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Side Stories: Dongcopter

2021-06-09 | 🔗

Ben 'n' Henry break down this week's true crime news: naked woman goes on a rampage at Outback Steakhouse, a dongcopter breaks up a mayoral campaign event, a couple catfishes serial killers, and MORE.

Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I was able to use the laws on the left side story. George could then listen. I know that you're scared of your river trip. I have arrived jerk coming up in an absolutely horrified. Your assessment is correct, you're going to be on a river, but I also lorry day so funny, wouldn't let you know mobile deliverance. How are you, how does one be on a river without a boat for three days? I dont know the number two is its Druids tub. I love the physical advice you ve been getting from our other facts, things up and I'm just gonna- say enlargements advice. Where he's like you just gotta live to go with the river
but you know how much speed number one gives oak and will build up just be an honor river you'll soon the argument waterborne, a log like an old big, saudi rock filled log yes, absolute and also you have to remember to keep your freed up, at all times. Gonna go dirty. I can't wait a minute. You know it too old, high school friends. I haven't seen in twenty years, one of them I visited twenty years, the other, what I see very rarely, but that its other. Fifty eight other people and its three days on a rat handling. We just tells me it's gotta be jail, but as in regions we argued about before the word chill. They don't know what she'll me. I don't know. I guess there's on that, a lion hike we took to the top of the volcano. They also said the word jails and only understand that they understand the chill is the temperature of yeah that I don't. I good Lima limiting the word, because people do not want it made. No, they don't absolutely not, but I can't wait. I'm going to go explore the most beautiful place in the world which have heard
bolder georgian Colorado it's gonna, be so nice to be terrified, and all of these wonderful natural landscape will get the show this its dinosaurs. I am Ben. I was talking with my friend Josh you set up the entire trip announced like you remember how big I m right is like oh yeah. No, I put you down as to people and I was like you know what a fence of, but you know what it is, what it is and thank you by weight you are they absolute lead is incredible. I can't wait to the next sides that we hear what this was like, because our excise duties will be after your trip. Would you go I didn't do our line rocks are the biggest I'm sure you ve ever done. Besides you, a hundred people yea, I'm really excited and see what you're at because, honestly, the sympathy will get from you in a wheelchair might be the night. This could be great. This is how we sell the show, This is that would be hurried cursed with one thing goes: it ruins our silhouette because
in the same light as me. Well, I don't think people will even give a shit right. Well, very excited, so, at this side stories we have a bunch about in the next. The stories of the red rupture will be completed, and I can't wait to tell everyone about how that one person grew up on that other person and it started a whole wave care. I just came to see you covered and reads like you, I am more didn't your shoes. I am a masculine man in some ways, but those please do not entail anything that is traditionally Matthew like beef the main problem- and I urge you get now man, but we're going to see very quickly that I also have lower back. I am I'm gonna need some lumbar support with you're gonna need a where something other than the track. Suitor like somebody get you cause it's it's too soft and so dry and I'll be like. If you throw puffin into the pool, there's no way he can get out to sea, which yea you need some kind of weights
don't worry buddy, I'm stopping by target later on. Today I am going to get everything I've target more shout. I have to stay fully clothed because the snakes and rocks and the sun the get your button again droopy all we'll speaking of not being fully cod, man, this story out about Karla this is just classic. The world is Hopefully not a really is we're. Finally, you can just feel life returning to normal and the world is open. Almost putting up like a bloomin onion, and where do you get said bloom inside of a crazy woman's pants. This is uh. That's only Courtney love and have called the balloon prune. This story takes place in and out back stay cows. It'll Karla this woman. Was absolutely hammered and what are you doing? You're hammered you get all hot, you gotta be free. I like to take my shirt off what I'm sober more
and then I even do when I'm intoxicated industry is woman, went all the way down to her toe pads. Chrome, old, calla, of course, as remote color. This is the will start with this naked, o calla woman taste after destroying outback and a molehill grill in what they call. I wanna say the police label this as a rampage, I don't know it because it is, I don't know, could have fifty three. So this moment is fifty three. Her name is Tina Kindred, he's ten sheikh she's, fifty three and actually not not anything but she's kind, acute, she's, cute and she's. Very. More very tiny, so I'm just wondering can we go into rampage or all these officers are. These officers beat a little hyperbolic with. This is turnings Tina Kindred. Fifty three years spun, she stated the apparently she was topless end bottomless and what we there is video of it and she is behind the bar at college. You can barely see over the top with just a kind of cute
like a lunatic cartoon, where you just kind of sea a flurry of activity. Just ends at the top of a brunette woman's had its very tasmanian devil is now a bar back and he's doing horrible job. That's where I see the rampage part, because the animals are sling and out of the cops and there, like my ma, am please, madam, and then she emerge this from the side of the bar. We give a clear signal of our she's going rats or its rats. He'd literally beacon those types of Khartoum noises about mumbling. She might be a hammer it. I dont know what she's doing which she is throwing bottles everywhere. I think that's where you say the rampage, broken glass roof. They taste the living shit after they did so kindred low to the floor in the officer used one five second cycle with phase or seven and kindred put her arms find her back, and that was basically the end of the event. I wouldn't put this to our audience. Would you rather be tackled by the police or taste? What do you think is worse for you fish?
