you know to people in couples out there to people dating right now, good did people dating during especially in quarantine, gotta, be tough. If you'd look on Europe where's find something. You know what I'm going to say. a little bit. That's on you! I have just heard in a mature visit one hundred percent- true, perhaps it's more for top abbot is about privacy. We had Joe to Scott O on last week's top at automating humanity from the social dilemma check it out. Apparently the police are you? Can the you don't have a fifth amendment right, you're, not protected from your thumb, So, if the cops you're like open your phone, they can take your thumb put it on their, but you can't put in the password that that's
you got it out, but you can also Deacon, does other work round with a face recognition. To is that, if you don't look at it or if you please, your eyeballs out, as we have also heard of spouses taking their partners dumb, as they sleep opening up their phone What is happening mission impossible movie insane? If you don't trust your partner, that much I don't have a conversation so Armando Byron. He then this when it goes off the deep and which I can understand he's here. it carries man, she was gone and saying he's gonna. I can say that its. I think that he knew right from wrong, but he definitely heading moment. I'm an essay a bit of a Monday moment, you're a little to suit, but that it was not really not just caught. He just went so over the top, and it's like what you go into supervillain world right and were rates like me. It takes our course of people going well all buddy, woe at first. I am sympathetic ESA. That's really sad! I'm. So sad, not sad when had that's really said that your wife, you didn't you, let's go up some beers. Let's talk about sure. That's when December, the ants are men.
baron. He lowered his wife's lover to Anna State Forest in Rindge and Southern New Hampshire, using her cellphone think about this shit too, so he's Jovanovic it. You know that you're fucking you're you're fuckin, a girl that is marrying right now, he's got a husband and also you get some like ran a text feeling he baby. We need be funny feet down deep in the plan and the cameras zooms out in its Armand. Those phase aims only seek not just thinking about it, and so you get this info. You taxing, you're you're used to be a voice. You look at the sexually hour, I'll fuck, all of a sudden emeralds and were arrived. He shows up bear and jumped up from behind a tree. Some, oh, no baron and ordered his wife,
your shield emerald, but you should know how ever nice and men this is insane he's acute. It showed a bitch Europe and then she says now. However, she capitulated when he ordered her to slit, emeralds risks, which I honestly think is almost worse. So she said no to the simple death of being shot in the head. I mean I made him, but I imagine they were like constant she's, probably crying in seventy gravities. I try to make are cut, but then he just shot him and add. I shot. Him then shot him in his chest, twice They had the baron took emeralds car drove him to a campsite nor the New Hampshire, stopping on the way to buy, lighter fluid household, cleaner, tarps, shovel owed to the serial killer, store did, but I'm going to say right now. If you are cleaning the body, here's a free Tipp by some like bag.
Snickers like a gallon milk or sudden, just throw em off and just say like. I can't wait, can't wait to go to this family reunion. I got out, dress so dear to night say that out loud in any legally you're, not culpable. They literally bought everything everyone. I had a bad, a badly poorly written script. It was at the campsite, then he then ordered his wife did. Decapitate emeralds from his bottle in various head in body separate according to the effective it our Mondo Baron ordered her to do this. So emeralds identity couldn't be identified by dental records, gather, so does this. Ok, this main, obviously is not kept up with any modern science or any modern technologies. Guy upset you. I see, I don't think he's doing a lot of good deep planing hearing been demanded, his wife, the text or friends, and say that she would be leaving for a while to clear her head and then he just left or in the world with two guns on say, or you just stay here.