like. Would you rather have hand like computer they were a little of this size if she gets tackled by a big broody cop knew she could break her, but she could bring Algiers about it. You can really heard her right, so I think that in a way, even though its- not maybe that's, why am I my? We need net guns. I love the eye of a net guy we throw a net honour right, get that saves her. That saves you. You could just cinch up net cheap tyres yourself inside of the net job, and then she couldn't sleep. I think that such a fantastic idea, about tiring them out this woman. She wasn't on any narcotics, but she was superstar Don T Hc. Evidently, so I think at a couple of Milady replay we're blame we for this night on the item, not blaming we'd for what she did. I might blame we'd for her entering outback stake out to begin where I mean, because don't you just the mood for bluefin on it exactly which, by the way, everyone listening breaking news folks
The blooming onion is actually the worst thing you can get at any restaurant. I think it has more calories and more that anything else. It's not that good and it's late last thought and sheep, and if you make the joke, Giza meet my vegetables, it doesnt. Actually get a healthy does in and honestly the I might even know this out back in October Let me get out of here. How do annually Argyll is loaded. Outback is losing some of it. Someone using other names Lupin, some of its mojo. When it sue even serving sizes, because I think legally, there were forced to make the bloom and onions smaller, because people were dying, interested so kindred. She said she chose Mojo Grill, because the owner she felt was quote, not honest and then the owner was like YO, you can't come in here. He denied her business and then she got super mad. So then she said turning over tables. So it is. Do you just be like our men come here, sit down, shut up shut up. Will you or do you anger? This Tasmanian devil
of a middle aged woman issue, pussy I buy them. I think that her pussy came out through all of the fought like we're flippant over tables What's that you start taken off clawing norms and you know broad, take I mean about five. Should we go out with a brown eyes? She was maybe there's five days of a bender you're right there she hasn't seen abroad. Must eighty three I must be wrong the, but the idea of taking all your close up to me because you had to sit and decide to do it unless you're in a fight we ever watches like fights on you, too we're like tidies pop out or what every little things like those peoples living too slight or at all we are. But what does the wrestling born? I was right, but also the ones where they are just street fighting and their boobies pop out of the shirt up. That's cause it a chaos arrogant. On their get dragged on word seems, like a view, are completely nude. You stopped at some point during your, but again I'm unused around page journey and you decided, I better be naked
this when you take up all your clothes, would also things in that area, because then, when they saw her get lifted up, she was all covered in blood because she had fallen down to a pile of broken glass created. So it comes down to you're going to go in your aunt pages. My tip for the ADI. Ok great think about this honesty. Thicker clothes. Does anyone here take off yourself? Don't let yourself get naked? I know you're gonna want to maybe that's why trump oars pants backwards. He was getting new much to morrow. He was looking back at better days, ha ha ha. Officials also said she had a sentinel patch, the issue has she has a history and she needs be doing better. We hope she gets they help she needs. What is obviously, this is not a sober person know who married anything committing these crimes committed and you're going to wake up and not be like super, please. Yes, she did throw us a bottle at an hour. Sars head, but it only hit him in the arm and then left a bit of a booze on his shoulder which injury he happily licked up, I mean on say we're not going to try to cover anymore casein
if I can use on the sharp, no and the low downwards hazy, but I did watched Tik Tok, someone uploaded to Tiktok the camp footage of the cop and, like her whole thing is like I'm still damp. Yes, well, you know it's so weird. We were just because somebody also when it comes to being infamous yeah like the film three Amigos infamous in famous innovative AMOS, but when it comes to being infamous its both a heyday and a Hell day because Alex Jones was just recently signed, we in the bathroom with his hands. Just tolerating a sharp ITALY's literally you just someone posted it. I guess Nap Chad is, it was like Alex Jones is in the same strip. Clubs I'm in and he spoke in red, face and hammer and it looks like he's jerking off and you know you just put in his hand what is short back in his pants, but it still like your whole life is it. You gave up to get. You gave herself up to the hashtag,
savage community and now they're all looking at you at all times and looking for content also, can you imagine being at the Strip Club and then just look in and you just like what the fuck did, Alex Ladies and gentlemen, I see your budget. Are man made man pleasure measures? How do you I think you have to I love strip clubs? I love The answer is a country we need so much more sexually free in the body is a beautiful thing and all different shapes and sizes, but I think I will in order to move forward, he would bumble looking at him would balmy out. I would want to be where he's out, because I know it's gonna be huge, fuck unseen wherever he goes and the people that are attracted to that seen itself I don't know. Maybe it's all thy if you know two thousand ten internet bias where it back in the day The sea that Alex Jones would cause. I would be happy to be a part of, and looking a watch like you know when he took
raft into bohemian grow, of course, re Classic Alex Joan, but nowadays you watch me like. I don't want to have anything to do with anybody who even wants to be like entertained by being in a ten foot diameter of him, but you know for a fact. People by him I'm sure, there's a massive contained trying to get him fucked up as possible, so you fuckin wilds out exactly and then he's dead more you traffic MA am have you been traffic to your leg? I guarantee you, that's what he's gonna? Try to pull if he is a man who cares that we must rebuild, isn't it does now? That's the most valuable part of him, but I gotta go see him explained away. They went out to see that there could be trafficked edges go in there. Cover, you could just try to get your dick hard man, that's cool, but when it comes down to what you know, you gave up the back now you it goes. You also called yourself a fucking proof. Virus. You did all of this shit. So now you have them you're, always the centre of ridicule now, which is what you get four harassing all of the parents of the finance