He said he was going to return a week later to come, get her a well whenever you gonna do for that. We choose that she was gonna go, I know now. Yes, you might have turned into a bit about in an intuitive. A creature they are so and then they found her intention to the according to the sentinel to Hunter, saw Britain Baron at the campsite multiple times in the day. following emerald killing they didn't. Do you know the police at eight, Gabriel. Yes, please don't use alone. have armed near near was a large object covered by a tarp and covered with sticks and branches, and this is what she's till the officers when they are I've. She says I'm in big trouble, which I Believe is an accurate debated issues and, to be honest, she was forced Chee. He beat her very authority. May I am, he beat her, he had it all physical control and this this guy went fuckin crazy, yes, daddy's a total scumbag and obviously probably miss Brittany bearing with Bravo. This role
Friendship was abusive and bananas. Why should we that's? What that's why she was cheating obviously was trying to get the trend can sometimes people cheat justify can find a way to get the hell out near Armando, not good. Brittany. Baron told pleased that she burned the belongings of her boyfriend and wiped out his car and was waiting for her husband to return. He was heading two, the campsite with their night, year old daughter. She entered in concrete, really just that's that's Are you so? What's the matter with the nine year old? scary. It's scary store. The couple is set to be arranged Friday with Armando in the Shush Shire Supreme, coerced superior court rather and Brittany in the coup superior court. If this story is, if it holds up, As it sounds, I feel like this woman was a bit under duress when this man was killed, and so I will see what happens with the there, and I will say straight up again: if you are a part of you are stuck in quarantine. What somebody who is very, very dangerous! This is the time to
we try to figure out a reach out and do I could put right here the Eden, the hotline, for. national domestic violence hotline. Organically of you are in the middle. I sometimes you need the fuckin. They kick in the butt adieu one, eight hundred, seventy nine, seventy three three. they asked. If I went, wild story do, but you know gets up, is he gonna plant pan out, but will soon be taken for a it's hard man be above you know being to non is rough, but honestly, especially if you're a fucking piece of shit, I'm thing I'm certain it's going to be reveal that he was a piece of shit. I woke up, and it is this point I would think so and even if he wasn't, the reaction, of course, is far far too intense. Flip it make it a cook. Situation have a little fun. Why not really barons attorney Richard Guerrero says there is no reason to deprive this woman who is presumed to be innocent of her freedom at this point, goes on to say she had no idea what else he was going to do
So we shall see we can follow. That story is a matter of fact and who knows how that is going to turn out all right. Well, I think, it's about time for Europe, we don't even know which one to choose, so we can regulate futures the land mine you know, but the rat What land my rat did is job very cute. Okay, so there was a rat. It was it. Sent out to detect land mines which are apparently are all over. The UK did not know that will left them behind. So the seven year old giant african pouched rat on Friday was awarded a british veterinary charities top civilian award for animal bravery after snipping out unexploded landmines in Cambodia, interesting In addition to thirty nine landmines, other heroic rodent, discovered twenty eight other items. It was across one point: five million square feet: since he was trained by a couple, a belgian charity that works with programmes in it.
Leah, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. So isn't that cute he's a hero rat and easily dancer. I want to see this as an opportunity to do like a dark version of like Atta too! I'm so happy with that idea. I had a rat my Brooklyn apartment. I they are so brutal but like the naturally I they me mad you in like a dark animated film about a rag likely take essentially, ratatouille meets the hurt locker. Why, like that idea? That's really what this would be. The Pd Ass, a head, Jan Mclaughlin, said the work of the hero rat, Magua and Papa is truly unique. An outstanding hereat mogg was work, directly, saves and change the law of men, women and children who are impact by these landmines. So thank you, hero rat. We also. the story of empty a worker, speaking of subway rats for someone I just want to make emptier workers heroes of the weak. It was
discovered right below Grand central day. I mean honestly, they are on the front lines of all of this, We should always now your vs, of course. So apparently they had created a bit of a man came down there and it had a microwave and had a refrigerator Travis had a lot of problems with this calling in a man came just because it was under ground and he said he'd more break room drivers, Morningstar of course, finding a way to be critical, intriguing, so the the investing is found wooden cabinets that appear to be specifically designed to conceal it. cb and futon, along with a pull out cout caught sitting? outside the room, that's carousel and a half empty beer sat the bread so empty workers. Just for being you you get here of the week and then this
We shall I get even read this off from here, because our listener, email and hero have sort of combined. Guess, I'm just gonna do this letter from the listeners, because we did a whole episode of last week and we're going to do in fact, tunnel listener losses at the end of the month of send them to outside stories. L, Kyoto, a gmail dot com. Please go you're. Gettin spoke. It is more wanna hear your shit and I love the stories that are closer to being real than not you set to on this, but this is a story. That's a real hero. This is a we reach up for somebody works at a place called vehicles for change, a nonprofit based in Hell, Thorpe Marilyn, and Health or Maryland. I know I said that incorrect, it's gotta be close with Hail Hill Thorpe. It's almost Baltimore it's- and I know we have been empowering families with financial challenges to achieve personal and economic independence through vehicle ownership and technical job training
is so crucial vehicles. We forget, we take it for granted. If you dont have a car, you don't get to go to work, and this is a really important, especially in a place. It doesn't have like at an extensive mass transit programme. On the long what of it is that what we do is we taken? Donate vehicles, fix them up and our auto repair training programme full circle, which is They train people to work on cars, which is incredibly important and then those vehicles. A hard working families referred to us by social service organizations we awarded over six thousand subsidized vehicles. Seventy five Ten of those recipients report increasing their yearly earnings by seven thousand five by seventy five hundred dollars within twelve months nice. It's really really cool. This is what's the name of the organization. Again, it is called vehicles for change. Our oughta repair training programme. Full circle serves men and women who have had an interest in the field who have had faced barriers in their education.