again yoke and all its almost it's a joke with no punchline Casey Anthony and Alex Jones walk into a bar rats. That's it now. The leaf, and now I have to hold the gods it's about to give flying weirs as Hell speaking of weird is how also say quickly the? U S, foe report was Opt buddy, I'm ok, all right, but it wasn't officially drop her our perusal yet, but the officers of the Pentagon when they debrief the? U S, government about what they report is an act of drums. What is it nothing, it's nothing I this was obviously I followed the politics in there's, always like the Big Commission reports coming out, and you wait till your horse shit. So you got to experience at first hand where you were so excited. It reminds me of well when I was growing up this kid was like dude, I'm gonna get. This thing called the claw right now is like this can be so Coolidge
we're cool to claw was initially brill. I got it. I went over to his house what it was was just something that you, you just point pull the thing I ve no laughing at the he emptied up so much for me that when I first saw it I lose is like that's what you were so excited about. I was never friends with them again, but guess what you could do with EC law. You could pick things up. You can use it as a talk. What can I do this? You will fall report, absolutely nothing matchbox with it. I can definitely printed out and white by ass with their pets, You know absolve spill, ok, but to be fair and you're. Talking with Senegal to be about this yesterday, watching the fake fight. That was They, whether it loaded me or a part of the problem. I say you paid money. Will you pay high played about? I paid money, I'm complicit, I fed the top. I apologize, although the event itself, I do have to say, was very fun to get everyone together and wash people bid each other's brains and was a great time other than the May. Whether Logan fight, which is like knock this man out, but he didn't anyway scene was talking about How- and I think that this is credible. It's nice
The government even acknowledges it surely does that have to be studied at an Julian Anderson at the web address them? U S! Government Jaber, you ever have you yet they wrote a toll about it. She didn't really and that's when I had that set out at any law will have I committed crimes. She would be able to describe unity mean by just one. That moment. Do you have a report came up. Basically, what it's like they are saying is. There is no evidence to point towards extraterrestrial life attached to whatever these orbs are, would have the Europeans, but again their left. I kind of a back door argument saying, but where there is no evidence that it's not either so it's whose came out and said nothing. They said we We got an eyeball on it, which it positively. I undersea economists who thank you that, the? U S, government didn't say, was aliens because if they did, we
all have did not believe it, and I would just say this is a sign up, because it would be a sign up if they did come around. Because there is no way there's just no fucking when that the pay d gone is going. Are you even if I e t in a fuckin saucer right school landed on the White House more and which will we ve been talking about for forever there. They would never acknowledged, because that information is going to be. They need to take that information. They own Egypt you're. A bunch of debate can steal from any sort of sitcom writing room. They have used our Lou rats in a room and like have them all decide what it means, because the implicate they're gonna be massive. There's little many, people saying that it invalidates religion that it does, because we also forget that half the Pentagon is Evan. Juggle Christian, oh, if not more, so they wouldn't want to admit it's real even worse. They might be gas,
I'm calling conjuring three. I would see the epidemic, I'm kind of cap. What I learned from conjuring three is that I'm a nineteen sageness because they have daytime sageness and I am satanist Ammonites, I'm one I'd like it Recovery is absolutely solely. Only hope would I love is. Our only aim is chaos and our nectarous despair, and now you do. I appreciate that sure I mean I think it's it seems it seems currently earning to my family. I do create a lot of the nectar if it is indeed despair. That is absolutely disgusted. So the EU oh report. U S report, it came out and it was at the very least again. It was interesting that there was an acknowledgment it took seventy year. To get their whatever might be. So you wonder if they have aliens if there's gonna, slowly release net
relation between Harry Reed, said the couple weeks ago. They have. Of course there was a guy. There told a guy that there is maybe a corpse more like, Lee as some sort of objects, some sort of chunk of Asia. What did you hear? The name dollar publish ship that they have somewhere that they're trying to figure out whether or not it is even the extraterrestrial what it means, I'm distinct that they are not going to come forward. But do you a full community? I want to say congrats we made it was growing like we did it. We ve got all the way through the process. Now things can go back to normal. We can go back to talking about tightly wound hairs. Wrapped around penises alien women than we ve been having sex with we go back to what would you
reptilian like tile floors or does it described them of their nails or their carpeted species will go by we're back into George Nursery world I'll love and, of course, Harry Red. He showed up with a black eye a few years ago, and I said I felt this flight of stairs, but I do have some inside information. A sex workers punt in the face? That's what I've been told by someone very low down and the government is because he fuck too good and cheap, couldn't stand that he wanted to leave You said it first, my friend, speaking of crazy supernatural, Stuff Henry, you saw this video this weird ass creature, walking over a bridge right. I did it's pretty friggin trippy I think I have no idea how to do a video of you on a bridge after you said that by Israel, nor the aims you and I'm just gonna take us from used. Only we it did it took place in has Barague darkened no jerk I dont know where that is. I think that is in very very east Ohio.
Meaning India, a beer. Is this story. I did good. This is now in news. We Newsweek is trash, dude you'd say it like that may arise out of the house ass. I will remember it being like a real. I know periodical on what I do like that, their covering at its one. This is a strange white figure was walking on a bridge in Eastern India, and this thing it's one. It's got a nice lookin, but If you watch this video, it saunter down the street a bunch of guides and motor scooter like watching it in Bonn in Annex II. Should I mean I don't know what you're supposed to do. When you see a naked entity walking, it might just be a very thin and cut a glint of culture like there's no hair none. So there is something very unique about eight o Connor, Maybe you should also officially retired, wait why she just officially retired yep last week, he out of the game, but she's been retired for quite a while? No no, no! No! No! She was pivoting, now she's retired,
We should have had her career ruined by tearing up and elsewhere the Pope that's more than Eichel. Somehow still has that fucking day oxygen area, so I so much power, nor will such a working little bitch, but nonetheless she did of massive health problems. Perhaps she saw something like this, so seventy seven thousand people saw this tweet by a shoot us and then there's along number and the video, they say they say the videos, but it has become talk of the town. The town people are assuming it to be an alien, and it actually could be keenly observe that thirteen second of the video, a red la pro swing, UFO flying with jangling sound place near, has our job bland nailed it. So it's cool man and there is an actual video and no matter what is, I think, Henry
you usually say, there's no matter what it is. People stopped. They recognise that something was weird and trippy. I almost like the reactions of the people more than the entity. It sell absolute as it it doesn't like something was they are something was fuckin weird. And people were like we're. Gonna wanna get that on gabert. This was another citing that would happen back in March this. I guess it was according to the India's Ministry of Home affairs, a forty seven year old motorcyclists claims that the sudden appearance of a- U F o is what caused them to fall off his motorcycle. You said I was travelling home, my motorbike about nine, a m. When I witnessed a strange light, I try to concentrate on writing, but what made me fall was this out that followed up through the light I didn't fell off. Like due to pack all as very sad. Its gives very scary thats, where they sure that's why you wanna? That's why I don't trust the motorcycles, not I motorcycle ers? I think they're, very brave and always lie gets boot too easy. I jump desired and I would immediately that I can't any time on the highway
this one on a motorcycle island. Zeppelins happen through traffic. I feel like a mother. I'm. Just like anyone out there, you healthy, enjoying gotta check your mirrors yeah. Please do because it's just dangerous the way these motorcyclists drive. So we covered an episode that we could call to relax, but will we didn't called the Goblin Universe last week and I in again it's important these type. Two things walk down. The street, yes might have been a person in a costume sure might have been a person with some horrible skin, zs that we're all looking at and then we all call them an alien and it turns out it's gonna be scar them, for there are so life. Absolutely, I think, that's more than possible, but I also think it's nice that certain things can happen in our general world at cause us to think that life went be more complicated than we think it is that the control system, that weird person and a union with the big, but isn't that something also just Just a kind of tangentially related from my perspective is the drones. They all your dog after you,
just what I've just say, one sentence, because these drones or kill it about just up their results. But they an Orange county, were a drone, crashed and third and three thousand elegant turns fled the reserve and they left out. Eggs behind so there's two thousand eggs and number of viable because drone scared, all the birds away, the mom and dad laggard gets ok, ok could use. I use it read this right before you said drone killed, all air, the bird there it's away from the bird is innate and another babies are all dead. These birds need to stick with their families, I'm gonna go as far as to say those birds were weak. They didn't know what to do their birds, man and then all of a sudden with what the FUCK change, your eggs, they already so, if you're, a bird in Dhaka drone, that's like a human looking at a fully automated human being cool, it's scary, but if I M an exact and protect I'd be protected, my eggs, if you
seven egg with that flat ass of yours. You would lose so many. You had to put him under the coming out, so I did wonder my God and the amounts we. Then I don't have all family bird Father of the year with these birds needle stick dear. I guess I think they were scared about this brand new technology. They have never experienced in billions and billions of years and that's why all those eggs are now just dead. You get it and because the barely they're all fertilizers is the bunch of moroccan there. My question as you can get the eggs you Papa like an egg of inner, some cheese I got you ever man. I bet you sure, there's some animal out there, I'm sure there's some like Commodo dragon. It was like all this is like a perfect. These happy. So there's no need of something in the animal world is thrilled that there are so many eggs honestly and know that it's it might be not what people are used to, but you who probably give it to the homeless people too
No, no, I was wrong to say yes because I don't think it's food at this point, but you can get a little its further fully fertilized nigh the eggs, a burst. We don't you, but they do in Vietnam. You can get certain like you get that elegancy where you get the egg and you eat. Our lives, lay ass dead at a little creature and sometimes the snake, even wrapping people eat those guidelines. I it's a delicacy there. It's like a gear gives you strengthen our white people eat those on camera. For four click: yes, that's what no one needs that! They might it's only when I went to that one place which I love night market, an ally, I absolutely love their restaurant and then you go, and I think I have to
the story before they haven't areas with these very lake. You like this is you know, classic desist from the home country, wheat, deep, it's it's a rare thing. We serve it here. It's a water bug, salsa hits water bugs then like a hammer bugs. Are they grow up in a eden like? Oh, we all love this at all. Our home country, things from Thailand and I'm not quite certain, and then I you know you eat it and also its he'll. Take my box You mean, I didn't think this prank on white people, it might be, it might be. I still believe the same with bedroom. I think it's a prank on any non australian Then when we went there they do exist, they do eat it. Well, you mentioned a speaker, drone news and politics. There's your critical care, Who is? This is what Chauncey to be used for. I lie no. I we're alone against the drone often, but this was an actual use drawn and a positive productive way. So this was a new Mexico sheriff