Ninety one percent of our full circle graduates are formally incarcerated citizens, a hundred percent are placed in full time positions and less than two percent have returned or prison. That is incredible. great work. Those are the stories we need to highlight as well and waiting Twenty million dollars to call a good news. Did we member that one What do you know? I don't have it you think that shows come now. I think that, after the the fall out from that, and then he goes like johnny- is asking you as a way of its hard to just sell the concept of good news. Yes, vehicles of vehicles for change so yeah support, yet not be that as it may, we ve of sea need support from the community now more than ever. If we want to help manage the economic fallout brought on by the pandemic, the vast majority of them because we award actually come in as tax deductible donations and the pandemic has been a hard challenge for many
if it's, which is true, which is why we're doing up so every Saturday haunt your house, to which our tv slashed last podcast network we common watch us host of a hang out watching movies all October turn keep spooky, but also we're trying to raise money for various charities on the first one is how, tag being Arturo, is more- it's not fully charity, but it's an organisation that is working towards generating legislature to help the theatres Ross to countries that have been destroyed by the pandemic people that are really trying to help anybody within that broke the performing world and on all sides of it because Dieter No? It is going to be drastically differing in it. pull amounts and I'm taking comedy clubs bars where there are problems is anything like you're really fucked. You know when you think about it or you think. That's you boys and girls on stage, but the people that make these theatres run or just working class folks who, like they're, just where it is so funny
winners. Don't make a lot of money, people that work in the theatre of people that work on all of these levels of theatre? Don't make a lot of money, so we need to help out all the working class people out there put in all these things together and yes, and we said we will be helping out a different charity every single week and Well, we'll be haunting your home page is globally super exciting. It certainly do on a Saturday and gets is drunk on the inside. You gonna see if that is possible, trying to keep it spooky month. You may say who does what the first movie? Yes we're doing? It is their first house or the hosts of last by gas in the left, with our significant others, people us torpid and Jerry Yet- and I we are we should we we watch a movie white zombie. These things it is a classic. It's been a long time since I love Bela Lugosi. Oh, he is the best and he was tall, so he was viewed as very attractive. Yes, he was wasn't. He is already
one. Thank you also, much more or less than you had a live every day now and get up to more men. October begin so least, we gonna totally starts tomorrow, two days I dont know tomorrow. I guess it's amazing to me that you're in October on live your October life there's some people that don't keep it spooky bring. You know what keeps spooky working K S w this October. That is easily, and this is the month work cobra. This goal the goods endemic. What will not really does it destroyed all of our planet right right, right, You know, I love our love, knowing that we are carrying the black flame of hollowing deep inside and yes, it's difficult to really just subjected onto people like we normally do each more each normal each October. But now the goal is to print elected from buying the mask Laugh lava side, your window economically, one today honestly do that keep your neighbors on their toes and then, if people, the ology, you can say that you're doing it for essential workers. Yet the up. Yes, indeed, they used to do that in Brooklyn.
What about your parts by at seven p m when all the, when all the nurses, gonna work, we, like my head, hurts Eddie, I'm working on it. I dont know if it really work, but it was a good sentiment all right over what they do so much for Leslie Inhalers hesitated logos, donations every! Why me it s indeed, thank you tall fighters out there. Thank you all for the tall fighters Henrietta Brodsky say so. The very nicely and ideas ate it. You show was made possible by listeners. Like you think, store, add sponsors. You can support our shows by supporting them for more shows like the one you just listen to go to last podcast network dot com.
Transcript generated on 2022-02-06.