he's trying to become mayor of Albuquerque. Apparently no one likes this guy right now, yeah Manuel Gonzalez, and he was doing a some kind of speech somewhere blah blah blah by was listened any fuckin thing you saying, because what hovered into the picture was a dildo attack, still is drawn that kind of drifted right in front of him, and you just hear one person in the back here Senate I'm gonna drop incredibly all jumping asian security officers jumping to get it right, and so the drone keeps got like balancing out of their rage, whether alike and obviously this huge working Beale. Because in and then they they threw all of those guys into jail where they have branded this the donkey. Inevitably this is the second time the dawn Compter his arrest. This new Mexico politician dare to call them political, operate and pc. Here they are Roger Stone acolytes I mean he did love build those, but for different reasons, and still does
this day, so they even have a twitter account for the donkey chapter and I just feel like as you mentioned, the good Alex Judge when Alex Jones at the very least was attempting to perhaps if he had any goodwill in his heart, perhaps it was believed Growth. Sure I feel like this is one of the best ways to Haeckel a shitty in addition, Gore's ring light to how comical, although this bullshit is absolutely nothing better than seen, him have to try to tackle a drone with a dildo on. You can see just how ineffective physically somebody that you might be scared of. I think it's really important, especially for these politicians. You forget these fucking know budded pieces of thought Don't do anything all day he's in a chair rightly said, and they into. We also have to be so scared of these people and in watching them jump after a dildo fly, Six inches from their hands really shows how ineffective they are receiving human beings yeah it. I dont know too much about the actual politics here. Evidently that the dude is a Democrat
Who is talking to seventy people at the Rebel Entertainment centre, which I think that's where all political speeches should take place at entertainment centres, because much like again the May Weather and Logan Paul fight. Most of it is just a work full of lie. I really do want to see every single politician that wants to be anything should have to wear like a pig, costume bombs and go on camera and say on. He for America, Piggy for America. I d sloppy to slap. You value merits adds that episode of black mirror make the guy that is a vital, we're gonna bridge. I was the best episode of entire theories and it was all done. I was rooted big. Who is it? Who to him for the man to have to fuck a pig? Great was the view you was a. It was a pedophiles doubly rather like fucked is pay. No, it was a. It was opposite. It was at the helm of his daughter,
and some lady was actually innocent. Ye had you www is something that I don't think anybody is innocent runs were office, so the person who did this, apparently it was a twenty year old, Kalen Ashby Dreyer tried to get the drone back. Then it give it back in and out than a scuffle ensue. Then dry or through a punch. The sheriff will, while Yea plan Schuman ARM, yellow repeating the well reportedly yelling he's Ty read I rate set back there. I said the man dead, so twenty twenty one, just like going back to Abraham Lincoln, says ass. They should be set up old dog, build on what that IRAN lying around. I need to see that libertarian flag, but instead of a snake, cut up just a dildo job up anywhere too great. Think it should have been. A legal now fly it although drone at a at America, Canada, and what is the cry, I think is probably like- threaten public figure with why
I told you withdrawn? I do really do drones, just killed a bunch birds and are killing people they killed those birds inadvertently, those Bernie leader and then ran away and guess what does and understand an american? These causes the room? No, they don't they aggressively blow you up on your left or right. This is the story of the day. I M very excited This story, out of you know, and the idea of people looking for murder, Billy Radiator hose obsessed with writing serial killers and creating sort of Paris social relationships in their own, with zero gallery, What are your thoughts on murder Billy, because I know you do have a few pieces idea. It's it's it's a little bit of a grey area cause you also to want to be like the coup Ramirez TAT. This causes like fucked him, mother fucker
and also there's a history aspect to guess. It's you. I think that you can hold those two thoughts in your mind and know that I have some tasteless objects and a part of it is because it's a part of infamous history and that you, it, but you know a part of the it's also. I I'm glad that they can't profit off. They should be making Jack shit right. Guess you just before our amusement, not for them like the V8, now they are out of the game. So at all concern as long as they don't make a dime who fuckin gives it, and hopefully the the money is donated to two people, roofs that that help victim, and now that's more often than not yet. But this is the story of this- is really really interesting, so where this is a couple that had a dark hobby this according near post, where they would seduce serial killers by mail and its, pretty fantastic. They are, of course, flipping to Applaud cast, so we will begin to get Europe out of that. Is that Africa out on this issue story of Barbara enriching Dick Stein?
no dick stand on now and I love it very, very happy with them. They created the apparently they had relationships with at least one hundred of the series of one hundred zero colors cheese, darling, Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Ramirez, David Berkowitz, Charles Manson, Shaw, Cross, Eddie, Camper Bumble, but cultivate Tucker on which was one of their favourite created these catfish them run. I writing in to what they configured would be the type of person they would be most attractive to, including with pictures and the way that they be structured there others and they may they circle, fall in love with them in a way. That is fantastic, because there is some footage shrugged. We some of the letters yeah they wrote and they really did like fool these men willing. Let's get to some of those letters and as far as I mean they went as far as you know,
eighteen, sexual orientation, on a horse in the case of Richie Dick Stan, I he first met up into a he. He was the one who had to go and approach Gacy and Dahmer, because obviously those were to gay men. Yes, oh, he wrote all of his tomes all of his letters He talked about how you know he was into them sexually and David Berkowitz in him created sort of relationship as well. They actually debit developed a weird friendship because of it and Dahmer actually asked Richie in a letter to to quote he wanted to see every unclear. Muscular inch of you yeah there. This is a lot of this and other than a lot of hot stuff happen in the harbor. Ya, got really close with car Le Fay Tucker and we see Barbara kind of a gilt devotional earth sure, but she is but she's a.
Interesting. Lady sure this is you- saw purse reed. They got the night stalker to fill out a first of all. He said this like of the moon. These we're fucking things he always has right. I suppose that's had I to take pictures. There was a place where had gone to the street was an established at b of the look up the women stresses since they would wait for the walk sign to change and I take pictures. This is a letter that he rode back to that. Yes, you be surprised how many people walk around with no, you seem a gun at the MTV. Ought I was with John PAN the L a county jail. He was in jail for thirty days or pancreatic she came to visit him, and I saw her she's tiny, something Hillary Clinton at her calves and ankles definitely healthy water. What they got is eighty censured. Ramirez is Jake it at the Hillary Clinton in prison- oh yeah, oh my god, now I'd. Why do
do this. Even do it with our lives, perfect woman or man Superman. Wonder woman childhood heroes, Jack the ripper Frankenstein all yours, so emo ramiro. Would I dont like a lot about people, a lot of things biggest fear, none friends like me, because who needs Brad. I got my douche bag. He also that this paper movie is unforgivable. The added as they go to one of you to choose one, although we did get the favourite number naturally at an exit ex ante, highlighted a monkey and evil at the beginning or a bit so funny, because they do have so many detailed letters here and actually know. Obviously making fun of the facts are going up a package, but I think they did We need a lot of content so good for them absolutely, and this is a story that then he goes to John Wayne. Gacy jangling. He's immediately, because one thing I've noticed do, especially since the Peacock Doc, you series
but genuine Gacy. You realize Jake Energy here more dynamic of roads. Our time? Keeping friends who is a bit of a needy friend on killing all of them and putting them in this cross base? But he got me, because the guy wouldn't sent any picture. She kept saying you all. You want to you, you're, not going any these photos that you promised, and then we did is it. He tried to like, get him going on did like The guy was writing to him Dickie Durgin regulating was Helen Mammoth pay. You know, like miss any pictures of me to come visit. You are coming to suck your fuckin dick, and then he sent him this. These pictures- I guess they must be poor knocker if he pictures of this deck a character called Richard the catch. Right, and this is what was going back. I like this sticker of Richard the catcher, but no one me I'd, let the pitch every once in a while to
just like going to school again, you do it over and over until you get it right, just like what that head overheads, you get it all to the last drop bet, you're gettin good at Anna. So now now, if you do it catch. The whole thing without losing a drop, ok, be good stay at a drug. That's nice, hunk Photoshop. So when you get our should get chain of bad something so midwest about it. Then Jeffrey Dahmer responded Dear Richard or hello. How are you today? I just received your letter. This, genuine. I thought I'd re back. It's always nice to give from someone new and then and then he says I'd always do a lot I don't know who to respond to all the time. It's difficult to know in your next letter plea. Send me. Some really good photos to help me make your letter stand out from the crowd, next when he does its I'd old school presently. Is that you said that eurobonds builder, that's good. I like to see every inch of your unclose muscular interview. I am allowed to keep any type of photo accept. Polaroids.
I don't take the picture that Bali Rigamarole cake that there's something I human about it as well, as this we're talking about a cannibal at a man who raped and murdered thirty children going out, if so weird, to have this kind of almost mundane interaction with the OECD. It is interesting to pen pals relationship is something else that safe right cause. He also don't have to go, see them row. You don't have to go they rigmarole of going through the prison system. Just see somebody especially a high level prisoner like that, I must take up our hour, so where aid alertly yeah, but this is also the day said the one relationship in a hard time, keeping up with was all Charles manner Why does a little Scatterbrain said that he's cortical serve viable and that he was difficult? you understand what he said in his letters, and here is an example I read it's always get everybody hear from you a few years here, a the whole again, oh! Well, when
there's ten on me and make up stories. They want to believe, because it adds to their job importance right. So I got to go over the same old same also. It can turn the circle in the chain of command. I know you ve been used by some people who called me brother and one day, maybe we'll catch up you and I still solid. As far as I'm concerned, I did ask good friend, to help me- and I explain we'll be in contact easy Charles Manson BS, if I can get out, You may be get me a job as about answer. Is that a real Pierre says? That is so Charles was just sitting there seldom have I got it out. I think I'm going to those bouncer world, because you know how it is when you're five foot for everybody scared you they truly are. Though I big boat those are just for show, if you see a little bouncer, very scary, very scare, those are the crop. Magog black belt digs. Actually those are the ones words like how'd. You get me a grown man. What the fuck did our right, still that's fascinating, and actually, I would love to talk talk with a couple. I would love
here the more about their story minute is. While because again, is it exploitive of these men? Yes, sure, but guess what do they deserve every fucking second of its absolute and its also, break from what the mundane Eddie, how mundane per there's a lesion, a letter from someone absolutely need. You send him a couple of fuckin big hung like beach, boys, they'll so After all, it is a matter of its real and not your open. Your weirdly helping them fulfil a fantasy that they wouldn't get. Fulfilled, so you in a way ever The time you make Jeffrey Dahmer COM, I think that you're allowed to steal from him as well. Absolutely all right, we'll think about that. You may Jeff dollar come everybody else. It may gently number come ended up in his fuckin refrigerator. Exactly, and I guess that's that's the interesting thing I would love to know it. So you it's called given the rub right when, when someone is super successfully put somebody else over sure like when, if you're out of your majesty,
and then you did say like of welfare rules like Henry, even women number one guy. This next move you gave me the rob, he's put you over. That's a massive thing and you know people get the power they get that power. I I just wonder if they also did at the couple if they did it for power of criticism. Yeah, but you didn't want to build a fucking super predator, pretty weird like power, they even horace a little bit of. I don't want the quantity of Dahmer Power power. You have is ear. He thinks Eden, really is beings like he's role and on his belly for you, we showing you undersigned. I wanna see em we're all in on his belly, not good, just very quickly scumbag of the week, which is in the segment, but I'm gonna, Collyer There is thus make a wish c o in Iowa, and this Jennifer would lay she embezzled. Forty one thousand dollars and ass, she can just go up she's a bad person yet
this highly dominate tells you just don't do that play ass if you're gonna do make a wish. If you're gonna run a charity, please god we it's just so difficult for people to have faith in anything yeah. You do have to treat those jobs with a high amount of of more morality. Yet have high scruples Yes, you do, even as you see money going in one way, it's like it doesn't mean that you can take it because there's a bunch of kids, because it is the idea of that just the lowest of the love it when it comes down to it, because you are just trying to take care of kids in issues so many other ways to steal money like just don't of tax fraud. Sure there are so many with any other, but besides taking money from the chilled, don't take money from the children all right. Well my last little tail here. This is just super before you do you're the weak there's just two percent customs zoning? We really know what to say about it, but a dude back of the data is ten years ago. Some guy killed is is killed his wife, but it's Christmas time
yeah. I guess that's when you that, apparently, is a high stress point. I guess it is especially if you're not making a lot of money. You gotta keep up with the joneses you're sitting here. Everybody else get all ship like mommy. I want the ghost was judged by our and then you give your father's gotta. God gotta. Do it every day these gotta go and arrest value. Make sure absolutely I don't think Christmas was gonna. Be that bad, because there was gifts, There was two children evolves and the problem is the main propped up his dead wife during Christmas and the kids open gifts in front of her you're, trying to open the day you, I guess in Yemen, in one of the daughters who was now who is now a teen. I believe she was eight when all this happened. She was like She remembers her mothers being her mother being cold and then the daddy said Mama got drunk and ruin and I just have a feeling that this man is more, I think he's the one who rule eight at the legal random. So anyway, that's just more of our data. Just don't fuck fuck up her kids, that bad yard and killed.
Mom and then you're gonna, you're gonna create that memory, for them and then go ruin a mass of how it it just comes by it once a year. I don't think you think about it. I think that he was just laughing at Christmas. Vacation yeah I mean in each gets accepted in the movie. Just forget you really gonna be ordered this body. I want to see the part where you I gotta get to hear him say in their share. His ball or up. I don't think it seems like there is massive domestic violence that was happening, It doesn't seem like an order. You have that big breakfast it's Christmas morning. We do a big breakfast casserole, Ling, Chu Mobile for several hours yeah. I don't think that was the case. They are so anyway. This guy's looking at some significant time, an indoor rightfully so cause the woman they ve killed. You see the pictures a beautiful woman. She is really beautiful. Girls, ass fantasies, incredibly sad story and it's a bummer that but it really is really going to do a Christmas yet make sure that body parents. Are alive this Christmas mutilation nobody gets you gotta go get it. We got a really shake a manner allergic. Absolutely all right! We can do here, but we have to
We have two hour at this week's here, the weak? It's gonna be a seven year old boy appeared have been. Oh, my outgrows horrible sentence. We have been doing a lot of noise. Now I feel there is little children in the euro. Category is a seven year old Islamist Chase passed his sister these four years old she got stuck in a rip tidy. She was wearing a life jacket, but she was again all scared and stuff and he's swamp our to help her to help his dad Anne Sister, who were swept away. So this haven't you rode he's a real euro and I love that he said the current was so strong sister. She usually hangs out of the back of the boat, and she just go, and I let go of the boat and grew dear and then I was stuck in took a seven year old, boy to save,
so nice boys good for the boy you saved his father and then speaking to Christmas, you can milk that for the next twenty you're, absolutely you get that PS, find you get what every like you know when we can be as five we're not waiting. You can get it from scupper parent. Absolute getting. However, the gas and oil has spoken five year, so they got a bunch of resources out. There are saved all three of them and also, if there's a lotta anti scooter talk this week to beer with one eye, anti scooter chatter and are Emil's as we would their commiserating with maintain that we're anti scooter that worry, entice, good I'm on Anti scooter. I'm aunt I lit Doreen scooters say we are not anti soda, don't just through the candidates on the sidewalk, though I in also
these girls are going too fast when it gets pumps. Organs country I used to have a lot to say is a lot of those is in that little topic will good for their little boy. I'm now we'll just now that that child can live to be murdered by capitalist, so let's Methodism listener and can make a bunch of money like again Logan pulled Armenians, and this is the story of alien of ducks. In two thousand eleven. My parents began to complain that every night I was either screaming at the top, my lungs in my sleep
sleep walking around the house or a combination of both I begin singularity. The combination is horrified so honey. I think there's something wrong with her son. You think he's got this screaming now I began to see therapy because my parents may be thought I had some type of deep trauma there is being forced out of all. They slept the nightmares absolutely on very good on your parents. At this point I started having vivid dreams where I was being did night after night every night I fall asleep in dream of bright lights and tall grayish white figures,
one night. The dream was so vivid that I was pulled out of bed by my feet, ripping my sheets. Often the process only to take a swing at one of the figures and waking defined at the figure was actually my dad trying to wake me from one of my fits other strange activities included sleep. We sleep walking into other bed rooms in the middle of the night and collecting as many books as possible. We're I don't know what my subconscious.
To do with Jody P cult, but ok, ok, to take along to make a long story short. I eventually started developing a mole behind my ear. There was very painful: the doctors looked at it more confused because they couldn't figure out what would cause it then came the burns after bad nights. I would wake up with burns in geometric patterns. Are you so usually perfect triangles? I get very concerned and made an appointment to be hypnotized as he. Maybe if I could get some answers, then, before the appointment I had a bad night at the time I drove a two thousand Mercury Grand Marquis that did not have power locks and only had one. I put the key and my bedside table and fell asleep. I had an abduction dream and then I woke up. I was sitting in the front seat of my car bought naked too miles from my house. My key still on my bedside table. What the more behind my ear was completely gone and there was a triangle
born on my right arm. Since then, I have not had any bad dreams leading me to believe that they were done with me at least for now. I still wake up someday the exact same time of three twenty? Eight, a m? I want to use the bathroom I can always here and now will cry leading to believe they might still be watching, and the very last kicker to all of this is that I live in Middle Burma, which is directly in the center of the Bridgewater triangle. Why? That is very interesting. All thank you for that story. That's fascinate of his, but this is also one of those had stories pictures of the mole in the burns and my last phone, but that phone fell out of my pocket. While I was writing a roller coaster at six legs areas both of us happens to the best of us. This is very, very interesting. Obviously, people experience these sorts of abduction scenarios. They are a lot of times dramatize, They go nowhere comes, and then we also we during our series ghosts. Aliens are molested. We wonder whether or not it still
up whether or not aliens are a filter for trauma. Like you see these things, you dig up, you don't know. What's going on right of parents to show definitely involved during a figure out. What's your trauma Then I know ITALY's didn't come from that layer. No, don't know how we haven't so as to how we haven't sold to show what these great segment ideas I dont all these great segmented is our here's. Another story is in
hard to dinosaur ghosts attack on this last week for Goblin Universe and twenty fourteen. I worked and lived on site at a Wolf refuge in southern Colorado. It was way up in the mountains in the middle of nowhere. I was part of a small staff. The took care of thirty six rescued, wolves and Wolf dog hybrids. Cool most of the animals had come from sketchy, Craigslist breeders, shitty roadside zoos, the movie industry and people of mistakenly thought that a wolf might make a good pat. Once wolves sort of you humans is a source of food, they can never be released back into the wild. Our goal was just to give them a good home think Joe Exotics Animal park, but way less fucked up. Ok, there was a very strong hippy vibe at the refuge. All sorts of gurus mystics turned up hoping to bask in that sweet sweet
Wolf Spirit Energy, one day this Ricky Master, lady from bolder Colorado showed up. She was about four feet tall and dressed in flowing white clothing. She struck me as a self righteous and super annoying, but everybody all seem to be smitten. Buyer still seemed somehow my duty to show around the place. She and I were walking past one of the Wolf enclosures when she came to a dead stop. She pointed at one of the wolves. I was watching us wearily from the trees. What's that Wolf's name, the Rocky Lady asked it was raven, beautiful, old gray. The woman asked me a raven had been behaving weirdly in any way. Lately she had, as a matter of fact, I mentioned at the cheap, been slow to come down to her food, which was odd people, those a wolf and down for
thing. After all, she had also been getting along with the other wolves attitude that we had lived with, but it wasn't like her at all. I think I thought that might be the case. The Ricky lady said she proceeded to close your eyes and hold her hands out towards Raven. Raven seem to be even less interested in is weird hippy than I was after a few minutes. The Ricky lady put her arms back down. She should be better now. She said why? What did you do oh, nothing. The lady said shrugging. She had a territorial spirit attached to her, had got rid of it how'd, you know my eyes right out of my head, but I'll be damned if it did sort out the normal or hawks either that there is also a matter of course score. I got who needs matters. I guess that's why. Every day I wake up- and I remember
live your life. You gotta bangles pods get those dear off your fucking April, because, if not, you have got to like gophers Dinosaur energy Maynard us grow to love the terror DEC the dutch unusual resist. Terrorists are there's a resource, rape and my grandmother, I know inhabit. That's gotta huge fur Why you also just sometimes guy lap. It so hard to cause. You know a thing about these Blas Raptors when they Humpty hadn't come from the front. No, they come from sites. Why visceral you with one long claw you gonna? Why bidding you are such a sign, the a biologist- or you know me all right, everyone with me what a fuckin expert- I am thank you so much listening. We can't wait to see you at red rocks. We cannot leave so much fun and I want to give a shout out to my friends who made salmon. Maybe Salmon Mattie make a zombie movie, oh
they are about to cool young. Do it's down draw underwriters zombie movie. They made a big o for me that in the document we could even now on apple movies, you can rent it and it is really just one of those incredible stories about human period, an like. How would it be the healing power movies and our ribbon wasn't enough funds Army will be almost sound like you are you're hurt, grew a few sizes facts, That's very nice is at Madeline Burundi and Chain Morton that worked on your pretty face going to Hell. They did all of the make up of export and its great awesome and, as you know, we're doing stuff with the last prisoner project out. So I did. She has to interview a felony Dante West are that will be on this week's top hat fascinating stories. Three are three years for a pound of wheat and ass. We just talk about in all those things that matter and, of course, we make fun of a much people as well as the best part is it you can do both you can do both alright, if one hope you're doing well at their stay in heavy, healthy and safe
help yourself, Asians. You say I say to hail Satan and now you're dying I've, adult onset as I dont on better. You show was made possible by listeners like you think, to add sponsors. Support our shows by supporting them for more shows like the one you just listen to go to last podcast networked
Transcript generated on 2022-02-06.